![]() I heard a pretty incredible statistic yesterday, regarding the persecution of the church... something like 100,000+ Christians were martyred last year. So a quick search brings up some pretty astonishing results. The organization, Open Doors says that persecution against the global church has risen for the third year in a row. How about some quick specifics... * approximately 215 million Christians will experience high, very high or extreme persecution * North Korea remains the most dangerous place for Christians, for the 14th consecutive year * Pakistan is now the "most violent", exceeding levels of Northern Nigeria * Nigeria has seen more than a 62% increase in the killings of Christians * On Open Doors' Top 50 Worst Countries for persecution list, Mali moved up from #44 to #32! * 39 million of India's 64 million Christians experience direct persecution If that doesn't move you, or at least open your eyes to just how close and real this battle is becoming, consider this: 75% of the world's population live in areas with severe religious restriction. Indeed, eternity is at stake. Heaven's fallen angel is literally hell-bent on keeping as many people as possible from experiencing the incredible environment he once inhabited. Whatever he can do to distract, detour and derail Christians, he will do. All the more, if he can destroy the messenger, then he limits the effectiveness of the message. Granted, he's already defeated, but he knows humanity remains hanging in the balance. Well, on this #missionsFriday, there's certainly much to pray about. Pray for strength and perseverance among the millions of those persecuted. May their resolve to the faith and the Gospel stand firm in the face of all kinds of adversity and opposition. Pray for pastors and missionaries across the globe and especially this Top 50 list. Pray that God would turn the hearts of kings and leaders, as a water-course, back towards Him. Pray for the missionaries in the countries where the stats are extreme, such as Pakistan and Nigeria. May God will accomplish the miraculous in their ministries. Though we are essentially promised trials and tribulations, for indeed the world hated Christ Himself, pray God's protective angels over these, as we read of so many occasions in Scripture... the protection of Daniel, the release of Peter and Paul from prison. The battle is the Lord's May our prayers be as the lifting of Moses' arms In the spiritual realm. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC
![]() It's pretty incredible, when you consider the response when Jesus began calling His disciples to drop everything and "follow" Him. Kinda makes me wonder what His handle would have been, had He been the first to use Twitter. @JesusChrist? @therealJC? @onlySonofGod @officialJesus? But seriously... did those 12 guys have a clue? You can't help but read the Gospels and Christ' response at some of their questions, often repeated and wonder. Many a time I've used the legal term with my kids when they get in the mood of asking the same questions multiple times in a row. I simply look at them and say "Asked and answered!" Jesus didn't mince words. The man was pretty direct, especially the one line questions as He applied the parables to our lives. I could see Jesus looking at the clueless disciples thinking, "asked and answered." But He called them to be witnesses. And as I heard this discussed earlier this week, witnesses of Christ became the first of the martyred; for there were serious repercussions of bearing false witness. They took on the consequences of those whom they testified against if they were found out. Thus, if you were to bear any witness it all, you'd better speak with a clear confidence that what you saw was true. Sadly, the days are upon us where people would rather believe the lie rather than hear the truth. Where does that leave us? False witness goes unnoticed and unpunished? Declarers of truth are dispersed, demoted and doubted. Or perhaps feared of being right and thus must be dealt with rather than the hearer being led repentance. What good is a witness of they don't speak truth? What good is a witness that lives in fear of being silenced? Communication dies before your very eyes. For the message is no good without a messenger. Let's pray this #missionsFriday, that missionaries would continue be declarers of truth. May the walk with discernment, understanding that people have a desire for the truth, but often don't know how to handle and receive it. Pray they would not walk in the fear of man, but press on in the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit. Pray for the preparation of the hearts and minds of those who would hear... may there be a moment of revelation that would bring about change, as people surrender their lives to Christ. May the message proceed Because of the tenacity of the messenger. By the power of God. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() "Do you want to know what God delights in? The same thing every Father does. Providing and protecting His children." - John McArthur I happened to catch most of his sermon last night on the way home as he continued a sermon series on anxiety and worry. Prior to this statement though, he was talking about the relationship we have with God through Jesus Christ; whereas man-derived religion is problematic because any conception and concoction of a deity other than God is flawed, as man is flawed. Thus, aside from the common grace of God that falls on both the just and the unjust, McArthur makes the point that the unsaved bears the full weight of survival. Without the saving grace of the knowledge of Jesus Christ all that remains is the best effort of humanity and the hopes of a catching a false god having a good day. Keeping that mind, the obstacles that stand in the way as missionaries move forward in declaring the truth of the Gospel are simply astounding. The cultural and social battles that lay in wait to confront today's believers are... well, among other things, seemingly increasing daily. Like the number of believers that were added to the church in the early days of Acts... only in opposition to the Gospel rather than changed by it. We often, and mistakenly so, place pedals under those in ministry... as if they are taking on a mission that the "everyday" Christian can't complete. Nothing could be further from the truth. Missionaries are taking on the same challenges, albeit in a different land and a few other items at the forefront... such as language. Thankfully though, we are not existing simply for survival. Our Heavenly Father stands on our behalf; to provide and protect His children and stands ready to receive others into adoption, as they hear and accept the message of the Gospel of Christ. Pray, this #missionsFriday, for missionaries who themselves are struggling in their personal lives with their relationship with Father God. May they be strengthened and encouraged in the protection and provision that He delights. For the cultural and social challenges that stand before the Gospel may the truth of His Word cut to the quick, as the Holy Spirit brings revelation to hearts and minds. May many come to the understanding that the Father always desires relationship with His children, even when the children want nothing to do with the Father. May the saving grace of the knowledge of Christ transcend the lives of the unsaved; breaking through every notion that has resulted from the fallen state of humanity and bringing people to the redemptive state made available through the Cross. Loved by God. An incredible Father To a world full of messed-up kids. Saved by grace independent of a broken humanity. For the advancement of the Gospel of Christ. - PNC All across the globe, the church is witness some pretty incredible levels of persecution of late. The stories, some of which I heard this past week are simply astonishing. Of course, in western civilization and specifically in America, the religious element of society is coming under increasing cultural and political pressure to give way to the thinking and behavioral leanings of those without Christ. It's probably nothing new, except thanks to social media, the statements seem to dominate the sentiment that non-Christians are telling Christian to be or act more Christian.
