Every once in a while, this happens. I have something for a post and before I know it, the idea, the train of thought, the phrase or keyword that I wanted to build from... lost.
Like misplacing your keys or the CD that you had in your hand yesterday, so to, does the important go missing... just that quick. Or so it seems. Yet, I'm comforted in that God loses nothing. He wastes nothing. If anything, He is Re-cycler. He re-uses circumstances. He re-uses people. He re-uses events. The test becomes testimony. The mess becomes a message. The curse gets changed for our course. What was meant to destroy us becomes a pivot point for destiny. Neither the minister nor the one needing ministry is out of God's line of sight. His view is unobstructed. He reach of love goes farther than our ability to run from Him. This truth is as important for the one who has never heard it as it is for the one who needs to be reminded of it. God starts the flame to that which has never come alive in Him; and rekindles that flame that has burnt out. Pray this #missionsFriday, that God's Word would go forth. May missionaries be encouraged and strengthened. May those in need of the message be comforted and convicted. Pray that lives would forever be changed; transformed by the truth of the Gospel and filled with the love of Jesus Christ. May the spirit of discouragement and bondage be lifted and replaced with the rising up of clarity and purpose. Indeed, may there be a pivoting, from eternal destruction to eternal destiny. One purpose, One God One glory. All of us for Him. - PNC
So, the past few days, I've one album in particular, on repeat. And I'm loving it. The album is titled "Beautiful", from a band by the name of The Walter Eugenes. It's a great Christian Rock album; I've had it for a few years, and I'm enjoying it more with every play through.
A number of songs hit really close to home, both in their message and the events that have transpired in the lives of some close friends. But the lyrics in the song, Hole For A Heart have a phrase which we've all stated at some point in our lives. "I would have done it differently, if I had known from the start..." "I could have known, but I would not see; if I would have listened from the start..." Books have been written; and could be written from this perspective! I don't know of a single person, who hasn't reflected upon at least one circumstance and shared this sentiment of frustration. I think there's a reason hindsight is 20/20. It's because we don't the time to adjust our vision, our vantage point and our approach to the situation. Consider how many adjustments the optometrist makes before ordering your lenses? They get it dialed in! Us? Not always. Not so often. Not nearly enough. If you find yourself wishing you had known more from the start, then we aren't we asking every question possible when starting something new? Yes, I understand that the best laid plans get side-swiped and sabotaged, but great confidence comes from clear vision You can't know what you can't see; you can't deal with what you refuse to see. Pray, this #deaconThursday, that God would given clear vision and insight to the tasks and projects that are currently underway and especially, those which are being taken into consideration. May their be clarity of communication and understanding of processes and perspectives. Pray for a spirit of unity despite an airing of differences. Pray God would grant divine direction where there has previously been a spirit of confusion. May God prepare the way and show it; that church leadership advance in confidence and obedience. That we would not be a people who lack vision But see what God sees As He sees it For His glory and purposes. - PNC It's a weird thing...well, maybe not weird. I'm not sure what to call it. I look at life and consider all that I don't know and find myself wonder, how did I go through life and miss picking up that information? Especially if it was easily accessible? Why didn't I learn how to do this and that, have a certain experience, gain certain understanding and perspective... things that would have been greatly beneficial in adulthood.
Conversely, I consider what I do know and the perspective that I do have and consider myself grateful... for while there is much that I wish I knew "how" to do, there are important things which know "what" to do is sufficient. Why is that the case? Because having a what is workable. The how part of things can be navigated and figured out. Lots of time invested and energy exerted, but the process can be worked. The circumstances that stop you in utter confusion and blankness, however, are incredibly frustrating if you find yourself responding as if you are useless. "I don't know WHAT I am to do here." If there was a goal, or a purpose... a desired outcome or expectation; you at least know two things. You know where you are. You know where you to go. The power of one's accomplishments has many factors, for sure. The why, we may or may not fully understand. The how may or may not be clearly spelled out in instruction form. But where there is a teachable moment of talking or showing what to do accomplishes much. I'm quickly and more frequently realizing that I would have an easier time knowing what to do as an adult, if there were more "what to do" moments in my youth. In many areas of life. But what if, in matters of faith, I didn't know "what". Lots would be missing. Much more would never get done. On this #youthPastorWednesday, pray that God would give clarity to both pastors and the young people that they lead, in the circumstances of life and faith where they are unsure of "what" they are do. Whatever the matters and issues of life are, pray that God would give them insight and revelation. Pray that the foundation of faith would be well established at an early age. Pray that pastors would not get frustrated by that which they don't know and understand, but live in confidence of Who they know and the "what" for which they were created. May the help to establish that same understanding in the lives of the young people they lead. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Dear friends of mine, were at the children's hospital early this morning for what was the third "major" surgery for their baby girl. I left them a voicemail as they were en route for the 6am check-in and I was wishing that I didn't have to go to work, but instead was on my way to hang out with them while they waited.
