I've been experiencing an interesting lesson in the last 12 hours. It's not that I haven't known it or heard it before... it's just been taken to a new level.
It's a simple point of trusting God with an unknown outcome. It's been a matter of prayer; seeking counsel, exercising wisdom, being in agreement then simply waiting to see what God does. And while waiting; keeping emotions and hopes in check, so that if the result is different from my hopes, that I won't be severely disappointed. To put it in the Apostle Paul's words... I'm content. I've had. I've gone without. Yet in all things, with God... Then, I recall as Pastor shared yesterday morning, when he and his wife were just starting the church and a Sunday night service only had 6-8 people. Having turned down offers to pastor elsewhere, His mother-in-law asked her daughter after that service "are you sure this is what you want? Because this isn't good?" No matter what our circumstance and how things look, trust and contentment is almost entirely perspective. One that I admit, I struggle with more often than not. And I know I'm not alone. So, let's pray, this #seniorPastorMonday, for pastors struggling to trust God in the difficulties they face. For those situations and circumstances that are less than desired; for the opportunities that are exciting but hopes and desires are difficult to keep in check... may God help them keep perspective. Pray for strength as they endure waiting periods and perseverance as circumstances may look questionable to others. May there be an unwavering stance of faith in their calling and purpose; that God would accomplish the miraculous for His glory as they exhibit trust in God alone and walk in obedience to the plans He has laid before them; even those that exist one step at a time. Contentment with understanding; Vision that keeps perspective; And hope that remains confident in God. That He will do what only He can do. As we walk in faith. - PNC
As I considered the challenges and battles facing missionaries yesterday, the words stood out, as Colton Dixon's song All That Matters, played on the radio.
He talks about how life changes, things come and go and fade away. Yet, all that matters is that God is for us, for always. His love will never change. All that matters is that we matter to Him. Oddly enough, or not, it tied in perfectly with the sermon on Job, that was broadcast yesterday morning as well. God wasn't setting Job up for failure, when He asked Satan if he had considered "my servant Job". God knew Job. He knew His faith. He knew His unwavering. Indeed God chose Job because He knew Job would bring glory to God in all things; and that his response would be as Colton sings. No matter what happens, I matter to God Thus, regardless of where one finds themselves and what they are encountering, God is not far off. He is not unreachable or unobtainable. He is not out of ear shot; not out of range. We are not in a roaming area, where it will cost extra to reach Him. God is intimately aware and intimately close. What greater message is there to share, with those who need to hear and receive the love of God; for those in ministry who need to be reminded of the love of God. All that matters is that I matter to God. You should say that out loud, as I just did. All that matters is that I matter to God. Pray this #missionsFriday, that the truth of the love of God would go forth. Pray for missionaries, struggling to minister, because they are having difficulty personally, in their faith and life, even though they know and sense that they too matter to God. Pray for strength and encouragement even this hour. May God do a fresh work in their hearts and minds; that the Holy Spirit would supernaturally revive and rejuvenate the depths of their soul. May they know and trust that wherever they are and whatever they face, that God has chosen them to bring about glory... that our struggles and tears are not in vain, nor are they wasted. All that matters, matters to God. Creator and sustainer of life. Who holds the world in His hands, Yet His beloved in His heart. For we are His workmanship That all may know His glory. - PNC ![]() For about as great a disdain as there exists in discussing religion and politics, especially among friends and family. Ranking right up with it, possibly even surpassing it, is the ability for people to tolerate hypocrisy in one's life as well; seemingly most often in the realm of religion and politics. And probably called out by friends and family more than anyone else as well, especially if they are on the "other side" of the matter as far as their own personal views or beliefs are concerned. Add the ministry dimension into the conversation and you've simply raised people's awareness to be called to the mat, on just about every matter imaginable, whether professional or personally, on politics, faith and life in general. However, it's the ones closest to us, that when a misalignment or a diversion exists in our lives that should cause us to pause and reflect... what is really going on in this realm and arena of life? Is there truth to their argument or perspective? Hard to swallow, though it may be, this is part of iron sharpening iron. One must be strong to speak up on matters; one must be just as strong to receive criticism on such matters. If done from a place of love and concern, then the justification to be offended should be low. If there is truth to the matter, our offense should be even lower. Yet, often it is not. Our