We've all done it. I'm sure we'd love to do it more often if we could. And the reason I'm certain both of those are true, is because we've all looked at the clock at some point in the day and realized, "Um, I/We had best get a move on!" Daydreaming is a refreshing break in the short term and may even bring about an inspirational and transformational change to a situation or circumstance. A break in one's day is understandable. A break in one's life is problematic. I don't know about you, but I've always wondered about people, who when asked how they are doing respond with "I'm living the dream!" Really? Although, I have one friend in particular, who when he says that, I think, "I feel like you're living mine". And parts of my life don't seem like a dream I'd dream... but that doesn't mean someone else wouldn't take it if it was offered to them. So, to that end, we discover that there needs to be a contentment within our lives while simultaneously possessing a drive towards the life of which we dream. A vision is like fishing. What good comes from casting it if one is unwilling to invest the time and effort to reel it in? Thanks for joining us for another #effectiveSunday and as we go forth, let's pray that today would be an effective and productive day, not only for our lives, but for the ministries that advance the kingdom of God. May we not get caught endlessly daydreaming, but casting meaningful and purposed vision. Pray that we would continue to seek first the kingdom of God and encourage others to do the same, followed by His plan and purpose that He has placed in our hearts. May envy and jealousy be far from us; that the spirit of comparison would not dominate our frame of mind. Pray that we would live and lead the life and faith to which God has called us; not someone else's dream, but His dream for our lives. That our lives would point to none other Than the person of Jesus Christ And the work of the Holy Spirit within us For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC
"Fruitfulness follows faithfulness." - Pastor Steven Furtick.
Taken from the opening verses of Psalm 1, these three profound, but simple words were posted as a meme last night on his church's social media page. Isn't it funny how we know this principle is true, and yet we continually find ourselves hoping that our breakthrough of fruitfulness is always a few days, weeks, months or years closer than what it is. Notice the statement doesn't come with a timeline, yet as we look at circumstances and situations in our lives, it's the first thing we add. Whether in our own lives or the scenario of someone else's... the comments are the same. This should have happened by now. That doesn't seems right. Something is amiss. You would have thought after all this time... And this is a hard battle to resolve. Scripture is replete with stories of people who remained faithful for decades before they witnessed results that people would call "fruitful". Yet we have difficulty with much shorter time-frames. Knowing what to do is a struggle. Even as I write this, I'm thinking of the lady who called in to the Dave Ramsey show yesterday regarding her families finances. She and her husband started a church plant 6 years ago and the church is still not in a position to support them financially by any means. Objectively speaking, it's easy to agree with Dave on this... you'd think after a year or two, enough would be happening to support them to some degree. Six years is a long time to be barely getting by as a church plant. But who knows how close they are to fruitfulness because of their faithfulness? Only God. And many more stories like this are too many to count. So, on this #missionsFriday, let's pray for missionaries who are facing similar challenges regarding ministry. Pray that God would continue to encourage and strengthen them as they remain faithful, even if the resulting fruit seems lacking. Pray for wisdom and insight, if something truly is amiss or needs to be changed. May God bring revelation as to how best proceed in the days and months to come. Pray for a fortification of their faith and resolve to continue to trust and rely upon God, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable circumstances. May they not quit, But press on towards the price Of the high calling. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC What an interesting week of news to start of the New Year?! And somehow yesterday afternoon, something started coming together, as I reflected on recent events, that have made national news, some political in nature, others in the sports world...
Sometimes relationships break. To be more specific, profession, work-related relationships. A parting of ways between employer and employee. The dissolution of business partners. Whether it be a "timing" issue, or a matter of productivity and results or differences in ideology and beliefs as it pertains to the direction and goals of an organization, these can be difficult and delicate matters. Certain circumstances, such a break may be necessary, obvious and a clear and clean decision. Other matters are complicated and complex on numerous levels and the decision may not be to obvious nor clear. Plus, details can be weighed and balanced on what is truly necessary and what can be managed and corrected. Such calls are strenuous and stressful for both parties involved. The decision may seem to be an easier one if personality differences exist or there's simply an element where friendship and comradery is lacking or amiss. But where such a bond does happen to exist and yet a professional partying of ways is in order can be a process we wouldn't wish on anyone. Thus, on this #deaconThursday, pray for church leadership members, who are facing such decisions, even this day. Pray for a clarity of wisdom and direction as to how the matter and the specifics of their situation should be managed. Pray for discernment and understanding. May their be a grace over the conversation and communication that takes place during this time. Pray for truth to prevail and may God work the miraculous in whatever outcome takes place. May God grant strength and perseverance in the aftermath, to continue to move forward in the direction and plans that God has ordained for them to go. That even the parting of ways between people Would not lead to parting of faith between people and God. May He continue to work all things. For His glory and for His purpose. For He makes all things beautiful In His time. - PNC Happy New Year!!
