![]() It's pretty simple, really. The more you stay "on task" the more you get done. Every distraction, every interruption, every "I'm just checking something out for a second" (which quickly become 2 or 3 minutes), pulls away your focus, energy and ultimately, your momentum. Sure, you may still get quite a few things accomplished at the end of the day, but a few moments of honest reflection could quickly result in the realization that perhaps, you could and should have been further along than where you are. For leaders, this frustration rises a few notches, when it carries over to the team. Stepping away to keep others focused and energized takes time and effort. All the more, negotiating any conflicts that arise along the way. Whether it be paid staff, a team of volunteers or simply getting the kids help around the house, staying on task and reminding others to do the same robs us of time and energy and ultimately diminish both the effectiveness and efficiency of our best efforts. It's not to say there shouldn't be some fun and rest along the way... nobody likes a harsh task-master. But there are real priorities and matters of importance to tend to, all the more for that which hangs in the balance of eternity. **see how hard this is. I took a couple seconds to think about what to write in the prayer section and like 5 or 8 minutes later...** Pray this #effectiveSunday, that the church and its' leadership would continue to be faithful in the ministry and work of the Lord that you have called them to. May they be encouraged and energized to stay focused and "on task" for what is at hand. Pray for the redeeming of time, for the days are evil. Pray for effective delegation and distribution of ministry, for indeed many hands make the load light. For the burdens and dreams that leadership carry, pray God would accomplish the miraculous in those situations and bring forth greatness that would glorify God. That all may know, The love and power that comes from Almighty God. May whatever we find to do, Do as unto the Lord. With all that is within us For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC
![]() While driving in the state immediately southwest of the one in which I reside, I saw a billboard for a restaurant that caused me to consider this post. It simply said: Famous for food (BBQ, perhaps?) Famous for friends Famous for smiles Sadly, all too often, the church is infamously known for something rather than famously known. But isn't it amazing and at the same time, not surprising, the church of Jesus Christ would be known by a character trait that is not innate to humanity, but the very basis for God's every word and deed. LOVE. Every single perspective on human development and improvement, God is already there. To live intentionally. To speak clearly. To engage authentically. To listen attentively. To share compassionately The list could go in... And yet, because God is love, there is no other way for Him continue. Love compels intentionality, demands clarity, seeks authenticity, respects attentiveness and serves compassion. Everything the church does, what we are known for doing and saying, should point point back to the person of Christ. For if it doesn't, then we are not known by and for who God is, but what He is not... for He is not the flawed and feeble attempts of greatness by a sinful-natured humanity. Thus, as the church engages community, the words couldn't be any more true than when they were inspired by the Holy Spirit. "If we have not LOVE, we are nothing." Thanks, for taking a few moments out of this #communitySaturday, to join me in prayer; that the church of Jesus Christ as it engages and impacts the community around them, would be known as people who love. May they know our love for God and His love on display to them, through our lives. Pray our failures and mistakes would not distract or detour others from experiencing God; but prove all the more that life is meaningless and purposeless without God. May we not seek to be known for ourselves, but to be known for the love of God; to be His hands and feet extended. For it is not our goodness, But His greatness. That we would be driven to love, By His love. All is complete, in Christ alone. For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() Though we are probably on different plains of belief and ideology on both the political and spiritual spectrum, I thoroughly enjoy the screenwriting of Aaron Sorkin, creator of the epic television program The West Wing, as well as the shows' predecessor in movie format, The American President. As I thought about one's belief in God and coming to decision for Christ, I remembered the words from President Andrew Shepherd, towards the close of Sorkin's aforementioned movie. "America isn't easy. America is advanced citizenship. You gotta want it bad, 'cause it's gonna put up a fight. It's gonna say "You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who's standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours. You want to claim this land as the land of the free? Then the symbol of your country can't just be a flag; the symbol also has to be one of its citizens exercising his right to burn that flag in protest. Show me that, defend that, celebrate that in your classrooms. Then, you can stand up and sing about the "land of the free"." If you'll permit, to offer a substitute for America... Christianity. Christianity isn't easy... you gotta want it! God doesn't force people to come to faith. He is active in the affairs of humanity. You gotta want it. You gotta want to see it. A decision to follow Christ is rarely, if ever, made on impulse. Eternity hangs in the balance. As I reflected, I remembered the words of Coach Grant Taylor, from the movie Facing The Giants. "Following Jesus Christ is the decision that you're going to have to make for yourself. You may not want to accept it, because it'll change your life. You'll never be the same." It's difficult, whether as the everyday believer, the charismatic pastor or the humble missionary to watch people go through life, not acknowledging God's handiwork, nor His gift of eternal life through Christ. Christians aren't perfect... not by any stretch. But whatever people's reasons for refusing the greatness of the grace of God, one thing is sure... many have testified, their life before Christ and their decision to accept Him was not taken lightly. Not without objection; nor deep thought, study and reflection. His Word is true... He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, whether for Him or after Him. Pray, this #missionsFriday, that God would accomplish the miraculous, in the conversations and opportunities taking place, where people are hearing the Good News of Christ. May the truth be revealed in their hearts and the eye-scales removed, that the may see the glory, that is the goodness of God. Pray the love and forgiveness of Christ would indeed change lives. May the hesitations, objections and uncertainties that stand in the way fall to the side... that nothing would separate people from the love of Christ. Not even whatever, long-held beliefs and perceptions of God may exist before-hand. Changed hearts. Changed lives. Won by One. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() There's a reason the concept of divide and conquer works. It makes the battle easier to manage. Depending on which side of the battle you are on, this may seem like your days are numbered, but the strategy is effective. We have a saying in our church... the larger we get, the smaller we need to get. It's usually in reference to our LifeGroups, inspired by Acts 2:42 and it sums up the intentionality we must take to ensure nobody gets lost in the ministry... thtat we stay connected rather than feeling unneeded or unwanted Speaking of unneeded, one is always needed in the body of Christ. The "larger/smaller" concept accurately portrays the importance of workload and delegation; for any organization, but especially the church. After a conversation with a good friend yesterday, it dawned on me... The trouble with reusing the same staples all the time, is that they eventually break. So while, operationally, it's good that you always have a select group of people who can be relied upon to help get things done or serve in ministry; if the team that carries the workload is never growing and interchanging, then the people who serve as staples are that much closer to breaking and burn-out. Friends, this should not be so. Pray, this #deaconThursday, for churches and staff whose people and volunteers are running low on energy, as they continue to give and pour themselves out for the ministry. May they be strengthened and encouraged in the good work they have set out to do and fill. May they be rejuevenuated, even this hour as they go about their day, that God work the miraculous in their lives; whatever may be going on outside the four-walls of the church. Pray for wisdom and discernment, as churches navigate operational challenges and make decisions regarding ministry assignments and tasks. Pray for an increase in service and a growth in the body of Christ; not only in numbers but in maturity... that the church moves forward in prayer, as well as when people step up and become more involved. That we may live to serve. God. Others. For the encouragement of the church. For the glory of God. For the advancement of the gospel of Christ. - PNC ![]() What a crazy morning. A healthy snowfall visited early yesterday morning, creating havoc in the morning commute. Even in the middle of the night, a 15 minute drive doubled. A friend made a trip that should have barely taken an hour; maybe an additional half hour depending on traffic... he arrived three and a quater hours later. The first stretch of my day, should have taken an hour... two and a half hours later! Later in the day, a business owner told me his 45 milute commute... yeah, four hours later. Weather delays... ugh! Beyond our control; but you simply can't rush and run through traffic, routes and processes to make up for it. We don't like spiritual delays. We don't like waiting. We know God's timing His perfect. That He is never late, nor slow concerning us. We pray, come quickly. Yet there are spiritual processes. Situations and circumstances beyond our knowledge. At times, we have a role to play in these processes. Consider Christ' words to the disciples, when they couldn't cast out the demon. Prayer and fasting. Yet what really launched this thought-process? Daniel's encounter with the angel, in his vision. And the angel tells Daniel, he would have arrived sooner, except the prince of Persia delayed him 21 days. Faith is simple. Yet, in the internal struggle of man, the understanding and perseverance to continue in the fath is incredibly complex. In this "Me. Now." minset that has permeated our culture and society, we don't like to hear God say "wait". Who knows how people would respond if in a vision, an angel said to them, I would have been here sooner, but I was delayed. Not for five minutes. Nor for five hours. Not even five days. But three weeks!! What's more amazing... is that for the believer and the pastor, it's amazing how quickly the mind paces, trying to understand what is going on spiritually... are we not asking according to God's will; have we not fasted and prayed to the extent we needed to do so; or are we just waiting. God is soverign, so I know He wasn't surpised by the price of Persia... nor is He caught off-guard by any ofther challenge or difficult of circumstance in which we find ourselves. On this #youthPastorWednesday, pray for pastors, feeling as though they are battling super-natural barriers and experiencing spiritual delays. May God encourage them to continue to persevere in the work and faith they have lived. Pray they be reminded that God is not slow as some perceive slowness. Pray God would quicken their hearts and minds to continue to seek the face of God. May they not be discouraged, but may their spirit bear witness; that God will use their experience to strengthen and encourage fhose around them. While understanding God has a plan and a purpose, may God use them to minister to others, experiencing delays in the spiritual realm. To Him who is able to do more than we can ask or imagine; All glory, honor and power To Him who sits on the throne... Over our lives; over the weather He speaks peace to our storms. - PNC ![]() We have all witnessed first hand, whether in our own lives or in the lives of pastors or other leaders around us, the difficulty that comes with major transistions and times of change. And rightly so. These can be life-changing moments; often accompanied by upheaval and unrest, even if there is an element of excitement should the change be a welcome or positive one in nature. For all the other moments, perhaps even under the radar, less drastic changes in one's areas of responsibility can be difficult in their own right. Whether it's an expansion of one's oversight, that brings about a level of nervousness and anxiety as to whether they will do well or a reduction of the same, that perhaps brings a realization that they were