![]() In what can be considered part 3, of #missionFriday 's Take This Message post, I almost titled this post Advancing The Message. We prayed about the delivery. We prayed about not messing it up. And now, making sure we are effective upon completion of its safe delivery. Effectiveness is measured by what is gained and maintained. Sure there is an "effective net gain" with the understanding that there will be losses sustained along the way. But if you are losing more than you are gaining, then you remain on a "net losing" streak. Think about this for a moment. We are losing more pastors in a month to burnout than a good number of churches see in new salvations over the course of a year. Surely, we are not consistently adding as many new pastors into ministry on a monthly basis as we are losing. Most organizations can't sustain a loss in personnel of this magnitude. The mega-corporations can manage for a while, but eventually, even they move back into hiring and increasing their workforce. Otherwise, they start taking drastic measures to scale back operations accordingly. Also, something the church should not be doing. More people in need. More people hurting. More people seeking spiritual significance. More people closer to the very eternal outcome they don't think will actually, ever happen. MORE. In dire need of the truth, of the super-natural power of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, capable of saving every degree of sinner, even if we are the only ones who think such a thing exists. To God, we are all in need of His Son. And we are all in need of effective ministry that leads us to become more like Christ and draw closer to God. Pray this #effectiveSunday, that Pastors will experience a rejuvenation in their ministry, as they receive good reports of what is transpiring in their ministry and community. For those that are close to burnout, may the Holy Spirit work anew and afresh, that the power of the message is from God and not man. May God move on the hearts and lives of those who hear, prompting their response to God in accordance to what is going in their lives. Forgiveness, reconciliation, restoration, healing, salvation, deliverance... For whatever we need from the Lord, His response has always, simply been: I AM. Advancing the cause of Jesus Christ, for the glory of God. - PNC ![]() One has to be careful what with they "speak into existence" (or type as the case may be). Yesterday, we talked about portraying Christ, to a lost and dying world, appropriate for #missionsFriday. What I didn't see coming, were the events that were about to unfold less than 30 minutes after clicking "publish". The event that started it all was frustrating enough. The kindness of a few. The next two people involved weren't "helpful" in the way you would expect people in those positions to be and we'll leave it at that. The next person involved is when I fumbled the ball... the moment, where if they knew or had an inclination that I was a Christian... well, suffice to say, I'm pretty sure I didn't come across as one. Frustration, rather than faith, had taken a controlling interest in expressing my emotions. I wasn't it around when the last two persons got involved. I'm told it was probably all for the better, as one of them wasn't cool-headed. Not a good combination if someone got the impression I wasn't either. Say all that to say... Just because Christians are sinners saved by grace, doesn't mean we aren't one step away from falling far short of grace. Narrow roads = close edges. So the message bears repeating. Sinners saved by grace are just one step away from falling far short of grace, at any given moment. That's also about the time people run out of having grace and patience with us. Which is how situations escalate... or have the potential to do so, which can cause people to make preemptive decisions based on perceived outcomes... even if perception has no chance of coming reality. The message of Christ is strong and powerful, yet must be handle with care. Why? Because we are dealing with broken people, with wounded souls, damaged emotions, less than honorable thoughts and intentions and hearts with holes prone to fear and hesitant to trust. Meanwhile the saved, are still works in progress. So our brokenness, wounds, damages, and out of line thoughts and intentions, not mention fears and trust-issues and you have a recipe for a less than pleasant interaction rather than one in which God is glorified. Thus, on this #communityFriday, pray as I did yesterday, for forgiveness for times we fumble the message of Christ. May the power of the Holy Spirit transcend situations of mounting frustration, to work in the hearts and lives of both sinners and saved sinners. May the grace we have received from God be the grace we share with others, despite our feelings of the moment. Pray the church seek, in a greater dimension, to be used of God and influenced by the Spirit and resist the urge and opportunity for our flesh to come forth as if Christ has changed nothing in us. God we need your help... starting with me. More like you today, than I was yesterday morning. - PNC ![]() ... back to the street! Our Wednesday night prayer devotional at church, was the guide to proper conduct. What we should be doing to live a life that honors God. The last point was the focus of our closing prayer: evangelism. Whatever we do, say and accomplish in this life, for the glory of God, it means little if we don't actively seek to share what God has done in our lives. It's hard to do, mostly because we make it that way. Leading by our lifestyle may cause intrigue, but we can't wait forever for someone to ask us about the difference in our lives. Petra, wrote a powerful song, many years ago, using Matthew 22:9 and 28:12 as a basis. It's so easy to lose the burden - Take our eyes off the fields // Settle into apathy and forget what the harvest yields It's so easy to think we're finished with our labor for awhile // Kick back and let somebody else go the extra mile [Chorus:] Jesus said Go (Go!) into all the world // Make disciples of all men We gotta Go (Go!) to the highways and compel them to come in As long as there's a tearful eye that cries alone at night // As long as there's a weary soul ready