So, here's your staggering thought to consider. In regards to pornography of all things.
There's rampant and then there's the unbelievable. And as a part of the conversation that we had this morning at men's breakfast, this was shocking. There is enough pornography downloaded in one day, that a man could sit in front of a screen 24/7 for the next 115 years!! We all have the same amount of time... to get things done, to build relationships, to invest in people, to minister, to relax. And yet for the all the destructive content that exists, there is enough in just this single category to exhaust ones life from the cradle to the grave. Way too many distractions consume our thoughts, ears and eyes. Some of it is simply wasted. Others is served to us with an agenda to destroy us from within. There's an interesting relationship between light and darkness. What thrives in darkness dies in the light. What thrives in light will suffer if darkness begins to impose. And for all the connectedness that we gain through technology, we sure have found incredible ways to occupy our attention in solitude. Facebook. Pandora. Pinterest. Craigslist. Mahjong. Any of this sound familiar? Are we engaged in the community that matters? I don't know. Probably not. Definitely not as much as we should. But it's just a hunch. As I sit on a laptop, where my other open internet browser has 38 tabs in use. And a phone next to me on the couch where I am seated. With a Bluetooth in my ear. Streaming Phil Keaggy at the moment. See how easy it is? Pray this #communitySaturday, that God would help us better connect with God and people. And in particular, as I was reminded once again that the enemy has always been out to destroy the child, pray that God would help as adults, to do as Paul instructed, and put away childish things. And pray for those individuals and families whose lives have been affected and ruined by addictions, and specifically, pornography. Whatever the work that is involved in the process of recovery and healing, pray that the church would be at the forefront of helping people walk out of darkness into the light, which is the very essence of the Gospel. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC
I trust you've had a great day. Mine was put into perspective during today's service... on the story of Ananias & Saphira.
It's an interesting, one as the pastor who preached it noted, highlights that there are stories of God's holiness highlighted in the New Testament that is filled with grace, just as there are moments of grace in the Old Testament that is full of God holiness. In addition though, it's a story of unnecessary deception. An interesting topic to walk away from, feeling a slight sense of conviction. So, as it pertains to the project, a point of confession. I didn't write Friday's post. Nor Saturday's for that matter. I could post date it and, sadly, have done so in the past. My justified reasoning for missing Friday could include a 14+ hour workday, but nobody cares. And by the time I meant to write yesterday's... well, regardless. Here it is Sunday, and just how effective are we in ministry? Well, of the numerous, profound statements that I took down in my notes, this one stands out, as a perspective to the question of the church's effectiveness. The church should not be filled with people who are happy about calling out one's wrong-doings. Pastor explained, that when Peter talked with Saphira, he was giving her an opportunity to come clean about the matter. And when she didn't, Peter doesn't give his reply as a statement of power and condemnation... "the men who carried out your husband stand at the door to carry you out!" No. Peter's words are full of sadness and sorrow. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news... "This conversation was totally avoidable, as was the very nature of the circumstance for that matter." But this is your fate... It makes you wonder, just how accurate and staggering, the statistic is, of people who have been more turned off towards God because of the people who occupy the church, rather than God and His word. Case in point? How often we forget that a simple act of kindness can display God's great power. All too often, we get caught on waiting for God to do the miraculous while someone is waiting for help with the electric bill. But because we don't help their need, then words and expectations are of little value to those we are trying to reach. As a result, the rate of effectiveness diminishes. Because we don't properly balance the call for holiness with the opportunity for grace. Because we hold out for great displays of God's power and miss the opportunity for a simply act of kindness. For none of us know what will be the proof, that God is real and that He cares. So, on this #effectiveSunday, a very simple prayer. Pray that we would be people of truth, people of kindness and people of holiness. May we be happy to be extenders of grace, rather than condemning judges. For the glory of God alone. And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ps: I finally settled on a title, after writing this post and now I have DC Talk's song by the same title, stuck in my head. Once again, I still am not sharing details regarding my friends leave of absence in Monday's post, but I got to thinking about the leadership team of his church and the pastors who handle this month while he is gone. I read my friends' post and how they talked about those who knew the details of the battle they were facing. In his statement, and this has been a recurring theme I've heard elsewhere in recent weeks, that there is power in exposure. That which thrives in the dark will die and that which thrives in the light will grow.
