![]() We are truly living in interesting times. We live more "wired" lives, yet without wires. We live more "connected" to the world and those around us, both locally and globally, and yet it so many ways, we suffer from multiple disconnects. We attempt to relate and understand, and yet in times of such diverse experiences, that can be difficult. Expressing our true understanding convincingly, may fall short of our desired effect. Then there are moments, when you're wife is headed to work a double shift and jokingly asks if you would take her place. No, honey... I already worked two 13 hour days this week (plus 3 other 11's). As the church engages community, this is one of the beautiful aspects of the Gospel. While we may or may not be able to relate to the exact experience being shared by the one standing in front of us, we can reflect the character of Christ, who has experienced the emotion of all humanity. All to often, one's compassion isn't understand because we can't directly relate to the experience itself. Yet consider this... is it really the experience we wished somebody understood? Or is it the emotion and the reaction that the experience brings out of us that we wished someone could relate? In fact, most everything Christ experienced was the extreme of humanity; for He carried the sins of the world on His shoulders. Betrayal, denial, abandoned by friends, dismissed by His own community; even God the Father had to turn His head away from the Cross. And yet so many feel and believe that not only, can't Christians relate, but neither can Christ. And how wrong they are. For Christians were themselves, dead in sin before their confession of Christ. And Christ took on sin that man may be restored with God for all eternity. Thus, on this #communitySaturday, pray that we would be people who would greater reflect and portray Christ to a world desperately seeking for relationship and connection. May they come to a place of understanding, that connection with God is made available through the suffering of Christ who experienced first-hand, the trials of the human life. Pray today would be a day the eye-scales are removed and hearts illuminated as the mind hears the revelation truth of the love of Jesus Christ. And as we've discussed this week, may we come to place of greater trust, that God is using all of our trials and troubles to bring about good in our lives, for His glory. For God is not one of waste. Everything has a plan and a purpose And in His timing, Is all made beautiful For His glory. For the advancement of the Gospel. - PNC
![]() It's the Saturday between Good Friday and Easter Sunday. As you've traveled the roads and heard the radio, today is all about egg hunting. Like the kids need more candy. Does anybody still have leftovers from their Halloween stash? 10,000 eggs at our church's event today!! Obviously, we all know it's not about searching for eggs, but today is an incredible opportunity to converse with those still searching for Christ... whether they know it's Christ that they need or they have a sense that a spiritual component is missing from giving life meaning purpose. We are all on a journey, in understanding the brokenness of the human condition in light of Jesus Christ. Some of us with burdens we can not fathom carrying through this life. But when one understands the burden Christ carried... For the past few days, I've been listening Joe Satriani's latest album, Unstoppable Momentum. If you aren't familiar with the brilliance of Joe's mad guitar skills, you are yourself a few moments on YouTube. The second to last song on the album, is titled The Weight Of The World. As I had my stereo cranked up yesterday, I couldn't help but wonder in amazement. We carry physical loads with our bodies. We carry heavy loads with trucks and trailers. The weight of the world is astounding, before everything that man creates and builds. Life and all of it's stuff gets heavy. The physical, the emotional, the spiritual. God holds the world in His hands. And Christ carried the sins of the world to the Cross. Is there a more appropriate weekend, to engage community and share the truth and power of the Gospel, that whatever burden and weight we carry, whether within our ability to manage or under a load meant for our destruction and detriment, we can bring it all to the cross of Christ, in exchange for the life made available to us through his death and resurrection. So, pray, this #communitySaturday, that among all the fanfare, laughter and joy that will be experienced by kids and adults alike, may it pail in comparison to the revelation of the truth of Christ's life and the purpose for His time on this earth. May the great exchange occur; our sin for His saving grace. Pray the burdens of many would be cast at His feet; that through Christ many would rise again as He did. May today be a day of transformation, as the opportunity is presented for the community to come and hear eternal truth, through the whimsical fun that is a search for eggs. For the searching of Christ is greater The reward ever-lasting. For He came that we might have life abundant Through the carrying of the sinful, weight of the world. What a wondrous gift He gave and made available to us To those that would believe and call on His name. - PNC ![]() I think, perhaps, I caught the same another sermon yesterday from the same parish that I happened to catch on Thursday that was preaching on evangelism. He was preaching on the church and the disconnect between one who hates his brother and the kingdom of God. (And of course, now I can't remember the verse he was preaching from). However, he expounded on how people within the church treat each other. As I continued to reflect on this yesterday and this morning, I was thinking about the interchange between our being the light of the world and the church's treatment of other believers. Indeed, it can be a difficult balance at times, but then again, it probably shouldn't be that way. I understand life happens. We all have struggles and difficult places and for sure, there are personality differences and things we don't understand about those around us. Just ask about the relationship between a parent and child or management and staff. We often talk about how people behave one way in church, as if they have their act together and then display anything other than Christianity for the remainder of the week. Sadly, though I don't know how often this happens, something on the opposite side can take place too. We can display niceties, compassion and love to those around us, but then dismiss fellow believers through our attitudes and conversations. Thus, it raises another flag of inconsistency to the world. Why would I want to be part of a church that doesn't display Christ to the world except Sunday? Why would I want to be part of a church that doesn't display Christ to each other except Sunday? We learn