We all have our days where we just aren't feeling it.
There's just enough stuff going on in life that is causing frustration and angst; we don't feel like getting much done, nor going anywhere, or doing anything. Even work feels particularly dreadful. There's a wide range of states of existence on the depression/anxiety spectrum and while it can be hard to differentiate at times if we are simply bummed, depressed or having an off day, the bottom line is that life happens to us all and any day can be a battle. Even for pastors and their spouses and families. Yet as I thought about the Petra's song, For All Your Worth, I was reminded once again, that we are simply dust. Our worth is not in our body or the external possessions that fill our lives. Our body is the 39 cent box. Our identity, hope and strength is found in Christ... our worth is in our soul and spirit; which transcends the time in which we have a body that breathes. From the highest head of state to the lowliest of one on the street, God values our worth as His creation and our soul for which He gave up His Son that we might have fellowship with Him. While the struggle is real, it truly is a sad thought that we allow the temporal to so often stand in the way of the eternal importance and worth of who we are... from the pew to the pulpit. Pray, this #associatePastorTuesday, for those pastors and church leaders struggling... with depression and anxiety; and even a sense that may yet be unknown, of who they are in Christ. May the be encouraged and strengthened by the love and grace of Almighty God. For those who have bought even a fraction of the lie of the enemy, that they are not loved and valued; pray such thoughts and temptations of thought be cast down. Pray a refreshing and renewal of the mind through the washing of the Word of God. Pray for wisdom, in conversations with family and friends and those who help them through this process and time in their lives. May their ministries not be derailed or detoured, but arise stronger and greater because of the miraculous healing of God in their hearts, minds and spirits. Be of good cheer, For greater is He who is in you Than he that is in the world. And Christ has overcome the world Therefore, we are overcomers in Him. For the glory of God. - PNC
![]() While driving in the state immediately southwest of the one in which I reside, I saw a billboard for a restaurant that caused me to consider this post. It simply said: Famous for food (BBQ, perhaps?) Famous for friends Famous for smiles Sadly, all too often, the church is infamously known for something rather than famously known. But isn't it amazing and at the same time, not surprising, the church of Jesus Christ would be known by a character trait that is not innate to humanity, but the very basis for God's every word and deed. LOVE. Every single perspective on human development and improvement, God is already there. To live intentionally. To speak clearly. To engage authentically. To listen attentively. To share compassionately The list could go in... And yet, because God is love, there is no other way for Him continue. Love compels intentionality, demands clarity, seeks authenticity, respects attentiveness and serves compassion. Everything the church does, what we are known for doing and saying, should point point back to the person of Christ. For if it doesn't, then we are not known by and for who God is, but what He is not... for He is not the flawed and feeble attempts of greatness by a sinful-natured humanity. Thus, as the church engages community, the words couldn't be any more true than when they were inspired by the Holy Spirit. "If we have not LOVE, we are nothing." Thanks, for taking a few moments out of this #communitySaturday, to join me in prayer; that the church of Jesus Christ as it engages and impacts the community around them, would be known as people who love. May they know our love for God and His love on display to them, through our lives. Pray our failures and mistakes would not distract or detour others from experiencing God; but prove all the more that life is meaningless and purposeless without God. May we not seek to be known for ourselves, but to be known for the love of God; to be His hands and feet extended. For it is not our goodness, But His greatness. That we would be driven to love, By His love. All is complete, in Christ alone. For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() Well, it's New Year's Eve! And if you are reading this, you've successfully made it through 2016 and everything moment of excitement, frustration, worry, joy and laughter that has accompanied the days. Pending the time that remains when this post comes across your radar, let me say this first. I command the blessing and favor of God over your lives and your family in 2017. Whatever 2016 has brought to you, I pray it has been a year of no, if not very few, regrets. If it has or you know those, for whom are leaving this year behind in frustration, may I offer some words of encouragement as the church engages community: Regrets will be few.... When you seek to give glory to God in all circumstances. When you take the time to express love of Christ to those around. When you seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. When you allow the Word of God to direct your steps When you place Christ at the center of your life. On this New's Year Eve, what better a time than to have the conversation that 2017 has the potential to be the best year ever... not because of the stuff, but because of people. Not because of our own agendas, hopes and dreams, but because of the miraculous change in one's life through Jesus Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit. Christianity does make one's life perfect here on earth, it does however change how we view our time and our purpose here on earth... for if it doesn't, then what is the point? Here's to praying 2017 a year of eternal change and eternal purpose; a year of great faith no matter what awaits. Pray this New Year's Eve, aka #communitySaturday, that in times of reflection, people would understand the true changes that may need to occur in their lives. Whether in matters of faith, perspective, purpose or habits, may God bring illumination and wisdom to hearts and minds; that we may live life to our full potential. May 2017 be a year of placing Christ at the center and seeking first the kingdom of God. Pray the mercies of God, that are new every