![]() It's been said that it takes a village to raise kids. Well, they're wrong. It takes family. You don't have a village if nobody comes to the area to live. And the village doesn't grow if there are no growing families. Without kids, why have a community playground? A park? Parades? If there's no kids in a community, there's no reason to build a school. There are tons of things that happen in your area that take place because it involves family. Family is where you learn unconditional love; right and wrong; to value life, to value relationships, to communicate through differences, respect, a sense of belonging, deference, self-esteem, the act of sharing... When the family fails to function in a healthy manner, the above list and more begins to deteriorate. We don't understand love, right or wrong, or how to communicate. We don't value life, or others. We don't like or respect ourselves and thus, can't offer the same to those around us. It's all me and my way and your in the way. And we see, daily now, communities deteriorating. Why? Because of the decline of families in general, and healthy families specifically. I had my moment of reality-check the other night regarding healthy family. I had to apologize to my 7-yr old the other night. Placing someone else above myself. Communication, respect, value of the relationship, right and wrong, unconditional love. If I want to raise a healthy adult, I have to demonstrate what that looks like to them. And when I don't do so well, I need to acknowledge and correct it. In the middle of that, "I'm sorry" was required. Forgiveness, a hug, and a few moments communicating about how we move forward, closing the time with "I love you" and we were back to health. #communitySaturday is here again and we need to pray for healthy families. Pray for unconditional love and genuine respect for life to be restored. Pray for proper communication of differences, to value relationships and to know right from wrong. Pray for a greater sense of responsibility to know when to take the high road and not respond in ways that are detrimental to one's spirit. Pray for the ability to apologize when required and the desire to forgive even when difficult. Pray for a returning to God; the example of unconditional love, the author of right and wrong, creator of life, who valued relationships to the point of sharing (aka: giving) His Son in the greatest act of deference...in order that we may experience "communion"...community with Him and with those around us. As we engage community, may we share the joy of being able to say, "I'm so glad I'm a part, of the family of God." As it goes with family, so goes the community. As it goes with communities, so goes a nation. God we need your help. -PNC
![]() Wife at work. Check. Kids in bed. Check. Netflix. Check. Chocolate pudding. Check. What to watch...Tyler Perry's Why Did I Got Married. Wait, what?? Four couples on their annual getaway to visit as friends and speak into each others lives and marriages. And on this trip... moments of truth for all 4 marriages come forward in public, ousted not by their own spouse, but by their friends who could no longer keep silent, then the airing begins. Okay, but what's that have to do with churches being effective and efficient? Plenty, if you don't take your issues, grievances, offenses and frustrations to the source and speak to whatever kind of relationship it is, "I love you and we need to work this out." I remember a number of years ago asking my parents why didn't hang out with other couples or friends more often and to this day, I've not forgot their response. "We are each others' best friend. We choose to hang out together, first". They have their friends and they do stuff with other couples when the schedule permits, but by and large, they live life together. Only, now interrupted by lots of time with nearby granddaughters. So what happens in church? Does a Pastor second-guess confronting sin in one's life for fear of...who knows, now days? Are ministries being mismanaged because of "my way or the highway" attitudes? Why are there grumblings and complaints among you is what was asked of the early church. The disciples disputed who was the greatest in the kingdom. Just as 2000 years ago, some people received Jesus and some spat on Him, so to, some churches are dealing with the same dysfunctions in 2015 as they were in 115. Anything to get the believer, his friends who are believers, his friends who aren't believers and believers when they come together to worship... if at any point, Satan can get you to come across as less than a follower of Christ; you may still live as though covered by His grace, but the moment you don't share grace with someone else will be used against you. I just had a moment, literally, just now... trying to close this post as it relates to the title and church effectiveness. You know what I believe the Holy Spirit just brought to the forefront of my mind? We are the bride of Christ! So, on this #effectiveSunday, pray that believers would focus on their relationship with Christ, first and foremost. May we take the issues and struggles of life to Him, first. Not that we don't need our friends, but just as your spouse would ask why you told your friends before them, perhaps God wonders the same. Pray that relationships, between pastors and congregations be strengthened. May they speak the truth in love, whether from the pulpit or in the pew. Pray for grace to be extended and forgiveness be offered; and for those instances where the relationship ends, may we at least, insomuch as within our power to do