It occurred to me late last night, that's it's hard to be effective if you aren't already moving...
One can't be diligent at doing nothing. Technically, they can, but there are many names for that and it's usually not something for which people praise and applaud your efforts. Being effective means being in motion. Then, I awake this morning as I'm getting ready to write, I read writer Jeff Groins latest blog post. On being stuck in life and decision-making, he writes; "What will matter is that you acted, that you made a contribution, and that you decided to do something. Or that you didn't." He goes on to share what his friend calls the bicycle principle. "It's easier to make changes in life once you are moving... isn't it interesting that failure usually happens not when we move too quickly, but too slowly?" So, a simple message, on simple diligence. If I may use my own experience... consider Bring Me 70? God's helping daily to bring fresh content and a fresh perspective and I'm bringing to the table, that now with some 400+ daily prayers, there's no turning around. I have to keep going and be diligent in continuing the work. So, pray with me, this #effectiveSunday for churches that are stuck. May they begin to pray anew and seek the face of God in greater ways. Pray they begin to start to move in directions that honor God, yet may provide greater insight into where they are to go and when they are to move. Pray for creativity; focus and energy as the Holy Spirit leads and directs. Pray a fresh element of stepping out in faith and that as they do, God would work the miraculous in the midst. May we be found faithful; In that whatever we do, We do as unto the Lord. For His glory and honor. - PNC
![]() It's 2016, nearly August at that, and sadly, many still believe Christians to be of another world and out of touch with the one in which we all live. Somewhere, somehow, we've gotten grouped together an thrown under, which oddly enough, is what every other people group (whether religious, culture, economic, or social) seems to have a problem with when it happens to them. As I shared with Matt on Thursday, Christians live in reality just like every one else. We are nothing, but... Real People, with Real Problems, possessing a Real Faith, serving a Real God, who has a Real Plan, and a Real Destiny, for Every Person... ... who calls on the Name of the Lord. The only thing that separates a Christian from a non-Christian is that one has made a decision to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, through redemption made available when Christ died on a cross. The non-Christian isn't inferior or less important as a result... if anything, they are more important because God is not willing that any should perish! And time, as we all know, is slipping away fast. It doesn't make the Christian better; it doesn't make them out of touch; it doesn't make them any less real or the struggles they face any easier. It does mean we answer to a higher authority than ourselves. As an aside... I've got the "rock-u-mentary" videos on YouTube playing in the background from a DeGarmo & Key concert from time long past, when Dana Key just stood and said the following: "That's what distinguishes us from the world; not that we know the vocabulary of Jesus; but that we obey him." The world does it's own, listens to it's own and follows it's own. But for the believer, we listen, follow and do what God has set out for us to accomplish. Not for the applause and accolades of man, bur for the glory of God. In the middle of all of that, are struggles, battles, arguments, sickness, career decisions, parenting problems, relationship woes... and the prayers of faith that draw us closer to God with the understanding that everything we encounter has a plan and purpose that may not make senses this side of eternity; but in the sovereignty of God will be effective for the advancement of the Gospel. All that lies with us, is our response to God and our response to life as it unfolds before us, one day at a time. It is not faith in Christ that causes blinders to the world, but that the enemy of every soul that would desire the world to have zero relationship with God and will do everything possible to blind the world to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. As stated by the character, Coach Grant Taylor, in the movie Facing The Giants, {one} may not want to make a decision for Jesus Christ, because it will change your life! For those ready for a changed life, Jesus is the only answer. For those set on life as it is, Jesus is not even an option. But that won't keep Christ from knocking on the door of their heart. Nor should it keep the Christian from sharing the love of Christ to those around us. Pray, this #communitySaturday, that God would help us engage community to the truth of God and His Word and the love He has for us, by sending Christ in our place. May the sovereignty of God orchestrate events that would bring the lost and the dying to recognize the purpose God has for them. Pray the truth would be revealed that God loves us too much to leave us to our devices and desires. May the religious blinders fall where they actually exist, but more importantly, would the blinders of offense and frustration; fear and anger, doubt and disbelief fall to the side. May the love of Christ touch hearts and in fact, change lives. Life is hard. God is real. Faith is the key. For the glory of God. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() After writing yesterday's prayer, early in the morning before work, I took a quick break to check social media before performing the one or two finally elements so I could publish the prayer. Sadly, first in the news feed, as the update that a friend of the family, a man who played on the worship team with me mom in the church our family attended since I was just a little tyke, had passed away, either late Wednesday night or early Thursday morning. The body of Christ has lost another giant of the faith. I spent most of the day in reflection... from what I can recall from childhood memories, I want to say that he was born blind. If I'm remember wrong, then he lost his sight early in life, as it seems he and his wife were newlyweds when we met them. At any rate... Doug had an incredible outlook on life. Always upbeat for as long as I can recall. He was a guy you enjoyed talking with, possessed an incredible love for the things of God and was a talented guitar player to boot! I hadn't seen them in recent years, except to keep in touch on occasion with social media. His battle with cancer went downhill fast over the past few weeks and our thoughts and prayers go out to his wife and son. Thus, I thought much about his life. And on this #missionsFriday, I concluded the following: We are all missionaries. A point of confession... for whatever reason, I am not outspoken when it comes to witnessing. For any number of reasons, as years have passed... perhaps its the perception of witnessing. At work or in life, most people knew (or know) I am a Christian, either through my lifestyle or activities or conversations along the way. I've shared matters of faith and life with those who aren't saved, but rarely, would I consider those moments straight-up "witnessing" moment. If anything, they were more like planting seeds. As I thought about this, it struck me odd. Not knowing what to do about it, how to handle it or what I could do to change it, as even the job I have now, doesn't permit extended periods of time to chat throughout the day of anything of substance in the passing of literally just a couple of minutes. In an unusual turn, I had about 30 minutes yesterday to work with a man and have a conversation. I told him of the accidents in the past few weeks, as I shared yesterday. Eventually, shared the passing of Doug. As he replied on what a crummy run of events, God dropped that this was a moment. So the conversation turned... as an opportunity to be thankful of the assurance of seeing Doug again. Of being able to go through life's events confident God has a plan and a purpose. A few moments later, he asked if I was a Christian or a