It's an interesting thing about community... you might not be able to change what happens on a big scale, perhaps never, and certainly, not overnight. But that shouldn't for a minute, prevent us from living with eyes open about how we can change what happens in our sense of community.
Perhaps it's making a change in your neighborhood or the town local to you. Perhaps it's making an impact through your church. Change and blessing occurs when one is in a position to help the one who happens to be living with a need. Opportunity + need = impact. There's always lots to do. There's always something that will beg for your attention or something that will desire to distract your attention. This is the difference between the person who gets stuff done versus the person who delays getting stuff done. (says the guy typing who greatly struggles with the latter) Do you know what to do? Then why are not you doing it? Spoken by all of our father's at one time and for the younger among us, now sounding more like our fathers every day. Also, two questions often posed by our Heavenly Father, daily to each one of us? So, on this #communitySaturday, pray that we would answer His question. As we witness the opportunity to impact and change our world, globally, and locally, for the cause of Christ, may God give us direction for what He would have us to do when the answer is not obvious. Pray that we would be people of diligence, that would actually do it, when prompted. Pray that God would help us move towards greater positions of health and strength so that there will be less that stands in the way when God says, this is what I have you do for these people. Prepared for every opportunity To be used of God With nothing holding us back Making an eternal impact For the kingdom of God. - PNC
I realized while writing Friday's post, that today was going to be a follow-up, for indeed as the people of God make every effort to engage community, it's easy to recognize, either within yourself or have it pointed out, that the struggle for allowing God to work in the mature Christian's life simply through the avenue of time is just as challenging as it is for a new believer or someone with whom we are sharing Christ.
Yes, I'm looking in the proverbial mirror. We all have things that are more of a struggle in our lives than they should be because we are not allowing the process of time, invested into our relationship with God to have its' effect upon our hearts, minds and souls. In the Word, in prayer, in fellowship and in worship... while it's more work on God's part, we feel it as a recipient that their is a battle to the process of transformation, rather than a natural ease. How does that impact community? Because the greater our internal battle with God regarding our own life, perhaps the greater hindrance we are to God in what He desires to do through us, for others. Just a thought... which I think leads us to prayer. Pray, this #communitySaturday, that we would be aware of the things in our own lives that are prohibiting the opportunities to be used by God in new and greater ways. Pray that their would be an increased desired to be in the Word, and in prayer and worship. May God do the miraculous within us, not for our benefit, but for the advancement of the kingdom of God. As God transforms us, may we see greater transformations within our communities. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC My wife and I attended a couples night gathering at church last night, and what a great time of fellowship. We had a great time having some fun and meeting new people. It was truly an enjoyable time and experience. We got in the car to head home and discussed the evening... a seemingly fitting thing that most couples would do as well. At one point, she observed, "It wasn't clique-ish at all!"
Yet, when a gathering does have that sense and feel, it can frustrate and even destroy the sense of community. Not every group is for every person. Not every interest, not every club is meant and designed to be an open, all-access pass. I get that boundaries is a sensitive topic these days, but they have their place and time and they serve an incredibly important purpose. I could give examples, but I think you're wise enough to understand how life and reality works; plus that's not really the direction I want to go with this perspective. Having said that, if there is a place where people shouldn't feel like outsiders, for any reason, it's the church. Yet sadly, many people do. Some for personality reasons, others for much deeper issues and struggles. We all have our battles and conflicts, both before coming to Christ and that He is working out within us after salvation. So yes, life and relationships are complex. While I think the church has come along way in creating a welcoming environment whereby someone can enter and feel as though they are surrounded by friends, there's still an ease with which cliques can occur and come into existence; sometimes unknowingly and unintentionally as well. Yet for the person who catches and recognizes it when they see it, the people who gather for church are more like acquaintances than friends. You know people and you about them, but you don't truly "know" them. The depth of relationship is lacking. And that lack of quality relationships with believers eventually affects one's relationship with God. Or at least has the potential to do so. You find yourself knowing God and knowing about Him, but no longer truly "knowing" and learning about Him. This is a troubling place to be, both in life and in faith. On that note, pray this #communitySaturday, that regardless of what happens in community and society at large, that the church would not be known for its' cliques. Pray for a strengthening of the relationships and friendships that exist and pray for opportunity for new ones to be forged. May there be an understanding as interaction occurs, that the ground is level at Calvary. Pray the church would continue to be intention as their influence and ministry grows within the communities and region that they serve. Pray also that the power of Scripture and the work of the Holy Spirit would not be hindered as working agents to bring people closer to God. While Christianity has it's complexities, reflecting the character of Christ is fairly simple. It just not always easy. May God use us for His glory. Whomever and wherever people may be Who need an encounter with Christ Through those who follow Him. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC As I was writing Friday's post on hostile environments, I couldn't help but consider that conflict and tension doesn't exist solely in the obvious places around the globe and for missionaries. We pray for pastors daily, because we know they are not immune.
