I heard this phrase earlier today and it immediately resonated. There's so much going, I don't know where to begin.
The conversation was political nature and the man who spoke the phrase was talking about the history of America and what is essentially, the brilliance of the founding fathers and how they set-up government and the importance and thoroughness of the Constitution and so forth. And yet, we miss so much... both from an educational and understanding perspective, as well as a reverence and awe for what has been established. Switch gears... And the same is true for Christianity and Scripture. The stories of those who have gone before; the wisdom, perspective and relevance that it gives us today is beyond belief. And Scripture. The Word of God is useful for instruction in righteousness, and profitable for doctrine, reproof and correction. Not lacking anything, it is complete unto itself. And yet our level of reference and education of such spiritual matters could always exist on a higher plane than our current reality... both for ourselves and instilling such framework into the generation that comes behind us. Once again... preaching to myself. It requires our life of faith and our understanding of the things of God to have its' proper place and influence in our lives to be in order. On this #youthPastorWednesday, pray that God would help to keep and increase a reverence education for the things of God. Pray that pastors would never lose the sense of wonder and awe. Furthermore, pray that the Word would lead them in matters of doctrine and righteous living. May the Holy Spirit bring reproof and correction when needed; and quickly before irreparable damage is done and lives are destroyed. Pray that God would give them wisdom as they lead this next generation; not to fear man or what he may do, but God and what He has done and the destiny that He has ordained that we should walk in it. Standing in awe of the Lord, Our Holy God To whom all praise is do. For His glory alone. - PNC
I couldn't help put wonder... just how far over one's head do pastors get. Ministry. Family. Professionally. Financially.
There's a scene in the TV show, The West Wing, where the press secretary is asked regarding a situation, if she (and the administration) if the water was over their head. She replied, no... it's right at our head. So, what prompted this train of thought? Well, another caller into the Dave Ramsey show. This one will leave you scratching your head. The wife calls... roughly 20 grand under water on their car. Owes $48k, it's worth 18-20k. Ouch. But there's good news... they make 150k a year. Then the rest of the story. 287 grand in consumer debt, not including the mortgage. The husbands truck, a motorcycle and credit cards. I was kinda bummed to be listening to the show rather than watching it on YouTube, as I imagine the look on Dave's face expressed the internal equivalent of falling out of his chair! I don't like to think of pastors finding themselves in near impossible situations; holes really, from which they are figuring a way to climb out. But then I consider my own life. Situations that I knew better than to place myself in. Circumstances that I knew were detrimental to my health, whether physically, mentally, financially or spiritually. We've all done it. Even Dave jokes about having done stupid with zeros attached. Safeguards. Accountability. Common sense. Prayer. Healthy relationships. Proper understanding and perspective. A lack of any or all of the aforementioned leaves the door open for decisions to be made and compromises to occur that set us on a path that does not lead to good outcomes. And by the time we wake up... yeah, the water is at our head and dangerously close to going over. This is not a good place to be. Whether in ministry or the marketplace. Single or married. 15 grand, 150 grand or 150 million in annual income. Firm foundations are found at every height. Therefore a loss from that footing spells trouble. Every. Single. Time. On this #associatePastorTuesday, pray for those are who trouble. Whether the water is still rising or near going over, pray that God would come quickly to their aid and grant them a moment of clarity. For those who have already had that moment, pray that God would give them wisdom to know how to proceed and the strength to begin taking the necessary steps back to safety. Pray for protection over their families and ministries. May God lead them and show the way back to the path that they have stepped off. For the testimony is great because of the test. And the power of the ministry is a result of the mess. For the glory of God alone. - PNC So, I got thinking about leadership, and in particular on this whole topic of moving when God moves. I know how much in my life, both in general and in faith, that I get it wrong. Leaders make me stand in amazement.
