![]() So our youth pastor is heading up a class this fall on the very topic, of cross-generational ministry. We talked yesterday about legacy and ministry; of the next generation learning ministry from those who've led for years and decades prior. The more I've thought about this the past couple of days, it's a complex matter... the process of one generation duplicating the next generation of leaders, while the next generation of followers of Christ have any entirely different life experience in terms of building relationships. Hence, the concept of cross-generational ministry. Leadership duplicates itself. Yet, the "market" changes. Those who follow do not duplicate themselves... they enter the picture of their own volition. So there is a significant, if not a great difference between pastors passing the baton of leadership and leaders ministering to multiple generations. There's also an incredible difference between a ministry that focus on a particular generation (seniors group versus college/career) and a service in which the pastor is preaching to three or four generations all hearing the same message. Clearly, this issue is becoming increasingly prominent and problematic within the church. Older generations are tired and frustrated by the church for a wide variety of reasons. Subsequent generations find the church irrelevant. It doesn't fit with modern and progressive thinking and a society and culture that has publicly desired to have and speak less of God and less highly of God in the public square. Thus the church struggles to be a powerful counter-culture in a 21st context. We need a move of God and even more, a move of the Holy Spirit to turn the hearts of humanity back towards the heart of their Creator. Let's pray this #youthPastorWednesday, that indeed, we would witness a modern day move of God and the Holy Spirit upon this culture. Pray that God would soften hearts and prepare the minds of many to understand and receive what has been accomplish for us through the cross of Christ. Pray for a generational call to repentance and an openness to the things of God. Pray for wisdom, as the church works to reach the disenfranchised, the disengaged and disingenuous. May we witness the miraculous as we navigate these difficult and challenging days. For there is no barrier that God can not reach, No barrier that the blood of Christ does not cross. No trial that Christ has not endured, That is beyond the reach and capacity of God to heal. For His glory and the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC
![]() In all the celebration and congratulations that were being shared both in person and online, one of the pastoral staff commented that our senior Pastors had served that pulpit one year longer than their age! The best comments and moments in life are the ones that remind you of just how old you are getting and how much things are changing. Well, maybe not; but laughter sure helps with the coping of our realities. But it was this exchange that reminded me of the power of cross-generational leadership. Pastor even alluded to this during Sunday's message. Christianity and the ministry thereof is a relay. The race and the effort only continues as people continue to enter the track and engage; to run alongside until the time comes for the most crucial moment... the successful completion of the pass. Granted, this service wasn't a passing off of the baton, but it was a poignant moment of recognizing the power of great leadership to realize that people need to be in place for such transitions; for who knows the future, when God will move and when opportunities will arise. We can only teach and pass on the values of our experience. And what a powerful lesson, such as this past weekend. A testament to stewardship, faithfulness, longevity and stability, of perseverance and fortitude. Learning is caught as much as it is taught and ministry is a process of duplication. So it begs the question... what is your ministry modeling? What are pastors duplicating? On this #associatePastorTuesday, pray that pastors would have an awareness of these questions and apply them to their lives and leadership. Pray for a strengthening of their leadership times and the investment that is being made in training, teaching and modeling of solid, Biblical leadership within the church. May God bring wisdom and help for those circumstances where changes need to be made and implemented. Pray for endurance as pastors continue to run the race and pray for those who are going through the transition of passing the baton. May these crucial moments be successful as ministry continues to go forth and may it move to the next level in the plans and purposes that God has for the church as they impact community. For we neither labor in vain, Nor do we work alone. For the advancement of the Gospel And the cause of Jesus Christ. For the glory of God. - PNC Yesterday's celebration of 25 years was absolutely incredible. The outpouring of love and gratitude, as well as numerous letters of congratulations from not only some top state officials, but also ministry leaders from around the country and the globe was nothing short of amazing.
