![]() It dawned on me yesterday afternoon, that the #deaconThursday prayer would have been just as appropriate for today's topic of missions... especially after the early church social media line and #missionarysplit. That said, with multiple missionary trips, the split between Paul and Barnabas sets the stage for one having to choose where they go, who they support and more. 2000 years later and churches have to make tough decisions regarding which missionaries they support on a monthly basis. What ministries do they partner with? Where do they send their congregations and youth teams on missions trips? That said, while missionaries aren't competing against each other for first place; they are competing... for resources, for finances, for volunteers, for prayer support. We all want the best for missionaries and the task they have at hand. We root and cheer for their successes and blessings and accomplishments. Meanwhile, though... at some point people time, money and resources only stretch so far. Which means for some missionaries, the struggle is real. The struggle remains. When the breakthrough might arrive.... well, can they hold on that long? So we pray this #missionsFriday, for an increase in the resources and fiances available for missions support. Pray for those struggling, whose time, patience and capacity is wearing thin; perhaps they are seeing little results in the advancement of the gospel. Pray for divine appointments, for people and churches to partner and come together for missionaries in trouble. Pray they be encouraged by the power of the Holy Spirit... that God and the body of Christ have not forgotten them. They are loved. They are appreciated. They are supported. We stand with them. We pray over them, today. For the glory of God. Victorious for the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC
![]() The auto show season is upon us. Car manufacturers all say the same thing. Look at all the changes we made in this existing product. It's "all-new." Well, not all of it. The name is the same.The engine still goes in front (for most vehicles still). I know... technicalities, right? But life is a process and some changes are made intentionally by us and others, made sovereign by God. All to often, its the changes made by God that cause us to step back look with a squinted eye and titled eye saying, "I'm not sure I like what you've done here." (as if we knew what we were talking about.) I have a dear missionary friend, who I wrote about losing his wife to M.S. It's been within the past two years, but some days it feels like it was just last summer and now I honestly can't remember exactly how long ago it was. But God quickly reminded me yesterday, that he is preparing to go back to the mission field this month (at least that's the plan). And this return will be incredibly different... because his partner in life is gone. It's not a restart or a starting over, as we prayed yesterday; but it is starting afresh. He'll be doing the same ministry as before and probably to an even greater extent and reach because he won't have the concern of managing his wife's health on the forefront of his mind. And so this leg of the journey in his life, in his purpose and calling, is very much new. Because it's very different. It's a new season. It's a new day. A fresh anointing is coming my way (as the worship song states) My friend is not alone. Other missionaries, as they prep and plan for 2016 are doing the same, I'm sure. Changes in life. Changes in ministry and direction. Life happens to us all and it's gonna look different and the experiences will be such to cause us to notice, "I've never been here before." And in these specific moments, God we need your help. So, pray this #missionsFriday, for my friend and others, for the changes that have been made that cause the experience to be different and new. Pray the joy of the Lord will be their strength during the process. Pray the excitement sustains them as they move forward in their calling and purpose. Pray for divine appointments and open doors and the wisdom and discernment to manage the process. Pray they will not be defeated by discouragement that comes when thoughts of "what was" seem better by comparison. May their trust in God be fortified as it is renewed, confident in the sovereignty of God and the truth of His word... behold, He makes all things new. He never changes, yet He is doing a new thing! May we not question "why", but "what" would you have us do here and "how" do we go about it. For the glory of God and the cause of Jesus Christ. All things made new. In Him. By Him. Through Him. For Him. - PNC ![]() Friends of mine, from the mission field, were in church this past Sunday. It was a great surprise, literally, as I didn't know they were in town until I saw them during service. Pastor asked them during the service to give a quick update on their ministry, after which we prayed over them. It was great to hear the encouragement of the "banner year" they experienced in the ministry. I don't know that exact ratio, but I'd dare say that for every missionary that had a great year in 2015 and an encouraging report is one or two others, had an incredibly difficult 2015 and are facing discouragement. It may not be a 1:1 ratio, but it's more often than we may know. In fact, curiosity got the best of me, as I was thinking yesterday afternoon, about 1500-1700 pastors leave the ministry each month, but what about missionaries? The organization at www.missionary-burnout.com, says 5400 missionaries leave every year for "preventable reasons". 