![]() I recently watched a movie about Pastors, desiring to advance their ministerial career. The story line was one of a perfect storm of Pastoral leadership gone awry. Two pastors are waiting for their next move within the church. One, impatient leaves, taking his wife and their expected trust fund to start their own church. The other, suggesting being patient "a little longer" stays. After starting the new church and beginning service, they quickly find out the trust fund balance wasn't nearly what they expected. The new church is short-lived. While that's going on, the patient pastor writes an anonymous letter, leading to the Senior Pastors removal, along with that of his right-hand man, a life-long friend. After some conflict, the "patient" pastor takes charge. Then, the power trip begins. For the purposes of this post, the downward spiral begins when he shows symptoms of what I'll call the MMW effect. Don't mess with the message. - God is pretty clear on this point. Don't mess with the money. - An offense more appalling than politicians' and taxpayer dollars Don't mess with the women. - This never bodes well for anyone, whether it's a two-income marriage where both make minimum wage, the CEO who's millions come with extra zeros or the Pastor whose pulpit reaches a few or many. If there's away to do the wrong thing, perfectly... this character pulls all the stops. Bad decisions executed flawlessly. Pretty sure this is what's known as a royal screw-up. Brilliant stupidity also comes to mind. As the movie unfolds.... conflict. drama. tension. The story line progresses and it borders on worst-case scenario situations. Sadly, I recall a real-life story of a Pastor who experienced a fall from grace. Huge ministry. Big money. And when someone told him things were getting out of hand and it was time to shut it down, he didn't. Why? Because the ministry was doing so well. At least financially. And it was taking control. That pastor's demise came much like the movie. Too big to fail leads to a loud thud upon one hitting the ground. 1500-1700 pastors leaving each month? Somewhere, someone is leaving because of a problem from messing with the message, the money, or the people. Some pastor is probably battling it right now. The fallout hasn't happened yet, but it's getting awfully close. It's scary. It's heart-breaking. It's problematic. It's preventable. Pray, this #youthPastorWednesday, for all pastors who have succumb to some level of a power trip. For younger pastors, those just starting out working with kids and teens, pray God help guard their hearts and minds. May they remain focused on fulfilling their calling rather than climbing ministries' ladder. Pray for pastors in trouble, whether the spiral is just starting or about to unravel before their very eyes... may God work the miraculous. Pray the spirit of pride, ego and position be broken; that God may do a corrective, cleansing work in their heart. In time, may they experience healing and restoration in their life regardless of what consequences may result from the fallout. God, help the congregations and communities affected. May such events not hinder the advancement of the Gospel. May God work all things, even events tragic as portrayed in the movie, for His good. For His glory. By His grace. - PNC
![]() I hate being the bearer of bad news. I hate it even more on the occasion I'm the lead character. And it's easy, after any given number of occasions to begin to default to worst case scenarios and how people might respond to current circumstances based on how different people responded on prior occasion to an entirely different set of circumstances. How appropriate to have watched Facing The Giants over the weekend. Fear of outcomes before they happen. Attitudes of defeat before we have taken steps towards any attempts at victory. So a confession of our trust in God becomes a test..A binary state. You do. Or you don't. And so do I. Or not. I had an epiphany yesterday afternoon. God's love. His compassion. Forgiveness. Always available. Man's... not so much. Not always. Not when we think we need it most. Thus, is it possible it's easier to confess our sins to God than it is our faults to man? Our failures in this life may not even be sin. Just mistakes. Bad calls. Missed opportunities. Yet owning up to them.... is challenging. Difficult. Frustrating. Whatever we have to offer... complete or incomplete, we and all of our stuff belong to God, first and foremost. Pastors have it too. Experiences and responses carry over. Mistakes and missteps have opportunity to follow us. Ministry can frustrate and just like life, details need to be sorted out. But whatever transpires, trust in God for all circumstances... If we say we trust Him, then we must. When we struggle to do so, we must pray. On this #associateTuesday, pray for pastors struggling to continue to trust in the midst of difficult circumstance with outcomes unknown. Pray for the faults and failures that the enemy attempts to hold over, to hinder from moving forrward in all that God has planned. Pray for God's grace in matters where there are concerns that man's response is greater than God. May their be a reassuring peace that accompanies the knowledge that God is on the throne, still in control & working all things together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose. His mercies are new every morning, as we walk in His grace & live for His glory. - PNC ![]() I received what I believe to be a confirmation from God, that the purpose of Bring Me 70 is on it's way to becoming a reality. During Sunday mornings' sermon, Pastor talked about the power of the spiritual discipline of prayer. And not just praying for blessing, provision or healing which are noble... just not perhaps noteworthy. The difference? When someone shares an experience of blessing, they offer details. Provision? You have to hear how desperate my situation was, then something amazing happened. Healing? Oh it was no big deal. I'm fine now. Said no one, ever. Details! We want to know what happened!! Then we pray... in generalities. Yet, we have in our mind specific outcomes. How can we pray for anything in general, whilst having detailed expectations, but are then frustrated when situations seem unanswered because of how they appear. God is all about detail. Look up what happens to planet earth if we were any closer to or further from the sun. Spun slower or faster in our rotation. As I thought about this yesterday afternoon, it was followed by a scene from the movie Facing The Giants. An older