![]() I found myself in an interesting moment of frustration yesterday morning. I'm grateful for my life and incredibly blessed. Many difficult circumstances, many challenging places, much of life has happened, much of life has been failures on my part... it happens; and while it's hard, there's been times where it really shouldn't have been so much (as we talked about a few days ago). However, in regards to this one area, I just reached that place... "God, I have no outlet for this!" They say desperate times call for desperate measures. Yet, even as we discussed yesterday, there's elements of life that are beyond our control. Things that we are powerless to change. Not because we don't have power, but because that are beyond our reach to impact. There are things only God can accomplish, through the person of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. To not acknowledge that and allow God to work on those situations and/or the persons involved only leads to further frustration and agony... and even more desperate levels of desperation. Such are the times to reach out God. When He knows that we know that it relies solely on Him; whereby we place our trust in Him and seek His face... then do we place Him in a position to do the miraculous. Our outlet in the moment is to connect with Him; as the source for all that we need. Pray, this #communitySaturday for the miraculous. May people reach and cry out to God in their moments of desperation; in places of difficulty and frustration. With no other place to turn and no other person to turn to, may they discover the person of Jesus Christ. Pray God will would be fulfilled, on earth as it is in Heaven. May He draw all unto Himself, and into right relationship with Him. May the church, even in times of their own desperation, live as examples committed to Christ, unwavering in their faith and standing in the gap for those who no longer have the strength to stand; after having exhausted all that is within them. Strength renewed. For His glory. For His honor. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC
![]() There is strength in numbers. There is strength in community. And it continues to amaze me, when people come together, with hard work, determination and passion for whatever their cause, or desired accomplish, what a group can achieve and overcome. We see it all the time. School groups. Community groups. Cities that are undergoing revitalization. Pride for one's favorite team in sports. It is is certainly cool to watch. The stories that come forth are pretty incredible to hear as well. So with that perspective, I understand the message that I saw the other day on the marque sign of a church that I pass a couple times of week. Yet upon reading it, the contrasting spiritual truth immediately responded. As the electric marque scrolled through a series of messages, the one that appeared as I was approaching simply stated the following: "CATHOLIC STRONG" This goes without saying, if you've read these prayer posts for anything length of time, I don't knock or call out specific denominations. I'm fairly certain, I haven't even mentioned my own church affiliation as I've referenced sermons from my own Pastor. Of course, after 375 consecutive posts, it might have slipped in, but I've been careful to remember and share that all churches, pastors and church leaders need prayer. Now that that is out of the way, consider Scriptures response. Paul delighted in weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions and difficulties with the mindset; "For when I am weak, He is strong". God chooses the weak things of this world to shame the strong (as well as the foolish to confound the wise) The prophet Isaiah, writes that God gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Romans talks about those who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak, rather than pleasing ourselves. Paul speaks of Christ being crucified in weakness, yet He lives by God's power. Likewise, we live by the power of God. You get the idea... and we've prayed over this before, as the trend continues to revolve around identity; of all sorts. And yet for each instance, we are all missing the mark. None of this life is about us!!! I received this reminder myself, yesterday, from a friend; as I expressed concern over someone's possible response to a mistake of my own doing. Feeling like I was alone in such moments (like no one else every gets corrected) my friend simply stated: we all screw up. You are thinking this is about you. It's not. Nor is our strength in our abilities. Thankful, our identity is also not in our failures!! It's not in our group affiliation or denomination; it's not the community in which we live, nor the noble cause we take up to help someone in need. Whatever we do, say or accomplish should be so by the power and hand of God; in His strength; in His timing; in His perfect and sovereign will that He may be lifted up and draw all men unto Himself. Thus, pray this #communitySaturday, for the opportunity to share the difference Christ makes, as we recognize the truth of our position and abilities in light of eternity. May the community hear and understand and receive the greatness of God and what He desires to accomplish in each of us, for we have all been fearfully and wonderfully made in His image. Pray a grace and anointing over conversations and interactions; that the truth of Scripture would shed light in the dark places of life; not for the purpose of exposing our guilt, but that the need for God's forgiveness would be revealed. Weak in ourselves. Strong in God. For our boast is not our own; But for the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC I experienced a "hey I know that guy" moment the other day, as one of the former vice presidents of my alma mater has been making headlines in recent months speaking up on various social and cultural issues that have been unfolding in regards to Christianity and the Christian's response on these matters.
He is now the President of a Christian university in the southwest portion of the country and in an interview he shared this past week, he made a statement that stood out. "This is what happens when you worship government instead of the gospel." On this #communitySaturday, these are pretty accurate words. We have legislated God out of public life; out of the public square. At least, society continues to keep making the push to do so. The church is not speaking the truth in love as they should; as the movement to be more concerned with "try not to offend" continues. We place our trust and hope in other things, in other people, in other identities and rather than standing on the Word of God, we stand in the shadow of government to protect us, save us, and defend us when someone says anything contrary to how our opinions and feelings. I say "we" because, sadly, people within the church have such tendencies as though outside of the church, so collectively speaking... God is love. God is grace. Absolutely. Yet He is light. He is truth. And He is Holy. When we find ourselves in a position where we hold humanity and people in positions of power with greater regard and reverence than Almighty God, who is to this day Creator of all Life; when the rights of those offended are more important than the rights of those still in the womb, we have clearly lost our way. When we're more worried about the safety of our schools, than we are of a Mother's womb... The truth is hard to hear. And I'm not for using it to demean and destroy anyone or anything. But our unwillingness to hear it and respond appropriately can not be so great that it should not be spoken at all. As the church, we must rely on God and trust in Him to help; that our words would be seasoned with grace and that it would not be the opinions of man, but the truth of the message of Christ, that would resonate from our hearts and our lives as we engage this lost and dying world. So, pray with me, this #communitySaturday, for the church to be the hands and feet of Christ. Pray we would meet those in need at their point and place; not expecting so quickly they would move towards the church without making a move towards God. Pray, people would find their