I don't do well in hospitals... I really don't know how I'd fare, dealing with the mess and the stress that they've endured. They're heroes. It's been an incredible journey. But as the day progressed, I found myself considering the unbelievable number of pastors whose calendar is full of hospital visits and home visits, accident scenes and the like. Conversations with marriages on the verge of divorce and in teens in trouble of many kinds. Reality hits hard and many of us are surrounded by those whose battles and struggles we only know a glimpse of; sometimes only due to the power of social media. Because it's near impossible to devote one's entire day to relational investing; of knowing who is going through what and what can be done to help or meet a need. There is simply too much. The need is too great. The people too many. The situations too dire. It's impossible to carry it all, hear it all, deal with it all to say nothing of being able to solve it all. And people understand that; pastors can't do it all and shouldn't do it all, even when people perceive they can or believe they should. We rely on our pastors, but we should rely on God more. We expect a lot from our pastors, but we should believe God for more. Does life deal out more than we can handle? Yes But God is sovereign. T.D. Jakes said it like this, if I recall properly. All things may not be for our good, but God is working good, in all things. So, no matter what we face, we do not do so alone, for those in Christ Jesus. Let's pray, this #associatePastorTuesday that God would continue to use them, as they minster to countless people and needs, putting the needs and struggles of others above their own. Pray for strength as they walk with people during times of trial, suffering and loss. Pray for wisdom and discernment, as they engage in conversation and counsel. May the be the support, encouragement and correction that God has revealed to them necessary for that specific time and circumstances. Pray for grace as help others life lives of real faith as they battle the real world. For our battles are not against flesh and blood, But powers and principalities. For Satan has a plan of destruction, But God has a mission to build. - PNC It goes without saying, ministry is an investment.
An incredible, "lifelong" investment. I use quotes, because people of all walks of life come to salvation at every stage of life and go through an number of life-changing encounters before recognizing a formal call upon their life to full-time ministry. But yes; a truly, full-fledged investment. One of considerable time. One of unspeakable sacrifice. One of great study One of eternal love. But the stakes are high. Eternally high. The rewards are priceless. The risks are life-altering. I'd go as far as to say death-defying, but sadly, the more accurate reality, are the instances where ministry is death-resulting. Oddly enough, Matthew Ward's song Armed & Dangerous is playing. "Prepare this warrior's heart..." Ministry is a battlefield. It make look easy. It may have an appeal. But any pastor will tell, it is not for the faint-heart. The beauty found with ministry is incredible. The tragedy witnessed is, at times, unspeakable. They continual stand at the forefront of decisions that will not only impact and influence eternity, but will fall one of side of its' line or the other. Not wanting to have the conversation of eternity's line doesn't remove it's existence. We either deal with eternity by proactive choice or reactive default. Thus, so too, is ministry an intentional step forward or a reactionary step back. Which is the same choice for every investor reading the prospectus. Pray this #seniorPastorMonday that God would strengthen the hearts of those who've experienced more of the risk and loss side of the ministry equation. May their be an increase in the beauty and reward of ministry; not that it is all colored roses, but that the struggle and defeat would not overwhelm them to burnout. Pray for protection as they daily face the risks of ministry, whether they be great and dangerous or minor and mundane. Pray that God would grant them wisdom as the encounter and engage with those whose decisions are on the verge of impacting eternity. May God be glorified and lives forever changed for good, for the glory of God. Whatever the choice, May it be done so wisely For a foolish investor, Is a dangerous investor. - PNC There is no effectiveness of results if there is no motivation to begin; and limit results if what was begun is not continued.