man, roaming the halls of a Christian school prays over the students as he passes by each locker...praying for revival. In a brief conversation in which the man speaks life and encouragement to the frustrated football coach, the man shares the story of two farmers. They both prayed for rain, as they were in desperate need. However, while waiting for rain, one farmer went out and prepared his field; planted his crop. Which do you think was ready for their expected answer to prayer? Pray with a specific outcome in mind. Work in a way to maximize the answer when it arrives I have nothing, if I post every day, "Lord, help pastors to not burnout in their ministry." Thanks for joining with me to pray specifically for pastors and church leaders to continue in the calling God has placed upon their lives. So, pray...specifically! On this #seniorPastorMonday, for pastors literally on the verge of burnout. May God supernaturally intervene in their lives with encouragement and support. While a number of factors are probably in play, pray for resolution to the dominate situation that is prompting and driving their desire or decision to leave ministry. Pray God begin to rollback the stress and tension that is upsetting their heart, mind and spirit. Pray for circumstance with their kids and frustrations in marriage that are contributing factors being considered. For the weariness, the anxious and the exhausted...God strengthen and fortify the body and soul. Rest and wellness. Wisdom and wholeness. Fresh anointing. Fresh vision. Fresh perspective. Fresh passion for the calling of Christ. By the grace of God. For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() If you've yet heard the phenomenal brilliance that is the musical talent of Robert Randolph & The Family Band, then you are truly missing out. I forgot their album, Unclassified, was in the car yesterday and my sometimes finicky CD changer actually loaded the CD. Going In The Right Direction is the first song on the album, a song my oldest daughter loves to hear. She immediately recognized it and asked me to "turn it up". I was happy to do so... as this is the song to set your alarm to when you don't want to go to work tomorrow morning. Forgive me (this post is slightly longer than normal) and, for the 3rd day in a row being musically-based, but read these lyrics and tell me this doesn't accurately describe one's life, before and after accepting Christ. I was lost, I thought the losing dice were tossed I didn't know where to go, I didn't have no one to turn to I'm glad I found you just in time Wont miss those things I left behind 'Cause we were going in the right direction 'Cause we were going in the right direction Now I've found the road I need to travel down I don't know what tomorrow brings Day by day with you I'll do the same thing I'm so glad I'm standing on my own two feet No more running into that dead end street 'Cause now I'm going in the right direction 'Cause now I'm going in the right direction I thought my life was over, I thought I was lost I just knew that there was an end to the road But I know where I'm going right now I know I'm going in a right direction You better get right or you're gonna get left You better get right or you're gonna get left You better get right or you're gonna get left You better get right or you're gonna get left Ministry is an incredible process. The planting and watering of seeds, as Jesus states in the parable. The sovereignty of God in the providence of events and experiences in ones' life; the "risk" of free will and the choice of humanity, The salvation decision. The daily sanctification process. Ministry never ends. Nor should it, as becoming more like Christ is not something one arrives at, but we push toward, as a goal. Should it ever fail to be efficient and or cease to be effective, the work of Christ in one's life will go on; but how will they suffer the setback? Bitterness and frustration set in. Cynicism takes over and before long, there is a break down in one's faith in God. No, they may not have turned and headed back in the wrong direction, but their pursuit of God looks nothing like God's pursuit of them. Hard to swallow, I know. My pursuit doesn't always look like how I know it should either. But don't you want to do something meaningful for someone who has done more for you than you thought was possible? That is the dynamic we have in our relationship to God. What a shame to not handle the opportunity wisely and responsibly as an expression of gratitude. So, we pray this #effectiveSunday, God we need your help. Forgive us for not passionately pursuing you as you sought after and continue to seek us. Forgive us, for the times we as a church have left a bitter taste...in the one contemplating making a salvation decision... for the one who came to you long ago and somewhere along the way we fumbled it up. May you grant us grace, as people come to Christ, turning their life to the "right direction". May they not be dismayed, distracted, detoured or derailed by imperfect people whom you still love enough to call the spotless bride of Christ. Help us to handle the ministry and work of the gospel well. Efficiently. Effectively. Wisely. Responsibly. We are eternally grateful for your grace and glory, God. We look to you. We seek you. We need you. We trust you. Hear our prayer. Come quickly to our aid. - PNC ![]() Another song, by the same title as yesterday's #missionFriday post was playing in my mind for most of the day Friday. From their 1992 album, Big World, Mylon Lefevre & Broken Heart reminds us of the power of God in our lives when things get difficult and we are exhausted from life. "You gotta face Love, when Love comes down." - Mylon Lefevre Mylon has an incredible testimony. His family was well known in the gospel music industry and his life took off, when he met Elvis while they served in the Army together and Elvis recorded Myon's first song. To date, Mylon has recorded over 40 albums. In the 70's, he played with Eric Clapton, the Who, Billy Joel and tons of other bands. However, the pressure and stress of life and the industry took control of his life through a serious cocaine & heroin addiction. Yet, God had plans for his life in 1980, when He accepted Christ at a Christian concert. Today, he and his wife preach around the globe, sharing an incredibly profound truth: whatever the lowest depth of life in which one finds themselves, they are never out of reach of coming face to face with the power of God and the transforming work of Jesus Christ. As Mylon says