spread to thin and not doing the job as well as they should... these times raise many questions and concerns. Thought-processes traverse a complex course of possibilities when the questions and concerns are internal; multiple times over if they are public. You are feeling overwhelmed just thinking about such moments, right? Then there are those, even in ministry, experiencing such moments. Fortunately, God's sovereign Hand is not out of reach. He remains close; with the love, support and guidance that is more than capable to bring people through both the most drastic and least significant periods of change in their lives. Our lives and our response to life should testify; that He is "more than" we could ever hope to say. So, pray, this #associatePastorTuesday, for pastors experiencing portfolio changes. Perhaps they are not in major times of transistion in ministry, such as changing churches or moving to missions, but even internal changes within a church can be difficult. Pray a continued strength and reliance upon the Lord; for insight and wisdom, encouragement and confidence. May these moments be times of reflection and growth; whether they include new challenges or an opportunity to regroup and rebuild. May the attacks of the enemy be kept a bay; for he is a defeated foe. May what was meant to destroy and derail pastors only serve to testify of the goodness and glory of God. For in times of uncertainty, He is certain. For times of instability, He is stable. For times of unrest, He is peace. In darkness, He is light For we are not unknown to Him, But intimately known by our Creator. - PNC ![]() "Fellas, we've got confusion in here." A statement made in frustration, by the President, on my favorite tv political drama (that thankful lives on thanks Netflix) as he sits at the head of the table in the situation room. Advisors from multiple agencies are commenting and discussing options and ramifications and because of a number of other factors surrounding the situation, the President quickly realizes he can't keep the conversation and the advice straight. Not wanting to make a decision on unclear advice, he halts the room with the aforementioned declaration. I thought about how quickly and often such situations arise in our lives; we desire clarity of purpose and extended sight lines of the path we travel... particular when it comes to matters of faith and what, where and who God would have us to embark. Seeking the face of God, and first at that, should be priority one as we go about our lives. Conversly... that process, that conversation... those spiritual moments and trials of our faith go smoother in the long run, if we can dismiss and disregard the voices and advice in our lives that cause tension, stress, restlessness and incredible levels of tiredness accopanied by a defeated perspective. Even for pastors... it might not be the case that they are operating with a diminished sense of purpose and calling; but that so many external factors are calling for their attention, that it is causing delays in hearing from God. Prolonged delays bring on the same affects as conflicting voices and advice in our life. The stress, restlessness and energy loss... confusion has a way of aging the body, mind, soul and spirit in incredibly quick fashion. Burnout lurks around the corner. Pray, this #seniorPastorMonday, that God would grant wisdom, not only in hearing the voice and will of God in their lives, but to know and understand who and what should be speaking into their lives and ministries. May God guard their hearts and minds as pastors stay focused on Him. Pray a release of tension, stress and restlessness and a spirit of refreshing and rejuvenation. May they be encouraged and strenghthened, anew and afresh....that was has them discouraged and frustrated would pass... and quickly. Pray today would be a defining moment; a dawning of a new day for their ministry. Clarity... by the hand of God. Clarity... by the dimssal of confusion. For God has not given us a spirit of fear But of love, joy and a sound mind. For the glory of God and the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() Not everybody can do every thing. Gifts, talents, personalities and abilities all come together and often, don't play well. Other times they do and it's for the best. The wisdom and discernment necessary in any organizations' leadership team or decision-making process is crucial when they consider the purpose and plan they set to pursue. Certain tasks require an experience, an understanding, a maturity (especially of faith, in the church arena), sometimes there's even an age factor... it's what learning is all about. As I reflected on this yesterday, I was reminded of the now famous quote by auther Jim Collins, in his book, Good To Great. "They start by getting the right people on the bus, the wrong people off the bus, and the right people in the right seats. And they stick with that discipline—first the people, then the direction—no matter how dire the circumstances." It's uncomfortable in the church, to talk about getting the "wrong people" of the bus, as we are all members of the body of Christ. Nobody is suggesting, someone not being welcome in the church, not by an stretch of the imagination. That said, not everyone is made for church leadership roles and influence either. Like any organization, problems and difficulties arise as conflicts come to light... for whatever reason. It's not a fun prospect, but as churches evaluate their levels of effectiveness and efficiency for the cause of Christ, change can be difficult but necessary. Pray, this #effectiveSunday for churches struggling to make progress in their ministry efforts. May God grant to pastors and leaders wisdom and discernment. Though the conversations may be difficult as they work the process of analyzing who is where, doing what and if that's the best place for them and their giftings, may God grant them a covering of grace. As people of faith come together, may their be a spirit of understanding; that personalities and egos would not rise above as matters of greater importance than the work of the Lord. Pray the spirit of offense would be kept at bay; that the church would resist the temptation to get frustrated and bothered by personal agendas and motives. May God's work continue to advance, Despite humanities flaws that come to light and stand in the way God help us to walk true to the calling placed upon us To glorify you in all things And work as unto the Lord For the advancement of the gospel of Christ. - PNC ![]() I had an epicly surreal