It's not that they never get it wrong. The Bible is replete with stories of great leadership who royally messed up and missed the move of God. And yet, it continues to bother me how we have moved away from being able to extend grace. There is no grace for those who have fallen; there is however, a rush to judgement and destruction. Which, do we need to be reminded, is a job responsibility best left to God. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm hard enough on myself when I mess things up. At times, being a man of faith makes things "worse" because of the conviction of the Holy Spirit. A broken and contrite heart is what God cares about and looks for as a sign for wanting to make a course correction in our lives. But all too often, we look at the mistakes and failures of our leadership and rather than offer them opportunity to make a course correction, we kick them off the course altogether. That may not be their ultimate fate.. grace will make its' appearance and restoration may be offered. For less extreme matters, eventually life and ministry moves on and continues to advance. Civil discourse over our disagreements has given way to corporate destruction. And by that, I'm not talking about the dissolution of corporations, but the "mob rule" mentality that seems to permeate so much of our culture and society to the point that it occurs within the church, not nearly as often, but certainly more than it should. So, on this #seniorPastorMonday, pray that senior pastors would indeed, have an increased awareness of the voice of God and the prompting of the Holy Spirit as they lead and move. But more importantly, pray for a covering over their lives and ministries for when they miss the mark. May there be an extension of grace as matters arise and are resolved. Pray that the church culture would not be so quick to rush to judgement and worse, the propensity to bring to ruin leaders who fail or leaders we think deserve to fail. May we be people of grace As God has extended grace to His people. Even to those who fail and with Him we disagree. For we have all been that person to God. - PNC I trust you had an awesome experience this morning during your church service, whether in person or online. We started a new series this morning, on the movement of God. And what a powerful message as well as a time of worship.
Though, as typical my mind was thinking while I was worshiping. While singing the song I Just Wanna Be Where You Are, I recalled the story of the prodigal. While it's a powerful story of God's grace and longing for relationship to be restored with humanity that has gone a far off into the distance, I found myself asking... What if the son never leaves? What happens if he doesn't walk away. He stays close to his father, under his leadership, helping to accomplish the goals and dreams of the family. What if he stays and continues to work alongside his brother? What if, instead of walking away to pursue and live his own life, he steps out and goes into the world to do even greater things than his father had done... for what father doesn't want their child to go above and beyond whatever it is that they have achieved? It's a very unhealthy relationship that a father wouldn't want his child to accomplish and experience less than he had achieved. God has great and greater things in store for us! Having said that, it's hard to be effective for the kingdom of God if we are not where God is. As pastor stated this morning... if only we could come to grips with the fact that God is always moving. Thus the work is never done and every time we do not follow in the direction He is going, our ability to be effective and efficient is hindered and both the church as an institution and the people of God as a community fall behind. On this #effectiveSunday, let's pray for an increased sensitivity to the still, small whisper of God and the gentle prompting of the Holy Spirit. Pray that we not find ourselves in such a state that we miss the voice and prompting to the degree that drastic measures and circumstances are in order to bring us to our senses, such as the prodigal experienced. Pray God would accomplish the miraculous in the lives of those who desire a greater spiritual acuity to the things of God. May the hardness and harshness of the world and the church for that matter, not take a toll on our hearts, minds and spirits that we dismiss God's moving in our lives and on our behalf. May the church be greater today than it was yesterday, because we recognized God's moving and followed accordingly. To be where He is Both in this life And in the life to come. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC So I was finally able to make it out to a men's breakfast this morning at our new home church and I was so glad that I was able to go. The conversation was good; breakfast was really good... and the devotional: challenging.
