Former front-man for the band SonicFlood, posted a picture of Scripture, the end of chapter 24 in Exodus. An incredible description of the presence of the Lord high atop the mountain. To this day, it is hard to comprehend a "devouring fire" as an analogy for the "awesome glory" of the Lord. No wonder Moses upon reappearing to the people looked like a changed man. For indeed, He had been in the presence of Almighty God.
But not for five minutes, or an hour. Not for five hours or a day. Neither even a full week. No... how about five and half weeks! I'm not sure what God's fascination is with numbers: I know there's incredibly profound meaning behind them, but here again... 40 days and 40 nights, in which Moses got lost in the secret place of God. Away from every distraction; away from every detractor. Away from every supporter, beloved neighbor, closest friend and annoying relative. (Smile, would you?) I keep thinking about how much more time I need to be spending in the presence of God. Followed by, if I have distractions as well as responsibilities calling for my attention constantly, and I'm of relative, little importance, how much more for the senior pastors of our churches; whose sermons and entire ministries are directly affected by the quality of their relationship with God and the time spent in His presence? It is a game changer. For the casting of vision For the effectiveness of ministry For the impact upon eternity. On this #seniorPastorMonday, pray for those pastors, struggling to not only find adequate time in the presence of God, but mission-critical time. Pray for those struggling with time-management, and delegation of tasks and responsibilities. May God help them steward their time wisely and raise people up who will be more effective and efficient at handling matters that, while important, are distractions to the study of the Word. Pray that people would sense, with every encounter with the pastor, that they have just come down from the mountain of God. Pray for a sense of clarity that only comes from the throne of a sovereign, omniscient Father. For what good is it to invest into people If we don't take time to allow God to invest into us Through His Word In His Presence, That others would see His glory. - PNC
Yes, it's late in the day, this #effectiveSunday. And today is the start of the 37th consecutive month, of daily prayers. This is the Sunday that we pray that the efforts of our words, deeds and planted seeds would achieve what God would desire of us. Indeed, His Word will not return void.
So what is on my heart? We've forgotten how to live in the moment. We're so quick to make sure we capture the moment that we forget to simply enjoy and create the memory of that moment. And it's that framework and mindset that allows to not be consumed with being effective, but to do what we can to make an impact. In the conversation. In the situation. In the moment of the life who needs feel the love of God and the truth of His Word. But we don't enjoy the moment. We simply grab our phones to record the moment... as if our memory is worthless. The distraction takes away from the power of the impact that is made in that moment. Live it. Share it. Cherish it in your heart and soul. And that's my prayer, this #effectiveSunday. Pray that as we go about the coming days and hours, that we would live in the moment and share and speak that which God lays upon our heart and engage as the opportunity presents itself. May we trust that God will accomplish His will and purpose as we are faithful to follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Pray that we would look back upon our days, including this one, knowing that the hand of God was at work; not only in our lives, but through our lives. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC If I recall, I posted a similar topic a few weeks ago (or months now... I seriously can't keep up), but I was reminded of just how hard it is to come to basic agreements of late. Granted, it was a political volley on social media, but still... I offered the lowest common denominator I could beginning with the words, "can we agree?"
No, was the reply. I can't. Really? When people miss the fact that all of us our flawed failures, we are in trouble. But nearly as much as when we miss this truth about ourselves. Unhealthy pride (that which is not laced with a humble spirit of constant gratitude) is a dangerous gremlin to deal with, especially when it leads to spiritual blindness and spiritual arrogance. This was Satan's downfall. At look what his first conversation involves. The presentation that He knows more about what's God's Words meant than the person to whom God actually spoke. He called into doubt, God's dynamic reality of command and consequence. And yet, as we pray for missionaries, this is the communication battle we face. All have fallen short of the glory of God. ** but others have fallen more than I, so I should be okay. Unfortunately, that's not how God sees it ** but I don't believe in God, so I really don't care how He sees it. This is troubling. We allow arguments to enter our spiritual conversation that we would never tolerate in our own homes or other aspects of our lives. Yet we justify so much in order to avoid dealing with the aforementioned dynamic reality of God. On this #missionsFriday, pray for a spiritual awakening. Pray that God would help His truth to be effectively communicated. Pray for the spiritual blinders to come off and the arrogance to be shaken. Pray that pride by cast aside and that we would return to humbling ourselves before the Lord; worthy of neither His grace nor His glory that has been offered to us freely through the sacrifice of Christ. Pray God's forgiveness for the mess that we have made out of His Creation, as we have continually put other people, things and agendas in higher priority than He. Fallen and broken In need of grace and redemption For the glory of God. - PNC Social media isn't all bad. But it is like any other relationship. It is what you contribute to it. That said, for all the accolades that it receives in the name of creating "connections", there are so many levels in which it creates a disconnect.
