I wanted to write this last Friday and well, time just slipped away. And sadly, sometimes like my kids, it didn't listen when I told it to knock it off. Alas. I spoke with a new found friend the Sunday before last in the moments before service and he shared his experience.
A couple weeks ago now, a team from church was headed on a medical-focus missions trip. A week later, another missions team was heading out. Both teams, to the same country. In the coming week, I forwarded a post that appeared on my social media feed, to a couple pastors. A team was in the process of being evacuated... from the country our teams were prepping to work So, it turns out, my friends team, ended up leaving their missions trip early as well. They were there four days, before heading back... the climate was just that bad. And dangerous. To the point, they had to hire private security to get to them to the airport. Just another reminder that the world's climate is definitely changing. And not the clouds. But hearts and minds. Agendas and objectives. Full of selfish desires and evil intents. Some say the church isn't under attack. But around the world, that's pretty hard to miss. And as long as the church continues to work to advance the Gospel, so too, will those opposed attempt to do whatever it can to work against it. Pray, this #missionsFriday, for the missionaries that are living in incredibly difficult situations and politically unstable environments. Pray a covering over the lives, as well as hearts and minds as they do spiritual battle on the front lines where physical harm is possible. Pray God would, literally if need be, guide their steps and illuminate their paths. May the be placed with the right people, in the right places, at the right time, that God would accomplish His divine purpose as they risk everything for the cause of Christ. One life changed, When one life steps out. As Christ did for us. - PNC
While America is going through some serious moral conflict of ideology within the nation (and has for decades now), it's imperative, that we (read: the church) don't forget, diminish or neglect the serious battles that the global church and missionaries are facing elsewhere.
It's easy to get caught up in our own lives, our own problems, whether they be legitimate or #firstworldproblems only, and the struggles and battles we face. We do it as individuals. We do it as families. As companies and at an organizational level. Even the church can isolate itself at times, from both the secular world and the rest of the Christian community. Perhaps it's necessary for a time and season. But certainly, not as a continual state of existence. While we face ideological battles when serious consequences, Christians and churches around the world are in battles over their very existence. Both at an organizational level and literally, for their life. It is indeed a crazy day and time in which we live and are witnessing. They need our support; but they need our prayer. It's easy to leave them out, and it shouldn't be that way. I know. I've done it. So, let's pray, this #missionsFriday. Pray for those whose lives are both on the line and in jeopardy. Pray that God would strengthen them and bless them for what they have sacrificed to date, for the advancement of the Gospel. Pray that God would soften the hearts of hearers, from the paupers to the palaces. Pray that God would give them favor and influence in the place of attack and oppression. May God bring healing to the lands in which they are, just as we pray would pray for the healing of our own nation. For as there is one Christ, So it, is there one body of Christ. Those who are His Faithfully serving the Gospel For the glory of God. - PNC So, I'm scrolling through social media, when I come across a story posted by a friend. My first reaction was where it was wrong to want to laugh out loud, for surely, it's quite a predicament. So much so, my next thought was wow... talk about your hens coming home to roost.
Life changes. Time changes. Our perspectives and opinions change. Depending on your beliefs hopefully they don't change. Although for the world-known person in the story, I can only pray their beliefs do change. Hence the pending, potential predicament. I just can't help but consider the grace of God, in light of this situation. The stories of people's lives before coming to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ... who they were, what they did, what they were involved in... the stories I've heard over the years are beyond belief!! (as a Petra song is playing in the background, but not the Beyond Belief album. Back To The Street, if you must know) Missions sounds like such a daunting work, but in reality it's not. It's simply sharing the transition of one's life before Christ to what happened once they understood His death was for them. For every life has a pivotal moment. A spiritual predicament, in which eternity is affected. A day of reckoning, in which a decision must be made when it is discovered the hens have come home to roost. What will this person do? I don't know, but it will be interesting to follow. But more importantly, the world is a mission field, both globally and locally. What will the people in your life do? How will those who are hearing the before and after stories of lives forever changed by Christ respond? Pray this #missionsFriday, for missionaries who are striving and persevering to advance the Gospel. May they be strengthened and renewed as they tell their stories. More urgently, pray for those who are hearing them. Pray that their hearts and minds would be softened and opened to receive. May God do a transforming work, as He has done miraculously, more millions the world over. Pray that when the hens come home to roost and the day of reckoning comes when they are faced with a spiritual crisis, that they would not turn from God, but turn towards Him and away from the wickedness, that has perhaps been a part of their lives for years and decades. May they not be defined by their horrors, but the holiness that God has draped over them because of His saving grace and the cross of Jesus Christ. Lives for ever changed; Young and old, alike. For we are never alive, Until we are alive in Christ. For the glory of God. - PNC You never know what one simple act, what kind word, what statement of truth will be the difference maker. You never know what will be the moment of revelation; when there is a shift in the atmosphere or a clarity of understanding or a change of heart. No matter how often you connect with people, hear their story and situation or whatever... there is also "one more thing", that they hold closest to their heart.
