I very careful, mentioned early this week, the tragedy that is being dealt with on the campus of Michigan State University.
And yesterday's post, was a quick insight on a life of good-decision making. Start with 5. Then 50. Then 500. As I thought about how we are and should be encouraged to make good decisions, in our faith as much as we do every other area of life, I thought about how that influences the lives of others around us. We often talk and worry about kids hanging out with the wrong crowd. And we don't use that word because the people are bad; but because their behavior is unacceptable or inadvisable. They do not practice wise decisions and sound judgement. And their lives and those who follow in their ways suffer for it. Conversely, then, there is great power and strength that come from making good decisions and building a culture of encouragement and support of others doing the same. And how do I know this is true? Well, as stories continue to circulate and speculate regarding MSU, people are even more curious and desirous to know... who know what and when. Who made bad decisions and when and to what level of leadership did bad decision-making continue. Everyone is asking, when did someone decide to stand up and make the right decision? The outcome of the aftermath has already begun and who knows what is still to come in the days and weeks ahead. If an individual can change their life through good decision making, then what changes with 10's, 100's and 1000's of individual coming together to collectively make good decisions? So, let's pray this #communitySaturday, that we not only make good decisions for ourselves, but build communities and cultures that encourage and perform the same. Pray for sound and Biblical wisdom to permeate our hearts and minds, as we approach and navigate life and circumstance. May conversations be saturated with the truth and the pursuit of truth. Pray that deception and negativity would be far from us. May the power of confession have its' proper place and time when we do miss the mark. Let not failures define us, but may we learn and live forward, to what God has called to do and be in His world. Wherever we go, Whatever we do, Whatever we say; May it be unto the glory of God A testament to the work of Christ By the power of the Holy Spirit. - PNC
Today we celebrate the life of someone very special in our family. Birthdays are always a special time to mark and commemorate the passing of another year of life and growth, of lessons and understanding, joy and trouble.
As we gather in the next few hours with family and friends to share in the blessing of enjoying life with this precious soul, I can't help but consider the sovereignty of God and how He moves and ordains our live. Consider those in your life, who you have opportunity to build relationships and friendships through our time on Earth and be the blessing and encouragement we have been called to be and make an eternal impact. We often don't give it that much thought. We have our friends and others that maybe aren't so close; but so many days pass where we don't truly cherish and enjoy the quality of our life that has been influenced, shaped and changed through the power of strong family and great friends. All too often it takes extenuating circumstance, great difficulty or special occasions, to remind us that no matter the trouble and trial we may face or endure, we have and live a blessed life. Not because of what we have, but because of who we are in God and who we share life with because of the people He has placed in our lives. On this #communitySaturday, pray that God would help to make the most of the relationships that we have, with both family and friends. May we not take those in our lives for granted, only calling on them in times of great triumph or great tragedy. Pray an ever increasing appreciation for the sovereign hand of God in our lives and His wisdom as to who He places in our lives and how and where He places us in the lives of others. As our paths cross, may God help us and use us to impact those around us for the sake of eternity and the cause of Jesus Christ. That we would rejoice in the celebration of life As well as the tragedies that we endure in this life. For the glory of God And the advancement of His kingdom. - PNC Who hasn't had a terrible day, week, series of weeks... a seemingly unending barrage of difficult and challenging times that trouble the heart, baffle the mind, unsettle the soul and sandbag your faith.
We get caught off guard when a plan encounters delays, conversations escalate and you find yourself frustrated and out of your mind attempting to understand "what just happened?" What's funny about the human spirit? We are informed and aware! The Bible tells us to not be surprised when trials and trouble comes! We are then encouraged, in that our present sufferings pale in comparison to the glory that will be revealed in us. In fact, not only do they pale in comparison, "they are not worthy to be compared." I made the mistake the other day of venting my frustration to a co-worker. And it wasn't that I wasn't being real, or that the circumstance and my response wasn't normal or irrational... but as I thought about it hours later, it didn't display my faith and trust, that all would work out and that God was in control. My reaction was from a place of distraught human emotion, rather than a quiet, spiritual confidence in God. I heard a message the other day by Joni Eareckson Tada, and if you haven't heard her story, talk about one who is an expert on the topic of suffering. She was talking about how Christ endured His suffering... with obedience. And I had to ask myself... How is it that Christ remained obedient while enduring His suffering and yet we all to often stand in defiance at the first sight of suffering. And as we relate to our community, knowing that those without faith in God are watching how we respond to life as one having faith in God, how much more should be aware of the impact that our reaction makes on our story. On this #communitySaturday, pray that God would help us as we continue to walk lives of faith as we face great difficulty, challenge and suffering. May we ever be reminded that the future glory is greater. While life is real and the struggle is hard, may we respond from the strength of our faith rather than the weakness of emotion. Pray the power of the Holy Spirit would help us to walk in obedience in the midst of our suffering. May we live and display an attitude of grace, even when it's the last thing we desire to show. That we would display Christ first. For our life is not our own. We are His and our lives for His glory. Even in suffering. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC So I happened to catch a radio interview with a pastor by the name of Ted Cunningham, who has authored several books, including one title "Fun Loving You". He has also co-authored books with marriage/relationship guru, Dr. Gary Smalley.
