![]() Well, I'm kind of bummed. While people are going off the walls in response to the fear of fall-out from America's President-Elect, one of my favorite fan groups on social media is being shut down Sunday night. And many are furious, frustrated and equally bummed. One administrator for the group. She's managed it for 6 years, by herself. And during this emotionally charged week of politics, people couldn't follow two-simple guidelines. I understand where people would find it challenging, since the page was about what many consider the greatest political television drama ever and one of the "rules" was no comments about real-world politics or politicians, but still... two-guidelines. As if there wasn't enough material this week, to provide insight into how the church engages community and now this, "sadness". You know who else had two-simple guidelines? Jesus Christ. Boiling down the Ten Commandments to two, incredibly simple concepts. Love God... with all heart, soul, mind and strength. Love your neighbor as yourself. There isn't a problem here... it's how Christ would have us to live. Thus, the challenge is the interaction with those who don't love God, because they don't know God. They don't know how to properly love their neighbor, because they, perhaps, don't know how to properly love themselves. Furthermore, they don't know their worth, as they are valued and loved by God. They may know they have worth or believe they are worthy and good, but short of being reconciled to God through salvation in Jesus Christ, what exists to support that worth and goodness? I hope that doesn't sound... I'm not even sure; I do know my Bible says that only God is good, so one must conclude that either man thinks he is god, based on his goodness without God or we recognize that in light of God, we fail to even come close to making a comparison. "All have fallen short of His glory" comes to mind. So, yes, I'm sad about the fan page closing. Yes, I'm sad about how people have responded to the election. But most importantly, I'm sad about how people respond to God, and to Christians who genuinely desire to see people come to Christ; but insist on wanting nothing to do with Him because they perceive Christians as less like Christ than their understanding would lead them to believe. Indeed, the church has some work ahead. And only by the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray, this #communitySaturday, that God would heal our land. The conversations are hard and filled with emotion and tension, fear, wrong-perceptions and misunderstandings. Pray the church would seek His face and trust in Him. May God help us to speak the truth in love, even when it's difficult to receive and to hear. Pray God would bring understanding and revelation to peoples hearts and minds. May many come to a place of recognition that are value and worth are found in right-relationship with all-sovereign God. Pray the church would be able to step outside themselves and love like Christ, not as the world thinks they understand Christ, but as we follow Christ and have experienced His love in our own lives. Pray God move and intervene on the hearts and lives of us all; for those whose faith needs to be fortified, for those whose faith in God needs to be established. Truly, the church can not do this by earthly power. We need the Hand of God. A sovereign move of His Spirit To accomplish the miraculous that many know we need. For His Glory For the cause of Jesus Christ.
![]() I come to some interesting insights and/or conclusions yesterday, as I took a couple of spiritual 2x4's to the back-side. God has amazing ways of capturing our attention and the directly and intentional asking, "did you catch that? any questions?. Just to makes sure you didn't miss anything... So uncanny were the conversations that unfolded, I truly had to chuckle as I considered my attitude and responses and reflected on the words, I know I've posted at least once in the past three days... What father, who loves his child, fails to correct them when he recognizes something is amiss? Likewise, God doesn't fail in seizing the opportunity to place us in times and positions where we must posture ourselves to reflect on what God is saying, versus what we are hearing. It often comes through the voice of a close friend.. or two. Maybe three. And for confirmation, there's always the opportunity for a fresh perspective from Scripture. The long and short of it comes down to this, though. How can we effectively and consistently engage in healthy conversation and discourse with community outside the four walls of the church, when we struggle to experience such moments with community inside the four walls of the church? A poignant question for sure, but valid nonetheless. God help us, should the day ever come where society and culture rationalizes and justifies their approach and position to any number of scenarios through the observation of body of Christ in the absence of health and functionionality as God would have planned for us. Join with me, in prayer, this #communitySaturday. 1ndeed, may God help His people to interact and build healthy relationships and frienships with each other, inside the four walls of the church, as much as the outside. May we seek to glorify God in all that we do; realizing that nearly anything might be a stumbling block that would ruin out witness for Christ. Pray God would help us, in our conversations and passing moments, to display the love of Christ to a lost and dying world... whether they've waited days or years to hear about to hear of the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. For the glory of God. For the advancement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() Yesterday, while on my lunch break, I was approached by a stranger to help look up some information... an assumption he made by my playing on my phone. He politely interrupted and ask if I could help him figure out how to get where he needed to go. He offered to compensate me for my time and trouble and of course, I told him not to worry about it. Of course, in my mind, I was thinking: "You rode here on a bicycle. You're asking me to look up information regarding public transportation, so can get to your desired destination, some 15-20 miles away. Meanwhile, in a few hours, I'll be leaving work and getting into the much more comfortable drivers' seat of my personal vehicle and headed home in search of more comfortable clothes to wear. There's no way you're giving me a couple of bucks for this favor!" Of course, it was a small thing and perhaps "nothing" to think about, but what was the alternative? Saying No? There's a scene from my oft-referenced show, where the youngest daughter was abducted and lived to tell her story. In trying to explain the experience, she stumbled to share about the help she has received in the aftermath. So it sounds like this... "the help is... you know, helping". To this, the person she is talking to quips in reply; "The help's helped". Great! That what's it's supposed to do. It's what we need it to do. It's what we want it to do. Otherwise, what is the point? Plus, consider this... It would have removed the opportunity for me to hear the words "God bless you" as you prepared to leave. It would have removed the opportunity for me to shake his hand, look at him with sincerity and offer the same sentiment. How fitting, it times in with our conversation at the beginning of the week, of being a good neighbor. What do we miss because it happens to cost very little in terms of our time, treasure and talent? The help may in fact be simple, easy and not much of a sacrifice. However, that's not to say their won't be occasion where the help with complex, hard and costly. But it doesn't mean we should say No. For who knows the opportunities and the blessing that will result, elsewhere in our lives. As a church, may we not dismiss the opportunity to be the help someone needs; regardless of how dire and difficult their situation may exist. It may be a major undertaking or a minor inconvenience to us, but it's meaningful and important to them. Pray this #communitySaturday, that would not miss or overlook the opportunity to be "the help" that someone has need of in their life. May we not be concerned with the cost or inconvenience, but recognize the time to be a witness of the grace and love of God. Pray for strength and understanding, to accomplish and fulfill what they have need of, as much as within our power and ability. May such opportunities pave the way for conversations and revelation of the care and concern God has for our lives; that He loves us and has plans and purposes whereby He would be glorified. May we be helpful help, To those who ask; To those in need; To those in trouble. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC No matter what your community, it really should be that hard to get along with each other.