There's any number of obstacles and mindsets that hinder and altogether prevent events from happening. And somehow, somewhere, something needs to propel us... advance us... MOTIVATE us to press on and press thru to do that which needs to be accomplished. Of course, it helps if we know exactly what it is that we wish to accomplish. That goes without saying, but it helps to repeat it. Perhaps even say it aloud as you read it. It helps to know exactly what it is that we wish to accomplish! That alone should be motivation even; provided it's a big enough Why. Dave Ramsey talks about this all the time. If the reason for doing something is motivation enough to move forward, then you don't have a big enough reason. The dream should be huge. A business and leadership author calls them BHAG's. Big. Hairy. Audacious. Goals. Too often times, we get focused on size as if it were an obstacle that can't be overcome. However, quite the opposite is true. The end result needs to be a big enough target, that in our pursuit of it, we will never miss hitting it. With that mindset, the effectiveness of the church and its' ministry, should be an ever-increasing, daily occurrence. So, pray this #effectiveSunday, that the church and its' leadership would not lose their motivation, nor their sight on the goal and vision of their purpose. Pray that they would neither lose hope, nor burnout from the fatigue of the process. May God strength their spirits and renew their hearts and minds. Pray their focus would be sharp. Pray for clarity where there is confusion; hope for despair and peace in exchange for chaos. Continual advancement. For the cause of Jesus Christ And the glory of God. - PNC I commented on Friday's post, for a brief moment, on such buzz words as derisive and tribalism. There's a good form of tribe, that has been established when people talk about business, and the culture within an organization and that's great. You want people on board, moving towards the same goal and mission in that environment.
But turn the tables to something like politics and it becomes a criticism for those who can't see the perspective of those whom they disagree. There's a group that is bent on sending the message that community is damaged and in trouble. That certain people are evil and certain beliefs and ideologies are horrendous. And in the midst of it all, is a desire for the truth from a culture that has devalued the truth. Perhaps because of everyone's loyalty to their own "tribe". Community is what you make it. Community is what you focus on. Are there problems? Sure. Is there room for improvement? Absolutely. Can you change the world? At some point. Can you transform your circle of influence? Yes. Community starts with the individual. It will be seen as derisive when there is a group determined to send that message. It will not be seen as such for those focused on common ground, common purpose and recognition that everyone around us as well as the one in the mirror is both fallen and capable of greatness. Community will be great when people pursue the building of great relationships. That requires truth. It requires true compassion. It requires true love. And commitment to seeing people through the eyes of Christ. Anything short of that creates opportunity for other hindrances and attitudes to dominate in ways that are neither good, nor beneficial. On this #communitySaturday, pray that our perspective and filters would not stand in the way of truth. Furthermore, pray that our faults and failures would not hinder our ability to build relationships and extend friendship, even with those whom we may disagree on any number of issues or beliefs. May God work the miraculous, as we live with eyes open, looking for opportunity whereby God might be glorified. Pray that the message of Christ would go forth from the messes that have happened in our lives. May we communicate the love of God and the truth of the Gospel in a world that struggles to see past their own experiences and cultural loyalties. May we be a people sold out Only to the purpose for which God created us. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC It's been said recently, if you've read the headlines or watched the news, that "the truth isn't truth."