moment yesterday afternoon... the second one of it's kind in the past 12 months. If any phrase, single-handedly describes both of these events, it was the reaction I siply couldn't get past. How did you NOT see me? Oddly enough, I didn't have any clear direction on this post, until after this moment. As we the church engage community today, I imagine one day as we stand before God. I don't know this phrase sounds when delivered with the love and compassion of Christ compared to the flawed sarcasm of yours truly, but I envision a heart-broken Jesus asking soul after soul... How Did You Not See Me?? Since the beginning of time, man & woman alike have written and shared insight and perspective, witnessing the power and awe of God displayed on earth. The miraculous has occurred as lives have been changed through people's words of love and actions of compassion have been expressed and delivered in the name and spirit of Christ. Countless people have told eye-witness accounts of situations and circumstances that can only be explained by angelic intervention. Timing of provision or protection that can only be explained by the Hand of God moving heaven and earth. There's so much going on... I'm actually struggling for the words to accurately describe it all. Plus, I don't think you'll read it all, even if I could. We are relational beings. Meant to be connected with each other. More importantly, we were meant to be connected with God. Throug the love and blood of Jesus Christ, stepping down from Heaven, onto Earth... How could a moment like that be missed? Yet, even when it happened... it was missed. I imagine Christ shaking His head in disbelief. Will you join me in prayer, that this #communitySaturday, that this would be a day that Christ illuminates hearts and minds. May the compssion of Christ draw people to seek the face of God. For the difficult and troubling places in which people find themselves, may the people of God continue to express through word and deed, the love of Jesus Christ... that in all things God would be glorified. Pray people see through the flaws of humanity, and witness the life of Christ flow from our hearts in which He resides, for those who have believed. That we would stand in Heaven one day And not hear a single soul utter the words of disbelief... "I didn't see you." - PNC ![]() As I continued to reflect yesterday on God's forgetfulness, I was refreshed at the wonder and the mystery of the gospel. So often, we get caught up in other aspects of Christianity of how principles and concepts apply to our lives and we forget (or so it seems) the incredible, "old-school" truths, if you will, of God's Word. Though heaven has a record of our lives for the purpose of judgement day, God, until Christ' return, is not looking upon man as though He moves about with the eternal equivalent of Santa's naughty or nice list. He looks upon the life of the believer, and see's the blood of Christ having washed us white than snow. For the unbeliever, He looks upon their life, heart-broken... as a Father breaks for the child. "When, oh when, will you accept my eternal gift?" We, as humans, long for that kind of love, fullfillment and acceptance; yet when offered to us in the person of Jesus Christ, many dont' receive it. His gift is a game-changer, which positions us back to the earlier post this week, of being comforable with uncomfort. When we hold more closely to the comfort of our life rather than the uncomfort of Jesus life... I understand the hestitation to an extent. But God's first concern for us is a binary one, if you will. He looks at us and sees His Son. (saved) He looks and sees the need for His Son. (unsaved) We desire a life-changing experience, but somehow have a problem with the impact it will make, when time comes for changes to be made. Some change we are glad to make; others, are hard and more difficult to process. Salvation is an incredibly simple process. Yet, thanks to the spiritual conflict within the heart of man, the conversation can be difficult to navigate, as people struggle to allow the truth of God's Word to illuminate their life and present circumstance. He doesn't hold people's situations against them; but His compassion cannot leave people where He finds them. Pray, this #missionsFriday, for missionaries having difficulty ministrering to those who experiencing a great internal battle as they hear the gospel. May God give them wisdom, patience and understanding, as they listen to people's stories and experiences. Pray for a supernatural revelation; may the eyescales be removed to the truths of God's Word. For the truths we've long passed by, that were effective for Christ as met people where they were, may today's church continue to be compelled to be the hands and feet of God in meeting people in the various situations and circumstances they find themselvees. Pray for missionaries in the personal walk of faith as well, for God is not done changing the lives of those long after they have accepted Christ; for every encounter with the presence of God ought to change our contenance. God unchanging character is His desire for relationship. For one does not experience a gift of love and walk away unaffected. May God work the miraculous this day As lives from every walk Are affected by His love and His presence. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Moments of forgetfulness are often painful and frustrating.
We forget things of great importance and cherished value, usually at times that are inconvenient. Thus, these moments rob of joy and energy... costing us precious time from our day and dollars from our financial footing. We struggle to remember. Conversely, we often remember the things we should forget. Our failures. Our regrets. Our mistakes. Our sins. Fortunately, in the eyes of God, for the believer, He sees grace. He sees the blood of Christ. Our sins are cast into the sea of forgetfulness. We hold things against ourselves, that God does not... which can interfere with our perspective and approach to life; oten at times when it should not be allowed to do so. When such moments interfere with minnistry and the advancement of the work of Christ through us in the impact we are trying to make for the glory of God, it can seem that things are simply being made worse. Pray, this #deaconThursday, for those in church leadership and administration, who are under spiritual attack. May they be strengthened and encouraged, that their identity is in Christ and not in the moments of weakness, mistakes and sins. Though we may fail others and ourselves, may church operatives be reminded that God never fails us, leaves us or forsakes us. May the blood of Christ wash over us anew and minds renewed afresh by the word of God. May the things which attempt to interfere with ministry be diminished and cast aside; that God in His gace and mercy would favor the efforts of those who seek to serve and minister the gospel of Christ to a world and community in desparate need of Him. For the His glory For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC We all have our favorite places of comfort...
