I heard a powerful sermon yesterday morning regarding Judas and his place in the inner circle of Christ' ministry. It's utterly amazing, just how many chances Jesus gave Judas; knowing from the beginning and dropping hints of what was in Judas' heart. With every instance, you can almost hear the hope in Jesus voice that Judas would come forth and come clean.
Yet even as they sat at the Last Supper, John is sits at Christ' side; leaning in towards His bosom. Judas sits on the other side of Christ... leaning away. He was present with Christ; but not "with" Christ. They both knew Judas' heart, yet Jesus even at dinner, continued to extend the invitation to Judas. What a phenomenon... to be a part of Jesus ministry and yet follow through with your betrayal of Him, even turning down opportunities to accept grace before actually committing the act. Clearly, God knew Judas' heart. At one point, early in the message, the pastor mentions where Judas' mind was focused. It was on self and not the Cross. Which got me thinking... about how many are involved in various levels of ministry within the church; even to the point of staff and deacon's (pastor's inner circle) and yet while with them, are not truly "with" them. There is some other, often selfish reason for their involvement. They are cross in thinking rather than Cross-thinking. It's an easy enough trap to fall into, but nevertheless, an incredibly dangerous one... especially for someone like Judas' who refused the grace and forgiveness of Christ at numerous points in time. On this #deaconThursday, let's pray for those in church leadership. May their motives and reasons for being involved indeed be, that they are truly Cross-minded. Pray selfish gain, greed and the like would be far from their hearts and minds. Pray that they, along with their pastors, work towards the plans and purposes God has called them to with an eternal perspective and the advancement of the Gospel. May their remain a sensitivity not only towards the things of God, but towards God Himself; and the power of the Holy Spirit to continue to move and draw them closer to His presence and grace. May that not pass over the opportunity to stand clean before Christ. Committed to the cause of Christ, Thoughts of betrayal far from theirs hearts and minds. Ready to extend grace and receive grace in the midst of failure; That God would accomplish the miraculous in all circumstances. For His glory alone. - PNC
![]() Friends of mine from church are pregnant, expecting their second child, another daughter. Two weeks ago, they had to do surgery on the baby, as fluid was building up in the lungs. Last week, when they went in for the checkup, they discovered the fluid has built up again, this time on the other side. So, today, they go back to do the exact same surgery, a second time. More. Again. Nothing like repeating situations, conversations and lessons. #saideveryparenteverywhere In fact, one has to wonder if God doesn't wonder the same thing about us. Lessons, trials, difficulties... all for His glory, yet like the Israelites; the wandering in the desert was unnecessary. In fact, having to do it twice was just... it's like rooting for your favorite team struggling to get through the game or the season and in the playoffs. "Come on, guys! Get it together!" The little things add up; but when the big things hit, blood pressures go up, as do stress and tension levels. But show should our faith and trust; that God is working His plan. It truly is a balanced effort of trusting and searching. Indeed there are times for understanding and corrective action and then there's the man born blind. Not for nothing, but solely for the glory of God. Hence, no matter what we go through and endure; as hard as it may be, as frustrating, tragic or exhaustive, standing strong in the faith is paramount. Burnout may encroach anywhere, but our faith should fortify all. Thanks for joining this #associatePastorTuesday, as we pray for pastors and those in difficult and trying times; perhaps for the first as they experience a complicated pregnancy unlike their first child; or the pastor who finds themselves again in a place of unexpected transition in ministry. No matter what the challenge or difficulty, may the grace of God continue to transcend understanding and emotions and reflect Christ to a world who needs to know that an omniscient, omnipotent, Sovereign God is in control. May discouragement and burnout be kept at bay, as faith stands firm and reminds Satan, moment by moment if necessary, that He is defeated foe. Fortified faith No matter how many times life repeats itself. Grace in the midst His plan. Trust when understanding escapes. For His glory And the advancement of the knowledge of Christ. - PNC Pastor closed his sermon yesterday with an incredible element of wisdom, a duel-pronged piece actually.
It basically goes like this. If a pastor loves his congregation, he will tell them the truth. If a congregation knows they are loved, they will be able to receive the truth. Ir got me thinking of some of the outrageous statements that have been made over the years; some of them seemingly not very Scriptural; at least at face value. At other times; they may have sounded right, but they were very off-track. So, I couldn't help but wonder... what happens in the pastor's mind when such statements come forth. Do they think they are telling the truth and are simply missing the mark? Has their personality gotten bigger than the pulpit? Are they reaching for something that shouldn't? Is there truly a breakdown somewhere in the pastor's relationship with those in the pew; that either he doesn't love them as they should or they don't feel loved to receive it? Conversely, there have been plenty of accounts where the truth has been spoken, and even then, it wasn't well-received by certain people and where are they in life and relationship to God? Your guess is as good as mine. Love is to be shown as much as it is to be expressed in order to be effective. So, let's pray, this #seniorPastorMonday, that indeed, pastors would be seekers, lovers and speakers of the truth. Pray for healthy relationships with congregations; they would know they are loved and be able to receive the truth, even when it moves people out of comfort zones and brings conviction. May people not be so quick to run away from the truth, but that they would experience the freedom God intended when it is spoken. Pray for circustances and situations where there needs to be healing and perhaps restoration; where the truth was not spoken in love and damage occurred. May the Holy Spirit do a healing work in the hearts and minds of those affected. May the family of God Be known for the love the share And the truth we speak. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC 's #communitySaturday!
