Dear friends of mine, were at the children's hospital early this morning for what was the third "major" surgery for their baby girl. I left them a voicemail as they were en route for the 6am check-in and I was wishing that I didn't have to go to work, but instead was on my way to hang out with them while they waited.
I don't do well in hospitals... I really don't know how I'd fare, dealing with the mess and the stress that they've endured. They're heroes. It's been an incredible journey. But as the day progressed, I found myself considering the unbelievable number of pastors whose calendar is full of hospital visits and home visits, accident scenes and the like. Conversations with marriages on the verge of divorce and in teens in trouble of many kinds. Reality hits hard and many of us are surrounded by those whose battles and struggles we only know a glimpse of; sometimes only due to the power of social media. Because it's near impossible to devote one's entire day to relational investing; of knowing who is going through what and what can be done to help or meet a need. There is simply too much. The need is too great. The people too many. The situations too dire. It's impossible to carry it all, hear it all, deal with it all to say nothing of being able to solve it all. And people understand that; pastors can't do it all and shouldn't do it all, even when people perceive they can or believe they should. We rely on our pastors, but we should rely on God more. We expect a lot from our pastors, but we should believe God for more. Does life deal out more than we can handle? Yes But God is sovereign. T.D. Jakes said it like this, if I recall properly. All things may not be for our good, but God is working good, in all things. So, no matter what we face, we do not do so alone, for those in Christ Jesus. Let's pray, this #associatePastorTuesday that God would continue to use them, as they minster to countless people and needs, putting the needs and struggles of others above their own. Pray for strength as they walk with people during times of trial, suffering and loss. Pray for wisdom and discernment, as they engage in conversation and counsel. May the be the support, encouragement and correction that God has revealed to them necessary for that specific time and circumstances. Pray for grace as help others life lives of real faith as they battle the real world. For our battles are not against flesh and blood, But powers and principalities. For Satan has a plan of destruction, But God has a mission to build. - PNC
Rest. It does a body good.
That's almost profound and powerful enough, that I should just write the prayer right now, right? But seriously... It's incredibly hard to be both effective and efficient when the body is lacking adequate rest. Nothing makes you appreciate this more, except the glorious aging process of the human body. Perhaps, I should have said "glorious". Although the wisdom that comes with age does bring a certain glory to a person. But the body is an amazing creation. It knows when there is trouble. Warning signs and systems in place that detect all kinds of trouble, with the ability to give both a gradual, advanced notice as well as an instantaneous, shocking alarm. A lack of good rest though, wreaks all kinds of havoc. Tasks get dropped, projects get delayed and information gets scrambled all because the body is not fully alert. No matter what business you are about doing; this can have serious repercussions. We've all watched it happen. And we've most likely experienced in our own lives... with calls that were a little to close to admit to, even in the strictest of confidence. That said, we'd all do well, to take care of these bodies that God has entrusted to us. *Said the guy who struggles with this, himself. Hence, on this #effectiveSunday, pray that God would grant us, starting now, the ability to experience a sound and peaceful rest. Pray that He would help us to cast our cares on Him, for the circumstances and matters that are causing higher levels of stress, frustration and anxiety. May we not live in or with a spirit of fear, but approach our days with the peace of mind that surpasses all understanding. Pray God would help us to take better care of these bodies; that often know better than our minds do, when things are amiss. May God work the miraculous through us, as He works in us, to accomplish the plans and purposes He has prepared for us in advance. For our lives are not are own; We've been bought with a price For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Well, I'm slightly on fire today. And not in a good way. We really don't need another reason to #pray4pastors. I really don't want to hear another news item that justifies this burden that God has placed upon my heart.
