It's not very often that you have a group, of any size of people that is ever in 100% agreement. Too many ideas, too many experiences, too many opinions... and at the core, differing beliefs and value systems. It's pretty incredible at times that people get along as well as they do!
Leadership teams struggle with this, just as much as the rest of us do. If you don't think that's the case, sit in a board meeting for an organization sometime. Watch C-Span. Attend a panel discussion on the topic of your choice. There is tons of disagreement to go around. But at the very core of a team, a mission and a purpose, is a spirit of unity. Priorities and strategies come and go; times change, programs get re-evaluated and revisited and fresh, new ideas enter the conversation. Through it all though, it a basic premise that brings people together in the first place. If there is unity for that premise, then you can move forward; and should do all you can to fulfill that premise. If there isn't unity, then you know either something is wrong with the premise or someone is not in agreement with it. With every passing day, it becomes increasingly clear... a united leadership is critical. And not just towards any premise or mission. One based on truth. And for the church, one based upon the Gospel. Grounded in the Word. Built up in the faith. Pray this #deaconThursday, that God would unite the leadership of the church. Pray that arguments and the like,that the enemy would use to divide and separate the body of Christ would fail. While differences will always exist, may the not become so great that people become among those who tear down, rather than build up. Pray the church would remain focused on the cause of Christ, not allowing distractions and disagreements rise to an unhealthy level that negatively impacts the efforts of the ministry. May their be an extension of grace with each, both in word and deed, the people and leadership of the church come together to advance the cause of Christ. For the glory of God And His Gospel; The greatest story ever told. The power of divine love and relationship. - PNC
Thomas Edison, in his seemingly unquenchable ability to persevere, gave us an incredibly profound perspective.
"I didn't fail. I found 10,000 ways that didn't work." There's now 3 complete years worth of daily prayers in the archives, so my apologies that I don't recall exactly how long ago I wrote a post regarding best practices, but for whatever reason, I was considering how that terminology and principle came into being. Obviously, there is wisdom and success in duplicating the activities and procedures that have work elsewhere and by and large, it works. Not always, as markets are different, along with companies and organizations and the culture they are built on. Having said that, it's kind of amazing how often people and organizations repeatedly attempt to try and implement processes and strategies that others before them have done. It's a continual engagement, as if every generation has a conversation that involves, "I tried that before and it doesn't work. This way is better." Best practices is doing the better way in the most effective and efficient way possible. It's been perfected, analyzed and refined some more. But that doesn't mean that someone won't come along with a more epic (or tragic) way of going about a situation or solving a problem and create a bigger mess than what was before them when they started. He who wants to become wise, listens and learns. He wants to learn, seeks those who know. Those who know, most likely know from having done. And doing, as Edison will attest, is quite an effective teacher. On this #deaconThursday, pray that churches would not duplicate the problems and processes of previous churches and organizations in their effort to accomplish goals and achieve ministry success. Pray for camaraderie among church leaders, pastors and staff; that while they have their hands full with their own operations and ministries, that they would find time to invest in the leadership of other churches and ministries as well. As companies have in interest in what happens within their industry, so to does the church have a vested interest in what happens within Christendom-at-large. May God help leadership to be engaged and make a greater impact by teaching and training others, that 10,000 more ways that don't work would be discovered, but what does work and work well would be replicated. For the benefit of the advance of the kingdom of God Wise stewards of our resources, knowledge and time For His glory. - PNC Four years. Fourteen Years. Forty-nine years.
We commit to a decision. We commit to a person. We commit to a process. We commit to a life. And life has its' ups and downs, twists and turns; moments that make you pause in gratitude and others that come to halt and cause you to question. All sorts of questions... ... is it worth it? ... am I doing the right thing? ... am I in the right place? at the right time? .. (you finish your list) Such moments seem to come waves with a rhythm and at nearly every rung of the ladder of roles and responsibilities. The days you think that you perhaps you are "done" are combated with dreams and visions of what could be accomplished if you pressed in and pressed on; forging ahead as you continue to build upon the experience and wisdom that has brought you this far. Don't let the pending burnout and the build-up of frustration prevent you from the calling and anointing that God has graced you with thus far. Yes, there are seasons of change, but there's a difference between God changing seasons and people abandoning ship. On this #deaconThursday, pray for those within church leadership who have either quickly reached a place of great difficulty or have built a level of longevity to where they feel they can no longer continue. Pray that God would strengthen them and quicken them, body, soul, mind and spirit. Pray that God would give them wisdom in the decisions they face and the challenges they are working to overcome. May the storm not overtake them, but that they would continue to place their trust in Him and persevere through the process. May life neither discourage them, Nor the enemy defeat them; But that they would live victorious For the glory of God. - PNC For all the incredibly brave and noble people who fill and stand in the gap in all sorts of leadership roles, there are plenty who give it bad name, as well as do a less than stellar job, by seeking these rolls for the wrong reasons.