on his website, www.mylon.org, that its probably a good thing that only God knows ALL of his sins, it's not necessary that people know every last sin in our life. But we do need to understand and share as people come to know Christ, every sin must be confessed to Him is able to forgive and forget, never to be held against us. It's a message we all need to be reminded of from time to time. It's a message we all need to be ready to share. On this #communitySaturday, pray that as the church engages community, Christ would intervene in conversations and make Himself known and revealed to people in their point of need. May they not feel that they are out for count in this life, nor are they out of reach from the transforming power of salvation. May people not encounter today, what Mylon encountered for a period of time with the church... that he didn't fit in, belong in, or had the appearance to be a part of the body of Christ. God is not one who discards and discounts He creation. He had a plan for Saul and look at the exploits he accomplished. He had a plan for Mylon and through his obedience, God is diong incredible things through his ministry as well as 30+ years of Christian rock. "If we are willing, He is able, to let the power of His Word renew your mind." - Mylon. God's plan fulfilled. Using our story to tell His. By His grace. For His glory. - PNC ![]() Yesterday afternoon, I had a great tune from one of my favorite bands playing in my head. The song is called Love Come Down, from Resurrection Band's, 1985 album, Between Heaven 'N Hell. Founding member, Glenn Kaiser and a couple other "REZ" members currently play as the Glenn Kaiser Band. Resurrection Band was an incredible rock band for it's almost 30 year run. Based out of Chicago and the Jesus People USA community, their music dealt with some of the hardest-hitting issues facing the world, all of which remain to this day. Abortion, gangs, crime, poverty, injustice, political turmoil, family upheaval and so much more. In the midst of all of it though, through Glenn's now 40+ year run of ministry through music, remains a firm foundation of the message, of the gospel of Jesus Christ. For the lowest person, in the darkest corner of society, having failed on such a disastrous level that they want nothing to do with society... for the travesty and most tragic of environments in which people have found themselves or have fallen victim, that we wouldn't wish such scenarios upon people we can't stand... Christ came to seek and save, those who are lost. Those who are forgotten. Those who have been neglected, abandoned and abused. While other religions focus on what you have to do, Christianity focuses on what you have to give up. "You gotta die to get life an' you'd be better off dead. But when you loose, you win. That's the way it is. That's when the love come down.". - REZ, Love Comes Down He who seeks to save his life will lose it, but to him who is prepared to leave his life behind to pursue God... It's a great and noble thing to pursue God; except for all too often we forget God is in passionate pursuit of us. Not the perfect us, but us as we are. Us where we are. The worst possible version of us. His mission... an extended hand of love. Pray, this #missionsFriday, that people would not be deceived that their lives, the value and worth of their purpose, would somehow diminish by accepting Christ. May the truth of the gospel be revealed, that life in Christ alone lasts for eternity; that everything on earth pales in comparison. Pray for the discernment of the Holy Spirit as they hear the message of Christ; there is but one way to God, one name by which we are saved. As Christ died to give life, may we be more aware that we too must die to our self, to get life. And we are, better off for it. By the grace of God, for His glory and the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() I was driving through a region yesterday and the wind was in full force. Had I been on a bicycle traveling with the flow of traffic and the wind behind me, I probably could have kept up with traffic. But alas, I was in a vehicle not designed for windy days and it was a head-on battle for a given stretch of road. In a 60mph zone with the pedal to the floor and I was still a couple digits short of doing 60. Speedometer not budging. It took everything just to maintain the pace. Of course, this insight once again came seconds after informing God I had nothing for this daily prayer post. Thanks God. How often does this happen in real life? Things are going quite well and moving right along. Whatever "it" is, we're making good progress, on schedule, processes and systems are running smoothly and everyone is getting along. Life is good. Yet, external forces beyond our control are waging war... determined to slow you down and knock you around a bit, if not altogether off course. At a minimum, you'll be frustrated that moving forward now takes more effort than it did just a few miles ago. More likely, you'll arrive more tired and late. Plus whatever else has transpired while you were en route. Without fail, such battles always seem to last longer than you anticipate, as well. This brings to light other concerns. Fatigue. The wearing down of the will, mind, emotions, body and spirit. The list of potential problems to which we are now vulnerable because of fatigue... well that could take a while. I know this because the day is catching up with me as I write this. Suffice to say, we've all witnessed first-hand the mistakes, problems and disasters that result from fatigue. Which is exactly what the father of lies, whose sole mission is to "seek, kill & destroy" would love to watch unfold in our lives. Don't allow it. Trust God. Give Him control. Pray for strength and grace to keep moving forward, even if it's all you can do to simply maintain speed. And on that note.... Pray, this #deaconThursday for churches having difficulty "maintaining speed" as they carry out ministry and work to fulfill their calling in the communities they serve. Pray against the forces of darkness that are attempting to distract, detour and derail the plans and purposes that church pastors and leaders have set out to accomplish. Pray the stamina of the Holy Spirit to enter the hearts and minds of those suffering from fatigue. May their be a "second wind"... the power of God quickening them physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, to combat the storms designed to take them out. Pray a fresh anointing and a refreshing move of the Spirit that they may be equipped