But here we are... and not a knock on the denomination, but those involved clearly have some things to work out between God and man. 300 priests, involved in sexual abuse involving 1,000-something young people over the last 70 years. And somewhere along the way, the leadership of the Catholic church, not only covered it up, once, but multiple times over. For decades. Outrageous, unfathomable... I'm really not sure if it's more appropriate to be overwhelmed with anger or tears. But my heart is broken. And this is why we pray! Old men whose lives have been ruined to the core, in the depths of their soul, from probably never having shared the matter. And young people in recent years, who probably still aren't believed when they have found the ability to come forward. And tons more in between; of all walks and stages of life. How they've been affected and the quality of life that they have lived; it's truly hard to comprehend. Equally hard to comprehend, the condition and outcome for these priests. I know God forgives. I've seen God forgive. I also know the incredibly difficult road that the offender travels after the fact. God is able and capable to redeem and bless. But that is a long process and these are still a long ways off from that stage. This is so not what the church is about. This is not what we need to be know for. This is not helpful for the ministry. Yet it is an opportunity. The failure of humanity is the best argument for the love of God. The evil nature of sin in our heart is the best argument for the existence of a divine plan of redemption. Our brokenness, reason to seek the work of God to make us whole. Our damaged and wounded spirits placed in the hands of the Comforter; that the Holy Spirit would bring healing through the power of Jesus Christ. Is it not amazing how the worse a tragedy, the more amazing the testimony? The more troubling a journey, the more incredible is the destination? What the devil intended for death, God uses to bring life. What he seeks to destroy, God plans to build. Pray this #youthPastorWednesday, for all these that are involved in this mess. For they all have a response to this disaster and the only one that matters is whether they turn to you in time of trouble or abandon you. Pray, in this day of difficulty, that God would begin a great work in hearts and lives of both the abusers and the abused. Indeed, pray for healing... that the broken would be made well, and whole. Pray that God would use His church; not a denomination, but the people of God, to come along side, as ministering angels of grace. May God give divine appointments to intervene, intercede and be a true source of faith on display. Pray that God would guard the leadership of the church, as they work to establish the next generation of leaders. May we be about building the kingdom of God Rather than destroying it through selfish, sinful indulgence. God help us all, for we are all but one wayward step away From the beginning of a downfall that could severely impact eternity. - PNC "There is no excuse for a boring sermon. The Word of God is too exciting for that!" - Pastor Ron Morrison
He's right, you know. We've all struggled to spend time in the Word, let alone some serious quality time and study devoted to it. It's a constant struggle for me. Like anything else though, it's a discipline. And while I expect that pastors and church leadership would find it incredibly exciting, I do know this much is true... Too many people have sat in many a church service where the pastor's enthusiasm for God's Word was not blatantly obvious as they delivered the message. So Pastor Morrison is correct. Granted, the Word should excite each believer on its' own merit and I'd agree with you, the effectiveness of the church is hindered if it is taking it's cue for getting into God's Word from the pastor. Having said that though, there is also no cue to be given, if the pastor doesn't display their own excitement about the Bible. Thus, it stands to reason... a boring sermon will not spur me on to read more of Scripture as my week progresses. Nor will it do that for you. But if the spark is kindled and the fan within us is flamed as the Word of God is made alive by the one who stands on the stage and delivers what God has revealed to them through prayer and devoted study to the Bible; then how does one NOT hang on to that in the hours and days to come? Should that energy not prompt us to want more, and learn more, pray more, read more and know more for ourselves? And in doing so, perhaps opportunity will give way for us to share that with someone else as our lives advance over the course of the coming week? On this #effectiveSunday, pray that the effectiveness of the church would be great, because of the excitement and passion of God's Word; that draws us into His presence, whereby we would not only know God, but be known by Him. Pray for pastors who have lost the passion and energy in their sermons; may a fresh outpouring of God's Spirit quicken them as they study and prepare. Pray that as active and alive as the Word of God is, may the church apply it to their lives, knowing and understanding its' words and context whereby we would heed its' wisdom. Pray for revelation and transformation as God reveals Himself in greater detail than we have known or experienced. For it is His Story Of His love for all humanity. May we know it, embrace it and apply it For His glory and purpose. - PNC I've got a little time remaining in my drive Thursday day, playing a Christian station, when the host takes a call and opens with you "you're happy about going to prison?"
