Welcome to consecutive post number 642!
Thinking and waiting on the Lord and what He had in store for this morning, I got to thinking of the growth and expanse (albeit slow) of the presence of this sight and it's impact via social media. In light of #missionsFriday, I think I'm getting a glimpse of the struggle of pastors and missionaries. It's not a huge glimpse mind you, but as an example. The twitter profile for this sight, which you can follow @bringme70, has struggled to break triple-digit followers. A few get added here and there and every few days or weeks, I notice the numbers drops... by one, maybe 3 or 4. And it's a week or two before a couple new people find us. (keep in mind, this all organic promotion, by me...no paid advertising) As I watch this happen, I have to wonder... does this happen often? People like things, then unlike. Follow, then un-follow. And just what are they reading, that they are unfollowing? Do they not realize the sight is a daily call to prayer? Is my writing bad? Are they reading something in the perspective, such as you are now, that is challenging or upsetting and rather than letting God work it on in their lives, they are choosing instead to excuse themselves? I couldn't help remember again Brad Stine... "the truth offends... but it's our job as Christians to not be maliciously offensive". Which I hope you understand, nor do I believe I have been malicious in any of these posts. Yet, responses can't be controlled. So, how must pastors feel? If people are sparse in their church attendance... if they come and go based on whether the like what they hear; missionaries struggle see salvations for the same reason, as they minister to those who've not yet heard the gospel. Lives hang in the balance of eternity!! Yet the right to be offended takes precedence of the opportunity of the truth of God to work the miraculous in our hearts and lives. I understand. Many of these have hit and challenged me; even as I've typed them out. But the show must go on. So, will you join me, this #missionsFriday. Pray the truth would be revealed, regarding the love of God and the act of love through Christ's sacrifice. May the bait of offense not dominate people's response, but that hearts and minds would be prepared to receive the Word of God. Though uncomfortable to hear and receive at times, may the promise of God and His plans and purposes outweigh our current state. May the condition of the human heart be realized and prove all the more, our need for a Savior, whereby we are brought into right relationship with Almighty God. That we seek the face of God. As we follow none by Christ. Made new in Him. Changed by the washing of His Word. We are not left to ourselves, Nor unchanged by His presence. Thanks be unto God. - PNC
Over the past few weeks, we've looked at the concept of grace. We've talked about failure. The theme that runs throughout this site, is burnout and all that comes with it; so naturally, there's a understanding of stress and expectations and keeping perspective.
As I reflected on this yesterday, I stood (technically, sat) amazed, that salvation is not a "once and gone" opportunity. Yes, we are constantly being made anew; being conformed to the image of Christ as our life and faith progress. Certainly, when one hears the Word of the Lord, it'd be awesome if there was always an immediate response, as "today is the day of salvation". Yet often, for many, it's not. So there is a continual prompting, as God continues to knock on the door of people's hearts. He cannot promise to never leave us nor forsake us, then not be on the other side of the door when one decides to respond to the call of salvation through Jesus Christ. God either is, our ever present help in time of need, or He comes and goes as He pleases, and may not be found when we call on Him. Thankfully, this #missionsFriday, that is not the case for me. Nor, is it the case for you. Pray with me, this would not be the case for others. May today be a day that many, call upon the name of the Lord and are saved. Pray God would accomplish the miraculous, as people respond and open the door of their hearts and minds to the person of Jesus Christ. May the cares and concerns, the frustrations and failures of life not stand in the way of His transforming power. Pray today would be a day to bear witness, once again, of the goodness and greatness of our God. Indeed, may today be the day of salvation, As people hear the Word of the Lord. As they call upon Him and are saved. A day of increase For those counted as "whosoevers". For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() There's an advertising slogan being used in the foster/adoption that says, "You don't have to be perfect, to be a perfect parent". While that's true and it's a cool slogan, it's hard to remember that such a state is okay. My parents aren't perfect. Neither are (or were) yours. Nor am I one, for certain. Yet as I reflected yesterday on the character of God, it amazes me how so many are convinced and moved to believe that a relationship with God through the person of Christ, is not for them. He calls us his children; he calls us to a child-like faith to trust in Him, yet He treats us with the utmost respect. He is not a God of brute force in His desire to commune with us... ... He stands at the door and knocks at the heart of humanity. He is not busting it down. He waits patiently, with the occasional reminder that He is as close as the mention of His name. He has nothing but love and compassion, for His Creation... ... for I formed you in your mother's womb, Scripture tells us. He is not a vindictive or revengeful God, that He responds in kind with the same attitude He is treated... ... for He knows the thoughts He has for you, plans for a hope and a future. As I stated recently, it's a great tragedy that Gandhi allowed the flaws and imperfections of Christians to stand in the way of a personal relationship with God. Likewise, many look at the world today and allow people and circumstance to stand in the way and respond with a "what's up with that" and "why would I want anything to do with a God like that?" Yet, unless there is a relationship that frames our perspective, then things never really quite make sense when looking at it from the outside. Yet, like the Father of the prodigal son, nothing is standing in the way from being able to run to God our Father, with a broken-hearted response. A broken and contrite heart, the Bible states. Why would we allow our own flaws and imperfections to stand in the way of a relationship with Almighty God; the only perfect Parent? So, pray this #missionsFriday, that today would be a celebration within the kingdom of God; that many prodigals would return to the arms of the Father. May many answer the knock of God that patiently awaits on the other side of their hearts' door. Pray