The guy that led the devo is a missionary in a very dangerous part of the world right now... serving in what is known as the 10/40 window. He talked about evangelism, using as a launch point, the story of the Good Samaritan. As a part of the discussion, one of the questions posed, is that why do we sometimes find it difficult to converse with people in like manner as the church leaders passed over the man that was robbed? Likewise, we know the Samaritan was moved with compassion, but what prompted that compassion? And as we pray for community, it comes back to relationships. Which was a part of the conversation in our devotional. Church leadership doesn't have the same relationships that the everyday, neighborhood, workplace Christian has. And the Good Samaritan was actually the outcast of society in that day. And we know nothing of who the man was that was robbed and left for dead. His position and status in the world could range from the upper echelon of society to a "nobody". Is it possible though, that the Samaritan had compassion becomes something within him connected to the hurting man? The relationship didn't exist, but I think somewhere, he understood. At our table, I shared the story of the man who fell into a hole and a doctor walked by and dropped a prescription. Another walked by and did something else. Then a friend walked by. And jumps in the hole. The guy asks, are you crazy now we're both in here? Friend says, yeah, but I've been here before... and I know the way out. As we engage community while living in a broken culture, what's not to connect with people, but to share how we too were once lost, but found our way out of the mess of sin into the presence of Christ. Is not the story of the Good Samaritan also the Good News of the Gospel? Christ has paid the price to heal our wounds. On this #communitySaturday, pray that God would help to engage and relate with the lost and broken in our world. Whether that be in the nicest neighborhood in town or the run-down side street by the tracks, pray that God would help us in our conversations, to look for opportunities where we might share our story, of grace and compassion having been extended to us. May we not fear how it looks or sounds or whatever might cause us to hesitate; but that we would speak the truth in love about our broken state and eternal redemption. Pray the truth of the Gospel of Christ would advance, in this dark and lost humanity that is desperately searching for answers to the evil that wages war in this world. One redemption at a time May many come to the saving grace of the cross As they come in contact to those who've already received it. For the glory of God. - PNC I got to thinking about the verse in 1 Samuel, about obedience being better than sacrifice. And while obedience can be a difficult path to walk, usually because it seems counter-intuitive, there is honor in true sacrifice. It's amazing the blessing that results when both obedience and true sacrifice come together in unison.
Where is the honor in true sacrifice? Well, the story of Cain & Able come to mind. God favored one over the other. And with good reason, as the their story tells us. I don't know exactly how this fits. I think sometimes we think we are making greater sacrifices in life than we truly are. I think it's possible we miss certain blessings because we don't follow in greater obedience to sacrifice the things which we feel we are being led or directed to give up. I wonder at times of all honor is lost in the sacrifice because we are not walking in obedience of any kind, but true defiance. Is it possible the imbalance of these two dynamics creates incredible stress and frustration in our lives? I'd be surprised if it didn't. Is it possible the conflict of these two decisions restrict or limit God's ability to move, direct and respond to our prayers and our faith? Quite possible. I really hate preaching to myself, but here it is... Make the hard, and honorable sacrifices. Walk in the difficult places of obedience. For who knows the nature and greatness of the blessings that await. But God alone. Pray this #deaconThursday, for those struggling with these elements of faith. Pray they would walk and live in complete obedience. Pray that their sacrifice would be found honorable before the Lord. May the following the prompting of the Holy Spirit and the instruction of the Lord in the decisions and matters of life that need clarity where there is confusion. Pray God would be bring order to the circumstances that are best described as chaos. Pray the blessings of heaven would be poured out, beyond the limits of the imagination. For God is great. And it's Him alone that we serve Not because of what He gives us, But because of what He has already done for us. - PNC I found myself hearing another conversation on values today. Perhaps it was a similar conversation to one I heard a few weeks ago. But it revolved around kids and today's education system and the battle that exists between the two. And it is a battle.
As great as the political agenda is among us, how much thought and emphasis do we give to the eternal agenda? Not nearly enough... not nearly enough. Lives hang in the balance... of all ages, of all races, of all ideologies and backgrounds and experiences. There's the value system that is set by God. And there's the system set by man. One is fixed. One is fluid. In an age and time when people want to be grounded, have something that is sure and assured, in which they can place their trust and confidence... to rely upon for all times and seasons; and then people walk around in disgust and disbelief with a quay-sera sera attitude. DeGarmo & Key sang a song titled War With The World. As I consider the values that the believer holds fast to through prayer and understanding of the Word in comparison to the agendas and philosophies being presented by society and the battle couldn't be anymore clear. It has permeated our leadership as a culture. It is influencing our youth. It is creeping into the ministry of the church. So, on this #youthPastorWednesday, pray for the leadership of today's generation. Pray that they would be men and women strong in the faith, strong in the Word, full of conviction, truth and the Holy Spirit. Pray that they would help to instill Godly values and Biblical principles; that this generation would be a counter-culture to a world that has turned themselves upside down. Pray that they would be a voice of clarity in a society that has filled their hearts and minds with confusion. Lord we need your help. Creator of this world, That you have set us apart from. For your glory alone. - PNC We all have issues. We all have problems.
