I've been slowly reading my way through a book written from my favorite NBA player and I'd recommend getting a copy. The stories of what he's endured are pretty incredible.
The book is titled The Fundamentals and it's written by one of the great Bad Boys of the Detroit Pistons, Isaiah "Zeke" Thomas. On a section headlined with the phrase "A life committed to success" he shares these words. "Commitment powers dreams and goals into reality. It is the engine that powers the wheels. Without commitment, you go nowhere. People who never commit fully to their goals often feel lost or stuck. They are out of gas. They blame their "stuck" circumstance for their misery instead of taking responsibility for their own happiness and success. Their lack of commitment is a result of their lack of inner motivation." Contrast that with the opening of next paragraph. "With commitment, you can change not only your life, but the world around you. Those whom we honor and remember the most are generally those who have committed their lives to bettering the world and then lived that commitment." Isaiah goes on to write, "You are fully committed to your goals when you decide that nothing will throw you off your course in pursuit of your dreams.... no one can stop you. No one can make you give up." I know life is hard. Emotions and feelings and circumstance can really sway and pull on our hearts and minds to not do or desire to do or be the thing or place that we are. Even Christ understood and experienced this. Hence His cry on the cross, if possible take this cup from me. His life is replete with opportunities to step out and walk away and call for an entire different situation, outcome or result. And yet He remained committed. Even to death on the cross. Not an attractive end on a human level, but He allowed nothing and nobody to stop Him, nor make Him give up. So that's my encouragement this morning. No matter what, stay committed. To the calling God has placed upon you, to the place God has positioned you; to the people He has surrounded you with; to the plan and purpose He has laid before you. Let nothing nor anyone discourage or distract you from pursuing and fulfilling what God has placed within you to accomplish for His kingdom and glory. Pray this #effectiveSunday for God grace and strength to those feeling lost, stuck and demotivated. May they be encouraged, even this hour, to continue and stay the course. Let not distractions and discourage detour and derail their lives and ministries. May they continue to progress forward under the power of God and the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Pray today would be a day of results, as lives are transformed and eternity forever changed because of the commitments that are made, renewed and fulfilled. Effective for the ministry. Committed to the cause. Unwavering despite our feelings As we walk in His footsteps. For the glory of God. - PNC
John MacArthur is currently broadcasting his series on the study of the Bible and interpretation of it. And while it's emphasis could very much apply to pastors specifically and the preaching of the Word, I received it differently as I listened.
For when it comes to church staff and leadership, as they have their hands on the pulse of the congregation and to some degree the community, MacArthur's insight and wisdom on the matter was struck me as profound, yet simple. It was also relevant, as in recent years, culture has become obsessed with definitions and the redefining of things; whether to fit their narrative or support their agenda or belief or whatever. Sadly, this is nothing new, even in the church. For longer than anyone cares to admit, church history is replete with both leadership and congregation approaching situations and circumstance with meanings and applications of Scripture that span the range of "not quite accurate" to severely taken out of context to "that's not what that means at all." MacArthur asks this question, which I thought drove the point home nicely. "Once you say something in the Bible is an allegory, that is, it is only a symbol of reality, you have just made it impossible to know what that reality is. Because if that reality can not be discerned through the normal understanding of language, how can it be discerned?" I saw all that to say, that much of the trouble of preaching, teaching, counsel and wisdom within the church that leads to bigger problems than what is first posed, stems from the misunderstanding and misapplication of the Word of God. Thus, and again, I'm standing first in line, we would do well to be become better students of God's Word. For in our relationship with Him through Jesus Christ, it is how His character, will and purpose is revealed. If we don't know it, we miss it and thus, miss out. On this #deaconThursday, pray that both church leaders and parishioners would be greater students of the Word, both hearers and doers. May God help us to better understand the context of the Scriptures on their merit, as well as the impact it makes as we apply it to the context of today. Pray that church leaders would continue to seek the face of God, especially as they lead and advise. Pray for strength to pursue our understanding; that the Holy Spirit would illuminate hearts and minds as the Word is made alive to us, for indeed it is a living and active Word. May we handle with care, for indeed it is a two-edged sword. For Thy Word is truth In a world changing at speeds For which we can't keep track, May we hold tightly to God Through the revelation of His love letter to all humanity. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC I recently heard the testimony and story of Emily Colson, daughter of well-known Chuck Colson and the story of her autistic son, Max. In fact, she and her dad wrote a book together before Chuck passed, telling their story, titled Dancing With Max.
