Let's just state the obvious, for the record.
Hostility is stressful. Even in light of the revelation that we are not of this world; that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against princes and powers of this dark age, the struggle is real. And difficult. And risky. Every nation and society has it's own battles and struggles. Hostility comes in all forms; whether through political agendas or doctrinal differences or the disconnect between good and evil and gradations that exist whereby we justify actions and attitudes. And at the face of it... is an actual face. A surreal reminder that for all the fear and frustration of both past and future encounters is a person. Made in the image of God; created for a divine plan and purpose. It be easy to say that such a true is easy to maintain, but it's not... hence, calling it a surreal reminder. This makes understanding and trusting for that matter, the sovereign hand of God difficult at times, as we remember that while we are to reflect Christ, we are also in the presence of evil. Last days indeed. On this #missionsFriday, pray for those missionaries who are in difficult places of hostility and conflict. While sharing the Gospel has it challenges, pray for those whose circumstances are compounded by tragedy of evil, war, and oppression. May God strengthen them anew and afresh. May their be a spiritual connection and attraction to the presence of God through their willingness to go to the dark and desolate places. Pray to the end, that evil would be defeated and that lives would be saved and transformed for the glory of God. Unwilling that any should perish, But that all would come to repentance Through Jesus Christ For the glory of God. - PNC
Somebody posted some wise advice regarding the application of certain principles and in the course of the online conversation, comments revolved around removing the spiritual aspect.
I understand the reasoning for this... sometimes things get over-spiritualized, more than they should be or the spiritual aspect dominates so much of the conversation or point of view that it's hard to see the value or validity of the matter on it's own merit. So, the advice someone posted, was quite a simple analogy and slightly profound, but it highlights the reality that not everyone will agree on everything. All to easily, people get offended over the parts they don't like rather than heeding these words... "chew the meat and spit out whatever you think are bones." I replied, that that was a good analogy, except for the bones keep the meat where it belongs! #spiritualtruthsmatter Ministry isn't easy. And it's not the ministry itself that makes it difficult... it's people! I know. I'm a person. But this is why. It's 2018. We don't like being told what to do. We don't like being told that change is necessary. We certainly don't like the thought of doing things differently from the world; God forbid the world considers anything unlike itself weird. Who wants to give up their guilty pleasures for a season? Who wants to live with the consequences of their immoral actions, behaviors and attitudes? Who wants to respond the voice of God and the conviction of the Holy Spirit? We are witnessing an ever-increasing time of "that works for you, but it's not for me" mindset. God. The most dissed and dismissed Father in the history of humanity. Yet He still stands on the porch of heaven, awaiting for the sight of His prodigal, still a long way off. On this #missionsFriday, pray God would encourage those in missions, reaching the lost and spreading the Gospel of peace, love and hope; salvation and redemption. Pray God would break the mindset of one "not needing" relationship with Almighty God. Pray for breakthrough, in the attitudes and perception that hinder people from having a true understanding of who God is; what Christ did and why it matters today. Pray for revelation; that spiritual truth would be made known and applied to lives. That we would live forever changed. From glory to glory. For God's glory alone. - PNC I'm not sure if it's mildly amusing or incredibly frustrating, the things that we allow to stand in the way of our making progress in life. And worse, making progress in our faith.
Reasoning and rationalizing up the wazoo. Justified and amplified, over-analyzed and over-reacted. Slip-ups, trip-ups, hang-ups and mess-ups... and all they do is keep us down; sometimes to the point of not ever wanting to get back up. We hold up the work that God desires to accomplish in our lives We miss the prompting of the Holy Spirit We ignore the conviction that comes from the truth established in His Word Sadly, we listen all to well to the words spoken by President Bartlet from the show, The West Wing. "Just stand there in your wrongness and be wrong and get used to it." We say wrong. We do wrong. We live wrong. Let me replace that with I. I don't know about you... I do all the aforementioned. The things we allow to bog down our lives... the fail in comparison to that which bogs down our faith. Sometimes you can't help that it carries over. Other times you can. And all too often, even in ministry, we allow ourselves to exist in that state longer than what is healthy and necessary before allowing God to do His work. It doesn't matter of one is in the stage of salvation or the process of sanctification, life happens to us all. And not enough faith is impacting life. On this #missionsFriday, pray for those in missions, who themselves are struggling with the battles and frustrations of life. Pray for those who are in difficult and trying times and trials of the Refiner's fire. May God strengthen and quicken them, body, mind and soul to endure and persevere. Pray for their conversations; that eyes would be opened, minds would understand and hearts would receive, that while we are fallen in sin, we can rise up in Christ. May God's work be completed And His Word fulfilled. For the cause of Jesus Christ And the advancement of the Good News. For the glory of God. - PNC The test will produce a testimony.