There is, therefore, an incredible transformation that takes place through the process of a life being exposed. Can it be troubling? Absolutely. But handled correctly, it is an amazing opportunity for grace, healing and restoration. The damaged and broken can be repaired and mended. But just as many didn't know "all" the details of the battle they are in, those in the closest circle of friends and team did. And for that reason, I believe their church is in good hands during this time. Meanwhile, some churches may not be in that place. Pastors and their families could be engaged in battles, struggles and downright war and yet many fears, attitudes, egos and more, stand in the way of open communication and council that would bring help, hope and healing, rather than trying to get through it on their own. One route is a troubled, losing direction. The other, an incredible destiny of grace, love and healing. Let's pray, this #associatePastorTuesday, the pastors and leadership of our churches would be a place of open communication and dialogue. Pray for a balance in the culture of community, that it wouldn't be a matter of drama and downright open transparency, per see, but there would be an atmosphere of trust that would allow for the truth to be spoken. May grace cover every conversation that begins with "this is my battle...". Pray that understanding would permeate every conversation that involves the words "i need help...". Pray that church leadership would be ready to give grace and help, not only among themselves, but also to their congregations, as they build up and lead the body of Christ. For the glory of God And the advancement of the Gospel. - PNC I read with heavy heart earlier today, the social media post from a friend who is a senior pastor. And while I'm waiting for permission to use some of the excerpts from his post (and it is public via his blog as well as the announcement made in his church), I simply shared his post on my personal page with the sentiment that the often unknown and untold stores of the struggles pastors face is both the evidence and explanation of what keeps me working on this project.
I simply can't fully fathom the battle my friends are facing in their family. The responsibility of ministry simply adds a whole other layer of complication to the equation, as all of us have experienced the struggle of balancing time, relationships and commitments. I know I'm not giving details and I would like to give some, but the bottom is line is that there are seasons. And we have to recognize when a different strategy is needed to win. The end result, is that my friend is taking a month-long, leave of absence from the pulpit, to both lead and fight for the health and wellness of his family. So while there are many other pastors in similar situations, on this #seniorPastorMonday, would you pray specifically for my friends? Pray that God would give them strength to endure and persevere. Pray for the miraculous healing and breakthrough that needs to occur in this battle they wage. May the spiritual attack which has come against them subside and may the power of the blood of Christ wash over them. Pray that God would grant them wisdom and discernment, in both the day to day decisions of life as well as the major decisions that will help guide and direct the days to come. Pray that they would emerge victorious from this battle; refreshed and renewed to continue in the ministry and calling God has placed on them to return to the church and community they serve. For the battle is already won As God hands them the victory For His glory. - PNC While America is going through some serious moral conflict of ideology within the nation (and has for decades now), it's imperative, that we (read: the church) don't forget, diminish or neglect the serious battles that the global church and missionaries are facing elsewhere.
It's easy to get caught up in our own lives, our own problems, whether they be legitimate or #firstworldproblems only, and the struggles and battles we face. We do it as individuals. We do it as families. As companies and at an organizational level. Even the church can isolate itself at times, from both the secular world and the rest of the Christian community. Perhaps it's necessary for a time and season. But certainly, not as a continual state of existence. While we face ideological battles when serious consequences, Christians and churches around the world are in battles over their very existence. Both at an organizational level and literally, for their life. It is indeed a crazy day and time in which we live and are witnessing. They need our support; but they need our prayer. It's easy to leave them out, and it shouldn't be that way. I know. I've done it. So, let's pray, this #missionsFriday. Pray for those whose lives are both on the line and in jeopardy. Pray that God would strengthen them and bless them for what they have sacrificed to date, for the advancement of the Gospel. Pray that God would soften the hearts of hearers, from the paupers to the palaces. Pray that God would give them favor and influence in the place of attack and oppression. May God bring healing to the lands in which they are, just as we pray would pray for the healing of our own nation. For as there is one Christ, So it, is there one body of Christ. Those who are His Faithfully serving the Gospel For the glory of God. - PNC Yes, I'm writing this later in the day...again. It's okay. You'd figure it out soon enough, when I opened this post with how I found myself chuckling in my spirit during this morning's service. Yesterday we talked on here about letting love conquer. And at church, today was the second in a series dealing with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The emphasis was in particular, on the gifts of faith, healing and miraculous power. In closing, pastor asked the question, "how do we "activate" the gifts.
