A couple of points worthy of revisitation, as I continue to ponder the word, associate.
It's a reflection of your environment. A complete picture, of your physical surroundings, the people in the space and the emotional and spiritual quality that can only be gauged by one's soul. The buzz phrase of late, is that "you don't need that kind of negativity if your life." And social media makes light of it, by highlighting a variety of scenarios... the person in your life who doesn't like coffee; or chocolate, or anything pumpkin spice. The friend who isn't geeked up by all things Disney or conversely, your favorite car brand. We make light of things quite frequently. But then we consider the thing we survive and tolerate on a daily basis; that at every instance or occurrence steals from us. Perhaps it cuts out a slice of joy. Other times, it feels like a chink in the armor. It may not cut us to the core, nor to the quick, but it's a cut nonetheless. Death by a thousand slashes may take a while, but death ensues regardless. Churches have cultures and environments just like any other business and organization. And so do the pastors and boards who lead them. And so the people and places in which we position ourselves become crucial to both our health and our success. On a personal level. On a professional level. And yes, by all means, a ministerial level. So, pray this #associatePastorTuesday, that God would grant wisdom and discernment to pastors, regarding where they go and with whom they align and associate themselves. Pray that God would use them to be influencers and world-changers because they have been encouraged and spurred on to greater things and in kind, do the same for others around them. Pray also for grace; for churches and ministries where the tension is tight and the environment more stressful and disconcerting than what is normal and acceptable. For we are not only products of our environments, But creators of it as well. As God created us For His glory. - PNC
It seems we're watching a dangerous trend recently. And by recently, admittedly, it's probably been the past number of years... maybe longer. We're witnessing an antagonism towards leadership that goes beyond personality differences and disagreements in direction. So great is the dichotomy, that it would seem there is a growing group hoping for the failure of leadership.
I disagree with how you are going about this decision or direction is no longer sufficient. We are witnessing attitudes, actions and statements that reveal the downright ruination of those in leadership and authority. Nowhere is this more apparent that in the political landscape, but we've watched in the business world for years and decades. In the battle of competition and market-share and the domination of a space within an industry, many have secretly and openly wished for the failure and downfall of their nemesis. Now, I can only hope and pray that our churches are not seeing this, neither from their congregations nor the leadership. But I bring this topic of because I think the cracking of the door of this whole process as well as the animosity that results from the fall-out does rear it's ugly head within the church. Leadership at every level certainly has its' faults and missteps; glaring mistakes and downright failures. It's understandable to a degree, for we are all human and for the believer, possess the understanding that we all fall short of the glory of God. But once the crack has broken wide open, regardless of whether or not our hope for demise was secretive or public; we see people use the failure of a leader as justification to no longer trust that leader. And we take it one step further to make an argument against the bigger picture... the organization, the institution, the very foundation. We take a flaw or bad result and use that as a basis to completely start over. And while there may be a time and place for doing so, that should not be our default rush to corrective action. For in doing so, you may very well eliminate all the inherent good that does exist and never recover; because of the imbalance of our perspective, one runs the risk that they may never recreate the balance that the people before have striven to achieve. Pray this #seniorPastorMonday, that God would guard the hearts and minds of pastors as they lead their churches and ministries. Pray that their failures, defeats and mistakes would be few; not from a place of perfection, but as a deterrent for people to use that against them to bring to ruin their life and their ministry. Pray God would give them wisdom as they navigate these challenging times and vast variety of experiences and beliefs that they will encounter on any day of the week. Pray for discernment as the communicate, both on the street and from behind the pulpit. May their be engagement to speak the truth and to show love; for the two are inseparable. For God does not call the qualified But qualifies the called. And Pastors do what they do; Just like the rest of us. By the grace of God For His glory alone. - PNC I wonder sometimes just how often people encounter the same (or similar) set of circumstances and trials repeatedly, but for what essentially can be summed up as "the same lesson."
