![]() Scripture tells us that God causes the sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous (Matt. 5:45). Interestingly enough, it falls right in the middle of Christ telling us, it's not enough to love our neighbor, but to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. After the rain, Jesus goes on to ask, if you greet only your people, what are you doing more than the others? Pagans even do that! In essence, Christ was asking, as you engage community, how will the world know that you are different, if you hate your enemies like everyone else does? If you only love those who love you, as tax collectors do? If you only greet like-minded people, such as the world does? As I've stated before, I've been incredibly blessed with many friends and acquaintances, who are great people. And it's not because I'm a great guy. It's because I learned early on, by watching others, that people eventually get tired of hanging around jerks. So there is little to be gained by always being a mean-spirited, grumpy guy with a negative attitude that overflows into nearly every arena of life and relationship. That said, I am truly grateful for the friends I have within the body of Christ. Yesterday might as well have a been a Monday, at least the first half of it, and sadly, my frustration level was through the roof. I was thankful and humbled to have a friend who could help cool me off through out the day as we texted back and forth, as I euphemistically talked about being on fire. I was not happy. At some point in the morning, the Holy Spirit tapped me on the back of the head, so to speak... and I had to confess: I had an attitude that did not reflect well on the person of Jesus Christ. It might not seem like much, but I had vented to a guy or two, who may or may not have a relationship with God and while they understood the frustration (and we all experience those moments), I had to consider if I came across in a way that I made my life more about me than about Him. A little too honest for reality? Perhaps. But as it's been said, God loves people too much to leave them as they are, where they are. He has plans and purposes, above what we can imagine that go beyond who and what we are and have on this earth. Earth and its' stuff will pass; only what is God's and has been done for God will remain when all is said and done. So we have to be honest with who we are, honest about the realities of life and honest about our relationship with God. It's easier to work on that which has a pliable element to it. God can't do much with hearts that are rigid and cold. You know that working with such materials adds time, energy, frustration and work to the process, so if you are that way as person, what will God have to accomplish to get through to you what He desires for you? Thus, a couple of things as we pray this #communitySaturday. Pray for pliable hearts and minds within the body of Christ, as we allow God, through the power of the Holy Spirit to help us become more like Christ and to display such to a lost and dying world who desperately needs God and needs to witness a church that loves differently from the world. Pray that even in difficult places with raw levels of honesty, that God's grace would abound and that we could short accounts with God, not allowing life to infiltrate our spirits to the point God can do little with us. Pray, as we engage community, that people will witness the love of Christ in our lives and that we would share and express Christ' love, no matter the frustration and difficulty of our day, regardless of whether it's a messed-up Monday or the farthest thing from a fun-filled Friday. May we keep the perspective, that eternity hangs in the balance; that only what is accomplished for the glory of God will last. The honest truth, even in the raw moments of reality. Through the love and grace of God. By the power of the Holy Spirit. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC
![]() We all have our moments. Moments in time... where life, stress, frustration, realizations of an immediate reality hit hard and fast In that moment (and more like it), you lose it. Not for long. But the initial outpouring of your frustration is made apparent. Possibly seen. More likely, at least heard. Not long after that; for the Christian; for one actively trying to live a life that brings glory and honor to God and desires to grown in their faith... you realize your display was less than attractive. Particularly for those perhaps on the fence regarding Christians, Christianity in general and the legitimacy of one's faith in God. It doesn't matter if they know you or not; know you're Christian or not. If they know anything of it and you displayed something different, then they don't really have much to base their understanding. Your displayed reaction to a situation being less than attractive is a minor realization. The major one, when it sets in.... You may have ruined your witness regarding your faith and your relationship with Jesus Christ For the truth hidden in the cliche, "You may be the only Bible people read" or "They only Jesus people meet", than what did your human reaction to a frustrating circumstance just show? Not your faith; but someone no different than one without faith in God. So whatever was in your life that attracted people to the possibility of their own relationship with Christ... well, the curiosity just might be gone. And should you never get it back? Should you never get a second chance to get it back? Never get the opportunity to explain it, if that's possible? I don't know. Sorry for the heavy perspective. This post practically wrote itself in a matter of minutes. That said... if we do only get one chance to display our faith? God is not willing that any should perish, but as Christians something about our life has to be counter-culture to the world. In fact, not just something... I dare say nearly all, if not, indeed, everything. Counter-Culture. Not better than the world. Simply set-apart for God. Inviting those around us to join what will one day be the experience of the glory of God on the other side of eternity. On this #communitySaturday, will you pray with me... first and foremost for the grace and forgiveness of God upon our lives, for such moments when frustration gets the better of our attitudes, words and actions. While we know we aren't perfect people, we should be endeavoring to become more like Christ, as He works in our hearts and lives. Pray the witness of the body of Christ be not ruined. Pray for an increased awareness of self-control, as well as the rest of the fruits of the Spirit to be resident in our lives; that we may truly live counter-culture; in a way that generates a curiosity about our lives whereby we may point those questioning to the person of Jesus Christ. Lord, we need your help. Lord, I need your help. That the world would see more of you than they do of me. For your glory and honor. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray these things. - PNC ![]() Burnout happens. And it happens for many reasons. Or at least, many things that we give credit for having caused it. Consider, though, if I may simplify it down to just one principle. The fire burns out when it ceases to be fed. When it is no longer supplied with resources to keep it going, it will go out... in time, naturally enough. We can get burnt out, because we don't have friends who encourage and support us consistently in our endeavors. --- So take the time to hang out with friends; get supplied with that resource. We can get burnt out, because of a lack in our spiritual life. --- So take the time to get replenished by the Word of God and spend time in prayer. As well as the body of Christ. We can get burnt out, by not taking care of our physical health. --- So take care of what you eat, drink, sleep and exercise. We can get burnt out, by emotion and mental exhaustion. --- So take time to get away, disconnect and recharge your heart, mind and soul. We can get burnt out in our marriage, when life invades. --- So take the time to reconnect and make this relationship a priority. And for all the other "things" one uses to explain why they have "nothing left"... The resources, tools and materials are available to keep you going. And yes, it might be some more work that you may be struggling to find the energy to get it done. But the one who fails to get up and "work the fire", will eventually no longer have a fire to enjoy. Not to mention, there will no longer be a fire to keep them warm Burn out can leave you in the cold, unless you act in time to save the fire. Pray, this #missions Friday, for missionaries and pastors struggling... whose fire is on the verge of going out. Pray the Holy Spirit would help them, comfort them and strengthen them to continue the good work they are doing. May there be an "energization", to get up again, and fan the flame... to speak like into the circumstances where the fire is dying out. May the find the time, people and resources whereby they can feed the fire; in relationships, in their emotions, in their minds and bodies. Pray for a quickening of the Spirit... to fight off those things in this life that were meant to detour, derail and destroy us. For greater is He who is within me (you and I), than he who is in the world. Victorious. By the power of God. Life. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Fan the flame... for the glory of God Who knows all we need before we ask or think... Who is able to supply all our needs according to His riches and glory. - PNC ![]() When it comes to social media, at least the one particular platform that I frequent the most when I am online, I know most everyone in real life. I preface that for a reason... the person I am about to share with you, is one of the few who I do not know in real life. While I am blessed and grateful to have watched her life from afar the past few years, she is the focus of today's #communitySaturday prayer. A successful entrepreneur, Stephanie is a master at her craft. A personality, that from every comment I've read on her page, exudes a passion for life and a love for people; two things, no doubt the by-product of her devoted faith in God and a close walk with the person of Jesus Christ. From what I have witnessed, her husband, also an all-around great guy. Then... her grade-school aged daughter. This kid... like I said, sometimes it's amazing what you can pick up from a distance... this young girl, is a class-act kid. A child of promise has been incredibly gifted. I have no doubt she will accomplish great things in her life; making an impact in the world, not because of who she is, but because of how God is already using her to be a blessing and an inspiration at such a young age. Much, exactly like her mother... who announced, the day after her birthday this week, the ugly truth. After having already beat one battle with cancer, round 2 is proving to have come back with a vengeance. Sadly and much to the heart-break of everyone she knows in real life and the tons of people like me she doesn't, the doctors have predicted 9-12 months remaining, of life on earth as we know. I've watched the past few weeks, what are thousands of comments of love and support and prayers. And while there's no way in my busy schedule to read them all, it has to be overwhelming for this dear friend. The ones that stood out... I don't know you, but I will pray for you. People... community coming together, as those that do know her are flooding her social media page and creating specific prayer pages on social media, for people to lift this situation and her family to the Lord in prayer.... believing for the miraculous. And her story is being seen and read by those who don't know her, who have compassion. People of faith storming the throne-room of heaven, praying God's will; praying for the miraculous healing in this mortal body; praying for the strength and comfort of the Holy Spirit to this family. With thousands of comments, I can't imagine that mixed in, there are not people who don't have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ; yet believe in prayer or are willing to pray intervention and healing in Stephanie's body. Community... those of faith in God and those who have yet to come to faith; both offering prayers and support for this child of God; anointed to impact and influence the lives of thousands. On this #communitySaturday, would you join me and thousands more, in lifting up in prayer, Stephanie and her family. May God's will be accomplished in this latest prognosis. Pray for healing in her body, whether she experiences it here on earth or a heaven-bound eternity. Pray for strength and comfort for this young family; for the legacy she has built; for what God desires to accomplish during this time... may it be one that causes many to do some introspection of their own lives; perhaps the witness of her life will prompt others to seek God and what it means to live life as a follower of Jesus Christ. May this time be used to bring glory and honor to God; wherever she goes; whoever she comes in contact with; whatever conversations transpire, either online or in real life... whether it's 12 months or 12 more years or a full life; clearly God is not quite done with Stephanie just yet. For however long she still has air in her lungs, may her time not be wasted; as God is not One of waste; but uses every last detail... what the enemy of our souls tries to use to destroy us, God uses for good, to accomplish His plan and purpose in our lives. And though it's often sad circumstances that bring us together, pray that community, regardless of faith, would join in force together more than we use our energies to battle against each other. For none of us are our own. Christ desires that all of us would experience what Stephanie has... an abundant live full of joy and purpose; not because of anything she is or does, but because of what Jesus Christ accomplished for her; through His death and resurrection.... as the church just celebrated a couple weeks ago. On behalf of Stephanie, thanks in advance for your prayers. For the glory of God. For the cause of Jesus Christ. Made victorious in all things, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Death, nor the prospect of it... nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. Thanks be unto God; now and forevermore. - PNC ps... you can join in prayer here on social media: @prayersforstephanie ![]() I heard this week, that my missionary friend to South Africa (who finally returned, just after Easter) is getting settled nicely and moving forward in this great work. He had contacted the church to thank us , once again, for the love and support he had received during his time back home and the healing process following the loss of his wife last May. It struck me yesterday morning... not that I didn't know this or expect it already, just how much of an adjustment this will be for my friend. His life partner is with the Lord and while we rejoice in that, still the pain and struggle is real. Meanwhile, though, new opportunities await, as he had actually been turning down chances to do more ministry because of the health concerns and limitations of his wife during her remaining time on the field. Re-entry into an environment after you've been off the scene for a while has it challenges. Similarly, I learned a few weeks ago of a friend, who a while back had experienced a failure in life while in ministry. The details aren't important, especially since I don't have any specifics to mention if I wanted to; but what is important is the healing and restoration process that this individual and their family have gone through with the assistance and direction of church officials and the support of the body of Christ (many of whom, as I said, probably weren't aware of this process until it's completion) Be that as it may... they too, when the time comes, will experience the joys and the struggles of re-entry. It's an interesting dynamic when you think about it. We hear and see about how rough and challenging this process is when astronauts return from space... that looks to be like a fun ride! Yet life, is different. Sure it's exciting, for new opportunities and challenges, it can be a thrilling adventure. But if we aren't careful, we can be attacked. Unrealistic expectations of what we can and will accomplish this time compared to the last. Feelings of regret and frustration that things aren't like they were before and if only different decisions were made or certain events hadn't happened. It's like you've been on the outside of your own life... perhaps like a solider on the battlefield. Removed from what and who they know; they come back to a life that has progressed in their absence with the memories