and prepared to continue to press forward... even if with all their effort, they just maintain the course and maintain the pace. Destined to Win. For the glory of God, we pray. - PNC ![]() There's a phrase that has been roaming around my head off and on for the past few days, perhaps, even the past few weeks... Don't despise small beginnings. A reminder that was brought to the forefront Sunday night, regarding the comment about comparing starting positions. The other... advice offered to the Apostle Timothy... don't let anyone look down on you because you are young. Youth. Small beginnings. They go hand in hand with each other, because nobody just starting out immediately steps into greatness. Even Jesus, when found in the temple at age 13, was not yet speaking to multitudes of thousands. It's easy to get caught up in watching numbers. Church attendance. Finances. Investment opportunities. Risk factors and reward potential. The impact your work is having... it can all be tracked. And is. And used accordingly for future plans. Even for Bring Me 70... my stats page was down for the past few weeks while tech support sorted it out. What a great surprise to see December and January had set record visit numbers. And February is off to an even stronger start. Yet something as simple as not seeing a like or a share on Facebook or Twitter and you wonder if anyone knows you exist! Thus, I was excited and humbled at the jump-start of people joining Bring Me 70 for the #pray4pastors 70 seconds challenge. Yet, even as I prayed over this project, I was reminded early yesterday morning of Christ. Sure, he drew the crowds, but for those who were close... It wasn't 1200 disciples. But 12. And the inner circle of friends? Not 300. But 3. The multitudes saw the miraculous on a massive scale. However, Scripture is replete with accounts of people who encountered Jesus just as they do today. One-on-one at their point and place of need. What good is a conversion rate if the conversion doesn't last? For the interactions Christ had with the person right in front of Him, destinies were changed for eternity. If that weren't enough; he rebuked those who tried to keep the children from coming to Him. Pray, this #youthPastorWednesday, for Pastors struggling as I did, in watching numbers. Whether finances be tight or attendance plateaued, pray their focus remains on people having a genuine encounter with Jesus Christ, whether they be adult or child. Pray this upcoming generation of kids and youth come to a firm foundation of faith; that regardless of what comes of this world and what rises against them, may the trust and rely solely on God. At a time when it's so easy to seek other things, people and sources for solutions, may leaders and followers alike, within the body of Christ, seek the face and kingdom of God first.... and His righteousness. And may all the other "things", whatever they may be and however many they may number, be added as He sees fit. For the glory of God and the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() Another interesting statement was made Sunday night during our gathering. Essentially, the statement made was "You started with more when you were in the position I'm in now, than what I'm starting with." Isn't that just like us? I wasn't one the one who made the statement, but don't think for a minute, that I haven't said the same thing myself, Probably fairly recently. It's easy enough to do, actually. Comparison catches us off guard, as if all experiences and environments are the same. And if one of us isn't "keeping pace", then we consider it a handicap... as though we are on the golf range. I need a margin of error to level the playing field. Yeah... if only real life worked like that. Pastors experience this problem just as much. Church growth and attendance. Building programs. Ministry effectiveness in the community. The trend of "multiple campuses". Leadership and positions of influence that are recognized outside the 4 walls of where they pastor. And so many more factors, for all pastors....kids, youth, worship, outreach, college. The truth is, man was formed from the dust of the earth, from the palm of God's hand. He breathed LIFE into His creation. Who we are, what we are capable of and the plans and purposes we were designed to live out were established by God. He is worthy of all that we are able to give, because of who He is. An item or object does not value itself. It is valued by it's Creator. It is valued by the one interested in purchasing it. We were created by God. We were bought with a price... the life of God's Son. We were worth creating. We were worth redeeming. We are worth God's continual pursuit of His creation. I can't remember who said it, but I love the line, God doesn't call the qualified; He qualifies the called. If anyone should have been passed over by God, it was Paul. An expert in denouncing God and destroying His creation. Yet God saw His worth. If those abilities, knowledge, influence, and status could be used to honor and glorify God what would happen for the cause of Jesus Christ? And in the sovereignty of God, a way was made that got Paul's attention. Fortunately for Paul, he responded as we all should. God is worthy. I am not. But God establishes people where He wants and needs them, whereby, regardless of where one is, they have worth. Sinner, saint. Pastor, parishioner. On this #associatePastorTuesday, pray for pastors struggling in their worth and the temptation to compare. May their eyes remain focused on who they are in Christ and the ministry to which they have been called in the community in which they have been placed. May they not feel as though they are inferior or playing church with a handicap, but that God would use them were they are planted. Pray against the spirit of discouragement and defeat that would attempt to take them out and take them down from their place of ministry in an attempt to strip them of their calling. May the power of the Holy Spirit lift them up, strengthen their hearts and minds and fortify their focus. To Him who is Worthy... all glory and honor to God. For the health of the body of the Christ. - PNC ![]() As Pastor spoke this morning on his latest series regarding spiritual health and exercise, I came to realize an important point that leads to burnout. When we start neglecting spiritual disciplines, we leave ourselves exposed to spiritual attack. Unprotected and left vulnerable, we might not even realize it has happened, or if we do, it may not even be a conscience decision. Interestingly