I made the mistake of engaging in a brief conversation on this 4-word concept and at some point, had to step back with a certain perspective. With society's recent obsession in recent years, to redefine and reassign meaning to words, mindsets and attitudes, it's really not any surprise, than any person, let alone someone in a leadership role would utter such a statement. But on a larger, spiritual scale, when a people abandon the concept of the existence of "absolutes", then there is room for compromise, dilution and contamination. Things become loose, that were meant to be tight; unsealed, that which was meant to be protected and exposed, that which was to be covered. What's profound about the truth, is that when it is not complete, then it no longer exists as it should. A car whose engine oil has mixed with the coolant is problematic. A watered-down fountain drink is undesirable. A meal in which the ingredients are out of proportion is a recipe for an uneaten meal. People can argue about the current landscape being derisive and tribal and there will always be people who focus on others first. But lets' be real. The people of God must be committed to God. And if Jesus Christ is the Truth, and His Word is truth, then at the end of the day, we are to be pursuers and communicators of truth, but in this life and the Life that is to come. Even within church leadership and on the mission field; where there is even greater risk for speaking and declaring the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.... if that isn't the primary, uncompromised message, then we aren't doing anyone any favors. Regardless of how much they don't want to hear it, or having anything to do with it. Pray, this #missionsFriday, that no matter the cost, there would be a continual, renewal of boldness to seek and speak truth, both on the issues of life and the presentation of God. Pray for barriers to be broken in the hearts and minds of those who have become too accustom to a diluted message. May the Holy Spirit do a work within them, that they would be ready to receive the Word of God and the plans and purposes for their lives. Pray there would be no fear of society's retribution and repercussion. Pray for boldness, in a world that has no remorse for sharing any other aspect of their life and lifestyle; may spiritual, Biblical truth go forward. In a message that is vital To one's eternal destiny, For the glory of God. - PNC James McDonald shared an honest statement in a recent broadcast... one I thought incredibly appropriate for #deaconThursday. In essence, he made the point that it's problematic when we place a higher value on people and their wisdom than we do the prompting of the Holy Spirit and the power of Christ.
Seems elementary, doesn't it? And yet it happens often... as in daily. Those in the pews esteem their pastors insight, charisma and perspective more than going directly to God. Just as easily, so can pastors rely more on the counsel of their deacon board more than God's Word. It's dangerous ground, for sure. Consider a time in your life, when you did the same? I don't suggest that as a reminder of the pain that memory recreates, but as a frame of reference that once again, pastors and church leadership are just as human and flawed as the rest of us. Sometimes more so, for out of a great mess comes a great message. And some of my favorite pastors have come from incredible backgrounds that have produced amazing testimonies. Even that statement alone, if allowed, could be a launch point for temptation even in my own life, to give them greater importance and influence than the very work and word of God. It is with great care and intention that we must guard who we give preferred seating in our hearts and minds, and that ultimately, only the Divine resides on the throne Pray, this #deaconThursday, that pastors and church leadership alike, would indeed, take great care in keeping God first, especially in the direction and decisions of their ministries and churches, as well as their own lives. Pray for revelation and warning for those who have perhaps gotten the seating arrangement in their lives out of order. May God reestablish His rightful place. Pray the power of the Holy Spirit would neither be lost, nor hindered, nor the eyes of the leadership blindsided or skewed. May their be a clarity of the spiritual vision in this fallen, physical world. Give us eyes that see, For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, But powers and principalities of this dark age. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Kids are back in school or are about to be, and Michael W. Smith's classic song, Live & Learn. Indeed we are always living and learning, Michael. In fact, somewhere buried in the archives, is a post after the song's title that expands on this. But in a slightly different direction than I had originally planned for this #youthPastorWednesday, are the words of James McDonald.
There's a difference between a student of the Word and a servant of the Word. Tell me that is convicting! It's the difference between knowing information and knowing what to do with the information. There's so much more that could be written... and I probably have in the past three plus years. But I'm not sure that I could wish anything more, for pastors, for today's youth and even myself for that matter; to not only know more about God and more of God, but to be doing what He would have us to do with what He has already shared with us through Scripture. Let that be the challenge and prayer for our lives, on this #youthPastorWednesday. May we be, not only better students of the Bible, but better servants of it. Pray that our youth and the pastors and parents who lead them, would instill and build a foundation of faith that trusts in God alone and seeks His face for their purpose and calling in life. May their identity forever be found in Jesus Christ. Pray for an ever-increasing desire, for the Holy Spirit to be active and at work; bringing fresh revelation and insight, now only through the power of prayer, but by the reading and study of God's Word. Study, to show thyself approved Serve, in order to be found faithful. For the glory of God. - PNC Nobody likes to be rushed. Even when we have to rush ourselves, it is frustrating. And once in a hurry, anything or anyone who slows you down or stands in the way just seems to create even more frustration.