morning, position us to glorify Him in all circumstances, both in word and deed. Rejoicing as we exit 2016. Grateful for His Hand of protection and provision Excited for the prospect of 2017 Lives changed for eternity Because of the body of Christ Presenting a genuine faith of God every new day; every new hour. - PNC ![]() I am praying tonight for many things, among them, that I am about to witness a breakthrough in the days and weeks... the hopefully result of a heart-to-heart conversation I had with my two beautiful kids this evening. Though I had to separate them twice, off to an out-of sight spot for each of them (just so I could get them to understand Dad was serious about this conversation) I'm hoping they understand my frustrated point of view. A pretty simple one at that... you listen to other people you respect in this life; your teachers at school, the kids pastor at church and the people who teach their class there, Grandma & Grandpa.... they kept telling me what they do that shows they listen and respect them, but couldn't quite tell me why. After some prodding and concluding that is was simply "because of the position they held", then what was missing when it came to Mom & Dad? I know right... who in their right mind listens to their parents?? As a great comedian once stated, "when I was 14, I thought my Dad was the dumbest man on the face of the earth. When I was 21, I was amazed at what he had learned in 7 years." Meanwhile, I went all day, narry a clue as to what to write for this #youthPastorWednesday. After the conversation with the kiddos, it occurred to me... Does God have those parental moments? Really? You'll listen to your earthly parents, but not the prompting of the Holy Spirit? Teachers, scholars, professors, but not My Word? You read and take into conideration the written words of great philosophers and poets, yet not the heed the words of Christ? Whether we are young in the faith or seasoned, we have earthly relationships where we, or the other part, wonder how certain dynamics seemingly play out. Thus, it matters not, spiritually as well... the possibility for any Christian, whether in the pew or the pulpit to experience a similar dynamic in our walk with God is great. Thus, pray this #youthPastorWednesday, that church leadership would be strengthened and encouraged to lead by example. While, like parents, they fail greatly and often, may the church know and understand what kids know of their parents; their hearts are in the right place... desirous to love and seek the Lord God Almighty. Pray their lives would not be thrown off balance, when life interferes with their faith; but that their faith in God would lead, guide and direct the paths they choose, the conversations they have and the decisions they make. May their faith not falter when life gets difficult and the tension and frustration of the moment takes center stage. Pray they would respond in ways and words that glorify God. May all these things follow, Those who seek first the kingdom of God. By the power of the Holy Spirir For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC How cool is is, that every handful of years, the calender works out that we can gather together, to praise and worship the Lord our God, while simultaneously celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.
What a great day and a great opportunity for the church to be effective in communicating the Good News of the Divine Plan of God, to send His only Son to Earth, to save us from our sins. Indeed it was the only way for us to be restored in to right relationship with God, after the fall of man. Of course, one of the greatest reminders of the purpose of Christmas is this great tune from the band, Stryper. It's easy to think we have life figured out, that we can do things on our own, away from God; without Christ and everything is fine. Yet it's not. Life is not complete without the joy of Christ... not a temporal joy that comes from watching kids, friends and loved ones open gifts, but the heart of man receiving the eternal joy of life, through confessing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Pray, this Christmas #efffectiveSunday, may many discover the truth and reason for Christmas. Pray this would be a great day for the kingdom of God, that people would acknowledge the greatest gift ever given to humanity, through the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. May the church itselft, remember that today is about Christ and the generousity exemplified by God, rather than the temporal gifts and blessings of this earth. For the eternal blessings and gifts of God Far and away are greater that what man could ever hope to give and receive. For we were made for the glory of Almighty God As we take opportunity to worship Him together. Merry Christmas - PNC ![]() Wow... Christmas Eve. Tomorrow we celebrate the ultimate gift ever given... by a being who so desired relationship with the creation who bears His image that He was willing to give that which was most precious to Him in order for the miraculous to occur. Somehow, even with all the good and generous acts that come to light during this holiday season, Christmas is still a consumer mindset, rather than a contributor mindset. Perhaps it's somewhat a good thing, that we don't boast in ourselves, but that said, nobody ever asks what was given for Christmas, but what was gotten. And in the busy-ness of all the activities, gatherings and events, it's easy to get flustered and frustrated by all the things we have to do and make arrangements for... the sacrifices we make and set-aside our own desires and agendas; sometimes just in the name of keeping the peace. Yet, as disconcerting as such a position may be when we are alone in our thoughts and the energy has died down, the gift of God in the form of Jesus Christ was just as much an exercise in peace-keeping. For the faults and frailties of the humanity, the error of our ways and the sins we'd committed, whether in the heart, mind or body disrupted and disconnected man and woman alike from the peace that comes from standing in right relationship with God. As it hard as it may be, pray this #communitySaturday, that the church and the body of Christ would follow the example set by God... that while it may not necessarily involve giving our most prized treasure, it may involve a sacrifice of our time, our talen or our resources. May we recognize that while it may be difficult and perhaps not