![]() Pastor spoke a great sermon yesterday morning as a pre-launch, if you will, on an upcoming series on spiritual health & fitness. It was a great message, with some lines that a couple friends posted on social media later in the day. Yet, as I struggled with a subject for #seniorPastorMonday, it wasn't until late last night that something from the service stood out. We had gotten weather in the middle of the night, rain had frozen, with snow on top, so when it was time for church the roads weren't that great yet. And it showed... attendance was done. Our church has been debt-free for many years now, and while we rejoice in the Lord for being in such a strong and stable position, it doesn't reduce our reliance on Him to provide the resources to move forward with ministry. That said, the reminder that too many churches aren't in that position leaves many pastors worried about the offering when service comes to a close on such days when the weather plays havoc with church attendance. It's a struggle that's real... as much as for seasonal business owners (case in point: this is only the second serious snowfall of the season for us, so the snow trucks were rejoicing as they've gotten off easy for the past 5 weeks or so.) But much like business, there's an X-factor to doing business and being prepared for slow and lean days, weeks and seasons. Especially for the ones that are harder to predict, such as the weather. Ministry and life require funding. It's a basic principle... the more you spend on debt, the less you have to invest. For ministry, the investment is eternal. When you can't do a Christmas program, a VBS, a bus program to help those in the community get around... whatever it is, yes God provides, but He uses people and their resources. Which requires people being wise and obedient with them, so that they are ready to be used by God, as He directs them. In the meantime, Pastors worry about their ability to stay afloat. And like Peter, it's hard to stay focused on Jesus, when the surrounding storm is unstable. Yet, it is all the more necessary to do so. Pray, this #seniorPastorMonday, for pastors struggling with anxiety and nervous regarding the "numbers" of the church. Pray for a spirit of peace, that God will provide the people and the resources necessary for the body of Christ to move forward in ministry. Pray for wisdom and discernment regarding all church decisions, particularly in the realm of finances. May their trust in God to perform the miraculous be strengthened. May their creativity with regards to stewardship be expanded, in deciding what is most appropriate and effective for their church when money is involved. Pray more churches are able to experience the freedom that comes with zero debt, that they would experience the joy of being able to say "yes" more often to ministry opportunities. Advancing the cause of Jesus Christ, through wise usage of the world's resources. For the earth, and all that is in it belongs to Him. For the glory of God; fulfilling our purpose by His grace. Laying up treasure in Heaven. - PNC
![]() I was thinking a many number of times over the past week about church services when I was growing up. As I spent time in prayer, praise songs and hymns kept coming to remembrance from when I was in youth group or playing quietly on the church pew with my Hot Wheels during a Sunday night service. Don't get me wrong...I love the environment of church today. The lights and screens look awesome, the musicians are truly talented and 9.9 times out of 10 the anointing that's upon them is quickly noticed. For the latest generation, it's elements that help create a level of expectation, which is a key element as we approach with boldness then throne of Grace. That said, the level of expectation was something you brought to church with you, rather than waiting until you walked into the building to own it. God does need to us to create a "cool" environment for Him, in order that He perform the miraculous in our midst. He does however, need our faith. Our faithfulness. Our obedience. And our surrender. Four things that a dimly-lit room and a lit-up stage won't produce. Each of us have to bring those elements with us to the altar. Thus, pray this #effectiveSunday, that we would not rely on external factors of an environment to strengthen and encourage our faith. May the promise of the Word of God bring the increase and fortification of our resolve, to serve and surrender to who He is and the plans He has for us. May we boldly approach the throne of God, having brought with us an expectation of "if only". God desires to do, work and move supernaturally in our midst. But we must focus and align ourselves solely with Him. May we be faithful in doing our part this morning, believing, knowing and expecting God will do His part in our lives and in our world. For His service. For His glory. The supernatural, miraculous move of God, exceeding all our highest expectations. -PNC I grew up listening to great music, largely in part to because of a Dad who likes Classic Rock and moreso in part, because of the Christian Rock that was popular