of an environment they wish they could forget. An incredibly difficult re-entry process from many. But God's grace is sufficient. Necessary. Critical. On this #missionsFriday, pray for these... missionaries and pastors (as well as those who serve the armed forces, if you'll permit me to add them in, which you will because I just did :-) who are re-entering the mission field and the ministry, as well as life in general. Indeed, pray for the grace of God to be resident in their lives as they find their place and purpose under a new set of circumstances, with a different perspective, and a fresh understanding of who God is and what He has planned for their lives. Pray for the struggle of re-entry.... may regret and frustration and second guesses be laid at the foot of the cross, as these remain focused on Christ. May they commit their ways and plans to the Lord; may their steps be directed of the Lord; their paths made straight and illuminated. Pray against a spirit of confusion and anxiety; but may their confidence rest in their Lord; the strength of their faith fortified; the call made overwhelmingly clear... this. This is the way I have for you. PNC ![]() There were a couple of moments throughout Sunday, that I thought I might have a direction or two for #seniorPastorMonday. Then something showed up in my social media news-feed. A church, in a town I just spent a couple hours in on Saturday, held its' last Sunday service. On Tuesday, their doors will close. Not because they aren't paying bills. Not because there is no pastor. No... the reason... they are not growing. In number. It's a very small, yet very tight-knit community church. In a community where people either attend much larger churches or don't attend at all. Yet, they all like the church being there. As if that wasn't enough of a sadness element to the story... ...the church was about to witness its' 100th year in existence!! After 99 years of ministry... closed. I had no idea of this until yesterday, so I'm not sure to chalk this up to something along the lines of the prophetic, but you can read the #deaconThursday prayer post here, titled The Higher-Ups. Such is the case here. The governing body for this particular denomination is unsatisfied that for the past number of years, perhaps as many as 10-15, if I recall reading correctly, that they have held steady under 35 church members and 20-40 in attendance on a regular basis. Those numbers aside, the church is operational. Current on financial responsibilities. They've made greater efforts to reach the community with the current pastor than any other pastor the church has had in recent history. And for those who are there, they are learning and growing in their faith and living and supporting each other manage and battle the joys and struggles of life. Even writing this... just thinking about it is heart-breaking. It's causing me to not know how to proceed in bring this prayer post to a close. Hang on... Okay, I'm back. It's cause for prayer on many levels. It's one thing, and hard enough, when someone willingly goes in search of a new church. It's hard enough when a pastor takes on a new ministry or church from a call of God to move elsewhere. It's devastating enough when a pastor has to find or figure out something else from burnout or a life failure. Parishioners will be checking out nearby churches out of force. The pastor and staff will be unemployed, out of force. And since the church does sit on some prime property in the area and apparently has been approached by other churches interested in keeping it for church use, the big concern is the destruction of this edifice for commercial or residential use. The church has been on this property since the 60's. On the surface, one can't help but wonder what has transpired and the motivation behind it. Pray, this #seniorPastorMonday, for this church body and the pastor. May God grant to them wisdom and discernment, where their next place is, within the Christian community and ministry. Pray that God be glorified in the outcomes that follow this decision; whether the closure is God's will or not, may this be an opportunity for healthy Christians to find a greater level of trust in Him who is able to make ALL THINGS work TOGETHER for GOOD, for those who LOVE HIM and ARE CALLED according to HIS PURPOSE. Pray against a spirit of bitterness and resentment... that no one would allow this as an opportunity for the devil to get a foothold and negate the good work that has been done. Pray for wisdom for the governing body as they proceed in this process. Finally, pray for other churches, facing similar circumstances. For the pastors struggling to keep churches afloat. For the congregations in difficult communities. For any hindrance in the churches abilities to be effective, reach the lost and strengthen the body of Christ... may the greatness of a difficulty prompt an even greater level that God can and will accomplish the miraculous, in ways, by means that can not be explained by human logic. Truth in the Lord. In all your ways, lean not on your own understanding; but seek His face, and He will direct your paths. May that be the decision of every Christian-at-large, and every person affected by the closure of this church. For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() Last night, I had the pleasure of joining my Dad to a Sportsman's Dinner, hosted by a local church in the area... one with quite a large footprint in the community doing great ministry. The dinner was phenomenal and they had a great turnout. There was one "process", for lack of a better word, that we were a little disappointed with as far as the raffles were concerned, but that aside, it was a great night. The guest was pretty cool, though. A MLB player from the 60's came and talked his experience. That was slick.... with some back-stories, that you'd never hear second-hand as well as some great insights, as the season is just beginning. So what's this have to do with #effectiveSunday? Nothing. Except towards the end of the night, when the Senior Pastor shared a few thoughts after the guest player was done; and the pastor's opening comment was a response to some of the choice words used by the player during his spotlight-moment. I don't know the man's state of heart in relation to God, perhaps he's saved and it was just "one of those things". Perhaps he's not. It wasn't obscene...but it dawned on me just how quick, that either 1) a Christian could take issue with some of his words spoken at an outreach event held in the church building or 2) those visiting, non-Christians, who aren't sure how to handle it. Perhaps not offended by it directly, but curious why it happened and thus, turned off to the church, as a result. Maybe not entirely, but enough to second guess. To the pastors' credit, his response was light-hearted and jovial. He only shared for a few minutes a portion of his experience between ministry and real life, essentially what we pray for every day. Pastors struggle just like the rest of us and it's just as heavy-duty at times. As he closed, many guys raised their hands, acknowledging their desire to be remembered in prayer as they are facing things in life that require them to look to God and trust in Him... perhaps more than ever before; perhaps for the very first time. Whatever the case may be, it was an interesting follow-up to #communitySaturday, regarding double-standards. That's the thing with Christianity and real life. You never know, in the balancing act of the two, what will trigger someone towards or away from the things of God and being in right relationship with Him. Perhaps, even balancing act is an odd phrase... as if you have one foot in each world. Which doesn't work, by the way. But the Son of God came to earth, and lived life as we do. Real God. Real Life. Quite simply it is possible to point people to God, through our lives. Yet, even Jesus prompted responses which were far different from people returning to God. It bears repeating... We can't walk on eggshells, but we can walk in ways that are more reflective of Christ Himself and less of the person proclaiming to follow Christ. So... pray this #effectiveSunday, that the church would not be hindered in it's ability to impact lives for God, because of deeds and words that trigger someone to turn away from God or at least hesitate to turn to Him in the first place. Pray