It's an interesting dilemma, as you know people want to experience genuine love and plain truth, but there is such an attitude of hostility against the things of God and the Judeo-Christian values that it is hard to know how to relate and share the gospel. Elsewhere, though, like the Middle East, there is a great movement being made towards God, particularly as people witness how Christians are responding to persecution. Even to the point of death, they are rejoicing in what God is accomplishing and displaying a peace beyond explanation. Such acts are resonating in people's spirits and the stories that I heard this past week on the matter are simply mind-blowing. There are utterly interesting days in which we live. There is a greater drawing towards God by some. And an equally or greater resistance against God by others. Clearly, we are stepping ever closer to a spiritual showdown; a battle of good versus evil for all eternity. And all the more reason to pray over the advancement of Gospel. On this #missionsFriday, pray for those under intense levels of persecution, even to the point of death. May God work the miraculous in their lives and ministries as they testify and evangelize the Gospel of Christ and the love of God. Pray for strength and endurance as they run the race of faith set before them. May they not fail or falter; but remain in you, no matter what resistance or persecution they face. Pray for the church, where political and social agendas are confronting the church in attempt to discredit and destroy their influence and existence in the public square. Pray for a move of God on our behalf; that the love of God in our lives would compel people's hearts to set aside agendas and come to understand the eternal plan and purpose God has for all of humanity. Running with endurance The race set before. Uncompromising. Unwavering. Persevering in light of persecution. For the advancement of the cause of Christ For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() It usually helps when telling a story, that the plot twist is a key element. Wouldn't you agree? Otherwise you've built up the intro and you have the moral of it all, but what happened to the transition? Well, I missed that part as it was shared yesterday via radio. That said, though... I remember the closing statement of the story as it was told. "I didn't have the perspective to see that far ahead." As the pastor preached, he relay Paul's perspective on his ministry... he did everything with eternity in mind. He was counting the cost. He was forsaking it all. He was keeping his eye on the price. His perspective was eternally-focused. Yet, for all of life, both personally, profession or ministerial, it's hard to keep a long-term perspective. And in fact, my wife and I just chatted as I was sitting to type this, that "what if we had done something different" regarding last nights decision compared to a related decision from two years ago. To this I had one reply... can't focus on that now. I don't want to think about how much more gray hair I would be sporting had I spent more time thinking and rethinking any number of decisions I've made in the past 12-13 years; even longer, come to think of it. In fact, I think about such matters more than I need to and I really try not to do so even that much! That said, the same is true in ministry. And perhaps, to a greater extent missions. It goes without saying that both eternity-minded and focused. But decisions, strategies, conversations, time management, ministry-life balance... all of these elements have their own levels of desires and regrets and second guesses. If the everyday issues of life can through us off our game even momentarily in the life of the everyday Christian, then once again, it begs the question; how much more for the those whose vocation is full-time ministry? Thanks again for joining me. On this #missionsFriday, pray that missionaries would indeed keep the long-term perspective of eternity in mind. Even the cost of life, as Paul laid out so eloquently, that to be absent here is to be present with God... may the fears of persecution, retribution and opposition towards the Gospel not lay a foothold, much less a stronghold in their hearts and minds. Pray for a spirit of confidence as they move forward in the calling of God and the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon their lives; may a spirit of regret and doubt be far-removed from their mind's eye and memory. Pray a fresh move of God in the efforts; a fresh wind in their words and a countenance of joy over their lives. That whatever they do May it be done as unto the Lord. In word and deed, For the honor and glory of God For the advancement of the Gospel And the cause of Jesus Christ. Let it be so. - PNC As I considered the challenges and battles facing missionaries yesterday, the words stood out, as Colton Dixon's song All That Matters, played on the radio.
