![]() The battle between the soul and the heart of man is incredible to watch, as it unfolds in the physical realm. Your soul is the nagging sense that "there has to be something more to life than this". There is. It's a relationship with God, Creator of all things. Eternal in nature, and thus, since humanity was created in His image, the soul is the part of you that is eternal. Thus... it's constantly asking the question, for the life that hasn't found the answer, in the person of Jesus Christ, whom by each of us come to God. Meanwhile, your heart is selfish. It learns to protect itself when it has been broken. It learns to guard itself when trust has been betrayed. It smiles at the sentimental, laughs at the "been there, done that" moments of reality. It responds in kind, for whatever it has received. Relationships are matters of the heart. Theories, theology, philosophy and the like... all mental. Interaction with others, is a heart-issue. This why Scripture talks about Christ standing at the door; of the heart of man. It's why Christ said, to enter the kingdom of heaven, we must be born-again. It's self versus Christ. Christ gave up his place, his interest, his self for man. Man, not so quick to return the courtesy. Not only do we want what we want, our way and now; but it can all be justified, and what can't is the fault of someone else. The co-worker who doesn't do their job as well. The sibling who was home all day. The spouse who had more time... sorry, too close to reality again? Probably not a good time to put a ministry twist on this. The pastor who doesn't understand our unique situation. The friends who we think can't relate to what we are going through because they seem to have "it" all together. Or pastors don't have any problems; what would they know about what I'm battling. The big-timers just want "bigger swimming pools and faster private jets!" Who are you fooling? Yet, Christ preferred to defer. Not the tough answers; but His own self-interests. He took time, when others said we have to keep moving. He recognized opportunities when nobody else saw them. He spoke to those situations that had yet to be shared verbally. It wasn't defensive. It wasn't reactionary. It wasn't bitter or resentful. He didn't harbor it in His heart. He released it all to the Father. Forgive them... for they know not what they do. So what's it mean for the young people watching this world through the gazillion of reflections looking back at them (aka: selfies)? What's it mean for young pastors, working with kids and teens; to get through matters of the heart and speak to the condition of their souls? What price will be paid for not stepping aside and letting Christ work in our hearts? How will eternity be impacted, for souls that don't get an answer, allowing for the connection to be made with Almighty God through the power of a changed heart thanks to the redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the cross? If we chose to defer the message of Christ in preference for self, then how will the world know us by our love? For love without Christ fails to stand the test of time; for Christ is Love. Exemplified by the fact that His life, every moment of His time on earth, was a decision to prefer others over self. It's why He drew the crowds. Because His love could not let people remain as they were. It wasn't forced, though. It was by invitation. Personal invitation. Pray, this #youthPastorWednesday, for fresh revelation and application of the message of Christ to this generation. Pray for pastors ministering to kids and teens would find every opportunity to point situations and circumstances to Christ; what a relationship with Him will accomplish and how His perspective brings guidance. Pray for pastors struggling to relate and reach with great impact the youth in their community; pray for those battling in their own lives, the decision to prefer one another in love and deferring self-interests. May many accept the invitation of Christ, to experience a heart truly born-again and find rest for their souls... knowing their eternal place is secure, as they are found in right standing with God; not because of self, but because Christ deferred His self in order that all may have eternal life. May the arguments of the mind be laid aside and a genuine change of heart infiltrate this culture, so people come to experience not a religion, but a relationship with Jesus Christ. In His name, we pray. All glory be to God; who, likewise deferred the preference to keep His Son with Him in heaven, but sent Him to Earth, to redeem the souls of humanity by changing the matter (the make-up) of the heart. Thank you, Father God! - PNC