History does repeat itself. However, the way to change the story is to do things differently, the things that you wish had be done differently when it happened the first time or around (or previous times). That's how things get better. Otherwise, you continue to do the wrong thing and fight the same battle and endure the same struggle. My long-held battle.... rest. Especially, well, I'll admit to recent weeks, but sadly, it's probably been a much longer struggle. Lack of proper rest kills great effectiveness and strong efficiency. It is an incredible battle. Responsibilities abound. Tasks never end. Relationships demand engagement. And it's entirely possibly that self-interests can and do occupy an unhealthy amount of time and energy, which robs crucial time from proper rest that leads to greater effectiveness. In other words, procrastination is nobody's friend. Thus, a body out of balance will run a very rough road and lead an even rougher life. And it won't solely be the fault of the road or of life... but largely on the person's ability to handle it, by taking care of their body, mind, spirit and soul. Pray this #effectiveSunday, that we would indeed, be people who would take greater care of our bodies, not only physically, but spiritually, mentally and socially as well. Pray that procrastination would far removed from our realm of temptation. Conversely, may we find balance, to find proper rest for the body as well as the soul; that we may get more accomplished not only for that which lies before us, but that for which God has purposed and created us. Pray God would help us to fulfill our destiny and all the more we steward our lives, as lived through the fullness of our beings. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Parenthood:
The on call, 24/7 job from which you never retire. It's amazing the potential that kids and youth have these days. So much so, that even in watching and hearing some of their stories, makes me wonder what I've been doing all these years! As if a couple too many have been somewhat wasted. It's not that I'm not grateful for what's transpired; the people I've shared my time with and the outcomes that have brought me thus far. But some days, "what if" looms large. Take for instance, the story of Edison, which I was reminded of earlier today. One day, his grade school sent home a note. His mother teared up, as he asked her to read it. She replied, that it stated that he was a genius. The school was too small to serve him well and she should teach him at home. Obviously the rest is history. But is it? Years later, Edison found the note from that school. And as I mentioned a few days, it turns out parents lie to their kids for conversations they aren't ready to have after all. Fortunately, for the genius Edison, it paid off. The note actually stated that Edison as addled. The school was unable to teach him and they instructed he not return to class. Wow. We're in a day and age when "everyone" is seemingly concerned about the messages we are sending to our kids. And yet for all the concern, the messages are consistently inconsistent. And there is no greater reminder of that truth than a few day engaged in the laughter and stress of parenthood. And a few more after that, engaged in ministry. Pray this #youthPastorWednesday, that pastors would be among those who would deliver consistent messages. Consistent with the truth of God's Word. Consistent with the mission and values of their local church community. Pray they partner with parents who are working to raise kids who fear and honor God with their lives and in their homes. May God work the miraculous in the lives of those who are in difficult places; where they may be at a crux intersection, like Edison's mom stood one afternoon. While they enemy has already tried to ruin the child, Christ bids them to come. For the glory of God. - PNC God is on our side, obviously. Although, sometimes, it doesn't feel so obvious. For pastors as much as believers.
A Conversely, though... just how frequent are the days where it feels as if nobody is fighting for us? There is not one who is stepping up for our defense, standing in the gap and acting as an advocate on our behalf. What do we do then? Hopefully, we do the very thing that King David did! He encouraged Himself in the Lord. Was David tired? Exhausted? Burnt out? Frustrated? Stressed? Anxious? Absolutely, in fear of his life? All of the above at various times. And also, very "out of line" with some of his decisions. But he had a resilient faith and a heart towards God. And he didn't wait for someone to come along side and help him get through the difficult places and overwhelming circumstances. That's not to say he didn't have those people at times. But when they were no where to be found, he didn't sit there waiting for them either. So, let's pray this #associatePastorTuesday, that when it's one and God, pastors would remain steadfast. Pray pastors would be renewed and strengthened, even in the days and times when no one comes alongside to help in the moment. Pray that they would not lose heart, but stand resolute in the face of opposition and obstacles. Pray the overwhelming and insurmountable would diminish, as they continue to place their trust and call on the name of Lord their God. For even when they stand alone and advocate for themselves, God is near and present; fighting on their behalf As close as the mention of His name. - PNC I've recently been informed that a true man admits when they are wrong.