The power of debate and discussion on opposing sides of a matter or topic are lost. Statements lost in context. Non-verbal communication simply can't be transmitted whatsoever, despite any attempt by the use of many emojis. Sarcasm must be noted with multiple asterisks and even then, people don't pick up on the memo. It really is an interesting phenomena. As well as entertaining at times. And frustrating quite more frequently. Communication is an art... and sadly, one that is getting lost online. Despite people's attempts to use ever increasingly lofty terms to describe their argument, like false equivalency. Just spell it out. I think you are wrong and here's why. It seems of late, the only comments that have an element of brevity are those which end in calling the opposing debater choice names or demeaning adjectives. But what do I know? Not much, granted. But I know this... physical connection is worth pursuing and maintaining. Life moves too fast as it is, without neglecting the actually reaching out to people beyond the screen of the keyboard, whether it be on the laptop or the phone's messenger app. A phone call goes a long way. A knock on the front door goes even farther. On this #deaconThursday, pray that even as the church makes every attempt to connect with more people, especially through the power of social media, that they would also seek to make every connection possible with those in the surrounding communities that they serve. Pray that the power of the local church would neither be neglected nor dismissed. Pray that relationships would be strengthened as the body of Christ reaches out in physical and tangible ways to help those in need and speak life, hope and truth into troubled minds and broken hearts. While the power of technology is incredible, the power of the Cross of Christ is vital. May we be about what happens in real time, With face to face engagement, rather than face to screen. For the glory of God. - PNC I always appreciate talking with my brother. He lives out of state and his schedule is crazier than mine, so it's not nearly often enough. But he returned my call late last night and I was reminded once again, just how much I appreciate his insight and advice wrapped up in brotherly love.
Then this morning, I got to thinking about the verse that talks about Jesus staying closer than a brother. And I realized that there are two responses to that truth. The first, is a response similar too mine; and that is that it's a pretty incredible thought regarding our walk with Christ as me and my brother are like this! *fingers crossed. When you have a great relationship with your sibling, the closeness a relationship with Christ is easy to grasp, but at times difficult to imagine that it could be even better. Then there's the opposite response, offered through an entirely different filter. For the person who does not have a close relationship with their sibling, putting a relationship with Christ in such a framework is difficult. And understandably so. There's no context of personal experience. We see this all the time, in conversations on nearly every issue and topic of the day. You can't possibly understand what that's like if you haven't lived it. And to a degree, that is accurate. Now, granted, not "every" experience needs to be personally lived out, to understand that something is dangerous, horrific or defies logic or belief. We can show compassion, empathy and understanding while speaking truth, even from an entirely different experience. Having said that though, we've all recognized the bond that develops when the stories and realities of two people or groups come into alignment and they discover that they share common elements throughout the experience(s) of their life... or at least a moment of it. Children want to know that someone understands their struggles. Adults want to know that someone has lived their battles. Likewise, pastors want to know that someone has survived the ministry. On this #youthPastorWednesday, pray for pastors that are struggling with their place in life and in faith. May they be reassured, that even if it feels like nobody understands their battle, that Christ does. Pray for the comfort of the Holy Spirit to surround them and strengthen them anew and afresh. Pray also, that God would give them insight as they come alongside, the kids and teens that they minister to; that they would develop a great relationship in which those kids would understand that someone has been through the challenges and difficulties they are facing. May the be the representation of Christ, standing by them, walking with them and speaking truth into them and life over them. Pray God would accomplish the miraculous in drawing the lives of both young people and pastors alike every closer to Himself. That each of us would grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ As we do in the relationship of our beloved siblings Both the ones that exist and the ones we wished existed For the glory of God. - PNC How amazing is it, that the mind can work through a matter and discuss with itself, at great lengths, what the best course of action is? Of course, depending on the circumstance, the mind takes on all sorts of factors and variables and outlines three, five and nine moves ahead. (someone please tell me, I'm not the only one who struggles with this)