![]() I continue to be blown away, as I go about my day simply open to what God would connect, as I think about a million different things. Some of it personal life. Some of it perspective on the world around me. Time in prayer. Thoughts about church life and leadership as it pertains to this blog. And yesterday afternoon, still having no idea for what you are about to read, something triggered in the terminology "Pastoral Care" ministry. About 2 seconds later, the connection was made. So often, in an Associate role, a pastoral post exists within a church, for a "care" ministry. Home visits, hospital visitations, family situations and those in dire circumstances and situations where they find themselves in need of help in some way. So, what do we call those who care for pastors? Is the body of Christ more interested in coming to church to be a consumer rather than a contributor? (I should almost quit right there and start typing the prayer... which if I knew what it was already) Sorry; not sorry if that question stung for a moment. But seriously people... there are many factors for pastors and missionaries burning out. Marital problems, because nobody is covering their marriage in prayer like we ask for ours. Kids in trouble... because: no prayer Financial difficulties... because: I give enough. God will provide for them. No friends... they have lots of friends; plus I'm not "in their circle" Criticism... should I be offended? Attendance... if only our schedules weren't so packed, we'd be at church more often. Maybe if you were in church more often, the schedules would come into alignment. We keep forgetting and returning; like a broken cycle... the reminder: Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness AND all these things shall be given to you. We don't seek the kingdom to get the blessing. But there is a blessing that comes by keeping "the things" of life secondary to the kingdom of God and taking a stand for righteousness. Easy to say. Fairly easy to do. Right up until you get out of bed. Then it will be the challenge of the day. Not the hardest thing of the day. But it will be the battle that lasts all day, because if you can go all day not having sought God; then you are one step further away. Which is the plan, by the way... to distract, detour and derail your life. And the life of Pastors and those in ministry everywhere. Thus, we pray this #associatePastorTuesday... that God would work in the hearts and minds of congregations to do a better job caring for their pastors. Pray that there would be rising up of support for our pastors and church leaders, in times when the number of Christian leaders willing to take a stand for righteousness is on the decline. Pray for a boldness to preach the whole counsel of God and a compassion to meet people at their point of need; not in condemnation, but in love... that cares too much let people remain as they are. Pray for marriages, families, finances and friendships... that pastors would be strengthened in the challenges they face outside the pulpit and the four walls of the church. May they sense, even today, a love and support from the body of Christ; as you join with me and other readers in sharing and joining our mission... to #pray4pastors daily. Caring for Pastors through the avenue of prayer. Believing God will work the miraculous; bringing them back from the brink of burnout. For the glory of God and His righteousness. May it be done on earth, as we seek first, His kingdom. - PNC ![]() Another incredibly powerful message delivered yesterday morning by the Senior Pastor's wife, speaking to Mothers on the day we celebrate the incredible love and sacrifice the beloved women in our lives who have raised us and the women raise and help raise the next generation of young people. It was a great insight into the life of Ruth with practical application for today's living. One concept stood out and is worth expounding: Orchestrated by God. I don't know why orchestration is such a cool word. Perhaps it's the imagery of the environment it conjures up in the mind's eye. I love the definition Merriam-Webster provides: to arrange or combine so as to achieve a desired or maximum effect. The baseline. The theme. The build-up. The crescendo. The timing of instruments, entering and exiting the piece at key times, adding tension, drama and passion. In this industry, everything is about timing. And if you are going to keep an element of surprise for the listener, then there will be moments were something will be interjected into the piece that may not make sense on its own merit, but when heard in its' entirety... in the context of where it's been placed and what it accomplishes; you won't be able to imagine anything else being there in it's place... not even dead space You can almost always tell when something is too much. You can almost always tell when something isn't enough. You can almost always tell when something is missing. For those in church leadership, there's a level of orchestration that they should possess. Ultimately, it's God that arranges the days of our lives. And for the moments and circumstances that He interjects that have yet to make any sense yet; well we are placing our trust in God already... what's taking it up another level or two truly cost? So, pray this #seniorPastorMonday, for those pastors having difficulty watching the events of life and ministry unfold; trying to understand the arrangement of days as they are revealed from the hand of God. May their trust not falter or derail when the elements of surprise