I was part of a conversation last night, in which the topic of tradition came up, as it relates to their place and practice within the church. While traditions have their place and relevance, their can be a adverse reaction to them as much as their is an enduring response to them.
Thus, the conversation brought us to a place of understanding that there is a balance to tradition, both how we hold them in respect and reverence as well as the reason and manner in which we keep them in practice. Understanding the balance is one thing. Keeping the balance is another. It's impossible to please everyone, especially all at the same time revolving around one particular issue. One needs to go no farther than asking the family where to go to dinner or a group of friends to decide on a movie. Every church, congregation and community is difference. Their approach to ministry and outreach is different. The people they are trying to reach will always have differing experiences of church, Christianity not to mention the Christians they come in contract with. So, it goes without saying, that this is simply another area in which the pastor must practice patient, purpose and perspective, while not negating the impact and importance that they may hold. On this #seniorPastorMonday, pray that God would give clarity to pastors regarding the practice and purpose of traditions. Pray that God would help them to keep and serve well those that truly serve a meaningful place and purpose within the church and not hang on to them for the mere sake of tradition that perhaps nobody understands why they exist. May God give them wisdom and the words, to be able to explain when needed, why certain processes and operations within the church happen in the time, place and manner that they do. Pray also, once again for a spirit of unity. May the differences of tradition and the understanding and practice of them, not be a hindrance that keeps people from the presence of God and a meaningful encounter with Him. For every thing has a time and a place, A reason and a season for its' existence. For the glory of God And the advancement of the cause of Christ. - PNC
So, I'm pondering and thinking and drawing somewhat of a blank before getting ready for church this morning. And every once in a while, social media kicks up an interesting perspective. So here it is...
We are only anointed for our assignment. Narrow your focus to your assignment." - Kris Valloton. How's that for a great word for an #effectiveSunday? But seriously, there's research now that suggests that multi-tasking is more of a hindrance than a help to getting lots of things done. However, focus and intensity changes things. The time involved in switching gears is lost. The mental energy that is expended is lost. Whether the kids are doing homework or you and your spouse are working on some financial goals or simply meeting a deadline for a project at work... every thing that jumps in and requires time, resources and funds takes away from what should be the priority and the focus of what needs to be done. And that you should be doing. Ministry is no exception. There's always multiple things going on within the church at any one time. But that's where the people who handle them need to be intentional on what it is they are called and anointed to do. For if you pull them away from their assignment, what should get done, won't and what they do instead, won't be done as well as it could be done. So, on this #effectiveSunday, pray that God would help people narrow their focus to what God has assigned and anointed them to do. Pray for clarity of purpose. May God grant to them a laser-like vision of possibility. Pray for those who have lost their dream and the energy to pursue it. Pray that God would revive and renew people and their purpose. May much be accomplished, as even well-intended distractions are set aside to fulfill the calling God has placed upon us. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC My wife and I attended a couples night gathering at church last night, and what a great time of fellowship. We had a great time having some fun and meeting new people. It was truly an enjoyable time and experience. We got in the car to head home and discussed the evening... a seemingly fitting thing that most couples would do as well. At one point, she observed, "It wasn't clique-ish at all!"
Yet, when a gathering does have that sense and feel, it can frustrate and even destroy the sense of community. Not every group is for every person. Not every interest, not every club is meant and designed to be an open, all-access pass. I get that boundaries is a sensitive topic these days, but they have their place and time and they serve an incredibly important purpose. I could give examples, but I think you're wise enough to understand how life and reality works; plus that's not really the direction I want to go with this perspective. Having said that, if there is a place where people shouldn't feel like outsiders, for any reason, it's the church. Yet sadly, many people do. Some for personality reasons, others for much deeper issues and struggles. We all have our battles and conflicts, both before coming to Christ and that He is working out within us after salvation. So yes, life and relationships are complex. While I think the church has come along way in creating a welcoming environment whereby someone can enter and feel as though they are surrounded by friends, there's still an ease with which cliques can occur and come into existence; sometimes unknowingly and unintentionally as well. Yet for the person who catches and recognizes it when they see it, the people who gather for church are more like acquaintances than friends. You know people and you about them, but you don't truly "know" them. The depth of relationship is lacking. And that lack of quality relationships with believers eventually affects one's relationship with God. Or at least has the potential to do so. You find yourself knowing God and knowing about Him, but no longer truly "knowing" and learning about Him. This is a troubling place to be, both in life and in faith. On that note, pray this #communitySaturday, that regardless of what happens in community and society at large, that the church would not be known for its' cliques. Pray for a strengthening of the relationships and friendships that exist and pray for opportunity for new ones to be forged. May there be an understanding as interaction occurs, that the ground is level at Calvary. Pray the church would continue to be intention as their influence and ministry grows within the communities and region that they serve. Pray also that the power of Scripture and the work of the Holy Spirit would not be hindered as working agents to bring people closer to God. While Christianity has it's complexities, reflecting the character of Christ is fairly simple. It just not always easy. May God use us for His glory. Whomever and wherever people may be Who need an encounter with Christ Through those who follow Him. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC This song played recently as I was listening to my phone through my blue-tooth earpiece while finishing up things at work. Isn't amazing what catches your thoughts when everything else is tuned out? Focus.