identity in Christ first; not in government, career or social or culture issue. May the truth reveal the reality that every person must realize; we all fail; we all will fail and we all have fallen; short... very, very short of the glory of God. May we accept, that by the grace and love of Jesus Christ alone and His selfless act of death that we can be brought into health; into right relationship with Him who is able to do exceedingly more than any government ever known to man... for the Creator of Life is the institutor of governments as well. For the glory of God; For the cause of Jesus Christ - PNC ![]() If only we put as much energy into our current situation as we do in the prospect and excitement of another opportunity. I know, sometimes the job is truly miserable and frustrating and even if it was 100% better by changes made on your part, a new one is still better. I know, the relationship is beyond words difficult and I may never understand exactly what you have or are going through... and even if it was 100% better by changes made on your part, it might be time to part ways. I know, you may not be able to stand your current living situation and the prospect of a new place... well it never hurts to look. And even if it was 100% better by changes made on your part, a move may be best. I'm not making light of any circumstance or situation you face, nor diminishing the frustration I've experienced in my own life. Yet, as conversations transpire over such topics, you can't help but consider the possibility, that perhaps where you are is best for now. It makes sense for right now. It works for right now. And perhaps, the frustration, the dissension, the anxiety and attitude you feel towards what is unfolding before your eyes, really could be an entirely different scenario if you did what was necessary to make it 100% better. The relationship is hard. The job is frustration. The living arrangement is... whatever. I really do get it. (Funny, how God just brings to remembrance, right when you need it) Felt like the Spirit just dropped within me, that all too often we change things up in our lives, without giving regard to the biblical principle from Romans 12, "as much as it depends on you, live at peace with all men" While figuring out what's going on in the relationship, whether as friends, dating or married, what are you doing to express the love of Christ, that is opening their eyes to possibility that things in their life need to change, rather than you beating them over the head with words? While trying to navigate the workforce, what attitude displays Christ in your life, rather than what's being done that is causing more stress and work for you than what should be the case? In whatever circumstance is causing turmoil or disruption in your home life, what are you doing to allow God to bring insight, wisdom and creativity into making changes that will bring peace, stability, hope and joy into the circumstance, rather than thinking a drastic and expensive solution will fix it all? If we feel in our own lives or give advice to our neighbor that a drastic change is needed right now, we'd better be seeking the face of God and certain he has spoken clearly, specifically to that situation, to move in a different direction. Otherwise, and sorry for the cliche, but often times prayer is more about changing us to become more like Christ, whereby we see life and solutions with a different perspective rather than our own finite insight and desires. Sure; it might mean the change takes a little longer. We may have to work harder and do more than we already are. We may not see immediate results. But allowing God to work in our life and trusting Him to do the work, that if we tried to accomplish on our own would be 1000x more difficult, is a much better solution than our forcing change and finding ourselves in worse circumstances than what we wanted to desperately escape. I'm running out of room to go into detail, but I've witnessed first hand... when circumstances changed, however they did, the person(s) who did "what depended on them" came out better, healthier and happier as a result. Those who didn't, even though their circumstances are now different as well, are still frustrated... ...because all change in life, starts with the person in the mirror, not the person next to us. Pray, (after reading this longer post :-), this #communitySaturday, that no matter our circumstances and the frustration that ensues, that our attitudes would reflect Christ. May our responses, however tempted we are to place our rights and opinions first, be ones that reflect the love of God. May there be a desire to inquire of God, His plans and desires for our lives, family and friends before we state our own. Pray God be glorified as we live according to His Word and not our own desires of the flesh. May our words be positive and constructive towards others, rather than negative and hateful; despite what past experiences may have transpired. May the world see a genuine faith; that our trust in God is as real as the struggles of life that come to us all... yet for those who hope in the Lord; these struggles will pass. And we won't be remembered for what happened in life, but how we responded to how life happened. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() How quickly time passes. The day comes and goes. Another begins. The next one ends. And before you know, you're being asked... did this get done? Did you make that phone call? Where are you on this project? Or my favorite... "Where are you @?" (as it appears on my phone, when the text notification sounds off) Meanwhile, people are experiencing incredible moments as "everyday" life progresses. A friend from church had a family member pass, whose funeral was this week. The funeral for my friend, Stephanie, who we prayed for twice on this site, was this past Wednesday. Then two more funerals, held for members of our church; one of which was yesterday, the other, later this morning. And in the midst of it, mid-Friday afternoon, I realized regarding this prayer post... "I haven't given it much thought". This is how life goes. Absent major events and reminders along the way, we miss how precious and fragile life can be and just how short our time on earth is given how quickly it moves. Like how quickly the sun rises. Just a matter of minutes and the drama of atmospheric screen changes so quickly. Once all the cool color fades, it seems so less impressive for me. And if you don't think time passes fast, an old friend called last night. He said, exactly what I often say... "I keep meaning to call you and finally thought, I just need to do it." It took a minute to figure out when we had seen each other last... came to the conclusion, it was their daughter's birthday party... from 3 years ago!! Which got me thinking... the list of people we keep saying we need to get together with and hang out more often and old friends that we don't get to see that often anymore is getting longer; with each passing week. The conspiring of schedules, between family and work, church and other activities or commitments and the next thing you know, somebody's kid turned 14 and another just graduated high school. How did this happen? We all got caught up in our life. And quickly, yet, not conscientiously, put everyone else' life on the back burner as we focused on what we had going on, where were going (for the day or for life) and what we were trying to accomplish. And in the process, we've missed out. On great triumphs. On great tragedy. And it's always the tragedy that triggers the reminder that people are more important than the job, the cars and the stuff money can buy and how we wish we had more of both. Not to mention, better cars and better jobs. Pray, on this #communitySaturday, that the church would indeed, as remain we focused on the person of Jesus Christ, remember that Jesus cared and cares most about people. Where they are at. What they have need of. It's not their position in life. It's not their stuff. It's not their job title nor their Facebook status. May we be concerned with matters of the heart, whether they be experiencing times of rejoicing triumph or mourning tragic loss. May we not be so