It's amazing at certain times of difficult and stress to witness who comes to the forefront to offer some sage and timely advice. And this past week there were numerous instances of such moments, including this phrase...
"Don't die on this hill." I'd ask you what you are choosing to care about, except I know a handful of things I could re-prioritize. I'd ask you who you are choosing to influence, except I know I'm not nearly engaged as much as I wish I were. I'd ask you what is is that bothers and upsets you to the point you would "go the mattresses", except I have my own list I should probably revisit and clean up. We pick some interesting conversations and even more interesting people and questionable times, in which we choose a subject matter to engage. Not to the point of literal death, but we miss signs and clues as to points of exit. Perhaps continuing the matter is futile. Perhaps there is greater satisfaction in the argument rather than the solution. Whatever is going on, the list of people and the hill on which they "died" is incredible. Yet, there's only One and one hill that matters to all, for all eternity. Every other cause, every other agenda, every other "hot topic" of the day... they all pail in comparison, not only to what Christ did, but to that which ultimately, He has required of us. Yet how often do we get it wrong, choosing the temporal hill for the eternal hill. Pray this #missionsFriday, for missionaries and believers who are under great attack and persecution. Pray for strength to endure and faith to remain steadfast. No matter the trouble or trial, may the keep their eyes ever focused on God, confident of their eternal reward. Pray God would accomplish the miraculous through their lives, testimony and ministry. And pray for the rest of the body of Christ. May we choose careful the "hills" upon which we stake our claim and reputation. May we not lose the clarity of purpose and conviction that God has not only brought us to, but called us to do and to be to a lost and dying world. May the cross of Calvary Be ever present as we go about our days. For on that hill Christ changed eternity. For the glory of God. - PNC
You've heard the old adage, 80% of all statistics are made up, on the spot? 80%! Or was it 83.7?
The problem with moving the line in small, incremental changes is that it's harder to notice at times, just how much progress has been made. There are times that this is a good thing... like getting out of debt. Other times, this is not so good. Like not noticing how much you are going into every time you run your credit card at Starbucks in the wee hours of the morning. There are worse lines to move, though. Like truth. There's a divine reason for boundaries. A purpose beyond what the finite mind sees. So when society and culture starts moving things around that God never intended, we can find ourselves in very dangerous places; in circumstance and position for which we are not prepared. We can't see or predict everything. But there is a priority and great benefit in being surrounded by those committed to seeking truth, speaking truth and living by truth. Unwavering. Uncompromising. Honest. In a world that seems to be nothing but the opposite, in nearly every aspect and arena of life, these are days the church (and society for that matter) needs leadership that is above reproach. Which is made even more difficult by a culture that is so quickly offended and even more quick to seek and destroy those who are so bold as to declare their disagreement when the truth is not told and facts are twisted to serve a purpose that does not serve the greater good. So, pray this #deaconThursday, that the church leadership would be a place of truth, that wavers not and compromises even less. May truth ever be on their lips and in their hearts. Pray for a steadfast-ness, that stands out from those who change the line to fit wherever they may be standing at the time. May they stand before the throne of grace, in need of grace; not defined by failures, but by the fact of God's love. Pray they would live with clarity, bringing wisdom and discernment to a world that is quickly losing both. For the glory of God And the benefit of the people of God. To change the world for eternity. - PNC Yesterday's post go me thinking... dangerous, I know. But back on topic. I found myself thinking about the power of "calling out".
It's a special individual who can see in people, what they don't see in themselves, and call things out. Sometimes, it's calling out an point of correction or area of concern. Other times, it's more of a calling forth moment. Calling forth, that which exists in obscurity, unseen many, but noticed by one. Calling forth that which was dead and speaking life. How many times do we see this in the life of Christ? With Lazarus, naturally. But with the sick. With the disciples. The woman at the well. And numerous others, in similar moments. It's a special individual, because it is a special skill. We know not everyone has it, because it seems that we are so profoundly moved when we either experience it in our own lives, or witness it happen in the life of someone else. Yet, if there is any compassion and care with in the family of God or within your own family for that matter, it is a skill and perspective that we should utilize. Put it into practice daily and to good use for eternity. Pray, this #youthPastorWednesday, God would help each of us, especially those circumstances, ministries and opportunities were we have opportunity to engage in conversation with kids and young people. Pray that God would grant wisdom and discernment as we speak life and truth into their lives. May we speak with as much love and conviction during times of correction as we would during times of support and encouragement. Pray for the power and quickening of the Holy Spirit to call things forth into existence; whether it be something within that has died and needs to be revived or truth that has yet to be revealed to them. May the next generation arise with great purpose, because of the generation that spoke into them with clarity and purpose. World-changers, Because their world was changed by God, And by those who spoke His truth into lives of all ages. For the glory of God. - PNC There's so much of life, the we look at, as cause and effect... in a reactionary way, yes, but in a process. The classic, "if, then" statement.