As you listen, you understand just what transpired when Christ left heaven to redeem humanity. Indeed, it does take a special kind of love. Conversely, it got me thinking about the level of sacrifice and commitment that missionaries make to leave behind a similar, albeit earthly level of comfort, stability and familiarity to go and reach the lost of humanity. Which we all either are or were once. While all of us are called to reach the lost and reflect Christ with our lives, the prospect of such a task is certainly much more feasible when we are talking about doing so with the people we hang out with every day in our neighborhoods, schools and places of employment than in a foreign land. That's not an indictment that Christians who don't take to the mission field have a love and heart for the lost, for surely we all should and perhaps need a greater dose than what we currently carry and express. But just as we look at Christ and think, if even I were God, I don't know that I could do that; so too is the respect and gratitude for missionaries while possessing the same sentiment. It is a special kind of love, in the heart of those on the missions field. On this #missionsFriday, pray for those on the mission field. Pray God would grant them strength and renew their hears, minds and spirits. Pray for a double portion of anointing and blessing for the service and sacrifice to the kingdom of God. May God guard their hearts and protect them homes, and families. Pray that God would grant them favor and influence within the communities they are attempting to reach and with the leadership and people of power in the land. For as God did in the Bible, may He do so even today. As it took a special kind of love then, Even more so is required today. One soul at a time. Forever changed by His love And those who have experienced it. For the glory of God. - PNC Once again, I'm quickly reminded (thanks to our beloved culture) that life is 10% how you act/speak and 90% how you react. And life will be changed by 90% of the reactions, both yours and others, rather than the 10%.
Yet, I can't help but wonder... what would happen if we were as intentional with the 10% as we are swift with the 90%? I don't think we are. I know, sadly, I'm not. We want people to be honest, but not brutality. And yet sometimes, that's what works best. Isn't funny... it's love that is patient, kind and everything else. Not truth. And yet feelings and emotions dominate our days, rather than reason and understanding. As a result, the conversation whether in person or online, is sure to be difficult and challenging when the response does the driving and directing. What's the point? Wisdom. Discernment. Understanding. Intention. Clarity. Purpose. If people are having issues with the everyday occurrences and circumstances of life in general, how much more will they have trouble with matters of faith and spiritual matters? Of course, if we were more in tune with Scripture and the work of God and His Word in our lives as intended from the beginning of time, then perhaps some of this wouldn't be nearly as difficult. As least not within the four walls of the church. But as it sits, the battle is both within Christiandom and society-at-large. Thus, on this #deaconThursday, that God would help the church with the intentionality of the 10% of what the church does and says. Pray for wisdom and understanding; purpose and clarity in the decisions they make as well as in the courses that they chart. Continue to pray for a spirit of unity as they move forward in ministry and the impact they make on the community. May God help them in the battles and challenges they face in speaking into lives and working with them to bring them into a greater depth of relationship with God. May the Holy Spirit be free to do His work; unhindered by humanity's hesitation and resistance. For as God moves So do, does He move our faith Hopefully ever closer to where He is Rather than pushed out and away from His presence. Let us life carefully, both in our statement and our response. For the glory of God. - PNC Over the past few days, I've been reflecting on the final week of May, 2015. I was putting the final touches on the revamp of this website, ramping up to the prospect of sticking to a commitment which I felt convicted regarding... to have a page titled Daily Prayers, and not be writing a daily prayer. Friday marks the beginning of year four.
