I popped an old praise & worship into my car stereo over the weekend; an album I haven't listened to in quite some time. Glenn Kaiser's work, All My Days.
I don't know about you, but yesterday definitely felt like a Monday... and so did Friday, for that matter. And Glenn's song, Tapestry kept playing in my mind. The things we do and say; and hope that we would be able to do and say as well as the regrets of what we do and say... we take the positive as much as the negative, in hopes that we will find a balance in our lives. Even if and more often when, things don't make sense. Whether it be why something has happened, or the way something has happened. It's entirely my fault, or your fault or circumstances beyond anyone's control... there's no explanation for it and you couldn't even come up with one if pressed into a corner! Yet, it's times like these that Glenn's words offer some comfort. https://glennkaiser.bandcamp.com/track/tapestry "Make my life, a tapestry" in which your will is done; to use us as You see fit. Yet, when things go wrong, our first thought is not one of peace, but of panic. Our immediate response is not trust that God does indeed work ALL things out for His glory, but worry about how this will work to our detriment. Don't leave me hanging... your heart and mind work the same way, some days. Don't leave your pastor in the dark, either. They probably have days were they feel they are the only struggling to remember what God is creating in and through their life and ministry just as often. On this #associatePastorTuesday, pray those pastors, who while they have no problem encouraging others that God is at work in their lives, may still encounter times in their own lives where it is hard to trust God's bigger picture. Pray God would bring them into a new place of peace and rest; that they would neither be discouraged, nor overwhelmed. May anxiety and frustration not take up residence, but that they would recognize any and all attacks against their emotional and spiritual state of being. Pray a continual, quiet confidence in the tapestry that God is weaving, even with the situations where we are at fault and the circumstances over which we do have some element of control. For God's beautiful creation Doesn't rely upon our perfection. But we are made perfect Through His righteousness. He is at work, to accomplish His purposes For His glory. - PNC
I heard the sad story over the weekend, and not even the complete one at that, of closed doors.
We've all experienced closed doors. Opportunities that were on the horizon, being chased after, even being lived out. Then one leads to another and the opportunity is gone and the door is closed. We pray against burnout; we pray for the effectiveness of church and their ministry and the ability for a congregation to impact their community. But it doesn't always work out. The dreams and the visions and hopes don't always align with reality and for any number of reasons, a church closes it's doors. And you could still hear the loss and the heartache in the voice of a pastor, who without going into any specific details, relayed that has part of his reality and experience. And my heart breaks with him. It's hard to fathom and yet for as often as it happens, we never hear about it, much less get any advance warning as if something could be done to help keep the doors open. And while God does work things out for good, even amidst loss and sorrow, it doesn't change the reality of shattered hopes and dreams for those who wanted to change their community through the ministry of the church. Even when it opens opportunity for ministry elsewhere, it remains a sad piece of the story. So, on this #seniorPastorMonday, pray for those pastors who have experienced the pain of closing church doors. May God give them strength, even after the loss, whether it be recent or long ago. Pray God would use them for effective ministry as well; that opportunities would be made available beyond what they thought possible. Pray for healing and restoration; for there is a grief and an agony that accompanies such circumstances. May the reality of the circumstance be an opportunity for God to work the miraculous, rather than the enemy to gain a foothold of defeat and destruction in their heart, mind and soul. Finally, pray for an awareness; that communities and churches would desire the doors to remain open and have opportunity to help out long before it becomes to late. For the sovereign hand of God Opens doors that no man can shut As much as He shuts doors that cannot be opened. For His glory, by His will. - PNC We pray every Sunday for the effectiveness of the church. And as I ponder "getting ready for service" this morning, I got to thinking about those stepping into church today.
