![]() Well, it happened once again. Late last night....something after 9pm. Not knowing what God in store yet, then, thanks to social media, something resonates. On the page of a popular, well-known pastor and author was a meme with a profound statement: God has anointed you to accomplish your assignment, but you are responsible for developing your gifts. Immediately upon reading and recognizing the impact of such words, I thought of the young man who arrived into town over the weekend and will be interning at our church for the next two months or so. Throughout the history of Scripture and humanity, for that matter, anything that was accomplished for the glory of God, as well as what has been achieved, in general, did not simply and instantaneously come into fruition and greatness. Absolutely, there was an anointing. There was a calling; a sense of purpose. And there was a season of preparation. Of learning; of trial and error. Of discovery and perfecting the craft. The anointing does not mean there will not be work. It doesn't dismiss the idea that the work, will at times, be hard and frustrating. It does not negate the fact that the work will be inevitable. It does not ignore the fact, that while there will be a grace that accompanies the anointing, it will not make up for what is half-hearted effort on our part. For whom much is given, much is required. And if you are not faithful in small things, who will trust you with great riches? We get hung up on the riches being money, but a great and content life can be lived without the abundance of green and gold behind a vaulted door. It is one, in which, a calling is being fulfilled. And the accomplishments in the process are great because of the understanding of one's responsibility to grow, learn and develop their talents and abilities. Mitsubishi had a great car advertisement back in the 90's, for it's 3000GT VR-4 sports car. "Some are born great. Some achieve greatness. Some have greatness thrust upon them. Once car manages all three." Such is life. The first may happen without you. The second and third require not only your participation for your strive for excellence in the process. In whatever you do, do it as unto the Lord. Pray, this #associatePastorTuesday, that pastors and leaders will not neglect nor forgo, their responsibility to develop their gifts and talents. May the work on their craft, with diligence and perseverance. May they not quit and give up in frustration, when situations and challenges arise that they are uncertain how to handle and navigate. May their willingness to serve be strengthened and the desire to be used by God, fortified. Pray for a continued humility as they set out to do what God has called them to; relying on the presence of God and His anointing. May they not hesitate to give God the glory for what they accomplish, knowing full well, they have done their part by the grace and favor of God. Anointed by God. Faithful themselves. For His Glory. - PNC
![]() Life has many battlefields. On this Memorial Day 2016, we remember those who have given their life in service to their country. Their sacrifice is incredible and will never be forgot. Nor should it ever be taken for granted. That said, we all face battles. Of the physical nature. Of the emotional kind. Under financial pressure. On the home-front. With our kids; with our spouse. And on any other Monday, where we don't have the day off due to a national holiday, on the job site or in the office space. Of course, the conflicts come in all sorts of sizes, over a huge range of topics. It may be against one party. It may involve many. Some you see looming on the horizon. Others, seemingly out of nowhere. One minute, all is calm... the next, anything but. Voice raised, tensions mounting and forces are suiting up. Yet for the believer, our battles are not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers of this dark age. The sooner we realize and remember this truth when the see the tables starting to turn, the sooner we can recognize the importance of self-control and give ourselves a moment to let cooler heads prevail. These brief moments allows us to resolve internally, our determination to work through the conflict not with destructive words and fierce attitudes, but to speak life and peace into the storms that seek to take us out. Such are the battles that have taken pastors out of the ministry. Conflicts and harsh words; fierce attitudes and people who have left their pastors standing alone at the pulpit... perhaps not physically, but they've withdrawn emotionally and spiritually. Over time, situations and circumstance have diluted and dissolved their way into the church culture whereby laying waste to the structural fabric and foundation of the body of Christ. And the rebuilding, for whoever takes it on, is greater than Nehemiah repairing the walls of Jerusalem. Pray, this Memorial Day, aka #seniorPastorMonday, for pastors and the battles they are facing and currently engaged in. Pray, that cooler heads would prevail as they work through conflicts and conversations. Pray that fierce attitudes would cease and that tensions would calm. Pray for an increased ability to speak words of life that encourage and build rather than discourage and break-down. Whether from the pulpit or in the parsonage, pray that the battles they encounter would not take them out of service, but they would come out victorious, by the power of the Holy Spirit, for the glory of God. May such times and their ability to navigate through them, testify to the greatness and the grace of God and that positive impacts for eternity would make their mark along the way. May people ever be grateful and appreciative of their service in ministry for the kingdom of God as we express similar gratitude for those who have served militarily for this great nation. God Bless His Church. God Bless The United States of America. For His Glory and Honor. - PNC ![]() It occurred to me last night (or perhaps Friday and it took me the whole day to remember the idea a second time) that there's one guaranteed way to become effective and efficient. Repetition. A habit of repetition. Which normally happens through practice. And what isn't a practice exercise towards greatness, is likely, at the very least, a daily discipline. Consider, this Memorial Day weekend, those who have served to protect and defend their country and lost their lives in said service. A lifestyle of daily disciplines. A phenomenal amount of practice and training in their area of expertise within the unit of their chosen branch of service. Repetition until they have gotten it "right". Repetition until they are at the top of their game. Repetition until they are the standard of efficiency. Repetition until they are the model of effectiveness. Unrivaled competency. Unmatched proficiency. The idea from Friday, was S.W.A.T. Special Weapons and Tactics. Not just training to do the complex job of law enforcement. Specialized training in highly developed tools that required skilled hands and even more, thoroughly skilled minds. When you discover your daily disciplines aren't quite up to the opposition; you realize there's yet another level... which means, no matter what you know; you're never done learning. I'm amazed when I talk to my brother... I'm so impressed and proud of what he has accomplished in his career in the private sector... all through the grace of God. And yet the number of times he's told me he has sat in meetings, conferences and training seminars and felt comparatively small, considering the level of knowledge existent within the rest of the room, continues to increase. Likewise, my pastor. 