so, live peaceably with all. Not as the world talks of peace, but as God has ordained; peace beyond understanding, that is of the Spirit and resides in the heart; overtaking the natural state of evil that without Christ we would still operate from to this day. But for the transforming power of Christ... For the cause of Christ. For the glory of God. May the church be the glorious Bride of Christ, spotless, yet covered in His blood. -PNC ![]() Words still spoken by my beloved Mother, perhaps even more often, now that I am a parent. How's the famous last phrase go...I hope when you have children, they act the exact way that you act. Paybacks are rough. Comedian Jeff Allen says, that the Bible never says how old Satan was when he rejected God's authority. Allen's guess? Sixteen. Growing up under their roof, I had to learn as a part of maturity, understanding and compassion, I wasn't the center of everyone's universe, nor would I ever be...at least, not since the days I could be picked up without hurting someone. Now, having been out from under their roof and having kids of my own (who are almost to the point of hurting someone when they want to be picked up), I'm still not the center of everyone's universe...nor my own for that matter. That's a good thing and I'm okay with it. It reminds me that, while I don't have it all together, neither does anyone else. At the same time, perhaps my experience, insight and friendship will be exactly what someone needs for whatever is going in their universe. That said, Pastor reiterated during our Wednesday night service, how the breakthrough that occurred in Job's life, came when he prayed for his friends. Interestingly enough, a brief glance into Paul's life, while you see him request prayer for himself, he "always" prays for others. Individuals, a people group, a church or community...his letters aren't "woe is me, God help me through this". There's nothing wrong with praying for self, as we bring our needs to God, but as Mom reminds us, there is always someone in more difficult and challenging places than you. The perspective alone, if you could only pray one prayer, wouldn't it be the most dire situation? Now that might be you, but a few seconds worth of thought and you'd probably come up with a different name who you could use that one prayer. For this #communitySaturday, pray for your friends, neighbors, coworkers and family. Pray for the situations they face...job loss while you are gainfully employed, marriage and friendships that are rocky at best while yours is stable at worst, finances that are empty while you have something in savings, more than one car in the garage while someone is walking everywhere or hitching a ride, rebellious kids living it up while yours actively serve in ministry. Pray the church engages their community in tangible ways, simply by having the conversation and asking for the opportunity to offer it to God in prayer; that He may accomplish on earth what we can only dream exists in heaven. For the glory of God. For the cause of Christ. For the building up of a community of faith. -PNC ![]() Don't you just love this pic? You almost don't want to tell him that as an adult, you'll want to sit on the floor (insert personal clothing preference here) with your hand on your head and consider "what in the world." Our church has just revamped our home groups and Sunday night scheduling in an effort to foster greater emphasis on "doing life together." As our senior pastor and his wife iterated last night, "we all need relationship." There are countless stories in the groups of strangers becoming friends, acquaintances becoming best friends and friends becoming family. And since everyone needs relationships, how do we grow and invite others to share in community and experience life with greater enjoyment, increased fulfillment, clarity of purpose and depth of belonging. It starts with open hearts, open eyes and praying for divine appointments. On this #communitySaturday, pray that God would present to us, divine appointments. Pray for open and understanding hearts, ready and able to reach out to those in need of a friend. Pray for a strengthening of relationships, that they would grow and develop, as Scripture describes "iron sharpening iron. As God created man for relationship unto himself, God also understood it was not good for man to be alone on this earth. Pray for the truth of needing relationships with each other to come alive and that as we grow in community, people will experience life together, and with Christ, life more abundantly. For the glory of God. For the cause of Christ. -PNC ![]() These are tumultuous times. The lives of more than 80 law enforcement officers this year alone, have been taken from us in the line of duty. There are those who have lost their life as victims of criminal activity. And just as tragic, criminal activity has taken the lives of those engaged in it. And to those who have sacrificed their lives in service to God and country...our condolences offered with many thanks. Every passing has its own story, and has left an impact in the lives of those around them. It doesn't matter the reason...dealing with loss is difficult. And my prayers are with the church family who lost mom just 2 days ago. I'm glad communities come together at times like this...I'm sad they don't seem to come together as much when not over such circumstances. I heard this the other day...If you'd fly cross-country to mourn the loss of a life, why don't you fly cross-country to share life while they are living? Send flowers, send a note, meet for coffee...don't wait