enough, he was talking about how much time he spends in the Word, as it was a major point of his sermon. It also was the point we focused on during our Life Group meeting Sunday night. It turned out to be an incredible night of shared experiences, as we discovered together what problems and potential problems arise when "life happens" and we get more focused on trying to maintain and stay afloat rather than seeking first the things of God and allowing God to take care of the rest. It also proved to be a great reminder; that the enemy of our sous will find and execute any means necessary to set off a series of attacks that will cause us to react in our flesh instead of resting on the promises of God that are yes and amen to them that believe. He know how to get us frustrated to the point that we go half the day before realize we haven't spent a single minute in prayer. He knows how to get us anxious to the point that we will seek all sorts of outside counsel and advice from experts before we call on the name of the Lord to move on the heart and the mind of one we love. What fire is being fed? The one that destroys as it wreaks havoc on the landscape of your life? Or the one that brings a level of security, warmth, peace, rest and comfort... for the body, mind and soul? Pray, this #seniorPastorMonday, for pastors struggling to maintain and strengthen their spiritual disciplines. Pray for guarded hearts and minds; that any corrections that need to be made in terms of safeguards would be sorted out in quick and proper manner. May there be a return to the basics; nothing fancy, overly-spiritual or overtly-religious... just a genuine desire to seek first the things of God and a passion to know Him and experience life as He has planned and purposed for us in advance. May the fire of God never be extinguished in our lives, lest we disgrace and dishonor the work of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit within us all. - PNC ![]() In what can be considered part 3, of #missionFriday 's Take This Message post, I almost titled this post Advancing The Message. We prayed about the delivery. We prayed about not messing it up. And now, making sure we are effective upon completion of its safe delivery. Effectiveness is measured by what is gained and maintained. Sure there is an "effective net gain" with the understanding that there will be losses sustained along the way. But if you are losing more than you are gaining, then you remain on a "net losing" streak. Think about this for a moment. We are losing more pastors in a month to burnout than a good number of churches see in new salvations over the course of a year. Surely, we are not consistently adding as many new pastors into ministry on a monthly basis as we are losing. Most organizations can't sustain a loss in personnel of this magnitude. The mega-corporations can manage for a while, but eventually, even they move back into hiring and increasing their workforce. Otherwise, they start taking drastic measures to scale back operations accordingly. Also, something the church should not be doing. More people in need. More people hurting. More people seeking spiritual significance. More people closer to the very eternal outcome they don't think will actually, ever happen. MORE. In dire need of the truth, of the super-natural power of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, capable of saving every degree of sinner, even if we are the only ones who think such a thing exists. To God, we are all in need of His Son. And we are all in need of effective ministry that leads us to become more like Christ and draw closer to God. Pray this #effectiveSunday, that Pastors will experience a rejuvenation in their ministry, as they receive good reports of what is transpiring in their ministry and community. For those that are close to burnout, may the Holy Spirit work anew and afresh, that the power of the message is from God and not man. May God move on the hearts and lives of those who hear, prompting their response to God in accordance to what is going in their lives. Forgiveness, reconciliation, restoration, healing, salvation, deliverance... For whatever we need from the Lord, His response has always, simply been: I AM. Advancing the cause of Jesus Christ, for the glory of God. - PNC ![]() One has to be careful what with they "speak into existence" (or type as the case may be). Yesterday, we talked about portraying Christ, to a lost and dying world, appropriate for #missionsFriday. What I didn't see coming, were the events that were about to unfold less than 30 minutes after clicking "publish". The event that started it all was frustrating enough. The kindness of a few. The next two people involved weren't "helpful" in the way you would expect people in those positions to be and we'll leave it at that. The next person involved is when I fumbled the ball... the moment, where if they knew or had an inclination that I was a Christian... well, suffice to say, I'm pretty sure I didn't come across as one. Frustration, rather than faith, had taken a controlling interest in expressing my emotions. I wasn't it around when the last two persons got involved. I'm told it was probably all for the better, as one of them wasn't cool-headed. Not a good combination if someone got the impression I wasn't either. Say all that to say... Just because Christians are sinners saved by grace, doesn't mean we aren't one step away from falling far short of grace. Narrow roads = close edges. So the message bears repeating. Sinners saved by grace are just one step away from falling far short of grace, at any given moment. That's also about the time people run out of having grace and patience with us. Which is how situations escalate... or have the potential to do so, which can cause people to make preemptive decisions based on perceived outcomes... even if perception has no chance of coming reality. The message of Christ is strong and powerful, yet must be handle with care. Why? Because we are dealing with broken people, with wounded souls, damaged emotions, less than honorable thoughts and intentions and hearts with holes prone to fear and hesitant to trust. Meanwhile the saved, are still works in progress. So our brokenness, wounds, damages, and out of line thoughts and intentions, not mention fears and trust-issues and you have a recipe for a less than pleasant interaction rather than one in which God is glorified. Thus, on this #communityFriday, pray as I did yesterday, for forgiveness for times we fumble the message of Christ. May the power of