Sadly, pastors have done it... but worse, so have the advisors. And pastors have chosen people for wrong reasons just as people have desired the role for their own wrong reasons. Also wrong... using the phrase "wrong reasons" four lines in row. But... you didn't notice that. What concerns me, as well as complicates the reality of the matter, is the conversation we had a few days ago, regarding society's rush to judgement in nearly every arena of life. Not that we haven't been that way for quite some time, but it's gotten significantly more prevalent... no doubt due in part to the onslaught of social media. The people you think desire leadership with honorable intentions and the decision makers and those who sit as a part of the process sometimes miss the mark. And the people who you thought didn't have an ounce of honorable intention in their soul end up being surprisingly on point. I didn't say perfect. All too often we demand what doesn't exist, then act surprised that our expectations weren't meant. It truly is a strange phenomenon. But what do you expect from a flawed humanity? So, on this #deaconThursday, pray that those who seek leadership roles, especially within the church, would indeed be people of honor and integrity; desirous to serve the community rather than satisfy their ego. Pray for discernment for the pastors and others who have input into who steps in advisory roles. Pray also for the church as whole; that we would exercise sound principles, understanding and reasoning when it comes to assessing people and circumstance. May we not rush to judgement, whether through condemnation or commemoration. Pray that we would speakers of truth because we are seekers of the truth. And while we may make the decisions, May God direct our steps And illuminate our paths. For the glory of God. - PNC I remember the day I started a new research job many years ago now. One of the first pieces of advice, I've never forgotten, even if I don't always put it into practice.
There are no stupid questions. Some may disagree, but you can't live life not knowing what you don't know. And how will you find out if you don't ask? Even in the smallest of matters and more in the things in which you've put off resolving. For whatever reason in doing so. Such was my recent experience. A matter that I had been meaning to take care of months ago and it kept getting delayed... albeit it entirely within my control to get it sorted out. So, I finally made the call. And asked for some help from those on the other line who were able help make my case to those who could authorize the solution. Needless to say, it was 20 minutes well spent. They met me half way. Which makes it that much easier for me to handle my part and responsibility in the matter. But were in not for the asking... I keep getting reminded by a number of men in my life who have a few years on me; that we all have our moments of getting things wrong. We take care of problems and conflicts thinking we know what we are doing, what's the best way to handle it, manage it, solve it... and we make it worse as often as we make it right. At least if feels as if that is the case. And those are the times that make me want to stop asking for help; to stop feeling like I don't know what I'm doing. Which is usually about the time that I prove to those around me that I don't have a clue. I'd been better off risking to ask the stupid question. Even in our relationship with God, wisdom and clarification never hindered anyone, except for when it wasn't provided because it wasn't sought out. So, on this #deaconThursday, pray that no matter the experience or expertise that church leaders would continue to be people who would ask and seek answers and solutions to that which confuses or confounds them. May they be people who seek the truth; both in God's Word and the circumstance in which they daily face. Pray that fear, shame, arrogance or pride would not keep them from growing in wisdom and knowledge. May they seek the face of God and draw from the life experience and understanding of those around them. For if we are to live and move in unity Then we must share in our knowledge And trust in His grace. For the glory of God. - PNC Social media isn't all bad. But it is like any other relationship. It is what you contribute to it. That said, for all the accolades that it receives in the name of creating "connections", there are so many levels in which it creates a disconnect.