23+ years as the Senior Pastor of a single church. Youth pastor. Associate Pastor. Taken opportunities to speak at churches and conferences, serves on the board of a global non-profit organization, holds a key leadership position within our district offices; teaches those studying and preparing for ministry... it's incredible how God has used him, not only in leading our church, but in helping train, mentor and build other churches and pastors. And the number of times he has mentioned, sitting in meetings and conferences and feeling so not worthy to be in the presence of great minds, continues to ascend as well. So whatever your ministry's level of effectiveness and efficiency... taking another look, will surely uncover yet more opportunity to increase your impact within the body of Christ. If you're at the top of your game, the quickest way to lose that status is top practicing; stop your daily routine. Don't. Stay the course. If you're not at the top of your game as a church, ministry or pastor, seek out what's missing and inquire of the Lord where you should put your first focus. For the little I think I know, and the tons I know that I don't; I know there is always a "what's next" moment. No matter our walk and how much farther along it seems the person next to us in the room seems to be; there's a reason God has you where you are. Just be faithful in your efforts to be effective and efficient. And on this #effectiveSunday, we will join with you pastors in prayer, for God to help strengthen you as you continue to be faithful in your service. May God reveal areas for improvement in your ministry and utilize your strengths to help mentor other ministries who are struggling. Pray for wisdom and guidance; that while the church seeks for ways to make a greater impact; that church itself does not become routine. May all who enter, have a life-changing experience; an encounter with the one true, living God... not because of what man has done, but because God inhabits the praise of His people; and honors His promises. To those who seek Him. To those who love Him. To those who serve faithfully in what He has called and set before them to accomplish. For eternal impact. For the advancement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() If only we put as much energy into our current situation as we do in the prospect and excitement of another opportunity. I know, sometimes the job is truly miserable and frustrating and even if it was 100% better by changes made on your part, a new one is still better. I know, the relationship is beyond words difficult and I may never understand exactly what you have or are going through... and even if it was 100% better by changes made on your part, it might be time to part ways. I know, you may not be able to stand your current living situation and the prospect of a new place... well it never hurts to look. And even if it was 100% better by changes made on your part, a move may be best. I'm not making light of any circumstance or situation you face, nor diminishing the frustration I've experienced in my own life. Yet, as conversations transpire over such topics, you can't help but consider the possibility, that perhaps where you are is best for now. It makes sense for right now. It works for right now. And perhaps, the frustration, the dissension, the anxiety and attitude you feel towards what is unfolding before your eyes, really could be an entirely different scenario if you did what was necessary to make it 100% better. The relationship is hard. The job is frustration. The living arrangement is... whatever. I really do get it. (Funny, how God just brings to remembrance, right when you need it) Felt like the Spirit just dropped within me, that all too often we change things up in our lives, without giving regard to the biblical principle from Romans 12, "as much as it depends on you, live at peace with all men" While figuring out what's going on in the relationship, whether as friends, dating or married, what are you doing to express the love of Christ, that is opening their eyes to possibility that things in their life need to change, rather than you beating them over the head with words? While trying to navigate the workforce, what attitude displays Christ in your life, rather than what's being done that is causing more stress and work for you than what should be the case? In whatever circumstance is causing turmoil or disruption in your home life, what are you doing to allow God to bring insight, wisdom and creativity into making changes that will bring peace, stability, hope and joy into the circumstance, rather than thinking a drastic and expensive solution will fix it all? If we feel in our own lives or give advice to our neighbor that a drastic change is needed right now, we'd better be seeking the face of God and certain he has spoken clearly, specifically to that situation, to move in a different direction. Otherwise, and sorry for the cliche, but often times prayer is more about changing us to become more like Christ, whereby we see life and solutions with a different perspective rather than our own finite insight and desires. Sure; it might mean the change takes a little longer. We may have to work harder and do more than we already are. We may not see immediate results. But allowing God to work in our life and trusting Him to do the work, that if we tried to accomplish on our own would be 1000x more difficult, is a much better solution than our forcing change and finding ourselves in worse circumstances than what we wanted to desperately escape. I'm running out of room to go into detail, but I've witnessed first hand... when circumstances changed, however they did, the person(s) who did "what depended on them" came out better, healthier and happier as a result. Those who didn't, even though their circumstances are now different as well, are still frustrated... ...because all change in life, starts with the person in the mirror, not the person next to us. Pray, (after reading this longer post :-), this #communitySaturday, that no matter our circumstances and the frustration that ensues, that our attitudes would reflect Christ. May our responses, however tempted we are to place our rights and opinions first, be ones that reflect the love of God. May there be a desire to inquire of God, His plans and desires for our lives, family and friends before we state our own. Pray God be glorified as we live according to His Word and not our own desires of the flesh. May our words be positive and constructive towards others, rather than negative and hateful; despite what past experiences may have transpired. May the world see a genuine faith; that our trust in God is as real as the struggles of life that come to us all... yet for those who hope in the Lord; these struggles will pass. And we won't be remembered for what happened in life, but how we responded to how life happened. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() Our devotional during Wednesday nights' prayer service this week was on the missionary heart of Paul. It was a great teaching on his life, especially when you consider the detail with which he describes his suffering and what he endured for the cause of Jesus Christ... and more importantly how he handled it. Like worship while in prison. However; pastor got my attention when he stated the following: "I wonder how many pastors miss out, when they walk out just too soon." Such is the purpose and meaning of endurance. Whether or not you can see the finish line or the next goal marker doesn't really matter, for life is a serious of corners and bends, ups and downs and you never know just how close you truly are until you are there. Take for instance my own church... pastor took this on in 1992, after a number of pastors had tried to revitalize and had been unable to see it through. Yet here we stand. A testament to the grace of God, first and foremost, but right behind that... a testament to the perseverance of a pastor determined to desire God's will regardless of what circumstances look like. It hasn't been easy. It won't be in the future. But it will be worth it. Like investing for retirement. You can't see it. It's a sacrifice for the present. But what will you miss in the future by not doing today? Such as it is with mission. One may never see the return of what they have invested into the lives and souls of those around them until we reach eternity; but that should not be a deterrent to pressing forward, pushing in and trust God to bring us through the difficult places and the challenging times that seem to last longer than we would like... which even though, may almost be over we endured just a little longer. I loved how pastor closed out Wednesday's service. "There's the horse, that takes off and races ahead. Then there's the mule, the stubborn animal that digs in his heels. When it comes to the will of God, I don't want to be either." What a great prayer to pray, this #missionsFriday, that missionaries (and pastors for that matter) would have a heart of endurance. Pray that as they seek the face of God and His will for their lives and ministry, they would neither take off ahead nor dig in in hesitation. May they walk with God in confidence of the calling He has placed within them; able to discern the leading and the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Pray they would share the heart of Paul; able to worship in the least like places, unshakable joy; unending commitment; unstoppable perseverance. May God place in their lives the right people to come along aside and may God work the miraculous as they remain faithful to the cause of Jesus Christ and the advancement of the kingdom of God... in all things; no matter how difficult the