We are all surrounded by issues. We are all barraged by problems. And while I'm not certain of just how often it is a conscious choice, there does seem to be a tendency, or at least a temptation, to be superficial. People ask how we're doing and we respond with fine or good when we are far from fine and life is far from good. Sarcastically, you wouldn't to respond with "wouldn't you like to know". Secretly, we're really wishing we could share what was really going on. Other times, we honestly don't know. It requires digging deep. Into our emotions. Into our thoughts. Into our hearts. Deep into prayer. Deep into conversation. And if we are getting wise counsel and wisdom, even deeper into prayer after that. Man, that's a ton of work. Maybe it is easier to just keep it within us. Between us and God. In our heart. In our own prayer. We don't make the connections with people and relationships that we wish we could because of what... Well, fear. Mostly. Probably. Like so many other areas of life, relationships begin and end with intentionality. Or a lack thereof. And if everyday people... those not in formal, leadership roles struggle in dealing with matters that are underneath the surface, how much more for those in leadership; to be willing to bring life to the surface in hopes of a greater, more fulfilled and satisfactory life. Pray, this #associatePastorTuesday, that no matter what is going on in life or ministry, that leaders would allows themselves to be honest and real. Pray for a grace about their lives, as they deal with their own lives and struggles as well as work to help others that come to them through the ministry. Pray for wisdom as they search their hearts, minds, souls, as well as the face of God through prayer and the Word to find solutions. May there be an emphasis on living life with intention, purpose and clarity, both on a personal level and at a ministry level. Pray they would neither live nor operate from a place of fear, even if that is what sets in as honesty creates a clear picture of the problem at hand. For how can honest and effective solutions be found, If problems are not fully exposed In the grace, safety and love of the spirit of God. For His glory. - PNC Forgive me in advance...
I'm still reflecting on the loss of this pastor from the southern tip of Illinois. The lady who presented the news and prayer request to a social media group, offered the information, that one of their current plans being discussed was offering Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University. What's crazy about sudden, life-changing events such as these, is that you can't help but wonder, what else was in the works? What other matters was He seeking the face of God regarding? What other dreams and plans was God planting in His heart? What relationships and conversations were in various stages of development? I don't know about you, but such circumstances would drive me nuts. Probably because I'm always thinking or dreaming of I would like to be able to do or accomplish in the next weeks, months and years. Which I guess should be all the more motivation to live life fulfilling the plans and purposes that God has called us to, as well as that which He has specifically placed in our hearts and not lose a day dragging our feet on the matter. Easier said than done and once again, yes, I'm preaching to myself. You don't struggle with this, do you? On this #seniorPastorMonday, let's pray, that God would help Pastors to pursue and fulfill the plans and dreams that God has placed within them. Pray that they would be wise stewards of their time, as well as their resources and relationships. May God give them discernment as to who they should surround themselves to achieve those goals and work the ministry. Pray that regret and frustration would not hold them back or frustrate them; but that they would motivated all the more to seek the face of God and advance the Gospel of Christ. May they not live life unfinished, But completed. Having done well, as a servant of the Most High God. For His glory and honor alone. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC I can't believe in just a matter of weeks, this project will begin year number four. We've prayed over many things as they relate to community. Much emphasis and time has been given to the churches' and believers' impact on community. In recent weeks, we've prayed over community in terms of the family unit.