Sure, we have our differences of beliefs and opinions and perspectives on any number of subjects, but as I've told my oldest daughter as she has dealt with kids at school (like we all did), there's no reason for somebody to be a jerk on purpose. Obviously, not everybody is going to be your friend, let alone your best friend... there's probably not enough time in the day to have them as a decent acquaintance. We all have our buttons and things people do that "set us of"... whether it be on the job between co-workers and our management, sibling rivalries or marital conflicts or, wait for it... political discourse on social media. Yeah, you didn't see that one coming, did you? I get that we all make mistakes. We've all made incredibly simple and stupid mistakes at that, for which we have had to take a "reaming out" of some kind for having done or said stupid. I understand. I've been there. Yet, there's no reason to berate on the job. There's no reason to be "through the roof" as a parent or spouse. There's no point in going out of our way to make it known we can't stand the thought or sight of someone. There's a time to be upset, as a parent, spouse, employee or boss, sibling or friend, pastor or parishioner. But there should be a grace and understanding as we work through matter, especially for the believer. There's a time for outrage and frustration as we encounter incredible difficulty in life and circumstances that are overwhelming to consider, let alone actually navigate... yet again, with God's help and the mind of Christ, if we put that first, we can walk through the fire. It's not easy, but it's necessary. As we engage community, as there is overlap into the world in which we live life, from the basis and courage of our convictions and faith in Jesus Christ, it all reflects upon Him. And I fail miserably... daily. Pray with me, this #communitySaturday, that God would help us, as the body of Christ, to reflect Christ in these difficult days and the days to come. May the world see that we live real lives with real problems, with real emotions and real trials, managing the same real struggles and trying to navigate the same, making real decisions that have real rewards and consequences... all in a way that brings glory and honor to God. While I don't expect them to have understanding and compassion when we miss the mark, may such give opportunity to share God's love and grace for us from His perspective; that He does not berate and throw us aside. Pray His desire that none should perish, but all have eternal life as well as abundant life, be made known to a world in great denial of their desperate need for a Savior. Living for Christ doesn't make us perfect. It proves we are flawed and in need for being made new in His likeness For the cause of Jesus Christ For the glory of God the Father. - PNC Communication is hard work. Opinions get in the way of facts. Experiences trump observations and objective perspectives. Beliefs get misunderstand in the process. Beliefs also make the conversation more challenging because nobody likes to hear the possibility that theirs are wrong, but when there's a conflict of beliefs, somehow a resolution or at least an agreement should be made.
This is why, for so many years, the advice was given, particularly with friends and family, don't discuss religion or politics. The conversations get even more difficult when society and culture start redefining words. I'm not sure who's involved in making those decisions; but clearly times are changing... and have been for a while. This is why I am thankful for God and His Word. He is the same, yesterday, today and forever. This world will pass away, but the Word of God stands forever. To acknowledge there is wrong in the world, is to admit there is the existence of right, in this world. To acknowledge a lie, is to admit there must be truth. There is truth. There is Truth. It is a wonderful experience, to have friends who knows the Truth of God and His Word. Then, to have the friendship exist on such a level, that they have the ability and will exercise it, to speak truth into your life out of their love and concern for you is incredibly powerful. So many people don't have such friendships. Or they don't understand the love and concern people have for them is an extension of one's faith in God and their desire for God to be revealed and made known. I'm grateful for the clarity that I receive in my life, not only through the power of God's Word, but also through the clarity that comes from great friends who care for me enough to tell me the truth. Even when it hurts, and as comedian Brad Stine, says, even when it offends. For that is the job of truth. As Stine explains, it proves we don't have it. Pray, this #communitySaturday for those who have yet to experience the revelation of God and the Truth of His Word. May the church have the boldness to speak the truth, even when it's uncomfortable. May their be a grace as we speak into the lives of those around us, not with malicious intent, but out of love and concern for people's lives to experience relationship with Almighty God. Pray against a spirit of confusion and frustration; where the enemy of our souls would attempt to twist, distort and pervert the truth; that would cause people to be more comfortable in their sin than in the conviction of the Holy Spirit. May God's Truth Bring bring clarity to our lives. For His glory And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() Good morning! I trust that you all will have a wonderful weekend, as I'm much this #communitySaturday morning, much earlier than usual. As I considered some thoughts on community yesterday, it's amazing what happens during an election year. In an exchange between the press secretary and the President's personal aid (referencing my favorite political TV drama) the secretary makes the comment that "everybody is stupid in an election year". To which, the personal aid repliess, "no, everybody gets treated stupid in an election year". There used to be a time you could go to the park or the mall and simple "people-watch". Which is still a fun time, especially as you could almost do a comedy bit as people walk with their heads down, looking at a 5" screen. The digital equivalent of people watching is to simply scroll through any social media newsfeed, like Facebook without commenting. Let me just as, as a casual observer, it's disturbing. People preaching tolerance, quickly lose said ability to tolerate, as soon as they are presented with a logical, alternate idea, even with supported by facts. People who have a problem with labels, name-calling, and broad-stroke statements about people or groups are quick to label, name-call and grab a brush for those who disagree with them. I'm not saying both sides don't do this, for surely they do... but, I will say, one side seems to portray this phenomenon much more than the other. It makes it challenging, even difficult at times, to have a calm, logical, rational conversation about serious issues. Should faith enter the conversation, it's almost like you're asking for trouble. Not that we should be surprised... Jesus predicted as such. They hated me first; don't be surprised when they turn and hate on you. However, this morning, I'm reminded of the words of Hebrews 13:2. Be kind to strangers; for