A message will come from from the mess. And yes, sadly, there will be moments of misery in the ministry. Christianity is a self-sacrificing faith. It's not about us, but man, if the enemy doesn't do everything possible to keep us frustrated and focused on the problems and difficulties of that don't extend beyond the driveway. So while it may not even take much of matter to distract us, it can be enough that we refocus our sight on the test, mess and misery rather than what God is working within us to create a "final product" God is never done with us; we have never fully arrived. And that should comfort us greatly. But even that truth causes some sadness, as if we won't get a reprieve from the struggles of life. But to those who continue to place their trust in Him, He is faithful. In our weakness, He is strong. And those who call upon the name of the Lord, are saved. It's not easy to continually remind ourselves, that this life is not ours and this ground is not our home; especially as society and culture places an ever-increasing emphasis on self-identity and self-assurance. But it's necessary. For as God gave, so do those who follow Him. On this #missionsFriday, pray that God would strengthen and encourage those bogged down by the test and the mess. Pray the Holy Spirit would quicken them and remind them that the battle is not forever. May there be a grace; an unexplainable grace in the lives of missionaries. Not that life is perfect, but that God is good and faithful. May their message and ministry not be hindered or derail because of today's momentary afflictions. For the glory of God And the advancement of the Gospel. - PNC It's been said that you can't legislate morality.
To which, I think I've formulated my reply... Then how can you criminalize immorality? The best laid plans, the strongest wills, the most determined... the more time passes the more it becomes clear: society is attempting to fix outside behavior without addressing an internal problem. And we're all works in progress. The cleanest saint is still a dirty sinner, because the only comparison that matters spiritually is how we stand before God next to the person of Jesus Christ. It's not a popular perspective, I know... but it is a true reality. The struggles of society are the same as those in ministry; the battles carry over and at their core, have the same intent... to destroy us and shatter our faith; regardless of how much faith we may have and in whom we place it. And the conversation is becoming increasingly necessary and increasingly delicate. These are certainly interesting days for Christianity and the advancement of the Gospel. Pray, this #missionsFriday, that God would strengthen and encourage missionaries in their efforts. May God grant them wisdom in navigating not only their lives, but their conversations with the lives of others. Pray for opportunity and favor in their communication of the Gospel. Pray for a boldness that goes beyond ability; a passion that moves past fear. Pray also, for a super-natural move of the Holy Spirit. While we can do life without God Why would you want you? Lord, help this day... And every one after. - PNC I'm looking at this screen and there's just too much going on. Too much in my mind. So many different situations calling for my attention, that needed to be sorted out and game planned. Then for this, things I've said, things I'd like to say... then again, everyone it seems has something to say as much as things they would like to say.
How often do we forget that with our "rights" come responsibilities. Is it possible that when we neglect our responsibility, we show our contempt for the right? I don't know where that came from... green stamp bonus, perhaps? These days truly worry me... as if people don't know what they are facing because as a society we have seemingly forgotten what we have already overcome. There are many thin95gs going on in current events that prompt this perception, but little cements it as much as a song by Kerry Livgren and his band, A.D. In their 1985 release of The Art of the State, is a song titled Progress. We're getting better, climbing higher and controlling solutions; but we don't realize that in we are in fact marching backwards. As captains of our fate, we are spiraling downwards. It's hard to comprehend that there is something more incredible and desirable than the power of God and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ that we may have eternal life, but here we are. Christianity seems to be a greater deterrent to people rather than the appeal that one might believe. You know what's weird? Sin created the divide between God and man. Christ offered Himself as the bridge. And consistent with this seemingly revisionist history that cultures seems to be focused on, we've written the Gospel out of our daily life, let alone our body politic. Bryan Duncan sings a song titled Remember Me, the story of the thief and Christ on the Cross. And as it's playing currently, I'm thinking... people will arrive before the throne room and will be unable to call for Jesus to remember them into His kingdom, for they did not remember Him during their time on this Earth. Well, on that note (no pun intended), let's pray... that on this #missionsFriday, that the Holy Spirit would move on hearts and minds; that their would be a drawing to God and the power of the Cross of Christ. Pray for an understanding of sin and a crisis moment of repentance. Pray for a fresh revelation on who God is; that religion would not detract, but a personal encounter would entice. Pray for a turning point on our culture and society as people turn their lives over to God. Pray for healing and health, where the church and the people of God have missed the mark; both in the presentation of the Gospel and in the active living of our faith. May God supersede the faults of Christians To reveal His grace and glory that can only be found in Him For the cause of Jesus Christ And the advancement of the kingdom of Heaven. - PNC Well, it took all week, but I finally remembered, from Sunday, the question I wanted to pose for this pastor #seniorPastorMonday. But alas, it's #missionsFriday and the question is just as relevant for missionaries as it is for pastors.