The biggest of projects, or the minor-est of inconveniences, life is frustrating enough. We really don't need more of it, whether from people, pressure or circumstance. Yet we all experience it. We've all been on the receiving end of it. We've all created it for someone else. And why. Is some of it legit? Probably. Is mot of it necessary? Probably not. God tells us to be anxious for nothing, and yet at a certain level, stress does create a certain level of anxiety in our lives. Even if we are in a position to afford the cost, handle the responsibility or navigate the complex problem with confidence, the "back of the mind" element still exists, itself ready to release havoc in our lives. I really wish there was an easy solution, for whatever it is that stands before us. But there isn't. Taking care of the matter at hand while it is before you is an intentional act, even when it it "easy". Doing what you can do when you are able to do so goes a long ways. Asking for help and advice when you need it from those who are truth-tellers who have your best interests in mind, accomplishes much. And of course, reliance upon God through prayer. A great reminder, even for pastors. Pray, this #associatePastorTuesday that the stress and struggle of ministry and the current battles they face would not overtake or overwhelm them. Pray a sense of victory and progress, as they commit to the Lord, their daily activities and schedules. May they be intentional and focused in all that they say and do; not out of hurry or frenzy, but from a place of confidence and peace. Pray anxiety and worry would be far removed from their lives, as they walk in faith and live in the confidence of their calling having fully placed their trust in God, repeatedly. Daily. For He has not given us a spirit of fear, But of confidence, and a sound mind. For His glory alone. - PNC Of all the songs to strike me on this #seniorPastorMonday, it's the lyrics from U2's New Year's Day.
Four simple words. Count them. Four. 4. quattro. "I will begin again." We keep hitting these stages and phases in life, where in the frustration of realizing that we aren't as far along as we should, planned or hoped that we would be; we also don't want to go back to the very beginning. Often times we don't "have" to do so. But at other times, we might not have a choice in the matter either. Resolve, however, is the first step. I can't fathom what some pastors have gone through in the tenure of their ministries. Mistakes of the own undoing, ousting(s) that were beyond their control and situations that simply couldn't be overtaken nor the people affected won over. It almost overwhelming to consider. I think of my own life, the things I've had to revisit and restart... even all the way back to the beginning. And the resolve has been both lax and lacking altogether at various times. But God is a God of redemption. And we see even where he, began again. Destroyed the people of the Earth, save Noah and his family and began again. He made Israel wait to enter Canaan until an entire generation had passed away. There is great power, and possibility in beginning again. It's an exciting process, but an anxious prospect. But this is what God does. Creation and re-creation is His specialty. And despite how we've arrived back at the starting line, I think God smiles as He prepares people to send forth, a second, third and even a fourth time... to begin again. Pray this #seniorPastorMonday for those pastors who find themselves in places where they don't want to start over. Whatever the nature of loss they have endured, pray that God would strengthen their entire being and refresh their spirits to a new work. Pray they would find the resolve to not allow detours and derailment to keep them from the work God has ordained for them to accomplish; whether it be a continuation of work or going in a different direction. May depression and discouragement be far from them; if when the feelings of unworthiness and worthlessness are great. Pray that anxiety and fear would not dissuade or hinder one's ability or wherewithal; but that they would be quickened, to begin. Again. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Rest. It does a body good.
That's almost profound and powerful enough, that I should just write the prayer right now, right? But seriously... It's incredibly hard to be both effective and efficient when the body is lacking adequate rest. Nothing makes you appreciate this more, except the glorious aging process of the human body. Perhaps, I should have said "glorious". Although the wisdom that comes with age does bring a certain glory to a person. But the body is an amazing creation. It knows when there is trouble. Warning signs and systems in place that detect all kinds of trouble, with the ability to give both a gradual, advanced notice as well as an instantaneous, shocking alarm. A lack of good rest though, wreaks all kinds of havoc. Tasks get dropped, projects get delayed and information gets scrambled all because the body is not fully alert. No matter what business you are about doing; this can have serious repercussions. We've all watched it happen. And we've most likely experienced in our own lives... with calls that were a little to close to admit to, even in the strictest of confidence. That said, we'd all do well, to take care of these bodies that God has entrusted to us. *Said the guy who struggles with this, himself. Hence, on this #effectiveSunday, pray that God would grant us, starting now, the ability to experience a sound and peaceful rest. Pray that He would help us to cast our cares on Him, for the circumstances and matters that are causing higher levels of stress, frustration and anxiety. May we not live in or with a spirit of fear, but approach our days with the peace of mind that surpasses all understanding. Pray God would help us to take better care of these bodies; that often know better than our minds do, when things are amiss. May God work the miraculous through us, as He works in us, to accomplish the plans and purposes He has prepared for us in advance. For our lives are not are own; We've been bought with a price For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC The cool thing about community... it can happen anywhere. It should happen anywhere. And it is usually best, when it does happen anywhere. It is not only in the formal environment of city, town and village. It is found within the gathering of neighbors on your block. It is found in the coming together of people to join in life groups as an extension of the church. Friends join to support a common cause or spend time hanging out over a shared interest or hobby.