offense is high; especially if the criticism comes from a place where there isn't much of a relationship as a foundation from which one speaks. But God is at work in all of us; and He'll use whom He must to capture our attention and draw us closer to Himself and our reflection of the character of Christ. As difficult of a process as it can be to endure. On this #youthPastorWednesday, would you join me in prayer? Pray that that God would draw each of closer to His presence, but especially those in ministry. May He guard their hearts and minds and the arenas of life where words and actions, beliefs and lifestyles don't align as they should with who God has called and desires us to live. Pray the spirit of offense would be far from the life of the believer and the ministry. May the power of God and the truth of His Word continue to come alive and impact our lives, much as a parent desires the truth to guide the lives of their kids. Pray pastors would not be blind to what God is doing in their lives, regardless of who or what may bring matters to their attention; nor would they be blind-sided by the affects of decisions, actions and words which are not called out in their lives and ministries. For we are each being renewed daily. And either moving closer to image of Christ Or farther away from the image of Christ. May we walk and move in the presence of God Living and speaking truth. As a witness to His grace and love. - PNC ![]() It's Independence Day! Our identity and freedom is in Christ, because of what God has accomplished in our lives. We are no longer slaves to sin. While we understand we are servants of God, life has a way of attempting to crowd out what God has in store for our lives and what He called us and purposed for us to carry out. For all freedom we have in God, the pressures, circumstances and decisions in life can certainly cause to feel as though we are bound. Decisions are made or not made based on emotions and thoughts of limited choices. Or "none". Frustrations and perceptions can seemingly bind our hearts and cloud our judgements. At times, it feels as though you just can't get a handle on clarity. Wisdom escapes us. Decisiveness evades us. Emotions get confused in the cul-de-sac of self-doubt. Internal angst makes itself known on one's countenance. One does not feel free. Not in life. Not in Christ. One is not a slave to sin; neither do they feel as a bond-servant of God. Yet, it is hard to deny at times, the existence of feeling as though one lives in a straight-jacket. Yet the truth remains. We are God's. Joint heirs with Christ. Not forsaken. Not forgotten. Not unnoticed from the throne room of Heaven. Not obscure in the eyes of God. Not without a plan and purpose; a calling and an anointing; a hope and future. Not without a promise from our Creator and Father. On this #associatePastorTuesday, may today be a day celebration. Not only of a nation's independence, but of within the frustrated souls and hearts of those in ministry. May God work the miraculous for those struggling professionally and personally with where they are in life and family and church. Pray the Holy Spirit would break through, the lies that have been told and believed and that have hindered what God desires to accomplish in the lives of pastors. May they be renewed in their hearts and transformed in their minds, as God works afresh in their lives. Pray the plans of the enemy would be thwarted and the plans and purposes of God made clear. Freedom. Obtained. Declared. Lived. Under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. By the power of the Cross of the Christ. For the glory of God. - PNC A friend from college posted a meme on social media yesterday morning that I had to laugh it. It expressed how so many of us, make plans. It's the weekend, and there's so much stuff to get done. Look out to-do list... I'm coming for you; you're going down. Then when it comes to actually doing it... no, not so much.
Dad can we watch (whatever)? No, why don't you pick out a movie. Dad has stuff to do, but pick something out that I'll want to watch with you if I decide to take a break or something. Yeah... it was a break alright. Or something. I can't imagine, ministry not having similar moments. Perhaps items that aren't necessarily deadline-oriented, but just need to be tended to and taken care of, and yet other stuff, tasks or pleasures end up pushing it aside one more time. Next thing you know, another day passes of, "I didn't get nearly as much done as I was hoping to accomplish". Such days exist for all of us. The problem lies when such days become habitual, rather than occasional. It is certainly a balancing act, though... for usually, the busier the Monday-Friday, the more likely the weekend will be lazy one. But there is still much to be done. Breaks are good, but eventually we must return to the work. So, pray this #effectiveSunday, that pastors and those in ministry would be renewed and refreshed. May they not put off the things that need to be done. Pray things would not fall off or behind; but that they would stay the course. May God strengthen them and may they be surrounded by those that would come along side to aid and assist in the workload; that they would not burn out from working alone. Pray a great return in the harvest of the kingdom of God for the work of the ministry that has been completed, with faithfulness and love for the things of God. That our will would align with God And that we would act accordingly. Getting