I'm not sure that there are many who are not among those balancing the joys of 2017 along with the insurmountable challenges as 2018 begins and those circumstance carry over. And while a new day and a new year certainly usher in a sense of excitement and enthusiasm to one's life, circumstances and realizations can quickly induce a sense of concern and worry which quickly puts a damper on one's spirits. Personal matters, relational struggles and ministry problems...such moments and more can turn a glorious New Year's Day into just another manic Monday. And yet social media posts have been flooded with the verse from Isaiah 43. Behold, I am doing a new thing... While I hadn't planned on inserting that verse in this post, I can attest that the sentiment certainly resonates. The battles and struggles may carry over and that's okay, for God is still in control, still leading the way and still protecting by His strong right hand. Whatever the challenges, whatever the resolutions, whatever is being carried over or starting afresh, the first and best step that can be taken is a renewed trust in God's will and His ways. Though we are tested daily regardless of the calendar, He can be trusted daily, regardless of circumstance. On this New Year's #seniorPastorMonday, pray for those struggling with the ongoing challenges that have entered into 2018. May God give them insight to handle them, strength to endure and provision rise to above. Pray for those facing defeat and desperation, rather than excitement and enthusiasm. May their be a spiritual shift in their perspective and outlook; transformed by the God's Word and their mind renewed by His truth. May 2018 indeed by a year of new beginnings. That God would continue the miraculous In the lives of those dedicated and devoted to His call. A testament to His glory and faithfulness. Even when the prospect of both today and tomorrow is dim. May we see life through eyes of His grace and glory - PNC I haven't watched many episodes of the show Pawn Stars of late, not that I used to watch it every time it was on before, but I happened to catch an episode or two yesterday and believer it or not, caught a reminder that I didn't see coming.
Rick, the pawn shop owner, purchased an old book, one that he took a gamble on, as the owner of the book didn't have time for Rick to call in an expert opinion. So Rick purchased it, on a hunch and a guess that he'd recover his investment. Upon taking it to his book expert, it turns out she wasn't exactly sure what she was holding in her hand either. She in turn, said, let me make a call. As such, on this #deaconThursday, is a pretty simple reminder. Even the experts need an expert. Advisory boards are for advice and counsel, wisdom and insight. And while at times they may get it wrong, the more important thing is do they have people in their life that they go to when they are unsure or uncertain of what to do? We often talk about making the investment in the next generation, which is how such relationships are structured, but we don't also consider or remember that previous generations continue to build on their investment. As important as it is for the 45 year old to make an investment in the 25 year old, the 45's relationship with their 65 year old remains ongoing. And the 65 continues to learn from their 85 year old. The expert always has their expert... it's how they become one themselves and help to build another as well. And on that note... Let's pray this #deaconThursday, for those who are perhaps feeling inadequate in their ability to give advice and consent. May God would open doors of opportunity for new relationships to be forged and existing relationships to be strengthened. Pray God would grant wisdom and insight by His divine hand; especially for those facing insurmountable and time-sensitive challenges. May God move on their behalf, providing creative, super-natural solutions to situations that look impossible to man but are possible through God. May God lead, guide and direct Into all truth, those who seek His face. That we would not lean on our own understanding But look to author and finisher of our faith, To Him who ordains the steps of the righteous. And reigns Supreme over all. - PNC If you missed the Countdown To Christmas marathon on the Hallmark channel, with the barrage of Christmas flicks, you've missed some really good movies. Of course, their always seems to be a build-up to some sort of relational conflict between the growing love and affection of two people, who are an unlikely pair; at least if you were to ask the two of them.