the eye-scales would fall as the revelation of God is made known; His character, His presence. May the lives of the believer reflect that transforming power of Christ at work in our hearts and minds; that God does not look at our problems, attitudes and flaws and say, I want nothing to do with you. Pray the love and truth of God would arise and stand above the noise... that a relationship with God is beyond anything we can compare on earth; and the reward far outweighs our perceived risk. Sinners, saved by grace. Once lost, but not found. Loved from the foundation of the Earth Loved for all eternity. By the only perfect Parent. May lives be made whole In the only relationship that transcends time and space. For the advancement of the cause of Christ. - PNC ![]() It is my hope and prayer, that all is well with you. It is my hope and prayer, that this website and the prayers being offered up in response, on behalf of pastors, church leaders and missionaries are making a difference. I truly want to see churches make a greater impact in their local communities and if possible, see the change come some Sunday, as more commit to Christ and engage in the kingdom of God. That said, during the course of my mind wondering yesterday, I recognized a pattern... and maybe it's just me (if so, it wouldn't be the first time.) The more you think about spiritual matters, the more you realize just how much work you have in front of you spiritually. If you don't think that's true; keep reading the Bible. God always finds an area to touch on and reveal, where, perhaps we aren't entirely wrong, but we could certainly be more like Christ; or least reflect Christ to a greater degree. So, this is #misssionsFriday... what are you saying? Yes, missions is primarily about reaching out with the salvation message of the Gospel; however, they do a disservice, if they fail to teach the other side of the it... the process of sanctification. For once we've accepted the love of Christ and His gift of eternal life, why would it stop at that? This is a covenant relationship. We see correlation of marriage, of Christ to the church. The two become one. They give of themselves to each other; fully and sacrificially. And over time, they operate as one and are recognized as one. Christ is resides in the body of believers and the believer reflects the person and image of Christ. But if we only reach out and offer salvation, we short-change the lost. Pray, this #missionsFriday, that God would help missionaries, in their outreach and their message. May they do well (as I'm sure they do), to not short-change those they reach by not preaching the whole Gospel of Christ. As Bryan Duncan is singing "Inside Out" (as I write this), may many experience a total transformation in their lives. Inside out. Upside down. (and most definitely) Right side up. Pray God would accomplish the miracle of revival in the lives of many, as His people reach out and offer a hand of compassion, not just for the physical need but the condition of the soul. May this be a day that many would come to Christ. May this be a day that many more would reflect Christ. For we all works in process in God's garage. Various stages of tear-down, rebuilding and restoring. To be used for His glory To be a witness of His transforming power As we give ourselves to Him, as He did for us. For the advancement of the Gospel of Christ. - PNC Perhaps my favorite of Russ Taff's discography, this song kept playing through my head for most of the day yesterday... as I struggled for a clear direction, as to what God had for this post.
I hope you know, I don't write this just for readership... I do, daily, simply, ask that God would grant me insight for the next post... which is why it blows my mind this is, the 614th consecutive post. As my mind kept playing the lyrics to this song, however, after the ump-teenth time, the words "face to face with who I am" finally resounded. Being launched for the post on critical thought, I began thinking of the religions, that have either as their basis or at the very least, a fundamental element, that life on earth can be made better, largely through self. Whether in their actions, or attitudes; in their thought life, one way or another; the betterment in one's life is not through a personal God. So many voices, so many opinions and lines of thought; critical and otherwise... and while Christianity has often been described as self-serving, betterment of self is not the critical component. While Christ is the foundation, the critical component is not what a person gains from their faith, but the acknowledgement of one's state from the outset of this faith. "I am a sinner." People look to religion, as if they look in the mirror desirous to figure out how they can be and do better. Yet as believers, the look in the mirror compares our life to Christ. In that light, as bleak as it may feel, there is no comparison. There is nothing to which one can state, if we correct this and that, we may not be perfect; but we will be that much closer to attaining what the religion says it possible to achieve. The hard-hitting truth of Christianity is that the hope for humanity is not that humanity has the answers, but rather, Christ IS the answer. To recognize Christ as the answer, we must first acknowledge wherein lies the problem. You and I. We. Sinners. In need of a Savior. The truth isn't popular. As comedian, Brad Stine states... "the truth offends. That's it's job. It's how you know you don't have it." Conversely however, comedian Jeff Allen, once expressed his gratitude, where in an honest moment, declared that "Christianity was the only religion that would have him," How profound. And what is so incredible about this relationship? It depends not us, but on Christ... who has already done what was necessary in order that the acknowledge of our state is all that is required of us to be reconciled to God. Pray, this #missionsFriday, that as they share these truths, missionaries would be able to continue the work of communicating and sharing the good news of the Gospel of Christ. Pray that hearts would be ready to receive and minds open to the truth of God's Word. May the voices be quited and the opinions and doubts cast aside; that the still small voice of the Holy Spirit bring clarity to the soul. Pray the convicting power of God reveal the lowly state of humanity; not to depress us, but that hope would arise, that God, at the beginning of time, provided a way for man to be redeemed from his fallen position. May people come face to face with themselves, Realizing that faith relies not on us, but on God. Not on what we do, but upon what we confess. That one day, all will confess, Jesus Is Lord. - PNC ![]() So, I went to post yesterday's prayer on social media before running out the door for work and thought to myself... where in the