Over the past few weeks, we've looked at the concept of grace. We've talked about failure. The theme that runs throughout this site, is burnout and all that comes with it; so naturally, there's a understanding of stress and expectations and keeping perspective.
As I reflected on this yesterday, I stood (technically, sat) amazed, that salvation is not a "once and gone" opportunity. Yes, we are constantly being made anew; being conformed to the image of Christ as our life and faith progress. Certainly, when one hears the Word of the Lord, it'd be awesome if there was always an immediate response, as "today is the day of salvation". Yet often, for many, it's not. So there is a continual prompting, as God continues to knock on the door of people's hearts. He cannot promise to never leave us nor forsake us, then not be on the other side of the door when one decides to respond to the call of salvation through Jesus Christ. God either is, our ever present help in time of need, or He comes and goes as He pleases, and may not be found when we call on Him. Thankfully, this #missionsFriday, that is not the case for me. Nor, is it the case for you. Pray with me, this would not be the case for others. May today be a day that many, call upon the name of the Lord and are saved. Pray God would accomplish the miraculous, as people respond and open the door of their hearts and minds to the person of Jesus Christ. May the cares and concerns, the frustrations and failures of life not stand in the way of His transforming power. Pray today would be a day to bear witness, once again, of the goodness and greatness of our God. Indeed, may today be the day of salvation, As people hear the Word of the Lord. As they call upon Him and are saved. A day of increase For those counted as "whosoevers". For the glory of God. - PNC
It seems like I've been typing this an quite more frequently of late... that life is hard and the battle is real. And it is.
In fact, there are days, we all have them, that you just don't want to get out of bed (as evidenced, I'm watching the clock and typing fast, before the "run out the door to work" moment). We look at the situations taking place; those that seemingly have no end in sight and the corresponding conversations that are equivalent with beating a dead horse and wonder... is there ever a break? Will the storm ever pass? Will things ever "die down"? Even a little? Could I catch a moment or two to breath? To gain perspective? To step back and consider... even, reconsider? Reprieve? Anyone? Please? And five more minutes of sleep, if there's any to spare. And we all have difficulty. It's hard not to compare; my battles are worthless and pale in comparison to the reality that many of you are waking up to this morning. And yet, you are asking the same aforementioned questions. (and inserting your own favorite phrases) Yet, God is in it all and with you, through it all. I hadn't planned this, but during our last night's mid-week service, Pastor discussed Job. And asked at the closing, do we have an "others" faith. From Hebrews 11;35 and the few that follow. We all look at the hero's of faith for who their lives and challenges worked out incredible. Verse 35, tells of the others, for whom it worked out without the happy movie ending. Tortured, beaten, persecuted and more. Yet, they were recognized for their faith and perseverance, not knowing how life would turn out for them. As we face these difficult times together, can I relay what Pastor asked us? Do you love God for what He does for you? Or do you just love God? No matter what we encounter, nor what the outcome, may burnout not prevail. Thanks for joining me, this #deaconThursday, as we pray for a steadfast faith. May we resist the temptation and the suggestion to curse God, when life gets hard and beyond our understanding. Pray for a steadfast faith that stands in the face of trial and potential slaying. Pray our hope and trust in Him would prevail; that those struggling would not give up the fight. May faith arise. For those need a break in the battle, pray the Holy Spirit would quicken body, mind, soul and spirit. Pray once again, strength for the weary and encouragement for the broken-hearted. Though we be surrounded on all sides May we remember God stands on our side. Through the fire and the flame, Never leaving or forsaking. May our love for Him and our trust in Him prevail. For no other reason than He is God... and we are not. For His glory and the cause of Christ. - PNC ![]() Grace truly is an amazing thing. How in the world, we could ever expect to give it or receive it without acknowledging that it exists as a gift from Almighty God remains a mystery. Of course, we all know life is hard and the days are rough. We have our days where we look to receive and probably don't. We have our days where we are asked to give it and would rather not. Justification often stands in the way of both. Often skewed by our own perspectives, we make the most interesting arguments and reasons as to why and who is worth this gift. In reality, none of us are worthy to receive it. Likewise, none of us are in a position to grant it either. Indeed grace is a gift. Having received it from God makes it that much easier to give to our fellow man. At least it should. Yet, sadly, whether within the church or outside of it, we often hesitate to extend it. For when we do, it is simply another opportunity to reflect and exemplify our Lord and Savior. Granted we must use wisdom and discernment at times, that we may truly understand and handle the circumstances we face; but more often than not, grace should flow more often than it probably does. It's a struggle for us all. It's a struggle for our leaders. And in the context of that relationship alone, grace is a difficult process often made more complex by the expectations created by faith. So, pray, this #associatePastorTuesday. Whether in need of receipt or expected to grant, pray for pastors in difficult places where grace is needed. Whether at home or at church, may God grant to them wisdom and discernment as they walk through the conversation and decision process. Pray for understanding, that they would know the when, where and how to respond to the people and circumstances they face. May our first thought be to exemplify and glorify Christ, in all that we say or do; even when we are inclined to assert our rights or stand our defense. May we extend grace When it is undeserved, Even as we have received grace That we did not deserve. That the world may see Christ Reflected through imperfect lives. Amazing grace, indeed. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() Well... whatever happened to what I felt God gave me for this post yesterday, eventually disappeared. I had it; then I lost it... and couldn't remember. So; I'm left developing an idea that I had the other day (which rarely happens; that I have an idea for two different days worth of posts at the same time) The other day, I considered the possibility of the church was established from the beginning, as a different concept; a different format. Like AA. SA. Sinners: Admitted. When you think about it, it's really not that far of a stretch. The church is community. And it's fairly simply. Observe. "Hello. My name is Peter. I am a sinner." Culture often questions the church; and doubts it even more. It's easy to understand how it happens. People in the church aren't any closer to being, doing, or living perfect than anyone outside the church. Christians are all in different places in their journey with God and non-Christians have and project many expectations of how the church should live; often not missing an opportunity to comment when the people of God miss the mark or end up on the unpopular side of the conversation. So, as the church engages and related with community, may be we reminded we are all working from the same baseline: Sinner. The only difference, is whether we come to a place of recognition; that we have a spiritual problem that requires the help of a higher power, Almighty God and that a transformation change needs to occur, through salvation in Jesus Christ. I love what comedian Jeff Allen says (and it's it worth repeating) "The truth is, Christianity is the only religion that would have me." Admission of a problem is never easy. Whether it is a habit problem, a discipline problem, an attitude problem or a relational issue, confession is difficult. Yet, if anything worth having is worth working for; then confession is desperately needed; even in the face of brutal honesty. For as we discussed yesterday; A good parent loves too much to leave a child in an unhealthy state. On this weekend #communitySaturday, will you join me in praying that the people of God would be people of confession. May the lines of communication be open; that Christians are not perfect and our need for a Savior is just as necessary as those we converse with who've yet to come to Christ. Though life is hard and situations and circumstance abound with challenge and difficulty, may the people of God continue to reflect Christ and testify to the grace, goodness and glory of God. When we don't know what to say, what to do or where to turn, may our reaction and response be one that trusts God and calls on His name. Admitted sinners. Saved by grace. Through the power of confession. Loved by God. Made new in Christ. Empowered by the Holy Spirit. To be the people and children of God. To a world desperately in need of saving. - PNC ![]() There's an advertising slogan being used in the foster/adoption that says, "You don't have to be perfect, to be a perfect parent". While that's true and it's a cool slogan, it's hard to remember that such a state is okay. My parents aren't perfect. Neither are (or were) yours. Nor am I one, for certain. Yet as I reflected yesterday on the character of God, it amazes me how so many are convinced and moved to believe that a relationship with God through the person of Christ, is not for them. He calls us his children; he calls us to a child-like faith to trust in Him, yet He treats us with the utmost respect. He is not a God of brute force in His desire to commune with us... ... He stands at the door and knocks at the heart of humanity. He is not busting it down. He waits patiently, with the occasional reminder that He is as close as the mention of His name. He has nothing but love and compassion, for His Creation... ... for I formed you in your mother's womb, Scripture tells us. He is not a vindictive or revengeful God, that He responds in kind with the same attitude He is treated... ... for He knows the thoughts He has for you, plans for a hope and a future. As I stated recently, it's a great tragedy that Gandhi allowed the flaws and imperfections of Christians to stand in the way of a personal relationship with God. Likewise, many look at the world today and allow people and circumstance to stand in the way and respond with a "what's up with that" and "why would I want anything to do with a God like that?" Yet, unless there is a relationship that frames our perspective, then things never really quite make sense when looking at it from the outside. Yet, like the Father of the prodigal son, nothing is standing in the way from being able to run to God our Father, with a broken-hearted response. A broken and contrite heart, the Bible states. Why would we allow our own flaws and imperfections to stand in the way of a relationship with Almighty God; the only perfect Parent? So, pray this #missionsFriday, that today would be a celebration within the kingdom of God; that many prodigals would return to the arms of the Father. May many answer the knock of God that patiently awaits on the other side of their hearts' door. Pray the eye-scales would fall as the revelation of God is made known; His character, His presence. May the lives of the believer reflect that transforming power of Christ at work in our hearts and minds; that God does not look at our problems, attitudes and flaws and say, I want nothing to do with you. Pray the love and truth of God would arise and stand above the noise... that a relationship with God is beyond anything we can compare on earth; and the reward far outweighs our perceived risk. Sinners, saved by grace. Once lost, but not found. Loved from the foundation of the Earth Loved for all eternity. By the only perfect Parent. May lives be made whole In the only relationship that transcends time and space. For the advancement of the cause of Christ. - PNC ![]() The human mind... the human body; the structures and the tools we create to accomplish projects and tasks; all of it is pretty incredible. It amazes me just how much we can take on, provided we keep things in balance. Conversely, it's equally amazing just how quickly stuff can go wrong when not kept in balance. It's good to be challenged; to test the limits of accomplishment... to be stretched as a process of growth and maturity. There are times for such a process. However, as we load our lives and our lists, if tasks and goals, people and projects are not properly placed as we take them on, we will, perhaps too quickly, begin to see the effects. Things may begin to fall off; we will notice going weary in a particular area or arena of life. Eventually the shifting and moving about will affect what surrounds us, at which time, the recipe for disaster is spelled. Be careful, then, how you fill your life and spend your time, for being out of