![]() Over the past few weeks, I've had opportunity to listen to a number of great preachers deliver some incredibly powerful sermons. Tossed in to the mix have been a number of episodes of a radio show called "Equipped with Chris Brooks". He can be found on the Moody Radio Network and I've thoroughly enjoyed the shows that I've heard so far as well as the interviews and conversations he has engaged in along the way. Yesterday, he interviewed John Stonestreet, whose latest book is titled A Practical Guide To Culture: Helping the Next Generation Navigate Today's World. Over the course of the interview, Christ fielded a phone call from a listener, who shared with them the situation she is facing with her daughter, who is struggling with an incredibly difficult and controversial topic facing our culture... gender identity. I know... you're wanting to know what this has to do with #pray4pastors and #deaconThursday. Well, we're here. During their conversation with her, John mentioned having a similar conversation with a woman who facing the same situation with her child. Of course, John gave some of the same advice, which at the top of the list, was to continue to pray. But then he shared with the caller, the question he posed to this other mom. Are you getting any support from your church? The mom looked at John, as if to say, are you kidding me? She responded verbally, with: "Oh, I could never tell my church." They wouldn't know what to do. As if she would be ousted or shunned if anyone at church knew this was the situation she was facing on the home-front. As I've stated in the past, deacons and church administrators and staff are on the front lines of both the church and the community. People in these positions, fielding phone calls and other conversations literally have their fingers on the pulse of what is going on with families and people in need... dare, I say, perhaps more-so than the pastors themselves. It's exciting to see what churches are accomplishing through "life groups" and small groups, helping people to connect at deeper levels of faith and fellowship, but at the same time, such a response is a pretty strong indictment against a church... both for the concern that love and grace would not be extended at such a challenging time and/or that the church is not equipped to help people through such a process and conversation on any level, let alone spiritual. I don't know how to explain this dichotomy? We want to the church to reach out to the lost and needy and share with them, that their brokenness is the result of Jesus not being present in their life, but then after they come to faith in Christ, they don't feel comfortable in coming to the people within the church and asking for assistance with the brokenness that exists in other areas of life as they work through their faith. Does this make sense? Do you see the problem? What's the solution? Prayer... for starters. As we embark on this first #deaconThursday of the third year of daily praying for pastors, will you join me once again? Pray that those in these critical church positions would indeed have the pulse on the church and the needs of the people, both inside and outside the four walls. Pray for wisdom and guidance as they converse and help people navigate life's difficulties. Pray that they would be equipped with resources and tools that will be practical and effective; that would help bring them through the challenge rather than feeling as though the battle will never end. May the church never forget, that everyone under the roof is in various states of repair and rebuilding by the Hand of God. None of us are complete, fully-restored projects. For God is at work in all of us. Not making mistakes; But using every detail and decision To accomplish His purposes That He may be glorified In every life and every day that is nothing short of a miracle. - PNC
![]() I think I listened to one too many sermons on the radio yesterday, because at some point during the afternoon as I recalled the portion I wanted to share in this post, I suddenly couldn't remember who it was that preached these points. But he was preaching on priorities, and how often pastors and ministry leaders get them in the wrong order, as we all do at times. He shares the proper order in his life as follows. 1) My personal relationship with Christ. 2) My relationship as a husband to my wife 3) My relationship to my kids as a parent. 4) My relationship to the church as a pastor. Then he concluded that order with the fact that all too many pastors have #4 as their #1... which is easy to do as he shared the time I came to realize that he had done the same. But it leads to disorder and chaos so quickly. It's the fast-track to burnout. For what is a straight-forward list, it takes an intentional, disciplined approach in our daily lives to continually walk and act in this manner. It may not always be popular. It may cause some to get upset as they witness that they are not being made the priority they think they should be. Yet even as Scripture states (and can I add, what has often been shared in many a movie), what good does it do to gain the whole world, but lose your soul... and your family? Shall we pray, this #deaconThursday for church leadership at all levels? Pray for those where their priorities are askew; where personal faith and family are taking a back seat to ministry. May God help them put their life back into proper order and bring healing and restoration to the dysfunction that has resulted. Pray for insight of purpose as to how better live intentionally. Pray for break-through in their lives and ministries as they go through this process; that what was being held back would come forth. Forgive us, for making the work harder than it needs to be Because we have misplaced priorities For how can we effectively lead abroad If we are not properly leading our homes. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() I heard a great concept the other day... in essence, it was this. Why trouble trouble when trouble troubles enough? And how much of it begins when we find ourselves in a serious state of the unknown? (I see you looking at me, Dad, asking if I really want an answer to that as it pertains to my life :-) I've been a car guy since my days of playing with Hot Wheels during church service to keep me quiet. I remember telling my driver's ed instructor I was fairly experienced behind the wheel and the conversation that followed, as my Dad came with me and corrected the conversation. "He doesn't have nearly as much experience as what he said he did." Expounding however, on being in the dark, I recalled a scene yesterday from The West Wing. C.J. Cregg is the new Chief of Staff after the previous CoS, Leo, suffered a massive heart attack. His Executive Assistant stays in to help C.J. get acclimated to her new position. In walking her through the schedule of her day, she tells C.J. how Leo would circle items on the daily briefing memo that he needed more information and/or a clearer understanding so that he was better prepared for whatever direction the conversation took throughout the day. C.J. starts circling an item here, and there, and here... and here, and the next one and another. Finally she draws a big circle across the entire page. Clearly she felt like she was in over her head in this new role, but she quickly finds her way. In the meantime though, is the power of confession. We don't always know as much as we think we know and even the experienced and high-powered among us have items on our briefing sheet that we have to refer and return to daily and acknowledge... we will miss the mark without help. Keep missing the mark long enough and you've not only troubled trouble, but you've created an open invitation for burnout... among other things. On this #deaconThursday, pray for those deacons and church leaders who are feeling as though things are over their head. Whether they be "new" to serving in a ministry-leadership capacity or they are well-versed in church and business matters, pray for the items and issues that require increased clarity and understanding. Pray also, for an increased awareness of the power of confession. May the door not be left open for burnout, nor trouble; may leadership be careful not remain too long in states of the unknown. Pray worry and anxiety would not dominate hearts and minds; but continually placing out trust in the hands of the Most High God. May we be ever careful to not get ahead of God Whether in our petitions or plans Or our wisdom and understanding. Trusting in Him for all that we need One day at time, for each day has its' own trouble. - PNC We've talked and prayed many times over, for wisdom and guidance among the leaders and advisors within the church. As if life wasn't full of difficulties and complexities already, society keeps moving and pushing issues and scenarios which seemingly take us to the next level.
There's one more caveat in the mix. One more factor to consider. One more twist to the plot. It's no wonder sometimes why those closest to situations are shaking their heads in confusion while observers are shaking their heads in disbelief. What adds to the fun is that each of us, at one time or another has looked at the situation of which we are not the decision maker and thought we had or have a better way to handle things. Yet all too often we miss the mark in making the right decisions for the circumstance which are ours to handle, manage and correct. Consider then, what is trending in the churches over the past few years. We've placed a greater emphasis on growing the church and less emphasis on actually building the church. So things look good to the observer, yet the decision makers are missing the mark when it comes to making disciples. Pastor Chuck Swindoll was discussing this phenomenon yesterday during a radio broadcast, then he dropped this gold piece of wisdom... We need a greater sense of "adherence to the truth, rather than agreement with the majority." What's popular, what's comfortable, what's "trending"... sure, they be nice and attractive options, but it that what is truly best for the decisions we face or does moving in such a direction simply add to the complexity and confusion that will await us further down the road. So will you join me in prayer, this #deaconThursday? Pray that our pastors and church leadership would indeed have a great sense of adherence to the truth. May we not get so caught up in trends and opportunities that we move farther away from the spirit and will of God for His church. In times of increasing complexity and confusion may God grant wisdom and direction to leadership; to do so with integrity, love and compassion. Pray that God would guide and direct conversations and decisions; that the church would continue (and return where needed) to making disciples, rather than growing crowds. May lives be impacted for eternity That spiritual truth would develop deep roots in hearts and minds. To draw closer to the presence of God Whereby we better reflect the character of Christ. For the kingdom of God is near. - PNC ![]() I just want to say thanks, to those of you who join us daily in praying for our pastors, missionaries and church leadership. I trust and pray this is a blessing and is accomplishing the miraculous for the kingdom of God. In terms of consecutive posts, today is #697! I can hardly believe how much time has passed and I continue to be blown away by the perspectives I sense God granting to me daily for the next post. In fact as I reflected yesterday on the volume of posts that exist now, I couldn't help but consider the ironies of God. On rare occasion, there's been an event or conversation that has happened days after a post, but much more frequently, probably weekly if one were to keep track, the ironies come hours and at times, even mere minutes after a posted has gone forth. It's a remarkable phenomenon to reflect on, as I have shared them with friends at certain times. Yet no matter what it is that you are working on, distractions will come. As a friend reminded me last night, even when you think you get a few good days in, the enemy attacks. "Oh, all is well? How do you feel about this?" (insert new problem or dilemma) We all get distracted and thrown off task. Yet let me say this... except for in the event of certain death or disaster, where you are found to be the only source of help, there really isn't so great a crisis to interrupt you that can't wait a few more minutes or sometimes even seconds, for you to finish the task at hand. Even if you can get to a place where you can safely walk away for a while without losing your place... for walking away to deal with the distraction can so disrupt the task, that it will cost you time for sure and potentially even money by not finishing. Whether you get thrown off in the preparations that will make a task easier or you are actually working on the task and get called away, distractions have the potential to cause disaster or at least wreak some havoc into your life. It happens in the largest of organizations, it happens in the smallest details at home and it certainly can happen in ministry. There will always be a new problem arising that will be trying to gain the attention worthy of being put at the top of the priority list. The