We weren't in Sunday morning's service more than 5 minutes into praise and worship when I started thinking about isolation. I'm not exactly sure why... perhaps because it's seemingly been a "buzzword" of late, in society's conversation of recent tragic events.
But this one thing stood out, regarding this topic. There's a big difference between God placing a person in a season of isolation and one isolating themselves. Do people have legitimate times where they feel a sense in their spirit, that it is there decision to "isolate" themselves to some degree, yes. There's fasting. There's an emphasis on the Word or other spiritual matters to connect with God. However, I think all too often, it's easier when things go wrong or relationships get tense and tenuous, that we would rather check out and disengage. Maybe not entirely... we'll still scroll social media for hours on end. But making physical connections with people in real time while actively participating in spoke word conversation rather than the "texted" word (sorry, hard to use the phrase "written" word when my pen is in the other room) seemingly takes too much time, energy, focus and thought. Conversely, though, I think there is a very distinct and intense purpose when God calls us out and sets us apart. Often called "wilderness" experiences, we see these many times throughout Scripture. Times of preparation and development, of learning and understanding who God is and what He desires to accomplish through our lives. A time of trial and testing. A time of purifying and refining. A time of purging and rebuilding. Not on our time. Not on our terms. This is God's deal. Making an investment in His creation. A scary time from our perspective. A frustrating one. A challenging one. A difficult one. But from God's vantage point... a time of genius at work. A Master's plan. A Master's touch. A Divine design. God is willing. We, are often not ready. And I'm not sure we can be. But we can be open. And with God, that's a great place to start. On this #seniorPastorMonday, pray that pastors would have and retain an openness to the hand of God and the moving of the Spirit in their heart and mind. Pray that they would not place themselves in times of isolation that would be detrimental and destructive to their purpose, but that the isolation they experience would be of God doing a great and mighty work, the likes of which they've yet to witness thus far. Pray God's sovereign plan would run deep and wide through their life and ministry. May their be a greater revelation and understanding of God and His plan and purpose as they go through this time. Pray they would be encouraged; that the Master is at work. His thoughts towards us are good. Of a hope and future. And He is able to do, Greater than we can ask or imagine. For His glory alone. - PNC
What a day, yesterday was. Church was powerful. The minutes leading up to walking out the door... yeah, let's not go there. The afternoon... for the most part, not that much better. By evening, I think we were just emotionally out.
All that to say, it remains a mystery how God works. What appeared to be a random meeting late in the afternoon and God orchestra's and displays His arranging of the puzzle pieces known as our life. A transaction that was to take only a few minutes took closer to 15. Why is that? In the course of conversation, it turns out he is an associate pastor. Not only did I not see that coming, I had nothing to go on that such information would exist, let alone come up as a topic of brief discussion in the course of a completely unrelated matter. I left floored in wonder. In the drive home, which had its' own round of frustration, I got to thinking of just what prompts people to go into ministry and in particular, the pastorate. Obviously, "the call" if you will, plays a great role. Certainly, ministry leaders and the church-at-large place a great emphasis on the matter. But what makes potential pastors think they can do the job? To fill the pulpit? To lead a community, both of believers and the physical surrounding area in faith, spiritual matters and all around life issues? Surely, there's a learning curve and an educational process like there is any other formal training. Likewise, there's a series of positions of increasing responsibility like any other field of work. Then again, the early church didn't have such advantages. It was pretty much the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the law and the prophets and the words of Christ. The church existed long before any "school of ministry". All of this is simply perspective and "food for thought", if you will, but it does bring us to a specific area of prayer. On this #seniorPastorMonday, let's pray for wisdom and guidance; that senior pastors would know who to choose in adding to their church leadership team. May God give them discernment in the decision process; that the Holy Spirit would reveal to them through prayer and Godly counsel who the person is, that God has set-apart for their church, ministry and community. Pray again, for a spirit of synergy. May God accomplish the miraculous through the power of agreement. For those that are waiting and perhaps have been waiting for a while to fill open positions, may God give them strength to endure and the patience to see through the process. For God has great plans in store in the final days. May He raise up great leaders and even greater partners To fulfill His calling. And carry out His plans and purposes. For the kingdom of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC I heard the story of a church this weekend that recently closed their doors. It was a church plant, and through a series of events, the pastor felt, surely through much prayer, that this wasn't the time to "force" making it work.
