![]() One has to be careful what with they "speak into existence" (or type as the case may be). Yesterday, we talked about portraying Christ, to a lost and dying world, appropriate for #missionsFriday. What I didn't see coming, were the events that were about to unfold less than 30 minutes after clicking "publish". The event that started it all was frustrating enough. The kindness of a few. The next two people involved weren't "helpful" in the way you would expect people in those positions to be and we'll leave it at that. The next person involved is when I fumbled the ball... the moment, where if they knew or had an inclination that I was a Christian... well, suffice to say, I'm pretty sure I didn't come across as one. Frustration, rather than faith, had taken a controlling interest in expressing my emotions. I wasn't it around when the last two persons got involved. I'm told it was probably all for the better, as one of them wasn't cool-headed. Not a good combination if someone got the impression I wasn't either. Say all that to say... Just because Christians are sinners saved by grace, doesn't mean we aren't one step away from falling far short of grace. Narrow roads = close edges. So the message bears repeating. Sinners saved by grace are just one step away from falling far short of grace, at any given moment. That's also about the time people run out of having grace and patience with us. Which is how situations escalate... or have the potential to do so, which can cause people to make preemptive decisions based on perceived outcomes... even if perception has no chance of coming reality. The message of Christ is strong and powerful, yet must be handle with care. Why? Because we are dealing with broken people, with wounded souls, damaged emotions, less than honorable thoughts and intentions and hearts with holes prone to fear and hesitant to trust. Meanwhile the saved, are still works in progress. So our brokenness, wounds, damages, and out of line thoughts and intentions, not mention fears and trust-issues and you have a recipe for a less than pleasant interaction rather than one in which God is glorified. Thus, on this #communityFriday, pray as I did yesterday, for forgiveness for times we fumble the message of Christ. May the power of the Holy Spirit transcend situations of mounting frustration, to work in the hearts and lives of both sinners and saved sinners. May the grace we have received from God be the grace we share with others, despite our feelings of the moment. Pray the church seek, in a greater dimension, to be used of God and influenced by the Spirit and resist the urge and opportunity for our flesh to come forth as if Christ has changed nothing in us. God we need your help... starting with me. More like you today, than I was yesterday morning. - PNC
![]() #missionarysplit More importantly, church splits. The effect on a community? To observers watching the body of Christ from outside the four walls of the church? In corporate settings, we watch people come and go. Leadership changes, management and other positions... they transition in and out, often without notice to those not familiar with the company or with an inside line to what's going on. And to such observers, questions don't often arise of problems or difficulties that are being faced and sorted out. It's business and any number of factors could explain the change. Yet, when people and leadership change occurs in church... are we getting the full story? Not that everybody needs to know, but sometimes you can't help but wonder... what really happened. And if it's easy even for Christians to think the worst, how much more, will someone else look at the body of Christ and make assumptions of what has transpired. And upon that assumption, they will justify their position. To not attend any church or one denomination in particular. To refuse any invitation to a church event or a Christian outreach. They may be altogether turned off to a co-worker simply sharing their testimony. Businesses often make decisions based on the best interest of their constituents. Stockholders, investors, clients, customers vendors. And the spend a great deal of time and effort reaching new markets... people who potential will become those aforementioned roles. Likewise, the church should do the same. We need to reach the lost in our community. But like in business, if can't change perception because reality doesn't match up what's portrayed, the your un-reached market will look elsewhere. And while there are plenty of other places to look, their remains... Just one way. Just one truth. Just one Jesus. Just one God. Just one name, that man must call on to be saved. ![]() Being a huge lover of music, I often having songs playing in my head, especially since, I almost have music on. Something happened yesterday though, as an unexpected song made a spiritual connection. Of all the songs, I had Bon Jovi's You Gave Love a Bad Name stuck in my head It wasn't long until I had a moment that many Christians experience... assigning human characteristics to God. As we look to God as our Heavenly Father, we often consider how His words would come across as an actual Father. As children of God and joint-heirs with Christ, how would Jesus sound as a brother? So God is Love. And consider Bon Jovi's song from His perspective. Having accepted God's forgiveness and love for our own lives, we are to share and convey that to those around us. And all to often, we fall short. I read this morning of a new pastor who walked into the church on his first Sunday, dressed as a homeless man. Nobody greeted him, invited to buy him a coffee, etc. Then when he was introduced to the church, the congregation stopped clapping as they realized who was walking towards the pulpit. He proceed