![]() I had a friend speak into my life yesterday regarding a matter that our family has been dealing with and quite frankly, I didn't see it coming. The conversation was not lengthy nor eloquent. It wasn't filled with lofty solutions or complex strategies. It was however, a handful of things. It was timely. It was true It was stated in love. Ir was real. It was covered in prayer. It was, effective and efficient. As I've learned even in the past 8 hours this morning, God knows what's going on in our lives when we don't. He is with us in our pain and suffering. He is with us in the confusion. And as I laid in bed, trying to figure out what physically had risen up within body and woken me up at 5am, at one point my youngest daughter kept coming in to check on me... with hugs and kisses and I love you, Daddy. At one point, I asked if she would pray for me. "God, help Daddy feel better." Moments ago, she came up behind me and hugged my neck. "Thanks for praying for me, kiddo. God answered your prayer." We don't know always know what we are facing, but it's amazing how much more effective and efficient the solutions are when we know what to take hold of and surrender at the Cross of Christ. It too, is a great reminder that when we don't know what we are up against, God knows what is needed and is ready, willing and able to hear and answer prayer. Even those of a little child. So... my sincerest apologies that this is getting posted after many of today's morning services, but will you join me once again? For your churches and families alike; may God grant them wisdom and revelation in the situations and circumstance that have them confused, frustrated and bothersome. Whatever the solutions, pray God would grant grace as they move forward. May the sovereign plan of God be fulfilled as we walk in the paths He has prepared for us and in the truth that He has made apparent in our lives. Pray we would be reminded to approach the throne of grace with humilty; acknowledging that all things come from the hand of God, or at least pass through the hand of God. There is nothing He is not aware of, nor able to meet in the lives of those who call on Him and seek His face. Whether the problem be crystal clear Or cloudy as mud... It is all for the glory of God. For even the mud was a tool To restore one's sight. Effective and efficient, Despite our lack of understanding. For the advancement of the cause of Christ. - PNC
![]() I recently heard, perhaps, the most powerful sermon on forgiveness ever. It truly was a powerful message that I dare say, touched nearly everyone within earshot. During the course of the message, the pastor shared of a situation in which a pastor was passed over for a position in ministry. Thus, the individual was offended and the actions that followed to express his frustration were apparent over the years. Yet, ultimately, the power to forgive falls with the one offended, regardless of where the offender is real or perceived to be in the wrong for his or her actions. Otherwise, the cycle is simply perpetuated and correspondingly, harder to break as time continues. It's amazing as well, how unforgiveness carries over into other realms of life and becomes a blockage. As explained through the analogy of a door, it keeps one from going out, but also keeps others from coming in. So our refusal to open the door is a permission slip to reject whatever may await us on the other side. Which is fine, unless it's the presence and blessing of God that we are ultimately blocking. Whether from behind the pulpit or in the pew, I think we can all agree that's the last thing we would want to refuse into our life as a follower of Jesus Christ. Thus, will you pray this #associatePastorTuesday? Pray for those who are struggling with letting go of an offense, whether real or perceived. May there be an opening in the door of their heart and mind to extend grace and forgiveness. Pray for grudges and bitterness to be laid at the cross. Pray for healing in the lives of those where unforgiveness and bitterness have become strongholds. May such situations and circumstances not hinder the work of the ministry or the advancement of the Gospel. May God work the miraculous as He sees fit, as people work through the process and release of being offended... that it would not get the better of our spirits, nor our faith. For as we open the door to extend the character of Christ May the blessing of God return through the same door. That in all things, God may receive glory And draw each of us closer to His heart and presence. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() I'm having a good laugh this morning, but only for a moment. My friends posted a video on social media of their daughter having a tea party. Mom and Dad are sitting on the couch and Mom is getting left out. As she's recording, she keeps asking, if she can of some tea. Her daughter, being a stinker, keeps saying "No" and walking over to Dad and pouring him more tea. She was bummed... laughing, but bummed. I replied to her #momsnotinvited with #dadsliketeatoo. What's not funny, though, is the reality of our society. We have been on a steady decline because of our Fathers. It's not entirely their fault. Politics and policies have helped foster the perception that more government help is available when Dads aren't present. The excessive consumer mindset has driven more Dads further into the workplace to help support the lifestyle. The portrayal of Dads on television and film... well, that's a whole other element. Divorce is through the roof and as if Dads being booted aren't enough, they are trash-talked to the community and the kids. This damages relationships (and it goes the other way, against the ex-wife) As Dr. Meg Meeker explained in an interview this past week, discussing her new book, Hero, most of society's problems can be fixed by restoring Dad's. Drugs are rampant in neighborhoods, in part because we're are relying on police to come after the fact, rather than Dad being present to step in before the fact. Relationships with kids and teens are seeing irreparable damage, because Dad isn't there to daily show and reinforce love, confidence, values, integrity or faith. They aren't learning healthy friendships and relationships because they don't see Dad having valuable friends and a strong marriage. Thousands of hours and millions of dollars... in government services and resources, in counseling and therapy, in court costs, legal battles, and law enforcement; in community relations and "curb appeal" of neighborhoods, drugs and rehab programs... and there's more you are thinking of, even as you read this. We are witnessing the generational effects of having begun removing fathers from the picture decades ago and while we cry for their return, we keep looking for other solutions which don't hold a candle to what is truly needed. They simply need to come home. Will you join me, this #communitySaturday, as we pray for the return of Fathers and true Fatherhood. Pray for families and communities where Dads are absent and missing. May there be a process of