![]() **NOTE: I wrote the title before I found this pic. #destined There is so much to be thankful and grateful for on this Thanksgiving Day. In this great nation of the United States: We give thanks for the love and the grace of God and the transforming power of salvation through Christ's sacrifice on the cross. We give thanks for those who have served in military and public service, in defense of our country and community. They have sacrificed their lives and time away from doing life together, as my friend celebrates this day with his "other family", the fire department in the city he serves. And on this #deaconThursday, we give thanks for Pastors, Missionaries and church staff, who all make great sacrifices for the Kingdom of God and the cause of Jesus Christ. They give so much of their time, their talent and the treasure to invest in lives of those in their community. Critical attitudes come naturally, but humility and awareness give light that there is more to life than one's self. And on this day, we give pause to thank those who have given and continue to give of their lives in order that we may enjoy, all the more, the one that we live. On this #deaconThursday, pray for those who have and continue to serve this nation and our community through service to God and to Country. May God strengthen and protect each and every one. Pray for the families and friends affected by their service and those who have lost family and friends by that service; may the Holy Spirit comfort them and encourage them anew and afresh, as many mourn while we give thanks. Pray this Thanksgiving Day, that many come to faith in Jesus Christ, recognizing that ultimately, the life we live is because of His life, that He gave when He took our place on a cross meant for us. -PNC
![]() I can't believe it almost Thanksgiving again! And the joys and busyness of December are quickly racing up on us. While I am looking forward to some incredible food (that I should probably start making room for starting tomorrow), I know many people dread the stress, tension and uncomfortableness that comes with the holiday season. With good reason, often enough. Personality clashes, unresolved matters whether real or perceived and the downright drama, that for those whose lives are already full, have no room for hearing, let alone having to deal with, whether it happens once a year or once an hour. Then there are Pastors. Not immune to personality clashes, probably both kinds of unresolved matters and perhaps more drama than we could care to hear about it. If that weren't enough...they hear about all the drama we go through this time of year, in addition to everything else we encounter. Don't forget, church ministry and operations continue. A world, also not immune to personality clashes, unresolved issues and drama. On this #seniorPastorMonday, pray for the strength and courage to press on and stay the course. Pray for wisdom in navigating the clashes, matters and drama. Pray for guidance as they help those in need work through the tension and trauma for situations they would rather avoid and forget, rather than face and repair them. And for those Pastors who have similar situations in their lives, outside the church, may God work the miraculous in revealing the truth of the matters at hand, and leading them in the best course of action. For each of us and the families, friends and homes that are represented, may we experience new found freedom in Christ, as we cast our cares, Holiday and otherwise, on Him. For His glory. For our healing. Through the power of Jesus Christ. With the comfort of the Holy Spirit -PNC ![]() While preaching yesterday on God's temple, using the story of Christ kicking the money-changers out of the temple as his primary text, Pastor made this observation when it comes to how we communicate in all manner of circumstances: -Speaking the truth without love, is brutality. -Speaking from love, but without truth, is hypocrisy. -Speaking the truth in love, is maturity I know we've prayed on similar subjects before, but once again, as reality has checked our spirits again in recent days, the world needs people who recognize the truth of the circumstance and with pure motives and a clean heart can speak what needs to be said with confidence and authority, as well as understanding and love. Without such a balance, the repercussion and retaliation from those who hear is criticism at best and, well, just about anything could be worse. While the world may take it's time recognizing that God and His Word are TRUTH, the church must not waiver. It's not rules and regulations. It's not old testament versus new testament. It's not about God contradicting Himself. It's not even about Christians who have failed to accurately represent Christ as they live in a fallen world full of broken hearts convinced that they are "good" people. Christ's death and resurrection, whereby He conquered Hell provides us opportunity for Heaven. Without Him, our destination upon death was guaranteed. With Him, we have a choice to make. And with that choice, allowing Him to work in us, to live a life different from what we would on our own. Truth. Love. Truth in His love & love in His truth! Now more than ever, we need to continue to pray this message moves forward from the church today. The full gospel of Christ. For if parts are missed, skipped and overlooked, we risk the world perceiving God far from accurate... as a brutal, hypocrite. Yet look at Christ' ministry... everywhere He went, people "stood in amazement at His teaching". As we pray this #seniorPastorMonday, pray