It was then that he pointed out what we find about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. In 1 Corinthians 12, we read about what they are. In chapter 14, we read about how they function in within the body of Christ and the life of the believer. In the middle... if they are used without love, it's meaningless. For all the things the church does, in order to be effective and efficient in ministry, not just on Sunday, but every other day of the week and yet, if it's not done in love, and if we don't pray over our efforts with an attitude and understanding of love, then it all is for naught. Not only is that disconcerting, it's downright sad. With that impact being made, let's pray this #effectiveSunday, that indeed, everything we say and do for the advancement of the Gospel and the kingdom of God would be done in love. Pray that the more we know and understand God's love, that we would walk and act in continuation as we go about our days. Pray that the gifts of the Spirit that we are to eagerly desire, would be put to great use, because of the love of God that flows from our being and through our lives to others around us. May we be known, as we are to be known, by having love for one another. For while our hands can accomplish much, They do so much more when multiplied by the Hand of God And the power of the Holy Spirit at work within us. For the glory of God. - PNC This song, as written and performed by Mylon LeFevre & Broken Heart from their Big World album, played earlier today. It's seems by the hour we are reminded of just how much hate and evil exists in the world. Whether it be through one's actual actions or one's words, it is clear that society's twisting of "love" and "hate" combined with "truth" has brought us to a point that many don't know what to do.
What they perceive as hatred isn't. What is true hatred doesn't bother them. They call for love, as long as it doesn't contain truth. And truth is passed off as opinion and justification to continue in the wrong. If God is Love, then love can't conquer when God is denied and rejected. Eventually, there has to be a spiritual breaking and transforming breakthrough. Without one's acknowledgement of their life in relation to God, truth will be ignored, love with be meaningless and hatred will be skewed. Do we need to let love conquer? Absolutely. But it's efforts will be hindered and restrained if we don't let God prevail. The two go hand in hand, for God and love is one and the same. Somehow we've arrived at a place where we think we can love without truth. And every form of hatred is wrong. And both are wrong. There is a time for love and time for hate. And truth must be present in all of it. Pray this #communitySaturday, that as we interact, that God would prevail... in both our words and our deeds. Pray that truth would be at the forefront of what we say and love would motivate what we do. Pray that hatred would be properly directed at evil and sin, rather than those who commit it. Pray that God would help us, during these troubled times, for many are in spiritual trouble. May lives be changed because they see in us that change that Christ has brought. For we all have sinned And all are broken. We all need Christ. For this day. For every day. For the glory of God May Love conquer all. - PNC So, I'm scrolling through social media, when I come across a story posted by a friend. My first reaction was where it was wrong to want to laugh out loud, for surely, it's quite a predicament. So much so, my next thought was wow... talk about your hens coming home to roost.
Life changes. Time changes. Our perspectives and opinions change. Depending on your beliefs hopefully they don't change. Although for the world-known person in the story, I can only pray their beliefs do change. Hence the pending, potential predicament. I just can't help but consider the grace of God, in light of this situation. The stories of people's lives before coming to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ... who they were, what they did, what they were involved in... the stories I've heard over the years are beyond belief!! (as a Petra song is playing in the background, but not the Beyond Belief album. Back To The Street, if you must know) Missions sounds like such a daunting work, but in reality it's not. It's simply sharing the transition of one's life before Christ to what happened once they understood His death was for them. For every life has a pivotal moment. A spiritual predicament, in which eternity is affected. A day of reckoning, in which a decision must be made when it is discovered the hens have come home to roost. What will this person do? I don't know, but it will be interesting to follow. But more importantly, the world is a mission field, both globally and locally. What will the people in your life do? How will those who are hearing the before and after stories of lives forever changed by Christ respond? Pray this #missionsFriday, for missionaries who are striving and persevering to advance the Gospel. May they be strengthened and renewed as they tell their stories. More urgently, pray for those who are hearing them. Pray that their hearts and minds would be softened and opened to receive. May God do a transforming work, as He has done miraculously, more millions the world over. Pray that when the hens come home to roost and the day of reckoning comes when they are faced with a spiritual crisis, that they would not turn from God, but turn towards Him and away from the wickedness, that has perhaps been a part of their lives for years and decades. May they not be defined by their horrors, but the holiness that God has draped over them because of His saving grace and the cross of Jesus Christ. Lives for ever changed; Young and old, alike. For we are never alive, Until we are alive in Christ. For the glory of God. - PNC It's really hard some days, to keep current events off of a site dedicated to ministry, church leadership and burnout. Yet, some days, it's purely unavoidable. Today is the day we pray over those who ministry to your children and youth. And while New York celebrates legislation that permits abortion up to the moment of birth essentially, hearts break. As does God's, obviously.