in that manner, some of entertained strangers. In light of the larger context of hospitality, it begins with how we interact with those around us and more-so, people we don't know. Then, I wake up and Life.Church.tv posted a meme quoting 1 Timothy 2:1 If you'll permit me to switch things up a bit, I think this #communitySaturday we each should heed the advice of Paul given in this verse. We know the needs and circumstances of those around us; we know how we ought to pray. If you don't know someone's need or circumstance, engage Hebrews 13. Have a conversation and close it out with Paul's encouragement. I urge you, first of all, to pray for ALL people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf and give thanks for them. - PNC ![]() I found myself in somewhat of a theological quandary yesterday. As I prayed about not having any idea for today's post, it occurred to me, that often, that's the best way to approach the throne of heaven. Empty-handed. I understand that God tells us to cast our cares on Him, for He cares for us. That's great. I love it; I appreciate it; I'm grateful God cares enough for me and you, that He would extend the invite for us to come with our faults, failures and damages and lay them at His feet. Conversely, though... there isn't nothing we could bring to God that isn't already His; that He already doesn't know about; situations that He isn't already present and working His sovereign will. Whoever we are and wherever we are, all He desires of us is ourselves. When Jesus calls His disciples, we don't read the words "Grab your gear, let's go." In fact is says, the opposite. They followed Christ, empty-handed. If you think it about, it's actually a pretty awesome concept. For God knows the plans He has for us; plans to prosper and not to harm. What is it that we carry; that prevents us from what God has ready for us to experience because we have come with our hands full, rather than hands empty. Society has so many thoughts and concepts on God. It's difficult to sort through at times; and sadly, the church has struggled to respond appropriately and responsibly. Thus, it seems that culture has some criticisms against the church that may or may not be warranted, but seem to possess some of level of merit; that the church is not as Christ-like as we should be or that the world perceive we ought to live. We shouldn't be surprised, for Scripture talks about the difficult of those on earth struggling to understand the things of the spirit... if anything, it confirms our need for God's help as we engage our culture. So, pray this #communitySaturday, God would indeed help the church as we speak and live to our communities. May we be His hands and feet extended; that they would experience the love of Jesus Christ through our lives and witness the work He accomplished in us. As difficult as it may be, may we set aside our own motives and agenda and seek to help those in need of God working the miraculous. Indeed, may we be reminded that the struggles we face on earth fade in comparison to what awaits on the other face of eternity. May God relieve and release us from whatever ails us as we approach His throne. May God fill us with purpose and destiny for His glory for those that find themselves empty-handed before Him. Tired and weary; Broken and outcast. Whatever the struggle or challenge, All is exchanged in His presence. For His glory. - PNC Conversations are important and necessary to engage in, yet all too often, both sides inevitably find ways to make one seriously consider disengaging. It's disconcerting. It's somewhat frustrating. They get difficult when there are distinct differences in the experiences that people bring to the table.
The conversations become even more so when discussing spiritual or religious matters, political issues and personalities the culture and social issues at large. Any overlap of those issues... We really do need God's help; in every area and arena of life. Conversations lead to a calling out of peoples faith and beliefs, both in humanity and in God. There has been such a push to redefine our vocabulary, that we longer know how to express the truth, observe the truth, and comment on the truth. We've dismissed morality and absolutes at that; so not only is it difficult to see and admit to truth, but it's near impossible to find the line between opinion and fact. All is skewed and questionable. As are the motives of those who are genuinely trying to help and are seeking to understand. It can truly leave one paralyzed; not knowing what they can do, what they can say, where they can go and how they can positively affect change the problems that exist in our world, whether they be systematic problems or otherwise. It's heartbreaking on so many levels, that the strength to even work towards solutions seems agonizing, despite being necessary. It is a spirit of confusion that has permeated this world. Satan is having a field day. God is waiting for people to turn from their wicked ways, call on the name of the Lord and be saved. In the middle, is a society crying out for change, while remaining unwilling to turn to God. Join me in praying, for our culture and community, on this #communitySaturday. Pray God give us wisdom and discernment, compassion and understanding as we engage in conversations. May we portray the love of Christ as we discuss problems and may we seek the face of God as we work towards solutions. Pray this would be a time and season that God would draw hearts and lives towards Him; that as people seek to make sense of this life, they would find a sense of meaning and purpose in Christ. While we may never know, fully, the why and how of events and tragedies, when they occur; pray for the peace of God that surpasses all understanding fill the hearts and minds of those who turn to God. As it starts with church, would we please... Humble ourselves and pray. That God would heal our land. For His glory For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() An incredibly surreal moment transpired this past Thursday. And that's it felt reading the news on social media... I can't imagine the turmoil of emotions shared by this family. A friend;s father had suffered a heart attack and sadly, is no longer with us. He was a truck driver... and the news came from local law enforcement, who had discovered him in his truck. Every once in a while, I catch myself thinking about how I would handle the loss of one or both of my parents (I have a friend, who a number of years lost both of his parents, in the same car accident) As I travel many miles for work, I often wonder how my family would handle something happening to me. Neither is recommended, by the way... you could find yourself bummed out kinda quick. I share this event though, as Scritpure brought it to mind yesterday to keep them in prayer. Yesterday's verse of the day, courtesy of YouVersion, was Romans 8:26. The Holy Spirit helps in our weakness; when we don't know how to pray as we should, the Spirit himself intercedes on our behalf, with groanings that can't be uttered. What an amazing thought. Christ stands before God and pleads our case when we have nothing to stand on in asking for His grace and mercy. Now, the Holy Spirit, intercedes for us as well... praying, not just as we should if we knew how, but praying with