![]() Our devotional during Wednesday nights' prayer service this week was on the missionary heart of Paul. It was a great teaching on his life, especially when you consider the detail with which he describes his suffering and what he endured for the cause of Jesus Christ... and more importantly how he handled it. Like worship while in prison. However; pastor got my attention when he stated the following: "I wonder how many pastors miss out, when they walk out just too soon." Such is the purpose and meaning of endurance. Whether or not you can see the finish line or the next goal marker doesn't really matter, for life is a serious of corners and bends, ups and downs and you never know just how close you truly are until you are there. Take for instance my own church... pastor took this on in 1992, after a number of pastors had tried to revitalize and had been unable to see it through. Yet here we stand. A testament to the grace of God, first and foremost, but right behind that... a testament to the perseverance of a pastor determined to desire God's will regardless of what circumstances look like. It hasn't been easy. It won't be in the future. But it will be worth it. Like investing for retirement. You can't see it. It's a sacrifice for the present. But what will you miss in the future by not doing today? Such as it is with mission. One may never see the return of what they have invested into the lives and souls of those around them until we reach eternity; but that should not be a deterrent to pressing forward, pushing in and trust God to bring us through the difficult places and the challenging times that seem to last longer than we would like... which even though, may almost be over we endured just a little longer. I loved how pastor closed out Wednesday's service. "There's the horse, that takes off and races ahead. Then there's the mule, the stubborn animal that digs in his heels. When it comes to the will of God, I don't want to be either." What a great prayer to pray, this #missionsFriday, that missionaries (and pastors for that matter) would have a heart of endurance. Pray that as they seek the face of God and His will for their lives and ministry, they would neither take off ahead nor dig in in hesitation. May they walk with God in confidence of the calling He has placed within them; able to discern the leading and the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Pray they would share the heart of Paul; able to worship in the least like places, unshakable joy; unending commitment; unstoppable perseverance. May God place in their lives the right people to come along aside and may God work the miraculous as they remain faithful to the cause of Jesus Christ and the advancement of the kingdom of God... in all things; no matter how difficult the trials and fires may wage against them. Pray victory for their lives, even this hour. Patiently waiting; Faithfully enduring; Until we hear freedom... When God says "GO!" In the name of the Lord For the glory of God. - PNC
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![]() Distractions happen. To the best of us. To the worst of us. To the average among us. Perhaps, you were distracted by a bumblebee, causing you to trip over something, whereby you've fallen down and hit your head. Then there are those times in life; seemingly Job-like moments, as though situations and circumstances been timed and aligned just right, that if you don't recognize and act on the importance of putting one thing on hold so that you may devote your energy and focus to the completion of the other thing (at least through the critical stage, if completion is a ways in front of you), then the potential for things to go downhill is great. The frustration comes when the distraction becomes such, that it actually succeeds in its' attempt to derail you. Perhaps not physically, but mentally, spiritually, emotionally... it may not take much for anxiety and fear to set in. Next thing you know... you're distraught. And the tone has been set for the remainder of the daylight hours... which means you could be in for a long day. Thankfully, if God cares to watch over the sparrow, how much more will He not care for you? I understand the dilemma of trying to understand the what and the why... for some moments, as you attempt to make sense of what's happening, the brain races; considering what you did wrong; what was beyond your control, what should have been within your control, but wasn't. The list can get quite long with possibilities and reasons. Yet, there remains hope. God doesn't waste our experience. He doesn't wast a miracle. Despite our best efforts, even when others it seems far from accurate, God is still in control and has you in His Hand. You are "not stuck in the rut you created" as the band Fireflight sings, in their song The Hunger (sorry, it was just playing and line worked). All-knowing, loving, Father God full of grace and mercy will see us through; but remember, His love for us life-changing; and where there is change, there will be challenge so be prepared for difficulties. On this #missionsFriday, pray for missionaries... in circumstances and situations where it may have started as a distraction and now it is causing unrest for their souls and sleepless nights. May the power of the Holy Spirit comfort them and may the Word of God light their path anew and guide their steps. Pray this would be a time they press into God and trust Him all the more. May they resist the feelings of regret; of wanting to walk away and throw in the towel. Pray God would remind them, He is with them always... hasn't left them, hasn't forsaken them. Even for the role they may have played in the problem, more than the solution; pray anxiety would go and there would be a peace... to the external storm of circumstance; to the internal storm of confusion. When distraction leads to distraught; May our faith arise to defeat it. Not on our own strength; But greater is He who is in us. For the glory of God. -PNC ![]() Yesterday, for different reasons, I went through much of the day, not having really though about what God had for this post. When I shared my plight with my wife as we headed for home yesterday afternoon, she simply said, "you'll come up with something". [A point of technical clarification, I consider each post, not mine, but God speaking through me. Sure, it has my perspective and it probably sounds like me for those who know me, but I pray and seek God for what He would desire to say through me.] And sure enough... later in the evening, the realization came that put the days' events into perspective. Thursday was a solemn day. Unusual, that my wife and I spent most of the day together, kid-free. Though not for the reasons we'd prefer. My wife's cousin, all of 37 years young passed away this past Saturday night. Yes, shortly, if not moments before Mother's Day. And while the cause remains unknown; the devastation to the story is that she was found by her parents. The perspective came as I thought about the passing of lives, seemingly cut way too short. The stories of celebrities and those known by society; the everyday person who tried to make an impact to better the lives of their family and friends and those they came in contact with, such as this cousin. The stories of