during my brothers upbringing. Having almost 8 years between us, we obviously should be listening to different music during our childhoods. But that wasn't the case. I continue to be amazed,as I've said many times, the power and anointing that was granted to these artists as they broke down barriers between music of the world and music for the believer. I was listening yesterday afternoon to a group from Canada, during the late 70's and early 80's, The Daniel Band, which I highly recommend you look up. (not to be confused with the The Charlie Daniels Band). Then last night, this was playing. With all the media, and Netflix and the latest Start Wars, and here the words of this song still ring true. And in case your wondering...movies released in 1986 include, Top Gun, Star Trek IV, Little Shop of Horrors, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Short Circuit, Platoon, Aliens (with Sigourney Weaver), Hoosiers, Highlander and Crocodile Dundee. What a list! Yet where is The Book? "Television subdivision, He sees it on his advent screen The cable's on, the tape is running, So he won't miss a thing I asked him if he knew JESUS, He said "what channel is he on?" While he sees the latest features. A Bible sits collecting dust TV Guide and program listings, The only place he puts his trust Who says a wealth of information, Has to be filmed on location Read the book, Don't wait for the movie // Read the book, Don't wait for the movie All the lines keep getting longer. To see the latest horror show Degeneration of a generation. Tell me where'd the Bible go I asked them if they knew JESUS. Is HE in a theater near you? I said " No, HE's the MESSIAH", "Do you think He'll get good reviews?" Pray, this #communitySaturday, as the church engages community, we would recommend the review of Christ.. May the story of Jesus be shown on the screen of people hearts and lives. Pray it causes people to reflect and consider their purpose and meaning here on earth. May the truth of God's word super-cede the overwhelming data mine that is the internet. Pray the power of God is more referenced than the power of google. For His love, grace and forgiveness reaches greater depths of the heart of man than google reaches the corners of man's mind. (As White Heart's song Over Me, is not playing in the background as I finish typing this) pray this would be truly said by those we come in contact with today.... And I feel His love pouring down over me, Warm healing waters that set me free Safe in the arms of eternity, Held by the wonder and mystery, Over me May we set aside our technology of this earth for the TRUTH of our God in heaven. For His glory. For the cause of Jesus Christ. His book is greater than man's movie. - PNC ![]() Friends of mine, from the mission field, were in church this past Sunday. It was a great surprise, literally, as I didn't know they were in town until I saw them during service. Pastor asked them during the service to give a quick update on their ministry, after which we prayed over them. It was great to hear the encouragement of the "banner year" they experienced in the ministry. I don't know that exact ratio, but I'd dare say that for every missionary that had a great year in 2015 and an encouraging report is one or two others, had an incredibly difficult 2015 and are facing discouragement. It may not be a 1:1 ratio, but it's more often than we may know. In fact, curiosity got the best of me, as I was thinking yesterday afternoon, about 1500-1700 pastors leave the ministry each month, but what about missionaries? The organization at www.missionary-burnout.com, says 5400 missionaries leave every year for "preventable reasons". 5400 per year. Or 450 a month. On average, 15 each day!! Almost 2 an hour while you work a full-time job. OUCH!! It's easy to get discouraged. Prolonged discouragement opens the door to distractions. Distractions take you away from what you are working on; what you are focused on; what you are engaged in. Pretty soon you are detoured; because you start noticing things that don't look familiar; that aren't part of the plan. And now that you don't know where you are and where stuff is, you are ready to be derailed. (aka: blind-sided) But it all starts by throwing enough stuff your way to get you frustrated to the point that it goes beyond the surface and into your spirit. The beginning of the road to burn-out. Thus, pray this #missionsFriday, for missionaries on the verge of burn-out. For the 15 who may make the decision to leave sometime today... may God supernatural intervene and perform the miraculous in their hearts and minds. Pray for healing and restoration for those who have already left, even in the first 7 days of 2016. May they find strength and rest for their souls, hearts and minds. Pray that hope returns and the promise of what God planted in them when they first ventured out is fulfilled. May the fire of their calling be reignited; the passion for the lost renewed; the determination to advance the cause of Jesus Christ revived. For the glory and honor of God. May His grace cover the burnt out. LIFE to dry bones in