to quote the passage about "sharing a cup of cold water, clothing the naked, inviting in those without shelter and visiting those in jail" He then dismissed the service, leaving them to ponder his open words... that he had walked into a gathering of people rather than the church of Jesus. Like the Bon Jovi lyrics read, I played my part and you played your game. God so loved the world, that He sent His only Son to take our place for the consequence of sin. He has done His part. Sadly, many Christians are playing their game. On this #communitySaturday, pray the church leaves the game and engages the community as the actual body of Christ. May we share the love of God and the message of Christ in real and tangible ways, reaching out to those in obvious need and getting to know those whose needs may not be so obvious. As all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, every person has one need that is obvious, even if they don't recognize it as the need of salvation. May the power of the Holy Spirit quicken and empower the church today, to live, experience and communicate who God is, in ways the bring honor and glory worthy of what He has done in the lives of those who have accepted His Son as Lord and Savior. Only God is good. And He is all we have need of... for this and every day we have breath. - PNC I grew up listening to great music, largely in part to because of a Dad who likes Classic Rock and moreso in part, because of the Christian Rock that was popular during my brothers upbringing. Having almost 8 years between us, we obviously should be listening to different music during our childhoods. But that wasn't the case. I continue to be amazed,as I've said many times, the power and anointing that was granted to these artists as they broke down barriers between music of the world and music for the believer. I was listening yesterday afternoon to a group from Canada, during the late 70's and early 80's, The Daniel Band, which I highly recommend you look up. (not to be confused with the The Charlie Daniels Band). Then last night, this was playing. With all the media, and Netflix and the latest Start Wars, and here the words of this song still ring true. And in case your wondering...movies released in 1986 include, Top Gun, Star Trek IV, Little Shop of Horrors, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Short Circuit, Platoon, Aliens (with Sigourney Weaver), Hoosiers, Highlander and Crocodile Dundee. What a list! Yet where is The Book? "Television subdivision, He sees it on his advent screen The cable's on, the tape is running, So he won't miss a thing I asked him if he knew JESUS, He said "what channel is he on?" While he sees the latest features. A Bible sits collecting dust TV Guide and program listings, The only place he puts his trust Who says a wealth of information, Has to be filmed on location Read the book, Don't wait for the movie // Read the book, Don't wait for the movie All the lines keep getting longer. To see the latest horror show Degeneration of a generation. Tell me where'd the Bible go I asked them if they knew JESUS. Is HE in a theater near you? I said " No, HE's the MESSIAH", "Do you think He'll get good reviews?" Pray, this #communitySaturday, as the church engages community, we would recommend the review of Christ.. May the story of Jesus be shown on the screen of people hearts and lives. Pray it causes people to reflect and consider their purpose and meaning here on earth. May the truth of God's word super-cede the overwhelming data mine that is the internet. Pray the power of God is more referenced than the power of google. For His love, grace and forgiveness reaches greater depths of the heart of man than google reaches the corners of man's mind. (As White Heart's song Over Me, is not playing in the background as I finish typing this) pray this would be truly said by those we come in contact with today.... And I feel His love pouring down over me, Warm healing waters that set me free Safe in the arms of eternity, Held by the wonder and mystery, Over me May we set aside our technology of this earth for the TRUTH of our God in heaven. For His glory. For the cause of Jesus Christ. His book is greater than man's movie. - PNC ![]() ChurchLeaders.com posted an article this morning on the 10 real reasons Pastors quit too soon. After reading, it occurred to me why so many of those reasons are accurate and valid in way too many instances. Congregations don't engage their Pastoral team in community and events outside the church. Yes, they'll be there for church events, but still that's church related. How often when people go out to dinner after service (or any other night of the week, for that matter) they invite the Pastor. How often, when your kids have a sleep-over, you invite the PK's as well, because who knows when the Pastor had time to work on the marriage without being interrupted by kids? What Pastor wouldn't like to be invited to your Saturday morning round of golf or the Pastor's wife to brunch and some shopping? We have no problem inviting the new neighbors next door, our "favorite" co-workers, the kids in the neighborhood we can stand to handle or the client with which we just closed a huge deal. Inviting Pastors? That's passed our comfort zone. Until we have major life issues with which we can't share with other people...then it's, "we need to talk to you." This mentality is so wrong on so many levels, yet it happens way to often. And while it's understandable in nature, it's not sustainable. We wouldn't do it with our closet friends. We don't like it when we're the odd-man out. Why would we do it to those entrusted to speak into our lives on spiritual and practical matters of life, not only our own, but also the lives of our children and our friends