I didn't plan on doing any sort of a related post after yesterday's insight regarding government, but here I am. Just a quick piece of a monologue that was playing... not sure I channel surfed across a Catholic radio station or what, except the host was Catholic, but he was talking about how much we expect from government.
More specifically, we was dealing with a hot-button issue that has been quite a long-standing one in the political arena for decades now... of course, what hasn't. But he was talking about the verses that discuss welcoming the stranger. And he made an incredibly poignant point... (say that five times real fast) To welcome the stranger is an individual command, not a national policy. You may disagree with me and that's fine and there's a point to this as we pray for missionaries, so hear me out on this. The role of government is to defend it's borders and to serve and protect its citizenry. If can be objective with me for a moment, we don't take an alcoholic to a bar and then advise them not to drink. We don't hand the keys of a Ferrari to a teenage driver and tell them not to wreck it. We don't send soldiers off to war with open arms, no weapons and a smile. Although it's be interesting to see how the enemy would react to such kindness; but I have a feeling evil would take over. People have their role, just as much as government has theirs... as does the church for that matter. God gave strict instructions for how Israel as a nation was to conduct it's affairs and how it was to handle other societies, cultures and countries. And yet, God speaks very specifically to the people, as to what they should do when they found themselves in certain circumstance with individuals, neighbors and strangers. Those commands differ greatly! Furthermore, there's so much that even within the church, that we've come to expect that government will take over and handle that is also, not theirs to handle. For example, true religion is taking care of widows and orphans. And yet government handles social services across the board, for everyone including widows and orphans. And so much more. Some of that they should be involved. Others, perhaps, not so much. There's so much where the church should be leading and used to at one time. Many ministries are working on correcting the matter; many more are not. So, as we pray for missionaries, may we also keep in mind, of our role in the mission of the Gospel. The state will not share the love of Jesus Christ. They should protect their people, including those who do share this eternal message of hope; yet sadly, even that seems to be under scrutiny to varying degrees. On this #missionsFriday, pray that God would watch over those who are formally serving full-time to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As they ministry in countries and environments much more hostile and dangerous, pray that God would protect their homes and families as they have stepped into the darkness that they may be light. Pray also, that in our own lives, we would live with that perspective. May the church go above and beyond to be ministers of grace, hope, healing and truth; making such an impact that peoples first call when in times of need would be to the people of God, rather than the positions of power held by the state. All for the glory of God And the Gospel of Jesus Christ. - PNC
I realized while writing Friday's post, that today was going to be a follow-up, for indeed as the people of God make every effort to engage community, it's easy to recognize, either within yourself or have it pointed out, that the struggle for allowing God to work in the mature Christian's life simply through the avenue of time is just as challenging as it is for a new believer or someone with whom we are sharing Christ.
Yes, I'm looking in the proverbial mirror. We all have things that are more of a struggle in our lives than they should be because we are not allowing the process of time, invested into our relationship with God to have its' effect upon our hearts, minds and souls. In the Word, in prayer, in fellowship and in worship... while it's more work on God's part, we feel it as a recipient that their is a battle to the process of transformation, rather than a natural ease. How does that impact community? Because the greater our internal battle with God regarding our own life, perhaps the greater hindrance we are to God in what He desires to do through us, for others. Just a thought... which I think leads us to prayer. Pray, this #communitySaturday, that we would be aware of the things in our own lives that are prohibiting the opportunities to be used by God in new and greater ways. Pray that their would be an increased desired to be in the Word, and in prayer and worship. May God do the miraculous within us, not for our benefit, but for the advancement of the kingdom of God. As God transforms us, may we see greater transformations within our communities. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Once again, I'm quickly reminded (thanks to our beloved culture) that life is 10% how you act/speak and 90% how you react. And life will be changed by 90% of the reactions, both yours and others, rather than the 10%.
Yet, I can't help but wonder... what would happen if we were as intentional with the 10% as we are swift with the 90%? I don't think we are. I know, sadly, I'm not. We want people to be honest, but not brutality. And yet sometimes, that's what works best. Isn't funny... it's love that is patient, kind and everything else. Not truth. And yet feelings and emotions dominate our days, rather than reason and understanding. As a result, the conversation whether in person or online, is sure to be difficult and challenging when the response does the driving and directing. What's the point? Wisdom. Discernment. Understanding. Intention. Clarity. Purpose. If people are having issues with the everyday occurrences and circumstances of life in general, how much more will they have trouble with matters of faith and spiritual matters? Of course, if we were more in tune with Scripture and the work of God and His Word in our lives as intended from the beginning of time, then perhaps some of this wouldn't be nearly as difficult. As least not within the four walls of the church. But as it sits, the battle is both within Christiandom and society-at-large. Thus, on this #deaconThursday, that God would help the church with the intentionality of the 10% of what the church does and says. Pray for wisdom and understanding; purpose and clarity in the decisions they make as well as in the courses that they chart. Continue to pray for a spirit of unity as they move forward in ministry and the impact they make on the community. May God help them in the battles and challenges they face in speaking into lives and working with them to bring them into a greater depth of relationship with God. May the Holy Spirit be free to do His work; unhindered by humanity's hesitation and resistance. For as God moves So do, does He move our faith Hopefully ever closer to where He is Rather than pushed out and away from His presence. Let us life carefully, both in our statement and our response. For the glory of God. - PNC As I was writing Friday's post on hostile environments, I couldn't help but consider that conflict and tension doesn't exist solely in the obvious places around the globe and for missionaries. We pray for pastors daily, because we know they are not immune.