our preference to do so, pray that God would indeed by glorified in the conversations and gatherings that take place this holiday weekend. Pray seeds would be planted, as Christ is displayed in our lives; that agendas, expectations and even the gifts themselves, neither distract, nor diminish the truth of Christmas. He is the Reason for the Season It's not about stuff, nor about us; But God's Love for humanity. That He gave the gift of life... The Only Name whereby man can be saved. Happy Birthday, Jesus. - PNC All too often, the church... just doesn't get it right. It seems wrong to say that, but I'm at a loss for words as to how to describe it. Our interactions with society and culture get misunderstood and misconstrued; we act in ways that people respond negatively (which seemingly isn't that hard to do anymore) or we walk cautiously, as to not to offend. Whether we are perceived wrong, regardless of whether we say, or act "wrong", the church is increasingly finding itself in interesting predicaments.
My advice... just be the church. Be yourself. Act natural. Breathe regular. The fake faith, the false faith... the insincere and disingenuous will be witnessed and dismissed. Conversely, the genuine, the real, the honest, will be recognized and appreciated. They will not know us by our words or deeds, or economic status or political bent; not by quality of life or family or relationships; not by prominence or promise... but by our love. Sadly, society has skewed and defined, even redefined love, albeit inaccurately. Amazingly enough, however, the love of Christ, one on one; in places of great difficulty is quite visible. Yet we struggle so much to reach the lost, we often forget to simply allow the handiwork of God flow through us, as we daily live out who we were. Sinners saved by grace. It doesn't make us perfect; just redeemed. It doesn't make us righteous; just on a journey whereby we more closely reflect the image of Christ. And as Christians more closely reflect Christ, so to, will the church as an organization reflect Christ. Interestingly enough, as I got ready to wrtie this post, I read the latest blog by Matt Walsh... ***permit me an extra couple of minutes and read the intro he writes when he posted this piece... (copied from his facebook update): The church is very focused on "welcoming" and "including" the secular, the worldly, the unrepentant, and all kinds of other people who aren't actually interested in Christianity. Of course, we SHOULD try to include these people, but the problem is that the church often tries to do it by watering down its doctrine and imitating the world. "They like our godless culture," many churches say to themselves, "so I suppose we should give them a godless form of pseudo-Christianity." I've written my columns and recorded many podcasts addressing this and explaining why it's incredibly misguided. But there's one aspect of it that I haven't focused on. That is this: while these churches try so hard (and so ineffectually) to "welcome" the un-Christian, they often succeed in alienating the actual Christians. In other words, many actual, real, believing, devout Christians go to church on Sunday and find a service that doesn't appear designed for them at all. It doesn't speak to them. It doesn't try to reach them or encourage them or revitalize and strengthen them. In fact, often it may do the opposite. In some churches, believing Christians are chastised, scolded, and labeled as bigots. This is a problem for many reasons, but here's the biggest one: believing Christians ARE the church. The minority of people in this culture who actually strive for righteousness and try with great sacrifice to live according to the doctrines of the faith are not merely "a part" of the church, but they are the church. The church should always feel at home in any church. This, to me, seems like the most obvious thing in the world, but apparently it must be explained. - MATT WALSH Join me, this #communitySaturday, that the church simply be honest and genuine. In their daily walk, in the sharing of their faith, in their desire to extend the hand of Christ to those in need... may the people of God be known by their love. Pray we would not compromise our convictions in favor of society's acceptance, nor afraid to speak the truth because it might offend. May God accomplish the miraculous in the lives of the lost, through the testimony of those who have come alive in Him. In Christ, By Christ, For Christ... In whome we live, move and have our being To impact this world for our Lord & Saviour. For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() I mentioned yesterday, as Pastor shared the tragic news of a family situation within our congregation, that you could tell, even for a moment, he hesitated, as if at a loss for words and support. I certainly understand the dilemna, as the scenario that played through my mind this past Friday of "what if" tragedy struck my family... how would I respond? How would my friends and family support me? The situation would grieve and affect their lives directly... how would I support them as they worked through such great loss? We would need each other, yet we would need our own space and time. Healing comes through community, yes. More importantly, healing comes through communion with God. Upon Christ's ascension, after the resurrection, He did not promise that He would send us understanding for what we would endure. He promised to send the Comforter. We like to think we have it all together... that we understand and know how it all plays out. And we just might; for a minute. Perhaps even a moment. But it's a solitary falling star in a galaxy beyond our comprehension, full of the majestic sovereignty of God. I certainly don't have a clue. Yet, I know that doesn't and shouldn't prevent from being a support to those in need when I have opportunity to do so... even when I am at a loss for words, time or resources. While each struggle may be difficult, God is still able to use us to help others through their struggles, if we would take the moment we think we have it all together and invest it in helping someone else keep it together. Pray, this #associatePastorTuesday, that the Holy Spirit would strengthen and comfort them during the difficulties and challenges they face. May they continue to be open to be used by God to support, encourage and uplift Senior Pastors and others they serve with in ministry, despite whatever may be