Welcome to Labor Day Weekend.
A day of much needed rest and relation. Yet there is always work to be done. It does not sleep. It does not wait, at least not silently. It does not go away. There will forever be something to do. There will forever be someone to criticize how it was done. I was reminded of this recently, by both an article on start-up entrepreneurs and of course, the criticism of some of the churches in Houston. It's easy for pastor to be so close to the ministry that it's hard to allow an outside, objective perspective to bring insight and revelation to help things inprove for the better. It's hard to build relationship of trust, that will allow others to help build as they come alongside in agreement. It's difficult to not get bogged down by the details that will distract from focusing on the big picture and casting vision. Then of course, there's pacing oneself, so that they don't cram it all in so fast and tight that they can barely cross the end of the week. For all of these challenges, are the critics. The ones who don't bring an objective, caring perspective. There are those who simply are the most trustworthy yet will display their frustration for not being trusted with more. Others won't compromise on the details, even when they have little to no negative impact on the vision. Others won't be satisfied no matter how many hours you put in. We all comment on the size and worth of one's sacrifice. Little has changed since Cain & Able. We all wonder what and why someone else is looked at more favorably by God than ourselves. So, on this #seniorPastorMonday, pray for rest and strength for pastors. For those worn down and near burnout, may today be a day of rejuvenation.. physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally. Pray God would grant them wisdom as they continue to carry out the mission and purpose that God has placed upon their lives and ministries. May God bring the necessary people to come alongside, to encourage, support and labor with them in their efforts. Pray God would direct their focus and response to the critics; may they not be discouraged or frustrated, but respond appropriately and with love when needed. Moving forward with confidence Faithfully in their calling. Disciplined in their efforts Undeterred by the critics. For the advancement of the cause of Christ. - PNC
What an incredible week this has been. Our thoughts and prayers continue to go out as we stand by those affected by Hurricane Harvey, whether directly or indirectly. We've witnessed amazing acts of kindness and love by those who were simply moved with compassion and compelled to step up and act when needed.
Conversely, if you've spent any time on social media, you've seen the church, some very notable, has received much criticism in regards to it's response or lack thereof in the midst of this tragedy. What's been frustrating to watch about this whole ordeal, is that Christians have expressed their anger and emotions and justifications regarding the church. Meanwhile, non-believers will use this to justify having even less to do with Christians, the church or "organized religion" in general. I fear that many will use this as opportunity to be convince that humanity can be good on it's own, when it wants to be without the influence of faith and a loving God. Furthermore, it will cement the perception that Christians are less like Christ than they profess. Granted, we know this not to be true, as many major organizations have stepped up to aid in the relief efforts, many of them Christian or faith-based and quite reputable. Yet people's perceptions remain and the criticism stands. Thus, will you pray this #communitySaturday, that God would continue to accomplish the miraculous in the midst of tragedy. Pray that God would intervene and fulfill his purposes in light of this life-changing event. May many come to Christ because they have experienced the love of humanity who has had a life-changing encounter with God. May the church be first to respond, not because it's what people perceive should be done, but what God calls and directs for our lives. Pray today would be the day of a new dawn. That many lives would be changed. Because Christians step out and live, As those changed by the love of God. For His glory. - PNC I heard this story the other day and it's absolutely incredible. It's a story that you must read and I'll leave out the details for you to check out in a few moments.
But the end result, is a man, who was formerly an assassin for Sadaam Hussein, is now a Christian, as is his wife! And the event that transpired which brought about this conversion is a scene from an action movie. As this story rattled around in my mind for the past day or two, I was reminded of how easily we can miss, forget or neglect God's working on the hearts and minds of those we are attempting to reach with the Gospel. He chooses to use us, yet there are times that He will simply reveal Himself directly, as He did for this couple. For all the preparation that we can put forth and invest in training and resources to reach the lost, whether they be local or abroad and regardless whether the laborers for God's kingdom are few and abundant, this story is a reminder that it is indeed God who intervenes in the affairs of men; who directs their hearts as a watercourse. That's not to say ministry is worthy of our full and best effort; indeed it is. Writing this is a painful reminder of how badly and frequently I miss the mark. But if God doesn't intervene, to help prepare hearts and open minds... Perhaps ministry is most suited to the adage: "Pray like it depends on God, work as though it depends on you." So, let's pray this #missionsFriday. Pray that God would help us to better reach out to those around us. Pray that God would strength missionaries in their attempts to reach the unreached people groups in the areas they've been called to serve. Pray God would help us to better reflect the love, grace and character of Christ, regardless of what transpires in our personal, daily lives. Indeed, pray that God would continue to move on the hearts and minds of those still at risk of perishing without Christ. May the eye scales be removed and minds illuminated to the truth of Jesus Christ. That we would witness the miraculous, Daily in neighborhoods, near and far. A day of great repentance and redemption And more as we await Christ' return. For the glory of God and His kingdom. - PNC *in case link doesn't work for some reason... Former Assassin Comes To Christ https://www.mnnonline.org/news/former-muslim-assassin-turned-follower-christ/ ![]() Every once in a while, I'm "inspired" to switch things up from time to time when it comes to writing these posts. If you haven't picked up on that yet, well... I'm not sure what to tell ya. Visit the archives! Well, today is an "every once..." kind of day. And it's courtesy of a sermon series on David, of which the final sermon aired yesterday morning. Since I wasn't sure what yet was in store for this post, the commentary that was offered on David's final days in this sermon really stood out. We know David's heart and his desire to build the temple for God and God said, "no". Someone else will do it; you will not. So as David hands over the keys of the kingdom to his son Solomon, what does he also hand him? Blueprints. Finances. And an advisory board. Followed by one simple instruction. Go build God's temple. We've prayed for deacons specifically when there is a change in leadership within the church. But look at the testament of David's insight in this story as a leader. He ensures that his successor not only has everything he needs, but he has everything in place. It's the difference between handing someone a list of what they'll need and handing them the keys to the warehouse where everything is stored, waiting to be built. Furthermore, what a testament to the men that David selected for Solomon. Imagine the conversations David had with them, as he explained to them that he was setting Solomon up for nothing less than incredible success. The honor and the respect that they display to King David in his final days; that they will carry out David's wishes... who wouldn't want them at the executive table of counsel. Now comes the hard part of switching up perspectives... how to pray? On this #deaconThursday, pray that pastors would have divine wisdom when it comes to selecting deacons, advisors and staff. May they possess and instill a vision that will outlast their tenure at the helm. Pray for those that are selected; may there be a trust and respect; an honor and understanding of who they should be and how they should carry out their responsibilities. Pray for a spirit of unity; of teamwork... that they would work with a commitment to excellent for the purpose of eternal success. May God's favor rest upon them as a tip of honor to the pastoral leadership. People with a heart after God That despite in our mistakes, God grants the desires of our hearts, When in alignment with His will. For His glory. - PNC **editors note... thanks for your patience. Sometime Wednesday, the host site for Bring Me 70 had problems with their servers. I was told around 11:30 that night that it would be another hour. Well, it was past the kids bedtime when I was finally able to log in and edit the website. Thursday-Sunday's prayers have all been posted, if you haven't read them yet. I thank you daily for support and readership.
Well, I think this might be a little bit of an unplanned follow-up to yesterday's post... for after I finished writing it, I recalled the story that Pastor shared yesterday during service. He and his wife are coming up on 25 years of tenure next month. He shared a brief story of a Friday evening when they were cleaning a building they shared with a small, Christian high school. They put a lot of time and effort into prepping the building for church on the weekends. On one particular Friday, he got a call from a prospective church, of about 2000, wanting him to come see about joining them on staff. They were a year into what is now their 25th year. Of course, they didn't know it at the time. When pastor shared the call with his wife that night, she said we can't leave now... but maybe within 5 years. He closed the story with "good job, honey. You were only off by 20 years!" Meanwhile, as I got ready to type this post after getting the previous days updated, the 80's music channel is playing. And Journey starts jamming out, "Don't Stop Believing" and I had to laugh. Yesterday we talked about a humble perspective, that the effectiveness of the church may be hindered because we might not be where we are supposed to be regarding the will of God. But as pastor shared this moment, especially very early on in their ministry as senior pastors, I couldn't help but consider what they obviously asked that Friday night and probably many more during the early years... "What in the world are we doing here?" This isn't a recognition of being in the wrong place. It's the starting point of figuring out if it's possible that one is in the wrong place. It's where the question begins and the door to doubt is cracked open; or at least viewed through the small lens as we stand inside looking out. It's the origin where anxiety begins to roam looking for a place to land. It's the place where the calculator is found and measurements start to determine the monumental dimensions of our potential mistake. Every pastor goes through such a moment. And what should come of the one who hears the reply, "yeah, you missed the ramp you were supposed to take." Whether an exit or an entrance, the answer is unsettling and disruptive to say the least. Fortunately, the proper response can correct the matter... or at least begin the process of correction. So, on this #seniorPastorMonday, perhaps you know of a pastor going through this conversation. Perhaps you are the pastor going through this process. Pray, that God will grant wisdom. Pray for reassurance, where the fears and anxiety are unfounded and this is just a spiritual attack of discouragement. Pray for God to move if corrective action actually needs to be taken, should God confirm that a pastor is not where God intended them to be or to go. Pray for a peace about this process, whatever it looks like. May discouragement, doubt and defeat not overtake, overwhelm or consume their hearts and minds. Pray God would give them a clarity unlike any other time; that they would know what He would have them to do, where, when and how. May mistakes, no matter how recent, not prevent them from continuing to take steps of faith as they trust God to move on their behalf, to lead and guide them in the plans and purposes that He has ordained in advance. In the right place, By the sovereign Hand of God Even when the first steps are wrong. For God uses all things for His good For those who are called according to His purposes. For the advancement of the building of His kingdom. - PNC I heard a powerful testimony yesterday, by a former Mrs. America pageant winner, who speaks across the country giving her story. As she shared the details of some of her life, she talked about how easy we compare our lives. And we all do it. But what a dangerous process for us to engage in!