And we pray for community, because we do know very well, that on a daily basis, we encounter people and personalities that are filled with emotion, tension and differences that work against us and the relationships that we have with those around us. Whether it be at work.... uh, we'll leave that one alone; or at home... yeah, not their either. Um... in the marketplace, in our neighborhood, even as we gather as a body of believers? Is there anywhere we can go where there is not the possibility of conflict? No. No, there is not. Not anywhere. For even as we find our quiet place and time with God, in His Word and in prayer, there is conflict. The conviction of the Holy Spirit is alive and well. The powerful, yet delicate hand of God has yet to find rest. He is always at work. Always moving. And wherever there is movement, there will be struggle, conflict and wear. So, then maintaining and enduring quality relationships in community begins and ends with the quality of our relationship with God. God help us, this #communitySaturday. Pray that He would give us grace as we correct and move in the ways and places He would have for us to go in our own lives. Pray for the conflict and problems that needs to be resolved in our relationships, whether with family or with friends, both within the four walls of the church and outside them. May God give us wisdom with the words we use and the time and place and people with which we use them. Pray that He would continue to lead, guide and direct our steps that He may all the more glorified in our lives, homes and communities. One day at time One conversation at time One life at a time. One decision at a time. For Christ and His cause. - PNC Let's just state the obvious, for the record.
Hostility is stressful. Even in light of the revelation that we are not of this world; that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against princes and powers of this dark age, the struggle is real. And difficult. And risky. Every nation and society has it's own battles and struggles. Hostility comes in all forms; whether through political agendas or doctrinal differences or the disconnect between good and evil and gradations that exist whereby we justify actions and attitudes. And at the face of it... is an actual face. A surreal reminder that for all the fear and frustration of both past and future encounters is a person. Made in the image of God; created for a divine plan and purpose. It be easy to say that such a true is easy to maintain, but it's not... hence, calling it a surreal reminder. This makes understanding and trusting for that matter, the sovereign hand of God difficult at times, as we remember that while we are to reflect Christ, we are also in the presence of evil. Last days indeed. On this #missionsFriday, pray for those missionaries who are in difficult places of hostility and conflict. While sharing the Gospel has it challenges, pray for those whose circumstances are compounded by tragedy of evil, war, and oppression. May God strengthen them anew and afresh. May their be a spiritual connection and attraction to the presence of God through their willingness to go to the dark and desolate places. Pray to the end, that evil would be defeated and that lives would be saved and transformed for the glory of God. Unwilling that any should perish, But that all would come to repentance Through Jesus Christ For the glory of God. - PNC I wish one day, that this would never happen again. But, we are all human. Including our pastors. And sadly another one has fallen... and hard. The hard part is outrageous, but fallen is fallen. And while this is a journey that I wouldn't wish upon any congregation, the difficulty of this particular matter, (which I am only aware of thanks to social media posts from a friend), is that this pastor's moral failure has resulted in legal consequences and worse, destroyed lives and families.