and families. Pray this #communitySaturday, we would start the new year afresh, inviting Pastors into our lives outside of the four walls of the church. Pray we go out of our way, to express our love and gratitude for their ministry, their service to God and their faithfulness to the body of Christ. Pray Pastors would be encouraged today, in the challenges and struggles they face: loneliness, exhaustion, frustration, insecurity, resentment, difficulty in marriage/parenting/finances. May the body of Christ come alongside and lift up tired arms, as Hur and Aaron did for Moses, as we do for our friends and families, as Pastors have done for us. Take the lead in expressing thanks to your spiritual Leaders today. For the glory of God; we are the body of Christ. Every member is valuable, for one doesn't say to the other, we don't have need of you and the body doesn't say to the head, "our way or the highway". Moving forward together, for the cause of Jesus Christ. -PNC ![]() IIt's a new season. It's a new day. It's a new year! In case you missed your social media news feeds blowing up well wishes and crazy fun over a celebratory midnight-moment. A time for new vision; new goals; new resolutions; new commitments. As we realize where we missed the mark, we figure what adjustments and changes need to occur, priorities revisited and plans revised. Then, the things and people that have brought you to where you are; that you dig deeper to become stronger, with more determination than ever, to press forward in the direction and calling you know for which you were made to go. These things remain. Faith, hope and love. And the people with whom share those fundamental elements of living. As we look upon 2016 with spiritual vision on this #missionsFriday New Year's day, may we revisit, revise and renew our commitment to be the light on the hill that points others to the Light of the Word. As God has plans and purposes for us all, as well as knowing the desires of our frail and fallen hearts, may we seek His face, anew and afresh for what He would desire to accomplish in our lives and in the world in which we daily live. And it begins as we acknowledge our place in prayer. Pray this #missionsFriday, that 2016 would the year that many people come to know the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, as they experience His love and forgiveness in a powerful and meaningful way that directly encounters the stuff that resides in their heart. May the faith of the believer be strengthened as they grow in the wisdom and grace of God, acknowledging Him in all their ways; seeking His face in all matters and trusting Him for every step they take forward. May the excitement of the New Year be sustained by the Holy Spirit, not as a feel-good moment, but for each and every morning we wake up to God's grace made anew. Living life one day at a time; as it was, is and can only be lived. For the glory of God. For the cause of Jesus Christ. Godspeed, for whatever you may face in 2016. We are never forsaken or abandoned by God... for He still loves the World. -PNC ![]() I don't even remember how this happened, it came just so quick this morning, but I was thinking about #youthPastorWednesday for what seemed like only a second or two, when I thought about the verse from Jeremiah 17. He shall be like a tree, planted by water, that sends out its roots to the stream. It has no fear of heat. It leaves remain green. It is not anxious when the drought comes, for it always bears fruit. It was the first line that stood out. Trees planted by water. This is the next generation. Flowers have their place, as do plants. But when storms hit, it's the trees that provide cover; that block the wind; that shield from the elements. The next generation of adults need to have a pivotal moment in their life, when spiritually-speaking, they were planted near the Living Water, as Jesus depicted Himself to the woman at the well. At an early age, a root-system of faith that is nourished and fed by Christ must be established; that they may endure all that nature's elements may throw and blow their way. There will be tests and trials and destructive attempts on their life as we all have faced, but a deep faith, grounded in Christ will endure and remain constant, in expressing the love and adoration to God Almighty. The world is coming to a place where its needs people of strength. Pillars in their communities, fortified against the forces that would lay waste to anything it's path. Pray, this #youthPastorWednesday, that God would help us raise, mentor and pastor kids and teens who would be as trees, planted by water. May the trust in the Lord God Almighty with all their heart, soul, mind and strength. May the truly have no fear of drought, always full of life, knowing their source of supply comes from God. Pray they always produce fruit that reflects and advances the cause of Jesus Christ. As pastors and parents partner together in bring up this generation... May they forever impact the landscape of this world, for the betterment of its people; for the kingdom of God. To God be the glory, as the body of Christ moves forward in prayer today. -PNC ![]() It's the day after Christmas and things are beginning to return to normal. Perhaps the house is still a mess (which may be common); perhaps you're glad to have more space, now that the Christmas presents are out of the way. And with Christmas falling on a weekend, we're thinking about all the stuff that needs to get done before going back to work on Monday. With all of that, the birth of Christ forever changed all the days that would follow, as it does for anyone has a child. Yet Christ is the only One whose gift of life comes with the promise of life after death. No day should be normal after coming to Christ. Yet