I've got a little time remaining in my drive Thursday day, playing a Christian station, when the host takes a call and opens with you "you're happy about going to prison?"
It turns out, that she was on the way to pick up her husband who had been incarcerated for the past 12 months. Their kid had asked mom, if daddy had accepted Jesus into his heart? To which she responded affirmatively, indeed he had done so. Then the mic drop moment of the call... He had led 12 other inmates to Christ!! Twelve. Yes, you are thinking the same thing the lady who called did... an average of 1 per month of his own sentence. How incredible is that?! And perhaps a little convicting? Or more than a little convicting? The truth of the matter is, it's a big world. And all of it is a mission field; an opportunity for Christ to be displayed in our lives as well as to be communicated to the hearts and minds of others, of the transformation that He has done in ours. A missionary may not be your formal job title, but as a followers of Christ, it is certainly in our job description. Yes the culture is changing; yes the environment you are in may not be the most conducive or appropriate place to share, but God gives windows and openings, for the right attitude, the right word and the right response to life and circumstances to create a desire whereby others may be have questions. That's the time, as Scripture advises; to always be prepared to give an answer for the hope that is within you. If if it's 12 times during a 12-month stint behind bars. And probably more than that, in the works, of people who will remember his testimony, long after he has left that community. On this #missionsFriday, pray that God would indeed, give opportunity to share what Christ has done in our lives. Furthermore, pray that He would not only create the opportunity, but give us the faith and boldness to take advantage of them, and to speak the truth in love to those in need and seeking to know God. Pray the battles and struggles and responsibilities of life would not so consume us that we forget that eternity hangs in the balance for us all. No matter what we do, may we not on do it as unto the Lord, but that God would be glorified in and through us as we do it. For He is not willing that any should perish, But all come to repentance through Christ. For the glory of God And the advancement of the Gospel. - PNC
It's not very often that you have a group, of any size of people that is ever in 100% agreement. Too many ideas, too many experiences, too many opinions... and at the core, differing beliefs and value systems. It's pretty incredible at times that people get along as well as they do!
Leadership teams struggle with this, just as much as the rest of us do. If you don't think that's the case, sit in a board meeting for an organization sometime. Watch C-Span. Attend a panel discussion on the topic of your choice. There is tons of disagreement to go around. But at the very core of a team, a mission and a purpose, is a spirit of unity. Priorities and strategies come and go; times change, programs get re-evaluated and revisited and fresh, new ideas enter the conversation. Through it all though, it a basic premise that brings people together in the first place. If there is unity for that premise, then you can move forward; and should do all you can to fulfill that premise. If there isn't unity, then you know either something is wrong with the premise or someone is not in agreement with it. With every passing day, it becomes increasingly clear... a united leadership is critical. And not just towards any premise or mission. One based on truth. And for the church, one based upon the Gospel. Grounded in the Word. Built up in the faith. Pray this #deaconThursday, that God would unite the leadership of the church. Pray that arguments and the like,that the enemy would use to divide and separate the body of Christ would fail. While differences will always exist, may the not become so great that people become among those who tear down, rather than build up. Pray the church would remain focused on the cause of Christ, not allowing distractions and disagreements rise to an unhealthy level that negatively impacts the efforts of the ministry. May their be an extension of grace with each, both in word and deed, the people and leadership of the church come together to advance the cause of Christ. For the glory of God And His Gospel; The greatest story ever told. The power of divine love and relationship. - PNC It's crazy to think that the school year is practically around the corner! Would someone like to tell me where summer went already? I'm assuming your church has probably already done their Vacation Bible School for the kids. Our new church that we started attending earlier this year, is holding theirs this week... in fact, it's an evening VBS all week, which makes it kinda cool for more parents to be involved without wreaking havoc on work schedule's and the like.