restoration and healing whereby they would be able to step back into the picture. Pray for a movement of men who will step in and stand in the gap. Pray for marriages to be restored. Pray for communities to be brought back to life; that they would be places of hope and healing. May there be a spiritual revival, of Fathers coming to the place of salvation through Jesus Christ; whereby receiving the grace and forgiveness of God, that they would be able to extend to their homes, families and communities. As the world begins and ends with God, So, to, does society rise and fall with Fathers. For while we were made in the image of God We have been reduced to treatment worse than dogs. May God forgive us and heal our land. That we may reflect His character and His glory To a world and a people desperate to know they are loved. - PNC This past weekend marks the 29th anniversary of one of the most tragic bus accidents in our nation's history, as a church community was returning late from an outing on a Saturday night when their bus was struck by a drunk driver traveling on the wrong side of the freeway.
Read more here: www.nytimes.com/1988/05/16/us/fiery-crash-kills-27-in-kentucky-as-truck-and-youths-bus-collide.html I have a number of pastor friends who are close friends with the pastors who were leading that church at the time of this tragedy. And as a friend posted to social media yesterday, he offered this comment, regarding the pastor and his wife... "{she] called all the families who lost loved ones in this tragedy yesterday. As she has every year, for 29 years now". Though their ministry continues in other realms and other places, such was the impact on this community and obviously this church, that they are still ministering to those whose lives were forever changed on this earth by this loss. It just got me thinking about the power of legacy. And the power of pastors who remain committed to the call of God upon their lives to serve the Kingdom despite whatever great triumph or tragedy they may encounter along the way. I simply can't fathom, actually. What a time for God to show up and accomplish the miraculous. Which He did in the aftermath. But what a dangerous time, for the enemy of our souls to accomplish much destruction and havoc to the foundation of faith in peoples' lives. Thus, will you join me this #seniorPastorMonday in prayer? Pray for this church family specifically and these pastors, who after all these years continue to reach on those impacted. May God strengthen and encourage them, that even though time heals, it's the power of God that continues to work and accomplish His purposes through the affairs of life. Pray the testimonies of His grace and glory would continue to be declared from this community; that what the enemy meant to steal, may God return with blessing, favor and increase. Pray also, for pastors' like the Tennison's, who perhaps have struggled to keep the course and such tragedies have taken them out of the ministry and calling God has for them as life has simply overwhelmed. May God accomplish the miraculous in their lives even this day. For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. No matter what your life looks like. Yesterday, today and tomorrow, The I Am has the whole world in His hands. - PNC ![]() The amazing thing about the broken state of humanity is the opportunity it creates, whereby we witness the miraculous hand of God through the working of the super-natural. What glory is to be gained by the Lord, if the trials and troubles of life fail to position us in such a way that we can not deny that the only viable solution that is of an any worth or value, let alone eternal, is to call upon the name of the Lord? None. Nobody receives glory for coming through in circumstances where they were not requested. No relationship is fulfilling, where a person is not desired, sought and pursued. There is no meaning in isolation. Conversely, there is gratitude in a need that goes unmet. We often get discouraged and frustrated because God doesn't answer or meet our needs in the time, manner or reasoning that we would like or prefer. Yet we fail to miss that our biggest need, God actually provided for, long before we were born; let alone our understanding the eternal gap that exists between the presence of God and the soul of man. The power of the miraculous... the glory of the super-natural; for our lives in light of eternity, it begins with the Cross of Christ and the point of salvation. Yet as life encroaches and crowds in on us, even this simple truth can get stuffed in the background of the mature believer as much as the lost has yet to hear the words. So will you join me this #missionsFriday? May God continue to work the miraculous in our hearts and lives for His glory. May we be reminded throughout this day, of the power of God unto salvation. Pray those who hear would receive and those who have received be reminded; that if God could provide something that incredible well in advance of our lives, than He is at work for everything that follows. Pray the spirits of missionaries would be strengthened and encouraged, even this hour. May God continue to guide and direct them as they trust in Him; knowing that whatever they have need of, that God has already moved on their behalf. For God delights in relationship. Desirous for us to share our lives with Him To the degree He has shared His Son with mankind. As He works in the affairs of humanity. Accomplishing the miraculous, through the power of the supernatural For His glory and the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() I recently witnessed the power of Psalms 34:18 "The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saves such as be of a contrite spirit." It got me thinking just how often we look at situations and while they may seem at the time like they are a bigger deal than what they really are (if we put them in a proper perspective or timeline), we don't always find ourselves responding to them correctly. Sure, there's a time to be upset about our circumstance. Frustrated with the details of the situation. Perhaps it's someone else' fault; more often than we care to admit the problem lies with ourselves. It's amazing just how quickly, even when we aren't looking, pride stands up. We don't want to go. We don't want to do. We don't like to hear. We don't want to feel. Yet the power of God lies in the power of confession. It exists in the admission that we cannot live life on our own We cannot endure the trials and troubles of this life on our own. Even when situations are caused by our own misdoings and misgivings; God is able to move in the circumstances of our lives that begins with our standing before God... broken and contrite. It's easier to do when it's obvious. Sometimes. It's often much harder, though, when it comes to the refining points of faith. So, pray this #associatePastorTuesday, for pastors that God is dealing with and refining. Pray for the situations and circumstances where it may be harder to acknowledge that their heart aren't spirit aren't as broken and contrite before