Oh, for the power of positive community!
If you've been reading for any length of time, you know I try to stay focused on big picture concepts, rather than specific scenarios or real-life events. But yesterday was pretty incredible, and the parallel analogy that followed, was both profound and somewhat heart-breaking. The Salvation Army has a #bedandbread program which runs 365 days a year. They serve 1.4 million meals and 131,000 beds. Their impact is amazing. And opening the website for donations Thursday at 8pm, then holding a radio-thon from 6-8, they raised just over 1.5 million dollars. In 24 hours!! And there goal was 1.4 million in funding. It was incredible to listen to, as people called in and corporations stepped up, as well as various influencers, leaders and other well-known names contributed and set matching gift challenges. It was awesome. And here's where the parallel universe came into play and I tread lightly. Earlier this week, you no doubt read of a certain political, presidential candidate raise a whopping, 6 million for his campaign (or just a few bucks shy, technically). I understand campaigns are expensive. And this forum certainly isn't the spot to be debating politics, regardless of which side of the aisle you vote. But while politicians haggle and talk about societies ills and communities problems, those on the front lines of work; being the face of a solution to the face who is living the reality of the problem are changing lives and correspondingly, the world. Maybe not globally, but definitely, locally. And what if every local community had one less "problem" for which politicians had to make so much a priority as a part of their election campaign as to generate, 5, 10 and 100 times over the financial need of these organizations. It boggles the mind. And mine, as I sit typing about praying for pastors and church leadership, realizing even I, could pray so much more than I do. Yikes. So, pray this #communitySaturday, that God would help us to make a greater impact in our communities. While how the work gets done is important, pray that people wouldn't talk about doing something more than actually do something. Pray that lives we be changed as relationships are built, help is offered and steps towards a different and better outcome are made. Pray for generational curses to be broken, in terms of drugs, addictions, abuse and poverty. Pray that homes and marriages and families would be restored, and hearts turned towards Christ. For a community is only as healthy, As the health of its citizenry. May who live there Live for the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC
So, here's your staggering thought to consider. In regards to pornography of all things.
There's rampant and then there's the unbelievable. And as a part of the conversation that we had this morning at men's breakfast, this was shocking. There is enough pornography downloaded in one day, that a man could sit in front of a screen 24/7 for the next 115 years!! We all have the same amount of time... to get things done, to build relationships, to invest in people, to minister, to relax. And yet for the all the destructive content that exists, there is enough in just this single category to exhaust ones life from the cradle to the grave. Way too many distractions consume our thoughts, ears and eyes. Some of it is simply wasted. Others is served to us with an agenda to destroy us from within. There's an interesting relationship between light and darkness. What thrives in darkness dies in the light. What thrives in light will suffer if darkness begins to impose. And for all the connectedness that we gain through technology, we sure have found incredible ways to occupy our attention in solitude. Facebook. Pandora. Pinterest. Craigslist. Mahjong. Any of this sound familiar? Are we engaged in the community that matters? I don't know. Probably not. Definitely not as much as we should. But it's just a hunch. As I sit on a laptop, where my other open internet browser has 38 tabs in use. And a phone next to me on the couch where I am seated. With a Bluetooth in my ear. Streaming Phil Keaggy at the moment. See how easy it is? Pray this #communitySaturday, that God would help us better connect with God and people. And in particular, as I was reminded once again that the enemy has always been out to destroy the child, pray that God would help as adults, to do as Paul instructed, and put away childish things. And pray for those individuals and families whose lives have been affected and ruined by addictions, and specifically, pornography. Whatever the work that is involved in the process of recovery and healing, pray that the church would be at the forefront of helping people walk out of darkness into the light, which is the very essence of the Gospel. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC So, I came across one of the associate pastors' posts on social media earlier today. He was at church with some of other leadership, holding a meeting for those interested in becoming members of our church. Over sixty people in attendance! How awesome is that?