And we pray for community, because we do know very well, that on a daily basis, we encounter people and personalities that are filled with emotion, tension and differences that work against us and the relationships that we have with those around us. Whether it be at work.... uh, we'll leave that one alone; or at home... yeah, not their either. Um... in the marketplace, in our neighborhood, even as we gather as a body of believers? Is there anywhere we can go where there is not the possibility of conflict? No. No, there is not. Not anywhere. For even as we find our quiet place and time with God, in His Word and in prayer, there is conflict. The conviction of the Holy Spirit is alive and well. The powerful, yet delicate hand of God has yet to find rest. He is always at work. Always moving. And wherever there is movement, there will be struggle, conflict and wear. So, then maintaining and enduring quality relationships in community begins and ends with the quality of our relationship with God. God help us, this #communitySaturday. Pray that He would give us grace as we correct and move in the ways and places He would have for us to go in our own lives. Pray for the conflict and problems that needs to be resolved in our relationships, whether with family or with friends, both within the four walls of the church and outside them. May God give us wisdom with the words we use and the time and place and people with which we use them. Pray that He would continue to lead, guide and direct our steps that He may all the more glorified in our lives, homes and communities. One day at time One conversation at time One life at a time. One decision at a time. For Christ and His cause. - PNC So I was finally able to make it out to a men's breakfast this morning at our new home church and I was so glad that I was able to go. The conversation was good; breakfast was really good... and the devotional: challenging.
The guy that led the devo is a missionary in a very dangerous part of the world right now... serving in what is known as the 10/40 window. He talked about evangelism, using as a launch point, the story of the Good Samaritan. As a part of the discussion, one of the questions posed, is that why do we sometimes find it difficult to converse with people in like manner as the church leaders passed over the man that was robbed? Likewise, we know the Samaritan was moved with compassion, but what prompted that compassion? And as we pray for community, it comes back to relationships. Which was a part of the conversation in our devotional. Church leadership doesn't have the same relationships that the everyday, neighborhood, workplace Christian has. And the Good Samaritan was actually the outcast of society in that day. And we know nothing of who the man was that was robbed and left for dead. His position and status in the world could range from the upper echelon of society to a "nobody". Is it possible though, that the Samaritan had compassion becomes something within him connected to the hurting man? The relationship didn't exist, but I think somewhere, he understood. At our table, I shared the story of the man who fell into a hole and a doctor walked by and dropped a prescription. Another walked by and did something else. Then a friend walked by. And jumps in the hole. The guy asks, are you crazy now we're both in here? Friend says, yeah, but I've been here before... and I know the way out. As we engage community while living in a broken culture, what's not to connect with people, but to share how we too were once lost, but found our way out of the mess of sin into the presence of Christ. Is not the story of the Good Samaritan also the Good News of the Gospel? Christ has paid the price to heal our wounds. On this #communitySaturday, pray that God would help to engage and relate with the lost and broken in our world. Whether that be in the nicest neighborhood in town or the run-down side street by the tracks, pray that God would help us in our conversations, to look for opportunities where we might share our story, of grace and compassion having been extended to us. May we not fear how it looks or sounds or whatever might cause us to hesitate; but that we would speak the truth in love about our broken state and eternal redemption. Pray the truth of the Gospel of Christ would advance, in this dark and lost humanity that is desperately searching for answers to the evil that wages war in this world. One redemption at a time May many come to the saving grace of the cross As they come in contact to those who've already received it. For the glory of God. - PNC I can't believe in just a matter of weeks, this project will begin year number four. We've prayed over many things as they relate to community. Much emphasis and time has been given to the churches' and believers' impact on community. In recent weeks, we've prayed over community in terms of the family unit.