the Lord as what He desires. Pray for those pastors who feel perhaps God is not moving in situations and circumstances; may their be an illumination in their hearts and minds even this hour that God moves through the power of confession. May they find mercy for their mistakes and grace wherever they may go. That God would accomplish the miraculous For those who would call on His name Whereby we are saved. For His glory. - PNC ![]() We often take this time on #communitySaturday to pray God would help us impact our community with the love and message of Christ. Yet, if I can change things up this weekend... Meet Lee Shaw, who you can read and hear about some of his story here: www.napachaps.com/chaplain-lee-shaw.html Shaw, was a local pastor in 1996 when he was approached by the police chief to minister to the law enforcement community. Today, he leads a team of chaplains who minister in times of crisis to agencies and communities in 15 counties! Shaw wrote a letter to a pastor friend who shared the letter in a sermon I heard the other day. To hear the details of this letter is astounding. You can imagine the scenarios and the crises that were outlined. Families dealing with the aftermath of an accident Families dealing with the announcement of an officer injured or killed in the line of duty Helping first responders cope and continue with life after repeated trauma scenes. And so, so much more. Just replaying the list in my mind and recalling my reaction... at one point it was just dropping. The list of scenarios and situations just kept coming. But what a transition, to step outside the four-walls of the church to be even further to the front-line of the community by ministering to people in times of extreme crisis and trauma. What's beyond even this... Shaw traveled to Ground Zero on three separate occasions, he was on-site at Sandy Hook and also, in response to Hurricane Katrina. Thus, the impact we can make on our communities and those who serve the front-lines of our communities are great. And the opportunities are greater. Yet we can all begin in prayer. Would you join me, this #communitySaturday, in pray for Shaw and his team and others like him (i.e. my cousin, who is a military chaplain). Pray that God would strengthen them as they serve, for if the potential for burnout exists anywhere, it's on the front-line of trauma and stress. May they be surrounded with people who would be their encouragement as they encourage and minister to others. Pray that God would go before them and prepare the way, for the never know what they what sites and circumstances upon which they will step. Pray for protection. Pray for wisdom; that they would be empowered by the Holy Spirit; to share timely words in moments of tragedy; to speak life in spite of great loss. May ministries like this witness the miraculous, as God moves in the affairs of man, even at most chaotic times of life. All for His glory To show compassion. To share grace. To express love. Though life may change on Earth, May lives be changed for Eternity. To reflect Christ to a world in need of Him. - PNC ![]() Well, I am simply blown away. And my boast is in the Lord. When I started revamping this site two years ago in May, I didn't know what God had in store; nor what this project would do in my own personal faith. June 1 marks the completion of two years. Meanwhile, today marks the threshold of 700 consecutive Daily Prayer posts. I remember having the conversation with God when I was trying to figure out exactly what I hoped to see this site accomplish. I felt in my Spirit, God's answer was a very simple start. "Well, you have webpage titled "Daily Prayer". Why don't you begin by writing one every day? My only concern was how quickly repetitious this site would become, so I simply replied, "If I'm writing every day, I'm gonna need your help." For any one in ministry, especially full-time, if there is any ever desire to be effective for the kingdom of God, that is the first response. Whatever you want me to God... I'm gonna need your help. I'm constantly reminded I can't do this life on my own. My faith. My work. My marriage. My kids. My finances. My health. This ministry project. I fail every time I attempt to do it on my own and feel to seek the wisdom and strength from the hand of God. It's an easy enough trap to fall into... you have a good day and think it can be repeated. But the first time you leave God out, can be distinctly marked as if it were a skipped payment on your credit report. (not that God is keeping that kind of score). Nevertheless... 700 of anything isn't without notice. Yet, it pails to what churches and pastors have accomplished, both in shorter periods of time and tenured ministries. And they, like myself, still only have one response. Moving forward, God... I'm gonna need your help. Thanks for joining me, these past 700 days. And let us join in prayer, once again this #effectiveSunday. May today be a day of victory for the kingdom of God. A day of 700 salvations. A day of 700 addictions broken. A day of 700 marriages restored. A day of 700 families healed. May today be a day of increase, strength and wisdom for churches. Pray that we would continue to arise daily and call on the name of the Lord. May we seek His face and see His hand at work in our lives; that through our reliance on Him, He would prove Himself faithful to do His part as we continue in the plans and purposes He has placed upon our hearts. Lord, I thank you for the past 700 days of insight Lord, I commit the next 700 days to you. That You do what only You can do. For my life and this project is nothing; If you are not first in it and with it. For your glory, I pray. - PNC ![]() If you'll permit me to do an extension of yesterday's Rise & Fall post... that anyone within an organization is exposed to the possibility and opportunity for exhaustion and burnout. That's the nature of continuous effort and work that is not brought into balance with rest and reprieve. An interesting observation about rising and falling; they both of their edges. We often don't think of the edges involved in the rise nearly as much, for we are focused on the pursuit that's in front of us. We understand the risks and the dangers along the way, but it's the reward that lays ahead that usually helps (at least a little bit) in terms of balance, because we know their is a process involved in the pursuit. Fall-outs usually have very little control. The outcome of where you could land is relatively unknown, except for the worst case scenario of "rock bottom". We talked briefly about the importance of wise and discerning friends in this process; for so often in times of burnout, one may not recognize their exact location relative to the edge. They may have a sense they are getting close; occasionally there may be a clue dropped along the way that causes wonder to wonder if a person is in trouble. But it takes a special kind of friend to speak up and speak the truth with love. Do you realize where you are? Edges are danger places to begin with; finding yourself in close proximity while also