going on directly in their own lives. Pray they would not become so downtrodden and discouraged that the miss opportunities for God to accomplish the miraculous; even if they are at a loss for words or don't seem to be the help that is needed or desired. May God honor the faith of the friends who come along side, to be ministers of grace and love, as they pray the Holy Spirit to do what He was sent to accomplish... Comfort; With peace that surpasses all understanding. Trust in the Lord, Even when life falls apart. For God is in control, with a divine plan. Beauty from ashes, for His Glory. - PNC ![]() Well, it didn't take long once December hit, for the weather to be felt on the roadways. Yesterday morning, white-out conditions out of thin air resulted in a massive, real-life version of bumper cars and semi-trucks. Fortunately, I was on the road and a few hours away when it occurred, as it happened on the expressway just a handful of miles away from home. Unfortunately, however, the sheetmetal disaster claimed the lives of 3 people and sent a handful more lives to area hospitals. Meanwhile, as I was scrolling through my newsfeed on social media last night, a friend posted a freaky story of their collision with a deer. They didn't know what had happened until emergency services arrived. All they felt was the aftermath of a shattered driver's side window blow-out. Just reading the incident was unsettling. Thankful, they are ok, although her son won't soon forget the image of his mom practically covered in glass. These are not the images people conjur up when using the cliche phrases of "life's a trip" or "life's an adventure". (side-note insert: Astronaut John Glenn has passed away. Talk about an incredible trip, whose logbook will be entry-less from this day forward.) Indeed it is, but not like this. Just another reminder, that each and every day is a gift. That tomorrow is not promised to anyone; neither is the next split-second for that matter. It can all change in an instant. It can all be gone in the same. For all the journeys we travel and pray for safe goings to and fro, I couldn't help consider the miles of missionaries. Their stories. Their encounters. Their travels. What they have witnessed and heard. The roads are just as treacherous for them, as we travel. Unknowns abound and everything can change just as quick for them, as it does for us. Thus, pray this #missionsFriday, for the safe travels of missionaries across the globe. Pray a hedge of protection, in their comings and goings; safety for the families and colleagues as they work to advance the gospel of Christ. Literally, pray guide would light their paths and guide their steps; where they should go and when, the routes they should take, who they should go with... nothing is ever random with a sovereign God. Even in simple decisions such as these, may God be glorified as they testify about the practical, tangible ways in which God reveals Himself and intervenes in the affairs of men. Not willing that any should perish, But all come to repentance Through salvation in Christ Jesus. Led by the Spirit, As we go into all the world. For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() Nobody plans a day 3, on "life" happens to all of us. I certainly didn't. The past couple of months leading up to December have been... draining. And not just for me. A number of close friends have had their battles over the same period of time. Hearing their stories doesn't negate the difficulty of my own. It does however bring a sesne of comfort... knowing that God is with each of us as we work through life. It doesn't make their situation better or worse by comparison, nor does it diminish the troubles of my own or anybody else, for that matter. God knows where we all are. He knows what we all face. He has a plan and a purpose for the troubles that surround us. In our finite minds however, we're looking short term. Trying to get the day, week or month; to the next pay cycle, through the holidays or past the big project at work. Some days you look at the bank account, and it's just getting through the night, putting kids to bed and trying to avoid thinking about anything of importance. Like an item that reappears on my radar screen come the end of January. Seriously? It's time for this to get added to the mix. So not ready. It doesn't matter what it is. Nor how big or significant. Budget hiccup or budget buster. God knows and cares and He's got it handled. Of course, you know what happens next. Churches and ministries are in the same place. Trying to get through the end of the year, through December's activities and the special events and services that revolve around the holidays. Who is thinking and planning logistics for how things will play out in the 12 months that follow New Year's Eve (all of 3 weeks away, give a few day). Somebody is. And while it be difficult, as I considered the situations and circumstances they may be facing, I know nothing, even in light of this; one more responsibility that has been added on my plate. There will always be "one more thing". Pray, this #deaconThursday, for those in church leadership and operations that are running out of steam, as it where. For those struggling to maintain just to finish out the year, pray God would strengthen and undergird their spirits. May God accomplish the miraculous, this holiday season and be their provision and portion, no matter what difficulties and challenges they may be up against, whether in personal matters or in ministry. Pray God would help them to remain focused; let not anxiety rise up within them. May their be a quiet confidence of faith, in the sovereign workings of God; that He would accomplish His good and perfect plan as it unfolds before their eyes. Strength, if one day at a time. For yesterday is behind us. Tomorros is before us. Today is the gift we enjoy. To live for Christ, For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() So, by the time our church's 3-day Christmas event came to a close Sunday night, you could tell. Everybody was wiped out. The planning. The preparation. Set-up. Tear-down. Materials, Resources. Funding. Logistics. It's quite the outreach from the finished product. It's overwhelmingly impressive from behind the scenes. And though he was smiling and everyone was in high spirits as things wound down Sunday night, the look on my worship pastor's face said exactly what was on everyone's mind. Where's a hot shower and a