A chair for relaxing, a blanket for consolation, a pillow for rest, the preferred positon for the driver's seat of our favorite car... you weren't expecting that, were you? ***Wednesday bonus story: My former roommate was in automotive benchmarking (aka: vehicle teardown & analysis). When we moved into our apartment, he brought with him the driver's seat from a Volvo sedan. Total bachelor pad decor, but it was incredible comfortable. I wonder if he still has it? We have our favorite foods after a stressful day (hopefully on the somewhat healthy side), our favorite music or station to clear our minds... all good things. They are important; they have their place, and they are critical to our sanity most of the time. The problem is that comfort does not position one to take action. Sure, there's a lot to be said for being comfortable while you are working, and certainly, your productivity is affected accordingly, but that's not the train I'm on. As you look about your life; what's in it, what's wrong with it, what could be better and what needs to be fixed or removed altogether... places of uncertainty, unrest and grief can and should be powerful motivators that prompt us to get things sorted and straightened out. Granted we won't fix or accomplish everything, certainly not at once, but places that lack comfort make room for the miraculous. Consider Peter in the boat. Granted it might not have been comfortable with the surrounding storm, but certainly it was more comfortable than being in the water. Yet, when answering the call to step out of his comfort, the miraculous happened. Moses left the comfort of Egypt, the disciples left the comfort of their professions, Ruth denied the comfort of returning to her family choosing the uncertainty of staying with Naomi, Gideon went against his better instinct, turning away the support of a massive army in favor of a select handful by comparison... Lest we forget... a ministry repleat with the miraculous, doesn't exist if Christ doesn't leave the comfort of heaven. Whether a parent whose served God most of their life, a young person learning about God; a seasoned Senior Pastor or the first time pastoring kids and teens... how a great a reminder that powerful change is possible when we move out of our comfort zones. More often than not, the uncomfortable places are breeding grounds for the miraculous in our lives. Pray, this #youthPastorWednesday, that though difficult and a time disconcerting, may we not become so lax in our comfort that we fail to step into places that are uncomfortable. May pastors (and believers alike, for that matter) would respond to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and the call of God as to when and where He would have us move and engage in this life. Pray opportunities to take action and witness positive change for the kingdom of God would be great and frequent. Unafraid of the uncomfortable on earth, For the comfort of Heaven awaits. May boldness and strength drive us In anticipation of the miraculous. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() I experienced an interesting insight yesterday afternoon, while we visited the local play-land so the kiddos could get out some energy and play games. We had a good time, given that we were there for a few hours and the kids cashed in their game tickets from some cool toys (like we needed more things to put away when bedtime rolls around) Of course, what play-place experience isn't complete without a game taking your tokens, but not printing out the correct number of winning tickets? Ministry is not about seeking the approval of man, for those who do so receive their reward... having exchanged the eternal for the temporal. It's easy to get caught up, even as I consider the simple things for this site. I watch twitter followers come and go or the visit count of the number of readers flucuate on any given day. Some days I smile, other days, I wonder what happened. Even for pastors though, a similar temptation exists. Why is service attendance so strong on Sunday morning, but 80-90% gone on a Sunday night... or 60-70% gone on a Wednesday night? Why do some events bring out more support and volunteers than others? Why are some sermons more well received? Worship portions of the service more powerful one week than the last (or next). Community outreaches that generate more impact or notice than others... and if you are in ministry or a pastor reading this, you could add even more to the list. Whether we consciously consider such situations for longer than a second or two or not, we are human. In the efforts to do more, to be greater, to make be more effective and efficient in our impact, to be more involved, more understood... at the beginning of all it, is the process of analysis. Which if we aren't careful quickly leads to something I've more familiar with than I care to admit... over-thinking. One more reason why it's probably a good thing I'm not in ministry, but I understand the importance of praying for those who are. On that note... pleasse join me in prayer, this #associatePastorTuesday for pastors struggling with the temptation to overthink and over-analyize their ministry efforts and the results they produce. Pray they find and retain a balance in utilizing best practices, where possible... for improvements are necessary in the church, but not get caught up in the last trends, opportunities or strategies in their area of ministry, as a means of "competing" with other churches. Pray they would continue to seek the face of God first, for what He would have in store for the decisions they face and the direction they are too take. May their first answer for whatever "success" they achive in ministry on this earth, be directly attributed to the sovereign Hand of God and His favor and blessing on their lives and the anointing that rest upon the as they faithfully fulfilled the calling placed upon them. For the tokens of earth will pass away The rewards of heaven last for eternity. May the desire of the temporal subside And