for a level of grace, that people would understand that while we serve and celebrate a loving and perfect God, we ourselves are not perfect... nor are we automatically loving. Pray that the spirit of offense does not get the best of people... both for the believer and those yet to believe. Pray that, much like one bad review doesn't discount the quality of a product or service, that people would not be so quick to dismiss Christianity, the importance of the church or the necessity for salvation and a relationship with Jesus Christ. In this day and age, the church must rely all the more on God working the miraculous as the church wisely utilizes it's resources to impact the community for the cause of Christ. For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() Once again, I'm reminded just how careful one must be when they are open to hearing what God might have to speak into or through their lives. A late-evening realization, I still really didn't have anything for #missionsFriday prayer. Seconds later, I hear the television from the kids room. Whichever character it is from the cartoon, Agent Oso, who congratulates his work, having done it in just 3 simple steps. Wouldn't it be great if life worked like that? Just three simple steps. And it does. Are you ready? Step #1. Rise Up. Step #2. Work Step #3. Rest. Too much work, and you'll never get consistently good rest. Too much rest and you might never want to get up again, let alone work. Failure to rise and then what... A loss of motivation, a loss of stamina, a loss of focus... any work attempted won't amount to much, in terms of quality and any attempt at rest won't be fully enjoyed, knowing you've left your best efforts somewhere. They are not on the field, as if you were walking away know you've given it all; you haven't. You may think you have, but what you have dropped along the way is getting noticed. It's difficult to balance, I get it. Work is demanding. Good rest lies just beyond the interruptions that are becoming too numerous to count. The energy, motivation and focus to rise again... they too are found in short supply. There's a word for the conspiracy of causing the 3 simple steps to fail. BURNOUT! And it experienced by everyone. The entry-level. The executive. The just getting started. The almost retired. The parishioner. The pastor. The missionary. And the sooner the Christian can be snuffed out and burnt out, the better. The enemy of the souls of man would love nothing more. Yet for those who stand firm, in faith and in prayer... may they continue to rise up, do good work and be granted rest for their souls. Pray with me, this #missionsFriday... for the hundreds of missionaries that experience burnout annually. They are tired from their good work. Exhausted from the stress. Frustrated by slow results. Desperate for resources. Pray for renewed focus. Pray for revitalized stamina. Pray for refreshed motivation. Pray that nothing be left on the field. May balance in their lives be restored. Pray for the miraculous to be witnessed, as God works in their lives to bring them back from brink of trouble. Pray their faith would be fortified; resisting the temptation to falter. For the glory of God. For souls won for Christ, because the fan was flamed on the fire of one's faith, rather than doused into dust. - PNC ![]() Does anyone else miss grade school? The particularly fun part of the day, was always the time when you picked on the one kid who was just too easy of a target to pass up. Unless you happened to be that kid. No matter what you had to say in response, your words did little good. The taunter always (seemingly) had snappier comebacks. Especially when told "knock it off". Oh yeah? Who's gonna stop me? Fortunately, God takes up the cause of those who place their trust in Him. The taunter of our souls may think he has the upper-hand, smarter, wiser, cooler and with his buddies, has you outnumbered on the school-yard of life. But such is not the case. Satan really is, just a bully. A frustrated, angry, egotistical angel whose pride caused his fall. As I heard it confessed once, from a former bully, like him, Satan isn't at a good place in his life. He knows his future is not bright and he is determined not to suffer in eternal misery alone. If can't have what he used to have, neither can anyone else. Sadly, we continue to give him more credit than he deserves for what is going on in our lives, and the world, rather than focusing on Him who truly cares for our well-being, has dreams and destinies for our lives, that He believed in so much, He sent His Son to ensure the opportunity for all of humanity to hear that message. Of course, with every passing moment, that message is getting more and more drowned out. Busyness. Social Media. Sports. Academics. Politics. It's getting drowned out to adults and kids alike. Not just about life with Christ today, but for the life to come. God is on your side... the only question is, who has yet to make a decision to side with God? So, on this #youthPastorWednesday, pray for the youth of today, where the distractions that drown the message of Christ are many and persistent. Pray for the Spirit of God to break through the noise, capturing hearts and minds; drawing all people unto Himself. Pray that people would not be drawn to false doctrines and teachings; nor bullied by the enemies of their soul. May the plans and purposes of God come to light, as people come to know and experience the love and knowlegde of Jesus Christ. Satan's army may be great, but the Army of God is greater. May the youth, in particular, of today, experience first hand, that God loves them and will never leave them or forsake them. Pray pastors be strengthened anew, as they work tirelessly to this end. A generation fired up, for the cause of Jesus Christ. To the glory of God. - PNC ![]() I saw a great marquee the other day, in front of a church.. although, now I can't remember if I saw it, driving or scrolling through social media. (maybe both?!) Come back and visit this Sunday. Easter is over, but He is still risen! We prayed on Friday, about compelling the community to come... that the message of Christ is the only one that stands differently from all other religions. Yesterday, we talked about portraying Christ to the community, rather than self; especially as culture continues to move further away from truth and absolute principles, while constantly promoting self. How tragic, for all the prayer for the unsaved, the witness of our personal experience with Christ in our lives and the compassion of one's soul to continually invite them into relationship with Christ and on that journey of decision, they step into a congregation that contradicts the testimony and the invitation that was extended. Church is a dynamic environment. I understand church cultures operate differently, but relationship with Christ is a state of growth and maturity. There's a difference between biblical disciplines and "going through the motions" routine. The latter can and often does, quickly become mundane... less than exciting. Much like a life without a plan and a purpose. Just cruising. As if on auto-pilot. And this is one relationship that doesn't last long in automatic mode. If life a highway, there's twist and turns, fast curves, elevation changes, weather conditions, various hazards and obstacles... all of which is much more enjoyable with a manual transmission and a clutch! WHY?? Because you have a greater sense of the experience because it's an extra level of engagement. A greater sense of control. An increased level of focus. All of which prompts the driver to take the moment much more serious. As the intensity increases so does the fun, typically as well. Certainly, you are unsure at the start, but soon you're screaming in excitement...LET'S DO THAT AGAIN!!! Nothing is worse, than an experience being praised by one; then when you finally decide to check it out, the experience is nothing like what you were told you should expect. No points are awarded to those who are inconsistent. Credibility is lost. And the church, has lost enough of that over the years. Sadly. If you haven't experienced that reality for yourself, surely, someone only a couple degrees of separation from you has quite a tale to tell that will prove my point. So much for effective and efficient. Pray, this #effectiveSunday, that while we don't get