Sometimes, the conflict appears to be truly something that would cause a real-life hurdle in one's relationship, but for the most part, they seem to be light misunderstandings. Granted, these movie relationships run on truncated timetables, from not standing each other to falling for each other in a matter of days or weeks, so there's that. But the real-life analogy is how quickly the most unsuspecting and unassuming of situations and misunderstanding can create conflict among friends, co-workers and others affected by one's authority or decisions. As a result, relationships, whatever their nature, become strained and challenging; more or less troublesome to both parties. The cool part with the movies is that they are quickly resolved. The truth of the conflict comes to light and an effort is made to resolve it quickly and bring understanding to the one who didn't have the full story. The sad part with reality, is that such resolution is not rectified in a matter of minutes, but remain in limbo, for days, weeks, months and years. Misunderstandings of many kinds and varying degrees loom overhead and navigating them can be more difficult than they should be and take infinitely longer to sort through than what one would reasonably expect or assume. So, on this #associatePastorTuesday, pray that the conflicts that arise in churches and their leadership teams would be "short-lived". Pray that misunderstandings would be clarified quickly and promptly. May challenges and difficulties be overcome. Pray for wisdom and discernment; that understanding would be at the forefront of the conversation, with a goal and a pursuit of resolution. Pray that conflict would not destroy and ruin the people and relationships that are involved, but that they would be made stronger and greater as a result. May what was intended to damage and harm Be used to bring glory and honor to God As they work to advance the cause of Christ. For the health of the church and the kingdom of God. - PNC Merry Christmas!!!
It is my hope and prayer that you are having a wonderful time with family and friends and enjoying this day that we commemorate the celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And before I get too deep into this, I'm humbled for those who've joined in prayer and continue to do so on this special day... one that started very early. I don't know about you, but when I asked the kids what time it was and hand me my phone, it said 5.42. Seriously kids? I might as well be walking out the door for work! Meanwhile, on social media, I'm delighting in the occasional post of those whose kids slept in... including my pastor friend, who as of 8am was the only one still awake. With kids roughly the same age as mine, he was enjoying coffee and cinnamon rolls all to himself. Sadly he is no longer literally on the other side of town, otherwise I'd have accepted his invitation to come hang out. But what a beautiful day to rest. As we commemorate through the giving of gifts in honor of God's gift to humanity, may His being the reason for the season ever be on the forefront of our minds. And for pastors, who are perhaps in the midst of difficulty and struggle this Christmas, may they be renewed and refreshed as they remember the ministry God has called them to serve. As quickly as it can become a day of activity amidst a looming sense pressure, frustration and unpleasantness, it must remain a day of connection. Not only of drawing close with family and friends, but to the Creator of all families, God our Father, and the friend that sticks closer than a brother, Jesus Christ. So... as we celebrate the birth of Jesus and indeed, the beginning of the Gospel story, let's pray for pastors and with them, church and ministry leaders. May today be a day that we all remember the reason for the season and the reason for our ministries. Pray today would be a day that we rejoice in the gift that has been given to us and remember the importance of the gift that has been entrusted to us to share with others. Indeed, may today be a day of rest and renewal, both for those who are staying home and for those traveling across town, both figuratively and literally. May our faith be placed in Christ alone. And our faith in humanity, perhaps restored. As we draw ever closer into the presence of God Surrounded by His grace, love and forgiveness In the company of our beloved family and friends, Strangers and aliens, as we all once were. For the glory of the kingdom of Heaven. - PNC Community can happen anywhere. Even when you aren't looking. I was reminded of this earlier this week, when at the end of the day Wednesday, the boss says, today is Carol's last day, if you want to say bye before you leave.