Membership is such a cool concept. The skewed view, is that it is a form of exclusivity and "better-than" egos and attitudes. And sadly, that's an incorrect, and detrimental perspective... at least when it comes to religion. What it is, is an alignment. It's a partnering together, in which both parties are benefiting from the relationship. In order for that to be true, both parties need to be contributors in that relationship. It's a coming together for unity of purpose and commitment to the process. There is commonality of goals and a joining of skills and connections to pursue and accomplish them together. Can such things happen in an organization where membership is not a clearly defined distinction of the people involved? Sure. But it also gives opportunity for people to more easily disconnect from an organization. In a formal agreement, if any point something occurs that prompts my disagreement, there's an obligation to resolve whatever is happening. Otherwise, without an established agreement, one can simply say they disagree and leave. People may not know there's a problem. They don't have an opportunity to understand the problem. Address the problem. Correct the problem. The bypassing of that simply 4-step process, not only kills relationships, but ultimately, it will destroy a community. Continued disconnects that go unresolved for indefinite periods of time dissolve whatever the people or organization was coming together to accomplish in the first place. So, pray this #communitySaturday, that the church would be a place where people are unified in purpose, vision and mission. For an ever increasing commitment to the cause of Jesus Christ and the advancement of the kingdom of Heaven. Pray that the church community would be a force for good, bringing benefit to the communities they serve as the express the love of God through the establishment of relationships. Pray the church would be strengthened, not allowing problems to go unnoticed and uncorrected. May the enemy not gain a foothold, where personal preference, attitude and ego dominate the church culture; but that Christ alone would be glorified. For the advancement of the Gospel And on the Earth As is the kingdom of Heaven. - PNC This song, as written and performed by Mylon LeFevre & Broken Heart from their Big World album, played earlier today. It's seems by the hour we are reminded of just how much hate and evil exists in the world. Whether it be through one's actual actions or one's words, it is clear that society's twisting of "love" and "hate" combined with "truth" has brought us to a point that many don't know what to do.
What they perceive as hatred isn't. What is true hatred doesn't bother them. They call for love, as long as it doesn't contain truth. And truth is passed off as opinion and justification to continue in the wrong. If God is Love, then love can't conquer when God is denied and rejected. Eventually, there has to be a spiritual breaking and transforming breakthrough. Without one's acknowledgement of their life in relation to God, truth will be ignored, love with be meaningless and hatred will be skewed. Do we need to let love conquer? Absolutely. But it's efforts will be hindered and restrained if we don't let God prevail. The two go hand in hand, for God and love is one and the same. Somehow we've arrived at a place where we think we can love without truth. And every form of hatred is wrong. And both are wrong. There is a time for love and time for hate. And truth must be present in all of it. Pray this #communitySaturday, that as we interact, that God would prevail... in both our words and our deeds. Pray that truth would be at the forefront of what we say and love would motivate what we do. Pray that hatred would be properly directed at evil and sin, rather than those who commit it. Pray that God would help us, during these troubled times, for many are in spiritual trouble. May lives be changed because they see in us that change that Christ has brought. For we all have sinned And all are broken. We all need Christ. For this day. For every day. For the glory of God May Love conquer all. - PNC We had a pretty powerful discussion this morning during our men's breakfast. And despite the weather, quite a turnout. Sadly, there are many topics, which over the years, the church has shied away from talking about and regrettably so, both the church and culture are paying a price for allowing truth to be twisted and perverted. And one of the most prevalent discussions that the church is losing, or seemingly so the more we don't deal it... pornography.
A discussion not for the faint of heart. Here's the scary stat on the matter. 70% of all google searches involve pornography. Talk about crisis issue! And in our three-person panel of pastors, one said something powerful. Many things tto be exact but here's the title shot. If you deal with dragon eggs when they are eggs, then you won't have to worry about them becoming dragons. Sin always operates in this modus. Let it go unchecked and it moves from an irritant to an issue. Let it remain a mess long enough and it will become a disaster. Let it continue to be an obstacle that you trip over until it becomes a mountain that you can no longer see your way past. In a like manner that we ignore the elephant in the room, this is perhaps the dragon we refuse to realize is attempting to burn our house down with fire! Pray this #communitySaturday, whether the issue be pornography or something else, may we not let such issues and battles go unchecked, especially to the point that they destroy lives. Pray that we would recognize problems and confront them with love, grace and truth. May we not fear the power of confession, even when the consequences and outcomes may be severe and life changing. Pray for wisdom in knowing how to handle the circumstances and conversations that bring deep and dark issues to the light that is presence of God that He might accomplish the miraculous. For confession is preferable to conviction To the glory of God our Father. In name of Jesus Christ our Lord. - PNC How do you know when you are excited about you community? You are seriously excited to join your friends for the men's breakfast at 7am on a Saturday morning, only to arrive and 6:58 and find the building dark and the dry, salty parking lot empty. Are you kidding me?? I could have sworn all the announcements said it was today! Nope. Apparently it's next weekend. And I drove off into yet to be seen sunset.