balance is problematic enough. Over-loading one's life without giving thought to balance leads to certain demise and potential destruction. Pray, this #deaconThursday, for church leaders whose lives are out of balance. Whether they are over-loaded or simply failed to properly place the things and people of their life, may God grant them wisdom as the proceed and sort through the mess. May God help them recover, for those who are burnt out and worn down. Pray strength for the weak and rest for the weary. Pray God would help those who struggle with taking on too much, to establish healthy boundaries... understanding what they are capable of; understanding, more importantly, what God would have in store for them to accomplish. May God grant discernment in knowing the when and the who of what should be met with a "yes" and a "no" response. May we understand the affects of our productivity and our effectiveness when we are over-loaded and out of balance. That we would be people of health. Operating in health. Speaking life. Living well. Serving effectively, the kingdom of God. For His glory and the Gospel. - PNC ![]() In the movie, The American President, Michael Douglas plays the role of a widowed President who falls in love with a lobbyist. A classic 90's romantic comedy, the opening scene is of President Shepherd walking through the White House portico, from the residence to the Oval Office, which is personal aide by his side. It's Monday morning and the previous night, he had given a speech. In an impromptu move, he skips an entire section. Enter, the personal aide's comment, that the speechwriter would like to talk to him before the day begins. In the quick and brilliant writing that is Aaron Sorkin, President Shepherd replies, "Well, it wouldn't be Monday morning if Lewis wasn't concerned about something I did Sunday night." Of course, when Lewis sees the President, his first words are his frustration about dumping an entire paragraph. The President simply quips in reply, "And Monday morning it is." Isn't church, much the same way? We know how much disagreement can arise between staff and leadership, in any organization, but we are foolish to think it doesn't happen in churches. And not just from the staff. Congregations are often quick to speak on matters and areas of concern or question; whether regarding decisions or conversations, ministry or direction; a sermon... or any other of the 100's of situations that arise in any given week. Leadership requires thick skin and a church will quickly find itself in trouble if the pastor is a "push-over." It's not matters of any degree of difficulty shouldn't be handle with care and compassion, but if decisions are always being made by the shifting directions of some people's frustrations, then eventually everyone will be frustrated with the leader who can't or won't cast vision and stand by the courage of his or her convictions; let alone the decisions they make. All the more reason, to #pray4pastors. On, this #seniorPastorMonday the 13th, pray for pastors in the decisions they face, both at home and in ministry. For those in challenging positions, where wisdom is lacking, pray a super-natural indwelling of the Holy Spirit to bring illumination to their hearts and minds. May they ask of God, who gives generously. Pray for those within the church, and staff, who are having difficulty expression areas of concern with tact and gracce. May their be a wisdom on their part as well, to know when to speak up and how; that God would grant discernment as to the process of trusting versus questioning leadership. Pray emotions would not dominate these times, but that God would be glorified, as the church reflects Christ at all times and moves forward in the plans and purposes God has ordained from them to accomplish. May clear direction Lead to sound decisions. That the people of God would move in unity. Overcoming disagreements, That the work of ministry may go forth. In confidence. With competence. For the glory of God. - PNC And as is later stated in the movie, "politics is perception" ![]() We don't like to think of the things and obstacles that stand in our way of accomplishing the task at hand. Whether we have set it before us, or someone else has placed it on our list; we all look at the mission, should we choose to accept it, and figure out a game-plan and strategy to "get it done". To not expect or prepare for obstacles along the way would be foolish; like not preparing for the storm when building a house. However, it's frustrating when the obstacle to a person or organization comes in the form or a person or group. A parent dealing with the adamant attitude of a teenager... or the defiant voice of a child who thinks they are closer to their teen years than they actually are; a manager struggling to deal with the naysayers on the team; perhaps the team member whose boss won't listen to the voice of reasonable suggestion... whatever the situation, figuring out how to navigate the relationships that come into play with the task-at-hand can create and quickly become seemingly insurmountable obstacles to one's ability to be effective and efficient. Over time, it affects the entire organization... or business... or church. Thus, will you join me, as I offer my thanks once again for #praying4pastors. Pray, this #effectiveSunday, that God would grant to His people and church leadership, grace and wisdom in dealing with difficult people and tense relationships. May the Holy Spirit impart wisdom as places of understanding are sought; that people and teams would come to mutual and equitable agreements. Pray that emotions and feelings would not run the table, but the Word of God would guide their steps and prayer direct their conversation. May disagreements be worked out; that discernment would prevail as concerns are brought forth, addressed and solved. Pray God would go before us, to show us the way. May His presence go with us as we move forward. For if God is not in it, then we should not desire it. As we move forward, to advance the kingdom of God. For His glory and honor; in the power of His name. - PNC ![]() I've quoted this line from comedian Brad Stine before, yet once again it stood out... in particular, the second portion of the statement. "The truth offends. That's it's job. It's how you know you don't have it." The second half of the statement, relates perfectly this #communitySaturday. Brad continues this monologue, in that, as Christian, we must not "maliciously offend." The truth always disrupts. It will be uncomfortable. It will be unsettling. The conversation will be difficult. Speaking the truth usually is. There's really nothing that can be done about what the truth is. The only thing we have