But the prospect... seriously? Every day? A little daunting. A little overwhelming. Quite challenging. Yet, I've noticed God has been faithful to help me as I've been faithful to take the time to open the laptop. Or phone or tablet, in times of great technical frustration. We all start with baby steps. Learning. Proficiency. Pace-setting. And knowing when and for how long the hustle moment is supposed to last. Commitment is not for the faint of heart. Even when time, circumstance and resources change; the struggle is real. And those are words from the heart. Not that the past three years haven't been. Time heals wounds, especially for those who want to be healed. Experience is a great teacher, for those willing to learn from it. Great accomplishments are the result of things, which after they have been started, have stayed the course. On this #youthPastorWednesday, pray for those pastors who are struggling to start. May God help them dream again and begin anew. Pray for those struggling to stay the course. Whether a specific obstacle or life in general has gotten in the way, may the be encouraged to press on and move forward in the calling God has for them and on the path in which He has placed them. Pray for an unshakable resolve and a renewed sense of commitment to what God is working in both their lives and their ministries. May God accomplish the miraculous in the midst of a new season. One moment. One decision. One purpose. One life. One God. For His glory alone. - PNC We all know we have to work hard to achieve our goals. Yet, someone, something, somewhere always stands in the way. One step ahead, one point ahead, one goal reached... and trouble catches up. And so you hustle and work some more to gain a lead. Then, neck and neck again. The leading again.
Does this sound familiar? Long story short, my sister-in-law's favorite hockey team is the Las Vegas' Golden Knights. And if you missed Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Finals last night, this was the story of all 3 periods of the game. Vegas the whole way, as they ultimately won. But every time they had a lead, the Washington came right back on point. Throughout the game, she and I exchanged a number of texts. At one point between the excitement and frustration of the goals, she replied that "my Vegas boys don't give up!". And if you've watched them at all this, their inaugural season in the NHL, that attitude they possess happens to be very true. It's a hard attitude to maintain. You start strong, get discouraged. Press on, get more discouraged. Keep pressing. More. Go. More. A pastor friend shared a post on social media; a picture from John Wesley's diary. Morning and evening services, kicked out and asked not to return. For the first three weeks in the month of May. The evening service of that third week, he preached on the street and was kicked off the street. On the fourth week, he preached in a meadow, where he was run off when someone let the bull loose during service! On the first Sunday in June, he preached at the edge of town and was kicked off the highway. But then that evening, he preached in a pasture... and 10,000 came to hear him. Is there not power in perseverance? And is God not a rewarder of those who continue press on in pursuit of the calling that He has placed on their lives? About the time you're ready to call it quits, is about the time you need to take one more step. Complete one more play. Take one more shot at the goal. On this #associatePastorTuesday, pray for those struggle with the energy, stamina and wherewithal to continue to press on and move forward. May God energize their body, unlock their mind and quicken their soul. Pray for a spirit of refreshing, revival and renewal to come over them. Pray that God would them perspective and wisdom regarding the battles and problems that challenge them and wear them down. May there be fresh and creative approach that comes forth, as they trust God and continue to advance in the face of obstacles. Over-comers. No matter who or what stands in the way. For the glory of God. - PNC First things first. To those whose families have served in the defense of this great country, our heart felt thanks and gratitude to you and yours, in honor of those who gave their lives for our freedom.
As in government, so to in ministry, are times when the people and the leadership disagree. Even though the pursuit of the end result is understandable and agreeable, the methodology to get there often creates hang-ups for people in terms of joining the mission. This was the sentiment shared during service yesterday, which by the way, turned out to be quite incredible. Yet as Pastor relayed stories of vision from 20+ years ago, included as a part of the tale, where the moments of people stepping up to inform him, that they were in fact, disengaging. Which, you'll remember, is exactly what we prayed would not happen, as vision gets recast. I pray that doesn't happen this time around. It's hard to be honest, that it couldn't... for indeed, sadly, it just might. But this is what God does, especially one who moves. He moves people as well. They come for a season. They go for a season. Occasionally, they return... for another season. Or two. But the conversation that is involved in such circumstances are difficult. Sometimes troubling. Creating the possibility of second-guessing. A test of the will. A check of the confidence. A questioning of purpose. A moment of doubt. A revisit to the plan and to prayer. This is why we pray for pastors; to be in tune and in step with the will of God... for Scripture is filled with stories when God answers with detailed specifics regarding a matter, and man ignored or modified them. On that note, I'd be remiss, if while calling you to prayer, I didn't ask that you include the families who have lost loved ones and friends to the service of this nation. May God strengthen and comfort them as they grief and uphold them as this people honor their memory. Pray too for pastors, struggling with those who may not be on board with a change in the vision. May they know how to handle the conversation and may they trust that God will bring about the people and resources necessary during times of change and transition. Pray for their confidence and resolve to what God has called them to remain strong, despite criticism and disagreements. Pray for wisdom as they move forward, even when the picture and path is neither crystal clear nor brightly lit. In service to our God In service to our community. In honor of those who came before And advancing for those who come behind. For the glory of God. - PNC I'm excited for church today. It's always interesting when a church begins something new or charts a different course. Planning, strategy, process and understanding all come in to play. A knowledge of who you are, where you've been and where you want to go; and more importantly, where God would have you to go.