Catholic. And there was the door opening even wider. As our time came to a close, he shared how his parents attended church and what not, yet a few years later had gotten divorced. The two events seemed contradictory and had therefore, thrown him off when it came to faith and the church. In the end though, I extended an invitation for him to come out and visit our church some Sunday. I couldn't help but smile as I drove off... thankful for the moment. Thankful to be able to share Doug's life. Never bitter towards God regarding his blindness and his lot in life. Never hindered by his blindness to achieve and accomplish things in this life and for the kingdom of God. Just an incredible guy and an incredible legacy. A gentle, loving reminder... that whoever you are and whatever you have; a willingness to be used by God gives Him opportunities to open doors and make everything work. Perhaps these recent events and the passing of Doug; maybe... just maybe, my perspective to continue to trust God in all things and to share the same will be the catalyst that prompts Matt to consider a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray, this #missionsFriday, that as we go through this life, we will remember and approach our days with the understanding, that we are all missions. May we not be so concerned with our willingness to go to Africa or the Dominican Republic (as grateful as I am for my friends who are in both countries), but concerned with our willingness to be used right where we are. Pray we hold fast to the faith; confident in God's ability to work the details and circumstances of our lives for His glory and honor. May we be as Doug; refusing to be bitter and hindered by the setbacks of life, pressing ever closer to God and walking ever further to accomplish what God has in store for our lives. Pray, God would use the circumstances we don't understand (whether it's Matt in needing to come to Christ for himself or Doug's family and friends in response to his passing), that God would be glorified. May such moments be instruments to reveal the truth of God's love and His Word; that faith would arise and be strengthened anew, by the power of the Holy Spirit at work within each and every one of us. People need Jesus. Across the globe. Across the street. Across the hall. For we all have a story to tell; The story of Christ at work in our lives. For the glory of God and the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() Almost three weeks ago, my best friend's co-worker was involved in an accident in a company vehicle, that sadly resulted in a fatality, the 61-yr old lady who had turned in front of them. A week and half ago, maybe almost two, a guy from a competing company of that same best friend, was involved in an accident with a semi-truck. He too, sadly, was the fatality. A week ago, tomorrow, I was involved in an accident, with the young man who ran a red light while I was driving a company vehicle. And now?? Tuesday night, I'm on the phone with that same best friend. He is walking into an appointment late in the afternoon, when he says, "gotta go...wife is calling in". As it turns out, she was calling to inform him that their daughter had just been involved in an accident. Oi Vey! Meanwhile, just a little over an hour before that was happening, I had gotten a text from a guy at church. The 47-yr old son of another dear friend, had had a heart attack Tuesday morning. In case you missed that, a heart-attack... at 47! Both of these friends, a former deacon on our church's advisory board and a current deacon, respectively. As I considered and prayed over these situations, I couldn't help but consider the Biblical truth... indeed, it rains on the just and the unjust; the righteous and the unrighteous. Correspondingly, yesterday's verse of the day, from YouVersion, was 1 Corinthians 2:9. "But as it is written, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him." Amazingly, it all came together. One simply doesn't know what, who and how God will orchestrate events and circumstances in our lives to bring about glory and honor to His name. It seems odd and unfair in our finite minds, but as a lady even testified during last night's devotional at church, God does have a plan to use ever situation and battle we face; no matter what it is, to bring about the miraculous in drawing us closer to Him and pointing others to Him. Sure, it does seem unfair. There will always be questions. There will, inevitably, be fear and frustration. Trials and tribulations visit all of our households. None of that, however, takes away from the goodness and greatness of God, whose mercies are new every morning. Today is simply a new day, that no matter who you are, where you are, with whatever you have; God is the God of the miraculous. On this #deaconThursday, as we seek the face of God, pray for these my friends, deacons and church support staff, for whom life is striking close. For situations that are causing anxiety and fear; for circumstances with unanswered questions and uncertain futures, may faith arise; standing the face of adversity, as they refuse to allow the enemy to destroy their lives and homes. Pray they would hold fast to the promise that God has given; He does work all things together for the good of those who love Him. May what the enemy intended to harm and derail us be used to glorify God and on an even stronger course of faith. Pray the spirit of fear to be gone. May the love of God and the soundness of mind fill their soul and spirits, as the days and weeks unfold; as decisions are made; as recovery takes place. While life moves on, may these moments of crisis move us closer to Father God, the lover and maker of our souls; in whom we live, move and have our being. May God keep us close to His presence, Despite the accidents and incidents of life. For His glory, we pray. In the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() I thoroughly enjoy and appreciate people who operate at the top of their game. Whatever they find to do, they do so with passion, discipline and follow-through. To watch them operate, "in the zone" is truly amazing. I felt the spirit drop this thought yesterday afternoon, as I went about my day focused on my job, but I have one that allows for quite a bit of thought and reflection throughout the day. As I confessed to not having given much thought for what God would have for this prayer, I realized I had been too "in the zone". Immediately, I felt the reply... you were in the zone, like your kids get in the zone when they play, and forget to take care of the things you have asked them to do or accomplish while you are work. The fun "gets in the way" of the work and work "gets in the way" of the eternal. It's a great thing to be a to be skilled in whatever your hands find to accomplish. To do great things. To produce. To create. To solve. Those who master their craft are generally well-compensated and well-rewarded for their efforts. We applaud hard work. We are attracted to those who are well-disciplined and focus. We admire those who accomplish the impossible with seeming ease. We're usually not aware of what is going behind the scenes, but we know it would put many of us to shame, by comparison. So, like much of life, it comes to priorities. What does one know. What does one do. But more importantly than that, who does one Know and what do they do for Him? We all desire to do well and achieve great things; to be well-known, respected and revered. Yet, as been stated in many movies, the most important thing to a parent, are the kids. If we mess up on raising them, then nothing else really matters. Likewise, if we do great things here on earth, but not of it lasts for eternity; then you've only achieved temporary greatness. And there an incredible amount of hard work being performed for what will one day fade away. So, pray with me, this #youthPastorWednesday, that pastors and parents alike, would model a life focused on eternal works. May they know hard-work and good discipline, in light of God's purpose and plan for their lives. Pray that kids would see the hand of God upon our lives, as we seek the face of