So there's a group of us sitting in class last night at church and among the material being presented, the topic of Adam and Eve in the garden was mentioned for a few minutes. And the point that stood out, as we took an overview of what transpired and the relationship was broken, is really, how all relationships begin to break. It's the beginning of the process of regret and the erosion of confidence and trust.
Satan's favorite question to all of us regarding any and every matter in life. "Did God really say?" That's all it took. Four words, and the "sliver of doubt" pricked the soul. These suckers are not any fun. I've had one in my left index finger that I could not get out the day it happened. It's been weeks now and I still haven't dug it out. Talk about irritation that is now sensitive to touch and painful in my attempts to remove it. If such a circumstance results in physical agony, then we begin to understand the spiritual dilemma of Satan's question. And obviously, the eternal impact his words created. But this is his nature, to kill, steal and destroy. While the Word of God plants seeds of faith, the enemy plants seeds of distrust. Like going about daily life and normal tasks and it doesn't take much, but asking the question. The heart is pricked, the crack in the mind is found. And he keeps touching the infected and irritated area. If it's not taken care of so it can heal, it will be a long-term problem, ever growing worse. I know, I'm talking to myself now. Someone is reading this, yelling at their screen for me to get this sliver out of my finger! And I'm asking you to pray with me, that pastors will not go so long when slivers of doubt are planted in them as they lead the people of God. Therefore, pray this #seniorPastorMonday, that the slivers of doubt would indeed be quickly removed. May they not create such an irritation to become a problematic hindrance to the ministry of the church. Pray for wise counsel during this time; that any legitimate questions and concerns would be answered and resolved, whether by the Word of God, or prayer or conversation. Pray for the guarding of the hearts and minds, for no Christian or pastor is immune from spiritual attack. May such moments neither derail nor destroy their life, faith or ministry; but they would overcome and remind the enemy of both his proper place and his future destiny. The foe is already defeated Our confidence is steadfast and firm In the Lord our God As we call upon the name above all names. - PNC
We all wish to be in a different place tomorrow than we are today. And today, we may wish that yesterday wasn't nearly as bad, risky or difficult as we made it out to seem. Then again, maybe it really was and where we are today is exactly right.
Whatever the circumstance is, effectiveness comes by making the best decision you can with the information you have and what environment you are able to live with, for those elements which you have control or influence over. Is regret real? Yes, but so is the ability to do things differently today as well as the conviction to continue with what you set out to do and figure out the best way to move forward, for whatever needs to change. Too much worry and concern and "woulda, shoulda, coulda" only robs the energy and focus that you have today so that you don't have that same sentiment tomorrow. In fact, if you spend too much time in that realm, it will start overtaking tomorrows resources before you get there! We'll worry about tomorrow tomorrow and we said that yesterday. So whatever today looks like, whether in your life, your faith or your ministry, make it work and make it count. Live with the best of your reality, overcome the worst of that reality and trust God will all of your reality. It may not feel efficient, it may not look effective; but line upon line, precept upon precept, we walk one step at a time; His lamp to our path and His light to our feet. Pray, this #effectiveSunday, that regret and struggle would not frustrate today's reality. Pray for courage of conviction and follow-through to implement the decisions we make. Pray for wisdom and direction, in making those decisions; that we not leave out seeking the face of God and the counsel of wise friends and people of faith. May we be empowered by the Holy Spirit and encouraged by the grace of God, that He is sovereign over all things. Pray that fear would not hinder us, nor our mistakes hold us back from grabbing onto the promises of God and seeing them established and at work in our lives. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. We are over-comers Because of His great love for us. - PNC We pray for our church leadership. We pray for the church as we engage community. And sadly, how many times have we not prayed for the leadership within our community? Those who run them in positions of government, those who influence them by planning and development and those who impact them by how they run their companies and organizations as contributors to the region.
While it's true, that a small, committed group of individuals can indeed change the world, we are also witnessing the reality that a group of people can mislead and redirect the world to levels and places that many would rather not go. Decisions always make an impact, but there is a big difference in motivation... of those who would want positive, generational change versus a dangerous and harmful spiral effect for which there is little discussion of the ultimate outcome. Other factors come in to play and things happen that are out of one's control, but this is what vision casting is all about. Being able to see the end. And to that effect, when decisions are made at the end result can't be painted, then perhaps that should be an indicator that requires us to reconsider what we are doing and why. So, on this #communitySaturday, pray for those who lead our communities, whether nationally, regionally or locally. Pray for wisdom and discernment as they plan and implement decisions, strategies and developments. May they have a heart that pursues positive impact and more importantly, a Godly and eternal impact. Pray for understanding in the conversations that transpire; to speak with knowledge and clarity and to decide with purpose and principle. For a greater community here on Earth For a greater impact for the kingdom of Heaven. For the glory of God. - PNC It's been said that you can't legislate morality.