A day in which the post revolves around the concept and understanding of the church and how we relate and impact the world around us. (at this point, I was just interrupted by the doorbell from our county's Democrat group, asking if I had any issues I wanted to discuss. After declining, I realized I should have taken them up on the offer! Serious timing. That was funny) What's not funny was my level of disgust in the past day or two. There are so many disturbing stores in the news these days, and the situations and circumstances that are actually passing as "newsworthy" is simply mind-blowing. At the top are these two pieces. First, a situation from April 2016 somehow made it back into a social media newsfeed, when a "prominent" musician (quotes, for the purpose of noting that I don't follow this genre, so I'm making an assumption of their influence) told a Christian Governor that she deserved to be gang-raped. There's much that I could say in response, but it wouldn't accomplish much. All I have is what I've told my kids... There will always be people who won't like you; but don't give them a reason by being a jerk on purpose. Worse, was late this past week, a pastor stated publicly that it was heresy to pray for the President. Seriously? Who we pray for is (or can be) considered heresy? Again... To both the secular musician and to the church pastor; to the Governor and the President and everyone else on Earth and to those of you reading this guys perspective... There will always be who won't like you. Don't give them a reason for doing so by being a jerk a purpose. What happened to pray for your enemies? Pray for those who persecute? Pray for those who revile you? Who hate you, because they hated me? As Timothy encouraged us; that all supplications, prayers, intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men; for kings and for ALL that are in authority. And why? That we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. Obviously, this musician isn't in the know on this matter. But certainly, the Governor does. And I would dare say they are responding in prayer accordingly in their time with God. Even more-so, how does a pastor qualify praying for the authority of a nation as heresy? If that's true, then Timothy certainly has some explaining to do regarding his exhortation; which is what he calls it in the opening words of that verse! Wherever you are; whatever your plans for the day... conversations, fellowship, gatherings and activities, clearly its effectiveness in displaying Christ is severely hindered if we are not people of prayer... for all people in all matters and walks of life. Let's do that, shall we? On this #communitySaturday, pray for the President and kings and presidents of our nations; that God would use them to accomplish His purposes as He has placed them, respectively for such a time as this. For those in other positions of authority, may God do a work in their lives and may they come to the knowledge of His saving grace. Pray to for pastors, that they would lead their congregations to greater reflect the love of Christ rather than engage in divisive exchanges. While disagreements will inevitably exist, may God give us wisdom with our words and attitudes; that it would not be about agendas or rights, but of truth and righteousness according to the divine design and hand of Almighty God. May our lands be healed As God's people remain in prayer For the battle is not carnal But spiritual in nature. Thus, may we be filled with Spirit To fulfill the calling of God For such a time as this. For His glory. - PNC ![]() I must confess, I'm having difficulty deciding on how to start this post. Mostly because I have two trains of thought that I'm trying to figure out how to bring together... I know they will, I'm simply trying to discern if it matters where I start. The challenges of being a writer... which, when you think about it, is much like any other interest, project or undertaking; having a plan. Friends of mine, just finished building their home and thanks to the advent of social media, it looks beautiful judging by the pics that have been posted throughout the build process. As I considered what is involved in such a build, I couldn't help but consider how well it timed with our earlier (and past, for that matter) discussions on foundations, in particular, yesterday's on having cracks. So important then, is the need for inspections... multiple inspections for the duration of the build. And rightfully so. If the plan is not correctly laid out from the beginning, changes after the fact can present quite the challenge. And often more than one. Of course, the longer one continues with an ill-laid plan, the more corrections, changes and potential tear-down and rebuilding may exist in one's future. On a similar vein of thought, my youngest child is starting to pick up on some of the reactions and responses as the older sibling. Which is making for "fun" conversations. Obviously, the quotes are for sarcasm, as we quickly recognize that it's not permissible with the oldest child and we are working on correcting that, so certainly, it is intolerable with the younger child. So, as is the case for most of the stage of parenting, like building a home, we are keeping a close on to make sure things are going according to plan and working hard to pay attention when things might be off course, prompting correction and change. Do we always get it quick and right and corrected? No. No parent does. But it takes work. So too in ministry. Having a plan. Implementing a strategy. And building lives of faith and community within the body of Christ. Faith is as much an organized process as building a home or raising a child (although the child doesn't exactly come with blueprints) Once again, ever so present on the forefront of my mind, however, is the challenge of pastors, in building and keeping their own families on course, as well as their ministries and those who sit under their leadership. On this #youthPastorWednesday, pray for pastors that in the initial stages of building their ministries, and particular, youth groups. Pray that God would give them wisdom, in their early years of ministry, to develop healthy habits and disciplines as well as relationships. Pray that God would help them design and implement ministry plans and establish foundational elements that will set them up for success. May they find and surround themselves with people who will come alongside and work with them, support them and mentor them in the process. Pray protection over their lives, not just physically, but spiritually, emotionally and mentally. May they not be detoured, derailed and destroyed; not in their early days of ministry nor any point and time throughout their tenure. Pray the power of God and the anointing of the Holy Spirit be ever present and ever at work, in the lives, homes and ministries. Built and established by God. For His glory. By His grace. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() In a sermon that was broadcast yesterday morning on the radio, Dr. Tony Evans was talking about the foundation of families. He relayed a story about the time there was a crack in the wall at his home. The plaster was repaired and painted, but a few weeks later it reappeared. He had it fixed by the same guy, but again, another 4-6 weeks later, the cracks reappeared. When he decided to have a different guy look at the work, that man informed him, that he couldn't help Evans. The problem was not a crack in the wall. It was a shifting foundation. While I understand, Evan subject matter was on the family (and there's certainly a point to pray, as we have before regarding the foundation of faith at home), my first reaction was the foundation of the church. In particular, consider this an extension of yesterday's post; as we are witnessing senior Pastors shift on some major culture issues of our day. Associate pastors, much like deacons and church staff, should be able look both ways, within the church, as far as their ability to recognize cracks in the church. They have incredibly close interaction with senior/lead pastors that they should know when their foundation is shifting; likewise, as they may well have a better pulse of what is transpiring with people under their ministry, they should be able to recognize when the foundation of the congregation is starting to crack. If nobody is watching for such circumstances and conditions; then how can proper and timely repairs be made before the church encounters extensive and expensive damage; perhaps even to the point of existing beyond repair. (At which point, there isn't much existence left... at least, not a healthy one) So, will you join me once again? On this #associatePastorTuesday, pray these pastors would have the vision and spiritual insight to recognize when cracks are beginning to appear; and to discern when they are the result of a foundational issue. Pray for wisdom as they handle such circumstances; that they would declare the truth and have a super-natural understanding of what is transpiring. May God lead them by the anointing of the Holy Spirit to properly resolve these matters, whether they exist with the leadership or the congregation. Pray for help and strength, in the conversations they will have and the solutions and resources that need to be utilized. That our foundations will be strong; That the church and people of God Will stand unwavering. Confident in the calling. Assured in their faith. True to their purpose. For the glory of God. - PNC As I've continued to watch some prominent church leaders come under scrutiny for their stance and interpretation on some of the major issues currently facing our culture, it's becoming blatantly clear... many Christians and churches are struggling. And that's putting it mildly.
The Word of God changes lives. It divides bone and marrow. It is profitable for teaching and reproof. From beginning to the end, it is the Gospel of redemption from the throne of God; replete with accounts from humanity of those whom God had an incredible plan for every man, woman and child and the outcomes of both those who were fully submitted to Him and those who were fully resistance to Him. Yet here we stand 2000 years later and the church faces problems that are on par with those in the early church, Meanwhile the leaders who are attempting to bring the revelation of the truth of God's Word to the matter are the ones being dismissed as lacking the understanding of Scripture and missing the leading of the Holy Spirit. When the church and it's leadership more quickly applies the Bible to fit their lives rather than submit their lives in alignment to the Bible, we are on shaky ground indeed. In comparison, such was the life of Moses in His relationship with God that he found himself standing on holy ground. Yet even his decisions and mistakes kept him from stepping into the promise land. Talk about a prime example of a leader who can make an incredible impact for the kingdom of God and yet severely miss the mark because of his own decisions in light of God had planned and instructed for his life and leadership. And much like the nation of Israel during the wilderness, so too, are many churches wandering and surviving; one day at a time with much conflict among them. On this #seniorPastorMonday, would you join me in praying for fresh outpouring of God's Spirit upon pastors. May God do a new work in their hearts and minds and reveal to them where they are in relation to God and His Word. Pray for the congregations that are struggling and in trouble, seemingly being led in the wrong direction. May their be a turning point in their lives, faith and understanding... of who God is, what He says and what He has planned for their churches and communities. Pray the church would not lose its influence to impact culture because we have caved to the outside pressures of culture rather than speak the truth in love to them. May God do a healing and restorative work in the leadership of the church. That many would know, God loves them so. Because the truth was declared, Rather than life catered to comfort. For the Word of God is life To those who would give heed. For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() For all my life, I've been partial to the number 7. As I've grown though, it's held more and more significance and meaning, especially when seen in duplicate. There is a group on social media that people are always posting to with sightings of 77 or 777, as an honor to the