to end the fight As long as there's an aching heart that still has strength to beat // We gotta take this message back to the street We gotta take this message back to the street It's so easy to stay untangled in everyone else's life // Don't get involved with strangers - don't get involved with strife It's so easy to save your own life - resting on what you've done // But Jesus would leave the ninety nine to try to save the one Indeed, this is how it works. We forget we are harvesters. We think we need a break. As times change, we want to keep to ourselves and out of the drama. We have our own lives, our own stuff. Yet, this is the definition of missions. Leaving what you have to find what you don't. While we may not go into the field, full-time as a vocation, we are called to share the message full-time through the course of daily life. Nobody waits for a mission. They go on a mission. Any waiting is done, in anticipation of an assignment. Which has already been stated. On this #missionsFriday, pray not just for missionaries in the field, but for the entire body of Christ.... ambassadors for the cause of Jesus Christ. Pray, the church is reminded daily, their introduction to Jesus is made by those who know Him. May the church be quick to give the introduction. May we hear the needs and share the message. Christ's death brings life. He gave, in order that all might have. Life. Not just Bios. Zoe. Abundant. Fulfilled. Purposeful. Eternal. May we GO...in the name of the Lord; for the glory of God. Christ's Ambassadors. - PNC ![]() .You've heard the adage about time and money. You either have one or the other, but hardly ever both at the same time. Enjoying the financial rewards of your labor requires finding the time to go do something and having time on your hands to fill, usually ends up requiring some greenbacks, although there's a great deal to do on a "value menu" budget. I think the same is true regarding home and work. Life is good on the home-front, but going to work is becoming as fun as a trip to the dentist. Otherwise, work is running like a well-oiled machine while being home is causing your hair to change color while you stand at the mirror. On the off chance, life is firing on all cylinders, there's bound to be some nagging annoyances vying for your attention. The impending car repair that your hoping you can put off just a bit longer. Situations involving friends or family that don't affect you directly, but you're paying close attention to how things play out... the list could go on. Church staff encounter it as well. To hear the needs of desperate situations, while they might be going through one themselves. Deacons, whose businesses are thriving while they sit in church meetings where seemingly little is getting done. Administrators have people on task and on time come home to teens out-of-control, with no sense of time or personal responsibility. All this promise. All the potential. All the accomplishments. And it means little because of other areas of their life that have purpose and meaning are failing or suffering and so the overall quality of life and enjoyment suffers. . It's this kinda of tension for prolonged periods of time that cause burnout. For pastors. For owners. For employees. For volunteers. Life becomes to much to handle because one side takes too much work. Anything out of balance will lead to a rough ride and everything that's connected just wears out faster... until something is broken or useless. Pray, this #deaconThursday for elements in lives that are out balance and out of sync. May God grant wisdom and guidance as to decisions and process that can be made and implemented. Pray for patience and grace to deal with the people and situations are that are proving to be stress-points and sources of contention. Pray for ministries they lead and represent within the church... that God would bring into arrangement and alignment the plans He has in store for those struggling to regain balance as they make effort to live out their purpose. May the grace of God permeate their hearts and minds anew and afresh, as balance is found and life is restored... for His glory and the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() A phrase I've found myself stating more than I'd care to admit. Nothing complex or overtly difficult. Certainly not rocket science. The kids are still in single digits! Yet, for the sake of my sanity, I keep asking myself... hoping there's a reasonable answer. Of course, it's not like I have it altogether. I imagine some of my challenges and difficulties have God asking the same question. And He's in good company. My dad still occasionally asks as well. And, like I tell my Dad, I imagine responding to God with similar sarcasm and a smile... "Well, you made me." Thankfully, His mercies are new every morning. Let that be a lesson for us parents, starting with this one. That said, it's easy to look on the surface of situations, that other parents face with their kids, or kids face with their parents and wonder what's going on and how they do it. We either admire their efforts and look up to what the accomplish or something clicks in our observation that we notice an explanation for what's transpired. What can't be explained leaves us with "what were they thinking" moments in time. It's not a put-down... every family is different and none of them are perfect. Every parent and child has at least 1 thing they wish they could change or wish they could go back and change if Doc Brown's DeLorean worked in real life. Pastors are no exception. People in and outside the church have their moments of wonder regarding the dynamics of families in ministries. And I imagine even the greatest of Pastors have some interestingly profound insights into the family dynamics of those they serve... especially those pastors who work with kids and teens. God, help the kids with us for parents. God help the parents with kids like us. God help the Pastors who have us as sinners saved by grace. On this #youthPastorWednesday, pray for Pastors, who indeed have incredibly imperfect people sitting in their services and attending their ministries. May wisdom and guidance go before them as they lead saved sinners to follow Christ more closely. Pray for strengthened