control over regarding it, is whether we speak it and how we react when we hear. Thus, there's not much one can do when it offends. The only way it doesn't offend is if it is not spoken (which usually makes matters worse, the longer time passes before it is spoken) Thus, as Christians, what we must be carefully with, is over-stepping the innate power of offense with the insertion of malice. Do Christians have their moments? Sure... as does everybody. But the truth is to be spoken in love. Not in malice. In fact, is this where it splits? Is it possible to maliciously offend and still speak the truth? Certainly you can't be loving and malicious at the same time. For the time and culture in which we live, the church and people of God, truly need and must seek the favor and grace of God. Political tensions, social expectations, psychological understandings, emotional baggage... all attempts to stand in the way of the super-natural power of the truth, that if not accompanied by the love of Christ and the revelation of God's Word will accomplish little. How we need's help, this hour, this day and throughout this year. Pray, this #communitySaturday, that God would help us... in this increasingly difficult climate, to speak the truth in love. Pray a boldness to speak the truth, for it seems the alternative to not offending someone is to simply remain quiet. May God grant to us understanding understanding, to cut through the obstacles that stand in the way of the revelation of God. Pray malice, anger, spite and vindictive spirits would not be found among the people of God. In a time where the assertion of rights are at the forefront, may we be people who would submit ourselves anew to Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit at work in our lives. That we would glorify God. That we would reflect Christ. That truth would reside with us. God help us be effective communicators Locally to the communities in which we live Globally to the world in which we share life. For the advancement of the cause of Christ. Peace be with you all. - PNC ![]() It is my hope and prayer, that all is well with you. It is my hope and prayer, that this website and the prayers being offered up in response, on behalf of pastors, church leaders and missionaries are making a difference. I truly want to see churches make a greater impact in their local communities and if possible, see the change come some Sunday, as more commit to Christ and engage in the kingdom of God. That said, during the course of my mind wondering yesterday, I recognized a pattern... and maybe it's just me (if so, it wouldn't be the first time.) The more you think about spiritual matters, the more you realize just how much work you have in front of you spiritually. If you don't think that's true; keep reading the Bible. God always finds an area to touch on and reveal, where, perhaps we aren't entirely wrong, but we could certainly be more like Christ; or least reflect Christ to a greater degree. So, this is #misssionsFriday... what are you saying? Yes, missions is primarily about reaching out with the salvation message of the Gospel; however, they do a disservice, if they fail to teach the other side of the it... the process of sanctification. For once we've accepted the love of Christ and His gift of eternal life, why would it stop at that? This is a covenant relationship. We see correlation of marriage, of Christ to the church. The two become one. They give of themselves to each other; fully and sacrificially. And over time, they operate as one and are recognized as one. Christ is resides in the body of believers and the believer reflects the person and image of Christ. But if we only reach out and offer salvation, we short-change the lost. Pray, this #missionsFriday, that God would help missionaries, in their outreach and their message. May they do well (as I'm sure they do), to not short-change those they reach by not preaching the whole Gospel of Christ. As Bryan Duncan is singing "Inside Out" (as I write this), may many experience a total transformation in their lives. Inside out. Upside down. (and most definitely) Right side up. Pray God would accomplish the miracle of revival in the lives of many, as His people reach out and offer a hand of compassion, not just for the physical need but the condition of the soul. May this be a day that many would come to Christ. May this be a day that many more would reflect Christ. For we all works in process in God's garage. Various stages of tear-down, rebuilding and restoring. To be used for His glory To be a witness of His transforming power As we give ourselves to Him, as He did for us. For the advancement of the Gospel of Christ. - PNC ![]() I mentioned yesterday, the "aha" moment, in dealing with the attitude of my oldest daughter the other night and the seemingly instant "drop" in my spirit, that it wasn't her, but the enemy trying to set a course in her life that was unhealthy, at the very least and disastrous, at it's worst. Then, yesterday's verse of the day resonated. Hebrews 4:12 ... for the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. That moment with my daughter was not anything great or magical on my part. It was however, an answer to prayer as we've continued to lift her up before the Lord; asking and seeking wisdom as parents and praying God's hand upon their lives and his purposes fulfilled in and through them as the progress. Likewise, as Pastor shared last night, that his pastor encouraged him when he took over what was left a remnant of a church many years ago. His Dad spoke into his life during the early years of rebuilding, that if they did the "right" things now, it would establish them for greater things later. "What goes up fast, comes down fast". (thanks Pastor, I'm borrowing this) Whether raising a family or raising up a church; indeed, may today be a fresh and new start, for the Word of God to speak and direct our lives and to allow us to speak and direct that which crosses our paths. So, pray, this #deaconThursday, may God's Word remain at the forefront of our lives. Pray for wisdom and discernment in our churches and homes; that as the face of God is sought, He would reveal and illuminate His will, plans and purposes that we should walk and carry-out. May that which was meant to derail, detour and destroy be cast aside; as the church presses on towards the prize of the high calling. Pray an awareness of the spirit; to move beyond the natural and operate by the power and prompting of the Holy Spirit. That those who know their God Would do great exploits. Wisdom beyond our years and abilities. For the advancement of the kingdom of God And to His honor and glory. - PNC Yesterday marks day two of our lost remote.