It was a substantial presentation of evidence of just how rare such a tenure behind one pulpit is becoming. As a result, it was hard not to reflect on just how much of an impact that we would never know, see or understand had they gone elsewhere at any point along the way. That's not a condemnation for pastors that have a shorter tenure at one particular place; nor does it diminish their work or effectiveness in ministry. But as I was reading basketball great, Isaiah Thomas' book, he discusses his decision to leave college early to go play in the NBA. He had accomplished much in college, but even in that situation, he acknowledged that the school would have loved to have some more championship wins had he stayed. He wasn't wrong for leaving early... it's just a reality. You can't do what you aren't there to do. Case in point... Isaiah did finish college, during the off-season of his early years in the NBA. But his mother accepted his degree, as commencement was on the same day as a play-off game. However, you don't know always know what you are giving up, whether for staying or for going. Pastor and his wife both acknowledged this yesterday morning. They had a very personal struggle, an incredibly close to home matter and it wasn't until year 15 or so that they came to accept... "God if this is what it is, then we're good". Four years later, God had moved on their behalf. But had they not stayed where God had placed them for ministry, the struggle may have never turned around into the beauty that exists today. And it's not like they weren't plenty of offers to go elsewhere in ministry. I'm sure there were very tempting and attractive offers. Oddly enough, this entire process was confirmed, in a message that played on the radio yesterday afternoon that was just starting as I almost arrived home. In a very succinct moment of honesty, Joyce Meyer stated that which couldn't be more appropriate for this post... "we need to be comfortable with not knowing." I'm not. Most others aren't either. And for the first 15 years of ministry together, neither did a well-respected man and woman of God. Yet God in sovereignty coupled with faithful servants and yesterday was story after story of miracles, blessings and increase. And in between them all, stand countless more, untold stories of miraculous moves of God. At the foundation of their faith; faithfulness in the face of great frustration. Thanks again, for joining us in prayer. On this #seniorPastorMonday, pray for pastors struggling with the unknown and all the feelings and mixed emotions that come with the process of "not knowing". Pray for wisdom, for those facing the option and decision of whether they should stay or go. May they be led of the Spirit and confident in the calling of God upon their lives. Pray for strength as they wait on the Lord and continue to be faithful in service as they wait. May the struggles and frustrations of reality, whether at home or at church not discourage them or negatively impact their ability to do ministry and life together. May marriages be fortified as they rely on God, all the more as the unknown factors and outcomes of life weigh heavy on their heart. Pray they would draw ever closer together in prayer and the Word; stronger together than apart. For a three-strand cord is not easily broken. And strength is renewed for those who wait on the Lord. Moving only in His timing and the counsel of the Holy. As a testament of goodness and glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Today marks a day of occasion. For many of course, it will be a day they would rather forget, as they await the fast approaching weather in Florida. And of course there are many other disasters and tragedies transpiring elsewhere as well.
But for our church and community, it's the celebration of 25 years of continued service for our Senior Pastor. The church went through a couple of pastors, who tried to revive it a number of times; and it was like it never quite took off the ground. Yet God has accomplished the miraculous, as He established a community that is highly regarded and respected throughout the area, not because of a man, but because of the goodness and faithfulness of God... as a church has worked hard to be wise and good stewards of the resources and people that has been entrusted to us to manage and to lead in the faith and through life. Countless impacts have been made and lives forever changed; not only those recipients who we may not meet this side of eternity, but of those who have gone on to accomplish great things for the kingdom of God, stepping into various ministry efforts around the globe as a result of their interaction here. Of course we know this kind of tenure and longevity in ministry is becoming a more rare occurrence every day. And while we've prayed many times of effectiveness, perseverance and stability in the ministry, I'd like to simply pray that God to help those who daily don't feel like continuing. Certainly even our pastor has had those days; for none of us are immune to attacks of defeat. But we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. God is good and faithful. He has a plan and purpose for us; to use all that we endure for His glory. So, pray this #effectiveSunday, for those who are struggling to see the long-term vision; for those already exhausted and desirous to call it quits. May God strengthen them, even this hour. Pray that many would surround and encourage them; to show love and appreciation as we will do today. May the attacks of defeat and discouragement be met with a resiliency and tenacity to fulfill God's calling regardless of the cost. Pray God's blessing and favor, as He continues to raise and build up people who will impact their communities with the love of Christ and the Gospel of God. A commitment to fulfill His calling. Persevering by His strength Faithful in our service. Overcoming the struggle and discouragement That God may be glorified. For many, many years to come should He tarry. -PNC ![]() This morning, our thoughts and prayers continue to join with Texas and of course, everyone is talking and watching this hurricane that is about to wreak havoc on Florida. On of the islands affected has witnessed 95% of it's structures destroyed. The storm is nearly twice as wide as the state of Florida. There are reports this morning that 14 million people are under hurricane warning. Over 5 and a half million are under evacuation orders. It is almost beyond comprehension, especially on the heals of what Texas and New Orleans just experience. Plus there are two other hurricanes coming behind Irma. We've witnessed the power of community in Texas. I'm certain we will witness a similar outcome for the people of Florida. However, this is somewhat surreal to watch and comprehend. As always life is