The pastor who was relaying this news, asked of those in the room, how many understood that how difficult a thing it is to continue when so many events transpire, that circumstances simply wear and whittle you down to nothing. Of course, the room understood. Who wouldn't? Of course, the pastor told his friend he was welcome to come back to the home church. At this, the tired pastor replied, thanks but no. And the reason? I'll always be Pastor (name). You can hear the pain in the explanation. While he would love to be surrounded by friends and support, they will still and perhaps always identify him with the title and office of pastor. But right now... it's too much. Hurt and pain. Memory and emotion. Of struggle and frustration and on the surface, failure. Wisely, he's not going into isolation. He simply wants to step in to a church where nobody knows his name and God can refresh and renew his heart, mind and spirit. And perhaps one day, God will have prepared and readied him for another go at the pulpit. For now, he will simply be known for who he is, not what he is. And on this #seniorPastorMonday, how many more are exactly where he is? Too many I fear. Pray God would do a mighty and miraculous work in their entire being. Pray a time of rejuvenation and refreshing. May they not get lost in isolation, but may God transform them as they perhaps live in obscurity. May they know they are loved. Pray the Holy Spirit would guard them from depression and the like; that feelings of failure and disappointment neither detour nor delay them. May they return stronger than ever. For what the enemy meant to destroy God meant to rebuild and live again. For His glory. And in His timing. - PNC Is anyone's schedule not crazy, right now?
And yet, when you least expect it... when you least want it to happen. When you can least afford it... life hands you, one more thing. Is it God challenging your faith? Is it the enemy attempting to derail your life? Is it consequences coming back around from previously made, wrong decisions? Whatever "one more thing" is, it can wreak havoc. Financially. Emotionally. Mentally. Spiritually. It's something else that needs to be dealt with, scheduled, delegated and discussed. Will it work out in the long run and all will be okay? Yes. Sooner or later. But for not, it's stressful and frustrating. Which makes it as good a time as any to pray. On this #seniorPastorMonday, pray for pastors that struggling with additional stress and frustration of one more thing. Pray the peace of God that surpasses all understanding would fill their hearts and minds. Pray that God would give them wisdom and discernment as they navigate these days, times and circumstances. May they be surrounded by those who would support and encourage them; that feelings of loneliness and solitude would neither overwhelm or discourage them. Pray the Holy Spirit would lift the heads and their hearts as they place their trust in God. Even in the face, Of one more thing. For the glory of God. - PNC The pastor whose church we sat in yesterday touched on something incredibly profound. It didn't take but just a few seconds to realize it's accurate truth.
Revelation becomes regulation that becomes tradition that becomes religion. Let that sink in, as you consider the current rolls of church leadership and senior pastors. There is but one answer for this, as I typed sermon notes on my phone. #everygenerationneedsrevelation. The greatness and the tragedy comes in what the pastor receives and even perceives as being revelation; for them, for their church, for their generation. Greatness, if they truly receive from the Lord and the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Tragedy...should they either get it wrong, or act from a position of self or circumstance. Regulations have their place. So does tradition. But Christ called out those who allowed religion to stand in the way of relationship. Why? Because at some point between tradition and religion, what matters to humanity takes priority over what matters to God. What matters most, is what God desires to do in the lives of those He loves and desires to accomplish in their generation as they seek His face. On this #seniorPastorMonday, pray that God would indeed bring fresh revelation. May church regulation and tradition hold their proper place, but not taking the place of relationship. Pray for understanding and wisdom as pastors seek and inquire of the Lord. May God grant to them wisdom and discernment as they lead this generation of the body of the Christ. Pray that self and circumstance would neither dominate, nor diminish the gift and imparting that God desires to give today's pastors and church leaders. Revelation. Fresh and anew. Power and anointed. Relevant and relational. For the glory of God. - PNC This has been driving me nuts, as I forgot the song that we sung during worship yesterday that prompted this thought, but isn't is amazing how our thoughts about God progress. We often, in our discussion on faith and ministry, talk about our pursuit of God. We seek after Him, we rely on Him, we call upon His name. And on and on, the steps of faith continue as we draw closer to Him.