And sadly, I write this in need of prayer over the community of the local church. Thanks to the influence of social media, some tragic news out of Southern Illinois came across my newsfeed. A 68 year old Baptist pastor was in car accident while en route to meet up with some members of the church. One of the church members responded to my inquiry; and while authorities haven't released details, his vehicle was found in a ditch-creek. So, while many will be stepping into a church service tomorrow to celebrate the amazing life and influence of Mothers, one small community will be morning the loss of their Senior Pastor. I'm at a loss. I've been a part of some great churches over the years. And they have been blessed with some incredible pastors, and staff; people of God and of the Word. High quality leaders and people who are dedicated and devoted to powerful and impactful ministry. I don't know that one is ever prepared. Never emotionally at least. But I'm hoping and praying that systems and processes, plans and people are in place; that while the church grieves, ministry will not come to halt. On this #communitySaturday, would you keep the people of United Missionary Baptist before the Lord. Pray that God would bring comfort and peace to this community and the community of believers. Pray for his wife and family during this time of mourning. Pray that the days and weeks to come would demonstrate the impact of his life, as many more come and come back to God as a result of his ministry and the relationships that he built and the effort that he put forth. Pray for the leadership of this church, and the decisions that need to be made as the church moves forward in its mission and ministries. May God grant them wisdom and discernment; bring clarity and direction in a time of mourning and grief. Pray the love of God would be felt as a life is celebrated; not because of his greatness, but the greatness of the God He served with his life. For we mourn with those who mourn, And grieve with those who grieve, But not as those without hope. For in Christ, is eternal glory. And that, of God our Father. - PNC Yes, I know this is a very late #communitySaturday post.
I suppose there are any number of reasons, most of which probably don't matter; although it didn't help that I didn't really have a sense of direction early in the day before we were gone and all that followed. By I think God is working this out, even as I type this, as it prompted me to remember that our engagement with the concept of community begins at home. For if you can't function in a "community" of people with whom you share a "few" hundred square feet of real estate, including the most personal of common areas such as eating and personal hygiene, then it's not hard to imagine you'll have trouble in other areas as well, whether it be on campus or in the corporation. I just remembered this afternoon's conversation that could just have easily prompted this post, but it didn't. But now that I think about it, maybe I'll tie it back in. So, the kids are supposed to be getting ready for bed. It's bedtime when they start. The oldest can't find the top that goes to the favorite pair of pajamas. Emotions start ramping up. Which shuts off the ability to hear what I'm saying. So, my frustration rises. Now, I'm up, trying to help locate this. And, no luck. Now we're having a conversation about not listening and not doing as told, and if this was taken care of, maybe it would not be an issue. Minutes pass and no avail. 10 and 20 later. More frustration. This is not looking good. Parents, you know how this goes. Everyone is in a bad mood. Finding it later isn't an option and I'm more ready for bed now, than they are. So, now I'm spent. Time to talk with the oldest. Calmer heads need to prevail. It takes some more work, but one way or another, my message needs to be made clear. This ordeal and everything that got in the way, has to be rectified. The youngest enters the room, maybe 10 minutes later. This is now a teaching moment. after almost an hour has been spent from what was bedtime. And I use that word deliberately. This hour was not useful nor beneficial. Yes, I heard sorry, but that's like for getting caught, rather than true remorse. No... the teaching moment is now an investment. I'm offering my apologies to my kids in true remorse. Perhaps we should pray, God helps us find this. Do you want to pray or you want me to? Oldest points. Right. I pray. Prayer couldn't have lasted 90 seconds. Help us find this top; what matters to us, matters to you...and the bigger picture.... our attitudes, our words, our responsibilities... in Jesus name. No kidding... less than two minutes later. Youngest kid walks up to me with pajama top in hand. "Where was this?" In the oldest's bed. The kid who told me a few minutes ago they saw it 3 weeks ago folded in the family room, apparently forgot they wore it to bed and took it off in bed, who knows how many days ago. So, where's the prayer for this post and what's the tie-in you mentioned earlier? Conversation between my dad and I during our visit for a few minutes this afternoon. He was having a rough day and my not buying the parts to fix my mower yet didn't help the conversation... which involved possibly fixing something else that we were looking at. I left in bad mood, he went back to whatever he was working on, no doubt more frustrated than before we had stopped by. Towards the end of the conversation with the kids about the lost pajama's, Dad texted me. Offering his apologies and that he was ordering the parts for me. Yeah... upon God answering our prayer, I extended grace to the kids, because God gave us grace for the lost item that matters to the kid. And in the middle of me parenting my kids, I receive the same grace from my Dad. And the reminder that, apparently, no matter how old you are, you're never done being a parent. Nor, loving on your kids while teaching them important life lessons. :-) While it is still #communitySaturday, pray that God would help us in the most basic realm of community: family. Pray that God would help us as parents, to reflect the love, grace and character of God to our children, especially in moments of instruction, correction and discipline. Pray for our kids, that they would understand the values of respect and responsibility, of care and compassion for both people and possessions. May God help us to be wise stewards of our time, our treasure and our talents. Pray that Godly values would be instilled for generations and that generational curses would be broken. Pray for the miraculous in homes of brokenness, despair and dysfunction and healing in the marriages that are of the same. For how can God heal our land If He doesn't not heal homes built upon it. For we cannot treat community like family If we don't learn how to be family with those who are just a few feet away. - PNC We pray for our church leadership. We pray for the church as we engage community. And sadly, how many times have we not prayed for the leadership within our community? Those who run them in positions of government, those who influence them by planning and development and those who impact them by how they run their companies and organizations as contributors to the region.