The world takes part in the process. The church takes part in the process. Family members, friends and strangers all take part with each other. What a disservice that we do to ourselves, to our neighbors and to our Creator, God. We are His Masterpiece, yet none of us are complete. As the talented, musician Mandisa sings, “I'm just unfinished.” And what could be closer to the truth? God is doing a work on me. He is doing a work in you. And for so many others, He has not yet begun. Yet even in Christianity, we look at those He has yet to work on, as if they should be “further along”. In reality, God is at work in all of us. He is working in the lives of those who are active in their relationship with Him through Jesus Christ. He is working in the lives of those who have yet to come to God through Jesus Christ. But He can only work on what steps into His studio; into His presence. The process of Him working on and in our hearts and our minds depends on our willingness to allow Him to continue carrying out His plans and purposes in our lives. It's hard for us not some step outside ourselves and offer our critique, of what He is doing in our own self or in the life next to us. Or stated another way... It's hard to both trust the Master and critique the Master while simultaneously recommending the Master. Does it not create confusion and complicate the recommendation? Even in ministry, we don't understand the process and often get frustrated by the time and intensity involved. Thus, if it is challenging and difficult for us as Christians, how much more as express the need to others also in need of a life transformed, for they too are unfinished. The potential for our frustration to have a detrimental effect to those we hope will witness Christ in our lives, is real if we focus on the comparison, rather than the power of the process. On this #missionsFriday, will you join me again in prayer? Pray for missionaries are being challenged; where the time and intensity are starting to wear on them. May they not lose strength of heart as they endure. Pray they would continue to trust the Master in the process. May their emotions and their perspective not stand in the way of their witness and ministry to bring others to Christ. Pray against a spirit of confusion; but call for a fresh clarity and reassurance that God is accomplishing His miraculous and sovereign plan through their faithfully and obedience to what He has called them to fulfill. May discouragement flee and steadfastness remain. Pray for lives transformed, as each day we are ever so closer to reflect the glory of Christ, as people created and reborn in the image of God. For we are earth vessels, Nothing but jars of clay Entrusted with the treasure of Heaven To be used by God For His glory and the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() Either the kids have already started school or are preparing to return to the "joys" of the classroom. (I use quotes, as I am glad to not be in grade school in this day, which prompts me all the more to pray for today's kids). Many things are difficult, but getting kids back into the mental and physical state of treating the schedule as if they actually did have school in the morning can be challenging. Summers are fun and the rest and relaxation is crucial. Yet not being prepared for the coming transition can make things more difficult when transition and change actually occurs. Then again, we're talking about kids! Their lives are nothing but a state of transition and change. In fact, when it is actually not occurring, is perhaps a more accurate question. It can seem as though, we are constantly analyzing, assessing and tracking; making sure all is going well. It's been said, that parents aren't raising kids... they are raising adults. Is not all of this an uncanny parallel to ministry? Constantly changing. A seemingly unending state of transition. Working with and ministering to people whose lives and faith are also in various states of progress and fluctuation themselves. Good days. Bad days. Unbearable days. Some days eclipse others. (sorry, I had to do it) Yet they are all days that are to be dedicated to God and submitted to His Sovereign plan; much like our lives and ministries. Amidst all of it however, is simply a continued state of preparedness. Physically, for certain, but specifically on an emotional, mental and spiritual level. Our days are surely numbered and recent events have seemingly highlighted the writing that is on the wall. Pastors need our prayers as they lead our churches as much as parents lead our families and teacher educate our kids. Let's pray, this #youthPastorWednesday. For God's protection over our kids as they return to the classroom. For educators, as they teach this generation. And for pastors, as they lead through another season of growth and transition. May God grant them wisdom and discernment as they speak into lives and converse with both adults and students on handling and managing the struggles and difficulties of life. Pray for patience; that discouragement would not overtake them as they witness the events of our society and navigate speaking into a culture and community that is in greater need of God while they increase their distance from Him. To declare the truth, Regardless of the troubles of the day. To be life and light Against an ever-encroaching darkness. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC As I'm about to get ready for church it occurs me, this day is needed all the more.
On this #effectiveSunday, this is the day that we need to lay down the disputes, arguments and the "clicks" among us and come together as the body of Christ. This is the day to welcome and love those around us; that they would not feel as an outsider, frustrated and bothered by others. If a family can display publicly what is a reflection of what transpires at home, how much more, does the church display to the world that happenings of the body of Christ when we come together to worship God and hear the teaching of the Word of God. This is not who we are. This is not how we want to be known. This is not what God called us to be. This is not the witness that we want to display. We need a drastic move of God and quickly. Pray this #effectiveSunday, that we would indeed see the hand of God move in our midst. May our churches be an example of the love of Christ and the love of our neighbor as we come together as imperfect people to lift up the name of a perfect God and Father. Pray for the miraculous in our communities; that the church would be a place of resource and restoration whereby many would to come to the saving and transforming power of Christ and the blood that was shed on the Cross for the sins of us all. God, we need your help. For this life is not our own, Nor can we live it on our own. Only through your grace and power. And for your Glory. - PNC I watched a video this past week of an interview that aired on C-Span and they were discussing the recent events that transpired in Virginia last weekend. I'm still amazed listening to the interview, in fact started it late at night, so I can't wait to watch it again when I have more time.