And perhaps, just maybe, it's the very thing that is standing between them and God. It's standing in the way of establishing relationship with Him. It stands in the way of a greater and more powerful relationship than what currently exists. And it feels at times as though, both in formal ministry and every day life, as though you are throwing things at the wall just to see what sticks. Or as Donna, from The West Wing says, putting the milk out there and see if the cat licks it up. That said, impact is made through continual, repeated attempts. Practiced and disciplined habits. When it's lacking you notice. When not lacking, well, the evidence is equally noticeable. On this #missionsFriday, a simple reminder as we pray, that those both in missions and ministry, would not tire or grow weary in well doing. May there always be an answer for the hope that is within us and may we be prepared to give it. Pray for a continual openness to the prompting of the Holy Spirit, to be directed in our conversations and deeds, even with those whom we "know" the best. May God accomplish great things through the lives of those who are faithful in the little things. For God is God overall and nothing goes unnoticed from His presence. May we live with an equal sense of purpose and intent. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC It's amazing at certain times of difficult and stress to witness who comes to the forefront to offer some sage and timely advice. And this past week there were numerous instances of such moments, including this phrase...
"Don't die on this hill." I'd ask you what you are choosing to care about, except I know a handful of things I could re-prioritize. I'd ask you who you are choosing to influence, except I know I'm not nearly engaged as much as I wish I were. I'd ask you what is is that bothers and upsets you to the point you would "go the mattresses", except I have my own list I should probably revisit and clean up. We pick some interesting conversations and even more interesting people and questionable times, in which we choose a subject matter to engage. Not to the point of literal death, but we miss signs and clues as to points of exit. Perhaps continuing the matter is futile. Perhaps there is greater satisfaction in the argument rather than the solution. Whatever is going on, the list of people and the hill on which they "died" is incredible. Yet, there's only One and one hill that matters to all, for all eternity. Every other cause, every other agenda, every other "hot topic" of the day... they all pail in comparison, not only to what Christ did, but to that which ultimately, He has required of us. Yet how often do we get it wrong, choosing the temporal hill for the eternal hill. Pray this #missionsFriday, for missionaries and believers who are under great attack and persecution. Pray for strength to endure and faith to remain steadfast. No matter the trouble or trial, may the keep their eyes ever focused on God, confident of their eternal reward. Pray God would accomplish the miraculous through their lives, testimony and ministry. And pray for the rest of the body of Christ. May we choose careful the "hills" upon which we stake our claim and reputation. May we not lose the clarity of purpose and conviction that God has not only brought us to, but called us to do and to be to a lost and dying world. May the cross of Calvary Be ever present as we go about our days. For on that hill Christ changed eternity. For the glory of God. - PNC Three days in and the idea I thought I had for this yesterday has gone missing!! New Year = new level of writer's block?