world, did this month go? Then I got to work and within fifteen minutes, was thinking that it was the 27th, not the 26th. Meanwhile, someone with a sense of humor posted a meme that reminds us that Christmas is only 11 months away (for those interested in the countdown, of course). I almost asked the time-related question as I posted the link to a private group page, then thought... no, I'll save it for tomorrows title. Indeed, time is short and the days are evil. As Petra sings, this ol' world's, in such upheaval; we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but when the enemy comes in like a flood. Stand Up. Take a stand for Jesus. While nobody is perfect and God can and does use anybody to advance the Gospel, it is we who stand in the way of the message of Christ going forth. It's easy for believers to think that if their testimony of coming to Christ isn't some dramatic story of salvation, that's it's not worth sharing... and that's exactly when the enemy of all souls would love for us to believe. Furthermore, at least for me, if one's lifestyle doesn't match the testimony they share... does it prove all the more, their need for a Savior, for even Christians make a mistakes. I'll be the first to admit I don't have it all together. Yet what good are words that point to Christ if one's very life doesn't point to Christ? I say all that to say, whether you are working to reach people with the Gospel message as your life's work across the globe or reaching out with the Gospel as you live life and go to work just minutes from home, the truth remains... we are running out of time. Both to live lives that are pleasing to God and to speak words of truth to those who need to hear what Christ has done in our lives; whether the story is dramatic or ordinary. For if you haven't lived as Saul of Tarsus before he became Paul, why would you need a Damascus road encounter with God? Will you join me, this #missionsFriday, that the lives of all believers would be used to advance the kingdom of God with the message of Christ. May we not wait to share our testimony until our life or lifestyle is "good enough", for that is part of the story... that not one of us is "good". Pray God grant us boldness to speak the truth in love, even to those we know it will be a difficult conversation. May we not get caught in the trap of comparing testimonies and giving in to the temptation to not speak up and take a stand for Christ. Pray, we would rightly take our place, to be a light on a hill, that points other to Christ, even as we continue to have our mistakes and moments of failure. As time runs out We are always reminded. Of our own need for Christ And so does the person next to you, wherever you are. Taking a stand for Jesus For time is slipping away. - PNC ![]() Well, today marks the celebration of many things... as every day is a celebration of sorts; some things significantly more important than others. Among them, can you believe you are reading the 600th post, since the re-launch of this site back on 6/1/15? Yet, while the world is a flurry of activity and buzz regarding today's activities in Washington, I'm standing in amazing, remembering this day from just a handful of years ago, as we awaited the arrival of our youngest child. What a trip this has been? (Thankfully, we have a few more years before hitting year 18!) The miracle of birth is simply incredible. There are so many words to describe it, one can't choose just one. Yet most of them fail to capture the true emotions. They truly are a gift... and remember the words, that children are an inheritance from the Lord just makes me wish that at times, I did better as a father than I do On this #missionsFriday, however, I'm also reminded, that a man cannot enter the kingdom of God, unless He be born again. Not a physical birth, as the disciple tried to comprehend, but a spiritual birth... redeemed by work of Christ on the cross. While child-birth changes life as we know it on this earth, the spiritual birth changes life as we will know it, for eternity. All this, as I'm getting ready to type this post and a few hours earlier, an evangelist friend update his social media profile with a post from Israel, highlighting an instance that occurred on the day of his spriritual birth, 32 years ago! Salvation is for all, yet not all with receive it. And while many will never experience the joy and miracle of birth for themselves or encounter complications along the way (and my heart breaks for them, as we've been there), spiritual birth in Christ truly is an overwhelming joy, a miracle unprecedented and yet to be surpassed... that the Son of God would step off His throne, in order to take our place on the execution board. As much as I love my kids, this is the greater of the two miracles of birth. So, thanks for joining me these past 600 days! Here's to many more. And more importantly, pray that this #missionsFriday, would be a day of many more spiritual births. May today be a new dawn, of hearts and lives illuminated by the Word of God and Gospel of Christ; that His love and forgiveness is available to all who would call on His name and believe. Pray that our experiences, good, bad or tragic, would not stand in the way of one's decision for Christ. Pray for revival; that beyond our lifestyle and culture, beyond our problems and differences of all kinds, may God's love for humanity be revealed and personal application made, that we are all sinners in need of a Savior. Pray a day of celebration, both for churches in their communities and missionaries on the field; that we would witness many souls, changed for eternity. May, among other things, this particluar January 20th, Mark the day of a great many rebirths. For Christ came that we have life and life abundant, Desiring to seek and to save those who are lost... Which we all are, or were at one time. Grace and blessings to you, my friends. For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() Though we are probably on different plains of belief and ideology on both the political and spiritual spectrum, I thoroughly enjoy the screenwriting of Aaron Sorkin, creator of the epic television program The West Wing, as well as the shows' predecessor in movie format, The American President. As I thought about one's belief in God and coming to decision for Christ, I remembered the words from President Andrew Shepherd, towards the close of Sorkin's aforementioned movie. "America isn't easy. America is advanced citizenship. You gotta want it bad, 'cause it's gonna put up a fight. It's gonna say "You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who's standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours. You want to claim this land as the land of the free? Then the symbol of your country can't just be a flag; the symbol also has to be one of its citizens exercising his right