Of course, it's not "new" information, and yes, thus far, I've withheld my sarcastic response, as the comment was directed towards a current political problem and not me directly. However, I am taking it to heart and acknowledging as such here and now. I so relate to Paul. This is my biggest struggle. And it's not eternally-heavy issues, but it's the frustrating things of adulthood that keep from living a blessed, prosperous and effective life. "The things I know to do, I don't. And the things I don't want to do; I continue to do." What's this have to do with ministry? Because I got to thinking about the burden pastors carry; about how much they desire to do for others; to share the Gospel, to make disciples, to lead the church to go out and do the same and to change their communities with the love of Christ for the glory of God. And they can't do it all. They can't personally meet every need. They can't respond to every request. They can't pray with every person, nor make every visit. The time, energy and money simply doesn't solely exist in their life to solve every problem. Yet, if wishing made it so, an overwhelming majority of pastors would be fight to be first in line. Simply because that's where there heart lives. Not first in line for their own benefit; but to fill the gap of someone who can't get to the front of the line or doesn't feel worthy to stand at the front of the line. Some people can't stand pastors and church leadership. I can't help but stand in admiration while simultaneously convicted. For the handful of things that are out of balance in my life; why would God use me? And while I'm fully aware that many pastors would acknowledge they have their own list of things that are out of balance, they continue to position themselves to desire to be used by God all the more. The question of why still hovers at times, in their lives as well. I think it's a sign of both an active, yet troubled faith. For we know to press on; but doubt says don't bother. And we're back to Paul's struggle. Shoulda, coulda, woulda, done this and not that. But alas, here I am. Which is really the only response God cares about when He calls for us. Not all the stuff, not all the excuses. Just as we are, where we are. Pray, this #seniorPastorMonday, for those pastors struggling with wanting to do more in their ministry, and yet resources, in whatever form they are needed, are lacking. Pray that God would give them wisdom, to steward their time, people and resources properly. Pray for an obedient spirit that would not be so focused on simply doing the most good, but meeting the need to which God has specifically directed them to take care of at that moment. May God continue to raise up people within the church, who will surround them and support them in the ministries and outreaches in which they engage the community and the world. Pray also, for proper balance; to take care of what needs to be done and not become so distracted that the days pass, filled with meaningless moments. Stronger and better; not because of ourselves, But by who we are in Christ To do what He has called us to do For the glory of God. - PNC Is it possible?
I know we talk about a negative test becoming a positive testimony. And a negative mess becoming a positive message. But then there are the events that shake us and change us at the very core. And through any number of decisions, influences and reactions; if we allow it, a negative impact can turn into a negative identity. We may have our moments of success and our seasons of good and that's fine. But the power of the cross is the transformation of our lives through Christ. The worst of battles and the most horrific of circumstances, while they may have a forceful impact do not have to have such a controlling effect upon that we limit what we are capable of doing. Let alone, should we allow such events to keep us from allowing God to accomplish His plans and purposes for our lives. In other words, I think life is complex enough that it's possible to have a positive testimony, while still struggling with a negative identity. It's likely that many live their days sharing at times a positive message in public, but an internal battle of poor communication about and to themselves in regards to God's sovereign work. What a conflict to endure that surely impacts ones effectiveness for the cause of Christ. I get it's a process; one that isn't always corrected in an instantaneous moment of the miraculous. However, I think people live years and decades with the belief that God can't or won't do for them. I believe He can. I believe He wants to do so. We can blame someone else or some event as the barrier between us and God, but ultimately, it is us. A simple reaction, changes all. Difficult, but simple. On this #effectiveSunday, pray that we not allow the negative, albeit powerful and overwhelming events of life to define us and hinder are abilities regarding God's plan. Pray we would open ourselves to being transformed by the power of God, rather than the attacks against us. Though we may be robbed of many things in this life, may we allow the work of the Holy Spirit to do a restorative work within us; though we stumble and fall for many reasons, may we rise again for One. For the cause of Jesus Christ. For the glory of God. - PNC ... are those that are fully informed.