complex and it continues. There remains many events and issues that have transpired in recent days that have many people frustrated and bothered that have nothing to do with the weather. In the totality of it all, it's hard not wonder if God is attempting to get our attention? It's not like there's no a precedent for it. Whatever happens this weekend, with this storm and for the days that follow, we continue to be granted opportunities to return to God. We continue to be given moments to show and to share the love, grace and compassion of God. And we continue to witness reminders of the sovereignty of a just and holy God. We may not know the what and the why and the how of it all and the unfolding thereof as well as God's reasoning behind it, but that shouldn't keep us from drawing close to Him and living in right relationship with Him through Jesus Christ. Let's pray, this #communitySaturday for those in the path of these physical storms and those affected by them. Pray for safety and protection over their lives. Indeed, pray that these circumstances and struggles will bring people closer to God and to each other rather than further away. Pray the church and people of God will have an increased awareness to show and share of the goodness of God even in the most simple and tangible ways. Pray for peace, in the midst of the storm. May we witness a mighty move of God in our society and culture, even in the face of tragedy and destruction on a physical level. For this world is not our home And our treasure is in Heaven We place our trust in Almighty God alone For we can control nothing but our response to Him In life's most difficult moments. For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() All of life is striving. We all have a pursuit. We are all in pursuit. The list of pursuits is long and varied, with people, things and agendas. People are on a mission... to find true love. to repair an impossible relationship to find or gain the "next best..." to destroy political opponents to beat our rivals to achieve the unattainable To have the most and be the best... a stand out, from a distant crowd. Don't get me wrong... goals, ambition, drive; admirable qualities. To a degree. Yet, Christ did not call us to lead, but to follow. God is true love. Many relationships are impossible, but one with God is not. Whatever the "next best" is, it remains secondary to Christ. Love our enemies. Bless those who persecute and do all manner of evil against us. Whatever alludes us, a Christ-less eternity does not need to top the list. Yet, even in ministry we can get distracted. Into the social hot topics, debates and discussions of the day. Of personal goals and desires. Frustrations of those who don't get along with us or are blatantly against us. Whatever our days and the struggles that accompany them, it's all God's. Whatever we do, we do as unto the Lord; for the Lord. Pray, this #missionsFriday, that missionaries would continue in their focus and efforts for the kingdom of God. May life and it's woes neither distract nor dissuade their ability to persevere for the Gospel. Pray God would strength and rejuvenate the worn-out and weary. May God propel them to higher heights and greater depths, not because of their merit, but because of His sovereignty; not because of man's greatness, but because of God's goodness. It's not a matter of striving, But one of surrendering. For the glory of God And the advancement of the Gospel of Christ. - PNC ![]() I really had nothing for this post, until I was getting ready for church last night. It was at that moment, that I recalled not having replied to a comment made on social media regarding one of the political "hot topics" being discussed the past few days. The reply that some await is my answer to the question, "what is my constructive alternative?" Many issues are complex; a variety of factors coming together with numerous challenges and multiple layers of difficulty in need of sorting and filtering. There is no "simple" answer and of course, people are proposing blanket solutions, which rarely go over well and are ineffective to address specific nuances. I know what the individual is looking for a helpful solution not yet proposed. My hesitancy to answer lies in that one, my opinion doesn't matter, as I'm not "in the room" of decision makers who will consider this a viable solution (even though I've heard it brought up by two others, since the time I thought of it). Furthermore, incredibly complex issues like this, usually require some deconstruction, with solutions offered specific to those issues rather than the "blanket covers all" approach. All of that of course, sets up this #deaconThursday. Ministry can be amazingly difficult at times, and the complexities and intricacies overlap to the point that blanket decisions as useless as they are in politics. So the ideas that one might term "constructive alternative" will probably require some deconstruction of the issue or issues and working towards specific and viable solutions for very specific problems. Among the many character traits of a leader, the short list includes that of a problem solver. Anyone can create a problem. Most everyone can spot a problem; the best among us can do so before everyone else. Figuring how to solve problems, though... if the leadership team is inept or ineffective in this process, then a ministry will forever be in trouble and a constant state of struggle. On this #deaconThursday, pray for church leadership. May they people who can not only observe a problem but can also work through the process of discussing, analyzing and navigating the process towards solutions. Pray for wisdom, insight and creativity as they work towards this end. May ministry efforts not be hindered because of a lack of focus or ability to fix problems. Pray for discernment; that the church would not be a place for people to purposefully cause or create problems. Pray that God would divinely place the right people to be "in the room" for such a time as this, to bring and take the church to the place and level that would bring glory to God and advance the Gospel to the local community and the global society. That the church would be a place of healing Despite being made off broken people. May we not continue breaking on purpose But correct and repair life and commmunity As we are transformed By the Spirit of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() I'm truly amazed by some of the stories, experiences and testimonies that provide the backdrop as well as the motivation of many, to be used by God when it comes to ministry. Just reflecting for a few moments on some of those told by previous pastors I've sat under are utterly incredible. Situations and circumstances for which many may have never survived, let alone recovered and