Monday evening, I came across a social media post, that linked to an article on the verse of Scripture discussing provoking your kids to anger. I've yet to read it, but I couldn't help as I went about my day yesterday, if came to remembrance as I sought direction for today's post. As usually happens, reflecting on the happenings of my day and life often transcends and fast-forwards to ministry... how pastors handle family issues, and in particular, how kids and teens under their ministry are impacted and receive the messages, direct and indirect that they pick up along the way and carry with them until confronted. Two plus hours going through the kids bedroom last night and still no remote. I'm fit to be tied. To no avail, it was time to think about getting the girls ready for bed. Then, an hour and half after bedtime and I was face to face with the matter... my oldest upset and telling me, once again, she was a bad kid. I'm not sure what took so long, to recognize in this moment, that this was a spiritual battle. There was no gearing up. The attitude change was immediate, as I stepped up to engage... Repeatedly telling her she was loved Repeatedly telling her I refused to believe the lie that she was a bad kid. Repeatedly telling her that I refused to believe this spirit that was raising an attitude against me that would not listen to the truth. I stood my ground in reaffirming her as my daughter, whom I love and always have and will. I stood firm, reaffirming that she is a gift from God; an inheritance from the kingdom of God. I boldly served notice, that this defiant spirit has no authority, nor place in my home. And of course, the hard part... acknowledging my role in all of this. Whether I had set an example that was less than Christ-like or that an upset and frustrated attitude was justifiable to display to those around us; regardless... the lie that's she's a bad kid is no more or less of a lie, than my believing that I'm a bad Dad. But I won't allow her behavior to dictate the truth of who she is in Christ, then I should believe the lie of the enemy to my spirit, that I am less of a man, husband, father and friend than what Christ speaks over my life. As if I wasn't already tired, stepping into spiritual, warrior Dad mode did me in. Perhaps that's part of the problem. The whole trick of the enemy... ...to be frustrated with the temporal so that you are unaware of the flanking invasion. If I am not immune to such a battle in my life and home, how much more for pastors; and the kids and youth (and parents for that matter) that sit under their ministry. So... will you join me once again? Pray, this #youthPastorWednesday, for the attacks that are being waged on our youth. Pray the enemy would be thwarted; that his lies would be refuted. Pray for boldness to confront defeatist attitudes in our homes and churches. May we not be so frustrated and bothered; angered even by the things and circumstances that don't matter, but righteously stand for what weighs in the balance of eternity. Pray a hedge of protection, of our youth, and our pastors that lead them. May their identity be found in Christ; His purpose and plans made known for their lives and for the events that are designed to destroy their lives would falter. Pray the grace of God would cause them to rise above and live victorious. Confidently walking in the ways of God Speaking the truth in love. Spiritually wise to the attacks of the enemy. Having done all to stand; standing firm. For the glory of God. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC So, yesterday was a little difficult to swallow.
I understand. How do you think I felt writing it? As we've prayed before about the balance of ministry as we work to be both effective and efficient, as well as the balance in discovering where to start when we don't know at times; yesterday's post simply brought both back to the forefront of my mind. It is entirely possibly for the church and it's congregation to be involved in both ministering at a local and an abroad level... to be both active and supportive. If you'll permit me, we also have difficulty starting things, rather than sometimes simply stepping out and seeing what works. Granted there is an element of wisdom that needs to be practiced here, but all too often we allow not knowing exactly what all might happen or how and the unknown prevents us from doing anything at all. Is there something to be said about going and believing God will direct as you start taking the first steps in faith? Perhaps. But one thing is certain. Inactivity and a lack of involvement will not advance the efforts of the kingdom of God. Nor obviously, will it lead to a sense of effectiveness and efficiency. Pray, God would help all of us, this #effectiveSunday, to ministers of the gospel of Christ, and of grace. May we find our place of ministry, in both a local and global context. Pray God would grant us wisdom as we step and go, divinely directing by His sovereign hand. Pray the church would be a people who effectively fulfill the calling and purpose God has placed before us. That not one would perish. That we would stand before God To hear "well done, good and faithful servant" For if good news is share-worthy, How much more, the Good News of Christ? - PNC ![]() I'm just letting you know up front... this one might hit hard. I don't recall when, aside from the past 2 weeks, people's faith has been more called into question over the events and reactions that have arisen nationally and globally. As we continue to move deeper into a post-modern mentality and maintain a perspective that places the global impact at the forefront, living a life of faith becoming increasingly confrontational. While many would argue it's Christianity doing the confronting, I would dare to say it's a society that has moved farther away from the things of God, demanding Christianity move with them. Eventually placed in positions of compromise... eventually placed in positions where they must reconcile their faith with their environment; whether the truth of God's Word influences and directs life more than political and social pressures. Thus, in a moment of reflection yesterday, I felt God pose this question. So taken aback, I replied... "Really? That's what I'm to share?" Faith begins with the decision of an individual; which is why it's asked in Mark (and Matthew and Luke, for that matter), what does it a profit a man to gain the whole world, yet lose his own soul? Conversely (and here's the bat)... What does one gain to minister globally, yet not minister locally? ..... (letting that sink in) ..... (a little more?) .... And we've seen the social media posts. "If you don't care about this refugee, remove the pro-life sticker from your SUV" "Jesus was a refugee" (referring to their fleeing to Egypt after the decree calling for the murder of kids) Then, this morning... (and of course, I can't find it to quote it, but it makes my point...) "If you can't take care of the homeless children in your country...." The dichotomy is challenging. Jesus commands us to "go", yet He also teaches on stewardship. That to whom much is given, much is required. If we are not faithful in the little things, how can we be trusted with with true riches? Does not this also apply to how we handle and care for our relationships? Good job, reaching out to the one across the street. You walked right over the one who sat at your doorstep. One who is weak, does not call to another weak to help them... they look to one who is strong. The sick look to one who is healthy. The poor do not go the poor to help break the cycle of poverty. If our faith in Christ is not strong and if we are not faithful where we are, how can God trust us to be faithful elsewhere? All that to say, if we are to impact the nations for the cause of Jesus Christ, perhaps we should do so from a place of effectively having impacted our neighborhood with the Gospel of Christ. God help us, this #communitySaturday, to find the balance in reaching out to our neighbors and the nations. May we see and act on the needs around us, whether they be a literal cup of cold water, or a great endeavor. Pray we would be faithful to be used where we are planted; while also not afraid to "go" when God so directs. Pray a grace over our conversations, as the church works to find a balance between faith and good works. While Christians aren't perfect, pray for a continual seeking of the face of God; that we love Him with all that is within us; and love our neighbors. Whether across the street or across the waters; pray a boldness to step out and be ministers of the Gospel and of grace. To impact our world-at-home To impact the world-at-large May the truth of God's World be revealed As our light so shines before men. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Perhaps my favorite of Russ Taff's discography, this song kept playing through my head for most of the day yesterday... as I struggled for a clear direction, as to what God had for this post.