Like I said... in a word; outrageous. As we near completing the three year mark on this project of prayer, there have been moments of overlap and repetition. I know, I've stated before, my attempts to take great care to keep such instances to a minimum, but I wanted to reiterate my intention. Because while this post could very well be saved for next week, on a day that we pray specifically for pastors, I felt the immediacy of writing this today, as the church leadership and staff are dealing with the finality of this failure and the process that it has entailed. How do they heal as a church? How do they heal as a community of believers attempting to impact their community? How do they recover their standing, as the spotlight has been placed on this horrible situation? How do they and especially, those directly affected, keep the faith after this ordeal? I know, some of you are reading this wondering what the specifics are and all of that. And once again, I'm approaching this as it's not my story to tell in detail, especially given I don't have that many. But furthermore, I've tried to be very intentional on this site with regards to practicing discernment. I hope you can appreciate the balancing act I've attempted to walk in breaking down concepts while leaving a certain sense of vagueness in play. Sorry, but that's how things work sometimes. But I know this. Hearts are broken and minds are befuddled. Emotions are rampant, faith is discouraged and no doubt, trust has been nothing short of shattered not into pieces, but shards. You understand the difference into how they are handled. In another word... delicately. Not just anyone can handle them. Not just any method will work in handling them. So, once again, join me in prayer, on this #deaconThursday. Pray for the leadership of this church as they deal with this incredibly complex and overwhelmingly difficult set of circumstances. May God give them wisdom in the decisions they face in the days to come. Pray for a spirit of grace and compassion as they guide this church through the various stages of processing such a horrendous event. Pray for healing over this congregation. Pray for a move of the Holy Spirit over this church and community; that in the midst of pain and agony, even in the most unthinkable of circumstances, that the testimonies that will result from this test and the ministries that will come forth from this mess, will accomplish more with greater effectiveness for the kingdom of God than if nothing had happened at all. Even if we all agree, we'd rather not have this situation happen at all. But for the grace of God Where would any of us be. Forgiven and redeemed. And needing it more than once. God help us all. - PNC I trust you've had a wonderful Mother's Day.
I was a little thrown off in writing yesterday's post, that between that and the holiday, my direction for today was well... nowhere to be found. So I trust that you've had a great day and made the most of it. Which leads us to this matter of hindrances. There's all sorts of reasons for a lack or shortage of effectiveness and efficiency in ministry. Sometimes it's a matter of discipline. Other times it's a matter of resources. Perhaps fear. The list, if not endless, will certainly take more time to write than it will for you to read. But as I reflected on the timing of this church's tragic loss of their pastor and today's celebration of motherhood, the conflict and tension between effectiveness and ineffectiveness is strong. Indeed, losses sustained that are beyond our control play a huge role. Especially when that loss is through people parting from this life or simply parting ways. On this mother's day, strained relationships, likewise contribute greatly in the health, accomplishment and success that one enjoys. Bad decisions and poor choices haunt us all, laced with words we'd rather not have said, sentiments we'd rather have not shared and attitudes and actions that we'd been better off to not display. We're desirous for people to be true to themselves while asking them to conform anytime and everytime there is an offense, whether real or perceived. Does this not lay the groundwork for greater hypocrisy? A hindrance that is perhaps close to the top of that list we didn't delve into at great length. How can the church and it's ministry be effective if we allow the hindrances in our lives to affect our response to God's working in our lives and the Holy Spirits' drawing us into greater things for the advancement of the kingdom of God? I'm listening to the Benjamin Gate softly as I write this and the song Hands just played. On this Mother's Day of an #effectiveSunday, will you make these words your prayer? Jesus I feel you near me * Your hands giving life to my body Your spirit healing me * Holding my heart in sweet security God I need your grace * Let your spirit rescue me God I need your love * Let your grace shine through me Jesus You fill the space in me * Sealing these dreams in shapes of purity * Freeing my heart to deep eternity God I need your grace * Let your spirit rescue me God I need your love * Let your grace shine through me God I seek your face * Let your spirit rescue me God I need your love * Let your grace shine through me Let it be so; unhindered. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC I'm not sure if it's mildly amusing or incredibly frustrating, the things that we allow to stand in the way of our making progress in life. And worse, making progress in our faith.
Reasoning and rationalizing up the wazoo. Justified and amplified, over-analyzed and over-reacted. Slip-ups, trip-ups, hang-ups and mess-ups... and all they do is keep us down; sometimes to the point of not ever wanting to get back up. We hold up the work that God desires to accomplish in our lives We miss the prompting of the Holy Spirit We ignore the conviction that comes from the truth established in His Word Sadly, we listen all to well to the words spoken by President Bartlet from the show, The West Wing. "Just stand there in your wrongness and be wrong and get used to it." We say wrong. We do wrong. We live wrong. Let me replace that with I. I don't know about you... I do all the aforementioned. The things we allow to bog down our lives... the fail in comparison to that which bogs down our faith. Sometimes you can't help that it carries over. Other times you can. And all too often, even in ministry, we allow ourselves to exist in that state longer than what is healthy and necessary before allowing God to do His work. It doesn't matter of one is in the stage of salvation or the process of sanctification, life happens to us all. And not enough faith is impacting life. On this #missionsFriday, pray for those in missions, who themselves are struggling with the battles and frustrations of life. Pray for those who are in difficult and trying times and trials of the Refiner's fire. May God strengthen and quicken them, body, mind and soul to endure and persevere. Pray for their conversations; that eyes would be opened, minds would understand and hearts would receive, that while we are fallen in sin, we can rise up in Christ. May God's work be completed And His Word fulfilled. For the cause of Jesus Christ And the advancement of the Good News. For the glory of God. - PNC Yes, I know this is a very late #communitySaturday post.