It turns out, that she was on the way to pick up her husband who had been incarcerated for the past 12 months. Their kid had asked mom, if daddy had accepted Jesus into his heart? To which she responded affirmatively, indeed he had done so. Then the mic drop moment of the call... He had led 12 other inmates to Christ!! Twelve. Yes, you are thinking the same thing the lady who called did... an average of 1 per month of his own sentence. How incredible is that?! And perhaps a little convicting? Or more than a little convicting? The truth of the matter is, it's a big world. And all of it is a mission field; an opportunity for Christ to be displayed in our lives as well as to be communicated to the hearts and minds of others, of the transformation that He has done in ours. A missionary may not be your formal job title, but as a followers of Christ, it is certainly in our job description. Yes the culture is changing; yes the environment you are in may not be the most conducive or appropriate place to share, but God gives windows and openings, for the right attitude, the right word and the right response to life and circumstances to create a desire whereby others may be have questions. That's the time, as Scripture advises; to always be prepared to give an answer for the hope that is within you. If if it's 12 times during a 12-month stint behind bars. And probably more than that, in the works, of people who will remember his testimony, long after he has left that community. On this #missionsFriday, pray that God would indeed, give opportunity to share what Christ has done in our lives. Furthermore, pray that He would not only create the opportunity, but give us the faith and boldness to take advantage of them, and to speak the truth in love to those in need and seeking to know God. Pray the battles and struggles and responsibilities of life would not so consume us that we forget that eternity hangs in the balance for us all. No matter what we do, may we not on do it as unto the Lord, but that God would be glorified in and through us as we do it. For He is not willing that any should perish, But all come to repentance through Christ. For the glory of God And the advancement of the Gospel. - PNC Anxiety strikes at the strangest times.
I had a rough time last night, as I went to bed, perhaps from reading an event from a family, that very easily could be my situation (from what little details she provided). Whether that prompted it or something else, I was unable to get my brain to slow down and calm down for the longest time. And I don't struggle panic attacks and what not. It was unusual, to say the least. But it amazes me as we go through life, the burden we fear when nobody is around. All sorts of people and relationships come to mind; opportunities that have yet to happen and opportunities that haves, that occasionally cause us regret. Some lifestyles are such, that the circumstance give legitimate cause for concern (occupational hazards), but life is such that events can affect any and all of us. It doesn't matter who you are; unnecessary states of worry and anxiety are frustrating, even when you know and understand that tragedy can strike at any moment. Having said that though, not that we all don't have a lot going on, but pastors... the burden is already great in their lives. The ministry. The calling. Eternity. The people and families within their church and community that they impact on a daily and weekly basis is profound and deep. It's almost stressful just in thinking about how quickly they could suffer from anxiety and worry, for any number of reasons, let alone tragedy and disaster within their own home and family. Pray this #seniorPastorMonday, for a renewed sense of peace and calm within their lives and families. Pray for strength for those that are in midst of trials and tragedies, whether in their marriage, the children or the church. May God give them the ability to grip their faith like never before and to experience the grace and love of Christ on a deeper, more profound level. Pray for a new message, from the mess; a new testimony from the testing; a new story from storm. Indeed, make God work all things, even that which is beyond our comprehension, for His good. And may the peace of God That surpasses all understanding Fill their hearts and minds. For the glory of God. - PNC There's a power in both the phrase and the concept of living "between the ditches" that has seemingly captured my attention when I wasn't paying attention. It's quite the visual, when you consider the many implications that exist, especially as we consider the power and importance of living as a community.
We are all on a journey. Often passing through life in different directions, in more ways than one. Accidents. Mistakes. Close-calls. Hazards. Warning signs about obstacles and those instances in which we are blind-sided. There's any number of reasons which cause us to land in the ditches of life. But the great aspect of community, is that our relationships should be as such to recognize when someone has found themselves in that place. And just as important, is that we should recognize the things that can cause us to land there as well. We get caught off-guard by the very things that we know we should be especially careful to be aware of; meanwhile we don't always help those that are about to find themselves in states of trouble that are all-too preventable. What's worse, we don't always take advantage of allowing relationships to exist to the degree that such conversations and interventions can occur... neither do we exercise wisdom in following their advice or taking their insight and perspective into consideration. Which, if that is part of the point of having such a person in our lives, then we've done ourselves an injustice to both ourselves and those around us. "I value your friendship, but not enough to allow you to speak into my life, nor respect you when you do speak." Such a mindset is... well, dangerous if it is intentional. And tragic, when it actually plays out among us. And I say us, because I've held it at previous times in my life. It's a guaranteed way to end up in the ditch and in fact, people might just wait and watch for the moment to happen. This is where the pain of life is usually for our benefit. So, pray this #communitySaturday that God would help us to keep life on the road. Pray for strength and vision to be aware of the dangers of life, and through the power of the Holy Spirit, to navigate our way around. Furthermore, pray for the quality of our relationships; that they would exist at such a level that the insight, wisdom and perspective that exists would be utilized for a better life; to build and encourage each other in the faith as well as bring others to faith. May we be a people that impacts community through our approach to those around us because of the value that we place upon relationship. Pray that we would create and build relationships to that would glorify and honor God and draw others ever closer to Him because of what the world sees in our interactions with each other. For freedom is found in Christ And enjoyed on the roads of life Especially when we avoid the ditches. - PNC Steve Taylor is a brilliant song writer and performer, often taking a unique perspective of social issues as well as problems within the church and Christiandom. One such Taylor classic, asks the question, Whatever Happened To Sin?