But part way through, as people were calling in to the show to discuss the topic at hand, she talked about what changed in her life. She replied to a caller that she had a similar background as they and totally understand their point of you, for in fact, she was the same way... Until she had a "born-again experience". (her words) She proceeded for next few seconds, to tell of how Jesus Christ had not only saved her from her sins, but had transformed her life. There was a literal change, that permeated every fiber of her being. It had nothing to do with changing her understanding of the world or politics or social issues simply for the sake of "changing sides", but in actually, because of the Gospel, that is what happened. The Truth set her free. Because her understanding changed of humanity and the problem of sin had come under the impact of salvation, she began to look at what is wrong with society in terms of all the issues people seem to want corrected (politics, economics, education and other social hot topics) through a Biblical perspective. Please don't read what I'm not saying... that one political side is perfect and the other not; they both of their good thinking and people and the both have their extremes and the both of perspectives that are "wrong" in light of Scripture. So I'm not defending or condemning any one side, person or topic. But we must never forget that sin entered the world and the relationship between God and man suffered damage because Adam and Eve chose to believe a lie told by the enemy of our souls. The relationship cannot be restored until the Truth is revealed and acknowledged. Similarly, a nation cannot be healed and restored unless Truth cuts through the lies that each of us are prone to believe on some level on some topic anywhere. Clearly, we live it a day where it can not be ones take on truth, but it must be the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that brings clarity and revelation to the battles that we face, that are at their basis, spiritual in nature. Pray this #missionsFriday, that the Truth of the Gospel would be spoken of to the ends of the Earth. May the eyescales be removed as the lies are exposed; the very lies of that our spiritual enemy uses to seek, kill and destroy humanity. All life is precious and created for the glory of God. Pray for a super-natural move of His Spirit, for healing in the hearts and minds of the broken and hurting. Pray for a spirit of repentance and turning from our wicked ways; that we would turn to feet of Christ, who hung on a cross that we may be redeemed. For what good is it that we accomplish and achieve all we desire on this Earth, Yet lose our soul in Hell. May we not fight with each other over ideologies, But fight for the saving of souls for eternity. By the grace of God And with the Truth of His Word. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Well, once again, as we've witnessed in the past 100 hrs or so, we're living in pretty outrageous times.
Complex issues are coming to a head. Broken people are speaking out in ways that cause uncertainty, angst and downright fear. And in the efforts to make sense of it all, after of course, everyone comes into agreement with exactly who is to be condemned and who is to be blamed for being the source of ignition, or re-ignition as it may be, is the outcry for peace, understanding, empathy and love. None of which, I'm against, lest I once again be accused or perceived as standing or siding "with the wrong side of history". But people keep coming back to what we are teaching and through our example showing our kids. And all I can resolve is that without Christ, they are doomed. As we all are. However, with those words, I understand faith doesn't make us perfect. I'm daily reminded that I am far from perfect. Spend any time on social media. and you'll realize so is everyone else. The power of the Gospel is that it is not tied to any specific race, ethnicity, color, creed, or socio-economic status. While humanity cries for a "level playing field" in this thing we call life, the only place a level playing field truly exists is at the foot of the Cross of Jesus Christ. Thus, no matter where we come from, our family history, or political bent or our bank account balance, we all stand on the wrong side of eternity without Christ. It's true for all generations, regardless of their life and times, their struggles, accomplishments or flaws. Leaders at every level are flawed. Followers of every belief are flawed. For all we pursue in this life, if Christ isn't at the forefront, then society will continue to be in any variation of outrageous on any given day. Perhaps Christ's advice to "take up your cross daily and follow Me" is prophetic today more than ever before. Pray, this #youthPastorWednesday, that God would grant us wisdom in leading the next generation. For these incredibly difficult days, may God give super-natural insight and discernment in the conversations that will transpire regarding recent events. Pray once again for a firm foundation of faith to be established; to trust God regardless of the trouble that surrounds us. May God help us to be a light in the darkness to reflect the love and grace that only He can give; that can transform lives in ways that humanity by it's best efforts simply fall short. We need a move of God In the healing of our land In the brokenness of our hearts. That repentance would come. And we would turn from our wicked ways. For the glory of God alone. - PNC It's becoming increasingly clear that writing these posts are becoming an exercise in stepping out in faith, not that God will bless my efforts, but that there is a reason I have the perspective I do and that I have a way of communicating it. Misunderstanding is inevitable; assumptions are made on my part as I explain things; assumptions are made by the reader about me. But I preface this for the reason that as I engaged in a few conversations on social media regarding Charlottesville, that one post stood out to the point I felt led I couldn't not address it as it relates to pastors.
