So, I had a particular intro worked out, for today's post regarding praying for missions, but then plans changed, so there goes that idea. The short of a short story, is that yesterday afternoon, I was thinking about camping.
The variety alone, of the images that come to mind when you hear the words camping, is pretty incredible. There's everything from "roughing it", with limited supplies and a tarp, to fifth wheels and rv's that rival your communities luxury apartment complexes. Then there are those who would go camping, provided that come nightfall, there's a nice hotel nearby the campsite fire. This got me thinking, comparatively, to the environments of those in missions; especially the transition that is made upon their first entering the field. It's challenging. It's an awakening. In a phrase... the struggle is more real than what most people consider a "real" struggle. The adjustment that it takes on the mind and body, on families and marriages, for those missionaries in remote and relatively obscure places... truly, winning the lost for Christ at this level, is a heart-condition. It's not everyone's calling and purpose, to be a missionary, and mission fields take on all environments, cultures and conditions, so it's not like every missionary is under a tarp. That said, they aren't necessarily enjoying the comforts of luxury townhouse living, either. Whatever their situation and conditions, though, they need our prayer and support. Pray, this #misssionsFriday, for those who are struggling in the field, especially, perhaps those just getting started or still in the preliminary stages of getting settled in... may their be a grace and a strength as they adjust to their surroundings and environments. Pray that anything that would attempt to get in the way of fulfilling their calling and purpose, would step aside and that their would be a peace and confidence that God can and will supply all their needs. Pray for support and resources to be in abundance; that their work would not be hindered or delayed. May their efforts and exploits result in the changing of many lives, for the glory of God and the cause of Jesus Christ. Blessings to those who make this sacrifice To give up their lifestyles, that others may have life. - PNC
![]() The first time I saw this billboard the other day, I laughed. That's awesome! Yesterday, when I passed it again, I thought, man... wouldn't be nice if life worked like that? Halo Burger has a billboard ad (including the 4 or 5 exits for nearby locations) that simply has a huge picture of a delicious hamburger and just two words (aside from the company name). "Salvation Ahead." How often do we go through life and through our days, wishing, hoping and prayer that the answers we seek to the concerns and problems of this life lie in wait for our arrival. That relief is coming; that a much needed break full of rest is nearby. Perhaps, not only in bits and pieces and temporal, but fully and long-lasting. We all come to Christ through a variety of circumstances and situations, but each of us, in whatever it looks like, come to a defining moment were we choose Christ. Some may be more dramatic than others, but a relationship with God through the person of Jesus Christ is an invitation that is available to all people. Yet, as I read that sign, I thought about those, specifically, who are having or about to experience a crisis moment with God, where fear is about to collide with faith. Whatever may be transpiring in their lives, may the have a revelation moment and choose; that Christ is the answer for their life. Pray, this #missionsFriday, for these that have to choose Christ and through Him, eternal life. May people come to know and understand, that indeed Christ' love is available to all humanity and the forgiveness of sins for those who call on the name of the Lord. Pray revelation, that today would be the day of salvation... may many decide today, rather than wait until later down the road or at the next exit in life. May God work the miraculous for those having a crisis moment in their life and His blessing upon those who choose Him, even when circumstances aren't so dramatic. May we not hesitate to answer; The knocking of Christ' hand On the door of our hearts. For His glory. - PNC ![]() I shared with my friend yesterday, the phenomenon I keep experiencing with this site. When I revamped it last May and God gave me the idea to schedule the leadership and pastoral positions with a day of the week, my specific concern was repetition and running out of ideas. So, throughout my day, I ask God... "What would you have for the next Bring ME 70 prayer?" Without fail, it's not long that something comes to mind or a perspective stands out, that just clicks... as if served up by an angel saying "Here you go." It literally happens all the time; in fact it really does seem like a daily occurrence. The funny part is it's not, hours later. It's moments. It's a matter of seconds. Maybe a few minutes. Yesterday, I just had to chuckle. And ask again, why it doesn't seem that prayers in other areas of life don't get answered as quick as what God seems to hand me daily for this site. Days and weeks of prayer and thought and conversation; trying to figure out what decisions I should make regarding any number of circumstances. Even then, and may still not have a clue. This got me thinking about how believers and how life changes after accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We are new creations in Christ, for sure. Yet as the Apostle Paul states, we daily take up our cross and follow Christ. Often there is an immediate, physical transformation that takes place in our lives... an addiction is broken or a healing of some kind takes place and those are awesome testimonies. Others, receive Christ, but then continue to struggle with life's issues as they begin their journey of faith. Why do bad things continue to happen? Why is there still so much struggle in my life? Why aren't situations and circumstances beginning to turn around yet? These considerations serve to place an emphasis on the need of prayer for missionaries and pastors as they minister to new believers. Sometimes we get so caught up in believing how quickly God should turn things around for us, rather than simply focusing on the fact that He will turn things around for us, that we don't allow for His timing and purposes to unfold. That can be difficult regardless of how long one has been a Christian, but especially difficult for those whose faith has not yet matured It doesn't make any one believer better than the other, by any stretch of the imagination. I am saying, though, that like any relationship, time has a way of strengthening the bond, so that when life get difficult, we are not easily torn apart New believers are especially susceptible, otherwise, there's not much point to the parable of the sower and where the seeds of faith land. Pray with me, this #missionsFriday, for those who have recently made a decision to acknowledge Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray a protection of their hearts and minds; that the enemy would not come and rob them of the seed of faith that has been planted; nor that the cares and struggles of life would frustrate them and choke their faith. May God work their miraculous in establishing a foundation of faith that will serve them all their days; that they would never fail to seek the face of God and desire His plan and purpose for their lives. May the church be effective in playing it's part, to strengthen and build up each other, in the most Holy faith May the lies of the enemy be thwarted and dismissed, as we call on the