Meanwhile, we consider and are grateful for His grace and mercy and His unfathomable long-suffering. But what do we do with the fact that He is unwilling that any should perish? When do want to miss one single thing, one single moment, one single person... the marketplace has a word for that. HUSTLE. It's all too easy to think that God is waiting for us to come around to where He is, in the grand scheme of things, but behind the scenes; He is actively engaged and at work... in pursuit of those in whom He can fulfill His sovereign plan and purposes. It's kinda of comforting, when you think about it. The God who never forsakes you and never lets you go, will also never write you off as a lost-cost. He is eternally, in pursuit of those who bear His image. Which is to say, all of humanity. Both those in the faith and those who've yet to come to faith. On this #seniorPastorMonday, pray for those who are perhaps, in a stage of ministry or phase of life where they are existing, but not thriving. They are present, but not engaged. In the questions and circumstance that loom and take their exhaustive toll, may pastors know that God is still in pursuit of them; of who they are and who they could be. May they know, that no matter where they are in their faith and ministry that God is still at work in their lives and has even greater things in store for them, than what has already come to fruition. Pray a restoration and revitalization for those who have suffered loss, energy and focus. May hearts, minds and souls be rekindled. The flame fanned afresh. That as God pursues, may they pursue in return and more. For the kingdom of God And all eternity. - PNC I don't know about where you were yesterday morning... I trust you had an incredible experience with the body of Christ in the presence of the Lord. I know our time with the body of Christ was amazing; a unique and intimate time of praise and worship as well as an insightful and moving message.
In particular, during worship, we joined the band in Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing. Then the verse, "prone to wander... prone to leave the God I love..." The possibility exists for all of us, but I was specifically struck in consideration of senior pastors; that no matter how strong our relationship with God, no matter the depth of our love for Him, no matter the longevity of our journey of faith... the evil within the heart of man is prone to wander. We are tempted and enticed, both deliberately and unknowingly at times, and so it is a conscious and willing decision to daily align ourselves ever closer to the heart and presence of God. The One who has saved and redeemed... The One who has pardoned and forgiven... The One who has planned and purposed our lives from the beginning of time that we should stand and walk in right relationship with Him. Daily. Moment by moment. Thus, on this #seniorPastorMonday, pray that today would be a day that pastors would continue to walk, ever closer in the presence of God. May they not give in to the proneness to wander and leave. Pray that they would not be drawn away from the love and grace of God in their lives through distraction and disruption. May they stay the course rather than be lured away. Pray today would be a day of victory and triumph, rather than failure and devastation. For indeed, we have been redeemed and forgiven. And He knows the plans and purposes He has for us. May we fulfill them for His glory By the power of the Holy Spirit For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC I went to bed last night, uncharacteristically early and woke up this morning at quarter to three! Just woke up. When it came time to hit the alarm (the one that forces me to get out of bed to do something about it), I couldn't; for I was tangled up between the sheets and the comforter. How they got so twisted I have no idea.
Of course, I was so snuggled and comfortable, that I didn't want to get up. So I laid and rested and wondered... about the coach or the trainer who is attempting to teach the balance of having a long-term vision and short-term goals. I know we don't have it all together, regarding a number of areas and arenas in life. I know I don't. If you were honest with yourself, neither do you. And pastors and church leadership misses the mark as well. But I got to thinking about Bo Gentry... the strong baseball prospect from yesterday's post in the movie, Trouble With The Curve. Here's a young man, being scouted for the major league and he's missing a critical skill in his game; in his ability to play. And "everyone" is so caught up in what he has been able to achieve and accomplish, that this one flaw proves to be a fatal setback in his desirability from prospective teams who were grasping to claim him if he was still available when their draft pick time was theirs. Likewise, our journey is a process; we won't know everything right away nor will we do everything perfect at the exact time we are called to do so. But what a dangerous set of circumstances it must be, to have a long-term vision and be achieving short term goals while having a problem that could unravel the entire deal in a matter of minutes? Pray this #seniorPastorMonday, that that would not be the case for those who lead the church. Pray for wisdom and guidance in their ministries. Pray for an awareness and sensitivity for areas where there exists a potential for problems or challenges. May God grant them discernment and bring into their life people who would help them correct and change whatever "it" may be. Pray for balance, as they achieve short-term goals while striving for the fulfillment of a long-term vision. May their future not be cut short because they were taken out by a fatal flaw that could have been avoided had it been noticed and corrected in an earlier place and time. God help us to see what you see And change in us that which could be our downfall. That we may be victorious in that which you've called us For your glory and honor. - PNC No matter the size of the church, every pastor needs respite care. Yet, they, just like so many others don't have the time to take time off. Even more true, is what we'll all stated, "I can't afford to take time off."