Upon walking in, my co-worker and I were greeted with many tears. After 13 years, she was pursuing a career, for which she had put herself through a Master's degree and you would have thought we had walked into a funeral home. I know they were tears of joy as well, for it's an exciting prospect that awaits her, but it was like watching someone who had never been away from their home and friends for more than 48 hours move half way across the globe. We laughed and joked about it for a few minutes, as it was a priceless moment, but it proves once again, that you never know the strength and power of relationships and the impact you can make me, even when your interactions with someone may either be but for a few minutes a day or hours at a time throughout the day. So, how does it get built when you aren't noticing that it's happening? It' in the small things. It costs nothing to be kind. It takes little effort to smile. Laughter is medicine. Speak truth seasoned with grace. Don't be a jerk on purpose. I heard in an interesting thought on work relationships the other day, that I thought was good... Employers get the employees they deserve. Then I got convicted, and realized that's probably a two-way street. Employees very well receive from their employers what the deserve as well. Thus, if you want better relationships, to an extent it is within the power of the person who desires it to work at improving it. On this #communitySaturday, whatever "community" looks like, pray that we would engage with kindness. Pray that we would continue to be people who would speak truth seasoned with grace. May we not be people who would come across as people who intentional jerks or mean-spirited, but extend acts of goodness and words of encouragement. Indeed, may be we know by our love, even when it is hard. That we would live according to the Spirit Rather than controlled by our flesh. That Christ would be revealed to others Through lives devoted to Him. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC You've heard it say many times before, but Dr. Tony Evans has a great way of stating that you can't live your life of faith as a piggy-back to someone else. As he continued to talk about one's personal journey and Christ as the Good Shepherd and sheep knowing who they belong to by knowing the voice, I remembered just how wrong Oprah's statement on faith was.
If you'll remember, she talked about her belief that there were many paths to God. The problem with her statement was that paths are not converging to the point where we all arrive at the same God. Thus, we are not coming up the many sides of one mountain, but each, climbing the mountain based on our understanding. What's funny about the human condition, especially in today's culture, we don't desire to be identified by others. We know who we are, we know how we want to be know, we know how we want to be perceived. And how dare someone wrongly identify our character, persona or being. Meanwhile, God knows who He is. He has stated who He is. He has revealed who He is to all creation. And yet, we stand, albeit defiantly... this is who "God" is and what He means to me. And if that wasn't bad enough, we continually compare our starting point and position on the journey to others. Those in ministry and in missions battle this frustration in their personal lives. Not to mention, are in a constant state of helping others navigate the same dilemma. Fortunately, God knows where each of us and what route we are on, as we endeavor to draw closer to Him and His presence. And every journey starts with one decision. What will you decide regarding Jesus Christ? So, pray, this #missionsFriday, that people would come to the understanding of the true identity of God. May they not be consumed in the comparison of their journey, but focused on what God desires to accomplish in them and through them as He draws them to Himself. Pray that the Shepherd's voice would be heard; that we would know, understand and live in the fullness of our eternal identity that is grounded in Christ. Pray for strength for missionaries; that are both frustrated with their own life of faith or are struggling to help others navigate the Christian faith. May God grant them insight and understanding; bringing light and revelation to dark circumstances and confusing experiences. May the peace of God that surpasses all understanding Fill your hearts and minds. That you would know the truth And live in the freedom and fullness Of God's grace and glory For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC If you've never listened to the nationally syndicated radio show, Red Eye Radio, that plays the post-midnight/pre-sunrise hour slot, you are missing out. They have some pretty incredible discussions on both serious issues of the day as well as interesting topics and comedic conversations. I happened to catch the final stretch yesterday morning though, and they talking about human interaction and attitude, among other things.
And while it is overly obvious, the point that was made that for some reason resonated with me, I couldn't help but reflect. Perhaps recent months have brought some introspection to the forefront of my life as though turning a page, or I really am getting older. Either way, the adage seems to be true... be the change you want to see in the world. That said, back to the comment I heard on Red Eye Radio... When one person is happy, others will be happy. Or as comedian Jeff Allen always reminds his audience, happy wife, happy, life. Haven't you noticed the same in your life? Frustrating people can be frustrating to be around. Confused people leave you feeling as though you don't know how to help. Stressed people make us even more concerned about their well-being than normal. Aggravated people cause irritation that quickly escalates. Misery loves company. Conversely; however, happiness is contagious. Try it. Smile when you don't feel like it. Offer a kind word when one isn't warranted. Act as if ye have faith, and you will have it. In other words, fake it til you make it. Seriously, though... all these emotions and situations exist and live within church leadership, both on Sunday and every other day. So... if church leadership isn't happy. Well, you can probably guess the impact that leaves, especially over an extended period of time. And my apologies if you've witnessed this first hand. It does happen. And that's why we're praying. On this #deaconThursday, pray that those within church operations would indeed by an environment of joy and happiness. Pray for a spirit of unity and cohesion as they work together in ministry. Though disagreements, stress and frustration are inevitable, may their be a sense of love and compassion to work through such moments together. May they be overwhelmed with a spirit of encouragement and synergy; a building up of each other in the most holy faith. Pray that stress and struggle would not derail nor burn out their efforts, but that there resolve would remain steadfast. For the joy of the Lord is our strength And laughter does good like medicine. May the love that permeates our hearts Flow from our lives, impacting those around us For the glory of God. - PNC It's always a pretty incredible thing, to hear the powerful sermons that come to the forefront around the Christmas season, for truly the thought of God coming to Earth to redeem a broken humanity is hard to fathom.