the pursuit of God arise within us. For all these things follow those; Who seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness first. For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() Pastor preached a great message on Stumbling In 2017. While he presented a great, Biblical insight as he presented the message, in the back of my mind, I was thinking... I feel like the posts for #seniorPastorMonday always come out of a sermon point. Not there's anything wrong with that... it's just something I though it'd be cool to be inspired by something or someone else that God dropped in front of me. Enter a quote by George Muller, the evangelist in England during the 1800's whose orphanage cared for over 10,000 kids under his leadership. In preaching on the journey we face this new year, he quoted, among a number of scriptures, Psalm 37:23. The steps of a righteous man are ordered of God... While discussing the life and work of Muller, he shares the "version" of that verse as stated by Muller.... The steps (and stops) of a righteous man.... Well...that did it, Lord. Thanks! As change is on the horizon in my personal life already in the weeks to come, this truly struck a cord. That God orders our steps and has ordained a plan and a destiny for a life (should we choose to accept it) is pretty incredible. Yet, when a road block or obstacle enters our way; when the unexpected happens and we see our life being detoured and diverted in a way that makes no sense, or the outcome now seems elusive... Well, where is God now? Ordering your steps... even at the points of detour, diversion, avoidance manuevers and dead-halt stops. Sure, in the moment it's gonna freak us out and throw us off balance, causing worry, frustration and stress. To which we just realized God still has us, still directing us. We are not set on the course, left to not be in His presense again until we finish. The promise that God will never leave us nor forsake us has no expiration date or time stamp. As we enter the reality of 2017, I can't think of anyone better to pray for, that every step and stop in the journey with God is by His Sovereign Hand. Thanks once again, for joining me in prayer, this #seniorPastorMonday, that pastors would find strength in that their steps are ordered of the Lord and comfort that the stops are as well. Though they stumble, whether great or miniscule, may they rise again by the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. May they never find themselves so far out that they experience the removal of the hand of God upon their lives and ministries. Pray the stops and detours of their personal journey as well as they public ministry cause them to press in and draw all the closer to God; seeking His face in greater dimensions than ever before. Though the trials be great, may the come out purified, as God stands with them in the fires of life in which they find themselves, regardless of whether it be from their own actions and decisions or impacted by another's. Walking or stopped; Moving or waiting May the bond to God remain strong, Though we rely upon Him, It is He who lifts us up by His strong right hand. For His glory Good Morning 2017!!
Resolutions do no good, if you first do not make an internal resolve. You can make the list, as many of them as you want, but until there is an internal x-factor... a mixture of determination and desire, that propels you to action, then you've simply perfected your list-making skills. All the conversations in the world accomplish little if one doesn't begin acting on the strategies and ideas that have come forth. You've become proficient in talking about things, but have little clue when someone says "let's do this" Rest is necessary and crucial to the success of whatever one sets out to achieve... right up until the point that it becomes an invitation to procrasinate... at which time, you know have a new enemy. Then enemy becomes a mess, as time and space are extended to this creature, until you are surrounded by a whole host of things and matters that cause you to wonder how and where you begin. Life is hard, but it doesn't have to be as hard as we make it. Life is stressful, but it doesn't have to be as taxing as we think about it. Life is a journey and surely we miss the enjoyment of most of it as it passes us by. Effectiveness and efficient only come through action. Wherever you are, whatever you face, ultimately, action is what's next. You may not be ready to start, but continuing to take steps of action will keep you moving forward... Into the new year and the many more that follow, should the Lord tarry. Pray, this New Year's #effectiveSunday, that today would be a day of action in what's NEXT. May what is meant to derail, detour and destroy us, be cast aside by the hand of God. Pray a spirit of resolve, to press on and step forward in the confidence and boldness of Christ. Pray a continual seeking of the face of God; keeping Him first in all things, focused on what matters and not distracted by the things that don't. Pray this would be a year of great fulfillment in the presence of God and great accomplishment for His Kingdom. Blessings on you and your households and friends. Happy New Year, my dear friends. May this be the best year ever! For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() Well, it's New Year's Eve! And if you are reading this, you've successfully made it through 2016 and everything moment of excitement, frustration, worry, joy and laughter that has accompanied the days. Pending the time that remains when this post comes across your radar, let me say this first. I command the blessing and favor of God over your lives and your family in 2017. Whatever 2016 has brought to you, I pray it has been a year of no, if not very few, regrets. If it has or you know those, for whom are leaving this year behind in frustration, may I offer some words of encouragement as the church engages community: Regrets will be few.... When you seek to give glory to God in all circumstances. When you take the time to express love of Christ to those around. When you seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. When you allow the Word of God to direct your steps When you place Christ at the center of your life. On this New's Year Eve, what better a time than to have the conversation that 2017 has the potential to be the best year ever... not because of the stuff, but because of people. Not because of our own agendas, hopes and dreams, but because of the miraculous change in one's life through Jesus Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit. Christianity