And sadly, I write this in need of prayer over the community of the local church. Thanks to the influence of social media, some tragic news out of Southern Illinois came across my newsfeed. A 68 year old Baptist pastor was in car accident while en route to meet up with some members of the church. One of the church members responded to my inquiry; and while authorities haven't released details, his vehicle was found in a ditch-creek. So, while many will be stepping into a church service tomorrow to celebrate the amazing life and influence of Mothers, one small community will be morning the loss of their Senior Pastor. I'm at a loss. I've been a part of some great churches over the years. And they have been blessed with some incredible pastors, and staff; people of God and of the Word. High quality leaders and people who are dedicated and devoted to powerful and impactful ministry. I don't know that one is ever prepared. Never emotionally at least. But I'm hoping and praying that systems and processes, plans and people are in place; that while the church grieves, ministry will not come to halt. On this #communitySaturday, would you keep the people of United Missionary Baptist before the Lord. Pray that God would bring comfort and peace to this community and the community of believers. Pray for his wife and family during this time of mourning. Pray that the days and weeks to come would demonstrate the impact of his life, as many more come and come back to God as a result of his ministry and the relationships that he built and the effort that he put forth. Pray for the leadership of this church, and the decisions that need to be made as the church moves forward in its mission and ministries. May God grant them wisdom and discernment; bring clarity and direction in a time of mourning and grief. Pray the love of God would be felt as a life is celebrated; not because of his greatness, but the greatness of the God He served with his life. For we mourn with those who mourn, And grieve with those who grieve, But not as those without hope. For in Christ, is eternal glory. And that, of God our Father. - PNC It doesn't take much some days, to realize just how much you have to admire the skills of those who daily deal with the stress, frustration and planning that goes into coordination and logistics.
Life truly throws us off our game. It's so easy at times to look at a problem or circumstance and simply, do this, adjust that, change this and remove that and we're good. And other times, it's a chess game. The ability to see three, six and nine steps ahead has its' advantages while simultaneously presenting its' disadvantages... ... for it creates the opportunity to feel defeated and frustrated very early in the game. And about the time you think you are making progress, something falls through. Seemingly, almost always. It is not for the faint of heart, nor the weak-minded. Are there times we oversimplify life? Yes. Are there times that life really is just "that simple"? Absolutely. For the rest of life... Well, to some He gave to be preachers and teachers and apostles... and the gift of administration. It's amazing the correlation of effectiveness, efficiency and accomplishment that transpires in churches and ministries, when the pastor or leadership finds one who has been blessed with the skill-set of administration, that not only handles the responsibilities with proficiency, but also with excellence. It's a wonderful gift. On this #deaconThursday, pray for those churches who are struggling; where that role and responsibility is perhaps not yet filled, or not operating at the level that is should. May God give them wisdom in the problems and challenges they face and that God open doors filled with solutions. Pray God would strengthen the efforts and capacities of churches who are doing well in this area of church operation. Perhaps God would open doors for them to lead and help other churches that are struggling; to share wisdom, experience and best practices. For the learning process in life is ever done, Nor the journey of faith ever complete. Even for the most practical of matters. For the glory of God. - PNC It's Teacher Appreciation Week... which naturally got me thinking. Dangerous, I know, right?
I've been blessed with some great teachers. As have you. And probably a handful that we didn't appreciate quite so much. But not just the teachers that we had in the school system. I miss the days of Sunday school. I don't remember elaborate children's ministry programs on Sunday morning. For nursery and toddler aged kids, if I recall yes. But grade school kids... seems like we were in the main sanctuary for service. But Sunday school before service, that was cool. It's amazing what's instilled, especially in those smaller class settings, when you are learning and studying Bible stories and Biblical principles. Small groups today. Small class yesterday. Same concept. So much education. So much information. So much opportunity for access and acquisition of information. Facts and opinions; twisted frameworks and flawed perceptions. As life gets more complex and the issues of life become more complicated, we need the truth of God's Word to cut clear and quick to the heart of humanity and it's sinful nature. There's a reason it's not popular. It's because it's not comfortable! But what is uncomfortable is often what is necessary for growth and maturity. And that truth doesn't disappear, nor diminish when transitioning from childhood to adulthood. In fact, if anything, that process increases in both complexity and frequency. On this #youthPastorWednesday, pray that teachers and pastors of students would continue to teach and declare the truth of God's Word as well as the nature of His character. May they not only know the works of God, but also know His ways; that they would be able to trust God, even when they can't trace Him. Pray that God would help pastors and teachers and grant them wisdom and discernment as they navigate these increasingly difficult issues of life and the conversations involved. Pray the power of the Holy Spirit would bring clarity to the chaos and confusion, as they minister to lead and guide the next generation into all truth. One day at a time. One life at a time. One lesson at a time. For the glory of God. - PNC Something got me thinking about teamwork in the past 24 hours or so. And not just teamwork... but team conflict. Does anyone else think that church staff is utopia? Not that they aren't doing serious work and have difficult conversations and agonizing decisions and everything else. Surely, it is eternal work and full of complexities.