And if you'll permit me to include among them, my pastor is on a series discussing the Adventurers, a play on words of the characters of the Advent season and he said something yesterday that really provoked some consideration. In discussing Mary's response to the promise of Jesus' birth and the account of her visit to Elizabeth, this observation was made. And although we see it in Luke 1:38, it exists numerous times elsewhere through Scripture. What is truly amazing about the sovereignty of God and the free will of humanity is that God will not act for us or through us without our consent. Consider how often we see the response. I am your servant. May it be as you have said. It's a nod to the power of prayer! A direct relationship between our petitions and God's Hand, which we further see through both era's that are divided by Christ' life. Thus if we limit our prayers to God, it stands to reason God's response will in turn, be limited? Yet if we are open and willing to see it through to completion.... How often do we look at circumstances and decide "no more". God's plans take time and any time we abort the mission early, it usually spells bad news in comparison to what would have been, had God been allowed to work in His time. So, on this #seniorPastorMonday, may I encourage you as our congregation was encouraged? Let's pray today, that Pastors will not abort the mission. May they see through to completion, the plans and purposes that God is working in their lives and ministries. Pray for those, where there needs to be a realignment as God's servant and a willingness for God's word to come alive and manifest itself in our midst. Pray for Pastors who are tired of the journey, may they be strengthened. As they refresh others, may they be refreshed themselves. May the power of prayer be rekindled and fanned, as unleash themselves to God's sovereignty. May the miraculous occur As promises are fulfilled For those who remain in Him. Unrelenting, unwavering. Faithful to the cause of Christ, For the glory of God. - PNC Isn't kinda funny how people and relationships work?
It's so easy how Christians can be so disheartened when they look at the world and take issue with what they are doing and know that life would be so much different and improved with a genuine relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Conversely, the world looks at the church, and gets frustrated by what Christians AREN'T doing and think, man if they only did what they preach (or what they understand to be Biblical or consistent with Christ's teachings). Yet, in the end, effectiveness truly begins by knowing what we are to do and sticking to doing it and doing it well. Yes, we must spur others on to do the same, but it's of little meaning and effect if we aren't doing all that we can do and more, starting with ourselves. And I'll be the first to say that is true in my own life. Thus, on this #effectiveSunday, pray that we would be the church God has called us to be. Pray that we would walk in His ways and live according to His truths. May we engage the world, rather than criticize. May we speak truth in the face of falsehood. May we witness the grace of God in a world full of judgemental words. Pray today would be a day of reconciliation; of people both within and outside the four-walls of the church coming into greater relationship with God through the cross of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. To the betterment of humanity For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. Let it be so, even this very day. - PNC It is both good and important to keep our eyes on the horizon; to have the goal in mind and the vision of how to get there. Indeed, I'd say it is in our nature to do so, for even Proverbs reminds us, that man makes plans in His heart, but the Lord directs His steps.