Let's change gears. How awesome is the Word of God? Written by man, yes... but, inspired by God. God-Breathed. Under the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit. It should not be added to, neither is anything to be removed from it. So, did the writer's wait on God for every Word? Did they ever, with the stroke of a pen find themselves asking for a divine eraser? Before we changed gears, trying to recall my idea, I was thinking about transparency. We live in a culture where it's often talked about out and our political leaders praise it's virtue, yet the irony is that the less they share, the more truth they seem to reveal. And where the truth isn't being revealed, our speculations increase. Compare this to the revealing nature of God. He has revealed more than we can fathom and certainly more than we can explain. And yet there is so much to this life that isn't revealed. And so we wonder what God is doing. We wonder what is happening and why. The places and people involved and the truth of it all evades us. Yet God is truth and thus, if we seek Him, we shall find Him. There is just so much attack around the world; against the Gospel, the Church, Christians... and the downright truth. His Word is Truth. And as much as we want transparency in our reality, we seem unable to hand the truth of eternity. Yet, missionaries, daily, stand on the front line, handling the eternal truth of the Gospel, dealing with a people desperate to hear, yet not transparent enough with themselves to know they need to receive it. What a delicate, yet troubled balance to walk. A struggle for worse than writer's block... which oddly enough, seems to have cleared up quite quickly. Pray, this #missionsFriday, for missionaries living in difficult places; not only their physical location, but also, the spiritual, emotional and mental state of being. Pray for those enduring an all-too real persecution and multi-faceted attack against them. May they be strengthened and encouraged by the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray that God wound continue to direct their steps and ordain every encounter and conversation; that no matter the circumstance and environment, there would be opportunity to present Christ and speak truth. The one and only Truth, that transforms our reality for all of eternity. In a clouded existence May clarity come To reveal the glory of God. - PNC So, we had a missions-focused dinner last weekend, followed by a small panel during the Sunday service. A simple, engagement of conversation that provided the congregation insight into their lives. Among the many points of discussion where things like calling and direction. Then they closed out the conversation with what they needed in terms of support.
Among the very first answers, if not the first... Friends. We've prayed to this end before, across the board, for pastors and church leadership and of course, missions. But to hear it first hand, naturally, reemphasized the importance and power of high-quality relationships. It's especially important in matters and circumstances where stakes are high on a daily basis and the work is, if you'll permit the play on words, "mission critical". In light of eternity, that's true. And while it may not seem that way on a day-in an day-out basis, missionaries have daily struggles and issues they face as much as anyone else does, if not more. Thus, if we value great friends and quality time and conversation with them in the realm of our comfort zone, how much more is it important for missionaries who have, quite literally, been called out of their comfort zone. Friends are hard to come by, at least, it seems that way at times. Conversely, if we were honest with ourselves, we couild point to times and seasons where we probably weren't in the best place to show ourselves friendly and thus, the connection was missed. And perhaps the opportunity for the miraculous to occur. People come and go. Sometimes on purpose. Other times by default. And then there is a distinct and specific parting of ways. But like so much else in life, they begin and end by being and living intentional. So let's pray this #missionsFriday, for those missionaries who are perhaps lacking in quality friendships, both where they minister and where they receive their support. Pray that God would give them the right connections and conversations to meet their needs, build them up and raise the quality of their life. Pray that God would give the clarity, to know who has come into their lives to be a blessing and encouragement, rather than a source of contention and discouragement. May they have a discerning spirit to know how to meet needs and invest in the lives of those they come in contact with on a daily basis. May God help us, as much as He helps them, that we may each be a better friend; contributing to make the lives of everyone around us better than we found them. For God has never left us, nor forsaken us. The great, friend of sinners. - PNC You've had those days. Especially if you are a parent or actively engaged in the lives of kids on a regular basis; both teens and grade-school aged.
Do you not hear me? Now, I have Chris Rock in my head.... "do you not understand, the words that are coming out of my mouth?" It's incredibly frustrating. Your kids don't listen. Sometimes the spouse misses your message. Employees don't catch what the boss said, causing frustration, which is reciprocated when management doesn't listen to the ideas or concerns of their people! It's not a vicious cycle, but it's certainly a troubling one that does often lead to actual trouble and difficulty. Then we get to church, where the best-intentioned among us manage controlled chaos; which sadly is at times as much drama as found on social media. Well, we certainly hope not, at least, but some of us know better. But even the well-meaning and kind-hearted are trying to help those around them, with message and advice and concern, where we truly are expressing a sincere desire to help, solve and aid in someones' choices, decisions and problems. And it is often met with the rigor and resistance of a fierce political agenda. I suppose we should be surprised, that such truth applies to ministry. For Christ' opponents indeed that He had a political agenda and certain people responded in kind. Thus, it's no surprise that missionaries struggle with this battle too, of not being heard. The frustration that exists though because eternity is at stake, put it at a whole other level. And rightfully so. Let's pray this #missionsFriday, for missionaries, who are in places where the message isn't being heard or received as quickly and enthusiastically as they hope or dreamed or are praying to happen. Pray for the people they are reaching out too, that seeds would continue to be plant, watered and nourished. Pray for a shift in the areas and regions where they are; that eternal and lasting change would come about. May the trouble and turmoil that exists would cease. Pray the political forces that stand against them would lower their guards and make way for the message of the Lord. May the miraculous occur As the message goes out. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Every once in a while, this happens. I have something for a post and before I know it, the idea, the train of thought, the phrase or keyword that I wanted to build from... lost.