the truth of the love of Christ would continue to permeate hearts and minds. May people come to know and understand Christ died not for a relationship of rules, but one of love. Love that would dare not leave us as the mess in which He finds us. Pray pastors would not live in fear or anxiety or concern to speak anything less than the truth in love and to preach the same, from the pulpit...the Full Gospel of Jesus Christ. Christ, being Truth, wouldn't die for a lie. He wouldn't take the place of someone He didn't think wasn't of value. He wouldn't leave Heaven's splendor if you weren't worth rescuing from Hell. Pray we don't diminish His sacrifice by ignoring His gift. God do the miraculous, in hearts & lives today. Your Truth. In Love. Our Eternity. Changed...in one decision. For Christ. -PNC ![]() Isn't this a great picture? If only life's spiritual, emotional, mental and social challenges were able to be solved so easily. That said, life often requires more than duct tape and WD-40. And as sad as that it is, we always seem to have reasons why the advice offered for someone else or by someone else won't work for our situation. I had a great quote come across my twitter news-feed as I was getting ready to write this post. "Helping others solve their own problems is more effective than solving problems for them." It also, always seems easier to sort out others problems rather than our own. I'm reminded of what Pastor mentioned during Sunday morning's service... that there comes a point in life, where you should both have an older mentor and be mentoring someone younger. I can't imagine a more worthy vocation that would benefit from such relationships than pastors. Providing practical encouragement and support to the next generation while receiving seasoned wisdom and sustenance to persevere from those before us who have paved the way. As we are all under development, we need someone offering effective help in our problems. We need to offer effective help to someone else and their problems. Pray, this #seniorPastorSunday, that Pastors will both find and be mentor in the ministry. Pray for encouragement, wisdom and advice to be well received, whether to the ears of a 20-yr Pastor of a 2-yr Pastor. They encounter so much, so quickly in the lives of the communities they serve. May they know and understand they are not neglected, discarded or unappreciated. May the community of Pastors be strengthened as they work to stick and stand by each other. Pastors...doing life together. Power in agreement for the ministry of preventing 1500 leaving each month. We can't afford them to disappear into the shadows of the known. -PNC ![]() In days when authenticity and genuineness are quickly disappearing, they are also character traits that are more readily recognizable because they seem so infrequent. Failures in ministry and a lax spirit in Christendom regarding the ability of its people to relate and share the faith in tangible ways to a lost and unbelieving culture has led to a great deal of skepticism when it comes to spiritual matters. Interestingly enough, even people of faith are becoming increasingly aware of those who have a genuine and authentic faith in God versus those who are in the church... for lack of better words, playing church. However, one never wants to think or believe that this is possible from ministry leadership. Yet we all have our doubts and suspicions, that when you look at ministries, something seems amiss, that can't quite be pinpointed. That said, for those in ministry whose faith is seemingly unshakable (not that they haven't had insurmountable challenges), for those who love serving others and the body of Christ large, for those who have a heart and passion for people to have a genuine, ongoing encounter with God... these servant-leaders can not be missed. By anyone. These are the men and women we need in ministry. These are the people we can't afford to burn out. These are the individuals and families we need to continue to serve the church and the local community. These are leaders that must know they are appreciated, supported and needed. And above all, they are covered in prayer; brought before the throne room of heaven, daily. On this #seniorPastorMonday, pray an increasingly authentic and genuine spirit from those in the pulpit. Pray for the situations and circumstances they face, personally, at home, regarding matters that perhaps only a select few within the church will ever know. Pray, a spiritual hedge against moral and ministerial failures; that healthy relationships and healthy boundaries would come together and remain strong, that they would live and lead above reproach. May God continue to pour out His spirit, anew and afresh on these servants as they faithful give of themselves to the cause of Jesus Christ, relying not on what they can give of themselves, but on what Christ gave of Himself for us all. Finally, pray for those ministries, that at times, seem suspect, that something is "off". Pray for a spirit of discernment, wisdom, correction and reconciliation come into being, if and when time and place of circumstance demand those elements. May the grace and love of God abound in such circumstances, and God, not willing that any should perish, bring them back into right relationship and proper alignment with Him in due season. Bless your servants, who lead us closer in our walk of faith with God. We do not live life alone, not one of us. Thank God. -PNC ![]() It never ceases to amaze me, how God uses a life-altering event, whether through trauma, disaster or moral