relationships with kids and parents, to bring insights and resources and prayer that would help improve family dynamics that are struggling. May marriages be restored, broken relationships healed, trust rebuilt and love embraced. Pray the problems of the past will be forgiven... may a new day dawn, for Pastors and their families as well as parishioners and their families... health, life and wholeness for the body of Christ. May what was once neglected and abandoned, be strengthened and fortified for the glory of God - PNC ![]() It happens to the best of us. We miss things. A phone call. A text. The memo and the meeting. We miss an appointment with someone or the due date of a bill that just reminded via phone as you are finding the notice in the mail. We miss what our boss said about a particular client, or worse... what our spouse told us regarding the kids. We miss the opportunity for a relationship, a job or career move or the item we wanted to purchase, but waited for whatever reason. If you're anything me, having someone frustrated with you that you missed stuff just adds to the frustration you already have with yourself, because you know you know better and "that" should have never been missed. Then there's the eternal stuff... the opportunities God has for us, that we miss. His voice. His calling. His purpose for our lives. The little task He wants you to do as He whispers, "trust me". The big thing, for which trusting Him seemingly takes much more effort. It's a cycle to be broken and a new habit to be formed that will lead to less frustrations in our lives. Spiritually-speaking, it's an issue that will draw us closer to God as He works the miraculous in our lives as we pay greater attention to Him and not ourselves... which, ironically, is how we miss the aforementioned, non-eternal list of stuff. And it happens in the lives of Pastors as much as it does you and I. On this #associatePastorTuesday, pray for the frustration and the struggle Pastors face for the times they have missed things. Whether it's the life stuff that gets irritating upon discovery that something was missed or the eternal stuff for which one needs His help, grace, forgiveness and direction. Pray for the development of habit and discipline where needed, if that is part of the cause. Pray for the strength and ability to follow-through to what has been told to us in a greater dimension, whether it be on the job, in the home, or in our spirit. May we not mess up, our days or lives, by what we have missed. God help us to manage well, the information and the tasks that have shared with us and entrusted to us... for the glory of God. We can't do this life without You. - PNC ![]() We know that God is never late and rarely early. And we understand that our finite minds only see glimpses of the big picture, of situations and circumstances in which we find ourselves. Yet all throughout Scripture, we see God provide ways out and ways through situations that were dire, with one caveat. Where is our attention focused? Peter walked on water.. Right until he started focusing on the storm instead of Christ. Moses raised his hands in worship and the Israelites remained on the winning side of the battle. When he lowered them,, the table of victory turned in favor of the enemy. This happened to the point, that two other men had to come alongside and hold his arms up to remain victorious! Similarly, the parting of the Red Sea.. arms raised in acknowledgement to God for deliverance. We may not know what might have happened had he lowered his arms then, but clearly, that was the escape route. Failure to obey at the time would have quickly led to their demise. For the people who forced their way through to get to Jesus...what if they had decided it was too much work and didn't continue to press in beyond the people that stood in the way? And too many other examples. Life hits hard. And we must ask ourselves... are we focused on the giants in the land? Are we focused on the Creator of all thing and can therefore, intervene in all things? Pray, this #seniorPastorMonday, for the dire and bleak circumstances Pastors face. Whether it's on behalf of someone in the church, something the church faces together or some challenge at home... may they keep their eyes focused on God and their hands raised in worship. May they remain focused on Him and not the storm designed to take them out. May the remain committed to push through the people and things that are in the way in order to draw closer to Christ. May they not miss His perfect timing and will by failing to obey. All things working together for His good, for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Even when the forecast is less than desirable. When the outlook is dim. When the impending begins to hinder...just say: JESUS. - PNC ![]() It's should be no surprise that people are apprehensive about God and the church, the message of the Gospel and the transforming power of a heart and life changed by salvation through Jesus Christ. In this consumer-driven culture, we come to arrive at decisions and perspectives as we have observed others, as we prayed yesterday. We've seen what we think is hypocritical, based on what we know or what we think we know about Scripture. We watch for what works and what doesn't work, like there's a free 2-week trial period or a 90-day satisfaction, money-back (or life-back, in this case) guarantee with God. It's new. It's different. It's going to require me to do things that I'm not sure I'm interested in doing, let alone capable of doing. Thus, more often than not, we find about what is new and different because of someone sharing their experience with us. Think about it... when was the last time you walked up to someone and said: That's really interesting. I know little to nothing about what you are doing and if I could even handle it, but it looks exciting and I'd like to do it. I'm all in, whatever it takes. Show me how.. NO. On the contrary.... that's cool for them, but that freaks me out. No thanks, I'd rather not. You go ahead, I'm not interested, That's not my thing. You have a good time, I think I'll stay where I am. It's safe. It's warm. It's stable. And I like it here. Here's the exciting thing about how God works... just