Like misplacing your keys or the CD that you had in your hand yesterday, so to, does the important go missing... just that quick. Or so it seems. Yet, I'm comforted in that God loses nothing. He wastes nothing. If anything, He is Re-cycler. He re-uses circumstances. He re-uses people. He re-uses events. The test becomes testimony. The mess becomes a message. The curse gets changed for our course. What was meant to destroy us becomes a pivot point for destiny. Neither the minister nor the one needing ministry is out of God's line of sight. His view is unobstructed. He reach of love goes farther than our ability to run from Him. This truth is as important for the one who has never heard it as it is for the one who needs to be reminded of it. God starts the flame to that which has never come alive in Him; and rekindles that flame that has burnt out. Pray this #missionsFriday, that God's Word would go forth. May missionaries be encouraged and strengthened. May those in need of the message be comforted and convicted. Pray that lives would forever be changed; transformed by the truth of the Gospel and filled with the love of Jesus Christ. May the spirit of discouragement and bondage be lifted and replaced with the rising up of clarity and purpose. Indeed, may there be a pivoting, from eternal destruction to eternal destiny. One purpose, One God One glory. All of us for Him. - PNC It's been said recently, if you've read the headlines or watched the news, that "the truth isn't truth."
I made the mistake of engaging in a brief conversation on this 4-word concept and at some point, had to step back with a certain perspective. With society's recent obsession in recent years, to redefine and reassign meaning to words, mindsets and attitudes, it's really not any surprise, than any person, let alone someone in a leadership role would utter such a statement. But on a larger, spiritual scale, when a people abandon the concept of the existence of "absolutes", then there is room for compromise, dilution and contamination. Things become loose, that were meant to be tight; unsealed, that which was meant to be protected and exposed, that which was to be covered. What's profound about the truth, is that when it is not complete, then it no longer exists as it should. A car whose engine oil has mixed with the coolant is problematic. A watered-down fountain drink is undesirable. A meal in which the ingredients are out of proportion is a recipe for an uneaten meal. People can argue about the current landscape being derisive and tribal and there will always be people who focus on others first. But lets' be real. The people of God must be committed to God. And if Jesus Christ is the Truth, and His Word is truth, then at the end of the day, we are to be pursuers and communicators of truth, but in this life and the Life that is to come. Even within church leadership and on the mission field; where there is even greater risk for speaking and declaring the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.... if that isn't the primary, uncompromised message, then we aren't doing anyone any favors. Regardless of how much they don't want to hear it, or having anything to do with it. Pray, this #missionsFriday, that no matter the cost, there would be a continual, renewal of boldness to seek and speak truth, both on the issues of life and the presentation of God. Pray for barriers to be broken in the hearts and minds of those who have become too accustom to a diluted message. May the Holy Spirit do a work within them, that they would be ready to receive the Word of God and the plans and purposes for their lives. Pray there would be no fear of society's retribution and repercussion. Pray for boldness, in a world that has no remorse for sharing any other aspect of their life and lifestyle; may spiritual, Biblical truth go forward. In a message that is vital To one's eternal destiny, For the glory of God. - PNC Words matter. So do ideas, actions and, well.... we could write quite a list. And many have. But the reason words matter is simple and profound.