And have you noticed a pattern? Those who lecture and push for care and compassion on so many other issues and area's of life, some of them sensitive topics, some of them political hot-button problems, somehow are all okay with this. And it simply doesn't compute. The disconnect seems as though it would be hard to miss, and yet it eludes so many. Just stroll through social media. Or not. It's been said that good writers, write. Great writers steal from other writers. So let me quote Matt Walsh, who offers my exact sentiment on New York government's horrific move. "Please don't complain about deporting children if you support murdering them... You are standing on a mountain of dead kids while you sermonize about being compassionate to kids." - Matt Walsh Deportation, obviously a hot topic, in it's own right. The proper care and treatment of animals, sure. But let's put this in another perspective. In New York, lethal injection for criminals is illegal? Lethal injection for the unborn? By all means. This is just... well, not just, for certain. I wrote a while back, they we aren't raising kids, but we are raising adults. I didn't coin the phrase, and I'm sure more educated and well-known can expound in greater detail than myself. But it seems society is bent on pushing kids farther away from the people that we would hope they would become. Perhaps not by our words and maybe not by our actions. But somewhere down the road, the next generation will reflect up these current days and wonder... what in the world were those adults thinking? Sorry, kids. We weren't. And too many simply refused to do so. As the blind lead the blind, they traversed a road against better counsel and more importantly, ignored those, who while not perfect, tried to bring a perspective of common sense and a belief of Godly truth to the conversation. Nothing will ever be built by your hands, if you are killing that which is being divinely created by God's. On this heart-breaking #youthPastorWednesday, pray that we would not fail in training our children up in the way they should go, so that when they are old, they will not depart. Pray for a revelation in the leadership, of both within the church and the world, who have departed. May there be a return to God, that we may properly lead and raise our kids. Pray for today's youth. May God guard their hearts and minds and keep His hand of protection over them, as the days are indeed, growing ever more evil by the hour. That our cries would be heard from heaven, That God would come forgive us And heal our land. Son of David, have mercy on us. For your glory alone. - PNC It seems as if daily, there's another argument made for the need for the truth and for telling it. And for the past few days, I've found this phrase repeating.