being distracted, frustrated or in a seemingly sense of fog just makes the potential for disaster that much more of a reality. Being brought to this awareness should also prompt change and first and foremost, a desperate desire for God to work the miraculous... perhaps beyond what you thought you may have known was already needed. So on that note, can we pray this #associatePastorTuesday for the miraculous? Pray for pastors in need of a friend that will speak truth and life to the dark places; for those living closer to the edge than they realize... may God intervene and bring them back from the brinks of unknown disasters. Pray God would raise up friends and people within the church that would not only have a wise and discerning spirit, but that would have the boldness to speak into the lives of leadership, not from a sideline perspective, but from a place of love and relationship. May God bring clarity to places of frustration and fog; and that even in times of great distress and difficulty, that such times would be one more element of the testimony of the grace and glory of God. As He continues to use ALL things together for good. For those who love God and are called according to His purpose. As even the struggles and trials of life Are not beyond His reach; Nor are they beyond His ability to work the miraculous. For the advancement of the cause of Christ. - PNC ![]() A power couple in ministry, friends of ours were the keynotes at a marriage conference down South this weekend. Their testimony is incredible, both what God has accomplished in the lives as individuals and as a couple. And thanks to the power of social media, she kept posting gold nuggets online, from her husband's teaching to the marriages that were in attendance. When she posted the following statement, I knew it was perfect for today. "Churches will have no effective ministry unless they have healthy marriages and families." Though it sounds a little harsh, it's also profoundly true. Really? No. Effective. Ministry? It is a cycle? Effective ministry should be producing more healthy people and homes, definitely. Yet, at the same time, if you have unhealthy people leading ministry, who themselves are not growing and maturing spiritually, emotionally and in their relationships, then one has to wonder what are they building? I understand, families are work. So is marriage. And church is a given. Life is work. Work is challenging. Plus, everyone is in a difference place, fighting different battles, facing challenging struggles... life is exhausting at times. Being civil can be hard enough; let alone reflecting the character of Christ regardless of whether it's at home or church. I'm reminded once again of the words of Jeff Foxworthy. "I need church, because by the time we get there, I've done yelled at everybody in the car on the way there." And perhaps before you even get out the door to the car! When we all come together, it all plays in our ability to live and lead effective ministry. Thankfully, there's the grace of God, but that doesn't mean we all couldn't stand to do better. So, pray with me, this #effectiveSunday for marriages and families. Pray our interactions with each other, as we start at home, would greater reflect the love of Christ and the grace of God. May our homes be filled with understanding and forgiveness, even in times of discipline and correction. Pray the ministry efforts of the church would not be hindered by the faults and flaws of our humanity, but that sovereign hand of God would go before us and transcend our difficulties and challenges to accomplish the miraculous in the lives of others. May today be a day of change, for marriages struggling; for homes in trouble, for kids in distress... pray God would interceded and move on the hearts and lives to come into greater relationship with Him, being transformed and renewed in the image of Christ. Let it start me God, As much as it pains me to admit it. For your glory we pray. - PNC HE. IS. RISEN!
What a great day, another year of remembrance of what Christ did 2000 years ago. It still boggles the mind; sovereignty of God who knew it advance that by giving man free will, He was giving opportunity to His own rejection. Yet, God understood then, what man understands through maturity. Relationships are a choice. Thus, in understanding the evil that exists in the world and in the hearts of man, how can one acknowledge our broken condition yet deny that we need a Savior? For as the lyrics go... "If it's up to anyone of us, we'll never get out of here." We like to think it depends on us. We like to believe we can do it on our own. Weakness is for other people. Yet our own strength will fail us. The only way for renew is, in fact, to call upon the name of the Lord. For even though soldier standing at the foot of the cross acknowledged the truth... a nearly instant revelation immediately following the last breath of Christ. Indeed, this was the Son of God. In that moment, he knew his sin. He knew he needed a Messiah. And yet, Peter had not preached the solution. Repentance. For there is One Savior. One Truth. One Way. One confession. On this Easter 2017, aka #effectiveSunday, may many more experience the revelation of the Roman soldier. Pray today would be a revelation day for the saving of many souls; for indeed we do need a Messiah. May today be a celebration in Heaven and Earth, of our Risen Lord and what He accomplished for all humanity through His death and Resurrection. May we made anew and alive in Him, as we confess with your mouths and believe in our hearts, that Jesus Christ is Lord. Pray today would be a declaration heard around the world; that this season would not be another holiday turned for the commercial benefit of economy but the confessional transformation for eternity. We need a Messiah. And one was given to us. Through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Who takes away the sins of the World. For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() There are so many potential directions to take, when #missionsFriday coincides with Good Friday. Which come to think of it, is always going to be the case, I suppose. So a number of thoughts were in prayerful consideration today, until in between playing a couple of amazing albums, I caught the majority of a sermon on the death and resurrection of Christ. The details of his trial and what followed is just... almost to much to hear. Especially if you have a weak stomach! 