5400 per year. Or 450 a month. On average, 15 each day!! Almost 2 an hour while you work a full-time job. OUCH!! It's easy to get discouraged. Prolonged discouragement opens the door to distractions. Distractions take you away from what you are working on; what you are focused on; what you are engaged in. Pretty soon you are detoured; because you start noticing things that don't look familiar; that aren't part of the plan. And now that you don't know where you are and where stuff is, you are ready to be derailed. (aka: blind-sided) But it all starts by throwing enough stuff your way to get you frustrated to the point that it goes beyond the surface and into your spirit. The beginning of the road to burn-out. Thus, pray this #missionsFriday, for missionaries on the verge of burn-out. For the 15 who may make the decision to leave sometime today... may God supernatural intervene and perform the miraculous in their hearts and minds. Pray for healing and restoration for those who have already left, even in the first 7 days of 2016. May they find strength and rest for their souls, hearts and minds. Pray that hope returns and the promise of what God planted in them when they first ventured out is fulfilled. May the fire of their calling be reignited; the passion for the lost renewed; the determination to advance the cause of Jesus Christ revived. For the glory and honor of God. May His grace cover the burnt out. LIFE to dry bones in dead places. In name of Jesus. - PNC ![]() IIt's a new season. It's a new day. It's a new year! In case you missed your social media news feeds blowing up well wishes and crazy fun over a celebratory midnight-moment. A time for new vision; new goals; new resolutions; new commitments. As we realize where we missed the mark, we figure what adjustments and changes need to occur, priorities revisited and plans revised. Then, the things and people that have brought you to where you are; that you dig deeper to become stronger, with more determination than ever, to press forward in the direction and calling you know for which you were made to go. These things remain. Faith, hope and love. And the people with whom share those fundamental elements of living. As we look upon 2016 with spiritual vision on this #missionsFriday New Year's day, may we revisit, revise and renew our commitment to be the light on the hill that points others to the Light of the Word. As God has plans and purposes for us all, as well as knowing the desires of our frail and fallen hearts, may we seek His face, anew and afresh for what He would desire to accomplish in our lives and in the world in which we daily live. And it begins as we acknowledge our place in prayer. Pray this #missionsFriday, that 2016 would the year that many people come to know the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, as they experience His love and forgiveness in a powerful and meaningful way that directly encounters the stuff that resides in their heart. May the faith of the believer be strengthened as they grow in the wisdom and grace of God, acknowledging Him in all their ways; seeking His face in all matters and trusting Him for every step they take forward. May the excitement of the New Year be sustained by the Holy Spirit, not as a feel-good moment, but for each and every morning we wake up to God's grace made anew. Living life one day at a time; as it was, is and can only be lived. For the glory of God. For the cause of Jesus Christ. Godspeed, for whatever you may face in 2016. We are never forsaken or abandoned by God... for He still loves the World. -PNC ![]() I had to smile yesterday afternoon, as I thought about #missionsFriday and Christmas landing on a Friday. And I believe it was a God-moment, as to just how quickly it occurred to me... Christ left His place of comfort and familiarity to go to a place most would not, to reach a lost people group with the message that God had a plan to restore humanity and bring them in, to right relationship with Him. Only this missionary was the message, rather than communicating the message a lost people. Perhaps you've seen the meme being posted throughout social media, that shows a Christmas wreath on the left side and a crown of thorns on the right. Over the wreath, the phrase "Tis the season. Over the crown, "For this reason". It really is quite incredible to consider. For all those who don't think they have value, that they are of worth, that have never been told that there is a reason and purpose for this thing called "Life", Christ came to bring life. Not just life on earth, complete with meaning, but eternal life; using His life to bring us into right relationship with God the Father. What a journey. Moments of joy, moments of sadness. Miraculous stories untold. Realizations of rejections from those who refuse to hear. Sounds like many a missionary journey. Paved by the very first; planned by God from the very beginning. This is perhaps the most profound point of the gospel; that sovereign God made a way of redemption well before the fall of man. Jesus Christ on a cross, for the salvation of man through the plan of redemption was not a "hail Mary" (forgive the pun) by God in a "oh my goodness, what do I do" moment of strategy. God is not a