It's a question as relevant today as it was upon it's release in 1983 on his album, I Want To Be A Clone. I bring this up, because I got to thinking about just how much we allow into our lives, that distracts and detours us from God, our relationship with Him and what plans He would have us to be about in our lives. We are all tempted and face battles and struggles of various kinds. There are times when there is a knock upon our door, because the one who stands outside doesn't know us and other times, because there is a familiarity and comfort level that exists in our relationship. Obviously, Christ has told us that He stands at the door and knocks upon our hearts. So too, though, I believe sin also knocks... repeatedly. This sentiment seems to be a shared theology as a day or two after I considered this concept, about sin knocking on certain doors because of it's comfort level with a person, I passed a church marque sign that read: When sin knocks on your door, let Jesus answer it. Which is a great, theological response. Christ lives and reigns in this heart, sin. Get lost! However, what if we don't allow Christ to answer the door, and we give way to sin's knock and sadly, regrettably, fail to turn down it's request to enter and be entertained. Are we too comfortable with sin? Perhaps, if 35 years ago, one musician asked why we've stopped calling it out for what it is? Has anything changed? Well, besides the fact that it is becoming more unacceptable to call it what is. And that hinders a great deal of whatever effectiveness for the kingdom of God that we are attempting to achieve. Let's pray, this #effectiveSunday, that we would not grow accustom and comfortable with sin, both within our personal lives and in our world-at-large. Pray that we would not allow sin to take up residence in our lives, to the point that it knows better than to even knock on our door. May we follow the advice on the sign and allow Jesus to respond to sin's desire to be a part of our lives. Pray that we would remain ever so focused upon our relationship with God and be about the calling and purposes which He has placed upon our lives. That we would recognize sin And call it out for what it is... A destroyer of the soul. As we remain committed to the lover of our soul, Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit. For the glory of God. - PNC We had a powerful discussion this morning during the Men's Breakfast at church. Our round-table style, cafe-conversation involved a brief hermeneutics exercise on the book of Philemon. It's basically, a who, what and why analysis of the book, as well as the theme and main points of what the author is trying to convey, followed by a take-away of how the content can be applied to our lives today.
So what's up with Philemon? Well, it is #communitySaturday, so in a word... COMMUNITY. We know community isn't perfect. But Philemon is a lesson in what community could and should be. A man betrayed is advised to accept his betrayer, after the betrayer not only comes to Christ, but serves an important role in the ministry. Paul advises Philemon to essentially do the right thing, by not holding the past against this man, and if he is unable to forgive, he should hold it against Paul. It's a powerful picture of a man transformed by Christ. (the betrayer) It's a amazing picture of a man reflecting Christ. (Paul) It's a dynamic picture of a man encouraged to be more like Christ. (Philemon) Such circumstances are as difficult in today's day and time as they were for Philemon's church. We want people to be transformed by Christ. We pray to that end. We converse with them to that end. But if we've been wronged by anyone, even if they were a part of the church community when the wrong occurred, we have a hard time accepting people as brother's and sister's in Christ. If you haven't dealt with this problem personally, you know someone who has. If you haven't yet, I pray that you don't ever; but then again, everyone is human. Even Christians. We all hope we reflect Christ, yet we all struggle when we are encouraged to further reflect Christ. What does that tell you? Pray this #communitySaturday, that God would help us be the community that reflects the person and character of Christ to a community and world desperately in need of Him. In this complex society and system of laws, pray that would be people who would pray for lives to be tranformed and may we live as though we ourselves, have been truly transformed. Pray that our church leadership would set the example of Christ, as Paul set for Philemon and his community. May we not get hung up on the past and the wrong, as troubling, problematic and unbelievable as it actually exists; but place our trust in God along and the power of the Cross of Jesus Christ. For He is able to exceedingly above and beyond That which we could ask or imagine. Even through the power of forgiveness, healing and restoration. For the glory of God. - PNC I was listening to the music on my phone this afternoon, when DeGarmo & Key started playing. Old school, Christian Rock, if you aren't familiar with their music. You won't be disappointed.