I hope you know, I don't write this just for readership... I do, daily, simply, ask that God would grant me insight for the next post... which is why it blows my mind this is, the 614th consecutive post. As my mind kept playing the lyrics to this song, however, after the ump-teenth time, the words "face to face with who I am" finally resounded. Being launched for the post on critical thought, I began thinking of the religions, that have either as their basis or at the very least, a fundamental element, that life on earth can be made better, largely through self. Whether in their actions, or attitudes; in their thought life, one way or another; the betterment in one's life is not through a personal God. So many voices, so many opinions and lines of thought; critical and otherwise... and while Christianity has often been described as self-serving, betterment of self is not the critical component. While Christ is the foundation, the critical component is not what a person gains from their faith, but the acknowledgement of one's state from the outset of this faith. "I am a sinner." People look to religion, as if they look in the mirror desirous to figure out how they can be and do better. Yet as believers, the look in the mirror compares our life to Christ. In that light, as bleak as it may feel, there is no comparison. There is nothing to which one can state, if we correct this and that, we may not be perfect; but we will be that much closer to attaining what the religion says it possible to achieve. The hard-hitting truth of Christianity is that the hope for humanity is not that humanity has the answers, but rather, Christ IS the answer. To recognize Christ as the answer, we must first acknowledge wherein lies the problem. You and I. We. Sinners. In need of a Savior. The truth isn't popular. As comedian, Brad Stine states... "the truth offends. That's it's job. It's how you know you don't have it." Conversely however, comedian Jeff Allen, once expressed his gratitude, where in an honest moment, declared that "Christianity was the only religion that would have him," How profound. And what is so incredible about this relationship? It depends not us, but on Christ... who has already done what was necessary in order that the acknowledge of our state is all that is required of us to be reconciled to God. Pray, this #missionsFriday, that as they share these truths, missionaries would be able to continue the work of communicating and sharing the good news of the Gospel of Christ. Pray that hearts would be ready to receive and minds open to the truth of God's Word. May the voices be quited and the opinions and doubts cast aside; that the still small voice of the Holy Spirit bring clarity to the soul. Pray the convicting power of God reveal the lowly state of humanity; not to depress us, but that hope would arise, that God, at the beginning of time, provided a way for man to be redeemed from his fallen position. May people come face to face with themselves, Realizing that faith relies not on us, but on God. Not on what we do, but upon what we confess. That one day, all will confess, Jesus Is Lord. - PNC ![]() A post-modern society increasingly moving away from absolute truth, seeks to know what is going in the world, without biased commentary and perspective... with hearts set on separating fact from opinion and of late, separating the fakers from the fact-checkers (who've themselves, been exposed to be less than forthcoming as truth-tellers). The daily irony is endless. The navigation of the conversation can be more confusing than a broken GPS unit stuck in "recalculation" mode. I've been meaning to post this statement on one of my other blogs, so you'll hear (read: read) it here first. It truly is tragic, that Gandhi allowed a flawed humanity, even those who declared the Christian faith, to interfere and ultimately stand in the way, of his own personal encounter with God through the person of Jesus Christ. I thought about this again last night, in light of the words of Paul, the Apostle... "follow me, as I follow Christ." Thanks, no doubt, to the advent and quick integration of social media, all of us, including leadership throughout all organizations have become more concerned with who is following them, than who they are following. It is symptomatic of the opening lines... a move away from truth, that creates problems defining fact versus opinion and lead to relying more on commentary than the courage of one's convictions. It is not an easy road that leaders walk these days. The masses of critics are becoming to numerous to track. Similarly, following leaders is increasingly difficult. The opposing views, the conversations that people navigate; the attempts to understand as well as being understood... all with an increasing expectation that one will set aside their biases, experiences, and even their faith in order to create an objective, factual and compassionate environment. It's enough to make your head spin and simply wish yourself the ability to walk away and disengage. Sadly, many have. Godly people have stepped out of politics as a result. They have stepped away from the corporate marketplace. Burnout in ministry is on the rise... as is a society increasingly bothered by organized religion and it's views and beliefs. People of all kinds at many levels are stepping back from the church. Pray, this #deaconThursday for church leadership. May they be strengthened in their daily walk with God; renewed by the Word and encouraged by the Holy Spirit. While the details of their responsibilities within church operations revolve around the engagement of believers, may they keep their eyes set on God. May God grant them the strength to stand by the courage of their convictions and bring revelation to their conversations and decisions processes. While critics will always step forward, and disagreements will unfold, pray the church would operate in a spirit of unity. In times of difficulty and things going awry, may their be a steadfastness about the team, as they remain committed to the plans and purposes God has called them to fulfill. That the church would lead the way As the follow God alone. Let not criticism overcome conviction Nor lies defeat the truth. God grant favor to the efforts of those; Whose hearts remain set on Him. For the glory of God. Isn't the internet amazing?