to burn that flag in protest. Show me that, defend that, celebrate that in your classrooms. Then, you can stand up and sing about the "land of the free"." If you'll permit, to offer a substitute for America... Christianity. Christianity isn't easy... you gotta want it! God doesn't force people to come to faith. He is active in the affairs of humanity. You gotta want it. You gotta want to see it. A decision to follow Christ is rarely, if ever, made on impulse. Eternity hangs in the balance. As I reflected, I remembered the words of Coach Grant Taylor, from the movie Facing The Giants. "Following Jesus Christ is the decision that you're going to have to make for yourself. You may not want to accept it, because it'll change your life. You'll never be the same." It's difficult, whether as the everyday believer, the charismatic pastor or the humble missionary to watch people go through life, not acknowledging God's handiwork, nor His gift of eternal life through Christ. Christians aren't perfect... not by any stretch. But whatever people's reasons for refusing the greatness of the grace of God, one thing is sure... many have testified, their life before Christ and their decision to accept Him was not taken lightly. Not without objection; nor deep thought, study and reflection. His Word is true... He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, whether for Him or after Him. Pray, this #missionsFriday, that God would accomplish the miraculous, in the conversations and opportunities taking place, where people are hearing the Good News of Christ. May the truth be revealed in their hearts and the eye-scales removed, that the may see the glory, that is the goodness of God. Pray the love and forgiveness of Christ would indeed change lives. May the hesitations, objections and uncertainties that stand in the way fall to the side... that nothing would separate people from the love of Christ. Not even whatever, long-held beliefs and perceptions of God may exist before-hand. Changed hearts. Changed lives. Won by One. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() As I continued to reflect yesterday on God's forgetfulness, I was refreshed at the wonder and the mystery of the gospel. So often, we get caught up in other aspects of Christianity of how principles and concepts apply to our lives and we forget (or so it seems) the incredible, "old-school" truths, if you will, of God's Word. Though heaven has a record of our lives for the purpose of judgement day, God, until Christ' return, is not looking upon man as though He moves about with the eternal equivalent of Santa's naughty or nice list. He looks upon the life of the believer, and see's the blood of Christ having washed us white than snow. For the unbeliever, He looks upon their life, heart-broken... as a Father breaks for the child. "When, oh when, will you accept my eternal gift?" We, as humans, long for that kind of love, fullfillment and acceptance; yet when offered to us in the person of Jesus Christ, many dont' receive it. His gift is a game-changer, which positions us back to the earlier post this week, of being comforable with uncomfort. When we hold more closely to the comfort of our life rather than the uncomfort of Jesus life... I understand the hestitation to an extent. But God's first concern for us is a binary one, if you will. He looks at us and sees His Son. (saved) He looks and sees the need for His Son. (unsaved) We desire a life-changing experience, but somehow have a problem with the impact it will make, when time comes for changes to be made. Some change we are glad to make; others, are hard and more difficult to process. Salvation is an incredibly simple process. Yet, thanks to the spiritual conflict within the heart of man, the conversation can be difficult to navigate, as people struggle to allow the truth of God's Word to illuminate their life and present circumstance. He doesn't hold people's situations against them; but His compassion cannot leave people where He finds them. Pray, this #missionsFriday, for missionaries having difficulty ministrering to those who experiencing a great internal battle as they hear the gospel. May God give them wisdom, patience and understanding, as they listen to people's stories and experiences. Pray for a supernatural revelation; may the eyescales be removed to the truths of God's Word. For the truths we've long passed by, that were effective for Christ as met people where they were, may today's church continue to be compelled to be the hands and feet of God in meeting people in the various situations and circumstances they find themselvees. Pray for missionaries in the personal walk of faith as well, for God is not done changing the lives of those long after they have accepted Christ; for every encounter with the presence of God ought to change our contenance. God unchanging character is His desire for relationship. For one does not experience a gift of love and walk away unaffected. May God work the miraculous this day As lives from every walk Are affected by His love and His presence. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() The human body is truly an amazing creation. For all the difficulties and frustrations that, at times, our hearts and minds struggle to navigate and sort out, the body is truly a great communicator of letting you know something is wrong, awry or amiss. Exhaustion. Frustration, Sickness. Aches. Pains. Uneasiness and a lack of comfort. And more. The body kicks out all sorts of indications... that it's time to go to bed; that it's time to relax, that it's time to stop over-thinking and over-complicating life and start moving in the direction you keep wishing you could go. The body knows how to respond when the task or challenge is presented just as it knows you've taken on more than you can handle. Physicallly, mentally, emotionally... your body knows you better than you do. There is definitely a balance, I won't argue that point. The tricky part is, that if any sort of a break is required, life keeps moving. As do the responsibilities that go with it. Sure the problems will be here when you get back, so you might as well recoup and recover and return refreshed... it's just a matter of handling the problems that existed when you left and whether anything new has been added or compounded in your absence. Ministry of any form and nature is a ton of work and while this post could be written for any of the weekdays' posts, let's pray for missionaries, whose minsitry is costly. The set-up of a ministry in lands far and wide, even remote, is incredible: language barriers, extreme cultural and social differences, goverment relations, economics, living arrangements, and so much more. So, pray with me, this #missionsFriday, for missionaries that are running low... on energy, on resources, on time. For those exhausted, anxious