Truth Protectors. Know the truth. Yes. Declare the truth. Yes. Hold fast to truth. Absolutely. Protect it? Um... An interesting perspective, if you will on the concept of protection. We often think of protection as shelter, which it is. It's also boundaries and limits, as much as people like to argue they don't have their place. They do and they know it. But I would submit that protection also involves preparation. Protection is making sure my kid doesn't run out into the street. At the same time, protection is giving that same kid the skill and mindset necessary to safely navigate the street, whether through walking, riding or driving. I can't protect them by refusing any interaction with traffic. The kid needs to know how to navigate the situation. And substitute traffic for any other issue of life. Dating. Drugs. Career. Relationships. Politics. Ugh. The arena where so many leaders having seemingly forgotten about truth or they ignore it. I'm not taking sides, nor convincing you of anything. But here we are bombarded again with narrow narratives, rather than exposed truth. Perhaps because Colonel Jessep was right. Too many people can't handle it. Perhaps too many can't handle it because not enough people tell it. We've sheltered it, rather than used it wisely in the public square. And now, when seen in public, nobody knows how to respond to it; as if it is a lost and foreign concept. And here's a play on words that you can read into whatever you will; I trust you're mature enough to handle it. Isn't it strange, that we are seemingly more open to allow what is unknown into our lives, while rejecting what is known. I don't care what God has to say about my life and His plan for me, but I'll call a psychic hotline on late-night television. Um, what? I don't care what God says about my finances, but we need to buy a new car, cause Joe down the street got a sweet, new ride. Too much? Relationships experience a similar dynamic all the time. You get the idea. Consider this... if the church starts forgetting, ignoring or diminishing the power of truth; just how much trouble are we in? Is this a big deal in our churches? I don't know. It certainly seems like it is a growing problem, though. And you could probably tell me stories of how big and how long this has been the case. If the truth doesn't matter, then nothing else does either. So, pray, this #seniorPastorMonday, that those who sit at the heads of our local churches, would indeed, be truth protectors. May they boldly speak the truth and steadfastly hold on to it. Pray that they would know it for when it is obvious and may they seek it, when it is not so obvious. Pray that would neither be a wavering from it, nor a recklessness in their handling it. May they use it rightly and often. Pray too, for those who need to hear it, for they are many. Pray for revelation in their hearts and minds, that they would receive it and in doing so, may their lives be transformed by the power and hand of God. For the truth accomplishes so much more than deceit For those who are willing to forgo the temporal for the eternal. For the glory of God. - PNC We had a pretty powerful discussion this morning during our men's breakfast. And despite the weather, quite a turnout. Sadly, there are many topics, which over the years, the church has shied away from talking about and regrettably so, both the church and culture are paying a price for allowing truth to be twisted and perverted. And one of the most prevalent discussions that the church is losing, or seemingly so the more we don't deal it... pornography.
A discussion not for the faint of heart. Here's the scary stat on the matter. 70% of all google searches involve pornography. Talk about crisis issue! And in our three-person panel of pastors, one said something powerful. Many things tto be exact but here's the title shot. If you deal with dragon eggs when they are eggs, then you won't have to worry about them becoming dragons. Sin always operates in this modus. Let it go unchecked and it moves from an irritant to an issue. Let it remain a mess long enough and it will become a disaster. Let it continue to be an obstacle that you trip over until it becomes a mountain that you can no longer see your way past. In a like manner that we ignore the elephant in the room, this is perhaps the dragon we refuse to realize is attempting to burn our house down with fire! Pray this #communitySaturday, whether the issue be pornography or something else, may we not let such issues and battles go unchecked, especially to the point that they destroy lives. Pray that we would recognize problems and confront them with love, grace and truth. May we not fear the power of confession, even when the consequences and outcomes may be severe and life changing. Pray for wisdom in knowing how to handle the circumstances and conversations that bring deep and dark issues to the light that is presence of God that He might accomplish the miraculous. For confession is preferable to conviction To the glory of God our Father. In name of Jesus Christ our Lord. - PNC Effectiveness requires engagement. Retained effectiveness requires sustained engagement.
There's a wisdom and discernment that comes with knowing when and how to approach circumstance and conversation; as the game is played on yard at time, one run at a time or one pass at time. Rarely is there a one time shot and win. The accomplishing of goals, agendas and purposes require the continual practice of repetition. Find what works. Do what works. Continue with what works. But all too often, we don't search long and hard enough to find what works. Discouragement sets in as though the answer will forever elude us. Or upon doing what works, obstacles and energy expended drain us to the point that we no longer feel we can continue; even when we know we should. Continued engagement is a discipline. And at times, an incredible difficult, albeit simple decision. And so, the prayer is quite simple. On this #effectiveSunday, God help us! Help us to continue to engage in a culture that denies the eternal truth of who You are, what You have accomplished and what You desire for those devoted to You. Pray for the sustaining power of the Holy Spirit to fall afresh and renew the hearts and minds of those tired and weary of the spiritual battle that dominates our days and times. May their be a breakthrough in the hearts and minds of those who want nothing to do with Christ or those who follow Him. Pray our hope and trust would remain steadfast, placed in Him who sits on the throne of grace, for which we all have need of; whether we have yet to acknowledge it only once or every moment of our lives. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Is it possible?