In this debate over the past 24 hours, people have come out and condemned the act and actions of violence. And rightly so and I'm there. People have called for the church and Christians to speak up and stop the insanity in their circles and communities at a more local level and I agree. But one sentiment I'm sure didn't sit well. In fact, my perspective probably made people think I was off in my faith or my politics or life in general. What I attempted to convey, as I've stated numerous times, is that Christianity and the church needs to speak the truth; wherever we can as we engage the world around us. But society keeps removing God from the picture and the conversation. Abortion? Nope... it's woman's rights, leave her alone. Marriage and sex? Who cares as long the love is real. Finances? The church just wants your money. One way to God? Yeah, right. The authority of Scripture? You mean the archaic book written by dead men? The church speaks and the world says, "whatever." Then tragedy strikes. And any statement that sways the slightest bit from anything other than 100% agreement or 100% agreement with a caveat is met with contempt, intolerance and name-calling... often the very thing they'd rather not hear, but have no problem stating. And it's followed with, where is the church and why aren't Christians speaking up, speaking out and teaching and preaching on these matters and how to handle them? If you don't believe me, then you missed what I read yesterday (and what prompted this focus). Essentially, it was the sentiment that if your pastor didn't set aside their summer sermon series and speak to the issue of racism and the tragedy in Charlottesville, that perhaps it's time for you to consider attending a new church. Shortly thereafter, was a post of how white leaders should not trust their instinct until they talk with leaders of color; that they will seek the counsel of leaders of color and listen to their counsel and will act on the counsel of those leaders. Write and repeat 100 times if necessary. Literally. My first reaction to these were simple. First, it proves my point that people want to be telling the church, Christians, and/or it's pastors what they should be speaking and when, even within the church itself. Secondly, what happened to seeking the counsel of the Holy? Let me be clear, I'm sure some communities are in a place and position where yesterday's sermon might needed to be abandoned in light of this tragedy. But enough to recommend changing churches because every church in the nation didn't follow that advice? Yes, there's a benefit to sitting with the leadership and pastors of other races and ethnic groups and speaking up against racism of all kinds from all groups, political and otherwise. But shouldn't such times like these draw the church and its' leadership first and foremost to the throne of God, in a broken and contrite heart for the evil of humanity and seeking the face of God as to how He would have us speak to both the congregation and the community? These are serious times, with serious problems, and whether they are caused by the millions or the hundreds, if we don't deal with them as we feel directed by God, through the leading of the Holy Spirit and the authority of God's Word... then trying to solve societies ills through the efforts of fallen people are futile. On this surreal #seniorPastorMonday, pray that pastors of all denominations, from every community would indeed, seek the face of God and FIRST. Pray for wisdom, especially for those in communities where the struggles and challenges of society may be more prevalent in their congregations. For all of societies ills and issues, may the church once again, as it seems I've stated for days and weeks on end now, remain committed to speaking the truth and in a spirit of love; even in light of being misunderstood or risking being on the "wrong side of history." Pray once again, that God would move on the hearts and minds of the hearers; that when pastors and Christians speak, the Holy Spirit would do the miraculous. May the "whatever" attitude cease, in order that lives may be truly transformed by the power of God... not for a religious ideology or political cause, but for the sake of eternity. For if any man seeks wisdom, let him ask of God who gives generously. God help us; To speak light in the darkness. Not for the sake of popularity or approval of men, But for the purpose of pointing people to Christ. For we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Daily. - PNC ![]() We live in challenging times; not because the world is difficult and complex, which it is, but because our understanding and perception of life is so "off-base" from it used to be not so long ago. So, it's inevitable that as society strays more and more from morality and truth that the Bible will continue to stand out and contradict the thoughts and actions of a society bent having less to do with the God of the Universe. As a result, it's not a surprise to hear a pastor acknowledge that his words aren't politically correct, but one pastor I heard this week followed it up with the only reason that matters. "I care about your soul." Nobody is talking about being justified in speaking with malice or dealing with those we disagree with in a mean-spirited manner. At the same time, there are no points awarded for being nice while telling a lie. There are no points for being pleasant while affirming what is false. Our fight is not carnal, but spiritual. The battle is real. Showing true love means a willingness to fight on someone's behalf. We're not fighting with people for the sake of disagreement or because we think we are "right". It's a fight over eternity and the soul is the true casualty after the appointed time of death that awaits each of us. It's not about changing your life so that you have a better or more pleasant journey on this earth. It's about changing your eternal destination as to whether it is spent in the presence of Almighty God. How can one who follows the God of truth continually speak and affirm what is false yet still be considered a follower and seeker of what is true? If Satan's native language is a lie, how can he be defeated with another lie? Are you not participating in advancing his argument? Truth and our understanding of it wins every time. But it does no good for those who want nothing to do with or refuse to accept it when it is told to them. On this #communitySaturday, pray that as the church reaches and interacts with society, that we would once again, be declarers of truth. May the fear of repercussion not dissuade us, in our efforts to point people to the truth of God and the love of Christ. Pray God would grant up opportunities to those around us, to know how to speak the truth and do so in a spirit of love; that we would not be antagonistic or abusive with our words, but real and genuine in showing our care and concern for the souls of the lost and dying. For indeed, we were once lost and dead in our sin as well. Truth, in minefield of lies. To save from the enemies grasps And bring to Christ the souls of those He is unwillingly to let perish To be brought to repentance and experience redemption For the love of Christ will not speak a compassionate lie over a hard truth. For the glory of God. - PNC I had a project to tackle last night, that I knew I couldn't put off any longer. You know how schedules get and then because a task has gone unattended, it takes longer to sort through and figure out. Procrastination is an enemy of the worst kind. One I admit, I have yet to master.