the Holy Spirit transcend situations of mounting frustration, to work in the hearts and lives of both sinners and saved sinners. May the grace we have received from God be the grace we share with others, despite our feelings of the moment. Pray the church seek, in a greater dimension, to be used of God and influenced by the Spirit and resist the urge and opportunity for our flesh to come forth as if Christ has changed nothing in us. God we need your help... starting with me. More like you today, than I was yesterday morning. - PNC ![]() ... back to the street! Our Wednesday night prayer devotional at church, was the guide to proper conduct. What we should be doing to live a life that honors God. The last point was the focus of our closing prayer: evangelism. Whatever we do, say and accomplish in this life, for the glory of God, it means little if we don't actively seek to share what God has done in our lives. It's hard to do, mostly because we make it that way. Leading by our lifestyle may cause intrigue, but we can't wait forever for someone to ask us about the difference in our lives. Petra, wrote a powerful song, many years ago, using Matthew 22:9 and 28:12 as a basis. It's so easy to lose the burden - Take our eyes off the fields // Settle into apathy and forget what the harvest yields It's so easy to think we're finished with our labor for awhile // Kick back and let somebody else go the extra mile [Chorus:] Jesus said Go (Go!) into all the world // Make disciples of all men We gotta Go (Go!) to the highways and compel them to come in As long as there's a tearful eye that cries alone at night // As long as there's a weary soul ready to end the fight As long as there's an aching heart that still has strength to beat // We gotta take this message back to the street We gotta take this message back to the street It's so easy to stay untangled in everyone else's life // Don't get involved with strangers - don't get involved with strife It's so easy to save your own life - resting on what you've done // But Jesus would leave the ninety nine to try to save the one Indeed, this is how it works. We forget we are harvesters. We think we need a break. As times change, we want to keep to ourselves and out of the drama. We have our own lives, our own stuff. Yet, this is the definition of missions. Leaving what you have to find what you don't. While we may not go into the field, full-time as a vocation, we are called to share the message full-time through the course of daily life. Nobody waits for a mission. They go on a mission. Any waiting is done, in anticipation of an assignment. Which has already been stated. On this #missionsFriday, pray not just for missionaries in the field, but for the entire body of Christ.... ambassadors for the cause of Jesus Christ. Pray, the church is reminded daily, their introduction to Jesus is made by those who know Him. May the church be quick to give the introduction. May we hear the needs and share the message. Christ's death brings life. He gave, in order that all might have. Life. Not just Bios. Zoe. Abundant. Fulfilled. Purposeful. Eternal. May we GO...in the name of the Lord; for the glory of God. Christ's Ambassadors. - PNC ![]() .You've heard the adage about time and money. You either have one or the other, but hardly ever both at the same time. Enjoying the financial rewards of your labor requires finding the time to go do something and having time on your hands to fill, usually ends up requiring some greenbacks, although there's a great deal to do on a "value menu" budget. I think the same is true regarding home and work. Life is good on the home-front, but going to work is becoming as fun as a trip to the dentist. Otherwise, work is running like a well-oiled machine while being home is causing your hair to change color while you stand at the mirror. On the off chance, life is firing on all cylinders, there's bound to be some nagging annoyances vying for your attention. The impending car repair that your hoping you can put off just a bit longer. Situations involving friends or family that don't affect you directly, but you're paying close attention to how things play out... the list could go on. Church staff encounter it as well. To hear the needs of desperate situations, while they might be going through one themselves. Deacons, whose businesses are thriving while they sit in church meetings where seemingly little is getting done. Administrators have people on task and on time come home to teens out-of-control, with no sense of time or personal responsibility. All this promise. All the potential. All the accomplishments. And it means little because of other areas of their life that have purpose and meaning are failing or suffering and so the overall quality of life and enjoyment suffers. . It's this kinda of tension for prolonged periods of time that cause burnout. For pastors. For owners. For employees. For volunteers. Life becomes to much to handle because one side takes too much work. Anything out of balance will lead to a rough ride and everything that's connected just wears out faster... until something is broken or useless. Pray, this #deaconThursday for elements in lives that are out balance and out of sync. May God grant wisdom and guidance as to decisions and process that can be made and implemented. Pray for patience and grace to deal with the people and situations are that are proving to be stress-points and sources of contention. Pray for ministries they lead and represent within the church... that God would bring into arrangement and alignment the plans He has in store for those struggling to regain balance as they make effort to live out their purpose. May the grace of God permeate their hearts and minds anew and afresh, as balance is found and life is restored... for His glory and the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() A phrase I've found myself stating more than I'd care to admit. Nothing complex or overtly difficult. Certainly not rocket science. The kids are still in single digits! Yet, for the sake of my sanity, I keep asking myself... hoping there's a reasonable answer. Of course, it's not like I have it altogether. I imagine some of my challenges and difficulties have God asking the same question. And He's in good company. My dad still occasionally asks as well. And, like I tell my Dad, I imagine responding to God with similar sarcasm and a smile... "Well, you made me." Thankfully, His mercies are new every morning. Let that be a lesson for us parents, starting with this one. That said, it's easy