yet, by the power and strength of God are thriving. Not that they don't still have difficult days, but they are walking daily as more than conquerors because their life and story has been transformed. The story I heard yesterday morning, was of a lady, who at the age of 9, she and her two sisters experienced the unthinkable. Her parents were in the midst of a divorce, when her father murdered her mother, then committed suicide. Yet today, she and her husband run an organization that ministers to 4000-5000 kids annually. Her testimony is quite the moving... as in listen with a box of Kleenex. And yet it's certainly one where she could disappear into obscurity and recluse in anger, bitterness, depression and destruction. But obviously God had other plans; and like so many other stories, it's a transformation that always begins when someone arrives at a humble place of being able to trust God with the pain. I can't imagine such a road. And I'm certain they have their days where they wish their story was very different. But it's not our story that is of worth or value. It's what our story, whatever it is, can accomplish when submitted to the authority and sovereignty of God for His plan and purpose. May this lesson never be forgotten. May this lesson forever be shared. On this #youthPastorWednesay, pray for pastors that are perhaps still struggling with their life and story. For the feelings, thoughts and emotions that still rear their ugly head to distract and defeat them, may God continue to work within them. Pray for the healing process to continue, as they daily submit themselves to His grace and purpose. For those kids and youth under their ministry, may they be encouraged; that God does indeed bring about a glorious transformation for those whose lives are entrusted to His care and compassion. Though the outcomes are unknown and the journey is difficult and filled with insurmountable challenge, may they live daily; empowered by the Holy Spirit and forever changed by the cross of Jesus Christ. For what the enemy meant to destroy God meant to revive and lead. For He knows that plans He has for you A hope. And a future. For the glory of God For the cause of Christ our Lord. - PNC Well, it's the day after Labor Day. Which means everyone back to work! It also means, that if your kids aren't back in the classroom, they are probably headed their in just a couple short hours from my typing this.
As final preparations were made at our place last night, I got to thinking... just how many things that exist, where the preparation for an event is more tedious, exhausting and at times frustrating, than the actual event, task or "work" itself. You almost have to "get ready" to begin the process of getting ready. Such moments can be daunting and stressful times. Do we even have everything we need to put this together and pull it off? Do we have the resources to get the things we still need? Are these people going to be available at these times for those tasks? The verse about counting costs before undertaking a project comes to mind. We all know and understand that there is a quite a long list of events and circumstances for which this process applies, and yet the continued engagement of a constant state of preparation followed by what is involved in the actual "here it is, here we go" moment can lead to overwhelming stress and burnout. Sure, some people live and thrive in such an environment. Others, not such much. So, on this #associatePastorTuesday, let's pray for pastors feeling the stress and pressure of this process, of always preparing and always doing. May they be strengthened in their efforts as the rely upon God. Pray for help and resources and people to come alongside, where the answers needed for completion evade them. May they not grow weary in well-doing, but press in faithful stewardship to fulfill what God has called them to accomplish. Pray challenges would be overcome; that shortfalls would not turn into setbacks. Guided by the Holy Spirit Empowered by Christ. Faithfully to God. For He who has called Is Himself faithful. And the labor is not vain For His glory. - PNC Welcome to Labor Day Weekend.
A day of much needed rest and relation. Yet there is always work to be done. It does not sleep. It does not wait, at least not silently. It does not go away. There will forever be something to do. There will forever be someone to criticize how it was done. I was reminded of this recently, by both an article on start-up entrepreneurs and of course, the criticism of some of the churches in Houston. It's easy for pastor to be so close to the ministry that it's hard to allow an outside, objective perspective to bring insight and revelation to help things inprove for the better. It's hard to build relationship of trust, that will allow others to help build as they come alongside in agreement. It's difficult to not get bogged down by the details that will distract from focusing on the big picture and casting vision. Then of course, there's pacing oneself, so that they don't cram it all in so fast and tight that they can barely cross the end of the week. For all of these challenges, are the critics. The ones who don't bring an objective, caring perspective. There are those who simply are the most trustworthy yet will display their frustration for not being trusted with more. Others won't compromise on the details, even when they have little to no negative impact on the vision. Others won't be satisfied no matter how many hours you put in. We all comment on the size and worth of one's sacrifice. Little has changed since Cain & Able. We all wonder what and why someone else is looked at more favorably by God than ourselves. So, on this #seniorPastorMonday, pray for rest and strength for pastors. For those worn down and near burnout, may today be a day of rejuvenation.. physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally. Pray God would grant them wisdom as they continue to carry out the mission and purpose that God has placed upon their lives and ministries. May God bring the necessary people to come alongside, to encourage, support and labor with them in their efforts. Pray God would direct their focus and response to the critics; may they not be discouraged or frustrated, but respond appropriately and with love when needed. Moving forward with confidence Faithfully in their calling. Disciplined in their efforts Undeterred by the critics. For the advancement of the cause of Christ. - PNC It occurred to me last night as I wondered what my God might have in store for today, that I was once again getting frustrated with my phone. It replaced a previous model that had more space for apps, pics... everything. This one is about full. Thus, programs are running slow, sometimes having problems opening at all or staying functional.