I suppose there are any number of reasons, most of which probably don't matter; although it didn't help that I didn't really have a sense of direction early in the day before we were gone and all that followed. By I think God is working this out, even as I type this, as it prompted me to remember that our engagement with the concept of community begins at home. For if you can't function in a "community" of people with whom you share a "few" hundred square feet of real estate, including the most personal of common areas such as eating and personal hygiene, then it's not hard to imagine you'll have trouble in other areas as well, whether it be on campus or in the corporation. I just remembered this afternoon's conversation that could just have easily prompted this post, but it didn't. But now that I think about it, maybe I'll tie it back in. So, the kids are supposed to be getting ready for bed. It's bedtime when they start. The oldest can't find the top that goes to the favorite pair of pajamas. Emotions start ramping up. Which shuts off the ability to hear what I'm saying. So, my frustration rises. Now, I'm up, trying to help locate this. And, no luck. Now we're having a conversation about not listening and not doing as told, and if this was taken care of, maybe it would not be an issue. Minutes pass and no avail. 10 and 20 later. More frustration. This is not looking good. Parents, you know how this goes. Everyone is in a bad mood. Finding it later isn't an option and I'm more ready for bed now, than they are. So, now I'm spent. Time to talk with the oldest. Calmer heads need to prevail. It takes some more work, but one way or another, my message needs to be made clear. This ordeal and everything that got in the way, has to be rectified. The youngest enters the room, maybe 10 minutes later. This is now a teaching moment. after almost an hour has been spent from what was bedtime. And I use that word deliberately. This hour was not useful nor beneficial. Yes, I heard sorry, but that's like for getting caught, rather than true remorse. No... the teaching moment is now an investment. I'm offering my apologies to my kids in true remorse. Perhaps we should pray, God helps us find this. Do you want to pray or you want me to? Oldest points. Right. I pray. Prayer couldn't have lasted 90 seconds. Help us find this top; what matters to us, matters to you...and the bigger picture.... our attitudes, our words, our responsibilities... in Jesus name. No kidding... less than two minutes later. Youngest kid walks up to me with pajama top in hand. "Where was this?" In the oldest's bed. The kid who told me a few minutes ago they saw it 3 weeks ago folded in the family room, apparently forgot they wore it to bed and took it off in bed, who knows how many days ago. So, where's the prayer for this post and what's the tie-in you mentioned earlier? Conversation between my dad and I during our visit for a few minutes this afternoon. He was having a rough day and my not buying the parts to fix my mower yet didn't help the conversation... which involved possibly fixing something else that we were looking at. I left in bad mood, he went back to whatever he was working on, no doubt more frustrated than before we had stopped by. Towards the end of the conversation with the kids about the lost pajama's, Dad texted me. Offering his apologies and that he was ordering the parts for me. Yeah... upon God answering our prayer, I extended grace to the kids, because God gave us grace for the lost item that matters to the kid. And in the middle of me parenting my kids, I receive the same grace from my Dad. And the reminder that, apparently, no matter how old you are, you're never done being a parent. Nor, loving on your kids while teaching them important life lessons. :-) While it is still #communitySaturday, pray that God would help us in the most basic realm of community: family. Pray that God would help us as parents, to reflect the love, grace and character of God to our children, especially in moments of instruction, correction and discipline. Pray for our kids, that they would understand the values of respect and responsibility, of care and compassion for both people and possessions. May God help us to be wise stewards of our time, our treasure and our talents. Pray that Godly values would be instilled for generations and that generational curses would be broken. Pray for the miraculous in homes of brokenness, despair and dysfunction and healing in the marriages that are of the same. For how can God heal our land If He doesn't not heal homes built upon it. For we cannot treat community like family If we don't learn how to be family with those who are just a few feet away. - PNC So, today is the National Day of Prayer.
And let me offer, once again, my thanks and gratitude to those who read this daily (or as frequently as you can) and join us in prayer for our church leadership, ministry outreach and overall impact in the world, to be a light in the darkness... or rather, to reflect the Light in the darkness. There's so much to pray for in the troubled days and times. We all have personal battles and ministry struggles. The world is a mess and society seems to have lost its' mind. Everyone is calling for the truth, except one can agree what it is or what to base it on. We desire leadership to use wisdom, yet respond with hyper-criticism to most minutia of details. There's a demand for perfection from others, yet leniency for ourselves. Give me all the grace; but be prepared to receive none when you need it. Every time there is a glimmer of hope that exists within humanity, it is met with a stronger argument that reminds us the glimmer was not bright enough. What good is it to be true to yourself, if you aren't living in tune with the one, true God? Everyone wants to be accept for who they are, yet they don't accept themselves for who they are in Christ? Does prayer fix everything? Not by itself. But the fix does begin through the act and discipline of prayer. Pray, this #nationalDayofPrayer #deaconThursday, that no matter what the struggles and battles we face, that prayer would be a greater priority in our lives and those of our leaders at every level. Pray for wisdom and discernment to work through the problems that plagues our society and culture. Pray for the leadership of our nation, communities and churches. May they lead with integrity and honor, people of courage and conviction who are not afraid to search for and speak the truth. Pray God would help us to reflect the light of Christ to a world overrun with darkness. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Is that not titled a great concept?