Pastor Cunningham made a statement though, that is both incredibly true and profound that I thought would be great to expound upon, on this #communitySaturday. "Character trumps compatibility." Granted, this certainly applies to marriages and relationships of that nature and intent. But I think there's a bigger application when it comes to friends and business and who we surround ourselves with on any given day. We should certainly be the people of character when we find ourselves in scenarios and surroundings where there are those with whom we disagree or don't get along. That said, we shouldn't become so enthralled with the compatibility element of any relationship, regardless of it's nature, when the evidence of character is lacking. Yet sadly, we see it all too often. People begin and continue in all nature of relationships in the name of compatibility while we wonder what could exist and be accomplished if we placed greater emphasis on being and developing people of character. So, a very simple prayer, this #communitySaturday. Pray that as we engage community, may we be people of character. Pray that we would help encourage those around us to be and live as people of character as well. May we lead our homes and families with that focus and teach our children the same. Pray that we would not be so focused on issues of compatibility, and being a right fit or match, but being people of righteousness. For life gets real And it is hard May our focus be on doing right Rather than living from a place of ease. For the glory of God. - PNC Community does really take on all forms. The family and I ventured out on a little road trip for the evening and enjoyed it so much, I thought, why haven't we done this sooner?! Then, this morning, on one of the group pages that I'm in on social media, somebody, posted how grateful they were to be a part of the group and experience the online conversation. Around the same time, I discovered the "Electric Holidays" radio station on Pandora and again... how come I didn't find this sooner in my life?!
Last night's road trip reminded me again, of the accomplishments of a small group of people coming together for a single cause, mission or goal. And yet, whatever the purpose and pleasure of the group, it does not happen if people themselves do NOT come together. And yet, we come together for such great times as Christmas, and again this weekend for New Years. It's easy to engage for the big moments, the big events, the grand holidays. But where and what are we doing the rest of the time. Every other lazy Saturday. The typical Monday morning at work. The Sunday service that isn't holiday-related or themed. I only ask because 2018 starts in 36 hrs and change. Are we ready to live differently? Are we ready to engage differently? With intentionality and purpose? With clarity and vision? What 2018 has in store for you certainly depends on what God desires to accomplish in your life. It also largely depends on your focus, your attitude and your response as God guides your steps. On the #communitySaturday before New Year's Eve, pray that we start, this weekend, to engage and live out community with a fresh attitude. May we engage with meaning and purpose, speak with clarity and truth and experience love, grace and forgiveness. Pray that we be a community that reflects Christ and is growing ever closer and deeper in our walk with God. May God work the miraculous in and through lives that are renewed in their resolve to be used for His purposes by by the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit. May 2018 be a year for breakthrough. Strongholds are broken Relationships are restored. Community is revived. And life in Christ is lived to the fullest. For the glory of God. - PNC Community can happen anywhere. Even when you aren't looking. I was reminded of this earlier this week, when at the end of the day Wednesday, the boss says, today is Carol's last day, if you want to say bye before you leave.