How often does the same happen at church? Too much going on to run efficiently. Resources spread too thin to start anything new. It's more aggravating that what I'm experiencing with a silly phone. And yet, it's way more frequent. Plus there's the whole aspect of it affects the kingdom of God and all eternity, rather than my momentary angst. So a very short post, but I think an appropriate one, that we should agree for those where space and resources are thin. Let's pray this #effectiveSunday, that God would help them accomplish the miraculous with the team and resources that they have. May God give them creativity, to steward well what they have and to make the best of the situation as they submit their plans to Him. May God expand their tent stakes and give them increase as they faithfully fulfill the calling and purpose He had for them, in the communities they serve. Effective and efficient for the glory of God Using well the talents He has blessed us with. For the advancement of the kingdom of God. -PNC What an incredible week this has been. Our thoughts and prayers continue to go out as we stand by those affected by Hurricane Harvey, whether directly or indirectly. We've witnessed amazing acts of kindness and love by those who were simply moved with compassion and compelled to step up and act when needed.
Conversely, if you've spent any time on social media, you've seen the church, some very notable, has received much criticism in regards to it's response or lack thereof in the midst of this tragedy. What's been frustrating to watch about this whole ordeal, is that Christians have expressed their anger and emotions and justifications regarding the church. Meanwhile, non-believers will use this to justify having even less to do with Christians, the church or "organized religion" in general. I fear that many will use this as opportunity to be convince that humanity can be good on it's own, when it wants to be without the influence of faith and a loving God. Furthermore, it will cement the perception that Christians are less like Christ than they profess. Granted, we know this not to be true, as many major organizations have stepped up to aid in the relief efforts, many of them Christian or faith-based and quite reputable. Yet people's perceptions remain and the criticism stands. Thus, will you pray this #communitySaturday, that God would continue to accomplish the miraculous in the midst of tragedy. Pray that God would intervene and fulfill his purposes in light of this life-changing event. May many come to Christ because they have experienced the love of humanity who has had a life-changing encounter with God. May the church be first to respond, not because it's what people perceive should be done, but what God calls and directs for our lives. Pray today would be the day of a new dawn. That many lives would be changed. Because Christians step out and live, As those changed by the love of God. For His glory. - PNC I heard this story the other day and it's absolutely incredible. It's a story that you must read and I'll leave out the details for you to check out in a few moments.
But the end result, is a man, who was formerly an assassin for Sadaam Hussein, is now a Christian, as is his wife! And the event that transpired which brought about this conversion is a scene from an action movie. As this story rattled around in my mind for the past day or two, I was reminded of how easily we can miss, forget or neglect God's working on the hearts and minds of those we are attempting to reach with the Gospel. He chooses to use us, yet there are times that He will simply reveal Himself directly, as He did for this couple. For all the preparation that we can put forth and invest in training and resources to reach the lost, whether they be local or abroad and regardless whether the laborers for God's kingdom are few and abundant, this story is a reminder that it is indeed God who intervenes in the affairs of men; who directs their hearts as a watercourse. That's not to say ministry is worthy of our full and best effort; indeed it is. Writing this is a painful reminder of how badly and frequently I miss the mark. But if God doesn't intervene, to help prepare hearts and open minds... Perhaps ministry is most suited to the adage: "Pray like it depends on God, work as though it depends on you." So, let's pray this #missionsFriday. Pray that God would help us to better reach out to those around us. Pray that God would strength missionaries in their attempts to reach the unreached people groups in the areas they've been called to serve. Pray God would help us to better reflect the love, grace and character of Christ, regardless of what transpires in our personal, daily lives. Indeed, pray that God would continue to move on the hearts and minds of those still at risk of perishing without Christ. May the eye scales be removed and minds illuminated to the truth of Jesus Christ. That we would witness the miraculous, Daily in neighborhoods, near and far. A day of great repentance and redemption And more as we await Christ' return. For the glory of God and His kingdom. - PNC *in case link doesn't work for some reason... Former Assassin Comes To Christ https://www.mnnonline.org/news/former-muslim-assassin-turned-follower-christ/ I mentioned the other day, that walls are great for protection and defense, but somewhat difficult to utilize when it comes to communication. Depending on the nature of the relationship, we may desire more communication or we may wish for even less than what already exists. Of course, any number of experiences and the actions and responses of any and all parties involved can lead to the building of the walls.