it so often does, as its easy to do. Not even intentionally, do we find ourselves living life "normal", instead of forever changed by the power of Jesus Christ. And if the difference isn't noticed in the life of the believer, then how will an unbeliever have an expectation or desire that their life could be complete with Him, rather than the life they lead today? As we close out this Christmas season, may we remember on this #communitySaturday, the lives that were forever changed through salvation in Jesus Christ. May we remember the impact they made on the world around them; many an impact on the world that allows us to enjoy the life we live today. Pray the change Christ has made in us be on the forefront of our minds as we share life with our fellow man, living and communicating in ways that express the difference Christ has made in us There is no normal, after Christ has entered the room called your life. Neither is life normal after one has ignored Christ' knock on the door of their life. May God continue the good work He has started in us and start a new work in those who have yet to accept Christ as Lord. For the glory of God and the cause of Jesus Christ. Answered prayer in the form of lives changed for eternity and earth. -PNC ![]() I am still in awe of what God is accomplishing through the ministry of my friends, whose church I told you won their rezoning appeal for their new location. I continued to reflect on it for the past few days, as I recalled the statements of those impacted and shared out that church is engaging community. The "coolest" impact, were the three team members of the area's NFL team, that showed up to the city council meeting, to share their stories of the difference the church is making. But other stories came with just as much of a "wow" factor. One such story, was that of a county jail worker. My pastor friends took our tour of the facility and at the end, without solicitation, asked what the could do to help. A short time later, they had purchased equipment for the jail that allows the inmates to watch the church services online! Inmates are expressing their realization that they are thankful to be in the jail, because it has now brought them in touch with the church... and God is doing a work in them. Furthermore, parishioners started corresponding with the inmates to offer encouragement, support and prayer! The other story was how the church is helping the community in the fight against human trafficking. Because of the churches efforts, they are working in ways that are actually putting the area community on the forefront of bring leadership-level solutions to this destructive industry. I say all of this to demonstrate that a true heart for people and the community should prompt and move the church to actively seek ways to make a tangible and relevant impact in their area. It may not be this big, but it could be...just by asking. On this #communitySaturday, pray that churches would be challenged to expand their ideas of what is going on the community and the needs they can serve. May they actively engage community leaders and decision-makers who have the pulse of the community and approach problems with the heart of Christ as they work to offer solutions. Pray for timely and relevant solutions, that offer genuine support and provide visible progress towards improving situations and the lives involved, Pray healing and restoration, love and forgiveness go forth, forever changing the status quo that says "it's always been a problem, and always will be a problem." Almighty, Sovereign God has for us life...abundant and eternal; and solutions for the times people find themselves in places God never intended for them to go. May the church find and fulfill its purpose in helping people get back on track; both with God and with life. To God be the glory... for lives eternally changed, by the power of God, the cross of Jesus Christ and the hands of the church. -PNC ![]() I got to thinking last night about how much churches have changed, as I was watching some older Christian rock concerts on YouTube. To think that there was a time when church was against music that sounded like some of the some of the most-talented and popular, secular rock groups, even though the message was based on Scripture and of sound doctrine. Shortly thereafter, I came across a sermon by Pastor Willie George, speaking on the missing ministry of Jesus. He proceeded to explain Christ's interaction with children and what the kingdom of heaven will be like. What stuck out to me, was how he shared how he preached at some of the largest churches in America some 20-30 years ago, yet today, not only are the dwindling in size; they are altogether empty. Sadly, there are many reasons, more than we care to admit are probably quite valid. Pastor George's point, though...20-30 years is a generation; an unending commitment to the ministry of children. A church that struggles to grow, will eventually cycle out, as the congregations grow older and the kids and youth grow up and go out. Yes, it's important for churches to minister to widows and orphans, young couples in marriage and "young" couples at heart, but a church that isn't growing in it's ministry to families, will be a church that eventually cycles out of existence... at least to some degree, if not entirely. Pray this #communitySaturday, as the church engages community, it will seek to make greater impact on families and children. May they grow and develop in their relationships with God and each other as they "do life together". Pray their commitment to the community begins with a community to the family unit, building strong foundations of faith based on the Word of God rather than the word of who stands at the pulpit, or leads worship or a