problem is that you will find yourself stressed beyond what is necessary, for you will continually find yourself in crisis management mode, rather than productive, getting-stuff done mode. Sure, there are days and times for crisis mode, but making it a pattern of living... well, they pay experts good money to handle that kind of work. So, thanks for joining me again, this #deaconThursday. Would you pray for church leadership and operations. Even as our church faces some projects to take care of on our campus, some of them unexpected, others were known in advance; may God grant wisdom and direction in managing and resolving these issues. Pray for the resources to made available to implement solutions; pray for the conversations that will occur in pursuit of those solutions. Though man makes plans in his heart, may God guide the steps our leaders. That He may receive glory. Even in the mundane and the daily tasks. Whether they be trite and minor Or major and heavy-hitting, May God help us remain focused. On the task at hand; To the purpose which He has called us. - PNC ![]() .I witnessed once again yesterday, the incredible, impeccable timing of God. Some would call it coincidence or something else altogether, but literally, a matter of minutes (3 at the most) in the framework of hours and it could have been a very, very different day. I'm reminded that God is sovereign even when we are watching the clock, realizing time is slipping away. We may be running late for whatever reason, but the divine hand of providence is in the midst of circumstances and events that you may not come up on until much later. He is ever present, knowing where you will be and when, thus even the smallest of delays and set-backs are divine moves of God. We mistake them for poor planning on our part (which might be true). We may get frustrated for having to wait on others. There may be circumstances and situations beyond your control that depend not at all upon you to change. Whatever the cause, whatever the point of stress; God is watching and moving in our lives. He is ever at work, making ways where there seem to be none, even and especially when it seems we are running late. It matters not if resources are scarce. It matters not if people are unavailable It matters not if elements are missing. Though the aggravation and stress is real, so is the hand of God in the affairs of men. So, pray this #deaconThursday for church leadership and staff that is perhaps frustrated and stressed over the circumstances and challenges they face. May the reassurance of the Holy Spirit be their strength and comfort; that indeed God is at work in their lives. Though the struggle is real, may they be compelled to lay it at the feet of Jesus; even for a second and third time. Pray that they would commit their plans and ways to God, anew and afresh; renewed by the reminder that God has not left or nor forsaken us, nor has he left us broken in the cold. May such difficulties be divine moments for the miraculously, whereby God is glorified. For God has the whole world in His hands. As all was created by Him and for Him. He has not left us to ourselves, But actively engages with His creation. That we may know Him As we experience His grace and glory; No matter what we face. We are His. - PNC ![]() For the past few Thursday, we've been targeting the topic of strategy, from a variety of perspectives. I'm truly not trying to be repetitive, but I felt in my spirit to continue in this realm of thinking, once again for #deaconThursday. There's many reasons for what we experience on any given day, but in the end, are we in the place we are because of someone else or because of our self? We make choices and decisions within the parameters, boundaries and instructions that have been placed upon us by another. In that context, there is a balance to how we proceed. Then life happens. Followed by moments of stupidity. Advanced by the ensuing frustration of said stupidity, whether it be our own or that of someone around us. And as we've discussed before, arrangements are made and remade. Strategies are implemented and changed. Sometimes it's worth the time and effort to scratch, scrap and start-over. Other times, it's best to assess and improvise. Time is of the essence. Help may not exist. Finances, rarely, may not be part of the problem or solution. It's your fault. It's not your fault. Maybe it was an accident. Everybody knows. Nobody knows. Only you know. Whatever, it is... whatever is going on, First Lady Abigail Bartlet, of political drama series, The West Wing sums it up for us in the three simple words: "Game on, boyfriend." So much may stand in the way, but one's commitment to see it through, by and with the grace and help of God is all you truly need. All that's left is to simply do what needs to be done. Thanks, once again, for joining me in prayer, this #deaconThursday. Pray for strength, for whatever struggles and frustrations may be occupying their recent and current days. May there be a grace about their lives and hope to their resolve; to remain committed to "making it work" through a positive, can-do attitude. Pray God grant them wisdom in the decisions and directions they should take, especially when initial strategies aren't working, when resources and help are scarce and finances, when they are a part of the picture are discouraging. May there be a fresh unity of spirit among church personnel and admins, that they work together, better... to an even greater degree and depth of experience than perhaps they ever have before. That God would accomplish the miraculous Regardless of who and what may stand in the way. May God direct the steps of man, Though he makes plans in his heart. To bring Him glory, As we fulfill His calling for our lives. - PNC I got to thinking yesterday afternoon, just how incredible is the truth... that God knows exactly what we have need of and is able and ready to respond BEFORE we can ask and greater than we can imagine.