This is vision-casting. And it's critical. A church fails without a clear purpose. A church fails when it loses it's purpose. A church fails when the people disengage from the purpose A church fails when leadership improperly presents the purpose. If we have learned anything as society moves forward through 2018, from the transition that culture has made in recent decades, is that for as much as they church has gained through great vision, they have lost their impact from a lack of great vision. So while it's an exciting time for the church, the current state of our culture tells us that it's an incredibly critical time for the church. Time moves too fast for us to be inefficient. People are too valuable for us to be ineffective. On this #effectiveSunday, pray for the church; that we would not only have a clear purpose and great vision, but that it would be presented in such a way to increase engagement, rather than disengagement. Pray for a spirit of unity within the body of Christ as we take intentional steps forward to what God has called. Pray for the church that are in trouble; suffering from a loss of vision and engagement. Pray that their hearts would be ignited and that their minds would be able to dream again. Pray for wisdom and discernment amidst the pastors and church leadership; that they would be hear and respond to the voice of God directing them in the ways in which they should lead their congregation and best impact their community and the world at-large. Effective to greater degrees. Efficient at increased levels. Grateful for the history. Honored to be writing the future. For the glory of God. - PNC As I was writing Friday's post on hostile environments, I couldn't help but consider that conflict and tension doesn't exist solely in the obvious places around the globe and for missionaries. We pray for pastors daily, because we know they are not immune.
And we pray for community, because we do know very well, that on a daily basis, we encounter people and personalities that are filled with emotion, tension and differences that work against us and the relationships that we have with those around us. Whether it be at work.... uh, we'll leave that one alone; or at home... yeah, not their either. Um... in the marketplace, in our neighborhood, even as we gather as a body of believers? Is there anywhere we can go where there is not the possibility of conflict? No. No, there is not. Not anywhere. For even as we find our quiet place and time with God, in His Word and in prayer, there is conflict. The conviction of the Holy Spirit is alive and well. The powerful, yet delicate hand of God has yet to find rest. He is always at work. Always moving. And wherever there is movement, there will be struggle, conflict and wear. So, then maintaining and enduring quality relationships in community begins and ends with the quality of our relationship with God. God help us, this #communitySaturday. Pray that He would give us grace as we correct and move in the ways and places He would have for us to go in our own lives. Pray for the conflict and problems that needs to be resolved in our relationships, whether with family or with friends, both within the four walls of the church and outside them. May God give us wisdom with the words we use and the time and place and people with which we use them. Pray that He would continue to lead, guide and direct our steps that He may all the more glorified in our lives, homes and communities. One day at time One conversation at time One life at a time. One decision at a time. For Christ and His cause. - PNC Let's just state the obvious, for the record.