distracted by the concerns and affairs of our own lives and families that we, unknowingly, disconnect form those around us. In all things, may the church of Jesus Christ be about pointing others to Christ, whether as an introduction to Him or encouraging a greater depth of relationship with Him. Pray God would accomplish the miraculous in all circumstances as we seek to be used by Him, for His glory. His ways, not ours. His thoughts, not ours. His plans, not ours. It's not about me... and we're probably all the better for it. By the grace of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() Still reflecting on Thursday's funeral yesterday, I couldn't shake one profound thought shared during the eulogy. It's not that their weren't other moments... it was a good service. It was a hard funeral, simply because of the unknown cause and the unexpected loss; not that funerals are ever easy. (forgive me... I'm having writer's block on trying to explain that funerals aren't something you normally critique, yet you can't help acknowledge that there are funeral services that aren't so "great" as far as how they are done, then others are incredibly powerful and moving... and it seems there no other way to say it than to that). So... it was hard. A life celebrated, while not knowing why we were celebrating so early. The unrest was and is, and will be for a while longer, unnerving. So, with all that out of my head... here's the comfort in the one line from the Pastor's thought has gripped my mind regarding the God of the Universe. He is: "God. Creator of life. On both sides of death." Think about that for a moment. Or two. Or three. [moment] [moment] [moment] God... in His sovereignty, in His love, in His grand plan of redemption; created Life on this Earth. Created us to have a relationship with Him while on this Earth. Created life eternal, for when our life on Earth had ended. Created opportunity where we experience that eternal life with Him and have relationship with Him in Heaven. There is a plan for your life while you are above the ground. There is a plan for your life after you body is below the surface. Is that not utterly incredible? Why should the world be satisfied just to be breathing air and standing upright, when God intends for us to have abundant life... and eternal after that? Abundant life isn't one overly-stuffed with possessions and riches and the greatest car collection I could every imagine. But a fulfilled life. A content life. With what matters. Faith. Family. Friends. Purpose. An invitation to walk with God, through the person of Jesus Christ. A testimony to share with those in your circle of influence, that they may know an invitation exists with their name on it, just as it did for you, the believer. An invitation to live life together, on both sides of eternity and celebrate Almighty God; Creator of life... on both sides of death. Pray, as the church engages the world, on this #communitySaturday, that invitations will be extended to those who need to hear there is more to this life than breathing air, consuming possessions and earning paychecks. Pray for the church, itself, struggling to experience abundant life... may we cast our cares upon Him who cares for us, anew and afresh. In the face of what we don't understand; in light of loss that is difficult to process; in light of circumstances beyond understanding and reason. Pray for a renewed focus on Christ; to seek His face; to keep an eternal perspective on situations and frustrations that we don't understand; to resist the temptation to lose control; go our own way and allow for bitterness and resentment to take residence in the seat of our heart once reserved for Christ. May we not trade the eternal for the temporal, but rather, trade our rags for His righteousness. Abundant life on Earth. Eternal life in Heaven. For the glory of God. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() Scripture tells us that God causes the sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous (Matt. 5:45). Interestingly enough, it falls right in the middle of Christ telling us, it's not enough to love our neighbor, but to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. After the rain, Jesus goes on to ask, if you greet only your people, what are you doing more than the others? Pagans even do that! In essence, Christ was asking, as you engage community, how will the world know that you are different, if you hate your enemies like everyone else does? If you only love those who love you, as tax collectors do? If you only greet like-minded people, such as the world does? As I've stated before, I've been incredibly blessed with many friends and acquaintances, who are great people. And it's not because I'm a great guy. It's because I learned early on, by watching others, that people eventually get tired of hanging around jerks. So there is little to be gained by always being a mean-spirited, grumpy guy with a negative attitude that overflows into nearly every arena of life and relationship. That said, I am truly grateful for the friends I have within the body of Christ. Yesterday might as well have a been a Monday, at least the first half of it, and sadly, my frustration level was through the roof. I was thankful and humbled to have a friend who could help cool me off through out the day as we texted back and forth, as I euphemistically talked about being on fire. I was not happy. At some point in the morning, the Holy Spirit tapped me on the back of the head, so to speak... and I had to confess: I had an attitude that did not reflect well on the person of Jesus Christ. It might not seem like much, but I had vented to a guy or two, who may or may not have a relationship with God and while they understood the frustration (and we all experience those moments), I had to consider if I came across in a way that I made my life more about me than about Him. A little too honest for reality? Perhaps. But as it's been said, God loves people too much to leave them as they are, where they are. He has plans and purposes, above what we can imagine that go beyond who and what we are and have on this earth. Earth and its' stuff will pass; only what is God's and has been done for God will remain when all is said and done. So we have to be honest with who we are, honest about the realities of life and honest about our relationship with God. It's easier to work on that which has a pliable element to it. God can't do much with hearts that are rigid and cold. You know that working with such materials adds time, energy, frustration and work to the process, so if you are that way as person, what will God have to accomplish to get through to you what He desires for you? Thus, a couple of things as we pray this #communitySaturday. Pray for pliable hearts and minds within the body of Christ, as we allow God, through the power of the Holy Spirit to help us become more like Christ and to display such to a lost and dying world who desperately needs God and needs to witness a church that loves differently from the world. Pray that even in difficult places with raw levels of honesty, that God's grace would abound and that we could short accounts with God, not allowing life to infiltrate our spirits to the point God can do little with us. Pray, as we engage community, that people will witness the love of Christ in our lives and that we would share and express Christ' love, no matter the frustration and difficulty of our day, regardless of whether it's a messed-up Monday or the farthest thing from a fun-filled Friday. May we keep the perspective, that eternity hangs in the balance; that only what is accomplished for the glory of God will last. The honest truth, even in the raw moments of reality. Through the love and grace of God. By the power of the Holy Spirit. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() So, first things first. Today marks the completion of eleven, yes 11!! consecutive months of daily prayers. I want to give all the Bring ME 70 readers and followers a huge thank you for joining me in this mission to prevent pastoral burnout. Though the impact may still be in infancy stage, I'm believing it's making a difference we may not know until eternity. So, for all the likes, shares and "retweets", Thank You! To commemorate, I think you are reading another first today. The idea for this #communitySaturday came this past Tuesday. I don't recall ever having a prayer focus that far in advance. The day before is par for the course, 9 times out of 10. Every once in a while, 2 days advance. It's never been 4 days. That said, here we go... want to know what happened this past Tuesday? I drove by a church, whose marquee sign by the road, stated the following along the bottom of the sign: A Friendly, Bible-Based Ministry. Excuse me while I share my moment of sarcasm... shouldn't that be obvious? Sadly, I understand the need for a church to clarify the position. It's a tragedy that church life has come to this... that peoples' experience with the church has been difficult, frustrating and disappointing often enough, that the statement is not a flashing or moving message that one in every 3 or 4 cars, happens to see... no, it was engraved into the bottom of the sign (probably on both sides) for every single driver that passes may read it. So, curiosity follows the sarcasm bit. 1) Who stays in a church that isn't friendly? 2) Who sits in a ministry that isn't Biblical? While, I could take guesses, I'm not sure I want to. I would think though, that a church that isn't friendly, probably isn't growing. In fact, a church that isn't friendly, is eventually, most likely shrinking. As for the second point... just as tragic, is the fact that many are probably sitting and remaining in a ministry that is NOT Bible-based or Biblically-centered. Why? Because in the last days people will listen to what their itching hears want to hear. I'm not calling out false-prophets and specific ministries and everything else along that bunny trail, so don't read what I'm not typing. I am simply stating, as I've experienced in my own life, that the truth is hard to hear. It's hard to accept. And it can be difficult to stay engaged in the conversation to the point where application can be made to your life and a solution can offered for things to change. Yet, as my Pastor always says, "whenever you read the Word of God, it reads you" How does the church, the body of Christ... the people of God... who do you do ministry without Scripture? How can it be called ministry without Scripture? How do you share the love of God and not come across as friendly? As inviting? As caring and engaged in the person in front of you? It's Saturday morning, so the cartoons are on right? Who would believe Oscar the Grouch had gotten saved, if he remained a grouch?? (there is a song about that by the way... Steven Curtis Chapman, I think... cartoons getting saved) The bottom line is this... if churches don't show themselves friendly, how will they grow and develop healthy relationships with those we are called to minister to and show the love of God? Furthermore, how will the church share they love of God, if they don't preach the "whole counsel of God" and make practical application that leads the body of Christ to... how do I say... look more like Christ? It should be obvious what happens when that isn't the case. We shouldn't be surprised at what happens, when that isn't the case. We should pray it won't be the case. On this #communitySaturday, pray that indeed, the church would show themselves friendly, to the world. Not to be trampled on, offensive or disingenuous, but just friendly. To show compassion. To share empathy. To allow the Holy Spirit to work on the hearts and lives of those in difficult places and allow the truth of God's word, rather than man's opinion or interpretation to reveal God's live and purpose for those who have yet come to experience a relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for ministry to become bible-centered where it is not; for it to remain bible-centered where it is. May the body of Christ grow in the strength and knowledge of God; that as they experience His love and grace, they will go out and extend the same to a lost and dying world desperate for meaning and purpose and redemption beyond themselves. Pray the power of God to transcend the issues, the distractions and the agendas that would keep us from the knowing God; from fulfilling the plans and purposes we been created and destined to accomplish before the foundations of the earth were laid. Friends are a gift from God. So is His Word. What better place than to experience both of them, together. This is the church. This is community. His life changes ours. For eternity. For those who let Him in. For the glory of God. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() We all have our moments. Moments in time... where life, stress, frustration, realizations of an immediate reality hit hard and fast In that moment (and more like it), you lose it. Not for long. But the initial outpouring of your frustration is made apparent. Possibly seen. More likely, at least heard. Not long after that; for the Christian; for one actively trying to live a life that brings glory and honor to God and desires to grown in their faith... you realize your display was less than attractive. Particularly for those perhaps on the fence regarding Christians, Christianity in general and the legitimacy of one's faith in God. It doesn't matter if they know you or not; know you're Christian or not. If they know anything of it and you displayed something different, then they don't really have much to base their understanding. Your displayed reaction to a situation being less than attractive is a minor realization. The major one, when it sets in.... You may have ruined your witness regarding your faith and your relationship with Jesus Christ For the truth hidden in the cliche, "You may be the only Bible people read" or "They only Jesus people meet", than what did your human reaction to a frustrating circumstance just show? Not your faith; but someone no different than one without faith in God. So whatever was in your life that attracted people to the possibility of their own relationship with Christ... well, the curiosity just might be gone. And should you never get it back? Should you never get a second chance to get it back? Never get the opportunity to explain it, if that's possible? I don't know. Sorry for the heavy perspective. This post practically wrote itself in a matter of minutes. That said... if we do only get one chance to display our faith? God is not willing that any should perish, but as Christians something about our life has to be counter-culture to the world. In fact, not just something... I dare say nearly all, if not, indeed, everything. Counter-Culture. Not better than the world. Simply set-apart for God. Inviting those around us to join what will one day be the experience of the glory of God on the other side of eternity. On this #communitySaturday, will you pray with me... first and foremost for the grace and forgiveness of God upon our lives, for such moments when frustration gets the better of our attitudes, words and actions. While we know we aren't perfect people, we should be endeavoring to become more like Christ, as He works in our hearts and lives. Pray the witness of the body of Christ be not ruined. Pray for an increased awareness of self-control, as well as the rest of the fruits of the Spirit to be resident in our lives; that we may truly live counter-culture; in a way that generates a curiosity about our lives whereby we may point those questioning to the person of Jesus Christ. Lord, we need your help. Lord, I need your help. That the world would see more of you than they do of me. For your glory and honor. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray these things. - PNC ![]() When it comes to social media, at least the one particular platform that I frequent the most when I am online, I know most everyone in real life. I preface that for a reason... the person I am about to share with you, is one of the few who I do not know in real life. While I am blessed and grateful to have watched her life from afar the past few years, she is the focus of today's #communitySaturday prayer. A successful entrepreneur, Stephanie is a master at her craft. A personality, that from every comment I've read on her page, exudes a passion for life and a love for people; two things, no doubt the by-product of her devoted faith in God and a close walk with the person of Jesus Christ. From what I have witnessed, her husband, also an all-around great guy. Then... her grade-school aged daughter. This kid... like I said, sometimes it's amazing what you can pick up from a distance... this young girl, is a class-act kid. A child of promise has been incredibly gifted. I have no doubt she will accomplish great things in her life; making an impact in the world, not because of who she is, but because of how God is already using her to be a blessing and an inspiration at such a young age. Much, exactly like her mother... who announced, the day after her birthday this week, the ugly truth. After having already beat one battle with cancer, round 2 is proving to have come back with a vengeance. Sadly and much to the heart-break of everyone she knows in real life and the tons of people like me she doesn't, the doctors have predicted 9-12 months remaining, of life on earth as we know. I've watched the past few weeks, what are thousands of comments of love and support and prayers. And while there's no way in my busy schedule to read them all, it has to be overwhelming for this dear friend. The ones that stood out... I don't know you, but I will pray for you. People... community coming together, as those that do know her are flooding her social media page and creating specific prayer pages on social media, for people to lift this situation and her family to the Lord in prayer.... believing for the miraculous. And her story is being seen and read by those who don't know her, who have compassion. People of faith storming the throne-room of heaven, praying God's will; praying for the miraculous healing in this mortal body; praying for the strength and comfort of the Holy Spirit to this family. With thousands of comments, I can't imagine that mixed in, there are not people who don't have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ; yet believe in prayer or are willing to pray intervention and healing in Stephanie's body. Community... those of faith in God and those who have yet to come to faith; both offering prayers and support for this child of God; anointed to impact and influence the lives of thousands. On this #communitySaturday, would you join me and thousands more, in lifting up in prayer, Stephanie and her family. May God's will be accomplished in this latest prognosis. Pray for healing in her body, whether she experiences it here on earth or a heaven-bound eternity. Pray for strength and comfort for this young family; for the legacy she has built; for what God desires to accomplish during this time... may it be one that causes many to do some introspection of their own lives; perhaps the witness of her life will prompt others to seek God and what it means to live life as a follower of Jesus Christ. May this time be used to bring glory and honor to God; wherever she goes; whoever she comes in contact with; whatever conversations transpire, either online or in real life... whether it's 12 months or 12 more years or a full life; clearly God is not quite done with Stephanie just yet. For however long she still has air in her lungs, may her time not be wasted; as God is not One of waste; but uses every last detail... what the enemy of our souls tries to use to destroy us, God uses for good, to accomplish His plan and purpose in our lives. And though it's often sad circumstances that bring us together, pray that community, regardless of faith, would join in force together more than we use our energies to battle against each other. For none of us are our own. Christ desires that all of us would experience what Stephanie has... an abundant live full of joy and purpose; not because of anything she is or does, but because of what Jesus Christ accomplished for her; through His death and resurrection.... as the church just celebrated a couple weeks ago. On behalf of Stephanie, thanks in advance for your prayers. For the glory of God. For the cause of Jesus Christ. Made victorious in all things, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Death, nor the prospect of it... nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. Thanks be unto God; now and forevermore. - PNC ps... you can join in prayer here on social media: @prayersforstephanie ![]() **editor's note: My apologies in advance if I've used this before... some things are worth repeating (plus, after 300 posts, there's bound to be some overlap) For whatever reason yesterday, I was thinking about the movie, Facing The Giants. Actually, I probably do know the reason why, but one line in particular continues to stand out from that movie. The backstory, is of a football coach who 4 years ago, took on a losing-record football team at a small, Christian school. While trying to figure out how to turn the team around, he is also being challenged in his faith. To witness the exchange as he tries to practice in his own life, what he is desires to instill into the team is pretty incredible. In a scene, where one of the students is waiting for his father to be picked up, the coach has this exchange, commenting on their relationship. "You can't judge your father by his actions, then judge yourself by your intentions. It doesn't work that way." - Coach Grant Taylor What an incredibly profound, yet overtly simply piece of wisdom. Funny enough, we all do it. Or have at some point. Nobody likes double-standards. It causes political backlash. It causes marital strife. It causes separations among friends. In light of eternity, it turns people off to church and the concept of Christianity. It prompts those within the church to leave and go somewhere or worse, neither go somewhere or come back to Christ. In our attempts to understand God and who He is, at times, we even accuse God of this game! It's easy to look at other situations, other lives and wonder... what are they thinking? And while, perhaps not a 1:1 relationship, let me use some literary exaggeration and say, that for "every" time you have that moment, someone is looking at your life asking the same question. Why is that? Because we all justify why what we do or say is a worthy and worthwhile moment in time, while the other side "has no excuse". It's frustrating to experience; for both parties. And it really is a game... albeit not a very pleasant as and when it unfolds. And the eternal consequence is the real kicker. Granted we can't expect an unsaved world to know and understand all spiritual principles, but then again, Christianity is pretty basic. And when the body of Christ fumbles, sadly, the world uses it as an argument against God. We can't walk on eggshells, but we can walk in ways that are more reflective of Christ Himself and less of the person proclaiming to follow Christ. Pray, this #communitySaturday, that the church would indeed, be more reflective of the person of Christ, to a lost and dying world. Pray that double-standards in our lives would be eliminated, that we seek to live and exemplify Godly, Biblical principles in every day life. May we be careful not judge others and ourselves differently, for we ALL will one day stand before God and be judged equally by Him. May we seek to understand God, and know Him more... not in an effort to attain His position, but that He may be glorified, lifted up, in order that none should perish; but come into right relationship with Him. We mustn't live in ways that cause further separation from God, but live such, that we draw closer and deeper in the riches of His love and the experience of His grace, now and forevermore. And yes, it will be for His glory and the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() .We live from our experiences. The decisions we make, in light of the challenges faced, based upon previous encounters, information and outcomes all work, conspiratorially, i might add, to move us in one direction or another. And should we find ourselves, not liking where that takes us; then we have to figure out what to do differently. Try a new experience. Take a new level of risk. Get new information. Change our environment. Talk with new people. At some point, you have to break