Christian Rock band, the 77's. (last minute edit after it's all been written; "oh the irony of finding 777 on a license plate!") As we communicated a few days ago about a perspective that sees far ahead, I too, back in May of 2015 didn't think much about what kind of milestones I would mark as I carried out this commitment to write daily thoughts regarding the need to #pray4pastors. Yet the date calculation website tells me that starting from 6/1/2015 thru to and including today's post, that there are now 777 consecutive posts. So, I'm smiling as I write this... boasting in the Lord for His helping me as I told Him I knew I would need it. Meanwhile, I can't help but consider... how many other things would be vastly improved in my life had I spend the last 777 days doing them. Health and fitness, finances, generosity, in my relationships, in my home and so much more. So, needless to say, I found it more than a little profound as my wife and I sat last night watching The Christmas Cure, a movie that is part of the Hallmark channel's Christmas in July programming. A young doctor returns home, as her father is retiring from his small-town clinic and she is confronted with accepting a big promotion at the hospital she works at on the other side of the country versus staying home and continuing the work of her dad's clinic. At one point, in talking with her mom, the following concept is presented (and forgive me, now I can't remember exactly how the mom stated it) It's possible that we can spend all our time doing what we are supposed to be doing and yet miss the "thing" that we were meant to do. Like this series of hours wasn't already reflective for me when I discovered yesterday morning that today was going to be 777 day and now hearing the profoundness of how we can live and do well and yet not be doing well at the same time. The meaning. The purpose. The calling. The anointing. The blessing. It can really throw off one's ability to be effective and efficient. It's not that those elements aren't present, for indeed they are. But they operate at a different level between doing what you are supposed to do and what you are meant to do. The clarity that comes with knowing and understanding the meaning and purpose behind what you do is what makes the difference. So, let's pray as ministry goes forth on this #effectiveSunday. May the things that are supposed to get done be done well, but more importantly, pray for a clarity and purpose for the ministry that is accomplished today. Pray for the conversations that people will engage in as they communicate and share life. Pray over the worship sessions; that the presence of God will move afresh in the hearts and lives of those present. May the word of God as His Word is presented, bring about revelation to people's hearts and minds. Pray for clarity where is fog; confidence where there is doubt, peace where there is chaos and hope where there is despair. May an opportunity not be missed to share and communicate the love of God with every person of all ages as they enter the house of God this day. Effective for the kingdom of God As we live as we were meant to live. For His plans and purposes. May He be glorified in all we say and do. And grace for when we miss the mark. All for the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() No community is ever perfect... at least not once past the picturesque appearance. No geographic community. No organized community. No church or cause. And at it's most basic unit, neither is a family community, ever perfect. Yet, as we look around us, at our world, whether locally or at-large, we quickly see that the problems and chasms that exist on a large scale also exist to some degree behind closed doors. So effectively engaging community can be a challenge in our neighborhoods and outside the four walls of our local church because engaging with each other at home can present just as many challenges. Communication. Expression. Openness. Honesty. Discernment. Responsibility. Identity. Whenever any of the above elements are non-existent, twisted, out of balance or misguided, then there are strong odds that life will be a tense, stressful struggle. We've seen too much of it already. Throughout our world. Throughout our nation. In our home states. In our home towns. In our local church. Yet all of those things are built as the result of what happens behind our own front doors and what enters or escapes the back door when we aren't keenly aware and alert. I'll be the first to admit, I could do better. Could you? Could the church? Could our governing authorities? Yes, yes, and yes! And I for one will need the grace and strength of God and the help of the Holy Spirit. On this #communitySaturday, let's pray that indeed, God would help us, even as we lead our families in the basic structure of community. May God grant to us strength and grace to lead and by the power of the Holy Spirit, may we do it well. Pray that we would do better in our communications and responsibilities. Pray that each of us would have, hold and live our identities in Christ. May God grant to us discernment, as we engage in our relationships with those in our homes and the communities at large, with which we are apart throughout the week. Pray that we would be effective in representing the character of Christ and the love of God in all we say and do, regardless of who is in the room and a part of the conversation. For before that was community There was family. Dwelling in the presence of God Where He desires all man would live. For His glory and honor, we pray. - PNC ![]() It usually helps when telling a story, that the plot twist is a key element. Wouldn't you agree? Otherwise you've built up the intro and you have the moral of it all, but what happened to the transition? Well, I missed that part as it was shared yesterday via radio. That said, though... I remember the closing statement of the story as it was told. "I didn't have the perspective to see that far ahead." As the pastor preached, he relay Paul's perspective on his ministry... he did everything with eternity in mind. He was counting the cost. He was forsaking it all. He was keeping his eye on the price. His perspective was eternally-focused. Yet, for all of life, both personally, profession