to look on the surface of situations, that other parents face with their kids, or kids face with their parents and wonder what's going on and how they do it. We either admire their efforts and look up to what the accomplish or something clicks in our observation that we notice an explanation for what's transpired. What can't be explained leaves us with "what were they thinking" moments in time. It's not a put-down... every family is different and none of them are perfect. Every parent and child has at least 1 thing they wish they could change or wish they could go back and change if Doc Brown's DeLorean worked in real life. Pastors are no exception. People in and outside the church have their moments of wonder regarding the dynamics of families in ministries. And I imagine even the greatest of Pastors have some interestingly profound insights into the family dynamics of those they serve... especially those pastors who work with kids and teens. God, help the kids with us for parents. God help the parents with kids like us. God help the Pastors who have us as sinners saved by grace. On this #youthPastorWednesday, pray for Pastors, who indeed have incredibly imperfect people sitting in their services and attending their ministries. May wisdom and guidance go before them as they lead saved sinners to follow Christ more closely. Pray for strengthened relationships with kids and parents, to bring insights and resources and prayer that would help improve family dynamics that are struggling. May marriages be restored, broken relationships healed, trust rebuilt and love embraced. Pray the problems of the past will be forgiven... may a new day dawn, for Pastors and their families as well as parishioners and their families... health, life and wholeness for the body of Christ. May what was once neglected and abandoned, be strengthened and fortified for the glory of God - PNC ![]() It happens to the best of us. We miss things. A phone call. A text. The memo and the meeting. We miss an appointment with someone or the due date of a bill that just reminded via phone as you are finding the notice in the mail. We miss what our boss said about a particular client, or worse... what our spouse told us regarding the kids. We miss the opportunity for a relationship, a job or career move or the item we wanted to purchase, but waited for whatever reason. If you're anything me, having someone frustrated with you that you missed stuff just adds to the frustration you already have with yourself, because you know you know better and "that" should have never been missed. Then there's the eternal stuff... the opportunities God has for us, that we miss. His voice. His calling. His purpose for our lives. The little task He wants you to do as He whispers, "trust me". The big thing, for which trusting Him seemingly takes much more effort. It's a cycle to be broken and a new habit to be formed that will lead to less frustrations in our lives. Spiritually-speaking, it's an issue that will draw us closer to God as He works the miraculous in our lives as we pay greater attention to Him and not ourselves... which, ironically, is how we miss the aforementioned, non-eternal list of stuff. And it happens in the lives of Pastors as much as it does you and I. On this #associatePastorTuesday, pray for the frustration and the struggle Pastors face for the times they have missed things. Whether it's the life stuff that gets irritating upon discovery that something was missed or the eternal stuff for which one needs His help, grace, forgiveness and direction. Pray for the development of habit and discipline where needed, if that is part of the cause. Pray for the strength and ability to follow-through to what has been told to us in a greater dimension, whether it be on the job, in the home, or in our spirit. May we not mess up, our days or lives, by what we have missed. God help us to manage well, the information and the tasks that have shared with us and entrusted to us... for the glory of God. We can't do this life without You. - PNC ![]() We know that God is never late and rarely early. And we understand that our finite minds only see glimpses of the big picture, of situations and circumstances in which we find ourselves. Yet all throughout Scripture, we see God provide ways out and ways through situations that were dire, with one caveat. Where is our attention focused? Peter walked on water.. Right until he started focusing on the storm instead of Christ. Moses raised his hands in worship and the Israelites remained on the winning side of the battle. When he lowered them,, the table of victory turned in favor of the enemy. This happened to the point, that two other men had to come alongside and hold his arms up to remain victorious! Similarly, the parting of the Red Sea.. arms raised in acknowledgement to God for deliverance. We may not know what might have happened had he lowered his arms then, but clearly, that was the escape route. Failure to obey at the time would have quickly led to their demise. For the people who forced their way through to get to Jesus...what if they had decided it was too much work and didn't continue to press in beyond the people that stood in the way? And too many other examples. Life hits hard. And we must ask ourselves... are we focused on the giants in the land? Are we focused on the Creator of all thing and can therefore, intervene in all things? Pray, this #seniorPastorMonday, for the dire and bleak circumstances Pastors face. Whether it's on behalf of someone in the church, something the church faces together or some challenge at home... may they keep their eyes focused on God and their hands raised in worship. May they remain focused on Him and not the storm designed to take them out. May the remain committed to push through the people and things that are in the way in order to draw closer to Christ. May they not miss His perfect timing and will by failing to obey. All things working together for His good, for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Even when the forecast is less than desirable. When the outlook is dim. When the impending begins to hinder...just say: JESUS. - PNC ![]() It's should be no surprise that people are apprehensive about God and the church, the message of the Gospel and the transforming power of a heart and life changed by salvation through Jesus Christ. In this consumer-driven culture, we come to arrive at decisions and perspectives as we have observed others, as we prayed yesterday. We've seen what we think is hypocritical, based on what we know