39 blows to the body, with a leather whip covered in pieces of metal and sharp rocks. It's not surprising Christ needed help carrying His cross. What is amazing, was that He had the strength to carry it at all. The beating and torture with the whip was so severe, most people didn't even survive that! Less work for the soldiers, as it voided the need for a crucifixion. By the time one was on the cross, breathing was near impossible. If you weren't near death almost immediately, then you were an exception. And yet, to speed up the process, they pierce His side. How Christ and the thieves were able to exchange words, is amazing. Add to that, Christ finds the strength to speak; more like yell, the committing of His spirit unto God. Then the aftermath; never seen before nor since, when a person has died. Three hours of darkness. An earthquake. Surely, all creation mourned and grieved the loss of the Son of God. Yet, God recognizing the plan is complete, splits the temple veil. The pastor describes that chaotic scene. As people come for Passover preparations, the temple is in disarray. The Holy of Holies is accessible to the public; for the first time ever! And as part of the preparation was the acknowledgement that there was only one king, in God. Yet, during the trial, the religious leaders brought political pressure by saying there was only one king in Caesar. They accused Christ of blasphemy for stating His identity, while they were at fault for declaring competing kingships. What a mess! In his sermon, the pastor stated something incredibly profound. In the exchange between Pilate and Christ, Pilot thought he was total control, yet had none. Christ appeared to have no control of the situation, yet had it all under His control. Clearly... society needed a Messiah then. All the more, we need a Messiah today. I said this many, many posts ago... perhaps on a prior Good Friday. The automaker Porsche, may lay claim to the slogan "there is no substitute", but when it comes to eternity, there is indeed, one and only one substitute. The reason 3,000 were added to the church on the day of Pentecost was largely in part to the realization and understanding once Christ was dead, that indeed He was everything He said He was. The guilt of what they had done was real and fresh in their minds. They were ready to know and to hear, what, if anything could be done to redeem themselves. Thus, when Peter laid out the simplicity of the Gospel; hearts were ready to receive. Even if it seemed all too easy, if it's what was needed, they were ready to hear it and act upon it. The goodness of this Friday is only because of the benefit of hindsight. For those who lived this day and played a part in it, even if they did nothing; this was a horrendous day to be alive. But a God-ordained, amazingly-sovereign day to die. For the redemption of the world and the saving of many souls. On this #misssionsFriday, thanks for taking the time to read this extended post. Once again, I believe through the power of the Holy Spirit, it almost wrote itself and believe what's here is what God desired to be stated. So pray, this would be a day of revelation and understanding, for those who took a part in the uprising against Christ... they represent the world we live in today. A culture wanting nothing to do with Christ. May eyes be opened to the truth and purpose of Christ and the cross. Pray this would be a day that many would say as the soldier did; truly He is the Son of God. May this Easter weekend, be a time of spiritual awaking and resurrection, for the saving of many souls, both in local churches and global missions. For all the events and activities, may opportunities abound for the conversation to take place... that each of our sins tortured Christ; but Christ would rather take our place than watch us die in our sins. That He took our beating; Then carried our sin. Yet found the strength to speak life While on the verge of death. All for the love of God. Literally. Eternally. Friday is Good; for in one death; all may live. Abundant and Eternal. - PNC ![]() We all seek to have people in our lives who are understanding. And yet the adage is true; it is harder to seek to understand before being understood. We all want to go first; rarely do we desire to go second. Understanding is an interesting concept. Things may not necessarily make sense, but understanding implies that when something is explained, we can see how certain conclusions or places of decisions were arrived... even if we haven't experienced it first hand. Depending on your role in life, sometimes understanding is easier to come by than others. For as a famous comedian once said regarding parenting; we aren't interested in justice. We want quiet! I think though, the some of the most powerful places of understanding take place in marriage. While you are two people, with your own interests and friends and responsibilities, you are, at the same time, living a single life of togetherness. Conflict and tension is inevitable as there is a process of two things being made into a single unit. Perhaps more than any other person in the world, people desire to be understood by their spouse. And at times, the desire to understand first, is greater than one's own desire to be understood. This has always been my concern, when I've thought about the life of ministry. The demands and responsibilities of life are great on their own and we don't always understand the decisions our spouses make. (pick any topic here that fits) Yet when ministry demands are added to the mix, there's a whole other element of priorities and responsibilities that are added to the equation If a marriage doesn't already have a solid foundation of communication skills when it comes to matters of understanding, then ministry has the incredible opportunity to become a source of tension and frustration than one of blessing, love and compassion. For one will go give of themselves for the cause of Christ while the other stands tempted to despise the cause for the problems it creates. All marriages have rough places. Ministry is no different. Romantic relationships aren't always as beautifully written as the Hallmark channel. (which as wonderful as they are, is probably for the best) If marriage is to function as a team and present as a united front, how much more for marriages in ministry, as they work to advance the cause of Christ together? So, let's pray together, this #associatePastorTuesday, for pastors whose marriages are in trouble; perhaps weighed down from the very responsibilities and demands of ministry. May God quicken their hearts and minds and strengthen their resolve; to remain committed and work out their differences. Pray the Holy Spirit continue to move and work within us; that the desire to understand those around us, especially spouses, would be greater than our own desire to be understood. Pray that peace, love and compassion would start at home... even when the kids aren't quiet and the desire for justice among them is lost. May the impact of ministry not be hindered by our own flesh standing in the way... though the situations and priorities are important, may God help those who are having difficulty finding balance; in their marriage and their ministry and whatever may get caught and suspended in the overlap. Pray the grace of God would cover it all. For He knows where we are. And He knows what He has called us to do. He works in the lives of those around us As much as He does our own. So we pray and trust Him to accomplish the miraculous; Starting with our own self. For His glory and the cause of Christ. - PNC Familiarity and experience is good to have and plenty valuable. But nothing was ever lost through the effort and time to double-check. Even a gut-check partially through a task or operation can be a warning signal.