service. Pray God work the miraculous, as the world returns to placing their trust in Him, through individuals, through families, through the body of Christ reaching their communities. For the glory of God and the cause of Jesus Christ. Strong churches, built by strong families who in return, build stronger communities. -PNC ![]() About mid-day yesterday, on the east side of my home state, lots of cloud cover, and the sun trying hard to break through... much like the pic. In watching it, I couldn't help but think, Christ could return any minute. Mind-blowing, when you think about it, really. Life is but a glimpse. And from behind the wheel, I couldn't help but wonder what happens to traffic when millions are caught up in the air. As Christmas gets closer and the church engages community, it's a balancing act as we share the love of Christ and the gift He has for mankind. Salvation isn't to be rushed, yet with every passing day, it is becoming evermore transparent that His return is fast approaching. There should be a sense of urgency in our faith. And it's up to God, for their heart to be ready to hear and accept. For when you the Word of the Lord, now is the day of Salvation Christmas is exciting for many reasons. The opportunity to connect with friends and family and bring gifts as the wise men brought to baby Jesus is wonderful. But the fact remains, the greatest gift given on the day of Jesus birth, was Himself. Though the culmination of the gift wasn't for another 33 years, His birth was the beginning of the promise from long ago... and the fruition of God's plan from the very beginning. Pray this #communitySaturday, that hearts will be prepared to receive the Word of the Lord this holiday season and accept His gift of eternal life. Pray for barriers and fears, thoughts and past experiences to be laid to the side, in order for God to work the miraculous in peoples lives... healing and restoration, peace and forgiveness as they have never known. May the greatest gift ever offered, eternal life through Jesus Christ, be accepted by many... especially considering there is nothing to do or pay on our part, to receive it. It is free to accept for everyone. For His glory. The purpose of Christ fulfilled. -PNC ![]() Thanksgiving has passed. Christmas is next. And the church is to be a light, set on a hill The aftermath of Thanksgiving that people experience... The anxiety of Christmas that puts people on edge... The next few weeks will be full of opportunity for the church to share the real reason for the season. At a time when people are moved by their experiences, whether extremely traumatic or incredibly generous, what greater chance than to share the life of Jesus Christ, a life of extreme trauma and incredible acts of generosity, culminating in the ultimate act of love and sacrifice (the cross). If that weren't enough, the finishing touch...victory over death and His return to Heaven. A season of negative memories for many people. A season of generous blessings for others. A season of life made available through the gift of Jesus Christ, available to all. On this #communitySaturday, pray that as the church engages community, God would grant the words for those whose holidays are marked by traumatic and negative life events. Pray for opportunities for God to move supernaturally on the hearts and lives of those who have closed their hearts and minds to the possibility that God loves them and has a plan for their lives. Pray for a continued sense of awareness among the church; that we would follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit in offering grace and truth to those whose lives have never experienced either. Grace and truth leads to health and life. Guilt and lies lead to sickness and death. May the transforming work of Jesus Christ accomplish the miraculous in many lives, this holiday season...and the weeks in between. For the glory of God we pray. -PNC ![]() **NOTE: I wrote the title before I found this pic. #destined There is so much to be thankful and grateful for on this Thanksgiving Day. In this great nation of the United States: We give thanks for the love and the grace of God and the transforming power of salvation through Christ's sacrifice on the cross. We give thanks for those who have served in military and public service, in defense of our country and community. They have sacrificed their lives and time away from doing life together, as my friend celebrates this day with his "other family", the fire department in the city he serves. And on this #deaconThursday, we give thanks for Pastors, Missionaries and church staff, who all make great sacrifices for the Kingdom of God and the cause of Jesus Christ. They give so much of their time, their talent and the treasure to invest in lives of those in their community. Critical attitudes come naturally, but humility and awareness give light that there is more to life than one's self. And on this day, we give pause to thank those who have given and continue to give of their lives in order that we may enjoy, all the more, the one that we live. On this #deaconThursday, pray for those who have and continue to serve this nation and our community through service to God and to Country. May God strengthen and protect each and every one. Pray for the families and friends affected by their service and those who have lost family and friends by that service; may the Holy Spirit comfort them and encourage them anew and afresh, as many mourn while we give thanks. Pray this Thanksgiving Day, that many come to faith in Jesus Christ, recognizing that ultimately, the life we live is because of His life, that He gave when He took our place on a cross meant for us. -PNC ![]() I've been blessed with some incredible friends, especially in recent years. People