This wouldn't be so problematic for the decision making process, except for the fact, that in a matter of moments, you can end up with two very different routes. Ultimately, you may end up at the same result, but the difference in the process is time and energy, cost and risk. It's good if you are decisive, committed and determined to not give a second thought after the fact, constantly wondering if you have chosen poorly... like choosing the Holy Grail without suffering the immediate effects of getting it wrong. Otherwise, welcome to the second-guess club. (I'm having jackets made!) Somehow, the idea of Associate Pastor conjures up images of middle-management. You're a decision maker of some note and worth, with your own plethora of people either reporting to you or coming to you, needing input and advice, direction and authorization. There's a handful of things in which you don't have "final say", but there's an overwhelming amount of circumstances in which you are allowed to speak and do so with knowledge and credibility. Having said that though, it too leaves you in a vulnerable state. What if you do get it wrong. What if you miss an aspect. What if, while the long-term solution was good, you totally fumble the way you should have gone about it. There's plenty of advice that understands and justifies both paths. One might create a big mess now, but at least you know what you're dealing with. The other, may create a bigger mess later and who knows what you'll have on your hands. This is a frustrating position to be in. Especially when you are the decision-maker, at least to some degree. So, would you join me again, on this #associatePastorTuesday. Pray that God would help those struggling with the decisions they face. May God give them wisdom, regarding both the short-term outlook and the long-term prospect. Pray they would be surrounded by good advice. Pray that God would help them to make decisions without fear or worry. While there will always be risk and factors beyond their control, pray that it would not be a point that would cause unhealthy anxiety and stress, both within themselves as well as in the relationships of those affected by the decision. Pray that they would walk confidently in Christ; not held down by regret nor held back by mistakes, both of the past and the recent. May God help them move forward, one day at a time, one decision at a time. For He has not given us a spirit of fear, But of peace and a sound mind. For His glory and by His grace. - PNC During praise and worship yesterday morning, we're singing Come To The Altar and the phrase "overcome by the weight of your sin" hit me. How often do we truly think about it?
Probably not nearly enough. Does it break our hearts like it breaks God's? Even as we are being sanctified and in the journey to greater reflect the Christ we love and the God we serve? Probably not. Pastors on the other hand... I've known many, that while it doesn't hold them back, have a keen sense of awareness of the human condition before God. And not just those whom they minister. They have a continual broken and contrite heart before God knowing that they, themselves, are not perfect and have neither arrived, nor achieved a position or status where there sin isn't ever before them. Yes, it's been forgiven, but they also understand it is only ever, one step behind them as well. Conversely, just as it can easily become for all of us, so too, can a pastor forget or dismiss the power and damage of sin in relationship to how we connect with God and man. This is a dangerous place to be, because I think it does affect how we interact with others. And more importantly, it changes how we pray and communicate with God as well as how we read His Word. That should be our wake-up call. But I fear for pastors who no longer are "overcome by the weight of their sin" as they song reads. It creates an opportunity for spiritual awareness to sneak out and away. Perhaps, worse, it opens the door for a contrite and broken to become a little less contrite and broken. And not because God has healed and restored it. But because it creates a sense that perhaps our sin isn't that bad or it's negative impact in our lives isn't so severe. And that is incredibly dangerous ground on which to stand, live and move our being. On this #seniorPastorMonday, pray those pastors who perhaps, aren't as "overwhelmed" as they once wear. Pray for those whose heart isn't as broken and contrite as it once was. Whether they are feeling the effect in their ministry or not, pray that God would do a fresh work in their lives. Pray for their relationships as well, both within the church as well as their home and community. May there be a passion for others because the awareness of what God has done in their heart and mind is ever at the forefront of everything they do and set out to accomplish. Pray they hearts would not grow hardened nor the light go dim, nor their love go cold. May God strengthen their faith as they exercise their faith to greater things. For the advancement of the kingdom of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. For His glory alone. - PNC The weekend really is an opportunity to impact community. The week has it's routine. The work schedule. The responsibilities of home and family. Sure, you may make some new connections along the way, but by and large, the week is a pretty set schedule. The same people at work. The same people in your daily routine. Saturday comes and we step out of the grind.
Hopefully there's a freedom, that changes our attitude and our perspective; that gives us hope and enjoyment and that gives us opportunity to step out of our norms and engage in life and conversation of an entirely different nature. While every day is an opportunity to impact our community, it's the moments in which we find ourselves out of our element and routine that creates something special and memorable. Sometimes it is memorable because of the lesson learned, other times it is for the shear joy of what has transpired. But the impact is never made if the opportunity is never seized. And God only knows what is missing from our lives and what isn't being done for eternity when we don't step out of our routines... hard as it may be some days. On this #communitySaturday, pray that we would look for moments to uniquely engage in ways and means different from the rest of the week. May we not be so caught up in our own lives that we miss how God would desire to use us to change someone else's life. Pray that the stresses and challenges of life would not so occupy our thoughts, time and energy that we disengage to the point that we are ineffective for the cause of Christ. For we need His help daily To live as He has called us to live And do that which He has anointed us to do. For His glory. - PNC Surely, I can't be the only one who has noticed this phenomenon. We look at today's battles, struggles, frustrations and decisions and spend considerable amounts of time in thought and prayer, in conversation and consideration as to what we should do regarding a matter. Then somewhere along the way, perhaps at some point in the conversation you realize...