the cycle that causes the frustration. While, not a hard and fast rule, generally speaking these dynamics are true: Hurt people, hurt people Damaged people, damage people Broke people, will break people Conversely... Healed people, heal people. Forgiven people, forgive people Restored people, will restore people. A change in their life, a transformation in their experience, a revelation that life can be different; that we are not dictated by our past, but can be made new... not out of shear will (though that can get you pretty, far, I'll admit); however... made new through the power and the person of Jesus Christ. Come eternity, you will not be remembered by your job title, your address, the emblem in your garage, the brand label on your jeans. You will not be remembered by your church affiliation, your political point of view or your gender state and interest. On this #communitySaturday, who will you portray to the world, who you are. Your rights, opinions and assertions? Will you give people a piece of your mind, or a piece of your heart. This is the ability to see and interact with culture through the eyes of Christ. While challenging at times, as we battle our own humanity, the church must remember, that what they have experienced in Christ, is meant for the world to experience. So, pray, this #communitySaturday, as the church engages culture, that we would point others to Christ. May our interactions be graced with the love and compassion of Christ. May we allow the Holy Spirit to do His work as the condition of man is revealed in the light of Jesus Christ and the truth becomes clear... we are all broken before the cross. We can all be restored because of Him who hung on the cross. Pray for lives transformed; new creations in Christ... not that we may have a better life here on earth, but eternal life for a better time after our death. Counter-Culture. For the person and purpose of Jesus Christ. To the glory of God. - PNC ![]() It's Easter weekend, and churches are in a frenzy of events geared toward community and telling the world what Christ accomplished for all of humanity over 2000 years ago and why it matters today. In a couple hours, kids will be scrambling for more candy than they know what to do with, hidden in Easter egg-shaped and sized containers. Tomorrow, the celebration of a risen Savior. And at our church, it kicked off last night, with an intimate gathering of friends and neighbors, for a great time of fellowship and a Christian comedian... for laughter does good like medicine. We had an absolute riot. I got to thinking last night, as we left... after my wife and I talked with a friend for quite a while about a matter in our own lives, followed by my touching base with another friend "real quick", just before getting behind the wheel, that there's a difference between the world's sense of community and the church. It's not that one is better, for I know many unsaved people who are, for what it's worth, great people... would give the shirt of their back, help where they can and support you, even when others didn't. And even in church, sadly not every one is like that. I get it. So, as a disclaimer, I'm incredibly blessed to be a part of a strong, healthy church, that while not perfect, probably doesn't a number of "issues" that other churches face. I'm sure it's by design, and there's a number of reasons for it, which are worth exploring later... but here's my point. The community of churches-at-large, care about people to the depth of one's soul. Yes, they want me to be healthy, but to carry out an eternal purpose. They want me to succeed, but with the intention of using God's blessing to bless others. They want me to have a strong marriage and a healthy family, not just for the sake of my sanity and a retreat in the number of gray hairs; but that we may make an eternal impact in the lives of those we come in contact with on a daily basis. They want what's best for me, not because I'm the greatest guy they've ever met, but because they know that we are designed and created with destiny. Furthermore, they serve to remind me that for all the trouble we face on our earth, this is not our final destination. This world and all that is in it, is temporary. So what good is the purpose of doing anything, if it doesn't remain after ever last life has passed over into eternity, unless their is something incredibly awaiting in eternity? What awaits us, is God the Father! What awaits us, is the Son of God. The One whose life we celebrate this weekend, in what He accomplished on our behalf that we may have an eternity worth living for, rather than living with an impending doom. The difference in community is the difference for eternity. So, pray with me this #communitySaturday, that it would be a day, that as these two communities interact, through kids hunting for eggs and other events, that the world would discover that there is an eternal purpose for life on earth. May peoples' eyes be opened to see and hearts to receive, that an eternal destination of hope & love is available to them through Christ' death and resurrection... that doom and despair is not inevitable. May the community of Christ effectively demonstrate His love this weekend, to those in need of love that lasts beyond our faults and failures. For love that is super-natural. Unconditional. Eternal. May the community of the unsaved experience Christ in ways beyond what humanity can accomplish on its' own, through the expression of care and concern from the community of the church. For the glory of God. For the cause of Jesus Christ. For God is not dead. He is surely alive. May many see for themselves. - PNC ![]() There's very few people that, on a consistent basis at a personal level, can cause you to "lose it", to the point that you feel horrible in regards to your walk with Christ. Young kids whose attitudes and behaviors would suggest they are out-of-control teens, rather than elementary age. Out-of-control teenagers, who you fear will one day get a rude wake-up call by the world, for which they desperately need but have no idea how badly it will set them straight. And God help us, should it not be enough to set them straight. There's the irritating co-worker, an adjective that describes their best days on the job. Perhaps it's a boss who is dead-set on making your life (or that of the company or division) miserable to no end for any number of reasons. That sounds like a lot of people as a group, but on an individual basis, it's not that many. And I dare say, most people don't have one of each, all at the same time, although it probably happens all-too often for a season. So who is there anyone left? Yes, there is one more group. Traffic. I heard the story of a mom, teaching her kid about traffic lights. Red means stop. Yellow means slow; caution. And green means... And before she could finish, the child interrupts. Green means "GO! #*(^&*@)!$ (character count not representative of actual word) Humor that hits too close to home? I love driving, and Friday was one of those days, where I had my fair share of "what in the world were you thinking" moments with other drivers. The "Darwin Award" goes to the SUV driver, who from the left lane of the thru-lanes where they are building new overpasses, cut off the semi truck in front of me, to catch the off-ramp to the freeway interchange at the last minute. It was so last minute, that at what I can only imagine had to be 80mph or more, came within a couple feet, at best, of the crash barrier. If that weren't enough, to avoid hitting that, because of the rate of speed, the driver ended up cutting off a full-size truck already exiting the ramp. There wasn't much room left there either. I about had a heart-attack. All of that to say, we talk about sharing our faith while living in the real world. We talk about responding in love and truth to those we disagree with on various topics. Then there are times when peoples actions and statements cause us to respond in ways that do not reflect well on our faith. I know. I have responded in those ways. I have been the cause of those responses as well, sadly enough. It may not seem like much as to how we engage the community unless you are prone to hand