Many people and circumstances cause frustration, anxiety and even fear, about the prospect of coming together and being around "community" in whatever form it takes. And rightly so, perhaps. Personality conflicts. Strong differences in the systems we refer to as beliefs and values. Past turmoils and troubles for which one or many have never healed or recovered. These are the things that kill community. And ultimately, kill the enthusiasm, such as I possessed this morning, as I drove in the dark while Classic Petra's Back To The Rock album blared through the speakers. (I highly recommend you get the album, by the way) I submit, quite simply and accurately, that the quality and nature of one's anticipation towards community is a direct result of the people. Conversely, the same is true for everyone else, as they look at the group of which you are a part. Do you want to experience the power and thrill of a great community? Determine today that you will contribute positively in making that a part of the culture, in order that others will experience the very thing that you look forward to; much like I was looking forward to breakfast. Fortunately, I didn't miss it. I was just 7 days early. Now I just have to do it again next weekend. And I'll wake up just as excited and enjoy the drive there as well. Perhaps still playing Petra. Then again, the collection around the house is filled with lots of great choices... it's hard to go wrong. So, let's pray this morning, that each of us would make a great effort to build a great community. One that people look forward to enjoying time and conversation. One in which people look forward to making contribution. Pray that we would continue to speak truth and do so in a spirit of love. May Christ be displayed, even in times of great tragedy, loss and suffering. May the world know there is a God who cares, because the people of God care. Pray that the agendas and biases would stand in the way of the message of the Gospel from going forth in the world, as we live our lives in the communities where God has placed us. For such a time as this. For the glory of God. - PNC #communitySaturday is going fast!! And I reflected on yesterday's post, about the things we choose to see with transparent eyes versus that which we block out, for all kinds of reasons, it's important and imperative to remind ourselves this simple point... #truthmatters.
I was reminded of this again, last night, in just how careless people have been in speaking the truth... or less than the truth. Furthermore, not only has the church, pastors and everyday believers at times, ineffectively communicated truth; but those who heard it have misconstrued it. As a result, given enough time and diversion and we find people out opposite ends of belief, both trying to convince the other that they are "wrong". Nobody likes being wrong, especially in this day of relativism and "everyone wins" mentality. We talk about compromise and coexistence, not realizing that certain things simply don't mix. Like oil and water. It's a trying time. It's a crucial time. It's a time for clarity in an age of muddied confusion. How many are ready to speak it? How many are ready to hear it? On this #communitySaturday, pray that hearts and minds would be opened. Not to new ideas, perspectives and opinions, but open to the Truth. The truth of God's Word, despite all the times, they may have heard it presented wrong, misunderstood or witnessed its' misapplication. May we ever be awarre the times in which we live; not possessing a spirit of fear for societies repercussions, but a spirit of boldness, that God would accomplish the miraculous as we speak; hopefully under the anointing and direction of the Holy Spirit. May today be a day of truth. Of things revealed; Hearts changed; Lives transformed. For the glory of God. - PNC **editor's note: if you recognize the title of this post, now I have the urge to go find Newsboy's album Going Public. It's somewhere in my collection. I think at one point and time, we have all had a relationship or friendship that at some level was unhealthy for our lives, if not down right toxic and destructive to our health on multiple, if not every level. And so I write this cautiously, with the full understanding that every life is important and that God cares for all and so should the believer... we should consider carefully who we spend our time with and for what period of time with what motives.
