Everybody has expectations. We have expectations that we place upon ourselves and many more, that are placed on us by others. Sometimes, we are given the courtesy of hearing what's expected in advance. However, more often than not, we hear what was expected of us after the fact...
It usually begins with the phrase, "I thought you..." In a flash thought last night, I questioned how missionaries are received by the people groups they set out to reach for the kingdom of God. Surely, upon their arrival there are many questions. What are you doing here? Why have you come? What do you hope to accomplish. They may be welcome and well-received, which is awesome, but no doubt, there is resistance along the way. I can't imagine, the handling of such expectations and sorting and navigating their way through it, is an easy process. Not by any stretch of the imagination. In addition, they are walking into people groups, who may not know what to expect at all, But then, again, may not simply know how to express their expectations... let alone offer them in advance. For certain, the missionaries have expectations placed upon themselves and of what they hope to accomplish, as well as those of the people and churches who support them... these to, all look different as reality unfolds during the tenure of their ministry. It's an interesting reflection and one, that most definitely needs to be covered in prayer. Pray this #missionsFriday, for missionaries and the communities that they are reaching out to with the Gospel of Christ. May God grant to them wisdom and discernment as they engage in conversations and through programs. Pray God would work the miraculous, regardless of whatever expectations may exist and whoever may hold them. May missionaries not be worried about how it all works or looks, but that God would use their willingness and obedience to serve for His glory and His purposes. Pray for breakthroughs, in the lives of those they minister to; that there would be a supernatural move of the Holy Spirit. May the recognize the power of God at work in their hearts and minds; that the truth and love of God, through His Word confound all expectations. For it is not about ourselves, But for this glory of God As He works in our lives And through our lives To accomplish His purposes For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC
I considered last night, just how often I've heard these words.
"Are you sure?" A situations or circumstance happens, sometimes minor in nature; other times... well, major. Time intensive to repair. Costly to fix. Frustrating to diagnose. You start trying to figure out what has gone wrong in hopes of being able to plan a solution. Then, in discussing the matter with one who knows more (remember, there is always someone in the room, smarter than yourself), there comes a point in the conversation where you are presented with the opportunity to admit the truth. Maybe, I'm wrong about this. Turns out I was. Even better, it went from what I thought was major to pretty minor. Big bark, but the bite was more like a nibble. How much more, in our attempts and plans to be effective and efficient as a church, the same transpires. In going through the process and having conversations, the question is asked. Hopefully it goes from being a major deal, to perhaps only needing to be tweaked, but that's not to say minor changes won't be enough and the organization could be in for some major work. Whatever it looks like, asking the question always results in taking a deeper, closer look that forces the mind to consider other options that present entirely different solutions. No, it's not always an enjoyable process when it happens, but watching it unfold as one reflects, is incredible. Pray, this #effectiveSunday, for pastors and leaders struggling to figure out the problems and challenges they face. Pray insight and wisdom, questions and revelation as conversations take place. Pray for the miraculous to occur, as solutions come together, whether they be quick and easy or expensive and laborious. Pray for strength and fortitude as they continue to seek the face of God and put their faith to action as the work to fulfill the calling and purpose God has placed upon them; to accomplish great exploits for the kingdom of God. Confidently moving forward By the grace of Christ By the power of the Holy Spirit For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() Good morning! I trust that you all will have a wonderful weekend, as I'm much this #communitySaturday morning, much earlier than usual. As I considered some thoughts on community yesterday, it's amazing what happens during an election year. In an exchange between the press secretary and the President's personal aid (referencing my favorite political TV drama) the secretary makes the comment that "everybody is stupid in an election year". To which, the personal aid repliess, "no, everybody gets treated stupid in an election year". There used to be a time you could go to the park or the mall and simple "people-watch". Which is still a fun time, especially as you could almost do a comedy bit as people walk with their heads down, looking at a 5" screen. The digital equivalent of people watching is to simply scroll through any social media newsfeed, like Facebook without commenting. Let me just as, as a casual observer, it's disturbing. People preaching tolerance, quickly lose said ability to tolerate, as soon as they are presented with a logical, alternate idea, even with supported by facts. People who have a problem with labels, name-calling, and broad-stroke statements about people or groups are quick to label, name-call and grab a brush for those who disagree with them. I'm not saying both sides don't do this, for surely they do... but, I will say, one side seems to portray this phenomenon much more than the other. It makes it challenging, even difficult at times, to have a calm, logical, rational conversation about serious issues. Should faith enter the conversation, it's almost like you're asking for trouble. Not that we should be surprised... Jesus predicted as such. They hated me first; don't be surprised when they turn and hate on you. However, this morning, I'm reminded of the words of Hebrews 13:2. Be kind to strangers; for in that manner, some of entertained strangers. In light of the larger context of hospitality, it begins with how we interact with those around us and more-so, people we don't know. Then, I wake up and Life.Church.tv posted a meme quoting 1 Timothy 2:1 If you'll permit me to switch things up a bit, I think this #communitySaturday we each should heed the advice of Paul given in this verse. We know the needs and circumstances of those around us; we know how we ought to pray. If you don't know someone's need or circumstance, engage Hebrews 13. Have a conversation and close it out with Paul's encouragement. I urge you, first of all, to pray for ALL people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf and give thanks for them. - PNC ![]() I found myself in somewhat of a theological quandary yesterday. As I prayed about not having any idea for today's post, it occurred to me, that often, that's the best way to approach the throne of heaven. Empty-handed. I understand that God tells us to cast our cares on Him, for He cares for us. That's great. I love it; I appreciate it; I'm grateful God cares enough for me and you, that He would extend the invite for us to come with our faults, failures and damages and lay them at His feet. Conversely, though... there isn't nothing we could bring to God that isn't already His; that He already