While it's true, that a small, committed group of individuals can indeed change the world, we are also witnessing the reality that a group of people can mislead and redirect the world to levels and places that many would rather not go. Decisions always make an impact, but there is a big difference in motivation... of those who would want positive, generational change versus a dangerous and harmful spiral effect for which there is little discussion of the ultimate outcome. Other factors come in to play and things happen that are out of one's control, but this is what vision casting is all about. Being able to see the end. And to that effect, when decisions are made at the end result can't be painted, then perhaps that should be an indicator that requires us to reconsider what we are doing and why. So, on this #communitySaturday, pray for those who lead our communities, whether nationally, regionally or locally. Pray for wisdom and discernment as they plan and implement decisions, strategies and developments. May they have a heart that pursues positive impact and more importantly, a Godly and eternal impact. Pray for understanding in the conversations that transpire; to speak with knowledge and clarity and to decide with purpose and principle. For a greater community here on Earth For a greater impact for the kingdom of Heaven. For the glory of God. - PNC So, here's the problem with relativism as a belief system.
It creates a moving standard. You can establish a standard based on the fact that it will need to tolerate being able to move or shift in order to perform a function, but by and large, things fail and go seriously wrong when standards aren't met. Hello, quality control? I'd like to file a complaint. So, to is life. And as much as I'd like to log a complaint, it should probably be against myself, first and foremost. For justification is the process of something being made "just as if". It's especially comforting when viewed through the lens of faith. We are justified in Christ, making it just as if we hadn't sinned. God sees Christ in us, rather than the sin in us. And while that's a beautiful picture, we somehow turn and twist that word around as we interact with society and community. We look at the actions, attitudes and words of others and "justify" either the alternate or similar behavior based on someone else. Since none of us are perfect in our own right, nor by God's standard, then comparison living is incredibly dangerous. Especially as relativism has become as much of a religion as Christianity itself. There is but one standard. God's. And sin has leveled the playing field, making it so that all of us fall short. None of us are perfect. So, while we comment and consider the words and deeds of others, on this #communitySaturday, let's commit and pray to guarding our hearts, minds, words and deeds first. Pray that we would be self-disciplined, not to live perfect lives, but according to His righteousness, standard and truth. Pray that we would be people of the Word as we live and engage in this world. May we impact our community by living not according to the comparative nature of main, but the true standard of God. For this is but God alone. And we will all stand before Him Accountable only to Him Answering only for ourselves. For His glory. - PNC I was thinking this morning, before the day truly got under way, about writing regarding family. And as the day progressed, and proceeded to get away from me, little did I know just how on point my initial thoughts were earlier in the day.