But as I listened to her final remarks, she made an interesting point; that not only applies to pretty much everyone, let alone Christians and church leadership. In discussing her son, Emily states that God's plan for Max, is not for him to be healed or changed so that he lives, acts and communicates like the rest of humanity. God's plan for Max is to be like Christ! This point she emphasizes, also happens to be God's plan for the rest of humanity. Not that people would act like us, believe like us, look like us or live like us. We all should be ever changing and transforming towards the reflection of Christ. And here's the part that stood out. Too often we are concerned about having a perfect life, perfect moment, perfect experience. Imagine if our focus was geared towards helping others, have the perfect life, a perfect moment or the perfect experience. We worry, stress and all but freak out over the circumstance of which we will be directly affected. But what would happen if we stepped aside and served those around us; that they would walk away changed and impacted, refreshed, revived and renewed. In our marriages. In our families. In our workplace. In our communities. And by all means, in our churches, as pastors and parishioners partner together for the cause of Jesus Christ. Let's pray this #youthPastorWednesday, that indeed pastors and believers would take the lead, not to live for a series of "perfect" for our own lives, but to create life-changing moments for others, whereby we might be the blessing of God as God has blessed us. Pray for pastors who are not feeling refreshed as they endeavor to refresh others. May God return it to the them 10 and 100 fold. Pray for strength to continue the good work that God has called each of us to fulfill. May we not be consumed to compare ourselves to others, but consumed to bless others rather than ourselves. As God works in us, pray we would not hesitate to change how we interact with those around us and all the more, with those closest to us. For we were created for fellowship with God And relationship with each other. Filled with the love of God Empowered by the Holy Spirit To be the hands and feet of Christ For those who've yet to be transformed By the love and grace of Almighty God. - PNC Well, our neighborhood lost power last night for a couple of hours. It wasn't even a full blown storm, just a cool, windy fall rain. However, at least one transformer blew and hence, an area was left in the dark.
I didn't know what to write for this post, until I had a light-bulb moment, thanks to the joys of technology. It worked out for us, as we had a prior engagement, so we weren't left sitting in looming blackness; we just left earlier than planned. As we were headed out, the text message came through from the energy company... crews had been dispatched. A little while later, another notification that they were on-site. We stayed out a little longer, in hopes the power would be on sooner than the 4-hour window they were predicting and sure enough, two and half hours after we had left, the lights were on. We've all been in the dark. About life. About faith. About relationships and careers; moves and finances and a whole host of who knows what, both on a significant and important, or not; on matters of eternity and carnality. Sometimes for a few hours; a few days... weeks and months, even. The worst are the periods of darkness that last for years. Pastors are there and many don't notice when they are living in such period, not to mention what battles, struggles, challenges they face and what is going wrong in the darkened state. Yet, in light of pastor burnout, as I ask you once again to join me in prayer, consider this... What neighborhood do you support, as a crew-member who is involved in bringing light to those feeling and living as though they have been left in the dark? Pray, this #associatePastorTuesday, for pastors that are living in the dark. Spiritually, emotionally, relationally, financially and more. Pray that the congregation would be a place of encouragement and support, even if very few know the details of the darkness. Pray pastors would not disappear into the blackness, but seek and search for those in whom they might confide and confess and reach out for guidance, wisdom and insight. May God give churches and congregations wisdom as well, to know how to help and discern potential situations, for times and circumstances where pastors might not know how to speak up and ask for help. For we are the body of Christ And as the physical body was designed to heal itself, So too can the church help itself, By knowing what is going on and recognizing when things are wrong. With God's help and the power of the Holy Spirit, We are stronger together than when we stand alone, Especially in the darkness. - PNC I heard a statement the other day, that of course, I haven't been able to recall who made, but at the same time, I haven't forgotten about it either. But I thought it was an intriguing and profound picture and it's this:
The devil isn't concerned with dead pastors, but half-dead pastors. The danger isn't found in the ones who are already burnt out, having nothing left to give and are no longer making a difference for the kingdom of God. It is however, found in those who while they may very well be on their way to such a state of existence, also still have opportunity to be revived and renewed, restored and brought back to a place health and wholeness. And obviously, we aren't discussing a literally death. But in every other realm. Emotionally. Mentally. Spiritually. The dream is dead. The vision is lost. The hope is missing. The passion neglected. The pastor who is well on his or her way to such a status of misery is the danger, for what if one intervenes and helps them find their way back. Where the dream is revived. The vision regained. The hope returns. The passion revisited. To such an end and such a return we pray. On this #seniorPastorMonday, pray for those pastors who feel as though they are indeed, existing in a half-dead state. Pray their strength and energy would be renewed and refreshed. May they be encouraged, even this day! Pray for the healing and revitalization of dreams and vision, hope and passion. Pray that the power of God would fill anew in the hearts and minds. May the Holy Spirit breathe a second wind into their lives and ministries. That their efforts and abilities would be quicken and empowered Like never before. That they would be more dangerous than ever to the devil's schemes. May the kingdom of God forever reign. From now to all eternity. For the glory of God. - PNC "Exposition is only effective as the receiver" - Chuck Swindoll.