But does it seem like it would be great? Exciting, dynamic, jovial. It'd be naive to think that someone, somewhere has something, that in a workplace, even one centered in ministry and the institution of the church, would create an annoyance, a problem, a source of conflict and tension. I don't think anyone wants to believe that happens, but we've all worked enough jobs with hundreds and thousands of personalities, to know that the church office can't possibly be immune to such an environment. So why aren't I writing this for two days from now, regarding deacons, administration and staff? Well, I could. And should. Perhaps I'll copy and paste! But for now, I understand that even within leadership ranks, conflicts regarding decisions, circumstances and personalities arise with just as much frustration and frequency as they do with non-leadership staff. So, on this #associatePastorTuesday, pray for a spirit of unity and strength among pastoral teams. Pray for grace in the midst of difficulty, understanding in the midst of communication and clarity in the midst of chaos. May their be a resolve in the purpose of the work and ministry to which they have been called. May they fulfill their duties and responsibilities with honor and integrity, working as unto the Lord, for indeed as they serve the people of God and the world who desperately is in need of Him, they are doing just that. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC I heard a really cool phrase this morning... and thought, what a great concept for #seniorPastorMonday. Then I lost it. However, in the past two days, I've heard a story, or a portion of a story from two different pastor couples regarding personal decisions in their lives that will or would affect their ability to do ministry.
A funny thing about both instances; they involved a serious financial component to the conversation. A three-way juggling act, between being obedient to the hand of God and the prompting of the Holy Spirit, trusting what has been placed in the heart, and making sense of it in the mind. For following the mind, can cause you to miss the decision God wants and calls you to make. Just as easily, and often for that matter, the heart misleads. The emotional "tug" and the feelings of the moment fade, to varying degrees of course; but even the strongest of instincts are occasionally wrong. Finally, there's the downright, "yeah, I can't do that". Whether we don't feel ready, willing or able isn't really the question. It's a question of trust. Is wisdom involved? Yes. Prayer, absolutely. But wisdom only goes so far, for our finite minds are just that. The super-natural realm of a sovereign, spiritual, Supreme Being can't be understood, let alone explained through physical eyes and earthly words. God is God and we are not. So it has always been. So too, will it forever be. But that doesn't make the prayer in the process any less important. It doesn't negate the difficulty of the decision-making process and revolving conversations. It does not ignore the pursuit of Godly counsel from the outset to the outcome. Nobody ever said ministry was easy. Nobody ever said the personal matters of life and faith of those who lead got easier while in ministry either. So, on this #seniorPastorMonday, pray for those pastors in ministry struggling with any and all variety of decisions. Pray for marriages that are having difficulty navigating the conversation and reconciling the prompting of the Holy Spirit and the hand of God compared to finite wisdom and understanding. Pray God would grant discernment to know what is truly a step of faith and an act of obedience compared to what is a hope and emotion that is not a part of God's plan. May He work the miraculous as only He can do and may He intervene and keep from harm, those who are on the verge of missing God's plan and making a disastrous and damaging mistake. To know the will of God And hear His still small voice. Even if it is one step at a time, One decision at a time. Living the life He has called us to live. For His glory alone. - PNC Effectiveness and efficiency relies on so many moving parts and pieces... and people.
And sometimes difficult circumstances prompt difficult conversations. Especially when the attempts to get things done that result in a sense of effectiveness seems be inefficient or worse, non-existent. So what gives? A hard conversation. A reality check. A decision. Nothing can be resolved, if nothing is noticed. Nothing can be changed, that isn't first owned. So, if there's a problem in reaching one's desired level of effectiveness and efficiency, it begins and ends with the one who has the desire. This isn't directed at you. I'm preaching to myself. I'm living it myself. And not five or ten years ago, like I should have learned. Here and now. The learning process doesn't stop at adulthood. If anything, school is an education on the process of learning. I used to reflect in college, of how I wanted to be a student of life, for life. What was I thinking? The lessons get harder. The refining fire of the work of the Holy Spirit gets hotter. And the iron sharpening iron... well, it doesn't create a pleasant sound during the process, but it's necessary for both to become better for the task which they were created. On this very personal #effectiveSunday, pray that God would help us to do the things that need to be done, at the time and place they are necessary. Pray that God would increase the awareness and understanding of both the realities and the truth as to how God would have us handle it. May we be sensitive to the work of the Holy Spirit, even when the refining fire is hot and uncomfortable. Pray for strength to persevere; to continue to do what is right, even when it is incredibly hard. For the glory of God. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC So, today is the National Day of Prayer.