from family. How the family operates is how one operates when they enter the world. So if the basic element is unhealthy or dysfunctional, so will the larger environment when that element enters the picture. The examples are too numerous to miss this truth. You can't love your neighbor while hating your brother. Whether a relative by human blood or related by the blood of Jesus Christ, we need to be the light to everyone in the room. Pray, this #communitySaturday, may we reflect Christ to a world that needs to know Him, to a world who needs to become more like Him. In times of confusion and conflict, may the people of God be a voice of reason and clarity; that God would help us to live as people of righteous and truth. Not that we are perfect or have it all together, but that we are daily being transformed into the image of Christ as God works in our hearts and lives. May we do better to love our brothers and sisters in Christ; that we may edify and encourage the church as they endure their struggles and battles. May we do better to be a light to those in our lives living in darkness; who've yet to hear the illuminating power of what Jesus Christ accomplished that eternal life may be available to all who hear it. May our lives speak it; before a word is spoken. A light to the world. Both inside the four walls of the church And outside to those who've never been a part of the family of God. Healthy and functional; Giving to others what we have experienced for ourselves. For the glory of God. And the advancement of the Gospel of Christ. - PNC Quite some time, a made a decision to leave my radio off while at work (having a job where I could have the radio blasting all day and nobody would care) And by quite sometime, I think it might be like a year and half... which for a music lover, is a long time.
About a week or two ago, while talking with my friend, we were discussing life and he suggested, I needed to get out of my head. Perhaps, I should consider turning the radio back on. K-Love or Smile.FM. Something Christian and positive to get some encouragement and spiritual uplifting rather than my mind running 100mph in 10 different directions. Though nobody plays the great Classic Christian Rock I'm used to having, I did get hooked on a couple of "new" bands and one station played the latest from Michael W. Smith! However, in my channel surfing yesterday, a secular station played Land of Confusion, by Genesis. I like Phil Collins' music, if for no other reason there is something definitely 80's about his music. Perhaps it's all his appearances on the classic television series, Miami Vice. But catch the chorus on this... There's too many men // Too many people Making too many problems // And not much love to go round Can't you see // This is a land of confusion. This is the world we live in // And these are the hands we're given Use them and let's start trying // To make it a place worth living in. This is the time // This is the place So we look for the future // But there's not much love to go round Tell me why, this is a land of confusion. Now this is the world we live in // And these are the hands we're given Use them and let's start trying // To make it a place worth fighting for. This is the world we live in // And these are the names we're given Stand up and let's start showing // Just where our lives are going to. How incredibly profound. Not much has changed from 1986, has it? Still too many people making too many problems. Still not enough love to go around. Indeed, this world is more confusing and confused now than it was 30 years ago! (I feel old just being able to say that) This is our reality. And yet in many ways, we've failed to show up and show where are lives are going. As we engage the community, may this be the heart of the church. We have these hands and the earth is His and all the people in it. They are worth fighting for, for eternity hangs in the balance. We go to all kinds of specialists, in every arena and area of life and circumstance to make things right, yet, as the DJ stated yesterday, where do people turn to heal a broken soul? That is the part of life that matters, Phil, just where our lives are going to. So join with me and pray, this #communitySaturday. May the people of God stand up and show, our lives in light of eternity and the sovereign plan of God that none should perish, but all come to repentance. May we impact the world we live in with the love of God and the Gospel of Christ. May our names reflect the work of Christ in our lives, as he has healed our soul's broken condition. May the church be among those who do not create problems, but offer solutions; indeed the only solution that matters. For Christ is the answer to the question posed at the beginning of time. What if all creation goes awry? Christ is not plan B. In this land of confusion, He is... all there is. Thanks be unto God. - PNC ![]() I have a confession to make. I'm not perfect. :-) I know, right? Stop the press. News at 11. Should I account for the long pause before you start reading again? The truth is none of us are. We don't do everything perfectly. We certainly don't say everything perfectly. The things I do often disappoint and when I hear about it, I usually end up having to change. Likewise, I am often frustrated by others, and upon my speaking up about it, I usually end up having to deal with it. And for all the interactions and split second moments with which we encounter people and perhaps never see them again, first impressions... even if we aren't aware that we are making one. Case in point... while traveling yesterday, I was given the universal sign language that expresses one's response of frustration... by the passenger, no less! While both perspectives could be discussed and debated, after they zoomed past me, I thought... "Is that really what you want to be known for?" You don't know me, I don't know you and the only interaction that is going to stand is a non-verbal response of a lone finger. It's kind of sad to consider, is it not? So, it poses the question. As we engage community, are we known for our non-verbal language or a spirit of love? I can tell you, as a writer, who both speaks and types with a touch of sarcasm, the struggle is real. And so is the impact of choosing our emotions over the Spirit by which we say we live. Thus, pray this #communitySaturday, that the people of God would be known as Christ said we would be... our love. May we not be known for our lack of it, but for the abundance that overflows from our hearts. While the church is perfect, may the people of God have an awareness in our lives; that any moment, no matter how long or short the interaction, can and does make an impact in the lives of others. Pray such moments would reflect Christ first, rather than the flaws of our humanity. May our first thought be love. Casting our rights and opinions aside In honor of Christ at work in us. For the glory of God. - PNC For a while now, there has been an effort, perhaps in a simple act of making everyone feel valued, the concept that everyone has a story to tell.