trials and fires may wage against them. Pray victory for their lives, even this hour. Patiently waiting; Faithfully enduring; Until we hear freedom... When God says "GO!" In the name of the Lord For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() My kids of late, have been repeatedly watching Daddy Day Care, starring Eddie Murphy. An hilarious comedy, one my favorite scenes is when they invite Marvin to join the team. What convinces him isn't the opportunity to impact kids, though he does very well with children. Dr. Spocks' book isn't about Star Trek, he admits. (Go figure.) It's the love-at-first sight introduction to Dillan's single mom, Kelly. But in the preceding moments, Charlie (the dad with the day care idea) preemptively tells the visiting social worker, who is helping them go through the approval process, that they have already Marvin. Of course, why tell them that? In a knee-jerk response to the social workers observation that they have taken on even more new kids since his last visit... so they must have gotten some more help (as required by law). Ratios. I'm not sure why I was thinking about this movie, but as it usually happens, something within wondered if a same rule of them applies to ministry. It should. Of late, one of the mantras of my own church, especially in the last year as our "LIFEGroups" ministry was revamped, is that "as the church grows larger, we must get smaller". Essentially, it's the idea that if you don't carefully plan community and structure ministry in a way that is not only effective and efficient, but that allows anyone to come into a smaller setting and immediately begin making connections with the body of Christ, you will increase the likelihood of success in growing a healthy and mature church. So, the importance of making sure people don't get lost, spiritually or physically for that matter, when they enter a church is crucial. This is why pastors and leaders burnout. This is why Moses was given the advice of his father-in-law (and heeded those words) of assigning others handle the day-to-day issues and disputes of the people. Leadership has it's place and those at the time have a huge responsibility. But like anything else, effective management of the big picture requires and relies on the effective management of the detail and minutia. Consider, Nehemiah, rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem. He couldn't do the work himself. But because everyone focused on the portion of the wall that was right in front of them (their piece that was manageable; that they could and were held responsible for, and the wall was restored in record time. When nobody thought it could be rebuilt. When their aren't enough pastors; when their aren't enough teachers, volunteers, ushers, helpers, staff... granted there may be a point where it's possible to have too many and you lose effectiveness or efficiency at the other end of the pendulum swing, but I venture the number of churches in that classification is few; but more kids require more adults. More employees require more managers. And corresponding, for the church that wants to experience a healthy, vibrant congregation growing in their maturity of faith, they will need more leaders... in whatever role is best suited to the ministry. Pray, this #deaconThursday, for churches struggling to do the work of the ministry because their aren't enough "hands-on-deck". Whether there be a gap in pastoral positions(s) or a deacon board with only one member, or the church office be understaffed; teachers for Sunday School; volunteers for VBS...whatever the need be, may God place on peoples' hearts the desire to be more involved. For those already well-engaged in multiple ministries, may they be strengthened and renewed as the serve. Pray the blessing and favor of God upon their lives for their service. And for situations needing fresh vision and a new approach, may their be a spirit of creativity and excitement as they seek the face of God for the direction they should take. - PNC ![]() Parenting is hard work. Anyone who says otherwise, I venture, hasn't been a parent. Likewise, pastoring is hard work. Anyone who says otherwise, hasn't been a pastor. It makes me think filling both roles is a recipe for exhaustion. Especially, if your ministry is kids and teens. I'm reminded of the comedy bit from Jeff Foxworthy... "...by the time we get to church, I need church. I've done yelled at everybody in the car." There's a reason pastors are burning out...1500, 1700 a month now. And missionaries, following suit. Not at such a staggering rate; but a pretty good clip nonetheless. The frustration of constantly trying to get their attention, to follow instruction, to listen to advise, to live Godly lives, to show compassion, to obey... Are we talking about children or the congregation? My heart truly goes out to pastors struggling with difficult congregations. And to parents, facing incredible uphill battles with their kids. Then I remember my own... which pales in comparison to a number of friends of mine, not to mention plenty of others I don't know. I can't fathom pastors facing both simultaneously. Yet so many do. Not having a friend to talk to about family issue. About ministry problems. About marital battles. Not having finances to provide for the home... or advance the ministry. Not having the tools, resources and people to help accomplish tasks. Not having the time to get away, relax and regroup. Not having... time of any kind. Preparation. Study. Prayer. Fun. Faith. Improving skills as a parent. Becoming a better pastor. When does that happen again? I haven't even scratched the surface, which begins with the barrage of people who think churches just want your money and pastors have taken on the responsibilities for the same reasons. So, pray, this #youthPastorWednesday, for pastors facing a double whammy of difficulty; in both the church and the home. Pray for wisdom and direction, in how to best handle the situations they face. May there be discernment for the battles at church; grace for the battles at home. Pray for the strength and stamina to endure; that God would comfort them in the midst of their frustration, whether it be with the church or the family. Pray God would open the doors into their lives to help relieve the burden... friends, provision, resources, rest and reprieve and time...to take care of what's important; to draw closer to Christ; to become all that He has in store for them to become. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() I think we've all been here. You find yourself in situations and circumstances; places of decision or at least, decisions on the horizon... you are trying to figure things out and you look at time, resources and finances all while thinking, this should work. On paper, we should be okay. It looks like it will be okay. It will be challenging, but seriously, this should work. Upon execution though... this doesn't seem to be working. What's missing? What's is going on or happening that is wrong, that is causing this to feel like it is not quite working... as it seems on paper, it should. It's not always a matter of contentment either, as in we need more for the mere sake of we don't have enough. Life does get to a place where "almost" doesn't quite cover all the bases and what you have has reached the end of its ability to stretch... or so it seems. The planning; the strategizing, the conversation... for all the details and you find yourself scratching your head thinking... "I don't know what to do." It happens across the board when it comes to life. For long term decisions. For short term planning. And I understand, sometimes you just have to step out and see what works and what doesn't and if it requires you to come back to the table and re-evaluate, then that's what you have to do. The list of things for which people had to go back to the drawing board, because of the gap between the plan on paper and the implementation of the plan with tools and resources in hand would require it's own library to house the volume of books. Consider the great Thomas Edison... who thanks to the internet, who knows what the actual number is in this quote... "We now know 1,000 ways NOT to make a light bulb." Along the way to finding the solution, he and team found plenty of ideas and plans and implementation of plans that ended up being the exact opposite of a working solution. (I know... how much of a solution can it be, if it doesn't work?) Well, used an an example of what NOT to do, the solutions that didn't work, did bring clarity and direction to the project, as ultimately, they figured it out. I pondered these thoughts yesterday, as I considered the decisions of