dead places. In name of Jesus. - PNC ![]() An interesting thought came to mind yesterday, just moments after praying that God would reveal what He might have for this prayer post. The thought was thus. There are only two things to do when down (from having either laid or fallen to that position). You can remain there or you can rise up. I chose the word "rise", because, that is what Jesus modeled for us after the resurrection. Granted, he was dead, but when that angel rolled the stone away, Jesus had a choice to make. Remain where he was or choose what was better. When given the choice, after having completed His purpose on earth, He chose to rise up and move on to what was next... returning to heaven to prepare a place for us, Likewise, we too, have the choice... remain down or rise again. What was an interesting follow-up to this, was during last nights devotional during the Wednesday Night Prayer. Joshua and Caleb outvoted on what to do about Canaan. 40 years, he had to wait patiently, enduring the down-right stupid decisions. Yet it doesn't throw him off. He doesn't get bitter, it doesn't take over and consume him. He waits...for the promise. For the leadership change, for the generation change... essentially, for the nation and the culture to change. Decisions that were made that negatively impacted his life for an extended period of time and he simply stayed close to God and what he know was coming from the Lord. Incredible. On this #deaconThursday, for those in church operations, admins and deacons, affected by decisions and circumstances that they disagree with or perhaps, are out of what they know to be God's will, plan or direction. Pray they will stay close to God and hang on to His promises. May they not allow in bitterness and frustration to overtake and consume them. May they not remain in a down and defeated position and mentality, but with strength and courage, by the power of the Holy Spirit, rise again with the help and grace of Almighty God. May there not be a found, an attitude of grumbling and complaining, for which a promise is withheld until that generation and their attitude passes. God help us, today. By your grace. For your glory. - PNC ![]() Being a kid is hard work, regardless if at age 4 or age 14. Being a parent, also hard work. Regardless of the age... of both the parent and the kid. Being a pastor who works with kids and teens... you guessed it. Hard work. And lets not forget teachers, while we're at it, and the craziness of the classroom, whether it's just the kids or parent-conference season! Very hard work. I was winding down last night, just thinking about the dynamic of the relationships that go into raising kids...raising adults actually, if you remember that post from a number of months ago. All of them coming together, to ensure they get a solid foundation for life and a spiritual footing of faith that will sustain them regardless of where life takes them and whatever the enemy of their souls throws at them. At times are changing. There's lots more cool stuff for kids now, who are excited to be living in the time they do. Then there's the previous generations, saying, you guys have cool stuff, but we had great fun. Childhood is vastly different these days. And so is being a parent. It's weird. It's frustrating. It's a little disconcerting. It's also, a great blessing. And through it all.... we still need a ton of prayer. Massive amounts of wisdom. And grace that never runs out. Do you know where to go for such supplies? Pray, this #youthPastorWednesday, for these that are struggling with their place in life. Kid, parent, pastor, teacher...each rewarding and frustrating in their own right. Pray for strength and wisdom in the decisions they make and the lessons they learn. Pray for the foundation(s) that are being established in this generation of young people. Join me, as I pray for my kids; "that they would know God, love God, seek God and folllow God. With all their heart, soul, mind and strength. All the days of their live. For the glory of God. May the next generation impact the world for the cause of Jesus Christ, the like of which has yet to be seen, in modern times. - PNC ![]() In my favorite, political television drama, there's a scene where senior adviser is having a conversation with his assistant as the discuss a book written by a fictional consultant. In picking a passage at random; the assistant reads; "It's good to be trapped in a corner. That's when you act". To this, the assistant acknowledges that that happens to be true. To which, the adviser replies, "It is. In my case, it's the only time that I do." As I was pondering this, I got to thinking about deadlines. Deadline is an interesting word. Just hearing it, I imagine being called to the line, asked if you completed your assigned task and if not, sorry. Depending on your boss, this may feeling literally true, but it's not. Still, the pressure to get it done is there. Left without a purpose, a plan, a timeline, not much will get done. What's the point in rushing to a goal that doesn't exist? Or the point of strategizing a plan that's not going to