Planting seeds and developing relationships with spiritual motives are great. Conversations and acts of kindness in an effort to display Christ' love, by all means. Even done so, simply in the name of being "a decent human being." Granted. But we are only allotted so much time on this earth. Only so much time in a life. Only so much time in a day. Many people. Much responsibility. Plus, there's the hindrance that we cannot be in more than one place at a time. So, it's humbling to consider the time that has been invested with people that is simply lost. It may have had some worth at the time, and perhaps the lessons learned brought value to our future, but there's way too many circumstances were we can look and say; that was the wrong place and the wrong person and things would be in an entirely different place in life and with God had we approached people and the relationships surrounding them with greater purpose, intent and clarity of thought and motive. There's a word for such realizations... regret. Somehow it is seemingly never associated with good decisions... unless from the perspective of there should have been more of them made; even if there already exists a lengthy list. Pray, this #communitySaturday, for God's help in making wise decisions regarding the people that we come in contact with and the relationship in which we invest any amount of time. Pray for clarity of thought and motives; that are time would be accompanied by a level of understanding and purpose. May we apply that according, so that our lives do not become unbalanced and unstable by spending an unhealthy amount of time with a person that creates more harm and damage to our own lives that health and maturity. Pray God would grant us wisdom and discern to know who He has placed in our paths for His purpose of good and who has been installed a force of destruction and ruin. For evil exists and is great in our world. Let us walk in Christ and with wisdom For the advancement of the kingdom of God. - PNC Leave it to social media to be reminded that the world is small.
Leave it to social media to be reminded that "community" exists, in the presence of just two people, let alone beyond. Leave it to social media to be reminded that people can call out what they perceive to be true, but be wrong. And don't be surprised that perhaps those same people weren't as wrong as perhaps what you thought they were. Social media is reminder that the innocent words and communiques can be misconstrued, misinterpreted and misunderstood. It's a reminder that the non-judgement do make judgements. Everyone makes assessments and evaluations. And we have lenses and filters which cause us to see things differently. Sometime to extreme differences. Other times to fine-line nuances. Nevertheless, leave it to social media to be reminded that as quickly as we can recognize the worst in people; we can just as easily notice the best. And the good. And the humanity. Community will always require truth. It will always require compassion. It will always require as much self-awareness as it will awareness of those around us. We are in the world, but not of the world. But our identity is in Christ. Which makes us people who can change the world, as Jesus did. Does social media need help? I think that goes without saying. But only, because we know the truth of reality. Society needs help. Pray this #communitySaturday, that we would be people who would indeed change the world, for Christ. Pray that we would be people of the truth and of compassion; genuine in spirit and kind in heart. May we ever be conscience that people are hurting; living damaged lives and viewing life with skewed perceptions and scratched lenses. Pray God would help us as we communicate our experiences with His truth and a heart to help. For no man is an island. Neither in social media, Nor on this side of eternity. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC There's a special place in my heart for the law enforcement community. I know not everyone shares that sentiment, in recent years. There are those who probably shouldn't be on the force no more than certain people probably shouldn't be in education and dare I say, certain people probably shouldn't hold a leadership role within the church.
That said, you have to appreciate the willingness of law enforcement and other emergency response teams to serve this thing called community. Indeed, they do make an incredible sacrifice on a daily basis. Putting life at risk; seemingly playing roulette with tragedy and danger, not knowing when either will occur and strike their livelihood and lifestyle. With strong sense of desire to help others, they exemplify the character of neighbor. To be of assistance to those in need; to come to the aid and defense of those in trouble and to speak truth in world full of confusion, deception and brokenness. It's a tough gig, yet a necessary one. Now we can't all throw ourselves in the line of fire, both literally and figuratively... and we've all seen and heard of circumstances were someone has interjected themselves where they should have and perhaps created a problem where none existed. However, how much stronger would community be, if as a preventative measure even, we took greater care and concern for those around us to connect, engage and impact those around us. Pray this #communitySaturday, that indeed, the church would be a people that would connect. May we seek and take advantage of opportunities to reach out and build relationships. Pray for the lost and the hurting in our societies who are living troubled lives. Pray for those who are in positions to reach them, to interact with them and help them. Pray God would grant all of us discernment and understanding; that the lines of communication would bring forth the truth and ultimately, lead to the sharing of God's truth. For once we all were lost But God desires that everyone be found In right relationship with Him Through the cross of Jesus Christ. - PNC I continue to be amazed by the goodness of people. So much going on, so many concerns and worries and battles in life that we all experience. And the power of community comes to light, when we take time out of our insanity to speak life into someone else'. We take a break from our own lives in order that we might contribute an opportunity for someone who needs a break from theirs.