The power of communication lies in the quality of the relationship. Think of how much we write off, that is spoken in passing, whether in jest, sarcasm or opinion from people who we don't interact with on a regular basis or don't have a much a depth to speak of regarding the nature of your relationship. The value, the quality, the priority of their influence in your life... it's not that they are bad people or anything else. Maybe some things could and should be corrected; maybe it's just the nature of the relationship. But think about the relationships in which there is great love, deep respect, incredible gratitude, an unbreakable bond and a resolute commitment. The truth can be shared. Joy is experienced. Grief is journeyed. Life is experienced. It's those kinds of relationships that are especially sensitive to the truth found Proverbs regarding our speech. The power of life and death is held by the tongue. The Gospel is an incredible message. But how much more effective is the sharing of it when it is done so upon an established foundation of relationship? For indeed, the Christian faith is based upon relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Pray, this #missionsFriday, that God would grant missionaries favor, in creating and building relationships with the people and cultures in which God has called them to go. Pray that barriers would be broken and walls of kinds would be taken down. May their relationships be well established and doors to people's hearts and minds wide open, ready to receive the good news of Jesus Christ. Pray that God would accomplish the miraculous because of the faith of those who have stepped out in obedience when God called them to go. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC I've got a little time remaining in my drive Thursday day, playing a Christian station, when the host takes a call and opens with you "you're happy about going to prison?"
It turns out, that she was on the way to pick up her husband who had been incarcerated for the past 12 months. Their kid had asked mom, if daddy had accepted Jesus into his heart? To which she responded affirmatively, indeed he had done so. Then the mic drop moment of the call... He had led 12 other inmates to Christ!! Twelve. Yes, you are thinking the same thing the lady who called did... an average of 1 per month of his own sentence. How incredible is that?! And perhaps a little convicting? Or more than a little convicting? The truth of the matter is, it's a big world. And all of it is a mission field; an opportunity for Christ to be displayed in our lives as well as to be communicated to the hearts and minds of others, of the transformation that He has done in ours. A missionary may not be your formal job title, but as a followers of Christ, it is certainly in our job description. Yes the culture is changing; yes the environment you are in may not be the most conducive or appropriate place to share, but God gives windows and openings, for the right attitude, the right word and the right response to life and circumstances to create a desire whereby others may be have questions. That's the time, as Scripture advises; to always be prepared to give an answer for the hope that is within you. If if it's 12 times during a 12-month stint behind bars. And probably more than that, in the works, of people who will remember his testimony, long after he has left that community. On this #missionsFriday, pray that God would indeed, give opportunity to share what Christ has done in our lives. Furthermore, pray that He would not only create the opportunity, but give us the faith and boldness to take advantage of them, and to speak the truth in love to those in need and seeking to know God. Pray the battles and struggles and responsibilities of life would not so consume us that we forget that eternity hangs in the balance for us all. No matter what we do, may we not on do it as unto the Lord, but that God would be glorified in and through us as we do it. For He is not willing that any should perish, But all come to repentance through Christ. For the glory of God And the advancement of the Gospel. - PNC You would think that as you progress through this life and the journey of faith, that things would get easier. But they don't. And we shouldn't be surprised. Consider the work of God in your life. Does not Scripture refer to it as the Refiner's fire?