He talks about how life changes, things come and go and fade away. Yet, all that matters is that God is for us, for always. His love will never change. All that matters is that we matter to Him. Oddly enough, or not, it tied in perfectly with the sermon on Job, that was broadcast yesterday morning as well. God wasn't setting Job up for failure, when He asked Satan if he had considered "my servant Job". God knew Job. He knew His faith. He knew His unwavering. Indeed God chose Job because He knew Job would bring glory to God in all things; and that his response would be as Colton sings. No matter what happens, I matter to God Thus, regardless of where one finds themselves and what they are encountering, God is not far off. He is not unreachable or unobtainable. He is not out of ear shot; not out of range. We are not in a roaming area, where it will cost extra to reach Him. God is intimately aware and intimately close. What greater message is there to share, with those who need to hear and receive the love of God; for those in ministry who need to be reminded of the love of God. All that matters is that I matter to God. You should say that out loud, as I just did. All that matters is that I matter to God. Pray this #missionsFriday, that the truth of the love of God would go forth. Pray for missionaries, struggling to minister, because they are having difficulty personally, in their faith and life, even though they know and sense that they too matter to God. Pray for strength and encouragement even this hour. May God do a fresh work in their hearts and minds; that the Holy Spirit would supernaturally revive and rejuvenate the depths of their soul. May they know and trust that wherever they are and whatever they face, that God has chosen them to bring about glory... that our struggles and tears are not in vain, nor are they wasted. All that matters, matters to God. Creator and sustainer of life. Who holds the world in His hands, Yet His beloved in His heart. For we are His workmanship That all may know His glory. - PNC This is going to drive me nuts now, all morning trying to remember who relayed this story yesterday on the radio, but oh well.
The Christian faith has been persecuted since before the days the Apostle Paul's Damascan Road conversion; by the man himself. While the church is witnessing phenomenal growth in recent years, particularly outside the Western Hemisphere (and specifically the States) they are also witnessing incredible persecution. Talk has been on the rise that the USA is closer than ever to such a reality, as increasing, God is becoming "taboo" in the public and political arena. The opinions and voices wanting nothing to do with Biblical influence seem to be getting ever louder. Yet, the story was shared yesterday while I was channel surfing the radio, of a home pastor and his wife, ministering in Bangkok. The pastor wasn't home at the time, so the police took his wife in for questioning and continued, so far as beat and torture her. The one relaying the story mentions, that as the home pastor shared this experience, he didn't finish the story of what happened with his wife; leaving it open as if she seemingly entered eternity, either from the sustained injuries or the alternative. But what had happened... she stood in the place of her husband. They had come looking for him and the wife had told the authorities that she, herself, as was the pastor. Around the world, these are the challenges and futures facing many missionaries, whose cultures, societies and governments are against Christianity, the things of God and the power of the Gospel to change the hearts and minds of a nation. And yet, daily, we witness just how great, every nation is need of the power of the Cross of Jesus Christ. So... will you join me once again, this #missionsFriday? Pray for missionaries around the world, that God would strengthen and protect them as they proclaim the Gospel. For those who are in places of extreme hostility, may God continue to grant them courage and boldness as they stand firm in their faith and the knowledge of Christ. May many come to Christ through their efforts and perseverance. May the Holy Spirit empower them; that they would not be overcome with a spirit of fear or discouragement, but that they would witness the miraculous transformation of lives as the truth of Christ is revealed to those around them. Pray God would move on the hearts of kings and governing authorities; that the walls would come down and many would enter into the presence of God. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood But powers and principalities of this dark age. For the glory of God And the advancement of the Gospel of Christ. Peace be with you. - PNC ![]() I was slightly encouraged, maybe a little more than that, by a portion of a sermon I caught yesterday as I was channel surfing through the radio. The pastor was talking about the faith of Moses, as God directed him to go. I want you to go. Ok, where? Don't worry about. Just start walking. Any particular direction? I'll let you know, as you go. No seriously... what's the destination? No, seriously... just go. Can't we map this out first? I have the map. I'll tell you what's up, as you go. This is our conversation with God. How it wasn't Moses' conversation, is a mystery. Amazingly enough. And yet, so often, it's how God continues to work in our lives. We look at decisions based on how things will look in five years. We make them based on what's gone wrong in life over the past five years. We make decisions based on the factors we know weighed against the factors we don't know. Meanwhile, I see God simply breathing. Waiting. For us to simply start moving, so that He can direct our feet and illuminate our path. Thus, like Moses, I admire missionaries and their hearth. For surely, they have or are tempted to have the conversation that we would have had if we were in Moses' sandals. But they continue to go and step out and move, even as God directs, one step at a time. So, pray, this #missionsFriday, that God would strengthen the faith of missionaries. May the continue to move in obedience, under the prompting of the Holy Spirit and the direction of God. Pray for wisdom in the decisions that they do face and need to make and may they not get caught up in the knowing versus unknown debate, whereby the miss the opportunity God has for their lives and ministries. May they continue to walk in faith as God leads and moves. Pray for discernment as they seek the face and will of God; to hear His voice and understand His heart in a greater dimension than every before. That we would hear and respond, Rather than hesitate and debate. Moving in faith as God moves upon our hearts. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC The radio DJ asked a profound question while on the air yesterday afternoon.