Both of those scenarios, either being true or feeling true, do not diminish the reality and severity of the matter, in that we can find ourselves doing damage somewhere along the way by not making and taking the time to retreat & reprieve and allow the body, mind, soul and spirit to find rest. In essence, you reach a point where you can't afford not take the time. We often times may not even know or see that we are on the verge of doing harm by running ourselves thin. This is why it is so important, especially for ministers, to have people in their lives who are close enough to speak life and recognize that a time of refreshing is needed, lest a pastor runs himself and others into the ground because no friend is around to take their place. But as we discussed yesterday, with regards to the overall effectiveness of the church, this is just one more area, and a very important one, I might add, where intentionality is paramount. If you don't take time to give rest to the body and soul, eventually your body will force you into taking a rest from life, at which point, who knows how much you'll miss. Thus, this #seniorPastorMonday, pray for those in desperate need of a break. May they find the time, even in pockets, to take care of themselves. Pray that God would give them wisdom in the management of their time, resources and responsibilities. May God give them strength throughout the day and rest when they lay their head. Pray the stress would dissipate as they find balance and perspective; intentional when the press in as well as when they step back. May they be refreshed as much and more As they refresh those they minister too. That God would equip and empower them for more As they serve faithfully with what and where they are. For the glory of God. - PNC I stood slightly in awe yesterday, as during praise and worship, the band played So Will I, from Hillsong. In the third chorus, the lyrics talk about how as God speaks, a hundred billion failures disappear.
A hundred billion failures. Pastor talked yesterday of the healing of the man who sat by the pool for 38 years. 38 years. And while he didn't have a hundred billion failures, he had the starting point of a long list of reasons and excuses as to why he was by the pool for such a long period of time. But that didn't then, nor does it for people today, hinder Christ from seeing past all of that and asking the basic question that he asked in Scripture. Do you want to be well? Those in ministry aren't any better than everyday people. Sometimes are plight and misery are worth hanging on to longer than we should. It buys sympathy. It buys time. It provides reason to procrastinate and prolong doing what we know we should, going where we know to go and living as we are called to live. I've done it. You've done. And perhaps pastor has as well. We can be defined by the mat that sit upon, rather than taking power over our mat and responding to what Christ has called us to. In spite of a hundred billion failures. Despite, perhaps, our hundred billion excuses. On this #seniorPastorMonday, pray that God would strength and encourage pastors through the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray for the miraculous; that God would help them get past the failures and excuses that may exist in their lives and ministries. May they rise up as God speaks into their lives; that a new day would dawn in their faith, heart and mind. Pray they would find freedom and peace, as they are released from the past and the mat that has perhaps defined any arena of their life for far too long. May the truth of God outweigh any criticism from the mouth of the man or the enemy of the soul. Freedom. By the word of God. And the work of the Holy Spirit. To the life Christ has called us to lead When He gave up His for ours. For the glory of God. - PNC Happy New Year!!