doesn't know about; situations that He isn't already present and working His sovereign will. Whoever we are and wherever we are, all He desires of us is ourselves. When Jesus calls His disciples, we don't read the words "Grab your gear, let's go." In fact is says, the opposite. They followed Christ, empty-handed. If you think it about, it's actually a pretty awesome concept. For God knows the plans He has for us; plans to prosper and not to harm. What is it that we carry; that prevents us from what God has ready for us to experience because we have come with our hands full, rather than hands empty. Society has so many thoughts and concepts on God. It's difficult to sort through at times; and sadly, the church has struggled to respond appropriately and responsibly. Thus, it seems that culture has some criticisms against the church that may or may not be warranted, but seem to possess some of level of merit; that the church is not as Christ-like as we should be or that the world perceive we ought to live. We shouldn't be surprised, for Scripture talks about the difficult of those on earth struggling to understand the things of the spirit... if anything, it confirms our need for God's help as we engage our culture. So, pray this #communitySaturday, God would indeed help the church as we speak and live to our communities. May we be His hands and feet extended; that they would experience the love of Jesus Christ through our lives and witness the work He accomplished in us. As difficult as it may be, may we set aside our own motives and agenda and seek to help those in need of God working the miraculous. Indeed, may we be reminded that the struggles we face on earth fade in comparison to what awaits on the other face of eternity. May God relieve and release us from whatever ails us as we approach His throne. May God fill us with purpose and destiny for His glory for those that find themselves empty-handed before Him. Tired and weary; Broken and outcast. Whatever the struggle or challenge, All is exchanged in His presence. For His glory. - PNC ![]() The first time I saw this billboard the other day, I laughed. That's awesome! Yesterday, when I passed it again, I thought, man... wouldn't be nice if life worked like that? Halo Burger has a billboard ad (including the 4 or 5 exits for nearby locations) that simply has a huge picture of a delicious hamburger and just two words (aside from the company name). "Salvation Ahead." How often do we go through life and through our days, wishing, hoping and prayer that the answers we seek to the concerns and problems of this life lie in wait for our arrival. That relief is coming; that a much needed break full of rest is nearby. Perhaps, not only in bits and pieces and temporal, but fully and long-lasting. We all come to Christ through a variety of circumstances and situations, but each of us, in whatever it looks like, come to a defining moment were we choose Christ. Some may be more dramatic than others, but a relationship with God through the person of Jesus Christ is an invitation that is available to all people. Yet, as I read that sign, I thought about those, specifically, who are having or about to experience a crisis moment with God, where fear is about to collide with faith. Whatever may be transpiring in their lives, may the have a revelation moment and choose; that Christ is the answer for their life. Pray, this #missionsFriday, for these that have to choose Christ and through Him, eternal life. May people come to know and understand, that indeed Christ' love is available to all humanity and the forgiveness of sins for those who call on the name of the Lord. Pray revelation, that today would be the day of salvation... may many decide today, rather than wait until later down the road or at the next exit in life. May God work the miraculous for those having a crisis moment in their life and His blessing upon those who choose Him, even when circumstances aren't so dramatic. May we not hesitate to answer; The knocking of Christ' hand On the door of our hearts. For His glory. - PNC My plans to have this prayer post written in the past 24 hours has been thwarted... I finally had to break down and buy a new modem/router unit. After browsing Craigslist for past few months, today, it was not an option. I couldn't no longer wait and meet up with someone in an effort to save a few bucks.
I'm not one to over-spiritualize life events, for Scripture says it rains on the just and unjust, the righteous and the wicked. We all reach our breaking points of frustration with any number of circumstance... some of which are seriously problematic and others such as this... well, thanks for whoever created #firstworldproblems. I'm pretty sure my modem has been on it's way out for the past couple of months, for those who have seen the prayers posted to social media with the disclaimer *sorry for the technical difficulties, causing this prayer to be posted late... ... that said, I had the idea for todays' #communitySaturday prayer a few days ago; which is when my laptop started seriously struggling to load pages and publish these prayers. I think Satan was having fun with me; or certainly laughing at my frustration level and the ensuing rise in blood pressure. Along with numerous calls to tech support, thinking the problem may have been on their end. I think I have a few new gray hairs added to the count as a result. Why might I think this was a part of spiritual attack? Because he knows there is power in prayer. What's more; the thought of calling people to prayer. On top of that, the thought of sharing with people, that there is power in prayer. The song talks about the sharing of one's faith and discussing with this around us what it means to be in right standing with God, to have a relationship with Jesus Christ as we place Him at the center of our lives. Based on verses from Romans 1 and 2 Corinthians talk about praying for one another and that the weapons of warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God... That doesn't prevent the enemy from placing every kind of distraction and disruption into our lives to keep us from focusing the presence and person of Christ. In fact, I had to laugh as I reread the opening lyrics to this song... "I've waited patiently for your reply..." Sounds like me and this silly internet connection! However, I take great comfort in the power of prayer. God is not absent, distant or preoccupied. Neither does prayer experience connection problems. The only way for people to know as such is the sharing of our experiences and what God has accomplished in and through our lives. Pray this #communitySaturday, that for its' remainder, that the church would not diminish the power of prayer, nor neglect the opportunity to the difference God makes in the lives of those who call on Him. Pray this weekend will be a time that many will draw near to God and experience His promise that He will draw near to us. Pray that many will sense His power and presence in their midst. May the miraculous unfold in peoples lives as faith is shared and released; that God would hear from heaven and answer prayers. May He be lifted up As He works through those Willing to be used by Him. - PNC It can't be denied. We all have biases. We come from different backgrounds. We've had different experiences. We engage in different conversations. We've had instilled in us, different principles and values. We've been raised by different personalities, lived in different neighborhoods... and if that weren't enough, we've been taught and mentored by those with all the aforementioned qualities.