warm bed? December is crazy for everybody. Stressful for all of us. Exciting. Disappointing. Joyful. Disconcerting. Grateful. Uncertain. Rejoicing. Mourning. In churches across the globe, where ministry opportunities abound and the risk of burnout is high, it's all hands on deck... at time where many, if they could be honest, would rather not. They may not give much thought to actually expressing such feelings, publicly or in the strictest of confidence, yet pastors like many of us, would rather take the gratitude of our blessings and get away for a while, rather than gather all the more. Getting through the month of December itself may require a miracle, whether it be in the spirit of Christmas or otherwise. Pray, this #associatePastorTuesday, for those who are exhausted and on the verge... perhaps not from burnout, but the temptation to at least check-out temporily. May they be strengthened; body, mind, soul and spirit. For what weighs them done outside of ministry, may God provide supernaturally, for whatever needs and challenges they face; financially, relationally, emotionally. Pray they would be renewed, refreshed and revitalized. Though this can be a season of gloom and despair as a reality, pray God would enlighten and minister anew and afresh; shedding His glorious light upon the affairs of men... however trying the times may present themselves. That would was designed to ruin us, Would reveal Christ in us. For we walk by faith, Not be sight. Out of darkness and into His marvelous Light. - PNC ![]() We can desire to do many things, but sometimes our energy level does not rise to occassion. It's not a lack of motivation... we truly to do want to accomplish what is set before us or complete what awaits us. It's that our energy level from within, whether physcially, emotionally, mentally or spiritually, is saying, "Yeah... no. Not yet. Not right now." After some time, whether the energy level is ready or not, you may find yourself in a position where you no longer have a choice. Time for delay no longer exists, and thus you are either scrambling as the time runs out or your frustration with the matter becomes the primary motivator that you just want to get it done and off your mind. Whatever the situation, there is so much to accomplish; so much that each of us are able to accomplish. People set examples for us, daily, and many watch in wonder as to how they do it. They are effective in their method. They are efficient in their process. The results speak volumes. And many watch impressed, not realizing the potential lies with all of us to do and accomplish impressive things ourselves at which others would be amazed. It's just having the energy that rises to meet the motivation that results in action. Pray, this #effectiveSunday, that God would give rest to the weary and down-trodden. May He strengthen and quicken those who remain focused on Him; trusting that He will provide all they have need of when when they feel they are running low. Pray God would accomplish the miraculous as people set out to accomplish what awaits them. May their be a grace and a covering, as people work through places of difficulty; that actions, attitudes and words would not ruin or detract from the task at hand, even when problems arise and frustrations interfer. God, prepare the way, Make our paths known. To see the plans you have laid, Enegy and motivation to fulfill our calling. For Your glory. - PNC ![]() It's the first weekend in December... which means it's time once again, or the 19th time for those keeping count, that my church has presented it's biggest production event of the year, to our community... a drive-through presentation of the Christmas story. Last night, probably close to 400 cars went through... annually, roughly 5000 people will be presented wiith the life and message of Christ. As people wait in line, with pizza, and are later greeted with hot cocoa and cookies (the line for this event started an hour before the gates opened) I can't help but keep considering the effect that is accomplished by those who genuinely go above and beyond to show kindness and generousity to those they dont' know. It's awesome to see people's responses. I experienced a similar phenomenon last month, at the event for pastors. I took the opportunity to hand out business cars with the www.pray4pastors.com address, to let pastors and church leaders know they were being prayed for on a daily basis. In kind, the response of many was one of pleasant surprise. People loved the idea, appreciated the gesture and smiled in kindness and thankful that someone would consider their well-being and take action in an effort to help. Of course, we are imperfect people with busy schedules, lots on our minds and to-do lists and struggles and frustrations along the way. Thus, even in church, we as a people struggle to show the love of Christ in tangible ways by stepping outside of ourselves and sharing kindness and generousity to those around us with a genuine and heart-felt "God blesss you." Yet, the incredible happens when we remain open to be used by God to make an impact on those around, even when it calls for sacrifice from us and from our lives. While difficult, it's worth it... even if we never see the reward this side of eternity. Pray, this #communitySaturday, that the church would always be ready and willing to be tangible extensions of love and grace of Christ. Pray we would not be so consumed in the busy-ness of life, that we would fail to consider how we may be blessing to those around us, even if it does require a sarcrifice on our part, whether great or small, through our time, talent or treasure. May our interactions with the community, be genuine, heart-felt and sincere; abounding in love and speaking truth. Pray the frustrations and struggles of life would not dissuade us from desiring to be used by God, impacting our communities with the gospel of Christ. For it is no longer us, But Christ living through us. That people may see Him When they engage with us. For the cause of Jesus Christ To God be the glory. - PNC ![]() Leave it to the state I love, in which I've lived my entire life, to begin displaying December-like weather, on the day the calendar actually flips to the first of said month. Yes, I spent my day of travels in the rain/snow mixture from heaven... cold enough to look like snow or a fine sleet at times; warm enough to sound and feel like rain, making everything more wet upon landing