does make one's life perfect here on earth, it does however change how we view our time and our purpose here on earth... for if it doesn't, then what is the point? Here's to praying 2017 a year of eternal change and eternal purpose; a year of great faith no matter what awaits. Pray this New Year's Eve, aka #communitySaturday, that in times of reflection, people would understand the true changes that may need to occur in their lives. Whether in matters of faith, perspective, purpose or habits, may God bring illumination and wisdom to hearts and minds; that we may live life to our full potential. May 2017 be a year of placing Christ at the center and seeking first the kingdom of God. Pray the mercies of God, that are new every morning, position us to glorify Him in all circumstances, both in word and deed. Rejoicing as we exit 2016. Grateful for His Hand of protection and provision Excited for the prospect of 2017 Lives changed for eternity Because of the body of Christ Presenting a genuine faith of God every new day; every new hour. - PNC Like everyone's favorite band, you occassionally (or often, in my case) find yourself digging up some of the deep cuts from the discography. I know... you just read this just a day or two ago. Yes... it happened again.
As we pray for those in missions and declaring the gospel of Christ, it can be hard to understand. Like a kid's favorite question... why? Well, the simple answer to Christ' purpose on earth is Love. Yet, I found the lyrics to Petra's "King's Ransom" playing on repeat in my mind. "Why would a king leave His throne to save humanity?" Yet while we were dead in our sin, Christ indeed loved us. He exchanged His life for ours, His crown for one of thorns. But as Petra sings, ..."the Master of the earth became a servant of no worth, and paid a King's Ransom for our souls." The power of the message that all who follow Christ carry, is that rich or poor, prominent or impoverished, every one can relate to the economics of those who have and those who have not. Even when it's not about possessions, we relate to those who have other desirables in life; relationships, families, friends, lifestyle activities, talents, gifts, skillsets... the list goes on. And the only explanation for one giving up and of themselves for another is love. I heard the other night, of another religion; that it allowed no room for unconditional love. How incredible, though, at the very foundation of Christianity, one finds Love... in God alone, through Jesus Christ. It doesn't make any of us perfect, for we still struggle in receiving Christ' love for ourselves as much as we have difficulty expressing it to those around us, whether life being going well or not so much. Love may be beyond understanding at times, but whether it can be explained with words or not does not diminish the power of expressing love. In word. In deed. With our time, resources and skills. (funny... as I'm typing this post, Michael W. Smith, from the Change Your World concert playing on YouTube.... just started singing, "Love isn't love til you give it away". *in real time) On that note (pun intended), pray this #missionsFriday, that those in need the miraculous in the lives, would indeed experience the love of God, as missionaries, and all Christians for that matter, share what we have received from the Lord. May we not hold on to our own desires and lives that we miss the opportunity to give the gift of eternal life. Pray for missionaries, that they would be encouraged, as the people they minister to respond and engage; seeking not just answers for life, but seeking the Creator of all life. For those missionaries, and even believers who are struggling in their own lives at times, with receiving Christ' unconditional love in a particular area of their life, may the know that God cares for them, has and will never leave nor forsake them and desires to accomplish the miraculous... not wasting a pain, scar or tear, but using all things for His glory for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. The greatest sacrifice ever made. May our inability to understand it Not interfere with our ability to receive it. For God so loved humanity, That He gave... a King's Ransom for our souls. - PNC ![]() Once again, for whatever reason, I had DeGarmo & Key's classic, "Casual Christian" playing in my mind this morning. It probably doesn't help that my favorite online streaming radio station has played it a few times over the past couple of days... including last night, before typing this! Then something clicked as I prayed for God's help, what He might have for today' perspective. I'm always amazed at how pastors and their families transition in ministry. Most often, there truly is a calling and a moving, to another church or place of ministry in the sovereign hand of God. It is true and genuine and when it's all said and done, people stand, understanding the move was from God; as sad as parting ways is to endure. Every once in a while, the transition is a struggle... because it's outside the will of God, quite frankly. I don't know how pastors handle it when they get it wrong. Many don't do well; many more, it takes a while to recover. That said, whatever the details of the transitions that take place within the pulpit (and the success and difficulty thereof), it's the deacons, administrators and staff that remain. For very extended and prolonged periods of time, those who hold these position within the church go above and beyond to make sure the church moves forward, in its' ministry, mission and purpose to the community they serve. These church leaders and many more volunteers who serve in key positions are planted, committed and involved; wanting what's best for their families, their church and the communities in which they work, play and worship. Now, that's not to say, pastors aren't those things... for surely they share the same sentiment; whether they've led the church for two years or twenty-five. But let's be honest... if a pastor is called to another church, community or ministry, then he or she is no longer involved in the day to day activities of the former church and the former community. Thus, what happens to the church during times of pastoral transition and their influence and impact on the community during these times are crucial. So would you join me in prayer? On this #deaconThursday, for these church leaders, who even this moment, find themselves in states of pastoral transition. May God grant to them an anointing in the decisions to be made and directions