... if I had done things differently earlier, perhaps this present situation would be so difficult an ordeal to manage or solve. We can't live in the past; and by and large, you really can't go back and correct. Certain circumstance you may be able to repair and "make right" and you should, given the opportunity and means. But it's the past that keeps us up, causes a point of frustration and regret and has the potential to bring more confusion to the present day reality rather than bringing insight and clarity as to what we should do differently. So for what it's worth, while we aren't fortune tellers, neither are we history's correcter. All you have is today's reality, today's resources, today's information and the lessons learned along the way. The ideal solution may not be possible, so while compromise may be point of agony, doing little or nothing about a matter is worse. On this #deaconThursday, pray for church leadership, that God would guide them in the decisions they face. Pray that regret would frustrate their responsibility. Pray that yesterday's confusion would be useful to bring clarity to the matter at hand. May God grant them wisdom beyond their years and experiences. Pray for their conversations; that communication be honest and real, full of truth and of love; not antagonistic, but productive and fruitful. May fear of the critics and criticism neither hinder nor frustrate leadership from doing what we needs to be done and furthermore, doing what God has called and directed them as He guides their feet and illuminates their path. For the glory of God And the advancement of the cause of Christ. - PNC It used to be that you didn't know what was behind closed doors. Thanks to social media, all too often, everything is open season, open for business, open air. Very little is sacred. Very little seems valued. Privacy seems to be more a matter of concealment rather than respect.
Who doesn't have a ton of stuff going on? In their lives at home. In their lives on the job. Among their friends. In the community. In the ministry. Bombarded and barraged, with stuff, and people and responsibilities. Conversations to be had, tasks to be completed. It does not, ever end. Ever. Never. Ever. For all our connection points with the outside world and the people and relationships outside the home, what happens at home often tells a very different story. Not always. But when you hear about it, it's heartbreaking. What's the point? Depending on the nature and depth of your relationship with your pastoral staff, you may never know the battles and struggles that they face offline, behind the door. Which is all the more reason to pray for them, so that their story is never one that breaks your heart. Pray, this #associatePastorTuesday for the unknown battles and untold stories. Pray strength for those who are weary and tired. Pray for grace, for those frustrated beyond belief. Comfort and healing for those whose hearts are broken and bruised. Pray for a renewed vision for those who feel as though they have lost their way. May God give them courage to continue to face their challenges and wisdom that they would overcome them. For we are not alone When connected God Through the cross of Christ And the power of the Holy Spirit. - PNC When in doubt, ask someone who knows what they're looking at.
And when in doubt regarding your own life, ask Him who knows you best. All too often we go through a situation getting ideas and opinions and don't reach out to an expert. And when we do, we often don't do as a first response, but much later in the conversation, to the point of a last resort. We've all done, it matters important and not, but all of them secondary to what God is doing and working in the lives of those who are His. As I heard a pastor friend confess recently to his congregation... it's easy to study in order to have a great sermon, to prepare to impress, to be the one that is looked up to and sought after for insight, advice and prayer and whatever else may capture the attention and feed the ego. Sometimes, it's that obvious. Other times, perhaps not so much. You would think that it would be easy to do ministry and the preparation of it from a place of love. We know this, because we are so quick to criticize those in ministry as though they are doing it from a motive that is anything but a place of love. Yet, ultimately, their ministry and it's effectiveness will be hindered without doing it for the love of God and the love of people as their primary motivator. I titled this post, a second look, because while we hope pastors enter the ministry with this understanding, sometimes the only one who can point out that other motivators have stepped in and over, is God Himself, placing His finger on hearts and minds with kindness; that the mark is being missed. Pray this #seniorPastorMonday, that pastors would not miss the mark. Pray that they would continue to operate their church and ministry from a place of love. May there be an awareness about their lives that they would recognize when their priorities and rationale for decisions and process have changed. Pray they would possess an ever-sensitive heart for the prompting and leading of the Holy Spirit, not only for what God would have them to accomplish, but also what God would desire to accomplish in their lives. Pray that distractions, detours and delays would be short-lived, and ultimately ineffective in the grand design of God sovereign plan. May they come out with a deeper relationship for God and a deeper passion for the people within the reach of their ministry. An open mind and an open heart To the work of God In the lives of the leadership of the church As an example to the body That God isn't done with any of us. For His glory. - PNC It's an interesting thing about community... you might not be able to change what happens on a big scale, perhaps never, and certainly, not overnight. But that shouldn't for a minute, prevent us from living with eyes open about how we can change what happens in our sense of community.