Community is built when family gathers. Community is built when a marriage receives another investment through time, conversation and love. Community is built thru one person, when found in a time of prayer and the pages of the Word. Why is community important? Because God said, it is not good for man to be alone. We all take this for granted perhaps, because it was followed by the creation of Eve. And we always associate it with companionship and marriage. And rightly so. But God walked with Adam in the cool of the day. Before there was relationships and community among humanity, there was divine community. Divine community among the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Divine community established between God and Adam. Divine community redeemed between God and Adam through Christ. On this #communitySaturday, would you pray that we not take any of it for granted? God help us not to neglect our quiet time in your presence, through the power of prayer and the revelation of your Word. Pray God would help us to continually invest in people, through time, conversation and love... whether in the sanctity of marriage, the protection of family or the joy of friends. May we enter angels through the company of strangers. For we were not meant to live life alone. But through divine relationship with God And eternal relationship with our fellow man. For the glory of God - PNC Words matter. So do ideas, actions and, well.... we could write quite a list. And many have. But the reason words matter is simple and profound.
The power of communication lies in the quality of the relationship. Think of how much we write off, that is spoken in passing, whether in jest, sarcasm or opinion from people who we don't interact with on a regular basis or don't have a much a depth to speak of regarding the nature of your relationship. The value, the quality, the priority of their influence in your life... it's not that they are bad people or anything else. Maybe some things could and should be corrected; maybe it's just the nature of the relationship. But think about the relationships in which there is great love, deep respect, incredible gratitude, an unbreakable bond and a resolute commitment. The truth can be shared. Joy is experienced. Grief is journeyed. Life is experienced. It's those kinds of relationships that are especially sensitive to the truth found Proverbs regarding our speech. The power of life and death is held by the tongue. The Gospel is an incredible message. But how much more effective is the sharing of it when it is done so upon an established foundation of relationship? For indeed, the Christian faith is based upon relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Pray, this #missionsFriday, that God would grant missionaries favor, in creating and building relationships with the people and cultures in which God has called them to go. Pray that barriers would be broken and walls of kinds would be taken down. May their relationships be well established and doors to people's hearts and minds wide open, ready to receive the good news of Jesus Christ. Pray that God would accomplish the miraculous because of the faith of those who have stepped out in obedience when God called them to go. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC I'm still reeling over this scandal with the Catholic priests.
I know we've prayed many times over, that deacons and other non-pastoral leadership people would be those who would give well-grounded Biblical advice and insight. We've also prayed for discernment as those people were chosen and placed. And this situation places a high-priority on the incredible importance of both of those factors becoming reality. Good people who give good advice who continually and consistently make good decisions themselves. Repeat. I know, we closed yesterday's prayer with idea that none of us are in a place to say, thank God I'm not... None of us know what the person next to us has gone through and they don't know the same about you or I. Indeed, the indictment and judgement you pass on your neighbor very well could be your own. Of course, the process of giving careful consideration to who we allow in our "inner circle" is complicated by the fact that not only do none of us probably deserve to be in the positions we are; we could just as easily fall from grace as the next person... and as these priests have done. I'm having difficulty writing this... the issue is that complex. Clearly, the examples that serve as evidence of this are countless. High-profile breaking news on national and international stages. Local news that rivets a community. And who knows how much more that are caught and dealt with in seeming obscurity. This is a big deal because there's 1000 victims and 300 perpetrators. But it's just as disastrous for one life, one family, and the demise of one church that nobody outside of a small village may ever know. Pray this #deaconThursday for the auxiliary leadership of the church. Pray that they would not only be people of character, but Godly, Biblical character, full of faith and the Holy Spirit. Pray that they would take great care in guarding their faith, hearts and minds, as well as their marriages and relationships. May God give them wisdom and discernment beyond their years; that they would be people of the Word and a voice for truth. God give them clarity Spiritual vision In a dark reality. For the glory of God. - PNC Well, I'm slightly on fire today. And not in a good way. We really don't need another reason to #pray4pastors. I really don't want to hear another news item that justifies this burden that God has placed upon my heart.