Sunday morning, Pastor relayed the story of Horatio Spafford, as we sang a modern version of It Is Well, during praise and worship. After losing his children in a shipwreck, his wife somehow surviving, he pens the song en route to pick up his wife. The often untold sequel to the tragedy is that his son was born three years after the shipwreck, only to live a very short life of 4 years himself. Solitude faces great loss... which is usually the point and time that many become lost themselves. Those without Christ, surely have that experience. Those who believe still encounter and struggle with that experience. And ministry is no different, either. So, what do you do in those moments? Dig deep. As we sang through the It Is Well once again, I found myself pondering the words of David, when he was on the run and hiding in caves. Why are you so downcast, oh my soul.. Put your trust in God! Nobody could offer words of encouragement or support. Nobody could empathize nor sympathize with his experience and level of frustration. When all was said and done, he knew only God could deliver him. And having an understanding of that power, he knew it was the only and right thing to do. Thus, he put the imperative upon himself. To my spirit and my soul, Arise and trust God! Hard as it may be, given the other choices and places in which you could put your trust, why would you? It is the good, right and easy thing to do. A struggle at times, but worth it. On this #missionsFriday, pray for those struggling with a downcast soul and frustrated spirit. May they be encouraged by the power of the Holy Spirit, and quickened, to dig deep within them and place their trust in God anew and afresh. Whatever they face, whatever has come against them, pray that faith would arise to a greater degree. May they not be overcome with anxiety and worry, but walk with boldness and confidence in the hand and work of God upon their lives and their ministries. For all that we don't understand For all that we shouldn't be able to endure We do so by grace and strength of God. Full of love. Sovereign over all. For His glory alone. - PNC Isn't amazing, how much chaos we endure in life? Things should calm done for the life dedicated to Christ and it's not that they actually do so, but our perspective towards the chaos changes. At least it should.
And yet, for many it doesn't. Life seems just as chaotic with Christ as it did before Christ. But God has not called us to pass from chaos to chaos, but from glory to glory. For those without Christ, the chaos of life causes a negative transformation within one's soul. The agony, stress and frustration seemingly dominate every attitude and perspective we have towards our outlook on life. This is why, it's not enough to have salvation in Christ alone. We must choose to live, not only in the redemptive grace of the Cross, but also be controlled by the power of the Holy Spirit. It is a conscious decision on our part and commitment to our trust and understanding that God is at work in our lives, according to His plans and purposes. You would think it would be an easy thing to remember and keep in proper perspective at the forefront of our minds, even for those in ministry, but that's not always the case. Chaos affects everyone and even carries out its' devastating effects on those who diligently perform the work of the kingdom of God. So, on this #missionsFriday, pray for missionaries who are struggling with the chaos of life. Pray for strength to endure and peace in the midst of the storm. May their be a grace about their lives and a balance within their soul. Pray the would not be influenced by the chaos, but indeed, controlled by the Spirit. May the peace that surpasses all understanding give them opportunity to share the Gospel; as they live as one in whom where greater is He that is in them, is greater than he that is in the world. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC "Everyone has a story about God; whether they believe in Him or not." - Michael Savage, author, radio host
What a great statement as we enter this Easter weekend. What's equally true is that God has a story for each one of us. Furthermore, whether we believe in Him or not, He believes in us. He wants the best for us, our lives, our families, friends and communities. The world is His and all that is in it! Why would He wish it any intentional wrong? The God who sent His Son that we may be free from sin, also gave us freedom knowing full well we might fully immerse ourselves in it. He was willing to risk the life of His Son to restore humanity to right relationship with Him with the same odds that we might risk eternity to reject such an opportunity. It's another reminder that life is real and both the decisions and consequences therin do have and make an eternal impact. But what an opportunity the Easter period is, to engage and hear one's story about God... whatever it may look like, whatever joy or sorrow it entails. Whatever the outcome that has brought one to today leaves an open door for one step closer to God to be made in that story. Sadly, many might take one step further away, but again, we're dealing with eternal risk and reward. Redemption awaits for those who call on the name of the Lord. The untold stories of both those who call and those who don't are surely epic on many levels and a plethora of outcomes. Yet one story is constant for all of humanity, for