moments before I got ready to type this post, as I was organizing my thoughts, I refreshed my Facebook newsfeed on my phone. Really? Something as serious as prayer and you checked Facebook? Yes, yes I did. And upon doing so, this status showed up with the "just now" time stamp, from a Pastor friend of mine giving a shout-out regarding this mornings sermon series. "It's far better to find out someone else's world then try and expect them to enter ours." - Jeremy Gyorke, Pastor, Wyandotte Family Center #WalkAcrossTheRoomWFC Back in the day, the Christian Rock band, White Heart, wrote a song titled Invitation. The lyrics talk about the struggle described here. I told you once, I told you twice // But I sense your hesitance at taking my advice I see you wanting to get involved // You are invited but you must return the call It's a big decision and I know the feeling // 'Cause I been there before, it takes believing // And a heart that's willing The invitation is God standing at the door of every heart and knocking. Accompanied by a person who can reassure, this is not the invite you want to send back with a check-mark next to "decline" Pray, this #effectiveSunday, invites to Christ will be accepted. May the body of Christ accept the challenge offered by Pastor Jeremy... that we would walk across the room before we wait to be approached. Pray God help us with the answers to questions, people have when sharing their concerns regarding who God is and what He has to offer that is in fact, life-changing, life-transforming. Life-revisited for the glory of God through the grace offered by the power of salvation; Jesus taking our place for what was rightly due us all. May the message of our lives be consistent with God's, offering no room for an excuse to decline the invite. - PNC ![]() #missionarysplit More importantly, church splits. The effect on a community? To observers watching the body of Christ from outside the four walls of the church? In corporate settings, we watch people come and go. Leadership changes, management and other positions... they transition in and out, often without notice to those not familiar with the company or with an inside line to what's going on. And to such observers, questions don't often arise of problems or difficulties that are being faced and sorted out. It's business and any number of factors could explain the change. Yet, when people and leadership change occurs in church... are we getting the full story? Not that everybody needs to know, but sometimes you can't help but wonder... what really happened. And if it's easy even for Christians to think the worst, how much more, will someone else look at the body of Christ and make assumptions of what has transpired. And upon that assumption, they will justify their position. To not attend any church or one denomination in particular. To refuse any invitation to a church event or a Christian outreach. They may be altogether turned off to a co-worker simply sharing their testimony. Businesses often make decisions based on the best interest of their constituents. Stockholders, investors, clients, customers vendors. And the spend a great deal of time and effort reaching new markets... people who potential will become those aforementioned roles. Likewise, the church should do the same. We need to reach the lost in our community. But like in business, if can't change perception because reality doesn't match up what's portrayed, the your un-reached market will look elsewhere. And while there are plenty of other places to look, their remains... Just one way. Just one truth. Just one Jesus. Just one God. Just one name, that man must call on to be saved. ![]() It dawned on me yesterday afternoon, that the #deaconThursday prayer would have been just as appropriate for today's topic of missions... especially after the early church social media line and #missionarysplit. That said, with multiple missionary trips, the split between Paul and Barnabas sets the stage for one having to choose where they go, who they support and more. 2000 years later and churches have to make tough decisions regarding which missionaries they support on a monthly basis. What ministries do they partner with? Where do they send their congregations and youth teams on missions trips? That said, while missionaries aren't competing against each other for first place; they are competing... for resources, for finances, for volunteers, for prayer support. We all want the best for missionaries and the task they have at hand. We root and cheer for their successes and blessings and accomplishments. Meanwhile, though... at some point people time, money and resources only stretch so far. Which means for some missionaries, the struggle is real. The struggle remains. When the breakthrough might arrive.... well, can they hold on that long? So we pray this #missionsFriday, for an increase in the resources and fiances available for missions support. Pray for those struggling, whose time, patience and capacity is wearing thin; perhaps they are seeing little results in the advancement of the gospel. Pray for divine appointments, for people and churches to partner and come together for missionaries in trouble. Pray they be encouraged by the power of the Holy Spirit... that God and the body of Christ have not forgotten them. They are loved. They are appreciated. They are supported. We stand with them. We pray over them, today. For the glory of God. Victorious for the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() ... as in sharp discussions. Pastor spoke last night, during our Wednesday night prayer devotional, on Joseph...aka Barnabas, aka "Son of Encouragement". It was a great devo, but in the back of mind, I kept wonder what God had in store for this #deaconThursday post. In the final moments, I heard it. Barnabas focused on building bridges. He reached out to Paul, when the disciples wanted nothing to do with Paul after his conversion. Then, Acts 15. A disagreement between Joe and Paul. Joe wanted to take Mark (as in John Mark, author of the gospel of Mark) on their missionary trip. Paul wasn't having it and for legit reasoning. Verse 39 tells what happened... after a sharp disagreement, Paul and Joe part ways. And Joe builds a bridge to Mark and takes