In part three of his series Discouraging Signs of a Dying Ministry, Pastor Swindoll shared how over his years of ministry and dealing with congregations, it was amazing that he could preach through every book of Scripture, every topic, chapter and verse, line by line and after everything he had done to deliver the Word, some people were just as carnal as when they first stepped into the church as they were after all his preaching. It was after describing this phenomenon that he made the opening statement. And it couldn't be anymore true. In fact, it is the very parable of the soil that Jesus describes in His ministry. Furthermore, we see this all throughout today's culture, as many people are speaking the truth on any number of matters and circumstances that consume our days and yet, some remain unwilling to hear and act accordingly. So what happens if we do nothing with hearing the truth that is the Word of God? The greatest preaching is nothing if there is not an active connection that responds appropriately. On this #effectiveSunday, pray that the words that are spoken would indeed fall on good soil. May hearts and minds be opened and prepared to hear from God the exposition of His Word that will be delivered from pulpits across the globe. Pray that would people would be changed to greater reflect the person and character of Christ as we are transformed by the power of God and the work of the Holy Spirit. Pray today would be a pivotal moment for many, for the kingdom of God and the plans and purposes He desires to accomplish in and through our lives. That we stand this day As those who are on the Lord's side. Forever changed by the Word of God And the exposition that is the preaching. Foolishness to some, but the power of God To draw us unto Himself. For the advancement of the Gospel. - PNC I heard this article referenced the other day, so after knowing the subject of yesterday's post, I knew this article would make for an interesting extension. Again, as I did yesterday, I don't share this as a point of condemnation, but conviction, for I know once again, I could to be and should be doing more.
But as we talk about culture and community and the realities of people's struggles when it comes to economics and quality of life it's pretty incredible to consider what would happen if the church gave as Christ calls and commands us to give. So look at some statistics that were posted on a blog at Relevant Magazine last spring. In your average congregation, only 10-25% give tithes. Only 5% of the United States tithes, with 80% of American's only giving 2% of their income (which by definition, is not a tithe) Christians in the Great Depression gave more at 3.3% per capita, than today's Christians at 2.5% So here's the power of giving, if every Christian actually gave a minimum of 10% of their income. The work of the ministry would have 165 BILLION to move forward!! If you aren't sure how long that will last, consider these numbers – $25 billion could relieve global hunger, starvation and deaths from preventable diseases in five years. – $12 billion could eliminate illiteracy in five years. – $15 billion could solve the world’s water and sanitation issues, specifically at places in the world where 1 billion people live on less than $1 per day. – $1 billion could fully fund all overseas mission work. – $100 – $110 billion would still be left over for additional ministry expansion. Eliminate illiteracy? Solve world water and sanitation problems? Fully fund all overseas missions? And the open ended question after all the specifics are taken care... God what you have us do with $100 Billion that's left over? It's hard to imagine how churches could impact and forever change their communities. It's hard not to consider how much more churches could accomplish if they eliminated their debt and mortgages? My mind is blown. On that note, pray this #communitySaturday, that the church would indeed be people who give. May our hearts be opened as well as our eyes, to not only see the needs and perhaps understand them, but to respond to do something positive to change them. May we be people who love, in word and deed, time and resources. Pray God would call and us and move us to be the blessing to others that He has been to us. For it is not ours, but His. May we give us unto the Lord As much as we work unto Him. To change someone else's world By changing how we take care of our own. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC So I was having a parenting moment last night, as I considered the sacrifices that parents make for their kids. And even moreso, the sacrifices families make for ministry.