The cleansing, transformation work of the Holy Spirit is like being under the spotlight, in the hot seat, under fire. We often consider being under fire, as being under attack. Which is very much true. It is a two-fold perspective. God is making us stronger in the faith, as we journey through life and experience and everything else. The challenge, the struggle, the battle, the frustration... mixed in with the occasional joy, laughter and sorrow; God is using all of it for His glory. There is no doubt in my mind. Alternatively, though, is there not a competition for strength? Something gets built until the storm comes and destroys it. So rebuilding occurs. Stronger. And a stronger storm comes. And a third rebuild. And an even stronger, third storm hits. God is building a stronger force of faith within us... The enemy, in his determination, mounts a stronger attempt of attack against us. We are not watching the war, nor are we in the war as a participant. We are the very object of the war. There is no willingly turning to the enemy's side. There is only the look at God that does not lose trust in Him or the look that says we are done with His rebuilding us. This is decision of burnout. Is it the spiritual warfare that gets to us as believers? Absolutely. But for all the struggles along the way within ministry and the work that God desires to accomplish that is met with a people and cultural that is simultaneously interested in the spiritual realm, but not desirous of a relationship with God, the process of storm and rebuild seems at times a futile, albeit eternal exercise. Do we know better? Yes But that hasn't stopped some from looking at God and simply wanting it to be over. On this #missionsFriday, while this could be for any of us, pray especially for missionaries that very well may be at such a brink in their faith. Pray for those on the field, both at home and abroad, whose future seems bleak and they are weary and worn from the onslaught of storms and battles against them from cultural and political attack. May God strengthen them and raise them up, anew and afresh. Pray that they would neither lose hope, nor be dismayed. Pray that would not worry about the outcome nor the process, but would continue to place their trust in God alone, even if it feels futile... even if it feels as though they don't have it within them to do so one more time. May God give them incredible grace and amazing unfound favor. That His will would be accomplished. Their lives of faith and corresponding work, not done in vain. But for the glory of God alone. - PNC I was listening to the music on my phone this afternoon, when DeGarmo & Key started playing. Old school, Christian Rock, if you aren't familiar with their music. You won't be disappointed.
They started singing the song, Special Kind of Love. The lyrics talk about how it could only be God, who could love humanity so much that He essentially sacrificed Himself, in order that He might have relationship with us. What a powerful message. One that we obviously should all be about sharing, whether across the street or across the globe, on this #missionsFriday. Yet, it truly took an act of God to redeem humanity. We all have our days, where simply lose our desire to "adult". You just don't want to be engaged. Driver's on the road aren't fully attentive to driving. Classmates are bugging our kids, while our colleagues prompt us to question our employment decisions. Then there's the days where you aren't sure if you would rather your spouse be upset with you or your boss... God forbid they give you grief on the same day, regardless of whether it was deserved or not. Compassion loses to cynicism. Love gets buried, not by hatred necessarily, but perhaps more by apathy. An obedient response gives room for a hesitant one. God help is, what Christ did for us, indeed took a special kind of love; for all too often we miss the opportunity to express a common kind of love. And as society continues to redefine what "love" looks like, the Gospel will become even more special... as long as it continues to go forth. On this #missionsFriday, pray for those who are struggling to keep the love of Christ at the forefront of our lives. Pray for missionaries, who are weighed down and fatigued by life's stresses and battles. May God help them, where compassion, love and obedience are perhaps hindered or diminished by current circumstances. Pray God would give them wisdom in the days ahead, and grace with themselves. May the Holy Spirit do a fresh work within them; and with all of us, as it is realized where we have missed the mark in our daily lives and activities. For the Gospel is not only more relevant than ever before But more needed too. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC I'm so glad and grateful that God is sovereign. He has a plan and a purpose that is far superior to what man can fathom and dream. If not, then what is He doing?
You've asked that before, regarding the people in your life. Perhaps even of those, in authority over you. Are they trying to set me up for failure? Do they like watching my struggle? Sure, they may have a grand purpose, but being in the dark as to what that purpose might be makes it difficult for one to persevere through the process and incredibly frustrating to endure in the midst of the process. Nobody likes the state of existence in which they are on a need to know basis. And right now, you don't need to know. Yet, that all too frequent occurrence with God's sovereign plan and divine purpose. If we admit that in the life of the "everyday" believer, there are spiritual forces at work against us that manifest themselves in the physical realm, then how much more are the forces against those on the front lines of advancing the Gospel of Christ and claiming eternal ground in the souls of humanity? Pray this #missionsFriday, that God would minister to those struggling with the next steps of ministry. Pray for the battles and challenges they face and that are mounting against them. May they feel neither defeated nor detoured, but focused on the purpose God has called them to complete. Pray their faith would be found steadfast and unwavering; able to withstand all attacks of the enemy. Pray they would continue to trust in God, especially in the darkest hours of the longest days, in which they feel as though they are being taken to task for reasons unknown. For greater is He who is them them Than he who is in the World. For the cause of Jesus Christ And the glory of God the Father. - PNC Someone was talking about the cost of the some of the national issues that we are currently facing, among them being hot topics such as illegal immigration, which led to the comparison being made between housing the kids involved to the hundreds of thousands of kids that are currently part of the foster care or social services system.