any points, guests and those curious to know more about God and who Jesus was then, is today and what He can accomplish in and through their life, will find the church consistent. In the message of Christ. In the life of the believer. May they see an active faith; not fake or superficial, but one that takes the issues of life, the struggles of regret, the disappointments of bad decisions and effects of situations that may or may not have been their own doing.... a faith that takes all their stuff and turns it to God. Pray that God miraculously makes something beautiful out of those who willingly humble themselves to a place where they can trust God with their mess. Pray that many would come to understand, their life is not the worst that God has seen. He is not the plumber, mechanic, dentist, bankruptcy lawyer, teacher having never seen this before in a customer, patient, client or student and is hesitant to do the work because it's unfamiliar. God looks at every life, no matter the mess one has made of it and says, "Not only can I handle it; but you won't even recognize it when I am done. Only God trades our ashes for His beauty. Not just consistently, but for each and every life that comes to Him, through Jesus Christ. For these things, we pray. For the glory of God. - PNC ![]() .We live from our experiences. The decisions we make, in light of the challenges faced, based upon previous encounters, information and outcomes all work, conspiratorially, i might add, to move us in one direction or another. And should we find ourselves, not liking where that takes us; then we have to figure out what to do differently. Try a new experience. Take a new level of risk. Get new information. Change our environment. Talk with new people. At some point, you have to break the cycle that causes the frustration. While, not a hard and fast rule, generally speaking these dynamics are true: Hurt people, hurt people Damaged people, damage people Broke people, will break people Conversely... Healed people, heal people. Forgiven people, forgive people Restored people, will restore people. A change in their life, a transformation in their experience, a revelation that life can be different; that we are not dictated by our past, but can be made new... not out of shear will (though that can get you pretty, far, I'll admit); however... made new through the power and the person of Jesus Christ. Come eternity, you will not be remembered by your job title, your address, the emblem in your garage, the brand label on your jeans. You will not be remembered by your church affiliation, your political point of view or your gender state and interest. On this #communitySaturday, who will you portray to the world, who you are. Your rights, opinions and assertions? Will you give people a piece of your mind, or a piece of your heart. This is the ability to see and interact with culture through the eyes of Christ. While challenging at times, as we battle our own humanity, the church must remember, that what they have experienced in Christ, is meant for the world to experience. So, pray, this #communitySaturday, as the church engages culture, that we would point others to Christ. May our interactions be graced with the love and compassion of Christ. May we allow the Holy Spirit to do His work as the condition of man is revealed in the light of Jesus Christ and the truth becomes clear... we are all broken before the cross. We can all be restored because of Him who hung on the cross. Pray for lives transformed; new creations in Christ... not that we may have a better life here on earth, but eternal life for a better time after our death. Counter-Culture. For the person and purpose of Jesus Christ. To the glory of God. - PNC ![]() In a moment of jest with God, early yesterday afternoon, I once again suddenly realized I had no ideas for this post. (Fresh content, served daily @ Bring Me 70!!) As if playing, poker, I realized my fate and folded. "I got nothing, God. What do you got?" Suddenly, I was reminded of the Friday night poker game, from an episode of my favorite political drama. Staffers enjoying some down time after work, discussing a situation and one staffers' "faith in humanity". The other players have all folded during this hand, it's come to two staffers. As they close out this particular discussion, the one shows his cards. "I've got ace high flush. Give me your money." To which, the other staffer replies: "I've got tens full of queens. Give me yours." Then, my light-bulb moment. Forecasting. Even your certainty is uncertain. As we've prayed a couple of times the past few weeks, regarding pastors, in transition, it's official... a pastor friend is moving "up" if you will... from leading youth, to leading a church, as senior pastor. I'm excited for him and the family and know they will do well. In reality, he has his work cut out for him. The church currently runs 120 or so in attendance. A strong base to start from. Many small churches would love to see 120. The challenge... the 900 seat sanctuary. Forecasting. I have no idea the backstory of this church. ZERO. ZILCH. NADA. That said, I see two possible scenarios (and both could be wrong, for all I know!) 1) They at one time, thought they could or were growing at a rate to need that much capacity and never got there. 2) They came pretty close, until something transpired; and the 120 is the remnant that remains, or perhaps with some growth mixed in. How do you account and plan for such things? Corporate is different. People by and large, make decisions driven by brand loyalty. Gas. Groceries. Clothing. Cars. Anyone on their 6th iPhone? Planning for church growth, though? Number of new salvations; growth from personal invitations, growth from events in the community; job changes, growth in the community itself...plus, people leave for various reasons; people switch churches, depending on life changes or ministry changes... 120 to 900 or vice versa, however and whatever occurred is a huge swing! Again, perhaps I'm wrong and something else happened. But in this day and age when people are more faithful to their brand than the church, you can't help but wonder what is going on. Who recommends a great church? Where are the great churches? We stand in long lines for the newest dining experience, latest movie release and the next big thing on stage. Not that those aren't fun and great and have their place, but in light of eternity, the only reason a church building should be empty is if its' congregation is on the streets, compelling others to come in! For Christ to come and offer life and life more abundantly, how it must destroy His spirit, to see churches on the verge of closing shop and pastors exhausted to the point of turning in the keys to the building. The forecast may be bleak today, but the promise for tomorrow is bright. So we pray... On this #deaconThursday, for churches facing the challenges of church operations, keeping the doors open, reaching the community, strengthening the faith of it's congregation and so much more... God grant to them discernment and wisdom as they continue to plan and pray for direction, in fulfilling the calling in the communities where they serve. May God strengthen the collaborative efforts of pastors, staff, volunteers and church boards, to reflect the power of God in their midst; that they would indeed compel the community to seek God for themselves. Expand the tent-stakes, for the harvest is ready. May the gatherers be many... For the cause of Jesus Christ; the glory of God and the edification of the church-at-large. - PNC ![]() It's Easter Sunday! Jesus is alive. The Man whom you seek is not here, but He has risen. And returned to heaven to prepare a place for those who accept Him as the Lord & Savior of their soul. Christ did, once and for all, what until that point, was done "regularly". A sacrifice. There had to be a death to pay for the wages of sin. What's incredible about the cross and the resurrection is that because Christ paid the price for sin, it makes salvation a gift. You receive a gift. That means someone else has already paid for it. And from the generosity of their heart, they offer it freely; as opposed to a note attached, requesting reimbursement. Nor, unlike some gifts, does it come with a disclaimer of "having an understanding" as if it were a gentleman's agreement. It is UN-conditional. There is nothing of