I heard it very recently, stated in just those words and what a powerful thought. So often, the burden is overwhelming, frustrating and worrisome. Anxiety fills our hearts and stress fills the mind and we can't see past the burden not existing. Even the burdens that we understand that are ours to carry; that God has given us with a plan and purpose, whether they be ministry related or not... they can be hard to see past. Not only seeing past them for the sake of moving on to "what's next" in life, but seeing the blessing that exists. The blessings that follow the burden and the opportunities that open up once the burden is lifted... we struggle to see both states of existence because the burden dominates so much of our energy, capacity and resources. But the awesome state of being and state of mind that is possible after the burden is gone... well, we can imagine. In the meantime, hope must be maintained and the effort retained with the same resolve and intensity as though the process had just started. Though the burden is disheartening, don't let it derail. While it may do some damage; it must not destroy. Past the burden, past the burnout.... there is blessing. In fact, if you watch for it, there is incredible opportunity to bless while in the midst of the burden. On this #youthPastorWednesday, pray for the burdens of pastors, especially for those whose burdens concern the next generation. Pray that God would strengthen their resolve and bless their efforts. Pray for opportunities to be a blessing, even in the midst of burdens that exist outside of their ministry. May the burden not derail them, nor discourage or destroy them. Pray they would rise above; renewed, encouraged and quickened to continue in the good work that God has prepared for them as they serve as faithfully stewards to the calling that God has placed upon their hearts and lives. Blessed to be a blessing, Regardless of the burden. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC I'm looking at this screen and there's just too much going on. Too much in my mind. So many different situations calling for my attention, that needed to be sorted out and game planned. Then for this, things I've said, things I'd like to say... then again, everyone it seems has something to say as much as things they would like to say.
How often do we forget that with our "rights" come responsibilities. Is it possible that when we neglect our responsibility, we show our contempt for the right? I don't know where that came from... green stamp bonus, perhaps? These days truly worry me... as if people don't know what they are facing because as a society we have seemingly forgotten what we have already overcome. There are many thin95gs going on in current events that prompt this perception, but little cements it as much as a song by Kerry Livgren and his band, A.D. In their 1985 release of The Art of the State, is a song titled Progress. We're getting better, climbing higher and controlling solutions; but we don't realize that in we are in fact marching backwards. As captains of our fate, we are spiraling downwards. It's hard to comprehend that there is something more incredible and desirable than the power of God and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ that we may have eternal life, but here we are. Christianity seems to be a greater deterrent to people rather than the appeal that one might believe. You know what's weird? Sin created the divide between God and man. Christ offered Himself as the bridge. And consistent with this seemingly revisionist history that cultures seems to be focused on, we've written the Gospel out of our daily life, let alone our body politic. Bryan Duncan sings a song titled Remember Me, the story of the thief and Christ on the Cross. And as it's playing currently, I'm thinking... people will arrive before the throne room and will be unable to call for Jesus to remember them into His kingdom, for they did not remember Him during their time on this Earth. Well, on that note (no pun intended), let's pray... that on this #missionsFriday, that the Holy Spirit would move on hearts and minds; that their would be a drawing to God and the power of the Cross of Christ. Pray for an understanding of sin and a crisis moment of repentance. Pray for a fresh revelation on who God is; that religion would not detract, but a personal encounter would entice. Pray for a turning point on our culture and society as people turn their lives over to God. Pray for healing and health, where the church and the people of God have missed the mark; both in the presentation of the Gospel and in the active living of our faith. May God supersede the faults of Christians To reveal His grace and glory that can only be found in Him For the cause of Jesus Christ And the advancement of the kingdom of Heaven. - PNC What is going on in this life?