Upon walking in, my co-worker and I were greeted with many tears. After 13 years, she was pursuing a career, for which she had put herself through a Master's degree and you would have thought we had walked into a funeral home. I know they were tears of joy as well, for it's an exciting prospect that awaits her, but it was like watching someone who had never been away from their home and friends for more than 48 hours move half way across the globe. We laughed and joked about it for a few minutes, as it was a priceless moment, but it proves once again, that you never know the strength and power of relationships and the impact you can make me, even when your interactions with someone may either be but for a few minutes a day or hours at a time throughout the day. So, how does it get built when you aren't noticing that it's happening? It' in the small things. It costs nothing to be kind. It takes little effort to smile. Laughter is medicine. Speak truth seasoned with grace. Don't be a jerk on purpose. I heard in an interesting thought on work relationships the other day, that I thought was good... Employers get the employees they deserve. Then I got convicted, and realized that's probably a two-way street. Employees very well receive from their employers what the deserve as well. Thus, if you want better relationships, to an extent it is within the power of the person who desires it to work at improving it. On this #communitySaturday, whatever "community" looks like, pray that we would engage with kindness. Pray that we would continue to be people who would speak truth seasoned with grace. May we not be people who would come across as people who intentional jerks or mean-spirited, but extend acts of goodness and words of encouragement. Indeed, may be we know by our love, even when it is hard. That we would live according to the Spirit Rather than controlled by our flesh. That Christ would be revealed to others Through lives devoted to Him. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC For the past couple of days, I haven't been able to consider... what if God had a zero tolerance policy? Ultimately, we know He does, because we will all stand in judgement before Him one day.
In the meantime, His grace is abundant; His mercies are new every morning. This isn't a license to continually make wrong choices, bad decisions and live in conduct contradictory to the Word of God. Sadly that needs to be pointed out, as much, both within the Christian community, as well as society-at-large, use God's grace and mercy to continue in their wrong-doing. But what if, based solely on the suggestion of wrong-doing, God called deal-breaker, game-over. No call to repentance. No opportunity for confession. No extension of grace. No gift of forgiveness. No invitation towards redemption. As I look at community, whether on-line, or in-person, we seem to be moving ever-farther away from being people of grace, forgiveness and second chances. And please, don't you dare read what I'm not writing. Accountability, transparency, consequences... there are necessary. But if they are not balanced with the knowledge and understanding of the truth, then we are both living and judging lies. Which is hard to do for a people that denies the Truth of God, while claiming some moral grounding that is not grounded in Scripture. We seem to be running in the dark, rather than walking in the Light. On this #communitySaturday, pray that would we be seekers of truth. May we be people who would extend grace and forgiveness and seek confession and repentance. Pray that we would be sensitive to the work of God in our own lives as live as examples of what God desires to accomplish to those not living in the redemptive work of the cross of Jesus Christ. May the Holy Spirit help us to live with an eternal perspective and to be voice of truth in a world of darkness and even darker lies. For we were once lost, But have now been found. Called out of darkness Into His glorious light. Having confessed our sins And redeemed by the blood of Christ. For the glory of God. - PNC I mentioned Mitch Albom yesterday and if you aren't familiar with him, over the years he has set-up 9 different charities throughout the metro-Detroit area that are focused on meeting the various needs of the poor, from helping with day-care to after school programs, to helping working families get housing to senior citizen and veteran services.
This past Thursday, he held his 6th annual radio-thon fundraiser, by holding a 15-hour long radio show (as his normal radio show is the 2-hr drive home slot). And it was incredible to watch community happen. For those 15 hours, friends and celebrities, people of influence throughout the city and state and business owners, professional athletes and coaches and team owners... it was utterly flooded by people who came on board to help raise funds. Over 1.2 million dollars! No admin costs. Nothing owed to anyone else first. 100% straight to meeting the needs. Of course, they use the funds to help other charities in the area as well, but among the many incredible moments throughout the day was one in particular. Mitch also has a project in Haiti, taking care of kids and the poor in that country as well. And while he joked about not knowing where they got the money or perhaps they raided his desk down there, the kids from his Haiti program called into the radiothon... to tell him they had collected $200 to help those in need in Detroit. It was later pointed out, that while it's amazing that people who have been blessed with abundance would be compelled to share with those less fortunate and really, you wouldn't hope or expect anything less. But it seems the more one has, the easier it is to forget how difficult things are when you are without. Thus, we often witness the phenomenon of those who have little for themselves will give, and give generously for those who often have very little or even less than they. So to hear kids in Haiti respond to a call to help kids in Detroit... well, it was a tear-jerker to say the least. Mitch's story of how he moved from not being a generous and charitable person to this kind of investment and influence to bring others together to accomplish this good is quite moving. And while I don't know where he stands in his faith with God, I can't help but consider how often the church misses the opportunity to experience community at this level. Reasons why we can't or don't give. Can't or don't find time. Can't or don't know where to start or how to get help. Yet it's the church that will be known by their love. And many communities don't know the church in that way. So, on this #communitySaturday, pray that the church would arise anew, to lead in building, sharing, growing and influencing community. May we make the time and financial investment into those in need among us. Pray for opportunities as we forth, to share Christ and experience God. May the excuses end and obedience begin. For while big contributions are far reaching Even the smallest gifts can make great impact. May we do so today. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC It's pretty incredible when you think about the power the Bible and the concepts and principles that it presents. And the foundational sequence that I heard explained the other day is one, I can't seem to put away. In fact, I only caught roughly half of it, but that doesn't diminish it's power.