groanings that are far deeper than the depths for which we attempt dig, hoping to find words to explain and console us in the face of such tragedies. We all look to things and people and explanations for circumstances and situations that trouble us and are meant to derail and destroy us. In the end, only Christ completes. The loss, the heartbreak, the suffering, the infirmities... our strength, our rest, our peace can only be experienced to the depths we desire and beyond when we turn to the person of Jesus Christ. What greater news to share on this #communitySaturday than that? Pray this weekend, for this family... and for others, experiencing great loss and tragedy. May this be a time that they would seek the face of God and see the hand of God in their lives. Pray they would not retreat, but engage. For those who sruggling to find answers for questions they aren't even sure how to ask, may God bring revelation to hearts and minds; strength and resolve for those finding it difficult to carry on and move forward. Pray the peace of God would surpass all understanding. Renewed in strength Empowered my His might For He is more than able For those who call on the name of the Lord. - PNC My plans to have this prayer post written in the past 24 hours has been thwarted... I finally had to break down and buy a new modem/router unit. After browsing Craigslist for past few months, today, it was not an option. I couldn't no longer wait and meet up with someone in an effort to save a few bucks.
I'm not one to over-spiritualize life events, for Scripture says it rains on the just and unjust, the righteous and the wicked. We all reach our breaking points of frustration with any number of circumstance... some of which are seriously problematic and others such as this... well, thanks for whoever created #firstworldproblems. I'm pretty sure my modem has been on it's way out for the past couple of months, for those who have seen the prayers posted to social media with the disclaimer *sorry for the technical difficulties, causing this prayer to be posted late... ... that said, I had the idea for todays' #communitySaturday prayer a few days ago; which is when my laptop started seriously struggling to load pages and publish these prayers. I think Satan was having fun with me; or certainly laughing at my frustration level and the ensuing rise in blood pressure. Along with numerous calls to tech support, thinking the problem may have been on their end. I think I have a few new gray hairs added to the count as a result. Why might I think this was a part of spiritual attack? Because he knows there is power in prayer. What's more; the thought of calling people to prayer. On top of that, the thought of sharing with people, that there is power in prayer. The song talks about the sharing of one's faith and discussing with this around us what it means to be in right standing with God, to have a relationship with Jesus Christ as we place Him at the center of our lives. Based on verses from Romans 1 and 2 Corinthians talk about praying for one another and that the weapons of warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God... That doesn't prevent the enemy from placing every kind of distraction and disruption into our lives to keep us from focusing the presence and person of Christ. In fact, I had to laugh as I reread the opening lyrics to this song... "I've waited patiently for your reply..." Sounds like me and this silly internet connection! However, I take great comfort in the power of prayer. God is not absent, distant or preoccupied. Neither does prayer experience connection problems. The only way for people to know as such is the sharing of our experiences and what God has accomplished in and through our lives. Pray this #communitySaturday, that for its' remainder, that the church would not diminish the power of prayer, nor neglect the opportunity to the difference God makes in the lives of those who call on Him. Pray this weekend will be a time that many will draw near to God and experience His promise that He will draw near to us. Pray that many will sense His power and presence in their midst. May the miraculous unfold in peoples lives as faith is shared and released; that God would hear from heaven and answer prayers. May He be lifted up As He works through those Willing to be used by Him. - PNC So there's a 45 minute window yesterday, that I'm sure more than one person would rather have not had the situation happen at all... we've all been there. Yet a couple of things transpired, that as I considered today's prayer post on community, I thought were worth sharing.
In a situation, where tensions would normally run high and frustration would be visible, there was an incredible sense of calm. It wasn't that the frustration didn't exist... it simply didn't dominate to be the first noticeable reaction everybody seems to notice. As a result, there was an overwhelming sense of graciousness in the matter. The calm allowed for normal-tone conversation. That allowed for an exchange of understanding; that again, would be harder to navigate if frustration and anger were on the forefront of peoples' reactions. There was a sense of humility. While there are always two sides to a story and this was no different, neither party was shouting from the rooftops that they were in the right and the other was in the wrong. Furthermore, the one who was, wasn't rushing to the defensive to make sure their point was heard... loud and clear or otherwise. Finally, a reasonable, rational and un-explainable outcome that borders on the level of 'minor miracle'. Consider for a moment, when outcomes don't seem fair, they don't seem just and someone walks away feeling slighted, jipped and more or less walks away feeling ruined. It can set a dangerous tone for days and weeks to come. It's not to say the days that follow won't be difficult and involve more frustration and more conversation and perhaps outcomes that won't be so reasonable or moments filled more grace... they may. But we've all walked away from situations thinking and wishing they had gone so much better. Yet, because of these elements, the only way this situation had gone better was to not exist at all. Otherwise, anything different was worse. So, pray as we engage this #communitySaturday, that the interaction between church and culture would be filled with these elements. Pray for a sense of calm and grace as we navigate difficult circumstances and tough conversations. May frustrations, while present, not dominate our emotions and drive our responses. Pray humility would reside in our hearts, that we not so quick to justify and force our thoughts, rights and opinions; even when we may actually be "in the right" on the matter. May their be a quickening, to turn to God and pray in such moments, that He would work the miraculous, whether they be major or minor; that we seek His face in ties of need, asking His help... for He is our only hope. Wait on the Lord To rescue you. For He is faithful To those who call on Him. Our help comes from the Lord. - PNC It's not very often that I have been faced with two ideas regarding these prayer posts and felt the need to decide between which one God had in mind. The two seemingly interwove with each other, between what we pursue in relationship to how community operates.