There's a power message I heard recently... you can listen to it here: http://www.brightonag.net/wp-content/themes/Moses/includes/sermon-popup/?mp3=http://www.brightonag.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Sacrificial-Giving.mp3&ogg=&title=Sacrificial%20Giving Towards the end of this message, the pastor tells the story of a small church pastor and his wife who were compelled to give to the feeding program that this pastor was running. Having nothing to give on a particular Sunday morning, the pastor and his wife, unknowingly to each other, both gave their wedding rings as a gift for the feeding program. They weren't worth much to the pawn shop, so our story-teller didn't know what to do. The next Sunday he shares this story. A man afterwards asks if he still has the rings. He buys the rings, on the condition that the money is given to the feeding program and the rings are returned to the pastor and his wife. The man paid a great price for those rings. The pastor returns to the small church to give back the rings. The husband refuses. The pastor says, what do you want me to do? Tell the story again. And another buys the rings on the condition they will be returned. And bought and returned. And bought and returned. Who knows how many times, but you have to listen to the sermon to hear the amount that raised for this feeding program, through the sacrificial giving a pastor and his wife, whose own church was struggling. It's unbelievably mind-blowing. But God. Ministry requires giving. And I'll be the first to admit and confess, I'm not giving enough. Maybe you are. Maybe you aren't. But eternity is at stake. While even missionaries suffer burnout and leave the field, there are many that are heading into the field. They need our prayers. They need our gifts... more than we need our stuff and toys and lifestyle and our kids, more stuffed toys. Pray this #missionsFriday, that God would provide. May He lay it on the hearts of His people to give where they can't go; to send where they cannot step themselves. For we all have struggles, trials and tribulations, but they all fade and pass in light of those who've yet to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray eyes would be opened and hearts would be changed as the power of the message of the Cross of Christ goes forth, from every corner of the church to every corner of the Earth. For we are blessed to be a blessing None of it is ours Nor can we take it with us when we die. It is all God's, as we are His. Stewards for a short time In light of the eternal glory that awaits. One day, in the presence of the Lord. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC "It takes determination to remain different." - Chuck Swindoll
Daily, almost by the hour, society and the modern day culture continues to decline. It seems like every other headline is more unbelievable and mind-dropping than the one that appeared in our social media newsfeed just a few minutes ago. Meanwhile, the push against the church continues, even to the point where certain groups want to find a course of action to influence what is preached from the pulpit. Yet, the church is a team, as much as the family is a team, as is the marriage itself. So if the goal or the enemy seeks to gain any ground, the starting point is pick off the leader or any of the higher-ups. If it's not the husband can't be defeated, the wife becomes the target. Same for the family... if not dad, then mom. If not the parents, the kids. The senior pastor. No luck? Someone else on the team. A deacon. The enemy is full of weapons and while it can be argued that he is very methodical in his approach, there area at times, that he is simply shooting as many arrows as he can in hopes that there will be such a sense of overwhelming bombardment that he'll take whatever access point he can to infiltrate and destroy from within. The headlines are getting ridiculous. It's hard not to miss that society's tension is indeed a spiritual battle. Sadly, the victories the church is experiencing nobody ever hears about and the defeats are praised and heralded, is if to be used as an argument or indictment against us. Of course, in the middle is compromise... on the message and the theology and the doctrine. It's another access point. One more that we don't need, nor do we have the time to engage by creating it. Pray this #deaconThursday, that God would strengthen the leadership team of the church. Pray that God would give them wisdom and discernment as they navigate these interesting and befuddling times. May the renew and fortify their resolve to the ministry. To love God. To love people. To preach the Word. To speak truth. Pray for a hedge of protection over marriages and relationships; that the leadership of the church would stand united in their efforts to impact their community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Dare to be different. Determine to be different. For the glory of God For the love of humanity - PNC As I reflected on yesterday's post, it occurred to me just how much of that existed with the disciples.