I know we talk about a negative test becoming a positive testimony. And a negative mess becoming a positive message. But then there are the events that shake us and change us at the very core. And through any number of decisions, influences and reactions; if we allow it, a negative impact can turn into a negative identity. We may have our moments of success and our seasons of good and that's fine. But the power of the cross is the transformation of our lives through Christ. The worst of battles and the most horrific of circumstances, while they may have a forceful impact do not have to have such a controlling effect upon that we limit what we are capable of doing. Let alone, should we allow such events to keep us from allowing God to accomplish His plans and purposes for our lives. In other words, I think life is complex enough that it's possible to have a positive testimony, while still struggling with a negative identity. It's likely that many live their days sharing at times a positive message in public, but an internal battle of poor communication about and to themselves in regards to God's sovereign work. What a conflict to endure that surely impacts ones effectiveness for the cause of Christ. I get it's a process; one that isn't always corrected in an instantaneous moment of the miraculous. However, I think people live years and decades with the belief that God can't or won't do for them. I believe He can. I believe He wants to do so. We can blame someone else or some event as the barrier between us and God, but ultimately, it is us. A simple reaction, changes all. Difficult, but simple. On this #effectiveSunday, pray that we not allow the negative, albeit powerful and overwhelming events of life to define us and hinder are abilities regarding God's plan. Pray we would open ourselves to being transformed by the power of God, rather than the attacks against us. Though we may be robbed of many things in this life, may we allow the work of the Holy Spirit to do a restorative work within us; though we stumble and fall for many reasons, may we rise again for One. For the cause of Jesus Christ. For the glory of God. - PNC A simple key to greater effectiveness?
Develop and continue the practice of good decision-making. There's much that is wrong and troubling in the world, I think we can all agree. But on a personal level, there is little more frustrating than to look back at a moment or an event and think... "boy, was that stupid." Decisions about work and career. Decisions about friends and relationships. Decisions about money. Decisions about attitudes and behaviors. Decisions of incredible importance and many more of the utterly unimportant. They all come together to create what we affectionately refer to as "welcome to my life." Good, bad, ugly and hopefully, not indifferent. For whether they be good or bad, decisions or the lack there of comes from our intent. And while as good as they may be at times, we all too-often miss the mark and regret the outcome. Are we all not human? Yet, that truth causes a greater hindrance towards are effectiveness. We also look to the better and the more as desirable and necessary, not realizing that while yes, perhaps "more" is needed, we could also get quite far down the road of effectiveness if we better utilized the skills and knowledge that we have within us, before us, right now. So, on that note, pray this #effectiveSunday, that God would indeed help us to make the most of what we stand here with today and get done what we can while it is today. Pray that regret and all its' frustration would not dominate our perspective nor cloud our judgement on current matters. May God help us to live intentional; with every decision and relationship. Pray that are lives would be increasingly greater examples of Christ's work in our lives and that our work as a result would bring greater glory to God. For we are His handiwork Created to do GOOD works For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC I think at one point and time, we have all had a relationship or friendship that at some level was unhealthy for our lives, if not down right toxic and destructive to our health on multiple, if not every level. And so I write this cautiously, with the full understanding that every life is important and that God cares for all and so should the believer... we should consider carefully who we spend our time with and for what period of time with what motives.
Planting seeds and developing relationships with spiritual motives are great. Conversations and acts of kindness in an effort to display Christ' love, by all means. Even done so, simply in the name of being "a decent human being." Granted. But we are only allotted so much time on this earth. Only so much time in a life. Only so much time in a day. Many people. Much responsibility. Plus, there's the hindrance that we cannot be in more than one place at a time. So, it's humbling to consider the time that has been invested with people that is simply lost. It may have had some worth at the time, and perhaps the lessons learned brought value to our future, but there's way too many circumstances were we can look and say; that was the wrong place and the wrong person and things would be in an entirely different place in life and with God had we approached people and the relationships surrounding them with greater purpose, intent and clarity of thought and motive. There's a word for such realizations... regret. Somehow it is seemingly never associated with good decisions... unless from the perspective of there should have been more of them made; even if there already exists a lengthy list. Pray, this #communitySaturday, for God's help in making wise decisions regarding the people that we come in contact with and the relationship in which we invest any amount of time. Pray for clarity of thought and motives; that are time would be accompanied by a level of understanding and purpose. May we apply that according, so that our lives do not become unbalanced and unstable by spending an unhealthy amount of time with a person that creates more harm and damage to our own lives that health and maturity. Pray God would grant us wisdom and discern to know who He has placed in our paths for His purpose of good and who has been installed a force of destruction and ruin. For evil exists and is great in our world. Let us walk in Christ and with wisdom For the advancement of the kingdom of God. - PNC You've had those days. Especially if you are a parent or actively engaged in the lives of kids on a regular basis; both teens and grade-school aged.