pastors... short-term game; long-term plans. The frustration of "why isn't this working quite right" gets intense after a period of time (and not a long one at that) And if it's bothersome in everyday life, on personal matters as well as in business; how much more on plans that impact eternity? Pray with me, this #associatePastorTuesday, for pastors facing challenging decisions; for circumstances where the plan and it's implementation are not coming together as it seems they should. For those that can't figure out what is amiss; for what things may need to be changed; if there is a lack of resources, skills or funding... may God grant to them wisdom and insight as to how they should proceed. Regardless of the severity of the matter, may their be a peace and patience as they walk through the process. May their be a calming of the hearts and minds as conversations take place and the work ensues; that God holds everything in His hand and that He is and will provide for all they have need of. May they remain steadfast in placing their trust in Him; in seeking His face; confident in the provision from the hand of Almighty, Father God. Enough... for He is all we need. For His glory and honor, we pray. - PNC ![]() A little over four years ago, my pastor and his wife adopted their first child; a baby boy. Since then, they adopted a little girl as well, who has yet to turn two. Their testimony of how the opportunity unfolded is absolutely incredible, especially after years of trying to have kids on their own. It really is an amazing showing of God's grace and mercy and divine intervention of bringing this family together. That said, their son, is awesome. Both kids are, in fact. To describe him as a high-energy kid would qualify as an understatement of the most serious kind. He is a 100-mph kid. Their are two modes: chill and race. And you can tell when it's race mode and there's about to be transition. As I walked in yesterday after service, he sat next to my friend, who was serving in nursery with his wife. The kid is covered in sweat. As though he has spent the entire day behind the wheel on the track. We all watch in amazement... wishing we had that energy and stamina. Then we go home, praying for Pastor as they try to keep up, jokingly expressing our gratitude that God is keeping them young. Yet for the Pastor who tries to keep up this pace in his or her life and ministry; well, it's really not sustainable. Eventually it all catches up to you. Burnout. Frustration. Errors. And who knows when and where it will manifest and what will be affected as a result. Wrong counsel in a meeting. Wrong point in a sermon. A wrong decision. The possibilities are endless; but none of us our immune... at a certain point, rushing leaves you vulnerable to making mistakes; which depending on what's a risk, could turn out to be a costly maneuver. To this, I think we can all agree, the church has experienced way too many such circumstances. So, pray this #seniorPastorMonday, for those pastors struggling to maintain. Whether they've tried to keep a fast pace and are on the verge of burnout; or perhaps, they've been in 'chill' mode long enough and having a hard time getting motivated to pick up the pace for what God desires to accomplish. Pray for God to help them to move with Him; not lagging behind as to create distance between them, neither racing ahead that they miss instruction that would keep them from disaster. Pray for the stamina and energy necessary to carry out ministry and the plans God has for them; that God would raise up the body of Christ to come along side and engage in supportive ways and volunteer opportunities. Pray that mistakes in ministry and life would be few; that they would seek the face of God in all things; in all decisions; relying not on their own understanding, but trusting in the Lord and knowing what His will is, for the circumstances in which they find themselves. May those tired and exhausted, find rest; renewed by the power of the Holy Spirit and that God would help them find balance, as they re-engage in life, in ministry, in community. Godspeed... for His glory. By His grace. Through the Holy Spirit. For the cause of Christ. - PNC ![]() So, I yesterday morning, I experienced a pretty incredible miracle. Before anyone worries, it's not health related... just the amazing hand of protection by Almighty God. That said, it's one of those situations where you know something is wrong, but you don't think it's quite "that bad" until after and someone "in the know" looks into the matter and says, "Here's what's going on." When you're reply is "Seriously? How in the world? I knew something was up, but not like that", you know that disaster has been averted. And it wasn't anything I did to avert it. As I began thinking about how to rectify the matter in the next few days, I considered the effectiveness of the church. Truly, at times, there is a grace over church leadership and operations. Perhaps everything isn't perfect; running like a well-oiled machine, but you're getting things done and getting were you need to go... even if it is running on borrowed time offered by the hand of God that includes a couple doses of grace. And of course, in those moments, you know... you recognize as I did, something is amiss and not knowing eventually becomes more of a hassle than knowing and so you have to have a reality check and figure out where the problem exists. Sure, it may result in a worst-case scenario problem, but at least now you are "in the know" rather than in the dark and you can create a game-plan to moves you toward resolution(s) It may take an outside observer to speak up, about the potential seriousness of the issue. It may take the Spirit of God, prompting you to search out someone who can help. Eventually, the not knowing will drive you more crazy that knowing. And that may not be true once you do know what's going on, but again, a fully-informed perspective is a more powerful place from which to act and negotiate than the position marked by a huge question mark. Thus... pray, this #effectiveSunday, that whatever is going on in church, that is keeping the body of Christ from being effective and efficient, they would start with the area(s) that seem amiss. Pray they take the time to look into the matter; even if it requires a set of experienced eyes. May they be ready to have to act on the information that comes to light, if there is any intention of making the situation better or re-evaluating if anything should be done differently altogether. May the grace and protection of God be with them, even after they discover just how far they had traveled on borrowed time. Pray God's strength and protection in circumstances, the seriousness of which is not yet revealed. For as He cares for the birds of the air, how much more does He care for those He created in His image. Situations will get better... Operating as they should. The grace and protection of God. For His glory. - PNC ![]() How quickly time passes. The day comes and goes. Another begins. The next one ends. And before you know, you're being asked... did this get done? Did you make that phone call? Where are you on this project? Or my favorite... "Where are you @?" (as it appears on my phone, when the text notification sounds off) Meanwhile, people are experiencing incredible moments as "everyday" life progresses. A friend from church had a family member pass, whose funeral was this week. The funeral for my friend, Stephanie, who we prayed for twice on this site, was this past Wednesday. Then two more funerals, held for members of our church; one of which was yesterday, the other, later this morning. And in the midst of it, mid-Friday afternoon, I realized regarding this prayer post... "I haven't given it much thought". This is how life goes. Absent major events and reminders along the way, we miss how precious and fragile life can be and just how short our time on earth is given how quickly it moves. Like how quickly the sun rises. Just a matter of minutes and the drama of atmospheric screen changes so quickly. Once all the cool color fades, it seems so less impressive for me. And if you don't think time passes fast, an old friend called last night. He said, exactly what I often say... "I keep meaning to call you and finally thought, I just need to do it." It took a minute to figure out when we had seen each other last... came to the conclusion, it was their daughter's birthday party... from 3 years ago!! Which got me thinking... the list of people we keep saying we need to get together with and hang out more often and old friends that we don't get to see that often anymore is getting longer; with each passing week. The conspiring