For we all look and hope to be a part of a community that feels as though we were a part of the greatest, most loving and enjoyable family to be around. This is especially true if such a sentiment is not the reality of your actual family. What's worse, is that this isn't the sentiment for many within the family of God, within the context of the four walls of the church, either. And yet, our love for each other as members of the family unit prompts us to endure matters and situations that we otherwise wouldn't. For instance, we keep walking when a parent is struggling with an upset and "unacceptable" behavior or attitude of a child; but when it's your child, you stay engaged. And sadly the younger ones don't quite grasp the concept of fighting for them rather than fighting against them. We press for the conversations and input into matters of life that we wouldn't care about if those involved weren't our sons and daughters, fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters. But because they are, we involve ourselves. Yet, so many are "dechurched" and disengaged from the church, because they felt the church didn't care. And people disengage from actual community for the same reasons. So how does a church change a community if the people already in the church don't feel positively towards the community of believers? And for that we pray. On this #communitySaturday, pray that we see each other as family. Pray that we care more, love more and engage more. Even when it's hard, challenging and frustrating; when it's time-consuming, emotionally draining and financially expensive... may we show the care and compassion of Christ by considering others before ourselves. May we be willing to fight for our neighbor more than we would fight against them. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC **DeGarmo & Key's song Stand, Fight Win was playing on the internet radio station as I finished this post! :-) I was thinking about Friday's post, after having written it of course... and just how often we hear advice regarding people and relationships about boundaries and guarding ourselves from chaos and drama. And don't get me wrong; there's a fair amount of truth to that advice.
Boundaries are good for establishing and maintaining healthy relationships. And yes, some people's drama and chaos is of such a nature and frequency that it can disrupt and disturb the lives of others in such a way that is destructive on many levels, whether it be financially, emotionally, or otherwise. Conversely, though, how we will help others through the chaos and drama if we don't walk with them and help them find their way out of it? I understand this can be difficult to navigate... some people can't survive without their drama, which is why the aforementioned advice about boundaries exists! But seriously... Helping people through their battles and struggles requires engagement on our part to listen, to understand (as best we can) and to offer our love and support as representatives of Christ that they can find their way out of the chaos and into the arms of Christ Is it hard? Yes. Sacrificial? Yes. Challenging? Yes. Worth it? Christ thought your chaos was. On this #communitySaturday, may we reach out to those in chaos. Pray God would grant us wisdom to know how to help and the strength to actually do so. Pray that lives would be changed as they find their way closer to Christ and farther from the drama. Pray for a transformation as lives come to a place of being controlled by the Spirit rather than the chaos. May the kingdom of God be advanced, because people cross over, to help bring people out of the chaos and into the light of Christ. And pray for those who would rather live in the chaos than Christ; for those who can't seem to break free from a constant state of drama. May God do a life-changing work in their hearts and minds that only He can accomplish by His miraculous and mighty hand. Out of the darkness Into the Light. His glorious light. Out of the disturbance Into His presence and rest. - PNC I mentioned the other day some thoughts and perspectives on corruption and people in power. And around the same time, perhaps in a different conversation if I recall, the question was posed, if you could narrow the 10 commandments down to one, what would it be?
Yes, I know... they've already been reduced to two. Love God and love people. And that's hard enough some times, both with God and people! But what's the one? And the answer might surprise you. Because if you pick wisely, you just might resolve, or eliminate the need for the rest. As in you find yourself in a good position with both God and man. Envy. Thou shalt not envy. Well, if you are going to go there, why not make it jealousy? Because jealousy only addresses my frustration that you have something I don't. Envy addresses the fact that because I don't have it, neither should you. And that is a deeper seeded issue. Think about it... if it's possessions, one could be prone to theft. If it's a relationship, then adultery. If it's one's entire life, then murder. If one lacks contentment regarding the state of another, how can they respect them? Such discontentment then causes a spiritual rift in between them and God and thus, they don't love and obey Him as they should. And the floodgate is open for all kinds of wrong thoughts, attitudes and behaviors. All because the position and status of our neighbor distracts and disrupts the healthy and realistic perspective we should have regarding our own, who we are and who God created us to be. Enter so many people taking a hiatus from social media and disengaging to varying degrees or even altogether. Envy kills community. It certainly causes the beginning of the end with much decay and dissolution along the way. This is not how God made us to be, nor intended us to regard each other, nor Himself, for that matter. And we do. So often. So easily. So recklessly. God, help us, this #communitySaturday! Pray that envy would find no room in hearts and minds, that we would look upon your blessings and your creation with such discontent that nobody should enjoy this life. Pray our focus would truly be upon knowing Your love and grace and sharing and extending it to those around us; even those with whom we disagree and digress of life, conversation and events of all kinds. May our attitudes and actions reflect Christ in all we do, whether in the comfort of our home or the sometimes uncomfortable engagement of community. That our lives would glorify God As we interact with His creation. For our lives are not our own. Neither is this world our home. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Well, this is going to drive me nuts. I heard an interview with Steve Mansfield yesterday, and I can't remember who the host was and thus, can't find what I wanted to reference. Alas... almost, like having writer's block.