And let me offer, once again, my thanks and gratitude to those who read this daily (or as frequently as you can) and join us in prayer for our church leadership, ministry outreach and overall impact in the world, to be a light in the darkness... or rather, to reflect the Light in the darkness. There's so much to pray for in the troubled days and times. We all have personal battles and ministry struggles. The world is a mess and society seems to have lost its' mind. Everyone is calling for the truth, except one can agree what it is or what to base it on. We desire leadership to use wisdom, yet respond with hyper-criticism to most minutia of details. There's a demand for perfection from others, yet leniency for ourselves. Give me all the grace; but be prepared to receive none when you need it. Every time there is a glimmer of hope that exists within humanity, it is met with a stronger argument that reminds us the glimmer was not bright enough. What good is it to be true to yourself, if you aren't living in tune with the one, true God? Everyone wants to be accept for who they are, yet they don't accept themselves for who they are in Christ? Does prayer fix everything? Not by itself. But the fix does begin through the act and discipline of prayer. Pray, this #nationalDayofPrayer #deaconThursday, that no matter what the struggles and battles we face, that prayer would be a greater priority in our lives and those of our leaders at every level. Pray for wisdom and discernment to work through the problems that plagues our society and culture. Pray for the leadership of our nation, communities and churches. May they lead with integrity and honor, people of courage and conviction who are not afraid to search for and speak the truth. Pray God would help us to reflect the light of Christ to a world overrun with darkness. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC So there's a group of us sitting in class last night at church and among the material being presented, the topic of Adam and Eve in the garden was mentioned for a few minutes. And the point that stood out, as we took an overview of what transpired and the relationship was broken, is really, how all relationships begin to break. It's the beginning of the process of regret and the erosion of confidence and trust.
Satan's favorite question to all of us regarding any and every matter in life. "Did God really say?" That's all it took. Four words, and the "sliver of doubt" pricked the soul. These suckers are not any fun. I've had one in my left index finger that I could not get out the day it happened. It's been weeks now and I still haven't dug it out. Talk about irritation that is now sensitive to touch and painful in my attempts to remove it. If such a circumstance results in physical agony, then we begin to understand the spiritual dilemma of Satan's question. And obviously, the eternal impact his words created. But this is his nature, to kill, steal and destroy. While the Word of God plants seeds of faith, the enemy plants seeds of distrust. Like going about daily life and normal tasks and it doesn't take much, but asking the question. The heart is pricked, the crack in the mind is found. And he keeps touching the infected and irritated area. If it's not taken care of so it can heal, it will be a long-term problem, ever growing worse. I know, I'm talking to myself now. Someone is reading this, yelling at their screen for me to get this sliver out of my finger! And I'm asking you to pray with me, that pastors will not go so long when slivers of doubt are planted in them as they lead the people of God. Therefore, pray this #seniorPastorMonday, that the slivers of doubt would indeed be quickly removed. May they not create such an irritation to become a problematic hindrance to the ministry of the church. Pray for wise counsel during this time; that any legitimate questions and concerns would be answered and resolved, whether by the Word of God, or prayer or conversation. Pray for the guarding of the hearts and minds, for no Christian or pastor is immune from spiritual attack. May such moments neither derail nor destroy their life, faith or ministry; but they would overcome and remind the enemy of both his proper place and his future destiny. The foe is already defeated Our confidence is steadfast and firm In the Lord our God As we call upon the name above all names. - PNC We pray for our church leadership. We pray for the church as we engage community. And sadly, how many times have we not prayed for the leadership within our community? Those who run them in positions of government, those who influence them by planning and development and those who impact them by how they run their companies and organizations as contributors to the region.