Yet, each of us, remain unique. Created in the image of God, whether we acknowledge Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, or we denounce and deny the existence of God until someone has presented evidence that they deem acceptable. I point that only, because I found myself engaged in such a conversation, online recently. Stating he had "no faith", yet, every response, he felt was a catchphrase and that people of faith were delusional. Furthermore, he failed to see his responses were demeaning and at times, didn't answer the question you asked, yet your answers didn't meet his satisfaction... prompting him to tell you you hadn't answered his question either! It really was a round-robin commentary. It's funny, in retrospect; but not really all that funny, in light of eternity. As if people of faith need to be more open-minded to other religions; yet, themselves, making serious assumptions about one's journey of faith; perhaps not knowing the truth... that nothing else satisfies the soul of man, except the relationship with God that was stolen by the serpent in the Garden, when he planted doubt in the mind of humanity with the same question that is the foundation to his strategy today.... "Did God really say that?" Thus, in our educational ascension to the top of the kingdom of God's Creation we place ourselves as being like god in order to disprove God. The gentleman that witnessed to comedian Jeff Allen says it this way, as shared by Jeff in his testimony. "You yourself, would have to be omniscient, to prove that God Himself, is not omniscient." Wow. Satan truly has pulled a fast one on humanity, in his simple, yet far-reaching plan to separate Father God from His sons & daughters. Consider this late, #missionsFriday the following... Sin is a sinking ship; on which all of humanity travels. None of us knows at what point we will be in the water or succumbing to it. Only Christ has walked on the water. Faith or no faith, everyone cries to be rescued. Yet we are all on the same sinking ship. To whom will you call that will hear your plea to be saved? No religious figure has walked on water and called out to those who were on a vessel in the midst of trouble. Christ alone saves. It's not popular in 2016 and that's fine. The truth rarely goes over well with those who aren't prepared to hear it. So, on this #missionsFriday post (and again, my apologies for the lateness) a simple, prayer to combat the enemy's simple strategy to destroy every soul. Pray God would open the hearts and minds of those who've yet to realize that an eternity awaits us all. As long as their is breath in your lungs, rather than water, we are free to choose... rescue by Christ or well... drowning. Pray an awakening and a preparedness, for God is not willing that any should perish, but all come to repentance through Christ. Pray that many would, as was said, when the Holy Grail appeared on the big screen... "Choose wisely." - PNC ![]() No church is perfect. No church has ever been perfect. No church will ever be perfect. No matter how much you love your church, there will be something; some aspect, some trait... will bug you, bother you, not set well at times or be a slight more disconcerting than you might expect. That said, there are many signs and many blogs written about the noteworthy points of character and culture that lead one to the conclusion that they have stepped into a healthy church. As witnessed recently, the ability for a church to act and offer a haven for ministers that have experienced failure in their ministry is crucial. We hear of pastors and ministry leaders experiencing failure, for any number of reasons and to devastating results. Families ripped apart; congregations split as though someone was slicing and dicing dinner preparations, churches close and communities suffer... reality is bleak, the struggle is real and the results can't be denied. On the flip side... to allow a space for a pastor and his or her family to step into a congregation where they can be ministered to and receive healing... from the body of Christ, and from the Lord as He works anew and afresh in their hearts, lives and family members is pretty incredible. It's to be a time for the to God to do the miraculous in their lives, rather focusing on working through their lives. It is a time of healing. It is a time of restoration. It is a time of renewal It is a time of rejuvenation. It is a time of preparation. When the process is complete, there is a release. And that day is phenomenal. Friends experienced just such moment of release in recent days. Having been unanimously selected to step into a senior Pastoral position, after having served as missionaries in Europe and pastored several other churches previously, God is launching them again... to accomplish the work of the Gospel with a newfound level of experience and appreciate for the struggles they will encounter. Their fall and recovery has been no easy road, I'm certain. In fact, as I don't know the details, I can't begin to fathom. But I know God will use what the enemy meant to destroy their lives to minister grace and redemption to those who await in the community they are about to serve. Join me, this #seniorPastorMonday, for my friends and many like them, as dawn rises on this new day; the new chapter in the lives and ministry. Pray for continued grace as they step back into the work God has called them. Pray God would do the miraculous in this community they move into; to be God's hand and feet extended, as they have received in this period of restoration. Pray for pastors and families experiencing failure or on the verge of discovering they are in this place... may the find a haven of healing and recovery as well, in a church that will love and support them, encourage and pray over them; and speak life and healing into their hearts and minds; that the truth of God's Word and the power of the Holy Spirit would accomplish the incredible. Fulfilling the calling of God His plans and purposes to bring Him glory. Despite our failed efforts and attempts that reach devastating levels. May God hear their cries and come quickly to their side. From having holes to being made whole. - PNC So there's a 45 minute window yesterday, that I'm sure more than one person would rather have not had the situation happen at all... we've all been there. Yet a couple of things transpired, that as I considered today's prayer post on community, I thought were worth sharing.