After getting up-to-date information on the matter, I posted to social media regarding adulthood. "Kids, don't try this at home. But learn it before you leave home." Discipline is an incredible concept. Keep in mind, it's double meaning. Of course, there's the state of correction. There's also the state of practice. The lessons learned from both, are invaluable, although when applied to finances and work ethic, you get close to actually placing a dollar amount on those lessons. The power though, comes from continually correcting the focus of one's practice. If you'll permit the play on words, there are times to discipline your disciplines. There are times when you will need to correct what you are putting into practice. Where am I going with this? I'm glad you asked. Ligonier ministries played a sermon given at one of their recent leadership conferences and Pastor Scott Lawson was talking about the Reformation movement and the powerfully, prolific preachers of that day. As we teach our kids, practice makes perfect. Not just the practice of learning that leads to increased skill, but the discipline of practice. What you continue to work and engage in, even after you have reached a certain level of skill. Lawson talked of preachers like Calvin and Luther, who preached hundreds and even thousands of times over a given period. Stories of having preached 3 and 4 times in a given day. Extended lengths of time where they preached Sunday morning, Sunday evening and every day Monday through Friday. The sermons lasted for hours, to hundreds of people at time. These men were students of the Word. Masters at preaching it. Pioneers in exposition; of taking apart Scripture and bringing application to the lives of the hearers. And Lawson's point on this #youthPastorWednesday? We're in a time in our churches where the time spent preaching is on the decline. Serious decline which produces a huge, negative impact when it comes to the churches effectiveness to influence culture with the Gospel. Wednesday night services are no longer offered. Sunday night services are no longer a thing. Sunday morning sermons are shorter to fit in a time format; whether because of multiple services or convenience for our drive-through, have it your way culture. I still remember the Sunday morning service at the church where I grew up, where the alarm on the father's watch went off, at which time the entire family left the sanctuary. The sermon wasn't over. But what could possibly be on the schedule that was so important that you thought you had time to visit a church, stay for the duration and still make your destination? Obviously it's between them and God, but the appearance was that the service was too long in their opinion. If the preaching of the Gospel; the whole counsel of the Word of God is diminished and the time spent in the Scriptures is limited by both pastor and parishioner, as a matter of discipline then the world will continue to decline and the church will lose its effect and influence on culture, for we will not know how to respond. Scripture is clear, as stated in Hosea... the people perish for a lack of knowledge. God help us, not only for this generation of Christians and pastors, but for the generation we are raising. Let's pray this #youthPastorWednesday, that we would return to the discipline of Biblical studies and expository preaching. May pastors be devoted to the preaching of the full counsel of the Gospel, for indeed all of it is the story of God's love and redemption. In these difficult times, may the church stand strong in declaring the truth of the Word of God, empowered by the Holy Spirit while reflecting and sharing the love of Christ. May the church witness a change in our culture as we draw closer to the presence of God through His love letter to humanity. As God uses the foolishness of the Gospel to confound the wise, may the power of the practice of preaching usher in the moving of the Holy Spirit across our land. For the glory of God. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() I posted yesterday, that when I asked Dad what were doing during our camping getaway, that his response to me was nothing... that in particular, I was doing nothing, except relaxing. It occurred to me, while at work yesterday, just how difficult of a process this is to complete. Getting the body to relax is one thing. Getting the mind to actually unplug from the concerns, worries and frustrations of everyday life is quite another. As I considered how much trouble I have with this aspect of "relaxing", I know I'm not alone in the struggle. Pastors of any position and tenure in ministry have problems mentally disengaging. I can't help but wonder how much the structure of a church comes in to play. If the senior pastor is in the position to focus on prayer and study of the Word, there is generally a pretty strong infrastructure of people and pastors who are helping carry the load and operational concerns. If this isn't the case then obviously, the senior pastor could be quite stressed. Of course, if the senior pastor is trying to get to such a place in their ministry, then everyone is stepping up, carrying additional levels of stress. I don't know that anyone plans to find themselves so mentally taxed that if feels as if your head and/or the world is spinning out of control, but when you repeatedly, consistently find yourself not being able to make heads and tails of situations and circumstances and what directions you should take, it's a sure sign you could be in serious trouble if you don't find a way to mentally disengage. It eventually shows. It eventually catches up to you and wreaks havoc. And the longer it goes unresolved, the harder it is to change and make forward, positive progress... both in life and in ministry. On that note, let's pray this #associatePastorTuesday for those struggling to truly relax. Pray the Holy Spirit would bring rest to the hearts and minds of those who are distressed, frustrated and confused. May there be a release in the spirit realm, as they place their trust in God anew and afresh. Pray for wisdom and discernment to come forward as a clarity from God breaks through the confusion and tension of life. Pray for a quickening and a fresh resolve to renew and energize their spirits; to make good situations better and to make the best of situations that have been a point of contention. May our minds not stand in the way Of the clarity of purpose that God has prepared. Uncluttered and de-stressed. Ready to be used by God To that which He has called us to fulfill. For His glory and the cause of Christ. - PNC ![]() I had a much needed getaway this weekend, the family and I enjoying some camping with my beloved parents. When I asked Dad last week what we were planning on doing, he straight-faced looked at me, and said, we're doing nothing. You're gonna relax. So I did. The kids talked Grandpa in taking their bikes, so they did lots of riding around the grounds, and despite some less than ideal swimming weather, the ventured the cold pool multiple times. That said, it was a concerted effort on my part to actually shut my brain off. Not an easy task... at least not for me. Of course, late Saturday evening, my brain kicked back in to gear, as I started to think what God might have in store for this post. Of course, as I lost myself gazing into the fire, God delivered. Fire is amazing. Controllable, yet dangerous when it is out of control. Hard to get started. Sometimes stubborn to quench. It's longevity depends on the attentiveness of it's caretaker. Yet some observations came to light in the final moments before calling it a night. Fire is still hot, even as it dies down. It's intensity can still have a positive effect. At any stage of its' existence, fire demands respect. It is not meant to be handled by just anyone. Furthermore, at any point, anyone can experience the environment and comment on the "goodness" of the fire. But for the one who has spent significant time with it, they've witnessed it's surges and declines, the time it has been affected by the wind and the weather and how it respond; how it handles being moved around by its' caretaker. Are you picking up on the analogies between the fire and the pastor? Some will recognize immediately when the fire is approaching burning out and an intervention is required; late-comers may not realize the fire is nearing the end, yet are still impressed that it is productive and effective in fulfilling it's purpose. How is the your pastor doing? Let's pray, this #seniorPastorMonday, that the fan of faith would be flamed and even rekindled, where necessary. May the fire burn strong within them. Pray that they would not be adversely affected by outside elements that would stand against them to extinguish them. Pray that God would continue to divinely place people in their lives that would act as caretakers, helping to ensure their longevity and effectiveness in ministry. May they not be dissuaded, detoured or derailed, but stay the course in fulfilling their calling and purpose; that many who enter their campsite would feel the warm embrace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. On fire for God. Providing an environment whereby all who enter May enjoy and witness the presence of God. That the faith of all pastors would burn ever so strong. For the glory of God. - PNC A simply concept and perhaps, reminder, on this #effectiveSunday. A powerful statement of conviction, in actuality. Of course, for the life of me, I can't properly remember who I heard it from this past week. But here it is...