While it's true, that a small, committed group of individuals can indeed change the world, we are also witnessing the reality that a group of people can mislead and redirect the world to levels and places that many would rather not go. Decisions always make an impact, but there is a big difference in motivation... of those who would want positive, generational change versus a dangerous and harmful spiral effect for which there is little discussion of the ultimate outcome. Other factors come in to play and things happen that are out of one's control, but this is what vision casting is all about. Being able to see the end. And to that effect, when decisions are made at the end result can't be painted, then perhaps that should be an indicator that requires us to reconsider what we are doing and why. So, on this #communitySaturday, pray for those who lead our communities, whether nationally, regionally or locally. Pray for wisdom and discernment as they plan and implement decisions, strategies and developments. May they have a heart that pursues positive impact and more importantly, a Godly and eternal impact. Pray for understanding in the conversations that transpire; to speak with knowledge and clarity and to decide with purpose and principle. For a greater community here on Earth For a greater impact for the kingdom of Heaven. For the glory of God. - PNC What an interesting phrase, and concept for that matter. This idea of hit and miss.
It speaks to intentionality. It speaks to perception. It speaks of action and reaction. It takes into account strategy and timing. We highlighted a similar concept yesterday. You think you are on target towards a goal, task or dream and yet still miss the mark, to varying degrees. Conversely, you think you will miss or avoid a matter altogether and yet, nope... this isn't a close call. This is going to make an impact that we'd rather not have to deal with, let alone even be on our radar. So, what's the lesson. All the planning in the world doesn't guarantee perfection and all possible precautions don't eliminate risk. Thus, whatever we do, however we do it, and for however long we deal with it, a never-ending balance exists, between managing risk and working towards greater rewards. The process of analysis and improvement for our efforts is a seemingly unending one. Equally, so, the trial of our misses and mistakes can be troubling and frustrating... often for a much longer time than is healthy. This is how you know you are loved; the person who you continually go to with your triumphs and trials of life that does not tire of the emotional roller-coaster that is your mind and soul stays with you always. This is the grace of God in your life and the work of the Holy Spirit at work in your life, now matter what sun or storm dominates your day. On this #deaconThursday, pray for God's strength, no matter what their day and days to come may bring. Pray for wisdom in handling the things that are before them calling for their attention. Pray for extra grace and wisdom to handle the things that they do not expect, but will suddenly become both a distraction and a priority. May they not be detoured or derailed in the process, but faithfully stay the course as they serve the work of the church and the ministries therein. Pray for a grace about their lives; even in the midst of the roller coasters between the triumphs and trials of life. May there be as many good and meaning hits As there are redemptive and clarifying misses By the sovereign hand of God For His purposes and plans are good. - PNC I have a working theory...
Leaders get to their position, by and large, by doing things that most others don't. And they accomplish them with more discipline and effort than most as well. There's a difference in attitude and mindset and strategy. It's not that others can't do it. Anyone can. Leaders don't just step into the front and center. But they have taken steps and put in to practice elements that cause them to progress in a noticeable manner. It's easy to look at leadership and wish and desire that one was in a different position and place in life, dealing with different battles and different people; perhaps enjoying more benefits and perks even if it came with a different degree of stress. But then again, is there a willingness to do things differently to get there? Forgive me for another Dave Ramsey quote... I didn't plan this. "Things don't change unless you do." Well, that'll preach! And I'm first in line. But seriously... how much is missed out in both opportunity and reward because we don't do the hard thing, the difficult thing, the hard decision, the challenging process with unfettered and unwavering determination and commitment? Quite a bit, as I'm daily reminded and remembering myself. That said, at the end of the day, the difference is diligent determination. On this #associatePastorTuesday, pray that whatever is done; that it would be done with all one's heart, soul, mind and strength as unto the Lord. While that may be stating the obvious for those in ministry, may it be the necessary encouragement that it needs to be for those struggling as they approach and ready themselves daily. Pray for wisdom in the decision they make, the risks that the take and the strategies that they implement to accomplish the work set before them. May God grant them favor in every realm and may the Holy Spirit lead as they continue in faithful service to the kingdom of God Bad habits broken Disciplined disciples at work For His glory And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019