name of the Lord and are saved. To grow and mature in the faith; To be used for His glory and honor. That all would indeed, be made new For the cause of Jesus Christ - PNC ![]() For whatever reason (and I have a couple of ideas why), I spent a fair amount of time yesterday, thinking about my college days... and seriously, how times have changed. I look back on those days with mixed emotions. I'm thankful for what I learned, the experiences i had and the friendships I made. On the other hand, it could have been so much more. Had I been more disciplined in my studies for the first 3.5 years as I was in my final semester; had a disastrous relationship not consumed my freshman year; had I been more intentional in pursuing a career tract... So much to reflect on... and I know God works all thing together for good; for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. However, as the comedian, Michael Jr. explains, God's working in our lives is like a GPS. He's not chewing us out, going 'hey, you missed your turn; where are you going' and the like. He takes us where we are, as we are... "recalculating". Sometimes the road we choose has detours. There are road closures with sections under construction (or as was the case yesterday, STILL under construction) and times when life gets bumpy, disconcerting and all-around frustrating. I have a great appreciate for those in ministry on the college campus scene. There are so many foundational elements that are established as young people make the transition into adulthood, that if they don't "get it right" as it were, will set the course for the remainder of their lives... a course that will only get increasing difficult to change, readjust and navigate as life continues. College is a great time of one's life. It is a crucial time in one's life. It's also a great time to draw close to God, to focus and seek His face and to allow Him to reveal Himself and His plan and purpose for one's life. Instead, it so easily get filled with others things; some of them important and necessary even. Yet so much of it, is not healthy, not beneficial, not constructive and conducive to the clarion call to which we should be prepared to receive. So, pray with me, this #missionsFriday, for the mission field of the college campus; may this be a time that the miraculous working of God is revealed in hearts and minds. Pray for those in ministry reaching out; that God would grant them wisdom and discernment to speak into the lives of young people. May God give to them direction, in their studies and activities and more importantly, that they may watch for the calling that God desires for their lives. May God make their ways straight, their purpose clear and their foundation strong; that whether they step into the marketplace or into ministry, the work of the Lord would continue from students into adulthood, dedicated unto the Lord and determined for His good works prepared in advance. A strong foundation... A clear calling... A resolute response. For the glory of God For the advancement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. - PNC It can't be denied. We all have biases. We come from different backgrounds. We've had different experiences. We engage in different conversations. We've had instilled in us, different principles and values. We've been raised by different personalities, lived in different neighborhoods... and if that weren't enough, we've been taught and mentored by those with all the aforementioned qualities.
Yet, each of us, remain unique. Created in the image of God, whether we acknowledge Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, or we denounce and deny the existence of God until someone has presented evidence that they deem acceptable. I point that only, because I found myself engaged in such a conversation, online recently. Stating he had "no faith", yet, every response, he felt was a catchphrase and that people of faith were delusional. Furthermore, he failed to see his responses were demeaning and at times, didn't answer the question you asked, yet your answers didn't meet his satisfaction... prompting him to tell you you hadn't answered his question either! It really was a round-robin commentary. It's funny, in retrospect; but not really all that funny, in light of eternity. As if people of faith need to be more open-minded to other religions; yet, themselves, making serious assumptions about one's journey of faith; perhaps not knowing the truth... that nothing else satisfies the soul of man, except the relationship with God that was stolen by the serpent in the Garden, when he planted doubt in the mind of humanity with the same question that is the foundation to his strategy today.... "Did God really say that?" Thus, in our educational ascension to the top of the kingdom of God's Creation we place ourselves as being like god in order to disprove God. The gentleman that witnessed to comedian Jeff Allen says it this way, as shared by Jeff in his testimony. "You yourself, would have to be omniscient, to prove that God Himself, is not omniscient." Wow. Satan truly has pulled a fast one on humanity, in his simple, yet far-reaching plan to separate Father God from His sons & daughters. Consider this late, #missionsFriday the following... Sin is a sinking ship; on which all of humanity travels. None of us knows at what point we will be in the water or succumbing to it. Only Christ has walked on the water. Faith or no faith, everyone cries to be rescued. Yet we are all on the same sinking ship. To whom will you call that will hear your plea to be saved? No religious figure has walked on water and called out to those who were on a vessel in the midst of trouble. Christ alone saves. It's not popular in 2016 and that's fine. The truth rarely goes over well with those who aren't prepared to hear it. So, on this #missionsFriday post (and again, my apologies for the lateness) a simple, prayer to combat the enemy's simple strategy to destroy every soul. Pray God would open the hearts and minds of those who've yet to realize that an eternity awaits us all. As long as their is breath in your lungs, rather than water, we are free to choose... rescue by Christ or well... drowning. Pray an awakening and a preparedness, for God is not willing that any should perish, but all come to repentance through Christ. Pray that many would, as was said, when the Holy Grail appeared on the big screen... "Choose wisely." - PNC ![]() The prospect of how yesterday was going to go in terms of smoothness and ease did not look get yesterday morning as things got underway. As Dad and I exchanged a few texts, he encouraged me... as only Dad's can do sometimes, in their own fatherly way; "just stay focused." Fast-forward to the end of the day... "Lord, I have nothing for tomorrows' prayer. I got so focused on trying to get through this day, making sure everything got taken care of and trying my best to be quick and efficient." Thanks for the encouragement Dad! It worked. Then there's ministry... and missions. Responsibilities of the day call for our attention and many of them at times, have little to do with our calling and purpose for what God has adorned us to accomplish for the kingdom of God. And obviously, the struggle is real as roughly 500+ missionaries burn out from ministry in any given year. Thankfully, God answered my prayer and helped me stay focused on my job yesterday. Yet, it's easy to not recognize until later that the very nature of focus means other things are going to fall outside of that scope and therefore will be placed in a holding pattern until we can get to them. Hopefully, while they wait, they don't drop from