Hostility is stressful. Even in light of the revelation that we are not of this world; that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against princes and powers of this dark age, the struggle is real. And difficult. And risky. Every nation and society has it's own battles and struggles. Hostility comes in all forms; whether through political agendas or doctrinal differences or the disconnect between good and evil and gradations that exist whereby we justify actions and attitudes. And at the face of it... is an actual face. A surreal reminder that for all the fear and frustration of both past and future encounters is a person. Made in the image of God; created for a divine plan and purpose. It be easy to say that such a true is easy to maintain, but it's not... hence, calling it a surreal reminder. This makes understanding and trusting for that matter, the sovereign hand of God difficult at times, as we remember that while we are to reflect Christ, we are also in the presence of evil. Last days indeed. On this #missionsFriday, pray for those missionaries who are in difficult places of hostility and conflict. While sharing the Gospel has it challenges, pray for those whose circumstances are compounded by tragedy of evil, war, and oppression. May God strengthen them anew and afresh. May their be a spiritual connection and attraction to the presence of God through their willingness to go to the dark and desolate places. Pray to the end, that evil would be defeated and that lives would be saved and transformed for the glory of God. Unwilling that any should perish, But that all would come to repentance Through Jesus Christ For the glory of God. - PNC I wish one day, that this would never happen again. But, we are all human. Including our pastors. And sadly another one has fallen... and hard. The hard part is outrageous, but fallen is fallen. And while this is a journey that I wouldn't wish upon any congregation, the difficulty of this particular matter, (which I am only aware of thanks to social media posts from a friend), is that this pastor's moral failure has resulted in legal consequences and worse, destroyed lives and families.
Like I said... in a word; outrageous. As we near completing the three year mark on this project of prayer, there have been moments of overlap and repetition. I know, I've stated before, my attempts to take great care to keep such instances to a minimum, but I wanted to reiterate my intention. Because while this post could very well be saved for next week, on a day that we pray specifically for pastors, I felt the immediacy of writing this today, as the church leadership and staff are dealing with the finality of this failure and the process that it has entailed. How do they heal as a church? How do they heal as a community of believers attempting to impact their community? How do they recover their standing, as the spotlight has been placed on this horrible situation? How do they and especially, those directly affected, keep the faith after this ordeal? I know, some of you are reading this wondering what the specifics are and all of that. And once again, I'm approaching this as it's not my story to tell in detail, especially given I don't have that many. But furthermore, I've tried to be very intentional on this site with regards to practicing discernment. I hope you can appreciate the balancing act I've attempted to walk in breaking down concepts while leaving a certain sense of vagueness in play. Sorry, but that's how things work sometimes. But I know this. Hearts are broken and minds are befuddled. Emotions are rampant, faith is discouraged and no doubt, trust has been nothing short of shattered not into pieces, but shards. You understand the difference into how they are handled. In another word... delicately. Not just anyone can handle them. Not just any method will work in handling them. So, once again, join me in prayer, on this #deaconThursday. Pray for the leadership of this church as they deal with this incredibly complex and overwhelmingly difficult set of circumstances. May God give them wisdom in the decisions they face in the days to come. Pray for a spirit of grace and compassion as they guide this church through the various stages of processing such a horrendous event. Pray for healing over this congregation. Pray for a move of the Holy Spirit over this church and community; that in the midst of pain and agony, even in the most unthinkable of circumstances, that the testimonies that will result from this test and the ministries that will come forth from this mess, will accomplish more with greater effectiveness for the kingdom of God than if nothing had happened at all. Even if we all agree, we'd rather not have this situation happen at all. But for the grace of God Where would any of us be. Forgiven and redeemed. And needing it more than once. God help us all. - PNC I heard this phrase earlier today and it immediately resonated. There's so much going, I don't know where to begin.
The conversation was political nature and the man who spoke the phrase was talking about the history of America and what is essentially, the brilliance of the founding fathers and how they set-up government and the importance and thoroughness of the Constitution and so forth. And yet, we miss so much... both from an educational and understanding perspective, as well as a reverence and awe for what has been established. Switch gears... And the same is true for Christianity and Scripture. The stories of those who have gone before; the wisdom, perspective and relevance that it gives us today is beyond belief. And Scripture. The Word of God is useful for instruction in righteousness, and profitable for doctrine, reproof and correction. Not lacking anything, it is complete unto itself. And yet our level of reference and education of such spiritual matters could always exist on a higher plane than our current reality... both for ourselves and instilling such framework into the generation that comes behind us. Once again... preaching to myself. It requires our life of faith and our understanding of the things of God to have its' proper place and influence in our lives to be in order. On this #youthPastorWednesday, pray that God would help to keep and increase a reverence education for the things of God. Pray that pastors would never lose the sense of wonder and awe. Furthermore, pray that the Word would lead them in matters of doctrine and righteous living. May the Holy Spirit bring reproof and correction when needed; and quickly before irreparable damage is done and lives are destroyed. Pray that God would give them wisdom as they lead this next generation; not to fear man or what he may do, but God and what He has done and the destiny that He has ordained that we should walk in it. Standing in awe of the Lord, Our Holy God To whom all praise is do. For His glory alone. - PNC I couldn't help put wonder... just how far over one's head do pastors get. Ministry. Family. Professionally. Financially.