done what we have been called to do; What we know needs to be done. For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() While discussing life with a friend yesterday, he mentioned something very profound. It's the perspective that if you feel as though you are in the wilderness, then perhaps God is building an awareness regarding details. For what is there in the wilderness on which to focus? It's a similar awareness that shepherds have while tending sheep. A keen sense of awareness of the details of their surroundings. One of the preachers that I try to catch on the radio, has been going through the 7 "I AM" statements of Christ, from the book of John. Jesus moves from being the Shepherd, to being the Good Shepherd. He expounded on the point that Christ makes, that when trouble comes; when the wolf readies for an attack, the hired hands will take off. Yet the shepherd, takes ownership and stands his ground. And I considered how often that happens within church operations. Such in these positions aren't leading the church, but they are hired to support the church. Much like in any organization or company, they aren't invested, financially or emotional into the success of has been built as the person who has built it, and poured their heart, life and soul into the process. Thus when trouble comes; when things aren't going right or well... they may soon be out the door. Who will help protect and guard against the attack? Those who do will be few in number. So, let's pray, this #deaconThursday for church operations and staff. May they be encouraged to stand firm and strong, when things get difficult within the ministry. Pray God would strengthen their resolve to the work of the Lord and the ministry. May God grant them clarity and insight, especially for those who feel as though they are in wilderness places. Pray for perspective and the ability to focus on better handling the details of life. May they be victorious against the attacks of the enemy. Unhindered. Unshakeable. Immovable. For the advancement of the cause of Christ. For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() We've been doing some rearranging of materials behind the building at work over the past day or two. More than once, we uncovered a wasp's nest. Talk about not wanting to be disturbed. They were promptly dealt with so we could continue our work, but it got me thinking... How many people in our lives are like that? Stingers. They are okay if you don't mess with them. Don't disturb them. Don't do anything to get riled up. Let them go about their business and you'll be fine. Such personalities can make for an interesting, to say the least, relationship. However, encounters such as these in ministry can be... less than pleasant. Ministry has enough challenges to navigate and problems to solve without being worried or concerned as to when you might unexpectedly get blind-sided. I know not everyone gets along, regardless of organization. I know you can't control peoples' actions, or reactions for that matter; but there are enough hindrances and obstacles to overcome in ministry, simply for the fact that the Gospel, when applied to life is disruptive by nature. Disruptive environments demand navigating with caution, wisdom and courage. Let's pray this #associatePastorTuesday, for pastors facing especially difficult environments. May God grant them wisdom and discernment as they deal with people, both within and outside of the church walls. May God guide their conversations and give them insight as they relate and share the truth of the matter. Pray God would encourage and strengthen them, as they pastor and minister, for indeed, the Gospel disrupts lives, mindsets and human nature. May grace abound, as people come together, each in the process of being conformed to the image of Christ, whether leading ministry or sitting under one's ministry. That the church would reflect Christ and His character That the love of God would abide in us And go forth from our spirits. May our lives speak of the impact of the Gospel For the cause of Christ. - PNC From our spirits, as we interact The human mind really is a piece of work. A beautiful one, created in the image of God, but at times a frustrating one, none the less.
As I considered the decision making process, I couldn't help but consider, once again, the challenges and processes that pastors go through. Way too many decisions are made, that we could readily admit we make harder than they actually are and spend more time attempting to make or figure out the right decision than is actually warranted. For the major stuff, calling the strategy of making a decision seems and feels like an understatement. As I consider this process on a personal level, the prospect of adding decisions regarding ministry, church operations, staff, outreach opportunities and spiritual leadership... it's no wonder pastors are burning out, disconnecting from family, falling out in ministry. Their spirits are crushed, hearts are broken, minds exhausted... it's a dangerously vulnerable place in which to find one's self, In fact, if you'll permit the play on words, its more like the last place people find one's true self; and more like the place the get lost. About as good a place as any to turn to God. Let's pray, this #seniorPastorMonday, for pastors that are lost or on the verge of getting lost; overwhelmed by the weight and pressure of the decisions they face. May God strengthen their spirits and encourage their hearts. Pray for