our radar altogether. There's certainly a balance to life, between the personal matters and kingdom masters. A balance understood by the Apostle Paul. Decisions he made regarding travels... Decisions he made regarding associates... Detours and delays causing prolonged periods of suffering... Yet, he remained focused. On what ultimately mattered... eternity. Reaching the lost and dying world with the Gospel of Christ. Teaching the troubled and struggling church how to grow in the faith and knoweldge of Christ. Pray, this #missionsFriday, for missionaries experiencing this difficult. Pray they would be strengthened and encouraged to continue to the pursuit of the lost and dying among them. Pray for wisdom in the decisions they face, both in personal matters and ministry matters. May the distractions fade and the things that would get in the way not dissuade them from fulfilling the purpose and calling of Jesus Christ. Pray for balance and health in their lives and families, that they would accomplish much for the glory and kingdom of God. Singularly-focused. For an audience of One. For His glory - PNC ps: so, pretty early in day as things got moving, I got so caught up making sure I had one line item taken care of and understand, that I totally dropped the ball on the item immediately next on the list. Realized it about 90 minutes or so later. Focus and balance. No wonder life seems like a high-wire act at times! ![]() Once again, I chuckled yesterday afternoon, as moments after asking God for insight regarding this post the thought process unfolded in mere minutes. Why it seems God doesn't answer in other areas of my life as seemingly quick as He does for this, I don't know... perhaps He does, they just don't seem as straight-forward and clear. Like the answer is coming in pieces, until the full picture is revealed. That said, as my mind considered the word itself, missionary, I began thinking about relationships. Then it dawned on me... why missionary dating doesn't work! I know... you didn't see that one coming either, right? Yeah... neither did I. But here's the difference. Missionaries want to see people come to Christ out of care and compassion to desperately see them live for Christ with purpose rather than to live a Christ-less eternity. Alternatively, those engaged in missionary dating desire the person they are dating to come to Christ in order to justify being in the relationship. Yes they want to see them live for Christ with purpose, but to do so with the intention that they may now live with them for the rest of life here on earth, rather than for eternity. If some aspect or goal of the relationship isn't the desired result, then why not just witness and display the love of Christ to them as a friend showing compassion without the complication of dating? Fulfilling the calling of missions is a sacrifice of self in favor of gaining others for Christ. Fulfilling the pursuit of missionary dating is a sacrifice of the other in favor of gaining one for your self. Quite a noticeable distinction. One that needs prayer, as this mentality still permeates believers, and contributes, I suspect, to the high rate of divorce even among Christians. The relationship doesn't last, because one's commitment to Christ becomes a condition of maintaining and retaining the relationship with the significant other. A very wrong reason to get saved, quite simply. Pray with me, on this #missionsFriday with a twist, for the relationships experiencing this conflict; possessing this mentality. Pray a genuine spirit of compassion within the church, for the lost and dying. May the focus of sharing our faith be to see others experience a genuine encounter with God, rather than having an intimate moment in a relationship. May our self-interests in seeing lives changed for eternity be set aside, as God is not willing that any should perish, but come to true repentance. Pray God work the miraculous in hearts and minds struggling with this aspect of a relationship and the conflict and discord it presents. May God bring clarity to hearts and minds; a spirit of discernment that would allow God to do and complete His Work rather than "forcing" our own desires. True repentance. True salvation. True freedom in Christ. For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() Isn't it amazing how God brings things to our remembrance. I didn't really have a specific focus for today's prayer until after I had been up for about 5 minutes this morning. Yesterday, I had two unknown life change show up in my social media updates. A literal trading places moment, so to speak. A senior pastor whose church I visited a couple of times less than three years ago, shared that yesterday was his last sermon as senior Pastor. After 7.5 years of ministry with this church, God is calling them to the mission field. Meanwhile, a former senior pastor friend of mine, whose church I attended for period of time, post college, made the same switch a couple of years later. Yesterday, he shared on social media, that he and his family had stepped back into a senior pastorate position. I have a hard enough time switching churches, when we've had to do so and equal difficulty changing jobs as well. I'm not sure how well I would handle being in positions of church leadership and making such decisions. I know it still comes down to prayer and seeking the face of God and His will for your life, just like any believer would do the same for their vocation or place in life; but somehow in ministry is seems like such a bigger deal. This reminds me, friends of mine who were youth pastors at a former church, announced a few weeks ago, they too, are moving back to their home state, from their current place in church leadership, for what God has in store for them next in ministry. These are huge decisions. They leave incredible marks on a church and the decisions that follow for finding the man and woman of God, who He has in mind that should take that church to the next level are level 1 critical. I am excited for what God will accomplish in the lives of my friends, as they step into these new roles and places of ministry. I also know making such decisions would send me into orbit. Pray with me, this #seniorPastorMonday, for these and others, who are or soon will find themselves in places of transition regarding ministry. Pray for peace and strength for the days and weeks and months to come as major decisions and logistics of life are sorted out. For wisdom and direction in their conversations as they figure out said logistics. Pray for the churches and mission fields, where there are now respective gaps, because of these transitions... may God sovereignly move to bring the people who He has called forward to step into these opportunities and fulling the calling and purpose He has for their lives. May these transitions be smooth and vision clear, as these involved believe these moves to be the will of God, ordained in advance. Pray a great harvest for both the mission field and these communities. Called by God. Moved by God. For His purpose For His glory. For the advancement of the Gospel of Christ. - PNC Talking with my best friend yesterday, we got to talking about comedians, when Jeff Allen's testimony came up and it reminded me I had mentioned it last week. As I was thinking yesterday about community and about missions, I couldn't help but recall Jeff's words.