all of eternity. That of God's love and Christ's purpose of the Cross and Resurrection. Pray, this good #missionsFriday for the miraculous in the lives of those whose stories have to relay an eternal reward. May the tragedy and suffering that has endured be made whole through the love of Jesus Christ, rather than prolonged by one's rejection of Him. Pray for strength for the trials and battles that are being endured. May Christ indeed be their rescue and Savior, not just from the problems of this life, but problems of the soul that stem from the sin and evil that resides within us. Pray that all things would be made new as a fresh surrender to the work of the Cross of Christ is made. That today would be a good Friday, Not only because of what Christ accomplished at Calvary, But because of how our lives interact with that sovereign moment. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC "It doesn't matter if you believe in God; He believes in you." - Jim Caviezel
An interesting perspective, as we pray for missions. People are so quick to dismiss God and we are concerned about the obstacles that stand in the way of people coming to Him. And while that conversation takes time, the truth and affirmation in changing someone's life begins with the words that we've discussed earlier this week. God has a plan and a purpose for every single person. There is nothing that can separate us from the love of God. His grace and forgiveness is available to all who would accept it. And as much as it needs to be shared with the unbeliever, even the believer has days when these truths are hard to stand up, rely in, and move forward with, through this life. Even those in ministry. Whatever your battle, whatever your struggle, whatever mountain stands in your way... God believes in you; in who you are, in who He created you to be... one destined for eternity. Pray this #missionsFriday, both for those in ministry needing this reaffirming truth and to those who need to hear this eternal truth. Pray God would strengthen those battling their way through ministry as well as those struggling to endure everyday life. Pray today would be a day of salvation and redemption. That we would be people of purpose And of destiny. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC You know what really burns people out?
The list is long, I know. Your list is long. My list is long. We could poll the list from pastors and missionaries and church leaders and gain a whole other perspective. If we were really honest and dug deep, we could have an intense conversation. My thoughts on the matter? Repetition. Repetition is often a good thing. For learning. For discipline. For stability and familiarity. It has it's place and importance. So perhaps I should be more specific. Repetition... of problems. The same issues. The same battles. The same analysis of the issue The same conversations. The same proposed solutions. When do we get to deal with something else? As I'm thinking about what comes next, people are coming to mind that I know that have transitioned from pastoring a church to going to the mission field to stepping into other areas of leadership within their church's denomination or fellowship. I know there's a calling and moving in the plans that God has for them that is involved in this process, but again, if we dug deep enough, I can't imagine there not being a conversation where there's not some sort of element of being ready or desiring a change in ministry... and praying for and pursuing a change in ministry was preferable to perhaps exiting ministry altogether. Life will always have problems and challenges. Circumstances will always overlap. And people will navigate and endure the same circumstances, many times over at some point. It's frustrating to have it be in your life. It's frustrating to be the one helping someone through it. Yes, there's a joy. A calling. A purpose. But it's work. A lot of work. And as much as people need to know that there is a plan and purpose whereby God is a work in their lives, so to, those that are helping need to know that God is doing a great work as they come along side and minister and continue point people back to Christ and closer to God... no matter the problem or the frequency of it. On this #missionsFriday, pray that God would strength and encourage those missionaries that have reached the end or are nearing the end of wanting to deal with repetitious problems. Not that they ever end, but they realize they are getting worn thin. May God give them direction if a change of scenery or ministry needs to be made. Pray God would give them perspective and understanding and wisdom as to how to best approach their days and their time. Pray that God would help to enjoy the journey, the process and the learning. May the knowledge that God is at work, continually with never-ending love and an eternal purpose spur them in advancing the Gospel of Christ. For God does not give us more than we can handle, No matter how close we may feel we are to breaking. Pressing on towards the prize of the high calling of God. For His glory. - PNC Every day seems to be another revelation that our battle is not with flesh and blood, but with powers and principalities of this dark age. The explanation for the dichotomy between good and evil eludes us; if for no other reason than our society's failure to acknowledge the reality of spiritual warfare.