failure to accomplish His purpose, as the resulting testimony reaches people who might have never heard the power of God and the grace of the Cross at work in the lives and affairs of man. People in my own life, who when I think about what they have gone through and how God has worked the miraculous; people in the lives of my friends whose stories are mind-boggling at the start; yet heart-warming in the end. One such story is that of Hal Donaldson, Founder of Convoy of Hope. There are many organizations outside the church doing great work for the cause of Christ and the advancement of the Kingdom. While we must guard that such organizations don't take the place of the local church, those who understand their purpose and place in coming along-side to aid in the mission of the church-at-large can have and in fact, do have, incredible, eternal impact. Donaldson's parents were in a head-on collision when he and his siblings were young. Dad was killed, mom incapacitated for quite a while. Neighbors took them in that night, launching the sense that one day, having been in a place of incredible need, they would one day, help meet the incredible needs of others. Disaster relief, feeding programs, helping churches in rural communities in America and more... Convoy of Hope is just one of many incredible, "along-side the church" organizations meeting incredible needs. After 20 yrs, in 48 states, 113 countries and phenomenal amounts of food, resources and finances, Convoy is, indeed, missions-minded. Partnering with churches to extend their reach, beyond what they could accomplish on their own. www.convoyofhope.org Pray, this #missionsFriday, for organizations, such as Convoy and others, fulfilling a need within the body of Christ that extends the reach of the local church. Pray that through meeting physical needs, the doors will open to meeting spiritual, emotional and financial needs as well. Pray for creativity and wisdom as to how organizations can increase their impact, such as Convoy's partnering with rural churches (244 out of 250 of the consistently-ranked , poorest counties in America are rural). Pray for wisdom and guidance in their allocation and use of resources and finances; that they would be efficient, yet effective, maximizing their potential without minimizing the quality of their service. Nobody thirsts for dirty, contaminated, nasty-tasting water, even if it is cold. Pure, refreshing, renewing, energizing water...for the body, mind and soul. Given in the name of Jesus Christ. The ice-breaker to sharing how God used one's life-altering event on earth to reach others experiencing the same, in order that the end result is a life-altering decision for eternity. For His glory. In the name of Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Thank you, for life-redeeming, life-sustaining, ever-lasting Water. -PNC ![]() An interesting and profoundly true statement was made during yesterday mornings' worship service. Its' that you will "run out of words" in your attempts to describe God. Consider the futility of one who is in a word, finite describing one who is all-knowing, all-seeing, all-present, all-powerful, unbound by both time and space... in a word, infinite. Of course, with my seemingly, growing perspective to see life through the scope of pastors and ministry, I heard the phrase "run out of words" and knew it was as just an accurate description, albeit negative, about what transpires when a pastor burns out. For the burnt-out pastor and others in ministry, by the very nature of burnout, they have in fact, run out of words. They feel they have nothing left to give or to say, that it's not working or improving lives. Perhaps they've run out of words, because they are struggling to rely on God for what He has for their life and the lives of their church. Whatever their take on the matter and however it has come to be, when there is no longer the power of God in the words from the pulpit, wisdom in the words during counseling, or compassion in the words during loss or suffering, the body of Christ and the community suffer. Those who walk in for the first time, will sense something "not quite right" if they can't pinpoint it. Regulars and members, will certainly notice something is amiss. Maybe not right away, but long before one runs out of words, the words they use make less of an impact. They become so obscure that nobody knows what's being preached on; perhaps the delivery won't be up to par or the words simply fail to land on the hearts and minds of the listeners in a way that elicits a response. God is not one for empty promises; He does not call people to deliver an empty message. We pray for you, this #seniorPastorMonday, may God place in your heart, the words necessary to prompt you to keep going and not quit. You are of great value to your church, your community and the kingdom of Heaven. Pray that God strengthens and encourages Senior Pastors to draw closer to Him, with greater confession, great conviction, and greater courage; to call out to Him; to trust and rely on Him anew and afresh. May the sustaining power of all-mighty God refresh and revive pastors this day, daily from this moment forward. Pray the message of Christ be not delayed as Paul experienced during his travels, but that the Holy Spirit would go before pastors, paying the way to take their church and the ministry to new levels. We need you to keep going. And for the times you can't, stand firm. Let God refuel you, lest you run out fuel.... and words. ![]() My friend made a great point during our small group gathering last