To appreciate a creation, you have to appreciate it's Creator. Yet, somehow, in this life, we've figured out how to love the things of this earth, yet not acknowledge the One who created this life and all that is in it. For all that we go through, for all that we don't understand, I am amazed how God pursues us. **I'll finish this post later, but in the meantime, share this video and pray for the miraculous! So, I'm back... much later than anticipated. :-/ Oh, that we would pursue God as much as He pursues us. We go after possessions and the like... insert your free-time consumer here. Mine is cars; usually browsing Craigslist for the next potential ride. For others, clothes. The latest flick. Having just spent two hours at the cellular store and stumping tech support for the past four days, some have to have the latest and greatest technology. The biggest flat screen. What's your vice? For God, it is His creation. Disconnect God from His people is the eternal equivalent for some of us being without our phone. (my replacement arrives Tuesday; this not a vice, so much as I have been unable to receive incoming calls since sometime this past Tuesday). My universe feels out of sorts when a car is in the shop (which also, could be looming in the next week or so, that will have to be resolved out of priority, not desire). A favorite outfit ruined. The superficial struggles are way to frequent; but we have relatible moments of loss... the passing of friends and family, spouse or child... incredible grief. Profound disconnect. This is God's dilemma. Anything to have more time with those He created; and desired badly enough to send His own and only Son to earth, to pay the cost that would make restitution, whereby man could be reunited with his Creator. The awesome, yet humbly-profound wooing of God. He desires that people would draw near unto Him, for then He has permission to draw unto them. In the meantime, there is a constant, passionate, patient knocking... loving reminders that He is waiting. As Jeff testifies, God knew how to capture his attention. Cynics are cynical. Enter the book of Ecclesiastes. The constant knocking of sermon tapes. The patient waiting that Jeff would open one and listen. While incredibly late this #missionsFriday, pray that many would listen and respond, to the prompting; the drawing; the wooing of Creator God. May human creation come to realize and recognize and respond to the invitation made available to have a relationship with God, through His Son, Jesus Christ. Despite faults and failures, missed opportunities and moments of hitting the wrong target in life; may the love, grace and forgiveness of God visit hearts and lives. Pray they would forever be changed for eternity; to testify as Jeff does; we do have and are put on this earth with purpose. It starts and ends with God; the very beginning and the end of everything that ever was, ever has been and ever will be. All that God has for us, Because we are made complete in Him. For His glory For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ps: fuzed worship radio is playing on Pandora; getting ready to update this prayer to the site and How He Loves, by True Story just started playing. Wow... "He is jealous for me... O how He loves me... I realize just how beautiful you are and how great Your affections are for me. Gotta love God's timing!! ItI had this great number playing in my head for most of the day yesterday, and it didn't take long to consider the chorus in light of faith and the work of missionaries. Life is not a matter of if it hits hard, but when it hits hard. What will happen to your faith?
God tells us that the only thing that will stand forever is His Word. That's it. That's all there is. Everything else fades. Everything else passes. Everything else is currently the process of fading and passing. God's Word remains. So when the walls of life press in; when the lights go out; when fear knocks on your back door... do we press in to God and His Word? Do we look to Christ to light our way? Do we run to the front door of faith? We've come to a place as a people, where it's easier to discard and replace rather than work to repair. It's easier to quit and move on rather than continue to work through one's way. Faith is traded, sometimes quickly, sometimes over a season, for the temporary, for the moment, for the temptation, for the mammon. Yet, it's my prayer today; for those in the faith... for those yet to come to the faith, that they will NOT walk away, neither will they go astray. It's game time. Let's go! Pray with me, this #missionsFriday, for those who place their faith in God as well as those who've yet to come to faith in Christ... may it be known as steadfast. Pray for a faith that stands firm and stands tall; that stands for glory and honor of God and His righteousness. Though it may have its' battle scars and wind-baffled appearance, pray our faith would shine, as a testament to the faithfulness of God; as He draws all unto Himself. Pray that today would be a revelation day; that lives would be transformed by an encounter with God through the person of Jesus Christ. For what good is a faith in a made-up deity? May they know the One True God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, who desires to have relationship with His creation. What Satan meant for destruction, God uses for development (thanks Pastor for letting me steal that) May our faith grow, in the knowledge and strength of the Lord Jesus Christ. For the advancement of the Gospel To the glory of God our Father. - PNC ![]() I sat yesterday afternoon, headed west across the state line, sitting in some serious construction traffic. According to my GPS estimated time of arrival compared to my actual arrival, it really felt like that was an more than the extra 10-15 minutes caused by the delay. Some days, I'm not sure why flashing red lights are more nerve-racking... the ones in the rear-view mirror or through the windshield, as everyone tries to figure out which lane is moving faster. Be that as it may, I kept a close eye on east-bound traffic; staying very aware of my ETA back home, should I have to sit in that mess of red lights. And the back-up getting longer. And slower. And longer. As I got on the overpass, to change freeways, there was the end of the line... yeah; we're not sitting in that on the way back. A few miles out of my way, but I by-passed the whole mess, got on significantly closer to the state-line and was back to my starting reference point in about the same time as it took getting there. Now, as long as there's no more delays the rest of the way (which there weren't, at least on my side of the expressway). So it's #missionsFriday. Why are we talking traffic? Because, for the sake of the hypothetical. What if, people were exiting corporate America to pursue ministry and church leadership at a rate on par with the current burnout rate? Roughly 400-600 missionaries leave the ministry every year. For the sake of math, let's call it 520/yr. Ten per week. One every 16 hrs and 40 minutes! What if people were stepping up to the plate, saying what can I do for the kingdom of God at the same clip at which current ministers and missionaries are struggling, leaving, falling to the way-side and failing out of their leadership position. How different would church life look in such cross-town traffic? How much stronger, the mission field? Life is hard. The struggle is real. The ministry is challenging. The expectation is high. The commitment is demanding. The reward is a blessing. The consequence is heavy. The balance is razor-thin. You have to want ministry. You have to want to do ministry. Calling? Yes. Purpose? Absolutely. Willingness? Crucial. Like emergency responders, may there be a readiness to run INTO the fire, to rescue a lost and dying world. Pray, this #missionsFriday, for a rising up within the church, of those who will step up and into