"What if the interruption is the assignment?" And after thinking about it, and how I spend my two plus hours sitting on the freeway while it was shut down due to an accident, I realized a confession was in order. I hadn't taken advantage of what God was wanting to accomplish, or what He might want to accomplish in that time. I had gone through the interchange, from one expressway to another and my mind was in 100 different directions... or so it seemed. I could feel the stress. I could tell I was bothered. I was struggling to try and figure out these matters were going to be taken care of and how I would fair in the end. 10 minutes later, traffic was at a stand-still. And rather than use the time to allow God to change my heart and perspective; and releasing the cares and burdens in order that He might remind me He holds it all in His hands, I continued to think through things... tried to distract myself so I wouldn't be so bothered. Something within me wasn't allowing my spirit to stop like traffic had and say, "Okay God... while we have this block of time, let's sort as much of this out as we can." How often does similar situations arise in ministry? The assignment of the Gospel is the focus right? Yet in these pockets and blocks of crisis moments; are we stepping up to the plate and allowing God to accomplish what He will in the interruption and asking what He would desire to have us accomplish as well? Or are we simply bothered and frustrated that the interruption exists is adding to the stress and problem(s) of the day? On this #missionsFriday, let us pray... that in all things, whether the day "goes our way" or seemingly falls apart, may we give thanks in all things and all circumstances. Pray a renewed spirit within missionaries, that would view even the interruptions as opportunities for God to perform some incredible moments of ministry. May they not be detoured and derailed when life comes to a halt; when plans change and the route changes course. May the problems and cares of the world not take such a prominent place in our hearts and minds, that as valid as they may be; may we not miss what God would desire to accomplish in the interruptions. Giving thanks in spite of our circustances Despite our feelings. Trusting in the sovereignty of God Seeking His face Allowing Him to move in and through us As He sees fit. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() The world is ever changing. So much so, that's it's getting harder and harder to miss the clues and hints that the return of Christ is very much at hand. Yes, the Christian faith has said this for centuries and every generation looks at what is happening in their respective culture and society and thinks their days are numbered. To put this in perspective, however, I caught part of a discussion on the radio where the guest of the program put eternity in perspective. Depending on the source, there's close to 2, perhaps as many as 3 deaths every second. Or 150,000-200,000 deaths per day. Yet God remains, unwilling that any should perish. What's difficult about such numbers, is the reality of the fall of man. Life events happen as do accidents, but death is the result of the brokenness of the human condition in light of Almighty God. To further complicate the discussion, is a society that continues to push back against truth and morality and the authority of God's Word. It permeates generations and crosses social, economic and racial divides. If that weren't enough, the realities of one's state on earth often stands in the way of God doing a work on a spiritual level. Health, economic, relational, mental needs and more stand in the way of people opening the door of their heart to Jesus Christ. I think Jesus understood this phenomenon... for how many times was His physical healing accompanied with Go and sin no more. He met the reality of their need. He spoke to their heart. Yet for all the challenges and difficulties of ministry and the work of missionaries, so many other factors have the potential to stand as barriers. It's not Christ can't push through it all to get to us, but rather will people push those issues aside to allow Christ to come in. And for those in ministry, will they do the same and allow God to work through them, despite the exhaustion and frustration of their reality? So... another #missionsFriday on the books! Let's pray that God would indeed, break through the barriers, frustrations and distractions, for both the missionary and those they are reaching out to impact with the Gospel. May strongholds be broken, as minds are illuminated to the truth and the condition of the heart is exposed to the love of Christ. Pray for wisdom and boldness to declare the goodness of God in times of society's dramatic decline. May God's plans and purposes be fulfilled, despite man's best efforts to remove and keep Him from playing an active role in our lives. For God so loved the world. He has passionately pursued humanity since the beginning of time. While culture has a whole may want nothing to do with God, He is all about His Creation. Relentless for the kingdom of Heaven. For the cause of Christ. - PNC ![]() I got to thinking yesterday (dangerous, I know, right?) that we've devoted Thursdays to praying for deacons and church operations... more of a "behind-the-scenes" emphasis as we look to pray and encourage pastors. Then we pray for missionaries, but not the people behind the scenes of their ministries. It is no longer selling everything you own and getting on a plane now, neither. There is major prep work that goes into the process. It these difficult socio-political times, they have to find a "point-of-entry"... like my friends whose focus of missionary work is caring for children. There's raising a budget and funds for the work. There's learning, of language and culture. There's curriculum and other resources to prepare, as some are going to places where the Bible has yet to be presented in the native language. And the list goes on and on. Yet, if their aren't people to aid in the process; if the funds aren't available to produce the materials and support the sending and sustaining of missionaries and their families; if churches aren't coming along side and partnering with them in prayer and support... I'm not saying God can't still accomplish