children; yet to become adults... gone in their teens or grade school, whether through tragedy, sickness or the pure evil intent of humanity. To watch the siblings struggle through the day, to watch the parents... to watch it from the understanding of a brother, and a father... just typing this is making my eyes starting to blur from the water I can sense rising up to forefront of their sockets. Of course, this is #missionsFriday, so what does this have to do with faith in God, the message of Jesus Christ and prayer? Everything. For you will remember, because of the evil intent of man and the sovereign hand of God, the life of a child, seemingly taken way too early for the greatness they were destined for. Albeit a moment in time, now 2000+ years in the past. The Son of God; who happened to be the son of Joseph & Mary. Left this earth for His rightful place in Heaven at the young age of 33. A ministry of redemption, still fresh and ready for epic results, just 3 years in the making. Sure, God fulfilled exactly what He needed to in those short three years, but your finite minds can't help but wonder, what would have happened, had Christ had another 3 years. Or 33 years. For all we know, why couldn't He be immortal... for every generation, showing man that He was the only way to be restored to right relationship with God. Okay, the last scenario contradicts the whole plan of salvation and theology on a number of levels, but still... could Christ have "used" 3 more years? Even 3 more months? When you feel as though something or someone has been ripped away, even 3 more days or 3 more hours seems a reasonable request. Don't think for a moment, Jesus' mother, Mary, standing at His feet didn't share this sentiment. That said... Christ got done what needed to be done; in His three years of ministry. In His 33 years on this earth. It was sufficient, for God and His Sovereignty; knowing His plans and purposes for man to be redeemed would be fulfilled. Through lives, changed by the person of Jesus Christ. By men and women whose being brought into right standing with God would compel them to share and help bring others to the same crossroad. The mission of Christ was passed on to his disciples and the trend; the sovereign plan of God, continues in like fashion... even in the face of such tragedy as the loss of a child, sibling, friend. Welcome to #missionsFriday. In light of this, pray, on this solemn #missionsFriday; for the will and plan of all-sovereign God to be accomplished in the hearts and lives of humanity. For the things we don't understand and can't comprehend, may their be a peace and a rest; beyond human understanding, that God is with us and for us and has promised to never leave us nor forsake us. Pray for those, yet to come to the place where they recognized their need for redemption through the person of Jesus Christ and be brought back into right relationship with Creator, God. Pray, also... for this family, and many more like them, to experience the loss of a family member and friend, who on this side of eternity seems to be gone way too early. Pray for the comfort of the Holy Spirit, for even when death is expected and seems looming, the passing is still a blow to the heart, confusion to the mind and disruptive to life itself. Pray, that such moments would indeed cause people to draw closer to God, despite our understanding; to seek His face and trust Him anew and afresh... His ways. Not ours. His thoughts. Not ours. His plans. Not ours. For everything about Him is greater, more glorious, more righteous... more holy than man can ask or imagine. His loss was our gain. Our loss for His glory. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() *author's note: My sincerest apologies you are readying this so late in the day. I had it written on my phone this morning, apparently touched the wrong part of the screen and it didn't save. This is my best attempt to rewrite, what you should have been ready, roughly 13 hours ago, now. Thanks. I experienced, yet again, some of the frustration that must have been felt by the nation of Israel. It's hard to comprehend wandering around in the dessert for 40 years. I felt as though I too was wandering yesterday, despite not being lost. It was just how the day was arranged... by someone other than me. Not everything makes sense and sometimes stuff is just not laid out the right way, what seems the right way, what may even be a better way. There's a reason someone coined the phrase, "all over the map". Mentally, that's exactly what I was drawing. There's only so many places you can go. Only so many ways to get there. Of course, it's the dessert, but still. There's obstacles and landmarks. Nothing is a direct route. We've passed this place three times. We've been by here twice, now. It looks like this intersecting we will be approaching a third time. And look, weren't we just there a little while ago, as well? [Makes you wonder if birds every take the scenic route. Of course, if the vultures start circling, you know you're in trouble. Sorry if that's a bit profound... I've had a couple such moments today, (in all humility).] For all the joy, sadness, frustration, bitterness, laughs and tears, life remains a journey, not a destination. And for all the people in life and drivers on the road who insist on getting in front of you, whatever room they think exists for them to do so, we have to remain focused on Him who bids us to come to Him. And be ready for the lessons and moments along the way, even if it means revisiting them. More than once. Often twice. Sometime, hopefully rarely, thrice. Pray, this #missionsFriday, for missionaries struggling with the way and ways things are happening and circumstances unfolding. Pray for strength to maintain the course and keep the faith. May the continue to seek the face of God and place their trust in Him, despite their weariness. May their spirits be fortified, as God provides and will continue to provide, resources that will last incredibly longer periods of time than they should. Pray for wisdom and discernment, that their route is being planned and directed by God. May they be reminded, that for the times there are errors and wrong turns, even those, despite the why, who and how of the matter, He is using it all for good. For those who love Him. For those called, according to His purpose. For the glory God and His honor. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() "Dear Optimist and Pessimist... While you guys were arguing whether the glass was half full or half empty... I drank it. Sincerely, The Opportunist" I love this analogy. Perhaps because it challenges me... as the adage goes, the biggest regrets in life come from the risks you DON'T take. Even the word itself is unpredictable. Calculated, well-planned, well-advised, well-researched... and decisions maker have still come out on the wrong side. Meanwhile, least-likely, least-feasible, whatever was being considered was itself, not designed, planned, or executed well, let alone the process of whether someone should take a chance on the opportunity... and wonders never cease. Success. To some degree, at least. We approach risk differently. What's more, we take certain risks for different reasons. Purely, for living in the moment. To remain in someone's good graces. In the name of efficiency and productivity. Because of the challenge. Because of greed, pride and the like. Persuaded by someone's argument to do so. Or reasons that are harder to explain. The compelling in one's heart for humanity... like public service. And the calling of God upon one's life... as in ministry We all seen and heard the stories... and thanks to YouTube watched the videos, of those who quickly threw whatever caution they had to the wind. Meanwhile, those on the mission of field, professing faith in God and a relationship with Jesus Christ, at a time, perhaps an unprecedented one, where people have be so apprehensive to Christianity or any form of "organized religion"... they are committed to the biggest risk one could ever take, each and every day. The only thing that trumps laying down your life for a friend and laying down your life for your country, is to lay down your life for God. Not just any cause; but for the person of Jesus Christ. Just as He experienced on behalf of humanity. Consider this... For all the faults and failures of humanity, that we are so quick to commit and criticize... for all the problems we create; where did we get nerve, the wherewithal; the gravitas to think that we could redeem us from ourselves? Some risks are worthy of the laughter that comes from YouTube. The risks that matter most, though... those taken in light of eternity; for the cause of Jesus Christ; for the reward of heaven that far outweighs the "15 minutes of fame" afforded to us by some brilliant technology... which, come to think off it, involved quite a few people taking risks. On this #missionsFriday, pray for missionaries; may they be strengthened... in heart, mind, body and soul in the risks they have taken and live out daily for the cause of Jesus Christ. May the challenges and frustrations not overtake them, frustrate them or burn them out; but in all things, continue to trust and seek the face of God for all of their needs. Pray God give them favor, with the people they serve, with leaders and authorities under which they suffer for the Gospel. May they rest assured... that while they have regrets; their eternal reward is secure for having stepped out in faith and obedience to spread the message of redemption through the cross of Jesus Christ... the risk is worth it all. For the glory of God... whose 15 minutes of fame never ends. Thankfully, as it's pretty incredible to watch this thing called Life. - PNC ![]() Burnout happens. And it happens for many reasons. Or at least, many things that we give credit for having caused it. Consider, though, if I may simplify it down to just one principle. The fire burns out when it ceases to be fed. When it is no longer supplied with resources to keep it going, it will go out... in time, naturally enough. We can get burnt out, because we don't have friends who encourage and support us consistently in our endeavors. --- So take the time to hang out with friends; get supplied with that resource. We can get burnt out, because of a lack in our spiritual life. --- So take the time to get replenished by the Word of God and spend time in prayer. As well as the body of Christ. We can get burnt out, by not taking care of our physical health. --- So take care of what you eat, drink, sleep and exercise. We can get burnt out, by emotion and mental exhaustion. --- So take time to get away, disconnect and recharge your heart, mind and soul. We can get burnt out in our marriage, when life invades. --- So take the time to reconnect and make this relationship a priority. And for all the other "things" one uses to explain why they have "nothing left"... The resources, tools and materials are available to keep you going. And yes, it might be some more work that you may be struggling to find the energy to get it done. But the one who fails to get up and "work the fire", will eventually no longer have a fire to enjoy. Not to mention, there will no longer be a fire to keep them warm Burn out can leave you in the cold, unless you act in time to save the fire. Pray, this #missions Friday, for missionaries and pastors struggling... whose fire is on the verge of going out. Pray the Holy Spirit would help them, comfort them and strengthen them to continue the good work they are doing. May there be an "energization", to get up again, and fan the flame... to speak like into the circumstances where the fire is dying out. May the find the time, people and resources whereby they can feed the fire; in relationships, in their emotions, in their minds and bodies. Pray for a quickening of the Spirit... to fight off those things in this life that were meant to detour, derail and destroy us. For greater is He who is within me (you and I), than he who is in the world. Victorious. By the power of God. Life. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Fan the flame... for the glory of God Who knows all we need before we ask or think... Who is able to supply all our needs according to His riches and glory. - PNC ![]() I heard this week, that my missionary friend to South Africa (who finally returned, just after Easter) is getting settled nicely and moving forward in this great work. He had contacted the church to thank us , once again, for the love and support he had received during his time back home and the healing process following the loss of his wife last May. It struck me yesterday morning... not that I didn't know this or expect it already, just how much of an adjustment this will be for my friend. His life partner is with the Lord and while we rejoice in that, still the pain and struggle is real. Meanwhile, though, new opportunities await, as he had actually been turning down chances to do more ministry because of the health concerns and limitations of his wife during her remaining time on the field. Re-entry into an environment after you've been off the scene for a while has it challenges. Similarly, I learned a few weeks ago of a friend, who a while back had experienced a failure in life while in ministry. The details aren't important, especially since I don't have any specifics to mention if I wanted to; but what is important is the healing and restoration process that this individual and their family have gone through with the assistance and direction of church officials and the support of the body of Christ (many of whom, as I said, probably weren't aware of this process until it's completion) Be that as it may... they too, when the time comes, will experience the joys and the struggles of re-entry. It's an interesting dynamic when you think about it. We hear and see about how rough and challenging this process is when astronauts return from space... that looks to be like a fun ride! Yet life, is different. Sure it's exciting, for new opportunities and challenges, it can be a thrilling adventure. But if we aren't careful, we can be attacked. Unrealistic expectations of what we can and will accomplish this time compared to the last. Feelings of regret and frustration that things aren't like they were before and if only different decisions were made or certain events hadn't happened. It's like you've been on the outside of your own life... perhaps like a solider on the battlefield. Removed from what and who they know; they come back to a life that has