Yet, if we are going to live, act and communicate in a spirit of love, both in the relationships closest to us and the relationships that have yet to be formed, then we must start with ourselves and commit to showing and expressing love. This is a daunting and difficult task, even for the strongest and closest of relationships; because if things are already a struggle, one can't help but wonder if it's worth the work for an unknown outcome. Friends aren't immune. Family is not immune. Marriage, certainly isn't. Ministry, not on your life. Keep in mind, I understand boundaries. Not every relationship is for bearing the deepest parts of our soul. I'm for healthy boundaries, knowing full well, not everyone will be BFF's with each other for life. However, co-workers can push our buttons. Spouses can drive us crazy. Kids can make our hair change color and occasionally, even the countenance of our face. Relationships are hard work. One with God can often be the hardest of them all. But as people of faith, reflecting daily the power and presence of God in our lives, we do and should be taking intentional steps to communicate well, the love and grace of Jesus Christ... perhaps not specifically through evangelistic language, but certainly with our everyday words of conversation and activities of normal life. I don't say this as having perfected this process, just an acknowledgement that if I could do better as a person struggling from the pew, there's no doubt those behind the pulpit are struggling as well. So, pray this #youthPastorWednesday, for pastors that are struggling in their communication. Whether it be at home or at church, pray for the work that God is doing in their hearts and minds to greater reflect Christ. especially for those in ministry to kids and youth. May God give them wisdom and strength, for the relationships that are at a critical and delicate stage. Though relationships are difficult and those closest are sometimes the hardest, pray for a covering of grace; that God would move on the hearts and minds of those who will be on the receiving end of the efforts to communicate and reflect Christ. Though walls serve a purpose, May they not become strongholds Whereby God's love and truth Are unable to transform lives. May we do our part well, For the glory of God. - PNC In 1997, filmmaker Barry Levinson released a low-budget comedy movie titled, Wag The Dog. Starring Robert DeNiro and William H. Macy, the film is a political satire, revolving around the story-line of what should be done to deflect people away from a Presidential sex scandal 2 weeks before re-election.
What a world we live in. Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Texas, as they are under water from Hurricane Harvey. Yet, as I browsed social media last night, there are pics roaming around of a shark swimming through the flood waters that have take over the region and planes under water at the airport. And both are photo-shopped. They do not reflect the reality of the situation. Granted, these two aren't a deflection of what's going on politically, but that doesn't mean that recent events over the past few weeks to the past few years have spawned created circumstances and strife that were indeed deflections of other real issues. And I'm not trying to go into conspiracy mode on anyone, but I woke up this morning and while getting ready for work couldn't help but wonder how much this happens within Christianity. People tell stories and half-truth scenarios in the name of sympathy and support. We attempt to give problems bigger attention than they are due and create excuses to deflect and distract from the bigger situations that we care not to have to handle, manage and reconcile. We give portrays that are not accurate, rather than living up to and acknowledging the truth(s) of the very matters from which we need to experience healing and freedom. It's about as frustrating to watch within the church as it is to be called out on social media for sharing a false, "fixed" photo. Even the "fact checkers" of the Internet are somewhat biased and motivated to "spin" matters at times. At any rate, let's pray this #associatePastorTuesday, that God would grant super-natural wisdom and discernment to pastors and church leaders; to navigate and properly resolve the situations and scenarios that arise and are presented with false motives and pretenses. May the have the ability to cut through the stories and emotions and deal with the realities and issues at hand. Pray that they themselves would not engage in such activities as a way of avoiding matters or garnering support which can't be justified by other means. May there be a truth and a transparency with the body of Christ; that things are indeed as they seem, even when the truth is less than attractive. To be real in Christ, Even when life gets raw. To speak and discern truth In a world full of deception. By the authority of God For His glory. - PNC **editors note... thanks for your patience. Sometime Wednesday, the host site for Bring Me 70 had problems with their servers. I was told around 11:30 that night that it would be another hour. Well, it was past the kids bedtime when I was finally able to log in and edit the website. Thursday-Sunday's prayers have all been posted, if you haven't read them yet. I thank you daily for support and readership.