to be taken. Pray for wisdom, as conversations are had and meetings are held, that God would lead, guide and direct their every step. Pray for grace, as these times are difficult and the circumstances that surround them are flooded with many emotions, depending on the nature and reason that started it all. Pray the church's impact and influence in their community would increase, as they and the body of Christ testify to the goodness and greatness of God, even during times of uncertainty. Just as God has moved pastors out of a pulpit and to other churches and ministries, pray the sovereign Hand of God would divinely fill the pastoral roles that stand vacant. May the people of God be passionate for Him. Living lifes of great faith in the midst of great uncertainty. May the church light up the night, An everlasting light to the community. Because those who follow Christ will be known for their love. For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() I am praying tonight for many things, among them, that I am about to witness a breakthrough in the days and weeks... the hopefully result of a heart-to-heart conversation I had with my two beautiful kids this evening. Though I had to separate them twice, off to an out-of sight spot for each of them (just so I could get them to understand Dad was serious about this conversation) I'm hoping they understand my frustrated point of view. A pretty simple one at that... you listen to other people you respect in this life; your teachers at school, the kids pastor at church and the people who teach their class there, Grandma & Grandpa.... they kept telling me what they do that shows they listen and respect them, but couldn't quite tell me why. After some prodding and concluding that is was simply "because of the position they held", then what was missing when it came to Mom & Dad? I know right... who in their right mind listens to their parents?? As a great comedian once stated, "when I was 14, I thought my Dad was the dumbest man on the face of the earth. When I was 21, I was amazed at what he had learned in 7 years." Meanwhile, I went all day, narry a clue as to what to write for this #youthPastorWednesday. After the conversation with the kiddos, it occurred to me... Does God have those parental moments? Really? You'll listen to your earthly parents, but not the prompting of the Holy Spirit? Teachers, scholars, professors, but not My Word? You read and take into conideration the written words of great philosophers and poets, yet not the heed the words of Christ? Whether we are young in the faith or seasoned, we have earthly relationships where we, or the other part, wonder how certain dynamics seemingly play out. Thus, it matters not, spiritually as well... the possibility for any Christian, whether in the pew or the pulpit to experience a similar dynamic in our walk with God is great. Thus, pray this #youthPastorWednesday, that church leadership would be strengthened and encouraged to lead by example. While, like parents, they fail greatly and often, may the church know and understand what kids know of their parents; their hearts are in the right place... desirous to love and seek the Lord God Almighty. Pray their lives would not be thrown off balance, when life interferes with their faith; but that their faith in God would lead, guide and direct the paths they choose, the conversations they have and the decisions they make. May their faith not falter when life gets difficult and the tension and frustration of the moment takes center stage. Pray they would respond in ways and words that glorify God. May all these things follow, Those who seek first the kingdom of God. By the power of the Holy Spirir For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() Family relationships are work. Even in the greatest of families, with the most incredible amounts of love. In the families where there is great struggle and tragedy, even stressful points of tension at seemingly drops of a hat, there are moments of great joy. Moments when personal issues and troubles, relatioal frustrations and differences on life and living... they are all set aside in the interest of showing care and concern for those we love, just because of the nature and foundation of the relationship. I considered this yesterday afternoon and the power that such moments can have, when they happen. They are disappointing when recognizing such a moment is needed They are frustrating to wait in anticipation, as a hope is seemingly prolonged. They are a joy to watch such moments unfold... when it finally happens. Every time I consider the difficulties of family life, I wonder how pastors do it. Then I remember the plethora of reasons pastors burnout out and end up leaving the ministry. They don't alsways do. Amidst the struggles and challenges of ministry are the struggles and difficulties that await when they come home. Frustrations with extended family, kids fighting over toys while it's still Christmas day and spouses upset with conversations that quickly took a turn downhill... whether the joke wasn't that funny, the sarcasm wasn't well received or the wrong answer was discovered wrong after being spoken. Like the professional mechanic whose vehicles are the last to get worked on, or the plumber, whose wife's kitchen is the last to get fixed, so to pastors, perhaps more often than you and I both probably realize, can have difficulty keeping their families in healthy, emotional and spiritual states of existence. All the more reason, we pray, this #associatePastorTuesday, for pastors battling family difficulties and frustrating relational tensions, whether in their immediate or extended households. Pray God would give wisdom in handingly whatever strains may exists, in the marriage or in parenint; in siblings or with in-laws. Pray for strength and rest, where matters and circumstances have lasted seemingly longer than anticipated or expected. For the short-lived moments of tension, pray for grace... that they would be quickly dismissed where they are not important and quickly resolved for real problems, avoiding the potential to become drawn-out indefinitely. May the challenges at home not dissaude, diminish or derail the efforts of ministry and the work of the church. Though the balance is hard, may God move on their behalf in all things. To receive the glory and honor He is due Both at home and at church In the community, here on earth Before the cloud of witnesses in heaven. Displaying Christ, no matter who stands in front of them. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019