ministry and missions. Pray; that God would strength and support pastors and missionaries alike, on the verge of burnout. May God stem the tide of the exodus, for those heavy and burdened; being left in the wake of the pressures of ministry. May they be renewed, revived and refreshed. May they be encouraged, by those coming alongside them, to pray, support and join with them. Pray that the back-up to get into ministry would be greater than those desiring to leave. May God help us, strengthen and encourage church leadership through prayer, friendship and support. A willingness and a readiness; To join in the support, Advancing the cause of Jesus Christ That God would draw all unto Himself. Not willing that any should be left... un-rescued. - PNC ![]() After writing yesterday's prayer, early in the morning before work, I took a quick break to check social media before performing the one or two finally elements so I could publish the prayer. Sadly, first in the news feed, as the update that a friend of the family, a man who played on the worship team with me mom in the church our family attended since I was just a little tyke, had passed away, either late Wednesday night or early Thursday morning. The body of Christ has lost another giant of the faith. I spent most of the day in reflection... from what I can recall from childhood memories, I want to say that he was born blind. If I'm remember wrong, then he lost his sight early in life, as it seems he and his wife were newlyweds when we met them. At any rate... Doug had an incredible outlook on life. Always upbeat for as long as I can recall. He was a guy you enjoyed talking with, possessed an incredible love for the things of God and was a talented guitar player to boot! I hadn't seen them in recent years, except to keep in touch on occasion with social media. His battle with cancer went downhill fast over the past few weeks and our thoughts and prayers go out to his wife and son. Thus, I thought much about his life. And on this #missionsFriday, I concluded the following: We are all missionaries. A point of confession... for whatever reason, I am not outspoken when it comes to witnessing. For any number of reasons, as years have passed... perhaps its the perception of witnessing. At work or in life, most people knew (or know) I am a Christian, either through my lifestyle or activities or conversations along the way. I've shared matters of faith and life with those who aren't saved, but rarely, would I consider those moments straight-up "witnessing" moment. If anything, they were more like planting seeds. As I thought about this, it struck me odd. Not knowing what to do about it, how to handle it or what I could do to change it, as even the job I have now, doesn't permit extended periods of time to chat throughout the day of anything of substance in the passing of literally just a couple of minutes. In an unusual turn, I had about 30 minutes yesterday to work with a man and have a conversation. I told him of the accidents in the past few weeks, as I shared yesterday. Eventually, shared the passing of Doug. As he replied on what a crummy run of events, God dropped that this was a moment. So the conversation turned... as an opportunity to be thankful of the assurance of seeing Doug again. Of being able to go through life's events confident God has a plan and a purpose. A few moments later, he asked if I was a Christian or a Catholic. And there was the door opening even wider. As our time came to a close, he shared how his parents attended church and what not, yet a few years later had gotten divorced. The two events seemed contradictory and had therefore, thrown him off when it came to faith and the church. In the end though, I extended an invitation for him to come out and visit our church some Sunday. I couldn't help but smile as I drove off... thankful for the moment. Thankful to be able to share Doug's life. Never bitter towards God regarding his blindness and his lot in life. Never hindered by his blindness to achieve and accomplish things in this life and for the kingdom of God. Just an incredible guy and an incredible legacy. A gentle, loving reminder... that whoever you are and whatever you have; a willingness to be used by God gives Him opportunities to open doors and make everything work. Perhaps these recent events and the passing of Doug; maybe... just maybe, my perspective to continue to trust God in all things and to share the same will be the catalyst that prompts Matt to consider a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray, this #missionsFriday, that as we go through this life, we will remember and approach our days with the understanding, that we are all missions. May we not be so concerned with our willingness to go to Africa or the Dominican Republic (as grateful as I am for my friends who are in both countries), but concerned with our willingness to be used right where we are. Pray we hold fast to the faith; confident in God's ability to work the details and circumstances of our lives for His glory and honor. May we be as Doug; refusing to be bitter and hindered by the setbacks of life, pressing ever closer to God and walking ever further to accomplish what God has in store for our lives. Pray, God would use the circumstances we don't understand (whether it's Matt in needing to come to Christ for himself or Doug's family and friends in response to his passing), that God would be glorified. May such moments be instruments to reveal the truth of God's love and His Word; that faith would arise and be strengthened anew, by the power of the Holy Spirit at work within each and every one of us. People need Jesus. Across the globe. Across the street. Across the hall. For we all have a story to tell; The story of Christ at work in our lives. For the glory of God and the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() Over the past year or so, some friends of mine have stepped out of youth ministry and have begun preparing for the mission field. There's so much that comes to mind when you think about one taking such steps. Naturally, the spirit of the word mission, conjures up images of risk and danger, of high stakes and perhaps high reward. You think of unfamiliar terrain and surroundings; environments, that were it not for this assignment, you might not find yourself in otherwise. You think of sacrifice and what it might cost. Who you might lose along the way. Excited about what you'll be apart; yet aware of what you'll be missing. These friends have recently started writing a series of notes, titled "Dear Pastor" and posting them to social media. The one they just posted a few days ago highlights the aforementioned images. It was an honest look at the emotions of missionaries. Six short statements of what scares missionaries, that pastors themselves often don't know. - learning new language - for their kids and how the change will affect them - not fitting in - creating a mess with the church organization - leaving family and tragedy occurs in their absence - selling possessions and relying on support Sounds exactly like what anyone would feel would handed a "mission". The thought process; the emotions, the mental tenacity, the will to proceed. Sure it's exciting. It's also incredibly daunting. And it's times like these that loneliness and fear can set it, simply because not many people can relate. The struggle is real and the what if scenarios do play out. Fall-outs with the organized church body happen. Financial support dwindles. Kids respond negatively and perhaps for a long-time. Tragedy strikes in their absence and they are unable to return to deal with the matter. These are times, when just like pastors, missionaries need incredibly strong friendships. To stand by them. To pray with them. To talk with them and more importantly, listen to their stories and fears. Accepting a mission by God is not for the faint of heart. Pray, this #missionsFriday, that God would gird up missionaries, whether they've been on the field 20 years or 20 hrs. May the be strengthened and encouraged by the power of His might. May they stand on the promises of God that yes and amen to them that believe. Pray for rejuvenation and refreshing of their spirits as they continue to work for the advancement of the Gospel of Christ. May faith rise in response to fear and their trust in God would be fortified. Pray for safety for their families; protection for the hearts and minds of their children, wisdom in decisions; provision of finances. Pray for a surrounding of friends, to come along side in whatever ways they can, that missionaries can keep the faith, continue the good work God has begun in them, in order that they may not burn out, but finish strong. Focus and faithful. Casting all cares to God Unhindered in their mission. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() Don't worry... this isn't part 5, of the ongoing perspective we've had in the prayers this past week. However, the situation and church in mention, got me thinking yesterday. Depending on the reports, roughly 500 or so missionaries leave the mission field every year. Some place the number as high as 700. There stories don't often make the news; certainly not mainstream, and often not even in lesser known publications or even in church circles. Are not the reasons very similar? Are there not troubled marriages on the mission field? Difficult parent/child relationships and tensions? Do spouses not change over time and think, "I can't do this anymore?" Do they not experience a turn-around where the culture they are trying to impact for Christ ends up influencing them more and they fall from the faith? Fall from grace? Surely, this can't just be a Western civilization "thing", that pastors get caught up in the power of the pulpit; the personality of the pastorate, the money, the relationships... There was a sage piece of advice once given to a pastor by a lifelong minister... "Keep your hands off the women, the gold and the glory." Relationships. Finances. Ego. The downfalls of many pastors lie in just those three areas. When burnout happens among missionaries, we rarely hear about it and often, even less about why. So, I wonder... at that rate, much like in the pulpit; who will take their place and how quickly will they be ready? Thus, when my friend updated social media yesterday with a picture of 400+ kids during Senior High bible camp of their praise and worship service and their "praying God would send them", I couldn't help but smile and thank God... along with 70 other people who also liked & loved the photo! The struggle is real. The timing is crucial. God is Sovereign over the Earth and clearly pieces are being arranged that people may recognize to a greater degree, their desperate need for a Savior; and not just any savior, but Jesus Christ and Him alone. Pray, this #missionsFriday, for missionaries; seemingly falling and walking from ministry in seeming obscurity. Pray God would protect and fortify their homes and marriages against the attacks of the enemy that would try to take them out. Pray temptation would flee and that they would stand strong in the commitment to God and the work He has called them to fulfill. Pray for the communities and the people groups they serve; may their be health and strength as they hear the Word of the Lord; as they respond; as they grow and mature in the faith and understanding of God through the teaching of the Word. Pray for the generation God is raising up; may the church be more and more, of the posture of usability; for whatever it is that God would have us to accomplish for His glory. For the advancement of the Kingdom of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. Used to be an impact on our world, For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() Tragedy abounds. Tragedy surrounds. Criticism raises its voice. Demands for answers. Speaks before full knowledge of truth. Speaks from anger. Speaks from frustration. Speaks profound insight. Speaks intelligently and with good intentions. Yet, until it's first-hand... Even those on the front-line of situations and circumstances; there's a difference between being a first-hand witness and being a first-hand player. It's the difference between saying "I was there" versus "I was involved." We look at lives events, some with explanation within reason; others without explanation with no regard and offer our statements of "if it were me" and "if it were up to me" and yet we look at this world and neglect the most basic, spiritual truth. God has a plan, purpose and destiny for every life. Born and unborn. Of every color on the spectrum of skin tone. Of creed and faith; of principle and experience; of status and prominence; of wealth or ruin and any and all deficiency of the aforementioned. When offered the challenge to put ourselves in the experience of another that we might gain, true 1st-hand revelation, we usually aren't so inclined. I can't, wouldn't or won't put myself in your shoes. Sadly, we do the same when confronted with the life-changing power of Jesus Christ. That faith in God and prayer and church is fine for you; but I don't see it working for me. And here's the laundry list of why I'm beyond God's help and my standing by rejecting said help. And yet, the entire work of missions and the advancement of the Gospel of Christ has been in the sharing of one's first-hand experience. And the invitation extended to the one next to us. Don't just witness the power and presence of God at work in humanity. Be one involved in the power and presence of God; and the work He has in store for humanity... that has seemingly gone out of it's way to not so much tell God we don't need His hand upon our nation, but has done as much removed His hand from us for Him. We haven't told God to back off. We've told Him, to in fact, back off. Whatever the tragedy being discussed today and whatever one lurks around the next news cycle, one can't help but wonder what would happen if nations today, did as read in Scripture... leaders leading it's citizens in repentance and crying out to God. Forgive us. And as we turn from our wickedness, would you heal our land? On this #missionsFriday, pray for those working in all nations, as tragedy runs abroad. Time is short and days are evil and nations and its' citizenry are crying out for life to look and to be different. Pray leaders and leadership would come to a place of revelation and understanding that life has purpose and meaning; that all of life matters and it starts with the person of Jesus Christ. Pray for the church to not just be witness to the presence and power of God, but to be involved in greater dimension in sharing the love and forgiveness available to all of humanity because of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. Wrongly accused, wrongly beaten, wrongly crucified; but for the Sovereign hand of God, a way was made that whosoever may come into right relationship. May the truth of God and His Word go forth, as never before... and as promised, not return void. Pray; society would turn from its ways; seemingly right in their own eyes And seek the face of God. May He heal this land. We are in desperate need of His working the miraculous in our midst. - PNC ![]() Yesterday morning, it became apparent early on, that I would be