Do you not hear me? Now, I have Chris Rock in my head.... "do you not understand, the words that are coming out of my mouth?" It's incredibly frustrating. Your kids don't listen. Sometimes the spouse misses your message. Employees don't catch what the boss said, causing frustration, which is reciprocated when management doesn't listen to the ideas or concerns of their people! It's not a vicious cycle, but it's certainly a troubling one that does often lead to actual trouble and difficulty. Then we get to church, where the best-intentioned among us manage controlled chaos; which sadly is at times as much drama as found on social media. Well, we certainly hope not, at least, but some of us know better. But even the well-meaning and kind-hearted are trying to help those around them, with message and advice and concern, where we truly are expressing a sincere desire to help, solve and aid in someones' choices, decisions and problems. And it is often met with the rigor and resistance of a fierce political agenda. I suppose we should be surprised, that such truth applies to ministry. For Christ' opponents indeed that He had a political agenda and certain people responded in kind. Thus, it's no surprise that missionaries struggle with this battle too, of not being heard. The frustration that exists though because eternity is at stake, put it at a whole other level. And rightfully so. Let's pray this #missionsFriday, for missionaries, who are in places where the message isn't being heard or received as quickly and enthusiastically as they hope or dreamed or are praying to happen. Pray for the people they are reaching out too, that seeds would continue to be plant, watered and nourished. Pray for a shift in the areas and regions where they are; that eternal and lasting change would come about. May the trouble and turmoil that exists would cease. Pray the political forces that stand against them would lower their guards and make way for the message of the Lord. May the miraculous occur As the message goes out. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Unless you are Christ, one person can only do so much. One person can only go so far.
The next level, the next plateau, the next stage in advancement and progression always requires something that is not within us. For the believer, we should never try to do anything on our own. For one, God knows the plans He has for us. Secondly, He cares about us. So if it's important to us, it is important to Him. All too often though, we get caught up in both the excitement and stress of life and attempt to start working our own game-plan, executing our own strategy and seeking all kinds of advice and resources for help. Do we leave God out entirely? No, most often we do not. But more often than we should, we don't rely on Him first. We don't necessarily seek Him first. He is not first to whom we cast our cares. Nor our dreams, for that matter. Trying everything else, before doing the best; going to everyone else before approaching the best... God is willing, ready and able to help, intervene and move on our behalf. All it takes is one step towards Him. How much of our effectiveness and efficiency is hindered from our not being more open to moving in His direction, at a greater and quicker pace than we currently do? On this #effectiveSunday, pray that we would be even more open. Not only to the things of God and the moving of God, but an opening of our hearts and minds to how and what He would specifically desire to work, build and grow in within. Pray fear, anxiety and stress from the cares of the world and its' responsibilities would not stand as a stumbling block nor a bondage that would prevent us from seeking and running to God and doing so first. May God work the miraculous, as we seek, pray and go in the direction and prompting of the Holy Spirit. As we have placed our faith in God So to should our confidence lie. To our betterment For His glory. - PNC Leave it to God, to deposit a nugget of a perspective buried in the book of Numbers!