progressed in their absence with the memories of an environment they wish they could forget. An incredibly difficult re-entry process from many. But God's grace is sufficient. Necessary. Critical. On this #missionsFriday, pray for these... missionaries and pastors (as well as those who serve the armed forces, if you'll permit me to add them in, which you will because I just did :-) who are re-entering the mission field and the ministry, as well as life in general. Indeed, pray for the grace of God to be resident in their lives as they find their place and purpose under a new set of circumstances, with a different perspective, and a fresh understanding of who God is and what He has planned for their lives. Pray for the struggle of re-entry.... may regret and frustration and second guesses be laid at the foot of the cross, as these remain focused on Christ. May they commit their ways and plans to the Lord; may their steps be directed of the Lord; their paths made straight and illuminated. Pray against a spirit of confusion and anxiety; but may their confidence rest in their Lord; the strength of their faith fortified; the call made overwhelmingly clear... this. This is the way I have for you. PNC ![]() Once again, I'm reminded just how careful one must be when they are open to hearing what God might have to speak into or through their lives. A late-evening realization, I still really didn't have anything for #missionsFriday prayer. Seconds later, I hear the television from the kids room. Whichever character it is from the cartoon, Agent Oso, who congratulates his work, having done it in just 3 simple steps. Wouldn't it be great if life worked like that? Just three simple steps. And it does. Are you ready? Step #1. Rise Up. Step #2. Work Step #3. Rest. Too much work, and you'll never get consistently good rest. Too much rest and you might never want to get up again, let alone work. Failure to rise and then what... A loss of motivation, a loss of stamina, a loss of focus... any work attempted won't amount to much, in terms of quality and any attempt at rest won't be fully enjoyed, knowing you've left your best efforts somewhere. They are not on the field, as if you were walking away know you've given it all; you haven't. You may think you have, but what you have dropped along the way is getting noticed. It's difficult to balance, I get it. Work is demanding. Good rest lies just beyond the interruptions that are becoming too numerous to count. The energy, motivation and focus to rise again... they too are found in short supply. There's a word for the conspiracy of causing the 3 simple steps to fail. BURNOUT! And it experienced by everyone. The entry-level. The executive. The just getting started. The almost retired. The parishioner. The pastor. The missionary. And the sooner the Christian can be snuffed out and burnt out, the better. The enemy of the souls of man would love nothing more. Yet for those who stand firm, in faith and in prayer... may they continue to rise up, do good work and be granted rest for their souls. Pray with me, this #missionsFriday... for the hundreds of missionaries that experience burnout annually. They are tired from their good work. Exhausted from the stress. Frustrated by slow results. Desperate for resources. Pray for renewed focus. Pray for revitalized stamina. Pray for refreshed motivation. Pray that nothing be left on the field. May balance in their lives be restored. Pray for the miraculous to be witnessed, as God works in their lives to bring them back from brink of trouble. Pray their faith would be fortified; resisting the temptation to falter. For the glory of God. For souls won for Christ, because the fan was flamed on the fire of one's faith, rather than doused into dust. - PNC ![]() The marketing department at Porsche, says that "There is no substitute." While automotive enthusiasts may debate that point to the bitter end, there is no such debate when it comes to Christianity and other world religions. ... ... ... Ha! Who am I kidding? There is but One God. One Truth. One Messiah. One Death. One Resurrection. One Judgement. One way by which men can be saved. I saw a great cartoon the other day, that showed in my social media newsfeed: Christianity compared to the rest. Christ' ministry: public Christ' death: public Christ' appearance post-resurrection: public What is told: eye-witness accounts of His story to the public Many turn to Christ Compared to the alternate... Man receives dream/personal word/bright light moment/revelation, etc... in private Man writes down thoughts... in private. Man tells the story of his private experience to others. Many follow the man. For this reason, the co-exist bumper really isn't possible. Certainly not to the extent people would like to think possible. It amazes me, what people will accept as truth, but deny the author of all truth, the it's possible that He is who and what He says He is! There are no absolutes, except what serves their belief or their agenda. God is man's concoction, but for the thousands of millions of years that we have evolved and the battle between Christianity and other religions can't be resolved? Christianity is just one of many? It's mind blowing, how consistent Scripture is, when properly understood in all of the context within it's historical, eternal, redemptive message versus one's private illumination message. There's a big difference in the power of the testimony of one who has encountered Christ and the transformational power of His love and forgiveness of sins versus the story of one's spiritual exercise. What is the difference? The transformation itself. Behold, I make all things new. The blood of Jesus washes whiter than snow. We are new creations, in Christ. Sure, the spiritual exercises of others may help and improve life, but it pails in comparison to the description of sinner saved by grace, because of Christ' unconditional love for me. Therein, is the truth. Relationship with Christ starts with His unconditional love. Religion starts with my conditional actions. So, pray this #missionsFriday, that the eyes of many would be opened... not to spiritual enlightenment, but to a heart made new through the forgiveness of sins. Pray for the understanding, that there is but one way to God; that it's not based on what man has control over, but on what Christ accomplished through His obedience. Pray the truth of Scripture would be revealed as people seek to the missing element of purpose and faith in life. May the doubts, preconceived notions and expectations step-aside, when faced with the unconditional love of Christ. Sinners. Saved By Grace. Through the love of Christ. To the point of death. That we may live with God forevermore. Eyes open to see. Ears open to listen. Hearts open to receive. - PNC ![]() On this Good Friday, follow this train of thought with me, for just a moment. An online dictionary defines "suicide mission" as is: "(of an action) undertaken or (of a person) undertaking an action in the knowledge that it will result in the death of the person performing it in order that maximum damage may be inflicted on an enemy " In the war against the soul of man, by Satan, through the avenue of sin, I have but one person up to the task. JESUS CHRIST. We've seen it in the movies. We've heard