night while discussing Sunday mornings' service. As we discussed competing and contending gods (from the story of the rich, young ruler), she mentioned how even self-reliance can be a competing, contending god in our life. Competency on the job, effective management of her team, ability to produce results and create viable solutions to challenging problems... it can be done and she proves it daily. Yet, taking the time each morning to pray and confess her need to rely on God for whatever she may face throughout the day (something I've been challenged do this past week as well) and it's amazing how easier and less stressful her day unfolds. As she's sharing, the words of my pastor mentioning his 23 years of ministry at the same church began ringing in my ears. If it's easy to rely on our abilities and competencies in corporate America, how much more would it be to do the same in ministry. To say the right things, advise the right things, quote Scripture, preach the right things... even on this site, I pray, it's God through me and not simply my perspective from years of church and thousands of services. Granted, the insight helps, just as much as my friends' experience in her field, but I can't rely on that any more than she. Likewise, neither can men and women in the pulpit. In the words of Abraham Lincoln, "you can fool some people all of the time, and all people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all of the time." In school, on the job, at the home or from the pulpit, self-reliance eventually wears off and runs down. Only God, never fails and always sustains. Pray this #seniorPastorMonday, a fresh understanding of our daily need to confess our reliance on God. Pray persons from all walks of life and especially those in ministry will acknowledge how much more God can accomplish when we seek and ask for His help, strength and guidance rather than relying on our own experience, energy and knowledge. Pray that God will do the miraculous, as exponentially more is accomplished fort the kingdom of Heaven on any given day that what we could do for God on our in a month or even a year. May we allow God to work and have His way through open surrender to Him rather than pushing through the days problems on our own merit. "Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." - Eph. 3:20-21 -PNC ![]() We had the incredible opportunity to hear Evangelist Jason Stidham preach both our Sunday morning and Sunday evening services over the weekend. I encourage you to look up his ministry @ www.jasonstidham.com. In the midst of a powerful, challenging and anointed message was a great dose of humor and a touch of reality that hits a little close to home. "It humors me that people call us for marital problems" -Jason Stidham (as if marriages of those in ministry didn't have their own set of "issues") The dose of reality? For the few times that I wondered if I was to be a pastor, especially when the thought crossed my mind, post-wedding... I've thought, with some of the arguments we get into, there's no way I could do church ministry...especially if it happens shortly before or after church. The follow-up to Stidham's one-liner was made during the evening service. "Your Pastor is not perfect. You are not perfect. Which makes you a perfect match." - Jason Stidham What an incredible challenge. To invest in your ministry. Your family. Your marriage. Your community. Then to be there for 10's and 100's of other people when problems arise in their career, family, marriage and more. How incredibly naive of us to think they don't have problems. God help us for the conversations we have when gossip and rumors arise regarding possible problems. Pastors need our prayers and support, if for few other reasons than they are able to offer valuable insight, proper perspective and Biblical advice when we actually do seek their advice. Then again, as was one of the main points of the morning service; why don't we just go to God first, with the perspective, if anyone can do something about anything, it's God. That said, on this #seniorPastorMonday, pray for the marriages of Pastors, and those in ministry. Pray that they would remain complete and healthy. Pray that ministry would not overshadow and overtake their responsibilities on the home-front. Pray that love and respect would dominate their home and the strength of the marriage would be honest and genuine to all who witness it. Pray that together, their ministry would be more effective than if they operated apart. May the advice they give when they are ask, not be from a position of higher ground, greater skill or simply better than, but a true testament of commitment, hard work, sacrifice, deference for each other and love. May it be clear to all, that their marriage is not strong because they are perfect, but because God is at the center of their lives as individuals as well as central to their marriage. For the glory of God. For the betterment of the church. For the strength of the community. -PNC ![]() "All good leaders are accountable." Pastor, Dr. Bradley Trask This statement was followed up moments later with the concept that anyone "over leadership" should also be "under leadership". A further expansion on the quote, that exposes the need that the higher up one's leadership position the greater the need that they should have some form of leadership, or oversight, if you will, that they are subject. People worry when they sense one has too much power and begin to show signs of enacting their willingness to blatantly exercise it, in spite of objections from people who