for the funeral to share your gratitude and prayers for those whom you care. Pray, this #communitySaturday, may the church make every effort to share life...with other believers, with those who don't believe; with those who serve; with those whose decisions negatively impact society. May we not only share life, but Life - the truth of who God is and what Christ did for us all. Unlikely we see in our world, Christ doesn't pick which life to use as an example of importance, that we should look up to or remember. Christ love the world and he reached out to every member of His community. Pray the church follows his example; to reach our world for the glory of God... if every life is worth mourning over their death, then every life is worth sharing while they have breath. -PNC ![]() Sunday mornings are amazing. For early in the morning, as another week has passed, a new one is about to start and in the middle of it all, is trying to figure out "what's next". First though, and more importantly, why is the song that matches the title of this post playing in my head? I'm going to need help. You are going to need help. Your parent, your brother, your sister, your teenager, your baby, your boss, your neighbor, your worst nightmare...and the person at church you wish attended church somewhere else. I know I don't have that person, I hope I'm not someone else' wish and I know none of you have or are that person...we've just heard or seen of others having them, right?(smile...Sunday morning humor) Thank God for great friends; especially those who can help carry some of the support offered by great family. Thank God for great friends who are incredibly closer than some family (a sad state of affairs to have to live out in reality) Thank God for great friends who become, in essence, family. To add God to these relationships, brings a whole other dynamic...of comradeship, of brother and sister-hood, of parental or grand-parental influences, perhaps never before existed in one's life...the miraculous can occur in every realm and situation of life. This is an effective church. A church that figures out how to do it efficiently will find itself becoming all the more effective in building community. In return, the community they build will reach the community in which they work, play and reside. Who knows what you are missing by not being engaged in church. Even if you don't know what to do, expect or where to begin. It all starts with where you stand with God..an area with which a healthy church can help. On this #effectiveSunday, thank God for the body of Christ. Thank God for people who love Him, and as my church always says, "Lives to serve. God. Others". Pray for this to be the essential mission of all churches. May the body of Christ take hold what Christ essentially established as the two greatest commandments. Pray for those in difficult places; that the church would surround them, as incredible friends; as incredible family. And for those with challenging or no church experience; pray by the power of the Holy Spirit, they would be drawn, directed and guided, into a healthy church. Pray the church be active in the process, not just waiting for someone to enter the front door. -PNC ![]() September is in full swing. Kids are back in school. Perhaps you've started a new job...in the process, a move has taken place. Season of change are occurring. The weather can't make up it's mind...at least where I'm standing and as our environment changes, there should be an awareness of the impact we will make on our new surroundings. As discussed in previous posts...it all starts with an awareness. That in and of itself, is a conscious, daily decision to be engaged in life, followed by a willingness to be ready to act on what has come to your attention through that awareness. I think we're gonna need help. On this #communitySaturday, pray over the changes that may be occurring in your life or that of someone you know.. Continue to pray for an increased awareness of the community, whether it's a new school, new job, new residence...perhaps in the midst of all of it, a new church is being sought. Pray that as opportunities appear, the church would be both ready and willing to engage, where assistance may be needed. Moves are both stressful, yet exciting; but in the middle of it all, pray that God not doesn't get lost in the places of transition, nor our ability to bring glory and honor to Him through the changes in this experience we call life. -PNC ![]() We understand the concept of shared ideas. We understand the importance of passing our knowledge and wisdom to the "next generation". We understand, usually in business, the process of "replicating" ourselves...passing along tools, practices and strategies to that more gets done, than we could do on our own, while ensuring those we empower will be just as effective, because they what it takes and they have what they need to get it done. Yet, in our personal lives, are we setting out to implement this practice. Do we actively seek someone in whom we can invest in their life? The investment could transform their life for the rest of their time here on earth. Life lessons are often learned after having done the wrong thing, the wrong way for a longer period of time than we care to admit. Then at some point, you recognize someone living their life in a pattern that looks strikingly similar. Like looking in the mirror. If you've ever wished that someone had helped you and saved an infinite amount of time, energy and resources which brought no results, than you have something to share...and it's mostly likely