get implemented. Let's not forget everything that one encounters along the way to accomplishing the task at hand. Things meant to distract, dissuade, detour and derail. These are the things that come against you, that push back on your life, until time and space run out. It's at these times, that people and pastors start considering throwing in the towel. Maybe not on life altogether, but their job, their family, their friends... their ministry. Pray, this #associatePastorTuesday, that pastors will be given a level of wisdom and discernment beyond themselves, in the situations and challenges they face. May they be encouraged, that the work they set out to do will be completed. Pray they be renewed in their focus to seek the face of God and pray over all situations. May they be empowered, not in their own strength, but through the power of the Holy Spirit, to complete the projects and assignments they face. When up against the line and backed up to the wall, may they experience victory through the power of the Holy Spirit and the hand of God at work in their lives. - PNC ![]() Sunday morning, Pastor preaches a message from Hebrews chapter 11. But instead of speaking on the greats of the "Hall of Fame" of faith, he speaks on the four (un)honorable mentions, that the author admits he doesn't have time to discuss at length in this passage of Scripture. Yet despite their flaws, there was something worthy to note, for the history book of all time. Then last night, I put in a movie as I went to bed and the scene arrives, where a decision is revealed that affects every ones life. And the two to whom the decision is revealed, both sit in awe. The "un-qualifed" saying, are you sure? I'm not ready for this. Meanwhile, the "qualified" is saying, are you sure? She's not ready for this!" It reminds of a quote, though I can't remember who said it first at the moment: God doesn't call the qualified; He qualifies the called. There's so many times in life one feels they are in over their head. Followed by times, where for whatever reason, you feel that you could or should be doing something entirely different than what you are. This becomes especially difficult, if we start looking on external factors... it becomes the movie scene. "I'm not ready for this; it should be them." And the other party; they aren't ready for this, it should be me." Whatever the case may be, it happens to all of us; even Pastors. Church size, "results" of a message or service, measured by salvations, baptisms or compliments, ministries offered, growth of multiple campuses... just about anything can get in the way of simply doing the ministry one is called to do. It takes prayer to stay focused. On that note, pray this #seniorPastorMonday for pastors to keep and remain strong, in their ability to keep the main thing, the main thing. May distractions of comparisons not overtake them or distract them for the ministry and purpose God has specifically laid out for them. Pray that their qualifications, experiences and faults not stand in the way of their trusting and seeking God to do the miraculous in their church and community. Pray their personality and ego not become an issue, that they think more highly than they ought, of their abilities in ministry that they are no longer effective. May they stay true to who they are, what they have been called to do and place their trust and humility in God alone; that it is He who accomplishes a great work through our faithful service. For His glory and the cause of Jesus Christ. The work of the Lord fulfilled through His laborers on earth. -PNC ![]() I was amazed again yesterday, what can happen as we confess our need to God for His help in our circumstances; praying that He would work the miraculous; praying that He would handle all the details for His glory and honor. Then this shows up on my quotes app this morning: I believe God is managing affairs and that He doesn't need any help from me. With God in charge, I believe everything will work out for the best in the end. So what is there to worry about." -Henry Ford. Thanks Henry. Nothing. There is absolutely nothing to worry about. As we commit our plans to the Lord. As we seek His face, that He would grant us wisdom and direction in the situations we face and the paths that lay before us. It's so cool to watch the handiwork of God. It truly is like watching a master craftsman or a top-shelf artist. Ford's words are a great reminder, as we are three days into 2016, that whatever new ideas, directions and decisions are being acted upon to accomplish more for the kingdom of God, may we not fret and freak and frustrate. Simply trust, believe and obey. Let us not be anxious for anything, but in all things with prayer and supplication, let our requests be made known unto God. On this first #effectiveSunday of 2016, may these words ring true and come to our remembrance often. Indeed, may we not freak out and frustrate over situations that don't go our way; that don't work out as desired, but remain faithful to what God has called us to do; knowing the master craftsman is it under control. We need not worry that