To which, I think I've formulated my reply... Then how can you criminalize immorality? The best laid plans, the strongest wills, the most determined... the more time passes the more it becomes clear: society is attempting to fix outside behavior without addressing an internal problem. And we're all works in progress. The cleanest saint is still a dirty sinner, because the only comparison that matters spiritually is how we stand before God next to the person of Jesus Christ. It's not a popular perspective, I know... but it is a true reality. The struggles of society are the same as those in ministry; the battles carry over and at their core, have the same intent... to destroy us and shatter our faith; regardless of how much faith we may have and in whom we place it. And the conversation is becoming increasingly necessary and increasingly delicate. These are certainly interesting days for Christianity and the advancement of the Gospel. Pray, this #missionsFriday, that God would strengthen and encourage missionaries in their efforts. May God grant them wisdom in navigating not only their lives, but their conversations with the lives of others. Pray for opportunity and favor in their communication of the Gospel. Pray for a boldness that goes beyond ability; a passion that moves past fear. Pray also, for a super-natural move of the Holy Spirit. While we can do life without God Why would you want you? Lord, help this day... And every one after. - PNC What an interesting phrase, and concept for that matter. This idea of hit and miss.
It speaks to intentionality. It speaks to perception. It speaks of action and reaction. It takes into account strategy and timing. We highlighted a similar concept yesterday. You think you are on target towards a goal, task or dream and yet still miss the mark, to varying degrees. Conversely, you think you will miss or avoid a matter altogether and yet, nope... this isn't a close call. This is going to make an impact that we'd rather not have to deal with, let alone even be on our radar. So, what's the lesson. All the planning in the world doesn't guarantee perfection and all possible precautions don't eliminate risk. Thus, whatever we do, however we do it, and for however long we deal with it, a never-ending balance exists, between managing risk and working towards greater rewards. The process of analysis and improvement for our efforts is a seemingly unending one. Equally, so, the trial of our misses and mistakes can be troubling and frustrating... often for a much longer time than is healthy. This is how you know you are loved; the person who you continually go to with your triumphs and trials of life that does not tire of the emotional roller-coaster that is your mind and soul stays with you always. This is the grace of God in your life and the work of the Holy Spirit at work in your life, now matter what sun or storm dominates your day. On this #deaconThursday, pray for God's strength, no matter what their day and days to come may bring. Pray for wisdom in handling the things that are before them calling for their attention. Pray for extra grace and wisdom to handle the things that they do not expect, but will suddenly become both a distraction and a priority. May they not be detoured or derailed in the process, but faithfully stay the course as they serve the work of the church and the ministries therein. Pray for a grace about their lives; even in the midst of the roller coasters between the triumphs and trials of life. May there be as many good and meaning hits As there are redemptive and clarifying misses By the sovereign hand of God For His purposes and plans are good. - PNC I keep finding myself having these moments of thought, consideration and reflection. It's a good thing right, as a reminder that brain is functioning? Or at least attempting to do so? However, on many occasion, I find myself in somewhat of an internal conflict...
Between the lessons I wish I had learned long ago that are still a struggle and the lessons I want my kids to learn long before they have to worry about sharing my aforementioned sentiment. Take for instance, today's take-away. Wisdom is knowing the appropriate time to act/react based solely on instinct. We've all experienced moments of regret in both realms. Times that your instinct was right and you didn't trust them. Times when you ran with your instincts and got into serious trouble. As I reflect on the difficulty of navigating such moments, one thing is clear... not everything can be taught. Some lessons are best learned through living. That's why they are called life lessons. Many professions and arenas of life share this dynamic. And ministry is no different. All the study and preparation, conversation and prayer doesn't prepare you for the people you will encounter, the stories they will share, the trouble and trial for which they will seek help... and of course, the x-factor. What God will do in you, through you and reveal to you as you serve in ministry. The life of faith is an everlasting exercise of the repeated cycle of living, learning and trusting. Pray this #youthPastorWednesday, that as pastors live and learn, may they continually place their trust. May the Holy Spirit develop within them, an increased sensitivity, not only towards the presence of God and the prompting of the Spirit, but a strong instinct. Pray for the lessons they will learn as they live and serve in ministry; that God would use them to accomplish His purposes and enhance the impact they will make as they share life and faith with kids and youth. May God guard their hearts and minds; that while they may not live a perfect life, may they live one free of regret; having learned when to trust their instinct and when to exercise wisdom in waiting. Waiting on Him Living by faith Trusting in His plan Always learning For the advancement of the cause of Christ. - PNC I have a working theory...