who believe in us. People who understand our struggles. People who have dealt with similar circumstances in their lives, that we are encountering with ours. While it's great to have friends who can relate, listen and offer advice and support, it's even greater to have friends, who in the middle of a conversation via text, send "we'll be praying for you guys". Perhaps, its God reciprocating... as for the past number of weeks, and I've spent considerably more time in prayer through the course of my day, God continues to bring people and their needs and situations to my remembrance, in praying over their family, finances, careers and businesses and healing. And I've walked away in amazement, getting updates that things are going well, people are doing better and business is better than ever. Its nothing I've done or said as if I'm someone more worthy and worthwhile than the next. I am not. But prayer, as a practice, costs little to nothing in the big picture. Yet the power of effectual and fervent prayer cannot be priced with a tag. Its with similar hope, I look forward to whats in store in my life, for as much as I've heard the reports that followed my sharing "I'm praying for you", I can't help but wonder what God will work, knowing someone stands in the gap of heaven and prays for me. Imagine what's being accomplished as you pray for your friends. As your friends pray for you. As we come together, daily, to pray for pastors, churches, missionaries and community. This #communitySaturday, PRAY! Pray for your families. For your friends. For your neighbors. Co-workers. Bosses. People you are upset with. People you don't speak with. People upset and avoid talking with you. For those you can't stand. For those you can't stand without. For favor. For healing. For blessing. For strength in marriage. Forgiveness of past wrongs. Forgiveness of current frustrations. Grace for mistakes. Grace for moments of stupidity. Grace and forgiveness for actions, attitudes and speech, the result of anger that arose to get the better of us for a moment. May God work the miraculous, for His glory. In your life. In your friends. In your community. In our nation. God, would you heal our land and touch your world. By the power of the Holy Spirit and the blood of Jesus Christ. -PNC ![]() The past two Wednesday nights, our devotionals have been on the life of King David, and the process of "Becoming". What's incredible about this process, is that, in the beginning, when Samuel goes to pick the one who would come to be Israel's greatest King, David's father doesn't even think to bring him in from the fields for consideration Samuel is left asking, "Is this everyone?" Israel's next king was an afterthought, summed up with, "Well, there is David". Being led of the Spirit always involves a call and a response. Thursday night, in the matter of 2 minutes, I had a brief chat with a man I greatly respect and admire. Upon leaving and for the 5 minute ride home that followed, I sense I was getting a spiritual tap to the back of my head. As if God was saying, "I gave you a specific response and you didn't give it to him." Like King David telling Nathan he wants to build the temple. The prophet Nathan gives one answer and in the night, God says, that was the wrong response...and Nathan goes back in the morning and says, "about last night..." Granted my response Thursday night wasn't wrong, but it wasn't the specific response I felt led to share. So, Friday morning, I had to make a phone call...along with the phrase, "About last night..." Promptings: Is this everyone? Well there is David. Similarly, when I shared Friday morning what I was supposed to, I was met with, "Why didn't you tell me last night?" And while I had a number of reasons, none of them stood up to anything, in light of I didn't follow-through on the prompting. Pray, this #communitySaturday, that as the church engages community, we will follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Pray for proper discernment, that these opportunities will not be used to share our own thoughts and ideas, but that there will be a true sense that God has a specific message for a specific time and a specific person. Pray for the process of what God is trying to accomplish in lives as we go through the process that David did, from being forgotten in the fields to elevated among the elite, feared and famed throughout Israel and the surrounding nations. May we remember that God has good things in store for His children, plans and purpose to prosper, not to harm and that He does in fact use ALL things for good, for those who are CALLED according to His purpose. Pray we RESPOND correctly and timely. Prompted by the Holy Spirit. For the glory of God. His purpose fulfilled in our lives, in spite of our moments of failure, whether they be one or many. -PNC ![]() Yesterday was a long day on the road and as usual, I had a great amount of time to pray and ponder the things of God and circumstances in which He is needed. At some point about mid-day as I was thinking out-loud, I simply stated as a response to my own thought, "I wouldn't put it past Him." (God, that is) So often those are derogatory words... that someone would stoop to that level (for whatever reason) They're just the kind of person, that if I were the betting type, I'd place odds that they would... yeah; you know how those conversations play out. You've had them. Heard them. Perhaps you've even been the one to make the statement. I've said as much myself. God, on the other hand, only stoops down to the level where help is needed. Otherwise, he is stepping up. His thoughts, higher than ours. His ways, higher than ours. His plans, His purposes, all higher. He is able to do greater than we can ask or imagine. Whatever you have need of