Mansfield is the author of many books, among them, the book, Ten Signs of a Leadership Crash. I can't wait to the book, where he outlines the signs of what to look for, when leadership might be in trouble. And if you are wondering how this relates to community; well, that's why I was trying to recall the interview. For in it, Mansfield talks about how many times the signs that trouble is on the horizon are large and noticeable, but the book talks about what may not be so noticeable; or at least circumstances and behaviors and other indicators that we may not link with foreseeable problem. In case you're wonder, I'm pretty sure he was on Dave Ramsey's show, as I recall them discussing the need for a "band of brothers", which happens to be another Mansfield titled-book. In the conversation, Ramsey talks about how community creates a closeness in our relationships; that the power of preventing a crash lies in being able to call the person out, when they say everything is fine, but you can tell something is amiss. If I tell you I'm fine and we hardly hang out, how would you know to question otherwise? Conversely, if we talk daily or hang out with an considerable amount of frequency, you'll know pretty quick when it's time for someone to give up the gig and acknowledge the truth of their reality. When I ask what's wrong, it means I'm expecting to hear a problem and want to help. If I wasn't interested in either, I wouldn't bother to ask or prod you to answer. That comes through community. It comes through caring. It also prompts us to be real and live real. Life wasn't meant to be lived in a bubble. Nor is it all colored bubbles, as we talked recently. We can endure, survive and come out stronger than ever. By the hand of God. With the help of friends. For an eternal purpose. Let's pray this #communitySaturday that we would build and foster great community and strong relationships. May we invest in the lives of those around us, both strangers and friends and allow people to positively invest in us; that we would be challenged to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ and allow the hand of God to lead, guide and direct us in the plans and purposes that He has ordained that we should walk and live. Pray people of faith would lead by example, that the community of Christ through the local church would change the world, by impacting their community with the love of God. For His glory And the advancement of the cause of Christ. - PNC I don't know how many of you listen to talk radio, but on occasion, I catch The Savage Nation, with nationally syndicated radio host, Michael Savage. It's an interesting show, because he covers a broad range of topics and perspectives, with a foundation of "borders, language and culture", but it's not all politics, either. Having said that, Michael DelGiorno, a host out of Nashville filled in for him on Friday. And if you can find it, it was a great three hours of radio.
It's a touchy subject, but he got to talking about identity. And in particular, the whole guilt movement that is going on about the color of peoples skin. Not racism, but white guilt. Like the restaurant that is charging a premium for their meals to those of Caucasian descent. Yes, you read that right... 12 or 18 bucks for dinner, becomes 30 bucks if you are white. I only mention this, though, because of DelGiorno's response. I'm a husband, a father, a Christian, a radio host... he rattled off a couple of others, but those were at the top of list. He follows up the point by saying, "I don't know how far down the list I get until I come to "I'm a republican and even farther to "I'm white". And as we discuss community, isn't it amazing what and how we identify and how quickly we are to share such identity. In the status of our relationships, the state of our gender or sexuality, or position of influence or prominence in society, our associations, our employers, the loyalty to our favorite consumer brand of whatever it is that is of great importance to you... even our church affiliation, and heaven forbid, political bent! In eternity, there will be but two. Sinner: unrepentant Sinner: saved One identity. Two states of existence. In the words of Gene Hackman's character in the movie Runaway Jury, "everything is colored bubbles." On this #communitySaturday, pray that we not get hung up and caught up in the colored bubbles of life. Pray an awareness of our human condition before God. Pray that people would be prompted to act upon the knowledge of broken and fallen state. May God heal our people and our land, as we come before Him with a broken and contrite heart; in repentance of our sin and in need of the saving and redeeming grace of the cross of Christ. Are you the Lord God Almighty? Worthy is the Lamb, For you are Holy. - PNC Isn't interesting that people and society for that matter, always seem to express what they think they need when it comes to solving problems and perhaps even preventing them in the first place, yet they pick and choose whose solutions and ideas are acceptable.