Perhaps it's making a change in your neighborhood or the town local to you. Perhaps it's making an impact through your church. Change and blessing occurs when one is in a position to help the one who happens to be living with a need. Opportunity + need = impact. There's always lots to do. There's always something that will beg for your attention or something that will desire to distract your attention. This is the difference between the person who gets stuff done versus the person who delays getting stuff done. (says the guy typing who greatly struggles with the latter) Do you know what to do? Then why are not you doing it? Spoken by all of our father's at one time and for the younger among us, now sounding more like our fathers every day. Also, two questions often posed by our Heavenly Father, daily to each one of us? So, on this #communitySaturday, pray that we would answer His question. As we witness the opportunity to impact and change our world, globally, and locally, for the cause of Christ, may God give us direction for what He would have us to do when the answer is not obvious. Pray that we would be people of diligence, that would actually do it, when prompted. Pray that God would help us move towards greater positions of health and strength so that there will be less that stands in the way when God says, this is what I have you do for these people. Prepared for every opportunity To be used of God With nothing holding us back Making an eternal impact For the kingdom of God. - PNC I didn't plan on doing any sort of a related post after yesterday's insight regarding government, but here I am. Just a quick piece of a monologue that was playing... not sure I channel surfed across a Catholic radio station or what, except the host was Catholic, but he was talking about how much we expect from government.
More specifically, we was dealing with a hot-button issue that has been quite a long-standing one in the political arena for decades now... of course, what hasn't. But he was talking about the verses that discuss welcoming the stranger. And he made an incredibly poignant point... (say that five times real fast) To welcome the stranger is an individual command, not a national policy. You may disagree with me and that's fine and there's a point to this as we pray for missionaries, so hear me out on this. The role of government is to defend it's borders and to serve and protect its citizenry. If can be objective with me for a moment, we don't take an alcoholic to a bar and then advise them not to drink. We don't hand the keys of a Ferrari to a teenage driver and tell them not to wreck it. We don't send soldiers off to war with open arms, no weapons and a smile. Although it's be interesting to see how the enemy would react to such kindness; but I have a feeling evil would take over. People have their role, just as much as government has theirs... as does the church for that matter. God gave strict instructions for how Israel as a nation was to conduct it's affairs and how it was to handle other societies, cultures and countries. And yet, God speaks very specifically to the people, as to what they should do when they found themselves in certain circumstance with individuals, neighbors and strangers. Those commands differ greatly! Furthermore, there's so much that even within the church, that we've come to expect that government will take over and handle that is also, not theirs to handle. For example, true religion is taking care of widows and orphans. And yet government handles social services across the board, for everyone including widows and orphans. And so much more. Some of that they should be involved. Others, perhaps, not so much. There's so much where the church should be leading and used to at one time. Many ministries are working on correcting the matter; many more are not. So, as we pray for missionaries, may we also keep in mind, of our role in the mission of the Gospel. The state will not share the love of Jesus Christ. They should protect their people, including those who do share this eternal message of hope; yet sadly, even that seems to be under scrutiny to varying degrees. On this #missionsFriday, pray that God would watch over those who are formally serving full-time to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As they ministry in countries and environments much more hostile and dangerous, pray that God would protect their homes and families as they have stepped into the darkness that they may be light. Pray also, that in our own lives, we would live with that perspective. May the church go above and beyond to be ministers of grace, hope, healing and truth; making such an impact that peoples first call when in times of need would be to the people of God, rather than the positions of power held by the state. All for the glory of God And the Gospel of Jesus Christ. - PNC Forgive me for referencing another sermon, but I thought it was an interesting take. There's obviously a lot more to expand on, plus I missed part of the broadcast, but Dr. David Jeremiah was talking about governments and how society can get so frustrated with their operation, regardless of its' established format. One could argue the point he made, that any government is better than no government at all. Some form of body politic is better than anarchy. Feel free to discuss amongst yourselves later.