Yes, I waited late in the day to write this. My apologies. But the truth is this... information is critical. When it's missing, all kinds of problems and questions crowd the room. Some of the questions are worthy of discussion. However, some of the answers may be troubling and the problems that are created go beyond challenging. I've said it before and it bears repeating... there are times where it's impossible to have "all" the information and so you find yourself making decisions with the best information that you have at the time. And sometimes everything works out well. Other times, you find out that you were wrong and need to make changes. Meanwhile, we all would love to believe in the truth. We all tell ourselves that the truth matter, that we seek truth, speak truth and desire the truth to come forth when it is apparent that pieces are missing from making a complete picture by which accurate assessments and conclusions can be made. That said, we all make justifications. We all make excuses. We have all focused on one aspect of an event and forgotten other important aspects for any number of reasons. Then if you have a terrible memory, this process of having and retaining things of importance from which to build upon as you progress through life, events and the decisions involved and things can get challenging. Life is difficult and at times, incredibly hard. Often though, it's hard because we make it that way. It's not that we bring circumstances and events upon ourselves, though sometimes that is true. But we allow are responses to be dictated by many things that somehow take importance over the truth. Fear, anxiety, opinions, relationships, career, government and more. If only we would make decisions from the onset and respond better to life and events earlier than we do, how much would our life, and society change? And the church for that matter? Pray this #deaconThursday, that God would guide church leadership to be fully informed, to the best of their ability. Pray for the decisions they face and the challenges that lie before them. May God give them wisdom as they lead. May we be reminded of their importance, not because of who they are, but because of the position and responsibility that they steward. For though power corrupts and absolute power corrupts, absolutely; pray church leadership would lead with grace and humility. May they never forget that it is God who has raised them up and ultimately, God who takes them down. May there be but one agenda, The cause of Jesus Christ. For the glory of God. - PNC I have a friend who is a university president; who among his many brilliant insights and perspectives on a variety of issues has a simply profound, three-word phrase.
Ideas have consequences. Just when you think we've encountered troubling times on society's landscape, something gets more outrageous, more bizarre... another level of unbelief with increasing frustration regarding the process and procedure of how things transpire. You look a situation or circumstance and ask, how have we arrived at this place? Then you reflect on the steps and the courses of action that were taken after a direction was set. Wisdom would tell you to walk; and when things go wrong, it's easily correctable. However, when you through caution and warning out the window and take off running, the warning signs are harder to see, let alone notice with enough time to respond. Thus, we find ourselves in trouble. All because we looked at an issue and thought the boundaries were too restrictive. So we compromised and made allowance with "safe-guards". We changed how we present and teach and affirm and correct. And I'm not against change. But clearly, certain movers and shakers in our culture were convinced certain changers were being made for the better and after decades of results, perhaps a rude awakening is bringing us to a place of understanding that change for change' sake isn't enough. Compromise has it's time and place. But like anything else, it depends on the people involved and the state of the relationship. Otherwise, it's simple dilution. And given enough time, whatever was once intact, will fall apart. Pray this #youthPastorWednesday, that God would grant wisdom and discernment as they lead, both in ministry and life. Pray that they would exercise discretion as they make decisions and give direction. May they be careful in the arenas in which they compromise and truly consider the motive and reasoning to do so. Pray they would be the influencers and leaders in the lives of the youth, where for many of them, we have failed in days gone by. Better. Not on our own merit, But by what Christ has accomplished in us. For the glory of God. - PNC An oft-stated line from a previous pastor... information becomes revelation becomes transformation.
We learn. We go. We do. We be. And repeat. This is the process of becoming. Change is rarely overnight. It is, with much greater frequency, a disciplined series of steps taken towards a specific destination and done so, with great intentionality. Do we get thrown off along the way? Yes. Distracted? Constantly. Frustrated? Often. Discouraged? Well, it usually follows frustration where if goes. I worry what happens when learning ceases. And worse, what happens when the discipline to do so is lost and forgotten? It's really dangerous ground for any individual to find themselves. Stagnation. Ignorance. Audacity. There really is no reason to step in the room and leave with absolutely no new information. If anything, there should at least be a perspective to take away or a truth reaffirmed. Anything that does not leaving you looking back at an activity or an event as though it were a waste of time. Hopefully, at least where people and relationships are concerned, that it is not the parting sentiment. Especially for the church, which is a living organization, full of people that should be so filled with God that we speak life. For the power of to give life is gone, then perhaps Life has parted from us; and while that's dangerous for the believer, it is destructive for a pastor. Pray, this #seniorPastorMonday, that pastors would always keep and maintain a spirit to receive. Pray they would not be tempted to reach and exist at a level where they have arrived or attained all. May there be a continual reliance upon God for His Work and a continual thirst for the understanding of His Word. Pray for a strengthening of discipline to know and to seek the deep things of God. That the church would be stronger and greater Because of the increase that God brings to the life of the leadership For the glory of God. - PNC A simple key to greater effectiveness?