half-way, half-thought, half-hearted God. He goes all the way, not having missed a thing, not having given less than the very best of all He had. A price can not be placed on a life, let alone a person's one and only child. Yet that's exactly what God did... because every man, woman and child was and remains, worth every drop of Christ' shed bled. On this #missionsFriday Christmas, pray many would hear and respond to the message of Christ. May the gift of eternal life be the greatest gift received this joyous day, for it remains, the greatest gift ever offered. Pray for divine appointments and family, friends and strangers cross paths on this day of occasion, the celebration of the birth of Christ...the first missionary. -PNC ![]() DeGarmo & Key released an album in 1989, titled The Pledge. Wow...that seems so long ago. Dana Key passed away a few years ago, and if you've never heard of his work, you are missing out. An incredibly talented and anointed musician, to say the least. In the title cut song, the Pledge simply states: He died for me; I'll live for Him. As the song played on YouTube, on a video that had over an hours worth of other D & K songs, I reflected on the state of affairs regarding missionaries around the world. For way too many, their commitment to live for Christ because He died for them, has resulted in dying for Him merely for professing their "pledge" to Christ. Thanks to the fall of man and the evil in this world, we have come to witness people who would rather destroy others than experience the love and forgiveness made available to them through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. And thus, people have sacrificed their lives in honor of their commitment to Christ, in hopes that even through their death, people would find life because of Christ' death on the cross. Pray this #missionsFriday, for those being persecuted and sought for all forms punishment for the having and expressing their belief in Christ and their commitment to sharing His life. Pray for strength and courage during this time, that like Paul, even in prison, may the boldly share the love and forgiveness of the cross. May their sacrifice not be offered in vain; but that through their experience, may many more come to know Christ as a result, than perhaps having through their life of ministry. Pray for families and friends impacted... may the comfort of the blessed hope rest upon them, assured we will share eternal life together. For the glory of God and the cause of Jesus Christ. His love and forgiveness available through His death; that we have life and life eternal; even if sharing it means sharing in Christ' death as well. -PNC ![]() The famous last words of every GPS ever spoken, just seconds before it was turned of in frustration by the driver who was certain they knew where they were going. Except tor the occasion where you don't know where you are but still think the GPS can't be right in its re-routing (should I admit to that?) the unit also does manage to work around and through whatever "off the route" spot you've managed to find yourself. If may take the route you'd expect if you know where you are going. It may on occasion take you a different route than you took last time. And in the process, you may be surprised to discover something you wouldn't have noticed otherwise. Much like God's sovereignty. Things may go along quite well with the direction you pray and hope to experience. God will change it on you, many times. And along the way, discoveries... marvelous and wonderful if we aren't too busy being frustrated about the route in the first place. On this #missionsFriday, pray for missionaries, struggling with the process and the journey they are currently experiencing. For the circumstances that are causing frustration; that aren't going as well as they hoped and prayed; for the road of life that isn't all that smooth for the past number of miles and doesn't seem be getting better anytime soon... may there be a grace and peace that permeates their hearts and their minds. May God be the lifter of their heads, as they prepare, even this day, for the reassuring hand of God to be their strength and their confidence. Pray the Holy Spirit to bring and be a calming presence to the storm(s) of their circumstance. And pray they find joy, in the marvelous and wonderful discoveries along the way; that their frustration would try to keep them from experiencing. God's Perfect Sovereignty. It can be trusted. With where we've been. With where we are going. For the place we find ourselves in today. Re-routed; for His glory. By His grace. For the cause of Jesus Christ. -PNC ![]() Yes, I know it's December... and you're already counting down the days to rising temperatures and the disappearance of snow, even that which hasn't arrived at your door... yet. Something got to thinking about a number of my friends in ministry yesterday afternoon... and the idea of planting. Seeds & Churches: Curbing the burnout rate through new growth A friend I went to high school with just held a ground breaking ceremony for the latest church God is using him to build. Another friend of mine who owns a tattoo shop, rented the space next door, where he and his wife, launched a church. For a season, they left for another state, to start a second location before returning home. A former pastor, is in the initial stages of starting a church, their third plant just in the