have greater insight and experience in certain matters than the one in power. This has proven dangerous for many people groups over the course of human history, whether its taken place in governmental affairs, corporate affairs or spiritual affairs. The is why we pray for ethical business people, upstanding politicians and humble pastors; that they all live lives of integrity for all their days and at the end, declare they lived a life above reproach. On this #seniorPastorMonday, pray for leaders, that they would not allow a spirit of pride to blind them to their own need for leadership. Pray for a spirit of humility, understanding that accountability helps to foster living a life above reproach. Pray for a spirit of wisdom and guidance as they lead, that their position would not take them on a power-trip, whereby the begin to lead their church in directions God never intended for the life, community and ministry. Through a commitment of accountability in their leadership, may wise counsel and the power of the Holy Spirit help guide them to know which doors they are to walk-through with confidence and which doors need to remain locked with conviction. May we never forget, that there is freedom in boundaries and consequences in crossing them. For the cause of Christ. For the glory of God. -PNC ![]() Last night as the praise and worship portion of the service was about to close, our youth pastor used the story of Samuel and Elijah as a reminder of how we should remain towards God. Three times, Samuel heard a voice and went to Elijah. And, perhaps, because Elijah was still half-asleep, it took a moment to realize the miraculous and advise appropriately. "The next time you hear the voice..." Pastor didn't even finish the summary of the story and I thought about what happens to ministries and pastors, particularly senior/lead pastors, who find themselves having lost the ability to remain humble before the Lord, ready to listen to what God would desire speak into their lives. Of course, in light of our morning guest speakers', reminder that "we are all ministers", Elijah's advice to Samuel is hard to swallow, even on a personal level. Obedience is better than sacrifice, and since upon our death, everything we have will automatically qualify as a sacrifice, the only thing we truly have to offer God is, in fact, obedience. Okay...this is starting to hurt. Time to pray. Pray, this #seniorPastorMonday, may all of us, whether a senior in high school, senior-aged member or a Senior Pastor (an any level leading up to "senior", find ourselves continually humble before God, ready to be a listening servant. Pray that ministries and personalities do not overtake one's spirit, that they think they can rely on self and do better than reliance on God. Pray against a spirit of pride, that would tune out the promptings of the Holy Spirit and the words of God, whether they are spoken by a fellow pastor, adviser, or friend. Pray for opportunities for Senior Pastor to be an Elijah, to a younger Samuel...to help guide and direct the next generation of pastors, not only in church-related matters, but in-depth lessons on life and spiritual maturity. May the building blocks of ministry begin with God-moments, where people's first response is the one that says, "Speak Lord, your servant is listening." For the cause of Christ. For the glory of God. For the purpose of changing our wrold. -PNC ![]() Yes, in 2015, time is changing. Fast. In the classic timing of God, my pastor mentioned the passage from I Chronicles 12:32, in last nights church business meeting devotional. I particularly like the phraseology of the Douay-Rheims Bible: Also of the sons of Issachar men of understanding, that knew all times to order what Israel should do, two hundred principal men: and all the rest of the tribe followed their counsel. Upon his sharing the passage, I immediately wished and prayed for more pastors to better understand and lead according to the Word and by the Spirit. I know many pastors do. I fear many are not. I fear the number of those who may fall to social and political pressure of issue may be growing. Thankfully, there is prayer! And a God who hears us. And the Holy Spirit who makes intercession for us when we don't know how to pray. On this #seniorPastorMonday, pray for the increased ability to discern the times. Pray for proper direction; to lead, guide and cast clear vision for their church. Pray for the courage of conviction. Pray for clarity of thought in casting vision; that genuine care and concern will be made clear. May there be understanding among the church, that Pastors are looking out for the safety, security and well-being of the church and its people just as much as they are looking out for the community they serve. May they know what to do at all times, by the grace of God, for His glory. -PNC ![]() For all the talk that takes place regarding pastoral burnout, hearing of long-standing ministry is worthy of celebration and piques the curiousity of how they did it. Even when not in ministry, the effort, the experience, the energy that the experienced are able to exude when situations warrant... There's a word for how they accomish what they do. Much determination and much more grace. How great it would be if we learned lifes lessons from the experienced rather than attempting to figure it out via our own experiences. On this #seniorpastorMonday, pray for the long-standing ministries. May they experience new levels of energy and stamina for the next stage of their calling. May their legacy be revered, their lives worthy of