the miraculous through anyone who simply packs and goes, for surely He can. Have we over-complicated the process? Perhaps. Has the support throughout the process though, hopefully helped overcome the fear and stigma that prevent people from stepping on to the mission field in the first place? Probably. Either way, 400-500 missionaries leave the mission field annually, for the same reasons pastors are leaving the pulpit 3x as fast every month. Burnout. The work is great and the workers few. Pray, this #missionsFriday, the Lord of the Harvest would send laborers. Pray God would raise up those who would help in the process of sending missionaries, in training and support and resources. Pray God would raise up more who would give to the cause, through their prayers and finances. As churches are struggling to meet and extend their financial support to the work of missions, may God do a work in those congregations to step out in faith and commit to the advancement of the Gospel globally. And pray that even this hour, that God would encourage missionaries who are frustrated and stressed by the work and the challenges they face. Pray for those going through the process, preparing to step on to the field for the first time, wondering what in the world they are doing. May God be their strength and guidance as they work towards the calling He has placed up their hearts and lives. Pray an anointing and a grace of their lives and homes. Until the whole world hears, The Good News Of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For the glory of God our Father. - PNC ![]() I know this goes without saying... as it also probably comes as no surprise either; so just consider it a friendly reminder. Everything works better when fluid levels are at their proper and recommended amounts. Coolant to maintain even operation levels. Oil to ensure smooth moving parts Water for proper hydration of the body. There are hints along the way that something isn't right either... long before there are warning lights and signs indicating that there's a problem. Mom and Dad can always tell... you haven't been drinking enough water lately have you? Likewise, the same thing happens spiritually. I can always tell when I'm not getting enough of the living water of Jesus Christ. And it probably shows, more obvious on some days than others. People might not know that's whats missing, but on this #missionsFriday, it's missing for all of us. As Pastor stated during the Wednesday night devotional, as we grow and mature in the faith, so does one's understanding of just how big is our God. Growing faith reveals and reflects a bigger God... what He means, how He works and what He can accomplish. Meanwhile, a life without Christ and a life with very little of Christ is going to show clear, early signs of trouble. The longer matters go unattended the trajectory for problems rises... which always lead to bigger repairs that take longer to correct. Thanks for joining me this #missionsFriday. Let us pray, today would be a day of revelation, that many would recognized their need for Christ. Whether on the mission field abroad or at home, may God do a work in peoples hearts and minds that He is indeed the living water that creates an environment for purpose and direction. Pray for missionaries as they go about their day; may God strengthen and energize their lives; that the battles and challenges they face would not deplete them in any way from advancing the Gospel message of Christ and the Cross. May we be people, full of faith. Full of the Spirit. Full of the Word. Presenting Living Water To a world dying of spiritual thirst. For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() The amazing thing about the broken state of humanity is the opportunity it creates, whereby we witness the miraculous hand of God through the working of the super-natural. What glory is to be gained by the Lord, if the trials and troubles of life fail to position us in such a way that we can not deny that the only viable solution that is of an any worth or value, let alone eternal, is to call upon the name of the Lord? None. Nobody receives glory for coming through in circumstances where they were not requested. No relationship is fulfilling, where a person is not desired, sought and pursued. There is no meaning in isolation. Conversely, there is gratitude in a need that goes unmet. We often get discouraged and frustrated because God doesn't answer or meet our needs in the time, manner or reasoning that we would like or prefer. Yet we fail to miss that our biggest need, God actually provided for, long before we were born; let alone our understanding the eternal gap that exists between the presence of God and the soul of man. The power of the miraculous... the glory of the super-natural; for our lives in light of eternity, it begins with the Cross of Christ and the point of salvation. Yet as life encroaches and crowds in on us, even this simple truth can get stuffed in the background of the mature believer as much as the lost has yet to hear the words. So will you join me this #missionsFriday? May God continue to work the miraculous in our hearts and lives for His glory. May we be reminded throughout this day, of the power of God unto salvation. Pray those who hear would receive and those who have received be reminded; that if God could provide something that incredible well in advance of our lives, than He is at work for everything that follows. Pray the spirits of missionaries would be strengthened and encouraged, even this hour. May God continue to guide and direct them as they trust in Him; knowing that whatever they have need of, that God has already moved on their behalf. For God delights in relationship. Desirous for us to share our lives with Him To the degree He has shared His Son with mankind. As He works in the affairs of humanity. Accomplishing the miraculous, through the power of the supernatural For His glory and the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() "The most miserable man in the world, is not the one who is lost, but the one who is saved; and out of fellowship with God." - Adrian Rogers. Is it possible that this statement could be any more true? If it is not the epitome of burnout, surely it most be considered one of the pinnacles. It matters not, whether