As such, then, there is a reason for God's focus illuminating our steps and lighting our path, rather than the whole of what lies before us. God is concerned with journey; with the process. Everything has a divine purpose. There is no waste with God, but plenty of recycling with the events and circumstances of our lives. The power of His lighting our current position and what lies immediately before and around us, is that we would know specifically where to next as we follow His leading and prompting. Many years ago, Petra released the song Minefield, and it talks about how life is just that, that the enemy has laid traps and "mines" literally throughout our lives, in order that he may ruin, destroy and kill. Yet if we are so focused on the end result that we miss where we are today and what God has for us now, how we will know where the mines are? Scripture talks many times of stumbling blocks; how to avoid them yourselves, as well as how not to be one for those around you. Yet like the mines, if the path that awaits your next step is not lit, how will you what to avoid? How will you know what not to become. How will you be aware of that which you could caution others in their lives? Quite simply... you can't. So, on this #deaconThursday, pray for our church leaders. May God continue to be the light and lamp in their lives; that they would miss the mines that would utterly change their life. Pray that would not stumble, nor cause others to do the same. Pray they would not be frustrated with not being able to see farther ahead or having better understanding of their circumstances. May they continue to trust God for where they are today, how God is working today and that He still holds tomorrow... knowing full well in advance, of all that we have need of to live in Godliness. A light to our feet A lamp to our path, That our steps would be directed of God. In spite of the plans we make in our hearts. May we ever stay close to hear His voice And follow His leading and prompting. For His glory. - PNC If we have learned anything in recent weeks, it stands in the power of confession and also, the importance of confession. The flip side of that power, also happens to reveal people's motivation for concealment.
Is it not amazing then, that God, who has reason to withhold grace and forgiveness from humanity is the first in line to offer the same to the one who is willing to humble themselves. Yet, whether one has committed a wrong or been the recipient of wrong, pride stands before both, resolved to keep both parties silent. However, both sides stand before God as He desires to work in both their hearts and their minds. And that process does not happen as long as we remain focused on what the other party has done or said or corrected. Meanwhile, there is freedom in the truth, but it accomplishes nothing, let alone any good, if it is never spoken or communicated. And while there is a timing element to effective communication, communication that is significantly hindered or delayed simply raises questions of speculation and doubt with regards to accuracy and credibility. This is rarely helpful to the process and the hopes of any sort of resolution. The relationship with pastors? Pride, confession, transparency, credibility... these are the struggles and traits that are both desired and problematic for our pastors and church leadership as much as it is for our elected officials and other political leaders. If society demands such of it's government, how much more should we expect it from those who lead us into the Kingdom of God? Let's pray this #youthPastorWednesday, that God would give us clean hands and pure hearts. Pray that pastor would lead and walk with integrity and purity. Pray for a continued spirit of humility; that pride would not derail or utterly destroy the work and ministry to which they have been called. May they continue to lead by example, for the generations that follow in their footsteps; that they would learn from both success and failure. May they do more right, than wrong; good than harm; help more than hurt, and build more than destroy. For Christ came that we may have life And life more abundantly. Not as the world gives, But transformed to those who rely on the power of God. In all things, may what the enemy meant to destroy us, Be used for God's divine purposes. - PNC While listening to one of the regular morning radio shows I frequent, the host interviewed a doctor and they were discussing the drug problem facing, not only the world, but specifically the States. The doctor highlighted the problem in a very concise moment of political commentary, in which he stated just how often those writing the laws don't always consider the unintended consequences that will affect organic stakeholders.
In other words, leadership misses the conversation of what could go wrong, that would directly impact those closest to the problem they are attempting to solve. And how do they miss the conversation? In part, by not engaging with those who are on the front lines dealing with the problem. They may know about the problem, but are not "in the know" regarding the impact that certain decisions will make, whether they be immediate or delayed outcomes. And I thought, if it's that dangerous of a scenario when political leadership gets it wrong, how much more when spiritual leadership handles problems in similar fashion? And it can happen at all stages of leadership. Politics also look to however is located at house number 1600, but there are people at other levels who are still making decisions without regard to those most affected by them. So it is in the church. It easy to look to the senior pastor, but associates and others need to be aware of the dangers of leading in this manner. Thus, on this #associatePastorTuesday, let's pray, that pastors would indeed make every effort to be informed and engaged regarding the problems they are attempting to correct. Pray for insight and understanding; even super-naturally, that they would have a keen awareness and a divine vision. May they not lose touch with those they are attempting to help and those who are on the front lines of the problems they face. Pray they would give proper consideration to the matters that come before them and give due diligence to the process. In all things, may they continue, all the more, to press in and seek the face of God, for His mind and His heart as they work to fulfill their calling. To bring glory to His name In spite of difficulty And the process of working through the problems. That God would the miraculous In the midst of trouble and trials. For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC I mentioned Mitch Albom yesterday and if you aren't familiar with him, over the years he has set-up 9 different charities throughout the metro-Detroit area that are focused on meeting the various needs of the poor, from helping with day-care to after school programs, to helping working families get housing to senior citizen and veteran services.