God and prioritize our lives around what He would have for us to accomplish with the skills, talents, abilities and resources that He has distributed among His creation. May those who know God to great exploits for the Kingdom of Heaven. In whatever our hands find to do, may we work as unto the Lord. May we exemplify what it means to live "in the zone" in our walk with God and exercise our faith as our lives unfold one day at a time. Masters of the craft of faith, Operating "in the zone". For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() My day yesterday wasn't a typically day, so I didn't go through my usual process of prayer and reflection as time passed on. What's more, I didn't get off until later in the day, which occasionally happens. The downside to this, is finding someone to watch the kids, for those time when my wife has to leave for work before I return. These are times, I'm glad I'm able to rely on my parents. Nearby, they, like if not all grandparents, love spending time with the grand-kids. And I am incredibly grateful they are able to help cover the gaps in our schedule. Life gets busy for all of us and we all need help (some of us more than others, I'll admit... perhaps even to needing to be at or near the front of that line). Be that as it may, there are great dividends to be gained by having people in your life and on your team who have your back, whether working alongside or ready to step in and help when their number is called. Much like Associate Pastors. We all know they play incredible roles, have important responsibilities and tons of things to do elsewhere, but for the team of pastors who can be relied on to step up to the plate when their number is called... they are worth their weight in gold, especially when their positive response is one of willingness and sacrificial in nature. Their ability to step in and cover the gaps, when needed, are greatly appreciated. The balance; however, comes when such people and circumstances are taken for granted and not given the appreciation they deserve. It's a careful line to walk, even when the conversation never goes in the direction that would lead to severed ties and crossed boundaries. But the potential is there and thus, worthy of our prayer. So, pray with me this #associatePastorTuesday, for this balancing act within life and ministry. For those Associates who are being taken for granted, pray God would strengthen their spirits and give them wisdom. If conversations need to happen to bring about change, may they be seasoned with grace, love and understanding. May the tensions subside, the bitterness and resentment flee as trust and boundaries are re-established.... or perhaps established for the first time. Meanwhile, pray for church leaders struggling, where perhaps associates are frustrated and or unwilling to cover the gaps. They may not be being taken advantage of, but difficulties are beginning to arise from whatever prevents them from stepping up to the plate. Pray pastoral teams and leaders would find this balance where it's out of control; find ways to strengthen it if they do have it and find ways to implement it if they don't. For as goes church leadership, So goes the church fellowship. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() My apologies that yesterday's #effectiveSunday prayer got posted later in the day. The schedule of getting ready for church and things to get done before church got hijacked. As such, it also meant that as I listened to the sermon, the back of my mind was trying not to lose the focus of the prayer that you should have been able to read by that time. Fortunately, in a powerful sermon on marriage, Pastor said something towards the end, that when He said it, I knew it would be the focus of today's prayer. Now, I just needed God's help in not crossing both prayers! As we pray for Senior Pastors on Monday's, mine stated a change in schedule that they've had in their home, since they've adopted two, newborn babies (one at a time) in the past 4 yrs. In fact, it sounded like it's transpired after they adopted the second one, but the impact remains. He shared how on Monday mornings, how he'd "race in" to church. Getting in first thing, if you will and get to work. However, he was able to recognize a shift, now in his marriage and the appearance of kids and balance in the home. He and his wife (who is also on staff) have always prayed together daily, but they now take an hour, specifically, on Monday morning, to pray over their home, marriage and the church. Interestingly enough, he went on to say the impact that has made; in the increased growth and overall health of the church as they have made this dedicated time on Monday mornings to come together in prayerful agreement. Of course, my first thought was... how many pastors aren't doing this? And struggling, as a result. Perhaps the marriage is strong, but not strong enough. Perhaps it's in trouble and they just can't seem to come into agreement, either in prayer or on any other matter. Are they struggling to build a healthy church because they are having a hard time maintaining a healthy marriage? Is it noticeable to the congregation and thus, making a negative impact that hasn't been revealed in this light? The spiritual health of the pastors' marriage speaks volumes to the spiritual health that can and should exist within the body of Christ. Else, where is the model that the church will look? I'm not saying my pastors' marriage, or any other pastor or my own for that matter is perfect. They aren't, nor is mine. But who seeks counsel in an area of life from a person who is also struggling in that area? I wouldn't go to someone who is in worse financial position than I and ask, how do I get in a better financial state? We need strong pastors to have healthy homes, if for no other reason, they bring a balance and stability to the church that enables them to build and influence healthy homes and marriages within the community. Healthier communities, contribute to a healthier nation... which we all agree we need right now; in many areas and aspects of life. But if the spirit isn't healthy, how will the body fare? For out of the heart, the mouth speaks. (funny... as I pause for a moment, to think about how to start writing the prayer, I look at my phone. On the Bible widget, is today's verse: Ps. 139:23,24 - Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my thoughts. And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting) On that note, pray this #seniorPastorMonday, that God would indeed search our lives and that of our pastors. May the wickedness within be found and removed. May God lead pastors in the way everlasting, bringing insight into their own hearts and lives; whereby their faith continues to grow and mature. Pray their homes and marriages be strengthened; that they would be a testament to the greatness and faithfulness of God... a light to the body of Christ and the community-at-large of what a Godly home in faithful service to the Gospel should model. May the prayer time of pastors coming together with their spouse be fruitful; may their prayers and petitions be heard by God; that He would hear and respond... with insight, with revelation, with truth and wisdom, discernment and power. Pray the miraculous to be witnessed, in their home and in their church; that many lives within the community would see and know the handiwork of God; of His goodness and greatness... of what can happen when two people come together and stand in agreement on the Word of God through the avenue of prayer. May today be a day of change. Positive impact as the power of God is unleashed through prayer. For His Glory and Honor, we pray these things. - PNC ![]() Still in reflection for a portion of day after being hit Friday morning from a young man who missed his red light, I read a post on social media by a man who wrote of how incredible of a woman he had had married. His wife had also recently been in a car accident; rear-ended by an older lady. Of course, her first reaction could have been like the one her husband wanted to give, anger and upset. Something I similarly could have done