In fact, as I look around at community and culture's frustration with Christianity, the power of this principle is undeniable. True and perfect love moves us to pursue excellence which results in a life of integrity. We look at people's shortage or complete lack of integrity and we wonder what went wrong. But if we take a look back, we see the missing element. A pursuit of excellence. Perfection is not a behavior to achieve, but an attitude with which we make our approach. It's not that we don't allow for mistakes and grace. But there's preparation, knowledge and understanding and contingencies to take steps to avoid and manage problems followed by learning and moving forward. And where does an attitude of excellence come from? Love. Consider 1 Corinthians 13. Hopes all things, believes all things, endures all things, bears all things. It never fails! It is kind and without envy. It is patient without being puffy. It rejoices in truth. Love does not settle, nor does it quit. But this is how it builds. Thus, when we are not kind, when we do envy, when we are short-fused, when we don't hope, believe and endure... when we rejoice in the iniquity rather than the truth; these things make it near impossible to pursue excellence. Which leaves room for a lifetime of second-best, compromise and some potentially ruinous decisions. And we're certainly witnessing the fruit of that path, are we not? So, pray this #communitySaturday, that the community would know the people of God as Christ said they would; by our love. May we lead lives that pursue excellence, not to be better or perfect than those next to us, but that God would be glorified as we give our all in like manner as He gave for us. Pray that we would be prepared to give an answer, as the world recognizes the difference in our lives, that integrity would be a marker that would set us apart... not because we know all, but because we know what the work of Jesus Christ has done in us. May we be the difference makers the world needs Because we daily open our hearts to the power of God To make a difference in our lives. For His glory alone For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC As I stood at my hometown's Festival of Lights parade last night, a long-standing, Black Friday event, I was reminded just how much power resides in community and that impact of strength in numbers for those who join together.
It's amazing what people can accomplish when they come together, both as working towards the goal and as supporters of those doing the work. And yet if the communities of society can come together and spread joy and goodness and enjoyment that is here for a moment, how much more should the community of Christ be about impacting our neighborhoods with eternal joy of Christ and the goodness and grace of Almighty God. And yet, all too often we are second in such accomplishments, rather than taking the lead. Of course, it's not just around the holiday season that we should be taking the lead, as if special occasion gives us unique opportunity to be more vocal (which is does, as people are more receptive at this time), but the truth and goodness of the Gospel works for any moment in time with which we have opportunity to give an answer for the hope that is within us. Not just the feel good moments of this life, but the forever goodness of a faith in God through Jesus Christ. So, pray, this #communitySaturday, that the church would indeed make the most of ever opportunity to be a light in the darkness. May we continue to speak truth to a world lost in a confusion of lies. Pray that we would be a people who shows care and concern, not because of the time of year in which is coming to pass, but because of the love and joy that fills our hearts from what was accomplished on the Black Friday that was the crucifixion of Christ. A great community in this world. Not because of the people, But because of a great God And the person of Jesus Christ. In whom we live, move and have our being. - PNC I still have that profound, yet simple concept roaming in the deep recess of my mind that I shared a day or two ago. The weeks continue to pass all too soon, it seems like I only know 3 days that exist and the others, I can't keep track. At any rate... I love this picture.