Yet, one doesn't have to look very far to witness and read the hostility that exists against Christianity. Many deny the reality the perspectives and desires that are being stated against Christians; but around the world, the challenges are great, the struggles are real and the stories are chilling. The news headline that I heard earlier today had me shaking my head in disbelief. There's really no easy answer, either. For the believer, we know how the story ends. We know who wins. We understand what we will endure. But just because we stand on the promises of God does not mean that the daily struggle to remain standing against the blowing winds of fear cease. Indeed, the threats of evil are both disheartening and unsettling. And while we can only hope and pray that we would stand the test of faith where we facing such hostile ideals on a daily basis, we can certainly pray and continually present before the throne room of God, the lives of those whose daily reality is the battle against the evil that is prominent and pervasive in their attempts to snuff them out... both figuratively and literally. For even Christ warned us... the world hated Me. Don't be surprised, that they will hate you too. Pray this #missionsFriday, for missionaries and church leadership around the globe that are facing pure evil. Pray that God would hold them steadfast in His hand. Pray that God would give them wisdom, daily, in the handling and navigating of circumstances and situations that are truly hostile, complex and down-right unconscionable. May God guard their hearts and minds and may the angels of heaven come quickly to their aid. Pray they would not be detoured, nor faint or weary from the battle. May God help them overcome. For His plans are good, His purposes perfectly timed, And His will sovereign. Though we don't understand, We trust... for He is a good God. And we overcome, by the blood of the Lamb And the word of our testimony. - PNC I heard a power perspective, that I'd like to relay and check if this doesn't resonate.
Evolution kills the family. The human race is the only species in which family exists through the existence of relationship. Relationship, by the way, is the foundation of our connection with God and His Kingdom. But consider what evolution teaches. The coming to life as the next phase of animal, rather than an intentional creation. It denies God and the concept that humanity exists for a purpose. Without God, their is no basis for morality. Whatever may become of me in the next life, there is no eternity after this life. So, with no eternity and no morality, what is to prevent me from fulfilling every whim and notion on any given day? And is that not what we are witnessing on a daily basis? No need for God No need for relationship. No eternal consequence for our earthly lifestyle. No fear of tomorrow, nor consideration of today; who might be affected by our decisions. What authority do you have over me, for you are no better not different than me. Leave me to live my life alone, how I see fit; for I have no purpose, neither was one contemplated as I came into existence. Is it any wonder then, the world has arrived at such troubled times as these? And yet, this is the mental and spiritual battle that faces the ministry of the Gospel. For while it was once elementary in our culture, it is now, once again revolutionary. Pray, this #missionsFriday that God would strengthen missionaries as they battle the front lines of a culture that is far from God. May God give them wisdom, as they encounter every train of thought that has elevated itself against the knowledge of Christ. Pray a spirit of grace and the ability to love; that they would exemplify the character of Christ as they present the truth of God's Word. May the truth stand victorious and the Light scatter the darkness May God hear our prayers Answer from heaven And heal our land. For the glory of God. And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC As I'm getting ready to write this, I find myself thinking about the times that God "called" people out. Not only to do and accomplish His will, but the whole process of physically transitioning one's self from the place that they have known to the place where they have little to no clue. What a challenge!