with someone you know, frustrated with life and making the same wish. Pray on this #communitySaturday, that as the church engages community, that we would seek those with whom we could share the truth. Pray that the church would have an awareness of those whose lives, families, finances, marriages and careers are in trouble. May the church not only look for opportunities, but create opportunities, in which they could begin to share and learn, whereby the investment would begin. Pray that we seek to make a positive impact for the glory of God.May our investment in the lives of those around us change lives and that it would not be a process that is done once, but that it repeats, and the one in which we invest finds one that they will invest... ...lives making lifetime commitments to invest in the lives of others. For the kingdom of God. For His glory. For eternity. -PNC ![]() I have posted over the past few weeks, the nation of America is itself, becoming a mission field. In our own backyard. Anger has turned to rage, sadly against the authorities who have sworn to serve and protect the very fabric of the nation...the citizenry. There are those who desire the thin blue line of law enforcement to be thinner still. Glenn Beck, on his radio show Thursday morning stated the following: “I’m out of political solutions. I’m out of financial solutions. I’m out of business solutions. We have passed all of the exits. What will save this country is us standing.” There was a time, when in light of such tragedy; the lives of 9 cops lost over a 2 week period, that Presidents would call for a national day of prayer. In absence of that call, it has been realized that someone must make the appeal. Whatever your political and personality preferences may be, Mr. Beck has made the appeal. For the Deputy whose funeral is today @ 11am, this is the prayer Beck and his team has posted for this national call to prayer. On this #missionsFriday, pray for the people and the nation of the United States of America. For law enforcement, “pray for safety of all of the people there, pray for vision, pray for sight beyond their own eyes, and safety and protection for those protectors who protect us.” -Beck -PNC The call to national prayer: Dear heavenly father, we come before you with humble hearts. We pray for your protection over all law enforcement as they faithfully serve our communities. We lift up to you the family of Deputy Darren Goforth and all the families of first responders in our military who have lost loved ones. Comfort them and provide them with your peace that surpasses understanding in the midst of unimaginable grief. God, we ask for your healing over our communities. Let us come together and unite in peace and prayer. In your name we pray. Amen. ![]() The funeral for the Michigan State Trooper who lost his life in a tragic accident on 8/28/15 was yesterday, 9/1. While on the road, I was passed by a handful of patrol groups who were headed to the funeral. In all, 26 law enforcement officers were en route...and that was just the highway I was on. Cops from as far as Texas came to pay their respects. It took over an hour for all law enforcement to file into the high school where the funeral was held. Of course, if you read the memorial I wrote regarding Trooper Wolf, he was also a youth pastor, at his local church. As I was reminded about the loss his community now faces, every time I saw a cop this morning, I couldn't help but think about the next generation. They are losing opportunities to be greatly impacted by true heroes in the local community. None of us are saints, but one who steps up and does what 95-99% of the general population doesn't, puts you in a position that people should naturally admire, respect and appreciate. Sadly, the turn that society has taken on law enforcement, combined with the turn society has taken on the church and pastors who have experienced moral failures while in ministry means incredible lessons about leadership, service and sacrifice are not being seen and taught first hand by some incredible men and women, whether they serve as a matter of faith or of duty. This is trend is unhealthy and detrimental on so many levels...one can't help but pray. Pray on this #youthPastorWednesday, for kids and teens that have experienced the loss of an authority in their life, especially in circumstance involving the loss of life and/or the loss of respect and influence because of a moral failure. Pray for those whose experience with the church has left a negative impact because of events and conversations that have transpired that were hurtful or unhealthy. May there arise opportunities for healing and restoration; for people of faith and community to come alongside and begin to make positive experiences and memories. May kids and teens come to know and experience the true love of God, through a healthy and functional body of believers. This needs to be a time of restoration and healing and we pray, that will God's help, hearts will be changed and lives will be transformed by the love of God and by those who "live to serve" and those whose job it is "to serve & protect". -PNC ![]() Trying to figure out Sundays' post on church effectiveness and efficiency and still can't get the tragic loss of Michigan State Trooper Wolf off my mind. His impact in the community in matters of law and of faith, as I'm coming to understand from what I've learned about him, seems to be quite significant. I can only hope and pray that his life, his faith and his contribution to the lives he came in contact with, left others either greatly encouraged