Churches are as dynamic and diverse as the people who attend them. The character and nature of their existence is as varied as the personalities of those who sit in the sanctuary or lounge in the lobby. The old chorus about gathering at the river has become a gathering at the coffee bar. Which, don't get me wrong, I love... this is 2018 and it's where community happens. So, don't get offended; I was smiling as I typed. So, I do pray that the church is effective as ministry goes forth, in the sermon and in the lobby and for the kids and the youth and every corner and square foot of every church campus. Having said all of that, while their is a church for every person, not every person fits in the same style and format of service. People who gathered together in one church may find themselves down the road, attending two different churches that are nothing like each other; nor the previous church they attended together. But God knows where everyone is, not only on a physical level, but also where the mind is as well as the heart. We trust that He knows what we have need of, regarding how He would desire to minister to us, in addition to where and how He would use to minister to others. So, whether you hear or say the words, "just visiting" in today's service, know that God is at work, in divinely placing people where the ministry of the church will be effective in their lives and where they can effectively minister to the body of Christ and the community at large. And while the process does feel as intimate as a courting relationship and as much a matter of personal preference as a cup of coffee, that's okay. Jesus Christ used a different method at every encounter... all to communicate the same message of His love and truth. Let's pray, this #effectiveSunday, that not only would the church be effective in their ministry, but those in service would encounter God. Pray for those trying to find their place. Whether stepping into the church for truly, the very first time or in the process of a change for whatever reason, may God work in their hearts and minds. May they sense His presence and may God bring a confirmation into their spirit that they would know, this is the community of believers in which God desires for them to be partake and engage in ministry. Pray today would be a day that once again, hearts and minds would be open to the moving of God and the direction of the Holy Spirit. May the truth of His Word change lives, renew minds and refresh our souls. That we would be more effective in the days to come Because of the effectiveness of the body of Christ As we gather today in His name. In the fellowship of the lounge; In the praise of the sanctuary. - PNC I was thinking about Friday's post, after having written it of course... and just how often we hear advice regarding people and relationships about boundaries and guarding ourselves from chaos and drama. And don't get me wrong; there's a fair amount of truth to that advice.
Boundaries are good for establishing and maintaining healthy relationships. And yes, some people's drama and chaos is of such a nature and frequency that it can disrupt and disturb the lives of others in such a way that is destructive on many levels, whether it be financially, emotionally, or otherwise. Conversely, though, how we will help others through the chaos and drama if we don't walk with them and help them find their way out of it? I understand this can be difficult to navigate... some people can't survive without their drama, which is why the aforementioned advice about boundaries exists! But seriously... Helping people through their battles and struggles requires engagement on our part to listen, to understand (as best we can) and to offer our love and support as representatives of Christ that they can find their way out of the chaos and into the arms of Christ Is it hard? Yes. Sacrificial? Yes. Challenging? Yes. Worth it? Christ thought your chaos was. On this #communitySaturday, may we reach out to those in chaos. Pray God would grant us wisdom to know how to help and the strength to actually do so. Pray that lives would be changed as they find their way closer to Christ and farther from the drama. Pray for a transformation as lives come to a place of being controlled by the Spirit rather than the chaos. May the kingdom of God be advanced, because people cross over, to help bring people out of the chaos and into the light of Christ. And pray for those who would rather live in the chaos than Christ; for those who can't seem to break free from a constant state of drama. May God do a life-changing work in their hearts and minds that only He can accomplish by His miraculous and mighty hand. Out of the darkness Into the Light. His glorious light. Out of the disturbance Into His presence and rest. - PNC Isn't amazing, how much chaos we endure in life? Things should calm done for the life dedicated to Christ and it's not that they actually do so, but our perspective towards the chaos changes. At least it should.
And yet, for many it doesn't. Life seems just as chaotic with Christ as it did before Christ. But God has not called us to pass from chaos to chaos, but from glory to glory. For those without Christ, the chaos of life causes a negative transformation within one's soul. The agony, stress and frustration seemingly dominate every attitude and perspective we have towards our outlook on life. This is why, it's not enough to have salvation in Christ alone. We must choose to live, not only in the redemptive grace of the Cross, but also be controlled by the power of the Holy Spirit. It is a conscious decision on our part and commitment to our trust and understanding that God is at work in our lives, according to His plans and purposes. You would think it would be an easy thing to remember and keep in proper perspective at the forefront of our minds, even for those in ministry, but that's not always the case. Chaos affects everyone and even carries out its' devastating effects on those who diligently perform the work of the kingdom of God. So, on this #missionsFriday, pray for missionaries who are struggling with the chaos of life. Pray for strength to endure and peace in the midst of the storm. May their be a grace about their lives and a balance within their soul. Pray the would not be influenced by the chaos, but indeed, controlled by the Spirit. May the peace that surpasses all understanding give them opportunity to share the Gospel; as they live as one in whom where greater is He that is in them, is greater than he that is in the world. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Much could be said about leadership and leaders in general and indeed, much has been said over the years and even more, with every passing day.