Leaders get to their position, by and large, by doing things that most others don't. And they accomplish them with more discipline and effort than most as well. There's a difference in attitude and mindset and strategy. It's not that others can't do it. Anyone can. Leaders don't just step into the front and center. But they have taken steps and put in to practice elements that cause them to progress in a noticeable manner. It's easy to look at leadership and wish and desire that one was in a different position and place in life, dealing with different battles and different people; perhaps enjoying more benefits and perks even if it came with a different degree of stress. But then again, is there a willingness to do things differently to get there? Forgive me for another Dave Ramsey quote... I didn't plan this. "Things don't change unless you do." Well, that'll preach! And I'm first in line. But seriously... how much is missed out in both opportunity and reward because we don't do the hard thing, the difficult thing, the hard decision, the challenging process with unfettered and unwavering determination and commitment? Quite a bit, as I'm daily reminded and remembering myself. That said, at the end of the day, the difference is diligent determination. On this #associatePastorTuesday, pray that whatever is done; that it would be done with all one's heart, soul, mind and strength as unto the Lord. While that may be stating the obvious for those in ministry, may it be the necessary encouragement that it needs to be for those struggling as they approach and ready themselves daily. Pray for wisdom in the decision they make, the risks that the take and the strategies that they implement to accomplish the work set before them. May God grant them favor in every realm and may the Holy Spirit lead as they continue in faithful service to the kingdom of God Bad habits broken Disciplined disciples at work For His glory And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC If you've listened to Dave Ramsey for any length of time, you've heard him give some very basic advice, particularly when it comes to investing. And it's great advice for a wide variety of other areas of life as well, but it's this...
Don't put your money in things you don't understand. The investment can be dangerous. We've all heard the horror stories, or been the victim in the story. I trusted the guy who said he knew what he was doing... and yeah; I wish I hadn't. I know... you've been reading for 30 seconds and you're wondering what this has to do with ministry and pastoral burnout. Well, Dave recently expounded on that concept and applied it on a grander, more impactful scale. His $200 million business which employs over 600 people. It's an incredible story. But he shared on the air recently, that there's a lot that he doesn't understand. Like technology. But if he's sitting in a meeting where he's being asked to make an investment... it's his money. If somebody can't explain it with some degree of clarity and understanding so that Dave can see it's value and understand long-term what it will accomplish, then it's probably not happening. While senior pastors are people of the Word and study the Word is their primary responsibility is to deliver the Word, I think there are many churches who have gotten into trouble over the years for the same reason that many businesses have gone under and many families have gotten into trouble. Decisions have been made that cost us dearly. Emotionally. Mentally. With our time, resources and connections. And yes, with our wallets and checkbooks. All because someone pulled a fast one us that we didn't see coming. Because we were rushed into the decision making process; whether through fear or an "immovable deadline". Perhaps it was peer-pressure or group-think. Somehow, some way; the ability to exercise discernment and restraint usually has a bigger payoff than the initial presentation of information leads us to believe actually exists. And when it is not exercised, it costs us... in our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Relational. Financial. Ministerial. Get burned bad enough and you'll be burnt out for a while. So... let's pray this #seniorPastorMonday for wisdom. And discernment. Pray for the situations and circumstances that call for their attention, demand their understanding and even more, require their decision. May God grant them the ability to understand that which doesn't come naturally. Pray God would help them to surround themselves with those who will give them wise counsel and direction, as well as guard them from attack and plunder. Pray they would not fear regret nor mistakes because they were rushed or convinced into a decision in which peace and understanding was absent from the process. May the leadership be wise as serpents And harmless as doves. Faithful in ministry; And protected from those who would desire to derail and destroy it. For the advancement of the kingdom of Heaven. - PNC I had an idea for today's post and somewhere while getting ready for church, I lost it.