We can't do collectively, what we aren't willing to do individually. As stated by my pastor on so many occasions in any given service, "I'm not asking you do anything that we aren't doing." I'm reminded, daily, even in asking you to pray for pastors. I need to continually be taking time to lift pastors up in prayer as well. Even when the days are filled with difficulty and stress and the task at hand preoccupies our minds and the thought of prayer gets pushed to the back instead of being brought to the forefront. Yet the power and effectiveness of the church lies in the willingness and abilities of those who come together to create the body of Christ. If individuals don't do and come together, then what form of togetherness will exist to move in a particular direction as a team and a force with which one must reckon? The power of the body of Christ is in the makeup of the the members. For one can not say to the other, "I have no need of you." We need everyone, as in the days of the early church. Together, in unity. So pray, this #effectiveSunday, that the church would be strengthened in their efforts. May each of us be challenged to draw closer to God, to greater reflect His love and character and display as such daily to the world around us. Pray that we would desire to do what God would have us to do and move and minister in the ways and means that He would direct. May we continue to speak the truth in love to world living in the lies of hate. That we would know what we can accomplish together Because we have stepped out in what God would have us accomplish on our own. For a strong body is made up of strong elements. To be used by the power of God And bring those around us to His saving love and grace. For His glory alone. - PNC ![]() Allister Begg, in a sermon on Nehemiah, talks about the conviction with which the Israel wanted to the Book to be read. The story is found in Chapter 8 and some amazing points stand out. The people come to Ezra, the teacher of the Law and make the request (verse 1). He read it from sunrise to noon and everyone listened attentively (verse 3). They stood and worshiped (v 5 & 6). The Levites gave instruction and made it clear, providing meaning so that all would understand what was read (v 7 & 8). Those who listened responded with weeping (verse 9). Allister stated in his message that every period of reformation began and is characterized by the power of it's preaching. Incredible eras of revival not because the men and woman were great in and of themselves, but because they were great in the understanding of the Scriptures and the preached with conviction. It's not that today's preachers don't preach with conviction; but society and culture as we've noted before it as such a sensitive, careful not to offend, relativistic attitude towards the sinful nature of humanity and the evils that ensue that it's hard to acknowledge that too many sermons have lacked conviction to boldly declare the truth of the Word of God. Enter the current debate defining "hate speech" and whether or not there are legal repercussions. It's unbelievable. Of course, we shouldn't be surprised. Jesus spoke the truth to the world leaders of the day and it didn't go over so well, either. And He paid the price. Unfairly and willingly to fulfill the sovereign plan of God, but paid unfairly by finite understanding. All the more, however, that we need today's pastors to be people who understand the Word and unabashedly preach the full counsel of God and do so with conviction. God knows, we need a revival and reformation of nations who will turn, listen, repent and worship. Pray this #youthPastorWednesday, that God would work afresh, not only in today's seasoned and tenured pastors, but especially in the ministries of younger pastors and those who are ministering to the next generation of pastors. May the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit infiltrated every fiber of their lives and ministries. Pray they would boldly preach the Word; that as they speak the truth in love and the Holy Spirit would bring about conviction to the hearts and minds of the hearer. May the coming days be ones that usher in a modern day revival and reformation; that indeed people would be hungry to hear the Word preached; that we would listen attentively and respond. Not only hearers of the Word, But doers as well. Empowered by the Spirit of God As His Word comes alive And we apply it to our daily life. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() I hate when this happens. I heard an awesome concept this morning while listening to a sermon on the radio and after digging up the Scripture reference that was utilized to make the point and now I can't remember who was preaching. That's what I get for listening to a couple of sermons a day! Or trying to, depending on much channel surfing I have to do. (I really miss my iPod not working) So the bottom line that stood out as application for today's post was the verse from 2 Timothy 1. Paul is writing and reminiscing regarding the life of Timothy and then takes time to "remind you to kindle afresh the gift of God..." I couple of things come to mind. Obviously, the relationship between Paul and Timothy was strong. Was it Paul's quality of leadership to naturally encourage Timothy? Did he know the full extent to which Timothy may have been struggling, since the exhortation continues about a spirit of timidity and not being ashamed of the testimony of God? The gift of God Paul refers to, of course, is the Holy Spirit. "Kindle afresh." Stir up. Just thinking about the change that occurs in life when we continually activate the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives is encouraging me as I write this to do the same. So it begs the question, if a leader like Paul encourage a man like Timothy on a spiritual matter as significant as the Holy Spirit, how much more should we hope and prayer that senior pastors are doing the same for their associates? Whether the need is known, assumed or a friendly reminder "just in case", Paul's words are relevant today. Kindle afresh... tend to... stir up the Holy Spirit within you. Pray this #associatePastorTuesday, that pastors would indeed be encouraged to seek afresh the power of the Holy Spirit and allow Him to work in and through their lives, even in the smallest of details. May there be a spirit of