past 8 years, that with God's help, they've built congregations from the ground up! The church we attend now, a number of years ago, launched a couple and some other families as support, to start a church roughly an hour away from us, to meet a need in that community. It's cyclical. Planted seeds need to be watered. Watered seeds need to room to grow and develop, so that when the time comes, the reproduction of more seeds will occur, ready to be planted and needing water. It doesn't take much. A small band of believers, desiring to make an impact in their community to reach the lost and the hurting, the broken and dying. Planting seeds of life. Building a place where they can be tended. Allowing God to work the miraculous moving hurt people who hurt people to restored people ready to restore others. And with the news of every passing day; the world desperately needs people restored to completion, not broken to pieces. Pray this #missionsFriday, for pastors and missionaries alike, whose God-given gifts including the planting and building of churches. Pray for success, as they step into communities and reach out to people groups with experiences you may wish you hadn't heard. Pray the spirit of discouragement would not detour and derail them, but like Nehemiah, focused on rebuilding his hometown, they would possess similar intensity in completing the "good work" they have begun. Pray for favor with community officials, in the logistical processes involved, that whatever challenges arise, would be easily resolved and overcome May finances, resources and people come into place to complete the work God has called them. May planted seeds and churches receive the water necessary for sustenance. May the Sovereign hand of God change hearts and lives through the transforming work of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. Let there be LIFE in dry places. Breath of God, breathe Life on us anew and afresh. -PNC. . ![]() So how was your day of celebration? Of feasting? With family. With friends. Enjoying freedom. Sharing freedom. Thanking those who sacrificed for our freedom. It was a great day. It's a great life. For the believer and follower of Jesus Christ, salvation is our ultimate & eternal freedom. After all, what is freedom on earth only to experience exile after earth? Jesus said it another way... what does a man profit if he gains the whole world, yet loses his soul in hell? Well, he doesn't. Neither will he experience freedom on earth while his soul is caught in the battle of eternity, as sinful nature makes its appeal. There's no telling the paths of life one will go down with sin at work in their life, nor the people that will be impacted and influenced along the way. But for the one who confesses sin and acknowledges Christ experiences life with a plan and a purpose for good. The struggle remains in life, but a one can not be controlled by sin and surrendered to Christ together. Christ restores what sin destroys. On this #missionsFriday, pray for missionaries as they work around the globe, to share the message and power of Jesus Christ with those who have not experienced the freedom of eternal life. Pray for the realization that life on earth is meaningless if the assurance of where we spend eternity is unsecured. Pray the chains of sin and its destructive nature will be broken and the captive heart will be made free as people confess their sin and surrender to Christ. The freedom of eternal life. No longer bound by sinful nature of life on earth. With the promises of God, may we live out the plan and purpose He has for us, making a positive impact as we live our life for His glory, a story of the love and mercy of the cross of Jesus Christ. -PNC ![]() **NOTE: I wrote the title before I found this pic. #destined There is so much to be thankful and grateful for on this Thanksgiving Day. In this great nation of the United States: We give thanks for the love and the grace of God and the transforming power of salvation through Christ's sacrifice on the cross. We give thanks for those who have served in military and public service, in defense of our country and community. They have sacrificed their lives and time away from doing life together, as my friend celebrates this day with his "other family", the fire department in the city he serves. And on this #deaconThursday, we give thanks for Pastors, Missionaries and church staff, who all make great sacrifices for the Kingdom of God and the cause of Jesus Christ. They give so much of their time, their talent and the treasure to invest in lives of those in their community. Critical attitudes come naturally, but humility and awareness give light that there is more to life than one's self. And on this day, we give pause to thank those who have given and continue to give of their lives in order that we may enjoy, all the more, the one that we live. On this #deaconThursday, pray for those who have and continue to serve this nation and our community through service to God and to Country. May God strengthen and protect each and every one. Pray for the families and friends affected by their service and those who have lost family and friends by that service; may the Holy Spirit comfort them and encourage them anew and afresh, as many mourn while we give thanks. Pray this Thanksgiving Day, that many come to faith in Jesus Christ, recognizing that ultimately, the life we live is because of His