Each of us has a life; of experiences and events, of trials and tragedy, joy and suffering and the opportunity for us to learn and share together is great. Yet in increasingly difficult times, of political correctness gone severely wrong, of commentary and mixed emotions as conversations mixed opinion and fact and neither side being able to accurately discern which is what... the sharing of one's faith and the truth of Christ can feel at times like the last thing one wants engage themselves. We all look at each other as though the one in front of us has blinders on; deceived by their experience and faith or lack of either (perhaps even both!) Yet, on this #communitySaturday, consider the words of Titus. who offers the history of Christianity in it's previous life... From chapter 3, verse 7: "For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful and hating one another." He goes on to talk how we were changed, after the "kindness and love of God our Savior toward man appeared... according to His mercy He saved us". This alone also describes just how much work the Holy Spirit has to work in our own lives as we work our faith, "in a 21st context" as the phrase is often heard around my church. However, it also describes the perspective we as Christians should keep in the forefront of our mind, as we converse with those around us who have yet come to faith in God through Jesus Christ. It's so easy to get caught up in our live and "our story" that we forget, that once we have accepted Christ, the narrative changes to His story... what He has accomplished in our lives and how He has and will use what we were before Christ to bring glory to God and use it for to further His eternal and perfect plans and purposes. How amazing is His grace, indeed. Pray, this #communitySaturday, that those who believe in God "might be careful to maintain good works" (Titus 3:8). May we remember the work Christ has done in our lives and recognize as we engage, the love God has for those around us. God grant us wisdom, that we would not live as we once did, nor would we be remembered for how we once lived. May the story we share with a world who desperately needs Christ, be His story of the change He has made in our hearts and minds. Pray discernment in navigating difficult conversations; that we would engage in ways that are good and profitable for the kingdom, rather than unprofitable and vain, as Titus describes. May the plans of the Deceiver be foiled; that eyes and minds would be opened to hear and hearts prepared to receive the Word, as we speak Truth and reflect Christ, rather than project self. His Story made alive, Because we placed our story second. That Christ would be lifted up As we submit ourselves to Him Anew and afresh, For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() Well... whatever happened to what I felt God gave me for this post yesterday, eventually disappeared. I had it; then I lost it... and couldn't remember. So; I'm left developing an idea that I had the other day (which rarely happens; that I have an idea for two different days worth of posts at the same time) The other day, I considered the possibility of the church was established from the beginning, as a different concept; a different format. Like AA. SA. Sinners: Admitted. When you think about it, it's really not that far of a stretch. The church is community. And it's fairly simply. Observe. "Hello. My name is Peter. I am a sinner." Culture often questions the church; and doubts it even more. It's easy to understand how it happens. People in the church aren't any closer to being, doing, or living perfect than anyone outside the church. Christians are all in different places in their journey with God and non-Christians have and project many expectations of how the church should live; often not missing an opportunity to comment when the people of God miss the mark or end up on the unpopular side of the conversation. So, as the church engages and related with community, may be we reminded we are all working from the same baseline: Sinner. The only difference, is whether we come to a place of recognition; that we have a spiritual problem that requires the help of a higher power, Almighty God and that a transformation change needs to occur, through salvation in Jesus Christ. I love what comedian Jeff Allen says (and it's it worth repeating) "The truth is, Christianity is the only religion that would have me." Admission of a problem is never easy. Whether it is a habit problem, a discipline problem, an attitude problem or a relational issue, confession is difficult. Yet, if anything worth having is worth working for; then confession is desperately needed; even in the face of brutal honesty. For as we discussed yesterday; A good parent loves too much to leave a child in an unhealthy state. On this weekend #communitySaturday, will you join me in praying that the people of God would be people of confession. May the lines of communication be open; that Christians are not perfect and our need for a Savior is just as necessary as those we converse with who've yet to come to Christ. Though life is hard and situations and circumstance abound with challenge and difficulty, may the people of God continue to reflect Christ and testify to the grace, goodness and glory of God. When we don't know what to say, what to do or where to turn, may our reaction and response be one that trusts God and calls on His name. Admitted sinners. Saved by grace. Through the power of confession. Loved by God. Made new in Christ. Empowered by the Holy Spirit. To be the people and children of God. To a world desperately in need of saving. - PNC ![]() I've quoted this line from comedian Brad Stine before, yet once again it stood out... in particular, the second portion of the statement. "The truth offends. That's it's job. It's how you know you don't have it." The second half of the statement, relates perfectly this #communitySaturday. Brad continues this monologue, in that, as Christian, we must not "maliciously offend." The truth always disrupts. It will be uncomfortable. It will be unsettling. The conversation will be difficult. Speaking the truth usually is. There's really nothing that can be done about what the truth is. The only thing we have control over regarding it, is whether we speak it and how we react when we hear. Thus, there's not much one can do when it offends. The only way it doesn't offend is if it is not spoken (which usually makes matters worse, the longer time passes before it is spoken) Thus, as Christians, what we must be carefully with, is over-stepping the innate power of offense with the insertion of malice. Do Christians have their moments? Sure... as does everybody. But the truth