or ministerial, it's hard to keep a long-term perspective. And in fact, my wife and I just chatted as I was sitting to type this, that "what if we had done something different" regarding last nights decision compared to a related decision from two years ago. To this I had one reply... can't focus on that now. I don't want to think about how much more gray hair I would be sporting had I spent more time thinking and rethinking any number of decisions I've made in the past 12-13 years; even longer, come to think of it. In fact, I think about such matters more than I need to and I really try not to do so even that much! That said, the same is true in ministry. And perhaps, to a greater extent missions. It goes without saying that both eternity-minded and focused. But decisions, strategies, conversations, time management, ministry-life balance... all of these elements have their own levels of desires and regrets and second guesses. If the everyday issues of life can through us off our game even momentarily in the life of the everyday Christian, then once again, it begs the question; how much more for the those whose vocation is full-time ministry? Thanks again for joining me. On this #missionsFriday, pray that missionaries would indeed keep the long-term perspective of eternity in mind. Even the cost of life, as Paul laid out so eloquently, that to be absent here is to be present with God... may the fears of persecution, retribution and opposition towards the Gospel not lay a foothold, much less a stronghold in their hearts and minds. Pray for a spirit of confidence as they move forward in the calling of God and the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon their lives; may a spirit of regret and doubt be far-removed from their mind's eye and memory. Pray a fresh move of God in the efforts; a fresh wind in their words and a countenance of joy over their lives. That whatever they do May it be done as unto the Lord. In word and deed, For the honor and glory of God For the advancement of the Gospel And the cause of Jesus Christ. Let it be so. - PNC It's been driving me nuts since about midday, yesterday afternoon... that I can't remember whose sermon was playing on the radio when this statement was made.
"Sometimes, the most spiritual thing you can do is get a good night's rest." He went on to talk about how we are dispensable. So often and easily we think that we are not; that we have to do it all or it won't get done. Like nobody else would pick up the pieces if we weren't already struggling to maintain an oversized load that our frame was not meant to carry. Fast forward to last night, at the close of Pastor's devotional on wisdom. He compares Samson, who did not heed the words of his mother and father, to that of Moses in the conversation with his Father-in-law, Jethro. Having the benefit of perspective from a few more years experience, he says Moses struggling to judge the people and offers his advice. "You'll burnout out if you keep this up. Why don't you do this instead?" Fortunately for Moses, he heeded the advice, but more importantly, he unburdened himself from a load that was too much. He chose people who were capable of helping to handle it and freed himself to focus on those matters where his strength could be exercised, rather than his life exhausted. In like spirit, pray this #deaconThursday for those in church operations who need a good rest. May God rejuvenate and refresh them; body, mind, soul and spirit. Pray God would break up the unhealthy pressure and drive that is taking them down the road to burnout. May the Holy Spirit bring winds of refreshing and perspective; with new ways of thinking and handling matters that will help manage the load. Pray for people to come along side and help carry the load as well; capable, that others may be more effective and efficiently utilized. For many hands make the work light. That the work would not be a burden that leads to burnout But that we would labor together in Christ, joyfully with honor. For the glory of God For the advancement of the Gospel. - PNC So, I was watching Everybody Loves Raymond last night for a few minutes, partly because nothing else was on. The episode where Deborah runs for school governance board President was playing, and Ray wasn't happy about such a prospect because it meant he would be home at night with the kids, more often than not. And that scared the crap out of him.
For friends that know me in real life, let's just say I understand his dilemma. Being at home nights with my kids doesn't scare me, but as Dads, it gets pretty frustrating at times when they want nothing but Mommy and she isn't home or won't be for a while. Poor Ray, actually goes as far as to vote against her, to make sure she doesn't win the school board election. She loses... by a whopping 6 votes. And it brings me back to what I've always wondered about pastors. How they juggle ministry and family. Even for youth pastors. They often have kids of their own (and for this reason, it might also explain why youth pastors are so often young couples without kids). How easy it must it be, to have a struggle that exists, with the argument being made that someone spends more time investing in other people's kids than their own? Probably, a little too much, if we were honest. So, let's pray this #youthPastorWednesday. Pray for pastors, but in youth and children's ministry, but others; whose homes and marriages are struggling or even in trouble, because of the demands that take them away from personal family time. May their be a covering a grace and understanding. May God grant wisdom and direction, if indeed changes need to be made, to establish boundaries and recreate time-frames that restore this necessary balance to life. Pray for healing in marriages, where this has been a problem that has perhaps brought them to the brink of burnout and the suffering of severe consequences. May God help them, even this day and hour. That the ministry of the church Would not overtake or dominate The responsibilities of leading the home In the things of God. For His glory. - PNC I've been experiencing an interesting lesson in the last 12 hours. It's not that I haven't known it or heard it before... it's just been taken to a new level.