value from a finite individual that would satisfy an infinite God. Perhaps in His sovereignty God knew that fallen man would interfere. God is not willing that any should perish... so the only way to do guarantee that nothing stood in the way, was to keep salvation simple and free. Jesus set an unconditional precedent in His interaction with humanity during His time on earth. Love. Forgiveness. Acceptance. Not for what is external and known. But for what is internal. And known only by God. Sadly, the church, over time, has placed conditions. To be "a part"... actions, behaviors, attitudes, words, socioeconomic position, status....the superficial, the external. The church, has at times, overlooked the soul of humanity. The only part that matters in the end; that God cares about the most. How can a church be effective if it fails to see people as God sees them? Broken. Damaged. On the verge of certain death. In need of spiritual rescue. In need of restoration into who He created them to be... in His image. What a better thing to pray on this Easter, #effectiveSunday, that the church would show the love of Christ for humanity as He did, through the cross and resurrection; UN-conditionally. May God forgive the times, we as the church have dishonored Him, when we have looked down at others, visitors... perhaps said or did or passed by, as though they didn't belong... help us, God. May the church remember, Jesus left the throne room of heaven to taken on sin. From the prince, to the pauper and the pastors of them both, none of us belong. Pray this Easter Sunday, many come to experience the forgiveness of God, His love for their life and redemption through Christ's sacrifice. May the body of Christ exhibit Christ in ways that bring honor to Christ. For the cause of Christ. Too much? No. One can never have too much of Christ. Happy Easter and God Bless, as you celebrate His life! - PNC ![]() On this Good Friday, follow this train of thought with me, for just a moment. An online dictionary defines "suicide mission" as is: "(of an action) undertaken or (of a person) undertaking an action in the knowledge that it will result in the death of the person performing it in order that maximum damage may be inflicted on an enemy " In the war against the soul of man, by Satan, through the avenue of sin, I have but one person up to the task. JESUS CHRIST. We've seen it in the movies. We've heard the real life stories. Perhaps you are reading this, and you have lived it. The HERO. The one who steps up and does what needs to be done, when no one else is willing; when no one else is available; when no one else can inflict as much damage as another potential person. Accomplishing the impossible, through the supernatural, Christ did what no other person could. Plus, because it's a spiritual war, not a physical one, there's the whole qualification aspect, to be able to pull this off. There was only one, perfect person who could accomplish the task of making the gift of salvation available to all of humanity that would stand the test of time. What remains about this whole deal, is that salvation through Christ on the cross was not in response to Satan, as if it were a contingency plan or something. No. This was The Plan. From the foundation of the universe, was this... the ultimate suicide mission. Of course, like any epic mission, the element of surprise, for the enemy was Christ' resurrection. You don't believe in someone accomplishing the impossible unless they live to tell about it or there is evidence that the mission was successful. On Easter weekend, we are reminded, that in this war, both are true. Mission: Accomplished. Survivor: One. Rescued: Whoever chooses to call on and believe in the name of the Lord. Pray with me, this #missionsFriday, that Easter 2016 would be a time of many, coming to faith in Jesus Christ. May the gift of love and redemption, made available to us through this heaven-bound mission, be realized. That Christ defeated the power of sin over man through death on the Cross. Pray people would understand the victory that is available to them, because the Son of God accepted certain death, in order for fallen man to have an open invitation for eternal life. His love poured out; giving of Himself, taking our place, to accomplish the miraculous; the supernatural; the impossible. All because God SO LOVED THE WORLD. - PNC ![]() It occurred to me, late yesterday evening (kids bedtime, give or take a few minutes) just how potentially difficult of a time, the week leading up to Easter can be for some pastors. Yes, it's absolutely a time to reflect on the powerful sacrifice of the Christ on the cross and the miraculous redemption available through His resurrection. I heard it explained in yesterday mornings' service, that the 3 hours of darkness was Christ, taking the sin upon the world. Everything went dark, because God, Father of Light, has nothing to do with darkness, hence Christ feeling forsaken... for indeed, the 3 hours was the transaction of salvation. Christ was not a sinner... He became sin. What an incredible analogy. Yet leading up to that... we see the frailty and failure of men, who lost the courage of their conviction when the pressure got to be too much. All the disciples scattered. Judas sold his soul. So much was his angst with self, that he took his life. Peter, who three times expressed his love for Christ, later "walked back his words", as he denied Christ three times. Even after all he accomplished for the kingdom of God through his ministry, so much was his frustration with himself, he considered himself not worthy to die in the same manner as his Lord. So his request to be crucified: inverted, was granted. No matter the accomplishments, accolades, and impact of a pastor, there can and often is, a very personal, very internal battle in the spirit... for all the situations, conversations and relationships that they wish would have turned out differently. That was perhaps in their control, to respond more appropriately. To commit to greater amounts of prayer and counsel before making a decision. To follow and obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit more frequently, but instead, dismissed them with justifiable reasons... perhaps even valid ones, at that. Remembering what Christ did for us is great. Necessary. Beneficial. Empowering. Remembering what we've done that prompted a need for Christ to do what He did... frustrating, agonizing, disappointing, emotionally-crushing, mentally-taxing, spiritually-damaging. We certainly don't have our act so together, that we could prevent ourselves from needing Christ in the first place. Ultimately sin is sin; only humanity assigns degrees, as if it matters. It's binary. But Judas' and Peters' failures somehow seem worse than the other disciples' failure of simply being nowhere to be found. In the end, they all left... for a season. For whatever reason. But they came back. Redemption offered. Grace empowered. And they did more for the kingdom after Christ, than they did while they were with Him. Pray, this #seniorPastorMonday, for pastors struggling with their faults and failures; whether in ministry or personally, as we enter this Passion week. Pray they be strengthened and encouraged, that God is not done with them yet. May they sense and know, that no matter what the situations are, that they should have handled differently, that God is able to heal and restore and refresh their minds and spirits. Pray for guidance and healing for such situations... for the miraculous to occur in their lives, relationships and ministries. May the transaction of redemption be made real in their lives... that forgiveness is available for all, extended to all and Christ is hopeful, that all would accept... His love, grace, healing and redemption. No matter what the degrees of sin may be, that we have assigned. Christ took it all upon Himself, that nothing may separate us from the love of God. New creations in Christ. No longer known by our faults... now known as Forgiven. For the glory of God and the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() There's very few people that, on a consistent basis at a personal level, can cause you to "lose it", to the point that you feel horrible in regards to your walk with Christ. Young kids whose attitudes and behaviors would suggest they are out-of-control teens, rather than elementary age. Out-of-control teenagers, who you fear will one day get a rude wake-up call by the world, for which they desperately need but have no idea how badly it will set them straight. And God help us, should it not be enough to set them straight. There's the irritating co-worker, an adjective that describes their best days on the job. Perhaps it's a boss who is dead-set on making your life (or that of the company or division) miserable to no end for any number of reasons. That sounds like a lot of people as a group, but on an individual basis, it's not that many. And I dare say, most people don't have one of each, all at the same time, although it probably happens all-too often for a season. So who is there anyone left? Yes, there is one more group. Traffic. I heard the story of a mom, teaching her kid about traffic lights. Red means stop. Yellow means slow; caution. And green means... And before she could finish, the child interrupts. Green means "GO! #*(^&*@)!