In the past few days, the concept and terminology of critical thought has come to the forefront of discussion. And of course, a quick search, and sure enough... there is a foundation established for the study and advancement of it. Discussing its' meaning and purpose, its' usefulness and outcomes as it is implemented, what the process actually entails... it's certainly written as an attractive level of human achievement. Not to dismiss its' value, parts of it almost sound utopian, especially when they begin to discuss critical societies. What happens to the world when the number of critical thinkers reaches a height, whereby society and culture changes? Hopefully combating the humanitarian flaws that ail us... greed and power, self-interest and gratification, the struggles of life might change for the better. Granted, we are a flawed humanity, but what's interesting as I read all of this, was nothing about the soul. Nothing. Critical thought requires an open-mind, taking in philosophical, economical, intellectual, scientific perspective and analysis, not to mention morality... and it has to account for one's own experiences, and prejudices... But pending more reading, I've yet to see it account for faith. One can express many beliefs, yet not discuss in what or whom they place their faith. What's sad about all of this, is that we are presenting and suggesting a path towards the betterment of society that once again, suggests it can be accomplished without the help of Almighty God. What's worse, it suggests that man can improve his own life with the help of the Him in whose image we were created. In discussing the thoughts of critical societies, the foundation quotes Leo Tolstoy: "Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself." Yet man is finite. Thus, so is his ability to change unless changed from the very core of his being by the one who created him. If an infinite God does not change the sinful nature resident in the heart of all of humanity, then critical thought, no matter how noble will not nearly be enough to change the world in the ways people so desperately desire. How fitting then, that we pray over this generation of young people and their leaders. On this #youthPastorWednesday, pray that eyes would be opened, not to what can be achieved through critical thought, but through a critical change of heart. May God do the miraculous in this generation, a people that desires a better world. Pray they would see the revelation of Him who created it. Pray for the pastors of kids and teens; may God direct the paths and conversations... divinely positioning them to speak life and truth, full of love and compassion. May change come, not because of one's insight, or the words of men, but by the revelation of God's Word. Pray God would apply Biblical truth to this post-modern society, bringing clarity to a world full of confusion, despite a wealth of information. Critical change, not from finite humanity But from a sovereign deity. That we would not overcome our flaws by thought and achievement, Choosing instead to submit ourselves humbly to Almighty God. To be used for His glory, in spite of and despite for failures. His plans and purpose fulfilled For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() Blame always rises to the top of the leadership ladder, even in cases where the full truth and reasoning may not be known. In the case of a failure and or removal from the highest level, blame also quickly descends upon those who remain. Leadership truly does require a thick skin. It does not require perfection for nobody is. It does not require full transparency, for we live in a time where it is more fun to highjack the truth with misleading titles and offering words that stand in the way of resolution than asking questions and working through all possible aspects in order to gain better understanding. Not everyone is "in the room". We do not know, nor can we sometimes fully comprehend the information presented, the context and the history that factors in; as to why, how and where decisions are made and the impact that follows. Furthermore, it doesn't help any matters that people arrive at places of criticism for some fairly far-fetched reasons, others very legit and well-founded. So the discussion is always an interesting one, provided both parties can hang in long enough to find common ground... or at least a point or place of understanding. We've come to a place where we think everything needs to be shared, everything needs to be known and all reasoning explained. Life doesn't work like that. Relationships exist on several levels and not all can be intimate enough to be full access with nothing hidden from plain sight. Leadership is a conviction for truth. Leadership is a boldness to declare it. Leadership is a compass for trust. The first of the three can be the equivalent of an archeological dig. The last of the three, easier to lose than to gain. In the middle, resides the temptation to remain silent... which long term, helps nobody. All the more reason, to pray, not just for leadership in general, but for pastors. For if we are concerned for the lives that hang in the balance as a society, how much more, our concern for lives who hang in the balance of eternity? Thanks again, for joining me this #associatePastorTuesday, as we pray for associate pastors. Pray for a conviction for the truth. Pray a boldness to declare it and in love. Pray for wisdom in their relationships, that they would be built on trust. As we do live in a day of desired transparency, pray for wisdom and guidance, that leaders and pastors would know what to share, with whom and when; for relationships are dynamic with intricate moving pieces and salient details. May God help those who observe and criticize; may it be done so with compassion and understanding. May their be a foundation of understanding; rather than a platform that is quick to place blame and hurl insults. May our lives glorify Christ Even as decisions are made While we may not understand, nor agree; May we continue to trust... first and foremost, The sovereign hand of God. Not Himself removed from our presence, But intimately involved in the affairs of man. That His purposes might be accomplished So all may know, He is God. - PNC I got to thinking last night about all the pastors and church leaders who lead and serve in other areas of ministry, outside of their local church. They may serve on boards or leadership positions in their communities or in the higher ranks of their denominations, at a district, state or national level. They serve on boards of other non-profit or para-church organizations.