In our pursuit, we look to and for what is next. What will improve our life? What will improve our position? What will increase our bank account? What will grant us greater influence and prominence? Community always looks for the best and the brightest. The prominent neighborhood. The desired school district. The hottest restaurants. The best shopping experience Yet, when someone recommends seeking God for direction in life, rather than man's wisdom or insight... When there's a recommendation of prayer over pills; to read the read the Word of God, rather than reading cards; community calls out the believer for being off base. In and of themselves, Christians are neither perfect nor have all the answers or have it all together. But like being a part of the best neighborhoods, attending the award-winning school, or the experiencing the greatest dining or shopping, the community of faith should be the desired community. It's not a premier community because of who is a part of it; it is a premier community because of who the community turns to; not just in times of trouble and desperation, but in times of triumph and celebration. It was God who created community, when he created man. He created community when he created woman, for it was not good for man to be alone. He created community when He planned for redemption through Jesus Christ. God is the ultimate "community organizer". It is His family; an ever-growing one at that. It is where all of humanity belongs, that sons and daughters would return to the Father. Pray, this #communitySaturday, that the body of Christ would extend the invitation to a lost and dying world, that there is hope and peace, love and forgiveness made available through Christ. May they come to a place of understanding, that God is not out of reach and out of touch, but intimately and keenly aware of what has transpired in every heart, mind and soul of every life. Pray the truth of God's Word would be made alive; that prayer works; that God's Word helps; that whatever we have need of and whatever we seek, God is able to fulfill and meet us at our point of need and in times of desperation. May we seek Him; And His righteousness As we do for what this world offers But will not last, nor satisfy. In Christ alone, we place our trust. - PNC As I'm going about my day yesterday, in thought, prayer and reflection, I again come to the place, as I've often shared, of realizing nothing has come to the forefront for the next day's prayers topic.
With a smile, my spirit said... "You haven't inquired of the Lord." What happened to those days? Throughout the Old Testament, men of great faith, whether they were in positions of leadership and prominence in their day or yet to become leaders, it was often stated of them, that they "inquired of the Lord." I know people of faith, within the body of Christ as well as those in the pulpit, very much still inquire of the Lord when seeking direction and wisdom, but the phrase is not a descriptive that we hear often in public use when we talk of the decision-making process. Inquiries have parameters. They require taking a serious look, at both the breadth and the depth of a situation, circumstance or problem. It requires looking at different angles and approaches. Inquiries are a process. Rarely are they as quick as a simple question and answer, though 2 days in a row this past week, I prayed for direction in two different circumstances and immediately after praying, "Lord if you would have this for us or not, make it clear" and a phone call regarding both situations rang, just seconds later. Two days in a row! I don't think that it's because God likes me more or I'm better or any of that craziness. It's simply a place of understanding, that I'd rather be where God wants me and want was He has for me rather than try to do things my way or force my way to be what happens. That doesn't mean I still don't have my days where I'd rather have my way, but rather, knowing my ways often fall flat and short of what God would desire for me to do and to have, if only I would have inquired of Him and waited for Him to bring matters to a place of resolution and direction. Sadly, we move more and more to do things our way... also, as stated frequently in the Old Testament; people did what was right in their own eyes, rather than eyes of God. How we need to return to the posture of inquiring of the Lord, daily, in all matters and circumstances! Pray, this #communitySaturday, that the church would be set-apart as we walk through life; that we would be known as people of faith who seek the face of God. Pray that their would be a recognition of humility, as we understand and witness that God's ways are higher, greater and better than our thoughts and ideals. While the situations and circumstances may not unfold exactly who we think, prefer or would like see in our lives, may their be an unwavering commitment to seek the face of God and trust Him to reveal Himself and His plan for our lives as walk through life on a journey of faith. Inquire of the Lord. For He knows the plans He has for you... For a hope and a future. For the glory of God. - PNC With the title of yesterday's prayer post fresh on my mind as I went to you work, you can guess which lyrics I had stuck in my head all day! In fact, the phrase the kept repeating was "so hard to get through to you".