wisdom and guidance; that God would bring clarity to their minds and understanding and purpose of the decisions that need to be made regard the circumstances they face. Whether they are facing trouble on the home front or the church front, may God surround them with friends and encouragers who will help them navigate these times and conversations. May they know they are loved and valued, despite the overwhelming issues of life that are out to defeat them. That they would rise above, By the power of God And the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Focused. Determined. Renewed. For the calling God has placed upon them. - PNC ![]() We discussed a number of times, particularly on #effectiveSunday on the costs of ministry. And while we know and understand it and don't always like to so much to participate in it, as summer arrives and we have plans, everyone reconsiders where they might be willing to make sacrifices. Ministry takes money. It's not that God needs it. It's that He needs us... to step in and engage in His plan. And the reality is that economics apply, even for organizations that aren't in "it" for the profitability of a proposal. At a time when ministries cost increase with all the summer activities and of course, everyone is on their way out for the own summer fun, this can be a real and true struggle for churches. When resources are tight and help is low, the prospect of being both effective and efficient can feel severely hampered, whether actual or perceived. Yet, as I've recently learned, sometimes you can't always look at just the money issue and make a decision based off that factor alone; no matter how important or sizable the amount may be. The investment in people, in relationships, in community and family far-outweighs whatever "hurt" is felt by the missing green-backs. Effectiveness is the result of investment, financial, relational and more. Let's pray, this #effectiveSunday, that church would not lose hope. May the be revitalized and renewed, in their efforts to continue to make the investment in community and family, even if the prospect of finances and resources are low. Pray God miraculously move on their behalf and sovereignly provide for all that they have need. Pray for strength and wisdom, as they navigate decisions and make plans. May they not based them in fear, but trust that God will will accomplish His plans and purposes as people are faithful to the work of the Lord and the ministry of the church. Effective through investment For the treasures of Earth are temporal But the treasures of Heaven are eternal. For the glory of God And the advancement of the Gospel of Christ. - PNC I watched a thread on social media in the past 24 hours or so and I couldn't even keep up with all the comments and back and forth as people responded to the post itself and everyone else' comments, opinions, sarcasm and theology. What an incredible conversation. As always happens in these debates, the original poster even got called out and into question, on a number of levels.
Ultimately, though this was the acknowledged realization of this man whom I greatly respect and I have to agree with him. The post, even if done in error, served to "expose an angry and vindictive spirit in the church... one that must be confessed if we are ever to reach the world for Jesus" I've posted in the past, who the world is seemingly coming to the place to the truth of Mylon LeFevre's song from decades ago; that if we are going to witness the Gospel of Christ, the world will be won by one. Social media posts aren't changing the minds. Nor are they allowing the Holy Spirit to change hearts. People are seemingly wanting less and less to do with church, while recognizing that something is missing from life. We are more sensitive to offense than we are sensitive to the truth. We recognize and respond more quickly and passionately to the offense than we do the truth. Whether inside or outside the church, being "called out" has, or remains becoming taboo. And yet, that's what Christ does. Call out. He calls out for relationship. He calls out for discipleship. He calls out that He may change the hearts and lives of His Created. And yet we all stand resistant. Welcome to the sinful nature of man, that wages war in all of us against the things of God. Pray, this #communitySaturday, that God would help us remain faithful to the truth of God and love of Jesus Christ. May the spirit of offense not hinder or derail the message of the Gospel nor our commitment to declaring such to the world. Pray that the church would live lives that would declare and speak to the change that Christ has made within us, before we ever utter a word. Pray that God would begin to move on hearts and minds to receive the truth of His Word and the power of the cross of Christ. May the church ever be mindful that it's the Holy Spirit that convicts and the Christian who simply shares. Pray the church would engage, in both love and in truth. Now, more than ever... May we know God And desire others to know the same. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC I listened to a great sermon yesterday on Barnabas, son of encouragement. And of course, tied into the story is the disagreement that he has with Paul, on their missionary journey. Barnabas wants to extend grace to John Mark, who couldn't handle the first trip and Paul says, no, to the thought of John Mark accompanying them on the second trip. Such was their "sharp disagreement", that they parted ways.