To ignore it, to dismiss it... sometimes the reliance on what we know (or what we think we know), is the very thing that gets us into trouble. It doesn't take much. We think we are doing well, doing things right, making good time. Then reality sets in. A question is asked. A statement is made. The light-bulb goes off and you aren't anywhere in the ballpark. Frustration. Stress. Anxiety. You are far from effective and even father from efficient. Yet, God's grace is sufficient. No matter your place or responsibility in life, such moments happen to the best of us (and the worst among us). Ministry operations are just as prone. And just as problematic. So, pray this #effectiveSunday, for those ministries and circumstances where major course corrections are having to be made. May God grant wisdom and discernment to know what changes need to be made and how best to go about them. Pray for strength, for the the extra effort, resources and time that will be required as a result. May, despite our failures and mistakes, God would use such moments for His glory; that when we lack understanding and perspective, God is working the miraculous. May lessons be learned and faith strengthened, as we continue to press forward and persevere towards the plans and purposes God has ordained for our lives. Mistakes are opportunities for the miraculous Reminders that without Him We can and are nothing. But by the grace of God, We live and move and have our being. For His glory. - PNC ![]() I was ready for this week to be over, almost from the start of it. Like many others, I'm sure I wasn't alone in this sentiment. Wherever you were, Friday was a gorgeous sunrise. Then, it felt like it started going downhill and well... let's just say my frustration could have been prevented. By none other than myself. My feeling of a manic Monday having merged with a Friday the 13th... okay, that might be a slight over-exaggeration. Yet, thanks to the encouragement and support of a few close friends and the nagging reminder that I simply had to make the best of my stupidity while attempting not to worry and the day eventually came to an end. A long time later, albeit, but indeed, today is a new day. I love that God uses ALL things for His glory. I am amazed that He would desire to use my stupidity. I am humbled that He would desire to use me at all, quite honestly. I wish the frequency of my mistakes didn't seem quite so close together. With God, all things are possible. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. Yet, part of me wonders... how would I live with myself, without faith? My life isn't that hard, certainly not as hard I seemingly make it out to be at times. Yet I am aware of what I struggle with, both in life matters and in my faith and I don't know how I would live with myself without the perspective and understanding that there is a God who loves me for who I am; takes me as I am and calls me to be more through the power of Christ at work within me. Knowing this... why would I choose my rights, over His righteousness? The truth of the matter is this... a "know-it-all" attitude creates difficulty for those around it. For the Bible is replete with the lives of those God used... the somebodies who thought they were a "nobody". Conversely, even God has a hard time working with somebody who thinks they are a "know-it-all". Our lives are nothing in and of themselves. However, as our lives are submitted to God and the work of Jesus Christ, it creates the opportunity for His story to be told through us. Our story becomes a "plot twist" moment for His Story. There is no hope in my experience unless after all is said and done, there is a "but God" moment, whereby His grace and glory points the hearer to Christ. "This is possible for your life, as much as it is possible for mine. And who am I, but a flawed and broken man?" On this #communitySaturday, may we find ourselves with opportunities to share the life of Christ by what He has worked in our own lives. Despite our faults and failures, even our incredibly stupid moments; may hope combat the spirit of depression. For we are his workmanship. Pray a spirit of humility about the lives of believers, for we are neither right nor great in our own standing, but stand as rags in light of His righteousness and greatness only describes our need for a Savior. Pray for a spirit of compassion, as we hear the stories and struggles of those whose lives and weeks have been far frustrating than our own; but never forget to offer the hope of Christ... that He may work the miraculous in their life as we have experienced for ourselves. His life told through ours. Our failures and imperfections in His hands Become opportunities for His forgiveness and grace. Clay in the potters hands. That all might hear of the goodness of God. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() Can I go on record and state what we all know is true, yet, can't seem to fathom just how true is this reality... time is FLYING!! I wanted to start this post with a reference to a previous post and either time is cruising or age is catching up... I can't remember if what I wanted to reference was last week or 4 weeks ago. It's going to drive me nuts. So... "recently", we talked on a #deaconThursday about how deacons and church personnel are the face of the church in many respects, sometimes more than a pastor. Office staff and admins are on the other of end of one's call for help. A deacon's influence and position can be strategic in a church's community relations. Together they look for opportunities to take church to the community as well as bring the community to church. This often happens, at the expense of their own personal lives and needs; just as it does for pastors and other ministry leadership positions. Case in point... friends of mine from a previous church. He has served on the board. She is a church admin. Their son and his wife are coming up on 5 years of marriage in a few months. Late last week, via social media, she updated the situation on her daughter-in-law's pregnancy. 24 weeks in and she was in the hospital; doctors attempting to delay a premature delivery. However things worked out, come this past Sunday, this little guy was born via C-section. A whopping one and half pounds. And while I'd love you tell you this trooper is in good shape, sadly, my friends' meme says it all. John 13:7. Jesus replied, "You don't understand what I'm doing now, but someday you will." No words were spoken and four days later, my heart still breaks just thinking about their circumstance; but I can't get over the fact that for 12 hours on Sunday, God had a purpose for that baby boy being born. In his 12 hours on this earth, he made in impact on peoples' lives and in their faith; in their perspective to living and how they approach each and every day that will never be forgotten. 