Thomas doubted. He was there. He witnessed. He was engaged. Yet despite all of that, he needed help with his unbelief. How must he have felt in his heart and mind? Peter. Trying to be what God had for him, yet his mouth and his anger were problematic. And worse, he denies in front of the group that he won't deny Christ, yet when none of his friends are around, he responds in the manner that his ego resisted. And then there's the tragedy of Judas. All that time spent with Christ and he yet he apparently didn't believe in Jesus' power to forgive such a betrayal. Did he not know what God's plan was for his life? One life to the crowds. A similar one to his friends. Yet under the cloak of darkness, he hands his master over to those looking for a reason and an opportunity to destroy the threat they considered to be Jesus Christ. And he knew. He knew the decision to make to correct that decision, yet couldn't bring himself to do so. By now, you're wondering where's the connection with pastors who work with kids and youth? It's a young person who calls Peter out. Aren't you...? Don't you...? I know... I've seen... When we don't think they're paying attention, they prove they know more than we give them credit for regarding their insight, wisdom and perception. It's enough to make one want to be a better adult, parent, teacher, mentor and pastor. Yet pastors have their troubles. And even in ministry, tragedies and troubles occur, as much as we'd prefer they didn't, let alone think about them and have to deal with them. Where there are inconsistencies, there are messes. Pray this #youthPastorWednesday, that pastors would lead their ministries by living consistent lives, especially in front of today's youth as they need the truth in a world full of lies and confusion. Pray for situations and circumstances that exist, but shouldn't. Pray for correction, healing, forgiveness and restoration in matters and relationships that unhealthy and problematic. Pray for today's young people... may God protect them by His strong right hand. May the learn to live and walk with a clarity and confidence of the truth of God, His Word and His purpose for their lives. For God does not waste our experience, Nor our pain and tears. Clean from the mess Beauty from the ashes. Living with an intentional focus, For the glory of God - PNC I had an interesting line of thought yesterday... one that wouldn't go away. It's the concept that in this world, we live at some point in the day, one of five lives.
1) The life/person we project or display in public 2) The life we live at home 3) The life we live alone The next two lives are where things get interesting. Number 4 is our reality... a culmination of our experiences, emotions and attitudes that exist somewhere along the spectrum of the previous three defined states of existence. Number 5 is the life God has planned and purposed; ordained for us to exist. The journey of life is never easy. And it doesn't help when these lives don't line up. One's public life fails to align with the home. The home life is inconsistent with alone time. Reality is filled with joy and sorrow, good decisions and horrible regrets; longings, desires and wishes in various states of fulfillment and satisfaction or lack thereof. Thus we find ourselves trying to live them out, while having to live with ourselves at the end of the day... and every moment leading up to it. We live with decisions, some we'd rather forget. Bad choices, wrong thoughts, misspoken words... it's no wonder life seems filled with frustration, confusion and a general sense of angst and agony. Then, for the believer, is what God has in store for us. But for the everyday Christian or the everyday pastor, when anything is amiss with God's plan... well, whatever is inconsistent with our lives on their own merit could be even further from God's purpose than if we were living a consistent reality without God. I'm not trying to be all negative; for certainly, many have seen, witnessed and lived incredible lives that have been true and honest, in public, private and alone while fulfilling God calling and plan for their lives. Of course the difference between those two states of existence are astoundingly noticeable and notable. And on that note, let's pray this #associatePastorTuesday. For the struggle of these realities and difficulty in navigating them affects us and all and pastors are not immune. May God reveal those areas of life that are not only inconsistent on their own, but are also amiss with the will and plan of God. Pray for clarity as to how we can correct and how to pray that the Holy Spirit would bring about change and correction to us. Pray for healing for the decisions, frustrations and regrets that seek to haunt, destroy and annoy the days and nights as we progress and strive to fulfill all that God has for us. Pray for strength to persevere in the face of challenging conversations and confessions as the Holy Spirit pinpoints the unfinished areas and arenas of hearts and minds; attitudes and behaviors. For the work of God is never done His plan never complete. But He is faithful to us, Despite our flaws and faults. May our realities be opportunities To display the grace and glory of God. - PNC For the past few months, my mind has been wondering in a number of different directions. For those who know me well, that's nothing new. Except for certain things it hinders the process of life and progress. Over a prolonged period of time, is the essential equivalent of stalling out.