Live is constantly moving; always advancing. Like a merry go-round, hanging on for dear life is probably safer than jumping off. That said, staying on is a delicate balance between excitement and fear; joy and sorrow. It is that perspective that points to the power and importance of being surrounded by good people. And everyone needs good people in their lives; therefore with that understanding, why would you want to be the contributor of something where people feel worse about themselves or life, after having been around you? Community is only as beneficial as the character of the people who contribute to it. And that is an element of our lives that only God can transform. On this #communitySaturday, pray that God would help us of us, to be better people of Godly character, on display to a world who desperately needs to be reconnected with its' Creator. Pray that despite whatever our current circumstances may be, that we would not miss the opportunity to be a blessing to those around us. May we take advantage of the opportunity to be an encouragement and support to those in need; as we have all been there ourselves and perhaps forgotten the fear and frustration the creeps in during stressful times. Pray that we would always be open to the prompting and leading of the Holy Spirit and follow accordingly. For we have been blessed to be a blessing And given life, to give life. Created, to give glory to our Creator. - PNC I commented on Friday's post, for a brief moment, on such buzz words as derisive and tribalism. There's a good form of tribe, that has been established when people talk about business, and the culture within an organization and that's great. You want people on board, moving towards the same goal and mission in that environment.
But turn the tables to something like politics and it becomes a criticism for those who can't see the perspective of those whom they disagree. There's a group that is bent on sending the message that community is damaged and in trouble. That certain people are evil and certain beliefs and ideologies are horrendous. And in the midst of it all, is a desire for the truth from a culture that has devalued the truth. Perhaps because of everyone's loyalty to their own "tribe". Community is what you make it. Community is what you focus on. Are there problems? Sure. Is there room for improvement? Absolutely. Can you change the world? At some point. Can you transform your circle of influence? Yes. Community starts with the individual. It will be seen as derisive when there is a group determined to send that message. It will not be seen as such for those focused on common ground, common purpose and recognition that everyone around us as well as the one in the mirror is both fallen and capable of greatness. Community will be great when people pursue the building of great relationships. That requires truth. It requires true compassion. It requires true love. And commitment to seeing people through the eyes of Christ. Anything short of that creates opportunity for other hindrances and attitudes to dominate in ways that are neither good, nor beneficial. On this #communitySaturday, pray that our perspective and filters would not stand in the way of truth. Furthermore, pray that our faults and failures would not hinder our ability to build relationships and extend friendship, even with those whom we may disagree on any number of issues or beliefs. May God work the miraculous, as we live with eyes open, looking for opportunity whereby God might be glorified. Pray that the message of Christ would go forth from the messes that have happened in our lives. May we communicate the love of God and the truth of the Gospel in a world that struggles to see past their own experiences and cultural loyalties. May we be a people sold out Only to the purpose for which God created us. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC The cool thing about community... it can happen anywhere. It should happen anywhere. And it is usually best, when it does happen anywhere. It is not only in the formal environment of city, town and village. It is found within the gathering of neighbors on your block. It is found in the coming together of people to join in life groups as an extension of the church. Friends join to support a common cause or spend time hanging out over a shared interest or hobby.
Community is built when family gathers. Community is built when a marriage receives another investment through time, conversation and love. Community is built thru one person, when found in a time of prayer and the pages of the Word. Why is community important? Because God said, it is not good for man to be alone. We all take this for granted perhaps, because it was followed by the creation of Eve. And we always associate it with companionship and marriage. And rightly so. But God walked with Adam in the cool of the day. Before there was relationships and community among humanity, there was divine community. Divine community among the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Divine community established between God and Adam. Divine community redeemed between God and Adam through Christ. On this #communitySaturday, would you pray that we not take any of it for granted? God help us not to neglect our quiet time in your presence, through the power of prayer and the revelation of your Word. Pray God would help us to continually invest in people, through time, conversation and love... whether in the sanctity of marriage, the protection of family or the joy of friends. May we enter angels through the company of strangers. For we were not meant to live life alone. But through divine relationship with God And eternal relationship with our fellow man. For the glory of God - PNC There's a power in both the phrase and the concept of living "between the ditches" that has seemingly captured my attention when I wasn't paying attention. It's quite the visual, when you consider the many implications that exist, especially as we consider the power and importance of living as a community.