is to be spoken in love. Not in malice. In fact, is this where it splits? Is it possible to maliciously offend and still speak the truth? Certainly you can't be loving and malicious at the same time. For the time and culture in which we live, the church and people of God, truly need and must seek the favor and grace of God. Political tensions, social expectations, psychological understandings, emotional baggage... all attempts to stand in the way of the super-natural power of the truth, that if not accompanied by the love of Christ and the revelation of God's Word will accomplish little. How we need's help, this hour, this day and throughout this year. Pray, this #communitySaturday, that God would help us... in this increasingly difficult climate, to speak the truth in love. Pray a boldness to speak the truth, for it seems the alternative to not offending someone is to simply remain quiet. May God grant to us understanding understanding, to cut through the obstacles that stand in the way of the revelation of God. Pray malice, anger, spite and vindictive spirits would not be found among the people of God. In a time where the assertion of rights are at the forefront, may we be people who would submit ourselves anew to Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit at work in our lives. That we would glorify God. That we would reflect Christ. That truth would reside with us. God help us be effective communicators Locally to the communities in which we live Globally to the world in which we share life. For the advancement of the cause of Christ. Peace be with you all. - PNC ![]() I'm just letting you know up front... this one might hit hard. I don't recall when, aside from the past 2 weeks, people's faith has been more called into question over the events and reactions that have arisen nationally and globally. As we continue to move deeper into a post-modern mentality and maintain a perspective that places the global impact at the forefront, living a life of faith becoming increasingly confrontational. While many would argue it's Christianity doing the confronting, I would dare to say it's a society that has moved farther away from the things of God, demanding Christianity move with them. Eventually placed in positions of compromise... eventually placed in positions where they must reconcile their faith with their environment; whether the truth of God's Word influences and directs life more than political and social pressures. Thus, in a moment of reflection yesterday, I felt God pose this question. So taken aback, I replied... "Really? That's what I'm to share?" Faith begins with the decision of an individual; which is why it's asked in Mark (and Matthew and Luke, for that matter), what does it a profit a man to gain the whole world, yet lose his own soul? Conversely (and here's the bat)... What does one gain to minister globally, yet not minister locally? ..... (letting that sink in) ..... (a little more?) .... And we've seen the social media posts. "If you don't care about this refugee, remove the pro-life sticker from your SUV" "Jesus was a refugee" (referring to their fleeing to Egypt after the decree calling for the murder of kids) Then, this morning... (and of course, I can't find it to quote it, but it makes my point...) "If you can't take care of the homeless children in your country...." The dichotomy is challenging. Jesus commands us to "go", yet He also teaches on stewardship. That to whom much is given, much is required. If we are not faithful in the little things, how can we be trusted with with true riches? Does not this also apply to how we handle and care for our relationships? Good job, reaching out to the one across the street. You walked right over the one who sat at your doorstep. One who is weak, does not call to another weak to help them... they look to one who is strong. The sick look to one who is healthy. The poor do not go the poor to help break the cycle of poverty. If our faith in Christ is not strong and if we are not faithful where we are, how can God trust us to be faithful elsewhere? All that to say, if we are to impact the nations for the cause of Jesus Christ, perhaps we should do so from a place of effectively having impacted our neighborhood with the Gospel of Christ. God help us, this #communitySaturday, to find the balance in reaching out to our neighbors and the nations. May we see and act on the needs around us, whether they be a literal cup of cold water, or a great endeavor. Pray we would be faithful to be used where we are planted; while also not afraid to "go" when God so directs. Pray a grace over our conversations, as the church works to find a balance between faith and good works. While Christians aren't perfect, pray for a continual seeking of the face of God; that we love Him with all that is within us; and love our neighbors. Whether across the street or across the waters; pray a boldness to step out and be ministers of the Gospel and of grace. To impact our world-at-home To impact the world-at-large May the truth of God's World be revealed As our light so shines before men. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() While working on a couple of things online Thursday night, while browsing a few social media newsfeeds, I come across a notification from a networking site for business, informing me of my brothers status update, which was of a job promotion! Not surprised, but unexpected, I thought I had missed something. So I texted him. I knew changes were in the works, for the past 6 or 8 months, with his responsibilities and everything, but our conversations had been about the job, so when I saw the title... At any rate, he replies with the title being official since January 1; he was just finally getting around to updating his professional online profile. Offering my congratulations, he replies with what I thought I remembered being the game plan... "it's the same thing I've been doing for 6 months or so, but now it's official." Fast forward a few hours to Friday morning. I'm thinking about the post I had written before running off to work. In particular, thinking about the balance between Christians verbally giving witness to the work of Christ in their life and that of allowing the change in our heart speak to how we live differently from the world. It wasn't but a second or two that the connection was made. As the church engages community this last Saturday of January, how many have been turned off to the Gospel because they were quick to verbalize their faith, but then consistently live life contradictory to what people perceive as Christian? Keep in mind, I'm not perfect, nor do I act it... sadly, I have my days where someone might question my profession of faith. So, I'm not saying one should be the perfect Christian before sharing their testimony... for surely, I am not. But consider these two scenarios. I've listened to you tell me that you