today, I wouldn't put it past God; to move on your behalf. To work in circumstances for which you speak fervent prayers. Pushing through in faith; holding on with hope. Waiting, seeking, trusting; not in ourselves, but in God. Untypical in that He does not do things the way we do. Typical in that He remains true to His nature and character. Pray this #communitySaturday, as the church engages its' local surroundings, opportunities to present God wholly authentic and genuine to Himself. A Holy and Sovereign God. Truth wrapped in love. Conviction draped in grace. A heavenly Father seeking real relationship with the humanity that He created from His own DNA. May revelation come alive as people hear that God is not willing that anyone perish, but desires all to come to Him through repentance. Pray that many will come to know Christ as He works on the hearts and thoughts of man and moves on their behalf for the realities of life they currently face. Work the miraculous, oh God. That you would be glorified. That all of humanity would be drawn to you. That your name be declared to the uttermost ends of the earth. That none would perish, but all find eternal life. In Christ. Through His death. _PNC ![]() ...prayer only works when you actually do it. I've had a number of people in the past few weeks that God has brought to mind to pray over their lives. I have to tell you... the look on their faces, for the few of them that I've seen in person, asked how things were going and tell them I was praying for them, has been meaningful. To know and hear that one is being prayed for without them coming to you specifically with situations and requests of "I need prayer", is powerful and meaningful. Then today happened. A close family member has been blessed with a great career. It blows my mind how God has worked in his life. Over the past few days, I felt lead to pray for creativity in generating new business. When I asked him how things were going because I had been praying for him, he comes back with their having found some good 4th quarter opportunities, despite things slowing down, effectively, industry-wide. WOW! How cool... so you're getting some nuggets. That's awesome. To which, he essentially replies, a couple are more than just nuggets. Now, that stuff has probably been in the works before I started praying. Maybe it wasn't. I may never know and there's a list on your prayer focus that you may never know either. However, you don't know what's not happening through one's lack of prayer, just as much. Prayer works. I can't help but wonder what's happening in the lives of those that come to mind as I go through my day. It made my day, hearing the report of my family. And thanks to all of you making October 2015 the highest traffic month of Bring Me 70, since it's inception, I can't wait to hear of what God is accomplishing in pastors, churches and ministries as a result of these daily calls to prayer. I may not know this side of eternity, but that just makes heaven all the more worth the wait. Thank You. Pray, this #communitySaturday, for a greater desire to pray. For family. For friends. For pastors and churches. For politicians and communities. May we have a heart to hear and follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit, as people and situations are brought to our remembrance; for situations unknown, yet God places a sense of urgency. Pray an awareness about our lives, that we would know how to pray; not for the sake of being "in the know" or having an "inside scoop" on a situation, but for the purpose being able to pray specifically, earnestly. An effectual, fervent prayer that avails much. For the glory of God. For the betterment of community. Regardless of the outcome, post-prayer, what God does in the person who prays, the focus of the prayer; the perspective and lessons obtained...prayer allows God to work as He sees fit. To work the miraculous in our lives, according to His sovereign plan and divine purpose. -PNC ![]() Two guys working in the dark. Three friends holding a handful of smartphones with the flashlight app on each of them. One friend capturing the moment...on his phone, of course. Another friend stands in the background, watching in appreciation, the body of Christ coming out to help her with an issue on her property. Welcome to "doing life together". While we had a great time for the two or so hours we were there, we had a good few moments where the comedy came so easily, it didn't feel like work. Reminds of me of the advice, if you enjoy what you do, you'll never work a day in your life. The same is true for helping friends, family and even strangers in their time of need, whether its one of life-threatening seriousness or the mundane, can't do it by myself task. Either way... if you truly enjoy helping out when someone puts forth a request, then it's really no big deal to respond. But to the friend in need, appreciation extends from the depths of the heart. Healthy friendships foster healthy lives. Strained friendships foster broken lives. Maybe not to the point where a person can't function properly, but someone will sustain damage to their heart, mind and perspective where it will affect future interaction with people, whether in social settings or professional. You'll feel burned and reluctance and bitterness will keep you at bay from being a blessing or receiving one, should you be the one in need. Amazing how God works...I'm typing this, as Phil Keaggy's video on YouTube, "Worship and Song In Guitar Artistry" is playing. He's closing out the performance at Wheaton College, with a song from The Salvation Army Band, singing the lyrics, "heart to God, hand to man". This is friendship. This is community. This is the body of Christ. Love God. Love your neighbor. Show yourself