than change the color of the surface it landed upon. Meanwhile, for the past three days, my oldest has stayed home from school... battling a nasty cough and a general "not feeling so great" demeanor. In typical state fashion, last week the weather couldn't make up it's mind. Frost on the windshield one morning... guys catching the open road one last time on their motorcycles the following afternoon. Somebody even snuck in a round of golf that same day! All which got me thinking... missionary work is hard work. We pray for the struggles and the challenges, the loneliness and the toll it takes on the mind and heart and relationships and family. But let's talk about the weather. Seriously. The physical change of conditions on the mission field alone, can prompt questions of "what are we doing here?" Especially if there are kids or teens in tow. The sacrifice is great for many. Quite too much for others. Questionable for the rest of us, as our first indicator is based on location. Yet, there remains an element of practicality and logistics to the equation of mission field. Prayer, direction, calling and purpose...unbelievable steps of faith; such things we understand are a part of the process. Yet, when it comes to the physical conditions and the logistical fortitiude of making everything "come together" and "work"... well, one trusts in the Lord, but then must act it out. Yes the work is God. He knows the plans and purposes. The venturing out for the gospel, for the cause of Christ... the entire process is a step of faith. That, though, doesn't diminish the physical demands placed on the body, the emotional burden carrried by the soul and the pacing of the mind in search of understanding. Pray, this #missionsFriday for strength, in good weather and in the storms. For the adjustments that missionaries and their familiies encounter; for the physical conditions, for the preparations and logistical issues... pray God would go before them and provide all they have need off. May the unknown and uncertain not stand in the way of their faith or cause them to hesitate their ability to step out in pursuit of the calling and promise God has in store. For kids and teens, as an integral part of the journey, may God do a work in their lives as they watch and witness their parents be used of God in advancement of the gospel of Christ. May their lives be a testament to the goodness and greatness of God May God show Himself faithful. To those who are apart of the harvest. To those who labor in the fields. For the glory of God, For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() As frustrating as parenting can be at times, I can't help but be grateful for God's sense of humor, that makes us for the most part, look at this time on our lives and lovingly refer to is as "the joys of parenting." How is it, negotiations between a parent and adult take on a whole new form compared to the conference room or bull pen. Whatever it was my 4-year old wanted, she offered hugs in exchange. Bribery works well. And either before or after that instance, was another moment... one that nearly caused my wife to fall of the couch in laughter. "If you don't get my cookie, I don't get you anything for Christmas!" Oh the joyful sounds of the season. Christmas is around the corner. If you think you should get that, you had better straighten up. If only such negotiations worked amongst adults. Yet in adulthood, circumstance and distinctions are made that make our actions, words, and attitudes seem rational and justifiable by comparison. Yet, as we teach our kids, similar things are dismissed as we try to instill in the them, the basic, bottom line of "doing the right thing". Then of course, we live in a day and time where people keep moving the lines. We removed absolutes, and redefined morality; told God where He can and can't be discussed. Right, wrong, justified, reasonable and when I'm an adult not living at home. No wonder living and engaging society has become a challenge. We keep our distance safe, our words few and our commentary on life politically correct. I'm not for kumbaya, but we have lost the simplicity of childhood relationships, attitudes and actions. Be nice to all people, even when they aren't towards you. Be kind. Be loving. Be a friend. And don't forget, offering a hug may be a strong negotiating strategy than you remember. Pray, this #communitySaturday, for God to do the miraculous as we live in difficult and tense times. Pray for relationships that need healing and restoration; for attitudes that are out of alignment with who are; for words that don't glorify you. Pray forgiveness for the hatred and bitterness that we have allowed to enter our hearts and minds through circumstances not working out how we would desire or hope. May we not overthink Christianity with our minds, but seek Him will all of our hearts. To love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. To love our neighbor as ourselves. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() Indeed, God uses the foolish things to confound the wise. In like spirit, I think God uses the simple things to remind us of who He is when the complexities of this life would have us guessing and questioning the entirety of the process. Situations come and go. Frustrations and distractions cause some of them to last and linger longer than we would prefer. Decisions must be made; actions must be taken. The mental taxation of it all can keep us, even rob us, of appreciating this life He has blessed us with... to the point we often fail to enjoy and at times, LIVE, as we are meant to be living it. Instead we live by our emotions and mindset, rather than the beliefs in our heart and the courage of our convictions that accompany them. This process can happen at any stage, but I think there can be a confluence of events when people find themselves somewhere near the middle. Perhaps, by age or financial position, somewhere in between along the corporate scale... parenthood (for instance, when you feel like you are dealing with teenagers before their numerical age is remotely close to that phase). Where are you in life? I'm in the middle. Of what. Whatever. Just in the middle. See how quick that mindset can become dangerous? Mediocrity lies in the middle. If we aren't careful, it can motivate us to propel quickly upwards or it can depress us to spiral downward, even more quickly. Yet, it's the minor things... the 1,000 consolations of God, (if