There's a scene in the TV show, The West Wing, where the press secretary is asked regarding a situation, if she (and the administration) if the water was over their head. She replied, no... it's right at our head. So, what prompted this train of thought? Well, another caller into the Dave Ramsey show. This one will leave you scratching your head. The wife calls... roughly 20 grand under water on their car. Owes $48k, it's worth 18-20k. Ouch. But there's good news... they make 150k a year. Then the rest of the story. 287 grand in consumer debt, not including the mortgage. The husbands truck, a motorcycle and credit cards. I was kinda bummed to be listening to the show rather than watching it on YouTube, as I imagine the look on Dave's face expressed the internal equivalent of falling out of his chair! I don't like to think of pastors finding themselves in near impossible situations; holes really, from which they are figuring a way to climb out. But then I consider my own life. Situations that I knew better than to place myself in. Circumstances that I knew were detrimental to my health, whether physically, mentally, financially or spiritually. We've all done it. Even Dave jokes about having done stupid with zeros attached. Safeguards. Accountability. Common sense. Prayer. Healthy relationships. Proper understanding and perspective. A lack of any or all of the aforementioned leaves the door open for decisions to be made and compromises to occur that set us on a path that does not lead to good outcomes. And by the time we wake up... yeah, the water is at our head and dangerously close to going over. This is not a good place to be. Whether in ministry or the marketplace. Single or married. 15 grand, 150 grand or 150 million in annual income. Firm foundations are found at every height. Therefore a loss from that footing spells trouble. Every. Single. Time. On this #associatePastorTuesday, pray for those are who trouble. Whether the water is still rising or near going over, pray that God would come quickly to their aid and grant them a moment of clarity. For those who have already had that moment, pray that God would give them wisdom to know how to proceed and the strength to begin taking the necessary steps back to safety. Pray for protection over their families and ministries. May God lead them and show the way back to the path that they have stepped off. For the testimony is great because of the test. And the power of the ministry is a result of the mess. For the glory of God alone. - PNC So, I got thinking about leadership, and in particular on this whole topic of moving when God moves. I know how much in my life, both in general and in faith, that I get it wrong. Leaders make me stand in amazement.
It's not that they never get it wrong. The Bible is replete with stories of great leadership who royally messed up and missed the move of God. And yet, it continues to bother me how we have moved away from being able to extend grace. There is no grace for those who have fallen; there is however, a rush to judgement and destruction. Which, do we need to be reminded, is a job responsibility best left to God. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm hard enough on myself when I mess things up. At times, being a man of faith makes things "worse" because of the conviction of the Holy Spirit. A broken and contrite heart is what God cares about and looks for as a sign for wanting to make a course correction in our lives. But all too often, we look at the mistakes and failures of our leadership and rather than offer them opportunity to make a course correction, we kick them off the course altogether. That may not be their ultimate fate.. grace will make its' appearance and restoration may be offered. For less extreme matters, eventually life and ministry moves on and continues to advance. Civil discourse over our disagreements has given way to corporate destruction. And by that, I'm not talking about the dissolution of corporations, but the "mob rule" mentality that seems to permeate so much of our culture and society to the point that it occurs within the church, not nearly as often, but certainly more than it should. So, on this #seniorPastorMonday, pray that senior pastors would indeed, have an increased awareness of the voice of God and the prompting of the Holy Spirit as they lead and move. But more importantly, pray for a covering over their lives and ministries for when they miss the mark. May there be an extension of grace as matters arise and are resolved. Pray that the church culture would not be so quick to rush to judgement and worse, the propensity to bring to ruin leaders who fail or leaders we think deserve to fail. May we be people of grace As God has extended grace to His people. Even to those who fail and with Him we disagree. For we have all been that person to God. - PNC I trust you had an awesome experience this morning during your church service, whether in person or online. We started a new series this morning, on the movement of God. And what a powerful message as well as a time of worship.