$ (character count not representative of actual word) Humor that hits too close to home? I love driving, and Friday was one of those days, where I had my fair share of "what in the world were you thinking" moments with other drivers. The "Darwin Award" goes to the SUV driver, who from the left lane of the thru-lanes where they are building new overpasses, cut off the semi truck in front of me, to catch the off-ramp to the freeway interchange at the last minute. It was so last minute, that at what I can only imagine had to be 80mph or more, came within a couple feet, at best, of the crash barrier. If that weren't enough, to avoid hitting that, because of the rate of speed, the driver ended up cutting off a full-size truck already exiting the ramp. There wasn't much room left there either. I about had a heart-attack. All of that to say, we talk about sharing our faith while living in the real world. We talk about responding in love and truth to those we disagree with on various topics. Then there are times when peoples actions and statements cause us to respond in ways that do not reflect well on our faith. I know. I have responded in those ways. I have been the cause of those responses as well, sadly enough. It may not seem like much as to how we engage the community unless you are prone to hand gestures while driving, but how we respond to something as short-term and trivial, (right up to the point of an accident) as driving shows just how quick irritations can lead to rash statements and judgements. We don't know these people, yet somehow on the road, we think otherwise. In the end, though, peoples' behaviors behind the wheel show just how selfish we can be. And our reactions show just how important it is that our opinion be heard concerning a person, over God's. None of that changes just one important fact. We are all still sinners in need of a Savior. Pray, this #communitySaturday, for God's grace and forgiveness as we consider and reflect upon our attitudes towards the world and the statements we make regarding their behaviors. May God help us, be slow to speak, slow to become angry, slow to make rash judgements and render opinions based on minutes, perhaps mere seconds of observations from a distance. However brief the encounter, may the body of Christ exemplify the character of Christ, for the glory of God. In hopes that one by one, we would win some, for the cause of Jesus Christ and the advancement of the Gospel. Drawn to Christ. Driven to Love. In all we say. In all we do. Everywhere we go. - PNC ![]() For some reason (as if life was all coincidence) I couldn't get another great Petra song out of my head. From their Back To The Street albums. The song... Fool's Gold. Perhaps it was on my mind, as I pondered yesterdays post, on the eternal price and how we need to simply stay focused on doing our best, as unto the Lord... for who knows what will weigh in the balance as we stand before God. Some say this life I live is only foolishness // No waiting pot of gold in the faith that I possess But the treasures of this life will slowly turn to dust // And this fool will find his gold in the Savior that I trust Fool's gold // It's waiting in a crown Fool's gold // In a city coming down I'll leave the gold I can't afford for // For the higher prize I'm pressing toward I'll preach the "foolish" cross of Christ and wait for my reward // Fool's gold The wisdom of the cross is easy to receive // But only foolishness to them that don't believe They may say that I'm a fool for the cross that I proclaim // But the gold that I must seek won't be found in earthly things When the crowns of gold are laid before His feet // Then the worthy Lamb of God is a treasure we will keep Some may call me foolish, some may call me odd // But I'd rather be a fool in the eyes of man than a fool in the eyes of God The message of Christ has stood up to the scrutiny of criticism over the they entirety of it's existence. Yet the message remains life-changing for the hearer today as much as it did for those who first read their copy. The power of salvation is an experience that can not be understood until it takes place for the individual first hand. God is not willing that any should perish, but all books, testimonies and sermon remain are powerless to affect change on one's heart until God moves in their circumstances to bring them to a place where they are ready to receive. To that end, the Holy Spirit also, must shed light on those things that are contrary to the person of Jesus Christ. Sure, the "preaching of the gospel" sounds foolish on spec, but then again, since we are guaranteed both a certain and untimely (to us) death, I'd rather be considered foolish in the eyes of man, that eyes of God. Thus, pray this #missionsFriday, for missionaries as the preach the foolishness of the gospel. Pray for ears ready to hear and hearts ready to receive. Pray people would not wait to encounter Christ on their deathbed, but come to faith in God in time to experience the transforming power of the cross and an opportunity to store up for themselves, treasures in heaven. May we not seek the things of earth, that quickly fade, pass and return to states of dust and decay, but follow Christ whole-heartedly and serve the Lord our God passionately. Strengthen the hands of missionaries, quicken their hearts, renew their minds, God. Earthly vessels working for an eternal return on our investment. For the glory of God. By His grace. Advancing the cause of Jesus Christ, confounding the wisdom of man with the foolishness of Heaven. - PNC ![]() Yesterday, for the life of me, I couldn't stop singing Petra's song, Not Of This World, from their album by the same title. Later in the afternoon, I remembered DeGarmo & Key wrote a song on this exact theme, Aliens & Strangers. From DeGarmo & Key, it's the realization, of a difference in life, before and after Christ. For Christians, earth is not our home. "They're pilgrims just passing through; Heroes from their homeland". And a Sunday morning, the songwriter, realizes as he looks around, "My closest friends are aliens and strangers, travelers here, living with danger." From Petra, "We are pilgrims in a strange land // We are so far from our homeland With each passing day it seems so clear // This world will never want us here We're not welcome in this world of wrong // We are foreigners who don't belong (chorus) We are strangers, we are aliens // We are not of this world We are envoys, we must tarry // With this message we must carry There's so much to do before we leave // With so many more who may believe Our mission here can never fail // And the gates of hell will not prevail" [Then they close with this....] "Jesus told us men would hate us // But we must be of good cheer He has overcome this world of darkness // Soon we will depart from here" Somehow, as both songs kept playing in my head, like a CD stuck on "repeat one track", I remembered Jesus words. Don't be surprised, when the world reviles you and says all manner of evil against you. It's not you they hate. It's me. Well, if it's us they hate, but it's because of Jesus, that people have a problem with Christians. (although sadly, some Christians have given people reason to dislike the person on their merit, not just Christ') There will be disagreements, tension and frustration between the body of Christ and those who have yet to accept Christ. It's Light against Darkness. It's