Then there's the song, So Will I. A truly powerful song, that I reflected on during last nights joint service, when men's and women's ministries comes together once a month with the college/career group. So Will I talks about the vast greatness of God and puts into perspective what our response to it should be, as we position ourselves in relationship to who God is. And the chorus walks us through several justifications. If the stars were made to worship, so will... If everything exists to lift You high... If the wind goes where you send it... If creation reveals God's nature... If Christ gladly chose surrender... And a number of other similar statements; all as a reminder that while we might have reason for not doing and being as God would have us to be, we have, as the song states, a billion better reasons to do and be what God has called us to be and to do... and to go. As the service progressed and the men gathered for their session, the long-term youth pastor, now associate pastor, shared some of his story. As a point of detail in the background of his ministry, reluctance to step into a formal, pastoral role. As if the responsibilities didn't "scare" him off, but the title itself. We've prayed before that sometimes titles can stand in the way, to the point that we don't engage or fulfill our purpose at any level. But even still, sometimes there is just enough that stands in our way that we don't fully engage and take advantage of the opportunity that God would use to an even greater degree and measure than ever thought possible. And the power of the story is that there was one who sat across the table and called it out of him. Perception. Discernment. Obedience.... to see it and to speak. And to the hearer... to step forward in it. Pray, this #associatePastorTuesday, that God would do the supernatural, to break the barriers and fears that prevent pastors and would-pastors from stepping into the role and purpose that God has ordained. May God place people in their lives who would see the dream, calling and anointing that God is desiring to reveal and help them to respond in obedience. Pray that reasons to not do something be cast aside, in favor of the eternal reasons that God would have things to be done and courses of action to be taken. May fear not hold us back from ministry, But that faith would propel towards a greater impact. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Some people, you look at in disbelief and consider how they have the nerve. In a confused state of wonder, you ask yourself why they are the way they are, believe a particular way, act, speak and engage in a particular manner. Depending on the person, it's a varying degree of annoying.
Others, you view in similar disbelief and consider their resolve. In an admirable sense of awe, you ask the same questions. And depending on the person, it's a varying degree of inspiration. You have to admire the resolve of pastors. I don't know how one can't. In a society where people ask for truth and evidence, but then reject it because they don't think one can set aside their bias and belief and offer objective truth. Of course, what is objective truth when that same society has abandoned the concept of absolute truth. I can't fathom how often and long the days exist, where they feel as though they are fighting a losing battle. Losing for people who don't heed their advice, value their input, take suggestion courses of action regarding their life and or their faith. A losing battle for the hard-hearted who want nothing to do with God and the hard-minded, who want nothing to do with the church. Do they know the battle is the Lord's? Absolutely. Does that take away the fatigue, hurt and discouragement that comes from standing on the front lines of faith? Not in the least. The risk is great. The reward is greater. The days that feel as though the opposite is true? Perhaps too many to count. Dare I say, the pastors who have suffered burnout, could probably mark the day they that they felt the shift begin to take it's toll? Another reality we'd probably rather not acknowledge, but is all to real for certain pastors' existence. Pray, this #seniorPastorMonday, for those pastors on the verge of breaking. Pray for those pastors who feel as though they are losing their resolve to continue in the ministry. May they be strengthened and encouraged. Pray the Lord would lift them up and revive their spirits. Pray that discouragement and frustration, while it may not be removed for from them, would not overwhelm or dampen their spirit. May it deepen their commitment and quicken their desire to accomplish even more. Staying the course For the advance of the Gospel And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Effectiveness requires engagement. Retained effectiveness requires sustained engagement.