of schedules, between family and work, church and other activities or commitments and the next thing you know, somebody's kid turned 14 and another just graduated high school. How did this happen? We all got caught up in our life. And quickly, yet, not conscientiously, put everyone else' life on the back burner as we focused on what we had going on, where were going (for the day or for life) and what we were trying to accomplish. And in the process, we've missed out. On great triumphs. On great tragedy. And it's always the tragedy that triggers the reminder that people are more important than the job, the cars and the stuff money can buy and how we wish we had more of both. Not to mention, better cars and better jobs. Pray, on this #communitySaturday, that the church would indeed, as remain we focused on the person of Jesus Christ, remember that Jesus cared and cares most about people. Where they are at. What they have need of. It's not their position in life. It's not their stuff. It's not their job title nor their Facebook status. May we be concerned with matters of the heart, whether they be experiencing times of rejoicing triumph or mourning tragic loss. May we not be so distracted by the concerns and affairs of our own lives and families that we, unknowingly, disconnect form those around us. In all things, may the church of Jesus Christ be about pointing others to Christ, whether as an introduction to Him or encouraging a greater depth of relationship with Him. Pray God would accomplish the miraculous in all circumstances as we seek to be used by Him, for His glory. His ways, not ours. His thoughts, not ours. His plans, not ours. It's not about me... and we're probably all the better for it. By the grace of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() Distractions happen. To the best of us. To the worst of us. To the average among us. Perhaps, you were distracted by a bumblebee, causing you to trip over something, whereby you've fallen down and hit your head. Then there are those times in life; seemingly Job-like moments, as though situations and circumstances been timed and aligned just right, that if you don't recognize and act on the importance of putting one thing on hold so that you may devote your energy and focus to the completion of the other thing (at least through the critical stage, if completion is a ways in front of you), then the potential for things to go downhill is great. The frustration comes when the distraction becomes such, that it actually succeeds in its' attempt to derail you. Perhaps not physically, but mentally, spiritually, emotionally... it may not take much for anxiety and fear to set in. Next thing you know... you're distraught. And the tone has been set for the remainder of the daylight hours... which means you could be in for a long day. Thankfully, if God cares to watch over the sparrow, how much more will He not care for you? I understand the dilemma of trying to understand the what and the why... for some moments, as you attempt to make sense of what's happening, the brain races; considering what you did wrong; what was beyond your control, what should have been within your control, but wasn't. The list can get quite long with possibilities and reasons. Yet, there remains hope. God doesn't waste our experience. He doesn't wast a miracle. Despite our best efforts, even when others it seems far from accurate, God is still in control and has you in His Hand. You are "not stuck in the rut you created" as the band Fireflight sings, in their song The Hunger (sorry, it was just playing and line worked). All-knowing, loving, Father God full of grace and mercy will see us through; but remember, His love for us life-changing; and where there is change, there will be challenge so be prepared for difficulties. On this #missionsFriday, pray for missionaries... in circumstances and situations where it may have started as a distraction and now it is causing unrest for their souls and sleepless nights. May the power of the Holy Spirit comfort them and may the Word of God light their path anew and guide their steps. Pray this would be a time they press into God and trust Him all the more. May they resist the feelings of regret; of wanting to walk away and throw in the towel. Pray God would remind them, He is with them always... hasn't left them, hasn't forsaken them. Even for the role they may have played in the problem, more than the solution; pray anxiety would go and there would be a peace... to the external storm of circumstance; to the internal storm of confusion. When distraction leads to distraught; May our faith arise to defeat it. Not on our own strength; But greater is He who is in us. For the glory of God. -PNC ![]() As I debated yesterday whether I was going to share the a specific detail or two about the opportunity I mentioned with one or two close friends when I saw them at church last night (hesitant for not wanting to jinx it), I once again, quickly had my answer, when I inquired of God, my need for an idea for what you are reading. In seconds, you have people you can confide in. Hopefully pastors do as well. So here's the question. Who does the confidant confide in? To whom does the advisor go to for advice? The point was driven home all the more, as during the prayer time during worship service last night, Pastor always introduces the those who are on part of the prayer team as people, whom, whatever is shared with them will hold your need in the strictest confidence. I then watched him go and ask for prayer... which he often does. Whether it's personal or ministry or perhaps both, at times, I'll never know. Interestingly enough, the couple he prayed with was one of the close friends I shared my specifics with last night. What does that tell you? With regards to deacons and church leaders though, it's not that confidants are immediately turning around and sharing the details of what one has just confided in them... lest it contradict the whole point of being confidential. That said, no matter who far up the latter you are and even when you are at the top, there should be people in your life that are helping (and desirous to help) carry the load and burdens of life. None of us where meant to live life alone; nor accomplish everything on our own. Granted, sometimes the helps help and sometimes they don't, but pity the soul who has no outlet for sharing life, seeking advice, challenging us to be who and all we were created to be, not to mention, spurring us on in the love and grace of God. By the way... since one of the aforementioned friends texted me yesterday morning, saying thanks for piquing my curiosity, what's the opportunity... I'm sad to say, it slipped just that fast. I went to respond to it last night after church and poof... needless to say, I climbed into bed more than slightly bummed. I didn't jinx it, as life does not work that way, but obviously, in the sovereignty of God, there's a lesson on the chalkboard of life. And something else in store... perhaps. So, pray this #deaconThursday for pastors and church leaders, who in the challenges and circumstances in life, even in the face of such opportunity and disappointment as I've experienced in a 48-something hour period, continue to place their trust in God... in ALL things. Pray for discernment as they seek advice and counsel; who they should go to and what they should share. May conversations be seasoned with grace and the counsel in alignment with the will and Word of God. Pray for those who are advisors; may they be sensitive to the leading and promptings of the Holy Spirit; they they, like all of us, would not rely on our strength, knowledge and intuition, but seek the face of God and search the depths of His Word. May there be a fresh release of the casting of cares to Christ; for indeed He does care for us and pray, that as the church shares life together, we would sharpen each other as iron sharpens iron. Growing in the fullness of faith, in the knowledge and wisdom of God through His Word and in the love, grace and forgiveness made available to us through the person of Jesus Christ. The ultimate Advisor Entrusted us with the good news of Heaven The one eternal truth, NOT to be held in strictest confidence. Such opportunities to share, may we not miss us. For His glory and honor. - PNC ![]() An opportunity has come to my attention in the past two days that quite frankly, would be a dream come true. In the past 10 or 15 years, I think I've only seen it one other time. I know I have your curiosity peaked, but that's all the info you're getting on it for now. Yesterday, as I went about my day, I spent considerable amount of time thinking about it. Yes, I #prayed4pastors, and