But here we are... and not a knock on the denomination, but those involved clearly have some things to work out between God and man. 300 priests, involved in sexual abuse involving 1,000-something young people over the last 70 years. And somewhere along the way, the leadership of the Catholic church, not only covered it up, once, but multiple times over. For decades. Outrageous, unfathomable... I'm really not sure if it's more appropriate to be overwhelmed with anger or tears. But my heart is broken. And this is why we pray! Old men whose lives have been ruined to the core, in the depths of their soul, from probably never having shared the matter. And young people in recent years, who probably still aren't believed when they have found the ability to come forward. And tons more in between; of all walks and stages of life. How they've been affected and the quality of life that they have lived; it's truly hard to comprehend. Equally hard to comprehend, the condition and outcome for these priests. I know God forgives. I've seen God forgive. I also know the incredibly difficult road that the offender travels after the fact. God is able and capable to redeem and bless. But that is a long process and these are still a long ways off from that stage. This is so not what the church is about. This is not what we need to be know for. This is not helpful for the ministry. Yet it is an opportunity. The failure of humanity is the best argument for the love of God. The evil nature of sin in our heart is the best argument for the existence of a divine plan of redemption. Our brokenness, reason to seek the work of God to make us whole. Our damaged and wounded spirits placed in the hands of the Comforter; that the Holy Spirit would bring healing through the power of Jesus Christ. Is it not amazing how the worse a tragedy, the more amazing the testimony? The more troubling a journey, the more incredible is the destination? What the devil intended for death, God uses to bring life. What he seeks to destroy, God plans to build. Pray this #youthPastorWednesday, for all these that are involved in this mess. For they all have a response to this disaster and the only one that matters is whether they turn to you in time of trouble or abandon you. Pray, in this day of difficulty, that God would begin a great work in hearts and lives of both the abusers and the abused. Indeed, pray for healing... that the broken would be made well, and whole. Pray that God would use His church; not a denomination, but the people of God, to come along side, as ministering angels of grace. May God give divine appointments to intervene, intercede and be a true source of faith on display. Pray that God would guard the leadership of the church, as they work to establish the next generation of leaders. May we be about building the kingdom of God Rather than destroying it through selfish, sinful indulgence. God help us all, for we are all but one wayward step away From the beginning of a downfall that could severely impact eternity. - PNC Another late in the day post, I know... I struggled, as I didn't feel I had any direction for this post today either. But, late in the day it comes, and so late, in the day we're here! Prompted, no less, by an online conversation that got me thinking about how we look back at certain decisions made by others and wonder... how did that happen?