So, I'm reading chapter 33 and we arrive at the part where God is giving Israel instructions regarding entering the Promised Land and basically take it over and kick everyone out. And then He tells them, whatever you leave behind will be a prick to you... literally, a pain in your life. A "source of trouble". Then God promises to deal with Israel, as He plans to deal with the inhabitants of Canaan. You've heard of the term, and the book for that matter, Immediate Obedience? This passage had me asking... is this a great example of Thorough Obedience? I struggle with immediate obedience. I'm the last person that should discuss this topic at a level of thoroughness. Procrastination is may daily adversary. So, I pondered this with an element of conviction. And along with that, are the words of a concept that perhaps I've known existed by didn't considered worded as such. "Ministry is a great place to hide." I touched on it yesterday, but it is true. We don't often think of calling out pastors and church leadership to guard against danger and ensure their straight and narrow journey. There's an invisible barrier, that while we connect with them during the message on Sunday, we don't necessarily connect with their mess the rest of the week. As they minister, it's almost as though it is one-sided. So, where do pastors go when they need ministry? Because ministry is, in fact, NOT meant to be a hideout. Yes, they are doing good work; but the potential for things to fall through and become points of danger are just as real and just as possible as it is for us; when we are neither thorough in our faith and more importantly, in our obedience. On this #associatePastorTuesday, pray for a thorough obedience. Pray that they would be careful to listen closely to the specific directions and instructions that God may be speaking into their lives and ministries. May God help them guard against points of entry that would cause them to stumble, to miss the mark and not fully accomplished what God has called, ordained and prepared them to do and go. Pray that ministry would not be a place to hide, but to lead; to encourage others to follow them as they follow Christ. Genuine in faith. Real in life. Accountable in truth. For the glory of God. - PNC There's a special place in my heart for the law enforcement community. I know not everyone shares that sentiment, in recent years. There are those who probably shouldn't be on the force no more than certain people probably shouldn't be in education and dare I say, certain people probably shouldn't hold a leadership role within the church.
That said, you have to appreciate the willingness of law enforcement and other emergency response teams to serve this thing called community. Indeed, they do make an incredible sacrifice on a daily basis. Putting life at risk; seemingly playing roulette with tragedy and danger, not knowing when either will occur and strike their livelihood and lifestyle. With strong sense of desire to help others, they exemplify the character of neighbor. To be of assistance to those in need; to come to the aid and defense of those in trouble and to speak truth in world full of confusion, deception and brokenness. It's a tough gig, yet a necessary one. Now we can't all throw ourselves in the line of fire, both literally and figuratively... and we've all seen and heard of circumstances were someone has interjected themselves where they should have and perhaps created a problem where none existed. However, how much stronger would community be, if as a preventative measure even, we took greater care and concern for those around us to connect, engage and impact those around us. Pray this #communitySaturday, that indeed, the church would be a people that would connect. May we seek and take advantage of opportunities to reach out and build relationships. Pray for the lost and the hurting in our societies who are living troubled lives. Pray for those who are in positions to reach them, to interact with them and help them. Pray God would grant all of us discernment and understanding; that the lines of communication would bring forth the truth and ultimately, lead to the sharing of God's truth. For once we all were lost But God desires that everyone be found In right relationship with Him Through the cross of Jesus Christ. - PNC Every once in a while, this happens. I have something for a post and before I know it, the idea, the train of thought, the phrase or keyword that I wanted to build from... lost.
Like misplacing your keys or the CD that you had in your hand yesterday, so to, does the important go missing... just that quick. Or so it seems. Yet, I'm comforted in that God loses nothing. He wastes nothing. If anything, He is Re-cycler. He re-uses circumstances. He re-uses people. He re-uses events. The test becomes testimony. The mess becomes a message. The curse gets changed for our course. What was meant to destroy us becomes a pivot point for destiny. Neither the minister nor the one needing ministry is out of God's line of sight. His view is unobstructed. He reach of love goes farther than our ability to run from Him. This truth is as important for the one who has never heard it as it is for the one who needs to be reminded of it. God starts the flame to that which has never come alive in Him; and rekindles that flame that has burnt out. Pray this #missionsFriday, that God's Word would go forth. May missionaries be encouraged and strengthened. May those in need of the message be comforted and convicted. Pray that lives would forever be changed; transformed by the truth of the Gospel and filled with the love of Jesus Christ. May the spirit of discouragement and bondage be lifted and replaced with the rising up of clarity and purpose. Indeed, may there be a pivoting, from eternal destruction to eternal destiny. One purpose, One God One glory. All of us for Him. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019