More importantly though, he was making the point that regardless of whatever government is in place, it will ultimately disappoint for one reason only. Because behind the institution of government are people. Humans... we think. (that was a joke). Flawed humans at that. Some might sarcastically joke that a handful are seriously flawed and we could compare lists... later. But this truth is bigger than government; the reality applies to all institutions. Marriages will have days of disappointment; for a flawed man will leave his home and cleave to a beautiful, but flawed (beautifully flawed?) woman. Children will be disappointed, for there are no perfect parents. The educational system will leave us wanting; for teachers, instructors and professors are flawed. The justice system will make injustices worse at times; for the judges and others involved in the process are flawed (as evidenced by a local judge was removed from the bench today, for cause) Did I miss anything? Oh yes...ministry. Religious organizations and organized religion, churches and para-church ministries... they will all have their days of let-downs and turn-offs. For the pastors and leaders, decision-makers and deacons, administrators and staff will all have a bad day, an off day and a major mess day. It's easy to exit once. If there's a pattern, you'll exit often. And eventually, one just may never return. Even if people have the clearest understanding that humanity is flawed. Grace doesn't always prevail, even within the four walls of the church. Pray this #deaconThursday for those in church leadership, that they would have the strength and courage to continue to exercise wisdom and discernment as they lead and advise. While you can't please all the people all the time, pray that there would be a grace about their lives that would allow them to properly handle and resolve problems as they arise. Pray that those within the church and under the ministry would remember that no matter our position in life or in Christiandom, that we are all flawed and prone to failures and moments of mistakes. May God help leadership to lead by example, and encourage of us to do and be better followers of Jesus Christ. For the cause of Jesus Christ And the glory of God. - PNC So, I'm reading the book of Numbers yesterday and the chapter I'm reading is intense. So many bulls for sacrifice, followed by so many oxen, then the goats. The amounts of each sacrifice changed depending on the day, but it was non-stop! In modern times, it would be an all-day affair, let alone, their reality. Thus, one thing is for sure with God...
The process is precise. One-third of an ephah. One-quarter of a bushel. At this time... and on this day. Nothing could be out of order or out of place. It was specific; it was exact. And we see this elsewhere, such as Noah with the Ark and Solomon with the building of the Temple. But back to the sacrifice, perhaps there was a unique reason. Is it not possible, that if evil is overcome with good; then that the worst kind of evil should be overcome with the greatest kind of good? Then it stands to reason, that the sins of all humanity could only be resolved by one who was so perfect, that He was out of this world! (see what I did there) If we learned anything from the old testament covenant, is that like all relationships, our relationship with God requires work and effort. And it's not that our salvation depends on it, for surely it's what Christ accomplished; however, the quality of our faith and what God desires to accomplish in us is a direct result of the time and effort that we put into our relationship with God (wow... I really need to stop preaching to myself! #convictedwhiletyping) Having said that, God does have a plan. And it is precise. There is an order. And yet we struggle to submit to the plan. As Dave Ramsey always says, "Adults devise a plan and follow it. Children do what feels good." Submitting to His plan and how He would have us do things isn't always easy. And we do devise our own plan, we often do so, without His help and leading and in alignment with His will. Tough as it is, it's necessary and works better when we do. On this #associatePastorTuesday, pray for those pastors struggling with plans and purposes. Pray for those who are having difficulty submitting to God's plan of what He would have and is calling them to do. Pray for wisdom and direction, for those who are need of clarity regarding a situation because there isn't a plan or process, or they are unsure of how to proceed. Pray too, that God would grant a grace, for times past when the plan was missed and fouled and even not submitted to and aligned under. May God help them progress, in the preciseness of the process. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC All this conversation about God moving and people and churches taking different directions and making changes with operations and approaches got me thinking again. (I know, somewhat dangerous, and "again" recognizes the potential for this to be an issue revisited)
What happens when people don't buy in to the vision? Well, let's operate from the understanding that church leadership and pastoral staff have proven to be people of prayer and the Word, consistent in season and out of season. Not perfect mind you, but there is a depth of character and maturity, especially in spiritual matters whereby God has positioned them and mightily used them and the fruit of their ministry shows this to be true. I think the worst case (or at least what might appear to be so) is the parting of ways within the congregation who don't agree to the point of separation. Are they right or the pastor? That's a delicate situation and we've all seen it backfire way more often than it's been of benefit, at least in the short-term. What happens when people begin to silently wirhdraw and distance themselves? Others may notice, or they may do so internally; staying in ministry roles, but not giving it their all, nor their best attitude in the process. Who benefits from that? Are both parties hearing God and is it He who is organizing and rearranging lives and purpose and He's doing so because the change wouldn't happen otherwise? Is stubbornness, tradition and other factors at work in people's response? I've had changes occur in life that led to a change in church becoming necessary. And as previously stated, no church is perfect, there wasn't an issue with a church that presented itself as the driving factor for making a switch. It was simply life. But having said that, it would seem to be a difficult and painful process for there to truly be a cause or