Jesus is not sitting in heaven, pleading with God the Father to add one more name to the Book. He did, however, send the Holy Spirit to plead with man, that He would turn to God and repent. Life is full of choice. Some are made for us. Some circumstances leave us little to zero options. So "choice" is really the only move available... for even "do nothing" is still a choice; as there's always something that could be done that would simply make matters worse. What we do, what we say, what we believe, what we engage in, devote ourselves to and invest our lives and resources in... every waking second is a choice. A moment for God to be glorified. A moment for God to work the miraculous. A moment for life and laughter A moment for trouble and tragedy. A moment for grace and understanding; love and truth; purpose and calling. A moment for ministry and testimony. A moment for relationship, with both God and man. We don't have time to waste time... writes the man who wastes more time than he cares to admit. We don't have time to miss on a move of God in our lives and witness the same in the lives of others. Let us draw close to Him while the days draw nearer to His return and closer to those around us, that they too will see and know God for themselves. Pray, this #communitySaturday, that indeed, the church community would make choices that bring glory to God and display His active role in our lives, regardless of where we find ourselves and what decisions stand before us awaiting our input. May we have the mind of Christ in our conversations and thoughts, as we look to Him to guide and direct our steps. Pray God would help us to be wise stewards, not only with our finances, but also with our time, our knowledge, wisdom and experience, as well as our words and deeds. Pray God would accomplish the miraculous in the lives of those who desperately need Him as we reach out to them, desirous to be used by God for His plans and purposes. May we be ever-so sensitive to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. That we would choose God and seek His face. And subsequently choose wisely as we live our life. For His glory and honor. That humanity would see our lives And choose God for themselves. For now throughout eternity. - PNC There's a scene from The West Wing, where President Barlet is standing in the Oval Office with his wife Abbey and at the end of the conversation, she "concedes that she was wrong about the thing" and quickly proceeds to follow it up with "however..."
It is at "however" though, that the President stops her and delivers this brilliance. "No, no however. You were wrong. Just be wrong. Just stand there in your wrongness and get used to it." A very lovely, and humor scene of marriage that somehow never quite works out to be so endearing. Not that I'm speaking from experience or anything. (wink, wink) We live in a world where certain things are just plain wrong. The problem is we all seem to be in varying degrees of agreement as to what attitudes, behaviors, words and deeds constitute "wrong", both on an individual and cultural basis. The conversation of course, is getting more and more difficult as we continue to work to communicate with community with the truth and love of God. Yet religious views and political leanings often stand in the way, of hearing, receiving and understanding truth. And it doesn't help that we only seem to allow certain arenas of life to be told where are wrong and by whom. Case in point, some people are commended for pointing out to their bosses that the boss was wrong, other employees are fired for continuing to do things wrong after being told by the boss to stop doing things the wrong way. In essence, in society's effort to move us toward being more open-minded to differing views we have moved away from being able to receive and make true and positive correction... which everyone seems to be calling, waiting and hoping will happen. Each to their own satisfaction, of course. But alas, only One person can help. As Herman Cain states in the post I referenced the other day... "Evil is flourishing and America has made a cultural decision to let that happen, and to reject the God who overcomes it." So, on this #communitySaturday, would you join me again? Pray that as much as we have made a decision to allow evil, may we equally and just as quickly make a decision to turn from evil and repent of our wickedness. Pray for people's open-mindedness to be sensitive to the moving of the Holy Spirit, and that they would allow the truth and power of God to speak into their lives, hearts and minds. May the church be a source of truth, spoken in love... not as the world defines it, but as Christ calls us to be and live. Indeed, pray for repentance and a turning towards God, not only for America, but for the World. For He holds us in hands. We are His workmanship To be used for His purposes And His glory. For the cause of Jesus Christ. Until the whole world knows. - PNC I keep looking at the world and hearing what I often hear with my kids. And I keep wanting to have the same response as the question I ask them.