The power of debate and discussion on opposing sides of a matter or topic are lost. Statements lost in context. Non-verbal communication simply can't be transmitted whatsoever, despite any attempt by the use of many emojis. Sarcasm must be noted with multiple asterisks and even then, people don't pick up on the memo. It really is an interesting phenomena. As well as entertaining at times. And frustrating quite more frequently. Communication is an art... and sadly, one that is getting lost online. Despite people's attempts to use ever increasingly lofty terms to describe their argument, like false equivalency. Just spell it out. I think you are wrong and here's why. It seems of late, the only comments that have an element of brevity are those which end in calling the opposing debater choice names or demeaning adjectives. But what do I know? Not much, granted. But I know this... physical connection is worth pursuing and maintaining. Life moves too fast as it is, without neglecting the actually reaching out to people beyond the screen of the keyboard, whether it be on the laptop or the phone's messenger app. A phone call goes a long way. A knock on the front door goes even farther. On this #deaconThursday, pray that even as the church makes every attempt to connect with more people, especially through the power of social media, that they would also seek to make every connection possible with those in the surrounding communities that they serve. Pray that the power of the local church would neither be neglected nor dismissed. Pray that relationships would be strengthened as the body of Christ reaches out in physical and tangible ways to help those in need and speak life, hope and truth into troubled minds and broken hearts. While the power of technology is incredible, the power of the Cross of Christ is vital. May we be about what happens in real time, With face to face engagement, rather than face to screen. For the glory of God. - PNC Surely, I can't be the only one who has noticed this phenomenon. We look at today's battles, struggles, frustrations and decisions and spend considerable amounts of time in thought and prayer, in conversation and consideration as to what we should do regarding a matter. Then somewhere along the way, perhaps at some point in the conversation you realize...
... if I had done things differently earlier, perhaps this present situation would be so difficult an ordeal to manage or solve. We can't live in the past; and by and large, you really can't go back and correct. Certain circumstance you may be able to repair and "make right" and you should, given the opportunity and means. But it's the past that keeps us up, causes a point of frustration and regret and has the potential to bring more confusion to the present day reality rather than bringing insight and clarity as to what we should do differently. So for what it's worth, while we aren't fortune tellers, neither are we history's correcter. All you have is today's reality, today's resources, today's information and the lessons learned along the way. The ideal solution may not be possible, so while compromise may be point of agony, doing little or nothing about a matter is worse. On this #deaconThursday, pray for church leadership, that God would guide them in the decisions they face. Pray that regret would frustrate their responsibility. Pray that yesterday's confusion would be useful to bring clarity to the matter at hand. May God grant them wisdom beyond their years and experiences. Pray for their conversations; that communication be honest and real, full of truth and of love; not antagonistic, but productive and fruitful. May fear of the critics and criticism neither hinder nor frustrate leadership from doing what we needs to be done and furthermore, doing what God has called and directed them as He guides their feet and illuminates their path. For the glory of God And the advancement of the cause of Christ. - PNC Forgive me for referencing another sermon, but I thought it was an interesting take. There's obviously a lot more to expand on, plus I missed part of the broadcast, but Dr. David Jeremiah was talking about governments and how society can get so frustrated with their operation, regardless of its' established format. One could argue the point he made, that any government is better than no government at all. Some form of body politic is better than anarchy. Feel free to discuss amongst yourselves later.
More importantly though, he was making the point that regardless of whatever government is in place, it will ultimately disappoint for one reason only. Because behind the institution of government are people. Humans... we think. (that was a joke). Flawed humans at that. Some might sarcastically joke that a handful are seriously flawed and we could compare lists... later. But this truth is bigger than government; the reality applies to all institutions. Marriages will have days of disappointment; for a flawed man will leave his home and cleave to a beautiful, but flawed (beautifully flawed?) woman. Children will be disappointed, for there are no perfect parents. The educational system will leave us wanting; for teachers, instructors and professors are flawed. The justice system will make injustices worse at times; for the judges and others involved in the process are flawed (as evidenced by a local judge was removed from the bench today, for cause) Did I miss anything? Oh yes...ministry. Religious organizations and organized religion, churches and para-church ministries... they will all have their days of let-downs and turn-offs. For the pastors and leaders, decision-makers and deacons, administrators and staff will all have a bad day, an off day and a major mess day. It's easy to exit once. If there's a pattern, you'll exit often. And eventually, one just may never return. Even if people have the clearest understanding that humanity is flawed. Grace doesn't always prevail, even within the four walls of the church. Pray this #deaconThursday for those in church leadership, that they would have the strength and courage to continue to exercise wisdom and discernment as they lead and advise. While you can't please all the people all the time, pray that there would be a grace about their lives that would allow them to properly handle and resolve problems as they arise. Pray that those within the church and under the ministry would remember that no matter our position in life or in Christiandom, that we are all flawed and prone to failures and moments of mistakes. May God help leadership to lead by example, and encourage of us to do and be better followers of Jesus Christ. For the cause of Jesus Christ And the glory of God. - PNC I caught part of a sermon this morning on the story of Joseph, as preached by Pastor James MacDonald. He was talking about how Joseph described his time on earth. His days were few (130 years) and evil. That's how Joseph summed up his life. To which James responds to Joseph (and to all of us, for that matter) with the following advice.