Friday morning. But it wouldn't help. Instead, the man's wife responded with compassion. The older lady was a cancer patient, struggling with the treatment process. Lots of other live events going on in as well, which never helps the stress of serious health issues, the lady was simply overwhelmed. The wife took the time to care, listen and share... ultimately, the kindness of a stranger and the love of God. When the police arrived on the scene the two ladies were in tears and laughter, carrying on as if they had been friends for much longer than the few moments that had passed while they awaited. After the formalities of the accident were complete, the ladies exchanged hugs. Law enforcement officers stood in amazement. As the husband writes and cops relayed their experience, so many times these situations have the potential to spiral out of control, with emotions and intensity and police, like most circumstances have little idea what they are about to walk into when conflict arises among the citizenry. But it was a moment for God to be glorified... all because one woman put thought to how her response would help resolve the matter rather than escalate it. This was what I intended to write about before church this morning, and if you don't think God doesn't have a sense of humor, this morning's message was on having the B.E.S.T marriage. Blessing Edifying Sharing Touch. Principles that can be extended to any human interaction, when you think about it. Bless and encourage. Share life and show affection and care one for another. How much more effective would the church be in putting into greater practice, such a perspective. Thanks, for joining with me, that this #effectiveSunday would be a day to increase our capacity to put greater thought into our first response. May we consider others before ourselves, as Christ did for us, when He was sent by the Father. Pray anger and frustration and confusion would not gain a foothold, nor the corresponding stronghold in our lives, but that our mind would be like that of Christ and His love in our hearts would flow from our tongues. In our relationships, marriages, families, friends and coworkers, may the church seek in greater degree, to be a blessing and not a curse, to encourage rather than destroy; to share rather than isolate, to care rather than battle. To be an example of Christ That many may come to Christ. For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() Life really is about perspective. And timing. And the sovereignty of Almighty God. Situations happen, that we don't understand, then we think about the ways it would be different. Of course, the default position is to figure out how or why the situation could have been avoided at all. But when you deal with the reality of what is going on or what has just transpired, you being to consider the ways it could have been so much worse. Case in point: the young man, in his late teens, that ran a red light yesterday morning while I was driving a commercial work truck. Everyone is okay and thankfully, it just messed up the bumper on the truck, so after an hour at the scene and thanks to a body shop around the corner that simply hooked up a chain to the bumper and his truck to pull the bumper away from the tire and I was back on the road. However, the same can't be said for the kids poor, 2-year old Focus. Suffice to say, please drive carefully, especially in construction zones! That said, as I went about the day, I considered how this accident will mess up the families schedule. The logistics, of what sounds do be at least 4 drivers in the house and the juggling act of work schedules and who knows what else and now the task of finding and securing rides because one car is down. However, the difference of a another second or two and 3-5 more feet and the impact would have been the center of his car or the tank of diesel under my door, which was still 3/4 full. Talk about situations being so much worse!! I quickly became incredibly grateful to be alive, as if nothing had happened. I became all the more grateful to have accepted Christ when I was a kid. Yesterday morning could have too late. There's a reason in Scripture, that there is a call to respond, upon hearing the Word of the Lord. Today is the day of salvation. Life is precious. Life is short. Life is not guaranteed for the next 5 seconds, let alone the next 5 years. Plan as though you will have a full and long life of serving God and fulfilling the purpose and plan He has for you while on this Earth. Be prepared for a short life, understanding your last breath could be at the next intersection. As the church engages community, I never want to pressure someone into salvation. However, there is a reason Jesus doesn't knock on the door of people's hearts just once, then leaves them alone. God knows where each life begins and ends and it is with that knowledge that there is a constant prompting of the Spirit as events unfold in our lives, in repeated attempts to gain our attention. Today is the day of salvation. Jesus said in John 11, I am the resurrection and the life; he that believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this? Pray with me this #communitySaturday, for those yet to accept Christ as Lord and Savior, that upon hearing the Word of God, would realize that time is of the essence. May they know that God is not willing that any should perish. God is patient with us, but our life, unlike God operates on time; thus our lives are not prolonged indefinitely until one comes to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Pray the Holy Spirit would continue to prompt those needing God to accomplish the miraculous in their lives. May the sovereign hand of God work in lives and situations, whereby He would be glorified and that during such times, many would recognize the grace of God and the love He has for each and every one of us. Pray for a peace that passes all understanding to come upon those that are distraught by life's circumstances and that God would grant wisdom and direction, as He reveals to them, the plan, purpose and destiny for which they were created. For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord.... for a hope and a future. And He works all things together for good, for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. - PNC ![]() Over the past year or so, some friends of mine have stepped out of youth ministry and have begun preparing for the mission field. There's so much that comes to mind when you think about one taking such steps. Naturally, the spirit of the word mission, conjures up images of risk and danger, of high stakes and perhaps high reward. You think of unfamiliar terrain and surroundings; environments, that were it not for this assignment, you might not find yourself in otherwise. You think of sacrifice and what it might cost. Who you might lose along the way. Excited about what you'll be apart; yet aware of what you'll be missing. These friends have recently started writing a series of notes, titled "Dear Pastor" and posting them to social media. The one they just posted a few days ago highlights the aforementioned images. It was an honest look at the emotions of missionaries. Six short statements of what scares missionaries, that pastors themselves often don't know. - learning new language - for their kids and how the change will affect them - not fitting in - creating a mess with the church organization - leaving family and tragedy occurs in their absence - selling possessions and relying on support Sounds exactly like what anyone would feel would handed a "mission". The thought process; the emotions, the mental tenacity, the will to proceed. Sure it's exciting. It's also incredibly daunting. And it's times like these that loneliness and fear can set it, simply because not many people can relate. The struggle is real and the what if scenarios do play out. Fall-outs with the organized church body happen. Financial support dwindles. Kids respond negatively and perhaps for a long-time. Tragedy strikes in their absence and they are unable to return to deal with the matter. These are times, when just like pastors, missionaries need incredibly strong friendships. To stand by them. To pray with them. To talk with them and more importantly, listen to their stories and fears. Accepting a mission by God is not for the faint of heart. Pray, this #missionsFriday, that God would gird up missionaries, whether they've been on the field 20 years or 20 hrs. May the be strengthened and encouraged by the power of His might. May they stand on the promises of God that yes and amen to them that believe. Pray for rejuvenation and refreshing of their spirits as they continue to work for the advancement of the Gospel of Christ. May faith rise in response to fear and their trust in God would be fortified. Pray for safety for their families; protection for the hearts and minds of their children, wisdom in decisions; provision of finances. Pray for a surrounding of friends, to come along side in whatever ways they can, that missionaries can keep the faith, continue the good work God has begun in them, in order that they may not burn out, but finish strong. Focus and faithful. Casting all cares to God Unhindered in their mission. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() There's one friendship in particular, that over the past couple weeks has seemingly strengthened in my life. As I mentioned the other day, God has truly blessed me to be around many incredible people and make some great friends. But one, especially developed. Over the past couple of weeks, we've started touching base more throughout the day, as we go about our day. We spend a few moments in conversation more often when we see each other in church. Funny enough, as we've both mentioned it a couple of times over the past few months, we each feel we get more from the friendship than we put in into it. Sadly, many pastors don't have this experience. 60-70% of pastors say they don't have close friendships. And the number is close to the same ballpark for pastors wives. And this is data and research that is 10 yrs old! We all go through life and trials and places of difficulty. Even in moments of stability, where nothing is really a pressing matter, there can still be a lingering sense of uneasiness in one's spirit. Decisions that need to be made soon, decisions that eventually need to be made in the near future, plans and arrangements of life; attitudes and behaviors that need improvement. Plus, there's things to get done and more things to try to figure when to get to them, so they can get done! We are never caught up and life keeps moving forward. I can't imagine not having a close friend to confide in... ... man, our marriage; for whatever reason, it's getting edgy. ... these kids; farmers have an easier time with cattle. ... work, boy; if only making sense made money. And the list goes on. Health issues that cause fear. Decisions that cause anxiety. Relationships in turmoil. Households and their living spaces in ruins (or seemingly so). Then for a pastor to be in these positions, have no outlet for their personal lives, yet live up to the expectation of delivering a timely word that will help the congregation draw near to God during these situations that are equally present in the lives of the congregation; yet they themselves can't get any traction if their lives depended up on it. I'm grateful for my friends, especially this one with whom has quickly become a best friend. My heart breaks for pastors and their wives lacking in friendships, with perhaps not even one "best friend." Pray, this #deaconThursday, that in the midst of all the decisions that pastors and church leaders face as staff, teams, committees and the like come together; that their would be a spirit of unity and a spirit of comradeship. Pray that pastors would develop circles of friendship, be it with their deacon boards and outside of church leadership. May healthy friendships be established and bonds strengthened. Pray for a coming together of community within the church; that while everyone probably won't be a "best friend", pray that there would be a rising up in our churches, to support and befriend pastors; to build them up, to help them up, to lift them up and to encourage them. May they know that the battles they face are just like the rest of ours; disconcerting, frustrating and tense; yet we all rely on God to bring us through and we all rely on good people to help us keep our sanity in the process. Together we stand. Together we fall. Together we help each other back up. As friends. As community. As the body of Christ. We have need of each other and of God. To get through each day... one day at a time. - PNC I really don't plan out these prayers days in advance; I'm with you, each day, anticipating what will come next; as these take place and unfold, as an organic process of thought if you will, with whatever God lays on my heart.
That said, once again as it often happens, I was reflecting on yesterdays prayer (as I pray for these topics and perspectives throughout the day after having written them) and began to think about mental distractions in my younger years. The period of college that I mentioned, is still difficult to remember; simply, if for no other reason than it's what one of those situations where you look at it and think, "I knew better! What in the world was I doing?" Then God brought to my remembrance a sermon series from the church we attended in the early years of our marriage. In a series titled Holes, the pastor laid out how the enemy of our souls is always attempting to take the children. Whether he can destroy them or simply derail them; he knows he is in trouble if they grow up to become men and women with incredible faith in and resolve for God. Wouldn't it be great to know about Job's childhood? What did he endure to become the man who gained the confidence of God when Satan inquired, "who can I mess with?" Meanwhile, we do hear of the life of Moses; hidden in the river as a baby, because there was fear for his life. Joseph, sold into slavery while falsely being reported as dead. David, overlooked by his own father as possibly being the one to lead Israel. And many more. While we're at it, let's not forget our Lord, under command to be found and destroyed. They essentially lived in hiding for a period of time. But if he can't destroy our children, he can certainly ruin them. Lies to the mind. Scars to the heart. Distractions of situations and compounding feelings; instilling confusion and wreaking havoc in their hearts and minds, so that they will struggle and stumble their way into adulthood and if there's any way to build angst and anger, bitterness and frustration against the body of Christ and God Himself, then the enemy is well on his way to rendering them useless for the plans and purposes God has created them. Pray with me, this #youthPastorWednesday, for the mental, spiritual and emotional protection of our children. Pray over their hearts and minds, that God would strengthen and guard them from the lies and attacks of the enemy. May parents and pastors alike recognize trouble in their lives and bring light to dark places; whereby God can work in the lives of young people. Pray for the miraculous; that this generation would know their God. May their be a resolve to know the things of God; that the distractions of life would not gain a stronghold in their lives that would keep them from the destinies they were created to fulfill. Pray a spirit of quiet confidence in their lives; that God holds them in His hand. Pray for their Pastors, that their example would ignite a spirit of expectation as a foundation of faith is laid that will set the course as young people grow and mature in their faith, as they walk with God. Though young, may the not be restless, but walk with purpose. While there may be holes in their lives, May the be made whole, by the power of the Holy Spirit. For the glory of God. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC I am so grateful for friendship. There was a time in my life when I didn't have many. And worse, wasn't sure that I ever would have many. Yet it amazes, how God uses events in our lives as well as people to bring us to places of insight and understanding.