There's a wisdom and discernment that comes with knowing when and how to approach circumstance and conversation; as the game is played on yard at time, one run at a time or one pass at time. Rarely is there a one time shot and win. The accomplishing of goals, agendas and purposes require the continual practice of repetition. Find what works. Do what works. Continue with what works. But all too often, we don't search long and hard enough to find what works. Discouragement sets in as though the answer will forever elude us. Or upon doing what works, obstacles and energy expended drain us to the point that we no longer feel we can continue; even when we know we should. Continued engagement is a discipline. And at times, an incredible difficult, albeit simple decision. And so, the prayer is quite simple. On this #effectiveSunday, God help us! Help us to continue to engage in a culture that denies the eternal truth of who You are, what You have accomplished and what You desire for those devoted to You. Pray for the sustaining power of the Holy Spirit to fall afresh and renew the hearts and minds of those tired and weary of the spiritual battle that dominates our days and times. May their be a breakthrough in the hearts and minds of those who want nothing to do with Christ or those who follow Him. Pray our hope and trust would remain steadfast, placed in Him who sits on the throne of grace, for which we all have need of; whether we have yet to acknowledge it only once or every moment of our lives. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC #communitySaturday is going fast!! And I reflected on yesterday's post, about the things we choose to see with transparent eyes versus that which we block out, for all kinds of reasons, it's important and imperative to remind ourselves this simple point... #truthmatters.
I was reminded of this again, last night, in just how careless people have been in speaking the truth... or less than the truth. Furthermore, not only has the church, pastors and everyday believers at times, ineffectively communicated truth; but those who heard it have misconstrued it. As a result, given enough time and diversion and we find people out opposite ends of belief, both trying to convince the other that they are "wrong". Nobody likes being wrong, especially in this day of relativism and "everyone wins" mentality. We talk about compromise and coexistence, not realizing that certain things simply don't mix. Like oil and water. It's a trying time. It's a crucial time. It's a time for clarity in an age of muddied confusion. How many are ready to speak it? How many are ready to hear it? On this #communitySaturday, pray that hearts and minds would be opened. Not to new ideas, perspectives and opinions, but open to the Truth. The truth of God's Word, despite all the times, they may have heard it presented wrong, misunderstood or witnessed its' misapplication. May we ever be awarre the times in which we live; not possessing a spirit of fear for societies repercussions, but a spirit of boldness, that God would accomplish the miraculous as we speak; hopefully under the anointing and direction of the Holy Spirit. May today be a day of truth. Of things revealed; Hearts changed; Lives transformed. For the glory of God. - PNC **editor's note: if you recognize the title of this post, now I have the urge to go find Newsboy's album Going Public. It's somewhere in my collection. Three days in and the idea I thought I had for this yesterday has gone missing!! New Year = new level of writer's block?
Let's change gears. How awesome is the Word of God? Written by man, yes... but, inspired by God. God-Breathed. Under the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit. It should not be added to, neither is anything to be removed from it. So, did the writer's wait on God for every Word? Did they ever, with the stroke of a pen find themselves asking for a divine eraser? Before we changed gears, trying to recall my idea, I was thinking about transparency. We live in a culture where it's often talked about out and our political leaders praise it's virtue, yet the irony is that the less they share, the more truth they seem to reveal. And where the truth isn't being revealed, our speculations increase. Compare this to the revealing nature of God. He has revealed more than we can fathom and certainly more than we can explain. And yet there is so much to this life that isn't revealed. And so we wonder what God is doing. We wonder what is happening and why. The places and people involved and the truth of it all evades us. Yet God is truth and thus, if we seek Him, we shall find Him. There is just so much attack around the world; against the Gospel, the Church, Christians... and the downright truth. His Word is Truth. And as much as we want transparency in our reality, we seem unable to hand the truth of eternity. Yet, missionaries, daily, stand on the front line, handling the eternal truth of the Gospel, dealing with a people desperate to hear, yet not transparent enough with themselves to know they need to receive it. What a delicate, yet troubled balance to walk. A struggle for worse than writer's block... which oddly enough, seems to have cleared up quite quickly. Pray, this #missionsFriday, for missionaries living in difficult places; not only their physical location, but also, the spiritual, emotional and mental state of being. Pray for those enduring an all-too real persecution and multi-faceted attack against them. May they be strengthened and encouraged by the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray that God wound continue to direct their steps and ordain every encounter and conversation; that no matter the circumstance and environment, there would be opportunity to present Christ and speak truth. The one and only Truth, that transforms our reality for all of eternity. In a clouded existence May clarity come To reveal the glory of God. - PNC There's a scene on of the many brilliant episodes of The West Wing, where the administration makes a number of changes in the Ambassadorships, as far as the people who hold them are concerned. In the course of the conversation between the President and the Chief of Staff, the President jokingly comments on the changes, that if they continue and everyone keeps moving up, then he can go home!