Change your thinking! Or regret it later. Doesn't it sound easy? And I know life is complex and so are the issues that weigh upon us. While I don't want to discount or dismiss legitimate struggles and difficulties, at the same time, I think we easily acknowledge our hindrance and give it way more power and influence that perhaps it deserves without every trying to change... without ever deciding first, that we will do whatever is possible to diminish or overcome that issue. There's so much potential that is both dismissed and ignored because we buy the excuse, whether real or perceived, without having put forth much effort, be it our own or with the help of the Holy Spirit. Even now, somebody is reading this, thinking that I don't understand. And you are right. I don't understand. I don't understand why I even have difficulty simply making the decision to change my thinking. And tons more people of deeper reasons and realities than I do are having cause with this advice. But as such great wisdom has so often been shared; whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right. People overcome problems and issues every single minute of every single day. Some are so incredible that every person who hears stands in awe and amazement. Others, you might consider a problem so minuscule as to be child's play. And yet to that person, a win is a win. Victory is sweet, no matter how grand. But it will never be tasted if one never steps on to field to consider the possibility to seize it. It will never be seized if one doesn't play determined to reach out and grasp it with both hands. Handicaps should be viewed as special circumstance which comes in handy rather than a hindrance by which the possibilities of one's life is capped. What will be the focus of your thought-life? On this #deaconThursday, pray for those in church leadership struggling to breakthrough because of thought patterns and the problems and issues of life that stand in their way. Pray that God would help them break the cycle(s) in their life that wage war in the spirit, discourage the heart and trouble the mind. May God give them strength as they determine to live life with purpose, clarity and intention; with a renewed sense of passion and resolve... with no regrets. Pray God would help them to rise above, having overcome the greatest depths and developed a mature faith as a result of their perseverance. With no excuses and no regrets, May we see and think with God perspective. For His glory alone. - PNC Once again, I'm quickly reminded (thanks to our beloved culture) that life is 10% how you act/speak and 90% how you react. And life will be changed by 90% of the reactions, both yours and others, rather than the 10%.
Yet, I can't help but wonder... what would happen if we were as intentional with the 10% as we are swift with the 90%? I don't think we are. I know, sadly, I'm not. We want people to be honest, but not brutality. And yet sometimes, that's what works best. Isn't funny... it's love that is patient, kind and everything else. Not truth. And yet feelings and emotions dominate our days, rather than reason and understanding. As a result, the conversation whether in person or online, is sure to be difficult and challenging when the response does the driving and directing. What's the point? Wisdom. Discernment. Understanding. Intention. Clarity. Purpose. If people are having issues with the everyday occurrences and circumstances of life in general, how much more will they have trouble with matters of faith and spiritual matters? Of course, if we were more in tune with Scripture and the work of God and His Word in our lives as intended from the beginning of time, then perhaps some of this wouldn't be nearly as difficult. As least not within the four walls of the church. But as it sits, the battle is both within Christiandom and society-at-large. Thus, on this #deaconThursday, that God would help the church with the intentionality of the 10% of what the church does and says. Pray for wisdom and understanding; purpose and clarity in the decisions they make as well as in the courses that they chart. Continue to pray for a spirit of unity as they move forward in ministry and the impact they make on the community. May God help them in the battles and challenges they face in speaking into lives and working with them to bring them into a greater depth of relationship with God. May the Holy Spirit be free to do His work; unhindered by humanity's hesitation and resistance. For as God moves So do, does He move our faith Hopefully ever closer to where He is Rather than pushed out and away from His presence. Let us life carefully, both in our statement and our response. For the glory of God. - PNC I wish one day, that this would never happen again. But, we are all human. Including our pastors. And sadly another one has fallen... and hard. The hard part is outrageous, but fallen is fallen. And while this is a journey that I wouldn't wish upon any congregation, the difficulty of this particular matter, (which I am only aware of thanks to social media posts from a friend), is that this pastor's moral failure has resulted in legal consequences and worse, destroyed lives and families.