we are talking about an "everyday" Christian or a ministry leader... life happens to all of us. Life attempts to crowd out other things and other priorities in lives. Even as we've prayed for distractions and interruptions these past few days, we are continual barraged with matters that take our focus and attention from where it truly needs to be... the fellowship and presence of God. Christianity is an intentional faith. If we would rather not God be considered passive; One who has created us then left us to ourselves, but rather actively pursues us, then how much more should our faith be actively responding and interacting with God? The human condition is broken. Yet God is continuous in His attempts to bring us to a place of wholeness. Meanwhile, man may or may not understand the fullness of the broken state, but is constantly attempting to find wholeness by any means other than God. Even for the one who is saved, we can miss this mark... despite trying to accomplish it with Christian activity or things that revolve around the faith. But long before Jesus called the disciples to accomplish anything for the kingdom of God, He called them to the simple concept of fellowship with Him. So, as we pray for missionaries on this #missionsFriday, pray for those in various stages of burnout; who are finding themselves in states of frustration and distress because life and perhaps even ministry has crowded out times of fellowship. May God work the miraculous healing in the hearts, minds and souls and bring them to a place of wholeness as only He can accomplish. Pray for grace, as we are often harder on ourselves than what others place or demand of us. May there be a sense of forgiveness as God brings them through a process of restoration. Pray a return to be as intentional in our pursuit of God as He is in His pursuit of us. That was meant to be distract, derail and destroy Would only serve to strength our resolve To remain committed to the things of God To pursue fellowship with Him. To fulfill the calling and purpose He has placed upon our hearts. For the glory of God and the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() I caught part of a sermon yesterday, not to mention a pretty incredible interview before that, that happens to be a great extension to yesterday's post on timing and how things play out. So, the story goes that a king and his best friend went out hunting. Now the best friend is ever the optimist. A glass-half full guy, yet to be convinced to the contrary. Somehow he fails to load the gun properly, and sadly, when the king fires at whatever game they were hunting, a mishap occurs and the king loses the top of his thumb. Our optimist best friend responds as he always does... "this is good." "Good? How is this good? Half my thumb is missing?" "I don't know", the friend replies, "but it is." Surely, there must be a consequence, despite being an accident, so the king puts his friend in prison for a 1-year sentence. The following year, before the friend's time is up, the king goes hunting again... this time, in an unfamiliar region. It turns out, the region was inhabited by cannibals. As they were prepping the king for dinner, is about the time they noticed the missing half of his thumb. (this is still good, right?) As the king's fortune would have it, the cannibals had a superstition; the end result being, their victims had to be whole. The king not meeting this requirement, the cannibals let him go. Realizing the gun incident from the previous year just redeemed his life, he heads for the prison. Naturally, he releases his friend, shares this incredible story and offers his apologies. Upon hearing this great news, the ever-optimist friend answers, "No worries. It was good you put me in prison!" "Now, I know you're crazy, my friend. How is it good that I put you in prison?" *Herein lies the wisdom of our optimist. "For had you not put me in prison, I would have been with you. Hunting in an unfamiliar region of cannibals. And I have my two, whole thumbs." We don't always know how things end. We don't always know how things play out. Yet no matter the difficulty and challenges we face, the divine hand of God is at work. Sorry... I took a thought break for two minutes, scrolled briefly through Facebook and Elevation Church is playing a sermon video clip. Reading the captioning, the pastor speaks... "We always think God's presences is about fixing our problems. But what if God's presence is about fixing your perspective?" Well, that couldn't tie in to this post any better, could it? I think not. As we pray for missionaries on this #missionsFriday, pray that God would open hearts and minds anew to the power of perspective, perseverance and persistence. May discouragement and frustration not be the elements that cause them to miss opportunities for the miraculous. Though the stress levels are high and the unknown, anxiety-inducing, pray the peace of God would surpasses not only all understanding, but all confusion. Pray God would strengthen their resolve to continue in the work and ministry which they have been called; to trust the hand of God even when He may not be traceable. Confident in God's plan Trusting of His character Obedient to His voice. For all that God has made, He has called Good. For His glory For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() There are so many potential directions to take, when #missionsFriday coincides with Good Friday. Which come to think of it, is always going to be the case, I suppose. So a number of thoughts were in prayerful consideration today, until in between playing a couple of amazing albums, I caught the majority of a sermon on the death and resurrection of Christ. The details of his trial and what followed is just... almost to much to hear. Especially if you have a weak stomach! 