I thought about this yesterday, as I reflected on yesterdays prayer and Sundays' message. I took the opportunity to pray with a couple of guys, as service was coming to a close; my second friend having had a particularly hard week. In a quick moment of what I can only believe was a prompting of the Spirit, was the difference between the state of our heart and our mind regarding our faith. As I prayed for my friend, the thought process developed. We stand strong in our faith; our heart belongs to God and we believe in Him with all of what is within us. The mind however; likes moving us. Worse; it likes moving in every other direction. It's a attack of the enemy, really. To detour. To derail. To destroy. Mentally, if we can get distracted; if we can get distracted for long periods of time... what if scenarios start playing out, why did I do this, why didn't I do that; we being to wander, wonder and waiver with possibilities and the outcomes thereof until an alternate reality exists. Albeit a mental reality, we are way off base. And mentally, nowhere near where and what God has in store for us... most likely. I remember my college days. You know what's in your heart; but mentally, it's easy to start justify things that have no place in the life of the believer. Yet, eventually, the possibility exists that your mind can lure you away and take your heart with it and you have to recognize that while your mind is not focused on God, your heart is also not near His. That usually spells trouble. It's usually accompanied by all sorts of spiritual red flags, that are worth heeding sooner, rather than later. We all struggle with it. The heart is willing. The flesh is weak. The mind, a traveler. Pray, this #associatePastorTuesday, for pastors facing this battle. They are not alone. It's happened in my life; turns out my prayer with my friend, was accurate, not because of me, but because of the work God desires to accomplish in His life. Pray that their heart would remain passionate for the things of God. Pray God would guard their mind; from being lured away into thoughts that would distract; from scenarios and possibilities that cause worry and anxiety. May their heart remain pure. May their mind remain focused. Pray for synchronicity, that both their heart and mind would be in tune with the heart and mind of God; to follow His direction; to seek His face; to hear from Heaven; to move in the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Pray the enemy would be unsuccessful in his attempts to distract, derail, detour and destroy our pastors and church leaders. Passionate hearts. Fortified minds. For things of God. For the glory of God. - PNC We had a guest speaker yesterday morning, who preached an incredible message simply titled, "God's Waiting Room." While there are many character he could have chosen for illustration, he spoke regarding the life of Abraham, waiting on the promise of God for a child. As he closed the message highlighting a few practically applications that we can make in our lives as we wait, it was his last point that particularly struck me and I'd like to highlight for the purpose of today's prayer.
The question posed was essentially this: What do we miss out in life because we don't lower our pride and allow the faith of others to come alongside and join us in our situation? What an awesome question! As such, it's modeled in both the old and new testament. Job's breakthrough came when he prayed for his friends. Likewise, in Jesus' ministry, with the four friends who tore into the roof to lower their paralytic friend. Scripture says, "when Christ saw their faith..." If that wasn't enough, the testimony shared by our guest speaker was just as powerful to hear as from 9-5, at the top of every hour through a M-F work week, he had people from church come pray over his wife. By Friday, whatever it was that had ailed for over 9 months, had left and has never returned. This is the cause for burnout. Lack of friends to turn to in times of difficulty. Feeling nobody can help in times of adversity. Thinking no one can comfort and walk with you as you face insurmountable challenges. If only more pastors would recognize how much we are for them and support them. If only more parishioners would stand and rise to come alongside and stand in agreement with pastors for the places in life they find themselves. There is power in the agreement of prayer. There is strength in standing beside a friend and lifting them up spiritually before God; joining their faith and approaching the throne of grace, boldly. There is great need to do so for pastors, missionaries and church leaders. Thanks again for joining me as we #pray4pastors. On this #seniorPastorMonday. pray first and foremost, that a spirit of pride would not stand in the way of pastors reaching out, even if only to one or a few people, to request needing prayer and support for whatever it they face. May feelings of loneliness and all that accompanies it subside, as they recognize people do care for them and that God has forgotten them in their place. Pray for the church, to dismiss their thinking that pastors have their act together. May they recognize the need to join their faith in support as well as join in the mission and calling the pastors have for the communities they serve. May relationships and tense relations between the pulpit and the pew be mended and healed. Pray a spirit of unity come over the church, anew and afresh; that the impact of the church would increase as God watches people come together and witnesses the faith of those who are friends. The miraculous. Where one or two are gathered in My name. May God be in their midst. By His Grace and for His glory. - PNC Forgive me for the musically-inspired prayer again this morning, but as we were out and about yesterday as a family and I had the music on my phone playing through the car stereo, this song started playing. As you're hearing, it's a great up-beat, rock song, played by a band I would have loved to have seen in concert. However, as I listened to the lyrics in light of yesterday's prayer about the world NEEDING Jesus, I thought... what incredible lyrics to consider in light of the effectiveness and efficiency of the church.