Even as I was getting ready for church this morning, I had a few ideas of what to write, but again, nothing really stood out as an obvious direction of what God wanted. This is where we stand in the way. Sometimes knowingly, others unknowingly; but we can miss what God has for us. In ministry, in our living of daily life, in our faith, in our conversations and interactions; here's my question for the day (and perhaps it's more for me than for you) What is God unable to accomplish because we are holding out and perhaps unwittingly holding up the process through our indecision? It hardly makes for an effective and efficient approach to anything that we say or do. And don't miss the point that I'm overlooking. Some decisions do take time and thought, much prayer and many conversations. But I speak from experience and my friends can attest... it can be over-done. And then some. Pray this #effectiveSunday, that God would help those facing similar circumstances. May God grant clarity to those having difficulty in the decisions and problems they face. Pray wisdom and discernment to fill their hearts and minds; not to be consumed with whether they see the end of the field, but to see their next steps down the field. Pray for the confidence and peace of the Holy Spirit as they walk in the calling and purpose God has called and ordained them to fulfill. Without hestitation Without reservation. May we live and move By the strength and power Of the Sovereign Hand of God. For His glory and honor. - PNC Community is an amazing phenomenon. It's possible to be present and even plugged in, without feeling energized and empowered. This is seemingly normal and the stories of such an existence are abundant.
Yet such instances detract from the power of community. In fact, if you consider the analogy from the perspective of real life, being "plugged in" while not doing anything is actually a drain on the system. From the television to the toaster, the transfer of energy is still drawn, even if the unit is not on and functioning according to it's abilities and purpose. So to, the power of the church community and it's engagement with the rest of world is affected when those within the church are drawing power, but not using it for the purpose for which they were created. Yes, it is a balancing act, for there are seasons of rest at different times for different reasons, but by and large, the power of the church to impact it's community lies in the church using its power for which it was purposed and created. On this #communitySaturday, pray that God would help to be plugged in; at the right places and times, in order that we might be best used for the purposes for which God created us. Pray for a strengthening of the church community, that we would be empowered and equipped to be a greater impact in the region in which they reside. May God grant wisdom and direction for churches struggling and those in the community feeling as they are being a drain rather than being used. Pray for the miraculous in such circumstances and situations. May we live as God intended. Fulfilling His calling and purpose As He designed for us to be and do. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC I heard an update earlier this week on the interest of missions which is incredibly awesome news. There is a denomination that has a missions program geared towards preparing those who want to come along side and assist missionaries in their efforts. From what I understand they offer the classes twice a year and the fall session is FULL! Like very full; can't possibly add on one more person, even as a personal favor to someone with a little bit of clout.
What a great problem to have! Missions has always been hard work and will always and forever continue to be full of challenge, difficulty and frustration, but also what an incredible eternal reward. What an impact and a blessing to know that help is on the way; and not just for a handful of missionaries, but for many. For if we believe in the power of one to make a difference, what will happen when two join together? Does not Scripture tells us they get a greater return for the efforts? The return on their investment multiplies exponentially. Consider it the process of eternal compound interest. And let's pray, this #missionsFriday, that God would do a great work for those going through the process of preparing for the missions field. Whether they are going as a missionary or to come along side and help, may God accomplish the miraculous through their combined efforts. May hearts, minds, souls and bodies being strengthened as they labor together for the kingdom of God. Pray for the continued obedience of those who are called; for ministry is an absolute reliance upon God for all living and sustainability. Pray they would be encouraged and empowered as they are equipped. May they witness the greatest return on a personal investment of time, resources, abilities and prayer that has ever been know. For the angels in heaven rejoice When even one's name is added to the Book of Life. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC Perhaps you've heard this phrase before, but it was new to me when I heard this morning. It was the concept of deacons as "caretakers of the soul." In simple terms, in breaking down the terminology of the church, consider evangelist as the preachers and deacons or elders as pastors.