It's a simple point of trusting God with an unknown outcome. It's been a matter of prayer; seeking counsel, exercising wisdom, being in agreement then simply waiting to see what God does. And while waiting; keeping emotions and hopes in check, so that if the result is different from my hopes, that I won't be severely disappointed. To put it in the Apostle Paul's words... I'm content. I've had. I've gone without. Yet in all things, with God... Then, I recall as Pastor shared yesterday morning, when he and his wife were just starting the church and a Sunday night service only had 6-8 people. Having turned down offers to pastor elsewhere, His mother-in-law asked her daughter after that service "are you sure this is what you want? Because this isn't good?" No matter what our circumstance and how things look, trust and contentment is almost entirely perspective. One that I admit, I struggle with more often than not. And I know I'm not alone. So, let's pray, this #seniorPastorMonday, for pastors struggling to trust God in the difficulties they face. For those situations and circumstances that are less than desired; for the opportunities that are exciting but hopes and desires are difficult to keep in check... may God help them keep perspective. Pray for strength as they endure waiting periods and perseverance as circumstances may look questionable to others. May there be an unwavering stance of faith in their calling and purpose; that God would accomplish the miraculous for His glory as they exhibit trust in God alone and walk in obedience to the plans He has laid before them; even those that exist one step at a time. Contentment with understanding; Vision that keeps perspective; And hope that remains confident in God. That He will do what only He can do. As we walk in faith. - PNC ![]() At some point yesterday morning, I lost the idea I had for today's post. All afternoon, last night and this morning while laying in bed... racking my brain trying to remember where that train of thought was headed and alas... failing to find it. But while I was sitting here with my laptop screen staring me down, as if to taunt me... "You got anything to type? Huh? Huh? Do ya? Anything?" I thought about the breaking that occurs when there is a disconnect within community. We were made for community. So much so, that God Himself after He had made everything, looked at Creation and realized, there was nothing with which He could share... His presence, His glory, His being. Thus, the vertical relationship with God begun. Shortly thereafter, it is not good for man to be alone. And the horizontal relationship was established, when Eve is created. God longs for relationship with humanity. Humanity desires relationship with those around them. And yet we fail on so many levels. Society longs are a place to connect and yet fails to connect to with God, first and foremost. They fail to look to the church, second. We can all agree the church isn't perfect, nor the people in it, but it is the community God has established, that we might grow in our relationship with Him and connect with others, as well as be a unified witness of the love and glory of God. As such, what a tragedy to hear, on both sides of the church walls, people wanting nothing to do with church or anything along the spectrum, short of coming to gather together with the people and presence of God. Let's pray this #communitySaturday, that God would strengthen relationships within the church, that we may be a greater witness of the love and grace and glory of God. May God grant wisdom to work the problems and struggles that seek to divide and conquer us from within. Pray people would find their place, both in Christ and in relationship with man, for those where a seemingly disconnect exists; whatever the circumstance and reasoning. May we not seek God and community with God in the temporal and unhealthy places; but that people would be drawn to the person and presence of God through the love of the Christian community... to be a cup of cold water to those in need. That the church would not be directed by society But that we impact our world And direct others to the face of God That we would seek as His face in Heaven As fervently as we desire to fill our lives on this Earth. May God connect us with Himself and our neighbor By the power of the Holy Spirit For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() I'm pretty certain that everyone has those days (and mornings, especially) that you just can't seem to engage. Situations have been discussed. Opinions have been offered. Facts have been presented. Ground work has been laid. Observations have been made. You know there is more work to do and things that need to be said, but you find yourself in a place of pause. You question what you are doing. Maybe doubt encroaches. The mind begins to wander. Speculation starts to infiltrate. Shortly thereafter, fear and anxiety make their grand entrance. How thick headed are we? About as thick as Jesus' disciples! All throughout His ministry, He shared, don't be afraid. And after His resurrection, during the appearances before His ascension, He is still telling them the same thing... don't be afraid. No matter where we find ourselves; no matter our energy levels or engagement quotient; whether we have the wisdom and answers or are seemingly quiet and patient, may today be a day of peace and rest in Christ, whereby our trust in Him is reaffirmed. If for no other reason, than His ways and thoughts are higher and greater than ours, than we can ask or imagine. Pray this #deaconThursday, for those that are struggling... perhaps feeling restless or out of place. Indeed, may the place their trust in you once again and resolve to remain in the peace of our presence, rather than the anxiety of the unknown. May you grant to them a clarity of mind and a determination of heart in the direction you would have for them to move and live and have their being. Pray for the courage