Develop and continue the practice of good decision-making. There's much that is wrong and troubling in the world, I think we can all agree. But on a personal level, there is little more frustrating than to look back at a moment or an event and think... "boy, was that stupid." Decisions about work and career. Decisions about friends and relationships. Decisions about money. Decisions about attitudes and behaviors. Decisions of incredible importance and many more of the utterly unimportant. They all come together to create what we affectionately refer to as "welcome to my life." Good, bad, ugly and hopefully, not indifferent. For whether they be good or bad, decisions or the lack there of comes from our intent. And while as good as they may be at times, we all too-often miss the mark and regret the outcome. Are we all not human? Yet, that truth causes a greater hindrance towards are effectiveness. We also look to the better and the more as desirable and necessary, not realizing that while yes, perhaps "more" is needed, we could also get quite far down the road of effectiveness if we better utilized the skills and knowledge that we have within us, before us, right now. So, on that note, pray this #effectiveSunday, that God would indeed help us to make the most of what we stand here with today and get done what we can while it is today. Pray that regret and all its' frustration would not dominate our perspective nor cloud our judgement on current matters. May God help us to live intentional; with every decision and relationship. Pray that are lives would be increasingly greater examples of Christ's work in our lives and that our work as a result would bring greater glory to God. For we are His handiwork Created to do GOOD works For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC I think at one point and time, we have all had a relationship or friendship that at some level was unhealthy for our lives, if not down right toxic and destructive to our health on multiple, if not every level. And so I write this cautiously, with the full understanding that every life is important and that God cares for all and so should the believer... we should consider carefully who we spend our time with and for what period of time with what motives.
Planting seeds and developing relationships with spiritual motives are great. Conversations and acts of kindness in an effort to display Christ' love, by all means. Even done so, simply in the name of being "a decent human being." Granted. But we are only allotted so much time on this earth. Only so much time in a life. Only so much time in a day. Many people. Much responsibility. Plus, there's the hindrance that we cannot be in more than one place at a time. So, it's humbling to consider the time that has been invested with people that is simply lost. It may have had some worth at the time, and perhaps the lessons learned brought value to our future, but there's way too many circumstances were we can look and say; that was the wrong place and the wrong person and things would be in an entirely different place in life and with God had we approached people and the relationships surrounding them with greater purpose, intent and clarity of thought and motive. There's a word for such realizations... regret. Somehow it is seemingly never associated with good decisions... unless from the perspective of there should have been more of them made; even if there already exists a lengthy list. Pray, this #communitySaturday, for God's help in making wise decisions regarding the people that we come in contact with and the relationship in which we invest any amount of time. Pray for clarity of thought and motives; that are time would be accompanied by a level of understanding and purpose. May we apply that according, so that our lives do not become unbalanced and unstable by spending an unhealthy amount of time with a person that creates more harm and damage to our own lives that health and maturity. Pray God would grant us wisdom and discern to know who He has placed in our paths for His purpose of good and who has been installed a force of destruction and ruin. For evil exists and is great in our world. Let us walk in Christ and with wisdom For the advancement of the kingdom of God. - PNC You've had those days. Especially if you are a parent or actively engaged in the lives of kids on a regular basis; both teens and grade-school aged.