On this #community, it simply reemphasized the point, of just how often we make our points and arguments and opinions and they simply fall short of accomplished the desired result and making the change we hoped our dialogue would make. Distractions, experiences and habits conspire together to place in a position, especially emotionally or mentally where we have difficulty encountering opposition and making changes. Like life didn't through us enough of a curve ball, it seems at times, there is never a reprieve! That song wouldn't leave for the entire day, until my way home when I cranked up the BOSE Stereo. My CD changer got stuck trying to eject a CD, so I've reverted to the couple of mix tapes still hiding in the console. Read these lyrics, from Mylon Lefevre's Let Love Conquer (and listen to the song, posted on YouTube) So many people // Having hard times They feel the pressure // They're losing their minds They don't have the strength to really endure // Because tomorrow looks so unsure If they fall // We gotta let them see Jesus' love in you and me Don't put down your brother // Let Love conquer Please don't hurt each other // Let Love conquer It's not easy // To show your face When folks are thinking // You're just a disgrace It's so easy to be misunderstood // When explanations don't come out like they should If we are going to walk through this life with Christ in us, then we do we not respond more like Christ to the events and people whose paths we intersect? A challenging question, but one that needs to be asked. Some introspection worth covering in prayer. Pray, this #communitySaturday, as we intersect with community, that we would see others as Christ sees. May we tell them, as Mylon states, that while this world has problems, the good news is that as children of God, they are not our problems! Pray opportunities to share Christ and reveal the love of God be made transparent. Pray that the troubles and trials and disgraces of life would be placed at the cross, for both the believer and the one yet to believe. May no matter what tomorrow looks like, deter people from reaching out to God. Pray for a softening of hearts in our culture and community, where distractions, experiences and habits have hardened, rejected and calloused people's understanding of who God is and what He desires for their lives. Pray in all things... That Love would conquer. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() It's 2016, nearly August at that, and sadly, many still believe Christians to be of another world and out of touch with the one in which we all live. Somewhere, somehow, we've gotten grouped together an thrown under, which oddly enough, is what every other people group (whether religious, culture, economic, or social) seems to have a problem with when it happens to them. As I shared with Matt on Thursday, Christians live in reality just like every one else. We are nothing, but... Real People, with Real Problems, possessing a Real Faith, serving a Real God, who has a Real Plan, and a Real Destiny, for Every Person... ... who calls on the Name of the Lord. The only thing that separates a Christian from a non-Christian is that one has made a decision to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, through redemption made available when Christ died on a cross. The non-Christian isn't inferior or less important as a result... if anything, they are more important because God is not willing that any should perish! And time, as we all know, is slipping away fast. It doesn't make the Christian better; it doesn't make them out of touch; it doesn't make them any less real or the struggles they face any easier. It does mean we answer to a higher authority than ourselves. As an aside... I've got the "rock-u-mentary" videos on YouTube playing in the background from a DeGarmo & Key concert from time long past, when Dana Key just stood and said the following: "That's what distinguishes us from the world; not that we know the vocabulary of Jesus; but that we obey him." The world does it's own, listens to it's own and follows it's own. But for the believer, we listen, follow and do what God has set out for us to accomplish. Not for the applause and accolades of man, bur for the glory of God. In the middle of all of that, are struggles, battles, arguments, sickness, career decisions, parenting problems, relationship woes... and the prayers of faith that draw us closer to God with the understanding that everything we encounter has a plan and purpose that may not make senses this side of eternity; but in the sovereignty of God will be effective for the advancement of the Gospel. All that lies with us, is our response to God and our response to life as it unfolds before us, one day at a time. It is not faith in Christ that causes blinders to the world, but that the enemy of every soul that would desire the world to have zero relationship with God and will do everything possible to blind the world to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. As stated by the character, Coach Grant Taylor, in the movie Facing The Giants, {one} may not want to make a decision for Jesus Christ, because it will change your life! For those ready for a changed life, Jesus is the only answer. For those set on life as it is, Jesus is not even an option. But that won't keep Christ from knocking on the door of their heart. Nor should it keep the Christian from sharing the love of Christ to those around us. Pray, this #communitySaturday, that God would help us engage community to the truth of God and His Word and the love He has for us, by sending Christ in our place. May the sovereignty of God orchestrate events that would bring the lost and the dying to recognize the purpose God has for them. Pray the truth would be revealed that God loves us too much to leave us to our devices and desires. May the religious blinders fall where they actually exist, but more importantly, would the blinders of offense and frustration; fear and anger, doubt and disbelief fall to the side. May the love of Christ touch hearts and in fact, change lives. Life is hard. God is real. Faith is the key. For the glory of God. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() Life really is about perspective. And timing. And the sovereignty of Almighty God. Situations happen, that we don't understand, then we think about the ways it would be different. Of course, the default position is to figure out how or why the situation could have been avoided at all. But when you deal with the reality of what is going on or what has just transpired, you being to consider the ways it could have been so much worse. Case in point: the young man, in his late teens, that ran a red light yesterday morning while I was driving a commercial work truck. Everyone is okay and thankfully, it just messed up the bumper on the truck, so after an hour at the scene and thanks to a body shop around the corner that simply hooked up a chain to the bumper and his truck to pull the bumper away from the tire and I was back on the road. However, the same can't be said for the kids poor, 2-year old Focus. Suffice to say, please drive carefully, especially in construction zones! That said, as I went about the day, I considered how this accident will mess up the families schedule. The logistics, of what sounds do be at least 4 drivers in the house and the juggling act of work schedules and who knows what else and now the task of finding and securing rides because one car is down. However, the difference of a another second or two and 3-5 more feet and the impact would have been the center of his car or the tank of diesel under my door, which was still 3/4 full. Talk about situations being so much worse!! I quickly became incredibly grateful to be alive, as if nothing had happened. I became all the more grateful to have accepted Christ when I was a kid. Yesterday morning could have too late. There's a reason in