or what we think we know about Scripture. We watch for what works and what doesn't work, like there's a free 2-week trial period or a 90-day satisfaction, money-back (or life-back, in this case) guarantee with God. It's new. It's different. It's going to require me to do things that I'm not sure I'm interested in doing, let alone capable of doing. Thus, more often than not, we find about what is new and different because of someone sharing their experience with us. Think about it... when was the last time you walked up to someone and said: That's really interesting. I know little to nothing about what you are doing and if I could even handle it, but it looks exciting and I'd like to do it. I'm all in, whatever it takes. Show me how.. NO. On the contrary.... that's cool for them, but that freaks me out. No thanks, I'd rather not. You go ahead, I'm not interested, That's not my thing. You have a good time, I think I'll stay where I am. It's safe. It's warm. It's stable. And I like it here. Here's the exciting thing about how God works... just moments before I got ready to type this post, as I was organizing my thoughts, I refreshed my Facebook newsfeed on my phone. Really? Something as serious as prayer and you checked Facebook? Yes, yes I did. And upon doing so, this status showed up with the "just now" time stamp, from a Pastor friend of mine giving a shout-out regarding this mornings sermon series. "It's far better to find out someone else's world then try and expect them to enter ours." - Jeremy Gyorke, Pastor, Wyandotte Family Center #WalkAcrossTheRoomWFC Back in the day, the Christian Rock band, White Heart, wrote a song titled Invitation. The lyrics talk about the struggle described here. I told you once, I told you twice // But I sense your hesitance at taking my advice I see you wanting to get involved // You are invited but you must return the call It's a big decision and I know the feeling // 'Cause I been there before, it takes believing // And a heart that's willing The invitation is God standing at the door of every heart and knocking. Accompanied by a person who can reassure, this is not the invite you want to send back with a check-mark next to "decline" Pray, this #effectiveSunday, invites to Christ will be accepted. May the body of Christ accept the challenge offered by Pastor Jeremy... that we would walk across the room before we wait to be approached. Pray God help us with the answers to questions, people have when sharing their concerns regarding who God is and what He has to offer that is in fact, life-changing, life-transforming. Life-revisited for the glory of God through the grace offered by the power of salvation; Jesus taking our place for what was rightly due us all. May the message of our lives be consistent with God's, offering no room for an excuse to decline the invite. - PNC ![]() #missionarysplit More importantly, church splits. The effect on a community? To observers watching the body of Christ from outside the four walls of the church? In corporate settings, we watch people come and go. Leadership changes, management and other positions... they transition in and out, often without notice to those not familiar with the company or with an inside line to what's going on. And to such observers, questions don't often arise of problems or difficulties that are being faced and sorted out. It's business and any number of factors could explain the change. Yet, when people and leadership change occurs in church... are we getting the full story? Not that everybody needs to know, but sometimes you can't help but wonder... what really happened. And if it's easy even for Christians to think the worst, how much more, will someone else look at the body of Christ and make assumptions of what has transpired. And upon that assumption, they will justify their position. To not attend any church or one denomination in particular. To refuse any invitation to a church event or a Christian outreach. They may be altogether turned off to a co-worker simply sharing their testimony. Businesses often make decisions based on the best interest of their constituents. Stockholders, investors, clients, customers vendors. And the spend a great deal of time and effort reaching new markets... people who potential will become those aforementioned roles. Likewise, the church should do the same. We need to reach the lost in our community. But like in business, if can't change perception because reality doesn't match up what's portrayed, the your un-reached market will look elsewhere. And while there are plenty of other places to look, their remains... Just one way. Just one truth. Just one Jesus. Just one God. Just one name, that man must call on to be saved. ![]() It dawned on me yesterday afternoon, that the #deaconThursday prayer would have been just as appropriate for today's topic of missions... especially after the early church social media line and #missionarysplit. That said, with multiple missionary trips, the split between Paul and Barnabas sets the stage for one having to choose where they go, who they support and more. 2000 years later and churches have to make tough decisions regarding which missionaries they support on a monthly basis. What ministries do they partner with? Where do they send their congregations and youth teams on missions trips? That said, while missionaries aren't competing against each other for first place; they are competing... for resources, for finances, for volunteers, for prayer support. We all want the best for missionaries and the task they have at hand. We root and cheer for their successes and blessings and accomplishments. Meanwhile, though... at some point people time, money and resources only stretch so far. Which means for some missionaries, the struggle is real. The struggle remains. When the breakthrough might arrive.... well, can they hold on that long? So we pray this #missionsFriday, for an increase in the resources and fiances available for missions support. Pray for those struggling, whose time, patience and capacity is wearing thin; perhaps they are seeing little results in the advancement of the gospel. Pray for divine appointments, for people and churches to partner and come together for missionaries in trouble. Pray they be encouraged by the power of the Holy Spirit... that God and the body of Christ have not forgotten them. They are loved. They are appreciated. They are supported. We stand with them. We pray over them, today. For the glory of God. Victorious for the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019