God does not get scrambled. We've all had those moments, especially as parents. Honey, I can't right now; this has to be done. Hang on a minute, I'm helping your sister. You'll have to wait a few, I talking to your brother. We'll do it later; we'll deal with later. We'll talk about it.... later. Life happens and we simply can't get to everything the very moment it comes across our desk or the notification goes of on your device (whether it be the one on your desk or the one in your hand). Consider all the aspects and areas of church operations outside of the pastorate. All kinds of situations and tasks that go into and beyond prepping for a service or special event... and it takes the insight and direction of deacon board. It takes the expertise and follow-through of administrators and staff to coordinate and carry-out the details. Any number of things that we might not even think about unless someone mentioned it as being a part of their day. God knows. This was reiterated last night, as we had missionary guests from Thailand share their story and what God has been working in their ministry. Nobody but God could orchestrate such a plan. So, will you join me, this #deaconThursday? Pray God would indeed accomplish the miraculous, as He sovereignly moves and provides the details and directions of the challenges facing church operations. May He grant strength and rest to the weary; clarity to the confused and focus to the distracted. Before we can ask and greater than we can imagine, pray that God would begin, even now, to answer the prayers and send the solutions to those who are recognizing the need to call on God afresh for the difficulties and decisions that confront them... even this very hour. May their not be a spirit of discouragement, But bold confidence as they approach the throne of grace. Abba Father. Move on behalf of your people who call on your name. Not for our sake; But for your glory. - PNC Isn't life great?
We don't always know in advance, (more often than not, actually) what the day has in store; what will happen, where things will go and the time and space that will need to be allocated to manage and handle it all. So you try to forecast and predict as best you can. Then things change. And you find out, all to quickly, that not everything will fit. There simply isn't enough room, nor time. And so changes have to been made. Things have to be re-arranged. It's not a fun process, granted. It requires extra thought. Extra planning. Perhaps even extra input and help from others, as the complexities can mount fast. Likewise, as it happens in external circumstances, so too, does it happen internally, in our hearts, minds and desires. While we can try to force issues and make it work on our own, often it's best if we submit ourselves to God and ask for His help and guidance in where things need to go. Out of balance and out of alignment... and we have to find our way back to Him, as David Zaffiro just started singing. (such a cool song!) So, will you pray with me this #deaconThursday? Pray for deacons and admins, struggling with circumstances and situations, the complexities of which are quickly becoming overwhelming matters. May God give them wisdom and guidance; bring direction and clarity where rearrangements need to be made. Whether in their plans or in their lives, may there be a continued willingness for the Spirit of God to place His finger on matters that are out of balance and alignment with where God would have them to be and what He has for them to accomplish. May their efforts not be hindered by the process, but the perfecting work of Christ would propel them to greater impact for the kingdom of God. Balance... in the right place at the right time. For our lives. For our homes. For our families For our ministries. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() It's interesting to reflect and consider career tracks and job decisions... how do people end up where they are; how do they choose where they go, what they should do, which position should they accept. Some people have the coolest and most interesting gigs. Then, there's the rest of us! Overwhelmed. Frustrated. Stressed. Some combination of over-worked and under-paid... or paid well, but still too much hassle for the money. But all of it got me thinking... Does anyone say "I wanna work in the church offices when I grow up?" Sure there's a need for great office staff and administrators and others who work to keep the church operational; just as much as any organization needs qualified people to keep things running smooth. Hopefully people are stepping in and filling these positions because they do love their church and the people of God and want to make a difference utilizing their skills and resources for the ministry. But it's just as easy to see how someone could do the job simply because there is an opening and they need the work... which very well could have an element of truth to the reality of the matter. As I considered this perspective yesterday while behind the wheel, I zoomed out the screen of my GPS. Sadly, life doesn't work like this. We rarely, if ever, see the complete picture of where God is leading us, from beginning to end. Turn-by-turn directions... what are those for the life of faith? Indeed, the Lord does direct our steps; His Word a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Which means we usually have very little notice of any turns or changes on the road that lies ahead. To those around us, this is the automotive equivalent of braking and making the turn, flipping on the turn signal as we begin cranking the steering wheel... "Oh, we're going this way, I guess!" Knowing what God has in store for you; figuring out where you are supposed to be and trying to decipher how to bring your reality into alignment with God's plan is difficult. Certainly, it's a struggle, especially when it feels that there are pieces missing... as if a couple of turns weren't included on the GPS. Or perhaps they were a little vague. "Turn on unnamed road in 0.2 miles." And we apologize to those around us for the abrupt change. But it reinforces our need for God's help. It establishes our need to seek Him first and trust Him with all our heart. Though we may want to back down and jump off, the journey is worth it, for those who stay the course. Pray, this #deaconThursday for church staff struggling in the positions they hold. For those, whose heart perhaps in not in their work, would God strengthen and encourage them. Pray reassurance that God has a plan for their lives and a kingdom-purpose for their skills. May God grant them guidance and wisdom, as to whether they are or aren't where God desires for their lives. Pray for peace in their spirits where there is unrest. Calm where there is fear. Patience where there is anxiety. Pray a faithfulness for each of us, as we wait on God; trusting in Him anew and seeking His face. May we do well what is in front of us to do now while we await the "this is what's next". Standing on the promises of God Trusting in His timing. For His thoughts and ways are higher than ours. May we rely on His truth To illuminate our reality. For His glory and service, we pray. - PNC ![]() Can I go on record and state what we all know is true, yet, can't seem to fathom just how true is this reality... time is FLYING!! I