Do you not hear me? Now, I have Chris Rock in my head.... "do you not understand, the words that are coming out of my mouth?" It's incredibly frustrating. Your kids don't listen. Sometimes the spouse misses your message. Employees don't catch what the boss said, causing frustration, which is reciprocated when management doesn't listen to the ideas or concerns of their people! It's not a vicious cycle, but it's certainly a troubling one that does often lead to actual trouble and difficulty. Then we get to church, where the best-intentioned among us manage controlled chaos; which sadly is at times as much drama as found on social media. Well, we certainly hope not, at least, but some of us know better. But even the well-meaning and kind-hearted are trying to help those around them, with message and advice and concern, where we truly are expressing a sincere desire to help, solve and aid in someones' choices, decisions and problems. And it is often met with the rigor and resistance of a fierce political agenda. I suppose we should be surprised, that such truth applies to ministry. For Christ' opponents indeed that He had a political agenda and certain people responded in kind. Thus, it's no surprise that missionaries struggle with this battle too, of not being heard. The frustration that exists though because eternity is at stake, put it at a whole other level. And rightfully so. Let's pray this #missionsFriday, for missionaries, who are in places where the message isn't being heard or received as quickly and enthusiastically as they hope or dreamed or are praying to happen. Pray for the people they are reaching out too, that seeds would continue to be plant, watered and nourished. Pray for a shift in the areas and regions where they are; that eternal and lasting change would come about. May the trouble and turmoil that exists would cease. Pray the political forces that stand against them would lower their guards and make way for the message of the Lord. May the miraculous occur As the message goes out. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Life has a way of throwing off our balance. Each and every one of us has "one of those days". Made worse when they line up consecutively as the week progresses. We try to refresh. We try to regroup. And some days we still miss the mark and simply fail to get things together. Or at least maintain the appearance that we have things together.
Frustrating matters. Worrisome and troubling things. Challenging people Difficult circumstances. Impossible odds. Annoyances and inconveniences that are minor on their own, yet major when they accumulate. It amazes me the things which we allow to get under our skin, and rub and irritate us to the point that we become a robber of someone else' joy and the hijacker of their day. There is no further proof needed than browsing Facebook for a few minutes. Or Twitter if you only can spare a few seconds. All of that too say, on any given day, we have no clue what someone's battle may involve. Who knows what worry has kept them up, what burden has weighed them down, what treasure has been stolen, what dream has been crushed. Are we all not battered, beaten and bruised from the words and decisions of others that have negatively impacted us; to say nothing of the decisions and self-talk with which we have caused self-affliction to our own hearts, minds and spirits? God help us all in such cases; especially those not simply solved by more water, a good meal, more caffeine and a good sleep. Pray, this #deaconThursday, for grace, in times where leadership struggles to lead. Whatever the battles, pray for strength to endure and vision to overcome. May their spirits be renewed that they would not quit, nor their hearts exhausted that they would fall early. Pray God would lift up their heads; that they may see from His vantage point, rather than the trouble that lies before them. Pray that confusion would give way to clarity and the storms calmed as Christ speaks peace into their lives. For we are not identified by our days But by what God has declared over our days Speaking order to the chaos For the glory of God. - PNC The difference between hitting the refresh button and coming to the place where you realize that you need to regroup...
Time. As I reflect on certain circumstances of my younger days and even those in recent years, I know this. Life fights in the heavyweight class. And it does not fight fair. I say this, understanding full well that there's a ton that can't be explained, and furthermore that I can't explain. I don't even try. I'm also a firm believer in the sovereignty of God and the promise that He does work everything for the good. What was meant to destroy us does not have to define us Our identity is not found in the trauma and the tragedy of life; but what Christ accomplished through His life. Having said that; however, when life knocks in, knocks hard and knocks done, you don't necessarily need to be refreshed. It takes a process of regrouping and getting your bearings. Not an easy skill to pick up and often learned on the front-lines of life; it is a process of strategy and developing a game plan. To answer the all-too important question: What are you going to do? I know, that's a daily decision question. But in the wake of major life events and states of transition and change, the question is critical. Without a game-plan, without a strategic approach and without a proper perspective and understanding of what's going on, it's a question that if it doesn't haunt you, will at the very least keep you up at night. Like so many other life lessons, I wish I had learned this earlier. On this #youthPastorWednesday, pray for those pastors who have been knocked down. Pray that God strengthen them. Pray they would find wisdom and strategy as the regroup, get perspective and rise again. Pray for the lessons that will be learned and the decisions that will be made in the days to come. May they take the opportunities to intentionally build up and speak into the lives of the youth; that while life does play hard and often unfair, God is with them. Never leaving. Never forsaking. Pray they would know and rest, that while they may not yet have a plan, God does. Plans to for a hope and a future, To prosper and not harm. For the glory of God. - PNC Has anyone else noticed, life doesn't stop. Even one one's life does, in fact, actually stop, the process of living does not stop for the rest of us. Task and responsibilities, relationships and opportunities are seemingly endless leading to incredible amounts of energy expended and time spent into getting things done and making meaningful contributions.