I'm not sure that there are many who are not among those balancing the joys of 2017 along with the insurmountable challenges as 2018 begins and those circumstance carry over. And while a new day and a new year certainly usher in a sense of excitement and enthusiasm to one's life, circumstances and realizations can quickly induce a sense of concern and worry which quickly puts a damper on one's spirits. Personal matters, relational struggles and ministry problems...such moments and more can turn a glorious New Year's Day into just another manic Monday. And yet social media posts have been flooded with the verse from Isaiah 43. Behold, I am doing a new thing... While I hadn't planned on inserting that verse in this post, I can attest that the sentiment certainly resonates. The battles and struggles may carry over and that's okay, for God is still in control, still leading the way and still protecting by His strong right hand. Whatever the challenges, whatever the resolutions, whatever is being carried over or starting afresh, the first and best step that can be taken is a renewed trust in God's will and His ways. Though we are tested daily regardless of the calendar, He can be trusted daily, regardless of circumstance. On this New Year's #seniorPastorMonday, pray for those struggling with the ongoing challenges that have entered into 2018. May God give them insight to handle them, strength to endure and provision rise to above. Pray for those facing defeat and desperation, rather than excitement and enthusiasm. May their be a spiritual shift in their perspective and outlook; transformed by the God's Word and their mind renewed by His truth. May 2018 indeed by a year of new beginnings. That God would continue the miraculous In the lives of those dedicated and devoted to His call. A testament to His glory and faithfulness. Even when the prospect of both today and tomorrow is dim. May we see life through eyes of His grace and glory - PNC Merry Christmas!!!
It is my hope and prayer that you are having a wonderful time with family and friends and enjoying this day that we commemorate the celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And before I get too deep into this, I'm humbled for those who've joined in prayer and continue to do so on this special day... one that started very early. I don't know about you, but when I asked the kids what time it was and hand me my phone, it said 5.42. Seriously kids? I might as well be walking out the door for work! Meanwhile, on social media, I'm delighting in the occasional post of those whose kids slept in... including my pastor friend, who as of 8am was the only one still awake. With kids roughly the same age as mine, he was enjoying coffee and cinnamon rolls all to himself. Sadly he is no longer literally on the other side of town, otherwise I'd have accepted his invitation to come hang out. But what a beautiful day to rest. As we commemorate through the giving of gifts in honor of God's gift to humanity, may His being the reason for the season ever be on the forefront of our minds. And for pastors, who are perhaps in the midst of difficulty and struggle this Christmas, may they be renewed and refreshed as they remember the ministry God has called them to serve. As quickly as it can become a day of activity amidst a looming sense pressure, frustration and unpleasantness, it must remain a day of connection. Not only of drawing close with family and friends, but to the Creator of all families, God our Father, and the friend that sticks closer than a brother, Jesus Christ. So... as we celebrate the birth of Jesus and indeed, the beginning of the Gospel story, let's pray for pastors and with them, church and ministry leaders. May today be a day that we all remember the reason for the season and the reason for our ministries. Pray today would be a day that we rejoice in the gift that has been given to us and remember the importance of the gift that has been entrusted to us to share with others. Indeed, may today be a day of rest and renewal, both for those who are staying home and for those traveling across town, both figuratively and literally. May our faith be placed in Christ alone. And our faith in humanity, perhaps restored. As we draw ever closer into the presence of God Surrounded by His grace, love and forgiveness In the company of our beloved family and friends, Strangers and aliens, as we all once were. For the glory of the kingdom of Heaven. - PNC It's always a pretty incredible thing, to hear the powerful sermons that come to the forefront around the Christmas season, for truly the thought of God coming to Earth to redeem a broken humanity is hard to fathom.