In a situation, where tensions would normally run high and frustration would be visible, there was an incredible sense of calm. It wasn't that the frustration didn't exist... it simply didn't dominate to be the first noticeable reaction everybody seems to notice. As a result, there was an overwhelming sense of graciousness in the matter. The calm allowed for normal-tone conversation. That allowed for an exchange of understanding; that again, would be harder to navigate if frustration and anger were on the forefront of peoples' reactions. There was a sense of humility. While there are always two sides to a story and this was no different, neither party was shouting from the rooftops that they were in the right and the other was in the wrong. Furthermore, the one who was, wasn't rushing to the defensive to make sure their point was heard... loud and clear or otherwise. Finally, a reasonable, rational and un-explainable outcome that borders on the level of 'minor miracle'. Consider for a moment, when outcomes don't seem fair, they don't seem just and someone walks away feeling slighted, jipped and more or less walks away feeling ruined. It can set a dangerous tone for days and weeks to come. It's not to say the days that follow won't be difficult and involve more frustration and more conversation and perhaps outcomes that won't be so reasonable or moments filled more grace... they may. But we've all walked away from situations thinking and wishing they had gone so much better. Yet, because of these elements, the only way this situation had gone better was to not exist at all. Otherwise, anything different was worse. So, pray as we engage this #communitySaturday, that the interaction between church and culture would be filled with these elements. Pray for a sense of calm and grace as we navigate difficult circumstances and tough conversations. May frustrations, while present, not dominate our emotions and drive our responses. Pray humility would reside in our hearts, that we not so quick to justify and force our thoughts, rights and opinions; even when we may actually be "in the right" on the matter. May their be a quickening, to turn to God and pray in such moments, that He would work the miraculous, whether they be major or minor; that we seek His face in ties of need, asking His help... for He is our only hope. Wait on the Lord To rescue you. For He is faithful To those who call on Him. Our help comes from the Lord. - PNC ![]() Once again, I chuckled yesterday afternoon, as moments after asking God for insight regarding this post the thought process unfolded in mere minutes. Why it seems God doesn't answer in other areas of my life as seemingly quick as He does for this, I don't know... perhaps He does, they just don't seem as straight-forward and clear. Like the answer is coming in pieces, until the full picture is revealed. That said, as my mind considered the word itself, missionary, I began thinking about relationships. Then it dawned on me... why missionary dating doesn't work! I know... you didn't see that one coming either, right? Yeah... neither did I. But here's the difference. Missionaries want to see people come to Christ out of care and compassion to desperately see them live for Christ with purpose rather than to live a Christ-less eternity. Alternatively, those engaged in missionary dating desire the person they are dating to come to Christ in order to justify being in the relationship. Yes they want to see them live for Christ with purpose, but to do so with the intention that they may now live with them for the rest of life here on earth, rather than for eternity. If some aspect or goal of the relationship isn't the desired result, then why not just witness and display the love of Christ to them as a friend showing compassion without the complication of dating? Fulfilling the calling of missions is a sacrifice of self in favor of gaining others for Christ. Fulfilling the pursuit of missionary dating is a sacrifice of the other in favor of gaining one for your self. Quite a noticeable distinction. One that needs prayer, as this mentality still permeates believers, and contributes, I suspect, to the high rate of divorce even among Christians. The relationship doesn't last, because one's commitment to Christ becomes a condition of maintaining and retaining the relationship with the significant other. A very wrong reason to get saved, quite simply. Pray with me, on this #missionsFriday with a twist, for the relationships experiencing this conflict; possessing this mentality. Pray a genuine spirit of compassion within the church, for the lost and dying. May the focus of sharing our faith be to see others experience a genuine encounter with God, rather than having an intimate moment in a relationship. May our self-interests in seeing lives changed for eternity be set aside, as God is not willing that any should perish, but come to true repentance. Pray God work the miraculous in hearts and minds struggling with this aspect of a relationship and the conflict and discord it presents. May God bring clarity to hearts and minds; a spirit of discernment that would allow God to do and complete His Work rather than "forcing" our own desires. True repentance. True salvation. True freedom in Christ. For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() Whoever said raising kids was easy... well, I'm not sure anyone has ever said it that; for surely it is not. I learned many lessons about dealing with others, from my experiences in grade school and really, all my schooling, even in college. As my oldest has had some difficulty even in her early years, it's amazing what you try to look for, as insight, that will help the process. However, something profound struck me yesterday. Scripture says to love our enemies and to pray. It does not say anything about trusting them. Then comes the moment of truth... If we don't trust our enemies in the physical realm, then why do we succumb so easily to the lies of the enemy in the spiritual realm? He is out to detour, derail and destroy your life and your soul. His words carry no weight and whatever element of truth may be found in his statements, it is to serve his agenda and his accusations. Dealing with him is hard in adulthood and yet, Scripture is filled with moments in time where the enemy of our souls sought to destroy the child. It is where greatness begins. The innocence. The possibilities. The dreams. The imagination. Train them in the way they should go and they will not depart. Yet, if the enemy can mess us up, so that as adults, we miss the mark in training them in the things of God... if he can mess with the kids; that they won't nothing to do with the things of God... All the more reason to cover our kids in prayer. Pray this #youthPastorWednesday, for pastors and parents; that God would help give us insight and direction in training our children in the things of God; to instill unshakable, unwavering foundations of faith. Pray that God's hand would rest upon them; that at the earliest possible time, kids would recognize the need for Christ in their life, as Lord and Savior. Though difficult to understand, may the trust in God and in His promises... that He will never leave or forsake them; that He has a plan and purpose for their life and that He does indeed, work all things together for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Trust in the Lord your God. Seek His righteousness and His kingdom first. Lovers of Truth. For the glory of God. - PNC It's not very often that I have been faced with two ideas regarding these prayer posts and felt the need to decide between which one God had in mind. The two seemingly interwove with each other, between what we pursue in relationship to how community operates.