They started singing the song, Special Kind of Love. The lyrics talk about how it could only be God, who could love humanity so much that He essentially sacrificed Himself, in order that He might have relationship with us. What a powerful message. One that we obviously should all be about sharing, whether across the street or across the globe, on this #missionsFriday. Yet, it truly took an act of God to redeem humanity. We all have our days, where simply lose our desire to "adult". You just don't want to be engaged. Driver's on the road aren't fully attentive to driving. Classmates are bugging our kids, while our colleagues prompt us to question our employment decisions. Then there's the days where you aren't sure if you would rather your spouse be upset with you or your boss... God forbid they give you grief on the same day, regardless of whether it was deserved or not. Compassion loses to cynicism. Love gets buried, not by hatred necessarily, but perhaps more by apathy. An obedient response gives room for a hesitant one. God help is, what Christ did for us, indeed took a special kind of love; for all too often we miss the opportunity to express a common kind of love. And as society continues to redefine what "love" looks like, the Gospel will become even more special... as long as it continues to go forth. On this #missionsFriday, pray for those who are struggling to keep the love of Christ at the forefront of our lives. Pray for missionaries, who are weighed down and fatigued by life's stresses and battles. May God help them, where compassion, love and obedience are perhaps hindered or diminished by current circumstances. Pray God would give them wisdom in the days ahead, and grace with themselves. May the Holy Spirit do a fresh work within them; and with all of us, as it is realized where we have missed the mark in our daily lives and activities. For the Gospel is not only more relevant than ever before But more needed too. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Mom's advice from thirty-something years ago hasn't changed. You can't please everyone. Certainly, not as often as we hope. Unless, there is a level of understanding and commit to each other that exceeds most other relationships.
Even though, life is full of disappointments. We let people done, all day, every day... in circumstances that are well beyond our control as often as they are within our control. And even when you find a balance, of doing your best, moving your fast, applying wisdom and experience and proper context... you can get "everything" right, as it depends on you and still manage to get something "wrong" in the eyes of the one on the other side of the table. I fear entitlement has overstepped it's bounds in relationships of all kinds. Spouses expect more than can be given, even when the other spouse feels they are already given their "all". Bosses expect or demand more than is reasonable; and for many of us, more than what they are willing to compensate their employees to include in their responsibilities. Kids expect the world, often more than we can give them, as much as we would love to do and give more. Business clients somehow manage to combine the effort and emotion of all the previous three multiplied a couple of times over. The struggle is real... and once again, church and ministry, not immune. The real frustration however, lies in the disappointment that we feel internally. All the external stuff we can dismiss, sometimes with relative ease. Other times, it does feel as though as competitor greater, and stronger than we stands over us with one foot upon our back. At some point and time we've all been there. And even in writing this, I'm dreading the thought of associate pastors who are living in this state of existence. We understand when it happens in the workplace and with clients; it's scary when it happens from the person behind the pulpit or from the people in the pew... with expectations that we simply can 't gain victory over, in any way, shape or form. On this #associatePastorTuesday, pray for pastors whose life is this frustrating reality. Pray that God would give them wisdom, in handling difficult people with challenging expectations; in whatever role those people play and however the expectations manifest themselves. May their be a grace about their lives as though go about their work and ministry. Pray for strength to endure, especially for the days when set-backs seem to dis-count and discredit whatever positive gains they may have made. Pray for an inner peace to be restored; even that which has been lost and stolen long ago. May the joy of the Lord return and be their strength, for every arena, role and relationship of their lives. That whatever work is done, Be done as unto the Lord For His glory alone. - PNC Once again, a few things rattled around regarding today's #seniorPastorMonday post.