and worn-down, pray God would strengthen and quicken them, in body, mind and soul. May they be encouraged to fight the good fight and keep the faith. May they not be dismayed or discouraged, but empowered from On High, that they may finish well, the work that has been set before them. May God provide all that they have need of, whether interally or externally; anxious for nothing, but confidently trusting the sovereign hand of God. As they share the love of Christ, May the testify again and again... Of the grace and goodness of God For the His glory And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() Another reference from my favorite political tv drama... The President and his Chief of Staff are discussing a situation involving another country... the obvious solution, and the one people seem to be calling for and advising to pursue, is to take military action. Meanwhile, the President is weighing other options, evidence and trying to find a peaceable solution. In his argument against military action, the President makes the argument that taking military steps could cause set-backs with relationships in region for decades, potentially. In response, the CoS argues in reply... "We don't always know; how it ends." Yesterday, the roads were dicey for seemingly half the day. Weather wasn't horrible, but the roads, while plowed, weren't clear... so traffic speed was low and visibility occassionally still dropped significantly. Winter weather has arrived in full force on my homefront. As I reflected on how we respond to poor visibility on the road, the similiarities to how we respond to life as a matter of faith could not be ignored. We "back off" on the tasks and projects in front of us. We pay more attention to our surroundings and what others are doing We remove distractions, in order to help increase our focus on the task at hand. We position ourselves to take greater care of said task, both physically and mentally. We don't want anything to go wrong or end up in a dangerous and tragic situation. Like a new or relatively inexperienced driver, navigating matters of life when just starting out in one's faith, such an environment can make for long days. Furthermore, even for seasoned people of faith, the navigation process can be exhausting. One just continues to trust God for what lies ahead yet remains unseen; and focuses on what God has in store for them, that can be seen. Pray, this #missionsFriday, that God would strengthen and encourage missionaries and the believers in Christ they have impacted, who find themselves facing life with low visibility. Pray they would be rejuvenated in their hearts and minds as they continue to seek the face of God, despite circumstances where the unknown seems to be mounting. May they not lose hope or give up the faith, but hold fast to the calling and purpose which God has anointed them to fulfill. Pray for wisdom and direction; that God would divinely and strategically light their path and direct their steps. May the press on towards all that God has in store for them to accomplish in this life... That God be glorified in all things, In all circumstances, despite difficulty. For God knows where we are and what awaits. Having promised to never leave us or forsake us. In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. - PNC ![]() Well, it didn't take long once December hit, for the weather to be felt on the roadways. Yesterday morning, white-out conditions out of thin air resulted in a massive, real-life version of bumper cars and semi-trucks. Fortunately, I was on the road and a few hours away when it occurred, as it happened on the expressway just a handful of miles away from home. Unfortunately, however, the sheetmetal disaster claimed the lives of 3 people and sent a handful more lives to area hospitals. Meanwhile, as I was scrolling through my newsfeed on social media last night, a friend posted a freaky story of their collision with a deer. They didn't know what had happened until emergency services arrived. All they felt was the aftermath of a shattered driver's side window blow-out. Just reading the incident was unsettling. Thankful, they are ok, although her son won't soon forget the image of his mom practically covered in glass. These are not the images people conjur up when using the cliche phrases of "life's a trip" or "life's an adventure". (side-note insert: Astronaut John Glenn has passed away. Talk about an incredible trip, whose logbook will be entry-less from this day forward.) Indeed it is, but not like this. Just another reminder, that each and every day is a gift. That tomorrow is not promised to anyone; neither is the next split-second for that matter. It can all change in an instant. It can all be gone in the same. For all the journeys we travel and pray for safe goings to and fro, I couldn't help consider the miles of missionaries. Their stories. Their encounters. Their travels. What they have witnessed and heard. The roads are just as treacherous for them, as we travel. Unknowns abound and everything can change just as quick for them, as it does for us. Thus, pray this #missionsFriday, for the safe travels of missionaries across the globe. Pray a hedge of protection, in their comings and goings; safety for the families and colleagues as they work to advance the gospel of Christ. Literally, pray guide would light their paths and guide their steps; where they should go and when, the routes they should take, who they should go with... nothing is ever random with a sovereign God. Even in simple decisions such as these, may God be glorified as they testify about the practical, tangible ways in which God reveals Himself and intervenes in the affairs of men. Not willing that any should perish, But all come to repentance Through salvation in Christ Jesus. Led by the Spirit, As we go into all the world. For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() Leave it to the state I love, in which I've lived my entire life, to begin displaying December-like weather, on the day the calendar actually flips to the first of said month. Yes, I spent my day of travels in the rain/snow mixture from heaven... cold enough to look like snow or a fine sleet at times; warm enough to sound and feel like rain, making everything more wet upon landing than change the color of the surface it landed upon. Meanwhile, for the past three days, my oldest has stayed home from school... battling a nasty cough and a general "not feeling so great" demeanor. In typical state fashion, last week the weather couldn't make up it's mind. Frost on the windshield one morning... guys catching the open road one last time on their motorcycles the following afternoon. Somebody even snuck in a round of golf that same day! All which got me thinking... missionary work is hard work. We pray for the struggles and the challenges, the loneliness and