life, that He gave when He took our place on a cross meant for us. -PNC ![]() Thursday was not the greatest of days. Well, it was in ways that weren't work-related. One drop would have been enough. But there were a couple more. Then there was mine...not a contribution I wanted to make. As I drove back, I prayed what God might have for the #missionsFriday post. Still reflecting on the frustrations of the day and my recently discovered contribution to the mess, I wondered... do mistakes happen on the mission field? It'd be foolish to think they didn't, as missionaries and their teams are just as human as you and I. But what do they look like? Logistical errors and delays in distribution of resources? Miscommunications with the people-groups they are attempting to reach? Scheduling issues when missionaries are doing itinerary and raising funds? The list might be longer than you think! It's easy to think the work they do comes naturally because of the very nature and concept of missions. Be that as it may be, the struggle is real. The burden they carry for the lost and the hurting is great. The passion they have for the people-groups they reach out is incredible. And the potential for burn-out in the ministry is just as great as it is for pastors. My mistake bothered me for quite some time after I realized what happened. The boss wasn't exactly thrilled on the phone. It'll probably come up first thing in the morning. And while it matters, it's not an eternal matter. Missions... it's foundation is eternal. How much more frustrating the mistakes missionaries deal with, live with and have to move forward in spite of, compared to what you and I face in business. How much more, should grace abound regarding mistakes on the mission field! Pray, this #missionsFriday, for the missteps and mistakes on the mission field. May they pursue to do the work of the Kingdom with excellence at all times. Pray a spirit of grace about their lives, to cope and to cover the mistakes in ministry that may occur along the way. Pray for strategies and processes to be instituted, to help keep the frequency of mistakes at bay. Pray against the potential for burnout; for strength in the midst of the struggle; for help in carrying their great burden. This world and all that is in it, will one day pass away, as will the mistakes that go with it. But for eternity, God uses all of it for His glory. May His grace cover the negative impact of our mistakes upon the message of Christ. May all realize just how short we fall in light of the goodness and greatness of God. Pray we draw ever closer to God, as we continue to live and learn. For His Glory... because it's His Story. Our lives, pointing others to His. -PNC ![]() "A different world cannot be built by indifferent people." - Dr. Peter Marshall No matter your place in life, difference can be made and be effective by each and every one of us. Interestingly enough, Dr. Marshall also stated that "Small deeds done are better than great seeds planned." The miracle of missions is that it requires one to care. How will you do, if you don't go? How will you go, if you are not first compelled to move on the basis that, by the grace and the power of God, you could help change lives for eternity? So much of missions is planned, organized and strategic. And all of it is great, helpful and in this day and age, almost required. Even still, people who care enough to step out and do, faithfully, in the minutia of tasks and activities, will discover, I belief, some incredible rewards await them in heaven. May they never forget or neglect, the power of humble beginnings and continued, faithful, humble service for the cause of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world. This #missionsFriday, pray for the strength and stamina to continue in faithful service. Pray for those starting out, that God would provide as they prepare to enter the field. Pray for divine appointment and placement of people, resources and finances to help prepare the way and advance the work of missions; that God would move on their behalf, granting them favor with governments and communities. May they experience the miraculous in a greater dimension. May great plans not overshadow faithful service, performed by special people committed to building a better world through the advancement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To the glory of God the Father. -PNC ![]() I woke up this morning, and for some reason, quickly began thinking how "finding mission" can be a simple as having open eyes and an open heart, that says, "where is there a need and does it bother me enough that I would want to be a part of the solution." Enter, Raegan Glugosh, Founder of Touched Romania, a ministry that cares for abandoned babies in Romania. Some 4000 newborns, whose mothers are actually encouraged by the system to walk out of the hospital without their babies. Is that not incredible? One of the ways in which Raegan and her team serve... a holding ministry. It's a simple as it sounds. People come in and simply hold babies... and while doing so, obviously cover them in prayer; for God's plan and purpose for these young lives to be fulfilled. Wow. Now I know what will be on my mind most of the day. And hopefully yours, too. There will always be a need, for even Christ stated to his disciples, that the poor would always be with them. So, the only question that matters