Until I heard part of a message from Dr. David Jeremiah. He was talking about the humble beginnings of the church he and his wife started in the early days of their ministry. Humble days. As many, if not all, pastors have experienced. And like all, there were days he wanted to call it quits. The struggle is real. The battle is hard. The road is rough. Yet, someone reminded him of a prayer that always stuck with him and when he said it, it resonated. "Lord, use what's left." It continues to amaze, the nature and character of God. He does not waste anything. He does not waste a life. He does not waste an experience. He does not waste an opportunity in which He could be glorified. While that's a comforting sentiment, it's also one that is hard to swallow. Think of how many times someone has told you there's nothing left to give, and you keep pushing them for more. To challenge and grow; to press in and to press onward. Then God says, I'm not done...there's more. And we fight it; as other's have done with us. However, I can't help but ask how many miracles are being held in the power of such a simple prayer... use what's left, God. On this #seniorPastorMonday, pray that even if the midst of difficulty, frustration and burnout; may pastors retain the humble posture that would allow God to use what is left. May God strengthen and quicken them when the feel as though there is little left for God to use. May He work the miraculous, as with the loaves and fish. What is of little effect in our eyes, may we commit it to God's care and service to accomplish exponentially more than we could ever fathom. Clay vessels are we, Broken and spilled out For God's plan And His glory. - PNC Isn't funny how life works out sometimes?
There are proven plans and principles, that always work... regardless of who is doing the work or the numbers involved or whatever. There's a plan, there's instruction, there's an example that has been established as precedent. It's doable. It's workable. It's repeatable. And that has been the case for many. And as such, over time, it has developed into something that is certainly effective, and by and large, efficient. For the rest of it though... are the times where you aren't sure. And that's usually where God shows up. In the simple steps of prayer and obedience and trusting the prompting of the Holy Spirit. The conversation that you think would offer the least help, ends up being exactly what someone needed to hear. What seems to be the most broken and lousy-sounding prayer, ends up getting answered. The act of kindness or generosity that hardly qualifies as sacrificial to the one who gives it and it means the world (and a changed one at that) to the recipient. On this efficient and effective focus of a Sunday, I offer this reminder... God uses the foolish things to confound the wise. And on that note, let's pray this #effectiveSunday, that while it's good to stick with proven plans and processes, may we not disregard or discredit that times, places and means by which God will use to accomplish His will and purposes. May we continually be people who trust that He is working all things out for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Pray that we would neither get ahead of where He is moving and leading, nor we stop or step aside because we don't understand what He is working. Pray that the church would continue to walk in obedience to the Word and pray that even when we can't trace God, we continue to trust in Him. For the glory of God And the advancement of the Gospel of Christ. - PNC Someone was talking about the cost of the some of the national issues that we are currently facing, among them being hot topics such as illegal immigration, which led to the comparison being made between housing the kids involved to the hundreds of thousands of kids that are currently part of the foster care or social services system.
The numbers are incredible and the cost, astronomical. And I thought to myself, just for the sake of analysis, how much time and money is given to animal rights and rescue causes. The pet industry is big business and I get it... we all love our pets. Yet while people figure what to do here and there and pay for this and that.... as soon as a ministry steps up and says, we need help with resources and funding, people somehow find ways to hide the wallets and checkbooks. It seems as though "everybody" takes their negative experiences and the tragic stories they've heard and becomes a justifying critic to NOT do something to help, rather than a rational defender of why one's support should advance. For all the causes whose message is advanced because of people's financial giving, what could possibly be more important than the Gospel of Christ whereby lives are at stake for all eternity? God doesn't need the money to advance His message; but imagine what He could accomplish through the lives of those who were faithful givers, living in obedience to the life He has called us to live. On this #missionsFriday, pray for missionaries who are struggling; especially with regards to resources and funding. Pray that God would sovereignly move on their behalf. Pray that the church and the people of God would be people who would be open and quick to give as needs are presented and opportunities are granted to give back to God by financing the advancement of the Gospel. May they not give up or quit, but grow in faith and prayer rather than in frustration and problems. May God work the miraculous in every arena, As we do better to love Him and love people For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Yes, it's late in the day, this #effectiveSunday. And today is the start of the 37th consecutive month, of daily prayers. This is the Sunday that we pray that the efforts of our words, deeds and planted seeds would achieve what God would desire of us. Indeed, His Word will not return void.