This past Thursday, he held his 6th annual radio-thon fundraiser, by holding a 15-hour long radio show (as his normal radio show is the 2-hr drive home slot). And it was incredible to watch community happen. For those 15 hours, friends and celebrities, people of influence throughout the city and state and business owners, professional athletes and coaches and team owners... it was utterly flooded by people who came on board to help raise funds. Over 1.2 million dollars! No admin costs. Nothing owed to anyone else first. 100% straight to meeting the needs. Of course, they use the funds to help other charities in the area as well, but among the many incredible moments throughout the day was one in particular. Mitch also has a project in Haiti, taking care of kids and the poor in that country as well. And while he joked about not knowing where they got the money or perhaps they raided his desk down there, the kids from his Haiti program called into the radiothon... to tell him they had collected $200 to help those in need in Detroit. It was later pointed out, that while it's amazing that people who have been blessed with abundance would be compelled to share with those less fortunate and really, you wouldn't hope or expect anything less. But it seems the more one has, the easier it is to forget how difficult things are when you are without. Thus, we often witness the phenomenon of those who have little for themselves will give, and give generously for those who often have very little or even less than they. So to hear kids in Haiti respond to a call to help kids in Detroit... well, it was a tear-jerker to say the least. Mitch's story of how he moved from not being a generous and charitable person to this kind of investment and influence to bring others together to accomplish this good is quite moving. And while I don't know where he stands in his faith with God, I can't help but consider how often the church misses the opportunity to experience community at this level. Reasons why we can't or don't give. Can't or don't find time. Can't or don't know where to start or how to get help. Yet it's the church that will be known by their love. And many communities don't know the church in that way. So, on this #communitySaturday, pray that the church would arise anew, to lead in building, sharing, growing and influencing community. May we make the time and financial investment into those in need among us. Pray for opportunities as we forth, to share Christ and experience God. May the excuses end and obedience begin. For while big contributions are far reaching Even the smallest gifts can make great impact. May we do so today. For the glory of God For the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC I was reminded yesterday, of the phrase that has changed the life of Mitch Albom, who did not consider himself a generous person until having spent a considerable amount of time with an individual; the story of which he discusses in his book, Tuesdays With Morrie.
The principle is simply this... "Giving is living." Interestingly enough, unbeknownst to him, our worship pastor during this week's Wednesday night service, explained how our lives can be like one of two seas. We can be like the Sea of Galilee or the Dead Sea. The difference between the two, is the existence of an outlet. The Dead Sea, does not have one. It continually receives. Water enters. But it never exits. And so the very thing that was meant to bring life and refreshing, ultimately becomes death, because it stops moving; it stops flowing. All because after it has been received, it does not continually release. Thus, the water loses it's life-giving power and what is meant to be sustained by the water soon becomes constrained by the water. Conversely, the Sea of Galilee does not experience the phenomenon. For it has an exit. It has a release, from which it gives what it receives. As such, life in that body of water is sustained. So, it begs the question. If Christ is the Living Water, what is His affect on our lives? Are we giving and releasing, what has been given and received by us? Yes, there is our time, our abilities and our resources, but most importantly, there is the life of Jesus Christ. Those who refresh others, will themselves, be refreshed. Pray, this #missionsFriday, that we would be people who would give. Pray for missionaries, that as the give and share the Gospel, that they will be strengthened and renewed. Indeed, may they be refreshed as they give their lives to the work of the Kingdom of God as Christ gave His life for us, that we may live. Pray today would be a trans-formative day as the truth of God is shared and experienced by those who are spiritually dead, they would receive Living Water. May today be a day of miracles; of life, of refreshing, of hope, meaning, clarity and purpose. For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC John MacArthur has a series titled Walking In Wisdom, and it happens to be the current series being broadcast, that you can listen to from his website, gty.org.