are a Christian for the past year (or much longer), and I yet you still... (whatever seems a clear conflict of behavior and one's faith). I'm not gonna call one thing out, but you've seen something in someone and had this question. How did the conversation go? Did they justify their behavior? Conversely... I've noticed a change in your life over the past few months and I can tell their is clearly something different in how you live your life. We haven't talked about it, but I see it. This is the difference between the one who holds the title and people wonder why they have it versus people that do the work and aren't surprised when the title comes. Thus, as we impact and converse with those around us, let us not be known Christian in name only. But strive to live a life that glorifies God; that by the outflow of our heart, they will know those who are His. The title is simply a word and a word is worthless if not built on a strong foundation. For in any arena or event of life, one gets the title because of their performance, not in hopes of it. Fortunately God doesn't work like this, when we accept His gift of salvation... there is an element of grace in it all, yet at the same time, the expectation is present... did we fulfill the duties of the position we've held. Pray this #communitySaturday that God would help us live this life He has called us; for surely we are not perfect; yet we are called to reflect Christ to a lost and dying world. May their be a consistency about our lives. Pray our words and our deeds would both point to Christ in all that we say and do. Pray God help us in our conversations, for indeed I've struggled to express the balance of a living and active faith just in this post... how much more with those unfamiliar with Christianity or Biblical principles. Yet everyone has an expectation of how a Christian should live. Saved by grace. Sanctified by the Word Justified by faith in Christ alone. Imperfect people reflecting a perfect Savior. Christianity is indeed a process, a balancing act and an irony. The Sovereignty of God... to use the foolish things to confound the wise Through His infinite wisdom, unending grace and abundant love. For His glory and the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() It truly is incredible to watch and witness how communities operate. Businesses come and go, as well as other organizations and the people who found them, build them and move on to other endeavors. Reputations are established and destroyed based on doing great things right and wrong things that result in great setbacks. Then come the times of transition, as we've prayed over on previous occasions. In Washington, there will now be a period of wait and see, until the first reports come out that things are well or don't worry, they haven't improved. Similarly, the same things happen in towns everywhere, when new ownership and management come in with the intent to revitalize a store or a restaurant that for whatever reason was in jeopardy. Change in reputations and repute take time... although it can be expedited. Although, come to think of it, thanks to social media, the change from to good to bad is often expedited even more quickly now, rather than turning the negative around for the good. Churches are no exception. They have reputations just like any other organization. Some known for incredibly positive impacts, others for, well just about anything. And a change in the pastorate and leadership for a church that was struggling and in trouble can bring churches back to places of influence and impact for the kingdom of God. Yet, it starts, like anything else, with the people. How we share are thoughts, opinions and interactions we people influences if they check out the newest coffee shop or clothing boutique in town. Just as much, how Christians discuss their church, pastors and matters of faith influences whether people check out a church or never to come close to a campus ever again. So, would you join me once again, whether for the first time or the six hundred and first, on this #communitySaturday. Pray for churches and congregations whose reputations in the community are less than positive. May God work in the hearts and lives of pastors and parishioners, for the impact a church makes on its community starts with the community of believers, not the community in need of God. Pray God would grant wisdom and direction as to the what, when, where and how changes, if any need to be made. For relationships and connections that need to be made with area leaders and influencers, may God grant favor in their conversations and exchanges. Pray God's strength for tough decisions, for even as we've witnessed this past week, not everyone will agree with the change in direction. May the truth of God prevail; though difficult to hear, it works best in the long run. May the eye-scales of deception be removed and the light of the Son of God reach into the depths of the souls of humanity. That all may see and know The goodness and greatness of God. To experience firsthand the love of Christ. Not because of the greatness of a church, But the grace of God on a people who seeks to reach the lost With the Gospel of Christ at any cost. - PNC ![]() While driving in the state immediately southwest of the one in which I reside, I saw a billboard for a restaurant that caused me to consider this post. It simply said: Famous for food (BBQ, perhaps?) Famous for friends Famous for smiles Sadly, all too often, the church is infamously known for something rather than famously known. But isn't it amazing and at the same time, not surprising, the church of Jesus Christ would be known by a character trait that is not innate to humanity, but the very basis for God's every word and deed. LOVE. Every single perspective on human development and improvement, God is already there. To live intentionally. To speak clearly. To engage authentically. To listen attentively. To share compassionately The list could go in... And yet, because God is love, there is no other way for Him continue. Love compels intentionality, demands clarity, seeks authenticity, respects attentiveness and serves compassion. Everything the church does, what we are known for doing and saying, should point point back to the person of Christ. For if it doesn't, then we are not known by and for who God is, but what He is not... for He is not the flawed and feeble attempts of greatness by a sinful-natured humanity. Thus, as the church engages community, the words couldn't be any more true than when they were inspired by the Holy Spirit. "If we have not LOVE, we are nothing." Thanks, for taking a few moments out of this #communitySaturday, to join me in prayer; that the church of Jesus Christ as it engages and impacts the community around them, would be known as people who love. May they know our love for God and His love on display to them, through our lives. Pray