We are all on a journey. Often passing through life in different directions, in more ways than one. Accidents. Mistakes. Close-calls. Hazards. Warning signs about obstacles and those instances in which we are blind-sided. There's any number of reasons which cause us to land in the ditches of life. But the great aspect of community, is that our relationships should be as such to recognize when someone has found themselves in that place. And just as important, is that we should recognize the things that can cause us to land there as well. We get caught off-guard by the very things that we know we should be especially careful to be aware of; meanwhile we don't always help those that are about to find themselves in states of trouble that are all-too preventable. What's worse, we don't always take advantage of allowing relationships to exist to the degree that such conversations and interventions can occur... neither do we exercise wisdom in following their advice or taking their insight and perspective into consideration. Which, if that is part of the point of having such a person in our lives, then we've done ourselves an injustice to both ourselves and those around us. "I value your friendship, but not enough to allow you to speak into my life, nor respect you when you do speak." Such a mindset is... well, dangerous if it is intentional. And tragic, when it actually plays out among us. And I say us, because I've held it at previous times in my life. It's a guaranteed way to end up in the ditch and in fact, people might just wait and watch for the moment to happen. This is where the pain of life is usually for our benefit. So, pray this #communitySaturday that God would help us to keep life on the road. Pray for strength and vision to be aware of the dangers of life, and through the power of the Holy Spirit, to navigate our way around. Furthermore, pray for the quality of our relationships; that they would exist at such a level that the insight, wisdom and perspective that exists would be utilized for a better life; to build and encourage each other in the faith as well as bring others to faith. May we be a people that impacts community through our approach to those around us because of the value that we place upon relationship. Pray that we would create and build relationships to that would glorify and honor God and draw others ever closer to Him because of what the world sees in our interactions with each other. For freedom is found in Christ And enjoyed on the roads of life Especially when we avoid the ditches. - PNC Dear Father Time...
If you could stop sneaking off when I'm not paying attention, that would be great. Sincerely, The guy asking where the day went. But it's #communitySaturday. A day to relax, a day to enjoy the company of family and friends, neighbors and strangers. I wasn't reminded today that there's no reason for people to be a jerk on purpose, but it was cool to watch as people respond to statements that bring back fond memories or a good laugh. Is the world facing some serious issues? Absolutely. On a global scale. At a national level. And in the very homes in which we live. However, no matter what you are facing, you can decide to be intentional to not be the one who adds more stress, burden, frustration and angst to a person's life. You may not have a clue as to what they are facing; in which case a lack of second thought as to how you respond may or may not break their limit. As enjoyable as social media is, that same environment is a prime example of a world of responses of which "a second thought" was not even given third consideration, let alone a first. It's communication that nearly requires as much, if not more discernment than that which occurs face to face or even via over the phone. We all know that it doesn't take much for a conversation thread to take a turn for the worse on your favorite platform, but at the same time, it really doesn't take that much to intentionally work to be a positive force for good. It's as true online as it is standing in line. If the desire and willingness to make a difference is present, and it's going to require time, effort and a level of intention, then why not do something that will make someone laugh, bring encouragement, lift their spirits, brighten their day and lessen the stress of this present life. What a mean spirit it must take to make matters worse than is necessary. Granted, you don't always know that will be the outcome, but more often than not, it is reasonably predictable. So, let's pray this #communitySaturday, that God would help us to be a blessing to those we come into contact and communication with; regardless of whether its' on a social platform or a neighborhood porch. May we be people that are a joy and blessing to be around; rather than a bear and a burden. Pray that our egos and agenda's would not be the driving force, but that God would use our perspectives and personalities to reflect the care and joy of the Lord through a demeanor that is not controlled by frustration and stress. For it is not that we are without our own battles, But that we breathe a little easier having entrusted them to God. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC We had a powerful discussion this morning during the Men's Breakfast at church. Our round-table style, cafe-conversation involved a brief hermeneutics exercise on the book of Philemon. It's basically, a who, what and why analysis of the book, as well as the theme and main points of what the author is trying to convey, followed by a take-away of how the content can be applied to our lives today.