So what is on my heart? We've forgotten how to live in the moment. We're so quick to make sure we capture the moment that we forget to simply enjoy and create the memory of that moment. And it's that framework and mindset that allows to not be consumed with being effective, but to do what we can to make an impact. In the conversation. In the situation. In the moment of the life who needs feel the love of God and the truth of His Word. But we don't enjoy the moment. We simply grab our phones to record the moment... as if our memory is worthless. The distraction takes away from the power of the impact that is made in that moment. Live it. Share it. Cherish it in your heart and soul. And that's my prayer, this #effectiveSunday. Pray that as we go about the coming days and hours, that we would live in the moment and share and speak that which God lays upon our heart and engage as the opportunity presents itself. May we trust that God will accomplish His will and purpose as we are faithful to follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Pray that we would look back upon our days, including this one, knowing that the hand of God was at work; not only in our lives, but through our lives. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC If I recall, I posted a similar topic a few weeks ago (or months now... I seriously can't keep up), but I was reminded of just how hard it is to come to basic agreements of late. Granted, it was a political volley on social media, but still... I offered the lowest common denominator I could beginning with the words, "can we agree?"
No, was the reply. I can't. Really? When people miss the fact that all of us our flawed failures, we are in trouble. But nearly as much as when we miss this truth about ourselves. Unhealthy pride (that which is not laced with a humble spirit of constant gratitude) is a dangerous gremlin to deal with, especially when it leads to spiritual blindness and spiritual arrogance. This was Satan's downfall. At look what his first conversation involves. The presentation that He knows more about what's God's Words meant than the person to whom God actually spoke. He called into doubt, God's dynamic reality of command and consequence. And yet, as we pray for missionaries, this is the communication battle we face. All have fallen short of the glory of God. ** but others have fallen more than I, so I should be okay. Unfortunately, that's not how God sees it ** but I don't believe in God, so I really don't care how He sees it. This is troubling. We allow arguments to enter our spiritual conversation that we would never tolerate in our own homes or other aspects of our lives. Yet we justify so much in order to avoid dealing with the aforementioned dynamic reality of God. On this #missionsFriday, pray for a spiritual awakening. Pray that God would help His truth to be effectively communicated. Pray for the spiritual blinders to come off and the arrogance to be shaken. Pray that pride by cast aside and that we would return to humbling ourselves before the Lord; worthy of neither His grace nor His glory that has been offered to us freely through the sacrifice of Christ. Pray God's forgiveness for the mess that we have made out of His Creation, as we have continually put other people, things and agendas in higher priority than He. Fallen and broken In need of grace and redemption For the glory of God. - PNC I always appreciate talking with my brother. He lives out of state and his schedule is crazier than mine, so it's not nearly often enough. But he returned my call late last night and I was reminded once again, just how much I appreciate his insight and advice wrapped up in brotherly love.
Then this morning, I got to thinking about the verse that talks about Jesus staying closer than a brother. And I realized that there are two responses to that truth. The first, is a response similar too mine; and that is that it's a pretty incredible thought regarding our walk with Christ as me and my brother are like this! *fingers crossed. When you have a great relationship with your sibling, the closeness a relationship with Christ is easy to grasp, but at times difficult to imagine that it could be even better. Then there's the opposite response, offered through an entirely different filter. For the person who does not have a close relationship with their sibling, putting a relationship with Christ in such a framework is difficult. And understandably so. There's no context of personal experience. We see this all the time, in conversations on nearly every issue and topic of the day. You can't possibly understand what that's like if you haven't lived it. And to a degree, that is accurate. Now, granted, not "every" experience needs to be personally lived out, to understand that something is dangerous, horrific or defies logic or belief. We can show compassion, empathy and understanding while speaking truth, even from an entirely different experience. Having said that though, we've all recognized the bond that develops when the stories and realities of two people or groups come into alignment and they discover that they share common elements throughout the experience(s) of their life... or at least a moment of it. Children want to know that someone understands their struggles. Adults want to know that someone has lived their battles. Likewise, pastors want to know that someone has survived the ministry. On this #youthPastorWednesday, pray for pastors that are struggling with their place in life and in faith. May they be reassured, that even if it feels like nobody understands their battle, that Christ does. Pray for the comfort of the Holy Spirit to surround them and strengthen them anew and afresh. Pray also, that God would give them insight as they come alongside, the kids and teens that they minister to; that they would develop a great relationship in which those kids would understand that someone has been through the challenges and difficulties they are facing. May the be the representation of Christ, standing by them, walking with them and speaking truth into them and life over them. Pray God would accomplish the miraculous in drawing the lives of both young people and pastors alike every closer to Himself. That each of us would grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ As we do in the relationship of our beloved siblings Both the ones that exist and the ones we wished existed For the glory of God. - PNC The weekend really is an opportunity to impact community. The week has it's routine. The work schedule. The responsibilities of home and family. Sure, you may make some new connections along the way, but by and large, the week is a pretty set schedule. The same people at work. The same people in your daily routine. Saturday comes and we step out of the grind.