our failures and mistakes would not distract or detour others from experiencing God; but prove all the more that life is meaningless and purposeless without God. May we not seek to be known for ourselves, but to be known for the love of God; to be His hands and feet extended. For it is not our goodness, But His greatness. That we would be driven to love, By His love. All is complete, in Christ alone. For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() I had an epicly surreal moment yesterday afternoon... the second one of it's kind in the past 12 months. If any phrase, single-handedly describes both of these events, it was the reaction I siply couldn't get past. How did you NOT see me? Oddly enough, I didn't have any clear direction on this post, until after this moment. As we the church engage community today, I imagine one day as we stand before God. I don't know this phrase sounds when delivered with the love and compassion of Christ compared to the flawed sarcasm of yours truly, but I envision a heart-broken Jesus asking soul after soul... How Did You Not See Me?? Since the beginning of time, man & woman alike have written and shared insight and perspective, witnessing the power and awe of God displayed on earth. The miraculous has occurred as lives have been changed through people's words of love and actions of compassion have been expressed and delivered in the name and spirit of Christ. Countless people have told eye-witness accounts of situations and circumstances that can only be explained by angelic intervention. Timing of provision or protection that can only be explained by the Hand of God moving heaven and earth. There's so much going on... I'm actually struggling for the words to accurately describe it all. Plus, I don't think you'll read it all, even if I could. We are relational beings. Meant to be connected with each other. More importantly, we were meant to be connected with God. Throug the love and blood of Jesus Christ, stepping down from Heaven, onto Earth... How could a moment like that be missed? Yet, even when it happened... it was missed. I imagine Christ shaking His head in disbelief. Will you join me in prayer, that this #communitySaturday, that this would be a day that Christ illuminates hearts and minds. May the compssion of Christ draw people to seek the face of God. For the difficult and troubling places in which people find themselves, may the people of God continue to express through word and deed, the love of Jesus Christ... that in all things God would be glorified. Pray people see through the flaws of humanity, and witness the life of Christ flow from our hearts in which He resides, for those who have believed. That we would stand in Heaven one day And not hear a single soul utter the words of disbelief... "I didn't see you." - PNC ![]() Well, it's New Year's Eve! And if you are reading this, you've successfully made it through 2016 and everything moment of excitement, frustration, worry, joy and laughter that has accompanied the days. Pending the time that remains when this post comes across your radar, let me say this first. I command the blessing and favor of God over your lives and your family in 2017. Whatever 2016 has brought to you, I pray it has been a year of no, if not very few, regrets. If it has or you know those, for whom are leaving this year behind in frustration, may I offer some words of encouragement as the church engages community: Regrets will be few.... When you seek to give glory to God in all circumstances. When you take the time to express love of Christ to those around. When you seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. When you allow the Word of God to direct your steps When you place Christ at the center of your life. On this New's Year Eve, what better a time than to have the conversation that 2017 has the potential to be the best year ever... not because of the stuff, but because of people. Not because of our own agendas, hopes and dreams, but because of the miraculous change in one's life through Jesus Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit. Christianity does make one's life perfect here on earth, it does however change how we view our time and our purpose here on earth... for if it doesn't, then what is the point? Here's to praying 2017 a year of eternal change and eternal purpose; a year of great faith no matter what awaits. Pray this New Year's Eve, aka #communitySaturday, that in times of reflection, people would understand the true changes that may need to occur in their lives. Whether in matters of faith, perspective, purpose or habits, may God bring illumination and wisdom to hearts and minds; that we may live life to our full potential. May 2017 be a year of placing Christ at the center and seeking first the kingdom of God. Pray the mercies of God, that are new every morning, position us to glorify Him in all circumstances, both in word and deed. Rejoicing as we exit 2016. Grateful for His Hand of protection and provision Excited for the prospect of 2017 Lives changed for eternity Because of the body of Christ Presenting a genuine faith of God every new day; every new hour. - PNC ![]() Wow... Christmas Eve. Tomorrow we celebrate the ultimate gift ever given... by a being who so desired relationship with the creation who bears His image that He was willing to give that which was most precious to Him in order for the miraculous to occur. Somehow, even with all the good and generous acts that come to light during this holiday season, Christmas is still a consumer mindset, rather than a contributor mindset. Perhaps it's somewhat a good thing, that we don't boast in ourselves, but that said, nobody ever asks what was given for Christmas, but what was gotten. And in the busy-ness of all the activities, gatherings and events, it's easy to get flustered and frustrated by all the things we have to do and make arrangements for... the sacrifices we make and set-aside our own desires and agendas; sometimes just in the name of keeping the peace. Yet, as disconcerting as such a position may be when we are alone in our thoughts and the energy has died down, the gift of God in the form of Jesus Christ was just as much an exercise in peace-keeping. For the faults and frailties of the humanity, the error of our ways and the sins we'd committed, whether in the heart, mind or body disrupted and disconnected man and woman alike from the peace that comes from standing in right relationship with God. As it hard as it may be, pray this #communitySaturday, that the church and the body of Christ would follow the example set by God... that while it may not necessarily involve giving our most prized treasure, it may involve a sacrifice of our time, our talen or our resources. May we recognize that while it may be difficult and perhaps not our preference to do so, pray that God would indeed by glorified in the conversations and gatherings that take place this holiday weekend. Pray seeds would be planted, as Christ is displayed in our lives; that agendas, expectations and even the gifts themselves, neither distract, nor diminish the truth of Christmas. He is the Reason for the Season It's not about stuff, nor about us; But God's Love for humanity. That He gave the gift of life... The Only Name whereby man can be saved. Happy Birthday, Jesus. - PNC All too often, the church... just doesn't get it right. It seems wrong to say that, but I'm at a loss for words as to how to describe it. Our interactions with society and culture get misunderstood and misconstrued; we act in ways that people respond negatively (which seemingly isn't that hard to do anymore) or we walk cautiously, as to not to offend. Whether we are perceived wrong, regardless of whether we say, or act "wrong", the church is increasingly finding itself in interesting predicaments.