There's any number of current events and social issues for which this question applies, whether in today's news or the breaking news of your youth; none of which was the topic this evening. Nevertheless, it didn't take long in looking at the matter, to wonder why certain considerations weren't given due diligence or specific details don't seem to have been thought thru as to long-term effects and future difficulties. Of course, this is a problem that every organization deals with, from senior management (especially in times of transition) to staff and team members and especially to mid-level management. The level where there is decision-making ability that the higher ups might not know the specifics of, but everyone affected will have their moment of wonder. Likewise, that mid level of management will also have some insight and understanding of what is going on in the upper echelon of decision makers, whereby they'll ask the same questions with similar states of intrigue. What were they thinking when.... We've all been there. I ask myself what I was thinking from way back when, more often than I care to admit! But for all of that, all you can do is deal with today and where you are, with what you have and with those who are present now to be of assistance and influence. Pray this #associatePastorTuesday, that God would indeed, give wisdom and direction for those who find themselves in difficult circumstances, unable perhaps to figure out how the present challenge even came into existence. Pray that God would give them favor and creativity as to how to overcome the matter. May God help them keep a proper perspective of His sovereign hand and keep a complaining spirit at bay. Pray for a focus on Godly, effective and beneficial solutions where and whenever possible. Pray too, that God would surround them with people who will speak truth and life into these circumstances; giving wisdom, direction and support. May frustration and anger not get the best of them, but that they would find ways in which God would be glorified with outcomes that only He could bring into fruition. For all our lapses in better judgement God works it all for His glory. And thankfully, not for our demise. - PNC We all have our off-days, down-times and bad seasons. Your favorite sports team goes through a losing streak funk. Your pastor... a bad sermon? Hopefully not a loss of the entire series of sermons! A couple additional moments thinking about yesterday's boring sermon from an exciting Word train of thought...
For indeed, we've all been there. What was I thinking? Why did I say that? Where was my mind when I decided that? Where was my heart when I pursued that? Clearly, something was off base and out of whack. Perhaps even to a serious, or worse, disastrous degree. Of all the situations, circumstances and conversations that we go through on a daily basis, the last thing you want to have go wrong is anything that has lasting and detrimental impact. Ministry is paramount, for everything done has in mind, the eternal perspective. As such, it's frustrating when things don't go as planned or hoped when it comes to such matters, whether in the avenue of formal ministry or the act of informal ministering. Which is more difficult... your pastor getting out of a season of "funk" or your favorite professional athlete? We certainly get more excited about a great game, than we do a great sermon. Pray this #seniorPastorMonday for those pastors finding themselves in a difficult season of struggle. Whatever it is that is weighing them down or bringing discouragement, pray that that spirit and whatever has brought it to bear would be lifted. Immediately. Pray for a refreshing and rejuvenating move of the Holy Spirit over their hearts and minds; may the heads be lifted by the hand of God. May God extend grace as a covering, for the insecurities, faults and inadequacies of pastors; for it relies not on their charismatic greatness, but upon His divine power and sovereign purpose as they move in faithful service. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC "There is no excuse for a boring sermon. The Word of God is too exciting for that!" - Pastor Ron Morrison
He's right, you know. We've all struggled to spend time in the Word, let alone some serious quality time and study devoted to it. It's a constant struggle for me. Like anything else though, it's a discipline. And while I expect that pastors and church leadership would find it incredibly exciting, I do know this much is true... Too many people have sat in many a church service where the pastor's enthusiasm for God's Word was not blatantly obvious as they delivered the message. So Pastor Morrison is correct. Granted, the Word should excite each believer on its' own merit and I'd agree with you, the effectiveness of the church is hindered if it is taking it's cue for getting into God's Word from the pastor. Having said that though, there is also no cue to be given, if the pastor doesn't display their own excitement about the Bible. Thus, it stands to reason... a boring sermon will not spur me on to read more of Scripture as my week progresses. Nor will it do that for you. But if the spark is kindled and the fan within us is flamed as the Word of God is made alive by the one who stands on the stage and delivers what God has revealed to them through prayer and devoted study to the Bible; then how does one NOT hang on to that in the hours and days to come? Should that energy not prompt us to want more, and learn more, pray more, read more and know more for ourselves? And in doing so, perhaps opportunity will give way for us to share that with someone else as our lives advance over the course of the coming week? On this #effectiveSunday, pray that the effectiveness of the church would be great, because of the excitement and passion of God's Word; that draws us into His presence, whereby we would not only know God, but be known by Him. Pray for pastors who have lost the passion and energy in their sermons; may a fresh outpouring of God's Spirit quicken them as they study and prepare. Pray that as active and alive as the Word of God is, may the church apply it to their lives, knowing and understanding its' words and context whereby we would heed its' wisdom. Pray for revelation and transformation as God reveals Himself in greater detail than we have known or experienced. For it is His Story Of His love for all humanity. May we know it, embrace it and apply it For His glory and purpose. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019