Which is what happened at church during the first service... their internet went down. Along with the livestream of the service. :-( I love technology. And I look forward to going to church and being a part of the community of believers. And for all the effort, time and prayer that goes into prepping and planning for service, which is all good and well, truly, only a couple of things are needed. People who are ready to seek the face of God Someone ready to deliver the Word of God Hearts ready to hear and respond to the Word of God. Everything else, while cool, is extra. Sadly for many churches, one or more of these elements are missing. And while my friend is bummed the internet is down and their team is working on the solution, the word of God goes forth. And it won't be a slow communication response from the cable company that we should be worried about, but a quick response time to the prompting and moving of God and the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. For all our efforts and abilities to create a church experience; what we truly need every time we gather, is for a personal encounter with God in His throne-room of grace. Let's pray to that end, this #effectiveSunday. Pray that the Word of God would go forth and that His hand would touch hearts and lives anew and afresh. Pray that as we gather to worship, that Christ would gather in our midst. Pray that hearts would be ready to receive and minds would be open to be changed by the truth of God's Word. May we allow the power of the Holy Spirit to work within us; not towards perfection, but towards bearing a greater image of Christ to the world around us. That the people of God Would gain a fresh revelation of God For a greater relationship with God And to be a greater reflection of God. All for His glory. - PNC So, here's the problem with relativism as a belief system.
It creates a moving standard. You can establish a standard based on the fact that it will need to tolerate being able to move or shift in order to perform a function, but by and large, things fail and go seriously wrong when standards aren't met. Hello, quality control? I'd like to file a complaint. So, to is life. And as much as I'd like to log a complaint, it should probably be against myself, first and foremost. For justification is the process of something being made "just as if". It's especially comforting when viewed through the lens of faith. We are justified in Christ, making it just as if we hadn't sinned. God sees Christ in us, rather than the sin in us. And while that's a beautiful picture, we somehow turn and twist that word around as we interact with society and community. We look at the actions, attitudes and words of others and "justify" either the alternate or similar behavior based on someone else. Since none of us are perfect in our own right, nor by God's standard, then comparison living is incredibly dangerous. Especially as relativism has become as much of a religion as Christianity itself. There is but one standard. God's. And sin has leveled the playing field, making it so that all of us fall short. None of us are perfect. So, while we comment and consider the words and deeds of others, on this #communitySaturday, let's commit and pray to guarding our hearts, minds, words and deeds first. Pray that we would be self-disciplined, not to live perfect lives, but according to His righteousness, standard and truth. Pray that we would be people of the Word as we live and engage in this world. May we impact our community by living not according to the comparative nature of main, but the true standard of God. For this is but God alone. And we will all stand before Him Accountable only to Him Answering only for ourselves. For His glory. - PNC I'm looking at this screen and there's just too much going on. Too much in my mind. So many different situations calling for my attention, that needed to be sorted out and game planned. Then for this, things I've said, things I'd like to say... then again, everyone it seems has something to say as much as things they would like to say.
How often do we forget that with our "rights" come responsibilities. Is it possible that when we neglect our responsibility, we show our contempt for the right? I don't know where that came from... green stamp bonus, perhaps? These days truly worry me... as if people don't know what they are facing because as a society we have seemingly forgotten what we have already overcome. There are many thin95gs going on in current events that prompt this perception, but little cements it as much as a song by Kerry Livgren and his band, A.D. In their 1985 release of The Art of the State, is a song titled Progress. We're getting better, climbing higher and controlling solutions; but we don't realize that in we are in fact marching backwards. As captains of our fate, we are spiraling downwards. It's hard to comprehend that there is something more incredible and desirable than the power of God and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ that we may have eternal life, but here we are. Christianity seems to be a greater deterrent to people rather than the appeal that one might believe. You know what's weird? Sin created the divide between God and man. Christ offered Himself as the bridge. And consistent with this seemingly revisionist history that cultures seems to be focused on, we've written the Gospel out of our daily life, let alone our body politic. Bryan Duncan sings a song titled Remember Me, the story of the thief and Christ on the Cross. And as it's playing currently, I'm thinking... people will arrive before the throne room and will be unable to call for Jesus to remember them into His kingdom, for they did not remember Him during their time on this Earth. Well, on that note (no pun intended), let's pray... that on this #missionsFriday, that the Holy Spirit would move on hearts and minds; that their would be a drawing to God and the power of the Cross of Christ. Pray for an understanding of sin and a crisis moment of repentance. Pray for a fresh revelation on who God is; that religion would not detract, but a personal encounter would entice. Pray for a turning point on our culture and society as people turn their lives over to God. Pray for healing and health, where the church and the people of God have missed the mark; both in the presentation of the Gospel and in the active living of our faith. May God supersede the faults of Christians To reveal His grace and glory that can only be found in Him For the cause of Jesus Christ And the advancement of the kingdom of Heaven. - PNC I've heard some pretty incredible words of wisdom and perspective in recent days on a variety of big-picture topics as they relate to the direction of our culture and society.