The numbers are incredible and the cost, astronomical. And I thought to myself, just for the sake of analysis, how much time and money is given to animal rights and rescue causes. The pet industry is big business and I get it... we all love our pets. Yet while people figure what to do here and there and pay for this and that.... as soon as a ministry steps up and says, we need help with resources and funding, people somehow find ways to hide the wallets and checkbooks. It seems as though "everybody" takes their negative experiences and the tragic stories they've heard and becomes a justifying critic to NOT do something to help, rather than a rational defender of why one's support should advance. For all the causes whose message is advanced because of people's financial giving, what could possibly be more important than the Gospel of Christ whereby lives are at stake for all eternity? God doesn't need the money to advance His message; but imagine what He could accomplish through the lives of those who were faithful givers, living in obedience to the life He has called us to live. On this #missionsFriday, pray for missionaries who are struggling; especially with regards to resources and funding. Pray that God would sovereignly move on their behalf. Pray that the church and the people of God would be people who would be open and quick to give as needs are presented and opportunities are granted to give back to God by financing the advancement of the Gospel. May they not give up or quit, but grow in faith and prayer rather than in frustration and problems. May God work the miraculous in every arena, As we do better to love Him and love people For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC If I recall, I posted a similar topic a few weeks ago (or months now... I seriously can't keep up), but I was reminded of just how hard it is to come to basic agreements of late. Granted, it was a political volley on social media, but still... I offered the lowest common denominator I could beginning with the words, "can we agree?"
No, was the reply. I can't. Really? When people miss the fact that all of us our flawed failures, we are in trouble. But nearly as much as when we miss this truth about ourselves. Unhealthy pride (that which is not laced with a humble spirit of constant gratitude) is a dangerous gremlin to deal with, especially when it leads to spiritual blindness and spiritual arrogance. This was Satan's downfall. At look what his first conversation involves. The presentation that He knows more about what's God's Words meant than the person to whom God actually spoke. He called into doubt, God's dynamic reality of command and consequence. And yet, as we pray for missionaries, this is the communication battle we face. All have fallen short of the glory of God. ** but others have fallen more than I, so I should be okay. Unfortunately, that's not how God sees it ** but I don't believe in God, so I really don't care how He sees it. This is troubling. We allow arguments to enter our spiritual conversation that we would never tolerate in our own homes or other aspects of our lives. Yet we justify so much in order to avoid dealing with the aforementioned dynamic reality of God. On this #missionsFriday, pray for a spiritual awakening. Pray that God would help His truth to be effectively communicated. Pray for the spiritual blinders to come off and the arrogance to be shaken. Pray that pride by cast aside and that we would return to humbling ourselves before the Lord; worthy of neither His grace nor His glory that has been offered to us freely through the sacrifice of Christ. Pray God's forgiveness for the mess that we have made out of His Creation, as we have continually put other people, things and agendas in higher priority than He. Fallen and broken In need of grace and redemption For the glory of God. - PNC I didn't plan on doing any sort of a related post after yesterday's insight regarding government, but here I am. Just a quick piece of a monologue that was playing... not sure I channel surfed across a Catholic radio station or what, except the host was Catholic, but he was talking about how much we expect from government.