wanted to start this post with a reference to a previous post and either time is cruising or age is catching up... I can't remember if what I wanted to reference was last week or 4 weeks ago. It's going to drive me nuts. So... "recently", we talked on a #deaconThursday about how deacons and church personnel are the face of the church in many respects, sometimes more than a pastor. Office staff and admins are on the other of end of one's call for help. A deacon's influence and position can be strategic in a church's community relations. Together they look for opportunities to take church to the community as well as bring the community to church. This often happens, at the expense of their own personal lives and needs; just as it does for pastors and other ministry leadership positions. Case in point... friends of mine from a previous church. He has served on the board. She is a church admin. Their son and his wife are coming up on 5 years of marriage in a few months. Late last week, via social media, she updated the situation on her daughter-in-law's pregnancy. 24 weeks in and she was in the hospital; doctors attempting to delay a premature delivery. However things worked out, come this past Sunday, this little guy was born via C-section. A whopping one and half pounds. And while I'd love you tell you this trooper is in good shape, sadly, my friends' meme says it all. John 13:7. Jesus replied, "You don't understand what I'm doing now, but someday you will." No words were spoken and four days later, my heart still breaks just thinking about their circumstance; but I can't get over the fact that for 12 hours on Sunday, God had a purpose for that baby boy being born. In his 12 hours on this earth, he made in impact on peoples' lives and in their faith; in their perspective to living and how they approach each and every day that will never be forgotten. 12 hours was all it took. Ranks right up with 12 disciples to change the world... that's all it took. I can't fathom this loss. On a number of occasions in recent years, I've wondered what would happen if I tragically lost my wife, or one or both of my daughters... heaven forbid all at the same time. I've cried just thinking about it. Actually living it boggles my mind. Indeed, it now boggles their lives. Yet, time marches on. Though the healing process will take time, other needs, other issues will arise and garner their attention. Ministry issues and opportunities to minister will need tending and in the sovereignty of God, this piece of their lives will be used for His glory in the advancement of the kingdom of Heaven. For the moment, it's an "in-your-face" life changing event. As time continues to fly, the experience will become a part of the story that God uses to transform the lives of those who hear it. Which requires first, hearing other's stories. It's not easy now, for sure. It may never be. It probably won't be for a while. For that and more, there is grace. And the comfort of the Holy Spirit. On this #deaconThursday, would you join me in prayer; using the specific loss of this family as inspiration to pray over those in ministry who set their own struggles and losses aside to help others. Pray God would give rest to their weariness and comfort to their mourning. Pray His peace for their unrest; calm in the midst of the storm. Pray for healing, both physical and emotional in this time of unfathomable pain. May the body of Christ surround them with love and support as we are called to do; to intercede and stand in the gap... bringing those in need to the throne of grace. Beauty from ashes. Joy from mourning. Provision for our loss. Protection and strength in exchange for vulnerability and weakness. Trusting in God, despite what we don't understand. Our lives for His purpose and His glory. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Every church works just a little bit differently. Whether in ministry or operations, each organisation has its own culture and structure. I'm grateful to be a part of a church that is well-balanced. Notice, I didn't say perfect. For as long as imperfect people fill the pews, there will never be a perfect church.
That said, at our recent business meeting, the term of service for one of our deacon couples has come up... which for our fellowship means taking a term away from the board and allowing others to serve. In addition, it grants for the board member and spouse to step back and serve in other capacities; which they often already do anyway. Furthermore, though it prevents burnout. Most ministries within the church are incredible time commitments and the board is no exception. If anything, dare I say that serving on the board is one of the bigger commitments, short of pastor. Sure, the congregation laughed when pastor joked about bringing two couples on board to fill the vacancy left by one couple leaving, because that's how big of a hole they are leaving behind; but the joke proves my point. The other amazing benefit of such a code of operation, is that by having an alternating rotation of when one's term expires is that you get the advantage of bringing fresh minds and perspectives to the table of discussion without losing the experience of those still seated. The whole board is getting replaced all at once. Just one more incredible piece of the puzzle, that is the ministry of the modern day church. Technology is amazing. The buildings are incredible. The opportunity before us is great. But in the end, this is another humbling truth, that the advancement of the Gospel only happens by the activeness of the people of God. So, shall we pray this #deaconThursady... pray for those stepping away for a period of time; that God would rejuvenate and strengthen their hearts and minds. May this be a time that God would do a new work in their lives and families. For those that are coming into the rotation, may God might use them for the building up of the church and the supporting of the leadership. May a spirit of unity carry them through every conversation and direction. While there will be disagreements and times of difficulty, may they not reach a level of hindrance or destruction to the mission of the church. Pray God accomplish the miraculous as people continue to humbly take positions of support and investment into he kingdom of God through service to the local church. Ministry moves forward As people continue to step up. May many more stand and say "Here am I... Use me" For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. -PNC ![]() The human mind... the human body; the structures and the tools we create to accomplish projects and tasks; all of it is pretty incredible. It