But something truly profound was explained as I listened to the sermon that played yesterday, and it was John's explanation of the phrase and specifically, the difference between the Greek and Hebrew meaning. We've talked and prayed on numerous occasions on the topic of wisdom, both possessing it and the application that follows from utilizing it. Whether for the pastor or their advisors, wisdom is crucial. While MacArthur points out that we have all that we need in Christ, which is profound in it's own right, as we so often think that God withholds from us upon salvation, it's was nearly as eye-opening as this. To the Greeks, walking in wisdom is an intellectual exercise. It's thought, theory, experience and mental understanding. To the Hebrews, though... this is very cool. To walk in wisdom is to align with divine life principles. Isn't that amazing. MacArthur further explains that Proverbs 2 could very well be the commentary for Ephesians 5:15. Walk circumspectly. Meanwhile, Proverbs 2 is practically a detailed blueprint on how to do just that. Walk. Circumspectly. In Wisdom. In alignment with divine principles, for the duration of life. So, let's pray, this #deaconThursday, that church leadership would not only possess knowledge, understanding and wisdom of the intellectual kind; but that they would daily align and re-align when and where necessary, to the divine life principles of the Word of God. Pray they would not try to live life by their own strength, insight or perspective. May they be led of the Spirit, in every arena, in every circumstance, in every conversation, decision and outcome. Not as the world understands wisdom, But as God has granted unto them Through the power of Christ at work in their lives. For the glory of God. - PNC I'm not a huge sports fan, by any stretch of the imagination. I enjoy a good game and occassionally will go to one if a group is going or will watch if visiting with friends and family who have it on. But rarely is it ever on my television set.
That said, I caught part of an interview where the conversation revolved around the struggling Detroit Lions. The team has now lost 6 games in row, I believe and I've heard the point made a number of times, of what's needed to happen for them to still be able to secure a play-off spot, which includes, among other things, certain teams losing their respective games. So, the guy being interviewed yesterday, as they discussed the Lion's latest loss last weekend, points out that the Lions got the help they needed. Two other teams had in fact, lost their games. But, the Lions didn't help themselves by doing what they needed to do be scoring a win for the record books. And I thought to myself, how profound. We talk about needing help, asking for help, and actually getting help for a particular stage of life or circumstance. Then a person or a group or an event happens that does bring the help or relief that we need in that situation, but then we fail or miss out on doing our part as an individual that would have changed everything. We don't bring our element to the equation to accomplish the desired answer or result. Of course, eventually, if this keeps happening repeatedly, like it has been going for the Lions, no matter how much help you receive nor how much you actually do your part right; you still won't get the ultimate goal you were hoping to secure. What a shame and tragedy. So... on this #associatePastorTuesday, let's pray; not only for pastors to get the help that they need for whatever the circumstance they need it, but that they would also do their part. Pray for strength and wisdom that they would do it well and with excellence. Pray that their would be a unity and a synergy as people come together and work together for a common goal and purpose. May not one person feel inadequate or unnecessary, for we all have a place and a purpose for which God desires to fulfill His eternal plan through our lives. Getting help from others Being helpful ourselves We press on towards the price For the glory of God. - PNC I was reminded once again yesterday morning, words that I so appreciate hearing from the pulpit. As pastor prays at the opening of the sermon (or a few minutes after the introduction of it), he acknowledges in the prayer, that people didn't come to hear from him, but they did come to hear a Word from God.
Indeed, daily now, we see the power of such an acknowledgement, as we continually witness people whose words are not in line with how they live the rest of their lives, particularly behind closed doors. Hypocrisy is pretty hard to miss, although some people make it look fairly easy. It happens in politics, without even thinking. It happens in the marketplace of commerce and sadly it happens in the community of believers, both of those sitting in the pew and those standing behind the pulpit. And as I've often stated before, to each his own, the explanation for the justified difference of why their situation is excusable, yet another's is not. A standard is a standard and the only one that truly matters is God's, of which we all have fallen short. But that does give any one person a pass for not living according to the beliefs that they communicate. Words have impact. Ideas of consequences. May we be people who choose wisely. And let's pray to that end, on this #seniorPastorMonday. May pastors be people of the Word, who preach the Word, who live by the Word, who know the Word. Pray for those who have perhaps forgotten their place in delivering God's Word; for none of Jesus' disciples were people of position and prominence... if fact quite the opposite. Pray God would do a fresh work for those who are off course and out of alignment with what God is wanting to work in their lives and ministries. May the revelation of the truth of the matter bring them to a place of repentance and correction as the serve humbly and communicate faithfully. That we would speak words of life As the Word of Live lives within us For the glory of God And the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019