If you'll permit to paraphrase in my own words... the fear of government has taken over one's fear of God. There was a time when we as a society feared God. Not afraid, mind you. But a healthy awe, respect and reverence. Likewise, we feared our parents; which was a mix of respect and true fear. In fact, our fear of God was instilled in us because of the fear of our parents! Now, not so much. We don't look at right and wrong, words and deeds in light of God's truth, love and grace. We act and respond more due to people's perceptions, reactions or how we perceive they might react. While that's always been a far cry from the will and ways of God, it seems like an even farther cry these days. Beliefs are now biases. Principles are prejudices. Conviction is no longer courageous Discernment is discarded. We no longer arrive at a place of mutual understanding. We don't even agree to disagree. Sorry isn't enough. And name-calling is the mic drop moment that ends every conversation. Christianity and the church even struggles to walk this ever-increasingly fine line. A balancing act that seems to be a set-up and a trap on par with the nature of what the Pharisees laid before Christ himself. So, while we pray for the strength and fortitude for our pastors, pray also this #deaconThursday for those who serve to complement and complete the leadership force of the local church. Pray that they would be people who know God, as well as His will and His ways. Pray they would be people who would stand by their convictions; live with courage, speak truth, extend grace and show love. Pray they would be guided by the Holy Spirit in all manner of circumstances; and exercise wisdom and discernment as they live and lead. May the power of God supersede all efforts and conversations to do and have an effective ministry. Pray God would prepare hearts, that people would receive what they need from Him, rather than what they think they need from society or government. For God extended grace Before He showed His wrath. Always has; always will. To the testament of His hope and glory That all would call upon His name. - PNC What is going on in this life?
We all have our struggles and battles. Some circumstance are the annoyance comparable to a stone in your shoe. Others are life-changing on par with the house being on fire. And sadly, some people are living that reality... both figuratively and literally. Some are facing serious challenges, serious problems and incredibly complex solutions for which people have searched and discussed for years. And of course, it doesn't help that stories that wouldn't have made it past the local news two decades ago are now worldwide viral news in a matter of two hours. And so in the midst of whatever is going on in your personal and professional life, enter the onslaught of social media. Nothing interrupts that life better than a kid who tells you they need help with theirs. Which come to think of it, that's probably the same interruption that God sits in waiting to hear from us. Not that we interrupt His day, but He waits patiently for us to seek His face and call upon His name. Yet, the enemy of our souls attacks us on both fronts. With one strategy. Busy-ness. Too busy to interrupt God with our problems and struggles. Too busy to be bothered with the interruption from those who need us most, and more importantly, need to know that they too can approach the throne of grace with any thing that they encounter in this life. The greatest lesson we can ever learn; the greatest lesson we can ever teach... God wants to hear from you! Yet sadly, it just too easy to leave God out of even the littlest of matters regarding our days. Which is the beauty of children. They remind us that can come to God with even the littlest of cars and concerns... regardless of whether they make the local or viral newsfeed. On this #youthPastorWednesday, pray that as much as we understand that we need to hear from God, may even pastors be reminded that God desires to hear from them. Pray they would not be distracted and overcome by busy-ness. May they keep their time with God in focus and priority; not allowing even the importance of ministry to stand in the way of spending time in His presence. Pray that God would help those involved in ministry to kids and youth. Even in the simplest lessons of faith and life; may those lessons and principles resonate deep in the hearts, minds and souls... that for all their days they would love and serve the Lord with all that is within them. That they would bless His name, For all their days. A disciplined life of faith, Earlier and greater than what may be true for us. For God is continually at work within us. - PNC Perhaps it's the flurry of current events, (and I hope after three years, you know my heart... I truly pray that God helps these not sound boring and repetitious), but my mind and spirit has been circling around the concept of trust again, as we pray for Associate Pastors.