39 blows to the body, with a leather whip covered in pieces of metal and sharp rocks. It's not surprising Christ needed help carrying His cross. What is amazing, was that He had the strength to carry it at all. The beating and torture with the whip was so severe, most people didn't even survive that! Less work for the soldiers, as it voided the need for a crucifixion. By the time one was on the cross, breathing was near impossible. If you weren't near death almost immediately, then you were an exception. And yet, to speed up the process, they pierce His side. How Christ and the thieves were able to exchange words, is amazing. Add to that, Christ finds the strength to speak; more like yell, the committing of His spirit unto God. Then the aftermath; never seen before nor since, when a person has died. Three hours of darkness. An earthquake. Surely, all creation mourned and grieved the loss of the Son of God. Yet, God recognizing the plan is complete, splits the temple veil. The pastor describes that chaotic scene. As people come for Passover preparations, the temple is in disarray. The Holy of Holies is accessible to the public; for the first time ever! And as part of the preparation was the acknowledgement that there was only one king, in God. Yet, during the trial, the religious leaders brought political pressure by saying there was only one king in Caesar. They accused Christ of blasphemy for stating His identity, while they were at fault for declaring competing kingships. What a mess! In his sermon, the pastor stated something incredibly profound. In the exchange between Pilate and Christ, Pilot thought he was total control, yet had none. Christ appeared to have no control of the situation, yet had it all under His control. Clearly... society needed a Messiah then. All the more, we need a Messiah today. I said this many, many posts ago... perhaps on a prior Good Friday. The automaker Porsche, may lay claim to the slogan "there is no substitute", but when it comes to eternity, there is indeed, one and only one substitute. The reason 3,000 were added to the church on the day of Pentecost was largely in part to the realization and understanding once Christ was dead, that indeed He was everything He said He was. The guilt of what they had done was real and fresh in their minds. They were ready to know and to hear, what, if anything could be done to redeem themselves. Thus, when Peter laid out the simplicity of the Gospel; hearts were ready to receive. Even if it seemed all too easy, if it's what was needed, they were ready to hear it and act upon it. The goodness of this Friday is only because of the benefit of hindsight. For those who lived this day and played a part in it, even if they did nothing; this was a horrendous day to be alive. But a God-ordained, amazingly-sovereign day to die. For the redemption of the world and the saving of many souls. On this #misssionsFriday, thanks for taking the time to read this extended post. Once again, I believe through the power of the Holy Spirit, it almost wrote itself and believe what's here is what God desired to be stated. So pray, this would be a day of revelation and understanding, for those who took a part in the uprising against Christ... they represent the world we live in today. A culture wanting nothing to do with Christ. May eyes be opened to the truth and purpose of Christ and the cross. Pray this would be a day that many would say as the soldier did; truly He is the Son of God. May this Easter weekend, be a time of spiritual awaking and resurrection, for the saving of many souls, both in local churches and global missions. For all the events and activities, may opportunities abound for the conversation to take place... that each of our sins tortured Christ; but Christ would rather take our place than watch us die in our sins. That He took our beating; Then carried our sin. Yet found the strength to speak life While on the verge of death. All for the love of God. Literally. Eternally. Friday is Good; for in one death; all may live. Abundant and Eternal. - PNC Welcome!
Thanks so much for joining us, for another #missionsFriday. I still can't believe how fast time is flying. Tomorrow marks the 23 consecutive month of posting these daily prayers and I'm grateful for those of you who are supporting your pastors and ministries through prayer. I was greatly encouraged by yesterday's "verse of the day". The New American Standard states Hebrews 6:10 with these words: "For God is not unjust so as to forget your work and the love which you have shown toward His name, in having ministered and in still ministering to the saints." Isn't that a great verse? For every once in a while, when we all have those days where we wonder if our lives are truly making an impact... not only to the unsaved around us, but also to encourage and uplift the fellow believers with whom we share life; God remembers our efforts in strengthening His kingdom. Of course, there are many more who have served and minister much more than I. And on this #missionsFriday, I felt led, to put a different twist... praying specifically for evangelists, apostles and prophets. The men and women who hold these positions within the church to bring incredible insight and wisdom; strengthening and ministering to the body of Christ. Yes, their efforts reached the lost as well, but they also call us to greater understanding and deeper faith in our walk with God as we are transformed by the power of Christ at work in our lives. These are invaluable offices; gifts really that God has blessed us with the opportunity to hear, engage and receive from Him. And they need our support just as much, prayerfully and otherwise. So, let us pray this #missionsFriday, for evangelists, apostles and prophets... for the unique circumstances and challenges they face for their ministries. May they be strengthened and encouraged even this hour. May God provide and protect, in their travels, in the time away from family, that God would be their source, for all they have need of each and every day. Pray for opportunities and doors to be open; that God would direct their paths and where He would desire to place them for such a time as this. May the church be challenged and changed anew, as these speak into and over the body of Christ; proclaiming the good news and the greatness of God... to greater depths and higher heights in our faith in Him. For the glory of God. For the advancement of the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC We are desire a relationship. More importantly, we all desire healthy relationships. Be it romantic in nature, or a friendship, familial or work-related, nobody wakes up and says the equivalent of 'today, I want to be dismissed, ignored, disrespected and disgraced, abused or neglected'.