amazes me just how much we can take on, provided we keep things in balance. Conversely, it's equally amazing just how quickly stuff can go wrong when not kept in balance. It's good to be challenged; to test the limits of accomplishment... to be stretched as a process of growth and maturity. There are times for such a process. However, as we load our lives and our lists, if tasks and goals, people and projects are not properly placed as we take them on, we will, perhaps too quickly, begin to see the effects. Things may begin to fall off; we will notice going weary in a particular area or arena of life. Eventually the shifting and moving about will affect what surrounds us, at which time, the recipe for disaster is spelled. Be careful, then, how you fill your life and spend your time, for being out of balance is problematic enough. Over-loading one's life without giving thought to balance leads to certain demise and potential destruction. Pray, this #deaconThursday, for church leaders whose lives are out of balance. Whether they are over-loaded or simply failed to properly place the things and people of their life, may God grant them wisdom as the proceed and sort through the mess. May God help them recover, for those who are burnt out and worn down. Pray strength for the weak and rest for the weary. Pray God would help those who struggle with taking on too much, to establish healthy boundaries... understanding what they are capable of; understanding, more importantly, what God would have in store for them to accomplish. May God grant discernment in knowing the when and the who of what should be met with a "yes" and a "no" response. May we understand the affects of our productivity and our effectiveness when we are over-loaded and out of balance. That we would be people of health. Operating in health. Speaking life. Living well. Serving effectively, the kingdom of God. For His glory and the Gospel. - PNC ![]() I mentioned yesterday, the "aha" moment, in dealing with the attitude of my oldest daughter the other night and the seemingly instant "drop" in my spirit, that it wasn't her, but the enemy trying to set a course in her life that was unhealthy, at the very least and disastrous, at it's worst. Then, yesterday's verse of the day resonated. Hebrews 4:12 ... for the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. That moment with my daughter was not anything great or magical on my part. It was however, an answer to prayer as we've continued to lift her up before the Lord; asking and seeking wisdom as parents and praying God's hand upon their lives and his purposes fulfilled in and through them as the progress. Likewise, as Pastor shared last night, that his pastor encouraged him when he took over what was left a remnant of a church many years ago. His Dad spoke into his life during the early years of rebuilding, that if they did the "right" things now, it would establish them for greater things later. "What goes up fast, comes down fast". (thanks Pastor, I'm borrowing this) Whether raising a family or raising up a church; indeed, may today be a fresh and new start, for the Word of God to speak and direct our lives and to allow us to speak and direct that which crosses our paths. So, pray, this #deaconThursday, may God's Word remain at the forefront of our lives. Pray for wisdom and discernment in our churches and homes; that as the face of God is sought, He would reveal and illuminate His will, plans and purposes that we should walk and carry-out. May that which was meant to derail, detour and destroy be cast aside; as the church presses on towards the prize of the high calling. Pray an awareness of the spirit; to move beyond the natural and operate by the power and prompting of the Holy Spirit. That those who know their God Would do great exploits. Wisdom beyond our years and abilities. For the advancement of the kingdom of God And to His honor and glory. - PNC ![]() A post-modern society increasingly moving away from absolute truth, seeks to know what is going in the world, without biased commentary and perspective... with hearts set on separating fact from opinion and of late, separating the fakers from the fact-checkers (who've themselves, been exposed to be less than forthcoming as truth-tellers). The daily irony is endless. The navigation of the conversation can be more confusing than a broken GPS unit stuck in "recalculation" mode. I've been meaning to post this statement on one of my other blogs, so you'll hear (read: read) it here first. It truly is tragic, that Gandhi allowed a flawed humanity, even those who declared the Christian faith, to interfere and ultimately stand in the way, of his own personal encounter with God through the person of Jesus Christ. I thought about this again last night, in light of the words of Paul, the Apostle... "follow me, as I follow Christ." Thanks, no doubt, to the advent and quick integration of social media, all of us, including leadership throughout all organizations have become more concerned with who is following them, than who they are following. It is symptomatic of the opening lines... a move away from truth, that creates problems defining fact versus opinion and lead to relying more on commentary than the courage of one's convictions. It is not an easy road that leaders walk these days. The masses of critics are becoming to numerous to track. Similarly, following leaders is increasingly difficult. The opposing views, the conversations that people navigate; the attempts to understand as well as being understood... all with an increasing expectation that one will set aside their biases, experiences, and even their faith in order to create an objective, factual and compassionate environment. It's enough to make your head spin and simply wish yourself the ability to walk away and disengage. Sadly, many have. Godly people have stepped out of politics as a result. They have stepped away from the corporate marketplace. Burnout in ministry is on the rise... as is a society increasingly bothered by organized religion and it's views and beliefs. People of all kinds at many levels are stepping back from the church. Pray, this #deaconThursday for church leadership. May they be strengthened in their daily walk with God; renewed by the Word and encouraged by the Holy Spirit. While the details of their responsibilities within church operations revolve around the engagement of believers, may they keep their eyes set on God. May God grant them the strength to stand by the courage of their convictions and bring revelation to their conversations and decisions processes. While critics will always step forward, and disagreements