And if you'll permit me to include among them, my pastor is on a series discussing the Adventurers, a play on words of the characters of the Advent season and he said something yesterday that really provoked some consideration. In discussing Mary's response to the promise of Jesus' birth and the account of her visit to Elizabeth, this observation was made. And although we see it in Luke 1:38, it exists numerous times elsewhere through Scripture. What is truly amazing about the sovereignty of God and the free will of humanity is that God will not act for us or through us without our consent. Consider how often we see the response. I am your servant. May it be as you have said. It's a nod to the power of prayer! A direct relationship between our petitions and God's Hand, which we further see through both era's that are divided by Christ' life. Thus if we limit our prayers to God, it stands to reason God's response will in turn, be limited? Yet if we are open and willing to see it through to completion.... How often do we look at circumstances and decide "no more". God's plans take time and any time we abort the mission early, it usually spells bad news in comparison to what would have been, had God been allowed to work in His time. So, on this #seniorPastorMonday, may I encourage you as our congregation was encouraged? Let's pray today, that Pastors will not abort the mission. May they see through to completion, the plans and purposes that God is working in their lives and ministries. Pray for those, where there needs to be a realignment as God's servant and a willingness for God's word to come alive and manifest itself in our midst. Pray for Pastors who are tired of the journey, may they be strengthened. As they refresh others, may they be refreshed themselves. May the power of prayer be rekindled and fanned, as unleash themselves to God's sovereignty. May the miraculous occur As promises are fulfilled For those who remain in Him. Unrelenting, unwavering. Faithful to the cause of Christ, For the glory of God. - PNC Yesterday morning's message has kinda stuck with me, as we are already almost half way through the month that surrounds Christmas. It was an interesting message on the birth of Christ, and particularly, the gathering that occurs at the manger scene.
And while a number of points and applications were made, one understanding in particular stand out, as we once again gather at this page to pray for pastors. Consider this for a moment... It's entirely possibly to stand in the awe and wonder of God, while feeling as though you are of little to null value to Him. Furthermore, what happens when that sense of awe and wonder is lost? Who are we? And what are we doing here? Where do I go moving forward? The hand of God at work in our lives is incredible and why He chooses who He does escapes our comprehension. And yet, we see throughout Scripture what happens when the love and pursuit of God disappears from our lives and what we are doing is nowhere near what He had planned and purposed for our lives. Problems of epic proportions usually ensue. So will you pray with me, this #seniorPastorMonday? Pray that pastors would neither lose their sense of awe and wonder, nor would they lose their understanding of their value and importance to God. May God strengthen and revive the flame with them regarding their love for God and the work which He has called them. Pray the lies of the enemy and the misleadings of their emotions not detour and derail them to the point of destruction. May this season be a time of drawing ever closer to the presence and power of God at work here on Earth. Time and again, May He help us through And show us the way That leads us back to Him As we stand in awe and wonder Humbled in His presence, And a part of His grand design. - PNC I was reminded once again yesterday morning, words that I so appreciate hearing from the pulpit. As pastor prays at the opening of the sermon (or a few minutes after the introduction of it), he acknowledges in the prayer, that people didn't come to hear from him, but they did come to hear a Word from God.
Indeed, daily now, we see the power of such an acknowledgement, as we continually witness people whose words are not in line with how they live the rest of their lives, particularly behind closed doors. Hypocrisy is pretty hard to miss, although some people make it look fairly easy. It happens in politics, without even thinking. It happens in the marketplace of commerce and sadly it happens in the community of believers, both of those sitting in the pew and those standing behind the pulpit. And as I've often stated before, to each his own, the explanation for the justified difference of why their situation is excusable, yet another's is not. A standard is a standard and the only one that truly matters is God's, of which we all have fallen short. But that does give any one person a pass for not living according to the beliefs that they communicate. Words have impact. Ideas of consequences. May we be people who choose wisely. And let's pray to that end, on this #seniorPastorMonday. May pastors be people of the Word, who preach the Word, who live by the Word, who know the Word. Pray for those who have perhaps forgotten their place in delivering God's Word; for none of Jesus' disciples were people of position and prominence... if fact quite the opposite. Pray God would do a fresh work for those who are off course and out of alignment with what God is wanting to work in their lives and ministries. May the revelation of the truth of the matter bring them to a place of repentance and correction as the serve humbly and communicate faithfully. That we would speak words of life As the Word of Live lives within us For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC It's a little scary when the inspiration from pastor's sermon falls in line with a realization obtained while watching a Hallmark Christmas movie, but here we are.