problem that would in fact change one's interaction with the church, both in the local congregation and the church-at-large. So, the trust factor that a pastor places in God as a ministry or mission plots change, multiplies many times over to having to trust the rest of the church leadership and congregation that they will be on board and change with it. This is not a light and simple ordeal, neither for the pastor casting vision nor the believer's response. And on that note, pray this #seniorPastorMonday for confidence. While every leader has moments of hesitation, doubt and questions, may their be a sense of peace and calm; that in the stillness of God's presence they would know they way they should go and lead. Pray for a spirit of unity within the church as people respond. While there may be a time for parting for a few, pray that it would not happen in a way as to bring discourage, detriment or ruin to the ministry nor the relationships of those involved. Pray for a clarity as pastors cast vision and an understanding of mind and excitement of the heart as people respond. May the church multiply As we were created and instructed to do. Because of leaders and pastors who have heard from God, Having instructed accordingly as they have followed God's leading And the prompting of the Holy Spirit. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC I realized that both Friday and Saturday's posts mentioned the concept of hearts, being prepared to receive... of being a place of good soil. It reminded me a prayer that Pastor prayed a number of weeks ago now. He prayed that as the message went forth, that it would be milk to those not ready to handle the meat of the Word and equally so, that it would be meat and substance to those that would be left wanting by milk alone.
Every educational process has stages of learning, development and understanding. So too, is the Word of God... as evidenced by the encouragement that we should study it to show ourselves approved. The mystery of preaching is the ability for God uses it as an opportunity to reach every difference among humanity, cutting across every cultural and social demographic and dynamic to one's spiritual state in light of eternity. This is the power of the Cross and the message of Jesus Christ. Because at both the beginning and the end of every day, the ground is level at Calvary. Nobody is better or worse, richer or poorer, broken or whole, sick or healthy. We create and analyze these differences and distinctions, but God sees relationship. The existence of it. The opportunity for it. Those under the covering of Christ's grace. And those yet to take advantage. But on this day of worship, we come together. To be the church. To become a better church. To grow in grace and knowledge and strength, both in faith and in number of God's love. Pray this #effectiveSunday, that indeed, today would be a day of growth, not only in number as important as that is, but is also in faith. Pray that the bounds of community would be strengthened, as relationships between both humanity and God are built; whether with the first brick or the ten thousandth. May there be a fresh outpouring of God's grace over our lives and may we extend what we have received to those around us, who are facing battles and challenges of which we are not yet aware. Pray that God's Word would indeed be well-received, to accomplish a good work; for we stand on the promise that His Word does not return void. It will do what it was sent to do for all who hear it. For as God works in our lives Are we transformed into a great position Of both His love and His grace. To impact our world. Both abroad and locally. For the glory of God. - PNC I caught part of a sermon this morning on the story of Joseph, as preached by Pastor James MacDonald. He was talking about how Joseph described his time on earth. His days were few (130 years) and evil. That's how Joseph summed up his life. To which James responds to Joseph (and to all of us, for that matter) with the following advice.
Change your thinking! Or regret it later. Doesn't it sound easy? And I know life is complex and so are the issues that weigh upon us. While I don't want to discount or dismiss legitimate struggles and difficulties, at the same time, I think we easily acknowledge our hindrance and give it way more power and influence that perhaps it deserves without every trying to change... without ever deciding first, that we will do whatever is possible to diminish or overcome that issue. There's so much potential that is both dismissed and ignored because we buy the excuse, whether real or perceived, without having put forth much effort, be it our own or with the help of the Holy Spirit. Even now, somebody is reading this, thinking that I don't understand. And you are right. I don't understand. I don't understand why I even have difficulty simply making the decision to change my thinking. And tons more people of deeper reasons and realities than I do are having cause with this advice. But as such great wisdom has so often been shared; whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right. People overcome problems and issues every single minute of every single day. Some are so incredible that every person who hears stands in awe and amazement. Others, you might consider a problem so minuscule as to be child's play. And yet to that person, a win is a win. Victory is sweet, no matter how grand. But it will never be tasted if one never steps on to field to consider the possibility to seize it. It will never be seized if one doesn't play determined to reach out and grasp it with both hands. Handicaps should be viewed as special circumstance which comes in handy rather than a hindrance by which the possibilities of one's life is capped. What will be the focus of your thought-life? On this #deaconThursday, pray for those in church leadership struggling to breakthrough because of thought patterns and the problems and issues of life that stand in their way. Pray that God would help them break the cycle(s) in their life that wage war in the spirit, discourage the heart and trouble the mind. May God give them strength as they determine to live life with purpose, clarity and intention; with a renewed sense of passion and resolve... with no regrets. Pray God would help them to rise above, having overcome the greatest depths and developed a mature faith as a result of their perseverance. With no excuses and no regrets, May we see and think with God perspective. For His glory alone. - PNC Amazing how one phrase can be spoken from a position of authority, self-criticism and conviction.