In our pursuit, we look to and for what is next. What will improve our life? What will improve our position? What will increase our bank account? What will grant us greater influence and prominence? Community always looks for the best and the brightest. The prominent neighborhood. The desired school district. The hottest restaurants. The best shopping experience Yet, when someone recommends seeking God for direction in life, rather than man's wisdom or insight... When there's a recommendation of prayer over pills; to read the read the Word of God, rather than reading cards; community calls out the believer for being off base. In and of themselves, Christians are neither perfect nor have all the answers or have it all together. But like being a part of the best neighborhoods, attending the award-winning school, or the experiencing the greatest dining or shopping, the community of faith should be the desired community. It's not a premier community because of who is a part of it; it is a premier community because of who the community turns to; not just in times of trouble and desperation, but in times of triumph and celebration. It was God who created community, when he created man. He created community when he created woman, for it was not good for man to be alone. He created community when He planned for redemption through Jesus Christ. God is the ultimate "community organizer". It is His family; an ever-growing one at that. It is where all of humanity belongs, that sons and daughters would return to the Father. Pray, this #communitySaturday, that the body of Christ would extend the invitation to a lost and dying world, that there is hope and peace, love and forgiveness made available through Christ. May they come to a place of understanding, that God is not out of reach and out of touch, but intimately and keenly aware of what has transpired in every heart, mind and soul of every life. Pray the truth of God's Word would be made alive; that prayer works; that God's Word helps; that whatever we have need of and whatever we seek, God is able to fulfill and meet us at our point of need and in times of desperation. May we seek Him; And His righteousness As we do for what this world offers But will not last, nor satisfy. In Christ alone, we place our trust. - PNC Talking with my best friend yesterday, we got to talking about comedians, when Jeff Allen's testimony came up and it reminded me I had mentioned it last week. As I was thinking yesterday about community and about missions, I couldn't help but recall Jeff's words.
To appreciate a creation, you have to appreciate it's Creator. Yet, somehow, in this life, we've figured out how to love the things of this earth, yet not acknowledge the One who created this life and all that is in it. For all that we go through, for all that we don't understand, I am amazed how God pursues us. **I'll finish this post later, but in the meantime, share this video and pray for the miraculous! So, I'm back... much later than anticipated. :-/ Oh, that we would pursue God as much as He pursues us. We go after possessions and the like... insert your free-time consumer here. Mine is cars; usually browsing Craigslist for the next potential ride. For others, clothes. The latest flick. Having just spent two hours at the cellular store and stumping tech support for the past four days, some have to have the latest and greatest technology. The biggest flat screen. What's your vice? For God, it is His creation. Disconnect God from His people is the eternal equivalent for some of us being without our phone. (my replacement arrives Tuesday; this not a vice, so much as I have been unable to receive incoming calls since sometime this past Tuesday). My universe feels out of sorts when a car is in the shop (which also, could be looming in the next week or so, that will have to be resolved out of priority, not desire). A favorite outfit ruined. The superficial struggles are way to frequent; but we have relatible moments of loss... the passing of friends and family, spouse or child... incredible grief. Profound disconnect. This is God's dilemma. Anything to have more time with those He created; and desired badly enough to send His own and only Son to earth, to pay the cost that would make restitution, whereby man could be reunited with his Creator. The awesome, yet humbly-profound wooing of God. He desires that people would draw near unto Him, for then He has permission to draw unto them. In the meantime, there is a constant, passionate, patient knocking... loving reminders that He is waiting. As Jeff testifies, God knew how to capture his attention. Cynics are cynical. Enter the book of Ecclesiastes. The constant knocking of sermon tapes. The patient waiting that Jeff would open one and listen. While incredibly late this #missionsFriday, pray that many would listen and respond, to the prompting; the drawing; the wooing of Creator God. May human creation come to realize and recognize and respond to the invitation made available to have a relationship with God, through His Son, Jesus Christ. Despite faults and failures, missed opportunities and moments of hitting the wrong target in life; may the love, grace and forgiveness of God visit hearts and lives. Pray they would forever be changed for eternity; to testify as Jeff does; we do have and are put on this earth with purpose. It starts and ends with God; the very beginning and the end of everything that ever was, ever has been and ever will be. All that God has for us, Because we are made complete in Him. For His glory For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ps: fuzed worship radio is playing on Pandora; getting ready to update this prayer to the site and How He Loves, by True Story just started playing. Wow... "He is jealous for me... O how He loves me... I realize just how beautiful you are and how great Your affections are for me. Gotta love God's timing!! I'm not exactly sure what prompted me to think about this last night, as I spend the afternoon at a family reunion and honestly had given much thought at all to today's prayer (I know that sounds weird, especially having written yesterday's prayer on inquiries), but, whatever the reason, another song played an influence.