him, while Paul runs with Silas. You could follow this story back in the days of early church social media with #missionarysplit. That said, not everything works smoothly in the church world. Not everyone gets along. Not everyone stays in ministry for life; nor in the same ministry position for life; or at the same church, for that matter. Despite the split, though, you have to consider the point made by Pastor. What if the church didn't have Joe? Paul doesn't get accepted by the disciples and 14 books of the Bible don't get written. John Mark doesn't get a second chance at ministry and 1 of the 4 gospels never appears. Even in the frustrations and the tensions, there are times when good things come to end. But that doesn't necessarily equate an end to good things. Indeed, this is classic example of the sovereignty of God. One missionary journey became two. John Mark gets another opportunity to be used of God. And Paul? Perhaps somewhere in the 14 books is insight that results from the realization that someone vouched for him in spite of his mistakes while he later rejects the opportunity to extend grace after someone else' mistake. #considerthat So, we pray this #deaconThursday for the sovereignty of God to take precedence in tense moments of sharp discussions and disagreements. May problems and circumstances be resolved amicably and without undue harshness, even if parting ways result. Pray for a spirit of grace to cover the multitudes of mistakes along the way, while retaining a spirit of discernment to know when enough is enough. Pray obedience in ministry remains paramount... that personalities, styles, preferences and opinions all find their place; subject to the will of God and in alignment with what He desires to accomplish in our lives and the calling He has placed upon us. May the sovereignty of God takes it's rightful place in the lives of those who follow Christ May we stand by the courage of our convictions, even when sharp discussions lead to parting ways. For God works ALL things together for His good... And for His glory. - PNC ![]() My youngest daughters' birthday is today and last night had me thinking about the kind of woman she will become. Such things that come to mind... the expectations people can have about the end result of a situation or a project while not knowing the work, cost and process of what it will take to get there, let alone what is feasible and reasonable in terms of getting that result. Billy Chrystal's character, Harry Burns in When Harry Met Sally describes this as high-maintenance. Low-maintenance people take care of business, do a great job, typically have a pleasant demeanor and generally speaking, don't leave people in a frenzy when they exit. High-maintenance people can do that. Yes, they'll take care of business. Yes, they'll do a great job. But the expectations, the drive, the conflict and tension that arises in the process of getting stuff done... requires lots of conversations and lots of work. Lots of attention = high-maintenance. The funny part of the conversation is when Harry jokes to Sally, that she is the worst kind...high-maintenance, but thinks she is low-maintenance. As I told my oldest daughter a number of months ago... you be the best person and friend you can be. Not everyone will like you, but there's no reason for you to live in such a way that you give them reason to NOT like you. If they have a problem with you, let that be their problem and not something you've caused. Where am I going with all this? This generation of parenting and raising kids is getting tough. Not that its never been in the past, but culture and society and technology is moving so fast. There are things that are exactly the same and things that are drastically different. And I for one, can't do it on my own. For the life stuff. For the spiritual stuff. For the everyday stuff. For the eternal stuff. Pray, this #youthPastorWednesday, for those in the ministry of kids and youth. Pray for wisdom and guidance as they come alongside parents and teachers to partner in the raising of healthy, balanced and well-grounded, well-rounded kids. Pray that solid foundations of faith be established early on. Pray over the friendships and the relationships that kids have and will encounter... for the opportunities they will have to share their faith and the message of Jesus Christ. Should anyone ever not like us, may it be for our faith and not something superficial like the clothes we wear or the car we drive, nor should it be something that be changed, such as the drama and personality that leaves casualties in its wake rather than bringing people along in the journey. We need your help today, O God. We call on you. For your glory and honor. - PNC ![]() A long, winter-weather day. On the road. For a very long time. Weather wreaked havoc on a handful of motorists and slowed the pace dramatically for the rest of us. Then, when everyone else left work and I was still on the road (and a couple hours away, at that), the boss called... to inform me where he had left an envelope for me. I was excited. It wasn't going anywhere without me. It was just waiting... for me. Moments later, once again... God, I don't have anything to write for #associatePastorTuesday. Ah, but wait. What does God have in store for you, that awaits. And like yesterday's weather, the circumstances were beyond my control. I was on the right route. I was following directions. I was headed where I was expected to go. But outside circumstances dictated I could only do what I could. It was bad weather. I couldn't do something stupid and race through traffic. Finding an alternate route might double my expected time of arrival. I had to maintain a safe and steady pace on the path I was on. What does God have in store that awaits you? Are you being delayed by circumstances beyond your control? Decisions made by you or are (or were) you affected by someone else' rushed decision? One must maintain a pace at which they can control what they have to handle. Conditions worsen or people around you start acting reckless, it simply means you acknowledge anew your trust and reliance on God, then take a deep breath and do what you know to do is right for the task which lies in your hands. It's better to arrive