appear. Even when full context and big picture perspectives aren't clear, may they have the stamina and perseverance to continue to seek the face of God; knowing full well, He remains able and committed to making all things work together for His glory. May they be encouraged anew, that God does not waste our experiences, but uses our lives to create masterpieces... whereby all may know, He is God. Our lives. His Creation. A work, not to be missed. Orchestrated by God. For His Glory. - PNC ![]() Today's prayer comes, courtesy of my favorite show, The West Wing. A few weeks ago, we talked about the importance of getting things started, about just getting to it and do it. As I reflected on my Saturday, I got to thinking about the sage advice that's oft repeated on planning. Every minute spent planning saves 10 minutes in execution. And since it's only takes 10-12 minutes to plan you're day, you're talking about saving 2 hours worth of work... or increasing your productivity!! Even if you don't have a full plan, at least have an idea? Consider this exchange on the show, between Will Bailey, who plays the role of Deputy Communications Director and Toby Ziegler, Communications Director. They are discussing a commercial by their political opponent. Will: I came in to show you the spots and to tell you I think we should run a counter-ad. I don't have an idea for one. Toby: Well get one! Have an idea! Don't come in here with half a thing and not be able to - you know, after you've walked me to the brink, and say 'we've got to do this, it's important, though I have no earthly idea how.' Like one of those guys who buys a big new thing, but doesn't really know how to get the most out of it! Likewise, when just approach our day with a randomness, "I'll do this, maybe work on that", it allows for distractions. It throws us off our game and so easily, because we are not fully engaged. While reading a short clip about a study on productivity, there was conclusion called the Rule of 52 & 17. Work for 52 minutes and break for 17. The idea being that the 52 minutes of work is a sprint, like a high-intensity interval exercise program. 120% effort. Take a break. Repeat. Rather than just going all day and burning out at some point. So it goes with ministry. If there's not a game-plan, if there's not, like I had yesterday, at least an idea for how to approach a particular task, how would I stay motivated to keep working my way through the process of "this is done, what's next." It will be hard to be effective if all the bases aren't covered for what you are trying to accomplish. It will be hard to be efficient, if while you are trying to get things done, you keep passing by or going over the same area multiple times. Have an idea. Find an approach. Make a plan. Get people on board to help get it done and get the most out of it. Pray, this #effectiveSunday, that we would look at our lives and our ministries in light of what needs to be done, because it's important. Pray for creativity, planning and strategies, as churches and leadership prepare and pray they will make an impact in their communities and the world. Pray against a spirit of distraction and frustration; that people would remain focused on their areas of responsibility and expertise, like Nehemiah implemented during the rebuilding of the stone wall in Jerusalem. May the church accomplish much for the cause of Jesus Christ as we live life in ways that make much of Him and point others to Him, as the world takes notice, the difference Christ makes in the lives of those who have placed their hope and trust in Him alone. Effective and efficient. Because of an idea. By taking an approach. Having implemented a plan. For the glory of God. - PNC ps: should you not know where to start; Ask Mom. Masters of multi-tasking. Executing plans. Getting things done. Having lots of idea. Happy Mother's Day. ![]() Scripture tells us that God causes the sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous (Matt. 5:45). Interestingly enough, it falls right in the middle of Christ telling us, it's not enough to love our neighbor, but to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. After the rain, Jesus goes on to ask, if you greet only your people, what are you doing more than the others? Pagans even do that! In essence, Christ was asking, as you engage community, how will the world know that you are different, if you hate your enemies like everyone else does? If you only love those who love you, as tax collectors do? If you only greet like-minded people, such as the world does? As I've stated before, I've been incredibly blessed with many friends and acquaintances, who are great people. And it's not because I'm a great guy. It's because I learned early on, by watching others, that people eventually get tired of hanging around jerks. So there is little to be gained by always being a mean-spirited, grumpy guy with a negative attitude that overflows into nearly every arena of life and relationship. That said, I am truly grateful for the friends I have within the body of Christ. Yesterday might as well have a been a