I know... what's this have to do with pastors on this #deaconThursday? It's simply a point of reference, as I sat in service over the New Year's weekend at the announcements being made in our own church leadership. Changes within the existing leadership and it literally was a series of three positions, that as the first one moved "up", someone took their place, leaving another vacancy to be filled. The connection made me smile and so I'm sharing it with you. You're welcome. Of course, as the Pastor shared the back-story and the conversation that began 8-10 months prior to the changes being made; you get a sense of the prayer, wisdom and perception involved as church leadership comes together, seeks the face of God and carries on the conversations of what is God doing for the future of various ministries within the church and who should be casting and leading their future trajectory. The business world calls it "scaling". Progress isn't a knock on people, resources or capacities. The truth is that every aspect of life reaches a point where the question of "what's next" (another West Wing reference) must be answered. Thus, if changes needed to be made and those will naturally require time and energy, then why not give due diligence to make sure that they are done right and proper? The question answers itself. If only the prayer wrote itself. Let's pray, this #deaconThursday, that church leadership would indeed give due diligence to the decisions and changes they are facing and discussing. Pray for an increased awareness and sensitivity to be on the alert for matters and circumstances that have yet to present themselves, but that leadership would benefit in taking a proactive approach. Pray for wisdom and discernment as they seek the face of God and discuss solutions and implement changes. May their be a covering of grace during times of transition and all the more in times of great difficulty and challenge. For the best days are yet ahead For those prepared to meet them. For the glory of God. - PNC Welcome to 2019.
I trust your new year is off to a great start. And I hope you closed 2018 better than you entered. Or perhaps at least with a better perspective, if through difficult circumstances. My apologies for the abrupt break in daily posts back in mid-October. While I've tried to keep personal matters from standing in the way of this undertaking, the truth is, I suffered the very thing we pray about daily. My energy level was getting low and for those frequent and consistent readers, you noticed the daily prayers were showing up at the end of the day rather than the start of the day. I was consistently playing catch-up. And that consistent state of engagement while drain you faster than simply entering with fresh energy and maintaining the pace. What better time is there to do that, than the physical start of a new year. Hence the title.. RE_Boot. Tomorrow is "back to work" day. And it should come with an accompanying spirit filled with excitement and rejuvenation. Should we not be as excited as the kids are to go back to school? Mine are. Perhaps yours are not. One day in and it's entirely possible you are not liking the prospect of how daunting this year appears. Yet there is a glimmer of hope and encouragement that it just might go better than planned, hoped or expected. The positive outlook and steadfast hope that we attempt to instill in the lives of our kids from a young age is the very perspective we struggle to maintain on a daily basis, even when our social media pages are filled with memes that remind us that "tomorrow is a new book with 365 blank pages". So, the question remains, what will God write in our lives this coming year? And more importantly, what will we write into and over the lives of our youth? Am I feeling a year older, thanks to a recent birthday? Yes. Am I ready for my kids to be a year older as well? Absolutely not. All the more reason, to pray.... ... on this #youthPastorWednesday, pray that we would be people who what not allow the troubles and trials of life to take such a toll on us that we pass it on to our kids. While we may fall and fail at various times, may we teach and train them in the process of rising again. May they not be controlled by feelings and emotions as many in today's culture are prone to do; but may they live under the influence and anointing of the Holy Spirit. Pray His presence would fall afresh in our own lives, as we enter the unknown of 2019. Pray that fear would not control our decisions, but that our faith would follow Christ into the ordained destiny that He has purposed for our lives from the foundations of the Earth and Time. To the New Year: May it be the best one ever As directed by the Hand of God For His glory alone. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019