is, once a need is recognized, what will people to do to fill it? There's a problem. How will you solve it? A burden. How will you carry it? Open eyes. Open Hearts. Mission: Found. On this #missionsFriday, pray for missionaries fulfilling the call of God on their lives. Pray for Raegan and her team; and others like her... whose mission seems oh so simple in concept; yet is challenging, difficult and emotionally draining with each passing moment. Pray the grace of God in these circumstances, where the inheritance of the Lord has been immediately discarded. Pray for broken political and social systems that have helped create this problem. Pray for broken hearts and the role they play in continuing the cycle. Pray for strength and stamina, grace and peace, provision and protection as missionaries such as Raegan serve and continue to do so, despite insurmountable odds and heart-wrenching situations. May we all find and fulfill the mission God has for us. For His glory. By His grace. For the cause of Jesus Christ. -PNC ![]() It never ceases to amaze me, how God uses a life-altering event, whether through trauma, disaster or moral failure to accomplish His purpose, as the resulting testimony reaches people who might have never heard the power of God and the grace of the Cross at work in the lives and affairs of man. People in my own life, who when I think about what they have gone through and how God has worked the miraculous; people in the lives of my friends whose stories are mind-boggling at the start; yet heart-warming in the end. One such story is that of Hal Donaldson, Founder of Convoy of Hope. There are many organizations outside the church doing great work for the cause of Christ and the advancement of the Kingdom. While we must guard that such organizations don't take the place of the local church, those who understand their purpose and place in coming along-side to aid in the mission of the church-at-large can have and in fact, do have, incredible, eternal impact. Donaldson's parents were in a head-on collision when he and his siblings were young. Dad was killed, mom incapacitated for quite a while. Neighbors took them in that night, launching the sense that one day, having been in a place of incredible need, they would one day, help meet the incredible needs of others. Disaster relief, feeding programs, helping churches in rural communities in America and more... Convoy of Hope is just one of many incredible, "along-side the church" organizations meeting incredible needs. After 20 yrs, in 48 states, 113 countries and phenomenal amounts of food, resources and finances, Convoy is, indeed, missions-minded. Partnering with churches to extend their reach, beyond what they could accomplish on their own. www.convoyofhope.org Pray, this #missionsFriday, for organizations, such as Convoy and others, fulfilling a need within the body of Christ that extends the reach of the local church. Pray that through meeting physical needs, the doors will open to meeting spiritual, emotional and financial needs as well. Pray for creativity and wisdom as to how organizations can increase their impact, such as Convoy's partnering with rural churches (244 out of 250 of the consistently-ranked , poorest counties in America are rural). Pray for wisdom and guidance in their allocation and use of resources and finances; that they would be efficient, yet effective, maximizing their potential without minimizing the quality of their service. Nobody thirsts for dirty, contaminated, nasty-tasting water, even if it is cold. Pure, refreshing, renewing, energizing water...for the body, mind and soul. Given in the name of Jesus Christ. The ice-breaker to sharing how God used one's life-altering event on earth to reach others experiencing the same, in order that the end result is a life-altering decision for eternity. For His glory. In the name of Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Thank you, for life-redeeming, life-sustaining, ever-lasting Water. -PNC ![]() God doesn't issue plans that don't work. God doesn't reveal strategies that are ineffective God doesn't lay out a purpose for which there is not an eternal need. There is #nowasteinheaven White God heals the broken, God does not create broken. His plans are complete, not lacking in detail. His strategies can not be outdone by the enemy. His purposes last beyond our finite time on earth. It's challenging to remember these truths in everyday living. One would think it'd be easier when in ministry. A piece of cake (or pie, depending on your preference) if on the mission field. But I dare say, even missionaries have their days, wondering if plans are working. Considering if the strategies are effective. Knowing the final result, salvation, fulfills an eternal need; but the purpose of what all transpires leading up to salvation... some of that could be questionable at times. None of us know what tomorrow has in store, which is why we are reminded to be careful of saying "tomorrow, we go here and there and do this and that, conduct business, buy....and more". The making of plans is fine, but if it is not God's will... This is the difference between complete in Him and broken of self versus broken from Him and complete in self. The war of the wills. One is infinite. One is complete. Flawless. Perfect. Sovereign. Eternal. The other... human. God does not create broken, but He would be foolish to pass over the