It's no wonder people get stressed, worried and anxious so quickly and so often. You may not be able to inject an actual solution or "fix" for a particular problem or circumstance, but it's amazing just how often a change in perspective works. The mind is technical. Like a notorious computer operating system, or your internet connection or preferred internet browser, sometime you just need to hit the "refresh" button. Life, like a program, locks up. And simply taking a step back and reevaluating things; putting pen to paper and stating what is known is almost a miracle of relief in itself. Computer techs have a term for this. "Clearing the cache." It's a simple click of a button, but for the mind, we all too often make it seem more complex than it is. And that's not to diminish the moments that truly are complex and difficult to discern. But I would argue that that's the time to truly simplify one's perspective and the lens and filter through which they view the matter. Write it down. It helps. On this #associatePastorTuesday, pray for those having difficulty in stepping back and gaining a fresh take on the matter. Pray for those frustrated by the approaches and methods towards solutions have not worked or seem to be more trouble and cause more problems that what already exists. May God help them to change their perspective and see things from a different vantage point. May the power to breathe bring calm in the midst of the stress. May the prayer of the righteous go forth; that God would hear their plea and grant peace in the midst of the chaos. For God brings help in our time of need To those who call upon His name. May we seek Him first. For His glory alone. - PNC For all the grace God has extended to us, we truly have some rough days where we have difficulty in advancing to others. And when we aren't passing it on to others, it remains in possession; which isn't problematic, except for when we have difficulty applying it to our own lives.
I can utilize what God has given. I can share what God has given. It's amazing to consider sometimes, the stories and the testimonies of absolute craziness that God has accomplished in the lives of some pastors. Deliverance, healing and restoration... the stories are mind-blowing. They will "never", not be able to continually apply God's grace to their lives, nor ever NOT share that grace to those around them. But as we continue to hear stories of pastors who struggle and burnout... even if they are among those who've experienced incredible grace in past days, their current struggle can position them as though the flow is cut and damaged. Life becomes an incredible frustration, both from a state of existence and as a state of engagement. Yesterday's mistakes, missteps from 3 days ago, misunderstandings from 30 days or wrong-doings from 30 years ago. We know to let go and let God. We struggle to let go and let God. And where and when we are quick to turn to God, seek forgiveness and ask for grace, we still turn around and think twice to extending it to those around us. God doesn't put a time-limit on what He offer and makes available to us, but we make conditional and provision limits to others. This is both problematic and hypocritical. Society has enough of that; and certainly not enough grace. So what will we do. Continue to walk in grace. Continue to give grace. Remember there are limits on neither; Healthy boundaries by which we should live. On this #seniorPastorMonday, pray for those who struggle to apply grace to there own lives, Furthermore, pray they would extend grace to others. Pray for divine appointments and reminders, of both the work God has already accomplished and what He looks to still achieve in this world. Pray they would lead by example, in not holding grudges, nor allowing anger to get the best of them and cause damage to both home in ministry. May God give them wisdom and discernment, to know what it is worth fixing and what is worth dismissing, what is worth correction and what justifies release. May grace abound. Not only because we need it, But because God desires to give it For His glory alone. - PNC Unless you are Christ, one person can only do so much. One person can only go so far.