Moving three minutes down the street takes effort. Moving 30 minutes feels like more work than your day job. Then there's moving 30 hours! Or three thousand miles. While hesitant at times about the unknown and unanswered, they stepped out in faith, albeit not always with the greatest sense of confidence. But they knew and trusted in God. And so the cost and logistical struggle of where God was taking them from to where He wanted to place them was one that failed to hinder them. If fact, the one for whom the cost was too great was because of his perspective Holding on to his stuff kept him from an incredibly amazing walk with God. You almost can't help but wonder what he might have accomplished for the kingdom of God had he heeded Christ' call. I understand the dilemma. We all have stuff. We like our stuff. And some of it is good stuff! But if it stands in the way of what God desires to do in and through your life... talk about a loss. Is there anything that is worth taking such a risk? Pray this #missionsFriday for missionaries. May the cares and things of this world neither hinder, nor prevent God hand and purpose upon their lives. Pray for the miraculous, as they seek the face of God and step out in the plans and directions that God has ordained for them. Pray they would not be tempted or enticed away from the eternal for the appeal of the temporal. May the same be true for us As we grow and mature in our faith. Drawing ever closer to the presence of God For His glory alone. - PNC I really don't know how much more evidence is needed to convince the world that there are spiritually forces at work in the world in which we live. And how crafty of a scheme is it, for the enemy of our souls to continually push the point that we as a people, culture and society are better off without God and then when people try to understand and gain perspective of the tragedy, travesty and evil that occurs, he convinces us that returning to God is not the answer.
But isn't that what one does when they are lost? You turn around and go back to the place where you weren't lost. It's called retracing your steps! Yet here we stand, in 2018. Lost. Looking for solutions. And coming up with every possible scenario other than looking back to the place of clarity and understanding; the place of confidence and stability. The process of repentance is easy. The harsh realization that takes place immediately before hand is incredibly difficult. But like anything else in life, the hard work is worth the price. Sadly, however, it's a price that many don't want to pay. So rather than pay the price of repentance, we continue to pay the price of consequence. What will it take? Truth. Spoken in love. To ears that are ready to listen and receive. Pray, this #missionsFriday, that hearts would be opened and ready to receive the truth of the spiritual matter. May the truth be spoken in love. Pray for the hurting to be healed and the broken to be restored. May God work the miraculous as people repent and turn from evil. May today be a day of positive change for all eternity. Pray the church would indeed be a light on the hill, for those lost in the darkness. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ - PNC It's so easy to freak out when the storms come. We see them looming on the horizon or hear of their pending visitation and the talk begins. How much we dislike them; our utter disdain for the chaos that they bring; the challenge of navigating our way through their strength and torment.
You thought I was talking about life? Perhaps you missed the weather report! Yet, navigating life is like traversing inclement weather. You instinctively know what to do. Take precautions. Slow down. Remain alert. Give high regard of your surroundings. Be confident of your abilities. Remember to breathe. Focusing on the potential for disaster robs you of the energy and perspective you will need should that potential become a real threat. When the distraction of the storm overwhelms your focus that you rely on to get the storm, then you know you are in real trouble. Yes, it's a powerful life principle. It's a greater matter of faith. With each successful endurance of a storm, you worry less about the next. With each negative outcome of a storm, you fear the worst about the next. Either God has promised to see you through, or He has lied and left you to fend for yourself. Know and believe in whom you've placed your trust; for this too shall pass. Let's pray, this #missionsFriday, for those missionaries struggling to navigate the storms of life. May they keep their focus on Christ and their trust in God. Pray they would remain confident in His Word and hold steadfast to His promises. Pray they would not be distracted by the surroundings and circumstances, but remain faithful and calm to continue in the work to which God has called them. Pray the peace of God that surpasses all understanding would keep them in perfect peace, regardless of what appears to be in the future forecast. For God is with us always. Master over the wind and the waves Control the chaos of our lives And fill us with your perfect peace. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC I don't listen to Joyce Meyer all that often, but she talked the other day about how we struggle with certain times of our lives, in light of our faith. We hang on to things longer than we should and battle internally with our faults and failures, problems and proclivities and God simply asks the same thing He asks all of us... both before and after having come to Him through Christ.
How long are you going to hang on to that? It's a rhetorical question of course, but as Joyce shared, the one time that she gave an answer to God, of three days, it was as if God responded with, "and while my grace still be sufficient then?" So the question is, while we battle in frustration of both heart and mind, God waits and wonders, why we wait so long for our release to Him if He response doesn't change? People put off accepting Jesus Christ as Savior for the same reasons the everyday Christian and ministry leader seem to stall in the walk of faith. There is nothing in our lives that gives God pause to offer and extend His redemptive grace and accepting love to us. So, on this #missionsFriday, pray for a clarity of understanding of God's gift. For wherever Christians and non-Christians alike find themselves, may guilt and shame not hinder and hold them back from God's ever-lasting grace and unending love. May today be a spiritual day of freedom and newness of life as people realize that they can accept themselves now, because they were accepted by God, first. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC "Make 5 good decisions. Then make 50.