Like I said... in a word; outrageous. As we near completing the three year mark on this project of prayer, there have been moments of overlap and repetition. I know, I've stated before, my attempts to take great care to keep such instances to a minimum, but I wanted to reiterate my intention. Because while this post could very well be saved for next week, on a day that we pray specifically for pastors, I felt the immediacy of writing this today, as the church leadership and staff are dealing with the finality of this failure and the process that it has entailed. How do they heal as a church? How do they heal as a community of believers attempting to impact their community? How do they recover their standing, as the spotlight has been placed on this horrible situation? How do they and especially, those directly affected, keep the faith after this ordeal? I know, some of you are reading this wondering what the specifics are and all of that. And once again, I'm approaching this as it's not my story to tell in detail, especially given I don't have that many. But furthermore, I've tried to be very intentional on this site with regards to practicing discernment. I hope you can appreciate the balancing act I've attempted to walk in breaking down concepts while leaving a certain sense of vagueness in play. Sorry, but that's how things work sometimes. But I know this. Hearts are broken and minds are befuddled. Emotions are rampant, faith is discouraged and no doubt, trust has been nothing short of shattered not into pieces, but shards. You understand the difference into how they are handled. In another word... delicately. Not just anyone can handle them. Not just any method will work in handling them. So, once again, join me in prayer, on this #deaconThursday. Pray for the leadership of this church as they deal with this incredibly complex and overwhelmingly difficult set of circumstances. May God give them wisdom in the decisions they face in the days to come. Pray for a spirit of grace and compassion as they guide this church through the various stages of processing such a horrendous event. Pray for healing over this congregation. Pray for a move of the Holy Spirit over this church and community; that in the midst of pain and agony, even in the most unthinkable of circumstances, that the testimonies that will result from this test and the ministries that will come forth from this mess, will accomplish more with greater effectiveness for the kingdom of God than if nothing had happened at all. Even if we all agree, we'd rather not have this situation happen at all. But for the grace of God Where would any of us be. Forgiven and redeemed. And needing it more than once. God help us all. - PNC I got to thinking about the verse in 1 Samuel, about obedience being better than sacrifice. And while obedience can be a difficult path to walk, usually because it seems counter-intuitive, there is honor in true sacrifice. It's amazing the blessing that results when both obedience and true sacrifice come together in unison.
Where is the honor in true sacrifice? Well, the story of Cain & Able come to mind. God favored one over the other. And with good reason, as the their story tells us. I don't know exactly how this fits. I think sometimes we think we are making greater sacrifices in life than we truly are. I think it's possible we miss certain blessings because we don't follow in greater obedience to sacrifice the things which we feel we are being led or directed to give up. I wonder at times of all honor is lost in the sacrifice because we are not walking in obedience of any kind, but true defiance. Is it possible the imbalance of these two dynamics creates incredible stress and frustration in our lives? I'd be surprised if it didn't. Is it possible the conflict of these two decisions restrict or limit God's ability to move, direct and respond to our prayers and our faith? Quite possible. I really hate preaching to myself, but here it is... Make the hard, and honorable sacrifices. Walk in the difficult places of obedience. For who knows the nature and greatness of the blessings that await. But God alone. Pray this #deaconThursday, for those struggling with these elements of faith. Pray they would walk and live in complete obedience. Pray that their sacrifice would be found honorable before the Lord. May the following the prompting of the Holy Spirit and the instruction of the Lord in the decisions and matters of life that need clarity where there is confusion. Pray God would be bring order to the circumstances that are best described as chaos. Pray the blessings of heaven would be poured out, beyond the limits of the imagination. For God is great. And it's Him alone that we serve Not because of what He gives us, But because of what He has already done for us. - PNC It doesn't take much some days, to realize just how much you have to admire the skills of those who daily deal with the stress, frustration and planning that goes into coordination and logistics.