If you ever get a chance to see the band, Everfound, in concert, you should absolutely go! Comprised of four brothers from Russia, these young men have an incredible testimony of faith and the persecution their family faced before coming to America, in 1996, if I recall correctly. Their debut album is in the CD player of the vehicle we took to the reunion, this album being one of the favorites of my oldest daughter. The entire album contains powerful lyrics, but as we were making our way to leave, the song Unless started playing, in light of the concepts of effective and efficiency. There's an old adage that says, "pray like everything depends on God; work like everything depends on you." Pair that ideology with the chorus of the song... "unless a miracle, takes control; and rescues my fallen world." We struggle to work and play and to make our way sometimes forgetting or at least letting it move to the backside of our memory, that everything we do is because of the ability granted to us by God, to be used for purposes of God, in order to bring glory to God. Thus, no matter our best efforts, they are, in fact, as Solomon explained, meaningless in our fallen world... unless, a Miracle. Pray, this #effectiveSunday, for the miraculous, in our midst. In our fallen world, where everything under the sun is meaningless and all our best efforts will fall short of the glory of God, may the sovereignty of God grace our lives. May our words and deeds for the cause of Jesus Christ bring glory to God and that the drawing of the Holy Spirit would go before us and prepare the way for the work of the Lord. May we be a people, that indeed, would trust God, for it does all depend on Him, while working like it does depend on us, for we are not called to do and be nothing; but we are called to be salt and light. God, go before us this hour. Do what only You can do; That we might do what you have called for us to do. For the glory of God. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC With the title of yesterday's prayer post fresh on my mind as I went to you work, you can guess which lyrics I had stuck in my head all day! In fact, the phrase the kept repeating was "so hard to get through to you".
On this #community, it simply reemphasized the point, of just how often we make our points and arguments and opinions and they simply fall short of accomplished the desired result and making the change we hoped our dialogue would make. Distractions, experiences and habits conspire together to place in a position, especially emotionally or mentally where we have difficulty encountering opposition and making changes. Like life didn't through us enough of a curve ball, it seems at times, there is never a reprieve! That song wouldn't leave for the entire day, until my way home when I cranked up the BOSE Stereo. My CD changer got stuck trying to eject a CD, so I've reverted to the couple of mix tapes still hiding in the console. Read these lyrics, from Mylon Lefevre's Let Love Conquer (and listen to the song, posted on YouTube) So many people // Having hard times They feel the pressure // They're losing their minds They don't have the strength to really endure // Because tomorrow looks so unsure If they fall // We gotta let them see Jesus' love in you and me Don't put down your brother // Let Love conquer Please don't hurt each other // Let Love conquer It's not easy // To show your face When folks are thinking // You're just a disgrace It's so easy to be misunderstood // When explanations don't come out like they should If we are going to walk through this life with Christ in us, then we do we not respond more like Christ to the events and people whose paths we intersect? A challenging question, but one that needs to be asked. Some introspection worth covering in prayer. Pray, this #communitySaturday, as we intersect with community, that we would see others as Christ sees. May we tell them, as Mylon states, that while this world has problems, the good news is that as children of God, they are not our problems! Pray opportunities to share Christ and reveal the love of God be made transparent. Pray that the troubles and trials and disgraces of life would be placed at the cross, for both the believer and the one yet to believe. May no matter what tomorrow looks like, deter people from reaching out to God. Pray for a softening of hearts in our culture and community, where distractions, experiences and habits have hardened, rejected and calloused people's understanding of who God is and what He desires for their lives. Pray in all things... That Love would conquer. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() Almost three weeks ago, my best friend's co-worker was involved in an accident in a company vehicle, that sadly resulted in a fatality, the 61-yr old lady who had turned in front of them. A week and half ago, maybe almost two, a guy from a competing company of that same best friend, was involved in an accident with a semi-truck. He too, sadly, was the fatality. A week ago, tomorrow, I was involved in an accident, with the young man who ran a red light while I was driving a company vehicle. And now?? Tuesday night, I'm on the phone with that same best friend. He is walking into an appointment late in the afternoon, when he says, "gotta go...wife is calling in". As it turns out, she was calling to inform him that their daughter had just been involved in an accident. Oi Vey! Meanwhile, just a little over an hour before that was happening, I had gotten a text from a guy at church. The 47-yr old son of another dear friend, had had a heart attack Tuesday morning. In case you missed that, a heart-attack... at 47! Both of these friends, a former deacon on our church's advisory board and a current deacon, respectively. As I considered and prayed over these situations, I couldn't help but consider the Biblical truth... indeed, it rains on the just and the unjust; the righteous and the unrighteous. Correspondingly, yesterday's verse of the day, from YouVersion, was 1 Corinthians 2:9. "But as it is written, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him." Amazingly, it all came together. One simply doesn't know what, who and how God will orchestrate events and circumstances