late at what awaits, because of delays beyond your control, than to arrive late because of delays that resulted from your lack of control Pray, this #associatePastorTuesday, for the circumstances and decisions that make impacts beyond what one can control. Pray for pastors struggling to keep a safe and steady pace; that decisions be not rushed or hurried beyond what is safe and appropriate for the conditions. Whether personal or professional, may they stay focused what they can control... keeping their eyes fixed on the path; continually placing their trust in God; remaining keenly aware of their surroundings and considering their abilities and skill-set as it relates to the conditions in which they find themselves. May they be careful not to worsen any delays through rash or rushed decisions. For each day has enough worries of its own. May our out-of-control decisions and behaviors not add to the list. May we keep our eyes upon Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Patiently excited about what awaits upon our safe, albeit, occasionally delayed arrival. For His glory. We look forward with anticipation. An envelope far greater and of more eternal value than I hold in my hand. - PNC ![]() Pastor started a new series yesterday on spiritual health. It was an incredibly powerful sermon on the subject of obedience, and not just obedience at that, but specifically, "immediate obedience". While there were many quotable statements from the message that stood out and gave pause to reflection and serious consideration, he shared something that stood out regarding pastors and those in ministry. As he serves on the disciplinary committee for our fellowship, he witnesses first-hand struggling pastors and those who have have fallen in ministry or experienced a moral failure. He shared that in the process of the "one-thing" that impacts their ministry and the consequences of the situation, it's never just the "one-thing". He said that in the process of figuring out what happened and the events leading up to problem, that there are other things in ministry that have gone amiss. There are patterns of disobedience, where they have gotten off-track, in other areas of ministry. How does this happen? Because the "more you listen and obey the voice of God, the more you will hear the voice of God." Conversely, the more you stop listening and obeying, the less your chance of hearing in the future. And like any good parent, who moves on to "the next thing" with their kid who hasn't done the last thing you told them to do or take care of something? Getting off-track is easy to do. Getting back on seems so hard. Yet staying "on-track" should be pretty straight-forward. You keep your eyes on the track and remain determined and faithful to place whatever safeguards are necessary to help keep you there. Rarely does "derailment" just happen. There's always warning signs that things are getting unstable and the one who turns off their sensitivity to the Spirit in such matters will be the one derailed. It requires knowing the signs and knowing what to do when you see them that will make the difference as to the outcome of the situation. Thus, pray this #seniorPastorMonday, for pastors to possess and maintain the ability and the perseverance to stay "on-track" with God, their calling and their ministry. Pray for the successful implementation of safeguards in the personal and professional life. May the remain sensitivity to the things of God and the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives...recognizing the signs of where there might be trouble and knowing how to combat them, to ensure they are not "taken out" by patterns of disobedience. May those struggling, regardless of their experience and time in ministry, be strengthened in their mind and fortified in their heart, to daily align and focus themselves to listening and obeying the voice of God; that they may hear in a greater dimension, in the days to follow. Bringing glory and honor to God and the work He has called them to complete... as He is faithful to do in us, may we too be faithful to do for Him. For the cause of Jesus Christ and the health of His church. - PNC ![]() I had the most incredible experience a short while ago. A conversation by phone, that wasn't expected, that could not have been planned by anyone other than God; that in the end, lasted 101 minutes. The details are uncanny and it all began with a text to a guy who responded to me by phone. I'm still in amazement at the connection God made tonight. That said, it wasn't but a few moments later, that I realized a large part of being effective and efficient is knowing what you know and knowing who you know. For the cracks and the crevices, it's equally important to know what you don't know as well as knowing you don't know, but should. Confused? Know what you know. Know what you don't. Know who you know. Know who you don't. Seek wisdom for the time and place for the right information and the right people to be available and ready to step to the plate when needed so that momentum and progress is not lost. The business world follows this method. The world of information. Coaches. Positions of leadership, whose staff consists of advisers and counselors. Nowhere is it more critical that momentum and progress not be lost, than in ministry. It's God who places and ordains and moves on the hearts and souls of humanity, but the Israelites suffered for 40 years because they lost focus of what and who they knew. Instead they focused on what they didn't have, frustrated that they weren't were they wanted to be, because they didn't do what they were supposed to do in the first place. You can't possibly know everything. You can however, know exponentially more than you do... By knowing your strengths. By being competent and confident in them, while remaining unwavering in your trust and reliance on God. By knowing your weaknesses By being humble enough to ask for help, seeking advice and wise counsel, and seeking the face of God. On this #effectiveSunday, pray for pastors to hold fast to their trust and reliance on God Almighty. While remaining confident, may they continually work on their craft, the art of pastoring. May they not be too proud or arrogant to seek advice from