Life truly throws us off our game. It's so easy at times to look at a problem or circumstance and simply, do this, adjust that, change this and remove that and we're good. And other times, it's a chess game. The ability to see three, six and nine steps ahead has its' advantages while simultaneously presenting its' disadvantages... ... for it creates the opportunity to feel defeated and frustrated very early in the game. And about the time you think you are making progress, something falls through. Seemingly, almost always. It is not for the faint of heart, nor the weak-minded. Are there times we oversimplify life? Yes. Are there times that life really is just "that simple"? Absolutely. For the rest of life... Well, to some He gave to be preachers and teachers and apostles... and the gift of administration. It's amazing the correlation of effectiveness, efficiency and accomplishment that transpires in churches and ministries, when the pastor or leadership finds one who has been blessed with the skill-set of administration, that not only handles the responsibilities with proficiency, but also with excellence. It's a wonderful gift. On this #deaconThursday, pray for those churches who are struggling; where that role and responsibility is perhaps not yet filled, or not operating at the level that is should. May God give them wisdom in the problems and challenges they face and that God open doors filled with solutions. Pray God would strengthen the efforts and capacities of churches who are doing well in this area of church operation. Perhaps God would open doors for them to lead and help other churches that are struggling; to share wisdom, experience and best practices. For the learning process in life is ever done, Nor the journey of faith ever complete. Even for the most practical of matters. For the glory of God. - PNC So, today is the National Day of Prayer.
And let me offer, once again, my thanks and gratitude to those who read this daily (or as frequently as you can) and join us in prayer for our church leadership, ministry outreach and overall impact in the world, to be a light in the darkness... or rather, to reflect the Light in the darkness. There's so much to pray for in the troubled days and times. We all have personal battles and ministry struggles. The world is a mess and society seems to have lost its' mind. Everyone is calling for the truth, except one can agree what it is or what to base it on. We desire leadership to use wisdom, yet respond with hyper-criticism to most minutia of details. There's a demand for perfection from others, yet leniency for ourselves. Give me all the grace; but be prepared to receive none when you need it. Every time there is a glimmer of hope that exists within humanity, it is met with a stronger argument that reminds us the glimmer was not bright enough. What good is it to be true to yourself, if you aren't living in tune with the one, true God? Everyone wants to be accept for who they are, yet they don't accept themselves for who they are in Christ? Does prayer fix everything? Not by itself. But the fix does begin through the act and discipline of prayer. Pray, this #nationalDayofPrayer #deaconThursday, that no matter what the struggles and battles we face, that prayer would be a greater priority in our lives and those of our leaders at every level. Pray for wisdom and discernment to work through the problems that plagues our society and culture. Pray for the leadership of our nation, communities and churches. May they lead with integrity and honor, people of courage and conviction who are not afraid to search for and speak the truth. Pray God would help us to reflect the light of Christ to a world overrun with darkness. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC What an interesting phrase, and concept for that matter. This idea of hit and miss.
It speaks to intentionality. It speaks to perception. It speaks of action and reaction. It takes into account strategy and timing. We highlighted a similar concept yesterday. You think you are on target towards a goal, task or dream and yet still miss the mark, to varying degrees. Conversely, you think you will miss or avoid a matter altogether and yet, nope... this isn't a close call. This is going to make an impact that we'd rather not have to deal with, let alone even be on our radar. So, what's the lesson. All the planning in the world doesn't guarantee perfection and all possible precautions don't eliminate risk. Thus, whatever we do, however we do it, and for however long we deal with it, a never-ending balance exists, between managing risk and working towards greater rewards. The process of analysis and improvement for our efforts is a seemingly unending one. Equally, so, the trial of our misses and mistakes can be troubling and frustrating... often for a much longer time than is healthy. This is how you know you are loved; the person who you continually go to with your triumphs and trials of life that does not tire of the emotional roller-coaster that is your mind and soul stays with you always. This is the grace of God in your life and the work of the Holy Spirit at work in your life, now matter what sun or storm dominates your day. On this #deaconThursday, pray for God's strength, no matter what their day and days to come may bring. Pray for wisdom in handling the things that are before them calling for their attention. Pray for extra grace and wisdom to handle the things that they do not expect, but will suddenly become both a distraction and a priority. May they not be detoured or derailed in the process, but faithfully stay the course as they serve the work of the church and the ministries therein. Pray for a grace about their lives; even in the midst of the roller coasters between the triumphs and trials of life. May there be as many good and meaning hits As there are redemptive and clarifying misses By the sovereign hand of God For His purposes and plans are good. - PNC I've heard some pretty incredible words of wisdom and perspective in recent days on a variety of big-picture topics as they relate to the direction of our culture and society.