the toll it takes on the mind and heart and relationships and family. But let's talk about the weather. Seriously. The physical change of conditions on the mission field alone, can prompt questions of "what are we doing here?" Especially if there are kids or teens in tow. The sacrifice is great for many. Quite too much for others. Questionable for the rest of us, as our first indicator is based on location. Yet, there remains an element of practicality and logistics to the equation of mission field. Prayer, direction, calling and purpose...unbelievable steps of faith; such things we understand are a part of the process. Yet, when it comes to the physical conditions and the logistical fortitiude of making everything "come together" and "work"... well, one trusts in the Lord, but then must act it out. Yes the work is God. He knows the plans and purposes. The venturing out for the gospel, for the cause of Christ... the entire process is a step of faith. That, though, doesn't diminish the physical demands placed on the body, the emotional burden carrried by the soul and the pacing of the mind in search of understanding. Pray, this #missionsFriday for strength, in good weather and in the storms. For the adjustments that missionaries and their familiies encounter; for the physical conditions, for the preparations and logistical issues... pray God would go before them and provide all they have need off. May the unknown and uncertain not stand in the way of their faith or cause them to hesitate their ability to step out in pursuit of the calling and promise God has in store. For kids and teens, as an integral part of the journey, may God do a work in their lives as they watch and witness their parents be used of God in advancement of the gospel of Christ. May their lives be a testament to the goodness and greatness of God May God show Himself faithful. To those who are apart of the harvest. To those who labor in the fields. For the glory of God, For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Happy post-Thanksgiving Friday! An interesting day for reflection on a couple lines of thinking.
Some of us are enjoying an extended weekend with time off work. Others, thankful for God's provision in their lives, are experiencing that provision by reporting to work this morning, for either a portion of the day or most of the day. Yet today, many from both camps will meet each other, as it's the biggest Christmas shopping day of the year. ("Your money is about to become my money... in a week or two, when the next paycheck arrives" -kind of mentality) Black Friday was summed up with somewhat of an irony... a meme was posted to social media yesterday, as Black Friday being the day we go and buy a bunch of stuff we don't "need" just hours after spending a day in gratitude for what we already have. As a part of the gratitude, we are thankful for those who serve their country and community and thus, were away from family and friends on the day designated for thanks. Among them away in service, are missionaries... in service to the kingdom of God. Meanwhile, we are quick to share our finds and bargains and "black-Friday deals" with friends and strangers alike. The question remains, are we sharing with others, the greatest "black-Friday deal" of lifetime, when for a 3-hour period, some 2000 years ago, Christ paid the grand total of the balance due on humanity, in order that we might be redeemed? Pray, this #missionsFriday, for those who've yet to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. During this time of gratitude, during the occasion for "special savings" this holiday season, may the believer in Christ be as excited to share about the savings available to us through the Cross. Pray the church remember not only to be consumers of the Church and of God, but contributors to the church and ministers of the Gospel. For our lives are not our own; nor are they about us, nor what we possess. May we live to exemplify and glorify the grace and the greatness of God. Whether at work, Or at play... Whatever is in store this day May we live for Christ. In service to the kingdom of God. - PNC I had the incredible opportunity to sit in on an event for pastors yesterday, where over 600 pastors and church leaders came together to be refreshed and receive serious amounts of knowledge from a healthy, respected, stable church leader or pastor. (And by healthy, I'm talking about spiritual, emotion and mental perspective)
As I shared on social media last night, the wisdom this Senior Pastor imparted wasn't gold... but Platinum! I walked away with such a wealth of insight and profound perspectives on the church as preachers of the gospel, it's purpose as an organization and on prayer. I'm not sure there's a way for me to avoid not using some of it, as a catalyst for the next few days worth of posts. Time flies so fast, that perhaps it was a few months ago, now as opposed to a few weeks, but we prayed one #missionsFriday on the topic of "won by one". How much of the burden could be relieved in ministry by believers reaching out and sharing the gospel? This was essentially one of many points made by the Senior Pastor that shared in the first "session". The body of Christ should be reaching places of spiritual maturity where we are duplicating ourselves and not relying soley on the church, the pastors or the missionaries to do the work for us. It was a great reminder that the body of Christ, much like it can't get rid of other members, neither can it keep to itself. We must remain to true to Christ. We must remain true to preaching the gospel of Christ. We must remain focused on Christ as we lead others to do the same. On this #misssionsFriday, the world doesn't need more of the church, but more of Christ! Thus pray to that end, that ego and personality, belief and doctrine, teaching and practice would stand in the way of people hearing and receiving the truth of the gospel of Christ. May we be careful to not get so caught up in doing church that we neglect the reality that we are called to be the church. Pray God would help us to relieve the burden of ministry on pastors and misionaries by reaching out to those around us as witnesses of the grace and mercy of God and the forgiveness of sins through repentance. May the truth of Gods Word be illuminated and revealed to those who have no frame of reference or concept of who God is and what Christ' life means for us today. Duplicated. As we take personal initiative to expand the kingdom of God. As we are called to do. For the gospel is not about us, But Christ alone; and Him crucified. For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() What an incredible week. And then yesterday. Which is exactly where we are going to leave it. For whatever reason as the afternoon rolled through and the frustration of the morning crawled away at a snail's