Monday, at least the first half of it, and sadly, my frustration level was through the roof. I was thankful and humbled to have a friend who could help cool me off through out the day as we texted back and forth, as I euphemistically talked about being on fire. I was not happy. At some point in the morning, the Holy Spirit tapped me on the back of the head, so to speak... and I had to confess: I had an attitude that did not reflect well on the person of Jesus Christ. It might not seem like much, but I had vented to a guy or two, who may or may not have a relationship with God and while they understood the frustration (and we all experience those moments), I had to consider if I came across in a way that I made my life more about me than about Him. A little too honest for reality? Perhaps. But as it's been said, God loves people too much to leave them as they are, where they are. He has plans and purposes, above what we can imagine that go beyond who and what we are and have on this earth. Earth and its' stuff will pass; only what is God's and has been done for God will remain when all is said and done. So we have to be honest with who we are, honest about the realities of life and honest about our relationship with God. It's easier to work on that which has a pliable element to it. God can't do much with hearts that are rigid and cold. You know that working with such materials adds time, energy, frustration and work to the process, so if you are that way as person, what will God have to accomplish to get through to you what He desires for you? Thus, a couple of things as we pray this #communitySaturday. Pray for pliable hearts and minds within the body of Christ, as we allow God, through the power of the Holy Spirit to help us become more like Christ and to display such to a lost and dying world who desperately needs God and needs to witness a church that loves differently from the world. Pray that even in difficult places with raw levels of honesty, that God's grace would abound and that we could short accounts with God, not allowing life to infiltrate our spirits to the point God can do little with us. Pray, as we engage community, that people will witness the love of Christ in our lives and that we would share and express Christ' love, no matter the frustration and difficulty of our day, regardless of whether it's a messed-up Monday or the farthest thing from a fun-filled Friday. May we keep the perspective, that eternity hangs in the balance; that only what is accomplished for the glory of God will last. The honest truth, even in the raw moments of reality. Through the love and grace of God. By the power of the Holy Spirit. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() *author's note: My sincerest apologies you are readying this so late in the day. I had it written on my phone this morning, apparently touched the wrong part of the screen and it didn't save. This is my best attempt to rewrite, what you should have been ready, roughly 13 hours ago, now. Thanks. I experienced, yet again, some of the frustration that must have been felt by the nation of Israel. It's hard to comprehend wandering around in the dessert for 40 years. I felt as though I too was wandering yesterday, despite not being lost. It was just how the day was arranged... by someone other than me. Not everything makes sense and sometimes stuff is just not laid out the right way, what seems the right way, what may even be a better way. There's a reason someone coined the phrase, "all over the map". Mentally, that's exactly what I was drawing. There's only so many places you can go. Only so many ways to get there. Of course, it's the dessert, but still. There's obstacles and landmarks. Nothing is a direct route. We've passed this place three times. We've been by here twice, now. It looks like this intersecting we will be approaching a third time. And look, weren't we just there a little while ago, as well? [Makes you wonder if birds every take the scenic route. Of course, if the vultures start circling, you know you're in trouble. Sorry if that's a bit profound... I've had a couple such moments today, (in all humility).] For all the joy, sadness, frustration, bitterness, laughs and tears, life remains a journey, not a destination. And for all the people in life and drivers on the road who insist on getting in front of you, whatever room they think exists for them to do so, we have to remain focused on Him who bids us to come to Him. And be ready for the lessons and moments along the way, even if it means revisiting them. More than once. Often twice. Sometime, hopefully rarely, thrice. Pray, this #missionsFriday, for missionaries struggling with the way and ways things are happening and circumstances unfolding. Pray for strength to maintain the course and keep the faith. May the continue to seek the face of God and place their trust in Him, despite their weariness. May their spirits be fortified, as God provides and will continue to provide, resources that will last incredibly longer periods of time than they should. Pray for wisdom and discernment, that their route is being planned and directed by God. May they be reminded, that for the times there are errors and wrong turns, even those, despite the why, who and how of the matter, He is using it all for good. For those who love Him. For those called, according to His purpose. For the glory God and His honor. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() I learned something new yesterday...that I didn't see coming. Its hard to see sometimes what systems are related and such was the case yesterday morning. A car manufacturer informed me that the abs light will prompt a lockout of overdrive in the transmission (for theirs). To my more mechanically inclined readers than I, that might go without saying. But it was news to me. Of course, along with his recommendation to get it looked at asap, was the advisement to keep the speedometer needle on the left side of the 45mph marker. I had an Adam Sandler moment, from his movie, The Wedding Singer. His bride to be doesn't show up on the big day of his own wedding leaving a note she wasn't coming. When they finally do talk about it and she gives her reasons, his character replies... "That information would have been useful. Yesterday!" (and actually a few yesterdays before that) for the purpose of this experience. Of course, leave it to God to use the most unusual of situations to bring light to spiritual matters. And, I relayed this statement to the dealer, to make sure I understood what he was explaining and he confirmed my phrasing of the conclusion. I know... you are on the edge of your seat in anticipation. Wishful thinking on my part? Thought so. Let me get this right. A breakdown in this system could lead to a burn out in another system. Wow. Then I pondered. Breakdown of your vehicle will burn out the emergency fund. Breakdown in communication leads to burn out in relationship. Breakdown in leadership will burn out the organization. Breakdown in marriage will burn out a community. Breakdown in the spirit will burn out ones perspective. Breakdown of the church... Breakdown of one part puts stress on surrounding parts obviously, but we are talking an entire system impacts another. Who or what picks up the work of the church if the church breaks down? That's more disconcerting than the phone call that I had with the shop! So, pray this #deaconThursday, for pastor and church leaders alike, facing challenges of all kinds, at home, in ministry, in community, in other areas of responsibility... may God watch over them and grant them the ability, to discern and navigate their way towards solutions that are beneficial. May they not be pursuaded to throw in the towel just yet, but to keep the faith; to continue fighting the good fight. We can't afford the delays that accompany the burnouts that are sure to follow shortly thereafter. Speak peace, health and life to the areas that are close to breaking. May the power of God and the healing process of the Holy Spirit accomplish the miraculous. Standing firm....despite getting attacked on all sides. His purposes fulfilled, for His glory. - PNC ![]() The concept of sleep is incredible. We deny it. We think we can do more on less. We run ourselves into the ground, until we could sleep for a day. And even though, it may not be enough. I'm guilty. Well, not the sleeping for a day part, but staying up late, then getting up early, for sure. Kids on the other hand... for the handful they can be and the disagreement every night with me about how it can't be bedtime because it's still light outside, they sleep as though they don't have a care in the world. Because they don't. And for all the moments of frustration and teaching and trying to get them to understand certain principles, a parent can't help but smile when they check in the kids before turning in themselves, to make sure the blankets are still on (which they never are) and the favorite stuffed toy is nearby. Every night... no matter how I feel, no matter what's transpired between me and them; I watch them sleep for a moment and wish I could fall asleep just that fast. Of course, it probably helps I got them hooked on listening to soft, instrumental music to fall asleep to... something that drove my dad nuts when I was a teen, but now, thanks to Pandora, is a whole lot easier. I recommend creating a Yanni station. Once again... simply stretching the imagination of considering the struggles the everyday believer to the perspective of pastors and church leaders and one wonders how they sleep. The affairs of the church. The concerns and needs of the congregation. The responsibilities of ministry. The fate and destiny of souls for whom eternity hangs in the balance. The accountability for which they will have to give for the pastoral duties. No pressure by the way, for pastors reading this. Keep up the good work. Pray, this #youthPastorWednesday for pastors having difficulty finding balance in life. May the find rest for their souls, peace for their mind, strength for their heart and energy for the body. For whatever would come against them, may it not defeat them. Pray for a quickening of the Holy Spirit to empower them in a greater dimension. May their ministry rise to new heights, as they are rested, recharged and renewed. For the glory of God. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() I love driving. Traffic I can handle. Knucklehead drivers are short-lived, for paybacks are rough. Yesterday morning, though, I think I nearly came to a breaking point. The morning started out a little rough, quickly got a more frustrating, then the headache started. When I thought it was over, it turns out 20 minutes later, there was one more "you've got to be kidding me" moment. Sure enough... it was Monday alright. Major construction zones involving a major freeway shutdown between to other freeways (even if it is only one direction) does not mix well with morning rush-hour traffic. Not on any day ending in -"day", let alone Mondays. I was not happy. So much so, that at 8.19am, I texted a friend. "I am so ready to go home." Barely two hours into the day. Later in the day, I told a guy I felt like I had had a birthday... as if the frustration of the morning's events had actually aged me. I should have my kids count the gray hairs in my gotee and we could keep a runny tally. That counts for some math homework, doesn't it? Okay Conlin. Make the connection. In my moment of angst, I realized what was happening. People were so concerned, like I was about avoiding the back-ups, that we started looking for other routes. Of course, there's only so many places you can go, so with everyone having the same idea, we all quickly found ourselves where we didn't want to be... part of a bigger back-up. So thinking it's not worth the hassle, you figure out what to do next. Then thinking you might be okay and can make up some time, perhaps you inadvertently make a wrong turn... too late now. You're gonna have to ride this out for a moment before you can correct it. And of course the correction takes a few more minutes. Plus... still more traffic. We've all been there. There's usually someone in the seat next to you offering a map or your GPS is chiming it's favorite word: "Recalculating". Next thing you know... is this how the nation of Israel felt for 40 years? You try to make the best and the most of difficult situations only to discover your solutions aren't really all that great. In fact, in the short term, they lead to greater headaches. In the end, they turn out to be not much of a solution.... at least not without some finesse and "tweaking". No matter how much experience you've picked up during your travels of this life and the roads there, you've quickly learned as I have (and was reminded again) that hindsight is 20/20. Which is all the more reason, no matter what the circumstances, we continually, daily, constantly call out to God, seek His face, ask for what we have need of and praise Him while we trust in Him. No matter what the distractions, detours and the frustrations; may prompt in us and cause us to react. The traffic will cease. Eventually. Join us, this #associatePastorTuesday... that there would be a peace and a presence in the lives of our pastors, that speaks volumes to the truth that God is not caught off guard by those things meant to distract, detour and derail them. May their spirits be lifted above the noise and confusion; may their focus be clear; their purpose united. May the cares of life not consume their minds, or weigh their hearts, but that they would draw nearer to God; casting their cares on Him, for He cares for them. Pray the stress subsides and the storms will calm.. the traffic will clear and the days will get better. For the glory of God. By the power of the Holy Spirit. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() Relationships are interesting. Especially when there is a deep, emotional bond. When the person is gone, you generally are okay, because you know where they are and that there is a reason for it. When they are around, and you get to spend time with them, the day is great. Then the prospect of them being gone again, or at least returning to a schedule where that will be the case... let the emotions roll. It can be a moment of sadness. It can be a serious bummer. Depending on the person, it can turn you into an emotional wreck. Perhaps it's overestimating for the adults among us. But consider your younger days or what kids go through... with extended family, grandparents, changes in the schedules of parents. As much as kids don't like major changes in their lives, neither do adults handle significant changes all that well at times... particularly when prompted by the Holy Spirit or it seems God is moving in a particular direction. Such moments can cause us to become unsettled, emotionally-speaking. Oddly enough, I'm writing this from a situation less than hour old, but recalling a conversation from Sunday afternoon lunch with friends about challenges of knowing the how, when and where of what God is doing and what He is store for one's life. Like a kid not knowing the details of what's going on or where someone is at and how long they will be away, we too, in our walk with Christ can get frustrated and emotionally out-of-whack, as God