Scripture, that there is a call to respond, upon hearing the Word of the Lord. Today is the day of salvation. Life is precious. Life is short. Life is not guaranteed for the next 5 seconds, let alone the next 5 years. Plan as though you will have a full and long life of serving God and fulfilling the purpose and plan He has for you while on this Earth. Be prepared for a short life, understanding your last breath could be at the next intersection. As the church engages community, I never want to pressure someone into salvation. However, there is a reason Jesus doesn't knock on the door of people's hearts just once, then leaves them alone. God knows where each life begins and ends and it is with that knowledge that there is a constant prompting of the Spirit as events unfold in our lives, in repeated attempts to gain our attention. Today is the day of salvation. Jesus said in John 11, I am the resurrection and the life; he that believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this? Pray with me this #communitySaturday, for those yet to accept Christ as Lord and Savior, that upon hearing the Word of God, would realize that time is of the essence. May they know that God is not willing that any should perish. God is patient with us, but our life, unlike God operates on time; thus our lives are not prolonged indefinitely until one comes to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Pray the Holy Spirit would continue to prompt those needing God to accomplish the miraculous in their lives. May the sovereign hand of God work in lives and situations, whereby He would be glorified and that during such times, many would recognize the grace of God and the love He has for each and every one of us. Pray for a peace that passes all understanding to come upon those that are distraught by life's circumstances and that God would grant wisdom and direction, as He reveals to them, the plan, purpose and destiny for which they were created. For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord.... for a hope and a future. And He works all things together for good, for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. - PNC The events of this world, continue to cause a flood of emotions. Frustration, heartache, anxiety, grief, anger. Clearly we have a problem of evil; that can only be acknowledged as such, if we take in account that everything has an opposite position, which is good. Which "everyone" seems to acknowledge as being, in their daily lives. So how in a world full of "good" people, can we be witnessing so much evil? Simple. Goodness is not enough. Evil resides in the hearts of all of us, until is it replaced by the person of Jesus Christ. At which time; the war of internal conflict begins. To live as Christ in us or to give to our selfish desires. Nothing else is working. Other religions; more laws; different politicians; increased taxes; raised awareness; new regulations... all of these problems and none of the fixes actually fix (at least not long term). So, on this #communitySaturday, what do we say? How are we to respond? I have but one question, as I shake my head in disbelief to what we are experiencing in this world. When will the world see... We NEED JESUS!!! I leave you with the lyrics from this great song, performed by one of my favorite bands... and in a slightly different change of pace, as you pray today, pray these lyrics; that through the churches conversations with community, people would come to know Christ and understand, He is all there is. WE NEED JESUS! - PNC When will the world // See that we need Jesus? If we open our eyes // We will all realize // That He loves us When will the world // See that we need Jesus? When our hearts are as one // And believe that He's the Son of our God [Chorus] The Lord is our God // And we shall never want The Lord is our God // And we shall live forever When we share the love of Jesus // See each other as He sees us Then His love will see us through // His love will see us through When will the world // See that we need Jesus? When sister and brother // Love one another as one When will the world // See that we need Jesus? Will we ever understand // Jesus is the Son of man? We must live in the shadow of His love When will the world // See that we need Jesus? If we open our eyes // We will all realize That He loves us // When will the world See that we need Jesus? // When our hearts are as one And believe that He's the Son of our God ![]() As I’ve reflected the past few days of what we are experiencing as a nation, one thing is clear. The problem is complex. The solution is simple. And as you can read about in my personal blog; the conversation will be unbelievably difficult. (SO NOT READY) Rightful and reasonably so, as our experience is diverse. Our upbringings are broad. Our knowledge is vast. And if we allow a moment of honesty in our lives, the confessions will be humbling. Many will try to identify the root cause of the problems and challenges we face. As a society. As a nation. As a church. As a community. However, as it goes with roots, there is never one. It is a system. Of varying lengths. Of different thicknesses. Tangled and twisted, sorting through it all will take time. And grabbing roots will be like grasping at straws. We are all law-breakers. For all the the labels and identifiers we are known by based on our behaviors and decisions, they all stem from the source… the sole root, that once removed spells the beginning of the end for the offshoots. As the church engages the community, pray the truth of the matter be revealed in the heart of every life. SIN. It lives in the heart of all of us. Some labels assigned to behaviors, tendencies and lifestyles sound worse and more damaging than others, but at any given moment, one decision could secure us severe consequences. I could admit many faults. I could confess to many identifiers and labels, for I am no better than the worst offender. So the only confession and admittance that overcomes the root of SIN is simple. Yet tragedy will continue as society continues to deny the power that lies in one simple statement. “Hello. My name is Peter. I am a Sinner. I am in need of a Savior.” Any other confession, however noble and admirable it may be, whether made to one individual in a private conversation or proclaimed in a status update on social media, is secondary to the acknowledgement of our need to be in right relationship with God, through the person of Jesus Christ. Any other solution is nothing more than applying a bandage to a patient in need of open-heart surgery. Which is essential what that confession does… allows Jesus Christ to remove the root of Sin. It doesn’t fix us, as there are still other auxiliary roots left behind, but with the source removed, it allows Christ to work in our lives, such as the visible issues to which society looks at and says, we should do something about this. Yes. Yes we should. Humble ourselves in the sight of God and pray. On this #communitySaturday, may there finally be a turning point in our world, where the blinders fall off, and in looking for the root of the problem, many will find the TRUE source that needs to be dealt with. Pray that in finding the heart of the matter within the life of every individual, may they acknowledge that faith in God alone through the person of Jesus Christ is the beginning and the end of the only confession that needs to be declared. – PNC ![]() I had the tale end of a statement made by the Chief of Staff of my favorite political TV drama, that kept playing in my mind, practically all day yesterday. I don't know why I couldn't let it go or think about other things... it just kept coming back around; like making mental laps. The CoS is trying to get the President to support a major project, which in this episode has completed 9 of 10 required criteria. Of course the 10th is the most crucial, so if it doesn't meet than, there's