The frustrations of a monotonous reality will eventually ruin a spirit of gratitude. Sometimes plans change, either because of circumstances beyond our control or God changes the course of our lives. In either case, we can find ourselves living a life, that while we may enjoy, we also may be secretly wishing we were somewhere else; doing something else. We can be grateful for what we have, who were are with and what we are doing. And yet the daily frustrations can and do certainly take their toll. Eventually, if the perspective of the joy and power of the opportunity before us is lost, then we lose the ability to not only be thankful for our reality, but we fail to give expressions of gratitude for that reality. Sure, a front and a justification can be made for a while, but eventually it becomes apparent to a select few as the effects of burnout come into the light and the unsettling sense of dissatisfaction makes itself known. Oh, that those in ministry would not find themselves miserable! (*as Petra's song Thankful Heart just now begins to play on Pandora) Pray, this #seniorPastorMonday, that pastors would not lose their sense of gratitude. May they maintain a thankful heart towards God; what He has granted, given and blessed in their lives, homes and ministries. Pray for a renewed quickening as God works afresh in their hearts and minds. May they live and serve with thankful hearts; that frustration and dissatisfaction would be far removed from them. Empowered by the Holy Spirit As an enduring testament to the grace and love of God. To live with a heart of thanks And serve the gratitude For the glory of God. - PNC Well, I don't know about you, but we experienced an incredible move of God yesterday morning during our service. I hope, trust and pray that you did as well.
So powerful was the time of prayer at the altar towards the end of praise and worship portion, that Pastor stood on the platform announcing that he felt impressed to hold of his sermon until next week. In an effort to "not break the Spirit", he reiterated the very simple truth... that even from the pulpit, it's possible to speak the right thing at the wrong time. So he tabled the sermon. Followed by asking what the congregation was asking, which was, well, what are you preaching? For a man who admitted he didn't have any idea, God gave him something pretty quick to speak on. And man, what a great word it was. I know that such happenings are not the norm for every service, nor probably are they for every church. I get that. But I relay this experience to share that the church as whole can truly miss out on the presence and power of God in their individual lives and their corporate gatherings by sticking to the plan. In fact, as I was sitting down to type this, I was reminded of the verse that talks about how man makes plans in his heart, but God guide his steps. Every member of the body of Christ would do well to remember that at any time on any given day, God could speak... "while you may think you're going in that direction doing this, we're actually gonna go over there and do that instead." And I say that as I feel changes on the horizon even in my own life... and God could switch thing up fast. Of course, if I'm not sensitive to His moving, perhaps this moment in my life is His switching up and if I weren't open to it, I'd be missing it. So we'll see what God has in store. But that requires an open spirit to the leading of His Spirit. On this #seniorPastorMonday, pray that pastors would never lose their sensitivity to the moving hand of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit; both in their own lives and in their leadership of the church. Pray for those who have lost it or are feeling distant. May there be a turning point in their hearts and minds, ever closer towards God and the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray they would not be so set in their ways and plans that the miss some incredibly profound and powerful moments of His presence and His Word as it relates to what God is speaking and doing in the world. Both locally and globally, may we see His Hand lead, guide and move afresh upon the land. For the glory of God By the power of the Holy Spirit For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC A friend of mine who is the President of a Christian university posted recently on a blog post that highlighted the current situation in Canada. They have essentially denied adoption privileges to a couple, because of their religious beliefs.