If you'll permit to paraphrase in my own words... the fear of government has taken over one's fear of God. There was a time when we as a society feared God. Not afraid, mind you. But a healthy awe, respect and reverence. Likewise, we feared our parents; which was a mix of respect and true fear. In fact, our fear of God was instilled in us because of the fear of our parents! Now, not so much. We don't look at right and wrong, words and deeds in light of God's truth, love and grace. We act and respond more due to people's perceptions, reactions or how we perceive they might react. While that's always been a far cry from the will and ways of God, it seems like an even farther cry these days. Beliefs are now biases. Principles are prejudices. Conviction is no longer courageous Discernment is discarded. We no longer arrive at a place of mutual understanding. We don't even agree to disagree. Sorry isn't enough. And name-calling is the mic drop moment that ends every conversation. Christianity and the church even struggles to walk this ever-increasingly fine line. A balancing act that seems to be a set-up and a trap on par with the nature of what the Pharisees laid before Christ himself. So, while we pray for the strength and fortitude for our pastors, pray also this #deaconThursday for those who serve to complement and complete the leadership force of the local church. Pray that they would be people who know God, as well as His will and His ways. Pray they would be people who would stand by their convictions; live with courage, speak truth, extend grace and show love. Pray they would be guided by the Holy Spirit in all manner of circumstances; and exercise wisdom and discernment as they live and lead. May the power of God supersede all efforts and conversations to do and have an effective ministry. Pray God would prepare hearts, that people would receive what they need from Him, rather than what they think they need from society or government. For God extended grace Before He showed His wrath. Always has; always will. To the testament of His hope and glory That all would call upon His name. - PNC Leadership is an interesting dynamic, particularly when it comes to team-building.
You want people who understand the direction and buy in to the vision as well as step in and do whatever needs to be done to move a group or organization forward towards the desired goal or outcome. At the same time, you don't want a group of "yes-men", for who knows what will be missed, overlooked or ignored all in the name and effort of keeping the peace, keeping one happy or keeping in their good graces. Hence, one of my favorite scenes from the show, The West Wing, when the Chief of Staff offers a job to a lawyer whose political party affiliation is not the same as the administrations'. She has dreamed of working in the White House "since she was 12", but never imagined it would be for the opposing party. Meanwhile, the CoS continues to make his case, appealing to her sense of duty. Ultimately, he gives a great reason why she should join the team, as Associate White House Counsel. "The President likes smart people who disagree with him." Not many leaders specifically pick people who disagree with them. And while it might not be a good idea to have a full team of disagreeing people, having someone who can bring a different perspective because they operate from a different belief system has it's advantages. Will you ever come to agree on anything? Maybe. But what happens in the course of the conversation is powerful. New questions are posed. Premises are challenged. Understanding is gained. Perspective is widened. Experience is shared. And who knows... as happened in a later episode, the outsider might just turn someone around on an issue, making for a better decision and outcome regarding the issue at hand. So, on this #deaconThursday, pray that God would grant discernment to pastors as to who they need and should surround themselves with when it comes to counsel, advice and input. While there are elements of faith and doctrine that they should absolutely be in agreement regarding church leadership and ministry, pray that they would be in agreement because they were able to work through a conversation and the differences of opinion rather than simply saying 'yes'. May their differences in opinion and perspective not stand in the way of them coming together for the cause of Christ and advancing the kingdom of Heaven. Pray God would perform the miraculous, through the acts of submission and willingness to serve in ministry; even when decisions and plans don't go as they would have liked, hoped and planned. A unified force Because of a commitment to work through the differences For the glory of God - PNC Much could be said about leadership and leaders in general and indeed, much has been said over the years and even more, with every passing day.