We've talked about solutions and the problems that require them in recent weeks and even as it relates to impacting community. And I hope you've have noticed the care that I have attempted to walk in terms of not stepping into politics while calling for prayer. That said, society seems overtly concerned with fixing real problems with false solutions. Granted, they aren't entirely false. There are elements of truth in them and perhaps elements and conditions that will actually work. However, if we are not truthful regarding the condition of the problem, then it's impossible to be find a truly effective solution. Furthermore, it hinders the conversation of what can be done in terms of prevention. Equally hindering the overall conversation is the power of offense. People shut down when they are offended. They walk away. They dismiss the perspective and insight of the other party; rather than working to find solid, common ground and a premise that both sides can work from. If such an understanding isn't created and established, then we have a never-ending tug-o-war of words. Politically. Spiritually. And any other arena of life, for that matter. Communication is meaningless if it is full of feelings and half-truths, rather than facts and full truth. And that is the problem. The truth offends. Thus, in a society that places great emphasis on trying not to offend, we increase the odds of our avoiding the truth... both in speaking it and responding accordingly to it. So... on this #communitySaturday, let's pray the people of God would continue to be people that would speak the truth, and yes, in a spirit of love. May God help us to not remain silent, but to be bold. May the fear of people's being offended not prevent us from showing them God's and speaking His Word. In a world seeking answers to the most pressing issues of our life and times, may our lives reflect the love and character of Christ. For our faith doesn't absolve us from problems But focuses our attention to Him who can handle all our cares. That we cast them at His feet And worship at His throne of grace. For we all need to hear the truth That our sin has offended Him. May God heal our land as we turn in repentance. - PNC The family and I went out to breakfast on this #communitySaturday. Not unusual, except this was a "new to us" community.
And the food was really good. Small and it was packed upon our arrival, but we waited. And it got me thinking... in particular about how businesses position themselves as "feeling like home". Having recently moved, this is a phenomenon that I'm sensitive to of late. What is interesting though, is that we step into the public square wanting to feel as though we are home. And I ask, why not experience community at home? Who doesn't love to gather with family and friends from the comfort of their own kitchen and couch? The early church did. And today's churches are increasingly building relationships within their church by the congregation meeting in homes as a way to build deeper connections among the people of God. It also gives opportunity to truly invite community to hang out and do life with the community of believers without walking into the doors of the sanctuary. So, one simple question... is your home a place for community to exist beyond the people you call family? It can be. It should be. It's what I hope our place will be. Pray this #communitySaturday that the church would greatly impact their community through their involvement in every day life. May open our hearts and our homes, to be the hands and feet of those in need, whether of great and obvious needs or simply building friendship by being friendly. Pray God would grant us favor with our neighbors, to reflect the character of Christ, never knowing what, when and how God might be working in their lives. May God use His church to change the world as they are open to living a real faith in a real God while experiencing real life. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC It's been a long and full #communitySaturday and I offer my apologies, but life planned a full day and time ran away. That said, social media brought to the forefront, the reminder given to us in the book of John. Verse 5 of chapter 1, describes the relationship between light and darkness.3 The light shines, which is its' job, as you well know. The darkness however, struggles. Not to be changed, challenged, illuminated or impacted. The darkness can't comprehend. It doesn't understand. It's been said that knowledge is power, but in reality, it's applied knowledge that is power. Furthermore, it's applied knowledge that leads to wisdom. But one has to get there. And while the people of God may be the light of the world, all too often we try to do more than what God has asked and called us to be. A shining light. If we aren't shining, anything else we do and whatever the reasons for doing so, really don't matter much. We may think they do, but ultimately, it's secondary and this, perhaps not the best or most effective thing we can do for the kingdom. So, on this #communitySaturday, pray that we would indeed be the light of the world. Pray that we would be effective in our efforts to shine. May we not get wrapped up in other agendas or causes hoping our shining will influence or affect some other result. Pray that we would allow the Holy Spirit to do its' job as we live faithfully to that which we've been called. May life not overwhelm, distract and disrupt us to the point that our light flutters or worse, fails, in directing people to the person of Jesus Christ. For the glory of God For the advancement of the kingdom of heaven. - PNC **editor note: apologies for the map. Can't get rid of it from my phone, as I'm typing this. okThere's community of all kinds.