tenacity rather than timidity in their ministries; a boldness in their calling and a confidence as the move forward in ministry. Pray they would continue to operate in a spirit of love, truth and grace as we have continuously stated. Pray a spirit of defeat, frustration and burnout would be far from them; though the challenges are great and the outcomes unknown, may they be quickened and revived by the power of the Holy Spirit, as they take time daily to tend to that aspect of faith and kindle afresh the gift of God. For the sending of the Holy Spirit Was the promise of Christ. The same spirit that raised Christ from the dead, Dwells in us. What an amazing gift of God. To be used for His glory. - PNC ![]() The more time I spend on social media, the more I understand why people take breaks from the forum and perhaps disengage altogether. Don't get me wrong, there some incredibly epic material online. Powerfully, profound perspectives. Hilarious moments of laughter that does good like medicine. And tons of sad and sobering stories that remind us of how precious life is, laced with stories that continue to tell us that politicians will be politicians to the bitter end. Yet the more I read, the more I'm convinced, everything changes when we engage face to face. There's something about social media that empowers to people to speak on a level that they wouldn't engage in real life; certainly not to strangers passing them by on the street. But 30 seconds on somebodies profile page tells "all" and the assumptions are made and the attitudes step up to prove one's point that the other side is dead wrong. Arguments of tolerance and love can't even be presented as in a tolerant and lovingly manner! That's problematic. It's as about effective as my raising my voice instructing my kid to not raise their voice to me. I will get called immediately by that child. They know better. As do I. How do you speak on love with a tone of hatred? How do you speak on compassion with a tone of anger? How do you speak about understanding while resorting to name-calling How can one show they are open-minded as they simultaneously attempt to shut-down others? None of these are possible. Certainly not very easily when face to face. Crossing of boundaries and blurring of the lines results in open doors of interpretation. And some things are not meant to be open to interpretation. There are absolutes. If we take seriously the parents' instruction on clean rooms, homework, curfew and chores then how can we look at God's instruction and surmise that what's in Scripture isn't what He meant? Will He not bring greater discipline and correction than the most loving and intentional parent? On this #communitySaturday, may God help us as we engage the world around us; whether online or in line; Facebook or face to face, pray our conversations with be laced and graced with love and truth. May we be people of understanding, capable of declaringly unabashedly, the truth regarding the fallen state of humanity and the redemptive plan of God. God help us to live authentic lives with no compromise. May God break through the damage and the brokenness; the verbiage and the vitriol that society is expressing towards Christianity and those who follow Christ and reveal His perfect love that casts out all fear. That would be His light In a world quickly going dark. Salt, to a world in need of preservation One by one, face to face; That they would see Christ in us And through every fiber of our word and deed. For God so loved the world. - PNC ![]() "Do you want to know what God delights in? The same thing every Father does. Providing and protecting His children." - John McArthur I happened to catch most of his sermon last night on the way home as he continued a sermon series on anxiety and worry. Prior to this statement though, he was talking about the relationship we have with God through Jesus Christ; whereas man-derived religion is problematic because any conception and concoction of a deity other than God is flawed, as man is flawed. Thus, aside from the common grace of God that falls on both the just and the unjust, McArthur makes the point that the unsaved bears the full weight of survival. Without the saving grace of the knowledge of Jesus Christ all that remains is the best effort of humanity and the hopes of a catching a false god having a good day. Keeping that mind, the obstacles that stand in the way as missionaries move forward in declaring the truth of the Gospel are simply astounding. The cultural and social battles that lay in wait to confront today's believers are... well, among other things, seemingly increasing daily. Like the number of believers that were added to the church in the early days of Acts... only in opposition to the Gospel rather than changed by it. We often, and mistakenly so, place pedals under those in ministry... as if they are taking on a mission that the "everyday" Christian can't complete. Nothing could be further from the truth. Missionaries are taking on the same challenges, albeit in a different land and a few other items at the forefront... such as language. Thankfully though, we are not existing simply for survival. Our Heavenly Father stands on our behalf; to provide and protect His children and stands ready to receive others into adoption, as they hear and accept the message of the Gospel of Christ. Pray, this #missionsFriday, for missionaries who themselves are struggling in their personal lives with their relationship with Father God. May they be strengthened and encouraged in the protection and provision that He delights. For the cultural and social challenges that stand before the Gospel may the truth of His Word cut to the quick, as the Holy Spirit brings revelation to hearts and minds. May many come to the understanding that the Father always desires relationship with His children, even when the children want nothing to do with the Father. May the saving grace of the knowledge of Christ transcend the lives of the unsaved; breaking through every notion that has resulted from the fallen state of humanity and bringing people to the redemptive state made available through the Cross. Loved by God. An incredible Father To a world full of messed-up kids. Saved by grace independent of a broken humanity. For the advancement of the Gospel of Christ. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019