Over the course of the adoption, their views on sexuality and marriage became an issue during the process. As it was explained to the couple, their religious beliefs regarding sexuality were incompatible with the adoption process" Needless to say, this is kind of a scary, and dangerous issue should culture continue on this trend. So, my friend receives a comment from a young man who is prepping for ministry. When it was all said and done, it left my friend in a sad and disheartened realization. The young man thought posting the article was an act of "fear mongering" and as such, he was ashamed to be associated with anyone who would write such a piece or advance it's message by posting it on social media. On this #seniorPastorMonday, this is why we pray for pastors. It's not so they continue to teach and preach acccording to tradition and preference and any one's personal understanding or experience. It's that they preach the Word of God. It's that they preach Biblical principles. God instituted family. The Bible states that true religion is caring for orphans and widows. How will the church and the Christian community care for kids in need through the avenue of foster care and adoption if the state calls the faith to be incompatible with the process. What happened to the world's position on humanity not being in alignment with the Creator of said humanity? Furthermore, what happens if the church and it's leadership continues to look more like the conforming to society's perspective and understanding than the truth? I get that the truth is uncomfortable. But it is where freedom lives. Otherwise we are slaves to a lie, and ultimately, to the many that follow. Let's pray, this #seniorPastorMonday, that our pastors would be people who would not be afraid to take a stand and continue to declare truth. Pray for our future leaders, that they would know the truth, even in the face of a culture that pushes for them to conform, even they aren't so forthcoming in calling it as such. Pray the church would indeed be leaders in compassion and love, leading with integrity, grace and honesty... even when the conversation is uncomfortable. May God continue to grant wisdom to the church and leadership; that we would not be disheartened, nor dismayed. For we know in whom we have believed. We know to what we have been called. We know Him who has created and redeemed us. By His love. By His grace. For His glory. - PNC Well, first things first, on this incredibly somber Monday morning.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the pastors, leadership team, congregation and community of First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. I'm shaking my head in disbelief, yet simultaneously frustrated on a number of levels. Of course, society's commentary is already well under way. How the church should respond. How government should respond. How legislation should respond. These are incredibly complicated times. And yet they are blatantly simple times. What is at work in the world has been a long-time coming, even more so as the created world continues to want nothing to do with it's Creator while simultaneously crying out for something greater than itself. I don't know. All I have right now, is the words of Christ. Don't be surprised when this happens. The world hated Me. They will hate you also. Yet somehow, the Christianity community will be known by there love for one another. I don't know what tomorrow holds for any of us. I do know that God holds tomorrow. Furthermore, He holds the whole world in His hands. And if we are to get through tomorrow, even if the whole world stands opposed to us, we will need the strength and grace of God to abound in our lives, homes and churches. And lest we forget... let us be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Wisdom... comes first. May God fight for those who are His as we stand for Him. Pray this #seniorPastorSunday for wisdom to navigate these certain, yet uncertain times. Pray for the strength to persevere in the face of evil and overwhelming odds. Pray for favor between church and community; that our love and passion for good and righteousness would emerge victorious. Pray for peace and comfort for this Sutherland Springs. May the Holy Spirit bring healing and restoration and may joy rise from this tragedy. A day of new beginnings. A day of revival. God, come quickly. Heal this very broken land. That we turn from our wicked ways And fall at the base of the Cross of Christ. In surrender to your glory. For the honor of your Name. - PNC I had somewhat of an "ah-ha" moment yesterday afternoon, as a series of thoughts passed through my mind, hoping that something would stand out as inspiration. And I didn't see this one coming. But somewhere between pastor's message on having a hunger for God and Isaiah Thomas' writing on commitment and the connection was made.
So here it is. Everything that we do in life is acted upon from one of two driving modes. We walk and progress in our journey with either a driving hunger or a driving fear. We are either in passionate pursuit or disabling doubt. As much as taking risk with consideration of consequence can be problematic, so to can living in hesitation with too much consideration given to the unknown create undue stress and frustration. Life and faith requires careful consideration of planning and purpose, for sure. But at the same time, past experiences, failures and trials that "didn't work out" can become a debilitating hindrance. As a result, we are moving forward with strong intentionality or we are moving forward with even stronger restraint. One would think, or more likely assume, that pastors automatically have a passion and hunger for God and ministry. And for the most part that is correct. But the reality of burnout cannot be denied or ignored. Which means at some point, something has changed. The hunger has diminished, which creates room for fear. Something changes in the approach to ministry, in the handling of problems, in the communication of vision and in the health of relationships. And rarely do such circumstance turn out like the happy endings of the Hallmark movies vortex to which my wife has made me fall victim. But they have the potential to do so, as we continue to lift them up in prayer and encourage them in their life and ministry. On this #seniorPastorMonday, pray that God would indeed strengthen their pursuit and passion of Him and the work to which He has called them. May they move forward with purpose, unhindered by fear, but walking with confidence. Pray that past mistakes and failures would not have a debilitating influence in the lives, but by the power of God, may they use those lessons as a positive source of discernment as they are led of the Holy Spirit. Pray they would remain ever so and even more hungry for God, His Word and His church. A force to be reckoned with. Because they are not dominated by fear. But controlled by the Spirit. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019