a point to made that essentially and simply asks "what's the point of the project, then?" However, the CoS is convinced it works, and when the President asks him what he bases that on, the CoS simply replies... "Confidence. And the understanding that there has been a time in the evolution of everything that works when it didn't work." This got me thinking about Christianity and the faith we place in God. It is a dichotomy of elements that are both simple and complex. There are spiritual principles, that when integrated into one's life, do work, regardless of the individual; but Christianity is not something to be looked at as the latest fitness challenge, rehab program or financial freedom seminar. Faith in God is not something that works for me and not you, but something that each of us are to work out with fear and trembling. That tells me, that to some degree, everyone's faith will look different compared to the person standing next to them. You've had different experiences than me. You've had different upbringing than me. You've had different parents with each of the above for themselves, than me. You've had siblings, who have spoken into your life, with each of the first two items for themselves, than me. You've had different pastors, teachers and influences than me. You've read different books, different blogs, different music... You've had different friends... Christianity, while having elements that apply to us all, is not a one size fits all deal. The only common denominator, as a base-line for faith in God, is the hole in our heart that can only be filled with the person of Jesus Christ. Until we are made whole by Him residing in that place, nothing else we fill that space with work. Other religions, other beliefs... they look at what man "must do" to enter heaven. As if spiritual exercises will make us fit for the afterlife. Christianity is the work God has done for us; starting with Christ's redemption for our lives through His sacrifice on the Cross. God does a work in the hearts and lives of humanity. We have an active part in the process, for sure... but the work does not rely solely on us. It does however, work better when we rely solely on God; not on ourselves or other things. It is difficult to maintain such perspective and at times difficult to explain; but in this driven society of work and challenge and "You have to do this" comparison and "I have to do this" motivation; only one thing matters for eternity. Christianity is not something everyone should check out to see if it's right for their lives. Christianity is the offering by God having made the opportunity for humanity to come into right relationship Him through Jesus Christ because of the plan that He worked out long before we've arrived. Pray this #communitySaturday, that God help us as we interact with unbelievers. In discussing faith and spiritual matters, may the eye-scales be removed and that many would recognize their need for Christ. May they understand it's not about we do to earn His love; that it is already available to us. Pray that we would stop looking for other things to take the place in our lives that can only be filled by God; that we would come to rely, all the more, upon God to do His work in our lives. May we stop the flawed thinking that we are the end all-be all of humanity; that we were fearfully and wonderfully made by God, for His glory and His purpose. Pray for revelation; that in a society driven to acceptance, that people would come to accept Christ, first and foremost. Accept His plan for your life. For it is not flawed, unlike the offerings of man. It is a gift, paid in full by the person of Jesus Christ. For the glory of God. - PNC This mix tape of DeGarmo & Key that I mentioned playing in my car the other day (which is still in the deck) continues to play in my head, even when I'm not in the car! For whatever reason, the song Teenage Suicide kept looping, as if the track on CD was on repeat. I know most of you have all switched to digital, but there's something about holding the case and cover in your hand while listening to great music!
As I considered today being our weekly focus on community and in light of Vacation Bible School starting on Monday, I thought how important we remember that we often how no idea what people are going through; what challenges they face; their story and why they are where you've seen them. God, of course, has interesting ways of confirming directions in the spirit realm. Last night, as I sat on my couch watching Christian Rock concerts on YouTube and switching between Facebook & Craigslist on my phone, I read the story of a man... I don't know even know where to begin. He and his wife had lost a child at some point in their marriage. On a getaway for their 30th anniversary, they got a hotel room where they were going to meet, I think after work. She got their before him and could no longer cope with the loss of their child. He found her... OD'd on pills. He had gone down hill fast, ended up losing his job. He knows who he is and where is at in life and is okay, but he has disconnected from his kids, as if he has some 'penance' to pay (his words). He lives in obscurity. But there could be so much more to his, despite this tragedy. Meanwhile, also from last night's browsing, someone posted a similar message on the page of a popular pastor... feeling drained and considering a way out; yet she recognizes the whisper of God in her life, so she is mustering everything within her to stand one more day, by the help and grace of God. I'll be the first to admit, I don't understand all that transpires when someone goes through this process. I understand we all have those days of frustration and you wonder for a moment, is it worth it all. It can be a difficult question to answer, for any number of reasons. On any given day, it can nearly be impossible to answer. There is much to live for, however. And only One, Eternal, who is worth living for. As I close out this post; read the lyrics of this song... I don't want to hurt nobody // it's just that I know I've had enough there's to much pain and hatred // I think I'd rather be dead than to live without mercy, hope or love so don't come any closer, i really mean it // yes I know you think I've lost my mind my gun's here and I'll use it // and this time I'm gonna really lose it listed as a teenage suicide I can see you out there all around me // but it's too late to talk it out this time I don't want to shoot you // I'll do what i have to do listed as a teenage suicide I don't think I can take it // I give you my heart to break it listed as a teenage suicide it could've been me // out there in the moonlight screaming it could've been me // in a search for everlasting meaning but i found all the pieces // deep within the arms of Jesus it could've been me // out there in the night oh till Jesus changed my life // ooh changed my life So pray with me, this #communitySaturday, for those struggling to get through the day. Perhaps is shear frustrating and disappointment; perhaps they are on the verge of trying to figure a way out and are in desperate need. As you interact with those in your circle, as VBS events take place and the church comes in contact with kids and young people navigating through unbelievable difficult, pray the Holy Spirit would bring comfort and peace to these circumstances; and words of revelation that would point them to the person of Jesus Christ. May their identity be found in Him. May their hope and trust be placed in Him. May they sense and know that Christ died for them so that they may have life; His life resident in their heart. Pray this would be a day for the miraculous... and that even with a community focus, pastors too, are not are not immune to facing this subject in their personal lives. May lives be changed As the pieces are found Deep within the arms of Jesus. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019