pace, I found myself thinking about decisions. We all make them. Good. Bad. Indifferent. Benign. Some of great importance. Others of equally great insignificance. Of course, then there's concept I picked up from a former co-worker (and this is my paraphrase)... a million times and you won't think twice, a thousand times will make you think again, a hundred times the call will be too close, but it only takes once and you'll rethink it all. We don't always get it right. I, more than I care to admit to myself, let alone anyone else, rarely (or so it seems) get it right. I have my days where I don't like my decisions. I have more where I don't like others. I have many more that people don't like mine, either! Regardless of you share floor-space with under one roof, at the end of the day, the person who must be confident in your decisions, experience their success and consequences of the same, is you. It doesn't help that the second-guessing factor in the equation can drive you to insanity if you are not careful. Unfortunately, time-travel isn't possible, so me must proceed moving forward and prayerfully consider where re-routing my be in order in our lives. Hopefully it leads us back to God and a deeper faith in the knowledge of who He is and what He has in store for us to accomplish... even when we fail in epic proportions at a staggering expense. Pray, this #missionsFriday, for missionaries across the globe... in their lives where they are struggling with current, past or pending decisions. May God lead, guide and direct them to what they are to say, where to go, with whom they are to interact and how they are to respond. Pray a spirit of encouragement; that they would be strengthened and lifted up as they continue to place Him first, and seek Him as their lives unfold afresh each morning. Regardless of their locale, and the people they reach out, pray a grace and an understanding over their conversations. As they interact and her peoples stories and experiences, may their be a revelation that takes place... that God's decision to send His Son Jesus Christ was outrageous and extravagant, to the point that no matter how outrageous our decisions seem, God still desires that all would be drawn unto Him. For God is able to use all things for good For those who love God For those called according to His purpose. Despite our faults; in spite of our failures. I am unable to thwart the Hand of God. As are you, for that matter. - PNC ![]() My friend yesterday morning, in his attempts to encourage me (yesterday morning did not start off well) brought up the subject of Job, and what he had endured during his time of trial. The conversation got a little deep, when I had a realization of a possible plot twist that's never really explained. Now, that I brought it up, you want me to enlighten you. But where would the fun be in that? Well, I kind of have to know, since it leads in to today's perspective on missions. He brought up that Job was blessed in the end, more-so than he had been before the trial because he remained faithful to God. The perspective I replied with, was that his wife basically asked why Job didn't curse God and die. Was this a suggestion? Was she wishing Job would do this, as she was unable to keep the faith? Was it a "If this were me, I think I would..." hypothetical? So God blesses Job in the end. More possessions. More wealth. More livestock. More children. What became of his wife? Is this a new wife? And if not, what's the conversation Job has with her about her faith? You would have cursed God? You suggested I take such a posture? You were hoping I would take your advice simply to end the agony? Any such conversation or series of conversations, seems difficult to navigate as they move forward in life together, now with more blessing from the hand of God than ever before. To this, my friend replied on the various levels of people's faith. And essentially, how some you would think had a long-standing, depth of genuine faith simply don't, while others, relatively new or young in Christianity have incredible levels of faith. Wednesday we prayed over the Word of God regarding our youth culture. Thursday, albeit a late post, covered 2 Timothy 3; the final two verses and the benefit Scripture offers to church leadership, as well as living in general. In verses 14-15, though, it highlights of all things, the longevity of people's faith. "But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus." What's funny about this, is the exact distinction between my friend and I. He, saved after getting married; me, born to parents who had already been saved; though they too, not till after getting married. What really struck me though, as we join in prayer for missions, is Timothy's exhortation. "Continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because who know who you learned it from." Christians are not convinced out of delusion or the writings of man, but by the Word of God revealed to man, whom He made in His image. Continue in what you've learned. Don't stop learning. Keep working at it. Keep working it out. Keep studying. Keep applying. The Holy Scriptures. Whether one has been saved one day or 10,000 days (now I'll be singing "better is one day in your court than thousands elsewhere" for a while), may we be encouraged by the words of Timothy. And the story of Job, for that matter. Pray, this #missionsFriday, that believers, in these increasingly difficult and challenging days would stand strong. In times of trial and testing, persecution, misunderstanding and misrepresentation, may we hold fast to the Word of God and to the truth of His character. May His Word revealed, continue to cause us to grow and mature, that we would be wise for salvation through faith in Christ. For missionaries and those on the missions field, indeed, may God's Word not return void. Pray God for out His favor and blessing as they work to minister to the lost and the dying; the poor and oppressed and the suffering; may the Word of God bring life to those in desperate places. Hearts ready to receive, Ears ready to hear Eyes ready to see Minds ready to understand God is Love and His Word is Truth. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC It goes with out saying, that life is full of situations and circumstances. It is full of experiences and is, an experience unto itself. Filled with joy and sadness, smiles and tears, overwhelming peace and unbearable grief; this roller-coaster effect can cause serious states of confusion, frustration and indirection