Online. Offline. In-line. And in every one of those scenarios, is someone who will get "out of line". And as we navigate these difficult and challenging daya, I'm reminded of the advice I started giving my kids a couple of years ago. "Don't be a jerk on purpose." There are many other things we can be those around us. Whether family or friends, co-workers or colleagues, neighbors or strangers, we can make the good and right choice. As believers in God and followers of Christ, we can choose kindness. Compassion. And most importantly, truth. It's not always easy. It's not always pleasant. It is almost always necessary. In a work becoming more troubled by the moment, would could be more important than the power of relationship and pointing and encouraging others to Christ? On this #communitySaturday, pray that we would lead people closer to Christ. May we not be the reason people are pushed away or turned off to God, but drawn and desirous of more. Pray we would be the community that attracts, not because of our goodness, efforts and whatever appeal people may have, but because of the grace of God and the prompting of the Holy Spirit. May the church impact community by being the best example of community. For the glory of God To the testament of Jesus Christ With the help of the Holy Spirit. A light on the hill, unhidden. - PNC There's not much in secular music that I listen to these days, at least not that which is accompanied by vocals. And for the most, that which I do listen to is the stuff that had a great sound when it was new.
Take for instance, what played this morning courtesy of Pandora... Tears for Fears classic hit, Everybody Want To Rule The World. I listened to the lyrics in light of community and reflected on both the truth and reality of this song. Yes, everybody wants to rule. However, not everyone should. Furthermore, when you consider the people who have most impacted your live for the better, have been people who have lived and led from an understanding and applied attitude of service. Whether for God or country, the greater good of humanity or the betterment of society, at the foundation of it all is a desire to serve that is the result of a heart driven to love. What better way to live? And how many more days must we endure that will remind us that this is how we should be? Pray, this #communitySaturday, that the people of God in particular, would be those who would live and lead with a heart of love. May we serve with an attitude and an understanding that there is a purpose and a calling beyond ourselves, our self-worth and our own desires. Pray that we draw close to God as we draw close to those around us. May we step on in faith to make impact in the lives of others, wherever and whenever such opportunities would arise. While we may not rule the world, may we change our world. One day at time. One moment at a time. One life at a time. One conversation at a time. For the glory of God And the advancement of the Kingdom of Heaven. - PNC .One doesn't have to look very far to notice...
We are not all getting along as much as we like to joke about being able to do so. The battles exist. On every stage. In every room. In every arena of life. With others, and ourselves. Victims suffering great loss. In our world, globally. In our world, locally. In politics... we won't go there. In faith... probably should do that either. In our relationships... which has as much destruction and suffering as war itself. In our schools... as if learning was a feat of its' own. In our workplaces... which made the news yesterday. In our homes... the one place that should actually be a "safe space". In our minds... which lasts longer than war itself. The power of getting through this life and the battles therein, lies the grace that is experienced through laughter. Indeed, it does good like medicine. Conversely, this is the strategy of every opponent. If he can keep you in a place of being worn out and exhausted, then you are prone to live an existence of hopeless despair and utter defeat. He who does not and can no longer laugh is lost. In every arena and avenue of life, help always comes from one who is stronger, not weaker. Whatever the struggle, nobody goes to the one who is in worse circumstance, poorer condition or suffering greater loss and defeat to better themselves. However, if we are constantly embattled and consumed with whatever battle is at our door, we will never be able to step out and go across to help the battle of another. There will always be battles, as there will always be wars, for evil resides among us in the hearts of humanity. Despair looms and defeat awaits; around every corner and intersection. Many we see coming, many more that we do not see. But when laughter is lost in the process, the prospect does not look good; indeed, the outcome looks hopeless. But to those... ... who rely up on Him are renewed. ... who look to Him are strengthened. ... who call to Him are saved. ... who trust in God, they laugh at the days to come. On this #communitySaturday, pray that the church would be people who would live and operate from a place of strength. May we engage in such a way as to be an encourage and inspiration to those around us without hope. Pray we would not be so overcome and overwhelmed with our own battles that we miss the opportunities to fight on behalf of those around us and help them win. May despair and defeat be far from our hearts and minds; that we would speak truth and love, encouragement and laughter. Let the hopeless be filled with hope Let the defeated overcome. Let the sad be filled with joy. And the down-trodden in despair, Uplifted in laughter. For His joy is our strength. Winners. For the glory of God. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019