My advice... just be the church. Be yourself. Act natural. Breathe regular. The fake faith, the false faith... the insincere and disingenuous will be witnessed and dismissed. Conversely, the genuine, the real, the honest, will be recognized and appreciated. They will not know us by our words or deeds, or economic status or political bent; not by quality of life or family or relationships; not by prominence or promise... but by our love. Sadly, society has skewed and defined, even redefined love, albeit inaccurately. Amazingly enough, however, the love of Christ, one on one; in places of great difficulty is quite visible. Yet we struggle so much to reach the lost, we often forget to simply allow the handiwork of God flow through us, as we daily live out who we were. Sinners saved by grace. It doesn't make us perfect; just redeemed. It doesn't make us righteous; just on a journey whereby we more closely reflect the image of Christ. And as Christians more closely reflect Christ, so to, will the church as an organization reflect Christ. Interestingly enough, as I got ready to wrtie this post, I read the latest blog by Matt Walsh... ***permit me an extra couple of minutes and read the intro he writes when he posted this piece... (copied from his facebook update): The church is very focused on "welcoming" and "including" the secular, the worldly, the unrepentant, and all kinds of other people who aren't actually interested in Christianity. Of course, we SHOULD try to include these people, but the problem is that the church often tries to do it by watering down its doctrine and imitating the world. "They like our godless culture," many churches say to themselves, "so I suppose we should give them a godless form of pseudo-Christianity." I've written my columns and recorded many podcasts addressing this and explaining why it's incredibly misguided. But there's one aspect of it that I haven't focused on. That is this: while these churches try so hard (and so ineffectually) to "welcome" the un-Christian, they often succeed in alienating the actual Christians. In other words, many actual, real, believing, devout Christians go to church on Sunday and find a service that doesn't appear designed for them at all. It doesn't speak to them. It doesn't try to reach them or encourage them or revitalize and strengthen them. In fact, often it may do the opposite. In some churches, believing Christians are chastised, scolded, and labeled as bigots. This is a problem for many reasons, but here's the biggest one: believing Christians ARE the church. The minority of people in this culture who actually strive for righteousness and try with great sacrifice to live according to the doctrines of the faith are not merely "a part" of the church, but they are the church. The church should always feel at home in any church. This, to me, seems like the most obvious thing in the world, but apparently it must be explained. - MATT WALSH Join me, this #communitySaturday, that the church simply be honest and genuine. In their daily walk, in the sharing of their faith, in their desire to extend the hand of Christ to those in need... may the people of God be known by their love. Pray we would not compromise our convictions in favor of society's acceptance, nor afraid to speak the truth because it might offend. May God accomplish the miraculous in the lives of the lost, through the testimony of those who have come alive in Him. In Christ, By Christ, For Christ... In whome we live, move and have our being To impact this world for our Lord & Saviour. For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() I am truly, not a fan, of the phrase "it takes a village." But the impact a community makes on a family unit certainly can not be underestimated. Conversely, it is the power of families coming together that create a community. As 2016 comes to a close, we live in times where we are somehow, strangely enough, both the most connected we have ever been, while simultaneously, the most disconnected. We are more interested in the online conversation than we are face-to-face. Yet, we use Facetime, like it's the same thing. Not that it's bad, but it's still not the same. We speak on things we otherwhise wouldn't. We play a part that doesn't exist in reality. Technology has allowed us to present ourselves as other than who we are. Pandora's box of misunderstanding has been swung wide open, as if making it's grand entrance through the opening of French doors. "Good morning, World. I'm hear to wreak havoc in your relationships" - Misunderstanding Sadly, it's passing on to the next generation. The dysfunction in families is causing unhealthy approaches as to how people of all ages relate, once they step into the public square. It just goes to show how progess we've yet to go... almost as if technology has taken us backwards, seemingly contradictory to the believe that the evolutionary process of life always leads to improvements on a bigger, better, grander scale. For all of man's faults, we must understand that we can not fix everything, solve everything nor manage the aftermath and consequences of life and our decisions. We need the help and the grace of God to permeate our lives and souls anew and afresh. Pray with me, this #communitySaturday, for families... for all the forms and friendships that have interwoven into what one terms their family, may God help them and strength them to function and communicate in healthy dialogue and action. Pray for the body of Christ; the family of God... as the church has struggled to understand and impact community, and likewise, been greatly misunderstood by society... may God grant us grace in our failures and boldness in our conversations. May we be the salt and light He has called us. May we be the helping hand to those in need, the shoulder for those in mourning and the friend to those abondoned and neglected. Pray the church would positively impact their community for the cause of Christ; to effectively communicate