However, their second trip turned into a split trip; essentially doubling their efforts and their reach, as Barnabas and Mark went one way and Paul connected with Silas, and when another way. Then, later in the day, the local Christian talk show host spent the final 90 minutes of his 4 hour show, having "disagreement day", allowing callers to say, I agree with you for the most part, except..." Disagreements can be tricky and difficult conversations to navigate, especially in ministry. Yet as the radio personality stated, they help to define and refine our arguments and points of view. They increase our understanding and hopefully lead us that much closer to the truth. They do have their place, in the process of "iron sharpening iron". Conflict serves us well, if we handle it properly. There my be times where agreeing to disagree is an acceptable outcome. There will be other times, where that is not enough and a parting of ways is in order. Whatever the circumstances, wisdom and discernment levels are high as is the need to retain them. And even in the break-aways, God has plans and purposes to accomplish His will through our efforts, such that the conflict may be the only way that God's will is carried out. Thus, on this #deaconThursday, let's pray for churches struggling to navigate conflict and disagreements. May grace and understanding abound and cover the conversations. Pray for wisdom as they work through differences. May God accomplish the miraculous, even in times of parting ways. May such outcomes not give way to bitterness and anger. Pray for churches that have been damaged and destroyed by sharp disagreements. May they experience a healing and restoration in their community and be empowered to greater pursue God and His purposes for their church. That even disagreements would not hinder The process and work of the Holy Spirit And communication of the Gospel of Christ. For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() A pastor friend of mine and his wife have a had a few rough days of late. Life, as it hits all of us, with a few extra plot twists, untimely as they are only compounds the complexities of their already full plate, both on the home front and on the ministry front. She posted on social media the other day as they were discussing the latest turn of events, that "hindsight is 50/50" Obviously, life has turned things around more than few times. Yet somehow, when I wasn't paying attention, I realized it's not the hindsight that is 50/50 (that's still 20/20). It is, however, the prospect that is 50/50. Granted, there are times when the prospect is clear and sufficient; when there is a level of assurance in the direction one should take and the decision one should make. For much, if not most of the rest of the time, the outlook of what we should do certainly feels like a 50/50 call. I would dare so most pastors would agree, the odds wouldn't weigh so heavily if we were talking about insignificant matters and decisions that bear no weight on the impact of our calling, purpose, ministry and ultimately, eternity. But alas, we struggle with these odds with the most serious of life's decisions and ministries' direction. Yet, God still reigns supreme in the business of placement. For where we are to be, and what we are to do... for His plans that we are to fulfill and the purposes to which we have been called; the sovereignty of God moves about, waiting to see if our free will takes advantage of the opportunity to align itself with the will of God. Thanks again for joining me. Let's pray, this #youthPastorWednesday, that God would help pastors, as they seek His face in the decisions and challenges that lay before them. May God grant to them wisdom and discernment, especially when the prospect doesn't seem so assuring and 50/50 odds are best case scenario as to the decision and direction to choose. Pray for those that are recovering from having made bad decisions, even regretable ones... and perhaps even those, that may not qualify as regret, but continue to nag at the back of the mind causing one to wish they had done differently. May God give peace to those who are distraught and grace to those struggling in the current process in which they find themselves. Pray God would move on their behalf and show them where and when they should go... that they would be an even greater force for the cause of Jesus Christ. Planned by God. Placed by God. Empowered by the Holy Spirit. To point the world to Christ. For the glory of God. - PNC Just a few quick thoughts on this post-Father's Day Monday.
I got to thinking yesterday afternoon about Senior Pastors and others in ministry, who maybe don't have the best relationship with their own dads. One in particular comes to mind, whose relationship with his father was nearly non-existent, until after we had started attending the church... and this was after he had been in ministry for 10+ years. Plus, so many times, pastors do play a fatherly role... not only in how they handle the affairs of the church, but also figuratively, perhaps to individuals or kids who are in fatherless situations or unhealthy fatherly-relations with their earthly dad. The bottom is line is this, and it works for so many other arenas of life... It's hard to be or fill a healthy role in someone's life, when one's own role is in a difficult or stressful place in life. It's hard to offer strength, from a place of weakness, or help from a place more desperate than the person you planned to help. Yet, Father God remains able and willing to help, even the Pastors who perhaps had or have a difficulty time with Father's Day, whether in the past or just yesterday. So, will you pray with me? On this #seniorPastorMonday, pray God would do a fresh work, as father to those pastors struggling in their own relationships, in their homes and in speaking into the lives of church families. May God grant wisdom and grace where needed. Pray the Holy Spirit would strengthen and quicken them to continue the good work that was begun in them. May they not quick or falter in frustration, but press on towards what God desires