We've prayed numerous times for pastors to have discernment when it comes to who they surround themselves, that they would upright and wise people of God. And while that prayer is still very much necessary and relevant, I wonder how often we look in the mirror with the prayer and desire long before we are in a place of trust and responsibility, that we would be and become people who would one day be entrusted with such positions. Sure, such desires are always looked at from the positive, highlight moments if you will; often lacking a full understanding of the not so great moments, circumstances and conversations that come with that position. It's as if it's one of the few positions that you can't fully grasp an appreciation and understanding of until it has been lived first-hand. Will I be found trust-worthy? Well, that depends. Largely upon me. Am I living and behaving in ways that build trust and create confidence? Is it possible that in such moments where trust is broken and betrayed, it is not because of a misjudgement on the part of the one who bears the betrayal, but a wavering of the betrayers' commitment to be and be found trustworthy? I don't know, I'm just asking. If I don't allow something to fall through the cracks as it depends on me; then I don't have to worry about someone else asking how they missed something as if it depended on them. I hope that's understandable... and if not, my first prayer is that God brings clarity as you read this; perhaps even a second time. On that note; however, let's pray this #associatePastorTuesday, that all pastors would be committed to personal being people who can be trusted; people of great faith who live with character and walk with integrity. While they walk humbly before God, pray they would also walk upright before man. While understanding our imperfection, may that not stand in the way of making every attempt to walk according to the will and Word of God in both our own words and deeds. May the institution of the church be a place of that glorifies God because of the people who gather there live lives that reflect their personal devotion to glorify God. Indeed, for His glory alone. And the advancement of the kingdom of Heaven. - PNC I don't know about you, but I keep finding myself somewhat in awe, of just how many #seniorPastorMonday posts are prompted by something that was said during a Sunday morning service. I don't plan it or intend it to work out that way; I just keep an open mind that perhaps a unique perspective might come from the pulpit.
That said, Pastor started a new series on what God mean when He said "church". Specifically, He was talking about building the church and the distinction between the original use of the word. Jesus was talking about building the church as the people of God, or "Ecclesia" rather than "kirch", which is church as the institution. And you don't have to look very far, even in Jesus time to understand the difference. His conversations and interactions with the Pharisees and religious leaders should tell you all you need to know between one's focus of church in terms of the people and relationships versus church as known by its building, traditions, theology, dogma and so forth. The latter is why so many people have a problem with the "church" in these modern times. The problems that people focus on don't revolve around those who are building relationships and community to share the Gospel and the love of Christ, but rather what's wrong with the institution and it's traditions; the religious exercises and contradictions between theology and religious practice. And somewhere in the middle of all of that, people have gotten hurt and offended and upset, resulting in wanting nothing to do with "organized religion". Yet, the most basic "organization" of the Ecclesia form of church, is God's promise that where two or more are gathered in His name, He will be in their midst. You could have "church" in your favorite coffee shop today as you read this and pray for pastors! And iced coffee is awesome, by the way... you should try it. There was so much in this sermon that was on point... it was just that good. But as we go to prayer, Pastor pointed out that the landscape of our nation and indeed our world, is filled with beautiful, amazing structures called Church. At one time filled with the people of God. And for whatever reason, at some point, there was a shift... when it became less about the gathering of God's people and instead, something to do. Less about relationship and instead religious practice. Tradition instead of compassion. Protection instead of engagement. Now they sit dormant... a remnant of the kingdom of God, instead of vibrant, active community of believers with an incredible history of service for the cause of Jesus Christ. Thus, on this #seniorPastorMonday, pray for the open churches of today. May their focus be and remain on being "Ecclesia". Pray especially for those pastors and churches that are perhaps on the verge of making a dangerous transition; where religious practice and tradition are dominating the conversation and experience. For those that are struggling to see a fresh and miraculous move of God, pray for a revelation of what needs to be changed. Pray for a return to knowing God and having a fresh revelation of who He is and who He has called the community of believers to exemplify. May church not simply be a gathering or an activity, but pray that it would an experience where people seek the face of God and see Christ in those around them. Not something to do, but an opportunity to engage in relationship with both God and man. For we are called not to do church, But to be the church. For it is in being the church, To which people were added daily. It is God who builds it For His glory. - PNC Isn't amazing, the power of communication?