"I wish I'd done it a long time ago. I wish I'd given my life to the Lord. I shoulda done it... a long time ago." There are many things in life that we look about upon and think "coulda, shoulda, woulda." Many circumstances that cause reflection and I wish, if only, gee isn't there a way... Even secular music acknowledges this life's dilemma... wasn't it Cher, that sang, "if I could turn back time..." Pastor, even when not given a "direct, salvation message", continues to remind us, that upon hearing the Word of Lord, today is the day of salvation. There are many things worth considering putting off a decision, or "sleeping on it" or there's a process to doing so; yet salvation, in light of eternity is not guaranteed. Not to mention, the plans and purposes God has for us... what do we miss out on in by post-poning a decision for Jesus Christ? What do we miss out on by putting God on hold and saying no to what He has called us to do and be and accomplish in this world for His glory? Pray such would not be the case. On this #effectiveSunday, pray today would be the day of salvation for many. May the not delay in coming to Christ. May the Word of the Lord be preached, heard and receive a positive response. Pray lives would be changed for eternity; that God would be glorified and draw many to Himself. May the power of the Cross, through Jesus' life and resurrection break down strongholds and hearts and minds and that today would be a day of freedom in Jesus Christ. Grateful, to be able to say: I gave my life to Lord... a long time ago. For His glory! - PNC The events of this world, continue to cause a flood of emotions. Frustration, heartache, anxiety, grief, anger. Clearly we have a problem of evil; that can only be acknowledged as such, if we take in account that everything has an opposite position, which is good. Which "everyone" seems to acknowledge as being, in their daily lives. So how in a world full of "good" people, can we be witnessing so much evil? Simple. Goodness is not enough. Evil resides in the hearts of all of us, until is it replaced by the person of Jesus Christ. At which time; the war of internal conflict begins. To live as Christ in us or to give to our selfish desires. Nothing else is working. Other religions; more laws; different politicians; increased taxes; raised awareness; new regulations... all of these problems and none of the fixes actually fix (at least not long term). So, on this #communitySaturday, what do we say? How are we to respond? I have but one question, as I shake my head in disbelief to what we are experiencing in this world. When will the world see... We NEED JESUS!!! I leave you with the lyrics from this great song, performed by one of my favorite bands... and in a slightly different change of pace, as you pray today, pray these lyrics; that through the churches conversations with community, people would come to know Christ and understand, He is all there is. WE NEED JESUS! - PNC When will the world // See that we need Jesus? If we open our eyes // We will all realize // That He loves us When will the world // See that we need Jesus? When our hearts are as one // And believe that He's the Son of our God [Chorus] The Lord is our God // And we shall never want The Lord is our God // And we shall live forever When we share the love of Jesus // See each other as He sees us Then His love will see us through // His love will see us through When will the world // See that we need Jesus? When sister and brother // Love one another as one When will the world // See that we need Jesus? Will we ever understand // Jesus is the Son of man? We must live in the shadow of His love When will the world // See that we need Jesus? If we open our eyes // We will all realize That He loves us // When will the world See that we need Jesus? // When our hearts are as one And believe that He's the Son of our God ![]() Don't worry... this isn't part 5, of the ongoing perspective we've had in the prayers this past week. However, the situation and church in mention, got me thinking yesterday. Depending on the reports, roughly 500 or so missionaries leave the mission field every year. Some place the number as high as 700. There stories don't often make the news; certainly not mainstream, and often not even in lesser known publications or even in church circles. Are not the reasons very similar? Are there not troubled marriages on the mission field? Difficult parent/child relationships and tensions? Do spouses not change over time and think, "I can't do this anymore?" Do they not experience a turn-around where the culture they are trying to impact for Christ ends up influencing them more and they fall from the faith? Fall from grace? Surely, this can't just be a Western civilization "thing", that pastors get caught up in the power of the pulpit; the personality of the pastorate, the money, the relationships... There was a sage piece of advice once given to a pastor by a lifelong minister... "Keep your hands off the women, the gold and the glory." Relationships. Finances. Ego. The downfalls of many pastors lie in just those three areas. When burnout happens among missionaries, we rarely hear about it and often, even less about why. So, I wonder... at that rate, much like in the pulpit; who will take their place and how quickly will they be ready? Thus, when my friend updated social media yesterday with a picture of 400+ kids during Senior High bible camp of their praise and worship service and their "praying God would send them", I couldn't help but smile and thank God... along with 70 other people who also liked & loved the photo! The struggle is real. The timing is crucial. God is Sovereign over the Earth and clearly pieces are being arranged that people may recognize to a greater degree, their desperate need for a Savior; and not just any savior, but Jesus Christ and Him alone. Pray, this #missionsFriday, for missionaries; seemingly falling and walking from ministry in seeming obscurity. Pray God would protect and fortify their homes and marriages against the attacks of the enemy that would try to take them out. Pray temptation would flee and that they would stand strong in the commitment to God and the work He has called them to fulfill. Pray for the communities and the people groups they serve; may their be health and strength as they hear the Word of the Lord; as they respond; as they grow and mature in the faith and understanding of God through the teaching of the Word. Pray for the generation God is raising up; may the church be more and more, of the posture of usability; for whatever it is that God would have us to accomplish for His glory. For the advancement of the Kingdom of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. Used to be an impact on our world, For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() I honestly had no idea when I wrote Monday's prayer, specifically surround the situation with Perry Noble and the church he founded, that it would turn in to this... yes, this is essentially part 4 of #pray4Noble. I didn't know it was coming until about 20 minutes or so after I posted yesterday's prayer. Satan, the enemy of our souls, knows that life is complex. Along with that, our relationships and connection points, that bind people together. He is out to seek, kill and destroy and will use whatever means necessary; so anything he can do to gain access and use opportunities such as this gain ground on an individual or a group, rest assured he will use it to his advantage. He is determined just as much as hold fast to the promise that God will use the same situation for His glory. We've prayed for Noble and what God would work in his life directly through this situation. We've prayed for the pastoral board that has been involved in this decision and now must continue forward. We've prayed for Noble's family, specifically, his children and their response. So who's left? Well, his congregation for sure; but more specific than that, those who remain and continue in church operations to meet the needs of the congregation and do the work of ministry; albeit now with the aftermath of this matter on the forefront of everyone's minds. This was the founding pastor! Consider the deacons and elders who have been involved since day 1 on every decision that affected the church and it's direction during this time. Administrators who bought into the vision and mission of this church, to ensure effective ministry to this body and to this community. To have risen to this level of growth and prominence in their community, not to mention nationally and global as the expanded their influence to the greater Christian community and churches across the world. Consider the staff and volunteers who remain; who are now fielding questions from every direction and helping people through a difficult time of intense emotions, strong opinions and unsettling conversations. This church is 20,000-30,000 in number. (I can't remember which it was that I read Sunday night). I pray they come out victorious and intact as they go through this; however, this is what Satan lives for... to take down an influential pastor as well as his family and to destroy the church that remains after his removal. This is an opportunity for him to wreak havoc. An opportunity for chaos. An opportunity for him to do his best work. Yet for all this, he remains a defeated foe. Through prayer, may he be reminded of that today. On this #deaconThursday, lift up this church in prayer. For the deacons, admins and staff that must continue carrying out ministry and help the pastoral team in the next steps of direction for this body, may God grant incredible wisdom. Pray conversations would be seasoned with grace. May they remain steadfast; standing on Biblical principles to guide their decisions, with every step. Pray for a humble confidence; relying solely on God to see them through this time; yet confident God will meet every need; provide every solution and will work miracles; whereby their impact for the kingdom of God will be greater than ever thought or imagined in their history. May the havoc be non-existent; may the chaos cease. Pray a calm in the midst of the storm; that this would be a time for all involved to draw closer to God and strengthen the bond of unity among them. May their trust be in God alone. The author and finisher of our faith. Through whatever we face. Victorious; for the glory of God. - PNC As I was posting yesterday morning's prayer to social media before running out the door to work, the last page I attached the prayer link to was our particular life group page from church. As I posted it, I typed "part 2" as an intro to link, as if it were a follow-up to Monday's prayer, as it still revolved around the same situation as #seniorPastorMonday. Immediately thereafter, I felt the Spirit speak... "you know tomorrow is #youthPastorWednesday". In other words, consider this part 3, as the situation regarding Perry Noble's dismissal from the pulpit will greatly impact his family and children.