to accomplish in their lives. May they not grow weary in well-doing, even this day. To live, love and be As Christ has set the example for us. For God gives good gives to His children That we would know we are loved. And extend that to our world. For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() First and foremost, Happy Father's Day to all Dad's. To the great ones. To the ones who know and understand their is still time to become great. You are needed. You are necessary. You are valued. You are loved. And if no one is telling you that or sharing such a sentiment, know that your Heavenly Father loves you, values you and cares for you... such that He sacrificed His Son to take your place for consequence of sin. Talk about what doing what is necessary even at an uncomfortable cost. While hardly a comparison, an unexpected car repair is never fun.Wednesday night, as my daughter's and I pulled into church, I left the wheels cranked. Upon leaving service, I noticed... yep, don't think we can put getting tires of any longer kiddos. So, yesterday morning... new treads! And thank God for the blessing. They didn't cost nearly what the should have; God hooked a brother up! What a difference! What was I thinking putting that off for so long? Well, besides not wanting to ruin the budget? Actor Ron Silverman, played political consultant Bruno Gionelli, on The West Wing. After helping the administration win re-election, senior staff offers their thanks. At one point, he simply replies, "It helps when you cook with the right food." On this #effectiveSunday, how important is it that we cook with the right food? So pray this Father's Day, that we do well to work with the right tools, resources and people. May we effectively communicate the truth to those around us and care for those in need and in difficult places. Pray for breakthrough, in families and homes that need to know the power of the Holy Spirit and the love of God at work in their lives. May we be ever aware, of the changes that need to be made and how and where to go about making them; that God would guide or steps and direct us in the way we should go. As we lead our churches. As we lead our homes. As we impact our children As we change our communities. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() We've all had our moments. We all want to be "in the know". We think we deserve to be; we ought to be; we secretly hope that we will be... whether the outcome of the situation impacts us directly or we're just wanting to know how things will turn out in the aftermath, we spend a lot of time in analysis and conversation rather than simply waiting for events to unfold. Commentary and critics abound... ... about an investigation on the national-political scene ... about the member make-up of our favorite rock band and any changes that may occur ... about the "personal" reasons an athlete withdraws from an event We simply can't seem to avoid the temptation to "weigh in" on a matter. Or at least inquire as to what's going on. Even innocently enough... "what's going on with x, y, or z co-worker?" Within the church body, this can be even more frustrating and detrimental than any other arena of life. Rumors and gossip have the greatest potential to become the millstones that will weigh down and defeat a congregation when enough people decide it's more important to "weigh in" rather than "wait & see" the outcome for itself. I understand; it's frustrating at times to be looking at seems through the front window. But there's just way too much going on to allow the unknown to stress us out until there is an outcome to be dealt with and worked through. Sometimes you just have to truth the one who is "in the room". So will you pray with me? On this #deaconThursday, pray for those "in the room"; may God grant them wisdom and direction in the decisions they face and work through the challenges of negotiating the when, where, why and how and with whom they should go. May churches ride themselves of the rumor mills and gossip trains; that the body of Christ would be a community of discernment; of understanding and of principle. Pray for churches that are in turmoil and trouble; where opinions abound and the commentary and critics seem endless... may a clarity come over those circumstances, as well as a peace to people's hearts and minds. May they not spiral out of control in confusion, but be controlled by the Spirit into a clear path of healing and restoration for the plans and purposes God has in store for them. May God be "in the room". Not that he would bless our decisions, But that He would direct our steps And illuminate our paths. To bring us out of trouble.. To keep us out in the first place. For His glory and honor. - PNC ![]() It's simply astounding how tolerance, or the lack thereof, has become the sociopolitical buzzword of the day. And on a smaller scale, in more contained units there are policies and procedures, boundaries if you will, where words, actions and attitudes are not tolerated. We don't engage in and let go for hours on end, the misbehavior and vocalization of a kids attitude towards a parent or sibling. Management doesn't tolerate telling off the boss. Marriages don't tolerate a whole bunch of inappropriate behavior and attitudes; at least healthy marriages don't, or shouldn't. Government doesn't tolerate the breaking of federal regulation from corporations and businesses. The IRS doesn't tolerate not paying taxes. But then we get to the bigger picture of society and culture. And the boundary lines are blurred and erased. Which is problematic enough in it's own right, until it begins to infiltrate the church. And the Christian faith, which has some pretty clearly defined boundaries, from both the Old and New Testaments and well, welcome to 2017. Perhaps at the core of the demise of many churches and of course, a primary reason for the undertaking of #pray4pastors. As deacons and admins have a unique pulse on the heart of the church by not being in a pastoral position, so to do Associate Pastors as they directly oversee specific ministries within the church. Now, don't