in our lives to bring about glory and honor to His name. It seems odd and unfair in our finite minds, but as a lady even testified during last night's devotional at church, God does have a plan to use ever situation and battle we face; no matter what it is, to bring about the miraculous in drawing us closer to Him and pointing others to Him. Sure, it does seem unfair. There will always be questions. There will, inevitably, be fear and frustration. Trials and tribulations visit all of our households. None of that, however, takes away from the goodness and greatness of God, whose mercies are new every morning. Today is simply a new day, that no matter who you are, where you are, with whatever you have; God is the God of the miraculous. On this #deaconThursday, as we seek the face of God, pray for these my friends, deacons and church support staff, for whom life is striking close. For situations that are causing anxiety and fear; for circumstances with unanswered questions and uncertain futures, may faith arise; standing the face of adversity, as they refuse to allow the enemy to destroy their lives and homes. Pray they would hold fast to the promise that God has given; He does work all things together for the good of those who love Him. May what the enemy intended to harm and derail us be used to glorify God and on an even stronger course of faith. Pray the spirit of fear to be gone. May the love of God and the soundness of mind fill their soul and spirits, as the days and weeks unfold; as decisions are made; as recovery takes place. While life moves on, may these moments of crisis move us closer to Father God, the lover and maker of our souls; in whom we live, move and have our being. May God keep us close to His presence, Despite the accidents and incidents of life. For His glory, we pray. In the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() Life really is about perspective. And timing. And the sovereignty of Almighty God. Situations happen, that we don't understand, then we think about the ways it would be different. Of course, the default position is to figure out how or why the situation could have been avoided at all. But when you deal with the reality of what is going on or what has just transpired, you being to consider the ways it could have been so much worse. Case in point: the young man, in his late teens, that ran a red light yesterday morning while I was driving a commercial work truck. Everyone is okay and thankfully, it just messed up the bumper on the truck, so after an hour at the scene and thanks to a body shop around the corner that simply hooked up a chain to the bumper and his truck to pull the bumper away from the tire and I was back on the road. However, the same can't be said for the kids poor, 2-year old Focus. Suffice to say, please drive carefully, especially in construction zones! That said, as I went about the day, I considered how this accident will mess up the families schedule. The logistics, of what sounds do be at least 4 drivers in the house and the juggling act of work schedules and who knows what else and now the task of finding and securing rides because one car is down. However, the difference of a another second or two and 3-5 more feet and the impact would have been the center of his car or the tank of diesel under my door, which was still 3/4 full. Talk about situations being so much worse!! I quickly became incredibly grateful to be alive, as if nothing had happened. I became all the more grateful to have accepted Christ when I was a kid. Yesterday morning could have too late. There's a reason in Scripture, that there is a call to respond, upon hearing the Word of the Lord. Today is the day of salvation. Life is precious. Life is short. Life is not guaranteed for the next 5 seconds, let alone the next 5 years. Plan as though you will have a full and long life of serving God and fulfilling the purpose and plan He has for you while on this Earth. Be prepared for a short life, understanding your last breath could be at the next intersection. As the church engages community, I never want to pressure someone into salvation. However, there is a reason Jesus doesn't knock on the door of people's hearts just once, then leaves them alone. God knows where each life begins and ends and it is with that knowledge that there is a constant prompting of the Spirit as events unfold in our lives, in repeated attempts to gain our attention. Today is the day of salvation. Jesus said in John 11, I am the resurrection and the life; he that believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this? Pray with me this #communitySaturday, for those yet to accept Christ as Lord and Savior, that upon hearing the Word of God, would realize that time is of the essence. May they know that God is not willing that any should perish. God is patient with us, but our life, unlike God operates on time; thus our lives are not prolonged indefinitely until one comes to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Pray the Holy Spirit would continue to prompt those needing God to accomplish the miraculous in their lives. May the sovereign hand of God work in lives and situations, whereby He would be glorified and that during such times, many would recognize the grace of God and the love He has for each and every one of us. Pray for a peace that passes all understanding to come upon those that are distraught by life's circumstances and that God would grant wisdom and direction, as He reveals to them, the plan, purpose and destiny for which they were created. For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord.... for a hope and a future. And He works all things together for good, for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. - PNC We had a guest speaker yesterday morning, who preached an incredible message simply titled, "God's Waiting Room." While there are many character he could have chosen for illustration, he spoke regarding the life of Abraham, waiting on the promise of God for a child. As he closed the message highlighting a few practically applications that we can make in our lives as we wait, it was his last point that particularly struck me and I'd like to highlight for the purpose of today's prayer.