In discussing with a few friends, a situation that one of them is going through, I shared some thoughts with their son, who happens to be in his final teen years. I clarify his age, to recognize the fact that in parenthood, our children go through stages where they are more aware of life's circumstances and thus, are perhaps at times more informed about matters than they would have been at a prior age. That said, now being adult myself (and for quite some time now) also with kids, I understand just how much more, what you do and don't tell your kids matters; what they can handle; what they should or shouldn't be privy to hearing or seeing. The list of situations and experiences in my own parents life and there tons of things they've gone through that I don't "know the rest of the story"; or the first part of the story, for that matter. So, I shared such sentiments with this young man. You may be told certain aspects of a situation, you may be involved in part of the conversation, people may approach you regarding details of the matter; there remains and always will remain, certain things that will only be resolved by the person directly impacted. Even in marriage, you can't live the other spouses life or make their decisions. You might be affected even more so, because of the nature of the relationship, as well as more involved in the conversation for the same reason. But unless you are actually the decision-maker of the matter, then no matter how much you know; how much you are involved or want to be involved or want to speak up and weigh in on the situation... there are some battles that can only be fought be one person. This situation can and will be difficult for the Noble family. I can't fathom. It will impact his marriage. It will impact his family. And each of them will have a decision to make as to how they handle and process the matter as it unfolds. But as I explained to the young man, it's easy to be upset because we see our parents upset. It's easy to be frustrated on their behalf and to take on their battles for ourselves. But to each his own battles. I'm not saying we don't support each other in them. I'm saying I can't live your life and you can't live mine. My parents had to recognize they couldn't live mine. And I'm sure there's matters I'm in the dark on because there's no way I could have lived theirs. Thus for these kids... they are in a difficult place. They are directly affected. And no doubt, the enemy of our souls will exploit this situation regarding their father, to get a foothold and stronghold in their lives, whereby he can derail, detour and destroy their live. What a tragedy... if they responded wrongly to their parents because of what's transpired; wrong in their response to the church; to God; to society... justified as all of it may seem. Pray, this #youthPastorWednesday, for kids and specifically, the Noble family; that this situation would not take residence in their heart and life as a place for the enemy to gain ground. Pray God would guard their heart and mind; that bitterness, anger and defeat would not control their emotions and thoughts. Pray this would be a time to draw close to God and rely upon Him; to trust in Him that He will work the miraculous in this family and these circumstances. Pray for this marriage, that God would do a healing and restoration in their lives; that the Holy Spirit would guide their conversations and that grace and forgiveness would take over as confession unfolds. May these circumstances, difficult and humbling as they may be not give way to defeat and loss; but pray they would arise victorious and stronger than ever. May they stand on the other side of this and proclaim, "Look what God has done!" For the glory of God By the blood of Jesus Christ. Stronger for the kingdom of God than they would be apart. - PNC ![]() Why pray for pastors? Because life is becoming increasing complex; difficulties await around every corner. For the church, people have so much weighing upon their hearts and minds; burdens, challenges and in the midst of sorting through it all... wrong advice, wrong counsel, wrong biblical teaching, wrong theology. Perhaps not entirely wrong, but incomplete or inaccurate. I couldn't help but continue to pray for Pastor Noble and his church, that we prayed over yesterday. The decisions that team of pastors now face; the aftermath that congregation now must endure; the impact this situation will make on their community, as well as it's greater impact thanks to the internet and social media... doing the right thing and handling difficult decisions in the right manner and proper perspective is already a delicate process without the flood of public opinion in real time. Much of the comments I've read on this particular situation are well intended and I can already understand why the church felt the need to release the details of the situation that they did; yet I understand the concerns of those making comments. Meanwhile, it appears the decision makers have followed the biblical mandate for handling situations like this. It doesn't leave one in the position to say much more than can simply be stated with love and compassion. This church, this pastoral team, this community and the church-at-large.. we need prayer. It needs to be our first concern. It needs to be our first response. It needs to be our first decision. Whether a decision-maker, observer or commentator; whether directly affected or affected from a distance, it begins and ends with the power of prayer. So, pray this #associatePastorTuesday, first and foremost, may God be glorified in this situation. From the handling of this circumstance and the decisions that follow; to the conversations that people have as they work through their faith and understanding, may their be a spirit of grace and compassion that this is both a difficult and delicate place for the Noble family and this church. Pray for the decisions this pastoral team faces moving forward; may the continue to seek the face of God and follow Biblical principles as they proceed in ministry. Pray for the Noble family; healing and restoration; beauty from ashes and strength from fear... may the Holy Spirit do a new work; a fresh outpouring as they commit this matter and their marriage to God anew and afresh. Grace. Greater than ALL our sins. Life has no situation to present to God That cannot be impacted by His Presence Through the power of prayer. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019