behind for the entirety of the day. At some point mid-morning, it dawned on me, that there was probably a time-sensitive that would be tacked on, upon completion of what was already in front of me. Sure enough, upon completion, I sent a text, essentially confirming my assumption, this is the game plan? The reply came back... yeah, "but you are too late." Interestingly enough, I didn't find until the close of business Wednesday, that the same thing had occurred on day as well; finding out only upon my arrival. However,someone still happened to be there and so it worked out, but still... a late arrival. Upon reading the text though, it wasn't but moments, that eternity flashed before me. What will be the opportunities and events in this life that will be revealed to us by God, where the fullness of just how late we were in circumstances and conversations will be shared. Nobody likes being late. Nobody likes missed opportunities Nobody likes being left out Yet, in regards to matters of the heart, in light of eternity, many are. Many do. Many have been. Which places an even greater emphasis on churches and missions to redeem the time; to make the most of every opportunity. To impact the world for Christ. To tell His story. For many they are late in being prepared for eternity. While there are always factors beyond our control that prevent us from meeting certain schedules and time-sensitive demands, Christs' return is one we don't know; except that we are 1 day closer than yesterday. So, pray with me, this #missionsFriday, for missionaries and church leaders and the body of Christ at large, to live with an increasing awareness of the time-sensitive nature of eternity. Pray we would not be late, in following the prompting and leading of the Holy Spirit to impact this world for the cause of Jesus Christ. May a lost and dying world come to understand that their souls weigh in the balance, as tomorrow is not guaranteed to any of us, let alone, the next hour of the day. Pray for those living with regret; situations of which, they are already aware that eternal matters and opportunities have been missed; that they were late in impacting the life of another for Christ. May God help us and strengthen us to be a better witness in light of eternity. For the advancement of the Gospel For the cause of Jesus Christ. Empowered by the Holy Spirit. - PNC ![]() Today, you are reading the 390th consecutive prayer post, since the relaunch of this site on June 1 of last year. I am blown away. The likes, the shares, the input, the traffic... I am truly humbled by what I sense God is accomplishing as we come together to #pray4pastors. Not really feeling that God had given me direction for what you are reading by the time I got home yesterday, it wasn't very long before I was thinking of how to convince you that I really just wanted to talk about the weather. We all reach those places in life and experience such days... moments where you don't want to do anything or think about anything; you don't want to talk about anything significant or "heavy-duty". Just as their are physical demands on our bodies and you have an "I shouldn't have done that" moment; so too, does life become emotional and mentally taxing and your brain says, "please don't go there. We're not doing this right now." By the way, the rain storm that was supposed to roll into our area Wednesday late afternoon, didn't start unloading water upon the ground until yesterday, and occasionally at that. Which, on this #missionsFriday proves my point. You can take a moment to talk about the weather, but life and its' demands and responsibilities continue. If you've seen some of the latest "memes" being posted on social media, the answer to the question being posed is, "Yes, you do have 'adult' today." There are brief moments where you can "check-out". Disconnect, disengage, regroup, refocus, compose yourself, gather yourself... "put your life back together" as I tell my oldest daughter when she starts having an emotional fit. Life is hard; I get that. Yet, that is why God encourages us to rely on Him; cast our burdens on Him; place our trust in Him; call out to Him in difficult places. He made a way for us not to simply survive, cope and manage this life, but to experience life to the fullest and with joy and strength from on High! For those missionaries, waking up this morning struggling to remember and retain this perspective, we pray. On this #missionsFriday, for those ready to check-out, perhaps even permanently, pray God would comfort and strength them today. Even the very hour you pray. Pray for a quickening in their hearts and their minds; a rekindling of the flame and renewed passion for the things of God and the work of the Gospel. For whatever the challenge and difficult place may look like, may God grant to them the ability and vision to walk through and overcome whatever lies in front of them. Pray they would not be distracted, detoured or derailed, but would continue to cast their burden upon God; seek His face alone and trust in Him anew. Pray the Holy Spirit would empower them again with a fresh anointing. Pray a shift in their attitudes, mentally-emotionally-physically; that their would be a rising up in victory; that their life is not defeated nor defined by external circumstance. May today not be conversations of the weather, But testimonies of victory. For the glory of God. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Michael Jackson, in his song, Man In The Mirror, missed the spiritual truth to his lyrics. Yes, there are some things upon which man can look at in his life and change. But there is so much more. I couldn't help, as I thought about this yesterday, but to compare this song to another, The Man Inside, by Jon Gibson, on his album by the same title.
Jackson looks at the world and recognizes he needs to change how he responds. He looks in the mirror, not liking what he sees. Gibson, on the other hand, recognizes that "it's not about black white, wrong or right, but about the man inside." Which is pretty much what Scripture tells us. Man looks at the outward; but God looks at the heart. In the face of tragedy and our desire to place blame and find fault, we are so quick to look for what's wrong; usually over things we can control; think we should be able to control; and should figure out a way to control them. However, man will never be to control anything until he relinquishes himself to the power of God through the person of Jesus Christ. Whether he looks at the man in the mirror, or he takes a deeper look at the man inside, the heart of every person on planet earth is a mission field. Sure, certain things can be changed, beyond our appearance; but lasting change requires removing the root that brings for the undesirable in our lives. It's why we daily take up our cross to follow Christ. The burden we bear is the battle between our will and His will and for every day that one fails to confess to Christ that the burden is too great and the struggle too real, the harder it will be to come faith and right relationship with God. With every day that passes, it will become easier to look elsewhere to blame and fault others and other things for the evil we see in the world. The reality is, a decision for Christ is the only thing that separates us. While we have our faults, we are not immune. It is the recognition that we must daily submit to Christ. For when we don't, is when we think we have control or should control. And that is not at all the truth. Pray, this #missionsFriday, that the truth of our need for Christ, for each and every individual would be illuminated in our hearts and minds. Pray