Well, I think this might be a little bit of an unplanned follow-up to yesterday's post... for after I finished writing it, I recalled the story that Pastor shared yesterday during service. He and his wife are coming up on 25 years of tenure next month. He shared a brief story of a Friday evening when they were cleaning a building they shared with a small, Christian high school. They put a lot of time and effort into prepping the building for church on the weekends. On one particular Friday, he got a call from a prospective church, of about 2000, wanting him to come see about joining them on staff. They were a year into what is now their 25th year. Of course, they didn't know it at the time. When pastor shared the call with his wife that night, she said we can't leave now... but maybe within 5 years. He closed the story with "good job, honey. You were only off by 20 years!" Meanwhile, as I got ready to type this post after getting the previous days updated, the 80's music channel is playing. And Journey starts jamming out, "Don't Stop Believing" and I had to laugh. Yesterday we talked about a humble perspective, that the effectiveness of the church may be hindered because we might not be where we are supposed to be regarding the will of God. But as pastor shared this moment, especially very early on in their ministry as senior pastors, I couldn't help but consider what they obviously asked that Friday night and probably many more during the early years... "What in the world are we doing here?" This isn't a recognition of being in the wrong place. It's the starting point of figuring out if it's possible that one is in the wrong place. It's where the question begins and the door to doubt is cracked open; or at least viewed through the small lens as we stand inside looking out. It's the origin where anxiety begins to roam looking for a place to land. It's the place where the calculator is found and measurements start to determine the monumental dimensions of our potential mistake. Every pastor goes through such a moment. And what should come of the one who hears the reply, "yeah, you missed the ramp you were supposed to take." Whether an exit or an entrance, the answer is unsettling and disruptive to say the least. Fortunately, the proper response can correct the matter... or at least begin the process of correction. So, on this #seniorPastorMonday, perhaps you know of a pastor going through this conversation. Perhaps you are the pastor going through this process. Pray, that God will grant wisdom. Pray for reassurance, where the fears and anxiety are unfounded and this is just a spiritual attack of discouragement. Pray for God to move if corrective action actually needs to be taken, should God confirm that a pastor is not where God intended them to be or to go. Pray for a peace about this process, whatever it looks like. May discouragement, doubt and defeat not overtake, overwhelm or consume their hearts and minds. Pray God would give them a clarity unlike any other time; that they would know what He would have them to do, where, when and how. May mistakes, no matter how recent, not prevent them from continuing to take steps of faith as they trust God to move on their behalf, to lead and guide them in the plans and purposes that He has ordained in advance. In the right place, By the sovereign Hand of God Even when the first steps are wrong. For God uses all things for His good For those who are called according to His purposes. For the advancement of the building of His kingdom. - PNC I heard a candidate for governor last night talk about what was going on in the city where she plans to run and she was asked about the on-goings of Washington D.C. and it's effect on states and communities. And I thought to myself, what a timely question, as so many are outraged and seemingly full of hate and frustration, not only against the elected representatives, but also against the President.
So much so are people's attitudes, that it's beyond making the argument of whether one wins or loses. They want him decimated and destroyed. Yet this candidates' response was direct. The success of what the federal government sets out to achieve absolutely affects people at the state and local level. To call for their defeat is to call for our own demise, essentially. I've stated it many times before. The health of families leads to healthy communities and states and ultimately nations. Yet, if we send unhealthy people, attitudes and mindsets to lead at a national level, they will in turn, decide and determine to take actions and methods that will come back and both directly and indirectly affect how we live life on a daily basis and carry out our business. The difference that will be made in our communities depends on our abilities to communicate and work through the differences that exist between experiences, attitudes and beliefs. Walls make for great boundaries and protective means, but sometimes can really mess up our abilities to communicate. Thus, we need a super-natural ability to know what and when to defend and where and how to allow points of access. In this time of heightened sensitivity and overt perception to offense, we need God's help to be and remain constant declarers and defenders of truth. Pray, this #communitySaturday, that God would indeed help us to know when to protect and defend and when to open up and communicate. Pray for discernment in our interactions and conversations. May we continue to positively impact our communities for Christ as we allow God to continue His Work that He has begun in us, for as we are changed for eternity, may we present that to those around us who are in need the saving grace of the Cross. No matter the troubles and trials that we face along the way, may we ever be prepared to give an answer for the hope that is within us, even in fierce times up frustration, angst and hatred, whether from afar or in close proximity to where God has placed us. That we would be led By the everlasting, steadfast hand of God. Empowered by the Holy Spirit To speak truth in all circumstances. That Christ would be known and revealed. Positively impacting eternity from this day forward. - PNC I heard a powerful testimony yesterday, by a former Mrs. America pageant winner, who speaks across the country giving her story. As she shared the details of some of her life, she talked about how easy we compare our lives. And we all do it. But what a dangerous process for us to engage in!