deacons, and staff, other pastors and mentors in ministry. Pray God's guidance in helping them fill the cracks and crevices of ministry with the appropriate information and necessary personnel to continue the momentum of fulfilling their calling. May God move in unexpected to open the doors for the miraculous to be accomplished in the lives of His people. To impact the community. To change the culture. For the glory of God and the cause of His Son, Jesus Christ. We acknowledge and commit our plans to you, Lord God Almighty. Direct our paths and light our way. - PNC ![]() Being a huge lover of music, I often having songs playing in my head, especially since, I almost have music on. Something happened yesterday though, as an unexpected song made a spiritual connection. Of all the songs, I had Bon Jovi's You Gave Love a Bad Name stuck in my head It wasn't long until I had a moment that many Christians experience... assigning human characteristics to God. As we look to God as our Heavenly Father, we often consider how His words would come across as an actual Father. As children of God and joint-heirs with Christ, how would Jesus sound as a brother? So God is Love. And consider Bon Jovi's song from His perspective. Having accepted God's forgiveness and love for our own lives, we are to share and convey that to those around us. And all to often, we fall short. I read this morning of a new pastor who walked into the church on his first Sunday, dressed as a homeless man. Nobody greeted him, invited to buy him a coffee, etc. Then when he was introduced to the church, the congregation stopped clapping as they realized who was walking towards the pulpit. He proceed to quote the passage about "sharing a cup of cold water, clothing the naked, inviting in those without shelter and visiting those in jail" He then dismissed the service, leaving them to ponder his open words... that he had walked into a gathering of people rather than the church of Jesus. Like the Bon Jovi lyrics read, I played my part and you played your game. God so loved the world, that He sent His only Son to take our place for the consequence of sin. He has done His part. Sadly, many Christians are playing their game. On this #communitySaturday, pray the church leaves the game and engages the community as the actual body of Christ. May we share the love of God and the message of Christ in real and tangible ways, reaching out to those in obvious need and getting to know those whose needs may not be so obvious. As all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, every person has one need that is obvious, even if they don't recognize it as the need of salvation. May the power of the Holy Spirit quicken and empower the church today, to live, experience and communicate who God is, in ways the bring honor and glory worthy of what He has done in the lives of those who have accepted His Son as Lord and Savior. Only God is good. And He is all we have need of... for this and every day we have breath. - PNC ![]() The auto show season is upon us. Car manufacturers all say the same thing. Look at all the changes we made in this existing product. It's "all-new." Well, not all of it. The name is the same.The engine still goes in front (for most vehicles still). I know... technicalities, right? But life is a process and some changes are made intentionally by us and others, made sovereign by God. All to often, its the changes made by God that cause us to step back look with a squinted eye and titled eye saying, "I'm not sure I like what you've done here." (as if we knew what we were talking about.) I have a dear missionary friend, who I wrote about losing his wife to M.S. It's been within the past two years, but some days it feels like it was just last summer and now I honestly can't remember exactly how long ago it was. But God quickly reminded me yesterday, that he is preparing to go back to the mission field this month (at least that's the plan). And this return will be incredibly different... because his partner in life is gone. It's not a restart or a starting over, as we prayed yesterday; but it is starting afresh. He'll be doing the same ministry as before and probably to an even greater extent and reach because he won't have the concern of managing his wife's health on the forefront of his mind. And so this leg of the journey in his life, in his purpose and calling, is very much new. Because it's very different. It's a new season. It's a new day. A fresh anointing is coming my way (as the worship song states) My friend is not alone. Other missionaries, as they prep and plan for 2016 are doing the same, I'm sure. Changes in life. Changes in ministry and direction. Life happens to us all and it's gonna look different and the experiences will be such to cause us to notice, "I've never been here before." And in these specific moments, God we need your help. So, pray this #missionsFriday, for my friend and others, for the changes that have been made that cause the experience to be different and new. Pray the joy of the Lord will be their strength during the process. Pray the excitement sustains them as they move forward in their calling and purpose. Pray for divine appointments and open doors and the wisdom and discernment to manage the process. Pray they will not be defeated by discouragement that comes when thoughts of "what was" seem better by comparison. May their trust in God be fortified as it is renewed, confident in the sovereignty of God and the truth of His word... behold, He makes all things new. He never changes, yet He is doing a new thing! May we not question "why", but "what" would you have us do here and "how" do we go about it. For the glory of God and the cause of Jesus Christ. All things made new. In Him. By Him. Through Him. For Him. - PNC ![]() It's the 14th day of 2016. How's it going so far? Frustrated yet? Disheartened? Anxious? Thrown off your A-game with back-up plans #1-3 incomplete? I know... it's too early to be thinking such things. Yeah... that was my response too. I spend my mornings in prayer and reflection as I drive. At some point, in the afternoon, I ask God what He would have me share for the next day's prayer. Without fail, 5 minutes or 5 hours, an insight reveals itself. God says, AHA! Look....there