The question posed was essentially this: What do we miss out in life because we don't lower our pride and allow the faith of others to come alongside and join us in our situation? What an awesome question! As such, it's modeled in both the old and new testament. Job's breakthrough came when he prayed for his friends. Likewise, in Jesus' ministry, with the four friends who tore into the roof to lower their paralytic friend. Scripture says, "when Christ saw their faith..." If that wasn't enough, the testimony shared by our guest speaker was just as powerful to hear as from 9-5, at the top of every hour through a M-F work week, he had people from church come pray over his wife. By Friday, whatever it was that had ailed for over 9 months, had left and has never returned. This is the cause for burnout. Lack of friends to turn to in times of difficulty. Feeling nobody can help in times of adversity. Thinking no one can comfort and walk with you as you face insurmountable challenges. If only more pastors would recognize how much we are for them and support them. If only more parishioners would stand and rise to come alongside and stand in agreement with pastors for the places in life they find themselves. There is power in the agreement of prayer. There is strength in standing beside a friend and lifting them up spiritually before God; joining their faith and approaching the throne of grace, boldly. There is great need to do so for pastors, missionaries and church leaders. Thanks again for joining me as we #pray4pastors. On this #seniorPastorMonday. pray first and foremost, that a spirit of pride would not stand in the way of pastors reaching out, even if only to one or a few people, to request needing prayer and support for whatever it they face. May feelings of loneliness and all that accompanies it subside, as they recognize people do care for them and that God has forgotten them in their place. Pray for the church, to dismiss their thinking that pastors have their act together. May they recognize the need to join their faith in support as well as join in the mission and calling the pastors have for the communities they serve. May relationships and tense relations between the pulpit and the pew be mended and healed. Pray a spirit of unity come over the church, anew and afresh; that the impact of the church would increase as God watches people come together and witnesses the faith of those who are friends. The miraculous. Where one or two are gathered in My name. May God be in their midst. By His Grace and for His glory. - PNC The events of this world, continue to cause a flood of emotions. Frustration, heartache, anxiety, grief, anger. Clearly we have a problem of evil; that can only be acknowledged as such, if we take in account that everything has an opposite position, which is good. Which "everyone" seems to acknowledge as being, in their daily lives. So how in a world full of "good" people, can we be witnessing so much evil? Simple. Goodness is not enough. Evil resides in the hearts of all of us, until is it replaced by the person of Jesus Christ. At which time; the war of internal conflict begins. To live as Christ in us or to give to our selfish desires. Nothing else is working. Other religions; more laws; different politicians; increased taxes; raised awareness; new regulations... all of these problems and none of the fixes actually fix (at least not long term). So, on this #communitySaturday, what do we say? How are we to respond? I have but one question, as I shake my head in disbelief to what we are experiencing in this world. When will the world see... We NEED JESUS!!! I leave you with the lyrics from this great song, performed by one of my favorite bands... and in a slightly different change of pace, as you pray today, pray these lyrics; that through the churches conversations with community, people would come to know Christ and understand, He is all there is. WE NEED JESUS! - PNC When will the world // See that we need Jesus? If we open our eyes // We will all realize // That He loves us When will the world // See that we need Jesus? When our hearts are as one // And believe that He's the Son of our God [Chorus] The Lord is our God // And we shall never want The Lord is our God // And we shall live forever When we share the love of Jesus // See each other as He sees us Then His love will see us through // His love will see us through When will the world // See that we need Jesus? When sister and brother // Love one another as one When will the world // See that we need Jesus? Will we ever understand // Jesus is the Son of man? We must live in the shadow of His love When will the world // See that we need Jesus? If we open our eyes // We will all realize That He loves us // When will the world See that we need Jesus? // When our hearts are as one And believe that He's the Son of our God ![]() I honestly had no idea when I wrote Monday's prayer, specifically surround the situation with Perry Noble and the church he founded, that it would turn in to this... yes, this is essentially part 4 of #pray4Noble. I didn't know it was coming until about 20 minutes or so after I posted yesterday's prayer. Satan, the enemy of our souls, knows that life is complex. Along with that, our relationships and connection points, that bind people together. He is out to seek, kill and destroy and will use whatever means necessary; so anything he can do to gain access and use opportunities such as this gain ground on an individual or a group, rest assured he will use it to his advantage. He is determined just as much as hold fast to the promise that God will use the same situation for His glory. We've prayed for Noble and what God would work in his life directly through this situation. We've prayed for the pastoral board that has been involved in this decision and now must continue forward. We've prayed for Noble's family, specifically, his children and their response. So who's left? Well, his congregation for sure; but more specific than that, those who remain and continue in church operations to meet the needs of the congregation and do the work of ministry; albeit now with the aftermath of this matter on the forefront of everyone's minds. This was the founding pastor! Consider the deacons and elders who have been involved since day 1 on every decision that affected the church and it's direction during this time. Administrators who bought into the vision and mission of this church, to ensure effective ministry to this body and to this community. To have risen to this level of growth and prominence in their community, not to mention nationally and global as the expanded their influence to the greater Christian community and churches across the world. Consider the staff and volunteers who remain; who are now fielding questions from every direction and helping people through a difficult time of intense emotions, strong opinions and unsettling conversations. This church is 20,000-30,000 in number. (I can't remember which it was that I read Sunday night). I pray they come out victorious and intact as they go through this; however, this is what Satan lives for... to take down an influential pastor as well as his family and to destroy the church that remains after his removal. This is an opportunity for him to wreak havoc. An opportunity for chaos. An opportunity for him to do his best work. Yet for all this, he remains a defeated foe. Through prayer, may he be reminded of that today. On this #deaconThursday, lift up this church in prayer. For the deacons, admins and staff that must continue carrying out ministry and help the pastoral team in the next steps of direction for this body, may God grant incredible wisdom. Pray conversations would be seasoned with grace. May they remain steadfast; standing on Biblical principles to guide their decisions, with every step. Pray for a humble confidence; relying solely on God to see them through this time; yet confident God will meet every need; provide every solution and will work miracles; whereby their impact for the kingdom of God will be greater than ever thought or imagined in their history. May the havoc be non-existent; may the chaos cease. Pray a calm in the midst of the storm; that this would be a time for all involved to draw closer to God and strengthen the bond of unity among them. May their trust be in God alone. The author and finisher of our faith. Through whatever we face. Victorious; for the glory of God. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019