The world takes part in the process. The church takes part in the process. Family members, friends and strangers all take part with each other. What a disservice that we do to ourselves, to our neighbors and to our Creator, God. We are His Masterpiece, yet none of us are complete. As the talented, musician Mandisa sings, “I'm just unfinished.” And what could be closer to the truth? God is doing a work on me. He is doing a work in you. And for so many others, He has not yet begun. Yet even in Christianity, we look at those He has yet to work on, as if they should be “further along”. In reality, God is at work in all of us. He is working in the lives of those who are active in their relationship with Him through Jesus Christ. He is working in the lives of those who have yet to come to God through Jesus Christ. But He can only work on what steps into His studio; into His presence. The process of Him working on and in our hearts and our minds depends on our willingness to allow Him to continue carrying out His plans and purposes in our lives. It's hard for us not some step outside ourselves and offer our critique, of what He is doing in our own self or in the life next to us. Or stated another way... It's hard to both trust the Master and critique the Master while simultaneously recommending the Master. Does it not create confusion and complicate the recommendation? Even in ministry, we don't understand the process and often get frustrated by the time and intensity involved. Thus, if it is challenging and difficult for us as Christians, how much more as express the need to others also in need of a life transformed, for they too are unfinished. The potential for our frustration to have a detrimental effect to those we hope will witness Christ in our lives, is real if we focus on the comparison, rather than the power of the process. On this #missionsFriday, will you join me again in prayer? Pray for missionaries are being challenged; where the time and intensity are starting to wear on them. May they not lose strength of heart as they endure. Pray they would continue to trust the Master in the process. May their emotions and their perspective not stand in the way of their witness and ministry to bring others to Christ. Pray against a spirit of confusion; but call for a fresh clarity and reassurance that God is accomplishing His miraculous and sovereign plan through their faithfully and obedience to what He has called them to fulfill. May discouragement flee and steadfastness remain. Pray for lives transformed, as each day we are ever so closer to reflect the glory of Christ, as people created and reborn in the image of God. For we are earth vessels, Nothing but jars of clay Entrusted with the treasure of Heaven To be used by God For His glory and the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC "'Now, I can handle this on my own.' Welcome to the world of anxiety.” - Allister Begg.
We're seeing every day the effects of a society that is moving ever farther away from God. And yet every time, for every circumstance that we think we can handle things on our own, we open the door for stress, pressure and worry. It's no wonder that we can find no rest for bodies and peace for our hearts and minds. Why do we continue to be afraid of the unknown, when God tells us so often to not be afraid? Why do we trust in ourselves, when He instructs us to place our trust in hope? Why do we hope in the efforts and promises of another, instead of the one who promised to never leave or forsake? Every time we fail to seek the face of God, we open the door to anxiety. And anxiety exists in a world of chaos all it's own; capable of doing a number on one's heart and mind that they would rather not experience. Of course, it doesn't help that we are living in a day and age where life is becoming more outrageous, more unbelievable, more incredible... more of the signs and times, that last night had me seriously asking how much longer a holy and just God will stand and take a society spitting in His face. It brought me back once again, of wondering not just who are leaders are and what they are doing, but their advisors and what is the leadership being told by those whom they seek for counsel. While the writing may be on the wall, it remains that incredible discernment is needed to respond appropriately and rightly in the context of our faith in God. The unknown is fearful enough... to not seek the face of God in handling it; why refuse to take advantage of His love, grace and direction when He offers it with open arms and no prerequisites? So, let's pray this #deaconThursday, that church staff and leadership would not succumb to a spirit of fear and the pressures of anxiety. May they remain steadfast in their faith as they continue to place their trust in God and seek His face. Pray they continue, undeterred in the work and calling God has placed upon their lives; that they would remain faithfully under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. May God grant them wisdom, as He has promised to provide for those who ask of Him and exercise discernment in these increasingly challenging and confusing times. For we have nothing to fear For the power of God is at work For those who trust in the Lord. Daily. Unwavering. For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() Either the kids have already started school or are preparing to return to the "joys" of the classroom. (I use quotes, as I am glad to not be in grade school in this day, which prompts me all the more to pray for today's kids). Many things are difficult, but getting kids back into the mental and physical state of treating the schedule as if they actually did have school in the morning can be challenging. Summers are fun and the rest and relaxation is crucial. Yet not being prepared for the coming transition can make things more difficult when transition and change actually occurs. Then again, we're talking about kids! Their lives are nothing but a state of transition and change. In fact, when it is actually not occurring, is perhaps a more accurate question. It can seem as though, we are constantly analyzing, assessing and tracking; making sure all is going well. It's been said, that parents aren't raising kids... they are raising adults. Is not all of this an uncanny parallel to ministry? Constantly changing. A seemingly unending state of transition. Working with and ministering to people whose lives and faith are also in various states of progress and fluctuation themselves. Good days. Bad days. Unbearable days. Some days eclipse others. (sorry, I had to do it) Yet they are all days that are to be dedicated to God and submitted to His Sovereign plan; much like our lives and ministries. Amidst all of it however, is simply a continued state of preparedness. Physically, for certain, but specifically on an emotional, mental and spiritual level. Our days are surely numbered and recent events have seemingly highlighted the writing that is on the wall. Pastors need our prayers as they lead our churches as much as parents lead our families and teacher educate our kids. Let's pray, this #youthPastorWednesday. For God's protection over our kids as they return to the classroom. For educators, as they teach this generation. And for pastors, as they lead through another season of growth and transition. May God grant them wisdom and discernment as they speak into lives and converse with both adults and students on handling and managing the struggles and difficulties of life. Pray for patience; that discouragement would not overtake them as they witness the events of our society and navigate speaking into a culture and community that is in greater need of God while they increase their distance from Him. To declare the truth, Regardless of the troubles of the day. To be life and light Against an ever-encroaching darkness. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019