We all have our struggles and battles. Some circumstance are the annoyance comparable to a stone in your shoe. Others are life-changing on par with the house being on fire. And sadly, some people are living that reality... both figuratively and literally. Some are facing serious challenges, serious problems and incredibly complex solutions for which people have searched and discussed for years. And of course, it doesn't help that stories that wouldn't have made it past the local news two decades ago are now worldwide viral news in a matter of two hours. And so in the midst of whatever is going on in your personal and professional life, enter the onslaught of social media. Nothing interrupts that life better than a kid who tells you they need help with theirs. Which come to think of it, that's probably the same interruption that God sits in waiting to hear from us. Not that we interrupt His day, but He waits patiently for us to seek His face and call upon His name. Yet, the enemy of our souls attacks us on both fronts. With one strategy. Busy-ness. Too busy to interrupt God with our problems and struggles. Too busy to be bothered with the interruption from those who need us most, and more importantly, need to know that they too can approach the throne of grace with any thing that they encounter in this life. The greatest lesson we can ever learn; the greatest lesson we can ever teach... God wants to hear from you! Yet sadly, it just too easy to leave God out of even the littlest of matters regarding our days. Which is the beauty of children. They remind us that can come to God with even the littlest of cars and concerns... regardless of whether they make the local or viral newsfeed. On this #youthPastorWednesday, pray that as much as we understand that we need to hear from God, may even pastors be reminded that God desires to hear from them. Pray they would not be distracted and overcome by busy-ness. May they keep their time with God in focus and priority; not allowing even the importance of ministry to stand in the way of spending time in His presence. Pray that God would help those involved in ministry to kids and youth. Even in the simplest lessons of faith and life; may those lessons and principles resonate deep in the hearts, minds and souls... that for all their days they would love and serve the Lord with all that is within them. That they would bless His name, For all their days. A disciplined life of faith, Earlier and greater than what may be true for us. For God is continually at work within us. - PNC I was thinking this morning, before the day truly got under way, about writing regarding family. And as the day progressed, and proceeded to get away from me, little did I know just how on point my initial thoughts were earlier in the day.
For we all look and hope to be a part of a community that feels as though we were a part of the greatest, most loving and enjoyable family to be around. This is especially true if such a sentiment is not the reality of your actual family. What's worse, is that this isn't the sentiment for many within the family of God, within the context of the four walls of the church, either. And yet, our love for each other as members of the family unit prompts us to endure matters and situations that we otherwise wouldn't. For instance, we keep walking when a parent is struggling with an upset and "unacceptable" behavior or attitude of a child; but when it's your child, you stay engaged. And sadly the younger ones don't quite grasp the concept of fighting for them rather than fighting against them. We press for the conversations and input into matters of life that we wouldn't care about if those involved weren't our sons and daughters, fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters. But because they are, we involve ourselves. Yet, so many are "dechurched" and disengaged from the church, because they felt the church didn't care. And people disengage from actual community for the same reasons. So how does a church change a community if the people already in the church don't feel positively towards the community of believers? And for that we pray. On this #communitySaturday, pray that we see each other as family. Pray that we care more, love more and engage more. Even when it's hard, challenging and frustrating; when it's time-consuming, emotionally draining and financially expensive... may we show the care and compassion of Christ by considering others before ourselves. May we be willing to fight for our neighbor more than we would fight against them. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC **DeGarmo & Key's song Stand, Fight Win was playing on the internet radio station as I finished this post! :-) Well, it took all week, but I finally remembered, from Sunday, the question I wanted to pose for this pastor #seniorPastorMonday. But alas, it's #missionsFriday and the question is just as relevant for missionaries as it is for pastors.
Sunday morning, Pastor relayed the story of Horatio Spafford, as we sang a modern version of It Is Well, during praise and worship. After losing his children in a shipwreck, his wife somehow surviving, he pens the song en route to pick up his wife. The often untold sequel to the tragedy is that his son was born three years after the shipwreck, only to live a very short life of 4 years himself. Solitude faces great loss... which is usually the point and time that many become lost themselves. Those without Christ, surely have that experience. Those who believe still encounter and struggle with that experience. And ministry is no different, either. So, what do you do in those moments? Dig deep. As we sang through the It Is Well once again, I found myself pondering the words of David, when he was on the run and hiding in caves. Why are you so downcast, oh my soul.. Put your trust in God! Nobody could offer words of encouragement or support. Nobody could empathize nor sympathize with his experience and level of frustration. When all was said and done, he knew only God could deliver him. And having an understanding of that power, he knew it was the only and right thing to do. Thus, he put the imperative upon himself. To my spirit and my soul, Arise and trust God! Hard as it may be, given the other choices and places in which you could put your trust, why would you? It is the good, right and easy thing to do. A struggle at times, but worth it. On this #missionsFriday, pray for those struggling with a downcast soul and frustrated spirit. May they be encouraged by the power of the Holy Spirit, and quickened, to dig deep within them and place their trust in God anew and afresh. Whatever they face, whatever has come against them, pray that faith would arise to a greater degree. May they not be overcome with anxiety and worry, but walk with boldness and confidence in the hand and work of God upon their lives and their ministries. For all that we don't understand For all that we shouldn't be able to endure We do so by grace and strength of God. Full of love. Sovereign over all. For His glory alone. - PNC I popped an old praise & worship into my car stereo over the weekend; an album I haven't listened to in quite some time. Glenn Kaiser's work, All My Days.