So the distinguishing factor comes down to who is delivering the Word and who is taking care of the hearer of the Word. Quite simply and frankly, when one person is handling both responsibilities, it's a recipe for trouble. To shed some like on this perspective, it's similar to the relationship between doctors and nurses. Someone needs to bring clarity and correction to the problem and someone needs to prepare and follow-up on the care and well-being of the patient. The one who both delivers the Word and cares for what happens after... it's double-duty. It will burn them out twice as fast and cut their effectiveness in half. Those aren't scientifically-backed numbers, but you know first hand what those numbers are for your life when you try to maintain being over-extended for prolonged periods of time. I know what happens to me and it's not good, nor healthy. Furthermore, though such duties can and do take their toll on those who serve as deacons. As taking care of people's physical and emotional and mental needs are stressful and draining, so too is meeting their spiritual needs, especially as it so often ties into and relates with every other realm and arena of one's life. That said, as all things in this life and these bodies will fade away, only our soul remains. Thus, I ask, could there be a more important role in the Christian faith than "caretaker of the soul"? Pray this #deaconThursday, that God would strength and encourage these caretakers, who serve the church in these roles, whether their title formally be one of deacon or pastor. May God grant them fresh wisdom and revelation as they converse with people and speak into the health of their lives. Pray for churches where the Preachers are struggling to deliver the Word because there is not enough to help in the care of the congregation, whatever the reasons for such a circumstance. Pray they would be empowered to press on in their responsibilities, as they faithfully serve even in the face of tiredness, frustration and stress. Peace as they persevere Faith in the face of frustration Clarity amidst the confusion. One step at a time, as we walk this life. For the glory of God. - PNC Life.
Full of choices. Full of decisions. Full of joy. Full of sorrow. And stress. And anxiety. Worry. Points of concern. Points of contention. Moments of frustration and agony. Time filled with awe and wonder and much more time spent simply wondering. Yet, through it all. God never changes. He is Sovereign. He is an ever-present help. Yet in the midst of this life, we find ourselves trying to understand and attempting to make sense of the what, why, how and where things will go and proceed to work out... both in the short term and for the long haul. It truly is amazing what kids go through. And worse, what we put them through. But so much of life is filtered from what we can handle to what they can handle. And no matter how long one has been a believer, we keep coming to God, hoping to get full understanding and information of what is happening or what is in store. But know... He gives us what we need to know; what we can handle. That's the sovereign nature. It's hard as an adult. Even harder as a parent. Harder still as a pastor. Thus, we look to, rely and place our trust in God. Not only for our lives; but also on behalf of our kids... for they too will one day need to have the strength and fortitude in their relationship with Christ that we all work towards daily. Let's pray, this #youthPastorWednesday for youth and children's pastors that are struggling in their own lives and with matters of faith in their walk with God. Pray that God would give them wisdom as they navigate the circumstances and situations that they face. May God help them as they relate to the young people they minister to; that God would give them the words and perspective to build up and encourage the faith of today's youth. Pray that no matter our understanding of the day; that we would continue to trust in the sovereign Hand of God. May we daily rejoice in the knowledge and beauty that God does not waste a single experience for His glory and good. For God is a good Father, Who has good things in store for His children. A plan and purpose. A destiny and a calling. For His glory. By His grace. With His love. Daily, as we walk this life - PNC So yesterday morning, I'm listening to the Moody Radio Network and Pastor Collin Smith is preaching and he's talking about grace, among other things. He makes a very profound statement, a reminder really, as we deal with the people around us and that's to remember this one simple fact:
We are all merely dust. The next thing I know, he's talking about pastors and how they too, at times, get frustrated with their congregations and in particular, about how they too aren't always at the place or places that pastors wish, hope or think they should exist. I about fell out of my chair, as we just prayed and discussed that point yesterday! He proceeded to make his point, that it would help in the lives of pastors that they remember as well, that the people who occupy the seats that make up the congregation... they are just dust as well. On this #associatePastorTuesday however, can I add to the next logical statement on this matter? As pastors battle burnout, partly due to the grace that is sometimes hard to extend to the body of believers, pastors would do well to remember they too are merely dust. One is always hardest on themselves and it's difficult to forgive and allow for grace to permeate our being, even if we have seemingly have an easier time granting grace to those around us. Nobody can do everything all the time. Nobody can do everything the very best all the time. For without the breath of God, we are merely dust. Pray this #associatePastorTuesday for pastors that are frustrated with their congregations... for an number of reasons and probably more valid than anyone cares to know or admit. Pray that God would grant them the ability and strength, to not only extend grace to the body of Christ, but also themselves as pastors and leaders within the kingdom of God. May God grant to them wisdom on how to best handle the points of contention and circumstances of concern within the church. Pray for discernment as they move forward and the fortitude to not look back. While we remember that we are mere dust, May we also remember the breath of God resides within us. To do and be the people and church He has called us to be. From both the pew and pulpit. For the glory of God. - PNC One can only do so much in spreading their message. Eventually, if falls on the hearers to spread the message to places and people where the originator can not go. Consider the power of social media. Posts don't viral because the creator of the content blasted social media; but that the content caught on those who saw and heard responded and shared. Over. And over. And over again. And when it came back around to them a second time, they took time to share it afresh.