It has me reflecting on the importance and indeed the priority, of young people learning not only about the ways of God at a tender age, but the character and nature of God as well. That's an important distinction that one of my pastor's was careful to point out regarding Moses' life and the people of Israel. The nation knew His works, Moses knew Him. I'll be the first to admit, my imperfection. Should anyone stand before to account for this truth about my life, it's probably my wife! I don't have it all together, as I've mentioned many times, on this site for the last three years. I try not to think too often about bad decisions, improper thoughts and statements of regret. Am I talking about 20 years ago or 20 hours ago? Yes. Sadly. Conversely, though, I don't want to the be the guy in the parable who prayed in gratitude that he wasn't as bad as the guy next to him. I look at myself, knowing full well, that while it would be easy to compare to others, I can only compare myself today to yesterday. And as I consider yesterday, those decisions, thoughts and words and deeds could have been astronomically worse than what they were. Were they horrible by the standards of others? Probably to some. But they were particularly horrible for me, because I knew better. Not because of my cranium knowledge, but because of my heart condition. I look back upon my stupidity with a sense of gratitude for the remnant of faith that remained from my youth that somehow prevented me from outcomes worse than the consequences that I actually endured. Emotionally, relationally, spiritually, financially. Was it disaster? Yes. But nothing that God couldn't redeem. And that's what I want for my kids and your kids. As parents and pastors, we don't and won't always agree with what they do. Ever. Well into adulthood, your kids will have you scratching your head and your parents will do the same to you. I don't just want a remnant of faith that will keep and guard my kids. I want a foundation and building of faith within their lives and spirits that will not only withstand whatever the world throws against them as well as whatever self-implosion of their life that may occur; that even their foolishness would not be their demise nor destruction. On this #youthPastorWednesday, pray for this generation of young people, and the parents and pastors who raise them. Pray for an unshakable foundation of faith to be established within their hearts, minds and souls. May the Word of truth and the Holy Spirit guide their steps, illuminate their paths and guard all that is within them. Pray God would help us to lead and train them well, despite all our faults, misgivings and imperfections. For we are only made whole Through the blood of Jesus Christ. May we live our lives, un-wasted. For the glory of God. - PNC Today is primary election day in some states. Oh the joys of politics and a Constitutional Republic.
On this #associatePastorTuesday, I can't help by reminded that life is real and so are the people in it. As such, it's impossible to please everyone. On further thought, I'm not sure who struggles with this more; the politician or the pastor? For as much as people criticize those who hold both of these positions, you would think that there would be a rush for the critics to step underneath the lights of that criticism. But alas, they do not... and neither do I, for that matter. Furthermore, it doesn't help that it is all too easy to get caught up in the personalities of the people rather than the power of the policies. People have become more concerned about preserving their career rather than the Constitution and likewise, pastors to preserve the pulpit, rather than preach the power of the Cross. A man in our church ran for office. And while he is incredibly bummed regarding the outcome, those who are attempting to encourage him aren't doing so well. Or they are and he isn't having it. This is gonna be a short post and it is what it; but I'll share here what I posted elsewhere in that conversation... "Don't believe the perceived responses of people whom you have projected your expectations." In other words, it's easy to think people feel or think about things or ourselves in a particular way, often based on little to nil evidence, then we believe what we have "projected" as if they actually had mounting and substance evidence to justify it all. This does not help; both in terms of self-confidence, nor in the confidence of those we serve or attempt to serve. What does help... remain faithful, to the work and purpose for which you've been called. For the pastor. For the politician. For the ones in the pew. On this #associatePastorTuesday, pray for pastors that are struggling with critics and circumstance in which relationships and perception seems to be causing stress and difficulty. May God give them wisdom in navigating such trouble times. Pray for a peace about their spirit and a quiet confidence in the work of God within their lives. Pray God would give them wisdom in the days to come; to find health and balance in their relationships and live true to the ministry in which God has placed them to serve and serve faithfully. For the glory of God. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Anxiety strikes at the strangest times.
I had a rough time last night, as I went to bed, perhaps from reading an event from a family, that very easily could be my situation (from what little details she provided). Whether that prompted it or something else, I was unable to get my brain to slow down and calm down for the longest time. And I don't struggle panic attacks and what not. It was unusual, to say the least. But it amazes me as we go through life, the burden we fear when nobody is around. All sorts of people and relationships come to mind; opportunities that have yet to happen and opportunities that haves, that occasionally cause us regret. Some lifestyles are such, that the circumstance give legitimate cause for concern (occupational hazards), but life is such that events can affect any and all of us. It doesn't matter who you are; unnecessary states of worry and anxiety are frustrating, even when you know and understand that tragedy can strike at any moment. Having said that though, not that we all don't have a lot going on, but pastors... the burden is already great in their lives. The ministry. The calling. Eternity. The people and families within their church and community that they impact on a daily and weekly basis is profound and deep. It's almost stressful just in thinking about how quickly they could suffer from anxiety and worry, for any number of reasons, let alone tragedy and disaster within their own home and family. Pray this #seniorPastorMonday, for a renewed sense of peace and calm within their lives and families. Pray for strength for those that are in midst of trials and tragedies, whether in their marriage, the children or the church. May God give them the ability to grip their faith like never before and to experience the grace and love of Christ on a deeper, more profound level. Pray for a new message, from the mess; a new testimony from the testing; a new story from storm. Indeed, make God work all things, even that which is beyond our comprehension, for His good. And may the peace of God That surpasses all understanding Fill their hearts and minds. For the glory of God. - PNC It's hard to be effective at the things for which you put forth little to no effort. In fact, nearly as impossible as you get can, the lower the effort quotient. Somewhere in the process, effort must be exerted.