for the hearts that are themselves, still mission fields in need of hearing the Gospel of Christ. Pray for those struggling to surrender daily, their cross and the burdens they carry to God. May the seek His face; place their trust and hope in Him and allow the power of the Holy Spirit to work in them, that they may be transformed in the knowledge of God; being made new in His image. Pray for those seeking answers in light of recent tragedies... may the comfort of the Holy Spirit stand by them; may they experience the love and grace of God and in the process, may the truth of His Word be shared. In the mirror On the inside Hearts changed for eternity For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() Wednesday night, during service we had some special visitors; a group of 5 women, one of whom is the International Students pastor for the college missions program at a nearby campus. It was awesome to hear a brief insight into what God is doing on that campus, and the favor and influence being extended to this pastor. It got me thinking about these "niche markets", if you will when it comes to missionary work. We always think of being in the middle of nowhere, bringing the gospel to some remote village or tribe or people group that hardly anyone as ever heard of until you tell them that's your mission field. It's amazing, how far the gospel of Christ has reached and the lives impacted for eternity and yet, such a long ways to go remains. And as we pray every Wednesday, you can't help but wonder about the next generation. I think of my friends in Latin America, reaching out to kids in need and what they are accomplishing in lives and communities by changing the story for those "up & coming". Likewise, the same holds true for college. I reflected yesterday; perhaps, I wasn't ready for college when I enrolled. And perhaps, upon graduation, I wasn't ready for life. Don't get me wrong; I learned a great deal... probably more about life than a particular focus of study and career. That said, I can't imagine how much more of a struggle it must be today; with the changes in society and culture; the philosophical and ideological trends that keep pushing the envelop and moving the bar further away from God. Meanwhile, I always kinda smile, when I see or hear someone say, "I'm having difficulty in life, could you send some good thoughts and vibes my way. I don't believe in God, but if you want to pray for me, I'd appreciate it." With each passing day, I'm reminded just how much I need God. How much I can't live this life without Him. How much I will screw up, if left to my own devices, resources and responses. And while it's not always a pleasant reminder in the moment, afterwards, it is a comfort to know that I am not alone... not matter how many people may be nearby. There is One who sticks closer than a brother. Even when I deserve to be left alone. Pray this #missionsFriday, for the "mission field" itself. In places of hardship and difficulty, pray for the realization of many; that there would be an awakening in peoples' lives for their need of Christ. Pray God would sovereignly bring people to places where their need and desire for God can no longer be denied or ignored. Pray for the barriers and obstacles of the mind and within the heart to be removed; that through kindness and love, people would sense and understand the knocking of Jesus' on the door of their heart. Pray for continued favor and strength in the lives of missionaries; that God would open doors for them with people of influence and position, not for the benefit of the pastor, but to aid in the advancement of the gospel of Christ. Lives changed. Eternity impacted. Results far-reaching, yet not fully-realized. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() Yesterday morning, I was given a desired deadline to meet. Nothing that hasn't happened before, except my reply was met with an even more profound response. My reply was that I'd do my best. This is nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing that hasn't been said to you by anyone that you've asked for them something specific to accomplish. Certainly, nothing that you have said to someone who has asked anything of you. And many of heard or said, thanks as a response. So what stood out this time? "I don't want you to do your best. I want you to do it. Get it done." I posted a prayer a while back about "just do it" and what I've termed "NIKE Christianity". And while I don't want to be repetitive on the matter, the words stayed with me throughout the morning. Life happens, especially as you rely on other people along the way. Delays happen and other people don't sense the urgency of what you are trying to accomplish and so you have to account for that. When all was said and done, I was 40 minutes passed the mark. Out of my control; a domino effect, in two delays that ended up causing two more; and had the first never occurred, I probably would have made the goal. Be that as it may, though... what lingered was what God asks of us; of what God asked of heroes of the faith, from the passages of Scripture. And along the way, many of them spoke of their effort; recognizing that there was a lack... that they didn't have what they felt they would; that they would be unable to complete the assignment or that someone else was better suited for the task altogether. And in some cases, God made allowances, like Moses brother' Aaron, helping speak to Pharaoh. But it wasn't the same as if Moses had prayed for God to empower Him and fill in the gap with strength and grace from On High. How more importantly, in this day and age, do we do the same. Like a kid arguing with their parent...."But Dddaaaaaddddddddd!!!!! Come on. We all had these conversations, both with people and our Creator. This is above me. This is beyond me. This is greater than me. And it freaks me out to no end, that you would ask this of me. Yet, loving Father God. Go. Do what I asked. Do what I said. And I will be with you. We love the part about God lighting our path, but we forget all too quickly, being a lamp to our feet. There may be some notice of what's ahead of us, but by and large, life is stepping out in faith and continuing to put one foot in front of the other, as we go about fulfilling the plan and purpose God has called us. Lest we see too far forward and back out. Nope... if I have to go through that; cross that, encounter and overcome that, then why even bother? As if our efforts mattered and realizing we were insufficient, we never bother to put in any effort at all. That's the kind of thinking that will leave you forever missing the mark. You can't win a race that you don't start. You can't win a game in which you play. You can't live life while playing dead. Pray, this #missionsFriday, that we not focus our minds upon our abilities or efforts in fulfilling what God has planned and called us to accomplish in this life, but we would simply obey. Pray for missionaries today, struggling with how God will bring things together and make everything work. May they resolve to focus on the task at hand; seek God's face for how to accomplish it and trust that God will be there with strength and grace to see them through to completion. May they not be concerned by the delays; stressed out by circumstances or worried about responses... instead, keeping their eyes on the prize to be found faithful in their service to the kingdom of God. Our best efforts mean nothing if we first don't resolve to obey. May the focus be on what God can do through us; Not on what we can do for Him. All for His glory None for our fame. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019