and boldness to ask; as we are reminded we have not because we ask not. May they ask in alignment with the will and Word of God. Pray these times of vulnerability would not give way to the enemy to gain a foothold within them; but they would hold on strong to the faith in Christ of which they profess. Resolute in faith. Fearless in living it out. Trusting in God when He can't be traced. For His thoughts and plans towards us are good. To bring about glory to His name. - PNC ![]() For about as great a disdain as there exists in discussing religion and politics, especially among friends and family. Ranking right up with it, possibly even surpassing it, is the ability for people to tolerate hypocrisy in one's life as well; seemingly most often in the realm of religion and politics. And probably called out by friends and family more than anyone else as well, especially if they are on the "other side" of the matter as far as their own personal views or beliefs are concerned. Add the ministry dimension into the conversation and you've simply raised people's awareness to be called to the mat, on just about every matter imaginable, whether professional or personally, on politics, faith and life in general. However, it's the ones closest to us, that when a misalignment or a diversion exists in our lives that should cause us to pause and reflect... what is really going on in this realm and arena of life? Is there truth to their argument or perspective? Hard to swallow, though it may be, this is part of iron sharpening iron. One must be strong to speak up on matters; one must be just as strong to receive criticism on such matters. If done from a place of love and concern, then the justification to be offended should be low. If there is truth to the matter, our offense should be even lower. Yet, often it is not. Our offense is high; especially if the criticism comes from a place where there isn't much of a relationship as a foundation from which one speaks. But God is at work in all of us; and He'll use whom He must to capture our attention and draw us closer to Himself and our reflection of the character of Christ. As difficult of a process as it can be to endure. On this #youthPastorWednesday, would you join me in prayer? Pray that that God would draw each of closer to His presence, but especially those in ministry. May He guard their hearts and minds and the arenas of life where words and actions, beliefs and lifestyles don't align as they should with who God has called and desires us to live. Pray the spirit of offense would be far from the life of the believer and the ministry. May the power of God and the truth of His Word continue to come alive and impact our lives, much as a parent desires the truth to guide the lives of their kids. Pray pastors would not be blind to what God is doing in their lives, regardless of who or what may bring matters to their attention; nor would they be blind-sided by the affects of decisions, actions and words which are not called out in their lives and ministries. For we are each being renewed daily. And either moving closer to image of Christ Or farther away from the image of Christ. May we walk and move in the presence of God Living and speaking truth. As a witness to His grace and love. - PNC ![]() It's Independence Day! Our identity and freedom is in Christ, because of what God has accomplished in our lives. We are no longer slaves to sin. While we understand we are servants of God, life has a way of attempting to crowd out what God has in store for our lives and what He called us and purposed for us to carry out. For all freedom we have in God, the pressures, circumstances and decisions in life can certainly cause to feel as though we are bound. Decisions are made or not made based on emotions and thoughts of limited choices. Or "none". Frustrations and perceptions can seemingly bind our hearts and cloud our judgements. At times, it feels as though you just can't get a handle on clarity. Wisdom escapes us. Decisiveness evades us. Emotions get confused in the cul-de-sac of self-doubt. Internal angst makes itself known on one's countenance. One does not feel free. Not in life. Not in Christ. One is not a slave to sin; neither do they feel as a bond-servant of God. Yet, it is hard to deny at times, the existence of feeling as though one lives in a straight-jacket. Yet the truth remains. We are God's. Joint heirs with Christ. Not forsaken. Not forgotten. Not unnoticed from the throne room of Heaven. Not obscure in the eyes of God. Not without a plan and purpose; a calling and an anointing; a hope and future. Not without a promise from our Creator and Father. On this #associatePastorTuesday, may today be a day celebration. Not only of a nation's independence, but of within the frustrated souls and hearts of those in ministry. May God work the miraculous for those struggling professionally and personally with where they are in life and family and church. Pray the Holy Spirit would break through, the lies that have been told and believed and that have hindered what God desires to accomplish in the lives of pastors. May they be renewed in their hearts and transformed in their minds, as God works afresh in their lives. Pray the plans of the enemy would be thwarted and the plans and purposes of God made clear. Freedom. Obtained. Declared. Lived. Under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. By the power of the Cross of the Christ. For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() We've discussed the past number of weeks on #communitySaturday, the power of engagement and how we present ourselves when we engage... that regardless of the situation, circumstance, or environment, we exist in a moment where we are with those who are without Christ. Yet, the power of the Gospel exists in relationships. He who wants friends must show himself friendly. I heard it put another way, this past week... ...that he who wants to win some must be winsome. Then we