friendly. Be the kind of friend that others will wish they had. Be the kind of friend others will be inspired to be by your example. Pray this #communitySaturday, for healthy friendships to dominate our culture and society. Pray for broken people to be made whole through the power and blood of Jesus Christ, for while hurt people hurt people, those who have been healed and restored offer healing. Pray those who have been shown grace will show grace. Pray that in this "woe is me" mentality, people will use discernment with their friends, as not to spur them towards regret and retreat from for being friend, both now and in the future. Pray God is glorified through people coming together, sharing life, sharing truth, sharing a cup of cold water with those in need, happy to help, able to do so, willing to be a friend, grateful to have a friend, all accompanied by the words, "be blessed in Jesus' name" for whereas we have received from Him, I now give to you. Love, compassion, forgiveness, hope, healing, restoration. For the glory of God. For the sake of our friends. Community. Hard at work. Even at dark. The Light of the world, with the help of some apps from our smartphones. -PNC ![]() Well, if this pic doesn't describe the nature and character of God...you remember the praise song from a number of years ago; "I stand, I stand, in awe of you?" In this day and culture of human achievement, feats of great strength and mental ability and the focus on self-awareness, we're quickly arriving at a place where mankind thinks we are the end all, be all. Whatever problems and social ills we face, if we provide more education, offer more money and write more legislation, we can fix it. Especially if we make it free by leveraging "other peoples' money". Whatever ideologies haven't worked in the past, didn't have the brilliant minds of today. This is dangerous ground, whereby we should tread very lightly, if we dare tread at all. Scripture tells of a woman who had a bleeding issue. Twelve years. Twelve years and all her money. And the doctors had no solution. Money didn't fix the problem. Of course, we should keep in mind, they weren't exactly doctors as we know modern medicine today. Be that as it may... the experts of her day couldn't do everything people expected and hoped for any more than todays' "experts" are able. Experts, education, money and legislation under the guise of "legal reform" won't solve what our society and culture in this nation and abroad need. Where the experts are falling short, God stands tall. If only we didn't go through all our money on other "solutions" before reaching out to Him to save us, to heal us, to deliver us from the suffering we face day after day. May God help us this #communitySaturday, as we reach out to those around us, desperate for solutions to problems which money and experts have been unable to correct. Pray for relationships, marriages, addictions and diseases of all kinds for which all manner of help has been sought except the face of God. May there be a shift in our society that returns and looks to God rather than the self-acknowledged greatness of man. Pray for a fresh move of the miraculous in the hearts and lives of man, that they would experience the incredible grace and goodness of God, that the to would be left breathless in His wake, standing in awe, of a Holy God. By the grace of God. For the glory of God. Live changed forever. For eternity. Won by One. -PNC ![]() We have prayed over the past few Fridays regarding the idea that we are all missionaries and our immediate world is a mission field. However, if there are times when one does not reflect Christ to those who know they are Christians, then is it any more troubling if the mission field witnesses something that does not reflect Christ in the life the missionary? It shouldn't, as we talked about pedestals the other day. Yet it doesn't change perception and preconceived notions that missionaries don't have their struggles and battles, whereby they are being refined to reflect Christ, as much as any other Christian. We are all children of God, who become earthly parents, who have earthly children. Our roles change, yet the lessons we must learn from the other role that we once held still apply. Like I told my daughter last night, you need to change "this" in your life as much as I need to change "that" in my life. So you work on yours and I'll work on mine. Similarly, we are all missionaries with a mission field, whether its' across the globe or across the yard. And yet, each of us is a mission field to the missionary, Christ. The one who left His home to travel across the universe to reach a people group desperately in need of hearing His message. It's been said God does not have grandchildren. Every person on earth has the opportunity for a direct, one-on-one relationship Him, through His Son, Jesus Christ. And regardless of our position on earth, and the height of whatever, if any, pedestal someone might place us on; we are all in need of being refined to reflect Christ. Pray, this #missionaryFriday, that God continue to the refining process, in all of us, whether missionaries in the field through vocation or missionaries on the block we live. Pray for a spirit of humility, that we hold our position on this earth and whatever "perks" come with, loosely... for we cannot take it with us, neither can we place it in higher esteem than Christ. May grace abound as we endure the refining process of Christ; knowing full well it's for the glory of God and the sovereignty of His plan. May we be forever grateful that God did not look at the mission field of His creation and decide against reaching out to us that we may come into right relationship with Him |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019