or greatly curious about the things of God. Without much ado, just thinking about what might transpire in the days and weeks to come, leads perfectly into praying specifically to that end. Pray, on this #effectiveSunday, that the lives of those in the church and those of great faith, would indeed, prompt those around them to strengthen and deepen their relationship with God. Pray for the lives they come in contact with, that those who don't have that relationship, would desire to know more. Pray for understanding, that faith is a matter of relationship; that God is neither bought nor sold; that while He is sovereign, He desires and cares to be actively involved in the lives of people. May people realize that God has never been disengaged, disingenuous nor distant. Pray that as people are "won by one", they would experience the transforming power of the person of Jesus Christ and the impact they can make for eternity by sharing their story with those around them. Indeed, it is true... As His life becomes our story, our lives become His Story. -PNC ![]() There were a couple of ideas I had for todays' post, as we pray for churches as they engage in their communities. After learning that the Michigan State Trooper passed away last night after a tragic accident and reading the subsequent posts, it became apparent that I needed to write something. When I learned that he was also the youth pastor for the church he and his family attended in their local community, there was no question. What an incredibly profound opportunity than to serve God through active ministry as well as serve your community through public service. In typing this, I am reminded of my Dad's service, now retired from law enforcement, yet while on the force, faithfully served our church, as a board member and other ministries. A friend from the church we attend now; he is a lieutenant for a metro-area fire department while he and his wife head up the nursery ministry. Another friend, he and his wife both serve on the worship team and he too, serves on the fire department of a different, metro-area community. This is what makes the political and social attacks on those in public service as well as those in ministry so difficult. These people aren't perfect as none of us are, but it's a slap on both sides of the face, to these men and women and their families, who serve both their church and their community. What an amazing opportunity they have, to reach the lost in their local community through their service and while sharing an active, living faith despite the most difficult and tragic and inexpiable circumstance people find themselves. They need our prayer. They survive on our support. They deserve our respect. On this #communitySaturday, pray for State Trooper Chad Wolf and his family, during this time of loss. Pray friends and family and community experience the love and grace of God through this time. May the testimony of his life and service speak louder in his absence than it did in his presence. Pray for the impact his story will make to those who hear and read about his service, whether in the local community or abroad. Pray for his fellow comrades in the Michigan State Police; they too are family...blue love runs deep. May they be surrounded in the love of Christ and the comfort of the Holy Spirit. Regardless of the understanding that may never come from this tragedy, may family, friends and community come closer to God, in acknowledgment that He is able to bring joy from mourning. -PNC ![]() We would like to think that decision makers get along. Conversations go well. Problems are solved reasonably and through the process of informed debate. Tension levels remain low and a spirit of cooperation and "level-headed" behavior dominates the room. Sadly, this is more the exception than the rule. It's not that its not possible, its just that great decisions are usually the result of great debate; where all scenarios, ideas and potential problems have been thoroughly discussed. However, when the process breaks down and agendas are pushed harder than pursuing the best possible outcome, when open and honest communication is discouraged for fear of offense and retribution; where warning signs of trouble spots are denied...failure becomes not only possible, but inevitable. Last night, something quickly flashed across my brain...what happens in churches when board members and decision makers encounter problems that begin to dominate meetings rather than produce more effective and efficient ministry? You may not have been in the meeting, but at some point and time, you have no doubt witnessed events in a church, where clearly, something broke behind closed doors, among decision makers. So we pray on this #deaconThursday, for decision makers, administrators and church staff...that their influence and input into the operation, direction and vision of their church would remain aligned with God's Word. Pray that honesty and truth, even when unpleasant, would dominate conversations and positively impact decisions as they are considered. Pray for grace and correction, for situations that have resulted from bad decisions within the church and from leadership positions. Pray against the advancement of personal agendas within the body of Christ; that church life would exemplify the advancement of the kingdom of God and His righteousness. May unity be the underlying current, even in difficult circumstances and disagreeable conversations...pray that the Devil is unsuccessful in his attempts to use such opportunities to divide, destroy and ultimately conquer any church