So what's up with Philemon? Well, it is #communitySaturday, so in a word... COMMUNITY. We know community isn't perfect. But Philemon is a lesson in what community could and should be. A man betrayed is advised to accept his betrayer, after the betrayer not only comes to Christ, but serves an important role in the ministry. Paul advises Philemon to essentially do the right thing, by not holding the past against this man, and if he is unable to forgive, he should hold it against Paul. It's a powerful picture of a man transformed by Christ. (the betrayer) It's a amazing picture of a man reflecting Christ. (Paul) It's a dynamic picture of a man encouraged to be more like Christ. (Philemon) Such circumstances are as difficult in today's day and time as they were for Philemon's church. We want people to be transformed by Christ. We pray to that end. We converse with them to that end. But if we've been wronged by anyone, even if they were a part of the church community when the wrong occurred, we have a hard time accepting people as brother's and sister's in Christ. If you haven't dealt with this problem personally, you know someone who has. If you haven't yet, I pray that you don't ever; but then again, everyone is human. Even Christians. We all hope we reflect Christ, yet we all struggle when we are encouraged to further reflect Christ. What does that tell you? Pray this #communitySaturday, that God would help us be the community that reflects the person and character of Christ to a community and world desperately in need of Him. In this complex society and system of laws, pray that would be people who would pray for lives to be tranformed and may we live as though we ourselves, have been truly transformed. Pray that our church leadership would set the example of Christ, as Paul set for Philemon and his community. May we not get hung up on the past and the wrong, as troubling, problematic and unbelievable as it actually exists; but place our trust in God along and the power of the Cross of Jesus Christ. For He is able to exceedingly above and beyond That which we could ask or imagine. Even through the power of forgiveness, healing and restoration. For the glory of God. - PNC Life and relationships are interesting dynamic... as if I needed another personal reminder of this truth. It goes without saying, that life is a series of stages and people come and go; some with the purpose of goodness and other with the intent of ruin.
You'll have friends who will stand by to the point, you consider them more family than actual blood relatives. At other times, you'll have family who will be standing by you while you wonder in the back of your mind, what happened to the friends who weren't were they said they would be when the time came? As the strong of a nation lies in the security of it's borders, so to the strength of one's life relies on the healthiness of it's own boundaries, especially with regards to relationships. The people who tell you that they value you, perhaps don't to the degree you think they should. People say one thing to your face and later talk to someone else about your face. Toxicity brings to ruin everything it comes in contact with, whether the effects be immediate or gradual. So too, can people bring us to a similar, disastrous existence both in quick, swift fashion and in the delayed wearing down of one's soul. While we are you we are, more importantly, we need to be who God has called us to be and declared over our lives. I read recently, that if you committed to making a 1% improvement in any area of your life and did so daily, by the end of the year, it would a 365%. Thus, whatever your place in life and whatever your existence is within the "community", there's no reason tomorrow can't and shouldn't be an improvement and a year from now, nearly unbelievable. Today's prison should not delay tomorrow's freedom. On this #communitySaturday, pray that God would start with us; that as people of faith, we would not bring toxicity into the lives of others. Pray that God would help us manage, balance or even purge where necessary, the toxic relationships that exist within our own lives. Pray that we would be people who live according to God's ways and Word, rather than people's expectations, beliefs and opinions. May there be a grace about our lives, that overcomes the stress and tension that often disrupts the truth about life and reality. Pray that God would use us to point a lost and dying world to Him; that our own stress in life would not be stumble for others. May our lives bring glory to God, rather than disgrace and may God give us wisdom and discernment to know when we should persevere in prayer or to part ways in peace. For a healthier community Because we are healthy and strong in Christ alone. For the glory of God, we pray. - PNC So, it turns out that there's a downside to all of today's technology.