More specifically, we was dealing with a hot-button issue that has been quite a long-standing one in the political arena for decades now... of course, what hasn't. But he was talking about the verses that discuss welcoming the stranger. And he made an incredibly poignant point... (say that five times real fast) To welcome the stranger is an individual command, not a national policy. You may disagree with me and that's fine and there's a point to this as we pray for missionaries, so hear me out on this. The role of government is to defend it's borders and to serve and protect its citizenry. If can be objective with me for a moment, we don't take an alcoholic to a bar and then advise them not to drink. We don't hand the keys of a Ferrari to a teenage driver and tell them not to wreck it. We don't send soldiers off to war with open arms, no weapons and a smile. Although it's be interesting to see how the enemy would react to such kindness; but I have a feeling evil would take over. People have their role, just as much as government has theirs... as does the church for that matter. God gave strict instructions for how Israel as a nation was to conduct it's affairs and how it was to handle other societies, cultures and countries. And yet, God speaks very specifically to the people, as to what they should do when they found themselves in certain circumstance with individuals, neighbors and strangers. Those commands differ greatly! Furthermore, there's so much that even within the church, that we've come to expect that government will take over and handle that is also, not theirs to handle. For example, true religion is taking care of widows and orphans. And yet government handles social services across the board, for everyone including widows and orphans. And so much more. Some of that they should be involved. Others, perhaps, not so much. There's so much where the church should be leading and used to at one time. Many ministries are working on correcting the matter; many more are not. So, as we pray for missionaries, may we also keep in mind, of our role in the mission of the Gospel. The state will not share the love of Jesus Christ. They should protect their people, including those who do share this eternal message of hope; yet sadly, even that seems to be under scrutiny to varying degrees. On this #missionsFriday, pray that God would watch over those who are formally serving full-time to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As they ministry in countries and environments much more hostile and dangerous, pray that God would protect their homes and families as they have stepped into the darkness that they may be light. Pray also, that in our own lives, we would live with that perspective. May the church go above and beyond to be ministers of grace, hope, healing and truth; making such an impact that peoples first call when in times of need would be to the people of God, rather than the positions of power held by the state. All for the glory of God And the Gospel of Jesus Christ. - PNC TD Jakes preached a great message recently and I was speaking on the power of our relationship with God and His work within our lives. He used an analogy which I thought was brilliant. Consider this... who hasn't left dishes get to the point where you really had to work them, to get them clean?! But knowing it will require some effort, you let them soak instead, so that it will be easier after a period of time.
Time allows the relationship between the soap and water to have it's effect on the dish. How simple, right? So, too is this spiritual truth. And yet, as people become believers, or even sharing the Gospel, it's easy to get focused on the mess that we can see on the plate, rather than the beauty of the plate itself. Even after people come to faith, having accepted Christ, we can place too much emphasis on one's attitude, actions and behaviors, rather than allowing their spiritual life to develop as they spend time with God and the Holy Spirit works in their lives. It's always more work when we try to get things done on our time rather than allowing God to do His work, on His time and in His process. It's not that effort and energy isn't expended on our part, but all too often we try to override God... which is a bad move on our part. So, on this #missionsFriday, pray that as we speak and share the Gospel, may we allow God to do His work in changing hearts and minds to those who hear and receive. May the Word fall on good soil and may the hard heart be softened to receive. Pray that the work of the Holy Spirit would bring turn-around and transformation at levels and degrees that would be unattainable by human effort and wisdom. That the cause of Christ would advance, Unhindered by our own agendas, ways and means. For the glory of God alone. - PNC This song played recently as I was listening to my phone through my blue-tooth earpiece while finishing up things at work. Isn't amazing what catches your thoughts when everything else is tuned out? Focus.
As you listen, you understand just what transpired when Christ left heaven to redeem humanity. Indeed, it does take a special kind of love. Conversely, it got me thinking about the level of sacrifice and commitment that missionaries make to leave behind a similar, albeit earthly level of comfort, stability and familiarity to go and reach the lost of humanity. Which we all either are or were once. While all of us are called to reach the lost and reflect Christ with our lives, the prospect of such a task is certainly much more feasible when we are talking about doing so with the people we hang out with every day in our neighborhoods, schools and places of employment than in a foreign land. That's not an indictment that Christians who don't take to the mission field have a love and heart for the lost, for surely we all should and perhaps need a greater dose than what we currently carry and express. But just as we look at Christ and think, if even I were God, I don't know that I could do that; so too is the respect and gratitude for missionaries while possessing the same sentiment. It is a special kind of love, in the heart of those on the missions field. On this #missionsFriday, pray for those on the mission field. Pray God would grant them strength and renew their hears, minds and spirits. Pray for a double portion of anointing and blessing for the service and sacrifice to the kingdom of God. May God guard their hearts and protect them homes, and families. Pray that God would grant them favor and influence within the communities they are attempting to reach and with the leadership and people of power in the land. For as God did in the Bible, may He do so even today. As it took a special kind of love then, Even more so is required today. One soul at a time. Forever changed by His love And those who have experienced it. For the glory of God. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019