12 hours was all it took. Ranks right up with 12 disciples to change the world... that's all it took. I can't fathom this loss. On a number of occasions in recent years, I've wondered what would happen if I tragically lost my wife, or one or both of my daughters... heaven forbid all at the same time. I've cried just thinking about it. Actually living it boggles my mind. Indeed, it now boggles their lives. Yet, time marches on. Though the healing process will take time, other needs, other issues will arise and garner their attention. Ministry issues and opportunities to minister will need tending and in the sovereignty of God, this piece of their lives will be used for His glory in the advancement of the kingdom of Heaven. For the moment, it's an "in-your-face" life changing event. As time continues to fly, the experience will become a part of the story that God uses to transform the lives of those who hear it. Which requires first, hearing other's stories. It's not easy now, for sure. It may never be. It probably won't be for a while. For that and more, there is grace. And the comfort of the Holy Spirit. On this #deaconThursday, would you join me in prayer; using the specific loss of this family as inspiration to pray over those in ministry who set their own struggles and losses aside to help others. Pray God would give rest to their weariness and comfort to their mourning. Pray His peace for their unrest; calm in the midst of the storm. Pray for healing, both physical and emotional in this time of unfathomable pain. May the body of Christ surround them with love and support as we are called to do; to intercede and stand in the gap... bringing those in need to the throne of grace. Beauty from ashes. Joy from mourning. Provision for our loss. Protection and strength in exchange for vulnerability and weakness. Trusting in God, despite what we don't understand. Our lives for His purpose and His glory. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() For all the times that Christians look at life, look at their faith and consider just how often we wish God would reveal things to us... like we are having a hard time figuring out the mystery. Then there are those moments where it's pretty hard to miss. Take this timeline, since about 9:30 or so, Saturday night. The kids and my wife all have been hit and miss with the weather the past few days, so everyone is tired and just attempting to plow through. It's been frustrating and a little on edge. In talking with my wife that night, I simply shared my frustration... life just gets hard. And I mentioned our schedules and the importance of praying together. I point out the last four words, as come Sunday morning, both kids still don't sound too great... so I'm flying solo to church. Pastor gets up and preaches a stand-alone sermon, titled Marriage Matters. (funny, God) So, we all know divorce is high. Somewhere between 1 in 2 and 1 in 3 marriages, end in D. However... For those that attend church regularly, the odds drop... considerably. 1 in 155. For those that attend church regularly, AND Pray Together regularly... how's this? 1 in 1155 Well, if that didn't put an exclamation point on things. Then fast forward a few hours. Taking the oldest to urgent care, to get her ear looked at. Two guys in a front of us, one with two young kids. The first pharmacy across town is closed, so we head back to the 24 joint. Of course, there's one on both corner... I pick the one I frequent more often anyway. The guy with the two kids is also there. In a moment of discussing life, and my frustration with sick kids and how this week may go, God drops a bomb on my parade. The man shares that he's getting a divorce. After 16 years, it's "going down fast". And here, essentially, I was complaining. Not anymore. My broken heart sank. In the back of my mind, I can hear pastor. My wife and make it a priority to pray together every morning before we go our ways and on Mondays we have an extended time of prayer, sometimes as much as an hour to an hour and half, for our families, the church and your families. Reducing the risk... the odds are favorable when prayer is involved. Not so much, when left out of the picture. So there you have it. This #seniorPastorMonday, will you join me in prayer over marriages. For this stranger, pray God would strengthen him during this time and that God would sovereignly intervene for he and his family. Pray for pastors, that the demands of ministry would not take priority over their marriage and their home. May God place protection of their relationships and their children, than in spite of difficulty and challenge, they would resolve to come together and commit to prayer and seeking the face of God together. Pray God would accomplish the miraculous in the lives as the approach the throne of grace, as one. For those pastors whose marriages and home life is in trouble, may God grant them strength and wisdom; bringing healing and restoration as they work through the troubles they face. What Satan meant to destroy, may God work in them and through them to bring about good, for His glory and honor. That God would fortify those whose hearts are set on Him; Strengthen those who have committed their lives to ministry. Though life is hard, may it not overtake and consume us. That we would arise victorious; As the hand of God, leads and directs in the plans He has ordained. For His glory and the cause of Christ. - PNC ![]() Well... whatever happened to what I felt God gave me for this post yesterday, eventually disappeared. I had it; then I lost it... and couldn't remember. So; I'm left developing an idea that I had the other day (which rarely happens; that I have an idea for two different days worth of posts at the same time) The other day, I considered the possibility of the church was established from the beginning, as a different concept; a different format. Like AA. SA. Sinners: Admitted. When you think about it, it's really not that far of a stretch. The church is community. And it's fairly simply. Observe. "Hello. My name is Peter. I am a sinner." Culture often questions the church; and doubts it even more. It's easy to understand how it happens. People in the church aren't any closer to being, doing, or living perfect than anyone outside the church. Christians are all in different places in their journey with God and non-Christians have and project many expectations of how the church should live; often not missing an opportunity to comment when the people of God miss the mark or end up on the unpopular side of the conversation. So, as the church engages and related with community, may be we reminded we are all working from the same baseline: Sinner. The only difference, is whether we come to a place of recognition; that we have a spiritual problem that requires the help of a higher power, Almighty God and that a transformation change needs to occur, through salvation in Jesus Christ. I love what comedian Jeff Allen says (and it's it worth repeating) "The truth is, Christianity is the only religion that would have me." Admission of a problem is never easy. Whether it is a habit problem, a discipline problem, an attitude problem or a relational issue, confession is difficult. Yet, if anything