That said, I heard an interesting perspective today; one that makes plenty of sense and while nothing knew, sometimes how it's said, makes all the difference. Dennis Prager made the point on his show and if you'll permit me to expand his specific comment into a broader statement... [an organization, institution or government] isn't helped or hindered by whether a person is nice, but by the policies and values from which they operate. A nice person can cause ruin with their policy; a not-so-nice person may create improvement. The same dynamic could happen in ministry just as easily. We don't like to think of mean people being in ministry, though we'd be foolish to think it never happens. I think our shared experience would say otherwise. However, while a pleasant, bed-side manner may go a long way in ministry, that doesn't guarantee successful and sound policies and procedures. Scripture, though, does establish a solid foundation of guidelines regarding elders and deacons within the church. And long before wisdom is stated as a factor, we deal with morality and character issues. In a day when we need great examples, of men who would live and lead with conviction; from a foundation of righteousness, Godliness and holiness... with integrity and honor. Not because of their greatness, but because of the goodness of God and His having set them apart for service to the kingdom of God. Pray, this #deaconThursday that church leadership would be full of such men. Men who are people of prayer; who seek the face of God. Pray that they would live with integrity, whether at home, in the marketplace or in ministry. May the men of sound wisdom; grounded in the Word and firm in the faith. Pray a sensitivity to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and a humility regarding the Hand of God leading and directing their lives. For the glory of God And the advancement of the Gospel of Christ. - PNC At some point today, I had a sense that there was to be a focus on college and universities and not only that group of students and what they are encountering in life, but also for those who minister to that group of young people.
It's pretty incredible what's happening on campuses right now; so much so, I think that I'm glad that phase of life is behind me. Make that, all of formal education. Struggles and challenges abound, as they always have, but as realities seem to reach into issues, perspectives and understandings that many aren't prepared for... it's like trying to work the navigation screen while already moving. Daily, we're hearing, seeing and reading things that simply don't make any sense. And in the attempt to understand in order that a response can be formulated, you simultaneously sit in disbelief... wondering when this became a thing and how it became a thing. So, as I'm thinking about this topic today, Dave Ramsey opens up his show this afternoon and proves this point for me. He reads a news item about how 21% of college students are using their student loans to invest in Bitcoin. Dave's rant was pretty comical, actually. But still. It's against the law to use student loans for anything other than educational purposes, let alone investing. And then of all things, something as volatile as Bitcoin? Scary. There's some incredible young people today. And much to be encouraged by, regarding their passion, engagement and perspective. Then, as with every generation, the one question I still can hear my father ask of me in my younger years... "what were you thinking?" Tomorrow is here. On this #youthPastorWednesday, I can only pray and trust you will join me, that today they will enter and impact the world with a solid foundation of faith. Pray they would live and engage, not from an identity found in politics or an ideology, but an identity found in Christ. While life is a constant process of learning, pray a sense of wisdom and understanding. Pray they would know whose they are, in whose image they were created and for what purpose they have been set apart by God to accomplish. May God perform the miraculous as they commit their lives and ways to Him first and foremost. Dedicated to one cause only, The cause of Jesus Christ. Changing the world. For all eternity. - PNC Yes, this is another late day post. But interestingly enough there's a consistent theme.