it is. Yesterday, regarding #deaconThursday, took maybe two minutes. If, in one's everyday life, in a period of 14 days, one can recognize that there are already some things amiss and items needing to be put back on track, how much more for leaders and decision makers and those who carry out the tasks that follow; whether in the corporate marketplace or church ministry. Even in the everyday responsibilities and the long-term impact that follows, the wheels can come off of whatever project or mission you are attempting to move forward. Sometimes, it doesn't take much either. For me, despite the advice that we shouldn't sweat the small stuff, the constant nipping of "small things" can take it's toll. Yet, one item, one decision at time, the cart can be put back on track. Even still very close to the beginning, it is possible and perhaps even necessary... Start. Again. On this #deaconThursday, pray for church administrators and advisers who already detoured and bothered by how 2016 is unfolding. Whether new situations are experiencing problems or consequences from 2015 are coming to fruition, pray for a strength and resolve to face circumstances head on. May truth prevail and victory ensue. As our Pastor shared in Wednesday nights prayer devo, may solutions be found to the problems we face. Pray that the focus turns from "why" to "what" is God trying to accomplish and "how" do we proceed. May the prospect having to start over already, not be dreadful, but an opportunity to remember the grace and goodness of God. His mercies made new every morning. Regardless of where they fall in relationship to the start of anything else that was or will be new. We don't have to wait for a new week or month or year. Tomorrow is new. The next hour is new. The next minute and second. Starts Now. God, go before us... for it all starts with You. For your glory and honor. Behold, all things are made new. NOW! - PNC *author's note: don't tell me God doesn't have a sense of humor, that that pic showed up on the first row of the first page, when I typed "restart" in the image search bar. Hilarious! ![]() We all make mistakes. The ones that bother me the most are the over-simplistic, "how did you miss that...I couldn't come up with a good explanation if you put money in for me" variety. Reflecting on one already this week, I thought to myself yesterday afternoon... I don't think this is what God had in mind when He said "unless you become as little children..." I understand He was talking about faith and not letting the complexities of the mind put boundaries and limitations; justifications and rationales on who God is and what He is capable of from our finite vantage point. However, in retrospect, even as I write this, it does display a reliance on God that we often forget. I've done this thousands of times and been fine. There's other things I can pray about. It's worked this way for years and never been a problem. I don't need to seek wisdom regarding this now. Yet, Scripture says differently. In all your ways, acknowledge Him... If any man lacks wisdom, let him ask of God (who gives generously) Let no man think higher of himself than he ought... Seek first the Kingdom and His righteous... Commit your plans to the Lord... It is the Lord who gives the ability to produce wealth.... We are living in a time when a self-sufficient generation has seemingly raised a generation that expects that everything will be done for them or handed to them.... meanwhile, both generations suffer from failing to recognize their need to rely on God Almighty and Him alone, before self or another human. If you understand someone will let you down, then you must also understand you will let yourself down. God; however, who never leaves or forsakes, also never fails. Pray, this #youthPastorWednesday, for pastors struggling to acknowledge a fresh reliance on God. Pray for those having difficultly in setting an example of a life who calls on God for all circumstances, regardless of their complexity or simplicity. Pray generations, young and old, will come to God as children... in awe and wonder of His glory and grace. Amazed by His power, captured by His love and comforted in the knowledge and security that His sovereignty can be trusted. May He be the source of daily life; the only reliance we go before we enter the world... before we get out of bed. God be our All-in-All. - PNC ![]() Once again, I had something else in mind for this post. Then last night, in the mundane act of taking out the trash, I had an "oh, look. It's starting to snow again" moment. A fresh covering. And the blood of Jesus washes whiter than snow.. For all the moments we are not happy with ourselves regarding, for the situations we regret, for the places and actions we'd rather forget... the grace of God and His forgiveness is available to everyone for those who ask. That's the amazing thing of God. No person is exempt from needing Him. No person is disqualified from receiving Him. Regardless of the place and position one finds themselves in this life today, a fresh covering of grace and forgiveness is available. Pastors have their moments, just as much. Regrets, second thoughts, consequences in the aftermath, whatever it may be, God's grace is sufficient. Even for those in ministry. It's reason to celebrate. It's cause to pray. Pray, this #associatePastorTuesday, for those pastors in need of a fresh covering this day. Whether its as recent as a few hours ago or a few decades, may they remember that God is not done with them. A plan and a purpose is still waiting to be fulfilled for all who still have breath. Whatever they have need of today, from God, may they receive it in good measure... not having left anything behind on the table, but allowing a full and complete work of the Holy Spirit to do the miraculous in their lives. May the love, grace and forgiveness of God made available through the blood of Jesus Christ make us whiter than snow. And unlike the covering of snow I am going to clear off my car shortly, may we remember God has forgiven and forgotten... as far as the east is from the west.. We are made new and renewed in Him. A fresh covering for every day. For the glory of God and the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019