Words communicated, actions taken, time invested, resources utilized, funds spent... whatever the work is that you are to be about doing, eventually requires you taking intentional steps to get things done. But don't listen to me... I've had one of the more unproductive weekends I recall having in a while. Call it a funk. Call it whatever you want. Call it an excuse; because at the end of it, that's probably about I have to offer. Life is a journey, full of lessons. The frustrating ones are not the ones that are most difficult to learn; the are the one's that we have learned, but struggle to implement and institute into our lives, daily where applicable. And I was reminded once again, today, the simple fact of all of our lives. Eternity weighs in the balance. Not only for our own lives, but the lives our family, friends, neighbors and co-workers. You can almost visualize the [your] that exists when Christ told the disciples to go into the world. So, while this is a later #effectiveSunday post, pray that today would be effective in that it's the day we start afresh as we enter the first full week of August, to live and be the people of God that we have been called to be according to His perfect and sovereign plan. May we glorify Him both in word and in deed, wherever we go and with whomever we come in contact with as we go about our daily lives. Pray for an awareness about our hearts and minds; that we may speak truth and life with intentionality and compassion to those in need... even for those who don't know that they have a spiritual need. God, help to live Life as you have set us apart from the world, But effective in the world for the cause of Christ. - PNC There's a power in both the phrase and the concept of living "between the ditches" that has seemingly captured my attention when I wasn't paying attention. It's quite the visual, when you consider the many implications that exist, especially as we consider the power and importance of living as a community.
We are all on a journey. Often passing through life in different directions, in more ways than one. Accidents. Mistakes. Close-calls. Hazards. Warning signs about obstacles and those instances in which we are blind-sided. There's any number of reasons which cause us to land in the ditches of life. But the great aspect of community, is that our relationships should be as such to recognize when someone has found themselves in that place. And just as important, is that we should recognize the things that can cause us to land there as well. We get caught off-guard by the very things that we know we should be especially careful to be aware of; meanwhile we don't always help those that are about to find themselves in states of trouble that are all-too preventable. What's worse, we don't always take advantage of allowing relationships to exist to the degree that such conversations and interventions can occur... neither do we exercise wisdom in following their advice or taking their insight and perspective into consideration. Which, if that is part of the point of having such a person in our lives, then we've done ourselves an injustice to both ourselves and those around us. "I value your friendship, but not enough to allow you to speak into my life, nor respect you when you do speak." Such a mindset is... well, dangerous if it is intentional. And tragic, when it actually plays out among us. And I say us, because I've held it at previous times in my life. It's a guaranteed way to end up in the ditch and in fact, people might just wait and watch for the moment to happen. This is where the pain of life is usually for our benefit. So, pray this #communitySaturday that God would help us to keep life on the road. Pray for strength and vision to be aware of the dangers of life, and through the power of the Holy Spirit, to navigate our way around. Furthermore, pray for the quality of our relationships; that they would exist at such a level that the insight, wisdom and perspective that exists would be utilized for a better life; to build and encourage each other in the faith as well as bring others to faith. May we be a people that impacts community through our approach to those around us because of the value that we place upon relationship. Pray that we would create and build relationships to that would glorify and honor God and draw others ever closer to Him because of what the world sees in our interactions with each other. For freedom is found in Christ And enjoyed on the roads of life Especially when we avoid the ditches. - PNC It's difficult to remember that which you haven't committed to memory.
This simply, profound truth is a courtesy summation of a point in John McArthur's sermon that I heard early this morning, in which He was talking about the promises that Christ gave before His ascension regarding the work and help of the Holy Spirit in our lives. It's an amazing consideration... the lengths to which God went to restore relationship with His creation. As if Christ' death wasn't enough, He sent help; knowing full well we would need it. However, despite our desperate need for the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, that doesn't negate our best efforts to attempt to get by and live without Him. We attempt to get by on our own goodness, efforts, works and words. We focus on the quality of our relationships with others, while neglecting one with God. We have everything else in our hand and in front of our face than that which is necessary for spiritual growth, maturity and longevity. How do I know this? I have a mirror... that I can envision without actually getting up and walking into the room where the physical mirror exists. Why do I know more quotes from my favorite show or song, rather than my favorite book and more importantly, God's book? Because I'm human. And because you can't remember what's not already in your memory banks. So, I ask, the same question I'm asking myself. What am I committing to memory? What am I leading my kids to learn and remember? In the battles and struggles that pastors face, what are they remembering and standing upon? As they lead their own homes and families? As they help me lead mine? As they help lead my friends and families? So, pray this #youthPastorWednesday, that God would draw all of us, but especially the pastors of this up and coming generation, that they would be people of the Word to an ever greater degree than ever. May they stand on the promises of God more than ever before; because they know and even more aware than they have ever been. Pray the battles and stresses of life would not cause them to disengage; but draw in closer, to the presence of God and the truths of His Word. Indeed, pray that the Holy Spirit would be their comfort and their guide. May they be led not only into all truth, but walk in the fullness of the promises of God. Only by His grace. And all for His glory. To know Him And by known by Him. In all truth; for all time. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019