Hopefully there's a freedom, that changes our attitude and our perspective; that gives us hope and enjoyment and that gives us opportunity to step out of our norms and engage in life and conversation of an entirely different nature. While every day is an opportunity to impact our community, it's the moments in which we find ourselves out of our element and routine that creates something special and memorable. Sometimes it is memorable because of the lesson learned, other times it is for the shear joy of what has transpired. But the impact is never made if the opportunity is never seized. And God only knows what is missing from our lives and what isn't being done for eternity when we don't step out of our routines... hard as it may be some days. On this #communitySaturday, pray that we would look for moments to uniquely engage in ways and means different from the rest of the week. May we not be so caught up in our own lives that we miss how God would desire to use us to change someone else's life. Pray that the stresses and challenges of life would not so occupy our thoughts, time and energy that we disengage to the point that we are ineffective for the cause of Christ. For we need His help daily To live as He has called us to live And do that which He has anointed us to do. For His glory. - PNC It used to be that you didn't know what was behind closed doors. Thanks to social media, all too often, everything is open season, open for business, open air. Very little is sacred. Very little seems valued. Privacy seems to be more a matter of concealment rather than respect.
Who doesn't have a ton of stuff going on? In their lives at home. In their lives on the job. Among their friends. In the community. In the ministry. Bombarded and barraged, with stuff, and people and responsibilities. Conversations to be had, tasks to be completed. It does not, ever end. Ever. Never. Ever. For all our connection points with the outside world and the people and relationships outside the home, what happens at home often tells a very different story. Not always. But when you hear about it, it's heartbreaking. What's the point? Depending on the nature and depth of your relationship with your pastoral staff, you may never know the battles and struggles that they face offline, behind the door. Which is all the more reason to pray for them, so that their story is never one that breaks your heart. Pray, this #associatePastorTuesday for the unknown battles and untold stories. Pray strength for those who are weary and tired. Pray for grace, for those frustrated beyond belief. Comfort and healing for those whose hearts are broken and bruised. Pray for a renewed vision for those who feel as though they have lost their way. May God give them courage to continue to face their challenges and wisdom that they would overcome them. For we are not alone When connected God Through the cross of Christ And the power of the Holy Spirit. - PNC It's an interesting thing about community... you might not be able to change what happens on a big scale, perhaps never, and certainly, not overnight. But that shouldn't for a minute, prevent us from living with eyes open about how we can change what happens in our sense of community.
Perhaps it's making a change in your neighborhood or the town local to you. Perhaps it's making an impact through your church. Change and blessing occurs when one is in a position to help the one who happens to be living with a need. Opportunity + need = impact. There's always lots to do. There's always something that will beg for your attention or something that will desire to distract your attention. This is the difference between the person who gets stuff done versus the person who delays getting stuff done. (says the guy typing who greatly struggles with the latter) Do you know what to do? Then why are not you doing it? Spoken by all of our father's at one time and for the younger among us, now sounding more like our fathers every day. Also, two questions often posed by our Heavenly Father, daily to each one of us? So, on this #communitySaturday, pray that we would answer His question. As we witness the opportunity to impact and change our world, globally, and locally, for the cause of Christ, may God give us direction for what He would have us to do when the answer is not obvious. Pray that we would be people of diligence, that would actually do it, when prompted. Pray that God would help us move towards greater positions of health and strength so that there will be less that stands in the way when God says, this is what I have you do for these people. Prepared for every opportunity To be used of God With nothing holding us back Making an eternal impact For the kingdom of God. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019