gestures while driving, but how we respond to something as short-term and trivial, (right up to the point of an accident) as driving shows just how quick irritations can lead to rash statements and judgements. We don't know these people, yet somehow on the road, we think otherwise. In the end, though, peoples' behaviors behind the wheel show just how selfish we can be. And our reactions show just how important it is that our opinion be heard concerning a person, over God's. None of that changes just one important fact. We are all still sinners in need of a Savior. Pray, this #communitySaturday, for God's grace and forgiveness as we consider and reflect upon our attitudes towards the world and the statements we make regarding their behaviors. May God help us, be slow to speak, slow to become angry, slow to make rash judgements and render opinions based on minutes, perhaps mere seconds of observations from a distance. However brief the encounter, may the body of Christ exemplify the character of Christ, for the glory of God. In hopes that one by one, we would win some, for the cause of Jesus Christ and the advancement of the Gospel. Drawn to Christ. Driven to Love. In all we say. In all we do. Everywhere we go. - PNC ![]() Yesterday, for the life of me, I couldn't stop singing Petra's song, Not Of This World, from their album by the same title. Later in the afternoon, I remembered DeGarmo & Key wrote a song on this exact theme, Aliens & Strangers. From DeGarmo & Key, it's the realization, of a difference in life, before and after Christ. For Christians, earth is not our home. "They're pilgrims just passing through; Heroes from their homeland". And a Sunday morning, the songwriter, realizes as he looks around, "My closest friends are aliens and strangers, travelers here, living with danger." From Petra, "We are pilgrims in a strange land // We are so far from our homeland With each passing day it seems so clear // This world will never want us here We're not welcome in this world of wrong // We are foreigners who don't belong (chorus) We are strangers, we are aliens // We are not of this world We are envoys, we must tarry // With this message we must carry There's so much to do before we leave // With so many more who may believe Our mission here can never fail // And the gates of hell will not prevail" [Then they close with this....] "Jesus told us men would hate us // But we must be of good cheer He has overcome this world of darkness // Soon we will depart from here" Somehow, as both songs kept playing in my head, like a CD stuck on "repeat one track", I remembered Jesus words. Don't be surprised, when the world reviles you and says all manner of evil against you. It's not you they hate. It's me. Well, if it's us they hate, but it's because of Jesus, that people have a problem with Christians. (although sadly, some Christians have given people reason to dislike the person on their merit, not just Christ') There will be disagreements, tension and frustration between the body of Christ and those who have yet to accept Christ. It's Light against Darkness. It's the truth of Heaven against the lies of the Hell. It's God's Word against Satan's interpretation. He has no new material!! Remember his first words, when he tempted Adam & Eve? It was NOT his own thoughts... it was "did God really say that?" He offered nothing of his own, except seeds of doubt. The doubt has given way to an enormous expansion of other feelings and emotions people use to express their wanting to do nothing with Christ, the believer and the changes that occur in a life that says "YES" to Jesus Christ. But that should not keep us from genuinely sharing the love of the message of the cross... for the changes that come after saying "YES" are worth leaving behind the world of darkness... even before our departure. Pray, this #communitySaturday, may the body of Christ be encouraged, as we are reminded, we are indeed, not of this world... that Christ is returning and we need to stay focused and prepared for that truth. Pray, as we engage community, that we would not give opportunity for people to have 'one more reason' to reject Christ, but that God would prepare hearts and minds to hear the truth of God's Word and the love of Jesus Christ... even when it makes them uncomfortable, afraid and doubtful. In a world so desperately in need of Christ... pray for the miraculous in this troubled world. If Jesus could continue to express love, grace and mercy in spite of the hatred He was subject to, then by the power of the Holy Spirit, we too must endure, keeping our eyes focused on Him... even for a short while longer. Eternity awaits all of us. His LOVE defeats ALL hatred. It is not by our strength of will, but by the power of the Cross. - PNC ![]() There's major life disruptions. The things designed to derail and detour us from the path we find ourselves. Then there are irritant disruptions. The everyday, reasonable activities from simply being alive.And being true to one's self. Such was the life of Christ. He did not maliciously,viciously set out to set people off. I was tempted to add that He didn't intentionally set people off, except He was intent in wanting to reveal peoples' need of God to the forefront of whatever situations they found themselves. In this day and age, its "interesting" to hear the circumstances surrounding what prompts people to speak up about the things that disrupt their day and irritate their lives. And should you ever hear the other side of the argument, people generally aren't trying to mess up someone's life. For the most part, at least. Be that as it may... Christ's disruptions caused people to make serious, life-altering decisions. Eternity hung in the balance. His love and compassion to meet them in their point of need was overwhelming; He was being true to Himself. True to His character. And to this end, He desired to show people the Father. As we engage the community, so should this be the desire of all Christians. May we not set out to maliciously disrupt people lives. But as we live according to our faith in Christ, may the truth of who God is work the miraculous... disruptions that change destinies. Pray this #communitySaturday, that the body of Christ would display His character of love and forgiveness. Pray for an awareness to hear peoples needs and a willingness to share the greatness of God. May the truth of eternity outweigh the harshness of peoples' reality. That nothing is too big for God. That He is in control. His love is everlasting. That He is not willing that any should perish. He does desire all people to experience His love, grace, mercy and forgiveness made available to all through the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ. For the glory of God and the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() As we thinking yesterday about how we consider our goodness or our spiritual cleanliness, I came to the conclusion that it really is just a matter of degrees. At least that's how we justify things... words, actions, attitudes, behaviors. It's not as bad as... by comparison, anyway. The problem with varying degrees, is that the danger associated with them changes as much and as often as the degrees, themselves change. Sure, there's the obvious, well, it you get too close, then obviously you're in trouble. But prolonged exposure to "it's not that bad" will almost always result in you getting that much closer than you wanted. It's like the analogy of the frog and the pot of boiling water. Boil the water or be well on your way and put the frog in, it'll jump out. It's obviously too hot! Danger. Trouble. No question. See ya! However, fill your pot with water, then add the frog It'll stay. It might get uncomfortable at times, but not enough to leave. It'll stay. To the death. Not realizing it's done so. Thus, we need to watch what we justify. Particularly, as the body of Christ relates and connects with a society set on seeking spiritual matters and influences, but not actually seeking the face of God. Pray, this #communitySaturday, the body of Christ would effectively communicate to the world, that the more relativism that is applied to situations and circumstances, the more we move away from