will unfold, pray the church would operate in a spirit of unity. In times of difficulty and things going awry, may their be a steadfastness about the team, as they remain committed to the plans and purposes God has called them to fulfill. That the church would lead the way As the follow God alone. Let not criticism overcome conviction Nor lies defeat the truth. God grant favor to the efforts of those; Whose hearts remain set on Him. For the glory of God. ![]() We've all seen the signs as we've travelled down roads of all kinds... "Fill dirt wanted" Something clicked as I passed another one of these yesterday, that while yes, "fill dirt" does serve a purpose, my initial reaction, was that nobody really likes to be considered as "filler". Organizationally-speaking, nobody really gets excited about being there, just for the sake of being there. Whether it be simply to say that a position is filled, or to have the appearance that there are more people and more activity than what is actually going on, it really is a disservice to the organization and the person to simply be occupying a space or a position. It's almost (or so it seems) that an organization doesn't have an accurate assessment is what is needed, who should be where, what they should be doing... with a defined sense of purpose, for the position and the person who holds it. In any environment, this is troubling and potentially disastrous... all the more, for ministries and churches who are often struggling with budgetary issues and are in need of capable people. There's been huge move of understanding, probably due in part to the book, "Unqualified", that God doesn't call the qualified, but qualifies the called. While this is very true, that we shouldn't look at ourselves and think God can't use anybody to accomplish His work, we also shouldn't misunderstand this line to mean that the church should simply hire any one to do a job, that they wouldn't stand a chance of getting elsewhere in the marketplace. That's a "filler" mentality. But like anything, it is a balance... a delicate one, at that. So... would you pray with me, this #deaconThursday, that pastors and church leaders would be granted wisdom and clarity as they lead staff and volunteers. May God help them place and utilize those who are willing to serve, yes; but also to locate those who have skills and abilities that God has given for the purpose of helping the church be more effective and efficient in their ministry efforts. Across the board, may their be a renewed sense of purpose and value; that one is not simply taking up space in their organization. If they truly are, may there be a grace over the ensuing conversation; that God would give direction as to how such situations should be resolved. May the church not stand in it's own way Through inaccurate assessments and evaluations of their organization. God sovereignly place whom you will use For the effective ministry of the Gospel of Christ To be used to the fullest for the glory of God. - PNC ![]() I spent a fair amount of time yesterday, thinking about organizational development, and in particular, how companies and operations handle times of struggle and difficulty. In the marketplace, there is a great niche of people, known as "turnaround consultants", people who are brought in for the purpose of making the tough decisions and bringing a company back from the brink on dysfunction and perhaps even, the inevitable going under. Often times, they will have experience in a particular field for which they are known, but when a system or organization is broken, the purpose of bringing an outside perspective is to have someone who can bring an unbiased look at what is taking place and apply a rational and logical filter as to what is working and what is not, and how things should be working as it makes sense to that company. The principles and practices carry over, across many platforms... there often isn't room for, "well that won't work for us." Turning around churches, isn't really all that different. At least to a degree. The difficulty for churches, is that there is an element in which churches won't be identical, in their purpose and ministry and culture for the "market" they are trying to reach. The spiritual influence and super-natural dynamic of a ministry must be taken in to account when a church's operations are analyzed and assessed for areas of improvement and recovery. It's very easy to say "we need to do this because other churches are doing it and it works for them and looks awesome". They may not be what God has in store for a particular church. So, indeed, the conversation to "turnaround" a church is different. These times of change and the process of sorting things out and implementing change are by no means easy, nor should they be taken lightly. But obviously, many churches struggle and are in trouble operational, just as much as companies who find themselves losing importance and relevance in a crowded marketplace. Communities need their churches. They need the church to be healthy as much as the church wants to impact their community back to health, spiritual and otherwise. Pray, this #deaconThursday for churches struggling... to keep the doors open, to minster effectively, to work efficiently; to accomplish the plans and purposes God has called them to fulfill. May God bring insight and clarity as to what and where changes need to be made; may He grant courage and boldness to make the hard choices and have the difficult conversations that may be necessary to turn things around. Pray for wisdom and unity; that the changes that need to be made, would not be done so out of comparison or trends, but because of a true leading and prompting that it will increase and improve their ministry and the impact the church has on its congregation and community. May they seek the face of God first and foremost, not in fear of what is going wrong, but confident in the handiwork of God to use them mightily for the cause of Jesus Christ. From good to great From losing the battle to gaining victory Operating with purpose and anointing For the glory of God And the advancement of the gospel. - PNC ![]() There's a reason the concept of divide and conquer works. It makes the battle easier to manage. Depending on which side of the battle you are on, this may seem like your days are numbered, but the strategy is effective. We have a saying in our church... the larger we get, the smaller we need to get. It's usually in reference to our LifeGroups, inspired by Acts 2:42 and it sums up the intentionality we must take to ensure nobody gets lost in the ministry... thtat we stay connected rather than