He is second-guessing the affairs of man or His working the miraculous throughout. Pray pastors and churches not let past situations and circumstances stand in the way of being able to trust, believe and obey, anew and afresh today. Sovereign God is still on the throne, still in control, still concerned with the lives of His creation. We look to you O God, confident; you've got this...my life; the whole world, in your Hands. -PNC ![]() ChurchLeaders.com posted an article this morning on the 10 real reasons Pastors quit too soon. After reading, it occurred to me why so many of those reasons are accurate and valid in way too many instances. Congregations don't engage their Pastoral team in community and events outside the church. Yes, they'll be there for church events, but still that's church related. How often when people go out to dinner after service (or any other night of the week, for that matter) they invite the Pastor. How often, when your kids have a sleep-over, you invite the PK's as well, because who knows when the Pastor had time to work on the marriage without being interrupted by kids? What Pastor wouldn't like to be invited to your Saturday morning round of golf or the Pastor's wife to brunch and some shopping? We have no problem inviting the new neighbors next door, our "favorite" co-workers, the kids in the neighborhood we can stand to handle or the client with which we just closed a huge deal. Inviting Pastors? That's passed our comfort zone. Until we have major life issues with which we can't share with other people...then it's, "we need to talk to you." This mentality is so wrong on so many levels, yet it happens way to often. And while it's understandable in nature, it's not sustainable. We wouldn't do it with our closet friends. We don't like it when we're the odd-man out. Why would we do it to those entrusted to speak into our lives on spiritual and practical matters of life, not only our own, but also the lives of our children and our friends and families. Pray this #communitySaturday, we would start the new year afresh, inviting Pastors into our lives outside of the four walls of the church. Pray we go out of our way, to express our love and gratitude for their ministry, their service to God and their faithfulness to the body of Christ. Pray Pastors would be encouraged today, in the challenges and struggles they face: loneliness, exhaustion, frustration, insecurity, resentment, difficulty in marriage/parenting/finances. May the body of Christ come alongside and lift up tired arms, as Hur and Aaron did for Moses, as we do for our friends and families, as Pastors have done for us. Take the lead in expressing thanks to your spiritual Leaders today. For the glory of God; we are the body of Christ. Every member is valuable, for one doesn't say to the other, we don't have need of you and the body doesn't say to the head, "our way or the highway". Moving forward together, for the cause of Jesus Christ. -PNC ![]() IIt's a new season. It's a new day. It's a new year! In case you missed your social media news feeds blowing up well wishes and crazy fun over a celebratory midnight-moment. A time for new vision; new goals; new resolutions; new commitments. As we realize where we missed the mark, we figure what adjustments and changes need to occur, priorities revisited and plans revised. Then, the things and people that have brought you to where you are; that you dig deeper to become stronger, with more determination than ever, to press forward in the direction and calling you know for which you were made to go. These things remain. Faith, hope and love. And the people with whom share those fundamental elements of living. As we look upon 2016 with spiritual vision on this #missionsFriday New Year's day, may we revisit, revise and renew our commitment to be the light on the hill that points others to the Light of the Word. As God has plans and purposes for us all, as well as knowing the desires of our frail and fallen hearts, may we seek His face, anew and afresh for what He would desire to accomplish in our lives and in the world in which we daily live. And it begins as we acknowledge our place in prayer. Pray this #missionsFriday, that 2016 would the year that many people come to know the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, as they experience His love and forgiveness in a powerful and meaningful way that directly encounters the stuff that resides in their heart. May the faith of the believer be strengthened as they grow in the wisdom and grace of God, acknowledging Him in all their ways; seeking His face in all matters and trusting Him for every step they take forward. May the excitement of the New Year be sustained by the Holy Spirit, not as a feel-good moment, but for each and every morning we wake up to God's grace made anew. Living life one day at a time; as it was, is and can only be lived. For the glory of God. For the cause of Jesus Christ. Godspeed, for whatever you may face in 2016. We are never forsaken or abandoned by God... for He still loves the World. -PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019