While it is good that is has increased our awareness level of many issues and topics, it has also overwhelmed us to the point that it is quite a challenge to keep track of it all; let alone be involved in it all to any level of success. And it is in that level that I think perhaps we forget, neglect or miss the opportunity that lies right before each of our lives. I was reflecting on this, as upon my leaving work Friday afternoon, learned that I had turned to walk out the door, he had turned in the opposite direction to tell the boss he was putting in his two-week notice. My job isn't one where I see my co-workers often enough to carry on conversations at length. They are few and far between and last a couple minutes at a time. So, while there may have been a handful of conversations about life and faith, God or the church, I may never know if my life and interaction was enough of a witness for Christ. I know the workplace gets tricky. You are there to do a job. You can't spend the whole time talking about God; there's other things going on in the world, in their life and yours for that matter. But it got me to recall the important perspective... am I caring about really matters. Our experience is what it is. Which is just as true for everyone that we come in contact with on a daily basis. There will also be something going on that will capture our attention, our awareness and understanding and will result in what dominates our speech and interaction. And it's on that point, that we should pray, this #communitySaturday, that God would grace our engagement with those around us, with His heart and His presence. Pray that our communication would ever be soaked in love and truth. May our faith not position us that we never have opportunity to share it, but that the joy of the Lord would be dominate our perspective and presence that it would be attractive to those around us as well as contagious. Pray there would be a boldness about our lives that would prompt us to engage that others might share in the knowledge and grace of the love of God and the passion of our Savior. For the cause of Jesus Christ. And the sake of eternity. - PNC Have you read the latest? Probably not. It's just my personal experience. It seems now there needs to be a debate on civility. As in what it is, who should engage with it and how ones management of it, or lack there of, is dependent on or in response to someone else.
Yes, by all means. Because one more word needed to be redefined (that was sarcasm, by the way) I truly feel with each passing day, that I know less and less. And I'm realizing more and more, there is no way we endure the trials and tribulations of this life without God's help. Called to be in this world, but not of this world. I've said it before and I'll say it again... the Christian walk is not for the faint of heart. And so many more have endured and currently live beyond my imagination, both in the risk and reward of God's grace and truth. Which reminds me, while we are all trying to engage in community as the representation of Christ... Is love really love without truth? Yes, we can get hung up on the truth that we forget to love, but does love exist without it? How about compassion? Can I show you compassion while speaking a falsehood or enough of the truth to avoid offense? The conversation will only get harder. The desire to engage will only become more frustrating, while at the same time more necessary. And notice the work of God in people's hearts and minds take time. Some prepare soil. Some plant seeds. Some water the seeds. And some witness the seed become a stalk of truth and believe in God alone. May that be our hope in the face of difficult people and circumstance. Pray quite simply, on this #communitySaturday, that God would help us to engage and to know how to effectively handle the role each of us play in the process of making an impact whereby someone comes to the saving knowledge of God through Jesus Christ. For it does not solely depend upon one of us alone, But all of us desirous to change eternity on Earth For the glory of God. - PNC The weekend really is an opportunity to impact community. The week has it's routine. The work schedule. The responsibilities of home and family. Sure, you may make some new connections along the way, but by and large, the week is a pretty set schedule. The same people at work. The same people in your daily routine. Saturday comes and we step out of the grind.
Hopefully there's a freedom, that changes our attitude and our perspective; that gives us hope and enjoyment and that gives us opportunity to step out of our norms and engage in life and conversation of an entirely different nature. While every day is an opportunity to impact our community, it's the moments in which we find ourselves out of our element and routine that creates something special and memorable. Sometimes it is memorable because of the lesson learned, other times it is for the shear joy of what has transpired. But the impact is never made if the opportunity is never seized. And God only knows what is missing from our lives and what isn't being done for eternity when we don't step out of our routines... hard as it may be some days. On this #communitySaturday, pray that we would look for moments to uniquely engage in ways and means different from the rest of the week. May we not be so caught up in our own lives that we miss how God would desire to use us to change someone else's life. Pray that the stresses and challenges of life would not so occupy our thoughts, time and energy that we disengage to the point that we are ineffective for the cause of Christ. For we need His help daily To live as He has called us to live And do that which He has anointed us to do. For His glory. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019