the truth of Heaven against the lies of the Hell. It's God's Word against Satan's interpretation. He has no new material!! Remember his first words, when he tempted Adam & Eve? It was NOT his own thoughts... it was "did God really say that?" He offered nothing of his own, except seeds of doubt. The doubt has given way to an enormous expansion of other feelings and emotions people use to express their wanting to do nothing with Christ, the believer and the changes that occur in a life that says "YES" to Jesus Christ. But that should not keep us from genuinely sharing the love of the message of the cross... for the changes that come after saying "YES" are worth leaving behind the world of darkness... even before our departure. Pray, this #communitySaturday, may the body of Christ be encouraged, as we are reminded, we are indeed, not of this world... that Christ is returning and we need to stay focused and prepared for that truth. Pray, as we engage community, that we would not give opportunity for people to have 'one more reason' to reject Christ, but that God would prepare hearts and minds to hear the truth of God's Word and the love of Jesus Christ... even when it makes them uncomfortable, afraid and doubtful. In a world so desperately in need of Christ... pray for the miraculous in this troubled world. If Jesus could continue to express love, grace and mercy in spite of the hatred He was subject to, then by the power of the Holy Spirit, we too must endure, keeping our eyes focused on Him... even for a short while longer. Eternity awaits all of us. His LOVE defeats ALL hatred. It is not by our strength of will, but by the power of the Cross. - PNC ![]() I discovered the other day, some mix-tapes I had put into the center console of my car last summer. For those who don't know "mix-tapes", this was how we listened to our favorite songs from albums on cassette, long before iTunes and the ability to buy your favorite song for $1.99 or the entire album on CD. (to this day, I prefer having the album in hand, and don't buy an album, unless I'm certain, I'll like a super-majority of the songs) At any rate, the mix-tape currently playing in my factory BOSE in-dash CD changer/cassette stereo, is White Heart. I've forgotten just how great a song Lovers & Dreamers comes through with power. (interesting enough, from the album titled Powerhouse) So impactful, I thought I had a prayer post a while back using the song title as the blog title, but alas, I haven't found it. (end long intro) The chorus talks about "needing lovers of the Light" and "dreamers with Heavenly sight". Indeed, these are the days, where it is becoming increasingly important to draw all the closer to God... not out of fear for the unknown, but out of love for who He is. For His love. For His forgiveness, grace and mercy. New every morning. Not based on merit or socioeconomic status, nor education, political affiliation or denominational membership. Likewise, the believer is in the world, but not of the world. We are re-born; of the Spirit. Therefore, we should not dream as the world dreams, but of what is possible. With God. Creator of the universe. Creator of the complexity of man. Creator of the more complex woman. (smile... God knew what would happen if He left us guys on our own) It's easy to talk ourselves out of dreams. Why it can't happen. Why it won't work. Why it won't get supported. Why it won't get liked, shared and followed. Most instances in Scripture, man felt inadequate for what God wanted Him to do. He kept calling for people to think beyond themselves. Except for Gideon. There was a method to the madness, if you will, in God scaling back the armed forces to a mere 300. But by and large, what God desires to accomplish is beyond our finite comprehension. Hence, we need dreamers... to dream bigger. With Heavenly sight. As God is not willing that any should perish, but all should come to repentance through Jesus Christ, the mission field needs it's doers to dream...BIGGER. With the vision of heaven. Pray, this #missionsFriday, that missionaries would dream... BIGGER. May God grant them fresh vision and insight from heaven as to what God would desire to accomplish in and through their operations. May God intervene to provide a new level of favor, with public officials, with individuals, resources and finances. Pray God would give them a greater level of faith, strength and stamina to endure the challenges and difficulties they face... and to so with higher levels of wisdom, discernment and insight as they share the message of Christ and the truth of God's Word to the people groups that they serve. May we draw bigger pictures! May our dreams rise to meet the greatness of our God, who is able to supply all our needs according to His riches and glory... beyond what we can ask or imagine.; before we know what we have need of; believing all things are possible with Him. May many be added daily to the church, those are being saved. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() It has been an interesting couple of hours leading up to my "writing" this post. Nothing serious... just reflective. As I understand it, your reaction to whatever you encounter in life is a binary one. Positive. Negative. And while the variance in descriptors used to express those two states of reaction requires a thesaurus, I can boil it down two mental responses: 1) You will be inspired. Perhaps enough to step out and do something great of your own. 2) You will be bummed. Perhaps not to some level of depression, but likely some apparent decline in self-esteem. If only for a moment or two. You might not stay bummed, but you may never feel you can see through to the end of whatever awaits, should you actually act after being inspired. Someone posted a cartoon on a friend's social media page last night. Upon attaching the cartoon, they stated: "No pressure, tomorrow." The cartoon.... the first few rows of a congregation. They were each holding a sign.
Churches and church life is changing. Some changes are great. Some churches are experiencing phenomenal growth and making a great impact for kingdom of God and the cause of Jesus Christ. Other churches are trying to maintain. Changes, whether from trying to "keep up" or just stay afloat, are not well-received. It doesn't help, as society changes, so do expectations of what church should be, do, offer and fulfill for any one who walks through the doors. As we pray for church effectiveness and efficiency, both the church and the attendee can react with both states of mind. Churches can be inspired by others, and make something great for their own with God's help. Or... they can be bummed by what they're not able to do and continue to struggle. Likewise, the attendee... can step into a service or church event and be inspired; by the truth of God's word and the community of the body of Christ and figure out what God has in store for their life. Or... they can be bummed... not worthy of God's love; that they don't have the joy they see in the life of the believer, that their life, even with Christ, would never change the state of frustration they have in their life now. Whatever the reaction... we are all not worthy. And we can all do more than what we currently do. Even if that's already more than most others. We are all a work in progress. God's work. And as long as He's not done with us, then we are; quite simply, not done either. Pray, this #effectiveSunday... may the truth of God's word illuminate hearts and minds of individuals and churches, alike, to the plans and purposes He has for His people, on both sides of a decision to accept Christ. May we seek God's will, not out of comparison to others, but clarification to self; that it is God who grants giftings, talents and abilities; that the place in life and the people we find ourselves in community with are what God uses. To reveal Himself. To draw people closer to Himself. To prompt people to realize in greater dimension, their need for Him in their lives. May the church be inspired to draw closer to God. May the unsaved be inspired to accept Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior. For it matters not when we decide to accept Him...ultimately, though, it must before one's last breath. A guaranteed, unforeseen moment in time awaits. May today be one's day of salvation. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019