How hard is it to play nice? Let me be clear... I'm not talking about "co-existing". And I'm not delving in to that matter here and now. However, for all the national and international debate taking place on any number of issues, at the end of the day, we are responsible first and foremost, for our individual words, attitudes and actions. And seriously, I know certain people and personalities can rub us the wrong way and strained and stressed relationships of any kind can certainly be difficult to navigate, but how hard is it to smile? A friendly acknowledgement of the life of another as you walk by each other. By and large, you'll really notice the couple of seconds or minutes lost, by deferring to another through the simplest of gestures? Regardless of religion, politics and economic differences, friendliness costs nothing but two seconds to determine every morning that you will display love and respect through the simplest word or deed of kindness. Society does better than the church... or so it seems some days. But a few minutes on social media quickly reminds me that the church should be leading the way in this lifestyle. Plus, we are instructed to love God and love our neighbor. We keep trying to instruct our children to play nice, but we so often fail to do so as adults. And of course, the inconsistent message places them in a position where they are prone to repeat the cycle of broken adults. And sadly, that's what the world is full of. Broken kids, who've become broken adults, who've in turn raised more broken kids... And we watch the news and read our newsfeed and wonder what and how the world is and become so broken. Meanwhile, we deny and ignore the only source of healing and restoration. So, before this post gets any longer, let's pray this #communitySaturday, that God would help us to be the church He has called and purposed us to live... to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves. May we be people of kindness as we interact with a world full of broken people and broken kids, living stressed out lives and engaged in strained relationships. Pray that we would be people who would not only reflect Christ, but encourage those around us to engage with Him. May God continue to grant us wisdom and discernment as we live through the current chaos and that He would accomplish the miraculous through our conversations. That God would go before us, As we step forward in faith and obedience To be used for His glory and purpose For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC We all stand frustrated with the evil of humanity and yet when asked, we fail to recognize the evil that resides in the heart of every individual. We ask how we got to this place as a society and a culture and yet we don't view our words and deeds in light of eternity.
We fail to recognize God, let alone seek to see and understand Him. We wish for a purpose to this thing called life, but miss the opportunity to have a relationship with the One who designed us with and for a purpose. We desire meaning and long to be loved, yet deny what Christ did for us and what it means for our lives. We wonder why people don't do right nor even know what is right, while we teach that there are no absolutes, there are no eternal consequences and that you should trust your gut, do what you feel is best for your and operate by your feelings. We are teaching and living lies. All because we fail to believe the One who says that they and their Word are true and truth. Yet, James McDonald says that hope takes work. Despair is nearly a default. It stands to reason then, that if we are to have hope and it will require effort and time on a daily and sometime moment by moment basis, that would we put it our hope in someone/something that has stood the test of time; has never failed, never left, never missed a detail, never wasted an experience or a tear to bring about a divine, sovereign and glorious plan. But that would be sensible and logical, even if it was a risk and a step of faith. And it amazes me how much risk we will accept and what steps we will take, for things far less impersonal and important in light of eternity. Yet when given the opportunity with God, far too many write it off as good for someone else... as if it's possible for humanity to be too good for the grace and love of God. For not only is that not possible, but quite the opposite is true. People need hope. And the people of God need His help in communicating such to a world fill will evil living a default state of despair. On this #communitySaturday, pray that people eyes would be opened to the truth of God and his plan and purpose for humanity. Pray that hearts and minds would be opened to the opportunity and risk to engage with Almighty God, Creator of the Universe. May we not be people who live in despair and frustration, but that would be people people who live in peace and hope, ready to give an answer to all who inquire as to our Source. Pray our active faith in Christ would shine to those around us.... like a city on a hill. For God has not left us in our lonely state But has made every effort and ultimate sacrifice To display His love, plan and purpose. For though He is frustrated with humanity, We are not utterly destroyed. Because of His love and His grace. May we engage people with the same. For the glory of God. - PNC I heard this article referenced the other day, so after knowing the subject of yesterday's post, I knew this article would make for an interesting extension. Again, as I did yesterday, I don't share this as a point of condemnation, but conviction, for I know once again, I could to be and should be doing more.