Though, as typical my mind was thinking while I was worshiping. While singing the song I Just Wanna Be Where You Are, I recalled the story of the prodigal. While it's a powerful story of God's grace and longing for relationship to be restored with humanity that has gone a far off into the distance, I found myself asking... What if the son never leaves? What happens if he doesn't walk away. He stays close to his father, under his leadership, helping to accomplish the goals and dreams of the family. What if he stays and continues to work alongside his brother? What if, instead of walking away to pursue and live his own life, he steps out and goes into the world to do even greater things than his father had done... for what father doesn't want their child to go above and beyond whatever it is that they have achieved? It's a very unhealthy relationship that a father wouldn't want his child to accomplish and experience less than he had achieved. God has great and greater things in store for us! Having said that, it's hard to be effective for the kingdom of God if we are not where God is. As pastor stated this morning... if only we could come to grips with the fact that God is always moving. Thus the work is never done and every time we do not follow in the direction He is going, our ability to be effective and efficient is hindered and both the church as an institution and the people of God as a community fall behind. On this #effectiveSunday, let's pray for an increased sensitivity to the still, small whisper of God and the gentle prompting of the Holy Spirit. Pray that we not find ourselves in such a state that we miss the voice and prompting to the degree that drastic measures and circumstances are in order to bring us to our senses, such as the prodigal experienced. Pray God would accomplish the miraculous in the lives of those who desire a greater spiritual acuity to the things of God. May the hardness and harshness of the world and the church for that matter, not take a toll on our hearts, minds and spirits that we dismiss God's moving in our lives and on our behalf. May the church be greater today than it was yesterday, because we recognized God's moving and followed accordingly. To be where He is Both in this life And in the life to come. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC So I was finally able to make it out to a men's breakfast this morning at our new home church and I was so glad that I was able to go. The conversation was good; breakfast was really good... and the devotional: challenging.
The guy that led the devo is a missionary in a very dangerous part of the world right now... serving in what is known as the 10/40 window. He talked about evangelism, using as a launch point, the story of the Good Samaritan. As a part of the discussion, one of the questions posed, is that why do we sometimes find it difficult to converse with people in like manner as the church leaders passed over the man that was robbed? Likewise, we know the Samaritan was moved with compassion, but what prompted that compassion? And as we pray for community, it comes back to relationships. Which was a part of the conversation in our devotional. Church leadership doesn't have the same relationships that the everyday, neighborhood, workplace Christian has. And the Good Samaritan was actually the outcast of society in that day. And we know nothing of who the man was that was robbed and left for dead. His position and status in the world could range from the upper echelon of society to a "nobody". Is it possible though, that the Samaritan had compassion becomes something within him connected to the hurting man? The relationship didn't exist, but I think somewhere, he understood. At our table, I shared the story of the man who fell into a hole and a doctor walked by and dropped a prescription. Another walked by and did something else. Then a friend walked by. And jumps in the hole. The guy asks, are you crazy now we're both in here? Friend says, yeah, but I've been here before... and I know the way out. As we engage community while living in a broken culture, what's not to connect with people, but to share how we too were once lost, but found our way out of the mess of sin into the presence of Christ. Is not the story of the Good Samaritan also the Good News of the Gospel? Christ has paid the price to heal our wounds. On this #communitySaturday, pray that God would help to engage and relate with the lost and broken in our world. Whether that be in the nicest neighborhood in town or the run-down side street by the tracks, pray that God would help us in our conversations, to look for opportunities where we might share our story, of grace and compassion having been extended to us. May we not fear how it looks or sounds or whatever might cause us to hesitate; but that we would speak the truth in love about our broken state and eternal redemption. Pray the truth of the Gospel of Christ would advance, in this dark and lost humanity that is desperately searching for answers to the evil that wages war in this world. One redemption at a time May many come to the saving grace of the cross As they come in contact to those who've already received it. For the glory of God. - PNC Somebody posted some wise advice regarding the application of certain principles and in the course of the online conversation, comments revolved around removing the spiritual aspect.