community. ![]() I think there comes a point when discussing levels of effectiveness that the conversation turns to willingness. If people are not willing, then they won't be effective. That should be obvious. Conversely, you can rates of effectiveness based on willingness, partly because enthusiasm and passion levels will contribute to how an experience is received. If its not apparent that one is excited to share, why would the other party be excited to receive? How excited would people be to accept Christ as Lord and Savior if the story of his ministry and crucifixion came from a half-hearted, resentful and stubborn spirit? As if He came because He was told He had no choice in the matter, rather than a ready willingness to sacrifice Himself? Likewise, if the people of Christ lack a willingness to come together, share life together, with enthusiasm, passion and excitement, then the message they portray to the world, that should be to the Christ will be anything but effective. And the struggle that ensues will be the farthest thing from efficient. Pray for the effectiveness and efficiency within the church community...may the people of God be ready, willing and able. Pray for an excitement for the opportunities to come together and share life. Pray for a passionate concern for the lost when engaged in conversations with those who don't know Christ. Pray for an increased willingness to be about the things of God and to play an active role in the church community, for the advancement of the Gospel. Pray that passion, excitement and willingness translates in creativity that spawns new ideas and propels churches to new levels of efficiency and effectiveness for the glory of God. -PNC ![]() Have you had those days where you make a mistake and after you've thought about it for a while, you realize it was a poor reflection of who you are, what you are about and for the Christian, a less than desirable portrayal of the person of Christ. I had one or two of the moments this week and it bothered me. Maybe there were a couple more. Such moments are nicks, scratches and dings on our testimony...not that the testimony is perfect, but to the world, such portrayals can count against us in our credibility In reality the opposite is true. If I still make mistakes, then its a humble reminder that I'm not perfect. I don't have it together. I am still one in need of Savior. I remain one in need of grace and forgiveness. That is the credibility and connection we need to make with our communities, not just on the weekends, but every weekday as well. Pray, that as the church engages its community that we will not lose our ability to reach out to a lost and dying world. Pray God would continue to use our faults and failures, even in recent days, to point out every man's need for salvation, forgiveness, grace and love. Thank God for the reminders that we are all works in progress and that none of us have arrived. Pray for God's help in working through our moments when we "drop the ball", that we would not portray a defeated mindset, but an attitude that looks to God and trusts in Him...knowing and displaying to those around us, that He is our only hope. -PNC ![]() Listening to talk radio this morning while on the road, a conversation transpired about a young Christian woman, captured by terrorists and taken as a one's wife, as a sex slave. She was thought to have been dead a while back, but she wasn't until recently and iconfirmed official. Refusing to renounce her faith, stories are coming out, how she sacrificed herself, in the place of teen girls, also being held captive. WOW! (insert chills going down my back, just the thought, as I typed that) Moments later, they talked about Christianity in America regarding politics and the point was made, how certain political views think we should be more like Europe. One first replies, was Finland...where church attendance nationally is 4%. A whopping 4% of the nation of Finland attends church. And this is where people in America think we should direct ourselves...since Europe is doing so much "right". American church attendance still hovering around 40%, by comparison, the radio show stated. America might soon be needing it missionaries to stay, rather than going into all the world, but as long as church attendance in other nations is in the single digits and fractions of a percent in many more nations; we'll continue to pray! And send. And finance. Pray for missionaries...particularly in nations, where the number of people who have knowledge of God and belief in God is statistically ground zero. Pray for open doors into communities and governments, that their spiritual hunger would be filled with the gospel of Christ. Pray for the miraculous to occur, as eyes are opened and hardened hearts turn towards the things of God. May lives be changed for the good of the nations. Pray encouragement over missionaries...that small beginnings are celebrated, not despised. As God multiplied the loaves and fish, may He too, multiply the hearts and lives of those who come to Him, whether they be 1,2, or 5 at a time. May they be "won by one" until 3000 be added daily. -PNC ![]() It's been said you can't choose your family, but you can choose your friends. The cool part is, if you choose your friends carefully, they'll become family, even to the point of the family you never had, the family you wish you had or wishing your family was as great as your friends!! And just like real family, even friends turned family can have strong disparities at times. That said...an effective church is one that turns friends into a great, close-knit