what is true, right and good. Pray the truth of who God is would go forth; that the need for God's plan of redemption and salvation would be recognized. Pray the church, itself, would come into greater alignment with God's Word... that the world would not look to the life of the believer for spiritual guidance, but to God; seeing the believer as evidence of the transforming power of the cross of Jesus Christ. May the Holy Spirit move on the hearts and lives of humanity; drawing all people unto the One True God. May each come to know and put to practice, daily, seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. By His grace. For His glory. - PNC ![]() For some reason yesterday, I was pondering what happens in the community when people fail. Whether they be every day Joe's & Jane's or people of leadership, status & prominence. Whether it be a relatively private failure or it affects the area of which many people live; there are always consequences. Sadly, sometimes the community, the body of Christ responds as though the example set by Christ is not available. Sometimes, the community-at-large, still in need of the saving grace of Christ, responds as it they have already received it. So, those with Christ, respond as it to ignore Him. Those without Christ, respond as if He was standing there. While it's an interesting dichotomy, it's also a disheartening one. Yes, we have the example set by Christ and truth of how we should live as given through God's Word, so there is a "we should know better" factor. However, we are still sinners save by grace and the very definition of sanctification means we are stilling being worked on by God to becoming more like Christ. It doesn't make us better than any one or put on a higher moral plain, by any stretch of the imagination. It simply means we should exemplify Christ in all we say or do and that if anyone should display the quality and character of Christ, it should be the body of Christ and the people of God to a lost and dying world, rather than the world telling the church they don't look like the church they've heard about and think they understand. (interesting how God times things... i just came across an article that is posted at www.churchleaders.com this morning, and was posted originally at www.desiringgod.com that calls us to pray for our enemies. The author, J.R. Vassar writes the following, "we are not Americans first, but Christians first") All too often respond in our own might, opinion and belief and not as a follower of Jesus Christ... which we are, as we are not our own, but were bought with a price. There is but one innocent blood by whom we are saved. Pray, this #communitySaturday, that the church would indeed, model and exemplify the body of Christ, as only those who have experienced His love and saving grace can share. Pray the world would not be found valid, in their arguments against God based on moments when the church "gets it wrong" in their response to situations. Pray the community of Christ effective plants the gospel and waters the seeds of faith, that through our engagement with people in difficult places, they will come to know God loves them, has a plan for their lives; that they don't have to live life alone, fearing what's unknown in the days to come. May those who follow Christ be found living up to the reputation that both precedes and follows the title "Christian". For the glory of God and the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC You may or may not have seen or heard yet, the story about the professor from Purdue, who made, what appears to be threatening statements of violence against women who fall on the pro-life side of the abortion argument.
Whether his statements are sarcastic or not remains to be seen as an investigation into his remarks has begun, but one can't help wonder what's in his heart as his mouth speaks. Upon reading about this the other day, it got me thinking about how we engage community. Most don't present their beliefs and share their faith in hopes of stirring up conflict and causing problems. For those who oppose, I don't think they hope to stir up problems, either. For the most part, at least. It does seem that most people who "preach" the importance of practicing tolerance, seem to forget how to do so when someone makes statements from a position of faith and spirituality. Be that as it may, as much as we should consider our statements of faith and positions on the issues that face our world today, we should also commit to prayer the hearts of those who will see and hear us. The truth is hard to hear, hard to accept and often difficult to respond appropriately. On occasion, it's difficult to share in the first place. I can't fathom, how much more important it is, that we cover our communication between the church and the community in prayer. So, let us begin here. Pray, this #communitySaturday, that the church would effectively communicate the truth... of our faith in God, the transforming power of Jesus Christ and the relevancy of Scripture to our daily lives. Pray for the hearer... may the hearts be ready to receive, not the words of man, but what God would desire to work in their lives. May the love, grace, compassion, forgiveness and conviction of God's word supersede our feeble attempts to be politically correct, tolerant and all avoidance of being offensive. We can not share the love of God to one person on our own strength any more than we can live a single moment without God's provision of air. For at one time, every person will be a Hearer of the Word. May many more become Doers. By the grace and for the glory of God. - PNC ![]() Another song, by the same title as yesterday's #missionFriday post was playing in my mind for most of the day Friday. From their 1992 album, Big World, Mylon Lefevre & Broken Heart reminds us of the power of God in our lives when things get difficult and we are exhausted from life. "You gotta face Love, when Love comes down." - Mylon Lefevre Mylon has an incredible testimony. His family was well known in the gospel music industry and his life took off, when he met Elvis while they served in the Army together and Elvis recorded Myon's first song. To date, Mylon has recorded over 40 albums. In the 70's, he played with Eric Clapton, the Who, Billy Joel and tons of other bands. However, the pressure and stress of life and the industry took control of his life through a serious cocaine & heroin addiction. Yet, God had plans for his life in 1980, when He accepted Christ at a Christian concert. Today, he and his wife preach around the globe, sharing an incredibly profound truth: whatever the lowest depth of life in which one finds themselves, they are never out of reach of coming face to face with the power of God and the transforming work of Jesus Christ. As Mylon says on his website, www.mylon.org, that its probably a good thing that only God knows ALL of his sins, it's not necessary that people know every last sin in our life. But we do need to understand and share as people come to know Christ, every sin must be confessed to Him is able to forgive and forget, never to be held against us. It's a message we all need to be reminded of from time to time. It's a message we all need to be ready to share. On this #communitySaturday, pray that as the church engages community, Christ would intervene in conversations and make Himself known and revealed to people in their point of need. May they not feel that they are out for count in this life, nor are they out of reach from the transforming power of salvation. May people not encounter today, what Mylon encountered for a period of time with the church... that he didn't fit in, belong in, or had the appearance to be a part of the body of Christ. God is not one who discards and discounts He creation. He had a plan for Saul and look at the exploits he accomplished. He had a plan for Mylon and through his obedience, God is diong incredible things through his ministry as well as 30+ years of Christian rock. "If we are willing, He is able, to let the power of His Word renew your mind." - Mylon. God's plan fulfilled. Using our story to tell His. By His grace. For His glory. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019