If you heard any of the press conference or interviews from the Head Coach of University of Michigan basketball after last night's loss against Villanova, you know it's an act of true leadership; that skips past the conversations "if we hadn't done that and if we had only done this instead" or "we gave it all our and it wasn't enough", etc. We've all heard the post-game speeches. Coach was straight up. Proud of what they had accomplished. Bummed about the loss. But that's life. One's current state of sadness doesn't negate all the moments of greatness and joy that came before. If that weren't enough, my wife is watching television. The lead character is defining the character trait that even in the midst of great trials and obstacles, one is able to persevere and overcome; maintaining a positive outlook that they are not defined by their circumstances... simply present in them and responsible for how they react to them. One would think that a person of faith would have no problem living with such a healthy and balanced perspective in their life. Even more so, for those in ministry. Is their faith not unshakable? Indeed, though life happens to us all. And often, the stories of others can be more overwhelming and harder to handle than our own. Given enough time, enough conversations... the joys can seem lost and all too infrequent. So, on this #associatePastorTuesday, pray for those struggling to maintain and remember the moments of joy. Pray the joy of the Lord would be their strength, even in times of trials and obstacles, suffering and loss. May they be encouraged by the sovereign hand of God. Pray that God would help in their conversations, as they minister and walk with others. May they stand firm in the faith, focused on the plans and purposes of God; for the sake of eternity, not just their time on Earth. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC So the final game of March Madness is tonight. And man, what a crazy couple of weeks in the world of college basketball. I don't normally follow much of it, but for some reason, this year I did. But every match-up has been covered in a shroud of conversation, which always includes a discussion of the "odds-on favorite" as the pundits and prognosticators make their predictions.
This final game, is no different. But it got me thinking about the conversation that goes on when pastors prepare to take on a new church or ministry project that involves a making a serious move or transition from their current post. I've had trouble deciding which job to take when there has been more than option on the table! Yet, ministry opportunities about and many pastorate seats are needing to be filled at any given time. I'm certain the conversation is given more thought, debate and prayer than the game-day commentators, but I still can't help but wonder, given the preference of options, is one position more desirable than other? Among the choices, is there a preferred, "odds-on favorite"? I know God works in mysterious ways. I know often times, Pastors just know, where there supposed to go and when. But what if they don't? What it takes time? What if it takes longer than anticipated? What if, as the course of the game progresses, things don't go as planned? Pray, this #seniorPastorMonday, for those seeking God's direction on the court and course of their ministry. May God lead and guide them to the specifics of where He has ordained for them to go. Pray for wisdom as the conversation progresses and strength to endure when things don't go as planned. May they not be derailed or detoured when things get frustrating or stressful; but may there remain a quiet confidence in the calling God has placed upon their lives. For in the kingdom of God There is no winning or losing. Only faithful service To the cause of Jesus Christ For the glory of God. - PNC Jesus is Risen! He is Risen, indeed!
It's hard on Resurrection Sunday, the day in which we celebrate Christ's conquering of death, hell and the grave, to consider just how much "work" goes into living a life of faith in God. And yet, as I'm certain I've stated in previous years, the words "It Is Finished" as an incredible sentiment. In fact, Easter Sunday remains, perhaps the most #effectiveSunday ever! Which is utterly amazing. Just as amazing though, are some thoughts on Passover itself, which of course, now that I was looking for a particular reference point, I can't locate it. But consider this. The people of Israel depart from Egypt the day after the angel of death passes over. Christ departs, the day after having celebrated Passover with His disciples. And the southern kingdom, operated on a different calendar than Christ and the northern kingdom. So their preparation of the Passover was consistent with the preparation of the lamb, only in this case, the Lamb of God. What I find chilling... the sky going dark. It's representative of the angel of death claiming the first born. Only this time, the first born of Heaven; Christ's blood covering the doorpost of the Earth for the rest of humanity. We all have times, where we can't see ourselves completing the task or seeing a process through to the end. If Jesus suggested His willingness to exit stage left before the final scene should that be a viable option, how prone are we to want to do the same? Nevertheless, He remained to the closing curtain, only to rip it apart, in order that there wouldn't be just an eruption of eternal gratitude but an invitation into relationship with the Father. How awesome, is the sovereign timing of the Hand of God; if for the love of His firstborn, how much more His created being! And the work of His Hand, throughout the Earth to our innermost corner of the soul. A holy work. A refining work. A transforming work. A perfecting work. A diving work. A personal work. A redemptive work. A finished work. On this #effectiveSunday, pray that many would come to know this work; His work... of the love of God to liberate us from our sinful state. Pray that we would know Christ like never before; possessing a greater understanding, appreciation and purpose of His life. May those around us see Christ in us, that we would display His love and grace to a world in desperate need of Him. Pray that new life would arise, as the life of Christ is raised. May we be faithful to complete the work that God has started in us, as much as Christ remained in the Father, that He might complete His ordained work on this Earth. Effective for the cause of Christ For the glory of God That eternity would be forever changed. Again. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019