the Gospel... For He desires all to be a part of His family, The village of Heaven, if you will. Relationship with God, Made available through Christ Jesus. Not because of us, but His love for us. - PNC ![]() It's the first weekend in December... which means it's time once again, or the 19th time for those keeping count, that my church has presented it's biggest production event of the year, to our community... a drive-through presentation of the Christmas story. Last night, probably close to 400 cars went through... annually, roughly 5000 people will be presented wiith the life and message of Christ. As people wait in line, with pizza, and are later greeted with hot cocoa and cookies (the line for this event started an hour before the gates opened) I can't help but keep considering the effect that is accomplished by those who genuinely go above and beyond to show kindness and generousity to those they dont' know. It's awesome to see people's responses. I experienced a similar phenomenon last month, at the event for pastors. I took the opportunity to hand out business cars with the www.pray4pastors.com address, to let pastors and church leaders know they were being prayed for on a daily basis. In kind, the response of many was one of pleasant surprise. People loved the idea, appreciated the gesture and smiled in kindness and thankful that someone would consider their well-being and take action in an effort to help. Of course, we are imperfect people with busy schedules, lots on our minds and to-do lists and struggles and frustrations along the way. Thus, even in church, we as a people struggle to show the love of Christ in tangible ways by stepping outside of ourselves and sharing kindness and generousity to those around us with a genuine and heart-felt "God blesss you." Yet, the incredible happens when we remain open to be used by God to make an impact on those around, even when it calls for sacrifice from us and from our lives. While difficult, it's worth it... even if we never see the reward this side of eternity. Pray, this #communitySaturday, that the church would always be ready and willing to be tangible extensions of love and grace of Christ. Pray we would not be so consumed in the busy-ness of life, that we would fail to consider how we may be blessing to those around us, even if it does require a sarcrifice on our part, whether great or small, through our time, talent or treasure. May our interactions with the community, be genuine, heart-felt and sincere; abounding in love and speaking truth. Pray the frustrations and struggles of life would not dissuade us from desiring to be used by God, impacting our communities with the gospel of Christ. For it is no longer us, But Christ living through us. That people may see Him When they engage with us. For the cause of Jesus Christ To God be the glory. - PNC ![]() As frustrating as parenting can be at times, I can't help but be grateful for God's sense of humor, that makes us for the most part, look at this time on our lives and lovingly refer to is as "the joys of parenting." How is it, negotiations between a parent and adult take on a whole new form compared to the conference room or bull pen. Whatever it was my 4-year old wanted, she offered hugs in exchange. Bribery works well. And either before or after that instance, was another moment... one that nearly caused my wife to fall of the couch in laughter. "If you don't get my cookie, I don't get you anything for Christmas!" Oh the joyful sounds of the season. Christmas is around the corner. If you think you should get that, you had better straighten up. If only such negotiations worked amongst adults. Yet in adulthood, circumstance and distinctions are made that make our actions, words, and attitudes seem rational and justifiable by comparison. Yet, as we teach our kids, similar things are dismissed as we try to instill in the them, the basic, bottom line of "doing the right thing". Then of course, we live in a day and time where people keep moving the lines. We removed absolutes, and redefined morality; told God where He can and can't be discussed. Right, wrong, justified, reasonable and when I'm an adult not living at home. No wonder living and engaging society has become a challenge. We keep our distance safe, our words few and our commentary on life politically correct. I'm not for kumbaya, but we have lost the simplicity of childhood relationships, attitudes and actions. Be nice to all people, even when they aren't towards you. Be kind. Be loving. Be a friend. And don't forget, offering a hug may be a strong negotiating strategy than you remember. Pray, this #communitySaturday, for God to do the miraculous as we live in difficult and tense times. Pray for relationships that need healing and restoration; for attitudes that are out of alignment with who are; for words that don't glorify you. Pray forgiveness for the hatred and bitterness that we have allowed to enter our hearts and minds through circumstances not working out how we would desire or hope. May we not overthink Christianity with our minds, but seek Him will all of our hearts. To love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. To love our neighbor as ourselves. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() "If our houses aren't houses of love, then they can't be churches of God." - Pastor Jim Cymbala What more really needs to be said, this #communitySaturday. Seriously? I'm tempted to leave that as it is. And why not? The early church didn't have lights and sound and buildings. Scripture doesn't even name specific individuals as the church was birthed. (Acts 11:19-21) No personalities, no ego, no special effects. No extra words to write, by me or anyone else. Just Jesus. By the power of the Holy Spirit. For all that God is, it begins and ends with His love. Thanks for joining me this #communitySaturday. I'm watching the kids play at McDonald's Play Place, as we await power to be restored at our residence and I just looked up to see the first flurries of the season are falling. Let us pray, as people realize again, that times are changing, that for whatever problems they face, may they hear and know that Christ is the answer. As people are searching for solutions, since the problems are well known, may their hearts be prepared to receive the truth, as it is Jesus. May the church and the people of God be people who are known for our love. For it is how we are told the world will recognize those who live in Christ. May it not be by our socio-economic status, our political leanings, the brand we wear or drive or watch; not by our denomination or our stance on social and cultural issues that dominate conversations in the public square. May we exalt Christ alone, that the Holy Spirit may engage in affairs of man. One message. One voice. One purpose. God is love. Jesus alone saves. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019