family and friends and a few other situations, but it wasn't as much prayer as I usually engage in. The opportunity had captured most of my thoughts for a good chunk of the day. Around mid-afternoon, confession time. God; I don't know what you have for tomorrow's prayer post. I've spent all this time, excited about what may or may not come to fruition and taken my attention away from seeking you and what you would have, for what I'm taking care of here and now. To which, I felt in my spirit, this reply... that's because you're thinking about childhood dreams. Childhood dreams are great. And this may still be a long shot of a dream. It may be a real possibility. That remains to be seen. But whatever it is, it has to align with the what and the where of what God has for my life. And if I'm to know that, then I need to remain focused on Him, who He his, and seek Him. In a world, increasingly becoming about self, about rights, about happiness, about "right for the moment" rather than right for life, about "rights" and entitlements and offenses... if we remain focused on such, motivated by such and justified by such, then we will be a long way from where God desires us, no matter what opportunities come our way. When the truth is relative, and absolutes are set aside in favor of relativity and identity, we will find ourselves lost... for the simple fact that somethings in life are unmovable and undeniable. Like gravity. Like air. We don't deny their existence because they are unseen. We acknowledge them because we are alive and vertical on firm ground. So it is with God. Unseen, yet Him without where would we be. And how would we know where we are supposed to be without a relationship whereby we place our trust in Him, seek His face and watch Him accomplish His miraculous and sovereign will in and through our lives. Pray, this #youthPastorWednesday, for pastors, as they continue to speak into lives of young people. May they be instilled with the truth and the knowledge of Almighty God. Pray that this generation would grow in the fear and admonition of the Lord. May they know their God. May the know His character; as well as His works. Pray that as kids dream, they would keep an eternal perspective. May, they trust in the Lord always. Whatever their circumstances and perhaps, at times, despite their experiences, pray that they would seek the face of God for His will and plan for their lives. May they know they are loved by God, who created them with a destiny... that He has a dream for them beyond what even they can think or imagine. Pray they would seek first the kingdom of God and His righteous and watch God provide "all the other things" that would be added to their lives. More important than the desire of our dreams, May the destinies of our lives be fulfilled. For the glory of God and the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() This continues to blow me away, every single time it happens. So much so, I wondered shortly thereafter why I feels like I don't get clarity on other matters and decisions like I do when it comes to this site. A conversation with God went like this yesterday. ME: Lord, what would have for tomorrow's prayer, because I have not a clue. God: There it is. ME: There WHAT is? God: You. Not having a clue. ME: You want me to write about not having a clue. ME: What does one even write about, without having a clue? God: You don't think I've had this conversation with pastors and church leadership? ME: Right. It amazes me and humbles me at the same time, how much of this life we try to do on our own. Wisdom, experience, insight, strength, charisma, intellect... you name it, we'll attempt it. Sadly acknowledging we need God's help on the matter after we've fouled the ball and made a navigating a difficult situation downright dicey. Coming to God sometimes seems like coming to your earthly father. You can imagine the look on God's face, shaking His head... "how in the world did you manage to do that?" as you both stand there and look at the mess now needing to be sorted out and corrected. If only, we didn't rely on us, nearly so much. Pastor stated Sunday morning a profound truth: Too many Christians can pass the spiritual-sobriety test. We are not full of the Holy Spirit as the 120 were in the upper room, as told in the book of Acts. We are not under the influence of the Spirit, but rather, walking on our own power and working through our own ability. And what's cool about God, is the depth of His character. Think about how much spouses continue to learn about each other, even after 30, 50 and 70 years of marriage. The strong ones, never tire of getting to know another aspect of their beloved. Thus, so it should be with God. Pastor explained Sunday why we spend a year in a sermon series going through just one book of the Bible at a time; why we are on part 40-something of the book of Mark, for example. The depth and richness of Scripture, requires us to dig deep. But not a shovelful at a time, but like an archeological dig. For the finer discoveries. And as we do, Scripture reveals in us, its' own "finer discoveries". Each of which, point us back to the truth that none of us have a clue in this life; and getting a clue starts and ends with the person of Jesus Christ. Pray, this #associatePastorTuesday, for Pastors standing at crossroads. Where direction and wisdom is needed; where they don't have a clue as to what they should do and say in the situations they face. Pray they would not rely on their own wit and wisdom, their experience or understanding; but lean solely on Christ. May they boldly approach the throne of grace and seek the counsel of the Holy. Pray the truth and richness of Scripture would come alive to them; even this day... that God would reveal Himself anew and afresh; granting to them a clarity of perspective. May God calm the unrest and stress, as perhaps they have tried to figure things out on their own; pray a covering of grace and forgiveness for such moments when human thinking as led before God's. May they have more than a clue; With a greater understanding of God Through the person of Jesus Christ And the knowledge and application of His Word. For His glory. - PNC ![]() Moments after writing yesterday's prayer post on great losses, I was getting ready for church. I found myself imagining a friend asking me when they saw me in person, how I had made it through the past few days, with the passing of friends. It didn't take long to realize the answer was pretty simple. On a personal level, there was a distance factor. Thursday's funeral for my wife's cousin... not that the relationship couldn't have been significantly closer in nature, but let's start with the simple fact, that, for me, it didn't exist until I met my wife. So there's that. The gentleman from church... even there, depending on the size of the church, you can only know so many people to varying degrees of depth of friendship and closeness. And even if you do know everyone, life's schedule doesn't permit you to have strong, close-nit ties, where you spend considerable amounts of time together. So while, from the sounds of it, this is one guy many will have wished they knew better, as it stands, I did not. As for the friend, Saturday morning... once again, incredibly tragic. And yet, a good long physical distance away, the friendship existed because of mutual friends. Those two factors alone keep me... well, suffice to say, in all 3 circumstances, while difficult and tragic, I mourn with family and friends for as an observer, which you'll agree is a very different place than if it were my brother, child, wife or parent. Having very strong and healthy relationships with all the aforementioned, I would be as devastated as I have observed the past few days. And if that's not an understatement of the century, I don't know what is. Say all that to say... how do pastors do it? Hundreds of families each week, lives in the thousands impacted and the news never ends. Stories of serious health problems, cancer and otherwise. Relational breakdowns. Impending divorce. Financial ruin. Job loss. Wayward children Disconcerting situations with friends in unhealthy places. The joyful moments, of gainful employment, engagements to be married, healing and restorations, birth announcements... all seem so less frequent by comparison. And as a Pastor, there is more often a greater relational bond for each circumstance; for these are part of your community that you are spiritually responsible for... to look after and preach and counsel the Word of God into their lives. I can't fathom, for even this past weeks' news as an observer, even for the two battling cancer, where you knew the potential