has a thing about leading and directing one step at a time. And once again... if it happens for the life of the "everyday" believer, how much more challenging for the lives of pastors and church leaders. It's how God works. We can't change it. But in our human ness, it can be difficult to process and "roll" with how God works. If only the actually process of placing our "trust" in someone was as simple as hearing them make the statement "trust me". But for the power of prayer... Pray, this #seniorPastorMonday, for pastors and church leaders struggling to continue to place their trust in God, in situations where it is getting increasingly difficult and frustrating not having a clearer picture of how and where God is moving and directing. Pray for a strengthening of their emotions, as well as mental, physical and spiritual stability. May there be a reassurance, that Christ is one who sticks closer than a brother. May they be comforted anew and afresh, that God will never leave them or forsake them. For the challenges and circumstances they face, may the Holy Spirit bring peace and comfort to their heart and mind, standing firm on the promises of God; that He will accomplish the miraculous as they place their trust in Him, perhaps in a greater dimension than ever before. Confidence in the character of God. Peace as they place their trust in Him. For His glory and honor, we pray. - PNC ![]() I had a brief moment yesterday, as I pondered Saturday's prayer on friendly churches with Biblically-sound ministry. Quite simply it came down to this... How does a church plan to be effective if it is not first, friendly? How will a church have an efficient ministry, based on something other than the Word of God? People will have little to no desire in growing and strengthening their faith, in their walk with Jesus Christ if they are not surrounded by people who genuinely care for their well-being. People, in general, don't allow someone to speak into their life with whom they have zero rapport. Consider this... we will get along better and have more in-depth, meaningful conversations if we both value each other as a person enough to know and share that there is more to life and more in store for them from God. Otherwise, a simple cold-shoulder, let alone anything resembling meanness, rudeness or harsh words will ruin the chance we will be friends. Similarly, with ministry. What is ministry that isn't Scriptural? How do you point others to Christ? How do you help them discover the plans, purpose and promises of God for their lives? On what do you base principled living? Healthy relationships between God and man? The passage from Timothy just came to mind, that talks about Scripture being inspired by God and " is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness" The purpose of this, is that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work! I like how the New Living Translation states it, as its language expounds on those four ideas... [it] is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. I shared a statement online a while back of a realization I had regarding a point of frustration in my own life. Life is like homework. Sometimes you need a friend to help you figure it out I mention this, because just as I was thinking about what to type next, I thought about how people pick what they like and don't like and correspondingly apply (or don't) to their lives. What happens if you do that with homework? You start skipping sections or subjects altogether and it will kill your grade! How silly of us, to think we can skip and avoid sections and subjects within Scripture and think it won't have an adverse affect on our lives. What's more amazing, are the situations, circumstances and justifications we use to back up our position in trying to prove something has changed regarding the application of Scripture in today's culture. So, pray this #effectiveSunday, as it bears repeating, for pastors to teach and preach the whole counsel of God. Pray the Holy Spirit move on hearts and lives that we would not be so quick to use Scripture to justify ourselves, but rather continual bring ourselves into alignment with God and what He has said in His Word. Pray for churches that have a culture of friendliness and bible-based ministry... may they not lose that environment, but foster and strengthen their standing for the cause of Christ. Even more, pray for churches struggling... where the environment is tense, critical, cold and frustrated; where Scripture is skipped, over-looked or perhaps rarely examined at all. May the power of God move on the hearts and minds of those involved in these circumstances and bring about change... a drawing unto Himself. May the veil be lifted and revelation come forth; that while it may be hard to receive, the moments of teaching, rebuking, correcting and training are helpful in the long-run for the health and success of the church. The body of Christ. Functional. Healthy. Complete. By the power of the Holy Spirit. For the cause of Jesus Christ To the glory of God, the Father. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019