Knowing what to do, or at least, what to do next becomes elusive. For a brief couple of moments yesterday, I reflected on the concept of the rhema Word... the revealed Word of God, The revealed Word of God, through the power of the Holy Spirit is an incredible gift... as if Scripture in itself amazing already. God still speaks today... we simply have so much that clouds and stands in the way, that it is difficult to hear, spiritually, what He has for us. Thus, I considered this in light of missions. For those missionaries having difficulty in communicating; in getting the message of Christ through to those people groups they are attempting to reach... perhaps the revealed Word of God needs to be displayed; present and active in their efforts so that breakthrough might occur and many would come to Christ. Would you join me in praying to that end? On this #missionsFriday, pray that God would indeed reveal Himself, to those who've yet to receive Christ. Pray a breakthrough in their midst; confusion would cease and distractions would fade. May the eyes-scales be removed, as people come to understand who Christ is; what He accomplished for their lives and what it means to live and walk in right-standing with God... not because of our rights or right-doing, but because of who Christ is and what He settled on the Cross. May today be a banner day, for the Kingdom of God. A Rhema Word; as God meets us where we are. May we leave and live forever changed. For His glory And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() During our Wednesday night prayer services at church, we've been in a series regarding inner peace, walking through the portions of prayer that make up the Lord's Prayer, and how to get there. This past service was on the prayer of protection and how God looks after us and the role we play, particularly as it relates to "lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil." It was a moving and enlightening devotional, that the end of which, allowed for a time of prayer and reflection to identify what the enemy of our souls uses against us to entice us and distract us, in an effort to thwart and throw off what God would have for our lives. What really keeps us from stepping out an into all that God as for our lives? Whether it be mine, or yours; the pastors' or one's parents, coworkers or kids, spouse or best friend... what are the elements that conspire together to become the x-factor that stands in our way of being able to trust God that He will watch over us and take care of us in whatever circumstance we find ourselves encountering difficulty and frustration. Is it time to confess that the x-factor is bigger than our faith? Yesterday, as I continued to reflect on this, I was reminded of Coach Taylor, from the movie Facing The Giants. The morning of the biggest of game of his life, as he recognizes the miracle that God has worked in his life and in his football team, he essentially confesses to his wife... what if all this that has happened doesn't result in how we think it should or look like we want? To this, his wife Brooke responds... "Sounds like your fear is about to collide with your faith?" In light of #msisionsFriday, what is the x-factor that keep people from having faith in God; from acknowledging Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and that His death on the Cross was His love for humanity, that we might have opportunity to be in right relationship with God? What are the obstacles and excuses for why someone wouldn't or doesn't make a decision to place their hope and trust in God regarding His plans and purposes for our lives? When fear collides with faith, should fear happen to win... what a tragedy. Would you join me, this #missionsFriday? Pray for those whose fear, and other x-factors are standing in the way of them accepting Christ's invitation for eternal life. May faith win out, as God seeks to work His miraculous and sovereign plan in the hearts and lives of those who are His. Pray the barriers and obstacles would fall and fade away; that God's love for us is everlasting and unchanging. Pray, also, for the believer... struggling in their faith, as life overtakes and bombards. May their be a break-through in their lives; that faith would overtake their x-factor, as they too, place their trust in the hands of Almighty God, rather than the unknown that they spend so much time and energy attempting to figure out in hopes of "it all" making sense. Pray our frailty would not stand in the way of God's strength being displayed on this earth, through the lives of those whose hearts are set on Him. May we focus on the x-factor of God, Rather than the x-factor of our surroundings. For with man, it won't happen, But with God, all things are possible. For His glory and the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Everybody has expectations. We have expectations that we place upon ourselves and many more, that are placed on us by others. Sometimes, we are given the courtesy of hearing what's expected in advance. However, more often than not, we hear what was expected of us after the fact...
It usually begins with the phrase, "I thought you..." In a flash thought last night, I questioned how missionaries are received by the people groups they set out to reach for the kingdom of God. Surely, upon their arrival there are many questions. What are you doing here? Why have you come? What do you hope to accomplish. They may be welcome and well-received, which is awesome, but no doubt, there is resistance along the way. I can't imagine, the handling of such expectations and sorting and navigating their way through it, is an easy process. Not by any stretch of the imagination. In addition, they are walking into people groups, who may not know what to expect at all, But then, again, may not simply know how to express their expectations... let alone offer them in advance. For certain, the missionaries have expectations placed upon themselves and of what they hope to accomplish, as well as those of the people and churches who support them... these to, all look different as reality unfolds during the tenure of their ministry. It's an interesting reflection and one, that most definitely needs to be covered in prayer. Pray this #missionsFriday, for missionaries and the communities that they are reaching out to with the Gospel of Christ. May God grant to them wisdom and discernment as they engage in conversations and through programs. Pray God would work the miraculous, regardless of whatever expectations may exist and whoever may hold them. May missionaries not be worried about how it all works or looks, but that God would use their willingness and obedience to serve for His glory and His purposes. Pray for breakthroughs, in the lives of those they minister to; that there would be a supernatural move of the Holy Spirit. May the recognize the power of God at work in their hearts and minds; that the truth and love of God, through His Word confound all expectations. For it is not about ourselves, But for this glory of God As He works in our lives And through our lives To accomplish His purposes For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019