Impact is rarely known. At least outside the analytic power of Google. Yet Christ knew the power of the shared story and recounting of events. So to, do Pastors, as they preach and equip the congregation to advance; not because they can do it all... they need the help of those who hear. More than anything great online that you could share... more than I could hope that the traffic for this site would explode, these are days and times in which the message of Christ needs to go forth more than any other message. Yet I know how badly I fall short. And I can only imagine the frustration of pastors who know their congregation also falls short. Thus, not knowing the impact they are making; not seeing or hearing of lives being changed... leads to days filled with questions that most often begin with... "Am I making a difference for the kingdom of God?" Pray this #seniorPastorMonday, that God would strengthen and encourage those pastors struggling with the feelings and frustrations that perhaps they aren't making the impact they hoped, dreamed or believed they would regarding ministry. May they continue to be faithful in their service to God and devotion to the body of Christ even in the "not-knowning". Pray the church would strengthen their resolve to share the message of Jesus Christ; that while may never know the viral impact of our testimony, may the church witness many coming to Christ because of our willingness to share as if we were online. Pray God would help us all; as I for one need it. To the ends of the earth. Literally and digitally. The Gospel was meant to be shared, Not only from the pulpit, But lived out from the pew. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC So I felt a little convicted this morning, as I was getting ready for church. Something got me thinking about the power of planning versus doing the actually work, when it comes to matters of effectiveness and efficiency.
I like President Lincoln's take on this matter. “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” There are times when the power of effectiveness is found in saying or doing nothing. And while the list of such times are short, I'm not expounding on them hear... partly for time constraints, oddly enough. Efficiency however, is a matter of stewardship. *entering the refining power of the conviction of the Holy Spirit we discussed the other day If we are wasting our time, resources, and abilities; what will get done? And what will hear? Surely not, "well done, my good and faithful..." Pray this #effectiveSunday, that God would help us in every realm to be better stewards. Of all that He has granted to us to do, be and accomplish, may we honor Him with our lives as we live, move and have our being in His presence, power and grace. Pray for the continued work of the Holy Spirit in our lives and our ministries. Pray for wisdom to know when to do all we can and when there is power in waiting and silence. For this life is not our own. Nor can we live it without Almighty God. Though we try, we will fail. For He is the Creator and Sustainer of all. Let's praise and honor Him today. - PNC Moody Radio Network was doing their fall fundraising campaign during this past week and they had a segment where the talked with car guy, Barry Meguiar. Full of life and energy, they were talking about evangelism and the Christian's interaction with the world.
He was talking about how much we over-complicate the conversation, at times. More often than not, we come across as more outspoken about the problems within society and the sins of others, rather than simply taking the opportunity to share our experience with Jesus Christ. It's all relational. We don't hesitate to share our experience and interaction with incredible or horrible service at a place of business; the review of an online purchase or product; the recommendation of a contractor; the latest big screen flick (or flop)... the list goes on. Yet, we're all, myself included, a little to quick to think twice about relaying a story or experience of faith, testimony or trial from our everyday life or one that we heard from someone at church. Society is nothing but conversation after conversation and having conversations about "having the conversation", but it seems the body of Christ is not directing it, let alone, influencing it. I know that's not entirely true, but it feels that way most of the time. As Christ interjected Himself into humanity, so must we interject Him into our interaction with humanity. Pray, this #communitySaturday that the hesitance to share Christ would be lifted. As culture shares their experience over things that will pass away, may we share the transformation that will never pass away. May the body of Christ indeed, be relational and intentional in the conversations we carry on with those around; whether they be frequent or infrequent. May God grant us opportunities to impact our world and may we not be afraid to step through the door and speak when He opens it. For the glory of God. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019