But as we talk about culture and community and the realities of people's struggles when it comes to economics and quality of life it's pretty incredible to consider what would happen if the church gave as Christ calls and commands us to give. So look at some statistics that were posted on a blog at Relevant Magazine last spring. In your average congregation, only 10-25% give tithes. Only 5% of the United States tithes, with 80% of American's only giving 2% of their income (which by definition, is not a tithe) Christians in the Great Depression gave more at 3.3% per capita, than today's Christians at 2.5% So here's the power of giving, if every Christian actually gave a minimum of 10% of their income. The work of the ministry would have 165 BILLION to move forward!! If you aren't sure how long that will last, consider these numbers – $25 billion could relieve global hunger, starvation and deaths from preventable diseases in five years. – $12 billion could eliminate illiteracy in five years. – $15 billion could solve the world’s water and sanitation issues, specifically at places in the world where 1 billion people live on less than $1 per day. – $1 billion could fully fund all overseas mission work. – $100 – $110 billion would still be left over for additional ministry expansion. Eliminate illiteracy? Solve world water and sanitation problems? Fully fund all overseas missions? And the open ended question after all the specifics are taken care... God what you have us do with $100 Billion that's left over? It's hard to imagine how churches could impact and forever change their communities. It's hard not to consider how much more churches could accomplish if they eliminated their debt and mortgages? My mind is blown. On that note, pray this #communitySaturday, that the church would indeed be people who give. May our hearts be opened as well as our eyes, to not only see the needs and perhaps understand them, but to respond to do something positive to change them. May we be people who love, in word and deed, time and resources. Pray God would call and us and move us to be the blessing to others that He has been to us. For it is not ours, but His. May we give us unto the Lord As much as we work unto Him. To change someone else's world By changing how we take care of our own. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Community is an amazing phenomenon. It's possible to be present and even plugged in, without feeling energized and empowered. This is seemingly normal and the stories of such an existence are abundant.
Yet such instances detract from the power of community. In fact, if you consider the analogy from the perspective of real life, being "plugged in" while not doing anything is actually a drain on the system. From the television to the toaster, the transfer of energy is still drawn, even if the unit is not on and functioning according to it's abilities and purpose. So to, the power of the church community and it's engagement with the rest of world is affected when those within the church are drawing power, but not using it for the purpose for which they were created. Yes, it is a balancing act, for there are seasons of rest at different times for different reasons, but by and large, the power of the church to impact it's community lies in the church using its power for which it was purposed and created. On this #communitySaturday, pray that God would help to be plugged in; at the right places and times, in order that we might be best used for the purposes for which God created us. Pray for a strengthening of the church community, that we would be empowered and equipped to be a greater impact in the region in which they reside. May God grant wisdom and direction for churches struggling and those in the community feeling as they are being a drain rather than being used. Pray for the miraculous in such circumstances and situations. May we live as God intended. Fulfilling His calling and purpose As He designed for us to be and do. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Moody Radio Network was doing their fall fundraising campaign during this past week and they had a segment where the talked with car guy, Barry Meguiar. Full of life and energy, they were talking about evangelism and the Christian's interaction with the world.
He was talking about how much we over-complicate the conversation, at times. More often than not, we come across as more outspoken about the problems within society and the sins of others, rather than simply taking the opportunity to share our experience with Jesus Christ. It's all relational. We don't hesitate to share our experience and interaction with incredible or horrible service at a place of business; the review of an online purchase or product; the recommendation of a contractor; the latest big screen flick (or flop)... the list goes on. Yet, we're all, myself included, a little to quick to think twice about relaying a story or experience of faith, testimony or trial from our everyday life or one that we heard from someone at church. Society is nothing but conversation after conversation and having conversations about "having the conversation", but it seems the body of Christ is not directing it, let alone, influencing it. I know that's not entirely true, but it feels that way most of the time. As Christ interjected Himself into humanity, so must we interject Him into our interaction with humanity. Pray, this #communitySaturday that the hesitance to share Christ would be lifted. As culture shares their experience over things that will pass away, may we share the transformation that will never pass away. May the body of Christ indeed, be relational and intentional in the conversations we carry on with those around; whether they be frequent or infrequent. May God grant us opportunities to impact our world and may we not be afraid to step through the door and speak when He opens it. For the glory of God. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Well, I'm bummed. I heard a great statement the other day that was played on the radio, and not only can I can't remember it all, as it was a long thought, but I also can't find it online, as I only caught part of the reference of the one who said it. Thus you are getting a late post with a developing thought process.