the real life stories. Perhaps you are reading this, and you have lived it. The HERO. The one who steps up and does what needs to be done, when no one else is willing; when no one else is available; when no one else can inflict as much damage as another potential person. Accomplishing the impossible, through the supernatural, Christ did what no other person could. Plus, because it's a spiritual war, not a physical one, there's the whole qualification aspect, to be able to pull this off. There was only one, perfect person who could accomplish the task of making the gift of salvation available to all of humanity that would stand the test of time. What remains about this whole deal, is that salvation through Christ on the cross was not in response to Satan, as if it were a contingency plan or something. No. This was The Plan. From the foundation of the universe, was this... the ultimate suicide mission. Of course, like any epic mission, the element of surprise, for the enemy was Christ' resurrection. You don't believe in someone accomplishing the impossible unless they live to tell about it or there is evidence that the mission was successful. On Easter weekend, we are reminded, that in this war, both are true. Mission: Accomplished. Survivor: One. Rescued: Whoever chooses to call on and believe in the name of the Lord. Pray with me, this #missionsFriday, that Easter 2016 would be a time of many, coming to faith in Jesus Christ. May the gift of love and redemption, made available to us through this heaven-bound mission, be realized. That Christ defeated the power of sin over man through death on the Cross. Pray people would understand the victory that is available to them, because the Son of God accepted certain death, in order for fallen man to have an open invitation for eternal life. His love poured out; giving of Himself, taking our place, to accomplish the miraculous; the supernatural; the impossible. All because God SO LOVED THE WORLD. - PNC ![]() For some reason (as if life was all coincidence) I couldn't get another great Petra song out of my head. From their Back To The Street albums. The song... Fool's Gold. Perhaps it was on my mind, as I pondered yesterdays post, on the eternal price and how we need to simply stay focused on doing our best, as unto the Lord... for who knows what will weigh in the balance as we stand before God. Some say this life I live is only foolishness // No waiting pot of gold in the faith that I possess But the treasures of this life will slowly turn to dust // And this fool will find his gold in the Savior that I trust Fool's gold // It's waiting in a crown Fool's gold // In a city coming down I'll leave the gold I can't afford for // For the higher prize I'm pressing toward I'll preach the "foolish" cross of Christ and wait for my reward // Fool's gold The wisdom of the cross is easy to receive // But only foolishness to them that don't believe They may say that I'm a fool for the cross that I proclaim // But the gold that I must seek won't be found in earthly things When the crowns of gold are laid before His feet // Then the worthy Lamb of God is a treasure we will keep Some may call me foolish, some may call me odd // But I'd rather be a fool in the eyes of man than a fool in the eyes of God The message of Christ has stood up to the scrutiny of criticism over the they entirety of it's existence. Yet the message remains life-changing for the hearer today as much as it did for those who first read their copy. The power of salvation is an experience that can not be understood until it takes place for the individual first hand. God is not willing that any should perish, but all books, testimonies and sermon remain are powerless to affect change on one's heart until God moves in their circumstances to bring them to a place where they are ready to receive. To that end, the Holy Spirit also, must shed light on those things that are contrary to the person of Jesus Christ. Sure, the "preaching of the gospel" sounds foolish on spec, but then again, since we are guaranteed both a certain and untimely (to us) death, I'd rather be considered foolish in the eyes of man, that eyes of God. Thus, pray this #missionsFriday, for missionaries as the preach the foolishness of the gospel. Pray for ears ready to hear and hearts ready to receive. Pray people would not wait to encounter Christ on their deathbed, but come to faith in God in time to experience the transforming power of the cross and an opportunity to store up for themselves, treasures in heaven. May we not seek the things of earth, that quickly fade, pass and return to states of dust and decay, but follow Christ whole-heartedly and serve the Lord our God passionately. Strengthen the hands of missionaries, quicken their hearts, renew their minds, God. Earthly vessels working for an eternal return on our investment. For the glory of God. By His grace. Advancing the cause of Jesus Christ, confounding the wisdom of man with the foolishness of Heaven. - PNC ![]() I discovered the other day, some mix-tapes I had put into the center console of my car last summer. For those who don't know "mix-tapes", this was how we listened to our favorite songs from albums on cassette, long before iTunes and the ability to buy your favorite song for $1.99 or the entire album on CD. (to this day, I prefer having the album in hand, and don't buy an album, unless I'm certain, I'll like a super-majority of the songs) At any rate, the mix-tape currently playing in my factory BOSE in-dash CD changer/cassette stereo, is White Heart. I've forgotten just how great a song Lovers & Dreamers comes through with power. (interesting enough, from the album titled Powerhouse) So impactful, I thought I had a prayer post a while back using the song title as the blog title, but alas, I haven't found it. (end long intro) The chorus talks about "needing lovers of the Light" and "dreamers with Heavenly sight". Indeed, these are the days, where it is becoming increasingly important to draw all the closer to God... not out of fear for the unknown, but out of love for who He is. For His love. For His forgiveness, grace and mercy. New every morning. Not based on merit or socioeconomic status, nor education, political affiliation or denominational membership. Likewise, the believer is in the world, but not of the world. We are re-born; of the Spirit. Therefore, we should not dream as the world dreams, but of what is possible. With God. Creator of the universe. Creator of the complexity of man. Creator of the more complex woman. (smile... God knew what would happen if He left us guys on our own) It's easy to talk ourselves out of dreams. Why it can't happen. Why it won't work. Why it won't get supported. Why it won't get liked, shared and followed. Most instances in Scripture, man felt inadequate for what God wanted Him to do. He kept calling for people to think beyond themselves. Except for Gideon. There was a method to the madness, if you will, in God scaling back the armed forces to a mere 300. But by and large, what God desires to accomplish is beyond our finite comprehension. Hence, we need dreamers... to dream bigger. With Heavenly sight. As God is not willing that any should perish, but all should come to repentance through Jesus Christ, the mission field needs it's doers to dream...BIGGER. With the vision of heaven. Pray, this #missionsFriday, that missionaries would dream... BIGGER. May God grant them fresh vision and insight from heaven as to what God would desire to accomplish in and through their operations. May God intervene to provide a new level of favor, with public officials, with individuals, resources and finances. Pray God would give them a greater level of faith, strength and stamina to endure the challenges and difficulties they face... and to so with higher levels of wisdom, discernment and insight as they share the message of Christ and the truth of God's Word to the people groups that they serve. May we draw bigger pictures! May our dreams rise to meet the greatness of our God, who is able to supply all our needs according to His riches and glory... beyond what we can ask or imagine.; before we know what we have need of; believing all things are possible with Him. May many be added daily to the church, those are being saved. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() An interesting thing happened last night... I found myself empty. Kids in bed and I was open-minded all day, thinking at some point, God would bring something to mind for this #missionsFriday post. And I had absolutely... NOTHING. Then God shows up. You don't think Pastors wake up, thinking "how do I do this? How about missionaries? Sure, there's also something to do in ministry... but this is burnout. The activity becomes routine. Not even intentionally. But the repetition gets old. The repetition gets old faster, when we don't see "results" as we dream, hope and pray that we would like or believed we would experienced. At least on our timeline. The task at hand becomes overwhelming... like you can't keep up. The people prove difficult... like you are making an appeal to those with deaf ears. The support system is weak... finances are depleted & friends are few. The tools are sparse... you could do so much more if you were better equipped. I love the saying, and I saw it again the other day... God doesn't call the qualified. He qualifies the called. Every morning, I'm reminded I can't do anything in this life on my own. I fumble it up. I screw up. I get frustrated, then make the point of verbalizing it. Ministry is no different. How much more, for what matters for eternity, must we rely on God for His strength and understanding. For when we do it on our own, upon finding ourselves empty, we arrive at the question: "Now What". On this #missionsFriday, pray for missionaries, in particular, those feeling empty...of resources, finances, support and energy. Pray God would be their portion and their strength, providing the miraculous as only He can do. Pray the weight and pressure of life and of ministry would be handed over to God. May they approach life with an ease and confidence, knowing God is at work; not having left us to do this on our own, but by the power made available through the Holy Spirit. Pray for a quickening... not in a hurried, figure things out, but an energizing rejuvenation, that God will work all things together for His good. Pray for a renewed perspective to trust Him and continue to be faithful to the good work which they have been called. Qualified... not because of the individual, but because of the One who makes the calls. May He direct paths and light ways. For His glory. - PNC ![]() Once again, on my way home this afternoon...not even praying, just commenting; God, I don't have anything for #missionsFriday. Meanwhile, I'm listening to The Daniel Band, one of the premier Christian Rock bands from the 70's and 80's. The song, Fight Back (<<listen on YouTube) comes on shortly after making the aforementioned comment to God. The chorus states: "Full of pride and self, I realized I needed someone else. Jesus, help me fight back". Then it hit me. One never truly understands how much they needed Christ, until after they have accepted Him. Recognizing one's need for Jesus is a crucial step on the road to salvation; obviously. But think about every other "need" we have in life. Some truly legit, some a matter of life and death, tons are more like wants, hence my use of quotes in the previous sentence. Needs come and go. You only need more space for a growing family until they are grown to the point that they are out. You only really need new shoes when the previous pair are no longer up to the task. (okay, that's a little too close there....sorry). Latest smart-phone, smart-tv, latest social media outlet, and so it goes. Most of life's needs, once fulfilled, aren't needs anymore...at least not for a while. How long will it be before I have to buy 3 more pairs of work jeans at once? Unlike all of these, the more one experiences God, through the love and grace of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit at work in their lives, the more one realizes two things: 1) How did I ever get this far in life without Christ? 2) I need God more today than I did yesterday. Christianity is a dynamic relationship, not a static one. A system has to be working in order for create a cold environment or a hot environment. There's an energy; there's something producing change. Lukewarm is standing fixed, letting life do whatever it will while you do nothing and go nowhere. Now more than ever, people are looking for meaning and purpose. Whatever better place to find it, than from the one who created meaning and purpose for every person, prior to their very birth. And that relationship is possible through the birth, death and resurrection of His only Son. On this #missionsFriday, pray first and foremost, that the hardest obstacle would be overcome... recognizing one's need for Christ. Pray that while the speaker doesn't have to be eloquent or elaborate, the power of the message of Christ is that it is personal. He is not willing that a single soul should perish. Pray for eyes to be opened to see the truth, ears open to hear it and hearts ready to receive it. Pray that one's relationship with God through Jesus, His Son, would be dynamic. Not just transforming and awe-inspiring, but one of active and energetic faith; discovering the will of God and His plans, perhaps and ways. May we witness first hand, the works of God through sharing of His Story for all of humanity. For the glory of God. By the grace of God. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Worthy of consideration, this is (as Yoda would state)...