value of our brokenness that He can use and utilize for His glory. A testament of His grace. An example of His handiwork. A result of His love. An effective, eternal, Masterpiece. On this #missionsFriday, we pray for you, missionaries... remain confident in God, whose plans work. Rest in His effective strategies. Walk forward knowing His purposes are eternal. Pray that missionaries will know, understand and follow God's will for the regions and the people they serve. Whatever their past, whatever their experience, whatever their failure, pray that find and remain broken of self, but complete in Him, lest they serve the mission field and the kingdom of Heaven in vain. ![]() We have prayed over the past few Fridays regarding the idea that we are all missionaries and our immediate world is a mission field. However, if there are times when one does not reflect Christ to those who know they are Christians, then is it any more troubling if the mission field witnesses something that does not reflect Christ in the life the missionary? It shouldn't, as we talked about pedestals the other day. Yet it doesn't change perception and preconceived notions that missionaries don't have their struggles and battles, whereby they are being refined to reflect Christ, as much as any other Christian. We are all children of God, who become earthly parents, who have earthly children. Our roles change, yet the lessons we must learn from the other role that we once held still apply. Like I told my daughter last night, you need to change "this" in your life as much as I need to change "that" in my life. So you work on yours and I'll work on mine. Similarly, we are all missionaries with a mission field, whether its' across the globe or across the yard. And yet, each of us is a mission field to the missionary, Christ. The one who left His home to travel across the universe to reach a people group desperately in need of hearing His message. It's been said God does not have grandchildren. Every person on earth has the opportunity for a direct, one-on-one relationship Him, through His Son, Jesus Christ. And regardless of our position on earth, and the height of whatever, if any, pedestal someone might place us on; we are all in need of being refined to reflect Christ. Pray, this #missionaryFriday, that God continue to the refining process, in all of us, whether missionaries in the field through vocation or missionaries on the block we live. Pray for a spirit of humility, that we hold our position on this earth and whatever "perks" come with, loosely... for we cannot take it with us, neither can we place it in higher esteem than Christ. May grace abound as we endure the refining process of Christ; knowing full well it's for the glory of God and the sovereignty of His plan. May we be forever grateful that God did not look at the mission field of His creation and decide against reaching out to us that we may come into right relationship with Him ![]() Ministry doesn't fund itself. Granted God doesn't need our money; it is however, a condition of the heart of what has greater influence over our actions. The cool thing is God made it easy for anyone to offer an act of ministry, when Christ declared that "anyone who gives a cup of cold water, in my Name..." and the Israelites when they gave sacrifices, even the poorest of the poor were to bring something of value, even if it was the least valuable by comparison (fine flour). That said, consider the parable of the good Samaritan. An outcast of society used his financial position to care for a man who had been left for dead; and not just by the robbers, but by the elite and religious of society. Yesterday, a couple visited the headquarters of Dave Ramsey, to do their "debt free scream". Financial freedom, from debt...something worth shouting about. Towards the end of their conversation, the man shared how during their journey, their church was also trying to pay off the church mortgage. Someone had passed away, and during the distribution of the estate, the church received a $600,000 gift. Enough to pay off the remaining $500,000 and change mortgage. Imagine, what that church can do now, for the kingdom of God, with a paid-for building. What they can do for missions. I'm thankful the church that my family attends is debt-free. There is so much to do, especially when it comes missions. And with half the world living on $5000/yr or less, one's giving goes so far. And yet, it can't when debt gets in the way. It comes back to a condition of the heart... you can not serve two masters. For this #missionsFriday, pray for financial breakthrough in churches and congregations. May the freedom they experience be used not for themselves, but in generosity towards God. To care for widows and orphans. To bless those in need. To care for strangers that have been passed over. Pray that missions would advance and that God would provides resources and people to aid in the cause of Christ for those who have never heard the gospel. Pray for revelation and understanding, that as with all matters of Christianity, the first and foremost conidtion of man that God is concerned with, is the heart. He cares about your situation, family, friends, relationships and wallet, but it's secondary to where your heart is. For where your heart is, there too is your treasure. Pray we value the things of God and His righteousness. For His glory. For the cause of Christ. That