Statements can be expressed with only a look. Other statements, can be made only once and have an ever-lasting impact. I'm thinking of a guy in to the Dennis Prager show on Friday and shared the advice he saved with his daughter and soon to be son-in-law before they walked down the aisle. He looked at his future SIL and told him that nothing he could ever do would make his daughter happy. He continued, by telling him that that didn't absolve him of the responsibility of doing everything he could every day, to make his daughter happy. Wow. What profound truth! And to do this day, they are happily married and I'm sure they will never forget that advice. Then there's the conversation that I had yet again, with my oldest daughter, before getting ready for church. God loves you. We love you. And that's all that matters. God has a plan for your life. He wants what's best for you. And that's what we want too. And that's what matters. And I will win this conversation every time... because I would rather fight for you, than fight with you. How many times, did I have horrible days at school, and yet that was the message I heard from my parents. Often. Repeatedly. Daily. And yet, they knew then what I know now. Some messages are worth having to tell seemingly constantly, to ensure the right message reaches the depths of one's soul so that when they are old, they will not forget the words they heard in their youth. Which is exactly what I told my daughter. I want you to grow to be an adult who knows who they are and whose they are and I will fight your feelings with truth every time. If for no other reason, than I'm Dad and this is what I'm here to do. Does that not sound like the very message that humanity needs to hear from our Heavenly Father? And how often do we have our days where we need that message from yet. And as much as He never tires of telling us of His love and destiny for our lives, neither should we grow tired in repeatedly sharing the same message. On this #effectiveSunday, pray the message of the Gospel, and the grace and love of God would be effective as it goes forth. Whether it's heard for the first time or the thousandth, may the clarity reach the depths of the heart in those who need to hear it. May it be well-received and life changing. Pray the power of the Holy Spirit would move in the midst of those who gather together. Pray for the conversations and interactions that will occur among both friends and strangers; that the right words would be spoken, advice given and help offered. May lives be transformed, By the truth of God For His glory And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC I was thinking this morning, before the day truly got under way, about writing regarding family. And as the day progressed, and proceeded to get away from me, little did I know just how on point my initial thoughts were earlier in the day.
For we all look and hope to be a part of a community that feels as though we were a part of the greatest, most loving and enjoyable family to be around. This is especially true if such a sentiment is not the reality of your actual family. What's worse, is that this isn't the sentiment for many within the family of God, within the context of the four walls of the church, either. And yet, our love for each other as members of the family unit prompts us to endure matters and situations that we otherwise wouldn't. For instance, we keep walking when a parent is struggling with an upset and "unacceptable" behavior or attitude of a child; but when it's your child, you stay engaged. And sadly the younger ones don't quite grasp the concept of fighting for them rather than fighting against them. We press for the conversations and input into matters of life that we wouldn't care about if those involved weren't our sons and daughters, fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters. But because they are, we involve ourselves. Yet, so many are "dechurched" and disengaged from the church, because they felt the church didn't care. And people disengage from actual community for the same reasons. So how does a church change a community if the people already in the church don't feel positively towards the community of believers? And for that we pray. On this #communitySaturday, pray that we see each other as family. Pray that we care more, love more and engage more. Even when it's hard, challenging and frustrating; when it's time-consuming, emotionally draining and financially expensive... may we show the care and compassion of Christ by considering others before ourselves. May we be willing to fight for our neighbor more than we would fight against them. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC **DeGarmo & Key's song Stand, Fight Win was playing on the internet radio station as I finished this post! :-) Well, it took all week, but I finally remembered, from Sunday, the question I wanted to pose for this pastor #seniorPastorMonday. But alas, it's #missionsFriday and the question is just as relevant for missionaries as it is for pastors.