all have those days... caught up in what we are doing, totally unaware of why others are engaged in what they are doing and feeling as though we have a point of frustration worry to display. Having had such a moment the other day, I offered my apologies for my attitude, while hearing his situation. Yet, I found myself justifying my frustration by explaining that I had no way of knowing his circumstance, for surely if I did, I would have been more understanding. Shouldn't my being in the dark on the matter been the prompt for being understanding from the start? No. My priority was more important than the problem he was sorting out. As it turns out, his is far more a life-changing matter than my momentary inconvenience as a mark in the day. Thus, we all have our moments. Less than pleasant. Less than nice. Less than the reflection of the character of Christ. (see what I did there?) On this #communitySaturday, pray God would help us to not be so earthly-minded that we are no heavenly-good. May we view our place in the world as opportunity to impact the kingdom of Christ. Pray that we would become lovers of the truth and of God, desirous for those around us to no longer be slaves to sin, but free in Christ. Though the days may be difficult, may we possess an awareness of the presence of God, at work in all circumstances that people may be drawn closer to Him. Pray God would give us wisdom and compassion in our conversations and interactions; that many would experience the cross as the recognize that the church cares for them. Winsome. That we might win some. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() While discussing life with a friend yesterday, he mentioned something very profound. It's the perspective that if you feel as though you are in the wilderness, then perhaps God is building an awareness regarding details. For what is there in the wilderness on which to focus? It's a similar awareness that shepherds have while tending sheep. A keen sense of awareness of the details of their surroundings. One of the preachers that I try to catch on the radio, has been going through the 7 "I AM" statements of Christ, from the book of John. Jesus moves from being the Shepherd, to being the Good Shepherd. He expounded on the point that Christ makes, that when trouble comes; when the wolf readies for an attack, the hired hands will take off. Yet the shepherd, takes ownership and stands his ground. And I considered how often that happens within church operations. Such in these positions aren't leading the church, but they are hired to support the church. Much like in any organization or company, they aren't invested, financially or emotional into the success of has been built as the person who has built it, and poured their heart, life and soul into the process. Thus when trouble comes; when things aren't going right or well... they may soon be out the door. Who will help protect and guard against the attack? Those who do will be few in number. So, let's pray, this #deaconThursday for church operations and staff. May they be encouraged to stand firm and strong, when things get difficult within the ministry. Pray God would strengthen their resolve to the work of the Lord and the ministry. May God grant them clarity and insight, especially for those who feel as though they are in wilderness places. Pray for perspective and the ability to focus on better handling the details of life. May they be victorious against the attacks of the enemy. Unhindered. Unshakeable. Immovable. For the advancement of the cause of Christ. For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() I had to chuckle yesterday morning, with the thoughts of the post on "Stingers" fresh on my mind, as I came across a radio interview with Cindi McMenamin discussing her latest book, Drama Free. The interview was well-packed with insight and wisdom as they discussed in greater detail the premise of the book, in living a life free from drama and guarding against it as much as possible and then appropriately managing what does happen to enter your circle of life. It reaffirmed a lesson my parents had the hardest time instilling within me and now I'm attempting to do the same in family. And it's not that I was stubborn in learning this lesson; it's just my character and the state of my spirit in terms of how I live and numerous past experiences... You can't make people like you while simultaneously being true to yourself. You don't go out of your way to make enemies. But people are who they are. As life is lived out daily, in every arena and realm of life, we show our ourselves and we show our faith. And as we are true to ourselves, conflict is sure to arise. Between friends. Between spouses. Between parent and child. Between pastor and parishioner. On the job. In the home. At the church. Life may be a stage, but it is live. There are no dress rehearsals. As much as wishing made it so. Which I guess, is all the more reason to get it right. And that doesn't happen on the first try. But we learn. We grow. We trust. We pray. We seek the face of God. On this #youthPastorWednesday, pray for pastors working with kids and youth. At a time when the world is chaotic, truth is relative and identity is fluid, pray they would help to instill the priority of a faith in God that will stand the trials and difficulties of life. May the help build an understanding of the things of God; that they would be true to who God created them to be and find their identity in Christ. For pastors that are facing such battles in their own lives, may God do a healing work in their lives. Pray for wisdom and strength; that they would find the peace and clarity that would draw them closer to God and take their lives and ministry to the next level. That they would live a life in the fullness of Christ; Under the anointing of God; By the power of the Holy Spirit; For the advancement of the Gospel of Christ. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019