Then make 500. Then... stop counting." - Pastor James McDonald We make decisions every day. Some are made through intense times of strategic planning, others made on the whim of spontaneity. Both instances can result in amazing benefits or agonizing frustration. I understand as Christians, and even Scripture is full of men and women of God, with great faith, we are prone to make and have made bad decisions and wrong choices. But that shouldn't define our lives and legacy, nor should they ruin our testimony or ministry. I want to emphasize that such moments "shouldn't define", as the Bible contains a number of stories of men and women who were defined. They followed God, accomplished great exploits and lived incredible lives and yet the were known for the outcome that resulted from one bad decision. Thus, McDonald's advice is well-offered and intended. And on this #missionsFriday, what would be a better decision, than one that is made in surrender to Christ and a commitment made to the calling and purposes of God. Whether it be a first decision or a renewed decision, may our first decisions of the day be good and spiritual in nature and watch what God accomplishes through the decisions that follow. Pray, then, starting with ministry leadership, that good decisions would be made. May we not be defined but faults and failures, but renewed and strengthened to press on in the faith and calling that God has placed on us. May our commitment to Christ and trust in God stand strong and firm, unwavering and unshakeable, even in the moments when we miss the mark, whether by a minute or by a mile. Making good decisions With minds that have been renewed by His Word And hearts that have been transformed by His life. For the glory of God. - PNC Is it just me or does it seem like every day we get further and further away from truth. Not only that, but we get further away from those who speak truth and even wanting little to nothing to do with them. Indeed, we find ourselves in the life and times of those who have exchanged the truth for a lie. Not one lie, either, but the snowball effect that follows.
All because of a rejection of God. But not only is there a rejection of God, but also a rejection of the people of God. This is nothing new either, by the way. Israel pleaded and begged God for a king to lead them, but then turned and rejected the man God had raised up and placed in that position. The kings all had the moments of circumstance where they rejected the Word of God as spoken through the prophets; some even thought they could handle the duties of the priests. Nobody likes to be rejected, nor go unheard; especially when it comes to spiritual matters and discerned by church leadership through the roles of pastors, missionaries and others. But as these times are experienced, the words of Christ provide comfort and encouragement. "Don't be surprise when this happens; they rejected me. They'll reject you as well." There will always be those who don't want to hear the truth, let alone have anything to do with the truth or allowing it to influence and direct their lives. All the more reason to continue speaking it and praying that it would land on the hearts and minds of those who would heed it. On this #missionsFriday, pray for missionaries (as well as pastors) who are finding themselves in positions where they are not being well received, for whatever reason when it comes to declaring the truth of the Gospel of Christ. May God continue to grant them strength and wisdom for today and the days to come. Pray that God would continue to move on hearts and minds; that the Holy Spirit would bring them to a place of revelation and understanding. May the truth go forth and the Word of God return, not as void; but valid and life-changing for those who hear and respond. For the enemy seeks to deceive and destroy But Christ brings hope and freedom To the lost, blind and dying As we each, once were. For the glory of God. - PNC "Your value does not decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth." -unknown
How simple. How true. How profound. As I was once reminded of this again this past week, in not so many words, it applies and should comfort to both people of faith and people far from God. Anyone, and all of us, in fact, struggle on any given day to remember and focus on the fact that our worth comes from God and not from man. We may be earthen vessels, but we are heaven's treasure. The problems created and the havoc wreaked when we focus too long on the negativity that is being cast our way and spoken to us are disconcerting and stressful, to say the least. So, do we look at others in our lives as God sees them? Do we look at ourselves the way God does? As the old hymn goes... Keep your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face. And the things of this earth, will grow strangely dim. In the light of His glory and grace. On this #missionsFriday, pray for those, even in ministry and in missions, battling a sense of worth. From whatever source the struggle may come, may the keep their face on Christ and their heart set on the things of God. May the temporary problems of their plight not cause them to falter, stumble or fail, but that they would stand strong, reliant upon their Creator. Pray they would be empowered by the Holy Spirit to press on; that the frustration, emotion and chaos would not overwhelm them, but that they would overcome. By the blood of the Lamb And the word of their testimony. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019