Three days in and the idea I thought I had for this yesterday has gone missing!! New Year = new level of writer's block?
Let's change gears. How awesome is the Word of God? Written by man, yes... but, inspired by God. God-Breathed. Under the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit. It should not be added to, neither is anything to be removed from it. So, did the writer's wait on God for every Word? Did they ever, with the stroke of a pen find themselves asking for a divine eraser? Before we changed gears, trying to recall my idea, I was thinking about transparency. We live in a culture where it's often talked about out and our political leaders praise it's virtue, yet the irony is that the less they share, the more truth they seem to reveal. And where the truth isn't being revealed, our speculations increase. Compare this to the revealing nature of God. He has revealed more than we can fathom and certainly more than we can explain. And yet there is so much to this life that isn't revealed. And so we wonder what God is doing. We wonder what is happening and why. The places and people involved and the truth of it all evades us. Yet God is truth and thus, if we seek Him, we shall find Him. There is just so much attack around the world; against the Gospel, the Church, Christians... and the downright truth. His Word is Truth. And as much as we want transparency in our reality, we seem unable to hand the truth of eternity. Yet, missionaries, daily, stand on the front line, handling the eternal truth of the Gospel, dealing with a people desperate to hear, yet not transparent enough with themselves to know they need to receive it. What a delicate, yet troubled balance to walk. A struggle for worse than writer's block... which oddly enough, seems to have cleared up quite quickly. Pray, this #missionsFriday, for missionaries living in difficult places; not only their physical location, but also, the spiritual, emotional and mental state of being. Pray for those enduring an all-too real persecution and multi-faceted attack against them. May they be strengthened and encouraged by the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray that God wound continue to direct their steps and ordain every encounter and conversation; that no matter the circumstance and environment, there would be opportunity to present Christ and speak truth. The one and only Truth, that transforms our reality for all of eternity. In a clouded existence May clarity come To reveal the glory of God. - PNC
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AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019