We long for love, grace and forgiveness. We seek acceptance. We desire a confidant. And we know that a healthy relationship is one that will make us a better person, for who wants to hang out with someone who makes them worse off than when they met? Enter Jesus Christ. And we question his existence. We reject the truth He speaks. We deny our sinful state in light of His sacrifice. And point to others whose relationship was "unhealthy" as cause for your staying away. It's logic that's on par with the reasons people offer to not get married or not work professionally with friends and family. Yet, relationship with God through Jesus Christ is direct. Yes, the body of Christ is interwoven, but it's hard to speak objectively on the health of someone else' relationship from one's own unhealthiness. As I considered these things yesterday, I came home last night and later read a post on social media, about Christianity being the American Taliban. Here's the difference. Christ and those who suffer persecution for His sake did and do so in the hopes that others may have life eternal. I don't wish ill-will on those who disagree with the Gospel... for it speaks daily to Christians, who struggle with the truth it presents, for it brings illumination to things in our life that we now must confront. There is working through it with the help of Christ. There is turning away sad, as the rich young ruler, who did not like what Christ presented. One response desires health. The other, desires the status quo. The love of Christ demands a response... not by force or bullying; He will wait for one. But one day everyone will give one. So, pray this #misssionsFriday, that today would be a day of response, to the truth and love of Christ. Pray for those who've yet to hear the Good News of Christ; that their response to the invitation of eternal life would be one of health and that a solid foundation of faith would be laid, drawing them ever closer to the presence and power of God in their lives. As the truth of God continues to confront things in our lives that are out of alignment, may the church continue to seek His face and respond from a position of health. May offense and rejection not gain a foothold, but that we would continue to allow Christ to work in our lives; that we may greater reflect His image to a world desperately lost... and in need of a healthy relationship with the One true Savior. Not my will, But thine be done. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ Whose blood was shed that we might have life and life eternal. - PNC ![]() Wednesday, I had two ideas bouncing around the back of my head, for Friday and Saturday's post. I couldn't decide what day they might be best suited, as they could have gone either way. Yesterday, I lost them both. I prayed God would bring them to my remembrance... I think Saturday's concept came back, but what to do for what you are reading now? Then last night, when I finally got home, at one point someone posted a previous "word of the day" on social media. And by previous, it was a day from last April! Palliate: to relieve or lessen without curing. While we know and understand there are many situations and circumstances for which there are no "cures" and our best efforts to little to relieve or lessen the agony, pain, sadness or frustration of life, my first thought was God's passion for our souls. Even our faith at times can't comprehend the how and why of God's working in our lives. But in light of the eternal path of our soul, how wonderful is it that God does not attempt to relieve our sinful state without a "cure". He didn't put forth a best effort, "that's as good as it's going to be; I did what I could; You can't tell from a distance" when He confronted the sinful state of man. He provided an answer. A solution. A spiritual "cure". When it came down to His love for us, He did not palliate a viable option to help our suffering. He sent His Son. On this #missionsFriday, there is no relief for the sins of our soul but through the "cure" of the cross of Christ. It this day and age where every message is louder than this, in the end of eternity, none matters more. Pray, this #missionsFriday, that even as missionaries face difficulties in their own loves and they struggle to help others in their time of difficulty, may the message of the cross rise above. May the power of God transcend our present, yet temporal pain and frustration; that whether we recognize for the first time or remember once again... just how miraculous is the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. For missionaries that are tired and weary, may God renew their hearts, minds and spirits; empowering them from heaven. While their "best efforts" may not be enough, by the power of the Holy Spirit, the love and grace of God is indeed, more than enough. In fact, is exactly, what is needed. Regardless of who we are; Where we find ourselves And the state in which we exist. Jesus Christ is the only true relief. By the grace of God, may many experience the power of salvation Even to those at the ends of the earth, perhaps at the end of their rope. For where sin created a problem, God made a promise. - PNC ![]() Winds have ripped through my home state in the past 24 hours causing major power outages scattered abroad. So severe is the damage, the utility company is reporting this is the worst in their history, with over a million customers left in the dark. My best friend said this morning, as soon as the first power line fell, the utility began calling for back-up from two or three states over; in hopes that upon their arrival, the storm would be over and they could get a jump on assessing the situation and getting grids brought back online. Despite people's best efforts to make the most of a frustrating situation, being left in the dark isn't very fun. Sure, the candles and blankets are romantic, depending on if any kids are around, in which case it's just loads of fun, unless they are easily frightened. Staying with family and friends is a joy until someone realizes why you don't live in the same neighborhood in the first place. We love you, but I'd like my space back. (if anything, I'm more likely to hear this than to say it, but I guess that might depend on who was over, if I were the host). You know how it goes. As I consider though, the plight of the western world being left dark, I couldn't help but be reminded of the spiritual plight of this world... left in the eternal darkness short of living a life illuminated by the truth of the Gospel of Christ. For inasmuch as the utility company was scrambling for reinforcements and skilled labor to bring towns and communities back "on-line", so to, the church needs to be scrambling to bring people "in-line" to God through the person of Jesus Christ. I for one, know I should and could be doing more. Yet, in this technology-driven world (as my phone charges via my laptop, my youngest stands by grandpa playing with her leapfrog tablet and the oldest sits with grandma playing on her kid kindle fire), it's easy... perhaps too much so, to not be concerned about those going without the luxuries of this modern age. How much do we consider their plight should they miss the eternal luxury of heaven by being left in the vast darkness of eternity outside of the presence of the glory of God. May it not be so. The utility company spent almost the entire day before they started issuing estimated times for power restoration. May we not lose any time in delaying the opportunity to tell people how much longer they are to wait in spiritual darkness. For as much as we want the lights turned on (and now), all the more, may people desire a spiritual awaking to the light of Christ. For we are His light to the world. Pray, this #missionsFriday, that it would be a day of spiritual light-switches being flicked on towards God. May many lives be activated as the truth of God's Word illuminates hearts and minds. Pray that the blinders of this life would be cast aside and the desire for the light of Jesus Christ to transform our lives. May we not be distracted by the temporal pleasures and set-backs of this earth, but focused on the joys of heaven, content with the blessings of God that He has bestowed upon humanity. May the people of God work as tirelessly as the linemen That hearts would be brought online to the things of God Long before we worry about whether power grid is functional. For whatever power this earth produces; it pales in comparison To the power of God at work in the lives of humanity. For those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019