One does not take on a mission they don't plan to emerge victorious One does not take on a mission without having a plan in place or creating one immediately after acceptance One does not take on a mission with the intent they will not see it through to completion One does not take on a mission which they do not believe and support One does not take on a mission empty-handed or without knowing people and resources And when it comes to the kingdom of God... One does not take on a mission without a calling. One does not take on a mission without a purpose One does not take on a mission without an anointing. One does not take on a mission without prayer. Yet, sadly... missionaries are burning out just like pastors. Thankful, not at the same rate, but drastic enough to have an effect. So what happens? The feel they are running out of people and resources They seem to be struggling that they will win for God They are discouraged the plan isn't or doesn't seem to be working. Perhaps they feel they heard the calling wrong. It's a daily struggle to continue in prayer, seeing little results Little results over long periods of time lead to discouragement. Discouragement gives way to the question, "what's the point?" Perhaps I was wrong in all of this and it's harder than it should be because the anointing is gone. Maybe it was never there. Whatever the reasons for the burnout; the need for missions and people to accept it is great. The more times change, the more things stay the same. People still place their trust in the wrong thing and seek direction from the wrong source. There is but One God. One Son. One confession. One plan of salvation. One cross of redemption. Only One can forgive sins. Only One grants access to Heaven. On this #missionsFriday, pray that missionaries would be strengthened anew and afresh. May their passion for the lost be rekindled. May their calling be made clear again. May their determination to emerge victorious for the cause of Jesus Christ rise to new heights. Pray their spirits would soar, as an eagle. In His sovereign timing and planning, may new opportunities, people and resources come to the forefront and made available for the advancement of the kingdom of God and the cause of Jesus Christ. While we need more pastors and more missionaries, pray God would re-raise those who are ready to fold their hand. - PNC ![]() It dawned on me yesterday afternoon, as I continued to reflect on the prayer posts for the past few days, in light of the movie on pastors, that starting a fresh ministry can't be spur of the moment. While the pastor who stayed behind and wound up on a power trip, forever changed for the worse, the pastor who couldn't wait to venture out received a harsh and swift reality check of what it would take. It wasn't covered in prayer and aside from trying to convince the other pastor to go with them, outside counsel, let alone wise counsel, was never sought. When they talked about how to pay for it, they simply said "We'll use the trust fund payout we are expecting." It was a stark contrast to the verse that talks about counting the cost, lest one is not able to finish the project and becomes the object of foolishness to all who pass by. There was a time where stepping into missions and planting churches was simpler than it is today. Be that as it may, such decisions were made from a true calling of God and were covered in prayer. God doesn't do anything half-hearted. He can not be the God of the impossible, while not being able work every out detail and decision to accomplish His plan and purpose for His glory. What God is in, God will provide whatever is needed to accomplish it. When we try to go it alone, justify it with reasons other than "calling", seek to accomplish it on our strength rather than reliance on God, on our own insight and wisdom instead of the anointing of the Holy Spirit. A church plant. A mission. A position of leadership, influence and authority. Everyday life. Sure, you can try it on your own, but when you have the opportunity to have God write your story, why would you want to leave Him out of it? Pray, this #missionsFriday, for Pastors and missionaries, just getting their start. May there be a true calling and anointing upon their lives, visible and confirmed by those whose faith is strong and mature; known for Godly counsel and spiritual discernment. Pray God raise them up as they prepare for the work of the ministry; that they will complete the process excited and prepared. May they not be dismayed or discouraged if things don't always go as planned, but they remain steadfast to will of God and what He desires to accomplish. May they be committed to follow and honor the direction God provides, trusting His ways and thoughts are higher. Prayer their spiritual ears be attuned and their spiritual eyes open and focused on God, while keenly aware of their surroundings. Pray God's blessing on their endeavors as Ambassadors for Christ. For the glory of God as they live life as we all do. One day at a time, by His grace, in His love, and with His strength. - PNC ![]() Yesterday afternoon, I had a great tune from one of my favorite bands playing in my head. The song is called Love Come Down, from Resurrection Band's, 1985 album, Between Heaven 'N Hell. Founding member, Glenn Kaiser and a couple other "REZ" members currently play as the Glenn Kaiser Band. Resurrection Band was an incredible rock band for it's almost 30 year run. Based out of Chicago and the Jesus People USA community, their music dealt with some of the hardest-hitting issues facing the world, all of which remain to this day. Abortion, gangs, crime, poverty, injustice, political turmoil, family upheaval and so much more. In the midst of all of it though, through Glenn's now 40+ year run of ministry through music, remains a firm foundation of the message, of the gospel of Jesus Christ. For the lowest person, in the darkest corner of society, having failed on such a disastrous level that they want nothing to do with society... for the travesty and most tragic of environments in which people have found themselves or have fallen victim, that we wouldn't wish such scenarios upon people we can't stand... Christ came to seek and save, those who are lost. Those who are forgotten. Those who have been neglected, abandoned and abused. While other religions focus on what you have to do, Christianity focuses on what you have to give up. "You gotta die to get life an' you'd be better off dead. But when you loose, you win. That's the way it is. That's when the love come down.". - REZ, Love Comes Down He who seeks to save his life will lose it, but to him who is prepared to leave his life behind to pursue God... It's a great and noble thing to pursue God; except for all too often we forget God is in passionate pursuit of us. Not the perfect us, but us as we are. Us where we are. The worst possible version of us. His mission... an extended hand of love. Pray, this #missionsFriday, that people would not be deceived that their lives, the value and worth of their purpose, would somehow diminish by accepting Christ. May the truth of the gospel be revealed, that life in Christ alone lasts for eternity; that everything on earth pales in comparison. Pray for the discernment of the Holy Spirit as they hear the message of Christ; there is but one way to God, one name by which we are saved. As Christ died to give life, may we be more aware that we too must die to our self, to get life. And we are, better off for it. By the grace of God, for His glory and the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() In what can be considered part 3, of #missionFriday 's Take This Message post, I almost titled this post Advancing The Message. We prayed about the delivery. We prayed about not messing it up. And now, making sure we are effective upon completion of its safe delivery. Effectiveness is measured by what is gained and maintained. Sure there is an "effective net gain" with the understanding that there will be losses sustained along the way. But if you are losing more than you are gaining, then you remain on a "net losing" streak. Think about this for a