for the outcome was possible and perhaps closer than desired, was difficult to hear... in a heart-breaking "Seriously? Please tell me it's not true" kind of way. It is... and the grace and wisdom needed for Pastor to help in the process and point people to Christ in the hopes of keeping our focus on Him and a proper perspective on the circumstance, is substantial to say the least. Thus, pray this #seniorPastorMonday, for those pastors struggling with the onslaught of seemingly "bad news" of tragedy, loss and suffering. May their be a covering as they minister; that there would a be a peace that surpasses all understanding; that they would possess a calmness and a comfort as they share in conversation. Pray for the miraculous, that in whatever the circumstance, people would be pointed and redirected to the person of Jesus Christ; that many would find rest for their souls as they place their hope and trust in the hands of Almighty and Sovereign God. Pray that Pastors would have their ears atuned to the Spirit; to give proper guidance, a timely word, Biblical instruction and wise counsel as they speak the truth in love and with grace. May their spirits be strengthened and renewed as they help others through the battles of life, often setting their own battles aside in the process. May God help them in theirs, as they help others first. For the glory of God Who works ALL things together for GOOD For those who LOVE HIM and are CALLED According to HIS purpose. In Christ Jesus name, we pray. - PNC ![]() Friday, you read about about the funeral we attended for a 37 year old cousin. That morning, while you were reading, a friend from church posted on social media, a brother in the Lord from our church, had passed after a difficult battle with cancer. Saturday morning, as you were reading what seemed to me a follow-up post, about life on both sides of death, news of another friend hit hard. Stephanie who we prayed about in this post a few weeks ago, passed... after her second battle with cancer. With something around 4000 friends on Facebook alone, needless to say, her page was lit up. Photos and condolences and memories of the impact she had made on people; through her friendship, her faith, her family... to smile in face of every difficulty; I dare say I think we envisioned her laughing in her spirit, at the days to come. It's not that her life was easy, nor did she not realize the difficulty of life and that the struggle is real and emotions and reactions aren't always pleasant. But as thousands have pointed out, she remained faithful to her Creator; trusting the Giver of life.... on both sides of death. And I watched again... as I did in February 2011, when a friend from college lost his wife and their child still in the womb, a few days after a terrible car accident... {read: here} the community and the body of Christ surround Stephanie's husband and daughter with love and support. Obviously, much of it in real time for those who are local to their life; lots more through the advent of technology, from people who wish they could be there in real life. And we enter #effectiveSunday, it got me thinking last night... what is it about the passing of life that causes us all, to show more love, more compassion, more "like-able" personality traits, more sympathy, more empathy, more laughter at fond memories, more tears of sorrow and mourning. How quickly we forget the value of people until we realize we will never see them again, say hello again, wake up next to them, wake them up in their room across the hall, never meet for coffee again, never greet as they walk into church or the office again... never talk with them about the goodness and greatness of the love of God, if we hadn't done so already. Is this we were reminded to make the most of every opportunity? For the days are evil? The local marine dealer advertises "Life is short. Boats are cool". The truth of the matter, is that "Life is short. God is good". What better way for the church to be effective that to display the love, grace and compassion of God as much every other day as we do when we gather to celebrate Christ on Sunday and the passing of a dear life on any unexpected day of the week. Our lives should be just as much about Christ in relation to those around us every day, as it is about Christ on Sunday and others when we attend their wake. Granted most of us aren't that extreme, but we could certainly be a lot closer to Christ; and display the love of Christ... in everyday life, in everyday moments, in light of tragedy and loss that make days seem not so much like every other day. There are days that life takes a turn for the worse. Yet with our eyes focused on Christ, we know that even the worst days, God uses to accomplish His purposes; whereby He received the glory. And any day there is an opportunity to give glory to God, isn't really all that bad of a day. Even in the face of adversity; in the midst of tragedy, in the angst of loss and suffering, in the middle of the trial and fires of life... God is with you always unto the end of age; especially where two or three are gathered in His name. Pray, this #effectiveSunday, that the church would indeed, display the love of Christ and His story to a lost and dying world, not just on Sunday, not just on the day of one's passing from this life to the next. Pray for the peace of God to surpass all understanding; on these past couple of days of loss and suffering; for those struggling to rely on God; for those having difficulty trusting God; for those who no longer desire to seek the face of God... may they sense His presence in the arms of His love and grace. May the body of Christ, be as we are called, to be His hands and feet extended. May this time of loss be a time of embrace; where people draw closer to God, whether it be again or for the first time. Pray the comfort of the Holy Spirit, to guard their hearts and minds; that bitterness and confusion would remain at bay; that the joy of the Lord would be their strength and their trust in Him unwavering. Faithful and true, is He who has called us in His marvelous light. Our lives for His righteousness. For the glory of God. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() Still reflecting on Thursday's funeral yesterday, I couldn't shake one profound thought shared during the eulogy. It's not that their weren't other moments... it was a good service. It was a hard funeral, simply because of the unknown cause and the unexpected loss; not that funerals are ever easy. (forgive me... I'm having writer's block on trying to explain that funerals aren't something you normally critique, yet you can't help acknowledge that there are funeral services that aren't so "great" as far as how they are done, then others are incredibly powerful and moving... and it seems there no other way to say it than to that). So... it was hard. A life celebrated, while not knowing why we were celebrating so early. The unrest was and is, and will be for a while longer, unnerving. So, with all that out of my head... here's the comfort in the one line from the Pastor's thought has gripped my mind regarding the God of the Universe. He is: "God. Creator of life. On both sides of death." Think about that for a moment. Or two. Or three. [moment] [moment] [moment] God... in His sovereignty, in His love, in His grand plan of redemption; created Life on this Earth. Created us to have a relationship with Him while on this Earth. Created life eternal, for when our life on Earth had ended. Created opportunity where we experience that eternal life with Him and have relationship with Him in Heaven. There is a plan for your life while you are above the ground. There is a plan for your life after you body is below the surface. Is that not utterly incredible? Why should the world be satisfied just to be breathing air and standing upright, when God intends for us to have abundant life... and eternal after that? Abundant life isn't one overly-stuffed with possessions and riches and the greatest car collection I could every imagine. But a fulfilled life. A content life. With what matters. Faith. Family. Friends. Purpose. An invitation to walk with God, through the person of Jesus Christ. A testimony to share with those in your circle of influence, that they may know an invitation exists with their name on it, just as it did for you, the believer. An invitation to live life together, on both sides of eternity and celebrate Almighty God; Creator of life... on both sides of death. Pray, as the church engages the world, on this #communitySaturday, that invitations will be extended to those who need to hear there is more to this life than breathing air, consuming possessions and earning paychecks. Pray for the church, itself, struggling to experience abundant life... may we cast our cares upon Him who cares for us, anew and afresh. In the face of what we don't understand; in light of loss that is difficult to process; in light of circumstances beyond understanding and reason. Pray for a renewed focus on Christ; to seek His face; to keep an eternal perspective on situations and frustrations that we don't understand; to resist the temptation to lose control; go our own way and allow for bitterness and resentment to take residence in the seat of our heart once reserved for Christ. May we not trade the eternal for the temporal, but rather, trade our rags for His righteousness. Abundant life on Earth. Eternal life in Heaven. For the glory of God. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() Yesterday, for different reasons, I went through much of the day, not having really though about what God had for this post. When I shared my plight with my wife as we headed for home yesterday afternoon, she simply said, "you'll come up with something". [A point of technical clarification, I consider each post, not mine, but God speaking through me. Sure, it has my perspective and it probably sounds like me for those who know me, but I pray and seek God for what He would desire to say through me.] And sure enough... later in the evening, the realization came that put the days' events into perspective. Thursday was a solemn day. Unusual, that my wife and I spent most of the day together, kid-free. Though not for the reasons we'd prefer. My wife's cousin, all of 37 years young passed away this past Saturday night. Yes, shortly, if not moments before Mother's Day. And while the cause remains unknown; the devastation to the story is that she was found by her parents. The perspective came as I thought about the passing of lives, seemingly cut way too short. The stories of celebrities and those known by society; the everyday person who tried to make an impact to better the lives of their family and friends and those they came in contact with, such as this cousin. The stories of children; yet to become adults... gone in their teens or grade school, whether through tragedy, sickness or the pure evil intent of humanity. To watch the siblings struggle through the day, to watch the parents... to watch it from the understanding of a brother, and a father... just typing this is making my eyes starting to blur from the water I can sense rising up to forefront of their sockets. Of course, this is #missionsFriday, so what does this have to do with faith in God, the message of Jesus Christ and prayer? Everything. For you will remember, because of the evil intent of man and the sovereign hand of God, the life of a child, seemingly taken way too early for the greatness they were destined for. Albeit a moment in time, now 2000+ years in the past. The Son of God; who happened to be the son of Joseph & Mary. Left this earth for His rightful place in Heaven at the young age of 33. A ministry of redemption, still fresh and ready for epic results, just 3 years in the making. Sure, God fulfilled exactly what He needed to in those short three years, but your finite minds can't help but wonder, what would have happened, had Christ had another 3 years. Or 33 years. For all we know, why couldn't He be immortal... for every generation, showing man that He was the only way to be restored to right relationship with God. Okay, the last scenario contradicts the whole plan of salvation and theology on a number of levels, but still... could Christ have "used" 3 more years? Even 3 more months? When you feel as though something or someone has been ripped away, even 3 more days or 3 more hours seems a reasonable request. Don't think for a moment, Jesus' mother, Mary, standing at His feet didn't share this sentiment. That said... Christ got done what needed to be done; in His three years of ministry. In His 33 years on this earth. It was sufficient, for God and His Sovereignty; knowing His plans and purposes for man to be redeemed would be fulfilled. Through lives, changed by the person of Jesus Christ. By men and women whose being brought into right standing with God would compel them to share and help bring others to the same crossroad. The mission of Christ was passed on to his disciples and the trend; the sovereign plan of God, continues in like fashion... even in the face of such tragedy as the loss of a child, sibling, friend. Welcome to #missionsFriday. In light of this, pray, on this solemn #missionsFriday; for the will and plan of all-sovereign God to be accomplished in the hearts and lives of humanity. For the things we don't understand and can't comprehend, may their be a peace and a rest; beyond human understanding, that God is with us and for us and has promised to never leave us nor forsake us. Pray for those, yet to come to the place where they recognized their need for redemption through the person of Jesus Christ and be brought back into right relationship with Creator, God. Pray, also... for this family, and many more like them, to experience the loss of a family member and friend, who on this side of eternity seems to be gone way too early. Pray for the comfort of the Holy Spirit, for even when death is expected and seems looming, the passing is still a blow to the heart, confusion to the mind and disruptive to life itself. Pray, that such moments would indeed cause people to draw closer to God, despite our understanding; to seek His face and trust Him anew and afresh... His ways. Not ours. His thoughts. Not ours. His plans. Not ours. For everything about Him is greater, more glorious, more righteous... more holy than man can ask or imagine. His loss was our gain. Our loss for His glory. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() Fine is a word that is quickly becoming my least favorite word. It's a word that answers the question, yet you can't help but say it in a way that gives the impression to the hearer, that something... many things perhaps, in your life, are anything but going well. We can't say that things are okay because they aren't, but you're not the person with whom I feel like sharing what's going in my life right now. Or if you are the person, then I don't feel like getting into the conversation right now. And life and the circumstances thereof, change. Instantaneous. Some difficult. Some hard to handle. Some just frustrating. Others, gut-wrenching. Heart-breaking. Fine...until: This problem arose on the job-front... That situation that happened at school involving my kid... The phone call on the way home from work... Well, the doctor says... And if that weren't enough, I just found out... Insert your real life moment [here] I'm not sure the body and mind were meant such taxing moments. Sure, there's the adrenaline rush of a physical problem, that super human-strength comes, seemingly out of nowhere, and it in life and death situations, we here stories of what people have accomplished. On the other hand... so many situations simply rise, as if out of nowhere, that throw us off; leaving a "now what" frame of mind. And the answer could take a while to figure out. Much to the demise of our hair color. Interestingly enough, I was pondering these thoughts yesterday afternoon, only to sit during last night's mid-week prayer service, where Pastor shared a devotional on "surviving the storms of life". Only God's timing. So when moments change; you are not alone. God is able to calm the storm. God is able to calm your heart, mind and spirit, while you are in the storm. Sure, you may have been "fine" before, but continue to trust God, seek His face and remain faithful during the unexpected difficult moments and God will see you through to the other side. It was His idea, after to all... remember? Wherever you are, God has you there for a reason. You will come out... with a testimony greater than "fine". Pray, this #deaconThursday, for pastors and church leaders facing all kinds of storms; of various natures and sizes... some they saw coming and have to see their way through; some unexpected and are trying to navigate, albeit very slowly. Pray for a calming of their storms; more importantly pray for a calming in their spirits. May the remain focused on God; may they strengthen their grip of His hand. May God grant to them wisdom and discernment, as game-plans and strategies are devised and considered. Pray God would lead them, in their conversations and decision; that in the end they would come out victorious. Perhaps they were fine before... May they arrive at the other side, more than conquerors. For the glory of God. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019