I don't know about you, but yesterday definitely felt like a Monday... and so did Friday, for that matter. And Glenn's song, Tapestry kept playing in my mind. The things we do and say; and hope that we would be able to do and say as well as the regrets of what we do and say... we take the positive as much as the negative, in hopes that we will find a balance in our lives. Even if and more often when, things don't make sense. Whether it be why something has happened, or the way something has happened. It's entirely my fault, or your fault or circumstances beyond anyone's control... there's no explanation for it and you couldn't even come up with one if pressed into a corner! Yet, it's times like these that Glenn's words offer some comfort. https://glennkaiser.bandcamp.com/track/tapestry "Make my life, a tapestry" in which your will is done; to use us as You see fit. Yet, when things go wrong, our first thought is not one of peace, but of panic. Our immediate response is not trust that God does indeed work ALL things out for His glory, but worry about how this will work to our detriment. Don't leave me hanging... your heart and mind work the same way, some days. Don't leave your pastor in the dark, either. They probably have days were they feel they are the only struggling to remember what God is creating in and through their life and ministry just as often. On this #associatePastorTuesday, pray those pastors, who while they have no problem encouraging others that God is at work in their lives, may still encounter times in their own lives where it is hard to trust God's bigger picture. Pray God would bring them into a new place of peace and rest; that they would neither be discouraged, nor overwhelmed. May anxiety and frustration not take up residence, but that they would recognize any and all attacks against their emotional and spiritual state of being. Pray a continual, quiet confidence in the tapestry that God is weaving, even with the situations where we are at fault and the circumstances over which we do have some element of control. For God's beautiful creation Doesn't rely upon our perfection. But we are made perfect Through His righteousness. He is at work, to accomplish His purposes For His glory. - PNC We pray every Sunday for the effectiveness of the church. And as I ponder "getting ready for service" this morning, I got to thinking about those stepping into church today.
Churches are as dynamic and diverse as the people who attend them. The character and nature of their existence is as varied as the personalities of those who sit in the sanctuary or lounge in the lobby. The old chorus about gathering at the river has become a gathering at the coffee bar. Which, don't get me wrong, I love... this is 2018 and it's where community happens. So, don't get offended; I was smiling as I typed. So, I do pray that the church is effective as ministry goes forth, in the sermon and in the lobby and for the kids and the youth and every corner and square foot of every church campus. Having said all of that, while their is a church for every person, not every person fits in the same style and format of service. People who gathered together in one church may find themselves down the road, attending two different churches that are nothing like each other; nor the previous church they attended together. But God knows where everyone is, not only on a physical level, but also where the mind is as well as the heart. We trust that He knows what we have need of, regarding how He would desire to minister to us, in addition to where and how He would use to minister to others. So, whether you hear or say the words, "just visiting" in today's service, know that God is at work, in divinely placing people where the ministry of the church will be effective in their lives and where they can effectively minister to the body of Christ and the community at large. And while the process does feel as intimate as a courting relationship and as much a matter of personal preference as a cup of coffee, that's okay. Jesus Christ used a different method at every encounter... all to communicate the same message of His love and truth. Let's pray, this #effectiveSunday, that not only would the church be effective in their ministry, but those in service would encounter God. Pray for those trying to find their place. Whether stepping into the church for truly, the very first time or in the process of a change for whatever reason, may God work in their hearts and minds. May they sense His presence and may God bring a confirmation into their spirit that they would know, this is the community of believers in which God desires for them to be partake and engage in ministry. Pray today would be a day that once again, hearts and minds would be open to the moving of God and the direction of the Holy Spirit. May the truth of His Word change lives, renew minds and refresh our souls. That we would be more effective in the days to come Because of the effectiveness of the body of Christ As we gather today in His name. In the fellowship of the lounge; In the praise of the sanctuary. - PNC I was thinking about Friday's post, after having written it of course... and just how often we hear advice regarding people and relationships about boundaries and guarding ourselves from chaos and drama. And don't get me wrong; there's a fair amount of truth to that advice.