There's an incredible amount of wisdom and knowledge from these amazing leaders. As I reflected on this past week, and the conversations that have arisen on how the church should respond to issues abroad and how governments interact with each, there has been an overwhelming amount of perspectives and opinions offered... how to respond as a society, how to respond as a church and how those two come together in a way that glorifies and honors God. The last part is increasingly difficult, as so much of society and government has sought to remove God from the conversation, yet now we "have" to do the Christian thing. I say all of that to say, if the people have difficulty having the conversation and coming to places of understanding, how much more the disagreements that come to light through the interaction with leadership teams and people of influence; those who make the decisions and direct the conversations that precede them. These are simple times of epic proportions in which we live. I really don't know how to describe how so many people are using Scripture to justify and advance their argument, even from those who aren't Christian, yet use the Christian foundation of a nation against the church for the stance they may take. This is nothing new, of course, but it seems to have surely risen to the forefront in recent days. All the more, to pray for our pastors and church leaders! So, pray, this #seniorPastorMonday, for senior pastors who hold places of influence and leadership outside of their church. In the conversations and meetings they have, may God impart wisdom into their hearts and minds. Pray God would guide their paths and direct the conversations and the decisions that result. While they may never have 100% support or everyone in agreement, pray that their convictions would be clear and grounded in a consistent and accurate understanding of Scripture. Pray for a covering of grace when times of dispute and disagreement arise; that their positions would not be used negatively, but for the advancement of the Gospel of Christ. Strength from the Hand of God Direction from His Word Intentional in our walk with Him For we wrestle not against flesh and blood But against principalities and powers and rulers of darkness. Against spiritual wickedness in high places. God, we look and reply and upon you anew and afresh. For your glory. - PNC ![]() While working on a couple of things online Thursday night, while browsing a few social media newsfeeds, I come across a notification from a networking site for business, informing me of my brothers status update, which was of a job promotion! Not surprised, but unexpected, I thought I had missed something. So I texted him. I knew changes were in the works, for the past 6 or 8 months, with his responsibilities and everything, but our conversations had been about the job, so when I saw the title... At any rate, he replies with the title being official since January 1; he was just finally getting around to updating his professional online profile. Offering my congratulations, he replies with what I thought I remembered being the game plan... "it's the same thing I've been doing for 6 months or so, but now it's official." Fast forward a few hours to Friday morning. I'm thinking about the post I had written before running off to work. In particular, thinking about the balance between Christians verbally giving witness to the work of Christ in their life and that of allowing the change in our heart speak to how we live differently from the world. It wasn't but a second or two that the connection was made. As the church engages community this last Saturday of January, how many have been turned off to the Gospel because they were quick to verbalize their faith, but then consistently live life contradictory to what people perceive as Christian? Keep in mind, I'm not perfect, nor do I act it... sadly, I have my days where someone might question my profession of faith. So, I'm not saying one should be the perfect Christian before sharing their testimony... for surely, I am not. But consider these two scenarios. I've listened to you tell me that you are a Christian for the past year (or much longer), and I yet you still... (whatever seems a clear conflict of behavior and one's faith). I'm not gonna call one thing out, but you've seen something in someone and had this question. How did the conversation go? Did they justify their behavior? Conversely... I've noticed a change in your life over the past few months and I can tell their is clearly something different in how you live your life. We haven't talked about it, but I see it. This is the difference between the one who holds the title and people wonder why they have it versus people that do the work and aren't surprised when the title comes. Thus, as we impact and converse with those around us, let us not be known Christian in name only. But strive to live a life that glorifies God; that by the outflow of our heart, they will know those who are His. The title is simply a word and a word is worthless if not built on a strong foundation. For in any arena or event of life, one gets the title because of their performance, not in hopes of it. Fortunately God doesn't work like this, when we accept His gift of salvation... there is an element of grace in it all, yet at the same time, the expectation is present... did we fulfill the duties of the position we've held. Pray this #communitySaturday that God would help us live this life He has called us; for surely we are not perfect; yet we are called to reflect Christ to a lost and dying world. May their be a consistency about our lives. Pray our words and our deeds would both point to Christ in all that we say and do. Pray God help us in our conversations, for indeed I've struggled to express the balance of a living and active faith just in this post... how much more with those unfamiliar with Christianity or Biblical principles. Yet everyone has an expectation of how a Christian should live. Saved by grace. Sanctified by the Word Justified by faith in Christ alone. Imperfect people reflecting a perfect Savior. Christianity is indeed a process, a balancing act and an irony. The Sovereignty of God... to use the foolish things to confound the wise Through His infinite wisdom, unending grace and abundant love. For His glory and the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019