moment. We are losing more pastors in a month to burnout than a good number of churches see in new salvations over the course of a year. Surely, we are not consistently adding as many new pastors into ministry on a monthly basis as we are losing. Most organizations can't sustain a loss in personnel of this magnitude. The mega-corporations can manage for a while, but eventually, even they move back into hiring and increasing their workforce. Otherwise, they start taking drastic measures to scale back operations accordingly. Also, something the church should not be doing. More people in need. More people hurting. More people seeking spiritual significance. More people closer to the very eternal outcome they don't think will actually, ever happen. MORE. In dire need of the truth, of the super-natural power of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, capable of saving every degree of sinner, even if we are the only ones who think such a thing exists. To God, we are all in need of His Son. And we are all in need of effective ministry that leads us to become more like Christ and draw closer to God. Pray this #effectiveSunday, that Pastors will experience a rejuvenation in their ministry, as they receive good reports of what is transpiring in their ministry and community. For those that are close to burnout, may the Holy Spirit work anew and afresh, that the power of the message is from God and not man. May God move on the hearts and lives of those who hear, prompting their response to God in accordance to what is going in their lives. Forgiveness, reconciliation, restoration, healing, salvation, deliverance... For whatever we need from the Lord, His response has always, simply been: I AM. Advancing the cause of Jesus Christ, for the glory of God. - PNC ![]() One has to be careful what with they "speak into existence" (or type as the case may be). Yesterday, we talked about portraying Christ, to a lost and dying world, appropriate for #missionsFriday. What I didn't see coming, were the events that were about to unfold less than 30 minutes after clicking "publish". The event that started it all was frustrating enough. The kindness of a few. The next two people involved weren't "helpful" in the way you would expect people in those positions to be and we'll leave it at that. The next person involved is when I fumbled the ball... the moment, where if they knew or had an inclination that I was a Christian... well, suffice to say, I'm pretty sure I didn't come across as one. Frustration, rather than faith, had taken a controlling interest in expressing my emotions. I wasn't it around when the last two persons got involved. I'm told it was probably all for the better, as one of them wasn't cool-headed. Not a good combination if someone got the impression I wasn't either. Say all that to say... Just because Christians are sinners saved by grace, doesn't mean we aren't one step away from falling far short of grace. Narrow roads = close edges. So the message bears repeating. Sinners saved by grace are just one step away from falling far short of grace, at any given moment. That's also about the time people run out of having grace and patience with us. Which is how situations escalate... or have the potential to do so, which can cause people to make preemptive decisions based on perceived outcomes... even if perception has no chance of coming reality. The message of Christ is strong and powerful, yet must be handle with care. Why? Because we are dealing with broken people, with wounded souls, damaged emotions, less than honorable thoughts and intentions and hearts with holes prone to fear and hesitant to trust. Meanwhile the saved, are still works in progress. So our brokenness, wounds, damages, and out of line thoughts and intentions, not mention fears and trust-issues and you have a recipe for a less than pleasant interaction rather than one in which God is glorified. Thus, on this #communityFriday, pray as I did yesterday, for forgiveness for times we fumble the message of Christ. May the power of the Holy Spirit transcend situations of mounting frustration, to work in the hearts and lives of both sinners and saved sinners. May the grace we have received from God be the grace we share with others, despite our feelings of the moment. Pray the church seek, in a greater dimension, to be used of God and influenced by the Spirit and resist the urge and opportunity for our flesh to come forth as if Christ has changed nothing in us. God we need your help... starting with me. More like you today, than I was yesterday morning. - PNC ![]() ... back to the street! Our Wednesday night prayer devotional at church, was the guide to proper conduct. What we should be doing to live a life that honors God. The last point was the focus of our closing prayer: evangelism. Whatever we do, say and accomplish in this life, for the glory of God, it means little if we don't actively seek to share what God has done in our lives. It's hard to do, mostly because we make it that way. Leading by our lifestyle may cause intrigue, but we can't wait forever for someone to ask us about the difference in our lives. Petra, wrote a powerful song, many years ago, using Matthew 22:9 and 28:12 as a basis. It's so easy to lose the burden - Take our eyes off the fields // Settle into apathy and forget what the harvest yields It's so easy to think we're finished with our labor for awhile // Kick back and let somebody else go the extra mile [Chorus:] Jesus said Go (Go!) into all the world // Make disciples of all men We gotta Go (Go!) to the highways and compel them to come in As long as there's a tearful eye that cries alone at night // As long as there's a weary soul ready to end the fight As long as there's an aching heart that still has strength to beat // We gotta take this message back to the street We gotta take this message back to the street It's so easy to stay untangled in everyone else's life // Don't get involved with strangers - don't get involved with strife It's so easy to save your own life - resting on what you've done // But Jesus would leave the ninety nine to try to save the one Indeed, this is how it works. We forget we are harvesters. We think we need a break. As times change, we want to keep to ourselves and out of the drama. We have our own lives, our own stuff. Yet, this is the definition of missions. Leaving what you have to find what you don't. While we may not go into the field, full-time as a vocation, we are called to share the message full-time through the course of daily life. Nobody waits for a mission. They go on a mission. Any waiting is done, in anticipation of an assignment. Which has already been stated. On this #missionsFriday, pray not just for missionaries in the field, but for the entire body of Christ.... ambassadors for the cause of Jesus Christ. Pray, the church is reminded daily, their introduction to Jesus is made by those who know Him. May the church be quick to give the introduction. May we hear the needs and share the message. Christ's death brings life. He gave, in order that all might have. Life. Not just Bios. Zoe. Abundant. Fulfilled. Purposeful. Eternal. May we GO...in the name of the Lord; for the glory of God. Christ's Ambassadors. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019