family. As society becomes more divided and suspect, we need church to develop and continue to grow a culture of family Unity trumps division. United stands. The divided are conquered. Pray for church effectiveness and efficiency; that relationships within the church would grow strong and firm. Pray that there would be no room for division nor distrust within the body of Christ. Pray that their would be opportunities for encouragement and support, moments of teaching and correction and a lifetime of friendships. Pray for restoration and healing and new-found faith in people, for those who don't have family, come from difficult family backgrounds and have never experienced, high-quality, long-term friendships. -PNC ![]() I woke up this morning from the weirdest dream. Parts of it were based in reality, but the part that I remember was the sizable disagreement and my trying to understand the other parties perspective. More or less, I had difficulty with their reasoning and I was put on the defensive from the onset. Of course, it didn't help emotions got involved early on. Sounds real enough, but overall, I woke up thinking "what in the world was that?" I usually have these prayer posts "up" long before this one, but I've had the morning to reflect on how conversations play out, particularly when it comes to matters of faith and politics...which are becoming increasingly challenging in 2015. We need Godly wisdom in our engagements. Pray for wisdom, obviously, as the church engages in conversations with the community. Pray conversations are seasoned with grace and understanding. Pray that emotions do not dominate, yet genuine passion be handled with care. Pray that conversations and discussions remain relevant and reasonable; that hurt feelings and less than calm & kind attitudes would be kept at bay. May conversations remain focused on solutions and answers rather than issues and problems. -PNC ![]() Last night, I heard about am inner-city pastor who in the last 48 hours, met with another pastor. No big deal...pastors get together all the time. Why mention this? The inner-city pastor needed to tell somebody that the day after they talked, he was handing in his resignation. Tired to the point of not only walking away from the pulpit, but the ministry all together. Whatever the unknown details surrounding it, the breaking point had not only been reached, but had moved past the point of recovery. Perhaps his time may be done with this church, but pray he comes to understand that God is not done with his life yet...ministry still awaits, just somewhere else & perhaps in a different role. That said, as I reflected on this, I couldn't help about thinking about those who serve this community with him, left standing with "what's next" after receiving the resignation. Other Pastors still have ministry to carry out. Staff still has work to do. Admins have responsibilities to oversee. And deacons and board members have some challenging decisions fast approaching. Then there's the power of prayer Pray for deacons, admins and staff, specifically for this inner-city church. Pray for wisdom, beyond their experience and despite their emotions, that God would guide and direct every conversation and every decision in the days, weeks, and months to come. Pray for administrators and staff, that nothing would get missed or overlooked during this time of transition. Pray for the Pastor(s) or persons who will ensure ministry in this community continues, to the best of their abilities. Keep in prayer, this pastor and his family. Pray God brings clarity to his heart and mind. May he be encouraged and strengthened by the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray that he is renewed and rejuvenated and that God would direct his past and future endeavors. Pray discouragement and defeat would not detour him from ministry all-together, but that God would use this to propel him to the next level for the kingdom of God. May this experience be a testament to the grace of God and His sovereign plan for all involved. -PNC ![]() It's tough being a parent watching your kid struggle. It's tough being a kid, telling your parent you are struggling. It's worse when you are an adult and having to tell your parent you are struggling. Like a triple whammy of frustration. It's hard to know the right words to say. Hard to know the attitude and tone in which to come across that will help move, propel or challenge one through their moment. It's hard to know what to do and when. Its hard to watch the struggle unfold, knowing each decision is an individual one and if it's not yours to make, you watch in agony, yet with hope. I hope. Parent do their part. Parent pray God intervenes. And in the meantime, they may ask a Pastor for advice and assistance. This is the time where a Pastor prays God intervenes. So, we pray for Pastors of kids and teens. Pray for Children & Youth Pastors, for the investment they make in todays' youth. Pray for wisdom and insight into the challenges they face. Pray for meaningful and genuine relationships where honesty prevails and the truth of Gods Word comes alive and is found directly applicable to the situations young people face. Pray for strength and encouragement as they stand with parents believing for the miraculous in dire situations among families and homes. Pray for God's anointing on their ministry as kids invite friends and reach out into schools and neighborhoods...that a lost and dying world would come to know the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. -PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019