read what I'm not typing. I'm all for love and grace, forgiveness and mercy. I understand not all change is immediate. I get that past experiences, relationships, family dynamics and childhood memories all contribute to the battles and struggles someone may be working through; particularly as they navigate their faith in God through Jesus Christ. But true love speaks truth surrounded in a spirit of love. Consider Christ. He didn't mince words. Nor was He mean or malicious about it. But not everyone responded as He would have hoped. Christ knew the heart of the rich young ruler and what stood in his way of eternal life. And he went away sad, because He couldn't handle Christ' response. People aren't always going to like the advice, counsel and wisdom that is spoken into their lives, whether from the pulpit or the pastor's office. But boundaries are for our protection and they establish opportunities for true freedom. For them to not exist and not have reminders that they exist by those who love and care for us is a dangerous place to live. May we not be intolerant of the truth. On that note, shall we pray? This #associatePastorTuesday, may we be about speaking the truth into peoples' lives, for we are not responsible for someone's response, nor can we control it. Pray God would grant wisdom and discernment, to help those in need work out their faith in God, despite the framework they may be navigating. May God super-naturally intervene within the body of Christ, to keep the spirit of offense at bay. Pray communication both within the church and towards the community not be filled with malice or personal intent or agendas. May the body of Christ seek to be a people that pleases God and encourages those around us to strengthen their relationship with God as well. For eternity hangs in the balance And the truth can wait no longer, No matter how unpopular and problematic It may be for the one who hears. Lives forever changed, By the truth that is the Word of God. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() I got to thinking late last night about what transpired early Sunday morning. Maybe it's nothing, but I couldn't help but consider how the smallest of things, especially if unexpected can through us off our game. Depending the day it happens, just adds to the frustration of the experience. Granted, I wasn't happy about having to miss church, but had it happened this morning, causing me to miss work... well, that wouldn't have gone over well either. Last minute changes can really mess with organization, whether in the marketplace or in the ministry. And as usually happens, I couldn't help but consider, once again, the situations and circumstances that seem to seek and arise in the lives of pastors and their families that would attempt to detour, detract and derail their ministry. It may be a series of small, insignificant events that seem to culminate in the creation of havoc; it may be a major event that puts one on the brink of burnout. Regardless of how life adds up, the bottom line is that it does add up. And the only question that matters is will one's faith and trust in God remain at the forefront of the equation. Well, on this #seniorPastorMonday, let us pray. Pray for strength, that regardless of what occurs in the lives of pastors, may they not falter in keeping their faith first. May Christ, is greater in us, than he who is in the world, accomplish the miraculous, as pastors daily reaffirm their reliance upon Almighty God. May whatever rises up against them fall and bow the power of God at work in their lives. Pray that the Holy Spirit would be their comfort in uncertain times. May they stand firm and stand tall by the power of God. Faithful and unrelenting In their commitment to God and the ministry. May God work the miraculous, Even this very day and hour. For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() During the course of two separate radio programs yesterday, different pastors during discussion heaven, mentioned that there will be "work" in heaven. We will have things to do, in service to Almighty God. Which if you think about it, makes sense, because even in the Garden, before sin entered the picture, Adam had stuff to do. Sin simply made the work live up to it's name. In between the two, though, I happened upon a conservative Christian, political talk show and during her discussion on current events, mentioned the phrase of "serving at the pleasure of the President." I had to chuckle, as it reminded me of the episode in The West Wing, where all the senior staff respond to the President, sharing that sentiment in carrying out their duties. And on this #deaconThursday, it took me back to the relationship between church operations and counsel and the Pastors as well as the entirety of ministry and how they approach the mission and calling that God has placed upon their community of believers. It's easy to assert our rights when situations get frustrating. It's easy to want to make our voices heard and contribute our ideas in hopes of making things better (or at the very least, making our jobs easier) It's the day in which we live. Yet, Scripture reminds us, that whatever we do, to do it as unto the Lord. With all our heart, soul, mind and strength. Our lives are not our own... we were bought with a price. We are to rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. Give thanks in all things. I'll be the first to admit; having and keeping such an attitude is difficult. It's a daily process. It's an intentional decision. It's a constant awareness. I can't help but think, that if we focused on serving at the pleasure of God that things would go much better for us as we respond and carry out our work with those around us and those in authority over us. And all the more, for those in ministry, as theirs is directly and prominently placed at the forefront of kingdom-work. Thanks for joining me again, this #deaconThursday. Let's pray for those burnt-out from ministry, who have lost the joy of service. May God rekindle the passion and love for people and the body of Christ. Pray for healing and