The next level, the next plateau, the next stage in advancement and progression always requires something that is not within us. For the believer, we should never try to do anything on our own. For one, God knows the plans He has for us. Secondly, He cares about us. So if it's important to us, it is important to Him. All too often though, we get caught up in both the excitement and stress of life and attempt to start working our own game-plan, executing our own strategy and seeking all kinds of advice and resources for help. Do we leave God out entirely? No, most often we do not. But more often than we should, we don't rely on Him first. We don't necessarily seek Him first. He is not first to whom we cast our cares. Nor our dreams, for that matter. Trying everything else, before doing the best; going to everyone else before approaching the best... God is willing, ready and able to help, intervene and move on our behalf. All it takes is one step towards Him. How much of our effectiveness and efficiency is hindered from our not being more open to moving in His direction, at a greater and quicker pace than we currently do? On this #effectiveSunday, pray that we would be even more open. Not only to the things of God and the moving of God, but an opening of our hearts and minds to how and what He would specifically desire to work, build and grow in within. Pray fear, anxiety and stress from the cares of the world and its' responsibilities would not stand as a stumbling block nor a bondage that would prevent us from seeking and running to God and doing so first. May God work the miraculous, as we seek, pray and go in the direction and prompting of the Holy Spirit. As we have placed our faith in God So to should our confidence lie. To our betterment For His glory. - PNC Leave it to social media to be reminded that the world is small.
Leave it to social media to be reminded that "community" exists, in the presence of just two people, let alone beyond. Leave it to social media to be reminded that people can call out what they perceive to be true, but be wrong. And don't be surprised that perhaps those same people weren't as wrong as perhaps what you thought they were. Social media is reminder that the innocent words and communiques can be misconstrued, misinterpreted and misunderstood. It's a reminder that the non-judgement do make judgements. Everyone makes assessments and evaluations. And we have lenses and filters which cause us to see things differently. Sometime to extreme differences. Other times to fine-line nuances. Nevertheless, leave it to social media to be reminded that as quickly as we can recognize the worst in people; we can just as easily notice the best. And the good. And the humanity. Community will always require truth. It will always require compassion. It will always require as much self-awareness as it will awareness of those around us. We are in the world, but not of the world. But our identity is in Christ. Which makes us people who can change the world, as Jesus did. Does social media need help? I think that goes without saying. But only, because we know the truth of reality. Society needs help. Pray this #communitySaturday, that we would be people who would indeed change the world, for Christ. Pray that we would be people of the truth and of compassion; genuine in spirit and kind in heart. May we ever be conscience that people are hurting; living damaged lives and viewing life with skewed perceptions and scratched lenses. Pray God would help us as we communicate our experiences with His truth and a heart to help. For no man is an island. Neither in social media, Nor on this side of eternity. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC I was reminded earlier today, of just how much of a struggle the balancing act can be, between ministry and life outside the four walls of the church. People love being involved in ministry and rightfully and commendably so. But sometimes they do so, putting other aspects of their life at risk.
It's not they shouldn't make a sacrifice, nor that certain positions of ministry are risky. However, having a home life that is out of balance or finances that are out of control or relationships that are perhaps less than beneficial can stand in the way of how one approaches ministry. Stress, worry, anxiety, frustration... the sorting and balancing of life is difficult enough most days. But it is both problematic and dangerous to build a ministry from a personal life that may have some foundational issues. It is a fine line. I'm not suggesting everything needs to be "perfect" before stepping into ministry. I'm reminded every time I sit to write this site, that I'm taking this lesson to heart. But Paul understood this dichotomy all to well. If the struggle interferes with ministry... Granted, he was talking about a specific struggle, but the larger point is there. Ministry has enough battles and struggles of it's own without our entering it with our own, unresolved chaos and undue stress... much of which could be avoided or eliminated by out daily decisions. So, pray this #deaconThursday, that God would help church leadership and staff solve and correct the matters and issues in their personal lives where problems outside the church are affecting their work within the church. Pray that God would give them wisdom in handling those situations and grace in dealing with those involved. Pray that God would grant them strength, for the weary and down-trodden who've recognized their troubled existence has lasted far too long. May God accomplish the miraculous as they commit to bringing order and structure where there is little to none. Pray for increased blessing over their ministry as they get their personal affairs together and on the right track. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019