Boundaries are good for establishing and maintaining healthy relationships. And yes, some people's drama and chaos is of such a nature and frequency that it can disrupt and disturb the lives of others in such a way that is destructive on many levels, whether it be financially, emotionally, or otherwise. Conversely, though, how we will help others through the chaos and drama if we don't walk with them and help them find their way out of it? I understand this can be difficult to navigate... some people can't survive without their drama, which is why the aforementioned advice about boundaries exists! But seriously... Helping people through their battles and struggles requires engagement on our part to listen, to understand (as best we can) and to offer our love and support as representatives of Christ that they can find their way out of the chaos and into the arms of Christ Is it hard? Yes. Sacrificial? Yes. Challenging? Yes. Worth it? Christ thought your chaos was. On this #communitySaturday, may we reach out to those in chaos. Pray God would grant us wisdom to know how to help and the strength to actually do so. Pray that lives would be changed as they find their way closer to Christ and farther from the drama. Pray for a transformation as lives come to a place of being controlled by the Spirit rather than the chaos. May the kingdom of God be advanced, because people cross over, to help bring people out of the chaos and into the light of Christ. And pray for those who would rather live in the chaos than Christ; for those who can't seem to break free from a constant state of drama. May God do a life-changing work in their hearts and minds that only He can accomplish by His miraculous and mighty hand. Out of the darkness Into the Light. His glorious light. Out of the disturbance Into His presence and rest. - PNC I mentioned the other day some thoughts and perspectives on corruption and people in power. And around the same time, perhaps in a different conversation if I recall, the question was posed, if you could narrow the 10 commandments down to one, what would it be?
Yes, I know... they've already been reduced to two. Love God and love people. And that's hard enough some times, both with God and people! But what's the one? And the answer might surprise you. Because if you pick wisely, you just might resolve, or eliminate the need for the rest. As in you find yourself in a good position with both God and man. Envy. Thou shalt not envy. Well, if you are going to go there, why not make it jealousy? Because jealousy only addresses my frustration that you have something I don't. Envy addresses the fact that because I don't have it, neither should you. And that is a deeper seeded issue. Think about it... if it's possessions, one could be prone to theft. If it's a relationship, then adultery. If it's one's entire life, then murder. If one lacks contentment regarding the state of another, how can they respect them? Such discontentment then causes a spiritual rift in between them and God and thus, they don't love and obey Him as they should. And the floodgate is open for all kinds of wrong thoughts, attitudes and behaviors. All because the position and status of our neighbor distracts and disrupts the healthy and realistic perspective we should have regarding our own, who we are and who God created us to be. Enter so many people taking a hiatus from social media and disengaging to varying degrees or even altogether. Envy kills community. It certainly causes the beginning of the end with much decay and dissolution along the way. This is not how God made us to be, nor intended us to regard each other, nor Himself, for that matter. And we do. So often. So easily. So recklessly. God, help us, this #communitySaturday! Pray that envy would find no room in hearts and minds, that we would look upon your blessings and your creation with such discontent that nobody should enjoy this life. Pray our focus would truly be upon knowing Your love and grace and sharing and extending it to those around us; even those with whom we disagree and digress of life, conversation and events of all kinds. May our attitudes and actions reflect Christ in all we do, whether in the comfort of our home or the sometimes uncomfortable engagement of community. That our lives would glorify God As we interact with His creation. For our lives are not our own. Neither is this world our home. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC "Everyone has a story about God; whether they believe in Him or not." - Michael Savage, author, radio host
What a great statement as we enter this Easter weekend. What's equally true is that God has a story for each one of us. Furthermore, whether we believe in Him or not, He believes in us. He wants the best for us, our lives, our families, friends and communities. The world is His and all that is in it! Why would He wish it any intentional wrong? The God who sent His Son that we may be free from sin, also gave us freedom knowing full well we might fully immerse ourselves in it. He was willing to risk the life of His Son to restore humanity to right relationship with Him with the same odds that we might risk eternity to reject such an opportunity. It's another reminder that life is real and both the decisions and consequences therin do have and make an eternal impact. But what an opportunity the Easter period is, to engage and hear one's story about God... whatever it may look like, whatever joy or sorrow it entails. Whatever the outcome that has brought one to today leaves an open door for one step closer to God to be made in that story. Sadly, many might take one step further away, but again, we're dealing with eternal risk and reward. Redemption awaits for those who call on the name of the Lord. The untold stories of both those who call and those who don't are surely epic on many levels and a plethora of outcomes. Yet one story is constant for all of humanity, for all of eternity. That of God's love and Christ's purpose of the Cross and Resurrection. Pray, this good #missionsFriday for the miraculous in the lives of those whose stories have to relay an eternal reward. May the tragedy and suffering that has endured be made whole through the love of Jesus Christ, rather than prolonged by one's rejection of Him. Pray for strength for the trials and battles that are being endured. May Christ indeed be their rescue and Savior, not just from the problems of this life, but problems of the soul that stem from the sin and evil that resides within us. Pray that all things would be made new as a fresh surrender to the work of the Cross of Christ is made. That today would be a good Friday, Not only because of what Christ accomplished at Calvary, But because of how our lives interact with that sovereign moment. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019