Sunday morning, Pastor relayed the story of Horatio Spafford, as we sang a modern version of It Is Well, during praise and worship. After losing his children in a shipwreck, his wife somehow surviving, he pens the song en route to pick up his wife. The often untold sequel to the tragedy is that his son was born three years after the shipwreck, only to live a very short life of 4 years himself. Solitude faces great loss... which is usually the point and time that many become lost themselves. Those without Christ, surely have that experience. Those who believe still encounter and struggle with that experience. And ministry is no different, either. So, what do you do in those moments? Dig deep. As we sang through the It Is Well once again, I found myself pondering the words of David, when he was on the run and hiding in caves. Why are you so downcast, oh my soul.. Put your trust in God! Nobody could offer words of encouragement or support. Nobody could empathize nor sympathize with his experience and level of frustration. When all was said and done, he knew only God could deliver him. And having an understanding of that power, he knew it was the only and right thing to do. Thus, he put the imperative upon himself. To my spirit and my soul, Arise and trust God! Hard as it may be, given the other choices and places in which you could put your trust, why would you? It is the good, right and easy thing to do. A struggle at times, but worth it. On this #missionsFriday, pray for those struggling with a downcast soul and frustrated spirit. May they be encouraged by the power of the Holy Spirit, and quickened, to dig deep within them and place their trust in God anew and afresh. Whatever they face, whatever has come against them, pray that faith would arise to a greater degree. May they not be overcome with anxiety and worry, but walk with boldness and confidence in the hand and work of God upon their lives and their ministries. For all that we don't understand For all that we shouldn't be able to endure We do so by grace and strength of God. Full of love. Sovereign over all. For His glory alone. - PNC Leadership is an interesting dynamic, particularly when it comes to team-building.
You want people who understand the direction and buy in to the vision as well as step in and do whatever needs to be done to move a group or organization forward towards the desired goal or outcome. At the same time, you don't want a group of "yes-men", for who knows what will be missed, overlooked or ignored all in the name and effort of keeping the peace, keeping one happy or keeping in their good graces. Hence, one of my favorite scenes from the show, The West Wing, when the Chief of Staff offers a job to a lawyer whose political party affiliation is not the same as the administrations'. She has dreamed of working in the White House "since she was 12", but never imagined it would be for the opposing party. Meanwhile, the CoS continues to make his case, appealing to her sense of duty. Ultimately, he gives a great reason why she should join the team, as Associate White House Counsel. "The President likes smart people who disagree with him." Not many leaders specifically pick people who disagree with them. And while it might not be a good idea to have a full team of disagreeing people, having someone who can bring a different perspective because they operate from a different belief system has it's advantages. Will you ever come to agree on anything? Maybe. But what happens in the course of the conversation is powerful. New questions are posed. Premises are challenged. Understanding is gained. Perspective is widened. Experience is shared. And who knows... as happened in a later episode, the outsider might just turn someone around on an issue, making for a better decision and outcome regarding the issue at hand. So, on this #deaconThursday, pray that God would grant discernment to pastors as to who they need and should surround themselves with when it comes to counsel, advice and input. While there are elements of faith and doctrine that they should absolutely be in agreement regarding church leadership and ministry, pray that they would be in agreement because they were able to work through a conversation and the differences of opinion rather than simply saying 'yes'. May their differences in opinion and perspective not stand in the way of them coming together for the cause of Christ and advancing the kingdom of Heaven. Pray God would perform the miraculous, through the acts of submission and willingness to serve in ministry; even when decisions and plans don't go as they would have liked, hoped and planned. A unified force Because of a commitment to work through the differences For the glory of God - PNC We've all had those mornings. The ones where you don't want to get out of bed. Isn't it amazing how the body knows when you need extra rest; even on the mornings you have every intention and plan of getting up and out to a great and early start. But the body knows what it has need of; much like God knows.
My youngest sleeps in, as though not having a care in the world. And then there's adulthood... and we lose that ability. Yet as I thought about this post, I couldn't help but recall the reminder that God cares for the birds in the air and the lilies of the field... then hours later, a pastor referenced that verse. No matter what we encounter in this life, if only we could keep at the forefront of our minds that God is watching over us. And yet, life so easily distracts and disrupts. It throws off the quality of our days and it certainly throws off our perception of reality and our attitude towards our circumstances. The worst of it, is that at the end of the day, you can't fall asleep. Even if your life depended on it. Kinda makes you jealous towards the kiddo, doesn't it? Yeah... tell me about it. Meanwhile, let's pray. On this #youthPastorWednesday, pray for pastors whose days are disrupting their attitudes and actions towards life and ministry. Pray for those distraught and distressed by situations and circumstance that are keeping them up at night. Pray for the peace and calming effect of the Holy Spirit to fill their heart and mind. May worry, anxiety and fear be far from them; for that is not of God. Pray they would be given instead to a sound mind; confident in the work that God is doing within them as well as their ministry. May tonight be the first of many in their future, of sound sleep and a good rest. That they would have all they have need of, To do and complete the task set before them For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019