What were you thinking? We hope and pray that we are teaching and instilling good values and principles in our kids. Then something happens. We hope and pray that we are hearing the voice of God and the moving of the Spirit... but then. Then there are times you know you have missed God and you envision Him sitting on the throne, as if shaking His head. To the kid... what were you thinking? In frustration to ourselves... boy, it sure feels as though you did something stupid. And conviction, that results in a heart to heart conversation with God. Somewhere between childhood and adulthood and over the course of the journey of our faith, we seemingly lose our resilience to recover when you would think that the muscle would be in good shape to continually press in and press on. It seems that with bigger problems, obstacles and mistakes that we hang on to them longer, allow them to bother us deeper and give them greater power to rob more of our joy than they should. But whatever is that we face and now, must overcome, it's imperative to recall and remember that God is still in control. Wherever we find ourselves while it is called today, God is with us. Is the conversation difficult? Yes. The consequence uncomfortable? Yes. The correction worthwhile? Yes. Even in our lives though, I think all too often we are harder on ourselves than even God is with us at times. Does God deal just and harsh? Yes. But also He works everything for His good and does not waste any of our experiences. Which means that at some point, God is ready to be glorified through the problem and the pain But He can't do that, if we are still kicking ourselves trying to figure out what we were thinking regarding whatever circumstance has seemingly stopped us cold in our tracks. God is ready to move. Again. In the lives of those who will allow Him to do so. As much as you wouldn't want your kid to wallow in self-pity and defeat, neither is that what God desires to happen in our lives and faith. So, let's pray this #youthPastorWednesday that God would help those struggling to overcome the problems, obstacles and mistakes that currently weigh them done. May God bring healing to those who need to put the past where it belongs. Pray that God would grant wisdom to those in the midst of it all and are seeking and searching for a solution. Pray that depression and discouragement would be far from them and that they would focus on what and how God would seek to use what was meant to destroy us to instead, bring glory and honor to His name. For whatever we were thinking That led to problems God is thinking about amazing solutions And the testimonies that will result. For His glory alone. - PNC Well, our church has been excited... for a number of reasons, the latest among them is that three young men just completed their ordination/credentials process to become pastors within our fellowship of churches. This is pretty cool stuff.
However, the funny part was what happened during in the interview stage of the process. Two of them were offered jobs during their meeting! Of course, our senior pastor thought this was pretty comical as they are already serving on the church staff. His response, with a smile of course, was, "no... you're not stealing my people". But it got me thinking about the priority and importance of approaching your work, whatever it is that you do, with excellence. And I'm the last guy to be discussing this. I'm more frequently reminded of how much I still struggle in this area of life than I care to admit. Was that an admission in and of itself? Where's my backspace key? So, yes... whatever your hands find to do, do it with all your heart, soul and strength as unto the Lord. And what work is closer to the heart of God than ministry itself? Naturally, such an approach you would assume to be a given, let alone an expectation... that pastors would handle their ministry roles and responsibilities with excellence. But apparently it's not a given. You would think with the shortage of pastors and people in ministry that currently exists, that job offers would be a common occurrence as people complete the ministry credential process, but it seems that is not the case. So, clearly, in the lives of two separate people, there's something about life, attitude, aptitude and passion for ministry that stood out and making them incredibly desirable for use and impact within another church and community. What if this was the case for every associate pastor? And every other pastoral title for that matter. What if it was true for your life... better yet, my life? Well, on that note... now, that I'm taking personal inventory; let's pray this #associatePastorTuesday that pastors, especially those starting out would retain the excitement about the prospect of ministry; of what God would have them do and where they would go. Pray that God would grant them wisdom and discernment and guide their every step. May God guard both their hearts and their homes from the traps and misgivings that would detour, derail and destroy their lives and ministries. Pray they would approach both their life and their work with excellence; not that they would live perfect, but in accordance with God's will and in ways and means that bring glory to Him. A legacy of great leadership For the kingdom of God And the advancement of the cause of Christ. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019