restoration over whatever situations and decisions have transpired that have taken them out spiritually and emotionally. Pray for strength for those who are getting tired and worn down. May a spirit of refreshing and rejuvenation fall upon them afresh. Pray for new energy and new excitement; may a fresh anointing come over them as they recommit and rededicate their lives in service to the kingdom of God and the advancement of the Gospel on Earth. God help us all That regardless of the name on our paycheck May we go about our day as working for you. For indeed, you created us. You have a plan and purpose for our lives. We live to seek you and glorify you in all we do Even when we miss the mark by miles. Do what only You can do As we are faithful in the work before us. - PNC ![]() As we enter Vacation Bible School, our church's theme is Under Construction. It's a perspective we usually remember, yet at the same time, just as quickly forget. For all the days that we think we have all together, in an instant or a series of moments, we realize we are no where close. If we are failing to work on ourselves, is it possible that we are missing the mark of whatever we are working on outside of ourselves as well? The local radio station still plays programming from J. Vernon McGee ministries and his Through The Bible broadcast. For the portion I heard yesterday, at one point he shared a conversation that he was having with a young pastor; who after 3 short years of ministry was just out. Out of energy. Out of ideas. Out of sermons... like he had nothing left to offer. And results, or lack thereof, were visible in his church. In McGee's wisdom, or perhaps just his experience, he inquired as to how much time the pastor was spending in the study of the Word... as well as in the preparation of his sermon. The response? 3 and 1. Three or so hours in the Word. One or two hours in sermon prep. Out of ideas? Absolutely. Out of energy? No doubt. Ready to be out? It's like never having stepped in? Perhaps I'm writing to myself. I often wish I was doing more. I often look at the status and impact of this site and wonder what's missing. Perhaps, just another reminder that I'm still under construction... just as much as the young pastor in conversation with McGee. I'm humbled by this undertaking, but I can't imagine putting such little time into a pastorate and expecting great results. And yet, so many pastors find themselves continually tending themselves to church matters that don't revolve around the study of the Word and the preparation of the sermon. So we continue to pray against burnout. On this #youthPastorWednesday, as we are all reminded, regardless of our place, age and time in life and ministry, pray pastors would continue to place their trust in God and rely on Him alone. Though wisdom is gained by experience, may they be careful to always seek the face of God, for the direction of the church and the topic of the sermon. In times of difficulty and certainty, may we be reminded to give praise and thanks, even while unfinished; that God has not forsaken, nor neglected us. We are His, imperfect and flawed as we are. Students of the Word. Created in the image of God. Being conformed to the image of Christ. We are under construction; Always living and learning. By the grace and for the glory of God. - PNC ![]() The weeks are passing by, fast enough that it's becoming increasingly difficult to remember how far back a particular writing exist in the archive when trying to reference a concept or idea by saying "if you remember a few weeks ago." If feels like it could be quite a bit longer than a few weeks ago. Nevertheless, I remember bringing up the concept of legacy, as it relates to pastors. And something clicked in my mind yesterday morning, during the opening minutes of the sermon. While not quite related to legacy, it was the process and continuation of what happens in organizations after a long-standing leader is no longer in the leadership role. President, CEO, Senior Partner, Lead Pastor... whatever the head of the organization may exist as far as title in concerned, eventually someone else will sit in that seat. And yet, it's the concept and understanding that the business, organization or church is bigger than the people who "run" it and bigger than the people who contribute to it, that continue to accomplish great things regardless of who is at helm. For the stories abound... of people who built incredible organizations and then when new leadership stepped in and thought they were the cat's meow and over time, things went down hill. It's certainly a humble perspective that helps the process. When we understand that what we have been given; what we are responsible for; what we contribute to... that we do so as stewards of a picture and a purpose bigger than ourselves. It changes what we do, how we do it and how we respond to what happens to around us. Many have witnessed the downfall of organizations who have suffered where this understanding was lacking or non-existent and quite frankly, it's a process the church-world and the kingdom of God as a whole, can't afford. It should be the last place such an even should transpire. So, let's pray this #seniorPastorMonday. Pray that churches would not decline in their efforts and accomplishments as leadership roles and people change and transition. Pray for churches, where people and positions have taken on a selfish and unhealthy nature. May their be process of confession and healing, as acknowledgement that the mark has been missed comes to light and change is made. Pray God's help and wisdom for churches that are in transition; may the understanding of stewardship be at the forefront, as decision-makers converse and seek counsel. May the know the will of God as they work to advance the kingdom of God to new heights and greater depths... not because of who they are, but because of what God has called them to do. For our lives our not our own. And ministry is not about us. In service to God. For the advancement of the Gospel of Christ. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019