no one should perish. -PNC ![]() Listening to an interview yesterday afternoon, the host made the statement that the biggest problem facing Christianity today was how frequently we forget that we all are in need of a Savior. Intentionally or not, at some point we treat someone who comes into our lives as though they are chief among sinners. The problem is that 1) the Apostle Paul already laid claim to that title and 2) sin is no respecter of persons. It's not about our behavior, but about our nature. On this #missionsFriday, pray the church remember that we are all in need of a Savior. Pray those saved recognize their position as ministers, to share and help others respond to the revelation of their need for a Savior. Pray for a greater passion for the lost; a greater compassion for those who have never experienced grace. As Christ came for us all, yet would have come for just one, may we too, pray for the salvation of all, but we willing to reach out to just one. May the message of the Cross stand tall, in a world seeking in whom they could place their hope and trust, their very life. -PNC ![]() There's a line from one of my favorite television shows of all time, where the guy who led the strategy resulting in victory is being congratulated on his work. Humbling acknowledging that it wouldn't have happened without the rest of the group, he simply replied: "It helps when you cook with the right food.". I had my own such moment, albeit on an insignificant scale. The one tool I needed for a task on my to do list, was missing a critical piece, that would have helped that tool do the most effective and efficient job. After a pretty lengthy search involving the retracing of steps (aka: where did you put it when it was last in your hand) I found a much older tool and took a chance. It worked out, but I had a few moments of "this is not gonna look right when I'm done". Frustrating as it was, it easily took over an hour longer than it should have (which is normally maybe 10 or 15 minutes). Yet, trying to make the best of it, it dawned on me...is this how missionaries feel when they don't have what the need? "The right food" to use Bruno's phrase. The right tool for the job as was my case last night. The right helps...whatever they may be, that will enable missionaries to do the best job possible, at an efficient pace with effective results. Sadly, a "super-majority" of them, if you will, do not. (if I dare to speculate for the purpose of this post) That said, I can't tell you how many times when my Pastor has discussed missions, how many missionaries ask for our financial support and at times you can only do so much. Give credit to God's blessing, I think our church is at 75-80 missionaries per month, currently That said...it's not enough. They need our prayer. They need our support. On this #missionsFriday, pray for missionaries, that God would provide, through the super-natural and through people, the "right helps". Pray for finances and resources to pour in to the mission field. Pray for tools and laborers for construction projects, food for feeding programs and relief for those devastated by natural disasters. Pray for strength and encouragement, that God has not forgotten nor neglected those on the mission field. Pray for creativity in using the tools and resources that are currently available as they try to make the most of what is in their hands. Pray for open doors and open hearts, that generosity would manifest itself from the most unlikely of sources. Pray for a renewed sense of faith, a new level of trust and increased stamina that when they've done all they can do, the remain standing...resting in God ![]() It's amazing how people respond to someone who speaks...well, there's so many descriptives: off the cuff, flippant, out of ignorance, without regard for those whom they speak off...the list could continue. Social media is abuzz regarding comments made by the hosts of an opinion-based talk show regarding the nursing profession. After reading some nurses response, I realized...the hosts didn't know or didn't care what they were talking about it. If only they cared enough to know. Upon this realization, my mind jumped...to the countless hours of study and preparation made my missionaries getting ready to enter the field. The work is to help them be effective. To help them be efficient. In order to do so, they have to care about what is going on in that region; among that people group; the culture of that environment. They have to know their audience! What good is your message if you don't know how to present it in such as manner as to ensure you succeed in being properly understood? On this #missionsFriday, pray for missionaries and the countless hours of preparation and study that goes into their ministry. Pray for increased opportunities to know their audience through conversation and sharing life experiences. Pray for knowledge, resources and tools for them to be effective in sharing the gospel of Christ. May the truth be known, understand and shared, to the extent people experience love, grace and compassion, rather than anger, frustration and offense. Pray that the planted seeds of the Gospel fall on good soil; whereby the transforming power of Christ can change attitudes, hearts and minds; lest all of us would be the most selfish individuals any of us have ever known. -PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019