I can borrow a concept from the Kevin Sorbo movie, What If) that, if we remain alert and aware of God moving, ministering and speaking into our lives that will keep us moving forward. Whatever the pace and status of our journey, God always finds ways to interject reminders that He is with us, that He has plans and purposes for which we are to fulfill and whatever weighs on our hearts and minds, He has the resources to move on our behalf. Pray, this #associatePastorTuesday for pastors feeling stuck in the middle. Perhaps in ministry, at home or life in general... whatever their struggle and frustration, pray God would bring comfort to their hearts and peace that surpasses understanding to their minds. For wherever they may be in their relationships, marriages and parenthood, may they be encouraged that God is working out the details. The struggles, the fights, the battles... as unpleasant and aggravating as they are, may God strengthen and gird them up; for what is meant to destroy them and take them out, even burn them out... may they resolve their commitment to God and the calling He has placed upon them to remain steadfast and firm. Despite feeling and perhaps literally being in the middle, may they be reminded it is only a season. Faithful in service. Steadfast in position. Focused on the work at hand; Laying our frustrations at His throne. All to be used for His glory. - PNC ![]() Well, I'm kind of bummed. While people are going off the walls in response to the fear of fall-out from America's President-Elect, one of my favorite fan groups on social media is being shut down Sunday night. And many are furious, frustrated and equally bummed. One administrator for the group. She's managed it for 6 years, by herself. And during this emotionally charged week of politics, people couldn't follow two-simple guidelines. I understand where people would find it challenging, since the page was about what many consider the greatest political television drama ever and one of the "rules" was no comments about real-world politics or politicians, but still... two-guidelines. As if there wasn't enough material this week, to provide insight into how the church engages community and now this, "sadness". You know who else had two-simple guidelines? Jesus Christ. Boiling down the Ten Commandments to two, incredibly simple concepts. Love God... with all heart, soul, mind and strength. Love your neighbor as yourself. There isn't a problem here... it's how Christ would have us to live. Thus, the challenge is the interaction with those who don't love God, because they don't know God. They don't know how to properly love their neighbor, because they, perhaps, don't know how to properly love themselves. Furthermore, they don't know their worth, as they are valued and loved by God. They may know they have worth or believe they are worthy and good, but short of being reconciled to God through salvation in Jesus Christ, what exists to support that worth and goodness? I hope that doesn't sound... I'm not even sure; I do know my Bible says that only God is good, so one must conclude that either man thinks he is god, based on his goodness without God or we recognize that in light of God, we fail to even come close to making a comparison. "All have fallen short of His glory" comes to mind. So, yes, I'm sad about the fan page closing. Yes, I'm sad about how people have responded to the election. But most importantly, I'm sad about how people respond to God, and to Christians who genuinely desire to see people come to Christ; but insist on wanting nothing to do with Him because they perceive Christians as less like Christ than their understanding would lead them to believe. Indeed, the church has some work ahead. And only by the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray, this #communitySaturday, that God would heal our land. The conversations are hard and filled with emotion and tension, fear, wrong-perceptions and misunderstandings. Pray the church would seek His face and trust in Him. May God help us to speak the truth in love, even when it's difficult to receive and to hear. Pray God would bring understanding and revelation to peoples hearts and minds. May many come to a place of recognition that are value and worth are found in right-relationship with all-sovereign God. Pray the church would be able to step outside themselves and love like Christ, not as the world thinks they understand Christ, but as we follow Christ and have experienced His love in our own lives. Pray God move and intervene on the hearts and lives of us all; for those whose faith needs to be fortified, for those whose faith in God needs to be established. Truly, the church can not do this by earthly power. We need the Hand of God. A sovereign move of His Spirit To accomplish the miraculous that many know we need. For His Glory For the cause of Jesus Christ. As we're closing out the praise and worship set yesterday morning, the pastor's wife was praying over those who had stepped forward to the altar as people agreed in prayer for those needing healing and a move of God, in their lives. In her prayer, she mentioned the lady, who begged of Jesus, with the faith and belief that even the dogs get the crumbs, from the Masters' table.
I'm not sure why that stood out just then, but it did. All too often, we expect incredible thing from God. Huge responses. Powerful moves of the Spirit. Overwhelming miracles in our midst. That's great. We should. It's possible. Yet, by comparison, in the vastness and depths of Heaven, such descriptions are accurate, even in our asking with faith for the crumbs of heaven. Not too mention, the crumbs are often the best part. What's left behind of your favoirite brownies or cake; what's left of the pudding in the big, glass bowl. Wonderful moments. This was all turned around, as Pastor preached and called the church, to a Daniel fast (no meats or sweets). An interesting turn of events, as Jesus taught that some miracles only happen through prayer and fasting. The crumbs of heaven are incredible. Getting the full meal, may require more from us. Thus, pray, this #seniorPastorMonday; that pastors would have the discernment in their lives and prayers with God. May they know what they have need of; how to prayer and when God is calling them deeper. Pray for a strength and a perseverance, as they seek the face of God and knock on Heaven's door. May their be a renewed passion for the things of God in their lives and ministry; that they may lead the church to do the same; and witness the miraculous. Whether there be crumbs Or a feast... All that God has for us; Even our daily bread... It is sufficient to meet our needs. For His glory. - PNC No matter what your community, it really should be that hard to get along with each other.