I understand the reasoning for this... sometimes things get over-spiritualized, more than they should be or the spiritual aspect dominates so much of the conversation or point of view that it's hard to see the value or validity of the matter on it's own merit. So, the advice someone posted, was quite a simple analogy and slightly profound, but it highlights the reality that not everyone will agree on everything. All to easily, people get offended over the parts they don't like rather than heeding these words... "chew the meat and spit out whatever you think are bones." I replied, that that was a good analogy, except for the bones keep the meat where it belongs! #spiritualtruthsmatter Ministry isn't easy. And it's not the ministry itself that makes it difficult... it's people! I know. I'm a person. But this is why. It's 2018. We don't like being told what to do. We don't like being told that change is necessary. We certainly don't like the thought of doing things differently from the world; God forbid the world considers anything unlike itself weird. Who wants to give up their guilty pleasures for a season? Who wants to live with the consequences of their immoral actions, behaviors and attitudes? Who wants to respond the voice of God and the conviction of the Holy Spirit? We are witnessing an ever-increasing time of "that works for you, but it's not for me" mindset. God. The most dissed and dismissed Father in the history of humanity. Yet He still stands on the porch of heaven, awaiting for the sight of His prodigal, still a long way off. On this #missionsFriday, pray God would encourage those in missions, reaching the lost and spreading the Gospel of peace, love and hope; salvation and redemption. Pray God would break the mindset of one "not needing" relationship with Almighty God. Pray for breakthrough, in the attitudes and perception that hinder people from having a true understanding of who God is; what Christ did and why it matters today. Pray for revelation; that spiritual truth would be made known and applied to lives. That we would live forever changed. From glory to glory. For God's glory alone. - PNC I got to thinking about the verse in 1 Samuel, about obedience being better than sacrifice. And while obedience can be a difficult path to walk, usually because it seems counter-intuitive, there is honor in true sacrifice. It's amazing the blessing that results when both obedience and true sacrifice come together in unison.
Where is the honor in true sacrifice? Well, the story of Cain & Able come to mind. God favored one over the other. And with good reason, as the their story tells us. I don't know exactly how this fits. I think sometimes we think we are making greater sacrifices in life than we truly are. I think it's possible we miss certain blessings because we don't follow in greater obedience to sacrifice the things which we feel we are being led or directed to give up. I wonder at times of all honor is lost in the sacrifice because we are not walking in obedience of any kind, but true defiance. Is it possible the imbalance of these two dynamics creates incredible stress and frustration in our lives? I'd be surprised if it didn't. Is it possible the conflict of these two decisions restrict or limit God's ability to move, direct and respond to our prayers and our faith? Quite possible. I really hate preaching to myself, but here it is... Make the hard, and honorable sacrifices. Walk in the difficult places of obedience. For who knows the nature and greatness of the blessings that await. But God alone. Pray this #deaconThursday, for those struggling with these elements of faith. Pray they would walk and live in complete obedience. Pray that their sacrifice would be found honorable before the Lord. May the following the prompting of the Holy Spirit and the instruction of the Lord in the decisions and matters of life that need clarity where there is confusion. Pray God would be bring order to the circumstances that are best described as chaos. Pray the blessings of heaven would be poured out, beyond the limits of the imagination. For God is great. And it's Him alone that we serve Not because of what He gives us, But because of what He has already done for us. - PNC I found myself hearing another conversation on values today. Perhaps it was a similar conversation to one I heard a few weeks ago. But it revolved around kids and today's education system and the battle that exists between the two. And it is a battle.
As great as the political agenda is among us, how much thought and emphasis do we give to the eternal agenda? Not nearly enough... not nearly enough. Lives hang in the balance... of all ages, of all races, of all ideologies and backgrounds and experiences. There's the value system that is set by God. And there's the system set by man. One is fixed. One is fluid. In an age and time when people want to be grounded, have something that is sure and assured, in which they can place their trust and confidence... to rely upon for all times and seasons; and then people walk around in disgust and disbelief with a quay-sera sera attitude. DeGarmo & Key sang a song titled War With The World. As I consider the values that the believer holds fast to through prayer and understanding of the Word in comparison to the agendas and philosophies being presented by society and the battle couldn't be anymore clear. It has permeated our leadership as a culture. It is influencing our youth. It is creeping into the ministry of the church. So, on this #youthPastorWednesday, pray for the leadership of today's generation. Pray that they would be men and women strong in the faith, strong in the Word, full of conviction, truth and the Holy Spirit. Pray that they would help to instill Godly values and Biblical principles; that this generation would be a counter-culture to a world that has turned themselves upside down. Pray that they would be a voice of clarity in a society that has filled their hearts and minds with confusion. Lord we need your help. Creator of this world, That you have set us apart from. For your glory alone. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019