feeling unneeded or unwanted Speaking of unneeded, one is always needed in the body of Christ. The "larger/smaller" concept accurately portrays the importance of workload and delegation; for any organization, but especially the church. After a conversation with a good friend yesterday, it dawned on me... The trouble with reusing the same staples all the time, is that they eventually break. So while, operationally, it's good that you always have a select group of people who can be relied upon to help get things done or serve in ministry; if the team that carries the workload is never growing and interchanging, then the people who serve as staples are that much closer to breaking and burn-out. Friends, this should not be so. Pray, this #deaconThursday, for churches and staff whose people and volunteers are running low on energy, as they continue to give and pour themselves out for the ministry. May they be strengthened and encouraged in the good work they have set out to do and fill. May they be rejuevenuated, even this hour as they go about their day, that God work the miraculous in their lives; whatever may be going on outside the four-walls of the church. Pray for wisdom and discernment, as churches navigate operational challenges and make decisions regarding ministry assignments and tasks. Pray for an increase in service and a growth in the body of Christ; not only in numbers but in maturity... that the church moves forward in prayer, as well as when people step up and become more involved. That we may live to serve. God. Others. For the encouragement of the church. For the glory of God. For the advancement of the gospel of Christ. - PNC Moments of forgetfulness are often painful and frustrating.
We forget things of great importance and cherished value, usually at times that are inconvenient. Thus, these moments rob of joy and energy... costing us precious time from our day and dollars from our financial footing. We struggle to remember. Conversely, we often remember the things we should forget. Our failures. Our regrets. Our mistakes. Our sins. Fortunately, in the eyes of God, for the believer, He sees grace. He sees the blood of Christ. Our sins are cast into the sea of forgetfulness. We hold things against ourselves, that God does not... which can interfere with our perspective and approach to life; oten at times when it should not be allowed to do so. When such moments interfere with minnistry and the advancement of the work of Christ through us in the impact we are trying to make for the glory of God, it can seem that things are simply being made worse. Pray, this #deaconThursday, for those in church leadership and administration, who are under spiritual attack. May they be strengthened and encouraged, that their identity is in Christ and not in the moments of weakness, mistakes and sins. Though we may fail others and ourselves, may church operatives be reminded that God never fails us, leaves us or forsakes us. May the blood of Christ wash over us anew and minds renewed afresh by the word of God. May the things which attempt to interfere with ministry be diminished and cast aside; that God in His gace and mercy would favor the efforts of those who seek to serve and minister the gospel of Christ to a world and community in desparate need of Him. For the His glory For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() Once again, for whatever reason, I had DeGarmo & Key's classic, "Casual Christian" playing in my mind this morning. It probably doesn't help that my favorite online streaming radio station has played it a few times over the past couple of days... including last night, before typing this! Then something clicked as I prayed for God's help, what He might have for today' perspective. I'm always amazed at how pastors and their families transition in ministry. Most often, there truly is a calling and a moving, to another church or place of ministry in the sovereign hand of God. It is true and genuine and when it's all said and done, people stand, understanding the move was from God; as sad as parting ways is to endure. Every once in a while, the transition is a struggle... because it's outside the will of God, quite frankly. I don't know how pastors handle it when they get it wrong. Many don't do well; many more, it takes a while to recover. That said, whatever the details of the transitions that take place within the pulpit (and the success and difficulty thereof), it's the deacons, administrators and staff that remain. For very extended and prolonged periods of time, those who hold these position within the church go above and beyond to make sure the church moves forward, in its' ministry, mission and purpose to the community they serve. These church leaders and many more volunteers who serve in key positions are planted, committed and involved; wanting what's best for their families, their church and the communities in which they work, play and worship. Now, that's not to say, pastors aren't those things... for surely they share the same sentiment; whether they've led the church for two years or twenty-five. But let's be honest... if a pastor is called to another church, community or ministry, then he or she is no longer involved in the day to day activities of the former church and the former community. Thus, what happens to the church during times of pastoral transition and their influence and impact on the community during these times are crucial. So would you join me in prayer? On this #deaconThursday, for these church leaders, who even this moment, find themselves in states of pastoral transition. May God grant to them an anointing in the decisions to be made and directions to be taken. Pray for wisdom, as conversations are had and meetings are held, that God would lead, guide and direct their every step. Pray for grace, as these times are difficult and the circumstances that surround them are flooded with many emotions, depending on the nature and reason that started it all. Pray the church's impact and influence in their community would increase, as they and the body of Christ testify to the goodness and greatness of God, even during times of uncertainty. Just as God has moved pastors out of a pulpit and to other churches and ministries, pray the sovereign Hand of God would divinely fill the pastoral roles that stand vacant. May the people of God be passionate for Him. Living lifes of great faith in the midst of great uncertainty. May the church light up the night, An everlasting light to the community. Because those who follow Christ will be known for their love. For the glory of God. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019