For the past few hours I've been trying to track down these profound words, the Hallmark Channel has been playing in the background. It's sad really, that Saturday morning cartoons aren't what they used to be anymore and nothing else was worth watching, so their movie Love At First Glance is showing. Giving up in frustration on my search, I have no idea what to write now. Not that I had much before. The long-lost profound statement was so powerful, I had nothing to add it actually. But in the movie, the main character a journalist, Ann is on a quest to learn about what makes the man who left his phone on the train so interesting. They didn't speak on the train, it was just a glance; but now she is faced with writing a Valentine's article on true love and James, a photo-journalist, has challenged her to learn about him by her contacting everyone in his contact list. As they exchange texts early on, Ann asks herself... "What is it about this man that makes me want to tell Him everything?" Typical Hallmark, right? Isn't amazing, that no matter what the nature of our "community" in which we live, we still have moments and times, even days and prolonged ones at the that; that we don't feel connected. We don't feel loved or appreciated or valued. We are present, yet silent. Onlooking, but not looked upon. But then there is God. And the amazing relationship we have with Jesus Christ through the restorative effects of Calvary's Cross. Yet, sadly, even after returning to God, we still hold ourselves back. Not only from our fellow humanity, but from our eternal Father. What if on this #communitySaturday, no matter where we are, what we do, what we've done or where we've been, we looked at the face of Jesus, with the desire and awe to want to tell Him everything? Perhaps the shortest suggestion for a closing prayer ever left on a Bring Me 70, but as this has oddly written itself, I'm going to close with this, as we consider our loneliness in light of community and eternity, in the words of former U.N Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold: "Pray that your loneliness may spur you into finding something to live for, great enough to die for." - PNC Dr. David Jeremiah was talking about the friendship between Jonathan and David as he closed out a recent sermon series. In discussing the loyalty that existed between them, he made an incredibly profound point.
True friendships aren't built on the ruins of a lost friendship. Inevitably it always happens on some family sitcom or movie. Some kid or teenager or even adult is ditched by their friend who by choice or circumstance become friends with someone cooler, more popular or whatever. Of course, it's always followed by the encouraging talk of a parent, teacher or trusted person that invests in them with the reminder that superficial and shallow friends aren't much of a friend. The relationship that is built on the hopes that it will be better than the one that was just exited usually, and quickly, runs in to problems. Jonathan and David are lesson in longevity. And respect. David didn't speak ill of Jonathan's father. And Jonathan didn't sacrifice his relationship with his father, despite how Saul treated his friend. Not only is this seemingly lacking from today's circumstances, it's a reminder of the level of stability that true and loyal friendships bring into our lives. There is a rest and a peace in the assurance of true, meaningful, lasting friendships. If David and Jonathan's lives aren't an incredible example of friendship, remember this... There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. Yes, even the best of brothers. Jesus Christ. Pray this #communitySaturday that the church would be the place of friendships... of making great friends, of being great friends, of building great friends. May we be people that bring stability, love and hope to those we come in contact with and interact. Pray that we would not be superficial in our actions, attitudes and words, but genuine, loving and honest. May the body of Christ live loyal to the Cross and true to the calling God has placed upon our lives. To be His hands and feet extended. To a world who needs to know and have a friend Who sticks closer than a brother. In a world full of homes and damaged people. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC I'm kinda bummed I was unable to join my church friends today in an outreach to a nearby community that has witnessed some serious decline over the past couple of decades. In more recent years it has only gotten worse.
Yet over the past few days I couldn't help but consider the power that is being displayed today, as a community of believers not only steps outside the four walls of their church, but also outside the four corners of their own community to drive to another area and make an impact. It's a huge undertaking, but I'm believing as many are, that it will be a day of miracles, as many tangible and physical needs are met. People are experiencing an abundant outpouring of love, grace and compassion as the body of Christ steps up and steps forward to express care and concern to those in need and those less fortunate. It's so easy for many churches and organizations, as well as individuals for that matter, to live life more concerned about personal lives, missions and goals that we neglect to seek and pursue opportunities whereby we show that others matter. That this world is not our own, but God's. That our lives are not ours, but His. That we don't exist in a vacuum; That our needs are not more important than another's God shows His care for humanity by moving a humanity to care for others more than themselves. While the evidence of the evil that resides within is great and often on prominent and dominant display, greater is He who is in us. We should be providing even great evidence of the goodness that we are capable of because of the work God has done in the hearts and lives of those who have submitted to His plans and purposes through the work of Jesus Christ on the cross. So, pray this #communitySaturday that God would do the miraculous. Pray for today's outreach, that the compassion, love and grace of God would overwhelm those who are in need and receive the tangible touch of His hand through the people of God. Pray for connections to be made, that people would be connected to local churches and witness daily God's love and provision in their lives. May today be a day of glory and honor to God through the obedience of Christians who have been moved to compassion, to step outside their lives and make an eternal impact in the lives of strangers. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. A day that impacts eternity. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019