Sure, we have our differences of beliefs and opinions and perspectives on any number of subjects, but as I've told my oldest daughter as she has dealt with kids at school (like we all did), there's no reason for somebody to be a jerk on purpose. Obviously, not everybody is going to be your friend, let alone your best friend... there's probably not enough time in the day to have them as a decent acquaintance. We all have our buttons and things people do that "set us of"... whether it be on the job between co-workers and our management, sibling rivalries or marital conflicts or, wait for it... political discourse on social media. Yeah, you didn't see that one coming, did you? I get that we all make mistakes. We've all made incredibly simple and stupid mistakes at that, for which we have had to take a "reaming out" of some kind for having done or said stupid. I understand. I've been there. Yet, there's no reason to berate on the job. There's no reason to be "through the roof" as a parent or spouse. There's no point in going out of our way to make it known we can't stand the thought or sight of someone. There's a time to be upset, as a parent, spouse, employee or boss, sibling or friend, pastor or parishioner. But there should be a grace and understanding as we work through matter, especially for the believer. There's a time for outrage and frustration as we encounter incredible difficulty in life and circumstances that are overwhelming to consider, let alone actually navigate... yet again, with God's help and the mind of Christ, if we put that first, we can walk through the fire. It's not easy, but it's necessary. As we engage community, as there is overlap into the world in which we live life, from the basis and courage of our convictions and faith in Jesus Christ, it all reflects upon Him. And I fail miserably... daily. Pray with me, this #communitySaturday, that God would help us, as the body of Christ, to reflect Christ in these difficult days and the days to come. May the world see that we live real lives with real problems, with real emotions and real trials, managing the same real struggles and trying to navigate the same, making real decisions that have real rewards and consequences... all in a way that brings glory and honor to God. While I don't expect them to have understanding and compassion when we miss the mark, may such give opportunity to share God's love and grace for us from His perspective; that He does not berate and throw us aside. Pray His desire that none should perish, but all have eternal life as well as abundant life, be made known to a world in great denial of their desperate need for a Savior. Living for Christ doesn't make us perfect. It proves we are flawed and in need for being made new in His likeness For the cause of Jesus Christ For the glory of God the Father. - PNC ![]() During our Wednesday night prayer services at church, we've been in a series regarding inner peace, walking through the portions of prayer that make up the Lord's Prayer, and how to get there. This past service was on the prayer of protection and how God looks after us and the role we play, particularly as it relates to "lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil." It was a moving and enlightening devotional, that the end of which, allowed for a time of prayer and reflection to identify what the enemy of our souls uses against us to entice us and distract us, in an effort to thwart and throw off what God would have for our lives. What really keeps us from stepping out an into all that God as for our lives? Whether it be mine, or yours; the pastors' or one's parents, coworkers or kids, spouse or best friend... what are the elements that conspire together to become the x-factor that stands in our way of being able to trust God that He will watch over us and take care of us in whatever circumstance we find ourselves encountering difficulty and frustration. Is it time to confess that the x-factor is bigger than our faith? Yesterday, as I continued to reflect on this, I was reminded of Coach Taylor, from the movie Facing The Giants. The morning of the biggest of game of his life, as he recognizes the miracle that God has worked in his life and in his football team, he essentially confesses to his wife... what if all this that has happened doesn't result in how we think it should or look like we want? To this, his wife Brooke responds... "Sounds like your fear is about to collide with your faith?" In light of #msisionsFriday, what is the x-factor that keep people from having faith in God; from acknowledging Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and that His death on the Cross was His love for humanity, that we might have opportunity to be in right relationship with God? What are the obstacles and excuses for why someone wouldn't or doesn't make a decision to place their hope and trust in God regarding His plans and purposes for our lives? When fear collides with faith, should fear happen to win... what a tragedy. Would you join me, this #missionsFriday? Pray for those whose fear, and other x-factors are standing in the way of them accepting Christ's invitation for eternal life. May faith win out, as God seeks to work His miraculous and sovereign plan in the hearts and lives of those who are His. Pray the barriers and obstacles would fall and fade away; that God's love for us is everlasting and unchanging. Pray, also, for the believer... struggling in their faith, as life overtakes and bombards. May their be a break-through in their lives; that faith would overtake their x-factor, as they too, place their trust in the hands of Almighty God, rather than the unknown that they spend so much time and energy attempting to figure out in hopes of "it all" making sense. Pray our frailty would not stand in the way of God's strength being displayed on this earth, through the lives of those whose hearts are set on Him. May we focus on the x-factor of God, Rather than the x-factor of our surroundings. For with man, it won't happen, But with God, all things are possible. For His glory and the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019