worth having is worth working for; then confession is desperately needed; even in the face of brutal honesty. For as we discussed yesterday; A good parent loves too much to leave a child in an unhealthy state. On this weekend #communitySaturday, will you join me in praying that the people of God would be people of confession. May the lines of communication be open; that Christians are not perfect and our need for a Savior is just as necessary as those we converse with who've yet to come to Christ. Though life is hard and situations and circumstance abound with challenge and difficulty, may the people of God continue to reflect Christ and testify to the grace, goodness and glory of God. When we don't know what to say, what to do or where to turn, may our reaction and response be one that trusts God and calls on His name. Admitted sinners. Saved by grace. Through the power of confession. Loved by God. Made new in Christ. Empowered by the Holy Spirit. To be the people and children of God. To a world desperately in need of saving. - PNC ![]() We've witnessed quite a bit in recent days... nothing we haven't seen before, although some would argue that it reached a new low, as to what was on display and how it was portrayed. It has been established that we have been blessed, and given by God, inalienable rights. And yet, quite simply the flesh fights for even more. There are many layers to the conversation, some I understand, some I don't and it's too exhaustive to explore for the nature of this blog; except to say that even in Christianity, we are often all too quick to assert our own rights. I'm just as guilty of it as any other believer, yet the truth of the matter is, that as a follower of Jesus Christ, my rights take a back seat to what Christ desires to work in my life and what He desires to accomplish for the kingdom of God through my life. God loves you. He loves me. He provides for us. He watches over us. He desires the best for our lives. He asks that we bring our needs to Him However, with that understanding in mind, we still, all to often, come to Him from a place of assertion rather than submission. I do it. You do it. Church leadership and pastors have done it. It can be especially difficult to leaders and people in authority; considerably more so when the relationship is particularly tense, stressful or difficult to navigate. Trying to understand what is going on; wandering what new development will be the one that causes a new set of problems... managing and dealing with management is a struggle for both sides of the table. Which is usually when one starts to stand in assertion and the other is left to assert in confrontation or relinquish in submission. This is difficult to do in a relationship with a forgiving, compassion, Sovereign God. How much more with humanity... not so quick to forgive, prone to self-serving, finite being. We are not our own; we have been bought with a price. How will the world see Christ, if Christians keep standing in the way? Pray, this #associatePastorTuesday for pastors struggling; finding themselves in places where they feel the need to assert their rights and position. Though the battle is real and the conversation difficult, may the seek that God would be glorified. May God help them to remain humble, for He opposes the proud (which usually is found at the forefront of any assertion). Pray God would grant to them insight and wisdom in dealing with difficult people, whether above them in leadership or under their ministry. May who we are in Christ not stand in the way of Christ being displayed in and through our lives. That when people look at Christians, They would not see a person who believes in Christ, But Christ who desires the best for humanity. May we be found relinquished only to Him. That He be glorified as His sovereign plan unfolds in our lives. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() Well, today marks the celebration of many things... as every day is a celebration of sorts; some things significantly more important than others. Among them, can you believe you are reading the 600th post, since the re-launch of this site back on 6/1/15? Yet, while the world is a flurry of activity and buzz regarding today's activities in Washington, I'm standing in amazing, remembering this day from just a handful of years ago, as we awaited the arrival of our youngest child. What a trip this has been? (Thankfully, we have a few more years before hitting year 18!) The miracle of birth is simply incredible. There are so many words to describe it, one can't choose just one. Yet most of them fail to capture the true emotions. They truly are a gift... and remember the words, that children are an inheritance from the Lord just makes me wish that at times, I did better as a father than I do On this #missionsFriday, however, I'm also reminded, that a man cannot enter the kingdom of God, unless He be born again. Not a physical birth, as the disciple tried to comprehend, but a spiritual birth... redeemed by work of Christ on the cross. While child-birth changes life as we know it on this earth, the spiritual birth changes life as we will know it, for eternity. All this, as I'm getting ready to type this post and a few hours earlier, an evangelist friend update his social media profile with a post from Israel, highlighting an instance that occurred on the day of his spriritual birth, 32 years ago! Salvation is for all, yet not all with receive it. And while many will never experience the joy and miracle of birth for themselves or encounter complications along the way (and my heart breaks for them, as we've been there), spiritual birth in Christ truly is an overwhelming joy, a miracle unprecedented and yet to be surpassed... that the Son of God would step off His throne, in order to take our place on the execution board. As much as I love my kids, this is the greater of the two miracles of birth. So, thanks for joining me these past 600 days! Here's to many more. And more importantly, pray that this #missionsFriday, would be a day of many more spiritual births. May today be a new dawn, of hearts and lives illuminated by the Word of God and Gospel of Christ; that His love and forgiveness is available to all who would call on His name and believe. Pray that our experiences, good, bad or tragic, would not stand in the way of one's decision for Christ. Pray for revival; that beyond our lifestyle and culture, beyond our problems and differences of all kinds, may God's love for humanity be revealed and personal application made, that we are all sinners in need of a Savior. Pray a day of celebration, both for churches in their communities and missionaries on the field; that we would witness many souls, changed for eternity. May, among other things, this particluar January 20th, Mark the day of a great many rebirths. For Christ came that we have life and life abundant, Desiring to seek and to save those who are lost... Which we all are, or were at one time. Grace and blessings to you, my friends. For the glory of God. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019