being an example to the next generation. Pray for the experienced people and believers around...they have through incredible, challenging and very different times than what we face in 2015. May the generation gap be bridged, that lifes greatest lessons won't be lost because nobody sought to know, hear and learn from the experienced. -PNC ![]() Save for the transforming power of Christ, the results of ministry are usually not immediately noticeable. Spiritual growth takes time. Turn-around in marriages and relationships take time. Discipleship takes time. Church growth and impacting a community for Christ...lots of time. While they labor not in vain, the wait, the process, the work...in a results-oriented society, staying focused, determined and on track can be challenging. It's certainly something to which many can relate, as other positions and industry have long cycles, where projected "completion times" are well in front of us on the calendar. However, the process of becoming more like Christ is not a long cycle process, but a life cycle process. Thus, it requires a lifetime of commitment and faithful service to that process. Ministry is a calling. Ministry requires an anointing. Ministry needs people who will neither quit on God, nor give up on the people they service. An unrelenting faith in God. An unending hope in the people. Anxiously awaiting a life-transforming result. On this #seniorPastorMonday, pray for a renewed sense of commitment to the ministry. Pray for a refreshed anointing in their place of service. Pray for a strengthening of stamina; that energy levels be restored, that emotions and mental capacities would be fortified. Pray for excitement and enthusiasm to return to their work; that it would be contagious to their congregations and overflow into their communities. -PNC ![]() Ed Stetzer wrote an article a few days ago regarding the Ashley Madison hack situation. He specifically talked about the number of potential pastors on the list and how churches and church leadership handle the repercussions that are soon to follow. It was a well-thought article in highlighting specific steps to take so those affected aren't automatically written off, but are able to experience the love and grace of God and discover how God may use the circumstance for His glory. Nonetheless, the agony remains... of having to respond, having to deal with the fall-out, having to console and advise those impacted... just reading Stetzers' advice on such an ordeal was enough to ask how many people will be willing to go through the process as a matter of forgiveness and healing. It can be so much easier to take the consequence and skip recovery. Yet, to fully trust that God makes all things work together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose, then it's really not ours to say, "No...this mess is beyond even what you are able to accomplish. Pass and move on." Thankfully, God doesn't let us go that easy. On this #seniorPastorMonday, pray for those churches and pastors who genuinely are in trouble. Whether they are on a list such as Ashley Madison or not, sexually immorality and extra-marital affairs destroy families and are devastating to the pulpit. Pray for extra doses of wisdom and grace in handling such matters. May they look to God and His word as the ultimate tool for navigating the consequences of such behavior. May their trust that God is able to accomplish the miraculous be strengthened, in spite of decisions that damage our witness of Christ. Pray those involved, do indeed, experience the love, grace and forgiveness of God in manners yet known. Pray for the forgiveness of self to be realized. And regardless of the outcome, may they know God has not given up on them...even if people within the church have called "game over." -PNC ![]() Small matters are nothing when they remain small. You fix it. Remove it. Solve it. Find a place for it. Seconds. Minutes. In the large scheme of things, it's done and over with, having exhausted only a small percentage of your time, energy and resources. Then stuff gets moved to the back burner, a few hours later, the next days' schedule; interrupted my more pressing matters and boom...now it's a priority simply because it's too big to ignore and it needs to be dealt with. This process can cause a great deal of frustration. Sure the matter needs to be resolved, but eventually, if the issue of frustration itself isn't dealt with when its' small, you'll be getting more frustrated than any particular situation warrants. There's a word for this phenomenon... ...overreacting. If you remain frustrated long enough, there's a word for that too...burnout. I should look to see this book is still in the collection somewhere. Big Things Happen When You Do The Little Things Right. On this #seniorPastorMonday, pray for a supernatural ability to prioritize their schedules; that matters would be resolved with wisdom and grace, neither in rush judgement, nor in prolonged delay. Pray for help in dealing with matters that cause frustration; pray for help in dealing with frustrations and keeping emotions in check when problems and issues arise. Pray for the mind of Christ and a "level head" as they work through situations and seek counsel in how handle them; whether it needs to be fixed, solved, properly placed or even removed. Pray for discipline and the ability to take care of the little things while they are small; knowing that the more that happens, the desired large-scale results and accomplishment will come to fruition. -PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019