That said, I heard an interesting perspective today; one that makes plenty of sense and while nothing knew, sometimes how it's said, makes all the difference. Dennis Prager made the point on his show and if you'll permit me to expand his specific comment into a broader statement... [an organization, institution or government] isn't helped or hindered by whether a person is nice, but by the policies and values from which they operate. A nice person can cause ruin with their policy; a not-so-nice person may create improvement. The same dynamic could happen in ministry just as easily. We don't like to think of mean people being in ministry, though we'd be foolish to think it never happens. I think our shared experience would say otherwise. However, while a pleasant, bed-side manner may go a long way in ministry, that doesn't guarantee successful and sound policies and procedures. Scripture, though, does establish a solid foundation of guidelines regarding elders and deacons within the church. And long before wisdom is stated as a factor, we deal with morality and character issues. In a day when we need great examples, of men who would live and lead with conviction; from a foundation of righteousness, Godliness and holiness... with integrity and honor. Not because of their greatness, but because of the goodness of God and His having set them apart for service to the kingdom of God. Pray, this #deaconThursday that church leadership would be full of such men. Men who are people of prayer; who seek the face of God. Pray that they would live with integrity, whether at home, in the marketplace or in ministry. May the men of sound wisdom; grounded in the Word and firm in the faith. Pray a sensitivity to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and a humility regarding the Hand of God leading and directing their lives. For the glory of God And the advancement of the Gospel of Christ. - PNC I heard some good conversation recently on people in positions of power and the opportunity for corruption... well, not so much opportunity as it was, it's down right existence.
It doesn't really matter what environment it grows in; its' affects are an overwhelming hindrance to life, ultimately to those in the midst of it, but sooner or later it extends to those who will receive it's unintended consequences. That creates huge problems. Trust becomes an issue. Correction becomes complicated. Yet as awareness spreads, Outrage grows deep and wide. And depending on the circumstances surrounding it and in particular, the people and power that may reside at corruption's core, hopelessness of any positive change may be inevitable. Such an existence is not good for a country, nor is it good for a local community. It destroys a single business with as much a devastating end as it does a single church. So, on this #deaconThursday, pray for the leadership of today's church. May the hold their positions of power and influence with wisdom and humility. Pray they would lead their church with the integrity that we would expect them to lead their home. Pray their ability to walk and live according to God's Word in public would indeed stem from time and fellowship with Him at home. And pray that God would do the miraculous, in churches, communities and countries that are in the midst of devastating corruption practices. May there be a shift of direction and a day of reckoning would come quickly; that they would witness a turn-around in their every day life as well as for eternity. For God has called us to a higher standard, For His glory and by His strength. Not overcome by the darkness, But a light that scatters the darkness. - PNC While channel surfing the radio this morning during the morning hours today, I caught part of a message that I thought was pretty powerful. (Yes... I'm behind on you having the full day to pray. I'm working on it)
I don't know about you, but I've had many a time where I've been frustrated with my life, in some area or another, and it seems as the battles and frustrations are on repeat. Faith seems like a constant battle between what you know in your heart versus what you think with your mind. The heart may mess with your emotions, but your mind will lie to you regarding the truth. As a result, we battle in ways that God never intended. But His grace is sufficient. As such, the game-changer of the message is this: "God never tires of coming to your defense." Isn't that a great reminder? For what believer and church leader hasn't reached certain levels of frustration with themselves regarding a particular aspect or arena of their live, that even they can't believe they are still struggling with and bringing before the cross of Christ. It's like we get tired of confessing, as if it weren't accomplishing anything good at all! Yet, I think God has the same conversation with us, that I described yesterday having with my daughter. "I will win this conversation". As much as we reinforce our love, care and support for those in our lives, so too, is Christ constant in His pursuit of our hearts. His grace unending, His love unfailing, His forgiveness unrelenting, His plan, never undone. So, no matter how many times it takes, we continually present ourselves before the thrown of grace and acknowledge, we can not life this live according to God's divine plan, without the help of His divine hand. Let's pray, this #deaconThursday, that God would be those in church leadership who are struggling with seemingly, repeating battles. May God give them strength to overcome and wisdom to know how to overcome. Pray they would not grow discouraged, nor their hearts grow faint; but that they would continually rely on God and the power of the Holy Spirit. May they pursue the victory that God has granted for them with the relentless passion that God demonstrates daily for all humanity. For we overcome by the blood of the Lamb And the word of our testimony. May today be a day of declaration. Of a victorious life. For the glory of God. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019